#so i just cant make myself get it out of the case
karda · 2 years
bc of work and being exhausted i havent played my guitar at all and it makes me sad
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puppyeared · 6 months
people who do STEM or administration as a career full time and continue to do art as a hobby, I am scared of you but like in a hot way. youre like if we were allowed to have cold drinks in winter. i look at you and think of miles morales with his two cakes. do you want to make out sometime
#i say all of this positively bc i just! i cant help admiring it!! even if its mundane or not a big deal to you i seriously cant wrap my head#around it.. this is in no way at all meant to be condescending or anything. whenever i look at someones bio and theyre like oh im working#as a lab assistant biologist pharmacist realtor etc im like woag.... thats insane.. and then i peep your art tag and it knocks my socks of#how?? what lives do you lead??? im so curious. i seriously want a peek inside your brains someday. or at least shadow you at work lol#i cant help but feel sad when someone says smth like well i have to support myself and art cant do that for me. or maybe you were#pushed into pursuing a 'safe' career bc i hear it a lot. all of my relatives have the same story working as nurses and OFWs for the family#i think for me its not about missed potential but rather its being sad about making a decision to put your happiness aside to get by#ive tried so hard to do it but it didnt work out. i guess watching you guys do it is fascinating to me#or maybe youve made peace with your decision or actually like what you pursued but im still amazed!! it makes me wonder what made#you pick one over the other in that case.. is it like putting time for two different things the way you would for a schedule?? hmmm#im doing graphic design so i dont really interact with ppl in other faculties even humanities like sociology or childcare... so i cant help#wondering what it must be like as someone whos pursuing visual communication both as an interest and career#i seriously wish i could do smth like a desk job or even admin and maybe ill try that if this doesnt work. or i could look into trades#but dyscalculia already makes it hard to do things like cash and mental math so i get overwhelmed if i think about this too hard#yapping
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gammija · 9 months
just found out im apparently deathly allergic to fics that follow canon very closely, using literal episode scripts often, but insert or change a few minor sentences to slightly change the scene's meaning or characterization for the fic
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spaceyflowersart · 1 year
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just-eyris-things · 10 months
Vent post. Because i feel like kicking a hornets' nest.
Honestly im just tired of how people will call someone ignorant/uneducated and will go for the throat for every little thing, while they themselves say shit like pierogis all the time. If you're going to point fingers at others, you yourself should be without fault.
The question is... can you?
#im just so tired of all the shit that i constantly see on the internet#ARTIST CANCELLED BECAUSE THEY DIDNT DRAW SOMETHING PERFECTLY#or ARTIST CANCELLED BECAUSE THEY USED A DIFFERENT COLOUR PALETTE#ARTIST CANCELLED BECAUSE THEIR IDEA OF A FICTIONAL CHARACTER ISN'T UP TO FANDOM'S STANDARDS#i bet other people also get shit like that all the time#for example my friend is a writer and he just happens to be a cisguy and whenever i mentioned it to people#they would instantly start saying that they are sure he writes shit like she breasted boobily down the stairs#or i remember how i got told off for making trahearne lives au because apparently#messing with canon is just as bad as falsifying information in history books#just stop for the love of whatever's devine#this has been boiling in me for so long i cant even express it#sorry for going off in the tags in case you decided to read them#peace out imma go and read a book and touch grass#finally its green and soft again after so many rains and storms so it will be a nice chilling time outside#oh btw proper plural is pierogi without the s. singular is pieróg. you want to add s - say pierógs#ngl that pierogi-pierogis is one of my biggest pet peeves#like i wont be stabbing you over it or throw a tantrum and i will just move on with my day i have better things to do in general than#than throwing fits and also im not omniscient myself#like i dont know all the words in english and my german knowledge is very scarce#so i in no way demand others know about pierogis#just give people some room to breathe for gods sake#ok ok ok i think im overwriting this and i cant edit tags on phone so now fr im gonna go and enjoy outside and watch the squirrels
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pikslasrce · 6 months
pussy so androgynous it causes a major fandom schism approximately 194 times a month
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toytulini · 4 months
would be cool this yr to do like first aid training maybe?
#toy txt post#hope i can. get an opportunity to do that. not sure when. the horrors and inability to commit to things u see#but i think i should do that#at some point. altho i feel like i will almost certainly have to do CPR training? and like. like it seems like useful knowledge. and like.#i should know it and maybe im the worst person in existence for this but im a bit of a germaphobe and scared of covid and im not taking my#mask off so like. feels like. that is pretty mutually exclusive with CPR unless thereve been advancements im not aware of?#like would i be able to carry around some sort of billows but for human lungs to do that instead of my mouth? idk. this has in fact been#a legitimate hurdle to me wanting to pursue first aid training. sorry. genuinely dont know how to reconcile that and maybe! in a crisis#situation id overcome it to save a person. genuinely do not know. sorry im like a selfish horrible bitch tho and i cant see myself#doing CPR and am icked by the idea of even learning it. i know now they make those things to put on someones mouth but its still like.#that doesnt do anything against respiratory shit...idk. like is it worse to not pursue any of this at all to avoid the ethical quandry of#not wanting to deal with CPR even as a concept bc im a stupid baby squicked out by lip touching? or is it worse to do first aid and learn#like everything except CPR so i could still theoretically help in some cases that arent necessarily CPR. idk. im sure im just a Bad Person#for this and hate to even admit it. i think i should at least try to find a stop the bleed course or smth ig
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comet-wire · 2 months
Ngl I've been having a gender crisis again on top of all the stuff that's happened with my dad, I think I still identify as male/masculine idk 🗿
Same with my ace/aro spectrum placement ☝️🗿
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#comet rambles#putting in queue to deploy later#parent loss tw#just in case by association n implications ☝️🗿/nm+gen#when i get stuff set up with my checking account i was already thinking of getting a new chest binder once our personal issues with finance#has been figured out definitely#i dont wanna say much n jinx stuff so ill leave it at that#personal#gender shit is hard n i really think i may be a he/they or he/him still#or if not then closeted butch lesbian idk#most signs point to male gender identity leaning though 😔👍#also my social battery is outta wack but i needed to get this out so i apologize to anyone who i have yet to respond to/gen+nm 🥹#like i genuinely still feel as though ive been born in the wrong body and i tried to accept my feminity and it went well!!#like i started embracing my femininity the past few years and now i think im over it because it feels like i just attempted to try#and be something i wasn't if that makes any sense#i hate being referred to as she/her or as a girl even if i understand some people will still see me as fem despite my personal identity etc#its not that i hate my femininity its just i feel anything but female while still enjoying traditionally fem stuff at times#hope this makes sense#🗿👍#still ace/aro though just cant figure out if i only enjoy the thought of romance (cupiosexual/romantic) or if i feel comfy in one#i know im sex repulsed though thats for certain#as of lately chris Redfield and Albert Wesker have become two of my transition goals and idk what to do about this lmfao#i wish i was kidding#but im not 😭#sitting here like EVA shinji with his head in his hands in the damn chair image/lh#also wanna be a rootin tootin goth cowboy 🥰#if it turns out im like a comphet butch/nb lesbian im gonna shit myself though/lh+nm
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moriphyte · 8 months
just debated a zionist at work i need a fuckin smoke
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healingheartdogs · 1 year
Love having talks with my parents (/s) where they tell me I "need to stop living in fear and get back out in the world" and that they haven't stopped living because of COVID and they don't even mask and it's fine because they got it once and it was just like allergies to them and "it's not even that bad it's just like the flu or a cold", ignoring that I also have had COVID before and was in the most extreme all over pain I have been in EVER in my entire chronically ill chronic pain suffering life for over a week to the point that I was mentally begging the universe to just let me die toward the end of it so it would finally be over and am now left with significantly worse chronic fatigue, chronic pain, and heart issues than I had already before because of long COVID. Also my sense of taste and smell have still not fully recovered, which is a sign of lasting neurological damage.
But it's just fearmongering, clearly, and I'm just falling for government propaganda (even though the government has said COVID is over and that we don't need to take precautions anymore because they value profit over human lives). Sure. Makes sense.
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puppyeared · 2 years
weird that the shape of love is two beating hearts glued together and not two hands holding each other
#well technically it comes from the shape of two hearts sewn together but i dont know how that translates to romance.. literally its kinda#disturbing but symbolically i guess it is kind of sweet#my friend and i were talking and she said something about someone saying a lover cant just be a friend you can kiss but i think i disagree#i kind of think the point of a lover IS a friend you can kiss because like it must get exhausting having to convince yourself you can only#feel romantic things towards your lover right? i mean i dont know if my feelings are shaped like anyone else's so maybe its more of a case#by case basis. for me id like someone whose hand i can hold and i can make pancakes for them and maybe kiss but like not strictly romantic#and not strictly platonic. and my feelings are all over the place because one day ill be really into someone i like and another day ill be#really chill about it. so its hard to say what i feel for someone if its always changing#maybe thats why i think lovers should be friends you can kiss because its coming from my way of feeling? hmmm#like i want to be able to say i love you and mean it romantically one day and then say love you in a platonic way the next day and itd be#ok?? does that make sense??? like i know its the same phrase but its like the feeling i put with it is different each time. idk#its why i find dating someone hard because its constantly going up and down and its never balanced. itd probably really confusing unless i#were to date someone whose feelings works the same way. just some food for thought i guess but then again every relationship needs work#im not sure if that fits into the category of work though.. i cant tell myself what im going to feel#it just happens and theres not much i can really do about it except tell that person what im feeling. hnnnnnhhgh#maybe its better if i just stick to watching fictional couples work it out lmao#yapping#txt
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artificialcats · 6 months
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todayisafridaynight · 8 months
It's OK you can always count on me to go Well Actually <3 fair enough though can't be deranged if you're dead...
Oh but yeah I just meant Arakawa's line from the original teaser where he says "You only live once, so live without regrets." I haven't revisited the new trailers in their entirety but I know he's not in it (aside from Nakai being listed in the credits). It'll be interesting to see where the teaser lines pop up in-game, since we've seen Jo's already in the story trailer... anyway who are you talking to old man... or I guess Young Man...
NO AKANE'S SO FUCKING BADASS FROM WHAT WE KNOW ALREADY need to meet her NOW... she has every single organization out to get her for real though... If I May Be So Bold As To Hope, characters like her have been faring decently well for the past little while (there's a very similar character in The Kaito Files who's fine), so I'd love for Ichiban to at least get to meet her. I know RGG will never let biological family off the hook but I hope Arakawa and Aoki and maybe Jo's sacrifices can secure at least that much... Lol...
Based on the final shots of him in the epilogue, I do think Jo was past the point of having any big reactions to Aoki's death. Honestly, I'll admit it looked like what we saw was his reaction, or the aftermath of it, to me; Japanese inmates aren't cut off from current news and I can imagine the assassination of the governor would be a big deal, even if it's been a while.
I can definitely see him having the instinct to blame Ichi, but I also feel like he was sort of starting to become aware that blaming Ichi didn't accomplish anything near the end. His admonishment of Ichi for being "late" to try and save Hoshino felt pretty half-hearted compared to past instances, like he was going through the motions of their usual interactions but didn't think it was fair himself. He seems to be more or less fine with Ichi now, at any rate...
Either way, it'd be a big missed opportunity to just have Jo ship Ichiban off to Hawaii without some reflective dialogue between them considering everything they've been through together, so fingers crossed for that. I'd love to see your take in whichever form you'd wanna pursue!
That Aside I hope your charger comes in soon </3 might help take your mind off things if you got to draw... Gaiden and Infinite Wealth and whatever else is to come will be worth it, so as always, hang in there and take care brother!
Not somethin i wanna depend on BUT :) we live (´∀`=)
OH THAT BIT fair enough i missed it then: at the time the only thing i took away from that trailer was that We Were Definitely Seeing Sawashiro Again and i had tunnel vision to not even acknowledge arakawa _(:X 」∠)_ it’ll be fun to see the origin of that line tho…
for Three Souls ichi should be allowed to confidently meet his ma and stay in contact with her.. a lil late to start buildin a relationship with your ma but its the least he deserves (о´∀`о)
Fair to assume sawashiro prob got word by then, thats true.. ill hold my breath on ichi and sawashiro reflectin on the whole situation: its hard to imagine they Wont bring up the topic at some point right lol
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silverislander · 11 months
i've been thinking a lot recently abt how different my current job is to my first job and how much more i like it and why, and it really just comes down to like. basic humanity. at the hardware store, it was a really intense "time to lean time to clean" mentality, we weren't allowed to chat with the other cashiers even during slow days, we couldn't get caught reading/drawing/goofing off while on cash, we weren't even allowed to leave the corral. at the supermarket, we're expected to take our time w the customers and talk to them. the managers and other departments come out when they're bored to come chat w us! i read the local paper during slow hours and draw in between customers, and its great! everyone is also just really nice and friendly which is fantastic, i can't name one person over there i don't get along with
and i happened to remember the first meeting i had to go to for the hardware store lmfao. i showed up in uniform bc there was no indication that it was a meeting instead of a regular shift, we were basically told to go stock the shelves/face items for an hour (? still not sure why. they did this to all of us and it did Not need to be done) and while we were paid for that time i was NOT trained for it, so when customers came up and asked like "hey wheres the plumbing section" i had to go "um. i don't know :) let's go find someone else" and had no way to deal with it when they inevitably got really fucking mad w me for not being able to help them
and then when the meeting finally actually started, it opened w the manager going "ok i heard some of you had some things you wanted to discuss!" and a couple of the other cashiers reading off a list of issues they wanted to address. none of which were actually addressed. it was shit like "when you guys come down to customer service and immediately disregard the policies we've just explained, it makes us look like the bad guys and gets us treated very poorly by future customers" "ok well are we supposed do about that :)"/"you need to give us our breaks on time. if managers have to be in charge of telling us when we're allowed to go on break, they need to make sure they're not hours late when doing that" "well we're really busy so sometimes we forget but i guess we'll try :)"
... yeah. if i had been a little bit smarter at the time, i would have realized 2wks in that this was a baby union, we were being exploited and i was abt to have the shittiest fucking summer lmao
#this is a bit of a long pointless post but i was thinkin abt it the other day and just laughing#like... dude. how did i not see that as an insane red flag#those are all issues that continued throughout the summer btw :) none of it ever got fixed we were all miserable#they also had a rule that if you saw someone stealing you were supposed to CHASE THEM and i mentally checked out of that job right there#i am not going to put myself in danger over a fucking power drill or a garden light. bye#like. if someone is stealing they can just fucking have it. i hate it here anyway idc if i get fired for it#levi.txt#like seriously i am So much happier at the grocery store. this is worlds better#theyre both minimum wage theyre basically the same job (cashier) but its not even comparable#i feel like a person. i dont dread going into work. i feel like if anything happened the other employees would have my back#and so would the managers!#we have a fucking code name to say over the pa in case someone is sexually harassing you! manager AND security will show up!!#and you can LEAVE THE CASH to go calm down and take a breather when that happens!!#at the hardware store it was just. if you want to radio a supervisor abt it you can try but it might take them 15mins. if they show up#in the meantime you cant make that person leave you alone. and theyre going to know exactly who you called and why#also just on a personal note. grocery store is doing wonders for my social anxiety. its like a vr simulation for social interactions#you effectively cant fuck up the interaction too bad people will at most think youre kind of funny and then move on w their day
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szczylpierdolony · 1 year
#im so stressed out im so tired ive done nothing and i need to start writing the essays#i have 3 to do plus there are like 6 exams most of which have a lot shit to remember plus im having a psychology short test#and the results of another short test next week and i need to start this economy assignment#and im late almost two weeks with a russian assignment and i want to cry#my meds arent working so im a mess and i stopped taking them bc they give me nightmares but now im having withdrawal and my heart is being#weird and i want to cry i need to kill myself i need to call my doctor#and maybe ask her abt that thing that makes you not have to take all your exams if youre mentally ill#but i feel bad asking for it like its not like im really sick and it feels like im just constantly lying#and she already signed the crap that makes me not have to go to pe thankfully#so i cant go and ask her abt this too like whatever worst case i fail everything and rip my guts out and die#i dont remember when i showered last time and im just so stressed out and i cant do anything productive#i havent been drawing or learning or revising or even doing my reading#speaking of which i have like 300 pages for next week maybe more and i cant take this anymore i need to die#also i think my parents would get mad at me if i said i cant wrote all my exams#bc whatever im not really sick im just lazy and annoying and a bad person and i wish i could get hit by a car so bad i need my head to be#crushed and my brain to get wplattered across the street#also im so gross and sweaty i hate myself sm and i feel so guilty over everything all the time#and them i go to therapy and i cant talk abt anything bc i hate talking abt my feelings its gross and i dont deserve it#i wish there was easy access to guns here suicide would be so easy jesus#and im having insane mood swings again i need to get off social media even tumblr it just makes me feel like shit abt myself#tw suicide mention
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orcelito · 2 years
Honestly tho as a writer I live and breathe hurt/comfort (probably bc there's smth wrong with me lol), to the point where it's just a Given in anything I write. And I kinda assume that's gonna b the case with others too??
But then. Romcom. With some angst, but overall just relationship shenanigans. Oh the potentials that were not realized
#speculation nation#there was one point where i was like 'omg hes alluding to some vague thing that is Off but wont say what'#and 'omg this arc would be a perfect tie-in for the tragedy of his parents. is he acting off bc the anniversary is coming up?'#and. no. no it was just the relationship angst.#god i really have a love-hate relationship with this kind of genre. like it's fun and simple just. ykno. romcom!#except like 95% of the conflict is just 'he cant feel the same way i do 🥺' despite all evidence to the contrary#as a reader that is just . so frustrating lmao. probably bc i myself cant rly relate???#ive always been an observer. getting Vibes from people. & ive never been so into someone to b blinded as to how they feel about me#it's kinda really fuckin obvious when ppl are Interested. so i just do not understand or relate to the core conflict of this.#always been the case where i prefer a mountain of angst with the core characters able to cling to each other for stability#not a 100% rule. but it's for that reason that i'll never have stupid miscommunication conflicts in my writing#miscommunication as a reasonable manifestation of Issues? sure! absolutely.#but i kinda Really hate the trope of like 'omg i heard just a part of what he was saying and jumped to conclusions that tear everything up'#not that that was present in the fic ive been reading but it's certainly not an uncommon trope.#im more exacting in my angst. digging into what really makes them Tick. what makes them Hurt.#peeling back their layers until we get to see their sad pathetic cores#and then i will patch them back up again. give them a pat on the head. as if that will fix the trauma.#relationship angst is so overdone and boring. i need me some actual relevant tangible and Dangerous angst#angst that makes you wonder if they'll make it out of this alive. now THAT'S what im all about babey
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