#saiki doesnt want to draw attention to himself
mintybloomz · 3 months
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Saiki Kuriko I love you
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oceanwithouthermoon · 8 months
ok putting my saiki k pony ideas here, mostly so i can maybe draw them someday, but also i put so much thought into these ideas and i want everyone to see them
tried to do EVERY character
kusuo- alicorn, no cutie mark
hides his wings under clothes and pretends he doesnt have them, would rather hide his horn but cant and just pretends he doesnt have much magic instead
why does he not have a cutie mark, you may ask?? because he hasnt accepted his quirks+powers as a part of himself.. his special talent is probably helping people but he thinks he only does that because the magic he has makes him basically obligated (its not true ur just a good person!!)
nobody really calls him out on constantly wearing clothes with so much coverage because they think hes just insecure about being a blank flank so late in life (kinda true, but it defeats the point if everyone KNOWS..)
will he ever get his cutie mark?? um.. i dont know.. maybe ?? definitely not in his high school years
chiyo- unicorn, baking cutie mark but idk what specifically, maybe a heart shaped chocolate like the one she made for kaido
specialty magic for tracking, she was a late bloomer with her cutie mark because she discovered her tracking talent really young and thought that had to do with her special talent for a longgg time
shun- pegasus, black feathers cutie mark
underdeveloped wings (like scootaloo obvi)
convinced hes just a late bloomer but hes almost an adult and still cant fly (never will but he doesnt know that)
gets these cool wing extensions that allow him to glide but still not fly
tells people his cutie mark is his "jet black wings" but its actually writing quills
riki- earth pony, heart shaped ramen bowl cutie mark ?? idfk what his special talent is i just think he has a lotta love in him..
HUGE stallion.. HUGE..
aren- a kirin..
has a huge scar where a cutie mark would be on a pony in the shape of an exclamation point
used to let his anger free when he was a delinquent and when he transferred, he was pretty self deprecating about his control of himself but he actually has a crazy amount of self control..
chisato- pegasus, hammer cutie mark maybe ?
almost made her an earth pony cuz of the brute strength thing but i like this better
got her cutie mark REALLY late because she was absolutely convinced her special talent had to do with food, and when she got it while doing a job she was like "WORKING IS MY SPECIAL TALENT??" but it wasnt about the job, shes just really strong, hardworking, and adaptable
kokomi- zebra, golden heart cutie mark
couldnt decide if she was a crystal pony or a zebra, decided on zebra
her mark LITERALLY seems to glow golden light, it doesnt actually but.. it really seems that way
ik her being a zebra may not sound like it makes sense because zecora got a bunch of NEGATIVE attention, but HEAR me out okok.. this pony au would be in a modern setting with more diversity and people would focus less on her being a zebra and more on her being beautiful and having such a unique pattern..
zecora is the only zebra we see in mlp so theres no reason to think other zebras couldnt have blue hair, esp in the era of saikis mind control (idk how that would tie into this universe cuz ponies already have crazy colors but shhh) so her hair is prob blue with dark and light stripey highlights
mikoto- griffon
ik she might make more sense as a unicorn but her fortune telling strikes me as more of an.. outside magic ?? like.. she was born with the ability, but its not a physical magical power, its like pinkies pinkie sense!!
so yea i like her as a griffon, its unique and i like the idea of her feathers having a unique pattern around her eyes thats akin to gyaru makeup (see: gilda but make it gyaru esque)
and yes she can still be colorful, we see colorful griffons in the late seasons of mlp
metori- a crystal pony, diamond ring cutie mark
tells people thats his cutie mark because its expensive and hes rich as hell but his special talent is actually MAKING jewelry..
i like the idea of him lying about his special talent so i had to think of something that he could say its cuz hes rich.. i kinda wanted his talent to be baking for some reason but i couldnt think of how that would work
reita- earth pony, cutie mark is like a cartoon-like ghost surrounded by a scary purple and black aura
was gonna make his mark something more meaningful but i think its funny if people see it and are immediately scared of him but literally all it means is like he SPEAKS to ghosts, like in the most normal way possible
and same thing as miko, he doesnt need to be a unicorn cuz his powers are different from unicorn magic..
touma- unicorn, magnifying glass over a thought bubble cutie mark
the mark is hard to explain but tell me u get me when i say its because hes got stupidly good detective skills and can tell what people are thinking
jokes around and manages to convince people he has crazy magic and his cutie mark actually means he can read minds but he actually isnt very good at unicorn magic at all
kineshi- is a changeling..
why ?? because he just is!! doesnt it make sense for him to be a creature that feeds off of making other people feel happiness and love ? it totally makes sense
honorable mentions 😛
saikis parents are both earth ponies, and i have no idea what their cutie marks would be but heres some silly ideas: kurumi has a cradle cutie mark (meant to be a mama😋) and kuniharu has a boot and he tells people that it's symbolism for like hard work but people know hes lying and think it means hes a boot licker METAPHORICALLY, which is almost right but.. it means literally
kusuke is an earth pony and his telepathy canceler is probably shaped like a unicorn horn in this universe hehe, and his cutie mark is maybe like a microscope or something ? hes just a mad scientist idk
btw chono in this au would def be like trixie lulamoon if u know what im saying.. he would be a unicorn but his special talent is STAGE magic and his horn doesnt do anything☠️
satou prob has that little hourglass cutie mark thats really common in background characters for animation purposes, idk what his special talent is but that would be really funny
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