#social security act
fdrlibrary · 10 months
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The Social Security Act, signed on this day in 1935, provided retirement and unemployment benefits to Americans, but it didn’t include farm and domestic workers, who were disproportionately Black. This kept nearly two-thirds of Black workers out of the program.
Learn more in our current special exhibition: BLACK AMERICANS, CIVIL RIGHTS, AND THE ROOSEVELTS: https://fdrlibrary.org/civil-rights-special-exhibit
Photo: Domestic workers march to demand inclusion in the Social Security program and New Deal legislation establishing a national minimum wage. (c) Joe Schwartz Photo Archive
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bestussmm65 · 10 months
Buy Google Voice Accounts
https://bestussmm.com/product/buy-google-voice-accounts/ Buy Google Voice Accounts - We can provide 100% best quality US, UK Permanent, and Non-Drop Google Voice Accounts. 24 Hours Reply/Contact WhatsApp: +1 (256) 322-6583 Email: [email protected] Skype: bestussmm Telegram: @bestussmm
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tanglepelt · 8 months
Dc x dp idea 133
Danny is really confused. Like sure he made a fake account in order “use” his parents completely valid and not in biased research on ghosts.
Cause obviously. Their completely legit research disproves multiple peer reviewed and factual papers.
Tucker made the fake account. No real names or numbers. So. They couldn’t know it was him right?!??
He just wanted people to see how wack the papers were and bring to light the very not accurate papers. He figured using botched research to counter claim others would do something.
But??? Why was the flash in his living room arguing with his parents about scientific articles. And proper research??
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deadpresidents · 1 year
You are an LBJ apologist
Here is a small selection of LBJ's legislative accomplishments during his five years and two months as President:
•Clean Air Act of 1963
•Food Stamp Act of 1964
•Civil Rights Act of 1964
•Creation of Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (1964)
•Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 (Creation of Head Start, Job Corps, and Community Action Programs)
•Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965
•Higher Education Act of 1965 (Creation of Teacher Corps and Upward Bound)
•National Endowment for the Arts
ªNational Endowment for the Humanities
ªImmigration and Nationality Act of 1965
•Social Security Amendments of 1965 (Creation of Medicare and Medicaid)
•Older Americans Act of 1965
•Creation of the Model Cities Program (1965)
•Child Nutrition Act of 1965 (Creation of school breakfast programs)
•Voting Rights Act of 1965
•Creation of VISTA (now part of AmeriCorps) (1965)
•Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966 (Creation of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)
•Fair Packaging and Labeling Act of 1966
•Child Safety Act of 1966
•Public Broadcasting Act of 1967 (Creation of PBS, NPR, and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting)
•Wholesome Meat Act of 1967
•Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 (Early disability access to public buildings law)
•Truth-In-Lending Act (1968)
•Gun Control Act of 1968
•Bilingual Education Act of 1968
•Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act, Indian Civil Rights Act, and creation of Federal hate crime laws)
•Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968
So, yeah, guilty as charged.
Here are more landmark laws from the LBJ years, courtesy of the fine folks over at the @lbjlibrary.
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workersolidarity · 1 year
Google's true origin partly lies in CIA and NSA research grants for mass surveillance
I thought I'd remind people of this old article from 2017 on the CIA/NSA origins of Google and how it was specifically designed to make the tracking and surveiling of internet users as easy as possible.
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From its very inception, the programs and capabilities that make Google such a powerful search engine were created using CIA/NSA research funds passed along through unclassified NSF (National Science Foundation) grants to develop the technologies necessary to closely track American citizens and foreign users of the internet. Even the internet itself was created as part of a DARPA research program.
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So should it come as a surprise to anyone that Google is filled with US and NATO propaganda today? Now I know that's not what this article is specifically referring to, however I think it's a continuation of the same kind of processes for surveillance and information space control between tech giants like Google and the CIA.
An example of what I mean would be any attempts search Google about its record of displaying Western propaganda. You can make the search as specific as possible, specifically referencing US and NATO propaganda or even specific incidents, but your search results will always display endless articles about how Google is supposedly filled with Chinese and Russian propaganda. No mention at all of US or NATO propaganda, even though I can name probably a dozen or so articles I've read over the years about just that. None of them show. Just the articles about how Chinese and Russian propaganda are proliferating online.
Yet, when I search for any kind of contested incidents where it's generally accepted that no one knows whether the incident was caused by Russia or the US, only the articles with the US Govt narrative will show. Again, even though I know of at least a few specific English-language articles about the issue from the Russian perspective. Those articles cannot be found in a simple search and I must go to the source site to find the articles. Only the US government narrative shows on Google.
And you can repeat this pattern for various contentious issues where the US Govt's propaganda dominates search engines like Google and alternative views must be sought directly from their source sites.
So it should come as no surprise that Google itself was created thanks to CIA/NSA grants passed along through the NSF. Similar to how the CIA/NSA passes along grants to promote Western Propaganda outlets in foreign countries using the National Endowment For Democracy or the NED.
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idroolinmysleep · 2 months
Tax-advantaged savings has become a staple of the American retirement system, with 60 million savers squirreling away $6.6 trillion in their 401(k)s, alone. … [But] that success now vexes many retirement experts, alarmed by how easily Congress acquiesces to tax breaks for retirement savings that disproportionately help the wealthy while treating the benefits relied upon by most retirees — Social Security and Medicare — as budget-busters ripe for reform. … The latest expansion of private retirement savings comes at a time when Social Security, which the majority of American seniors rely on to cover basic living expenses, faces insolvency in 2034. Secure 2.0 sailed through Congress shortly before lawmakers convened working groups to try to fix Social Security’s $119 billion cash shortfall, which amounted to less than half of a single year’s worth of tax benefits for retirement savings that mostly go to higher earners. … The success of the retirement industry and its advocates in Congress has put a sinkhole in the federal budget at a time when entitlements are under threat. While the cost to the Treasury for tax-advantaged retirement savings was $81 billion in 1995, it has since swelled to over $369 billion in 2023 and, in the wake of Secure 1.0 and 2.0, is expected to nearly double to $659 billion in 2027.
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orangerosebush · 2 years
In my opinion, Artemis and Angeline have very similar experiences of paranoia as a symptom of
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And thus every single family vacation will have a like, medieval war general moment where you can watch them animatedly debate the merits and/or weak points of whatever barricade they've constructed in front of the hotel room door
#I jest but I HC that Artemis' paranoia somewhat genetically comes from his mother's side whereas his issues with dissociation and#reality assessment is more genetically on his father's side of the family#The twins occupy this weird space in the family where they were born after a lot of things exacerbating mental illness in the family were#less present than when Artemis was young due to the Fowl empire#like my personal version of this is watching my aunts' kids grow up in a house where they were diagnosed with autism and adhd really really#young bc their mothers work in early ed. and are really knowledgeable about how to apply that in their home so that they have the support#they need#and let me tell you watching young autistic relatives exist and interact w kids their age who are so much better#about including 'different' peers socially then when I was a kid? that is so fucking surreal#I am very much an 'autistic Artemis truther' and I know Fox has some posts about Tim being autistic too during an era of the Fowls where it#wouldn't have even been 'masking' to borrow a contemporary term so much as just learning Not to Act Fucking Weird ever and performing this#whenever there is someone else present#but to return to the point of this post Artemis and Angeline will see a 5-star resort with insane security and go 'what I'm hearing is that#when the sun sets we will be in the Purge'#Artemis' form of paranoia is fascinating because he experiences it in the 'struggles trusting people and can spiral and believe people are#out to get him and harm him when that is not realistically assessing a situation' but also has horrible risk assessment which is so realist#realistic lmao
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A new budget by a large and influential group of House Republicans calls for raising the Social Security retirement age for future retirees and restructuring Medicare.
The proposals, which are unlikely to become law this year, reflect how many Republicans will seek to govern if they win the 2024 elections. And they play into a fight President Joe Biden is seeking to have with former President Donald Trump and the Republican Party as he runs for re-election.
The budget was released Wednesday by the Republican Study Committee, a group of more than 170 House GOP lawmakers, including many allies of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. Apart from fiscal policy, the budget endorses a series of bills “designed to advance the cause of life,” including the Life at Conception Act, which would aggressively restrict abortion and potentially threaten in vitro fertilization, or IVF, by establishing legal protections for human beings at “the moment of fertilization.” It has recently caused consternation within the GOP following backlash to an Alabama Supreme Court ruling that threatened IVF.
The RSC, which is chaired by Rep. Kevin Hern, R-Okla., counts among its members Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., and his top three deputies in leadership. Johnson chaired the RSC from 2019 to 2021; his office did not immediately respond when asked about the new budget.
For Social Security, the budget endorses "modest adjustments to the retirement age for future retirees to account for increases in life expectancy." It calls for lowering benefits for the highest-earning beneficiaries. And it emphasizes that those ideas are not designed to take effect immediately: "The RSC Budget does not cut or delay retirement benefits for any senior in or near retirement."
The new budget also calls for converting Medicare to a "premium support model," echoing a proposal that Republican former Speaker Paul Ryan had rallied support for. Under the new RSC plan, traditional Medicare would compete with private plans and beneficiaries would be given subsidies to shop for the policies of their choice. The size of the subsidies could be pegged to the "average premium" or "second lowest price" in a particular market, the budget says.
The plan became a flashpoint in the 2012 election, when Ryan was GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney's running mate, and President Barack Obama charged that it would "end Medicare as we know it." Ryan defended it as a way to put Medicare on better financial footing, and most of his party stood by him.
Medicare is projected to become insolvent in 2028, and Social Security will follow in 2033. After that, benefits will be forcibly cut unless more revenues are added.
Biden has blasted Republican proposals for the retirement programs, promising that he will not cut benefits and instead proposing in his recent White House budget to cover the future shortfall by raising taxes on upper earners.
The RSC budget also presents a conundrum for Trump, who has offered shifting rhetoric on Social Security and Medicare without proposing a clear vision for the future of the programs.
Notably, the RSC budget presents three possible options to address the projected insolvency of the retirement programs: raise taxes, transfer money from the general fund or reduce spending to cover the shortfall.
It rejects the first two options.
"Raising taxes on people will further punish them and burden the broader economy–something that the spend and print regime has proven to be disastrous and regressive," the budget says, adding that the committee also opposes "a multi-trillion-dollar general fund transfer that worsens our fiscal situation."
That leaves spending cuts.
The RSC budget launches blistering criticism at "Obamacare," or the Affordable Care Act, and calls for rolling back its subsidies and regulations that were aimed at extending insurance coverage.
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carolinemillerbooks · 2 months
New Post has been published on Books by Caroline Miller
New Post has been published on https://www.booksbycarolinemiller.com/musings/is-trump-more-to-be-pitied/
Is Trump More To Be Pitied?
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Watching a reporter interview historian Timothy Snyder one evening, I sat up in my chair when he laid out his thoughts about  Donald Trump’s strategy for the current 2024 Presidential election.  Snyder presumed the former president knew he would lose the contest and was taking unpopular positions against Social Security and the Affordable Care Act not to secure victory but to lay the groundwork for a second insurrection. Insane as the idea sounded, I couldn’t dismiss it out of hand.  A distorted mind might seize upon the claim of being victorious in defeat. Trump had tried it before.  The fear that history might repeat itself set my little grey cells spinning.  The media has paid little attention to the state of Trump’s mind, choosing to focus on the age of his opponent, Joe Biden. Those who speculate that the incumbent is too old to run for a second term forget that a scant three-year difference lies between the two contenders.  Reporters would serve the public better by exploring the difference between an aging brain and a demented one. Biden’s speech gaffs, which many hold against him, aren’t entirely due to his age.  As a child, he stuttered. The impediment reasserts itself on occasion. But it is also true that as a man of 81 years, he speaks slowly and takes mental pauses. These are signs of a brain aging normally, not evidence of one that has lost its reason. Bidne’s verbal mistakes are a far cry from Trump’s failure to distinguish Nikki Haley from Nancy Pelosi or for him to speak as though he were running against Barack Obama. Ronald Reagan’s conduct during his final years in office might be a better measuring stick with which to compare  Trump’s behavior.  The  40th U. S. President also exhibited memory gaps and confusion during public appearances.  Alzheimer’s was never confirmed during his time in office, but members of his staff did report they saw signs of the disease before he returned to private life.    Psychologist, Dr. John Gartner makes no bones about Trump’s mental illness.  He warns that the former president’s outbursts aren’t those of a strong leader flexing his muscles.  They are the tantrums of a diseased brain.    Though he was never Trump’s doctor, Gartner insists what he offers is not an opinion but a diagnosis based on reality.  Others in his field agree but few have spoken out so publically. Gartner believes his colleagues have failed to do so because they are intimidated. Like physicians practicing in anti-abortion states, they’ve come to fear there is a good chance they would lose their jobs if they went on the record, not to mention other forms of retaliation… Some journalists may have remained silent for the same reason. Gartner points out that they make little of Trump’s slurred words, invented words, unfinished sentences, and blank, expressionless pauses. Instead, they characterize the Presidential election as a competition between two old men.  When Regan took office at the age of 73, he was the oldest President to that date. Whether the early stages of Alzheimer’s had set in, we shall never know, but he was wise enough to surround himself with honorable men and women. By contrast, the roll-call of Trump’s many cohorts is a list of disreputables. Should Trump return to power, that number is likely to grow, boding ill for the country. Nor can we overlook the many felony counts against the former president. His legal woes have left him strapped for funds. Winning re-election, he could erase the federal charges against him with a presidential pardon, but he has no power to absolve himself from state charges.  Without sufficient funds to defend himself, Trump is vulnerable to opportunists who are ready to give him cash in exchange for undue influence.    Opportunists are the people we should fear, not members of the Christian Right as many have assumed.  The latter’s objectives are too out of step with the majority of voters.  Their brief hour on the stage will be less than a hiccup in the course of history.    When money and the levers of government become too cozy, says John Grey in his book The New Leviathans, it threatens democracy and encourages the rise of more and not less totalitarianism.   ( “Who’s Afraid of Freedom?” by Helena Rosenblatt, Foreign Affairs, March/April 2024, pg. 154.) The dynamic is simple, the author explains.  Like other animals, humans are addicted to pleasure. Money satisfies that addiction but the pursuit of it has consequences. Those with the most wealth imagine they are better than others–a perspective that encourages them to imagine people in lower economic circumstances are less human. From there, Grey posits, it’s a short hop to inhumanity, a place where the poverty of others is a justification for eliminating them.   (Ibid, pg. 154)  Whether that causal connection between money and tyranny is direct, I don’t know.  But, science has affirmed that wealth and compassion exist in an inverse ratio.  In a capitalist society, greed, if left unchecked, could end in a tug-of-war between those with enough money to influence the government and the majority who are governed by it. A 2019  Gallop Poll confirmed that dynamic.  Concerning the federal budget, the wealthy preferred to see service cuts to social security to sustain it.  A majority of Americans disagreed. Money has a loud voice in politics, though most of us wish it weren’t true.  Nonetheless, we must accept that Trump’s financial setbacks put him at the mercy of oligarchs. No longer able to pose as one of them, he suffers the humiliation of a man stripped of his theater.  His delusions are exposed, and he stands naked before us.  The only words to suit the occasion are these. Thou shouldst not have been old till thou hast been wise.   (King Lear, 1, v.)
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ivygorgon · 2 months
An open letter to the U.S. Senate
Improve disabled American's financial stability with S.4102 - SSI Savings Penalty Elimination Act
In the words of David Goldfarb on behalf of the Arc of the United States, "…we enthusiastically endorse S. 4102, the SSI Savings Penalty Elimination Act, which would raise the amount of savings a Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipient can keep for the first time in over thirty years. The mission of the Arc is to promote and protect the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and actively support their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes.
"SSI provides an extremely modest cash benefit, a maximum of $841 a month in 2022, for certain individuals with disabilities and older adults. In March 2022, nearly 7.6 million people: 4.3 million working-age individuals with disabilities; 1 million children with disabilities; and 2.3 million older adults relied on the program.
"Many individuals with IDD rely on the SSI program. In 2017, SSA estimated that approximately 19% of working-age SSI recipients possessed an intellectual disability. For many people with IDD, SSI is their only source of income without which they could become institutionalized or homeless.
"Unfortunately, the benefit’s low, outdated resource limit of $2,000 for individuals/$3,000 for couples does not allow people to save for emergencies, such as a leaky roof, car repair, or other unexpected expense. To make matters worse, the $2,000 limit does not adjust for inflation every year, and it has remained the same since 1989.
"The SSI Savings Penalty Elimination Act would significantly improve the lives of SSI recipients, including people with IDD, by raising the asset limit to $10,000 per individual/$20,000 per couple. The legislation also adjusts that number for inflation every year, a critical element in 2 today’s inflationary environment. This will allow SSI beneficiaries to use their own savings to address needed emergencies when they arise.
"Thank you again for this critical legislation."
Truly his letter is phenomenal and applicable to many American citizens. I hope you too appreciate his mastery of diction, his compassion for his fellow American, and the truth in his words.
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themagical1sa · 1 year
Regarding the SIM Card and Social Media Registration Act
because people still reblog these posts on it, and it's time I personally update everyone about it.
For those unaware: the SIM Card and SocMed Registration Act was a bill initially intended as counteraction against trolls and spreaders of misinformation on social media.
It was, however, found to be unconstitutional, criminalizing the right to anonymity and pseudonymity on the Internet and is a violation of Filipinos' rights to privacy, freedom of speech, and freedom of association (Democracy.Net.PH).
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c. For using fictitious identites to register SIM cards or social media accounts. — The penalty of imprisonment of no less than six (6) years, or a fine of up to Two hundred thousand pesos (₱200,000.00), or both, shall be imposed upon anyone who uses a fictitious identity to purchase and register a SIM cards or social media account.
This is a direct violation of the 1987 Constitution, particularly Article III Sections 3 (1) and 4.
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Above is a screenshot of Microsoft Edge from my laptop. The tab is showing a webpage from the Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines. The text shown is from Article III, the Bill of Rights, but the highlighted text are Sections 3 (1) and 4. They read, “SECTION 3. (1) The privacy of communication and correspondence shall be inviolable except upon lawful order of the court, or when public safety or order requires otherwise as prescribed by law,” and “SECTION 4. No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, of expression, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances.”
With this in mind, it was imperative that word spread of how dangerous the Act was and to have the then-President Rodrigo Duterte veto it.
It was vetoed on April 15, 2022.
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This was, as @katsurolle said, "half a win for online anonymity." It was only vetoed because the this bill would also endanger and penalize paid political trolls in the Philippines.
Half a win as it was... there was a collective sigh of relief from the Filipino people.
This half-victory had been only short-lived.
Four months into presidency, President Bongbong Marcos signed a revised SIM Card Registration bill into law on October 10, 2022.
It is meant to reduce cybercrime — spam and scam texts, more especially.
According to Office of the Press Secretary officer-in-charge Cheloy Garafil, the SIM Card Registration Act aims to provide “accountability in the use of SIM cards and aid law enforcers to track perpetrators of crimes committed through phones.”
The signing of the measure will likewise “significantly boost government initiatives against scams committed through text and online messages, which have become more prevalent this year.”
This, however, brings forth a new concern: data leaks.
Scam texts in the Philippines have been containing the receiver's names, and it's been very likely that private information on the internet has been leaked.
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I have more that go as far as July.
There are certainly many issues that need to be resolved first, but as far as the SIM Card Registration Law is concerned, its execution is well underway. Globe Telecom's subscribers have already been receiving a text that looks like this:
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Hi! Get ready to start your Globe Prepaid SIM registration journey on December 27, 2022. For more info, please visit https://glbe.co/simregfaq
I just hope the SIM Card Registration Law will be as effective as national goverment officials claim it to be.
Thank you to everyone who spread awareness of the SIM Card and Social Media Registration Act — I'm very grateful.
That will be all, and thank you for reading.
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saviourkingslut · 1 year
dutch provincial election results got me like disappointed but absolutely not surprised
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sevensimian · 11 months
Fnaf ruin??? yeah it totally ruined me
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shrikeseams · 11 months
I love that au idea!!! (What about findis though?)
I can't lie, Findis is like. Schrödinger's Finwian to me. Does she exist? Does she not? Depends on what's convenient!
In this instance, while we could certainly push Feanor and Nerdanel's elopement... there just feels like way less pressure to flip the birth dates. What does it matter if Feanor's eldest is slightly older than Finwe's third eldest and second son?? Findis's presence has already legitimated the Finwe-Indis marriage, and without finwe asking feanor to not make their private muddle public... I can't see Feanor agreeing to give the seniority to Fingolfin. Unless you make elopement extremely scandalous? Which still doesn't quite do it for me. 🤔 I'm open to suggestions, though!
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imkeepinit · 1 year
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computerhackers · 2 years
OPTUS PHONE HACK: How HACKERS have stolen our Personal DATA - Explained...
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