#so i know that my content will likewise attract minors
gamebunny-advance · 2 years
@lightdrawshere said: "Question, if someone were exactly 16 where would that put them? Are they allowed to interact or no?"
TL;DR: No, do not interact with me if you're not an adult.
If it's to ask a question, or it's a concern about something, like this, then I don't mind. I also don't mind if they want to send in art requests when I have those open. When I say "don't interact" I basically mean, "don't treat me like a friend or a peer."
The only reason I make a distinction between 16-17 year olds from other minors, is because at that point I think y'all should be able to gauge your own boundaries and decide what kind of content y'all are comfortable with, but y'all still shouldn't be talking with random adults on the internet like they're your friends. You might be *more* mature, but y'all are still in a very exploitable/impressionable age range.
Like I get it, it's not like I discovered adult content at exactly age 18 either. I know that you don't just turn 18 and immediately become more mature and capable of processing complex emotions. You literally grow into adulthood, and that sometimes means wanting to engage with content beyond your age range. And in a safe environment, I think y'all should be allowed to do that, so I don't mind if that age range interacts with my content.
I know some of y'all are still figuring yourselves out, and if my silly doodles about sad robots or me occasionally talking about how I like big bazongas helps you through that, then so be it. But I get kinda personal on this blog sometimes, and I don't think minors should really be exposed to my personal thoughts and feelings, let alone comment on them.
I really don't think minors of any age should be interacting with adults at all. Minors should exercise a level of caution and understand the concept of "stranger danger". The fact that I can even find enough information to block people for being minors is a bad sign that some of y'all are too comfortable putting personal information out there.
I recognize that I am an adult in a space shared with minors, so it is my responsibility to draw the line of acceptable behavior, but this is also a personal space where I just wanna be myself, and myself is an adult with adult thoughts and feelings. So, please do your part and respect my boundaries by not interacting with me if you're underage. Please and thank you.
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kisstuals · 2 years
the art of love [m.list]
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PAIRINGS. dream 00 line x fem reader CONTAINS. fluff, angst, romance, college!au, art school!au & other various aus WARNINGS. cursing, alcohol consumption, suggestive content, more to be added INSPO. personal experience, the kdrama nevertheless, for the titles & beatopia by beabadoobee  NOTE. check end for extended authors note! while all of these take place in the same universe and are loosely connected, they can be read as standalones! if you’d like to be added to the taglist, send me an ask! and i hope u enjoy what is to come <3
The New School of Arts at Neo University has a top ranking, state-of-the-art program for all aspiring artists. With any distinguished college degree comes sleepless nights, copious amounts of coffee and hours spent working, but students Jeno, Jaemin, Renjun and Haechan find it especially difficult to balance their professional passions with, well, their personal passions. Will they be able to figure out the art of love before they venture out into the real world?
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pairing. sculpture major!jeno x sculpture major!reader contains. fluff, romance, angst, college!au, sculptor!au, classmates!au
Despite having had several classes with Lee Jeno, you never realize how much you have in common with him– that is, until you have to spend your entire semester working on a sculpture piece together for the new exhibit at your school’s gallery.
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pairing. photography major!jaemin x neuroscience major!reader contains. fluff, romance, minor angst, childhood best friends to lovers!au, college au
Everyone thought that you and Jaemin would end up together, but something always seemed to get in the way. After years of missed opportunities (and both of you being complete dumbasses), Jaemin realizes how undeniable your presence is in his life, all thanks to his photography final.
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pairing. theater major!haechan x journalism major!reader x painting major!renjun contains. fluff, romance, angst, college!au, theater!au, enemies to lovers!au or friends to lovers!au
On one hand you have the loud and annoying (yet, unfortunately attractive) Haechan, the lead of the play you are covering for your article. And, on the other hand you have his kind and approachable (yet, emotionally unavailable) best friend, Renjun, who volunteers with the set design crew in his free time. Perhaps… this was much more than you signed up for.
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LEELA’S NOTE. hi omg welcome to kisstuals, this is the first thing i am planning on posting here :) honestly i was scared to start with a series because it's a lot of pressure but i am way too excited not to. this is pure escapism for me because i am an art student and i am planning on projecting all my thoughts and desires onto these fics lol. that being said, a lot of this is based on my personal experiences in art school but obviously there are other parts where i have to fill in on my own. i haven’t started writing any of these but please let me know if you’re looking forward to this so i can motivate myself to write! i also have a bonus piece planned already if i can get through these initial ones!!! also some of these are from dream’s pov, others are from reader’s pov, it’s just whatever is convenient for the storyline. but pls pls lmk ur thoughts and keep ur eyes peeled for some teaser content!!! xoxo, leela
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© kisstuals, 2022
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anlian-aishang · 1 year
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⏩ Liking and Reblogging Stolen Art is Harmful. ⏪
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I used to be someone that thought unauthorized reposts were not harmful. I used to be someone that thought liking/reblogging stolen art was fine. After all, I was not the one who reposted it, so it is not really my fault, right? If it has already been reposted, it does not matter how much attention it gets, right?
It has taken me years but I finally realized that liking and reblogging stolen art is harmful. Here is why:
TLDR: Please be careful not to like/reblog stolen artwork.
Likes and reblogs are notifications and attention for the reposter, which will only encourage them to repost again.
Notes are incentives. We post for engagement. We all desire attention. It is natural! When we post and get notes, that is a motivator for us to post again. This is true no matter what the content is, including stolen art. Every time someone gives a like, reblog, comment, or otherwise provides a notification, that will encourage them to post similar content again. For those who repost artwork, it is the same way. Engagement will encourage them to repost more fan art - in chase of the reward of attention. For those who use fan art in fic banners, it will encourage them to use it in future banners. For those who use it in moodboards, AMVs, icon edits, etc., the more notes they get, the more often they will repost.
Likes and reblogs tell the reposter that their actions are okay.
Not only is engagement incentivizing, it is also condoning. It is a thumbs-up to what they have done - and a green light to keep doing what they are doing. Which, of course, will lead to more art being stolen.
When you reblog stolen art, everyone who sees your reblog will think it is okay.
Engaging with stolen art not only tells the reposter that posting stolen art is okay, it also tells your followers that posting stolen art is okay. Everyone who sees your reblog now believes that you believe that stolen art is no big deal, and should even be rewarded with attention. This will lead to more people thinking that art theft is not a big deal and it may even lead to them stealing artwork as well.
When you reblog stolen art, it will "inspire" viewers to start stealing too.
"Get notes quick. Post stolen art!" As said above, we all crave attention. It takes mere seconds to find fan art, to repost it, and for the notes to come flooding in. This is a very attractive deal! However, art theft is wrong, and it is not something we want to promote. Likewise, when viewers see a fic that has a banner of fan art and a ton of notes, they will feel inclined to put fan art in their next fic so that their next fic also get a ton of notes. When they see a moodboard that includes fan art and is really popular, they will feel inspired to put fan art in their next moodboard in order to make it more popular. Ultimately, of course, this leads to more art being stolen.
When those who condone art theft outnumber those who oppose it (including artists), the creators and those who fight art theft become an ignorable minority.
Let's pretend that there is a stolen art post that has 100 notes. Any combination of likes and reblogs. Now, let's pretend there is 1 message that says in the kindest terms possible, "Hey, just so you know, this artwork is stolen. I know you didn't mean harm, but I hope you please take it down." No matter how kindly worded that message was, that person is outnumbered 1-100. Imagine if the post had 200 notes. 800. 1000. 2000+ Simply put, the person who calls out the stolen art is absolutely miniscule and easily ignorable. Not only that, but they're outnumbered. "Yeah, okay, so maybe this 1 person thinks it's wrong, but look at all these other hundreds of notes - and therefore - hundreds of people who think it's fine!" When you like/reblog stolen art, you add to that ratio and make it much more difficult for artists' voices to be heard and for stolen artwork to be taken down.
Anlian, this post hurt my feelings :( // I didn't know it was stolen at the time. // I'm not the one who posted it, so why are you blaming me? // etc.
That is totally not my intention! And I am so sorry for making you feel bad. I tried to phrase things carefully. At the end of the day, it is always the reposter who is the most harmful to artists. The goal of this post is to show that we all have the power to help stop art theft - through something as simple as not liking/reblogging. It can sometimes be tricky to find out whether art is stolen or not. I made this post which includes some things to look for when trying to determine whether the artwork is from the artist or if it is a repost. Like I said, I used to consciously reblog art knowing it was stolen. I used to think that unauthorized reposting was not a big deal, and might even help the artists (that is obviously false). This was a mistake that I regret. And I am sure that this previous version of me would feel guilt/responsibility after reading this post. The truth is: we all make mistakes and that's okay! It is about what we do moving forward. And I hope, moving forward, we will all think twice before engaging with stolen artwork. <3
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sixty-silver-wishes · 11 months
Original short story- Knees
(Content warning- This story includes references to substance and domestic abuse, as well as detailed descriptions of decomposition and gore.)
The hazy air suffocated with the scent of cotton candy and the colour yellow. Chattering weaved its way in and out of bubbling blasts of brass, a soni-jazz band playing on a stage not far from the excitement.
“D’you think the winners from last year are here?” a whisper landed in an ear.
“Who, Terrence and Paolino?”
“Yeah, them.”
“I hear Terrence is taking the year off. As he should, in my opinion. Was hell for him, but my, was he swell to watch! Never seen legs like that in my life. Maybe he’ll be back next year, though-- but for now, let’s hope this year’s competitors will beat our expectations.”
Behind a velvet curtain, Margot scrutinised her appearance in a mirror. Knobby knees- certainly not an attractive feature. After all, the crowd’s eyes would constantly be on her knees. There was a scab on the left one- a minor flaw, but nevertheless one that would be sure to be magnified a thousand times on the overhead screen. Her hair, at least, was immaculate- done in those old-timey waves that had been making a comeback ever since the economy crashed. 2052, and everyone was obsessed with everything 1930s, no doubt as a way to cope with the Depression that had made its cycle around American history and was now once again knocking at the present’s door. Likewise, her vintage dress was likely impractical compared to the more athletic wear other competitors sported, but was sure to score points with the audience, particularly young, impressionable fashionistas. She flexed an arm in the mirror- thankfully, she was strong enough to qualify this year. Her arms would no doubt be her greatest asset for the next few days, maybe even weeks if it came to it.
A tap lightly jabbed at her shoulder. “Looks like we’re partners,” a voice said.
“What?” She turned to see a man- hair neatly combed, one red suspender hanging off his shoulder.
“You’re Margot McLee, right? I drew a fifty-two in the bowl up front, and you drew one too, which means we’re partners. Is that okay with you?”
Margot looked him up and down. “Yes,” she said slowly, her heart lurching as she took note of his untied shoes. “Your shoes are untied.”
“Oh! Right. That’s- that’s not good, is it?” He bent down, fumbling with his shoelaces before managing to work each one into a knot. “There we go. Can’t believe I forgot- you see, I was out on the farm all morning, trying to bring in the grain. You remember how in the thirties there was a dust bowl, right? A couple, I think. Well, I was thinking, with all this thirties craze, what if it happens again? So I thought it would be smart to stock up our grain. I’m Frederick. Walters.”
He stuck out a hand to her, and she shook it, hoping he would soon prove to be far more coordinated. People around them were beginning to partner up, and Margot could tell instantly that she’d have better chances with a good amount of them than with him. Still, she and Frederick had both drawn a 52, so they were stuck together until one of them disqualified- or they won.
“This was also a big thirties thing, you know,” Frederick said, checking his hair in the mirror. “These ridiculous dance competitions. Probably just as dangerous then as it is now, although at least we’ve got better medicine and all. Guess we’re still just as stupid, though, signing up for this sort of thing. Say, why are you in?”
Margot folded her arms. “Why are you?”
“Oh, I just thought, say, the barn’s got a leak on the roof, and I’ve got my family at home, and while we do what we can, chances are with the way things are going, we’ll have to sell the farm. So why not enter a little shindig like this and try for that prize money? Course, I’m not expecting to win, but if we get out, at least we’ll get to watch everyone else- that’ll be exciting, won’t it?”
Margot didn’t answer.
“You’re one of the more serious ones, aren’t you? Really focused on that money. Well, looks like I’m in luck- in these sorts of things, it’s good to have a determined partner. And I’m in top form, so you don’t have anything to worry about. And if we lose, well, we’ll get by. Maybe. I think.”
“If we lose, we don’t get the prize money,” Margot answered pointedly. “Both of us have a shot at it, and I know why I need it. So I suggest you save your breath.”
Frederick sighed. “You’re probably right,” he answered.
A loud noise sounded from outside- a blasting chord from the band, followed by a voice over a speaker.
“Dancers, will you take your places?” the voice blared. Margot downed a glass of water, then reapplied her lipstick before making her way into a long procession that filed in two lines past the curtain. Frederick smiled at her from the other line. She didn’t return it, only glanced at the knees of the dancers in front of her. Hers look formidable; I might be in for some competition. And his aren’t too bad, either. And theirs? Weak, definitely.
Could be stronger.
Sunlight and soni-jazz blasted in a wave over her eyes and ears as she stepped past the curtain, glancing about at the crowd. She lined up with Frederick and took his hands as the others took their partners’. Last year, she had been eliminated on the second day. But this time, she’d been training, and the prize would certainly be hers.
“Welcome to the third annual Everswing!” the voice over the speaker blared. “Just like the last two years, one hundred and fifty couples will be dancing for as long as they can, with the chance to win fifty million- and we said million- dollars. We would like to remind our competitors that food and restroom breaks will be given for ten minutes every two hours, physical violence will result in an immediate disqualification, and-”
“Once your knees touch the ground, why then, you’re out!” the crowd chorused. Margot found herself mouthing along with them.
“That’s right! If a competitor’s knees touch the ground, they and their partner will be considered disqualified. The prize will be awarded to both members of the last couple standing- fifty million- and we said million- for each. Now, when the band starts up again, the third annual Everswing will officially start!”
Margot steeled her nerves as the band struck up an antiquated waltz- something pleasant and slow to begin with. Couples whirled about the vast arena, some in billowing skirts and others in exercise wear. Still, the most popular choice of clothing seemed to be gingham dresses or burlap-bag suit jackets, cleverly tailored to resemble tweed. They stepped carefully around a series of ambling notes from a muted trumpet, supplemented by computer-generated record static. Frederick’s hands were rough, and Margot noted in horror that he often stepped a little too close to her toes.
“You don’t know how to waltz?” she hissed above the music.
“Well, not exactly,” he said. “Look, I know it’s one of the required dances for the Everswing, but I spent a little more time on the Balboa. That was the one they started with last year, remember? Lots of people got disqualified with that one.”
“Watch your feet.” Margot swayed expertly back and forth, her chest pressed to Frederick’s. The crowd loved a little chemistry, even if it was completely feigned, and being a crowd favourite sometimes meant extra food or medicinal care during breaks- maybe even a change of shoes or a tube of ointment. However, Frederick didn’t seem to get the hint, instead watching the other dancers as Margot attempted to make eye contact with him.
“My eyes,” she whispered. “Look at them.”
“Uh, they’re nice?”
“Just trust me on this one if you want to stay in.”
He nodded, looking into her eyes. She noticed his were an odd shade between grey and green- like dishwater left to mould. It was difficult to tell how much time had passed, but waltzing gradually grew easier, even mechanical. Clockwork automatons may as well have been whirling around them, with hearts that beat in copper time. The waltz looped over and over, fading into background noise. Lazy conversation from the crowd set in- it seemed as if they were growing bored.
“You never told me,” Frederick said, sweat on his brow. “Why are you here again?”
“Same reason you are,” Margot answered dismissively. “Money.”
“Money for what?”
“Same reason everyone else is here. Because we all want money.”
“There’s got to be a bigger reason than that.”
“Why do you want to know?”
“So there is.”
Margot stepped back, then forwards. Her knees were holding up surprisingly well. Someone in the band was strumming a guitar. She could have sworn she heard two people in the audience talking about their plans for dinner.
She couldn’t feel her legs by the time a bell rang- the break, finally. Hands dropped from waists, hanging like lead. A collective sigh swept through the arena. Women in white uniforms marched out of the curtain, handing each competitor a bottle of water and a plate of plain potatoes and chicken. Noisy chomping and slurping was quickly drowned out by the band, and a number of competitors rushed back behind the curtain to the restrooms.
“This is good,” Frederick said through a mouthful of chicken. “Not as good as what we have at home, but then again, you can’t get better than fresh.”
Margot couldn’t help but agree -- the food was good. That was another benefit of competing -- food and drink were ensured to dancers, while scraping to get by was the norm for most. Even disqualified competitors, of which there were now a few, sat in the bleachers and received their own portions. By the time their plates were collected and those who had left to relieve themselves had returned, the remaining competitors were ready to proceed to the next dance.
A bolt of sound exploded from the band, now playing an upbeat standard. The arena began to shimmy with bodies, stomping and whirling with a newfound vigour. Frederick, more energetic than ever, easily found his way into this number, while Margot couldn’t help but laugh. Sure, his dancing wasn’t perfect, but he was able to keep up, and more importantly, keep on his feet. Sharp whistles surrounded them as dancers fell to their knees and the loudspeaker announced their disqualification, making Margot and Frederick dance even faster, this shrill dissonance the sweetest music to them.
“My husband’s drug addiction!” Margot announced as she whirled around Frederick, giddy with bright lights and drunk on soni-jazz.
“You wanted to know why I’m here,” Margot said, allowing Frederick to dip her in his arms.
“Your what?” He spun her around.
“He’s violent and hasn’t been able to find employment since last year,” she said, a shimmy in her step. “So I’m going to take the next plane out to Sweden and live with my aunt! We’re going to win this, you know! We’re going to win!” High on expectations, she continued dancing- dancing away from shattered glass bottles and blood-red screams and stolen caches of the smallest amounts of money. She could do this- she knew she could, and she would keep dancing, sun-up and sun-down, until her bone-cracked feet touched green grass all the way across the ocean.
“We’re going to win!” Frederick echoed, facing the cameras. “You hear that, Margot’s shitty husband? We’re going to win!” Whistles sounded left and right as the dejected trudged out of the arena, but the couple whirled about confidently. Soon enough, fatigue set in, and the band slowed. Water bottles, bathroom breaks, and food arrived now and again, and day gave way to night. Still, they continued to dance, Frederick’s head on Margot’s shoulder as they swayed. Every once in a while, they would be startled by a whistle- someone had collapsed in exhaustion, only to be woken to disqualification. The number of couples had dwindled to one hundred and twenty, then ninety. Those who stayed determined danced until sunrise, when fifty remained. By the next break, when eggs and plant-based bacon were served along with coffee and the most popular couples were awarded with shoes and balms, forty-three couples were left to dance another day.
Margot and Frederick barely talked to each other, their leaden limbs carrying on the motions through dance after dance. They had stumbled a few times each, but had always managed to catch themselves. Dancing became a duty, an obligation. Margot was so enveloped in fulfilling it that she hardly noticed another girl with her partner, dancing up alongside her.
“You’ve made it pretty far,” the other girl panted.
“Yep,” Margot managed.
“I’m Margot.”
“No. From Georgia. Hannah.”
“Hannah,” Margot replied. “I’m from Kansas-Nebraska.”
Hannah-from-Georgia twirled in her skirt, her finger waves now undone and wild around her head. “Haven’t… done a lot of talking. To other women.”
“Busy dancing,” Margot replied, doing her best to step away.
“Busy dancing,” Frederick echoed after her, his face red and drenched in sweat. He breathed laboriously, his lungs wheezing for air. “Busy dancing.” He and Margot slowed, but did not stop moving.
“Why… here?” Hannah breathed.
“Husband,” Margot answered.
“Farm,” Frederick said, his head lolling on his shoulders.
“No jobs,” Hannah said. “Better to dance.”
A whistle sounded. Hannah and her partner, a man far older than her, kept dancing. He tightened his grip on her waist, and Hannah pushed him back with as much strength as she could handle. The man swayed once, twice, and stumbled back- but Hannah pulled him up.
“Knew you would,” he grinned.
“Not for you.” Hannah glared at him.
Three dances later had Margot and Frederick alongside another couple.
Todd was dancing to pay for a surgery for a fatal illness; Bethany to go to college. The day wore on. Nicholas was dancing because he wanted to accomplish something in life; Shanelle because she lost her home in a flood. George, Aspen, Mary, Walter, Henry, Jacob because none of them knew what else to live for. Richard, Oliver, Keisha, Pablo, Laila, Timothy because they had danced with someone they loved long ago and had forgotten how it felt to dance with someone again, and if 2052 was going to get any harder, goddammit, they wanted to spend as much of it as they could dancing.
And then, at three in the afternoon, when the New Oklahoma sun was beaming as hard as it dared to, right after a break, the yellow in the air thickened to gold and the scent of cotton candy turned to that of burned sugar. Frederick coughed once, then twice, blood spurted from his mouth in a thin red river, and he never got himself to dance again.
Margot felt him slacken in her arms, just managing to catch him before both of them hit the ground. His one loose suspender slid from his shoulder.
He’s dead, Margot thought as soni-jazz distorted and undulated around them, trumpets and chiptunes moaning in time with the electric double bass. She looked at the ground, then at Frederick’s knees- once strong knees, grown weak with two straight days and nights of fatigue. Knees that bent and straightened to help carry bushels of honeyed wheat into a creaking barn, knees that knelt to comfort sick and ailing brothers and sisters, knees that once belonged to a laughing child, collecting scabs and dirt as they climbed trees and kicked through cold rivers.
Knees that were not touching the ground.
Margot didn’t know if the spectators watching the dance could even tell that Frederick was no longer alive. The band played on, vibrant as ever. Remaining couples stomped and swayed around them, loping in dizzying circles like buzzing flies. Once-carefully styled hair clung to drooping faces and stuck out at odd angles, quaint clothing that once emulated the perceived simplicity of a bygone age now torn, soiled, and faded as the past. Breaks were treated with the reverence of a pilgrimage, water and ointment and potatoes and shoes and socks and soap and coffee sometimes stolen or bartered for. The no physical violence rule would have been broken time and again if the competitors weren’t so exhausted, every step, twirl, and shake torture on bodies that could barely breathe. Those who fell on their knees may have been doing so in prayer, in surrender, before they were taken away on stretchers.
Knees. Weak knees, strong knees, broken knees, scarred and scabbed knees, old and young knees of many shapes, sizes, and colours.
But still dancing, still swaying to the serenade of harsh strings and wheezing brass, were a pair of dead knees.
Margot remembered the day she married him. Dean. A nice man, well-off. Something ran in his family, he always said, but he never said what it was. Once, when she asked while they were in bed, he said it was luck, but she didn’t know if that was true. When the second Depression struck, she could tell he was lying. He gambled, but lost most times, and the times he did win, he downed bottles, sometimes of beer and sometimes of pills. Margot often found needles in the washing machine, and received a fist to the stomach when she asked why they were there. She learned early on not to ask, only to dispose of them.
She loved to dance. As a child, she begged her parents to allow her to take lessons, and she did, ribbons adorning her legs and satin slippers on her feet. As a teenager, she followed every dance craze that surfaced on social media. In college, she went to clubs, dancing with boys and girls she didn’t know, but wanted to know forever, at least for the night. Dean, at least, tolerated her dancing when the Depression hit, because the competitions meant that if he did not receive the luck he said he did, perhaps she would instead. When she heard the whistle the previous year, it sounded instead like the earth cracking down the centre.
Now, she was dancing with a dead man. Frederick was heavy, and as she swayed with him, his head lolled back and forth in a most unsettling manner. Sometimes, fluids leaked out. She dared not hold his waist too tight, and hoped his family wasn’t watching the televised competition.
The next day, three other couples remained. Frederick was beginning to bloat. Some of the buttons on his shirt had snapped off, revealing greying flesh underneath. His face, reddened at the time of death, was now ash-pale. His boots dragged along the ground, his feet scraping where the soles had worn off. Flies had gathered in his eyes and Margot’s, and she did her best to swat them away while keeping Frederick’s body from falling. They soon became the most popular couple.
Word spread about the woman who had fled her abusive husband and had met a man in the Everswing, and had fallen in love with him so hard that she wanted to dance with him forever, even past death. The other couples- down to two- had gotten used to this by now, dancing at far ends of the arena to avoid the putrid smell. But the crowd loved it. Margot received shoes and dresses, comfortable stockings, delicious and energising foods, and even Frederick received a silicone mask to hide his face, which had now been picked to unrecognizeability by crows and insects. The mask, however, slid down to his nose, making him an even more awful sight. He was gifted perfumes and garlands of flowers, which Margot was all too eager to apply to his ballooning body. When his stomach erupted with maggots, the audience too erupted into hungry applause.
By evening, her reddened fingers touched bone- perhaps he would have decayed much slower, had he not been danced with and dragged about all day. Margot would have cried for him, but she hadn’t the strength left in her to cry- only to dance, and to dance until the end of time. Meanwhile, t-shirts printed with images of what had once been Frederick’s face were handed out to the crowd.
One other couple remained- Frieda Lopez and Belle Laroche. Frieda had been a figure skater at the very last Olympics -- Nairobi 2048 -- and Belle a ballet professor at Juilliard. Both, once champions of their respective arts, commanded attention and respect. Bets were placed on them, and they had nearly made it to a tenth night last year- only having stopped because Frieda had a family emergency to attend to. They wondered whether to pity Margot or be disgusted with her, but all they could do, like her, was keep dancing. They had their devoted fans, as did the grotesque couple who continued their ritual opposite the arena.
Late at night, the band struck up again- something hot that got even the audience tapping their toes. Drums throbbed in Margot’s head, and Frieda and Belle mustered the strength to perform a rousing tango. Frederick’s mask slipped some more, taking his nose with it.
Margot laughed- who would have known she would have made it this far, and in these circumstances? Was Dean watching? The world was watching; how could he not be? By now, she was sure the image of her and Fredrick (now nicknamed “Maggot” and “Dead-drick” respectively in certain online circles) was making its rounds across the horrified and fascinated globe. Soni-jazz threatened to swallow her whole, and she wanted to be devoured, dissolving into fuzzy black-and-white half-digested memories of a quasi-recollected past, spinning into a mess of phonograph crackle and beating hearts now stilled for a million eternities. The first time she’d danced with a man in such a long time, she’d been doing so for anywhere from less than a week to forever, and he was covered in cockroaches and larvae and his nose had fallen off and one of his eyes was gone and perhaps- although she could be mistaken- his brain was leaking out a bit. But she kept dancing, dancing, dancing, dancing, dancing, because if she danced fast enough, she’d be taken into a past past her past, somewhere that no longer existed, never existed, and never would again. The soni-jazz screamed, wailed, even begged for her to stop, but her feet kept pounding at the ground, whirling in circles with what was left of Frederick, desperate for something to be over and something to begin, although she had no idea what ending and beginning meant anymore.
She didn’t stop until Frederick’s leg, with a terrible crack, swung high into the air and landed straight in front of Frieda and Belle, who both fainted. Margot, her hands covered in browning blood, froze, staring at the knees on the ground -- knees, everywhere, knees -- and with a chilling realisation, was nearly crushed by the fact that she was the last person standing in the arena.
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missmentelle · 3 years
Why Smart People Believe Stupid Things
If you’ve been paying attention for the last couple of years, you might have noticed that the world has a bit of a misinformation problem. 
The problem isn’t just with the recent election conspiracies, either. The last couple of years has brought us the rise (and occasionally fall) of misinformation-based movements like:
Sandy Hook conspiracies
The MRA/incel/MGTOW movements
the birther movement
the Illuminati 
climate change denial
Holocaust denial 
COVID-19 denial��
5G panic 
But why do people believe this stuff?
It would be easy - too easy - to say that people fall for this stuff because they’re stupid. We all want to believe that smart people like us are immune from being taken in by deranged conspiracies. But it’s just not that simple. People from all walks of life are going down these rabbit holes - people with degrees and professional careers and rich lives have fallen for these theories, leaving their loved ones baffled. Decades-long relationships have splintered this year, as the number of people flocking to these conspiracies out of nowhere reaches a fever pitch. 
So why do smart people start believing some incredibly stupid things? It’s because:
Our brains are built to identify patterns. 
Our brains fucking love puzzles and patterns. This is a well-known phenomenon called apophenia, and at one point, it was probably helpful for our survival - the prehistoric human who noticed patterns in things like animal migration, plant life cycles and the movement of the stars was probably a lot more likely to survive than the human who couldn’t figure out how to use natural clues to navigate or find food. 
The problem, though, is that we can’t really turn this off. Even when we’re presented with completely random data, we’ll see patterns. We see patterns in everything, even when there’s no pattern there. This is why people see Jesus in a burnt piece of toast or get superstitious about hockey playoffs or insist on always playing at a certain slot machine - our brains look for patterns in the constant barrage of random information in our daily lives, and insist that those patterns are really there, even when they’re completely imagined. 
A lot of conspiracy theories have their roots in people making connections between things that aren’t really connected. The belief that “vaccines cause autism” was bolstered by the fact that the first recognizable symptoms of autism happen to appear at roughly the same time that children receive one of their rounds of childhood immunizations - the two things are completely unconnected, but our brains have a hard time letting go of the pattern they see there. Likewise, many people were quick to latch on to the fact that early maps of COVID infections were extremely similar to maps of 5G coverage -  the fact that there’s a reasonable explanation for this (major cities are more likely to have both high COVID cases AND 5G networks) doesn’t change the fact that our brains just really, really want to see a connection there. 
Our brains love proportionality. 
Specifically, our brains like effects to be directly proportional to their causes - in other words, we like it when big events have big causes, and small causes only lead to small events. It’s uncomfortable for us when the reverse is true. And so anytime we feel like a “big” event (celebrity death, global pandemic, your precious child is diagnosed with autism) has a small or unsatisfying cause (car accident, pandemics just sort of happen every few decades, people just get autism sometimes), we sometimes feel the need to start looking around for the bigger, more sinister, “true” cause of that event. 
Consider, for instance, the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II. In 1981, Pope John Paul II was shot four times by a Turkish member of a known Italian paramilitary secret society who’d recently escaped from prison - on the surface, it seems like the sort of thing conspiracy theorists salivate over, seeing how it was an actual multinational conspiracy. But they never had much interest in the assassination attempt. Why? Because the Pope didn’t die. He recovered from his injuries and went right back to Pope-ing. The event didn’t have a serious outcome, and so people are content with the idea that one extremist carried it out. The death of Princess Diana, however, has been fertile ground for conspiracy theories; even though a woman dying in a car accident is less weird than a man being shot four times by a paid political assassin, her death has attracted more conspiracy theories because it had a bigger outcome. A princess dying in a car accident doesn’t feel big enough. It’s unsatisfying. We want such a monumentous moment in history to have a bigger, more interesting cause. 
These theories prey on pre-existing fear and anger. 
Are you a terrified new parent who wants the best for their child and feels anxious about having them injected with a substance you don’t totally understand? Congrats, you’re a prime target for the anti-vaccine movement. Are you a young white male who doesn’t like seeing more and more games aimed at women and minorities, and is worried that “your” gaming culture is being stolen from you? You might have been very interested in something called Gamergate. Are you a right-wing white person who worries that “your” country and way of life is being stolen by immigrants, non-Christians and coastal liberals? You’re going to love the “all left-wingers are Satantic pedo baby-eaters” messaging of QAnon. 
Misinformation and conspiracy theories are often aimed strategically at the anxieties and fears that people are already experiencing. No one likes being told that their fears are insane or irrational; it’s not hard to see why people gravitate towards communities that say “yes, you were right all along, and everyone who told you that you were nuts to be worried about this is just a dumb sheep. We believe you, and we have evidence that you were right along, right here.” Fear is a powerful motivator, and you can make people believe and do some pretty extreme things if you just keep telling them “yes, that thing you’re afraid of is true, but also it’s way worse than you could have ever imagined.”
Real information is often complicated, hard to understand, and inherently unsatisfying. 
The information that comes from the scientific community is often very frustrating for a layperson; we want science to have hard-and-fast answers, but it doesn’t. The closest you get to a straight answer is often “it depends” or “we don’t know, but we think X might be likely”. Understanding the results of a scientific study with any confidence requires knowing about sampling practices, error types, effect sizes, confidence intervals and publishing biases. Even asking a simple question like “is X bad for my child” will usually get you a complicated, uncertain answer - in most cases, it really just depends. Not understanding complex topics makes people afraid - it makes it hard to trust that they’re being given the right information, and that they’re making the right choices. 
Conspiracy theories and misinformation, on the other hand, are often simple, and they are certain. Vaccines bad. Natural things good. 5G bad. Organic food good. The reason girls won’t date you isn’t a complex combination of your social skills, hygiene, appearance, projected values, personal circumstances, degree of extroversion, luck and life phase - girls won’t date you because feminism is bad, and if we got rid of feminism you’d have a girlfriend. The reason Donald Trump was an unpopular president wasn’t a complex combination of his public bigotry, lack of decorum, lack of qualifications, open incompetence, nepotism, corruption, loss of soft power, refusal to uphold the basic responsibilities of his position or his constant lying - they hated him because he was fighting a secret sex cult and they’re all in it. 
Instead of making you feel stupid because you’re overwhelmed with complex information, expert opinions and uncertain advice, conspiracy theories make you feel smart - smarter, in fact, than everyone who doesn’t believe in them. And that’s a powerful thing for people living in a credential-heavy world. 
Many conspiracy theories are unfalsifiable. 
It is very difficult to prove a negative. If I tell you, for instance, that there’s no such thing as a purple swan, it would be very difficult for me to actually prove that to you - I could spend the rest of my life photographing swans and looking for swans and talking to people who know a lot about swans, and yet the slim possibility would still exist that there was a purple swan out there somewhere that I just hadn’t found yet. That’s why, in most circumstances, the burden of proof lies with the person making the extraordinary claim - if you tell me that purple swans exist, we should continue to assume that they don’t until you actually produce a purple swan. 
Conspiracy theories, however, are built so that it’s nearly impossible to “prove” them wrong. Is there any proof that the world’s top-ranking politicians and celebrities are all in a giant child sex trafficking cult? No. But can you prove that they aren’t in a child sex-trafficking cult? No, not really. Even if I, again, spent the rest of my life investigating celebrities and following celebrities and talking to people who know celebrities, I still couldn’t definitely prove that this cult doesn’t exist - there’s always a chance that the specific celebrities I’ve investigated just aren’t in the cult (but other ones are!) or that they’re hiding evidence of the cult even better than we think. Lack of evidence for a conspiracy theory is always treated as more evidence for the theory - we can’t find anything because this goes even higher up than we think! They’re even more sophisticated at hiding this than we thought! People deeply entrenched in these theories don’t even realize that they are stuck in a circular loop where everything seems to prove their theory right - they just see a mountain of “evidence” for their side. 
Our brains are very attached to information that we “learned” by ourselves.
Learning accurate information is not a particularly interactive or exciting experience. An expert or reliable source just presents the information to you in its entirety, you read or watch the information, and that’s the end of it. You can look for more information or look for clarification of something, but it’s a one-way street - the information is just laid out for you, you take what you need, end of story. 
Conspiracy theories, on the other hand, almost never show their hand all at once. They drop little breadcrumbs of information that slowly lead you where they want you to go. This is why conspiracy theorists are forever telling you to “do your research” - they know that if they tell you everything at once, you won’t believe them. Instead, they want you to indoctrinate yourself slowly over time, by taking the little hints they give you and running off to find or invent evidence that matches that clue. If I tell you that celebrities often wear symbols that identify them as part of a cult and that you should “do your research” about it, you can absolutely find evidence that substantiates my claim - there are literally millions of photos of celebrities out there, and anyone who looks hard enough is guaranteed to find common shapes, poses and themes that might just mean something (they don’t - eyes and triangles are incredibly common design elements, and if I took enough pictures of you, I could also “prove” that you also clearly display symbols that signal you’re in the cult). 
The fact that you “found” the evidence on your own, however, makes it more meaningful to you. We trust ourselves, and we trust that the patterns we uncover by ourselves are true. It doesn’t feel like you’re being fed misinformation - it feels like you’ve discovered an important truth that “they” didn’t want you to find, and you’ll hang onto that for dear life. 
Older people have not learned to be media-literate in a digital world. 
Fifty years ago, not just anyone could access popular media. All of this stuff had a huge barrier to entry - if you wanted to be on TV or be in the papers or have a radio show, you had to be a professional affiliated with a major media brand. Consumers didn’t have easy access to niche communities or alternative information - your sources of information were basically your local paper, the nightly news, and your morning radio show, and they all more or less agreed on the same set of facts. For decades, if it looked official and it appeared in print, you could probably trust that it was true. 
Of course, we live in a very different world today - today, any asshole can accumulate an audience of millions, even if they have no credentials and nothing they say is actually true (like “The Food Babe”, a blogger with no credentials in medicine, nutrition, health sciences, biology or chemistry who peddles health misinformation to the 3 million people who visit her blog every month). It’s very tough for older people (and some younger people) to get their heads around the fact that it’s very easy to create an “official-looking” news source, and that they can’t necessarily trust everything they find on the internet. When you combine that with a tendency toward “clickbait headlines” that often misrepresent the information in the article, you have a generation struggling to determine who they can trust in a media landscape that doesn’t at all resemble the media landscape they once knew. 
These beliefs become a part of someone’s identity. 
A person doesn’t tell you that they believe in anti-vaxx information - they tell you that they ARE an anti-vaxxer. Likewise, people will tell you that they ARE a flat-earther, a birther, or a Gamergater. By design, these beliefs are not meant to be something you have a casual relationship with, like your opinion of pizza toppings or how much you trust local weather forecasts - they are meant to form a core part of your identity. 
And once something becomes a core part of your identity, trying to make you stop believing it becomes almost impossible. Once we’ve formed an initial impression of something, facts just don’t change our minds. If you identify as an antivaxxer and I present evidence that disproves your beliefs, in your mind, I’m not correcting inaccurate information - I am launching a very personal attack against a core part of who you are. In fact, the more evidence I present, the more you will burrow down into your antivaxx beliefs, more confident than ever that you are right. Admitting that you are wrong about something that is important to you is painful, and your brain would prefer to simply deflect conflicting information rather than subject you to that pain.
We can see this at work with something called the confirmation bias. Simply put, once we believe something, our brains hold on to all evidence that that belief is true, and ignore evidence that it’s false. If I show you 100 articles that disprove your pet theory and 3 articles that confirm it, you’ll cling to those 3 articles and forget about the rest. Even if I show you nothing but articles that disprove your theory, you’ll likely go through them and pick out any ambiguous or conflicting information as evidence for “your side”, even if the conclusion of the article shows that you are wrong - our brains simply care about feeling right more than they care about what is actually true.  
There is a strong community aspect to these theories. 
There is no one quite as supportive or as understanding as a conspiracy theorist - provided, of course, that you believe in the same conspiracy theories that they do. People who start looking into these conspiracy theories are told that they aren’t crazy, and that their fears are totally valid. They’re told that the people in their lives who doubted them were just brainwashed sheep, but that they’ve finally found a community of people who get where they’re coming from. Whenever they report back to the group with the “evidence” they’ve found or the new elaborations on the conspiracy theory that they’ve been thinking of (“what if it’s even worse than we thought??”), they are given praise for their valuable contributions. These conspiracy groups often become important parts of people’s social networks - they can spend hours every day talking with like-minded people from these communities and sharing their ideas. 
Of course, the flipside of this is that anyone who starts to doubt or move away from the conspiracy immediately loses that community and social support. People who have broken away from antivaxx and QAnon often say that the hardest part of leaving was losing the community and friendships they’d built - not necessarily giving up on the theory itself. Many people are rejected by their real-life friends and family once they start to get entrenched in conspiracy theories; the friendships they build online in the course of researching these theories often become the only social supports they have left, and losing those supports means having no one to turn to at all. This is by design - the threat of losing your community has kept people trapped in abusive religious sects and cults for as long as those things have existed. 
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s-bipsie · 3 years
Rules for Asks
hello! my name is spirit, and i'm a hxh fanfic author! i'm currently hyperfixating on the media so please feel free to request fanfics, headcanons, and/or scenarios with characters. some disclaimers;
we are an osdd-1b system. we're called the pixel collective. if you have any questons about us, then feel free to ask.
some of the things we will bring up in headcanons or fics may originate from our alters memories (for example, our kurapika fictive has memories of being married to leorio. likewise, our biscuit fictive is absolutely disgusted by hisoka). please do not question these if they come up in the fics—messing with our alters memories can cause panic attacks which can lead to the body being harmed.
the current host is killua (while spirit used to be a host when this was written, they're currently dormant. hopefully they'll be back soon -🪙[mikoto]). however, the fics can still stem from our alters. and sometimes, other alters will be talking. so if youre addressing us, please call us 'pixel collective' unless you're looking for a specific alter.
a lot of our alters are children. please don't do anything weird towards the system in general.
now that those are out of the way, here are the rules regarding asks and fanfics:
characters i will not write for;
Hisoka Morrow.
i feel like this is fairly obvious as to why. he makes me extremely uncomfortable and i would prefer to not write x reader fics with him since, in order to do those things, i must imagine myself personally in the scenario. i'm sorry hisoka fangirls ^^
Palm Siberia.
this is for the same reason as hisoka. they are both equally pedophiles, regardless of their genders.
au's i will write;
yes, anything! with the exception of ABO and other au's directed specifically towards nsfw content, i feel comfortable writing any other au.
ships i will write;
as long as it's not abusive, pedophilic, or incestuous, i will most likely write it.
these ships can also be either platonic or romantic! i feel comfortable either way, but unless you clarify, i'm going to assume it's romantic.
keep in mind that, yes, killugon is included in the platonic/romantic idea. it is not inherently wrong for children to have crushes—they have them all the time in real life. it is NOT sexual unless you MAKE it sexual, which i will not be doing. no matter whether they're aged up in the fic or not.
things i will not write;
i will not write smut for minors
this includes fics where the minors are aged up. regardless of whether they are minors or not, you find their minor appearances attractive.
the x readers with killua, gon, and anybody else their age are strictly platonic. biskys as well.
we all know you aren't 12 or under or 50+ if you're on tumblr (besides, biscuit looks 12, so). get out of here, hisoka and palm kinnies.
i will not write smut in general—it may be implied with adult characters, but i feel uncomfortable writing it out. please respect this.
personally, i don't like writing smut for public audiences. if you have a nsfw concept you would like me to write, please pm me and i can see if i can write it out for you ^^
i will not write anything offensive (ie. slurs)
even the slurs that i can reclaim i will not say. they can be triggering for other people, and i'd really try to avoid that.
i will not write anything that could harm ones mental or physical state.
i feel like this is obvious. unless it's a part of a character or internal conflict woven into the story, i don't want to describe body dysmorphia/dysphoria/eating disorders/anything of the sort since it affects us and others when we write it out (ie. our obanai fictives dysmorphia would only get infinitely worse). even if it's fiction, it affects reality.
i will ONLY write about toxic relationships if it is in a reference to the past and is a healing wound for the characters (ie. killua's relationship with illumi).
i personally have bad memories with toxic/abusive relationships, and i know others do as well, so i'd really rather avoid topics like that.
things to note;
the reader will always be gender neutral unless requested otherwise
in stories where the reader isn't gender neutral, there will be a note in the title as such:
obviously it won't only be fem (it could be masc, fluid, etc.)
unless requested, other relationships won't be present in fics.
if they are present, they're be in the background and far from the main focus (for example, a leopika fic where killugon is also present).
references to other fandoms probably won't be seen much
if they happen, then the reference will probably be explained in the footnote or somewhere else in the text so that everybody can still understand what's going on (ie. a reference to mystic messenger where i say a character drives worse than jumin han would be explained either in the fic [in an smau, pictures of the references origin] or in the footnote [ie. "for anyone who didnt get the 'jumin han' reference, it's relating to mystic messenger. one of the characters, jumin, is known for being bad at just about everything, including driving."]
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orthodoxydaily · 3 years
Saints&Reading: Mon., Mar., 8, 2021
Commemorated on February 23_by the new CAlendar
Saint Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna (167)
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     Saint Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, was born about the year 80 and lived in Asia Minor in the city of Smyrna. He was left an orphan at an early age, but through the direction of an Angel, he was raised by the pious widow Kallista. After the death of his adoptive mother, Polycarp gave away his possessions and began to lead a chaste life, caring for the sick and the infirm. He was very fond of and close to the holy bishop of Smyrna Bukolos (Comm. 6 February). He ordained Polycarp as deacon, entrusting to him to preach the Word of God in church.      At this time the holy Apostle John the Theologian was still alive. Saint Polycarp was especially close to Saint John the Theologian, whom he accompanied on his apostolic wanderings. Saint Bukolos ordained Saint Polycarp presbyter, and shortly before his death expressed last wishes that he be made bishop upon the Smyrna cathedral. When the ordination of Saint Polycarp to bishop was accomplished, the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to him. Saint Polycarp guided his flock with apostolic zeal. He was also greatly loved among the clergy. With great warmth did Saint Ignatios the God-Bearer regard him. Setting out to Rome where execution awaited him (he was torn asunder by wild beasts), he wrote to Saint Polycarp: "Just as the winds and turbulence require the rudder – for coming ashore, so likewise are the present times necessary, in order to reach God".
The emperor Marcus Aurelius (161-180) came upon the Roman throne and started up a most fierce persecution against christians. The pagans demanded that the judge seek out Saint Polycarp – "the father of all the christians" and "the seducer of all Asia". During this while Saint Polycarp, at the persistent urging of his flock, stayed at a small village not far from Smyrna. When the soldiers came for him, he went out to them and led them in to eat, and at this time he began to pray, having prepared himself for the deed of martyrdom. His suffering and death are recorded in "An Epistle of the Christians of the Church of Smyrna to the other Churches" – one of the most ancient memorials of Christian literature. Having been brought to trial, Saint Polycarp firmly confessed his faith in Christ and was condemned to burning. The executioners wanted to tie him to a post, but he calmly told them that the bon-fire would not work, and they could merely tie him with ropes. The flames encircled the saint but did not touch him, coming all together over his head. Seeing that the fire did him no harm, the throng of pagans demanded that he be killed with a sword. When they inflicted the wound upon Saint Polycarp, there flowed from it so much blood, that it extinguished the flames. The body of the priestmartyr Polycarp was then committed to flame. The Christians of Smyrna reverently gathered up his venerable remains, honouring his memory as sacred.      A story has been preserved about Saint Polycarp by his disciple, Saint Ireneius of Lyons, which Eusebios cites in his "Ecclesiastical History" (V, 20): "I was still very young when I saw thee in Asia Minor at Polycarp's, – writes Saint Ireneius to his friend Florinus, – ...but I would still be able to point out the place where Blessed Polycarp sat and conversed, – be able to depict his walk, his mannerisms in life, his outward appearance, his speaking to people, his companionable wandering with John, and how he himself related, together with other eye-witnesses of the Lord, – those things that he remembered from the words of others and in turn told what he heard from them about the Lord, His teachings and miracles ... Through the mercy of God to me, I then already listened attentively to Polycarp and wrote down his words not on tablets, but in the depths of my heart ... Wherefore, I am able to witness before God, that if this blessed and apostolic elder heard something similar to thy fallacy, he would immediately stop up his ears and express his indignation with his usual phrase: 'Good God! That Thou hast permitted me to be alive at such a time!' ".      During his life the saint bishop wrote several Epistles to the flock and letters to various individuals. There has survived to the present his Epistle to the Philippians which, on the testimony of Blessed Jerome, was read in the churches of Asia Minor at Divine-services. It was written by the saint in response to the request of the Philippians to send them a letter of the Priest Martyr Ignatius, which had been preserved by Saint Polycarp.
The Monk Alexander, Founder of the "Unceasing Vigilance" Monastery (430)
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     The Monk Alexander, Founder of the "Unceasing Vigilance" Monastery, was born in Asia and received his education at Constantinople. He spent some time in military service but, sensing a calling to other service, he left the world and accepted monastic vows in one of the wilderness monasteries near Antioch under the guidance of hegumen Elias. Having advanced bit by bit through the degrees of monastic obedience, he received blessing from the hegumen to dwell in the wilderness. The monk pursued asceticism in the wilderness with but the Holy Gospel, which alone he took with him. Afterwards, the Lord summoned him to preach to pagans. He converted to the faith the local city-head Rabbul, who afterwards prospered in the service of the Church, being granted the dignity of bishop and for all of 30 years he occupied the bishop's cathedra (chair) at the city of Edessa.      Finally, the monk Alexander settled not far from the Euphrates River. Monks gathered around him, attracted by the loftiness of his prayerful asceticism and spiritual experience. A monastery arose numbering 400 monks. Then the holy hegumen in his prayerful zeal decided to make at the monastery both by day and by night never-ceasing praise to the Lord. For three years the holy abba prayed, that God might reveal to him, whether it should be pleasing to Him to establish such a monastic rule. And by a Divine revelation it was brought about in the following manner: all the monks were divided by him into 24 watches of prayer. Changing shifts each hour, they sang in two choirs both day and night the holy psalms, with the exceptions when Divine-services were celebrated in church. Hence the name "Monastery of Unceasing Vigilance", since unceasing song was offered up by the ascetics to God.      The monk Alexander guided the monastery on the Euphrates for twelve years. Thereafter, having left as its hegumen the experienced elder Trophymos, he set off with some chosen brethren through the cities bordering on Persia, to preach the Gospel and conversion to spiritual life. Having arrived at Constantinople, capital of the Byzantine empire, he also established there a monastery with his favoured ustav (rule) of "unceasing vigilance". The monastic abba died in extreme old age after fifty years of incessant monastic striving. His death occurred in the year 430.      The commemoration of the Monk Alexander is also celebrated on 3 July.
All texts© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.
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3 John 1:1-14
1The Elder, To the beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth: 2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 3 For I rejoiced greatly when brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you, just as you walk in the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. 5 Beloved, you do faithfully whatever you do for the brethren and for strangers, 6 who have borne witness of your love before the church. If you send them forward on their journey in a manner worthy of God, you will do well, 7 because they went forth for His name's sake, taking nothing from the Gentiles. 8 We therefore ought to receive such, that we may become fellow workers for the truth. 9 I wrote to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence among them, does not receive us. 10 Therefore, if I come, I will call to mind his deeds which he does, prating against us with malicious words. And not content with that, he himself does not receive the brethren, and forbids those who wish to, putting them out of the church. 11 Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. He who does good is of God, but he who does evil has not seen God. 12 Demetrius has a good testimony from all, and from the truth itself. And we also bear witness, and you know that our testimony is true. 13 I had many things to write, but I do not wish to write to you with pen and ink; 14 but I hope to see you shortly, and we shall speak face to face. Peace to you. Our friends greet you. Greet the friends by name.
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georgebrain86 · 3 years
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I was treated with respect and also felt exceptionally comfortable and also guaranteed throughout the consultation. I would extensively suggest Skintolove to anybody with a concerning skin disease.
Once at 40 degrees, your specialist will remain to maintain the warmth, with treatment lasting for 2-- 4 mins per location. Depending upon the therapy called for costs begin with ₤ 45 per session. Rates depend upon the dimension of the area as well as this can vary from one person to another. All information will be discussed at your complimentary consultation. This ingenious technique makes use of an ultrasound wave to interrupt the fat cell membrane layer by producing air bubbles. The fat cell membrane layers are unable to withstand this stress and so tear as well as liquify. The fluid is then released into the blood circulation system, as this drains away the appearance of cellulite is minimized.
Global Cryolipolysis Machine Market 2020 includes Attractiveness and Raw Material Analysis and Competitor Position Grid Analysis to 2025 - Murphy's Hockey Law
Global Cryolipolysis Machine Market 2020 includes Attractiveness and Raw Material Analysis and Competitor Position Grid Analysis to 2025.
Posted: Tue, 12 Jan 2021 09:46:15 GMT [source]
To reserve an assessment or for any type of queries please total the kind listed below or call our clinic on. Like other customers I was extremely pleased with Berkshire Aesthetics. Dr Langdon explained whatever really plainly and in great detail, and there was most definitely no stress to reserve a therapy after the preliminary appointment.
manage coolsculpting arms Borehamwood was really loosened up yet still professional, and all the team got along and also useful. After my Coolsculpting therapy I was offered detailed after-care suggestions and I felt completely secure. We likewise advise people to avoid any type of foods as well as medication containing anti-inflammatories for at least two weeks. Our bodies have a fixed number of fat cells as well as once the cells are eliminated they are gone with great. you can find more information on workflow rules on lipofreeze2u crm's help pages here. advise patients to stay clear of any kind of foods or drug which have anti-inflammatory residential properties as these can disrupt the treatment end result. Individuals utilize the moment to review, work with their laptop computers or even snooze throughout the therapy. We additionally offer the access to Netflix or Amazon Prime so you can capture up on the current movies or boxsets.
It is crucial clients that wish to have this treatment preserve a healthy and balanced way of living, alcohol consumption lots of water as well as staying energetic, together with a healthy, balanced diet plan. Prevent consuming alcohol, high levels of caffeine, and also big meals straight after 3D therapies. We start by applying ultrasound gel on the skin, working as a conductor for the Sculpt, Tone and Tighten power. A handpiece with steel probes is put onto the skin and moved in mild round movements. You will certainly hear a minor beeping sound coming from the maker, the handpiece gradually gets warmer, until it reaches 40 degrees.
As the applicator is placed on to the skin you will feel pressure as the vacuum cleaner pulls the skin inside. The cooling will certainly then begin and you will really feel intense chilly up until the skin fully numbs. Importantly, the treatment is not a weight loss service however a non-surgical option to lipo without the downtime. Not only do we offer a high level of individual safety however as Dr Langdon also prepares and also supervises all CoolSculppting treatments the end results are superb. So popular is the CoolSculpting treatment that it has actually ended up being a commonly made use of term like Xerox for xeroxing or Hoover for vacuum cleaners. Notably, not all facilities claiming to provide CoolSculpting coincide. If you remain in any kind of doubt please examine the Allergan CoolSculpting facility finder here.
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pinkettle06 · 3 years
Cryoslim Fat Freezing
Online Cryolipolysis Training On The Internet Cryolipolysis Training
What Should You Do After Your Therapy?
All Youd Ever Before Wish To Know Concerning Coolsculpting.
Is There Any Kind Of Downtime After Coolsculpting ®
Jane and her group are constantly really specialist as well as make certain they giving precise and significant guidance for their customer. I have liked mosting likely to the Skin to Love Center for more than 2 years and also mean to continue for years to find. Constantly a sensation of being in secure hands with the best recommendations and treatment. I have been going right here because September and also have observed an excellent enhancement to my skin as well as a reduction in areas since seeing Jane and also following her skin care regular and advice. We offer a bespoke approach to treatment, customized totally to your needs as well as desires, for that reason the price of your private therapy will certainly be confirmed throughout your assessment complying with a thorough assessment.
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The creator and her team consisting of the Skin Expert are always polite, considerate and also friendly, which in my point of view is incomparable in the sector. I do enjoy making the trip from London to see Sharon, the Skin Specialist at the Clinic. I enjoy the therapy has actually worked as well as I will certainly be sending a complete evaluation of my Obagi skin treatment regime, soon. Treatment was discussed and also revealed by jayne in a specialist and also pleasant manner. The registered nurse that saw me was excellent - pleasant, professional and also considerate to my problem.
What Should You Do After Your Therapy?
I'm really satisfied with the outcome of a procedure to deal with a cosmetic imperfection that bothered me for many years. Professional, warm and also pleasant clinic with remarkable team who make you really feel welcome from the moment you arrive. Charming warm as well as inviting team that truly are experts in their area. Their COVID-19 precautions were excellent that made me feel safe. This was my initial check out to the Skin to Love Facility and I was very impressed by the therapy got. today’s best overall 3d lipo Kent option , the Cosmetic Specialist that accomplished my treatment was extremely professional as well as helpful and carried out the therapy swiftly as well as successfully. Both Natalia as well as Lara the woman who took the booking were really welcoming.
After that begins an all-natural removal process that proceeds for up to 3 months.
You will begin to observe a difference roughly 4-6 weeks after your first procedure.
Utilizing Cryolipolysis to get rid of fat cells from the underneath the skin.
The treatments are typically really reliable & majority of our clients experience really marginal discomfort.
Throughout the therapy time, it creates an optimum cryolipolysis reaction.
® as well as is consequently asked to talk globally on fat freezing ideal method. Cryolipolysis Targeted Fat Freezing is a one-off therapy and can use up to 3 months to see the complete outcomes, relying on the client's aftercare. This would certainly be a training course of 6-8 sessions; some outcomes can be seen quicker. Outcomes of this therapy you will certainly see within weeks depending upon way of living and aftercare practices, yet complete outcomes might occupy to three months to show up.
All Youd Ever Before Want To Know About Coolsculpting.
The mix of vibration, radiofrequency, warm and suction put the fat cell membrane layers under pressure that they are incapable to stand up to, the fat cells after that fracture as well as liquify. This liquid is then released into the circulatory system and, as this drains away, the look of fat is reduced and gotten rid of. At Fat Freezing Cryolipolysis you can enjoy Harley Street innovation at the portion of the rate. Pain-free and also efficient, your treatment will be performed by professional therapists that are experts in the procedure, guaranteeing you get the outcomes you require, swiftly. Within you can find more information on lipo sculpt's Fat freezing toning Herefordshire here. located just minutes far from Kew Gardens rail station in West London, you will certainly find Fat Freezing Cryolipolysis. This venue uses the effective weight loss therapy Cryolipolysis as well as can help you shed those undesirable inches without requiring to go to the gym. One of the numerous benefits of CoolSculpting is that there is no downtime!
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I was treated with regard and really felt very comfortable and assured throughout the visit. I would extensively suggest Skintolove to any individual with a worrying skin problem.
Exists Any Downtime After Coolsculpting ®
When at 40 levels, your specialist will continue to keep the heat, with therapy lasting for 2-- 4 minutes per area. Depending upon the treatment needed costs begin with ₤ 45 per session. Prices depend on the size of the location as well as this can differ from person to person. All information will certainly be gone over at your free of charge appointment. This cutting-edge method utilizes an ultrasound wave to interfere with the fat cell membrane by producing air bubbles. The fat cell membranes are unable to withstand this stress and so tear as well as liquify. The liquid is then launched right into the circulatory system, as this recedes the appearance of cellulite is reduced.
Global Cryolipolysis Machine Market 2020 includes Attractiveness and Raw Material Analysis and Competitor Position Grid Analysis to 2025 - Murphy's Hockey Law
Global Cryolipolysis Machine Market 2020 includes Attractiveness and Raw Material Analysis and Competitor Position Grid Analysis to 2025.
Posted: Tue, 12 Jan 2021 09:46:15 GMT [source]
To book a consultation or for any type of questions please total the kind listed below or call our clinic on. Like other customers I was really impressed with Berkshire Appearances. Dr Langdon described everything very clearly and in great information, as well as there was most definitely no stress to book a therapy after the initial appointment.
The atmosphere was really kicked back however still specialist, and all the team were friendly and handy. After my Coolsculpting therapy I was given comprehensive after-care recommendations as well as I felt completely at ease. We also suggest individuals to stay clear of any type of foods as well as medicine including anti-inflammatories for at the very least two weeks. Our bodies have a fixed variety of fat cells and as soon as the cells are removed they are opted for good. We recommend clients to avoid any type of foods or medicine which have anti-inflammatory buildings as these can interfere with the treatment outcome. Clients use the time to review, deal with their laptop computers and even snooze during the treatment. We also supply the accessibility to Netflix or Amazon Prime so you can catch up on the current films or boxsets.
It is vital clients that desire to have this treatment maintain a healthy and balanced way of life, alcohol consumption great deals of water and staying active, alongside a healthy and balanced, well balanced diet. Prevent consuming alcohol, high levels of caffeine, and big meals straight after 3D therapies. We begin by using ultrasound gel on the skin, acting as a conductor for the Sculpt, Tone and Tighten up power. A handpiece with steel probes is put onto the skin and relocated mild round movements. You will certainly hear a minor beeping noise originating from the equipment, the handpiece progressively gets warmer, till it gets to 40 degrees.
As the applicator is put on to the skin you will really feel stress as the vacuum cleaner draws the skin inside. The cooling will after that begin and also you will feel extreme chilly till the skin completely numbs. Significantly, lipo-sculpt - what is arms fat freezing is not a weight reduction option but a non-surgical alternative to liposuction without the downtime. Not just do we offer a high level of individual safety but as Dr Langdon likewise intends and manages all CoolSculppting treatments the outcomes are excellent. So preferred is the CoolSculpting treatment that it has actually come to be a frequently used term like Xerox for copying or Hoover for vacuum cleaners. Importantly, not all facilities declaring to offer CoolSculpting are the same. If you are in any uncertainty please check the Allergan CoolSculpting facility finder here.
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haro-whumps · 4 years
Box Boy Photoshoot
(CW: slavery, brainwashing, dehumanization, creepy+intimate whumper)
Tag list:  @thatsthewhump @whump-it @ashintheairlikesnow @fairybean101 @finder-of-rings @comfortforthepain @shameless-whumper @that-one-thespian @burtlederp @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @raigash @im-not-rare-im-rarr @spiffythespook
“Hello, ma’am?”
Ren was blithely ignoring Soren’s second week of lyric dancing, their laptop out in front of them and a mug of cider steaming softly nearby. Soren was sweaty and panting hard on the other side of the glass, the sole student of this particular dance instructor, and thus, the recipient of her undivided attention. 
Across from them, a man in a suit was sitting down. The table was built for one. 
“Hello, ma’am!” he tried again, and again Ren did not lift their eyes from their computer screen. But they supposed he wouldn’t leave if they only ignored him. 
“Not a ma’am,” they said blandly. 
“Ah, hello sir?”
“Not a sir,” they said with a sip from their mug, eyes still on their laptop.
“Valued customer!” the man said brightly. They lifted their eyes and paused their music, but their headphones remained in. “I am a representative of Whumpee’s-R-Us’s marketing team, Jon Dillan!” he said brightly, extending his hand over the top of Ren’s laptop. Ren shook the outstretched hand, then immediately pulled out their bottle of travel hand sanitizer and did not care that he could see them squirt out a bit and coat their hands. They knew the statistics about men and public bathrooms. Filthy things, men’s hands.
“A pleasure to meet you, I’m sure,” Ren said flatly, still not sure why their Monday evening was being interrupted, but curious enough to scrounge up some manners. After all, if this man proved valuable, they could definitely use him.
“We here at Whumpee’s-R-Us are releasing a new advertising campaign, encouraging the destitute and desperate to exchange their lives for comfort and splendor, and perhaps sparking a little good-natured competition among valued customers like yourself to buy our more lavish products,” Jon said with a wink that might have been sly and conspiratory if he weren’t holding himself so stiffly. Ren did have to give him points for his facial expressions, though, if only his spine weren’t… like that.
“I see,” Ren prompted, removing one earbud. Jon did not miss it, and took the cue as Ren had intended it.
“We’ve noticed that your pet is very well cared for, as well as quite attractive, in a perfectly objective sense,” Jon rushed on the last part, holding up a hand in easy submission. Ren’s possessive flare of emotion sputtered in their chest, unshown and largely unfelt. Yes, Soren was attractive, and yes, Ren did like flaunting that fact, and they appreciated that the man quelled their other concerns so they could simply enjoy showing off their lovely, lovely boy. “Would you have any interest in allowing us to feature him in our campaign?”
“That depends,” Ren said, removing their other earbud. “What would featuring him entail?”
“Largely just photographs, ideally within your home so as to illustrate the lavish life available to those who sign up for the program. A brief interview would be conducted, mostly just to mine for quotable material, and you will, of course, be compensated for the use of your pet. A standardized rate is, quite naturally, more than available to you, however, we also noticed that you bring your box boy here frequently for classes, and my supervisor has approved offering you unlimited free classes for all and any of your Whumpee’s-R-Us brand pets, present and future, should you so desire it.”
Ren tapped their index fingers in front of their chin, the rest of their fingers steepled, and then asked, “Would you be negotiable towards adding harpist courses, if I choose the second arrangement?” Soren had dance on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, so, “On Sundays, specifically.” Their angel playing a harp on Sunday. Perfect.
“I can certainly look into it!” Jon said amicably, and Ren shut their laptop, lacing their fingers and resting their chin on the backs, staring vacantly at Soren. The lyric dance instructor had taken two warnings not to touch property that wasn’t hers, but had remained hands-off since. 
Ren weighed the pros and cons. They liked showing off; a lot. They liked the idea of other people knowing that Soren was theirs, that he was their precious, beautiful pet. They liked the idea of free classes, and since emailing the company hadn’t worked, strong-arming them into adding harp lessons was just as well, as long as Ren’s goal was accomplished in the end. Their home would be the setting, secure, their domain. There was nothing that came immediately to mind in way of downsides.
“Draft up a contract and email it to me; I’d prefer to look over it before forwarding it to my lawyer,” Ren said, digging out a business card and handing it to Jon. “In the contract, ensure that there is a statute that all photographers, interviewers, and assorted Whumpee’s-R-Us staff will not touch the pet in question, and that they will remove their shoes and any coats or jackets in the entryway or foyer.” They didn’t want dirt and germs getting tracked all over their carpets. 
Jon seemed a little taken aback by the second point, though perfectly expectant of the first.
“If harp lessons can be provided, I would prefer the option of free classes. If not, I am negotiable on the fee, but will largely be leaving that to the discretion of my lawyer.” Well, their mama’s lawyer, but she’d been their lawyer for as long as they’d needed one, so she could certainly be counted as theirs.
“Marvelous,” Jon said with a bright smile, and extended his hand again, before thinking the better of it.
“Agreed,” Ren said, lifting their mug with a tilt of their head, and then took a sip. They’d spent enough time contemplating the offer that the class was now over, Soren coming into the viewing area on shaking legs and sinking to his knees at Ren’s feet. On reflex, they carded their fingers through his (damp, sweaty) hair. 
“Well, I’d better get on that then. I’ll send you the contract as soon as it’s drafted, and it was a pleasure speaking with you…” Jon glanced at the business card. “Ren.”
“Likewise. I look forward to our arrangement.”
Soren glanced up at Jon’s retreating back, then turned his big, doe-eyes on Ren. “Exalted?”
Ren smiled down at him. “You just might be a model, Soren,” Ren said, “In all likelihood, you will be. Whumpee’s-R-Us need pretty little Box Boys in their new homes for a campaign they’re running, and you’re terribly pretty, and I have a very lovely home. They’re going to come take your picture and ask you a couple questions, sometime sooner or later.”
Soren’s hand lifted to his collar, gripping it gently, and Ren smiled at the sight. “And, you’ll be there?”
“The whole time, angel,” Ren said. Like they’d ever allow strangers to wander about their home unsupervised, and like they’d ever leave Soren alone with any of them.
Soren smiled up with relief, with devotion, and Ren kissed their sweaty hairline. “Come, pet, let’s get you home and in the shower.”
“Yes, Ren,” Soren said with a contented sigh.
The next evening, Ren received an email containing the contract, which they read over. They did have a degree in law, a minor, but still, so they largely understood it and approved of its contents, but forwarded it to their lawyer anyway to double check. She had one suggested revision, which Ren took, and the Whumpee’s-R-Us legal department accepted it without fuss. Wednesday, Soren had ballet classes, so it was Thursday that a modest crew appeared on Ren’s front doorstep.
“Welcome, please remove your shoes,” they greeted, holding the door open. They’d taken great pleasure in dressing Soren up just so, that day, and he struck a particularly beautiful figure, hanging nervously behind Ren. His hair was long again, long enough that Ren wasn’t going to buy any more of the specialized products for growth, now focusing on maintenance and hair health, and the color was that perfect gold. All the time spent on the balcony had left his skin honeyed and deeply freckled once more. He was wearing fluttering white and off-white clothing, the sleeves rippling bells around his wrists, the pants loose with a skirt cape trailing the carpet behind him. And all over him was gold, golden jewelry, golden makeup, gold nails, a gold belt.
They snapped a couple photos of Soren in the living room, perched in the kitchen, but Ren suspected those were just warm up shots. Soren’s room was obviously the location for the photos, more to the point, and better suited to Soren’s appearance. They took many photos in Soren’s bedroom, some of him settled on the settee, some with him snuggled comfortably, though lavishly, on his overly plush bed, the cushions and the duvet half-hiding his face, golden hair giving him a curtain that added intrigue. The balcony shots were particularly appealing, the wind was really working with them that day, and when a particularly strong gust blew a lock of hair into Soren’s face and he instinctively reached up to push it back, the camera shutter sounded like a quiet machine gun, it was going off so fast. 
He was so candid, so genuinely sweet and precious, so beautiful, the photographers hardly had to do more than vaguely direct him and they were provided with more material than they had likely anticipated.
“If we may interview the pet, now?” the woman in charge asked Ren, and they nodded their head with a sweep of their hand as though to say “go ahead.”
“And I will, naturally, be receiving every one of those photos, as per our arrangement,” Ren mentioned to the photographer, who was flipping through the camera, skimming through the selection. He gave them a good natured chuckle and a quick thumbs-up.
The interview really was just a mine for quotes, and Soren spent a large portion of it with his hand on his collar, smoothing his thumb over the plate that bore his name. Soren. The name that Ren had given him, the inscription proof that they owned every inch of him, from his body to his mind down to his very identity.
“Soren,” Ren called when they were done, “Heel.”
Soren was at their feet in and instant, pressed up against their leg, his body singing with relief. “Well done, darling.” Ren turned their eyes to the photographer. “One more?” Ren suggested, before squatting down, hand on the curve of Soren’s neck, and pressed a kiss to his temple. The camera shutter clicked.
“And yes, you may use that in your campaign if you want,” Ren said airily, standing back up. Soren looked up at them with an adoring smile, and followed after as Ren saw the crew out.
“Do you really think they’ll use me, Exalted?” Soren asked quietly after the door had closed, watching their cars and van turning on through the panel windows. 
Ren tweaked his nose between two fingers, jiggling his head a little. “Of course, darling, they’d be fools not to.”
Ren went to pour themself a drink, and then mentioned, off-handedly. “Oh, and you’re enrolled in harp classes on Sundays, now.”
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vaseyew72 · 3 years
Training Options To Support Ladies In Their Job & Lives
Honor Winning Profession Trainer And Also Leadership Instructor
Leadership Interactions.
An Introduction To Training For Women
Marina Wheeler: Unwell Never Forget Individuals That Were There When I Remained In Problem.
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Judeline's customers include City University, Harrow Council, Castle Point as well as Rochford CCG NHS. Jane is the Chief Executive of EW Group and has actually been giving training for our clients since the company was developed in 1992. Jane specialises in collaborating with senior teams to enhance organisational cultures, method as well as practices. When the coaching program involves an end, we likewise encourage a more internal review after 3 to six months. This gives you and your organisation the opportunity to correctly reflect on the effect the coaching has actually had on your personal as well as business goals. Organize https://hitchin.trusted-coaching.co.uk/women/ with one of our specialist executive trains. "I determined to begin billing complete market prices for my services around the 4th or fifth month mark," she claims.
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A fast expanding network of small, personal, cost effective organization groups which sustain and challenge females business owners. Ladies in Leadership This virtual training in 'Females in Management' focus on management growth for ladies to breakthrough the glass ceiling.
Management Interactions.
With knowledgeable assistance, finding out, questions as well as action are put at the heart of real job, clearly making use of as well as being educated by models and also theories proper to management and also improvement It is a deliberative process making use of action questions as a crucial methodology. Numerous organisations battle to keep females and also black as well as ethnic minority professionals from mid-career levels as well as past. Regardless of the development transformed recent years, women as well as black and also ethnic minority professionals are significantly underrepresented in elderly and also leadership functions-- both face similar problems and challenges in attaining elderly and management duties.
The price of training a high-potential female staff member is far much better than losing that potential leader.
Progressively, companies are picking to hire an outside keynote speaker to talk, or trainer a whole team.
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"Simply due to the fact that I had actually served over 20 women by then. So I just knew that the process I was mentor was working as well as was providing people the makeover. it guaranteed." That very same year she started coaching other ladies on the nature of tourist attraction and also on exactly how to maintain high self-esteem in a relationship. She had a successful occupation as a financial expert in Germany yet might not hold down connections with men for more than a few weeks at a time.
An Intro To Training For Females
This led her to check out many of the inquiries behind why connections fail and also how they can be successful. With Victoria's tranquility, cozy and wise guidance I have actually made massive strides towards changing job as well as finding job that feels genuine to me. Yet maybe much more notably, she has actually assisted me identify the values that go to my core and comprehend what makes me delighted as well as provides my life objective as well as meaning. Victoria has an amazing capability to coax ideas and also ideas out of me-- points that on reflection appear so apparent, but without her, I would never have recognised. As well as thanks to Victoria, I now have tools that I can use for the remainder of my life to make far better decisions which give me the confidence to take positive activity when I'm really feeling stuck.
What are the types of coaching?
Different types of coachingExecutive Coaching. Executive coaching tends to be focused on helping senior leaders within an organisation to improve their leadership and personal performance. Leadership Coaching. Career Coaching. Team Coaching. Business Coaching. Systemic Coaching. here’s Coaching.
I know what it's like to have the experience and the qualifications to offer your customers yet to battle to get your business off the ground and make the money you deserve. You have actually hung out, money, and also power attempting to construct or grow your organization. However you feel confused and also frightened since you're lacking the confidence and also the self-belief to drive your service forward in the proper way. You're overwhelmed by the day-to-day running of your service andthis near to giving up and also looking for a task instead. Yet you're battling to obtain the results you desire in your organization, and your way of life isn't working for you.
Sustaining the approach and preparation of personal or organisational management growth as well as change programmes. Exec Coaching sustaining leaders and supervisors in the growth of abilities to end up being more powerful entertainers and also provide higher success on their own, those they work alongside and also organizations. Victoria Walsh is an Organisational Advancement Expert, Exec Train & Leadership Specialist supporting the design of meaningful occupations, performance advancement and production of favorable work cultures. If you're in work or looking for a brand-new role, we have actually created a new solution to sustain you.
Judeline has more than thirty years of experience in discovering and advancement, working with clients in the public, private and philanthropic markets. Her specialism remains in developing ability as well as functioning methods that give one-upmanship and have equality, variety as well as inclusion at heart. Judeline is currently working towards her Institute of Management and also Administration Degree 7 certification in Executive Mentoring and also is trained in using development psychometrics like MBTI, Belbin and PPA.
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It's an extension to My Globe of Job loaded with guidance and also devices to assist you in your occupation. Coaching sessions can take place over phone, email, skype, and face to face. Facety offers team coaching sessions as well as free talks on self-confidence and self-worth.
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camerapanda8 · 3 years
Coolsculpting ®.
On- completely free of charge
What Should You Do After Your Therapy?
All Youd Ever Before Would Like To Know Concerning Coolsculpting.
Jane and also her group are always very expert and also ensure they giving exact and also meaningful advice for their customer. I have enjoyed going to the Skin to Love Center for more than 2 years as well as intend to proceed for years to come. Always a feeling of being in safe hands with the very best recommendations and treatment. I have actually been going here since September and also have actually observed an excellent improvement to my skin and also a decrease in places given that seeing Jane and also following her skin care regular and also guidance. We offer a bespoke approach to therapy, tailored totally to your requirements and also needs, therefore the price of your individual treatment will be verified throughout your consultation following a comprehensive evaluation.
The owner as well as her personnel including the Skin Professional are constantly respectful, respectful and also approachable, which in my opinion is incomparable in the sector. I do enjoy making the trip from London to see Sharon, the Skin Professional at the Clinic. I enjoy the treatment has actually functioned as well as I will be submitting a complete review of my Obagi skin treatment regimen, shortly. Therapy was clarified and also shown by jayne in a professional as well as pleasant way. The registered nurse that saw me was excellent - friendly, expert and considerate to my condition.
What Should You Do After Your Treatment?
I'm really pleased with the outcome of a treatment to handle a cosmetic blemish that bothered me for several years. Specialist, warm and also friendly facility with impressive staff who make you really feel welcome from the minute you get here. Beautiful warm and also welcoming team that really are specialists in their field. Their COVID-19 precautions were excellent that made me really feel secure. This was my very first see to the Skin to Love Facility and I was very pleased by the therapy got. Natalia, the Aesthetic Professional who performed my therapy was extremely professional as well as useful as well as carried out the treatment swiftly and successfully. Both Natalia as well as Lara the girl who took the booking were really inviting.
Then starts an all-natural elimination process that proceeds for approximately 3 months.
You will certainly start to see a difference approximately 4-6 weeks after your first procedure.
The treatments are typically very reliable & bulk of our clients experience extremely marginal discomfort.
This applicator does not use suction yet remains on a gel pad on the area to be treated for 60 minutes.
® as well as is therefore asked to speak worldwide on fat freezing best practice. Cryolipolysis Targeted Fat Freezing is a one-off treatment as well as can occupy to 3 months to see the complete outcomes, relying on the client's aftercare. This would be a course of 6-8 sessions; some results can be seen quicker. Results of this treatment you will certainly see within weeks depending on way of living and aftercare practices, however full results might take up to 3 months to show up.
All Youd Ever Wish To Know About Coolsculpting.
plenty of great LALipo Derby out there of resonance, radiofrequency, warm and also suction placed the fat cell membrane layers under stress that they are incapable to stand up to, the fat cells after that fracture and liquify. This fluid is after that launched into the circulatory system and, as this recedes, the appearance of fat is reduced as well as removed. At Fat Freezing Cryolipolysis you can take pleasure in Harley Road technology at the portion of the rate. Pain-free as well as reliable, your therapy will certainly be performed by specialist therapists that specialise in the procedure, guaranteeing you obtain the outcomes you need, promptly. Within Blushious salon situated just minutes away from Kew Gardens rail station in West London, you will certainly find Fat Freezing Cryolipolysis. This location uses the effective weight management treatment Cryolipolysis as well as can aid you lose those undesirable inches without needing to visit the fitness center. Among the several benefits of CoolSculpting is that there is no downtime!
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I was treated with respect and really felt very comfortable as well as assured throughout the visit. I would thoroughly recommend Skintolove to anyone with a worrying skin condition.
When at 40 degrees, your therapist will certainly continue to maintain the warm, with therapy lasting for 2-- 4 mins per location. Depending upon the therapy required costs start from ₤ 45 per session. Prices rely on the size of the location and this can vary from person to person. All details will be gone over at your free examination. This cutting-edge method makes use of an ultrasound wave to interrupt the fat cell membrane by creating air bubbles. The fat cell membrane layers are incapable to withstand this stress and so rupture and liquify. The liquid is then released right into the circulatory system, as this drains away the appearance of cellulite is reduced.
Global Cryolipolysis Machine Market 2020 includes Attractiveness and Raw Material Analysis and Competitor Position Grid Analysis to 2025 - Murphy's Hockey Law
Global Cryolipolysis Machine Market 2020 includes Attractiveness and Raw Material Analysis and Competitor Position Grid Analysis to 2025.
Posted: Tue, 12 Jan 2021 09:46:15 GMT [source]
To reserve a consultation or for any queries please complete the kind below or call our center on. Like other customers I was really pleased with Berkshire Looks. Dr Langdon discussed every little thing really plainly as well as in fantastic detail, and there was certainly no stress to book a therapy after the first consultation.
The environment was extremely unwinded but still specialist, and all the staff were friendly and also practical. After my Coolsculpting therapy I was provided thorough after-care advice and also I really felt completely comfortable. We likewise recommend people to avoid any foods as well as drug containing anti-inflammatories for at least two weeks. Our bodies have a fixed number of fat cells and also once the cells are removed they are opted for excellent. We recommend individuals to avoid any kind of foods or medication which have anti-inflammatory properties as these can interfere with the therapy outcome. Patients utilize the time to review, work with their laptops and even nap during the therapy. We also offer the access to Netflix or Amazon Prime so you can catch up on the current movies or boxsets.
It is essential clients that wish to have this therapy maintain a healthy and balanced way of life, drinking lots of water and staying energetic, along with a healthy and balanced, balanced diet plan. Prevent consuming alcohol, high levels of caffeine, as well as big meals straight after 3D therapies. We start by applying ultrasound gel on the skin, working as a conductor for the Sculpt, Tone and Tighten up power. A handpiece with steel probes is placed onto the skin as well as relocated gentle circular activities. You will certainly listen to a minor beeping sound originating from the equipment, the handpiece progressively gets warmer, up until it reaches 40 degrees.
As the applicator is placed on to the skin you will certainly feel stress as the vacuum draws the skin inside. The air conditioning will then start as well as you will really feel intense cool till the skin completely numbs. Significantly, the treatment is not a weight reduction solution but a non-surgical alternative to liposuction surgery without the downtime. Not just do we give a high level of individual safety yet as Dr Langdon also plans as well as supervises all CoolSculppting therapies the outcomes are excellent. So prominent is the CoolSculpting therapy that it has actually become a commonly used term like Xerox for photocopying or Hoover for vacuum cleaners. Notably, not all facilities asserting to supply CoolSculpting are the same. If you remain in any doubt please inspect the Allergan CoolSculpting clinic finder here.
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aligharib · 4 years
Kanye West. The minor notice of the man's name invokes an abundance of pictures and affiliations. There is the mic-grabbing episode that excited countless rural tweens against him. At that point there are the hissy fits at the notice of the Taylor Swift calamity, the precious stone teeth, and the Twitter upheavals. In any case, to just consider the id-driven, immature pieces of Yeezy is to miss quite a bit of his actual virtuoso. For somebody so apparently self-retained, he has composed with astonishing clearness about the loss of his mom, excruciating breakups, and his own weaknesses.
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In the same way as other rappers, Kanye incorporates a gesture to his Lamborghini Murcielago in "Dim Fantasy", the main track on his new collection. In any case, in contrast to most rappers, Kanye's comprehends that his prominent utilization is mentally greater than just needing a decent car. As he raps in "All Falls Down", "...it appears we living the American Dream, yet the individuals most noteworthy up got the least confidence." As much as some might want to, it is a gross rearrangements to compose Kanye off as another libertine crybaby.
Mr. West's eagerly awaited collection, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy dropped yesterday to unimaginably positive audits. The famously bombastic commentators at Pitchfork gave the collection a 10.0; the writeup loaded up with the kind of short of breath, clearing acclaim you'd all the more normally get notification from a multi year old's audit of the most recent Harry Potter establishment. Adding my own voice to that tune, I truly accept this collection to be Kanye's (embed your concept of most noteworthy collection ever here).
Things being what they are, how could it be that Kanye at the same time pulls in and repulses us so instinctively? I accept that Kanye is just a (superior dressed) hyperbolic image for the self importance and weakness we as a whole encounter in some capacity. What's more, in light of the fact that that is the situation, there are a few things we can gain from him, that we can apply to better our work lives.
Profitable Insecurity - I am a firm adherent that uncertainty is the engine that drives Kanye's persistent journey for flawlessness and rehash. For the entirety of his showy talk, he never appears to be content with what he has created, and keeps on rethinking in what seems, by all accounts, to be a push to calm his own self-question. We as a whole have uncertainties, the inquiry is, what are we doing with them? Freud called this sublimation - or the way toward having despondencies serve a "higher social or socially valuable reason, as in the production of craftsmanship or innovations." Say what you will about Kanye's methods, yet the finishes are undeniably high caliber.
Helplessness - I know, I know, Kanye can likewise be unequivocally immune, yet it his snapshots of severely genuine self-reflection that keep us returning. In a type where bombast and swagger are above all else, it is telling that the individual standing out is happy with letting individuals inside his head every now and then. It is anything but difficult to attract equals to the business world, which can likewise over depend on the façade of conviction. In any case, remember that ongoing exploration recommends that enthusiastic knowledge (some portion of which is mindfulness) is profoundly prescient of advancement. In the event that you can share without oversharing, you're going the correct way.
Individual Branding - Love him or loathe him, it is difficult to deny that Kanye has worked admirably of making a drawing in persona and a solid individual brand. Kanye's image is style imagination, pretentious discourse, and a promise to flawlessness. Indeed, even those that disdain him remember him, and that issues in a business world invade with prêt a doorman suits and MBA-talk. On the off chance that you can't condense your own image as comprehensively and compactly as I did Kanye's, you have some work to do.
I'm not recommending that Kanye is a good example in the customary sense, and I'm positively not upholding for hissy fits or the abuse of lovable nation artists. Allows simply recall that we're every one of the a befuddling amalgam of vainglory and self-question, and that can lead us to make some excellent music.
Dr. Daniel Crosby is an authorized therapist and President of Crosby Performance Consulting (CPC). CPC is a boutique authoritative and initiative improvement counseling firm giving world-class ability arrangements including pre-work evaluation, group building, preparing, 360 input, and official training. Moreover, Dr. Crosby and his group of specialists give counsel around anticipating and forming human conduct in an assortment of settings including deals, authoritative change the board, and purchaser conduct.
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elhoimleafar · 5 years
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From booksellers sorcerers and cyber-pagans. #SocialMedia #ModernPagans “Let your closest relationship be with the gods you worship and not with your social media”.
While it is true that I am very regular with social networks, for me it is inevitable because it is part of my job, managing the accounts of other clients for the two agencies with which I work keeps me very focused in the world of social networks, I graduated as a publicist in 2013 and my area is precisely managing profiles and social networks, and although it is difficult for me to keep my academic/professional life in my spiritual/professional life, I do my best to keep it that way and until now I think I have achieved it.
My Twitter account is permanently active, it is my window to the world, it is literally my way of doing catharsis, sharing with my readers, with my friends, with my followers who support me, it is my way of taking ideas from my head, sharing notes and thoughts, funny pictures, great places, etc... But I try to maintain a line and a firm position between both worlds and over time I have achieved a balance.
While my Instagram may be full of photographs of my candles and amulets, these are taken after the rituals, and mostly I do it to share the recipes with those who follow me, but not to show off, much less will they see me performing a ritual in a live Facebook, not by the intervention of the cameras, I really do not think that the device has any negative effect that I can not control, it is rather for two reasons that I think are quite logical, and which I have maintained against any argument that they have thrown me to defend the opposite.
First, for a topic of concentration, in the middle of my rituals, before and after them I like to feel focused on 100%, I do not tolerate any kind of distractions, and you can not give 100% of you, if 36% of your brain is busy focusing on the photo, the video and setting up snapchat filters.
Second, out of respect for my tradition, I'm not a Catholic, but I do not think Catholics go to mass and broadcast it on video, but I do not know much about their religion so I'm not really sure what I write here, and if They do, well, that's wrong. 
When you are in the middle of a ceremony or a spiritual session, you are having a private meeting with the creator gods of the universe, they descend to listen to you, look at you, encourage you, motivate you and encourage you to follow, listen to your complaints, your laments, and help you Heal in any aspect of your life that you need.
When you are reunited with the ruling god of your pantheon, you dedicate yourself to him or her, just as they dedicate themselves to you, and I do not think you can dedicate yourself 100% to them if you are focused on finding the correct angle of the camera for your Instagram post.
It is a matter of total respect and consideration, if I admire the American pagan community and its community of witches, it is that although they have all the facilities of the internet (much faster than you can imagine outside the USA) and make use of absolutely all social networks, they always seek to organize all kinds of talks, forums, events and festivals where they can meet face to face, celebrate the celebrations of the wheel of the year, perform all kinds of rituals in groups and long forums, talks and workshops to deal with various topics about the esoteric world and sorcery, and although it is true that we can find a lot of prejudice around, because there will always be those who only see the glass half empty and point out that all this is done only for money, beyond empty criticism, the money involved is not able to stain these events in any way, so far I have only attended the events organized in the state of NY, mostly by an agenda item, among other minor things, but to each of the events that I have attended I have found the same result: 
Sorcerers, magician shamans, and sorcerers with real trajectories, mixed with the common sorcerer, the sorcerer of the city, the apprentice who is entering this unknown world.World-renowned authors, many of whom we read in our early years in witchcraft and renowned as Judika Illes and Christopher Penczak, among many others who slip into these events to approach you and hold workshops, in addition, who does not want the opportunity to have signed a book of your favorite author?.
Believers and practitioners of all the diverse pagan and neopagan currents (Asatru, Wicca, Druids, sorcerers, etc ...) Mixed in complete harmony, interrelating, talking, attending together the workshops achieving a peaceful coexistence, thus demonstrating that all this war "who is better than who" and "who has the most beautiful altar" is only a vague idea that exists in the virtual world, but at the moment of truth, we are all part of something bigger than ourselves and that attracts us to these places to realize that if we are part of a huge pagan family that has not stopped growing.
Although I miss those times of going to the esoteric books section of the library, subscribe to the mailing lists of publishers waiting for their extensive catalogs of books to order the newest in the genre, although it was exciting to organize these forums of skype and yahoo where we saw each other's faces, I must admit that now the internet is available to everyone.
The internet makes us realize how big we are as a community, now we can participate in huge virtual forums of conversation, follow our favorite authors (and not to show off but now I'm even friends with several of mine on facebook), and keeps us abreast of the esoteric or spiritual events and organizations that interest us the most.
Likewise, and like the same magic, the internet has its respective pros and cons, is full of trolls, haters, pretty ridiculous memes and fake people with fake names and fake photos with which you must be very careful, in addition the internet unfortunately It supports and promotes piracy in large part, I had to leave several Facebook groups when I noticed that they were uploading files full of books by my favorite authors, at that time I was writing my first book for a small print shop In Venezuela, he was also working for the publishing company Circulo de Lectores de Venezuela, a company that literally sank with the rise of piracy and left a total of 3,500 people unemployed throughout the country.
Who does not miss those long Yahoo mailing lists, where people really wrote, and shared very broad thoughts and reflections, was something made for those who really like to read and study, many times I even print them, because Many of these emails that revolved around a common theme were almost books full of information that went through the filters of many people, and they were gold.
Now in the social networks are saturated with information, much of it information that you do not need, to the point of being overwhelming, and all this without mentioning that in social networks we limit ourselves (because if the post is very broad nobody reads it and nobody shares it) so you have to limit yourself to writing the whole idea in less than 200 characters.
Another problem that brings the internet to the pagan community, is that we find all these bookstore sorcerers, who have read a couple of books and believe they know everything, I have often encountered trolls that harass me on the internet trying to "correct my work" because it does not go with one or two books that they have read.
For example there is a lot with the subject of rituals and spells, you can perform hundreds of spells, and you can do them very well, and have the results you want, but there is always an egocentric to correct you, just to show you "how much they know "in theory, and not so much in practice.
Because to identify an herb, that anyone does based on photos and books, but go to cut the grass personally, dry it in your house and use it for your own spells, that's practice, and in social media times, that practice is worth gold, but not for those who follow you on social networks, but for you.
Yes, it is true that the internet has unfortunately given more power to haters and trolls, and now many people also write in a blog without knowing what they are talking about, so everything we find on the internet must be swallowed with an extra granite of salt, even now it is quite normal to meet people who come to chat with you at 5 am to evangelize and tell you that you worship the devil, understand, "why to bother going to knock on your door on a Saturday morning, being able to just open your chat window to bother you from the comfort of your home?".
Let's not forget that social networks also give us that positive look, that touch of positivism that we study so much in marketing, that "like", that "comment" that tells you that you are doing something right, that makes you believe that you are on the way correct, and that puts you in the same box of those pink characters who do whatever it is for the "like", the problem when people get used to it, when "like", that positive reinforcement you receive, is more important that the content you share, is the problem there, when people get so used to giving everything for that like, and without realizing it, they stop contributing real good material, just because they are focused on the likes, because many times the ego only he asks for more positive reinforcements.
But also the internet has allowed us to form huge discussion groups, these groups where some 5 thousand people are added but only 50 participate, but those fifty people are worth gold, and for those fifty people who are now only a click away, it is worth keeping our presence on the internet, to share the links of our favorite books, to invite others like us to these events of pagan celebrations in our country, and even to chat and share the details and experiences of our spells.
But as I always write, as long as you are light, as long as you know how to shine, no matter how dark the cave you enter, you can be light and illuminate the path to others who come after you.
With Love & Respect
Elhoim Leafar
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bitchboi2000-blog · 5 years
Is Asexuality LGBT (An Essay?--This is longer than I intended it to be lol)
I know I’ve never really made a post on here before, I usually enjoy looking at other peoples’ content and not contributing to much myself since I usually don’t feel I have anything to share, talent or information-wise. However, I’ve recently been seeing a lot of arguing over a certain topic, and although I’ve sort of seen it before, for some reason this theme has been heating up a lot lately and now that it’s becoming more frequently apparent, it’s been something I’ve thought about a lot more. There’s one YouTuber I enjoy the content of, and I generally agree with his views and opinions on various subjects, and when he brought this topic up in one of his videos that I only recently discovered, I found myself a little... disappointed. I still understand where he was coming from and respect why he felt the way he did, but I feel that he was also pretty uneducated on the subject and, since I know many other people seem to be as well, I thought maybe, just maybe, I could put something out there that might, hypothetically, shed some light. Just giving my own opinion, stance, and thoughts to consider for anyone on any side of the argument.
And what is this controversial topic, you may ask?
Whether or not asexuality is included in the LGBT(+) community.
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Many people say they are, many people say they aren’t. I think both stances are valid, but the reasons why someone may claim one or the other is something that I find a particular issue with. To me, whether or not asexuality is in the LGBT community is sort of a grey area, it’s not so easy to say because it’s not quite so obvious. Asexuality is a spectrum, and this topic is complicated.
First, I’m going to go over why many people claim they shouldn’t be included in the community (and whether or not I agree with those claims). Then, I’ll go over why many people claim they should be part of the community (and whether or not I agree with those claims), and, finally, I’ll give my own personal opinion and stance.
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To start with: Why it isn’t.
1. “The LGBT community is for people who have sexual attraction to the same sex! If you don’t have any sexual attraction, you wouldn’t belong with the LGBT!”
     -- I don’t 100% agree. The LGBT community isn’t exclusive to people who feel same-sex attraction. Bisexuality exists, and they aren’t exclusively attracted to the same sex. Also! Transgender people exist, and they could be 100% heterosexual but because they’re trans, they’re still part of the LGBT community! And, therefore, the LGBT community isn’t restricted only to your sexual orientation being geared toward the same sex. So although this doesn’t debunk the claim on whether or not asexuality should be included, it’s something to consider.
2. “If you lack sexual attraction to someone, nobody’s discriminating against you. It’s not even in the same realm as being lesbian or gay.”
     -- I could agree with this to an extent. The discrimination asexuals face, historically, aren’t the same as those who are gay or trans. Just like the discrimination bisexuals face isn’t the same as a homosexual. They may be similar, but they’re different. Likewise, asexuals--contrary to this popular belief--do experience discrimination. It may look different, and they may be treated differently, and sometimes it’s with less severity of homosexuality, but discrimination is discrimination. I don’t mind people saying that asexuals don’t experience the same sort of discrimination as trans and homosexual people, because that’s true! But I do have an issue with people claiming that they don’t experience discrimination because that’s not true. At least, not always.      Are there asexuals who have experienced no discrimination? Absolutely. For some asexuals, the worst that’s happened to them is that people look at them in confusion, respect their identity, or perhaps make jokes about how they’re a plant (which when done in a light-hearted attitude is just an annoyance, but they’re not being treated any differently or as any less of a human being).      However, there are asexuals who do.      For many years, asexuality was considered to be a mental illness. That there was something “wrong” with a person because they didn’t have any sexual desires. Similar to a form of discrimination that many homosexuals face, many people try to invalidate asexuality by saying “you only feel that way as a defense mechanism after being sexually abused”. This is implying that you can’t truly be of your sexual orientation unless you were harmed in some way, and although defense mechanisms are a valid way of coping with trauma, claiming that someone is only of their sexual orientation because of their trauma is incredibly rude, invalidating, and uneducated. Heterosexuals can still be heterosexual even if they’ve been sexually abused, and homosexuals can be homosexual even if they’ve never been sexually abused. A person’s sexuality is a part of who they are, it’s not a choice or something that “happened” to them. It’s not something someone can change (you can change your behavior for your sake or someone else’s, but you can’t change who you are. It’s how closeted homosexuals can pass being in a heterosexual relationship--because their desire for emotional and/or physical survival outweighs their natural attraction to the same sex, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t homosexual). So, for asexuality to be written off as a coping mechanism due to trauma is, in a way, a form of discrimination. It’s saying that what that person feels and is experiencing isn’t real or valid, and it can be very harmful and damaging to a person in many ways.      Many people do see asexuals as “broken people” or as if there was something wrong with them. Even if they don’t believe it’s something their doing as a “coping mechanism” and respect asexuality as a sexual orientation, they still think there’s something wrong with being asexual. Just like how some people can respect that homosexuality is a sexual orientation, and even believe it’s not something they can help, but still think there’s something wrong with homosexual people. Asexuals are often seen as cold, frigid, emotionless, unloveable people, and are even associated with not being human. Even though it is often said in a joking light (though not always), there’s always the questions and claims rising up of “sexuality is part of human nature, you’re going against nature’s design and natural calling”, “humans are sexual beings, so, therefore, there’s something wrong with you and you must not be human”, “are you secretly a robot or something? How can you not feel anything??”. These are all very dehumanizing, and when an asexual is faced with these questions and claims, it can very much leave a person feeling lost, or like there’s something wrong with them and they’re not “normal”. Treating someone, like there’s something wrong with them (due to their sexuality), implying that someone may not be human, suggesting that they must be cold and callous and aren’t desirable in a friendship or relationship, is all a form of discrimination that can hurt a person’s psyche, is it not?      Some asexuals are sexually assaulted because the assaulter believes they can “fix” the asexual and turn them straight/homosexual/whatever. “Corrective rape” is just as much discrimination for a homosexual as it is for an asexual. The root is discrimination against the victim’s sexuality, the result is a scarring act of violence.      Some asexuals, believe it or not, are not accepted by their families for their orientation. On the most minor level, they’re dismissed and treated as a “late bloomer”, on the worst level, they’re sent to a conversion camp because being asexual is “just as bad as homosexuality” simply because, in some religious beliefs, not reproducing is going against god’s plan and design for you and is therefore a sin. I’ve not yet heard of an asexual being kicked out of their house for being asexual, but that doesn’t mean all asexuals are accepted by their family and don’t experience discrimination from loved ones (which is why, again, the discrimination may look different, but it’s still there).      Some people hold the belief that anyone who isn’t cisgender and heterosexual is, somehow, crazy, uneducated, irrational, and in religious contexts, a sinner or abomination. Because of this, sometimes, if someone claims to be asexual, they are automatically lumped in with these negative claims. Similar to how just being homosexual can give you a “bad” rep, in some cases, just being anything other than heterosexual can give you that same “bad rep”, and asexuality is included in that.      It’s not as common, but you absolutely can be killed for being asexual. To be fair, you can be murdered for just about any reason or motive, but if you think that being asexual is taken off of the list, you’re completely wrong. Just as a cishet woman could potentially be killed by a man for rejecting his romantic/sexual advances and a cis lesbian or trans man could be murdered for prejudiced and bigotted beliefs, asexuality absolutely could be a reason for a hateful, violent person to attack another individual. It’s not the most common form of discrimination for ace people, it’s not the most known form of discrimination for ace people, ace people aren’t more popularly known for being at risk for this (though are ace people commonly known by society, anyway?), but do not think that just because someone’s asexual they are automatically unqualified to be targetted for violence. Violence can happen to anyone, for any reason, at any time.      And, if you wanted to go there, asexuals can also potentially be discriminated against when people claim it’s not a real sexuality. Asexuals are often rejected by both the heterosexual community (from being very clearly not heterosexual) and rejected by the LGBT community (for being very clearly not homosexual, either). Not being seen as belonging in either community can certainly be a form of discrimination and ostracization. Not the worst form of it, but certainly a form.
3. “I don’t really have an issue with asexuality, but heteromantic asexuals are basically just heterosexual, so they don’t belong in the community at all.”
     -- I understand this claim and, to a degree, respect it. There are many asexual heteromantic cisgender people who in no way identify with the LGBT community because they just don’t see themselves as “queer” in any way, so they don’t fit in. Because asexuals don’t experience sexual attraction, that’s one less thing they can bond with LGBT members over (since cishet asexuals don’t experience discrimination for their gender or who they fell in love with in fifth grade). And because the LGBT community can so often have a hypersexual air about it, many asexuals themselves don’t feel like they belong there. Some people are okay with asexuals being in the LGBT community because they’re also homo/biromantic or transgender. So for a lot of people, whether or not you belong in the LGBT community depends on whether or not you in any way fit into one of the existing acronyms and not whether or not you’re of marginalized sexuality. To a degree, I respect this. Many LGBT people don’t want their safe space to be invaded by cishet (as in both of those things simultaneously in the same person) people since those people so often have oppressed them, and though they love their cishet friends, the LGBT community just isn’t their space to be. Just like you may love your little sister but when she’s constantly barging into your bedroom it gets annoying because--she has a room of her own! And you two spend time with each other in the rest of the house! Why does she have to come into your room when you’re with your friends and you really just want to enjoy their company without your sister being involved?! And, because cishet(eromantic) asexual people still pass as being cishet, they’re often lumped in the same group and aren’t really welcomed into the community. Which, again. I understand that and kind of respect it. But, on the other hand--if cishet asexual people also feel alienated by cis heterosexual/romantic people, then it feels like they have nowhere to go--so I also understand why they turn to the LGBT community and try to find a place there. The LGBT community is known for being a place of acceptance for discriminated/oppressed sexualities and gender identities, so it’s understandable why an asexual would feel more at home among those sorts of people.      Basically, my point is that I understand this view point, and I respect it. I don’t 100% agree, but I don’t really disagree, either. I’ll get more onto this in the end when I go over my own stance.
4. “The A stands for Ally!”
     -- lol that’s debatable. A lot of people don’t even like to call it the LGBTQIA+ community because it becomes too many letters, and they just go by LGBT--which certainly doesn’t have an A. Even if you are being inclusive of all those little letters, whether the A actually stands for asexual or ally is debatable. Many asexuals believe the A stands for asexuality--because asexuality is an actual minority sexual orientation, meanwhile just being an ally of the LGBT community isn’t in any way actually being a part of the community. Because you just support it. But you aren’t in it. So I understand why many people claim the A is for asexuality and not for being an “ally”. Because allyship isn’t a sexuality lol when you’re an ally you’re literally saying you’re cishet, not part of the community, but you support the community. Which is really nice and awesome, but I don’t understand why you’d have a letter included in that community when you’re not... part of that community. It’s like saying “that’s great that this is a charity for starving children, but could you also include the wealthy fed people in the title? Why? Well because we’re donating to help the starving children! So we should be included in the name of this charity!! We’re a very big part of it!!” There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being a supportive ally (it’s incredibly important that we have you guys), but the community isn’t for you--so when people try to claim that the A is for “ally”, I just... I don’t think so. I don’t agree. I understand why asexuals are trying to claim the A.
5. “The A stands for Ally so closeted people can still join!”
     -- I completely respect this. 100%. So many closeted people want to be proud of who they are, but for their own safety, they can’t. So claiming to be an “ally”, going to pride events because they’re an “ally”, etc. is a great way for them to still interact, still be part of the community, while keeping their safety. I absolutely don’t mind the A being included in the acronym if it’s being used as a cover identity for closeted individuals. I think it’s great that it can be used that way and fully support that. If someone wants to use the A in the acronym because they secretly are LGBT and want to be included in the community while being safely closeted, I think that’s fine. If you try to tell me that the A stands for ally because supporting the LGBT community means you’re deserving to be part of the community, and asexuals don’t belong to be part of the community because the A is for ally and not for asexuality, then I don’t agree with you. Because in that scenario you’re literally forcing yourself into a community you’re not technically a part of, while simultaneously trying to push out an actual minority sexuality.
6. “Asexuality is a choice”
     -- Absolutely not. Celibacy and asexuality are two different things. If you don’t think asexuality belongs in the LGBT community because you think asexuality is a choice, you should first educate yourself on what asexuality actually is and then please restate your opinion and stance. You can be a celibate homosexual. Celibacy is a choice. Asexuality is a sexual orientation. One is something you choose despite the desire, one is a sexual orientation--something you can’t help or change even though you may want to because of how society treats you.
7. “I’m fine with agender, but not asexuality because you still have dysphoria and transition, so you’re still trans, but with asexuality you’re not changing anything. You’re not being discriminated against, nothing’s happening to you”
     -- As far as the discrimination thing goes, I think you can read one of my above statements to know that I completely disagree. And as far as needing to change, that’s not accurate, either. Trying to compare a sexuality to a gender identity is comparing apples and oranges. Yes, both have an “a” to represent the lack of something, but they’re two completely different things. Your sexuality isn’t supposed to change. Like, I suppose an asexual can “change” their lifestyle by coming out, accepting who they are, and becoming more comfortable in their sexual orientation, wearing more pride colors if they felt like it, and making shitty puns--which would be no different than with a homosexual person doing those same things. But of course, those “changes” are completely different than a trans person’s changing process. They’re two entirely different things. Saying an asexual doesn’t belong in the LGBT community because they’re not “changing” and “nothing is happening to them” is completely irrelevant because we’re not talking about gender identity here, we’re talking about sexuality. This is an invalid argument. 
8. “There are no asexual icons who are advocating for the LGBT community.” “Historically, asexuals aren’t contributing to the LGBT community, they haven’t fought for any of our rights, so they don’t belong in the LGBT community”.
     -- I admit I don’t know too much history and every political figure to know whether or not this is true. My guess is that in all the history of the world, I’m sure there’s been at least one asexual person who’s advocated and fought for LGBT related things (maybe they didn’t have the word to describe their sexuality, but still fought for the community nonetheless). But, even if, hypothetically, there were no LGBT activists who were asexual, ever, in the history of mankind.      ...Do you need to be an advocate to be part of the community? Many LGBT people are happy living their lives, grateful to those who have fought for their rights and basking in those liberations without going to protests or marches, themselves. Not every person has to go to war to enjoy living in safety. Similarly, you can still be part of the LGBT community without being an advocate, yourself. This is kind of rude for every LGBT person who’s never faced discrimination (because society is changing, and there are some--even if few--who haven’t been horribly discriminated against for their sexuality) or hasn’t actively participated in any marches, protests, or historical events. But that doesn’t mean they’re not gay. Just like there’s been many people who have fought for gay rights, trans rights, who have gone to marches and made a change, historically, who aren’t gay themselves. They did it because it was the right thing to do, because they cared, they were able to, because they were an ally. I feel this is also an invalid argument because whether someone should be part of the LGBT community, in my opinion, shouldn’t be depending on whether or not they’ve personally contributed something significant to it. But idk that’s just my opinion. I understand where this argument is coming from and what they’re trying to say, I just don’t entirely think it’s a valid argument to exclude a particular sexuality.
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Now, reasons why people claim that asexuality should be part of the LGBT community.
1. “The LGBT community is a community for any minority sexual orientation or gender! And, therefore, asexuality should be included!
     -- I don’t completely agree. I do feel like the LGBT community is more reserved for minority sexualities and gender identities who have been discriminated against, oppressed, and have been mistreated by society in one way or another for their identity. And although, yes, many minority sexualities do get odd looks and people may make fun of you or tease you or think you’re stupid or crazy, that’s not really legitimate discrimination (in my opinion) where you would need a “safe place” or an entire community of your own. You don’t need a support group (in my opinion). Demisexuality is a valid orientation, I’m glad there’s a word for it--since it’s a more specific term than just saying you’re heterosexual or homosexual and people getting the wrong idea when they hit you up for a one night stand. I don’t think demisexuality is oppressed and I don’t think it needs to be in the LGBT community--if you were demiheterosexual, cisgender, heteromantic, I don’t personally think you’d be part of the LGBT community just because you have a little demi in there and are ““technically”” of a “minority” “”sexuality””. Someone can be “homoflexible” as their sexuality, and it’s a valid sexuality, I’m glad there’s a specific word for it, and that’s fine. Maybe someone prefers to identify with the minority sexuality of “homoflexible” instead of claiming to be bisexual, and that’s fine. They’re still part of the LGBT community because they mostly are attracted to the same sex and thus are extremely prone to the discrimination 100% homosexual people experience.      My point is, I don’t think minority sexualities are invalid, I’m glad there’s words out there that exist for them. Having specific labels, precise identifiers, particular words that exactly describe you are important to a lot of people, so having those terms and minority labels are perfectly fine with me. I have no issue with it if someone identifies as demihomosexual panromantic cis man. I now have a more precise idea of your orientation and identity, so I like that. I do have an issue with people saying that just because it’s in the minority it belongs in the LGBT community. There’s fine lines and grey areas, sure. But just because it’s “out of the usual” doesn’t mean it belongs. I say this because then people get confused and think they can any less-common sexuality or identity into the LGBT community which not only makes us sometimes look like crazy fools to the rest of the world (I’m sorry, I don’t believe in stargender), and then you get people who think they’re part of the LGBT community and want to have everything inclusive of them and revolving around them just because they’re lithosexual and loses feelings for every person they’ve been with--even though they’re heterosexual and cisgender. It’s fine that they identify as lithosexual (even though they’re also heterosexual and cisgender), but that doesn’t necessarily mean the LGBT community is for them.      But just because it’s a minority sexuality or identity doesn’t mean it’s necessarily part of the LGBT community, that the LGBT community is for them, or that the LGBT community will accept them (and when they get rejected that they have every right to fight their way inside the community they were rejected from anyway). The SAGA(sexuality and gender acceptance) community is accepting of every gender and sexual orientation, so that’s the perfect place for any minority that wants a place to belong when they don’t quite fit for the LGBT community.
2. The A means “Asexuality”!
     -- That’s entirely debatable. I don’t personally know who was the first one to put “A” in the LGBT+ acronym, but that person is the only one who can clarify what the A means. As far as I know, the A could mean “Ally” (meant to be used for closeted people), it could mean “Asexuality”, and neither has been confirmed or proven. Not trying to invalidate, or say asexuality is or isn’t in the LGBT community, just I don’t think this is the strongest argument.
3. “Asexuals are discriminated against and if you’re being discriminated against, you belong in the LGBT community!”
     -- Again, I don’t entirely agree with that mindset. As I’ve made it clear above, I don’t think that just because you’re being discriminated against means you’re part of the LGBT community. You could be a pedophile, and there will be backlash with your predatory behavior, and that doesn’t mean you’re valid and belong to be in the LGBT community. You could really like pineapple on your pizza, and maybe your friends make fun of you or bully you for it, but just because you’re being ~”discriminated”~ against doesn’t mean you’re LGBT. You can face oppression for your religious beliefs, but that doesn’t make you LGBT.
4. “Asexuality is a minority sexuality that’s faced discrimination and they don’t really belong in the hetero community, so they feel more comfortable and safe in the LGBT community and I think we should be accepting of them, because I’ve been mistreated for my sexuality, and I don’t want to send them away.”
     -- There are many LGBT people who are accepting of asexuals and think they belong in the community because many asexuals feel like they have nowhere else they really belong, identify as a minority sexual orientation, and feel more comfortable identifying as part of the LGBT community. Considering asexuality isn’t heterosexuality (and unlike demisexuality where there can be grey lines, it is very OBVIOUSLY not heterosexuality), and many asexuals do experience some form of discrimination or invalidation of who they are, many LGBT people think there’s nothing wrong in including them into the LGBT community, and many LGBT people feel that the LGBT community should be accepting of asexuality because they personally feel that asexuality fits in well enough with the LGBT community and certainly is too different from heterosexuality to be seen as anything other than “queer”. I personally don’t think this is a necessarily wrong or bad reason to support asexuality belonging in the LGBT community.
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Now, here’s my opinion. And I know what you’re about to say: “But you were just spending this whole post talking about your opinion!!” Yes!! I was!! I was giving various claims and arguments on whether or not asexuality should be part of the LGBT community, and what my thoughts on those arguments were. But now I just want to fully express my stance and beliefs.
I believe, ultimately, that it depends entirely from case to case. I believe some asexuals belong in the LGBT community (and not because they’re also biromantic or trans or something else), and I believe some asexuals don’t belong in the LGBT community (and not because they’re cisgender and heteromantic).
Asexuality is a minority sexuality, but it’s far more common than people think. There have been researches on it, statistics drawn, and it’s not some random, obscure sexuality that only a hundred people “vibe” with. It’s 1% of the population, roughly, which puts them at about the same frequency as transgender people (who are also roughly 1% of the world’s population). Because of this, I don’t think asexuality is some extremely minor, incredibly niche group of people. I think that as far as minority sexualities go, asexuality is common enough, present enough, and exists frequently enough in people to be part of the LGBT community. I believe asexuality can experience discrimination due to their sexuality--and because it’s not some incredibly rare thing that only 20 people identify as, I believe this discrimination is in more valid need of a space and community than some obscure identity like placiosexuality (which is more of a preference in action, not a distinct sexuality that stands on its own--it’s a modifier to a sexuality, but not a sexuality distinctly on its own).
And, as such, I personally feel that it vibes well with the LGBT community, and I don’t personally have an issue with it being in the LGBT community. If a bisexual person experiences discrimination for being bisexual, but ultimately can still live a “straight passing” relationship and escape from their oppression, and still be considered LGBT, I think that a heteromantic asexual, who is discriminated against and oppressed for their asexuality, and struggles to be in relationships even though they’re “hetero” can also be part of the LGBT community. If an asexual person is struggling with their identity, is being discriminated against, is afraid that their partners might act out violently against them because of their sexuality (or pressure and coerce them into sexual activity that the person doesn’t want to engage in), they’ve been ostracized by their family, mistreated by their friends, all for their sexuality--I understand why they’d turn to the LGBT community, a community known for being accepted of sexualities that aren’t otherwise accepted by society, and hope to find a place where they belong in that community. And if an asexual person experienced all of those things because of their sexuality, I don’t care if they’re heteromantic and cisgender. I, personally, have no issue with considering them LGBT, because I just don’t really see asexuals as being “straight”, and if that particular asexual is already struggling so hard with trying to live a “heterosexual” life and they’re being discriminated against and it’s making them miserable, yeah. I really don’t mind if they want to consider themselves LGBT and feel more comfortable with that label and want to associate with us.
I think that if a person is asexual and aromantic, and if they want to consider themselves part of the LGBT community, I’m perfectly fine with that as well. They’re, very clearly, not hetero in any way shape or form, and so, again, I personally feel they vibe well and if they want to consider themselves LGBT I don’t have an issue with it.
If someone is heterosexual, cisgender, and aromantic... I don’t think they belong in the LGBT community. Of course, I’m open to it, but just like with other extreme minority identities, I don’t think just because you’re out of the norm you necessarily belong to the LGBT community. I, personally, don’t think cis/het aromantic people face any legitimate discriminations (aside from just being told they’re heartless--which certainly sucks, but I don’t think it’s legitimate enough to call for needing a support group or an entire community for), and I don’t personally feel that they vibe enough with the LGBT community. Of course, I might change my mind, I might be informed otherwise, but right now, that’s just my stance. There’s plenty of cisgender heterosexual people who aren’t looking for relationships, and I don’t personally know of them being discriminated against for their sexuality where they would need to be in the LGBT community. The AVEN community? Definitely. But not LGBT. Not in my opinion, unless, again, someone can give me a good and legitimate argument.
Now, if you’re asexual, heteromantic, and cisgender, and you’ve not been terribly mistreated because you’re asexual, you’ve not been discriminated against because you’re asexual, and the worst thing that’s happened to you because you’re asexual is your family says “you’re just a late bloomer” and your friends joke “lol r u a plant”... I personally don’t think you belong in the LGBT community, either. And I know it sucks to be playing the “oppression points” game, and that just because you’re oppressed doesn’t make you more/less valid, and that there’s some gay kids that don’t get oppressed--which are all valid points, but... You have to understand that the LGBT community isn’t just being oppressed, and just being a minority. Both things are important and valid, but to my understanding of it, LGBT is for people who’ve been legitimately discriminated against because of their identity. And if you haven’t been discriminated against for your asexuality (which already is even debatable whether or not asexuality is even LGBT), but in every other aspect of your life you don’t identify with the LGBT community even a little bit, it’s hard for me to see why you would really need to be accepted into the LGBT community. Not a whim, or a want, because you want to feel “cool” or whatever, but why you actually think that you need to be included in the LGBT community, why you want to get that support from other queer people, why do you think you’re queer when you already so heavily vibe with cis/het society and don’t struggle with fitting in with that society? I’m not trying to be rude, or gatekeeping (technically I can’t tell you anything--if you want to claim to be LGBT I can’t stop you from claiming that), or invalidating of your identity, I just personally don’t know why you think you would need to be part of the LGBT community. Again, maybe someone can give me a compelling argument to change my mind, but I don’t see any need for an asexual heteromantic cisgender person who’s experienced no discrimination to need a space in the LGBT community. I don’t see why there’s that emotional or psychological need.
If you’re asexual and transgender, homoromantic, biromantic, or whatever, I don’t know why you’re concerned about this. You’re already LGBT for different reasons. I’d like to know why you think asexuality needs to be considered LGBT if you’re already being included in the community. Not judging, just wondering.
“But what if asexual heteromantic cisgenders still want a community where they belong, even if they haven’t gotten enough OppReSsIoN PoINtS to BeLoNG in the LGBT community?!?!”
AVEN. AVEN is a community made by asexuals, for asexuals. And not just asexuality. As many aces know, “Asexual” is just an umbrella term. Demisexual, greysexual, and asexual people are all included in the AVEN community. You could be asexual and sex repulsed, sex neutral, sex positive, and you’ll fit in the AVEN community. You could be of any romantic orientation (hetero, bi, homo, whatever) and any gender identity and still be part of the AVEN community. You can have any sexuality and be aromantic and be part of the AVEN community. AVEN isn’t for heterosexual heteromantics, it’s for asexuals and aromantics and all of those variants.
I, personally, believe asexuality is a completely valid identity. I believe some asexuals fit in fine with the LGBT community and I consider some asexuals to be part of the LGBT community, and for those who I don’t personally think are part of the LGBT community, I don’t see why that’s a problem--because I’m not throwing you to the dogs or forcing you to find your way with heterosexual/romantics, but because there’s already another community that’s perfect for you. I understand wanting a space of your own that’s different than the rest of society, and even though I don’t think the LGBT community is always for every person, that doesn’t mean there’s no alternatives. I think the AVEN community is a perfect place for asexuals and aromantics of all types--it overlaps with the LGBT community because many asexuals are also homoromantic or trans, but it’s not the same as a completely cishet community like the rest of society--so even if you do lean on the more cishet side of asexuality or aromanticism, you still absolutely 100% belong in the AVEN community without any discussion. Just like the SAGA community is perfect for LGBT+ people who want to be even more inclusive of everything, or merely want a different acronym, that’s fine.
And, also, here’s the thing. A lot of asexuals, pardon my pun, don’t give a fuck. I’ve known heteromantic cisgender asexuals who don’t identify with the LGBT or AVEN community and don’t want to be a part of it. I think that’s fine. Hell, there’s plenty of asexuals who may already be a part of the LGBT community who don’t care if asexuality is included in the acronym or not because whether or not asexuality is included--even though they’re asexual themselves--doesn’t really matter to them. I’ve known plenty of LGBT people who aren’t aro/ace in any way who are 100% fine with asexuals being included and are completely against this whole discourse to begin with. I’ve known plenty of people who are ace who don’t care if they’re LGBT or not, or even prefer not to be considered LGBT, because they have the AVEN community and feel that’s more where they fit in and belong anyway.
I just don’t think people really care that much. If you want to consider yourself LGBT, that’s fine. I don’t think anyone’s going to stop you. For some of the people who might argue that you don’t belong, whatever, it doesn’t really matter. Some people are sensitive over LGBT issues and feel strongly over what they think should or shouldn’t be included, and I think that’s perfectly fine. If you feel like it does matter that some people don’t think you’re LGBT, then you have AVEN, so it’s not like you’re alone and have nowhere to go. I just don’t think this is as big of an issue as most people are trying to make it out to be.
Also, just so we’re clear, I’m asexual, myself. I’m also biromantic and trans. I’m not perfect, I don’t know everything, but because I’m asexual and already part of the LGBT community, I’ve got a pretty good idea of what the LGBT and AVEN communities are like, and since I am part of both, I feel like I have more thoughts and insight on it than, say, a heterosexual/heteromantic trans guy who has limited knowledge of what the “asexuality experience” even is like. I think there’s a lot of grey areas, a lot of thin lines, and I personally don’t feel it’s an extremely black and white issue. For some people it is, and I don’t personally care when someone feels strongly one way or another. I personally think whether an asexual person belongs in the LGBT community or not depends on a case-by-case scenario, and it’s up for discussion. I’m okay with asexuality being LGBT, I’m okay with it not being LGBT. Since the AVEN community is already a thing that exists, I don’t see why it’s such a huge deal whether you fit in with the LGBT community or not solely for the fact that you’re asexual and nothing else. I do get bothered when people say “you can’t be LGBT because asexuals don’t get discriminated against” and I also have an issue with saying “LGBT should be supportive and accepting of everyone!” as stated above. Which is why I can’t say it’s a black and white, yes or no thing. I understand both sides, both sides of this argument make good points that I can respect to a degree and can even agree with sometimes. Which is why I personally think...
Is asexuality LGBT? I think it just depends on the person.
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justforbooks · 5 years
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I suppose it’s O.K. to give away the address now. The books are gone, packed up in dozens of cardboard boxes and hauled away. When you ring the buzzer for apartment No. 7, nothing happens any longer, and won’t, probably, until someone else moves in. The old feeling you’d get, that you had sprung a trapdoor, discovered a secret passage, won’t come anymore.
Michael Seidenberg’s one-of-a-kind bookshop, Brazenhead Books, closed last month. For seven years, it operated out of an apartment at 235 East Eighty-fourth Street. Of course no bookstore or other business had any business being there, in that rent-stabilized apartment, so it was, strictly speaking, illegal, and because it was illegal it had to be secret. The secret was known to a small number of discreet patrons and shared strictly by word of mouth. (At first, Michael saw customers by appointment only.) Inside, the windows were blacked out and covered with shelves. On bookcases, in every room, volumes of all sizes in serried ranks rose two deep from floor to ceiling. More were stacked on desks and tables and grew in unsteady columns from the floor. There was a stereo (covered in books), a few chairs, and a large desk in the front room (likewise all but submerged), on which Michael kept a half dozen or so bottles of wine and spirits, a tower of plastic cups, and a bucket of ice.
Walking in, you might find a handful of patrons lounging on chairs with drinks in their hands, or browsing amiably, making conversation, generally about books, but often ranging widely into art, politics, personal life stories, and the history of New York. In the same way that children imagine adults living in perfect freedom, enjoying all the cookies and television they want and staying up till all hours, Michael’s shop was what a bookish child might dream up as a fantasy home for himself, a place far from any responsibilities, where he would never run out of stories.
It was, of course, no more practical than a gingerbread house. There was no bathroom or kitchen. (When nature called, customers had to knock on the next-door neighbor’s apartment and ask to be let in.) The affable if somewhat inscrutable proprietor, potbellied and gray-bearded, in his late fifties, lived elsewhere, and held court in the shop on Saturday nights. At least, that was how things stood in the summer of 2011, when I first started visiting.
The story of Brazenhead goes like this: in the nineteen-seventies, Michael ran a bookstore in Brooklyn. That was the first Brazenhead Books. The novelist Jonathan Lethem, as Patricia Marx reported in Talk of the Town, in 2008, worked there when he was fourteen years old. (He was paid with books.) Michael eventually moved his shop to the Upper East Side, only to lose his lease several years later when the rent quadrupled. Lacking options, he moved the books into his own apartment, but there were too many—so many that he and his wife moved out to make room for them all. After that, he plied his trade occasionally, and more or less thanklessly, at book fairs and on city streets. Otherwise, in the apartment on East Eighty-fourth Street, the books gathered dust. It was not until 2007 that his friend George Bisacca, a longtime conservator of paintings at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, helped Michael turn the apartment into the place I came to know. The Times, writing about Brazenhead in the fall of 2011, was near the mark in calling it a “literary speakeasy.”
In the years after I discovered the shop, I occasionally introduced others to it, bringing them with me one at a time, as if inducting them into a secret society. With time came practical improvements: the addition of a working toilet (but no sink), better-organized collections of Russian, Japanese, and Latin American literature. Michael even hired an assistant. As a result, the contents of the shop, formerly in a state of apparent chaos, began to assume a peculiarly perfect kind of order.
But the unlikeliness of the place never dissipated. On one of my first visits, Michael and I bonded over a shared fascination with the work of Edward Whittemore, an unjustly neglected American writer who, after graduating from Yale, in 1955, served in the Marines and as a C.I.A. operative in the Far East and Jerusalem. The first of his books, “Quin’s Shanghai Circus,” was published by Henry Holt, in 1974, and was described in the Times as “a war novel without the usual furniture of war,” “peopled with circus masters, prostitutes, priests, gangsters, voyeurs, retarded man-boys, pornography collectors, pederasts, dwarfs, fat American giants and sadfaced secret-service agents, who change identities from time to time and drift through landscapes that resemble Tokyo, Shanghai and the Bronx.”
There was a copy of the novel on a low shelf in Brazenhead’s back room, the first-edition room. Beside it were the hardcover volumes of Whittemore's magnum opus, the Jerusalem Quartet, all long out of print, which stand in relation to “Quin’s” much as “The Lord of the Rings” stands to “The Hobbit.” (Paperback reissues of the five novels, published by Old Earth Books, in 2002, are likewise out of print.) Frustratingly, though, Brazenhead had only books two, three, and four of the quartet; the first volume, “Sinai Tapestry,” was missing. I bought “Quin’s,” and asked after “Sinai Tapestry.” Michael indicated that it was in his private collection, and not for sale.
If it seemed strange for a bookseller not to sell a particular book, it was stranger still to let people treat his shop as a hangout without pressuring them to buy anything. His patrons, a mix of bright young things and old eccentrics, were fiercely loyal. The considerate ones bought books, or at least brought a handle of booze once in a while to replenish the bar. The inconsiderate treated Brazenhead like their own parlor—drinking up the whiskey and port, blocking the doorways, rarely buying anything. On any given night you were liable to encounter a poetry reading or a musical performance. For a time, on Thursday nights, the bookshop hosted weekly meetings of the staff of the New Inquiry, the lefty Web magazine, until Michael had what he described as a falling-out with the editors. From then on, Thursday was an open salon night, just like Saturday.
But for me, the books were always the biggest draw. Michael’s collection seemed incomparable in both its idiosyncrasy and its quality. There was a wall of poetry, another of science fiction. A special New York section. General fiction and literature were organized alphabetically, more or less, and stretched across several bookcases. Pulp novels higgledy-piggledy in one corner; art books enshrined in another nook; a few shelves reserved for the collected letters and journals of Edith Wharton, Hart Crane, James Joyce, and their peers. There were trashy paperbacks and American first editions of Yukio Mishima. One night, one of the New Inquiry editors and I gave an impromptu reading of a poem by Suzanne Somers—that Suzanne Somers—from a collection called “Touch Me,” a slim volume I was half-convinced Michael had somehow dreamed into existence. The poem was called “I Want to Be a Little Girl,” and was even more unsettling than it sounds. When I’d looked inside the front flap to see Michael’s asking price, there was no dollar figure, just one word, in pencil: “Priceless.”
When the notice of eviction came down, in the summer of 2014, the whole dynamic changed. All at once, Brazenhead was on borrowed time. No one knew how much. Patrons began to be looser with the address. There was a rumor that someone’s posting of the address online—a big no-no—had attracted crowds finally too large to ignore, and that this was what had occasioned the eviction notice.
As word got around, the crowds swelled. Minor celebrities dropped in. Everywhere you looked, on a Saturday night, you saw people guzzling red wine and Wild Turkey. Pot smoke was general, and it became hard to see the books through the throng. Michael and his shop were featured in the oddball web series “The Impossibilities.” He officiated at least one wedding on the premises.
Each supposed last night gave way to another. Nobody wanted to say goodbye. On July 28th, Michael advertised a final poetry reading—“apocalypse edition”—on Facebook. “See you there or on the other side,” he wrote.
Where will that other side be? Michael does plan to reopen somewhere, somehow. “The future will begin in September,” he told me recently. I don’t know whether he has chosen a location, or whether the store will retain its semi-clandestine nature. When I pressed him, he said only that he was off to the country to relax, and would be “back in September for Brazenhead—whatever that will be.”
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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