#song: mickey
cryscendo · 7 months
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kurt hummel in every performance
6x11 - We Built This Glee Club
Mickey - Clint and Vocal Adrenaline
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gleesongtournament · 1 year
Glee Song Tournament Round 1
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Me, on a new date: Hey, have you ever thought about the fact that there are plenty of planets where "the Doctor" doesn't refer to the Time Lord carrying around the sonic screwdriver, but rather to the young women who swing through their lives and ask their names and demand answers and sacrifice themselves, to the young men who start off unsure and second-fiddle but bring a kindness, a loyalty, with them and end up finding their own voices and their own purpose? Do you ever think about the role that myth plays in Doctor Who, how so many companion exits and finales take on the role of storytelling, about how companions become gods and immortals and walk the entire dystopian earth and wait two thousand years and be the cause of every Cyberman's single tear and wrench the Doctor back into the universe and carry the story off of screen with them, that they birth myths in their wake, that Doctor Who finales so often leave science-fiction behind them and become mythology itself, when these humans insert themselves into the mythology of the Doctor only to usurp him, that they make themselves the Bad Wolf and Orpheus and the Woman Who Walked the Earth and the Doctor Donna and the Last Centurion and the Girl Who Saw the Stars and most of all, they become the Doctor themself, that the Doctor's story goes nowhere if Rose doesn't save him on Satellite Five or Amy doesn't pull him back into existence or Martha doesn't walk the entire hell-earth to restore him or Clara doesn't make him forget her or Jack doesn't sacrifice himself to stop the Daleks or Bill doesn't carry him away from the Cybermen or Donna doesn't stop him from drowning himself with the Racnoss or Yaz doesn't pilot the TARDIS or River Song sacrifices herself at the library or Sarah Jane and Mickey don't help restore the earth back to its place in the sky and that the Doctor is only a myth with so many stories to their name because their companions make it so-
My date, sliding the breadsticks out of their purse back onto the table, hopelessly intrigued: Go on...
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quirrelli · 5 months
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here's my wildly belated contribution to the 60th anniversary
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kaiminluu · 8 months
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new chapter of close to me out NOW (fondly dubbed by wayli and i the sea monster crawl chapter) - please refer to the "love is strange" dance scene in dirty dancing if you are unfamiliar bc this scene is
find chapter 7 on @wayward-sherlock 's ao3 !!
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miss-sternennacht · 8 months
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tangerinelabyrinth · 26 days
(All Groups Are Randomized) Imagine you get trapped in the Tardis and can't leave.
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mickeym4ndy · 1 month
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it lingers and claws you when you’re down
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bsdtual · 11 months
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I'm addicted to alingment charts
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dalekofchaos · 6 days
Didn't have enough room for it, but the Paternoster Gang, so if you want that, just reply or reblog with that option
the Unified Intelligence Taskforce. The Power of the Doctor set up a new UNIT that recruited some of the Doctor's former companions so it feels like there's fertile ground for a show about who protects modern-day Earth when the Doctor's not available. An episodic structure would fit a UNIT show well, allowing it to shift from espionage thriller, to alien invasion, to weird science, like The X-Files.
An alternative UNIT show could follow in the footsteps of Star Trek: Lower Decks by focusing on a group of lowly officers who are left to pick up the pieces after one of the big exciting Doctor Who alien invasions. The Doctor always leaves a lot of destruction in their wake, so it would provide a lot of opportunities for an affectionate parody of Doctor Who. They could be led by a former UNIT operative like Sergeant Benton (John Levene) who would be an ideal character for an irreverent Doctor Who comedy. There's a lot of potential for UNIT in the new RTD era and hopefully, the Disney+ deal can help to realize it.
For obvious reasons, Jack and Mickey would be recast
Companions united.
Showing everyone who traveled with the Doctor saving the world in their own way. Each episode showing individual companions. From all the alive Classic Companions to all the New Who Companions.
Master Who? Basically The Master's show and showing what happens when The Doctor isn't there to stop The Master's universal conquest. And The Master taking on the worst people imaginable as companions. Could have Michelle Gomez, John Simm, Sascha Dhawan, Derek Jacobi, Geoffrey Beevers, Eric Roberts and Gordon Tipple return as their respective Masters/Missy
Time Lord Academy. The childhood of The Doctor, Master, and Rani during their years at the academy
Eighth Doctor adventures.
Finally giving Eight the run he deserves. Could bring in Charley or Lucie as his companions and lead into Eight in the Time War
Showing Romana and Leela on Gallifrey. During Romana's reign as Time Lady President. Leading to the Time War and how Romana was removed from power and Leela's last stand
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terapsina · 1 year
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loveyouanyway · 6 months
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translation: you're beautiful. i love you. let's make out
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hopeworth · 10 months
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shameless 3x12 // the front bottoms, twin size mattress
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batsyvie · 5 months
14 staying on Earth has SO many opportunities for angst. He needs to visit the companion support group! He needs to reunite with them all! Making amends with Martha and Mickey, his old face returning to Jack, apologising to Rory’s father for failing to bring the Ponds back, meeting Yaz again and telling her that yes, he still loves her, and he’s sorry that it’s not enough.
I need him to find the families of those he couldn’t save and to give them closure! i need him to wake up in a cold sweat and let thousands of years worth of hurt spill out so that he can be looked after!
i need him to look at Rose Temple-Noble and be haunted by how her smile and enthusiasm is all too similar to Rose Tyler. For him to look at Donna and mistake her for another red-headed best friend he once had. For him to feel a gaping hole where Clara Oswald had once made herself at home during his past lives whenever he passes a brunette. To see a puddle of water and be unable to restrain himself from peering in and praying he sees a glimpse of Bill in there. 14 visiting a museum and remembering there was a time where he would just point and laugh at archaeologists. now he just hurts.
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soulless-angel25 · 9 months
Please reblog for a larger sample size <3 (another post will go up with the other new who companions.)
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tangerinelabyrinth · 20 days
(All groups are Randomized)
If you wanted to have the most Fun traveling around the universe which group, would you choose?
or just which group do you think would be the most fun?
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