#somnus system
the-omega-artist · 2 months
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anijay · 6 months
I said it once, and I'll say it again...
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This lovely lass (Juno) belongs to @the-omega-artist :)
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holyguardian · 5 months
They had both sworn Aster was the cutest newborn, just perfect. But looking back it was obvious that she - like any other baby - had grown into something much more adorable and chubby a few months later. Little hands sought for Aerith's fingers, plapping them as Aster tried to babble after the melody of a song Aerith often hummed. Their daughter looked a lot like Somnus, but the mischief and sass that already shone through was unmistakably Aerith's. And in a few moments the baby would decide the small battle that had grown between the parents. Plapping Aerith's hands some more, before Aster smiled up brightly at Aerith, reaching out for her as if she wanted to be picked up for a cuddle. "Mmamamama..."
It was true, their little Aster looked just like Somnus — right down to her defiant fluff of dark hair that refused to be tamed. Her father could use his gels and his combs to slick back his unruly flicks of hair, but every morning? Like father, like daughter, wild-haired and sleepy eyed.
The mischief and sass though? If she had anything to say about it, that was all Somnus too. She teased that he didn't have to pretend otherwise, that Aster was his little clone.
It was in the early afternoon when Aerith hummed a familiar lullaby. Perhaps their chubby little whirlwind would grace them with a nap. Perhaps she would inexplicably gain more and more energy as the day went on. It was honestly between Aster and the gods.
The smile on her face was a soft and easy one. In the grand scheme of things it didn't matter to her whether Aster quietened for a rest or scooted around to test every single nook and cranny of their home to find the one spot that hadn't quite been baby proofed enough. Sunshine or rain, she loved their little one with her full heart. Her entire world had shifted from the very first moment she held Aster in her arms. She was a little less selfish. A little more mature. And her emotions became something she embraced more, rather than try to hide or mask.
So when Aster looked at her so brightly, her little hand grabbing all over her fingers, then reached up to her with a babbled string of "mmamamama", Aerith felt a crashing wave of happiness and pride. "Oh!" she exclaimed out loud, surprised, touched, on the verge of sappy tears as she plucked her daughter up.
"Oh sweetheart, oh my darling girl —" Aerith kissed all over Aster's face and cuddled her in close when she smartly dropped her head to try hide. "Oh. You're a heartbreaker just like your mother. Your father's going to be devastated — he doesn't get to have everything you know, thankyou for putting him in his place!"
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krisssssssy · 26 days
random astrology of ardyn ramble
This is probably not interesting to anyone, but my other hyperfixation is astrology, and I have spent a lot of time thinking about Ardyn's placements.
Okay, I realize Eos is fictional, and that these characters aren't existing in the same solar system as us, which would obviously change everything about their signs and planets. ANYWAY.
Ardyn's birthday is April 30th, which would make him a Taurus sun sign. I think this makes sense, Taureans' can be eccentric, every Taurus sun I know radiates very appealing weirdo vibes, idk why this is, and ALSO if we look at Ardyn's behavior prior to the scourge, he was fairly stubborn, determined to heal everyone (and Taureans, once they start on a path, it is very difficult for them to deviate), despite his relationship with Aera.
I don't THINK we have a canonical birthday for Somnus, but he strikes me more as an Aries (or at least Mars ruled) and a Taurus (as a Venus-ruled sign) is not some warmonger, or making rash decisions to set anyone on fire who even *possibly* has the scourge.
I also like the idea of Ardyn being a Taurus, which is an Earth sign, and trying very hard to cleanse the Earth (or Eos), as it were, of some disease/affliction.
ALSO. If you dive deeper into other astrology placements (for those unfamiliar, we have not only a Sun sign, but a moon sign, a Mercury sign, a Venus sign, etc).
When I first saw Ardyn I was like, bro is a Gemini. He's shady, he's snarky, he more often uses his words (I mean literally like 75% of his dialogue in the game is just him screwing with Noctis mentally while he's in Zegnautus Keep). He resists most physical battles at all opportunities, doesn't want to engage in fighting (though he is obviously the strongest person in all of Eos besides Noctis) and avoids doing so. This to me also speaks to him being a Taurus, stubbornly refusing any kind of fight unless it's the final one, with Noctis (of course, he does fight Ignis in Episode Ignis, but literally during that fight with him in Altissia, if you don't attack him, he WONT attack you. He just saunters around and hordes of Imperials soldiers come down from the Magitek engines to fight you).
ANYWAY. If you are a Taurus sun, Mercury can *only* be in the sign of Aries, Taurus, or Gemini, because Mercury is never more than one sign away from the sun. So I'm saying, Ardyn is a Taurus sun, with a Gemini Mercury (which explains the Gemini nature of his speech patterns). An Aries mercury would be more forceful, impulsive, impatient, but a Gemini is going to give you the snark that we see from Ardyn.
I've also been thinking of this from the standpoint of my fan fiction (Precarious Games) because I have a Reader character, and I decided on their placements before I started it, to determine their essential personality. Reader (in my mind) is a Libra sun, with a Libra mercury, and Scorpio Venus, which would then make her sun Venus-ruled, giving some compatibility with Ardyn's Taurus sun, and then I suspect Ardyn has a Taurus Venus, which would then oppose Reader's Scorpio venus (as Taurus and Scorpio are opposite signs), which explains a lot of their conflicts, but also their attraction (and a scorpio venus is more willing to let a relationship utterly destroy them emotionally, and are even potentially attracted to people who aren't good for them, which gives some explanation for her continuing her relationship with him despite well, everything. and just being a Libra sun/mercury makes them crave partnership and balance, and to ignore conflict)
So yeah. Ardyn, I think, is a Taurus sun, Gemini Mercury, with a Taurus Venus. I don't know what his rising or moon sign would be, I just feel like, with villains, everyone is so quick to be like SCORPIO! So I wanted to give my thoughts. Like I said I realize this is probably interesting to NO ONE lmao but I needed to articulate this somewhere.
I haven't even thought about the Mars sign. Mars (I believe) can be anywhere regardless of where the Sun is, based on it's movement and retrograde period. I think possibly because he is a bit flamboyant, and showy, his Mars makes sense if it was in Leo, which would then square his Sun and Venus (i.e. his motivations, his drive are at odds with his sense of self/identity, and ability to relate to others).
I could also see him being a Leo rising, to give more emphasis on this showmanship vibe he has, and that would place Mars in the 1st house, and Sun/Venus in the 10th in Taurus (which is the area of your life purpose, your public facing self). Also, a lot of planets on the angular houses (1st, 10th) give someone a lot of strength in their personality, they are able to succeed (and let's not discount his success in Gralea, which he achieved not from Bahamut's intervention, but from his will alone, really).
But yeah! Astrology is fun when you apply it to fictional characters, for me it helps me understand their personalities better, especially when writing fan fiction, and it's nice to at least have a canon birthday (day and month at least) to go on.
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heckcareoxytwit · 1 year
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The mutants of Krakoa are sent on their mission to investigate who is behind the terrorist attack and they help the survivors of the bombed city. Also, they fend off the Watchdogs who are harassing the mutants and survivors.
The mutants who do things in this comic are...
Storm disperses the biotoxic gas in the air and she helps out in fending off the Watchdogs. She also creates an oxygen-rich bubble environment to enhance Triage's healing powers.
Cyclops and Monet St Croix do most of the fighting in fending off the Watchdogs who are harassing the mutants.
Bishop helps out the survivors as well as fending off the Watchdogs.
Cerebra and Tempo analyze the skull and they found out that the skull belonged to a young mutant who was kidnapped and used as a living weapon by Orchis.
Thunderbird frees the trapped man inside the car, he also knows that the Heritage Foundation might have something to do with the X-Gene used to create the exploding mutant so he informs the CSI team that they were buying native X-Genes.
Iceman creates ice bowls for the dogs to drink water out of. He also uses his ice golems to do CPA stuff in the office, helping the town prepare for upcoming bureaucratic and budgetary battles.
Triage works to heal the critically injured and notes that half the town is sick or infectious due to the "dirty bomb" explosion.
Tag's powers are great for evacuation and he "tags" destroyed cars and buildings to help people escape them, while Karma telepathically guides people out of complexes.
Angel helps out in not only taking the trapped survivors out of the window from the building, he also helps out Cyclops, Monet, Bishop, Jean Grey and Bishop in fending off the Watchdogs.
Jean Grey ends up her telekinesis levitating most of the Watchdogs and after reading their minds realizes they're not part of the false flag operation. They actually believe mutants are responsible for the attack. She gets them out of the way and has them "chasing their own tails." Jean Grey also rebuilds people's homes using their memories as blueprints.
Somnus keeps the wounded but stable victims dreaming comfortably as they rest.
Thumbelina uses her shrinking powers to perform microsurgeries inside the survivors' bodies.
Wicked the Genoshan mutant connects the deceased with their loved ones as grief counseling. Bishop notes that without backups of these people the Phoenix Foundation can't bring them back.
Icarus singing local tunes to lift the hearts of the victims.
Escapade switching places with trapped people as she seems good at escaping.
Crave the random mutant eats the contents of biohazard bags that have been collected, neutralizing them. He also finds them delicious.
Northstar and Aurora light up the night sky.
Sanjar Javeed (Horseman Death from Remender's Uncanny X-Force) boosts the immune systems of the most vulnerable.
Brutha Nature grows air-scrubbing flora all over town.
Alchemist (Sudi Abadi) purifies the contaminated water.
Theia also helps to reassemble the streets, businesses, etc.
Greycrow cooks a massive pot of seafood boil while Madrox fills and passes out bowls.
Eye-Scream the obscure mutant makes ice cream for the children.
Hindsight uses his telemetry to do more investigations.
--- X-Men: Before the Fall - Mutant First Strike #1, 2023
Whew! What a list!
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paracosmicparadox · 1 year
FFXV headcanons / expanded canons Part The Second, because again, I desire character depth like I need it to breathe and if storebought isn't available, I will make it myself with my own two hands. Find Part The First here.
Ardyn: Listens to music solely in the cabaret genre or heavy metal; you can't change my mind on this (like you're flipping through his playlist and one moment its playing Kabaret Sybarit, then it switches violently and without warning to System of a Down and just about breaks your eardrums)
His closet rivals his living room in terms of size and depth (it's concerning; people get lost in there amongst his innumerable trench coats and ruffled shirts)
No coffee, no tea, only wine. Ravus and Verstael have to listen to his drunken rambling every other night and it is ghastly
Gossips like no other
He's a hoarder. You walk into his home and there are trinkets and baubles on every surface---it's gotten quite extreme
Has breakdowns in the shower
Has journals full of half-finished poetry lying about everywhere (he references the story of Julius Caesar and Marcus Brutus a lot because of the parallels to him and Somnus, and bc at this point he doesn't really care if he digs himself deeper into that rut of grief and anger)
Can't keep a plant alive to save his life; not even a cactus
He was a theater kid once upon a time
Luna: Actually legit super athletic. You can't really see it bc her muscles don't bulge, but she can and will judo flip a man effortlessly
Has the smallest handwriting you've ever seen
She's got mad art skills; there's a work-in-progress painting or pastel piece on her desk constantly
Certified history buff. This chick can recall the most obscure bits and details of Eos's past and will infodump to you if you're willing to listen
Actually works really hard to be a good person---it doesn't come naturally to her; she's no saint and she has to make a conscious effort to be as gentle as she is on a daily basis, and that in itself makes her an excellent human being
Names each and every one of her plants
Loves bugs and takes a thrill in the fact that they kinda gross Noct out
Has the "Hydrate or Dydrate" water bottle bc she forgets and needs to remind herself to imbibe H2O
Her Pinterest account is the stuff of legends
Ravus: He's so awkward in social situations---really, he's just awkward in general, but it's most obvious when someone's trying to talk to him and he's glaring daggers straight into their soul
Before his mother died, he was the kindest child. He was the sweetheart of the family and would make flower crowns with toddler Luna and make breakfast in the mornings for his family. When he withdrew, it pained those who knew him immensely
The Super Smash Bros grandmaster (he's horrible at Mario Kart though, which frustrates him to no end)
Already has some arthritic problems in his knuckles and in his knees. He always had bad joints, but it's getting worse with the years
A pro at calligraphy and fancy lettering
His art skills are just as good if not better than Luna's. He only works in graphite and charcoal, but his drawings are the most heartwrenchingly beautiful things you've ever seen
Can regularly be found in a museum or in a library
Plays D&D on the weekends when he can with an online party (the campaign's been going on for nearly 2 years; he plays a level 8 Drow Warlock)
Aranea: Owns a motorcycle---you can't change my mind.
Mixes grenadine with everything. Champagne? She's adding grenadine. Wine? Grenadine time baby. Tequila? Gimme that sweet pomegranate syrup.
AO3 angst fics are her guilty pleasure
Probably has a pilot's license (in all honesty if it was an irl setting instead of Final Fantasy, she probably would've been in the Airforce)
Wears cologne instead of perfume because it makes her seem more roguish and she likes the scent better
She's always wanted a pet snake (one of those white pythons curious faces and boopable snoots)
Raging bisexual
Knows her way on an aerial silk like nobody's business
Major vulnerability issues (she cares so, SO deeply, but no one can EVER. KNOW. except Prompto. Prompto knows.)
Best buds with Prompto ever since the events in Niflheim at the Magitek Production Facility (they facetime each other every Wednesday)
She's a sucker for a good horror flick
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calling4glaives · 1 year
Eve of the Signing Party
The next place we see Nyx on guard duty is at the party before the treaty signing. Thankfully this one is a little less confusing. We’ll look a little bit at the setting and the people there as well.
Thank you again to @starjunco for the screenshots. IDs are ALT.
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As background information, the wiki has information on the previous iterations of this location in the XIII Verses trailers, concept art and various demos. It talks about how the aquarium and dome have disappeared and reappeared, the area itself has changed, and that even the music (“Somnus”) played during this scene is a reference to the trailers. It also tells us there are posters for the Royal Aquarium that is located in the building, and that the picture in the large water display Nyx and Luna talk in front of depicts Etro, who was quite important in earlier versions of the game but has almost no mention in the FFXV or Kingsglaive we got.
Now on to information we can see in this scene itself!
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As stated above, the party takes place on the roof of the Caelum Via (which might translate to “Heaven is the Way”; if it were the more obvious “Way of Heaven/Sky” it would be Caeli Via or Via Caeli, though leaving it in the Nominative could just be a nod to the Royal Family) Hotel & Resorts Insomnia. The name itself implies other locations, though we don’t see them explicitly in the game.
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Later in the movie (see the white and gold ad on the left behind Glauca), there is an Altissia location advertised, which says interesting things about trade and connections for sure! Wonder which one came first...
Also on the Insomnian building are the same number/coordinate system we puzzled over on the bridge at the Nyx’s Neighborhood deep dive. There, the bridge had the coordinates N35-41-39, W13-19-36, here the hotel has N35-41-39, W13-21-28, which seem to be rather close indeed.
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There is a helipad here (with some sort of crest on it), which raises interesting questions about the state of Lucian air travel. It would seem odd that this exists solely for the possibility of Niflheim visitors, but other than the modified Regalia we don’t otherwise see Lucian aircraft.
There are three tiers of seating at various levels of proximity to Aldercapt and Regis. Nyx (and possibly Drautos) seems to be the only visible guard on duty across all three levels. Even if he takes the posting very seriously (using it to dodge Luna’s attempts to talk, and as a distraction during the talk itself) that does seem to imply he is either the very last line of defense for Luna and/or Regis or just there to look pretty.
Perhaps they negotiated down the number of guards they could each bring, but it does raise the question of where Clarus is...
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The water motif continues with this small waterfall and river. It could be a sign of the connection to Altissia (perhaps the chain started there), perhaps a sign that nature or the imitation of it a luxurious novelty in the midst of the very tight urban area, a boast of wealth to pump the water that high and maintain the cleanliness, or perhaps merely a cover to mute the noise of the city and conversation. (though the fireworks likely do an excellent job of that tonight, as well!)
The area is otherwise decorated with the ubiquitous gothic arches of Lucis and geometric patterns, and solely uses a dark blue, maroon, black, gold, and hints of white. Which, appropriately enough, will be the strict colors used in the guests’ dress.
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A better view of the middle tier, showing bamboo-like greenery areas and a survey of our crowd. The central gate on this level, through which the water appears to originate, is topped by a six-pointed star or flower, likely a reference to the astrals, which is a nice detail.
The lamps have an art deco feel, perhaps indicating either the age of the hotel or the age it wants to appear, or just a general Lucian aesthetic. I do wonder if the low lighting is less comfortable for the guests from beyond the Wall, who might prefer brighter illumination at night.
You can also barely make out Nyx next to the Aquarium, Regis on the balcony, and Aldercapt and two other important figures from Niflheim making their way up the stairs. Perhaps they were dropped off on the helipad or came through the tiled walkways into the hotel itself.
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A close-up of Aldercapt’s robe and the back of the truly bizarre helmet we’ll see a better view of later as the people toast to the Emperor.
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And Nyx shows up! Notice how he is very definitely not looking at the Emperor or the commotion.
If we pull our eyes away from our main character, we can see a very interesting statue of a woman in draped clothing with wide sleeves holding a sword above a very colorful collection of bottles. There is a matching statue on the other side. Who or what does she represent?
Beyond her is a/the wall, topped by what seem to be glowing tanks of some kind. These could either be illuminated water towers beyond the (Citadel) Wall, or some sort of light/magical storage atop the wall that helps keep it running, perhaps to replace the ones Ardyn destroyed on the Founder’s Day Attack.
If we pull our attention back to the foreground, between Nyx and the Emperor is a nice grouping of the eight NPC models (four appear male and four female) used in this scene. Keep an eye out for them elsewhere. From left to right: Gray Suit/Gray Hair, Dress with Cap Sleeves/Short Dark Hair, Dark Suit/Medium Hair, Dark Suit/Dark Hair, Blue Asymmetrical Dress/Shoulder-length Light Hair, Maroon Ruffles/Bun, Suit Dress/Short Light Hair, Gray Suit/Dark Hair.
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This fountain combines many of the elements of this design - light, water, and statues. And look! Fireworks in other colors! They do exist! It’s also fun to see the light/dark contrast between the two sovereigns.
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Another view of the scene, showing the lovely delicate railing of gold and glass. Lurking behind the main figures are Drautos in the background as well as the priest-looking Niflheim Dignitary, similar to the figure who said “Release the Daemon” in the opening battle.
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A nice shot of Aldercapt’s robes from the front, showcasing many interesting symbols. The dragon in particular is very neat. Though the cut of his shirt and the harness-like straps across his coat are a bit odd, they are clearly very well made. Nyx is also lurking in this shot. Hi, Nyx!
Here also is the promised front view of the ridiculous helmet. Presumably there are some sort of screens inside, scanning the area and at least allowing him to walk, though the skullcap and the rest of the helmet are also just odd. The collars are very reminiscent of Ravus’s outfits even in Tenebrae before his mother’s death, showing the cultural crossover and similarities. 
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The crowd shot of the middle tier shows some very familiar faces, and some oddities. The statues from the bars are also found on this level, and if the central part truly is water-filled as it appeared earlier, those poor guests on the rear squares had quite the journey to get to their spots, not to mention the servers!
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Aside from a nice view of Aldercapt's bracers and Regis's cane and brace, we can see the priest-like figure again, and Ardyn! Everyone is still toasting obediently.
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And released! The guests can finally sit down. And Luna makes her appearance. How long has she been here? Have fun counting the doppelgangers in this scene as well.
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There are tropical fish and sharks in the aquarium, as well as the mini-leviathans. Perhaps another nod to an Accordo origin? Or perhaps the Lucinia Sound and other waters around Cavaugh are warmer than expected.
The wings on the sculpture surrounding the painting is somewhat reminiscent of the armor of the Lucii.
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Look at how massive and ornate this whole setup is. The entire area below this upper tier must be support for the aquarium. Fish, a painting, the massive gold and black thing inside, the mirrors in the supports… this is a major display of wealth and technology. It’s no wonder the party was set here. Not to mention it is slightly more neutral ground, for both parties’ peace of mind. Also, note the violin and piano players. They are working hard!
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In addition to being nice shots of Luna and Drautos (and the Kingsglaive cuff), these images show off the painting of Etro fairly well. Is she being supported or bound by the organic pillar-like things on either side of her? Her legs are bare, but she is wearing an ornate collar and shirt. What is the lore, Square?!
It’s also very interesting that Drautos and Nyx are set up in corresponding places. What is Nyx’s position that he and the Captain are the only visible guards here? And yet Nyx is not wearing a dress uniform of any kind even here, just the standard uniform with his silver trim and double chain.
Notice how closely Drautos watches Nyx and Luna's conversation, though, and his odd expression as he looks up. Is he smug things are proceeding as he planned, or something else?
Thank you for sticking with us through another deep dive. We hope this was able to help your creative works (especially for Nyx Week!) and maybe even start some discussions. We’d love to hear your thoughts, disagreements, and little things you might have noticed!
Good luck!
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charlottedabookworm · 2 months
Ok, now I've got to ask: how would you write that Eos in Pegasus crossover?
i think-
i think it would depend on what type of story i was trying to tell
am i writing fic about the stargate crew meeting eos? am i writing a fic about the people of eos meeting stargate, and the universe beyond that? is it a full fusion? if eos is in pegasus, how haven't they already been culled to near extinction? do they have stories of the wraith?
but- i think maybe the story i'd tell is that eos is a planet on the distant edges of the pegasus galaxy
once upon a time, long before lucis, long before even solheim, it was... probably a planet of the ancients. maybe a research facility, maybe they lived in harmony, who knows? the ancients are twats but eos had to get it's gate somehow anyway
the wraith already existed when the ancients flee, near ten thousand years ago from canon. the wraith are why they fled after all. so, once upon a time, the people of eos had stories of the monsters in the night, the creatures who stole away their children adn their loved ones to eat them. daemons, they were called by the people of eos all those years ago
eos forgot this, after the ancients left
(how could they not, when their gate became nothign more than a monument? how could they not, when the controls that powered the shield around their whole planet were long forgotten?)
(the ancients isolated eos as an experiment)
(it saved them, in the end)
the ancients left and eventually the civilisation of solheim fell and lucis rose in its ashes and the scourge, discovered when some unknowning travellers visited a small island that had buildings made of clear stone and brought countless riches back to the mainland with them, spreads
it mutates
(as ancient experiments so often do)
they mutate
the creatures born are called daemons, after the monsters they told their children about at night, a myth older than memory
bahamut, ramuh - the astrals, all of them, (ascended, all of them) stare, some in horror and some in fascination. they debate on what to do. they are not supposed to interfere
they do anyway
(eos is, perhaps, worse off for it)
time passes. ardyn and somnus are born. a betrayal. a monster born of ancient experimentation. a bloodline gifted from ancient experimentation
time passes
canon approaches
the astrals, the ascended, they are still not supposed to interfere . they are supposed to be distant, recorders of history, detatched. except they have watched this planet for two thousand years now, daring not to rejoin the others for fear of their first interference being noticed. they are supposed to be above the mortals below them
eos is dying
bahamut is certain in his plan. with it, eos will be saved. the survivors can rebuild. and, with ardyn adn noctis and lunafreya sacrificed at the labratory alter, well. they can finally return to the other ascended as all proof of their interference would have passed
bahamut is certain
the other astrals are... less so
they are worshipped here (like the ori and they flinch from the comparison, flinch from the power it gives them) and their people beg them for aid and they-
bahamut is certain
(bahamut is drunk on worship, he becomes less and less the man they knew with each day, just as ifrit had before they had been forced to intefere and they-)
they interfere
ships are guided to that small island with its laboratory. the notes on the scourge are conveniently written there in Sol, a language only their scholars would know but still one translatable
a new path is found
(bahamut rages-)
they interfere
(the gate is unearthed)
they interfere
(the block, the disconnect that had removed it from the rest fo the pegasus system, fades away)
the stargate lights up in the centre of a field in lucis, in an eos that is scourge free if not daemon free, and the man who happens to see it is a man old enough to remember when daemons were myth
to remember the stories of world travellers told to him by his father, by his grandmother, passed down from century to century until there was no one left to tell them
(atlantis' system flickers, releasing a hidden file, a hidden address)
the stargate lights up. AR1 steps through
Ardyn Lucis Caelum meets them when they do
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lovecatsys · 1 year
Don't get me wrong, I think Aurora is a very interesting character, and I personally would love for her to get more attention centered around her DID as a system myself, however, I personally cannot stand her relationship with Akihiro anymore.
I used to like them together, I thought they were cute, but after learning more and more about Akihiro's character and his backstory, I became a lot less interested in their relationship, for a few reasons.
Though they don't get together for a while in X-Factor, it is pretty clear that Williams was setting them up for a romance from the start. Akihiro also from the start, is blatantly mischaracterized as a less intelligent, less effeminate, less sympathetic version of himself. So it feels like Williams was immediately setting him up to be a more "macho" version of himself, to better fit her narrative of him getting together with a sweet, sensitive woman, because we all know that men in relationships with women have to be more masc. (sarcasm)
Before X-Factor was unfairly cancelled (yes, even though there were a LOT of problems with X-Factor, I still don't believe it should have been cancelled, especially with the way Prodigy got thrown under the rug and then had no time to recover from the awful trauma he had experienced before he had to solve the murder of his boyfriend's mother) Akihiro has his moment at the hellfire gala where he dances with Aurora and tells her he knows about her DID. I was shocked when I first read this, I didn't know Aurora was plural beforehand, and as a plural I was very interested in seeing where their relationship went after this regarding Jeanne-Marie and Aurora's plurality, but then we got nothing. They were in Marauders afterwards, but as Orlando's Marauders was such an action heavy book, there was no time for them to showcase this. Or, Orlando just didn't care enough. I don't know.
I haven't read the book this was in, but I do know about the interaction with Wild Child at the Hellfire Gala, which enfuriates me. Instead of the potentially interesting dynamic they could have brought forward, with Aurora having dating a man who worked for Akihiro's actual abuser, they had the fight come off as if it was simply happening because Wild Child was jealous of Akihiro, which to me, feels like they were favoring Aurora's history over Akihiro's here, just to create relationship drama, because you know, everybody loves a good old love triangle I guess. (/sarcasm)
Then we have Somnus, who was introduced as a male love interest for Akihiro, a love interest that he had spent a life together with, even if that life was just a very realistic dream, Carl admits he's still in love with Akihiro, and they still flirt and talk about their life together, as if they're an old married couple. I adored their dynamic in Marauders, I especially really wanted Orlando to write them as a throuple with Aurora, yet when I learned he wasn't going to do this, I simply thought, Why? You introduced this man as a character who was a deeply closeted gay man, who never got the chance to live the life he always wanted. You have Akihiro remember him, bring him back from the dead, to give him the chance to live the life he always deserved, have him openly admit to still being in love with Akihiro, literally give him and Akihiro the chance to make the dream they lived together real, and then refuse to follow through on it? Is this representation, or is it just a way to remind everyone that Akihiro is bi but make sure that this little romance he has with Aurora is still going? Because to me, it seems like the latter.
They haven't even done anything interesting with Aurora and Akihiro's dynamic, Orlando had the chance to finish where Williams left off with discussing Aurora's DID, which is very much a thing that will affect relationships, and I would have been very happy to see whether or not Akihiro is also dating any of Jeanne-Marie's headmates, or how the rest of the system reacts to him, but he never did this.
It all almost comes back to enforcing this narrative of Akihiro going from an effeminate bisexual villain, to a reformed masculine man with a girlfriend, who he apparently ignores his little sister over.
This isn't to say that it's not a good thing for a bi man to have a girlfriend, many bi men have girlfriends, but the thing is, we already have plenty of representation of bi men having girlfriends, and this relationship between Akihiro and Aurora? It's not that interesting. What about his relationship with Johnny Storm, which Marjorie Liu has confirmed as a thing that was going on? Their dynamic was extremely interesting. What about Akihiro and Bobby Drake, which Sina Grace very much wanted to happen? We could have been given an actual enemies to lovers storyline, where Akihiro and Bobby both make each other better? And for crying out loud, why can't he have an actual relationship with a character who was literally created to be his love interest? Why can't we see Carl and Akihiro getting to live the life they always should have been allowed to live? And most of all, why can't we let Akihiro go on a journey of self discovery, where he learns to heal from the years of trauma, especially healing with his family, and get closure with Romulus?
What gets me the most is in all the ways I've previously mentioned in this post, their relationship could have been interesting. We could have seen a woman with DID in a relationship with a queer man, we could have seen Akihiro going through a hurdle in their relationship over Wild Child being Aurora's ex, we could have seen a feminine queer man in a relationship with a woman, but instead, we got this.
~this post is NOT an excuse to hate on Aurora, her being stuck in this romance with Akihiro is NOT her fault and she is still a very interesting character outside of this relationship. please don't hate on Aurora in the notes. this post is also not meant to shame people who ship Auraki/Lightclaw, just a personal grievance I have with their relationship~
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kippersdrawers · 4 months
he's an ice giant exoplanet he's from a solar system created by me and some friends he's about 10.7 times bigger than earth, slightly smaller than jupiter he's the biggest in his solar system he has around 80 moons, majority being small and unnamed he only has 9 moons that are considered important in his lore
he's the farthest planet out, his orbit is around 220 years long
he usually stays in his orbit sleeping, he's always tired but his sleep usually gets disrupted by a certain planet who likes harassing him
he's a very reserved and patient planet, it takes a lot to irritate him unless you're alp he cares a lot for his moons, viewing them as his children though he isn't aware the smaller faceless ones are moons
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the-omega-artist · 4 months
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“since the death of god, there’s been a vacancy open. here’s how you can fill that void.”
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more info on the café cult too! i have so many ideas for them but i just haven’t gotten them all posted.
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anijay · 1 year
Saw jack's redesign and had to draw him
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I feel that Jack would like Flick or Blathers
Jack belongs to @the-omega-artist
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ffxiv 5.x dancer, gunbreaker, blue mage
dancer: thravnair is such a weird mix of victorian london and orientalist eroticized middle east. so you have heavy cotton blouses and corsets and then... dancer costume bikinis. also i cant be the only one that thinks the dancer specific sets look better on female character models like ok get rid of the bra to a "vest" but why change the color that's a good red, or if you're going to change the color at least go with something interesting like a peacock green/blue. waht was that questline in kugane about dancers. dancer didn't exist. oh it was weaver. i liked that one. although the lore drops were mind bending. this plot is really contrived. should have just stuck to dance troupe touring the continent. ah yes distracting the masses from systemic problems instead of actually solving said problems. sounds like we're the propaganda machine, a tool of the state to suppress discontent. you're going to dance in the middle of nowhere instead of inside ishgard? i think this is the worst questline i've seen since heavensward. also how are you a famed historic dancing trope when you have 1 apprentice dancer and that's it. and after so much emphasis on how Ranaa is just a girl and so young just declaring her the successor is kinda of stupid. nashmeira staying just for eorzea seems like a flimsy excuse for ranaa to become leader also like it's not only eorzea that has suffered. I'd argue a lot of garlean occupied territory is worse off and since radz at han has official ties to the garlean empire you have like visas and can legally get in where the player character can't. also why train recruits in eorzea instead of in thravnair.
gnb: sophie's comments on gridania was a nice touch. i get the feeling it's going to a plot point when someone confuses sophia for editha. why would you continue you walk after getting attacked. the smart thing to do would be to assume another one along the route is planed and cancel for the day. oh at the beginning the bandits got sophia confused. cabbage fairy! ok i love this. this is the wrong story to tell about domestic abuse. the devs set up what looks like an abusive stalker ex but oh no the woman was lying and evil all along. women already struggle enough getting others to believe spousal abuse and rape is real without stories like this. Like npr just had a story today about how Kazakstan a few years back just outlawed spousal abuse and now has their first big public case about it. so a story with that setup but jk the woman is just a liar is in bad taste. sophia has a somnus addict radar apparently. Radovan had a wife and kid. I was under the assumption that most hrothgar weren't doing monogamy or marriage (in the american sense anyways) but had many men and one queen. I wonder if Radovan was a part of less traditional society and or married a woman of a different race. wow the yellowjackets are giving a pretty important job to a bunch of new adventurers with no record. I've gotta say I'm quite charmed by radovan. sophie mentioned she was part of some resistance, I wonder why she decided to give up the fight. aw no need to leave sophie behind after all the core tenent of party battles is dps is mitigation.
what is radovan up to with cato this reminds me of the yellowjackets in the last quest. bozja... ugg i don't wawnt to grind in bozja but i want the lore... lol radovan took mamula right past the ishgard front gates. ther's been good thematic development through out these quests all building up to engineer dude from the harpsicordist hiding jealousy to the father gambling away his family and trying to win them back, to cancer criminal overlord confessing. Each as been an escalation in scale as well as the remorse and attempts to compensate for their wrong doings. this questline is going hard and straight with the promises must be kept, your word is binding. anon client is sus i wouldn't take a job with so few details. yup a trap. and he isn't even a full blood garlean so he'd never be truly respected or promoted.
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typos in chat! even with audade down why would garlemad stop pursuing mammula. also bozja was 10+ years ago why defect now. "its not for me to judge him" as one of those directly affected yeah it is, it's not for pc or sophie to judge him but you can radovan. honestly we could have just waited in revenant's toll for this dude or tried to intercept him in limsa or ishgard since we're several days behind. chasing each other in circles smh. sophie could always go along with the rebuilding project too but I don't think she'd like bozja. bro... drop the contact info, how are bozjans suppose to find you. also i get for the quest pacing but like go grab dinner together at least. i should introduce radovan to eric, they'd either hate each other or love each other. More than a cat radovan reminds me of a dog. When that dude started talking bout catching a lion instead of a goat i did think he was talking about radovan and got a little skeptical.
blu: i do think this premesis is flawed, if "the new word" is the americas analogue than it's about equal distance from hingashi and eorzea who's to say some blue mages didn't make the trip west across the sea. what's a trip to a foreign land without being robbed blind? new lore drop martyn can tell namazu apart uh martyn do you have an international copyright on you'r sales pitch and job stone? yeah questionable since white and black are eorzea forbidden arts. i don't actually think fuukumen festival is cutting into the masked carnival profits all that much, they are catering to VERY different geographic audiences. customers in kugane wouldn't be goinging all the way to uldah just to see the masked carnival. oh good i don't actually have to do masked carnival. do you know how long it took me to do dirty rotten azumagia. i even remember the name from the weeks it took me! uh did kageyama replace gogo? that's amon's reskinned model doesn't even look like a roe.
noooooooooooooooooooooooo they just animated the into i actually have to fight him... this is bad for my nerves. well i got to second phase. i wonder if i can final sting. after interrupting mimicked imp song I can't heal. I now I interrupted it since I get the big flashing INTERRUPTED text on the cast bar. i'll deal with you later or maybe never. where's my extra easy job quest instance mode... Trying to do blue mage Anything Gogo and after interrupting mimicked imp song I can't heal. I now I interrupted it since I get the big flashing INTERRUPTED text on the cast bar. Anyone know what is happening. This is way before the doom spell casting even starts. I'm on healer mimicry with exuviation. DAMN YOU BLUE MAGE QUESTS LOCKING STORY CONTENT BEHIND ACTUAL SKILL CHECKS I HATE YOU MASKED CARNIVAL. it's like dark souls. the difficulty is being able to memorize a pattern of specific spells and when to use them, once you memorize the pattern it's all reflexes, there's no creativity. i hate dark souls. I like there being challenge content in this game, I just don't want story content to be gated by it.
restarted my game and tried the next day and didn't run into this problem. beat the stage idk what was going wrong yesterday. i don't think an ul'dahn court of law has any jurisdiction in kugane i mean uldah isn't even in alliance with hingashi. was this one giant thing about copyright and pirating.
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fatummortem · 2 months
Meet the Mun
ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
Erm.. Let's see... Just skip to a muse lol.
Rosie, a friend suggested her some twenty years ago for this elite comic book RP guild. She's the only one I kept from that time. I never heard of her before that & when I read her I remember saying 'she's such an angsty little shit. I love her.'. Her background is like casebook 'what happens if you have a poor support system' in a way.
Ryouta (daken/fang canonly), well he's that guilty pleasure villain everyone enjoys reading about for me I suppose. In another way I get curious about nurture vs nature. Which is something intertwined with his chara i think. (it's a dark past) What inspired me to write him, well he had a slow progression away from his villainess nature you could say. And I am a sucker for growth. It was his appearance's in All New Wolverine that made me go 'oh i'm going to write him'.
Somnus somehow turns stabby villains into teddy bears and i thought it was hilarious.
Bobby, well I wanted a silly gay polyamorous muse & I had been itching to write him for awhile but at the same time wanted to write with a Bobby more so held off. Gave in about a year back i think?
Malicia, well she's pretty AU of one of my favourite comic charas growing up. And well I'm a tad nervous writing her main verse so I just did something with a twist for fun.
TJ I've written a few times over the years. Normally when a friend has me going 'Hell yeah!'. One time I believe a friend was making a Blink (the bestie). This time around I started talking to a few friends about her & then got to talking with Armin about her relationship with her dad. A similar thing happened with Billy. I ended up bringing him back after talking with a friend who writes his twin Tommy. As for originally, I sadly do not recall.
Cloud, well as I said i'm a sucker for growth & his story is full of it. I also enjoy picking apart ways people display or write PTSD & show how it can be displayed in society or be a danger creatively. I also have PTSD, which can range on my reactions to things depending on my environment. So in a way it's one of the ways I learn about myself. Though his mental state has more of a twist to it as he has the lifestream & Jenova influences. Which can come across as confusing as it can seem similar to different forms of DID.
I also have a disability involving memory and memory issues brought on from trauma. So it kinda pulled me in more, I normally don't write muses that are popular to write or I lose the want to write them quickly. Which is not the case with Cloud, he's my rule or norm breaker. (might be why I'm not writing Tifa or Zack tho I'll be honest)
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ?
Erm *nibbles pen* flat out don't like? Random bits of rage filling arguments. Thought that's mostly when Anons do it. Mainly for the fact it doesn't go anywhere. I prefer my angst long lasting & with the ability to have a back & forth.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
There's a lot of things. Slow burns. Small bits of seriousness that leads to progression of a relationship (friendship or ship). Crack seriousness (threads where you have to squint to see the crack), Smut (picky with that), Angsty pain, healthy ships, snarky *jazz hands* ships, Silly friend/fam moments. etc...
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
^_^; So I have the habit, of writing detailed notes & accumulate data (websites, youtube videos, games/comics what have you). I normally write detailed dossiers but lately they turn into 10+ page essays so I've been slapping on wiki pages. Clouds is mostly how his mental state is, how it works & alters along with a lot of lore on locations and Materia to help myself & it's mostly jumbled quick notes with no flow. yeah i just went 'i'll put this over here for later'.
But I basically bury myself within a segment of lore to work it through my head a few times. Then I try to see if I can make it fit into how I feel I'd like to write the muse. Comics can be a bit tricky because there's no mainline writer or books get canceled, one writer makes what another put in place meaningless.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
Both! it really depends on my mood, if i'm into the music if my muse wants to jam so on so forth...
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
Both! It depends. For close connections or like someone that might be someone mine knows I can ask peeps questions to get an idea of a same flow or idea going. Other times I'll wing it entirely while some i'll just give a brief info dump and ask if someone down for it. Then there's plotting while the thread is being written just to throw out ideas or okay things. There's also the excitement of eating popcorn just because I'm wondering if it'll turn tortuously cute or like a thriller in the next few goes depending on what's going on. xD
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
I love ships ^_^ especially when ya talk hcs or just build upon things slowly. I have a weakness for slow burns ^_^;
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
I'm Glow, lovely to meetcha. ^_^
My siblings went to see ET in the movie theatre when I was born.
June 18th.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
The shade black, any shade of purple tho normally lavander, any shade of blue, a few shades of red.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
It actually alters over time so it's hard to tell. Currently have 'let it snow' stuck in my head if that counts.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
Uh, went with a friend to see Elementals awhile back
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
Murder Drones or Hazbin Hotel? Kiddo is heavily into them right now & I try to get into her fandoms
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
the Alexa at work has the habit of throwing on death metal when I'm there so idek.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
Mmmmm, Gumbo but not that northern watered down gumbo the Cajun one where you wheeze and shove bread in your mouth after a few spoonful's. ohhhh homemade Cheesecake with pralines crushed into the bottom layer & drizzled over the top. Mongolian grill with crab & steam mixed heavily with veggies & my own sauce cocktail. Red beans & rice but not the cheap ass sausage, ya need the good stuff or it tastes wrong. Slow cooked in a way where the-- ya shouldn't ask a cook about food.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
Rainy Summers
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
I doo~ Does it count if most of them aren't around anymore? I have a few here abouts too.
Tagged by: @lastflowerpetal
Tagging: I never know who's been tagged already, so if you wish to just tag me in it so I can take a gander. ^_^
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bio-nerds-corner · 2 years
Star Singer
the first of, perhaps, five unfinished fics. i do hope that ,even inspite of the parts that arent done, you enjoy this :)
soft vore, extreme size difference. isolation, perhaps fear of the void?
~6000 words
Nine-Metis. Home sweet fucking home. One of the larger nickel-iron mines within the asteroid-belt, and Wilbur’s new home for the next three years. An entire lump of rock in space all to his own. Fantastic.
Stepping from the transport shuttle airlock into the airlock of the mining operations center, he frowned a little at the grime and oil inlaid in the metal flooring, and the way that the air was far too cold for human comfort. Thank God he had put on his cardigan when the shuttle had arrived, it was clear much of the auxiliary life support systems were left on low-power. 
The air pump wheezed and caught with a ragged cough of space dust, before registering a clear-to-entry sigil on the inner door of the airlock. Wilbur considered turning around and fucking off back to his home Orbit Station right then and there. Surely even Somnus, with its choking population and underwhelming job prospects, would be better than being blasted into space halfway to Jupiter? 
Do it for the money. Do it for Dad.
He stepped into the mining control center, looking around at the stale air that seemed to sparkle with ice crystals, none of the lights yet on and the only light visible was a pale dull glow of the faraway sun coming through the shaded windows. 
Wilbur pushed his way through the zero-gravity corridor, pulling his tablet from his pocket as he went to try and pull up one of the billion schematics that Astero-idea Mining Corp had sent him along with the job confirmation notice. One of these ought to be the layout of the mining operation center…
Ah, there it was. Heating was a floor up. Set up so the living quarters would be coziest, while he could freeze his balls off whenever he had to go down to the machine storage areas to work.
His job wasn’t glamorous. If anything, he was mostly a glorified machine baby-sitter. His job was to sit here for three years, keep the mining equipment happy, and occasionally send reports home about the quality of the meteor dust that it grinds up. Easy enough. 
It also was supposedly the kind of job that changes the person who takes it forever. The kind that drives those to isolation madness, the kind of loneliness that cannot even be fathomed by the rest of the human race. 
But hey, it paid really well as a result. And Wilbur needed it. He could deal with a little homesickness every once in a while, right?
There was a sudden heavy clunk that reverberated through the cold dark center that almost sent him jumping into the ceiling-wall panel, and he had kicked off back towards the sound before realizing it was probably the outer airlock disengaging from the transport shuttle, sending the now empty vehicle to dock in the shipping supply bay to refuel for the journey back. 
The sound did attract his attention to the starscape around the meteor that was now his home, however. He knew that he would be able to see other tiny asteroids from his place on Metis, but he had never imagined how they might sparkle and shimmer like miniature moons.  He thinks he could get used to a sight like that, but for now he would drink in the marvel of such an experience. 
    There was something curious about one of the closer meteors though… As if there was something stretched over the surface. Was there another meteor mining operation so close to his own base? Maybe he wouldn’t have to feel totally lonely after all?
    He squinted some more. No… It didn’t seem like a base. He had gotten a good look at the shape of the center when the transport shuttle had arrived, and that dark patch seemed more…
    Organic. Like an outstretched bird’s wing, or some large and elaborately finned fish.
    He blinked a few times, and the shape’s organic shape dissolved into patches of light and shadow against the tiny meteor. Just a trick of the eye.
    Abruptly he was feeling the cold again, and pushed the neighbor meteor’s curious shape out of his mind as he went back to fire up the auxiliary life support on this rock.
(feeling lonely, getting into the groove of working there. It mainly involves watching over a bunch of robots that shuttle in piles of dust. He tries to fashion it like he’s a shepherd, and the machines his flock. He grows tired of the joke by the end of that day though. Establish his singing - he does it a LOT while bored because the dull machine silence of the habitat would just drive him crazy otherwise)
Wilbur full-body flinches. Then whips around to stare at the dark corners of the room, searching for something living amongst the floating piles of rubble and disassembled drill-bits that threatened to float out of arm’s reach. Nothing. 
There it was again. Right at the edge of his hearing, bordering on the unhearable. Did he just imagine it? He might have just imagined it.
Can you hear me?
This is fine. Just fine. Everyone’s heard of the exhaustion catching up to the average asteroid worker, the way the isolation causes auditory hallucinations. He’s just having a minor one. It’ll clear up after he gets some rest. 
Hello, Wilbur.
He’ll break open an extra caff pack tomorrow morning. He deserves it. Especially after sleeping through the night with all of the lights on.
You can hear me.
Wilbur had decided, after much groaning, to reclassify his brief mental break as ‘ongoing’ after the third experience of hearing something whispering to him right at the edge of his hearing. He had honestly hoped that he would be able to avoid the ‘meteor madness’ everyone talked about for more than three months, he had really expected more from himself. 
After the fourth instance of hearing voices whisper from the walls of the inner hull of the station, he decided that, what the hell, there was nobody else here to listen to him other than the mineral auger drill bits hes still got to polish and replace. So he answered back.
“Yea yea yea, I hear you, I’m here, I’m here. Could you speak up?” He called out to nothing in particular, taking the time to stop squinting at the newsfeed burst that had come through for this week (all some dumb political dick measuring contest happening back on one of the Venus orbiters, he really didn’t care about it but there wasn't much reading material out on a space rock like this) and stretching out his back in a cacophony of pops.
There was a couple of moments of silence that made him feel like an idiot, straining his ears only to hear the faint hum and chuff of the ventilation system. Then -
How about now?
The voice was extremely clear now, loud enough that it made Wilbur twist and stare wildly behind him. He could almost hear the breath that his mind had inserted into the voice, the inhalation that preceded those words.
As his heart slowed down from a race, he muttered a “fuck” under his breath. “Please- Please don’t do that again. Please.” For now there was too much adrenaline in his bloodstream for him to think of how ridiculous it was that he was begging with his own now obvious case of meteor madness. 
Ok Wilbur.
And with that it had faded back into a far-away echo.
Wilbur didn’t read another two words from the news burst that day, and decided to turn on some loud music over the intercoms of the station instead.  
hes really lonely. And one night on his time off he ends up sleepwalking to one of the larger windows on the small base and he… sees…. Something that looks like more than reflected rock on one of the asteroids. Something with enormous wings that glitter like comet trails
he doesnt see it again for a while. He starts hearing things though.
he tries to mention it to his family, but apparently isolation issues are a common thing with asteroid workers (inspo from antarctic workers?). dad puts it aside.
[This Call Has Been Inactive for [30] Minutes - Disconnecting in [5] Minutes To Save Broadband]
Fucking Tommy. He had planned this for a week, had done the time conversion to Earth Orbit schedule, everything. He’d even fucking called into his supervisors to get the long-range call times double-checked so he wouldn’t end up with his signal blocked by Mars or something. And Tommy hadn’t picked up.
Wilbur pushed out of the zero-gravity hammock contraption that acted as his chair with a groan that edged into a scream around the edges. He had looked forward to this for so long, long enough that he no longer cared that it sounded pathetic that this was the only thing he was looking forward to at all in recent memory.
“My own fucking brother! Standing me up on a call! Can you fucking believe it!” He yelled at the ceiling, rocking his head back and leaning back as far as the ‘chair’ would allow. He kind of wanted to kick something. Or bite something. Preferably Tommy. 
The on-screen display ticked the [4] minutes and he closed it dejectedly. If Tommy wasn’t showing up right on time, he wasn’t ever going to show up. What kind of excuse would he give, Wilbur wondered. He hoped it was at least elaborate enough to make up for his rapidly plummeting mood.
Hopefully at least the voice will chat with him later today. 
Today was shipping day, the anti-Christmas as they (as in he, and absolutely nobody else) called it. The day where all of those rock-dust filled capsules had to be packed into the homeward bound shuttle, and where he had to spend fourteen hours scrambling over boxes and completing checklists in making sure everything was properly labeled and accounted for and the rockets weren’t about to blow up and destroy millions of dollars worth of raw material (and maybe also him). And then after that he got to spend another four hours filling out more forms to pack with them asking for the higher ups at home to maybe please send some more mining equipment, and also food? 
Shipping day fucking blows. If it weren’t for the voice intermittently coming in and keeping him company (and how weird is that, how can a hallucination keep you company?) during those long and backbreaking hours he might have just given up on even writing the worker-products request slips and slept for two days straight. As it were...
Why do you need to request for food? 
“Well, voice in my head,” he said as he tugged at his foot, which had caught itself between two 600 pound capsules that bobbed around like balloons in the null gravity and might just crush him by their sheer inertia, “If I don’t put in the request then they can’t have enough ready to send back next time they send the delivery shuttle. And if they don’t send enough then I’ll have starved to death before the next one can arrive.”
That is silly. Isn’t the sun bright and beautiful from out here?
“I can’t exactly eat the sun, and no. This is pathetic compared to a summer’s day back home.”
Can you tell me about summers?
“I’m probably not the best person to answer, given I had them in England, but I can try.” The foot came free, and he hurried to keep the capsules from drifting too far with a couple of tether cables that he attached to the inner carapace of the delivery shuttle. 
Thank you Wilbur.
With the shuttle barely another glimmer of light to hide among the stars, Wilbur couldn’t help but stare out at it. That was the only way home, before his tenure was up at least. With each shipping day come and gone, the desire to huddle himself and a couple of tanks of oxygen up in the spaces between the capsules and try to survive the two month journey back to the nearest meteor processing center grew more enticing. As if he would ever survive the trip, without suffocating or getting crushed by one of the shipping pallets or running out of food. 
Besides, this paid good money. He needed to keep reminding himself of that. Money was hard to remember when he had nothing to spend it on, after all.
He tried to squint at it one more time, just one more before he would go and finally get his much-needed rest, but his tired eyes drifted and he found himself watching one of the smaller asteroids that orbited far off. It glittered slightly in the weak sunlight, and it was close enough that he could see it tumbling very slowly end-over-end. 
He stifled a yawn, about to turn and leave, when he detected the faintest movement from the meteor that wasn’t consistent with its orbit. He was abruptly awake and aware, squinting as hard as he could at it. There was something… dark, cast against the surface of the meteor. He could barely see it stretch into the void above the meteor, but with the blotting out of a nearby star he could almost see… wings?
Wings, like the ones he had seen that one night so long ago, a shape that seemed more at home flitting around in the Earth sky than the darkness of empty space.
He hesitates before, in a feat of exhausted reasoning, he waves an arm at it as if he were hailing a spaceship.
Hello Wilbur! 
He froze mid-wave. Did the voice in his head just… 
The shape on the meteor changed slightly and, against the deep blackness of space he could almost see… an arm? It must be an arm, but of impossibly large size to be seen from so far away. It mimicked his wave.
“Is that you?” He asked, immediately feeling dumb about it. Probably visual hallucinations again. 
(But… He had seen the wings before…)
Yes! I have come to live closer! What was the small flying thing? 
His arm dropped to float in the zero-gravity air, his heartbeat suddenly pounding hard and fast in his ears. The voice was real. There was something out there. Was it aliens? Was he first contact with alie-
No. He had to take this logically. And the logical thing was that he was just having an exhaustive hallucination because he just spent an entire day doing hard work, both physically and mentally.  
He needed sleep.Without much fanfare, he located the nearest decently soft surface and collapsed on it as much as one could without gravity.
Ok Wilbur. I’ll be here when you wake up.
And it was still there the next time he woke. Inexplicably, there was a dark shape upon a nearby meteor that was utterly unexplainable. That is, unless it was…
Hello again Wilbur!
“That’s you.” He pointed out at the shape again.
The voice sounded a little bemused, and he realized he had probably asked that question already. He still had to ask it again. “Are you sure that is you? And not some… other… space… thingy?”
The voice actually laughed, less a sound and more a feeling that fluttered around the inside of his skull like a trapped bird. 
It’s only me Wilbur. I think I would know if there were anyone else.
He was half way into eating a bowl of something he would be generous and call scrambled eggs when the uncertain calm he had been feeling upon waking up breaks like poorly-made glass. He’s conversing with an alien, who is not a hallucination. 
“Holy fuck! I’m talking with an alien!” He cried aloud, because why not, he’s already being pretty pedantic this morning. 
Another laugh, gentler.
Can I come closer?
“Oh, of course you can!” He was up and out of his seat, letting the spoon spin freely in the air as he swung towards the window and peered out desperately. Like a kid in a candy store, he laughed to himself.
The shape on the meteor moved, and to his amazement grew closer. And larger.
A lot larger.
As it approached one of the closest nearby meteors that took up large chunks of the ‘sky’ for Wilbur, he could see it was easily able to dwarf not only him, but probably the entire base he lived on and all of the machines that swarmed it.
He was panicking now, something animal in him violently rejecting the concept of something inhumanly large and dark flying towards him through the silent void of space. Before the - he couldn’t call it a voice anymore, it was an alien, it had a body  - could, he didn’t know, leap from the next meteor towards his own, it stopped. 
You’re scared.
He probably should be more worried about how easily the alien was able to determine his mental state, but he could only manage a nod. “Can you… stay there for now?”
Ok Wilbur.
He took a few stabilizing breaths, letting his heart settle, and leaned in closer to the window. With the alien now closer, he could see a little more of its body. For one, it was massive on a scale that baffled him. Human brains weren’t really meant to interpret such large scales, but he could tell that a living being and a crater should not be of comparable size.
He eventually calls it Sally. It says that it likes him. That he’s funny. He doesnt know why he feels so happy that an auditory hallucination that is brought on by asteroid isolation called him ‘funny.’ 
He mentions Sally in passing on one of his calls back home. Everyone is concerned because clearly hes having a mental break.
Finally, he starts to get desperate enough and starts asking Sally if it (now she) will come visit him. That he is so lonely and that he loves talking to her and if she was on that asteroid maybe they could see eachother? Sally laughs and tells him that she’s always been seeing him. But yes, she can come.
He’s never been so delighted and excited. This is the most energetic hes been in months, since he took this job even, maybe even beforehand.
Are you ready?
“I’ve been ready all morning, Sally. I’ve been so excited.”
Good. Come on out, I’m here.
He had the EVA suit on already, had been sitting impatiently in it for hours at this point. The helmet was pressed to his knees, and he now hurriedly put it on and sealed it tight. Without a second thought he checked his oxygen (2 hours, not too bad but would mean he probably would have to come in and trade out tanks a few times) and the seal on the suit. He lifted his tether rope and hooked it to his suit, and floated into the airlock. Sally was right here! Right outside the door!
He bounced from one hand-hold to another, as impatient as a small kid, and wished that the airlock cycle would just happen faster, damn it! Why couldn’t he just open up the door right away, he didn’t need this air that it was pumping out. Not when Sally was right there.
“I’m almost there, I promise I promise,” he placated, smiling widely at just the sound of her voice. 
The airlock at long last finished cycling, and he pushed at the outer door with a bit more force than he probably needed. Without sound in space he couldn’t hear the clang of it hitting the outer edge of its hinges’ range of motion, but he could certainly feel the jolt. He giddily scanned the dark and endless sky for a hint of those comet-light wings, the flash of red and green. “Sally?”
You have to come out further, Wilbur. I’m just a little further out.
Of course, of course. Stupid of him to think otherwise. He’s getting ahead of himself. That’s why he brought the tethers along in the first place after all. He reluctantly tore his eyes from space and, with the hand not holding onto the open airlock door, clipped the other end of the tether to one of the many hooks bored into the surface of the asteroid. He let the rest of the line run slack and, carefully closing the airlock door behind him, prepared to jump. 
The gravitational pull of asteroids was minimal, which is why basically everything he owned was made for zero g. There was some pull, enough that it might eventually drag him back down, but if he jumped far enough it would be as if there was none at all, at least long enough for him to find Sally. He jumped, and felt the tether spool out behind him. 100 meters, 200 meters, 350 meters… and it caught him with a jolt at the end of the line.
Then a knot somewhere along the tether, tied with not nearly enough care by excited fingers, pulled loose. The reassuring tug of the tether back down to the asteroid was released and, with a feeling of horror, Wilbur felt himself float a little further than the 350 meters he’d been allotted. He couldn’t even turn around to grab the rope again - the knot was another 30 meters down. 
He flailed and thrashed for a moment like it was his first day in space. “No!” He cried out, seeing his end of the tether whip around and curl in circles around his kicking legs in languid spirals. No air in space meant his movements resulted in no change to his trajectory, which appeared to be up and out. 
So caught up in his terror, it took him a moment to hear Sally.
Wilbur! I am here. Please do not be afraid. I will help you.
Sally. Sally. That’s right. Sally who did not live inside of the asteroid. Who could help him. What amazing luck that there would be someone on the other side of the airlock who could help him right when he needed it most. 
He turned himself around, automatically pointing himself towards the asteroid he had first seen Sally at and.
She was there. So many wings that burned like liquid light and soaked up the sun’s rays so completely that she became a star herself. A fish-like tail that flicked in slow strokes in the empty space, covered in scales that gleamed as bright red as the great jovian storms. A face with all of the love and kindness and power that he had grown to know of her in all of this time. 
His love, Sally. He burst out crying at the sight of it.
Wilbur, Wilbur, Wilbur… She crooned in her head. You came out for me. You came to me. Thank you my love, thank you my heart.
He couldn’t stop the tears that messily wet the inside of his helmet for even a moment as he stared in awe and adoration at her perfect face. She reached forward with hands the size of ships to cup around him gently, plucking him out from the open space so easily. 
I have so much to show you. 
She opened her mouth, exposing teeth the size of moon landers and a darkness as absolute as a black hole, and he let himself be consumed totally.
Wilbur, take my hand. I want to show you something. 
They were sitting on a boat, floating in the ocean. It bobbed gently under his feet, the scent of salt was sharp in the air. The sun was just hitting the 
He looked over at Sally. She was (blonde-haired black-haired tall short dimpled freckled) beautiful and exactly as he had always imagined her. She was smiling to him, feet kicking beneath her as she rocked on the boat’s bench. Her hand was outstretched.
He took a moment to soak in the sunlight, the beautiful sea air, her beaming face, and he took her hand. She stood up, pulling him with him, and they walked over to the edge of the boat.
Look down, Wilbur. Take a look at the sea.
He looked down. The sea was dark as wine, endlessly deep, and yet he couldn’t focus on the dark depths. His gaze was caught on the tiny sediments that glittered in the setting sun’s light, the tiny silvery fish that nipped at the craggy side of the rocking boat. Tiny sparkles of light against an unfathomable void.
He pointed it out to Sally. Look at the little fish, look at the sand and tiny floating plankton. Isn’t it beautiful? She laughed so beautifully, and nudged him.
Aren’t you so silly? Those are so small and close. Do you always see the little close things as the most beautiful? I have so much more to show you.
She pulled on his hand. Encouraging him to lean forward more. The ocean was so close now -
Wilbur tumbled forward into the ocean, which leaped forward to catch him in a warm and gentle embrace. It wrapped him up and held him so closely and he rejoiced in the sheer physicality of it all. So different from the quiet, the cold, the dead feeling of space -
Space? Why is he thinking about space? He’s in the ocean.
Beside him, Sally splashed down into the water with a flurry of bubbles, and through the inherent murkiness of the sea water he could see her smile gleam brighter. She tugged him down a little more, pulling on his billowing clothes. 
We need to go further down, Wilbur. I want to show you so much more than you know. 
So he followed her. He kicked feebly against the sea water, pulled further down by the weight of his sodden clothes, but he wasn’t able to keep up with the strong and confident kicks of his love.
Please help me, Sally. I don’t want to fall behind. He called with a voice that shouldn’t exist underwater, watching her disappear into the darkness underneath him. Panicking, he thrashed harder, trying to overcome a lack of ability in the water with pure stubbornness.
Come here Wilbur. I’ll show you.
All around him tendrils of glowing ghostly light, like trails of phosphorescent salps, reached out of the void to wrap around him. In the heart of them was Sally, smiling ever so beautifully. 
I’ll help you. Come and see.
And he was pulled down into the dark, leaving behind the boat and the bright surface and the setting sun for the endless void. 
The dark was beautiful. A crystal depth that was so unlike the endless vacuum of space. He could feel that press of water around him and, even more present, that of Sally. He had drawn closer to her and her self-assured swimming rhythm, knotted in the glowing tendrils like he was caught in a jellyfish’s tangle. 
She pointed off into the encroaching darkness. Look, Wilbur. Please look.
He saw.
Civilizations living and dying like sparkling plankton. Solar winds blasting out in bellows that reflect across wings leagues across. Asteroids, hundreds of thousands of kilometers apart, and yet each one like a friend and neighbor to her.
Ships passing her by like fretful silvery fish, too blind to her to hear her call, her curiosity. Drills breaking into asteroids, so different, so small… 
Her, perched in her asteroid, her nest in this oceanic astral life of hers, reaching forward to see if she could catch the tiny krill that live and die in those tiny glass and metal bubbles… 
A small creature, barely a copepod, planktonic in his powerless tumble through the tides of the universe, reaching back. He sings so sweetly in his tiny tones, finding a fraction of the beauty in the universe that she experiences every day. And yet, those tiny reedy tones, things that only she could hear and which would never echo unending across the galaxy in gravity-distorting tones, were precious gifts in of themselves. 
She reached out and plucked him from his metal habitat, careful of his fragile body not meant for such depths as what she lives in. He sees her, and she carefully takes her little gift back with her to her asteroid. 
Something just for her. A song with notes that are so very small.
A song that can only feel the edges of her own tones without being drowned out entirely, for she does not want him to have to yell in order to be heard at all. 
Wilbur, little ballad-maker, will you sing me another song?
He spun in the reassuring pull of tentacles around him, and in the voice of one untethered from simple vocal chords, Wilbur sang of the majesty of the stars.
Wilbur awoke with tears crusted thickly on his cheeks. All around him was a tight and dark warmth, not in the darkness of space but of something comforting and living. The darkness of an overturned log, lush with life, rather than that of an endless cave system. 
“Sally?” He managed, croaking out through a voice that had splintered in every direction. The pressing warmth around him held tighter, like a crushing hug that he had so dearly desired for so long. He let himself melt under the sensation, the warmth that sank into his bones for the first time since he had left Earth, the softness that he had been so devoid of in the sharp grey walls of the asteroid mine.
His body apparently still had tears to give, as when he leaned back into the softness even more he could feel his vision slip out of focus behind a film of tears in the warm orange light.
Wait. Light?
He blinked furiously and, with enormous willpower, leaned up and out of the cozy comfort that cradled him. Held in his hands, pressed against his chest in a dense hot ball that was dampened only slightly by the EVA suit he was still wearing, was what looked to be a tiny star. It shined and glimmered with vermillion, and even as he watched it the glowing ball shifted. 
It was alive.
Carefully he held it closer and could feel, beneath the obscuring bright light, limbs press against the suit and a head tuck into the side of his suit’s life support control panel. He didn’t realize he was holding on so tightly to it until that moment, and he didn’t have the willpower to let go.
Wilbur? Her voice almost... echoed, like it was bouncing off of the endless cavern that resided within her.
His head popped up automatically, and he smiled on instinct. Sally! 
Do you trust me?
With my life, my love. Where are you? What’s going on?
Remove your helmet.
But… wouldn’t that, y’know, kill him? Last he checked he was on the wrong side of the airlock, the endless void of space. Though, it was warm and soft and oh so comforting, so different from the death that had always been promised by its endless expanse.
You said you trusted me. I will keep you safe.
His grip loosened on the star held against his chest, and drifted up to his helmet. With barely a thought he broke the seal on it and the air rushed out in one fatal blast. He should’ve been unconscious in less than fifteen seconds, oxygen starvation quickly turning his brain off and sending him into a downward spiral towards a cold and lonely death. 
He couldn’t breathe, there was no air but the wispy remains of what was in his suit’s tanks, and yet… wherever he was, it didn’t matter.
I told you so. 
Yes, she did. Why did he even doubt for a second? He tried his best to wiggle out of the EVA suit, which was definitely not built to be wiggled out of. He made do with awkwardly freeing his arms so he could better cradle the star that was now lying more comfortably against his chest. It seemed to solidify further with the skin contact, and he could see a muzzle of a soft earth animal, a swishing tail, large eyes that shined like quasars. 
He hugged it close as much as he could. “Sally?” He called again.
Do you like them? I made them for you. A child. 
“A child? Ours? They are… They’re beautiful.” It was ridiculous, and some part of his brain seemed to slip out of the elated state it was caught up in. “Wait. A child? Like, one of your kind?”
Not quite. Almost, though. I want them to be able to live with you, not out in the stars like I must. I want something from me to always be with you, even when we are apart.
A thing made of star-stuff and scales and human flesh, something that could only have hatched in the close warmth and suffocating darkness, rather than the endless depths of space. A planet-creature, not a void-creature
Wilbur names him Fundy. As he gives him a name and continues to cuddle him close, his shape becomes more and more solid, more and more a creature of the earth.
Sally’s stomach is, as he begins to adjust more and more to the soft light, more like an entire crater, an endless expanse so large that he nestled quite comfortably within one fold. As he watches he can see dust and rock disintegrate in the far sides, lumps of metal and plastic that are all that remain of 9-Metis mining station, having been carved from the asteroid and chewed up for having deprived Wilbur so much, knowing to the depths of his heart that he is in no similar danger. 
He knows he could live here forever, safe and protected and so very close to Sally’s heart.
Sally starts to feel unsure of herself as a result, realizing that what Wilbur needed far more than her love, her coveting of him as a most precious jewel, was his own people. His mind had splintered in a way, becoming reliant on her own to keep its shape, and even as it leaked song and light for her to enjoy she knew that if she truly loved him she needed to bring him home.
She asks for one last song from him, dancing with him in a dream. He is far enough gone that he cannot tell just how bittersweet the dream had become around him, wrapping him up in pain and love in equal measures.
We are almost there.
Sally seemed sad. Why was she sad? Where were they going? He didn’t know if he said it aloud or not but Sally seemed to hear it nonetheless.
I need to bring you home. You miss your family.
But what about you? Sally, I cannot miss them when I am with you. 
And that is why.
What is going on? Wilbur pulled Fundy closer, quietly shushing the small child as they nipped at the loose fabric of his EVA suit. Did he do something wrong?
I’ll miss you Wilbur. Thank you for letting me 
No… no… Sally was leaving? No no no this cannot be happening. He didn’t want to leave. Please don’t make him leave he doesn’t want to leave he refuses to leave -
The warm cradle of muscle around him flexed and hardened into steel, and the comforting press turned claustrophobic. What was once endless and magnificent closed around him like a cave-in, and he yelled into Fundy’s fur and curled into a tight ball that Sally forced him into. There was a terrific yank feeling as the tether cord that he had long forgotten went taught and dragged him upwards, tangling and knotting around him.
He felt the frigid cold first, less from a temperature and more from a lack thereof as the warmth and protection Sally gave him dissipated, then the crackle of drying spit that held him in a tightening shell. He blinked open eyes and uncurled as he was tangled in the tether cable and caught in Sally’s outstretched hands. Without the protection of a shaded helmet he could see her even clearer, the tiny scales larger than his outstretched palm dappling her face, the hundreds of lacey wings that were thicker than the toughest skyhook cable spiralling out from her in long strands into the enormity of space. Compared to her, the 320 meter cable that had seemed so sturdy was like a strand of spider silk.
He’d never felt so small, not even when he had been all alone in the void. Somehow, it seemed so much larger when he got to see someone who truly belonged out here, someone for whom these endless pelagic open seas were home.
He didn’t belong out here. That’s why Sally was making him go.
Fundy whined inaudibly in his arms, the sound echoing on the inside of his head, and pushed their snout under his head into the crook of his neck. He held them closer to hide his shivering, the despair that had burst inside of him and threatened to swallow him whole more absolutely than Sally had. 
I will miss you. I won’t forget you. But you cannot stay with me.
Don’t go! He wanted to scream it, to try and pry open Sally’s mouth and find somewhere to curl up in within her, where it was dark and he knew a glimpse of the true universe, but whatever was allowing him to stay unaffected by the vacuum of space didn’t seem to extend to allowing him speech in the void.  Please don’t let me go, please don’t leave me out here, I need you.
Sally looked sad, in a quiet way that shivered up through her wings. 
You need to be with your people again. Please take care of Fundy. Raise them well.
She oh-so-delicately untangled the cable from her hand, pinching the loose folds of his EVA suit gently and letting him drift in zero-g. He kicked as much as he could, but he couldn’t truly flail and try to keep a grip on her hand without letting go of Fundy, which he couldn’t risk.
Sally’s gaze finally left his, and she looked around her. Her vast dark eyes gleamed with distant stars, and her trailing light-filled fins flicked. 
They are almost here. You are going to go home. I hope you live well, little Wilbur.
Before he could try to shout out something, anything to beg her to stay or at least say goodbye in return, all of the enormous wings on her bag expanded, and she flicked her tail and sank into the darkness again. He tried so hard to follow her form as it moved quicker than any ship he had ever seen, but his panicked flailing had left him in a rotating drift that made him unable to keep his eyes on her.
    And then, like an unwary fly on a long highway, he smacked bodily against the front of a cargo spacecraft.
Hes brought aboard, seemingly miraculously still alive despite being hundreds of thousands of miles from Metis, and to his surprise its his family. Sally had brought him close enough to them that he is reunited immediately.
He can’t stop holding close to fundy as hes asked how exactly he was there, what happened, they heard something happened to the station, is he ok? 
All he can do is cry, heartbroken about Sally.
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cyten0 · 3 months
Ok, so after ranting a bit about my upcoming pathfinder 2e campaign, I figured I might as well make a separate post about it cause I like it so much and It's honestly extremely detailed. It's heavily based on both Dragonfable and FF15
So to start off with, a basic summary. In this world, there are a pair of Divine dragons. Reincarnations of the twin gods that made the world. These twin dragons appear and form a bond with a given person throughout history, usually a member of the line of Somnus, children of Lucien Somnus. These champions usually end up becoming adventurer kings, rulers and wanderers in equal measure, often changing the nature of the realm.
At the start of the campaign, due to an unusual error caused by several magical mishaps, both eggs have split into 3. One group has been hatched by an unnamed hero, and the other by the Doomknight Sepulchure.
The campaign will consist of 2 parties, each playing as the freshly hatched baby dragons. To give them some backstory, divine dragons often inherit the memories and skills of someone who had died before, in order to give themselves a kickstart in life. The parties will be in opposition, at the very least at the beginning, and will be using the Kingmaker kingdoms system to run entire kingdoms to help their war/adventure.
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I also have a (frankly VERY detailed) custom world map I've made, based heavily off of dragonfables book 3 map. The kingdoms with stars under them represent the player's starting kingdom spots, and other kingdoms and town are scattered around the map. People who know Artix games will likely recognize several of these places, but there are some that I added for added adventures!
This is my latest and final entry into a series of campaigns I've been running for about 2 years straight. SOme may be excited to learn my previous entry was a cyberpunk campaign where reality reset, and created this world (mechquest reference achieved!), but has been even more chaotic and I'm likely gonna have to summarize hose campaigns at some other point.
My friends are running some games (per my request, I GM'ed through graduation and had a massive case of burnout), and I'll start this campaign once at least the majority of them have finished.
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