#so men arent creeps
mintybloomz · 3 months
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Saiki Kuriko I love you
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portgasdwrld · 9 months
📂OP men + aftercare
Featuring: Luffy, Zoro, Law, GN!reader
Warning: Suggestive, comedy, fluff
Note: I might do more fun posts like this!!
-Can you clean me up, please?
You ask in a sigh as you feel your body already beginning to feel sore. His body slightly shift in the bed as he opens his eye and stares at you somewhat perplexed.
-Huh..? ...Like with my tongue?
-No, you dumbass! With a towel or something, i don't wanna sleep feeling all sticky.
You softly hit his big arm as a muffled chuckle leave your lips. You didn’t paint him as clueless to aftercare as this.
-We can be sticky together then take care of this tomorro-
-No, we cant. Its part of the aftercare babe…
-Whats that?
-Luffy, can you bring me a glass of water?
-You're thirsty? Ngl, im kinda hungry too, let me call Sanj-
He starts to rumble as he let his hand rest over his bare abs thinking of all the good food Sanji cooks. You gasp in shock at the thought of Luffy really calling the blond man.
-Don't!- Don't call Sanji for that!
-Why? Arent you hungry ?
He asks confused as his gaze shift to your bare body covered by his sheets. He props himself on his elbows as a yawn leaves his mouth.
-Nah that was you bro. I want water.
-im so lazyyy, but if it makes you happy!
He leaves and then comes back with few pieces of meat and forgot about the water.
He let his body fall next to you as he let a deep groan out. He stays like this for few seconds before he sits up and rubs his eyes, feeling suddenly tensed.
-I have to catch up on so much, I’m not sure what I’m going to be attacking tonight…Maybe I should finish this chap-
-Law…babe, what are you rumbling about.?
You ask in a tired tone as you hoped to be able to cuddle a little with your boyfriend, feel his warmth and being able to enjoy some intimacy after having sex together. He pushes the sheets away from his legs as he prepares himself to leave the bed and change into his clothes, before you grab his arm firmly.
-You’re not leaving me like that. We are going to cuddle and when I’m satisfied you go back to your studying.
-Huh? I have a lot of things to do Y/n-ya..
-Yeah, well you gotta upgrade your aftercare game, because you’re making me feel shitty right now.
He pauses as he takes his time weighting your words and his thoughts. His tired eyes look at you and his lips creep up into a faint smirk. He puts back the sheets on him and props you on him so he has his arms wrapped around your shoulders.
-Sorry, I will work on it.
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Hey could we get some general headcanons about Splendor, Candy Pop and Jason? ^^
Ah yes, the best boys <333
Thank you for requesting!
He, along with the rest of his species, dont really have genders, so most of the time he just rolls with whatever people refer to him as. In his mansion, he's actually known as "Mother" due to his motherly nature with his children
He's also aroace (though that wouldnt apply to x reader fics)
He's the second youngest of all his brothers
He generally tries to look like a clown (hence why he has a smiling face complete with eyes and his brothers don't) that way children don't feel scared around him
He's truly great with everyone, not just kids
He has his own mansion, but instead of angsty emos, his house is more of a safe space for all of the unwanted or unhappy children
9'6" so very tall
I imagine his voice to sound like a mixture of Sundrop and Cheese sandwich
He smells familiar, no specific scent, just something you know you've smelt before but can't quite place your finger on
He visits Slender at his mansion the most, usually bringing candies for everyone
He's become known as "That guy with the face and full snickers bars" around Slender's mansion
He doesnt tend to go into the mortal realm too often, but when he does it's when he senses a troubled soul in need of immediate help
And when he does have those senses, he usually brings them back into his mansion in the underworld, giving them all the hospitality and comfort they could ever desire
Splendorman is an oddball, that's for sure
I also like to imagine he says weird things sometimes, just to throw people off guard
"Beware the men with the tilted hats....they arent worth it"
He likes rick and morty, but doesn't actually watch the show he just likes the colors
His favorite meal is octopus tentacles
Bro doesn't know what they are
They don't really have a gender either, so most of the time he just identifies as male or non binary
He's also into men (again, doesnt necessarily apply to x reader)
They usually aren't seen a lot around slender's mansion, mostly because they, Lj and Jason tend to hang out in the uppermost level of the mansion and giggle around like the chaotic neutrals they are <3
They absolutely order starbucks, bribe another creep to bring it up to them, and then gossip with each other about all of the other creeps
Most of the time they spare their dear friend who brought up their orders though. They arent horrible, now
They smell like literal musk and jolly ranchers 💀
It's very upsetting
He likes to just bang his hammer mallet thingy against the wall for absolutely no reason
They're like 8'11"
He gets a kick out of seeing people jump from the BOOM
Their face doesn't actually look like how it is seen in pictures, most of that is actually makeup
The only natural things is their skin tone, their sharp teeth, and their hair and eye colors
They have a very deep chainsmokers voice
Sorry, I don't make the rules
They unironically listen to one direction and 5 seconds of summer on full blast
Lj definitely had to bang on their wall a few times with his fist just to get them to shut up a few times
The only times he is seen around the mansion, hes normally sliding around the hardfloor on socks, avoiding everyone as best they can because lord knows if someone actually spoke to them theyd just evaporate, never to be seen again
Jason the Toymaker
When he first manifested in this world, he was mostly just trying to look human so he could get away with inhabiting this place
So he identifies as "male" and has traditional male anatomy
He is interested in anyone romantically speaking, but does have a fem lean (doesn't apply to x reader)
He has the dantiest little hands <3
6'2", so he's definetly not the tallest creep. but he's up there
His fingers are long and slender, as well as long nails that help him with sewing
His skin is really smooth
And his hair is really well taken care of
He just has the best self care in general
He's always working on some project, wether that be making a doll, or sewing a fancy tea party dress for sally that she absolutely needed, his hands are always busy
He can get frustrated very easily though, and thats kind of a bummer
He doesn't have anger issues necessarily, but he's very sensetive and emotional, so anything said to him might tick him off into a stream of tears or a flurry of rage
He's normally one of the only ones to actually clean around the house
His hair color depends on his mood
For example, if hes really upset, his hair is black, his true form is white, and he actually uses a spell to keep his hair red the rest of the time
He's that one friend
You know the one
The nice one?
Yeah that's him
He smells like old fabrics and dust
But sometimes if he's feeling ✨ spicy ✨ he'll wear some sweet smelling perfume
Never cologne, he doesnt like how harsh it smells
He likes to watch cartoons with sally, and sing with sally
He's simply wonderful <3
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whereserpentswalk · 6 months
don't worry gal we aren't going to hate you because you think of yourself as a man♥ we know you arent a man because we fight for WOMENS rights not the whims of self entitled men and girls like you whove been groomed <3 you aren't going to be able to ID your way out of misogyny ♥♥♥
So to all the people talking about how they're fighting for woman-and-non-men, or how you can be both anti men and pro transmasc. This type of creep is who you're agreeing with.
Also observe how this person does not think of people they see as female as having any autonomy. Bro, you're the one who was groomed.
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electraslight · 2 years
I care about ur Bevin headcannon I would love to hear
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YES i finally get to yell abt these two, its my fav ship in the series idk why people arent more into it. Fanart is supplied as usual and i have some evidence-ey screenshots under the cut, mostly bc i want to share them w SOMEONE other than my friend blue. Enjoy my ramblings
-kevin is dating both ben and gwen, gwen and his relationship being a lot more outward and public and ben a more private relationship, they only ever kiss or hold hands when its just the two of them or (rarely) when gwen is around, partially bc of bens fame and his own hangups about liking men and partially bc when they are romantic they r extremely vulnerable with each other and thats the sort of thing they wouldnt want anyone else to see.
-(quoting from a discord dm w my friend) ben and kevin violence is something that if u saw it in a painting or a movie it would be rly profound and aweinspiring. in real life its also the same, but it feels so much like intruding when ur actually watchingbc kevin and ben have all their emotions about each other in v short bursts, theyll bottle them up 4 an extended period of time and then have som e massive cataclysmic event when it bubbles to the surface. there r literally no continual emotional moments between them like kevin and gwen who have contunious small emotions abt each other, kevin and ben will hang out 4 months at a time and then one day just start hitting each other, which is in a way a part of the romance
-in omniverse theres a scene where its shown that 12 year old kevin is in possession of a photo of ben that is suspiciously well worn, it has rips and stains and has been crumpled up and refolded a couple times. I like to think he kept that photo, whether to use as a beacon of hate or chew on and cry who knows. 
-ben and kevin dont give a shit about what form the other takes, the only time ben has ever blushed about a guy is when mutant kevin grabbed him in the rooters arc and kevin is around alien versions of ben every day and doesnt bat an eye. This is why i think that once kevin and ben get together kevin makes a game about kissing all of his aliens (indiscriminatley. Even if they dont have mouths) he makes a scoring system and writes reviews on how good the experience was in glitter gel pen and makes a ranking list of his favorites. Stinkfly sweeps the vote, shocking everybody. Ben would rank kissing kevins mutations but only 2 out of 5 would even consider it before turning him into pink mist so he just sticks with what he knows.
- ben and kevin get married when theyre older and gwen stays in girlfriend status (mostly bc she knows that ben has a much shorter lifespan than her and kevin and she wants to give him the happiest time she can while hes still there) and they all live in a mansion the size of the white house. Kai comes by once a month to keep kenny happy (he still thinks shes his bio mom even after theyve told him multiple times she was just a donor. Gwen says he gets his delusions from ben). Ben and kevin like to sit on the 500 foot long porch and throw rocks at passerby and snuggle. Kevin is so happy he giggles mindlessly to himself in public, scaring strangers. He tries to get them to look at pictures of his family but this only further creeps them out.
-kevin finds the most random shit ben does extremely charming. hed look at him picking his boogers and eating them and he thinks in his head i need this guy so much. ben finishes a rubix cube not even very fast and kevins like wow. cool. do you like emos.ben is charmed by kevin in the same way. he sees kevin use the toilet brush to scratch an itch on his back and hes like fuck oh fuck oh fuck
I have more i prommy i just cant think of them rn, i will make more if im able. 4 now please have my collection of bevin screenshots under the cut. Spread the word my disciples. fair warning there are a lot
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cator99 · 8 months
The gym I go to is par of a weird pseudo-community center situated inside a facility built between and connecting a handful of apartment buildings. They even have their own health clinic and a small grocery store in this little area between the buildings. I've never seen anything like it! I don't think I'm actually supposed to be using the gym, since I'm not a resident of the apartments- but the elderly woman who registered me never asked for proof of address. She simply asked me if I was a resident here, I lied and said yes I just moved in, and then I paid my $30 membership fee. Cheapest gym in the city. Anyways. Due to the gym's odd nature, the only people I see there are skinnyfat men- emboldened by alpha chad transformation tiktoks no doubt (they are under the impression that these male fitness influencers arent all gay and on steroids and think that this lifestyle is attainable to the average schlub--- NGMI!)- who dont know what they're doing but act like they're gonna be the next Arnold Schwarzenegger while clearly doing serious irreparable damage to their rotator cuffs that will leave them permanently unable to lift by next year (average male gym user, quite frankly)... and then, a bunch of very confident, very shredded women. The thing about gyms is that they're fucking intimidating to the normie woman. They're full of slobs and jerkoffs and creeps so women tend to avoid them, join women-only gyms, go to yoga classes--- honestly whole thing ranges from uncomfortable to humiliating as a female unless you already know what you're doing and can show up and mog every loser male in the room. So typically if you're in a gross shitty cheap mixed-sex gym with no security, the only women you're gonna see are ones who are absolute physiological statistical outliers. And by that I mean a whole lot of bulked up lesbians.
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menalez · 6 months
Passport bros are a bunch of men who are trying to leave the US for Eastern Europe/Asia etc because the American women aren't "traditional" enough for them (too feminist, their standards to supposedly too high, etc).
I think the debate is supposed to be about whether the women they're meeting outside of the US are being taken advantage of/to what extent? Basically some people were calling them traffickers for a little while, and then the people who said this were getting called racist.
(I didn't really expect your views on it to be positive, but I was just curious about what feminists thought about it- I love your blog btw!)
ugh i didnt know that was the term for it, firstly i hate the fact that thats the term for something so vile?! i thought maybe passport bros was a silly meme or internet trend, not about dudes that make sexually exploiting women & being misogynists their personality traits.
and yeah, i would say they are being taken advantage of. i mean, to what extent will vary and differ because women are not in equally bad or in identical situations in eastern europe or asia or south america or anywhere else. but taken advantage of, without a doubt. these men's entire reasoning for seeking out these women is the fact that they believe these women won't have standards, won't speak up for themselves, will let these men walk all over them, & i doubt that money and survival & a better life arent major factors in the women actually having these assumed lower standards to begin with. guys like that are rapey creeps in my eyes, and blatant misogynists. i don't get how saying that is somehow racist? like, the guys perpetuating this from what i know are overwhelmingly white. ive seen this most prominently directed at southeast asian women, and its often very fetishistic and gross the way these guys perpetuate it. traffickers, idk for sure on that, but i get why someone would feel that way.
its one thing to marry a woman from a different background, or even a more disadvantaged background. its another thing entirely to intentionally seek out women of a more disadvantaged background because you think they'll put up with more shit and let you have your way with them. or bc u have a weird dehumanising fetish
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last week of geology is next week, i'll be practicing my glare until then cuz it doesnt look angry enough. it depends on what misgendering my teacher throws my way, which is inevitable at this point
bit of a rant below, sorry, im irritated
yesterday he said something about how he knew i'd do alright on the test because im "a good girl", and then later in the class when talking about something, bringing up women in the work field, he prefaced it with "since there's two males and two females here today"
both of which i felt was such a strange thing to say to anyone. idk, the way he speaks about gender is just so unnecessary? maybe im overthinking it but i get red flags
i also feel like he's doing it on purpose, because he knows im trans, i put my pronouns, he/him and they/them, on TWO assignments about ourselves, the course entry assignment discussion board and the intro sheet we were given on the first day of in-person class. he also has "(I do not use pronouns)" in the teacher's pronoun section on his syllabus, so he obviously doesn't respect trans people (and doesnt know how the english language works either apparently. pronouns arent a "new trans thing" what the hell)
like. on one hand its good that he's being inclusive of women and talking about them in the work fields that used to be dominated by men. i acknowledge that. but. the way he speaks to me through the "young girl" lens creeps me out?? coming from a 50-60 something guy?? even if i werent trans, i'd be extremely uncomfortable with the language he uses when talking to whoever he perceives me as
maybe the eye contact (because of having a really small class) puts me on edge and that amplifies the discomfort but. god. i think it's been nearly every day of class he says something to me that rubs me the wrong way. im glad the class is almost over
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Chapter Six: Uh Oh.
Tony followed a customer out of the employee's only area and whispered, “Tonight? Got it?” The customer nodded and left. Todd went around the counter and up to Tony and asked, “What's all that about?” Tony looked him in the eye, “All what? Oh! Yeah, the new meat! It's nothin for now, heh. Maybe you'll see later.” Todd's anger rises, “You cant just go around turning people into vampires!” “Yes i can. And we're not technically vampires.” Tony joked. “That doesnt matter dude! And how is that supposed to be better??” Todd yelled, Tony snapped back, “Last time i checked I hired you, so chill out wouldja. I didnt turn but 4 people, alright?” “You're really not convincing me here dude.” Todd whined. “Whatever kid, say, hows about you and i finish closin up and we get a bite, eh?”
The streets were once again busy that night, but finally somebody was keeping an eye out for the residents of this helpless city. Ron Broccoli walked the alleys and roads looking for any sign of the undead he knew were lurking, as well as any sign of their victims. He had barely begun the night's search when he saw two people walking out of the back of the just closed, “Tony Gunk's Italian Pizzeria” and decided to follow the pair. “Those two are similar heights to the men who attacked that poor guy last night, on the off chance they're potential prey or the very scum im looking for, i ought to follow em.” Broccoli thought.
“We need to getcha a real meal this time, son.” Tony said, walking alongside Todd. The pair creeped at a normal pace down Tony's usual druggie filled alleys, Tony hoped to find his employee a meal that wasnt so full of holes. Todd started, “I already said im not killing anybody, Tony.” “Ahh, I know I know. I'll do that part, pal.” “We arent pals, i just dont want to starve.” Todd shot. “Sure.” Tony replied with sarcasm. “Make sure he doesnt get back up this time, would you?” Todd prodded. “Relax, it wont happen again.” Tony said flatly. They walked passed a man passed out on the ground, an empty needle beside him. “Next.” Tony sighed. They continued passed backdoors, trash cans and bags until they turned another corner. Tony's voice raised with a hushed excitement, “Pss, Todd, look there. Diggin in the dumpster-” Todd looked ahead at a man dumpster diving, not paying them any attention. “Its a dead end, kid. He's got nowhere ta run.” Tony egged him on. Todd smiled and took off running at the man with his back turned. Tony looked on proud, he didnt expect Todd to do the part he so often argued against. Todd tackled the man to the ground and started growling, the man fought Todd's hands away and pushed back his face as much as he could as Todd clawed and tore as if he was digging. He finally got a good bite of the man's arm and started shaking it like a dog. The man screamed as his arm tore more and more, letting blood pour from the wound. Suddenly a wooden bolt shot by and barely missed Todd's head. Tony and Todd snapped their heads around to see where it had come from. “I knew I'd find something if i followed you long enough.” Broccoli walked from behind the corner, aiming his crossbow already containing another bolt. Tony looked at Broccoli and smiled, “Ohh, now this is interestin.” The injured man scrambled up to his feet and sprinted down the street. “Get em, kid!” Tony ordered Todd. Todd snarled and gave the man chase, they both turned the corner and went quickly out of sight. Broccoli went for a shot at Todd but Tony appeared beside him, grabbed the bolt from the chamber and snapped it before backing away. “Tony, is it?” Broccoli inquired while reloading another shot, “Dont. Move.” He pointed his crossbow at Tony. “Listen, Ron. If i wanted, I could have you and that bow broken before you even fired. How's about you look the other way?” Tony said. Ron steadied his aim and fired. A hooded man dropped from the roof above the two and landed in front of Tony, getting shot instantly by the wooden bolt. He started dissolving into sand and ash, stumbling to the ground. Tony walked around his dying body and towards Broccoli. Before Ron could reload another bolt Tony appeared in front of him. 
Tony through him to the wall at the end of the dead end street and said, “Yknow Ron, i could turn ya here and now if i wanted, you'd have to live like us. Wouldnt that just be the worst?” Broccoli glared at him with contempt and spoke, “Id simply starve. I would never stoop to your level.” Tony smiled and held back a cackle, “You already have, silly. Remember your visit to my fine establishment?” Ron readied a knife and held it up, “What are you on about, dick?” “Well ya know you're missin mutt?” Tony laughed quietly to himself as confusion set across Ron's face. “My dog? What about her? What are you talking about?” A toothy grin overcame Tony, as his voice quieted slightly, showing its rasp. “Truth is I drained the poor thing and used its blood for the sauce in the pizza you ordered. The whole time you were lookin you couldve just checked my restaurant! Or better!!" He chuckled and wheezed, "Your own refrigerator- Hehahaa” Tony's cackle was interrupted by Ron shoving him to the cold hard ground and pinning him with his body. Ron's knee held down one arm and his free hand held down the other. Ron leaned in close to Tony's face and Tony asked, “Are we aboutta kiss right now?” “Go to hell.”
Ron almost plunged the knife into Tony's head when, “Stop where you are!” An unfamiliar voice demanded from down the street, “Drop the damn knife.” Broccoli looked up at three police officers, guns drawn and aimed at him. He did as they said and climbed off of Tony, “Gentlemen,” he raised his hands in the air, “This man is a murderer. Im sure he's killed somebody tonight. Check his shop, thats where he keeps em!” One officer walked towards him, “Turn around and place your hands behind your back,” he turned to Tony and said, “You're the guy from TV, with the pizza place?” He talked to Tony while the other two handcuffed and took Ron to their car down the street, “We're going to have to investigate his claim, as crazy as he seems.” Tony sat leaned against the wall and faked exhaustion, “Sure thing, sir! Ive got the keys on me now if you want to take a swing by.”
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syntaxfraud · 2 months
What makes me giggle sm about people worrying about whether a transgender person shoukd use the bathroom of their preferred gender is how close-minded it is
"WeLl, A tRaNsGeNdEr WoMaN/mAlE ShOuLdNt UsE tHe BaThRoOm BeCaUsE iTs CrEePy" okay and? Putting a transgender woman in a mans bathroom would put them at risk for sexual assault and hate crime, thats the same for a transgender man. Its even weirder for a transgender woman/man to go into the mens/womens bathroom even if there wasnt any risk for any assault.
Ironically Ive seen most people complain about transgender women going to the womens restroom, as if they're saying that "men are creeps, women arent" so it really just pushes the stereotype.
They need to remember that all people, regardless of gender can be creeps. A woman can SA a woman, a man can SA a man, a woman can SA a man, and a man can SA a women.
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mikobeautifulheart · 3 months
Hiii, i was just wondering if you write for like any other jjk men (gojo, geto, nanami, choso, toji, sukuna)
If you do can you please make something where they like protect you from creeps on the street or when you get catcalled. (Being stared and getting cattcalled sucks 😭, makes me feel soo gross)
i know you have done something similar with yuji and megumi already and i loved that idea, and i wanted to see the others too, please feel free to ignore this if you arent comfortable with writing them
So I currently have the one up right now
But there WILL BE MORE. In a bit.
So here you go.
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transzilla · 4 months
I used to really truly hate the conflation between butch lesbians and trans males but seeing that sometimes its not trans men= lesbians and it's the other way around and a lot of butches are taking testosterone i'm like damn ok. Especially because i really truly do hate cis male spaces and my performance of, expression of, and sexual and romantic attraction toward masculinity has jack shit to do with any of that, and in isolate binary trans gayboy spaces it just ends up being a celebration of cis sexuality anyway, like woowwww my boyfriends shoulders are sooo broaddd and i wish i had a peeenissss and hes soooo aceeptingggg and chasersss arent that badddd i have an objectification fetishhhh.
At that same time i feel bad cause i don't go there, like my personal sexuality is pretty much exclusive to trans men. Like sometimes i can fuck with like that post butch to rat boy transmasc straight boy lesbian type but it depends on the person honestly. Like these butch4butch types see me and think i'm like them like respect brother but we are gay in ways like two ships passing each other in the night lmaaaoooo. So i feel like kind of a creep when im seeing butches popping pussy like do i reblog this like you're serving cock king but i am not the target audience LMAOOO
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lesbianwithchainsaws · 11 months
for the ask 24 21 and 17
Thank you :)
24: what is your opinion on remakes of classic horror movies?
I'm not really a fan. There are some remakes that are pretty good, but I wish there were more remakes of movies that arent classics and could use a remake. Like movies that maybe had some flaws originally or didn't have enough of a budget to do what they wanted, etc. Most remakes of classic movies just aren't very good and they will be compared to the original constantly. And if the original is already beloved, the remake isn't going to be a better movie.
21: name the top five worst horror movies you've sat through.
Oooo, I've sat through some bad ones.
Dashcam - I'd say this would be in the top 5 worst ones because this was painful to sit through. If you haven't seen it, I don't recommend it unless you want to spend the entire movie thinking about how much you want the main character to die. She's the most annoying character in a movie ever. She sucks. The rest of the movie is also not that great imo. Which sucks because the director also made Host, which I think is great. But Dashcam is too chaotic, feels like an early draft than a finished movie and isn't nearly as fun or creepy as it's trying to be.
Evil Bong - yes I sat through the entirety of this movie. I found it on youtube and watched it at like 1.5x speed, and it still felt like it went on for too long. Obviously a movie titled Evil Bong was never going to be good, but it is even worse. Also I swear the soundtrack has to be the worst movie soundtrack of all time.
Wrong Turn 4 - despite what I said about the previous two, this is probably my least favourite movie ever. I do like that it's set during the winter and the gore is pretty good. I feel like the movie would be meh at best if it wasn't for one thing - there's a lesbian couple in the movie who is very clearly written and directed by a straight man. They're so sexualised and are shown like they're just dating each other for the men to like them. And I just hate it. I want to fistfight the director. The rest of the movie also sucks pretty badly, but the way that lesbians are portrayed in it is the worst for me.
Hostel - okay, objectively this isn't the top 5 worst movie I've seen, but I am a Hostel hater at heart. I already don't really like the premise of "people in eastern European country kill foreigners" because I am from an eastern european country. I've already heard a lot of bad opinions from people in other countries about eastern europe. And obviously it's not all great here, but I don't like the portrayal that we all can't wait to torture and kill any tourist that comes here. It just adds to the already many stupid viewpoints others have. Also the characters. They're so awful to watch. They say so many slurs in the first few minutes. And then later on the movie shows us one gay character, who is immediately a creep. And the women in this movie are like barely even shown as people. The actual torture stuff this movie is known for is fine. The effects are good and the scenes are fine. But I have a hard time rooting for the main character when he's a giant asshole to everyone. At that point I kinda want him to die already. So I'm not a fan of this movie. I truly think the only reason it's even as well known as it is is only because Tarantino produced it. Not because it's actually a good movie.
I guess the 5th objectively worst movie I've seen could be Aquaslash. I don't hate it nearly as much as the others, but it's not a very well made movie at all. It takes forever for anything to happen and then one thing happens and it ends. At least it's short.
17: do you own any horror merchandise?
I do! I have four horror movie tshirts - a Friday the 13th one, a Nightmare on Elm Street one, a Texas Chainsaw Massacre one and The Lost Boys one. (Ignore the fact that I don't iron my shirts)
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I also have this like knock off funko pop of Jason and Freddy that a friend gave me for Christmas ages ago. It's probably the coolest gift I've ever gotten.
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I've also got this jacket that has some pins and patches on it that are horror-related, but they were bought from etsy and aren't official merch. Same with this Saw necklace I have.
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I also have some stuff I've made myself, but that's not really the same
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minmin-pal · 11 months
ohh you've read jojo? i haven't actually seen many people who've read it though that might just be me not looking in the right places, do you have any characters you like and dislike on there?
oh yea, what are your thoughts on the artstyle? i've seen people say positive and negative stuff and the style looked pretty cool though what do you think of it?
(this is Really Long, if u press read more and u dont rlly care ur gonna have to scroll for a Bit
ive read and watched it its a really cool manga :thumbsup: its funny where it needs to be and serious in other places, plus the artstyle/character design is really unique (which is where most of its hate stems from) my favorite characters are probably rohan, joseph and kira rohan cuz hes just him and joseph because hes the funniest guy ever to exist ever in the history of humor the reason i like kira is. cuz hes really weird and evil and disgusting but hes just a really cool concept and he looks like david bowie
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i love his entire season/arc/part (diamond is unbreakable) cuz im a big fan of slice of life. and jojo is really big men fighting most of the time so for the season he appears in to be fighting but in a slice of life/detective drama type style was SUPER COOL and!! im rambling!! and off topic!! anyway i just mean he as a character is amazing and (these rlly arent spoilers? cuz its kinda the main thing) like that season really revolves around finding out who the small town serial killer is but with big punchy monsters an d i . really like it
UM character i dislike is... .. i dont really have one, usually you meet the character hate them, and then love them actually no i HATE this one character j geil he was there for like one episode during stardust crusaders (part 3-- it was formatted in a way of fighting a new bad guy each episode to creep closer to fighting the ult bad guy of the season. for this part i cant say who the antag is cuz its major spoilers if u havent watched/read it yet) and hes just a disgusting guy no spoilers but bottom of the barrel no good traits that one
the artstyle is really cool to me cuz its unique and it fits for what it is its definitely changed a whole lot aswell
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my favorite stage of how the manga looked was part 5 but for anime it was part 4 cause araki really went wild with the coloring like in this scene for example its like
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wow they really did that just cause they could like they really had no reason to but they just did and thats really why ill always love it
plus any show that can pull off a scene where the main good guys dance whilst setting a mans eyes on fire using a magnifying glass and the sun whilst listening to funky pop music
is a pretty good show to me :thumbsup:
tl;dr: jojo's bizarre adventure is. bizarre. but thats what makes it what it is the art, the scenes the ideas and abilities are all so absurd and thats super cool :grin:
wanted to add this other clip but tumblr willnot have it google search like "avdol yes i am" and youll find it but dont read comments or anything. spoilers wait actually
that works
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gidianthe · 2 years
nerdy men who are Horny but arent like creep incels about it are so rare in media and i thank palamedes sextus for being the first of his kind
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sasukesun · 2 years
homophobes will do anything to make sns shippers look like creeps i swear.. this one sasuke ""stan"" caught onto us talking abt narutos reactions to sasuke before the hospiyal roof fight and described it as "analysing narutos crotch" as if we arent simply pointing out the word usage but actually fucking... measuring smth with a ruler idk 😭 pretty sure the only reason it was brought up at all was because it made actual japanese het men uncomfortable. the denial of homoeroticism is so strong in these people i do not get it
“analysing naruto’s crotch” = noticing things even japanese fans talk about because there’s a specific word that has a sexual connotation in their language. i obviously am against teenage characters sexualisation in the sense of adults doing it because they find it hot/because they get off to it but like- can we talk about discovering/developing sexuality during teenagehood like normal people? like it’s a part of this period in life? but no, they want us to look like some dirty fujoshis that obsessively look at a pre teen’s crotch and find it hot instead of being honest and admitting we’re just discussing a choice of vocabulary even homophobic japanese men felt uncomfortable with to simply discuss how homoeroticism is present in the story and things aren’t accidental or come from an ignorant place… but god forbid me to point that out because it automatically means we just want to make everything gay and sexualise gay men since it’s hot, as if that’s not a homophobic assumption, and it’s an overall unhealthy view. people deny homoeroticism because they are homophobic, there’s really no mystery to it, they simply are, but they would rather lash out and be in denial and turn their homophobia against us
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