#some of them keep their lesson but swap motivations
bunnieswithknives · 1 year
I actually have an idea for swapping the teachers! Maybe instead of swapping the ones that are commonly associated with eachother, the ones with similar lessons could be swapped! [ Ex. Warren and shrignold since their lessons are both relationship related or electricity and Colin Since they're both lessons about electronics ]
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having thoughts rn
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King Midas’ Speculated Involvement in Fall
These are all the possibilities I can think of. If anyone has other ideas, feel free to contribute! Skip to the bold text if you're not interested in the less Midas-related parts.
A young King Midas was promised to feature in Fall, and the Schools turn gold and glow with a magical aura in the Fall trailer, so I assume that must be his influence. I doubt whether the Schools turning to gold should be taken literally though, considering the dark sea on the cover of Rise was just part of another setting, and the Schools didn’t actually rise out of the sea. However, in the main series, every time the Schools were altered (it happened thrice) the covers were accurate to their current state.
Soman once said (on Twitter, probably?) that there were loads of Easter eggs in the Fall cover reveal video. So far, there’s the popular imposter theory/eye color swap, and the shattered sky. I don’t think I see much else that could be important.
The brothers also have winged shoulder-ornaments and some kind of sternum-jewelry, which I could see as being vaguely Storian-shaped, like in a “you can’t shake off the yoke of fate” way.
I am considering the possibility of wizard wishes and someone’s Celestium being involved because no natural sky looks mirrored like that. The shattered sky or glass could represent Rhian and Rafal’s relationship falling apart, if it is symbolic. And, if Celestiums represent a wizards psyche, that wouldn’t be too much of a stretch, especially if one of the brothers goes “psycho.” I also wonder if Soman’s been taunting us, and that one of the brothers could die from being struck by lightning.
Anyway, here my predictions for Midas’ role:
1. The parent of a student or alumnus. Seems unlikely given that he’s young.
2. Rhian’s love interest. Possible. Also, maybe, Rhian really does love shiny, attractive things, hence the glass castle he had built. I headcanon that he has magpie/corvid tendencies, and could be lured in by gold. This could function like a “Faithful John” arc with Rafal as John to keep his brother grounded. Midas would be cast in the role of the golden princess.
When we think about it: Who’s easily overwhelmed by splendor and drawn in easily, and who’s not? Who’s the gullible, vulnerable one? Will Rhian trade Rafal for Midas? I doubt it because I think Rhian’s learned his lesson twice, but who knows.
3. The brothers appeal to Midas for support, to save their schools. I’d love to see Rafal forced to grovel before a king, but it's more likely he’d threaten Midas with death? This sounds like that dialogue snippet Soman released, about kingdom’s leaders being difficult to deal with.
4. Midas captures both brothers. There’s a chance he’s a villain.
5. Midas kills one of the brothers or turns one to gold. I bet it could be Rafal. He’ll probably suffer physically a lot in this book. Plus, incapacitating the most powerful (and capable) character makes for a dire situation and high stakes. (Sure, Rhian is of equal power but he’s less willing to harm people.) If this happens, it would alienate Rhian, and I bet it would be hilarious to watch him panic at first. He’d be frantic, desperate to do anything. And, desperation could be a good corruption motive for Rhian to become more Evil.
6. Midas wants to capture Rhian specifically. Maybe, to admire him, keep him as a pet, because he’s golden and alive. This would be presuming Midas’ whole court and all his loved-ones have already been turned to gold. (I think he had a daughter in the original story). There might even be foreshadowing in Rise because Rhian was often described as golden. It could be meant to lead up to this. And, it could be fun to read as well as creepy.
7. Midas could produce gold to bargain with Hook or with the possibly Evil Pan. In exchange for their students, to get them back? To make a trade with another Woods leader? To settle other outlying expenses?
8. Alternatively, Midas approaches the brothers. He’d think they can undo his curse, his golden touch. Since they are known as the powerful, immortal twin sorcerers far and wide through all the Woods, we could assume. So, Midas has traveled all this way, and Rafal recognizes he has a bargaining chip here. Midas is desperate. Rafal probably gets Midas to exchange lifting the curse for support or something useful (the monkey's paw? Thereby sealing his and Rhian’s fate as tragic without realizing it.) Then, he and Rhian can get back at Hook, and recover their lost students. But, it may be a Pyrrhic Victory.
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solsearchingnights · 1 year
How do you keep yourself motivated enough to write chapters as long as yours are(also I'm still thinking about that tweet from Velvet that you mentioned and it's absolutely terrible when it comes to the front of my mind)
Honestly, I set a minimum time limit. I don't post a chapter more than once a week unless I have more than 6k words. That stops me from rushing, and also lets me really think about if a shorter chapter fits where I think it does. It also sets a casual expectation that approximately once a week, I'll have a chapter done.
As far as the motivation to actually write the words; I have a brain that hates being idle. My job is work from home so I have my personal computer set up just behind the keyboard for my work computer, and anytime there's a pause at work, I swap. It gives me space to consider the next lines, just enough time to write a couple, and then I'm back to my job. And usually I have a video or podcast going at the same time.
If I try to just focus on writing, I won't get it done. I get too caught up in my own head about it. Taking breaks to write one-shots has helped, and some of those I post. If I get an idea that I want to do, I follow it: mid paragraph I'm struck with the thought that I have days old rice in the kitchen and I should make egg fried rice? Put down the chapter and go make rice. Because if my brain is telling me that's more interesting than writing, I know I'm not going to get anything done that I'm happy with.
And letting myself post things I don't love has been a good lesson. Once I see it as part of the continuum of the story, I like it more. Write scenes out of order, then paste them in when they sort-of fit and write around them to make it smooth. If you have a specific idea that's motivating the work, write that first. You can always change it to fit the rest of the story later.
I feel like, for me at least, it boils down to: figure out how your brain is broken and leverage it to your advantage. Writing should be fun, not miserable. So if you feel obligated to work on one project, let yourself cheat when you feel your motivation flagging. Work on the thing that makes you happy right then, and eventually it'll come back around to being the project.
That's a lot of words for: I'm not really sure. Though I gotta give credit where it's due, a hypeman beta reader and the sweet things the comments have to say are probably the biggest dopamine hit I can rely on.
ALSO dear lord that tweet needs to start paying: either for rent or for my therapy.
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speakingofdoorknobs · 2 years
I was tagged by @mikesmoustache
name: ehhhhhhhh we'll go with AJ (I'm too old to feel comfortable using my full name online)
star sign: Cancer - I have never seen a zodiac lighter with my sign on it, which is a shame because it would be hilarious to offer to people ominously.
birthday: June 26
height: 5'10" (~177cm)
time: 1.30 am
favorite bands/artists: Top 3: Queen, Depeche Mode, Devotchka in that order. After that I can only give categories, not ranks.
last movie: in a theater: The Addams Family/at home: The Incredibles (just happy it wasn't one of the Cars movies again)
last show: Currently rewatching 'Allo 'Allo
when did i create this blog: this specific blog was created March of 2011
what i post: on this blog, just shiny things I like - stuff comes in waves as I get into different things, but Star Trek and Disco Elysium are pretty constant content. Also cats.
last thing i googled: "can you skip a ring on water" (wanted to see if it was plausible for a character to dramatically toss a ring into a lake and have it skim/skip)
other blogs: okay, so: This blog started as a sideblog of All Our Yestertomorrows, which was a comic I was drawing based on the TTRPG we were playing at the time (a mashup of several White Wolf settings). I kind of ran out of steam on that (I should really get back to it, I found the binder with my game notes again), and decided that I'd switch this blog over to be under another account I'd made to use as a portfolio (@effulgentinara), which is only for original work like fanart, jewelry, sketches, etc. Unfortunately, this causes some confusion since I mostly interact with everyone through this side blog.
Please, please @staff - let me either make this its own account or let me swap which is my main and which is my sideblog, or at least let me choose which account replies and asks are marked as being from. It's been eleven years, I think I deserve this.
do i get asks: Not often, but I always enjoy them.
following around: 100. I've determined that's the maximum number of people I can follow without feeling overwhelmed trying to keep up with Tumblr, and it's a pleasantly round number.
average hours of sleep:
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My personal best/worst is technically only around 50 solid hours awake, but yeah, I'm really bad about just... forgetting? to sleep? But I'm trying to be better about it recently.
instruments: couple of years of piano lessons that I could probably dredge up with a little refresher (don't currently own a piano or working keyboard so I'm out of practice), guitar, ukulele, a little bit of flute, playing around with an electronic drum pad I bought as a treat, every now and then I give that toy accordion a shot again, and recently I've been enjoying the otomatone I got for my birthday
what i’m wearing:  t-shirt and shorts (with pockets!)
dream job: children's book illustrator or just creating weird little games (I do some stuff in my spare time, but don't have a lot of chances to work on it)
dream trip: would be nice to go to Japan (particularly the Korakuen Gardens), but if I'm being perfectly honest my main motivation for brushing up on my French is to go visit Parc Astérix someday.
nationality: American/Irish (technically UK as well, but I've never bothered to file the paperwork because I don't really have any plans to live there anytime soon)
favorite song: Fire Escape in the Sea by Sea Power may have managed to dethrone '39 by Queen, or has at least tied
last book i’ve read: Does an epic fanfic completely re-writing Star Trek: TNG but with Tasha surviving count? If not, then I think it was either Howl's Moving Castle or James Acaster's Classic Scrapes.
top 3 fictional universes i would like to live in: Star Trek (fully automated luxury gay space communism FTW), Animal Crossing, or Wallace and Gromit
Tagging @shoutsindwarvish @tiwaztyrsfist @singedsun @nerdishnerd @angelchrys @tardigradesonthemoon @thewinterarcher
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udo0stories · 2 months
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  “You can’t force anyone to value, respect, understand, or support you, but you can choose to spend your time around people who do.” ~Lori Deschene   "Legacy systems" is a term used in the IT industry. These are incredibly antiquated computer systems that are still in use because some organizations have based parts of their operations on them. Because of the intricate web of dependencies these systems impose, replacing a legacy system is difficult, if not painful. However, it is not insurmountable. The advantages of swapping out an outdated system for one that complies with an organization's present operating standards are much greater than the drawbacks. More importantly, though, maintaining a legacy system might end up being more expensive and even risking the organization's existence. You seem to be getting an IT 101 lesson in what should be a wellness article, so are you blinking quickly and wondering if you clicked on the wrong article and if it is finally time to address your bad sleep routine? In addition to the fact that I love technology and will find any excuse to teach anyone I can about anything IT-related, it was also a great way to introduce legacy friends, a term I recently encountered in a way that really astounded me. These are the people who are still in your life because you were friends with them once and that friendship lasted. You have been friends for a while now, and the reason you are still friends is that your unwavering bond has endured over time as you have somewhat quietly changed. Or, in my case, unquestioned up until life's harsh realities made me stop and consider the hollowness of one such friendship.   After enduring seven long years of living in the same city, I made the decision a few months ago to follow my adventurous spirit and relocate to a new nation. I was in dire need of change, and I did not find it attractive to pretend to be absorbed in patio furniture while a former romantic partner strolled down the aisle accompanied by his mother. The move was initially exhilarating, motivating, and fantastic in every way. It was all very novel at first, but the anonymity of a new place where I did not have to pretend to be interested in any kind of furniture was just splendid. I went through the intense pain of unexpectedly losing all of my network of support, and I came into contact with strange environmental factors that triggered symptoms of seasonal affective disorder. My light faded as I realized I was alone and lost in a strange place. Part-time postgraduate studies and a new job in an unfamiliar and demanding work environment only contributed to the growing darkness of confusion and misery that was plaguing me. Being an immigrant felt like an endless administrative struggle as I tried to keep up with everything my new life required of me. It is easy to imagine how happy I was to learn that a college friend was spending the evening in my new city and would like to get dinner with me. There was a distinct sense of relief at the thought of seeing a familiar face, and for a brief while it felt as though the ominous cloud had parted. It did not last long, though, because I soon discovered that he had also invited his friend to dinner. This confused me a little because in the beginning, he had given the impression that it would just be the two of us. However, the idea of seeing a longtime friend overwhelmed me, so I gave in and agreed to dinner.   Weeks went by as I continued to work hard, barely making it through excruciating assignments and tedious conversations at work that quickly sapped my confidence even though I had nearly ten years of experience. I was told a week before the dinner that it would now be a dinner party for as many people as could make it, and that it would begin thirty minutes after my official workday ended. I was taken aback. After months of working nonstop and spending every free moment hunched over textbooks that seemed to be written in English but were actually all
sorts of Greek to me, I was shocked to find that I was suddenly expected to arrive on time, dress appropriately, and mingle happily with strangers I had never met before while barely getting any sleep. I warned my friend that I might not be able to make it to dinner due to work commitments and that, if I did, it would be a little later because I knew how busy things had been at work. He allegedly said, "Either arrive on time or do not bother showing up at all." Again, I was stunned. I’d prided myself on cultivating respectful, mature relationships and was rendered speechless by his response. My other friends were kind and compassionate and consistently demonstrated their unwavering support for me doing what I needed to do in order to be the best version of myself. So his response was shocking to say the least. The bewilderment soon gave way to some serious contemplation as I struggled to understand how someone in my life could administer such a senseless ultimatum. The more time I spent inspecting the details of our friendship, the clearer things became. The truth of the matter was that we were not actually friends. Well, at least not by the definition of a friend that I had come to know over the past few years.   To me, a friend is someone who patiently yet firmly prompts you to finally talk about your broken heart and the dysfunctional relationship you clearly needed to remove yourself from. It’s someone who is so ecstatic about your final term results that they excitedly lift you into the air with a bear-like hug while you temporarily forget your mild but very real fear of having your feet off the ground. It’s someone who will listen to your wails of discomfort in the wee hours of a Sunday morning as you attempt to put up much needed boundaries with your family. It’s someone who offers you a sympathetic shoulder to cry on instead of saying, “I told you so” when the deliciously tattooed guy does exactly what they predicted he’d do.   It’s someone who constantly encourages you to silence your inner over-achiever by continuously telling you that a 50% pass is a fantastic outcome for someone juggling as many things as you are. It’s someone who will gladly spend their time letting you interview them for a needs assessment survey while you try to desperately (and very foolishly) finish a two-week assignment in two days. It is not someone who has known about your challenges in acclimating to a new continent yet stayed silent about it. It is not someone who failed to display any empathy or concern when you mentioned that you were sick yet again. It is not someone who offered absolutely no support in helping you navigate an academic degree that they had already completed. It is not someone who complained that the three-minute voice note you sent was too long for them to listen to. It is not someone who criticizes how you choose to embrace your heritage and culture. It is not someone who barely expressed any gratitude for the time and energy you sacrificed in helping them realize their career ambitions. It is not someone who childishly refuses to reply to your messages all because you missed a dinner, planned with no consideration to your dietary restrictions or time constraints, that made you feel like an afterthought.   This person is not a friend by my current standards. They would be what is deemed a legacy friend—someone who had remained in my life simply because they’d been there for some time. This conclusion was jarring, but I guess all harsh truths are. The nice thing about the truth is that it really does set you free. With this newfound knowledge, I liberated myself from the hold of this unnecessary relationship and re-framed the experience as an opportunity for self-awareness to outline what I need from friendships in my life.   Here are five lessons I learned from the loss of a legacy friend. 1. I am wholly uninterested in superficial conversations and activities that do not enrich my life or society at large in any way.
2. It’s a messy endeavor to attempt to have people in your life with values that are misaligned with yours. 3. It’s perfectly fine for you to choose your peace and well-being over people who have taken far more than they’ve given. 4. As tough as it is to accept, it’s impractical to have people in your life who are stuck in a lifestyle that you outgrew long ago. 5. There is no way to explain away disrespect, and every single human on this earth, regardless of creed or color, deserves unconditional respect.   I of course feel saddened by the loss of someone I thought to be a friend, but a consoling outlook is that I’m now making space in my life for people who more closely meet my needs. As with legacy systems, removing a legacy friend may be an uncomfortable and even painful undertaking, but the allure of a more enriched life should be a worthwhile incentive to at least consider it. Having felt the fierce love of my found family for many years, I believe with all my heart that the goodness you embody will be a signal to like-minded souls, so do not settle for anything less than what you deserve.  
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akaashisbabygirl · 3 years
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don’t you dare touch her
i’m pregnant
will you marry me
seeing s/o with another guy but it’s actually a girl
going to brazil
seeing s/o cry
washing machine
random girl being followed
brazilian music
new years date
s/o who is on the schools swim team
reader is a bad bitch
s/o having a bad moment
trying to get a photo of you
trying to make their s/o after not smiling all day
what’s sex?
study date
s/o wanting to be in charge in bed
sucking him off
s/o who’s a cheerleader for a rival school
brazilian reader
kid wiping their mouth on their sleeve
too much wine
wedding announcement
as a protective older brother
s/o having scars
will you marry me
your child
parent’s forgetting their daughters birthday
s/o who loves hxh
washing machine
s/o who needs help breast pumping
do you want to stay over tonight
s/o who’s a k-pop idol
s/o singing gurenge
s/o who has a really bad time at home
comforting s/o who had a panic attack
s/o whose parents fight
s/o who has trust issues
do you want to stay over tonight
shower with me
hurting himself during volleyball
having an activist s/o
masculine girlfriend
i wish we weren’t in public
my name
something new
pull my hair
come sit on my face
vibrating panties
thigh riding
hot tub
cum on my thigh
touching yourself
seeing s/o with another guy
keep quiet
it was just a movie
threesome w kuroo
wedding night
kageyama’s kinks
in between my legs
trying to dom him
s/o with an athletic body
needy for him
put your mouth to better use
taking reader’s virginity
s/o with anxiety + depression
will you join me in the bath
washing machine
s/o getting their first tattoo
s/o who has relapsed
s/o who’s crying in the bath
s/o who was emotionally abused in their last relationship
s/o who started self harming again
s/o who’s insecure about their appearance
s/o who is shaking in public
random girl being followed
s/o who has a chipped tooth
s/o who has period pain
comforting s/o after a family members death
s/o singing gurenge
new years date
s/o who was said to die
you’re not wearing that
s/o with really bad stretch marks
s/o who is 6′0 and loves basketball
s/o having a bad moment
s/o is ticklish
having a tall s/o
s/o who has acne
helping reader calm down
s/o who comes to them crying
s/o who always falls asleep cuddling
s/o flinching during an argument
forgetting s/o birthday
tennis rival
that’s enough wine for tonight
s/o having a mental breakdown
reacting to s/o sleeping all day
s/o with trust issues
i love you, i love you so much
trying to make their s/o after not smiling all day
s/o wanting to adopt a child
stay with me
with a tsundere s/o
comforting their s/o after a heated argument with their friend
soft moments with you
having an activist s/o
s/o who acts just like them
affectionate s/o
watch your mouth
keeping a shirt on
in the library
giving oral to shy reader
sneaking into his dorm
disobey the rules
begging and toys
making s/o cry during sex
sucking on s/o’s chest
sub tsukki
make you regret it
s/o who loves giving him bjs, cockwarming and riding him
dirty talk
beg for it
touching yourself while wearing his jacket
do you need a hug
i love holding you
wash my hair
cold nights
you’re in love
will you marry me
wearing a bikini for the first time in front of him
domestic boyfriend
s/o with tics + stims
washing machine
s/o who isn’t what they thought
s/o who always falls asleep cuddling
s/o who is a homebody
face sitting + praise kink
spread your legs
wearing a shirt during sex
sucking on s/o’s chest
chubby reader
touch me
sub boys
s/o with an innocent face but lewd expressions
giving oral to shy reader
riding his thigh
s/o wanting to be in charge in bed
i’m pregnant
as a protective older brother
comforting you with your mental health
s/o who is a ufc fighter
comforting their s/o after a bad day at work
s/o who has touch phobia
s/o who loves hxh
self harm scars
s/o who is touch starved
friend who got into a fight with her parent
s/o getting their first tattoo
team finding out
taking care of reader
s/o who avoids their reflection
s/o who just feels alone
s/o who has a really bad time at home
cuddling dating hcs
s/o who isn’t what they thought
friend passing away
s/o who gets migraines often
finding ou
s/o who has depression
comforting s/o during a panic attack
nsfw hcs
freak in the sheets
brat taming
seeing s/o with another guy
sucking on s/o’s chest
s/o who has an innocent face, but lewd expressions
sub boys
sugawara’s kinks
needy for him
threesome w tsukki
sit on my lap
will you marry me
finding out that s/o used to live in an abusive household
s/o whose dad is an alcoholic
in the shop
wear my jacket
vibrating panties
brat taming
s/o who’s a cheerleader for a rival school
s/o who is a ufc fighter
s/o who has the flu
s/o who is touch starved
s/o who’s been having panic attacks
s/o with super curly hair
s/o who just feels alone
s/o who has a really bad time at home
s/o who is dehydrated
s/o who has some sort of sensory overload
s/o who is insecure over their weight
s/o motivating themselves to lose weight
forget the bed
don’t you dare touch her
wearing lingerie for him
another round
s/o who’s a cheerleader for a rival school
seeing someone hit on their s/o
s/o who has the flu
self harm scars
comforting a s/o who feels inferior to others
s/o who’s a k-pop idol
s/o with super curly hair
girl having similar hair to him
finding out s/o started self harming again
s/o who has some sort of sensory overload
s/o who is insecure over their weight
s/o motivating themselves to lose weight
going to disneyland with his s/o
carry me to bed
pool party
s/o birthday
s/o who has an innocent face, but lewd expressions
baby fever
karasuno reunion
tomboy s/o
comforting you with your mental health
s/o who has adhd
as an older brother
s/o who figure skates
washing machine
s/o who’s in the hospital
comforting him after losing a game
s/o who is neglected by their parents
comforting their s/o after having an emotional breakdown
s/o that lives in an abusive household
s/o whose dad is an alcoholic
s/o who is dehydrated
you’re mine
having a crush on their manager
seeing s/o all red
seeing s/o in their swim uniform
s/o using neopronouns
telling him you can’t have kids
threesome w sakusa
teaching a lesson
swapping water bottle with cum
s/o who has a dirty mind
breaking down
s/o being alone all day for thanksgiving
s/o with super curly hair
s/o whose been feeling alone
s/o who is dehydrated
asking him on a date in front of the team
soft hcs
making ou
morning showers
s/o flinching during an argument
s/o motivating themselves to lose weight
comforting a stressed s/o
cuddling at three am
s/o who is very stoic
face sitting
seeing s/o with another guy
s/o who has an innocent face, but lewd expressions
face sitting
make me
bratty s/o
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gentrychild · 3 years
Do you have any advice for writing a fight scene that was also present in canon?
I really love your take on the Midoriya vs. Todoroki fight in Anyone and how you managed to use the expectations set by canon and twist and use them to your advantage!
I have trouble writing the fight from the first hero training inside my fic (I swapped Ochako with Shinsou to spice it up a bit more and for changed friendship dynamics). I know the direction I want it to go and I know how I want it to end but for the life of me I don't know how to make it interesting... every time I sit down and write it I think it's boring writing it. And if I think it's boring while I am writing it I don't even want to imagine how boring it is to read.
Okay, first rule about rewriting a fight that was already in canon: if you're not changing anything and if you're not interesting in writing it just for writing it, just skip them.
Instead of writing ten pages you're simply not vibing with, a "X was still thinking about Y and Z fight. The way X had just hit Z with that fire extinguisher had been a sight to behold. [Insert how he feels for one or the two participants". He breathed in, then out. It was now time to focus." will be much simpler for everyone involved.
Only writing the consequences is also a valid approach.
That way, you and your readers directly get to the juicy part.
But that's if you're not interested in writing the fight in itself. If you really want to write a fight scene, think about two things: 1. What changed in your AU and how does that affect the characters? What's the differences? 2. Who needs to win?
Once you know that, you can focus on the fight. Do you want a character to almost lose but to win because they simply refuse to stay down? Do you want them to win because they are smarter? Do you want they to win because they are an enraged gremlin that has no chill?
I have four tricks when it comes to writing fight scenes.
1. Focus on emotions.
People are made of different motivations. Why do they need to win? Do they respect their opponent? Do they hate them? Do they look for their respect? Are they friends?
For example: Bakugou and Iida vs Midoriya and Uraraka
Bakugou doesn't respect anyone and is focused on Deku. He wants to prove that he doesn't belong in UA and he wants to know what Deku really thinks of him (since he thought he had lied about not having a quirk and he is completely unhinged at the time because nothing makes sense.)
Izuku wants to prove that he belongs in UA, wants to stop being afraid of Kacchan, and wants him to know that he isn't his punching ball anymore.
Ochako wants to win with Midoriya but she doesn't have an emotional stake in this.
Tenya wants to win but also shows that he understands all the rules of the exercise (since he failed to notice that there were rescue points in the entrance exam), hence why he is completely in character as a villain. He also has to win despite Bakugou.
2. Remember that the reader doesn't live in your head
I won't ask you to keep things simple when you write a fight scene but please, always keep in mind that your reader has to understand what is going on. They have to follow what you're saying, and preferably, they don't have to hurt their brains while doing so.
So, if you reread an action and have to pause to remember what it was about, rewrite it.
3. POV switches, my beloved
That's a me thing. Maybe it won't agree with you. But oh boy, I do love my POV switches. That way, you can surprise the reader since A doesn't know what B is about to do. You can also explore the psyche of both characters in the same fight.
Another thing that is fun to do is the Outsider POV. You're writing about the Sport Festival, an event that is on TV and that your readers are already familiar with. Introducing some novelty by having outsiders react to the fight will bring some spice and is good for your story.
For example: Bakugou vs Uraraka in the Sport Festival.
Tomura noticing that Bakugou has a powerful quirk, real instinct when it comes to fighting, and how the public is quick to turn on him because he isn't winning like a hero should, even though winning is the whole point of the fight. Society is hypocritical! He is ostracized because of his quirk! It might be fun to recruit him!
Other example in the first Hero lesson this time: All Might, a new teacher, noticing what the students lacks and what their strengths are.
4. Write what you would have wanted to see in the fight
We're fanfic writers! Being self indulgent is the whole point!
For the First Hero Lesson, I always have Izuku dominating the fight by being OP.
I could also have him winning by booby trapping the entire building and playing Katsuki like a fiddle.
For the Sport Festival, Todoroki vs Midoriya, I focus more on Todoroki actually harming himself (not to Izuku's extent but he flirts with hypothermia to prove a point) and I researched the side effects of hypothermia to show how he kept weakening himself, and I focus on Izuku being angry because he, a boy defined by his past powerlessness, is fighting someone extremely powerful who is limiting himself, which is simply disrespectful.
For the Sport Festival again, if I ever write Bakugou vs Uraraka, I would love to use Uraraka trash talking Bakugou to get inside his head.
So, to conclude this, things about what interests you in a Shinsou and Midoriya team up, then work from that.
Good luck.
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oatmealcrisp-freak · 2 years
please and thank you :)
In fact
Here's 20!
1. When they get together it's a race to move into their own digs because the relationships with their parents is strained.
2. They fight over coffee in the morning because they both need at LEAST a pot each to be functional. 'Fight' mostly involves trying to make coffee for each other. Several mugs have been broken this way because neither is very observant in a safe environment when they're half asleep.
3. They both need therapy. Trauma and control issues make for awkward bedfellows. These two guys need to be ‘in charge’ to some extent or another very badly. Their relationship works because Saiki is content to rule from the BG and pretend meekness but it can get a bit awkward in triggering situations if Saiki has to step up. Their need to independently protect each other can make for seamless teamwork, and a lot of conflict LOL
4. They bring out both the worst and the best in each other. This is vaguely toxic codependency stemming from first relationship woes vs ‘first person I can trust to this extent’ vs ‘we both have control issues’ that somehow simmers down into a decent, working relationship as they grow and mature and get therapy. They get married and die married. Happily so, even.
5. Saiki reads to Kuboyasu, effectively ruining solo-reading for Kuboyasu forever. And for Saiki himself.
6. Lap pillows. Lots of lap pillows. And picnics!
7. While neither enters the relationship overly fond of Christmas, the excuse to thoroughly spoil the other to the point of vexation makes them become VERY fond of it, but only for that reason. It might become a bit of a contest.
8. They almost never eat out because cooking together is too much fun!
9. Their trust in each other is implicit even though they can both be rlly crappy boyfriends at each other sometimes. Eventually they learn to communicate with each other and work through these spats, leading to that dying down and solidifying their bond.
10. Saiki has a ‘needs to smell my boyfriend’ thing. Kuboyasu has a ‘my boyfriend wearing my clothes’ thing. Needless to say, this works out very well.
11. They’re both touch starved for positive contact and therefore snugglebug ferociously in private and in public. Public snuggling comes with bonus of ‘you can’t touch this’ territory hogging. Saiki was initially reluctant toward any kind of PDA but somehow it’s his hand that ends up in Kuboyasu’s back pocket the most, and if someone makes eyes at Kuboyasu they tend to trip…Kuboyasu's arm is usually around Saiki's shoulder or waist.
12. There was only one motorcycle. Kuboyasu does trust Saiki enough to drive his bike if he can’t. He gets oddly flustered about it, even, especially when he's the one holding onto Saiki. He thought he'd be possessive over his bike but uh.
He is, it's just that Saiki is the only one to get a free (and enthusiastic) pass.
13. They are 100% the type to match outfits as a couple by the time they’re in their mid 20s. On that note they’ll also eat each others food and drink each others drinks without much note. ‘What’s mine is yours’ vibes. This backfires when Saiki is contagious without realizing it. One time Kuboyasu even ends up with pneumonia because of this.
They do not learn their lesson.
14. Saiki is absolutely mesmerized with Kuboyasu’s morning stubble and likes looking at him. A lot. This is not enough to motivate Kuboyasu to not shave.
15. They end up swapping glasses on occasion.
16. Kuboyasu’s favourite feature of Saiki’s is that Saiki is secretly a bitchy asshole with a running commentary of catty sarcasm. His second favourite feature is Saiki’s hands and wrists. Saiki loves that Kuboyasu not only doesn't mind that, but can keep up with him. Not a single movie survives their viewership. Between them, Kuboyasu is the one who prefers puns the most.
17. They never end up officially adopting or having kids of their own but it’s okay because they’ve basically adopted their entire city’s ‘wandering kid’ population by the time they’re 50.
18. They both end up getting work as teachers which is convenient for point 17.
19. Kuboyasu uses Saiki as gym equipment. Saiki is his favourite weight set because Saiki can adjust his weight at will.
20. BATTLE COUPLE BATTLE COUPLE BATTLE COUPLE BATTLE COUPLE BATTLE COUPLE pew pew pew SLAM crash ROAR BAM pssshhhhhh KABOOM! Mr. and Mrs. Smith have nothing on these two. One battle might end up in Saiki hucking Kuboyasu’s motorcycle to take down a dronecoptor. It’s very cool but Kuboyasu is miffed for days until Saiki sheepishly approaches him with his bike, repaired and gift wrapped.
nvm 21. One time Nendo pulls out Saiki's limiter again and causes him to hit the floor. Nendo hits the ground next, lights punched out automatically. Kuboyasu's 'punch first, questions later' instinct is even more out of control than his first day at PK when it comes to protecting his peeps, his partner especially. Of course he is VERY sorry, and Nendo is very spoiled by ramen after. On the condition that Nendo never does that again, that is.
Saiki might be a touch smug.
They're not altogether "good people"... but they're good together.
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hayleyb100 · 3 years
The Ribbon, Part 2
Part 1
❗️ Notes
-TRIGGERS INCLUDED: SCHOOL BULLYING AND ANGST WITH FAMILY -This is a dedicated story of the swap version of my OC Richard(Father of Raihan) and his granddaughter, the shipchild of Leon and Raihan called Ari. -The character Ari belongs to @weclownstoday​. Huge appreciations for letting me add her to the story!
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An uncomfortable silence filled the whole room. Richard saw the girl scanning him from top to bottom, just like how he is doing the same. Without the girl having to explain, Richard could feel in his intuition that she is his granddaughter. She had the purple hair that looks so familiar to him: The unique hair color of the Former Champion of Galar, who got married to his son Raihan. It was on the news headline for years. On top of that, she also had the peculiar turquoise-colored eyes that are passed down in his Pendragon family.
As Richard's face frowned more from trying to investigate who the girl is, she fiddled with her wooden doll nervously. Richard's dragon glare is already scary as it is, so it was far worse for a child who is left alone with a stranger.
"Who are you?" why, that is such a sweet first question for a child.
"......." she only stared back at Richard, grabbing the doll closer.
"......." Richard stared her back, making the atmosphere even more awkward.
The girl finally made a move other than fiddling her doll. She hesitantly put her hand in a pocket, pulled out a slightly crumpled paper, and gave it to Richard.
Richard was pleading his intuition was wrong. A child that resembles him standing in front of a stranger's home in the middle of the night alone with a note to give him? It was obvious but he wished his intuition was wrong and silly for once. But his intuition was written precisely on the paper. Familiar handwriting of his son-in-law, the Champion, he sees as a Gym Leader was there. It claimed they can't care for the child anymore and sending her for his care.
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That short message pushed Richard to the whole chaos of emotions. He first got extremely upset for them deciding this without a word of discussion with him. He was also confused on how to explain this situation to the child since it was obvious they didn't explain this to the child. There was no way a child can be so calm and collected when their parents dumped her in front of a stranger's door. Another wave of rage overwhelmed as Richard realized those two irresponsible parents tossed the hard part of the explanation to him. It was even more difficult since, it may sound ridiculous, but he didn't even know about his granddaughter's existence.
'What a beautiful first encounter for sure,' thought Richard.
'Normally, I expect this kind of the first encounter in the maternity ward, right after their birth, or at least right after they are discharged from the hospital.'
He inhaled deeply, asked the girl to stay here while he went to call alone in the room. The number he desperately wanted to call for decades but honestly scared not to.
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"Hello?" a familiar woman's voice came.
"Richard..." an awkward silence filled the whole atmosphere.
"Did she arrive there well?"
Richard sneered to suppress rage.
"So, the first thing you ask from getting a call from your ex-husband after decades is how is your abandoned granddaughter?" a clear snap with rage. Richard couldn't help it.
"It would have been nice of you to at least told me of her existence before doing something so reckless. What is all this?"
"Richard, please don't say that... We didn't have a choice."
"Oh? I heard the Chairman, your father, passed away three years ago. So who ordered you to do this now? Are you still the same old woman who can't decide anything on your own?"
"......." after a brief silence, Richard hears someone snatching the phone.
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Richard's heart drops, as the voice pierces into his ears and tears his heart in two.
"I'm surprised you remember my name, considering you abandoned me for your career as a Gym Leader."
Richard was lost for words.
"Is that what your mother told you?" even at Richard's shaky voice, Raihan interrupted.
"Doesn't matter who says what now, is it? You abandoned me, and that's the only fact here."
Richard falls into silence since it's true. No matter if it was his shitty father-in-law who threatened him, his wife wasn't cooperative, and the world turning a cold shoulder, he DID leave his son behind.
"Well? You did me wrong, so at least take care of my mistake."
"...Please do not tell me that you just addressed your daughter as a mistake."
"What? It's what you think of me, so can't I say the same? It's what I learned from you."
NO, RAIHAN, NO!! Richard nearly screamed, but something stopped him.
"I don't even know if I'll ever forgive you for caring about my mistake, but eh... Whatever." with that as of last, the long-overdue phone call ends.
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Richard couldn't breathe from the pain. He thought he did what was right to protect his son, but he is now engraved in his son's heart as a horrible father and the butterfly effect from that is about to tear his grandchild's life apart. He started to question all his decisions and motives. His life is about to crumble down. But the grimmest thing of all is that he isn't even allowed to do that. He knew that girl needs a caretaker and there is no way he'll send her away somewhere else. Not after what happened to him and his son.
He stroked his face to calm down and went out to the living room where his granddaughter is.
She was still fiddling her doll, showing a clear sign of anxiety. Richard took a sharp inhale and called her.
"Umm... Your name is?"
"Ari..." she said shortly, looking down at her tip of the toes.
"I see... Greetings. My name is Richard Pendragon."
He was as anxious as the girl, since judging from Raihan's attitude, it was obvious how Aliyah and his son described him to his daughter.
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"...Ari. Please listen to me carefully." another inhale.
"From today onward, I will take care of you. You are staying here with me, your grandfather. Alright?"
Richard thought it would be better for Ari's sake to open everything up before she finds out everything later and gets more pain.
"O... Okay..." Ari said nervously. "For how long?"
Richard's throat got blocked with intense torment. How can he dare to just bluntly answer 'forever' when she has no idea that her parents abandoned her and she is solely believing her parents would get her later?
"For... as long as we have to." Richard ended up giving a vague answer where he didn't lie but wasn't clear either.
Richard had no idea what to do with a little girl, so he started by shopping the stuff for her like clothes and children's books. She came with a suitcase of clothes but that was not enough. He didn't know what's popular among girls these days so he bought a pink ribbon as an accessory. 
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 Ari had no idea why her grandpa was buying so many clothes when she's just going to stay for a couple of days until her dads come to get her. But since she heard all the horrible and scary things about her grandpa from her father, she just listened and followed him around without arguing. Sooner or later, the old storage room next to Richard's room turned into a lovely room for a little girl. Ari still was in wonder, but just watched how things go. She realized her grandpa wasn't too awful like her father described. He cooked some delicious food for all three meals and although clumsy, he tried his best to tie her hair and dress her. He also registered her to the local trainer's school to get appropriate lessons.
But that's when Ari started to feel something's wrong.
If dad is coming to get her soon, why would her grandpa register her to a school?
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She still was in denial until days turned into months and months turned into years without any contact from her parents.
"Umm, s, sir?" Ari nervously called him.
"Yes, Ari?"
"Can I call my father?"
Richard hesitated. But in his head, he knew the answer. He can't hoard a secret like this. Look how keeping that secret from his son ruined the relationship between him and his son.
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"Ari, umm... Your father will not come for you. Do you remember I said you will have to stay here as long as you have to? It means..." Richard just couldn't continue. The pain came back at his granddaughter's frowning face.
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"N- no!" Ari shook her head in denial. But deep within, she already knows what her grandpa is telling her is true. She tumbled on the floor and started wailing.
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"Dad! Father! I'm sorry, I won't be naughty again! Please come and get me!"
Ari's helpless tears brought Richard down to his knees too. He was so sorry for her, thinking everything that happened is because of his foolish choice.
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rymndsmth · 3 years
querencia (jang han seo)
🎤 hello and gather around fellow himbo lovers, here is a small fic about our beloved and his life after That guy kicks the bucket. also idk how i managed to turn this into a love story? anyways lmfao, hope y’all enjoy! 
Everything felt so different.
Truthfully, Han Seo never imagined what his life could be like, would be like, without the proverbial ever tightening noose around his neck. One that had been unexpectedly and disappointingly placed on him as a child by the one person that was supposed to remove such things. He was now free of that person, and the fear that stemmed from veering off the path set by them, but wasn’t entirely too certain that he was free of that feeling. 
His muscles couldn’t shake it. The sudden chill to the bone, the anticipation of retaliation from an act that hadn’t yet occurred. Such an act that could never occur anymore given that his brother was dead. He knew this, but his mind had never been good at accepting possibilities that were positive. 
This much was evident in the case of his relationship with Vincenzo. There was no reason why the stoic yet baby faced Mafia member would want to keep him around, at least not any that he could see. So, Han Seo spent the first few weeks asking the question both silently and aloud, will you kill me? Vincenzo had the motive, it’s not exactly like his hands were clean in his previous dealings with Babel, and he most certainly had the means.
It wasn’t until Han Seo was told that because he was trying to make amends, he wouldn’t end up in the Jang family crypt well before his time that he started to feel at ease. Still, for months after that conversation, he still had the nagging feeling that some invisible fist was lurking around every bend. 
Regardless of that, Han Seo decided he would not waste his liberation however short lived it might have been. He made up his mind that he was going to do all the things that he was either too scared or outright forbidden to do before. The first thing on his list was to clean up his business. Luckily for him, the Guillotine file made it easy to weed out the snakes in the grass and allow him to steer Babel in the direction that the core of the business was about. 
The hardest part was going to be restoring the public’s faith in the organization. Cha Young told him as much, and advised him not to agonize over it as there will be new corruption that will grab their attention (and hers). He intended to be the Chairman that such a company deserved, and therefore continued to study no matter how nonsensical and outdated the information seemed. 
The second order of business was moving out of the place that felt more like a prison than a home to one that he liked. The realtor immediately recommended a few luxury places, but he turned them down to their surprise. Maybe it was due to the fact that he had seen what the quest for material wealth had done to his family (or more realistically because he wanted to be closer to newfound hyung  and his girlfriend). 
Either way, the house he settled on had its luxuries, but in a more affordable and quaint neighborhood. Han Seo even went as far as to attempt painting on his own, which went as well as expected for someone that didn’t even know the difference between a brush and a roller. 
Being able to do what he wanted proved to be chaotic at times. There was no one to stop him from going on last minute trips to Jeju just for oranges and a quick dip into the ocean. Or to take away all the sweet and savory snacks that he found at these things called convenience stores. 
He would stay up all night sometimes, not to binge watch all the shows he missed out on, but just to sit in silence. He didn’t know that the quiet could be so nice. That it was a space of tranquility and relaxation rather than one filled with anxiety. Of course, Han Seo more often than not regretted the choice not to sleep and ended up at the cafe a few blocks from his place. 
While obviously no one had better coffee than the one at Babel, he found himself going to the cozy spot with increasing frequency because of her. The first time he saw her, she was deciding on which apple to choose from the basket beside the register. He then noticed that her canvas bag was filled with art supplies, and decided that it was a brilliant idea to draw a conclusion. 
I think the one to the right would make a great subject on paper, he grinned. 
She stared at him in a way that made him contemplate whether to not she was related to Vincenzo hyung before replying flatly:
I’m looking for the tartest one to go with my tea. 
He was left a bumbling mess of flustered sounds and rapidly blinks, not getting the opportunity to insert some retort that undoubtably would’ve put him deeper into the realm of idiot. 
The following morning he went again. No cup of coffee, not even the ridiculously overpriced espresso at Babel, would give him that jolt of electricity he felt under her gaze. And sure enough, she was there. This time her apple sat upon a folded napkin right beside her tea, and in front of them both was her sketchpad. On the page? A picture of the fruit. He couldn’t control the noise of exasperation that left him as he passed her table. On his way out he tossed over his shoulder with a grin so wide it hurt:
Nice drawing. 
Their interactions continued in that same vein. Short, filled with just the right amount of bite. The balance of who had the best and last say constantly shifting, becoming somewhat of a competition. 
You’re outside today, is that weed your subject?
As if there weren’t enough clowns in this neighborhood already.
You buy a lot of lattes for an artist that’s supposed to be starving.
Ironic coming from the gentrifier walking around a working class neighborhood in thousand dollar shoes.  
He had look up what that g word meant after their last exchange.
There was something else he never got to do in his past. Sure, Han Seo had the occasional date or two, but commitment? That was out of the question. It wouldn’t have served his brother well if there was anyone around that would motivate him to step out from his hold. The realization that he never had a serious relationship hadn’t hit him until he started to have inconvenient thoughts during board meetings about stuff like taking a long afternoon stroll, and holding hands with her.
Han Seo could barely focus on the stack of jargon dense reading before him. He sent Vincenzo a text saying that he was coming over with soju, not waiting for a reply before making the short journey to Geumga. Cha Young’s face fell when she answered the door, muttering that she thought he was her delivery, but lit up once she saw he brought along alcohol. After poking around the rice he begged for them to share and sighing loudly for half an hour, Vincenzo ushered him out. He implored him to get a hobby so that these late night visits wouldn’t become a habit.  
He was confused by that. Weren’t studying and running a company hobbies? On his walk back home he spotted a flyer that someone was offering private classes for beginners painting. The nightmare of a time he had trying to get the walls in his kitchen evenly colored popped up in his brain, instantly making him tear off one of the numbers. He didn’t exactly know how learning to paint homes was going to be a practical hobby, but hell, he would have something to show Vincenzo later. 
While he was on one of his impromptu trips to the seaside, Han Seo had his assistant set up the class for him to take when he returned. As a gift for the instructor, he thought it would be nice to bring them an extra bag of oranges. If the session sucked, or if he hated it, at the very least there was going to be something to brighten the mood. 
The day he got back, he even went as far as to tidy up the place on his own and put some fresh flowers around so the air was lightly scented. He practically waited at the door until the alarm sounded to let him know that his instructor arrived. 
Is this a joke? She huffed.
No, I didn’t even know you were the teacher! His protest was adamant. I was on a trip and even brought back Jeju- He paused. Han Seo knew he wasn’t the brightest, but bringing up the oranges seemed like it would upset her given their previous history. 
You brought back what? Her brow raised.
Mmm, good energy! Don’t you feel the vibes from the ocean? He spread his arms wide. 
Han Seo waved her inside hurriedly, trying desperately to get past the awkward exchange. Of all people, he never would’ve thought it would be the neighborhood’s cute sass machine. A small noise of happiness couldn’t be stopped from escaping him as she accepted the invitation. Her eyes scanned the place without restraint, nose wrinkling when she took a look at the kitchen. 
Where are your supplies? A slender finger ran across the surface of his counter. 
Supplies? He thought that was included in the price for the lessons. 
She sighed, placing a sketchbook, brushes, and small pots of paint onto the table. It was now very apparent to him that the advertisement did not mean what he thought it did. Thank goodness he also didn’t decide to open his mouth about that beforehand, it probably would’ve made her smack him with her bag. 
Here, the materials were slid over when he sat. Paint something.
His facial expression surely mirrored what he was thinking. Han Seo had no recollection of ever trying to do this, not even during the course of his way overpriced private school education. She urged him on with a nod, only relaxing into her chair when he flipped open the book and picked up a fine brush. 
There was nothing in particular he wanted to paint. Hell, he didn’t even know if he wanted to paint at all. This was simply something random that came up when he needed it. 
To avoid being chastised, he dipped his brush into the light blue color and started swiping randomly across the blank page. He swapped the brush and added some dark green, then pink, and finished if off with small dots of white. At the end it looked like something a toddler would’ve considered a masterpiece. She eyed it with surprising interest. 
You clearly didn’t know what you wanted to achieve with this, or why you were doing it at all. 
Han Seo was about to interject with a prideful defense before she continued. 
That’s good. It’s better to work with an unbiased mind. Her eyes met his. Your technique is shit though. 
He laughed, like truly laughed. It was a full bellied, unashamedly loud, attack of sonic waves. She seemed to find it amusing, a hint of a smile dancing across her lips. 
Alright, let’s start with how to actually hold a paintbrush. 
There was no telling when their interactions had gone from less than playful banter to warm and friendly (still with a side of joking). Han Seo couldn’t put his finger on it. Did it happen during the second lesson where he mistakenly put paint on her hands, and didn’t settle for no when he said he would wash them off for her? 
Or was it the time he was running late for work, but the barista already had his order prepared because she told them that he was on the way? Perhaps it was the time she had to reschedule their Saturday morning for the evening instead, and all he could think about was trying to replicate the color of her alcohol flushed cheeks onto the page before him. 
Han Seo had never done the whole confession thing before, so he wasn’t sure about how it worked. An unfamiliar kind of anxiety crept up his spine as he poured glasses of wine and organized a fruit plate. Soft music played in the background accompanied by the crackle of the expensive candles he bought specifically for the occasion. Her mouth parted slightly as she took everything in once she arrived for what was supposed to be an ordinary session involving watercolors. 
Wow, got a hot date later or something? Her legs seemed to automatically take her to the table. 
Actually, He brought the glasses over to where she sat. It’s for you. 
Oh…She gasped. A few seconds passed that felt more like minutes before she picked one up and held it high. Cheers then!
Something about it made him feel like he made a mistake. Did he misread their change in demeanor towards one another? Was she truly just being kinder to him because she considered him to only be a friend? Han Seo tried to not let the embarrassment he felt seep into the room, keeping a smile locked and loaded for when she made a witty remark about stuff like him painting in the most inappropriate white button down. 
Don’t you have something to say to me? She quipped, neatly putting her things away after he finished. 
Me? I- no…I... He clenched his fists. Why couldn’t he come out and say it?! This was as good as a chance as he was ever going to get. If he let this opportunity slip, he wasn’t sure if there would be one again. He had to act, he had to-
What sounded like a small growl came from her as she raked her hand through her hair. She pulled him closer by the collar of his shirt, her nose just shy of rubbing against his. 
Jang Han Seo, when are you gonna stop driving me insane? She murmured, labored breaths dancing across his cupid’s bow. 
If only she knew how true and reciprocated that question was to him too. From the moment he couldn’t fight against thoughts about her entering his mind, to the smile she wore when he stepped across his threshold, and the way she said his goddamned name, it was all enough to make him want to combust. To burst out of his skin, transforming into something or someone else entirely. A person that fully accepted that there were no more restraints on their lives, that they was no more fear and no more betrayal. Someone that was completely in control, and free to take what was theirs. And so he did. 
It was painful, almost, the first time he kissed her. The second time even more so. By the third time, coupled with the question of her tongue prodding at his bottom lip, Han Seo had shedded the last of his previous being. He cupped her face, thumbs toying with her curled sideburns as he consumed her. Quiet whimpers made way for desperate cries, shivers were replaced by the searing heat of skin on skin. 
The high he’d chased fruitlessly so many times throughout his life was finally achieved with his arms wrapped tightly around her, their bodies pressed together as she shuddered and sighed his name. He was in disbelief that what he had experienced was real, so he chased it again and again, receiving the same result each time his sweat slicked forehead bowed to meet hers. 
Han Seo would learn that it could be obtained outside of that space they filled with the tangible evidence of their desire. It was also in buying melon flavored ice pops to eat in the park together on sunny days. The look on Vincenzo and Cha Young’s face when he timidly made the introduction. Her expression when she took her first bite of Hee Soo’s tteokbokki. When Mr. Nam and her had an hour long debate on which shade of red made the most realistic fake blood color. The flashing Best Chairman Ever coming from her phone when Babel secured their biggest deal yet without any dirty deals behind the scenes. 
That feeling, one that outshone the other by such a long shot that it was nearly eradicated, had been there all along in the life he’d made. She just helped him see it.  
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About Productivity Grids
I’ve seen more and more people starting to use the productivity grids I’ve been using this year to track my progress (which is awesome), along with concerns about them being toxic and putting the focus on “filling in the grid” rather than actually being productive. So! I thought I’d make a post about how I use them and how to avoid that icky feeling that you’re not being “productive enough”.
What is a productivity grid?
Here’s an example of my productivity grid from this week:
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As you can see, I split my different areas of productivity into subsections and mark each day I do them. I fill it in each week, then I take a screenshot to post to my language learning log before clearing it out and filling it in again the next week.
A lot of people use powerpoint for their grids. I use excel with conditional formatting (so I just pop an ‘x’ or ‘/’ in a box and it automatically changes colour, which is super exciting for my dumbass monkey brain). You can use whatever works for you though - I used to print out tables and put gold stars in each square I completed.
What it’s good for
This grid is great for keeping track of things. You can therefore use it to:
See which areas you’ve been working on and which ones you’ve been neglecting. This is a major one for me, because I would go for literally months without doing any speaking practise and only realise when I went back through my blog to find that one recording of me speaking. Now I can see at a glance if I’ve done any speaking practice this week, or last week. All in all, it helps me balance my studying a lot more.
Help you decide what to work on next. Sometimes I get a bit overwhelmed by the choice of what to study. Do I pick up my grammar book? Do I watch the news in my TL? Do I read my book? So then I’ll look at my grid and think “well, I’ve been doing a lot of reading this week but I’ve not spent any time on grammar, so I’ll do that.”
Make sure you’re taking care of yourself. Before I used these for studying, I had a similar grid for self-care, which I filled with things like “went for a walk” and “ate three meals” and “had at least one vegetable” and “read a book” and “talked to a friend”. You can see I’ve included some elements of that in this grid, and honestly I think this is very very important to include.
Understand and predict burn-out. It’s quite easy to see if you’ve been overworking yourself. If you have a lot of full squares one week and a lot of blank squares the next, you can think to yourself “huh, maybe I worked too hard and that wasn’t good for me, clearly I need more balance.”
And of course, it does provide some motivation for yourself if, like me, you love things to be super colourful. Do I sometimes push myself to do a thing just because I want extra colour on my spreadsheet? Yes, absolutely.
If you’re looking at this and thinking “I should do that so that I keep myself accountable to my followers”, then I highly recommend you do not use this method. If you do, keep it in a word document for yourself. The goal is not to threaten yourself with a blank grid of shame. The goal is, as I said before, to keep track of things for your own benefit.
Additionally, this only provides quantitative data, and doesn’t give any indication of how much you did. If you spend thirty minutes on an essay every day for a week, you’ll fill more squares than if you spend 5 hours on that essay in one night. Even though you actually spent more time on it, you would seem less “productive”. That’s why I always use it alongside a written log.
Another thing is that there are always situations you don’t account for that don’t fit on the grid. Spent all day cheering up your best friend after her boyfriend broke her heart? Yeah, that’s not gonna show up, so you might end up with a whole day that’s blank.
Some tips for using productivity grids
Be flexible! I’m always swapping my grids around to reflect what I’m working on. I used to have full grids for Icelandic and Finnish, but they took more of a backseat so I shrunk them down to fit in alongside Japanese. You can always add in more grids or take ones out.
Use it to track “unproductive” activities too (if you want). I cannot stress this enough: self-care counts as productive! Cooking yourself a nice meal is productive. Choosing to watch a Disney movie because you’re tired and the thought of studying makes you want to cry is productive. Calling your friend and admitting you’re not okay is productive. Spending time on your hobbies is productive (languages and writing are a hobby for me, so like 70% of my grid is actually devoted to hobbies). Of course, if you then feel like you’re forcing yourself to do your hobbies just to fill in an extra square, take that line out.
Keep a written log of your feelings and accomplishments. In my language log I talk about how well I feel I understood things, how tired I’ve been feeling, what I’ve struggled with and what I’m proud of. This will give more context to your grid, as well as help with identifying those patterns we talked about earlier (if I’m feeling tired and nothing’s working and I notice I’ve not been exercising, I can try the following week to exercise more and compare how I feel).
Never aim for a full grid. You should always have blank spaces - you can’t do everything all the time! If you find you’re consistently filling everything in, you might need to evaluate whether your habits are healthy.
If there are consistently a lot of blank spaces in a particular area, evaluate why. Are you not doing any writing because you’re uninspired? Anxious? Are you just focused on something else right now? Is it so important to you that you do it? Have a think about the reason and whether it’s something that needs addressing or not. (My writing grid is often blank or nearly blank, but that’s fine because it’s not something I want to pursue professionally. My stretching/performance grids being as blank as they are though, well, that is a problem that I need to address.)
If you’re not sure whether something “counts” or not, add levels to it. See how I have some boxes marked with a / instead of an X with a lighter background? Those were when I told myself “this doesn’t really count”. I only stretched when I warmed up, I only spoke a few broken sentences to myself, I did half a Duolingo lesson then quit etc. For a long time, I didn’t mark them in at all. Now I do because I was getting too harsh on myself. You could always try ranking your sessions based on how intense/productive they were, or putting in numbers to show how much time you spent on them. This doesn’t work for everyone though and can add further pressure.
Remember your followers appreciate honesty. Like I said earlier, you don’t have to post these to tumblr; you can keep them for yourself (either in a word document or a spreadsheet or print them out etc). But if you do post them, remember that giving your followers an unhealthy impression of always being productive won’t do them any favours. So embrace those blank squares and don’t feel ashamed. 
If you start to feel anxious about how “little” you’re achieving, or like it’s preventing you from being truly productive, stop using it. No method works for everyone and you should never feel pressured to continue using a method that doesn’t work for you just because other people on tumblr do it (just like I never take aesthetic pictures because spending all that time and effort setting them up burns me out before I’ve even started).
Happy studying, everyone! Go smash those goals and remember to look after yourselves while you do it.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 3 years
Alliance Swap Au: Other Characters
In my first post for this au, I mentioned which ally of Wordgirl is swapped. Some of this involves a swap of powers. It will also involve a swap of personality. Here is the outline for each characters.
Victoria and Violet:
I noticed that Victoria does have some good qualities despite her overall villainous character. (That is definitely her parents fault.) One thing I noted is that Victoria does have somewhat of a dependable character and she is smart enough to realize her situation and mistakes (when her ego is not in the way). In one episode (I forgot the name) Victoria was willing to work together with Wordgirl to get Wordgirl’s powers back from Victor. Even though Victoria’s main motivation was to not be out-bested by her brother, she did prove dependable in helping Wordgirl out. In this au, I increased Victoria’s better qualities. She is a loyal and dependable best friend to Becky. She still acts brash and is somewhat brutally honest, but she will acknowledge her flaws and sincerely apologize when called out for her bad behavior. She is sassy and will throw hands to protect her friends, even when she doesn’t have to. (Tobey and Becky often have to pull her back to keep Victoria from getting hurt or worse.) In this au, Victoria has a single ponytail, regular hair ribbons that are blue in color. She wears a light blue shirt with a grey jacket. Her skirt, shoes, and socks are the same as in canon. Victoria likes Pretty Princess (not to an extant as Becky). In this au her parents are corporate people. (Idk the jobs) They are better than their canon selves, but are a little distant due to how busy their jobs are. They do love their children and want the best for them (not pushing them to be the best always) they just don’t have the time to spend with them as they want to. Victoria’s parents do let Victor and Victoria stay with friends or a good babysitter when they are extremely busy. The Best’s home is not as extravagant as in canon and the rest of the family are dressed more normally and comfortably. (They are still an upper-class family, but look like a normal family to everyone else.) Instead of Art, Becky and Victoria take music class together. (Becky is still terrible.) Victoria does not have her powers. Victoria is sensible in this au, but does try to become a superhero because it looks awesome. “Violet Superhero” happens a little differently, but Victoria does not take the mantle anymore because she realizes she is not cut out for heroics and leave it to the professionals. She and Tobey are still fans of Wordgirl, neither are easily fooled as the rest of the city. (Victoria’s hero outfit is same as canon.) Victoria is basically sassy mostly and does have General Smoochington, but treats him like a loving pet in this au and is definitely a lot more caring toward him. 
For Violet, I decided to twist her good qualities and make them corrupt. This was based on the villain from Wander over Yonder, Dr. Screwball, and how he wanted to make everyone laugh, whether they wanted to or not. Violet in this au wants to live in a world where everything is all sunshine and rainbows and everyone is happy all the time. She thinks that everybody is a winner and it is not fair when someone gets a trophy when another person doesn’t. Violet was raised in an environment by her mother where everything and everybody needs to live in peace and harmony and those who don’t need to be shown the error of their ways. Ex. In the introduction episode for Victoria Best, Violet gets upset when Victoria earns a lot of trophies (not every trophy like in canon). So she takes them to “teach her a lesson” about humility. (In this au, Victoria earned her trophies because of her hard work.) Violet also gets upset when she sees how Wordgirl treats the villains even though she is just doing her job and treats them the same as canon. Violet does get mistaken for Wordgirl and does try to take up the role of Wordgirl just to prove that Wordgirl is doing a terrible job and she should become a hero to be more sympathetic to everyone. (Her hero outfit is “The Framer”). Her powers are similar to Victoria’s. She has pink eyes when she uses them to move and levitate stuff. Violet paints and shows everyone her painting which puts them in a hypnotic trance which keeps them in a peaceful state until the control wears off. (If anyone has watched the Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated episode “When Walks Aphrodite” it is similar to that.) 
Tobey and Scoops:
I sorta did the same thing as I did for Violet and Victoria in this au. There are no interest or ability swaps for these two.
Tobey in this au is just an avid, albeit a little too energetic, inventor. Tobey is head of the media/technical club and is in charge of the media stuff used in school such as electronics used for classrooms and organizing technical special effects for school events. Tobey still dresses the same, but acts like a lovable nerd. Both he and Becky have crushes on each other, but the boy is oblivious as heck that Becky has a crush on him. Becky is not as lovey-dovey as she is in canon with Scoops when expressing herself towards Tobey in this au. Tobey has no idea that Becky is Wordgirl until the “Invasion of the Bunny Snatchers” episode. Tobey still invents robots for fun on the side. 
For Scoops, you remember how I made his character in my Morally Gray Wordgirl au? Well he is a lot worse in this au. He is still a reporter and a part of the Daily Rag (not head reporter). In this au, Scoops will do anything to get a Scoop, even sometimes aiding villains or helping to cause incidents to just get a great story. (Since Tobey is not a villain in this au, I have Dr. Ape Brains taking over most of Tobey’s canon roles with some shifts to other villains.) He is obsessed with finding out Wordgirl’s identity and causes an incident where he messes with Tobey’s Robots which cause them to go on a rampage at Becky’s home and a few other instances. Scoops does not mean to get people hurt, but he is too focused on “getting the BIG scoop” to notice. He does get punished by his parents. Canon outfit.
Eileen and Rex:
Now I chose to swap these two because they are both similar in personality. The both have childlike curiosity and are equally energetic. They both tend to ignore what others tell them and seem to think they know what they are doing. 
In this au, Eileen is a alien superhero from the planet Gigantian. She can control her size changes and is super strong. She can’t fly but has incredible stamina and dexterity that allows her to leap high in the air. She still has the baby talk (kids on Gigantian talk like a baby until their 13.) This annoys the heck out of Becky. Steven now has to deal with two energetic superheroes. (Sarcastically) Lucky him. Her hero name is Giantess. Her hero outfit is a pink mask. She has a suit style similar to Kid Math’s, but the main colors are pink with purple gloves, boots, and a cape. Her insignia is a mini green person in a strongman stance with black radio wave lines surrounding the person which symbolizes Eileen’s growth and shrinking abilities. Her secret identity outfit is the same as in canon. Her hairstyle as a superhero is in a ponytail while her secret identity has her canon hair and bow.
Rex is a kid villain known has Math Whiz. He treats everything as a research study. Rex does believe every day is his birthday which entitles him to do anything he wants all in the name of research. In the introductory episode for Eileen (changed for this au) Rex takes Squeaky for a lab rat and obliviously ignores Squeaky biting him all the time for release. When he doesn’t get what he wants he uses his powers. Rex is able to project holographic math monsters of various sizes that either protect him, steal for him, or attack anyone that bothers him (on command). These monsters may be holographic but can hurt someone physically. They look like math numbers and equations, have sharp teeth, cartoon eyes and arms, and are mainly white in color with a blue hue that surrounds them. Luckily, the amount of math monsters Rex is able to generate depend on his level of entitlement. If he is greedy for one thing or if it is for small reasons, he can usually generate one monster. Even if he is able to generate multiple math monsters at once, it takes a lot of energy out of him so he can only do it a few times.  
Rose Franklin and Chazz:
Recently, I decided to do a character change swap for Rose Franklin. I originally picked Katy because she was friendly and apologetic with Toby like Rose was with Scoops. Writing this post, I began to think about how Chazz was in the episode where he was being a bad influence for TJ. Since I have Scoops being a villain in this au, why not do the same for Rose. In this au, Rose acts like a cool girl/bad influence which impresses TJ and he develops a silly crush on her (which then ends when Wordgirl gets him back to his senses). She has an outfit and attitude similar to Chazz’s, but adjusted for a girl. Rose in this au is called Roe. 
Chazz in this au is a laid back, but intelligent kid who uses focuses on environmental science. The “News Girl” episode is retitled “Science Boys” for this au. In this au, Chazz accidentally insults Tobey by saying building robots isn’t really a helpful science as it would make people too dependent on robots. (Tobey is immediately upset and ready to throw hands because NO ONE insults his robots. Becky holds him back before Tobey does something stupid). Chazz in this au is called Chad Hudson. He moved to Fair City with his mom who is the new Forewoman (idk what a female foreman is supposed to be called?) for the Power Plant. Wordgirl and Mouse Ace stop the energy monster from destroying the plant and giving Chazz’s mom more work. In this au, Becky takes Chad to natural places along with technical places to get him more comfortable with the city and to ease the issues between him and Tobey. (Tobey does make friends with him in the end.) Tobey during this tour gets upset when Chad creates environment experiments that are beneficial for the civilians and villains. Ex. he creates an organic, environmentally friendly, gel that is great for Chuck’s bread skin and helps the grocery store manager to grow more head hair which he talks to Chad about profiting in his store. Chad figures out Becky’s identity the same way Rose does because this guy is smart. He plans Becky’s exposure as a major science project because her identity and life is a great scientific study. Steven is doing work stuff when Becky calls him to help her fight the bad guys so Steven is not on the tour with them. Steven finds out about how Chad discovered her identity after Becky tells him. Steven, after Tobey, confronts Chad (Tobey’s talk is similar as Scoop’s talk to Rose) and he basically explains the importance of keeping Wordgirl’s identity secret (acting as an adult) and also sort of threatens Chad (Two Brains’ canon character is showing). Luckily Chad, at this point, had already decided to not reveal Wordgirl’s secret and do something else for his project.He is from now on scared of Becky’s dad. It also takes a while for Steven to fully trust him.
Everyone else is pretty much the same for this au. Steven and Becky are neighbors to the Botsfords, TJ is still a fan of Wordgirl with Johnson as his sidekick (I decided to not bother swapping them for the au), and Miss Powers is still an evil alien (I couldn’t find anyone for her or Colonel Gigglecheeks). I don’t have any ship ideas for Victoria or the rest of the characters in this au. Except for Tobecky.  
(Another thing I forgot to mention in my first post about Squeaky is that the mouse sometimes travels with Becky in her pocket. So he does come with her to school sometimes. He usually sticks with Steven in the lab. Squeaky is kidnapped as was Bob in the “Birthday Girl” episode and is put in a girly dress which he despises with every fiber in his being. He also escapes the “Invasion of the Bunny Snatchers” mind control and helps Becky because his body was too small for the button to stick on well.) 
So that is my Alliance Swap au for Wordgirl
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natsubeatsrock · 3 years
The Rewrite of Fairy Tail: Bonus (Natsu, Gildarts, and Cana)
What is the relationship between Gildarts and Natsu?
Here's a better question for me: How have I passed over this after so many posts about Natsu? This didn't show up in my big post on Natsu. I didn't talk about this in any post I've talked about Natsu in. I don't even know that I need to make a post about Gildarts yet. Most shocking of all, I didn't mention this in relationships that bind him to the guild. It's almost as if I'd forgotten about Gildarts in writing that post.
Luckily, that isn't the case. I think that the reason of Natsu and Gildarts is important to give attention to. We get a lot of it as a backstory to the series and implied stuff between them. This is easily Natsu's most important relationship with an adult human. There's no way I'd get away with simply mentioning it, especially as someone who thinks a lot about Natsu. This deserves its own post.
To address his absence in my post about Natsu and the guild, I don't think Gildarts is the kind of character who would keep him in the guild the way the others do. If anything, Gildarts is the type of member Natsu wants to be in my rewrite. He goes on long adventures and only periodically returns after months or years away from the guild. If Natsu wants to search for Igneel, this is exactly how he would want to work.
Though, there's more to it than that. Natsu clearly idolizes Gildarts but he's also willing to challenge him to fight the same way he would Erza or Gray. In the anime, he challenges him to fight before even greeting him (a lesson he only sorts of learns when he's older). What do I want to do with that?
I think this reveals an important aspect of Natsu's relationship with a few characters in the series. Natsu's challenges aren't just matters of pride. It's not just that he has problems with certain characters. I think it gets at a sense of self-reassurance with Natsu's search. Like, if he can beat them, nothing can stop him.
At the same time, I think Gildarts serves as a sort of model for the kind of person Natsu should be. Yes, may want to be a wizard who leaves for periods on end. At the same time, he should have serious respect and love for the members of the guild. He shouldn't see himself as a lone wolf and the guild as a stepping stone to reaching his goal of finding Igneel.
Though, there is an interesting wrench: Cana. I do not believe that their relationship was handled poorly. I don't plan on doing much to change Cana if anything. However, this is a pretty interesting thing to consider in light of Natsu's relationship with Gildarts. I want to make a few comments about how I plan to handle this.
First, seeing Gildarts and Cana is going to be part of Natsu's motivation to leave during the first time skip. What matters to him is wanting a similar type of reunion with Igneel. Of course, he is guided and encouraged to come back once that time ends and everything connected to him happens as expected.
Second, I've made the statement that Natsu's discussion with Gildarts in chapter 417 has more to do with Igneel than Lucy a few times. I do plan on adding words to this conversation in the series. I want their conversation to be one of reconciling the feelings he had before leaving, motivated by Cana's revelation, and his feelings about it now. Can it last for as long as 1 page of panels implies? Here's hoping.
Finally, to my own displeasure, I can't really do much to further the relationship between Cana and Natsu. I'm a huge Natsu multi-shipper and even wrote a story with them in a borderline romantic relationship. I obviously see an appeal to furthering their relationship in any sense. Unfortunately, given some other things I'm planning and considering doing, there isn't much I can do in that regard other than what happens in the series. Though, there is one place I will likely swap Natsu for Cana during the time skip. It’s a minor spot, but I'm not sure how it will be received.
Based on Part 11
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sachas · 3 years
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Full name: Aleksandr “Sacha” Ruslanovich Tarasov
Nickname: Sacha, Cha Cha ( taking applications for others xoxo )
Birthdate: 17th of December, 1989
Age: 32
Zodiac: Sagittarius Sun, Leo Moon, Scorpio Rising
Gender: Nonbinary
Pronouns: He/him & They/Them ( used interchangeably )
Romantic orientation: Biromantic
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Nationality: Russian
Ethnicity: Russian
Rank: Dominion
Affiliation: Death
Birthplace: Moscow, Russia
Hometown: Moscow, Russia
Social class: Upper class
Educational achievements: Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Psychology from The Sorbonne ( mostly paid for with daddy’s money x )
Father: Ruslan “Lana” Yevgenovich Tarasov
Mother: Alexandra “Sanya” Pashovna Tarasova
Siblings: None
Pets: None
Previous relationships: 
Though Sacha prefers to keep his relationships loose, often leaving things without labels, there are a few notable entanglements.
- Saint Warden: The two experience a brief and heady whirlwind relationship ten years ago, one Summer in Paris bringing them close together, high off the drugs and each other. While a young Saint was fast to fall in love, Sacha cuts things off quickly, rathering to keep things casual than let someone become his weakness. Over the years, they reconnect occasionally, their affairs stretching a few days or weeks before the illusion is shattered again, sending Saint off again back home to London.
- Laura Vardhamana: Who’s chasing who here? Maybe that’s half the excitement, Laura plays hard to get with ease and Sacha knows they’ve met their match. Late night hook ups meld into something more, an uncanny amount of time spent together, their relationship developing a seriousness that Sacha’s never experienced. He gets suspicious, uses connections in Death to check out Laura’s tech from a far. There it is — bank statements, withdrawals and transactions made, Sacha’s been conned and is made quite the fool. So they blackmail her, turning the same receipts into threats of prison or Death.
Arrests: Breach of the Peace ( during a Death-staged protest )
Prison time: None
Current occupation: Executive Producer, Pale Horse Media / Dominion, Death
Dream occupation: He doesn’t dream about working, only having power
Past jobs: Never truly worked a day in their life x 
Spending habits: As Death’s benefactor, Sacha allocates a certain amount of money from his family funds to the cause. On top of that, their personal spending could be described as excessive, spending mostly on clothes and other impulse buys.
In debt?: Hahaha
Physical strength: Average
Speed: Average
Intelligence: Above average
Accuracy: Above average
Agility: Above Average
Stamina: Average
Teamwork: Because he’s so good at manipulating others to bend to his will, Sacha doesn’t mind teamwork, though he would much rather work alone if possible
Talents: Persuasion, Manipulation, making playlists and mean cocktails
Shortcomings: Detached, vain, selfish, jealous 
Languages spoken: Russian, English, French
Drive?: Yes
Jumpstart a car?: No, they have people for that 
Change a flat tire?: No, they have people for that 
Ride a bicycle?: Yes
Swim?: Yes
Play an instrument?: Piano ( strict lessons from his childhood burning scales into his brain )
Play chess?: Yes
Braid hair?: No
Tie a tie?: Yes
Pick a lock?: No, they have people for that 
Cook?: hahaha 
Face claim: Robert Pattinson my beloved
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Dirty blonde
Hair type: Mostly straight with waves / 2a curl pattern
Glasses/contacts?: No
Dominant hand: Right
Height: 6’1″ / 185 cm
Build: Lean
Exercise habits: Combat training and the occasional run once or twice a week, Sacha’s definitely not passionate about exercise
Tattoos: General Tattoo Inspo ( x, x, x ) 
- Death Skull on his left shoulder close to collarbone, able to be seen from straight on
- “Тарасов” or Tarasov in Russian under left collarbone 
- a shitty stick n poke pansy on his thigh, given by Saint around ten years ago
- “Ignorant Style” tattooing, really vibe with @/bad.badtattoos on ig’s style ( here, here, here, here, here, here, here, )
Piercings: Earlobes 
Marks/scars: Freckles across skin, though none too pronounced. A few scars from drunken shenanigans gone wrong — Sacha really becomes reckless when he drinks.
Clothing style: Varied. Some days, they’re very casual, slouching on stupid graphic tee with jeans, other days are more like sleek designer boots and trendy, high waisted pants.
Jewelry: On dressed-up days, Sacha might swap his basic silver hoop earrings for something with shine, or might throw on a sleek watch to impress. His family has passed down two items of significance: a signet ring meant for each patriarch of the Tarasov family, and his grandfather’s pocket watch. Neither are worn or used on regular occasion, though might be broken out when Sacha is sent on official Tarasov Media Conglomerate business.
Allergies: None
MBTI type: INTJ - The Architect
Enneagram type:  Type eight - The Challenger  ( independent, stubborn, determined )
Moral alignment: Neutral Evil
Element: Fire
Emotional stability: Sacha keeps emotions hidden well beneath surface, often disguising one emotion as another, whatever is the most useful for the situation. Most of the time, people perceive him as detached and cold, making it hard for him to maintain regular relationships for long.
Introvert or extrovert?: Extroverted
Obsession: Finding people’s weaknesses
Phobias: Snakes! Egads! 
Drug use: Recreational, mainly drugs like ketamine, molly, acid
Alcohol use: Daily, mainly vodka
Prone to violence?: No, would rather use their snakey ways   
Prone to crying?: hahaha, no
Believe in love at first sight?: No
Accent: With years of effort and practice, Sacha manages to disguise his natural Russian inflection with something closer to a Southern English accent, though it’s not perfect and you can hear it on occasion, especially if he’s been drinking
Hobbies: Binging shit TV, giving shitty stick-n-poke tattoos, making shitty tunes on the piano, listening to music, demanding aux privileges 
Habits: Drinking, smoking, lying their ass off
Nervous tics: Clenching jaw
Drives/motivations: Power, control, greed, attention 
Fears: Failure, losing control, submitting to others 
Sense of humor?: Kinda fucked up tbh
Do they curse often?: Tastefully
Animal: Bears
Beverage: Iced Coffee or Vodka
Book: Bret Eason Ellis’s American Psycho 
Colors: Green, Purple, Silver
Food: PIZZA! but a childhood comfort food is syrniki 
Flower: Orchids
Gem: Chalcedony
Mode of transportation:��Land Rover
Scent: Vanilla, Oud, Tobacco
Weather: Cloudy, breezy
Vacation destination: Swiss Alps
Greatest dream: Becoming bigger and more influential than his father ever was
Greatest fear: Missing a huge opportunity, becoming irrelevant, being controlled 
Most at ease when: exerting control 
Least at ease when: being forced into something
Biggest achievement: Making a name for himself outside of Russia / Becoming the benefactor of Death
Biggest regret: Not negotiating with Uriel to enter Death as a Seraphim x 
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khxpresh · 3 years
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// This is an updated version of my old post, in regards to the main big differences between Yami Seto Au and the normal DM stuff. This is also a quick run down of the timeline.
The very first duel: Set wasn’t aware that the pharaoh had returned, he was blinded by a mix of his and Seto’s ego as well as pride. Because of this, he enabled and further fed into  Kaiba’s plans of kidnapping Yugi’s grandpa. Set “remembers” of his  original mission, when they are defeated and Yami Yugi “shatters their mind”. It’s important to highlight that Set has been sharing Seto’s body, years prior to the serie’s events.
Read more due to the length
Duelists kingdom arc
Because Seto is the wielder of the millennium rod, there is an even bigger motivation for Pegasus to try take over KC. The stakes are even higher here, than compared to DM;
They still go through with all the pre-DM stuff that ties them to Pegasus, however Set always remains well hidden within the back of Kaiba’s mind whenever they are in his presence. He always feels an odd sensation, while in the presence of illusion industrial president. The spirit isn’t aware that the man is in possession of the millennium eye.
The next big change happens in the duel against Pegasus. At some point during it, Set realises that their opponent has Aknadin’s item and tries to banter with Seto for them to swap places. After all he knows how the eye works, but due to their current situation, everything they had previously gone through against Yugi not too long ago and Seto’s insistence that he will save Mokuba by himself prevents Set from even attempting the minds swapping strategy. The duel’s outcome is the same, Kaiba is defeated and his soul is stolen. Leaving Set behind all by himself, in his body. This is the first time, his existence is revealed to everyone;
Both Yugi and Yami Yugi, have only had the slightest bit of clue from the existence of the other face (Set). Until this point.
Set is taken hostage, and can’t do anything but wait within his jail cell. By the end of it, he is reunited with both Seto and Mokuba;
Before they find Mokuba however, they have a brief encounter with Shadi. Who investigates their soul rooms, in search of the eye’s thief. It’s here that Set learns about Pegasus’ fate (he is quick to assume that Bakura must have had something to do with it), as well as how it has become impossible to traverse/get inside of Kaiba’s soul room.
Prior to the start of DM’s events, Kaiba and Set have a run in with Y!Bakura who comes close to stealing the rod. (Post going into more details about this event, will come soon).
The dark RPG arc
The game is still something Seto has been working on for a long time. Set has been a helping hand, in testing the VR technology. Thanks to the programming, he and Seto can co-exist with separate bodies;
Seto is kidnapped leaving Set try to get to him, all by himself. However, as imagined he can’t get to him due to lacking a party to take on the game’s late quests;
When Yugi’s party catches up to Set, he and Mokuba try to pass him off as some sort of NPC;
Mokuba still is the one who frees Seto, Set is working alongside Yugi’s party and following their pace.
Battle city:
Malik still is the main antagonist of this arc, however he doesn’t wield the rod. Likely has another millennium item, in his possession;
Set also maintains his presence/existence a secret from the Ishtars. He, alongside with Ishizu, convince Kaiba to start the tournament;
While he may have contributed to the start of BC, there is a huge debacle between him and Seto in regards to the use of the Obelisk in duels. Set refuses to use the God card, out of fear of angering the deities (this is in reference to when he was a pharaoh. He never used the God Kas, during his reign). Whereas Seto, obviously couldn’t care anyway less about the spirit’s concerns in regards to it, and clearly takes immense pelasure out of using its power;
Set participates in the following duels:
The double duel agains the rare hunters, in Atem’s side. vs. Ishizu, that is when he reveals himself to the Ishtars.
Up until Ishizu’s duel, Malik’s primary target was Atem. However, it changes to Set when he reveals himself to be the pharaoh responsible for the creation of the tombkeepers;
Set reveals himself to be someone with far greater knowledge, and control over shadow games than both y!Malik and Bakura. AT some point, they try taking on him, but their attempts prove themselves to be in vain. He is keeping Kaiba and Mokuba safe, from them;
They have another brief run in with Shadi. Seto doesn’t learn how to read hieroglyphs, since Set is there to do that for him. Set also feels y!Bakura being erradicated by y!Malik;
Virtual world:
Set has heard of Seto and Mokuba’s story a dozen of times, but not the thing in its entirety. Not only that, Seto has never learned what happened in his early memory loss episodes when Set woke up. It is here, that the truth is brought to light.
At the start, Set only saw Seto, as nothing more than a vessel for him to fulfill his duty of serving/helping Atem in the present time. And he would speak of him in such manner, with Gozaburo. Needless to say, but learning such things is bound to put a damper in the brothers’ trust on Set.
Unlike in the Dark RPG arc, Set is bound to Kaiba’s body. It appears that no one outside of Gozaburo, are aware of his existence in the first place. Which catches Noah by surprise, when they finally come face to face;
Set is the one who initiates the duel against Noah, under the justification that he was the one responsible for Gozaburo’s death and not Seto. However, he has to swap places with Seto once Noah starts using Mokuba as a meat shield. They are unable to continue, and are turned into stone as a result;
From the duel against Gozaburo, all the way to their escape Set and Seto are in complete sync with one another, in the same way that Yugi and Atem are always seen.
By the end of the duel with Gozaburo, Set finishes what he began all those years ago, the ritual to feed the man’s soul to his BEWD ka. His punishment for all the crimes, against him.
BC’s finals
There aren’t any major differences between them. Set and Y!Malik exchange a few words, mostly just so he can both taunt him and send him after Atem. By the end of the tournament, Set finally gets the confirmation that his pharaoh is indeed back.
Pyramid of Light
Again, there aren’t any major differences between them. Set picks up on the sudden shift in Kaiba’s behavior, he is mostly there as an observer. He gets sucked into the millennium puzzle, when the pyramid of light is played, that is where he stays for remainder of duel/story. He returns to Kaiba as soon as he is fred from the puzzle, and takes over the body while the other is recovering.
In relation to Anubis and the fake relic: Set had yet to be promoted into his high priest position, however he was around to witness Aknadin punish him. He wasn’t aware of the fake relic’s existence, and simply saw the sentence as just another of his mentor’s lessons. But, he recognizes Anubis.
Waking the dragons
The first duel against Amelda: Kaiba still is the one dueling, however Critias is unable to interfere in the duel. Leading to him being defeated, but Set manages to take over the body in time so his soul is the one taken by the orichalcos seal instead. He doesn’t return until the Leviathan is defeated, by the end of this arc;
Seto is trying to recover Set, while attempting to salvage what is left of his company. He doesn’t relate at all to Atem’s situation, even though at first glance they seem to be on similar grounds.
KC Grand prix
Once more, there aren’t any major differences between them. Set is aware of Ziegfried’s existence, but he really doesn’t get to do anything or much of relevance throughout this arc’s events.
He also mocks Ziegfried’s hair & mannerisms, in a similar way that Kaiba does. The other is unable to tell both apart.
Memory world
They travel to Egypt in order to join Yugi and his crew, this means that Kaiba participates in the MW’s events a lot sooner. At first, he is tasked by Set to look for any clues to Atem’s name. There is a fallout between them, when Seto becomes aware that Set isn’t trying to change the course of events, even though he knows what is coming/about to happen;
It should be worth reminding that: Set remembers most things about his life, with the exception of most memories assosciated to Atem’s existence, he doesn’t remember his name neither why he erased it from existence or anything that could possibly lead/hint to learning the name prematurely.
Set is saved from Aknadin’s control with the help of Kisara, Seto and Atem;
Seto and Set are the last ones to leave the MW, because there is one more portion of this story that is exclusively meant for Kaiba to see. Which is the aftermath, of Zorc’s battle. When Set regained consciousness and found himself all alone with the puzzle.
Ceremonial duel
They split up during the ceremonial duel, just like Yugi and Atem and watch over it like that.
Taking place about 1 year after the end of DM. Kaiba’s goal is to meet with Set, one more time. Even though, everyone around him seems to just assume, he is after Atem.
At some point, he recovers the millennium rod and keeps it to himself, even though it has no power. What Yugi says about the spirits being gone, is true. He also can’t feel Set’s presence in his relic. The rod vanishes when Atem returns to his realm.
Kaiba and Set duel each other, Kaiba is the winner and safely returns to his realm.
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akaashisbabygirl · 4 years
Tumblr media
don’t you dare touch her
i’m pregnant
will you marry me
seeing s/o with another guy but it’s actually a girl
going to brazil
seeing s/o cry
washing machine
random girl being followed
brazilian music
new years date
s/o who is on the schools swim team
reader is a bad bitch
s/o having a bad moment
trying to get a photo of you
trying to make their s/o after not smiling all day
what’s sex?
study date
s/o wanting to be in charge in bed
sucking him off
s/o who’s a cheerleader for a rival school
brazilian reader
kid wiping their mouth on their sleeve
too much wine
wedding announcement
as a protective older brother
s/o having scars
will you marry me
your child
parent’s forgetting their daughters birthday
s/o who loves hxh
washing machine
s/o who needs help breast pumping
do you want to stay over tonight
s/o who’s a k-pop idol
s/o singing gurenge
s/o who has a really bad time at home
comforting s/o who had a panic attack
s/o whose parents fight
s/o who has trust issues 
do you want to stay over tonight
shower with me
hurting himself during volleyball
having an activist s/o
masculine girlfriend
i wish we weren’t in public
my name
something new
pull my hair
come sit on my face
vibrating panties
thigh riding
hot tub
cum on my thigh
touching yourself
seeing s/o with another guy
keep quiet
it was just a movie
threesome w kuroo
wedding night
kageyama’s kinks
in between my legs
trying to dom him
s/o with an athletic body
needy for him
put your mouth to better use
taking reader’s virginity 
s/o with anxiety + depression
will you join me in the bath
washing machine
s/o getting their first tattoo
s/o who has relapsed
s/o who’s crying in the bath
s/o who was emotionally abused in their last relationship
s/o who started self harming again
s/o who’s insecure about their appearance 
s/o who is shaking in public
random girl being followed
s/o who has a chipped tooth
s/o who has period pain
comforting s/o after a family members death
s/o singing gurenge 
new years date
s/o who was said to die
you’re not wearing that
s/o with really bad stretch marks
s/o who is 6′0 and loves basketball
s/o having a bad moment
s/o is ticklish 
having a tall s/o
s/o who has acne 
helping reader calm down
s/o who comes to them crying
s/o who always falls asleep cuddling
s/o flinching during an argument 
forgetting s/o birthday 
tennis rival 
that’s enough wine for tonight 
s/o having a mental breakdown
reacting to s/o sleeping all day
s/o with trust issues
i love you, i love you so much
trying to make their s/o after not smiling all day
s/o wanting to adopt a child
stay with me
with a tsundere s/o
comforting their s/o after a heated argument with their friend
soft moments with you
having an activist s/o
s/o who acts just like them
affectionate s/o
watch your mouth
keeping a shirt on
in the library
giving oral to shy reader
sneaking into his dorm
disobey the rules
begging and toys
making s/o cry during sex
sucking on s/o’s chest
sub tsukki
make you regret it 
s/o who loves giving him bjs, cockwarming and riding him
dirty talk
beg for it
touching yourself while wearing his jacket
threesome w suga
soft dom hcs
come join me
degradation kink
love making 
i want to take control tonight 
spread your legs
degrading + angry sex
seeing s/o ass for the first time
s/o who hates degrading
riding his thigh
s/o wanting to be in charge in bed
s/o getting lusty
do you need a hug
i love holding you
wash my hair
cold nights
you’re in love
will you marry me
wearing a bikini for the first time in front of him
domestic boyfriend
s/o with tics + stims
washing machine
s/o who isn’t what they thought
s/o who always falls asleep cuddling
s/o who is a homebody
face sitting + praise kink
spread your legs
wearing a shirt during sex
sucking on s/o’s chest
chubby reader
touch me
sub boys
s/o with an innocent face but lewd expressions
giving oral to shy reader
riding his thigh
s/o wanting to be in charge in bed
i’m pregnant
as a protective older brother
comforting you with your mental health
s/o who is a ufc fighter
comforting their s/o after a bad day at work
s/o who has touch phobia
s/o who loves hxh
self harm scars
s/o who is touch starved
friend who got into a fight with her parent
s/o getting their first tattoo
team finding out
taking care of reader
s/o who avoids their reflection
s/o who just feels alone
s/o who has a really bad time at home
cuddling dating hcs
s/o who isn’t what they thought
friend passing away
s/o who gets migraines often
finding ou
s/o who has depression
comforting s/o during a panic attack
s/o who feels guilty about not eating
having a famous actress s/o
seeing their s/o wearing glasses
s/o with trust issues
kawaii goth s/o
having a trans s/o
having a tall s/o
s/o who is insecure about being skinny
reader who is non binary
s/o being an eccentric scientist
nsfw hcs
freak in the sheets
brat taming
seeing s/o with another guy
sucking on s/o’s chest
s/o who has an innocent face, but lewd expressions
sub boys
sugawara’s kinks
needy for him
threesome w tsukki
sit on my lap
will you marry me
finding out that s/o used to live in an abusive household
s/o whose dad is an alcoholic
in the shop
wear my jacket
vibrating panties
brat taming
s/o who’s a cheerleader for a rival school
s/o who is a ufc fighter
s/o who has the flu
s/o who is touch starved
s/o who’s been having panic attacks
s/o with super curly hair
s/o who just feels alone
s/o who has a really bad time at home
s/o who is dehydrated
s/o who has some sort of sensory overload
s/o who is insecure over their weight 
s/o motivating themselves to lose weight
forget the bed
don’t you dare touch her
wearing lingerie for him
another round
s/o who’s a cheerleader for a rival school
seeing someone hit on their s/o
s/o who has the flu
self harm scars
comforting a s/o who feels inferior to others
s/o who’s a k-pop idol
s/o with super curly hair
girl having similar hair to him
finding out s/o started self harming again
s/o who has some sort of sensory overload
s/o who is insecure over their weight 
s/o motivating themselves to lose weight
going to disneyland with his s/o
carry me to bed
pool party
s/o birthday
s/o who has an innocent face, but lewd expressions
baby fever
karasuno reunion
tomboy s/o
comforting you with your mental health
s/o who has adhd
as an older brother
s/o who figure skates
washing machine
s/o who’s in the hospital
comforting him after losing a game
s/o who is neglected by their parents
comforting their s/o after having an emotional breakdown
s/o that lives in an abusive household
s/o whose dad is an alcoholic
s/o who is dehydrated
you’re mine
having a crush on their manager 
seeing s/o all red
seeing s/o in their swim uniform
s/o using neopronouns
telling him you can’t have kids
threesome w sakusa
teaching a lesson
swapping water bottle with cum
s/o who has a dirty mind
breaking down
s/o being alone all day for thanksgiving
s/o with super curly hair
s/o whose been feeling alone
s/o who is dehydrated
asking him on a date in front of the team
soft hcs 
making ou
morning showers
s/o flinching during an argument 
s/o motivating themselves to lose weight
comforting a stressed s/o
cuddling at three am
s/o who is very stoic
face sitting
seeing s/o with another guy 
s/o who has an innocent face, but lewd expressions
face sitting
make me
bratty s/o
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