#so harm reduction ig
kethabali · 9 months
omg this is the first time a summer internship turned into something longer i never thought it would happen to me because my summer jobs are always busy work types but this time its at a nonprofit that does political advocacy which is what i'm studying and working on in school so it actually matches my ~career~ so idk but i still thought it would just end in august because i wasn't giving like my 100% maybe 75-85%.. but yeah i'm surprised they want me to continue until december.. that means i'll have regular income for like 4 months that hasn't happened since.. honestly i don't think that has ever happened i'm always living off savings from doing odd jobs here and there for a month or 2 so this is exciting and with all the financial aid disbursements and the summer internship income plus my fellowship fundings i will actually save up a shit ton of money and i won't have to worry about running out anymore ive been worrying about that for a whole ass year ever since i had to pay for this stupid apartment and i rented the airbnb to get away from my mom.. i mean it was worth it and its good that i have this apartment now but ive been seriously stressed about money for the past year so this is a really big relief that in a few weeks i won't have to worry anymore i feel like 5 times lighter now like idk i feel so much more relaxed maybe now i can stop spending so much money on weed
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ojirocardigansniper · 5 months
ouguhhh just read the summary and article from this post about alexandre baril's work on suicidism (oppression of the suicidal) and the opening paragraph of the conclusion in the full article. thoughts. rotating
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i was thinking about the. thick white gloves. while reading. remembered that one post about how csa being horrifically taboo to talk about compounds survivors' trauma and shame and went Maybe something similar re: suicidality and suicide... the suffering multiplied by the silence, the risk of dismissal or instant change in perception in anyone you tell... and even in 'mental health' spaces the perception that suicide as a topic is dangerous to talk about- that it could be triggering instantly and automatically- is like. i think there's some paternalism there and there's some shamefear and there's some oversimplification and there's the fact that it plays well into the existing well-taught impulse to avoid the discomforting. but like. this post also about how getting through suicidality is maybe only possible by considering the option thoroughly. i am just thinking. idk. yall know me yall know i think about this topic a lot
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kindestegg · 4 months
None of you know what harm reduction even is
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tamamita · 2 months
Surely voting biden is worth it for the breathing room and ability to focus campaigns on boycotts and foreign policy rather than being under attack by trump? Ik you said biden is likely to lose but isn't it worth it just to try? Like, it won't be as easy to shed imperialism if we're busy fighting against even more oppression. But ig if you've decided biden is gonna lose then you're right abt it, I'm just thinking long term too, don't see what the harm is for voting biden
Well no, you can go for a class independence; vote for an independent socialist party. Like the point is that the workers must support their own candidates and perserve their revolutionary position. Marx said that the working class should not be led astray by whatever slogan the Democrats are throwing at you. Such talks only serve to swindle the proletariat. It is far more advantageous to operate independently than the disadvantages resulting from the presence of reactionaries in the representative body. The point is to tactically engage the state and society in a way which generates revolutionary capacity in preparation for a critical revolutionary moment as I've stated earlier.
The reason you're persuaded to vote for Biden is because libs/harm reductionists see the problem as lack of support from workers in the present, or limited capacity for consciousness due to immediate issues they might be facing (economic, political, racial, whatever), and therefore push for engagement in present systems to protect those who are most at-risk in domestic society in preparation for the arrival of such a moment. It becomes an issue of identity politics, because harm reduction does not concern itself with every marginalized group, only a few ones. Once that has been solved, what next? So the question is, who is harm reduction for and who is it not for? This approach will fail because it simply reproduces the grip of capital in an attempt to combat the detriments and puts a closure on the potential for a socialist or communist party outside the existing mechanisms of the state.
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I think harm reduction is incredibly important. Simply saying "People shouldn't do drugs in the first place" isn't productive and shows a limited understanding of the subject. That being said, I think perhaps a more productive angle in the long run would be to actually ask WHY is it that people use drugs and eventually suffer from addiction, rather than shaming people who are drug users & addicts. Like, yeah some people do drugs just for fun ig and it isn't that deep, but generally speaking, someone who turns to an addictive, mind-altering substance on the regular just to cope with life *probably* has a lot of shit in their life that isn't great (to say the least) since they feel the need to constantly use a substance to escape. Likely a substance is the only way they *can* escape. Once a chemical addiction develops it is a bit of a different story and gets more complicated, but the crux of the matter is, I think if society really wants to "fix the issue" of drug use, there needs to be a critical look at the reasons that people start using to being with
I will not get into now, but I personally believe the lack of social safety nets (welfare, housing assistance, disability support, accessibility to affordable healthcare, food insecurity, etc) is a HUGE factor, and things will not get better without these basic supports
I completely agree with you. People don't develop addictions for fun, they develop addictions because they're lacking better ways to cope with suffering. And we truly can't or shouldn't discuss the subject of addiction without confronting why SO MANY people in this world are struggling to cope
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librarycards · 5 months
Do you know how stop obsessing over calories (look at pictures of food and watch videos of people in hospital) easier than "Just Start Eating More"? Every person says "Well, eat more and you will not think of it so much". I am not from U.S and harm reduction is not even in my language. Doctors here do not know this concept and it is thought "You do not eat so now you are sick. Go to the hospital or eat with parents". I learn about harm reduction on Tumblr and forums but I do not find an answer to make it easier. Maybe it does not be easier. If this is so, I understand, but I think of it often.
Oy. If I had a fix for calories, you can bet i'd be screaming it from the rooftops. that said, I have gotten to a place where I can look at food a Normal Amount and not watch those awful before & afters and the like, so i'm including below a few recs that don't involve (for example) eating more, decreasing activity, and other traditional 'recovery' methods.
find a new, niche/weird thing to watch videos about. seriously. get obsessed with some hobby or subculture and fill your ig, etc. feed with those! i went through a phase where i'd just watch flight attendant vlogs. i also love "draw/paint/package things with me" videos. Ideally, these would be videos where the person's body wasn't constantly centered.
relatedly - when i was really fixated on peoples' hospital stays and bodies and tubes and stuff, it was because i was lonely. i was desperate for someone who actually shared this experience with me, because i hadn't processed it yet. the best way to address this takes time, but is very worth it: make friends. irl and online. make friends with people who have shared experiences and are good listeners, but are also fun to talk to about other things.
if you do want to keep watching videos about food, you can reduce harm by watching people who promote positive and curious relationships with food! emmymadeinjapan on youtube is one example of this. the baker Erin McDowell is another.
forgive yourself, and make space for doing things partway + in grey areas. this was. like. the hardest thing for me: i spent so much time early on either eating everything on my plate or, if one element was too scary, eating none of it. this isn't a realistic way to approach anything in life! i don't know how old you are or how much of your diet you currently control, but if you are able to decide what's on your plate, make it a mix of things you know you can eat and things you're not sure about.
or, build in a time of day where you try a new snack, even if you aren't able to do it every time. the point is creating new habits -- habits in which you give yourself permission to eat. not because you are required to, but because you have important and meaningful things to do with your life + you need to eat in order to be alive for them!
honestly, there's only so much advice I can give beyond simply gritting your teeth and Doing the Thing. it fucking sucks, and it hurts, but it's much easier when you have warm people in your life who understand, and ways of entertaining yourself that are attendant to your experience but not completely mired in it. this is an important reminder that you're a regular person who can have a variety of regular interests! this is a part of you, but it does not wholly define you, and you have a whole life to live and relationships + hobbies to explore beyond this focus on calories + institutions.
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yourdyingwish · 2 months
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Silly one of Anthony Green in Atlanta from my IG story. Great show & I think it’s so awesome that he had harm reduction people at his show and had them not just table giving out narcan & test strips but also gave a demonstration ON STAGE! You love to see it.
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inabarbi3world · 1 year
this is my live reaction to 6x10 (ish)
i really thought the siblings’ dad was gonna die… i was hella scared
THE FACT THAT BUCK IS LIKE “sometimes things happen out of our control and we can’t prepare for it”
wait, D…? what’s going on there…?
the father wanted to see them… okay… i’m a bit skeptical… they’re all together… “jee yun deserves a grandfather” no. not if he’s gonna treat her like he treated chim
o tamara… what’s her role gonna be i wonder…
“exclusive” uh huh
100,000 DOLLARS???????????? HELLO?????????
ok. “harm reduction” k. no b it lowkey this is such an interesting storyline i really like bobby’s resolve here but i also get what athena’s trying to say but bobby is gonna bobby
“it’s not right it’s missing something” SECRET INGREUDIENTS??? COCOA POWDER???? that’s so… slay
yeah bobby is not gonna let it go… OH SHIT THE FUCKING GAP OMG IM SO INVESTED BRO OMG
omg he was a shitty father… people can change but chim is allowed to be skeptical tf
i… WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCKING FUCK HELLO? i’m……… they better not die.
woah wait they actually have that shit omg that’s fucking amazing and genuinely so useful
lol margaret girl… pls. o shit. GREAT???? what? okay…? nah one of them or both of them are dying or something i refuse to believe they’re just “nice” now oh also can chim’s dad shut the fuck up? thanks idc that he was raised that way just be quiet and keep your opinion to yourself and NOW THEYRE ALL ARGUING GREAT.
aww hi jee yun you sweet baby
WHAT THE FUCK, UM OKAY?????????????? WHAT IS GOING ON??????? omg. ok. talking to his dad ig
omg can we stop with this whole bullshit about forgiving chim’s dad???? why can’t he decide to do that in his own time???????? this episode is very interesting
this whole ep has dealt with fatherhood/family and idk what it means but also bobby’s storyline and i’m really liking it bUT
the zoom in on the hat? y’all joking? omg fuck y’all see y’all next week.
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satelliteduster · 2 years
🔥 art maybe...
ig not too controversial given the past like Year of people talking abt the act of creation but yeah maybe we do need to retire the visage of the suffering artist. this idea that good art can only come from a place of torment and suffering is not only viciously untrue its also harmful to the mentality of younger artists who use art as an escape/create for the sake of creating/etc etc etc. pain shouldn't always be the dominant facet of one's creative endeavor (i say "shouldn't always" because there is an infinite amount of incredibly touching and personal pieces of art made out of the trauma/lived experiences of the creator and to discount their work as "harmful" or reductive would be even doubly so), and the desire to make something, potentially out of nothing, should be more emphasized.
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lunulater · 1 year
Today is a National Day of Mourning. Please make sure to center Indigenous voices first and foremost, today and always. Check out the shared link along with @mahtowin1 on both IG and Twitter as one resource for more info & ways to show support to our Indigenous family. My personal ruminations of today are below:
Please take this to heart; mourning is not at odds with celebration of life, of family, of gratitude. Grief and gratitude are not incompatible. Grief and gratitude are hand in hand in the practice of mourning, which is also a practice of healing. It is in times of mourning that we reflect most on our lives, our loved ones, and all that we might be grateful for. Conscious mourning is an invitation to honor those things. To celebrate.
So, if you must celebrate Thanksgiving today, please, take the time to educate yourselves and your families on what it is our Indigenous family is mourning. Take this time so that you may reflect collectively on the insurmountable losses and grief faced by the original Indigenous peoples of these lands. Loss of sacred lands, homes and havens, loss of human life, communities, cultures, languages. The grief soaked Trail of Tears. The grief of babies ripped from the loving arms of their families, to be stripped of their rights to heritage, to community. Name the genocide for what it is. Take time to sit with the violence of our shared colonial histories, here on these lands of the "United States of America" as well as abroad. Take the time to reflect on the ways this violent heritage persists even today.
May your time today with family (and food) be as a wake grounded in the collective mourning of Indigenous people. May you celebrate all you have to be grateful for anchored in that mourning. May you reflect on all the ways things could have—should have—been different and how we may challenge ourselves and our communities towards better. May you take the time to sit with the loved ones you still have the privilege of today, and reflect in earnest on the intergenerational traumas that not one of us can escape. Take the time to learn from our shared histories, from one another, take the time to heal, and to grow. Take the time to celebrate where each of us has come from, and where we might go. Take the time to reflect and foster accountability so that we might all leave this plane of existence better off than we have entered it. A feat that cannot be achieved without all of the above. Take the time to ground one another in humility and compassion, to do the work, and to share the burden in doing so. That is what family, what community, is for. To share the load of growth towards building better selves, towards building a better future for all.
My mother took us to PowWows and demonstrations of Indigenous practice, of creative joy. She got us books about Indigenous people and histories. For most of my childhood she collected Indigenous arts and jewelry. There were admittedly ways in which this erred into appropriation and exotification of Indigenous culture and people, I won't defend that, but she tried. She tried when there was little accessible public discourse to guide us in the paths of least harm. On that note, be sure that you are centering Indigenous voices today and always. Let those be the voices that guide you in truth and healing, and towards work centered in harm reduction.
My mother continues to try. It is for those types of efforts that I continue to try with my family, despite harms done which cannot be undone. It is for the witnessing of those efforts that I do not just give up on the world. We cannot undo all harms done, but we can try. We must try.
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sogol · 12 days
many oc/canon thots being thunk abt how logos' skillset would pair w my docsonas kit ..
i keep getting lazy on putting together an official-looking thing to present reverdies kit so ig this kinda slightly serves that purpose: (skill names &numbers always subject to change. i'm not a Hardcore Pro Gaymer so idk if im crossing power boundaries i shouldn't)
Talent 1 Eihwaz (Module LV3): "Deploys a Defense Rune (200 DEF) on the tile this unit is on and two Medical Runes (3% HP/s [P3: 4% HP/s]) in the direction this unit is facing. (Once per deployment. Runes go away if this unit leaves the battlefield.) Allies deployed on Runes gain 10% Sanctuary. (Does not have to be a Rune provided by this unit.)"
being a bard supporter, logos would generally wind up deployed next to reverdie anyway... the sanctuary could help logos w his s2 b even tankier &ranged units could always stand to take less dmg in general. also means reverdie is constantly facing logos' direction on the battlefield hehe 🥰🥰
Talent 2 Where There Is Hope, There Are Trails (Module LV3): "15% [P5: 18%] to both dodge rate and chance to ignore 15% DEF and RES to all allies within range and +5% Inspiration to that unit (stacks 3 times) upon dodging or ignoring an enemy's DEF or RES."
logos ignores res, coincidentally also on his 2nd talent!! he'd get the inspiration stacks just by auto-attacking, the chance for even more res shred &the dodge r just cherries on top for him omg...
S1M3 Humble Beginnings (Unlimited Duration): "More likely to be attacked, 50% dodge rate to self. All allies within range gain Inspiration equal to 80% of this unit's ATK and RES, and +1 ASPD to all allies (stacks up to 15 times) upon dodging."
logos' s1 kys field going crazy w the atk boost LMAO
the res boost w logos' s2 active would make him unbelievably tanky against arts enemies too omg. &no skill wouldn't appreciate aspd, logos' s2 focused death beam could run thru a few more tanky enemies w it... this skill is Also coincidentally unlimited duration like logos' s1 😳 (&eterna's s1)
despite it being a bit counterintuitive since reverdies s1 Should have them attacked, the thought of protective logos s1 auto-kysing/s2 enemy slow/s3 projectile slow on approaching hostiles is so 🥹🥹 all his skills is actually to keep his tree wife safe from harm 💯% let the others build the aspd stacks‼️😤
S2M3 Prosperous Future: "All allies within range gain effects based on how high or low their HP is.
(Above 50%HP) Increase this unit's Trait effect by 30%. Grants allies a Barrier worth 1600HP and recover 2SP every second. If HP is full, double the SP recovered.
(Below 49%HP) Gain Inspiration equal to 50% of this unit's ATK. Attacks land twice with a 70% chance of landing three times."
loverdie folds over themselves trying to protect e/o from getting hurt WWW the fights logos fought in victoria scared reverdie so much (ESP in the recent chapters), they dont want him going thru that again as much as they can help it 🥹 sure if you can't avoid wife getting hurt then just help him kill things dead ig !! love how reverdies skills transition from contributing passively towards battle into fullblown offensive support. esp in their s3
S3M3 Await in Full Bloom: Range expands [Glaucus S2/Eyjafjalla S3 range] and increase this unit's second Talent effects by 5x. All allies in range counter 80% [90, 100, 110] of their base ATK upon dodging and stat reductions are cleared (self-inflicted debuffs return once this skill ends)."
shoot &i'll move LMAO
logos' 2nd talent means he'd net whats now 75% inspiration just by attacking thrice, but also on top of inflicting -10res + increases arts dmg taken, he ALSO has 75% (90% at reverdie pot5 😳) chance to flat out Ignore 75% res as well as having 90% dodge. turning "don't touch my wife" into "try him. Go Ahead."
also ??? logos' base skills being irene but for casters/supporters ogifjbdhwh so he definitely trains reverdie, which falls in line w him wanting to understand them, their runes/spells &researching their unknown language/voynich manuscript (which his module lore coincidentally supported so much 🥹)
however. (nsft ahead) on the inspiration that odin hung himself on the yggdrasil for 9 days &nights for Forbidden Rune Mastery. &me translating that into logos can hang on reverdies cock for 9 days &nights to achieve the more or less the same.
yeah hes absolutely showing them his "banshees proficiency" in there. yeah theyre totally discussing the "meaning of words" in there. yeah. nudges under the bed the fact that logos gets an overflow of information from climbing the cosmic tree. how he starts blabbering glossolalia when they start getting it on. yeah! plus, one of reverdies base skills is morale recovery + trust boost. now i see, now i see...!!!!! so that's the aftercare!
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livingfictionsystem · 3 months
TW: Sui but fucking hilarious
So, Jasper and Jack have an *interesting* relationship, right?
It's been the dynamic with Impulsive Diva with a Death Wish and Exasperated and Vaguely Amused Harm Reducer.
Anyway, Jasper hit a sort of mania where he still felt low but still had all sorts of energy to Do something about it. So, right as I got off of sui watch, Jack had to deal with him.
Anyway, Jack's figured out that Jasper is so much of a defiant brat that if he insincerely pushes Jasper into it, Jasper will not only NOT do anything, but be in a better mood.
Like Jack has this running joke of "Well, Jasper is the boss, but I always HAVE wanted a promotion."
And he'll be like "Yeah Jas don't do anything rash" before very visibly putting a steak knife in Jasper's coat pocket.
We'll load the weapons and all and Jack will shout across the house, "HEY, JAS, YOU SURE YOU NEED MORE THAN A SINGLE BULLET?" Even doing shit like hanging neckties to dry like nooses 😭🤣
And each time, Jasper gets all sarcastic and half the time they rough-house and Jasper ends up cracking up by the end of it. Like it's weird that this actually works as a harm reduction tactic.
And just before I left to go to the outerworld, I hear Jack say something muffled through a wall and Jasper snapped back with, "OH I OUGHTA SHOW *YOU* THE LEDGE."
And I'm getting ready and shouting through the wall "WHY ARE Y'ALL TOXIC? 🤣😭"
Just now Aberle texted me that he caught them bickering and how Jack was like 'Oh I have a whole list of people I'm waiting to pursue after you" and how Jasper was all like "Yeah well keep waiting, pal, you keep talking like that and I'm going to live to 102! 😤"
Whatever works ig 🤣🤣😭😭🤣
-Sparrow 🧷
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taiwan3000 · 1 year
Maps Billy Woods Kenny Segal (FaceTime, Year Zero, Hangman, NYC Tapwater)
Heavy Heavy Young Fathers (I Saw, Tell Somebody, Ululation)
Radical Romantics Fever Ray (Tapping Fingers, Even It Out, Shiver)
The Infinite Spine Lauren Auder (730kingfisher, 118-madonna, hawthorne81, we2assume2many2roles)
Erotic Probiotic 2 Nourished by Time (The Fields, Soap Party, Quantum Suicide)
Wallsocket underscores (Cops and robbers; Locals (Girls like us); Geez louise)
Javelin Sufjan Stevens (Goodbye Evergreen, Will Anybody Ever Love Me?, So You Are Tired)
10,000 Gecs 100 Gecs (Hollywood Baby, I Got My Tooth Removed, Mememe, Frog on the Floor)
Love in a Vicious Way Mother Tongues (Worm Day, Dance in the Dark)
Hellmode Jeff Rosenstock
Cartwheel Hotline TNT
After the Magic Parannoul
The Comeback Kid Marnie Stern
Aperture Hannah Jadagu
Live At Bush Hall Black Country, New Road (Dancers)
trip9love...??? Tirzah
Raven Kelela
Sundial Noname
The Ones Ahead Beverly Glenn-Copeland
12 Ryuichi Sakamoto
All of This Will End Indigo De Souza
Strong; Enjoy Your Life; Loveher; She's on my Mind Romy
Pink Lemonade Blockhead RXK Nephew
Mindful Solutionism; Pigeonometry Aesop Rock
I See Myself; Mysterious Love Geese
Pet Rock L'Rain
It Must Change; Scapegoat ANOHNI and the Johnsons
Avalanche of Love WITCH
I've Got Me Joanna Sternberg
Can I Talk My Shit? Vagabon
Workin' on a World Iris DeMent
Vampire Empire Big Thief
Paint the Town Red Doja Cat
Oral Bjork + Rosalia
Mama's Eyes Mette
With the Other Hand Lost Girls
Scaring the Hoes Danny Brown + JPEGMAFIA
Squid Pangaea
Halo Flip Vegyn Lauren Auder
Dickhead Blues Kara Jackson
Sandrail Silhouette Avalon Emerson
So Hard to Tell Debby Friday
We Gon Eat Living Legends
Found Fucked Up
Make U 3 Me Alice Longyu Gao
What We Were That What Wept for the Sea Colin Stetson
Andy in Stereo Hand Habits
Blackbox Life Recorder 21f Aphex Twin
Quiet Moves Che Noir
Crumbs Rebecca Black
Lo Siento Princess Nokia
Djennaration Liturgy
Adrianne Lenker Ruined (music video)
***All Light, Everywhere
***American Factory
Arrested Development S4
The Bear S2 E6, E7, E10
The Beautiful Colors of Jeremy Sicile-Kira (short)
***Beef (TV)
Big Fish
***Black Mirror S3 E4 San Junipero
Bourne Ultimatum
***The Boy and the Heron
***Chewing Gum S1 & S2
***Colossal Youth
The Cow Who Sang a Song into the Future
***Creamerie S1 & S2
A Dangerous Method
***Decision to Leave
***I Didn't See You There
Disintegration 93-96 (short)
Enjoy Your Life MV Romy
***The Entire History of the Louisiana Purchase
***An Epistemological Analysis of RXK Nephew's "American Tterroristt" (YouTube)
Free Chol Soo Lee
Groundhog Day
***Hail Satan?
Harm Reduction Center Chapter 5 (YouTube)
***The Hole
***Horse Money
***How to Blow Up a Pipeline
***I May Destroy You
I Think You Should Leave S1-3
I Was a Simple Man
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia S16 E8
John Wick 4
Joy Ride
Killers of the Flower Moon
Last Week with John Oliver: Israel-Hamas War
Liquor Store Dreams
Live at Bush Hall by Black Country, New Road
Lone Wolf and Cub: Baby Cart at the River Styx
Malni: Towards the Ocean, Towards the Shore
Nettles (short)
No Reservations S8 E5 Lisbon
October Country
Parts Unknown S9 S8 Porto
***Perfumed Nightmare
Puparia (short)
Sheng Wang: Sweet and Juicy
Somebody Feed Phil
Spiderman: Across the Spider-Verse
The Square
Star Trek
Starfuckers (short)
***Survivor Australia S10 E7
Talk to Me
A Thousand and One
Three of Us (short)
TomDNYC (YouTube)
***Triangle of Sadness
Tuesday (short)
***underscores Wallsocket (album video)
Untold Story of Keetley Valley (short)
When You Left Me on that Boulevard (short)
WHOKILLEDXIX 9mm (music video)
A Wild Patience Has Taken Me Here (short)
***The Wire
***Wisdom Gone Wild
The Worst Person in the World
You've Never Been Completely Honest (short)
Yox_Rick (IG)
***Billy Woods Kenny Segal
Hiss Golden Messenger
***Kristina Wong, Sweatshop Overlord
***Peter Pan Goes Wrong
***Sloppy Jane
Cecily Brown
Luna Luna
Closing Doors
***Coming Out Simulator 2014
I Had Another Dream About You Last Night
Opossum Country
Six Cats Under
Super Jacked Up Tomato Face Johnson
That Lonesome Valley
***Time Is Solid Here
Why Do I Get All the Kisses?
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hemmingsenbynum28 · 2 years
Discovering Testing For Food Sensitivities
Meals sensitivities testing is backed up by physicians together a great deal more method to assist diagnose lots of infirmities. Food sensitivities testing determines personalized nutrition at the cellular level. Meals sensitivities testing may well be a vital tool as part of your treatment program. Armed with the wish to excellent delayed Meals sensitivities testing, these testing procedures ended up developed for those consuming today's American diet program. Have you tried meals sensitivities testing? A woman said that her son had reactions for the meals she was consuming while nursing him and that he had trouble sleeping. The reliability of meals sensitivities tests are reacted to the pathway that's becoming tested inside the physique. By unknowingly eating the wrong foods for your body, your defense mechanisms is chronically activated. This signifies it may be ramped up and ready to get a battle. look what i found of of us invest copious volume of cash at locations like Whole Foods together with other grocery shops to acquire organic foods and then totally forget that this in fact is simply a single step toward managing our environment's impact on our well getting. A Food Intolerance Test assists to determine if you could discover any foods that you're consuming which are acting as being a tension for the physique and so are not getting digested and absorbed and potentially contributing on your effectively becoming issues. The principle of meals sensitivities tests are the belief that foods, additives and compounds are capable of triggering non-allergy immune-based reactions. Not surprisingly the foodstuffs that can cause these Non-IgE-Mediated Immunological Meals Intolerance reactions achieve this of their protein type, which could are the non-digested or semi-digested type, within the digestive tract, and what is made available to the bloodstream is (hopefully) only amino acids (let's assume that Leaky Gut Syndrome (LGS) isn't present. The inability to tolerate foods and environmental aspects, often known as sensitivity or intolerance, induces chronic activation with the innate immune approach and supplies rise to inflammatory processes, which contains excess creation of reactive oxygen species in addition to the release of performed and newly synthesized mediators of inflammation. The facts are the truth that allergy indicators along with the substance association nervousness responses are simply the tip in the iceberg when it comes to the way we respond to meals. An estimated 45-60% in the basic population has serious signs and wellbeing conditions whose causes can't be identified. Several of them haven't any notion that various forms of food sensitivity might often be at fault. Though there might come to be no detectable signs while using immune response to gluten, the regular indicators folks nowadays create happen in the event the immune reactions start out to harm the intestines. Meals sensitivities and intolerances could well take anyplace from 2-3 days to providing that one week to manifest, creating them rather hard to discern and detect. The immune centered food intolerances are often related to various indicators that'll be both gastrointestinal and elsewhere inside physique and could include bloating, gas, diarrhea (possibly at times constipation), abdominal pain, nausea, fatigue, headaches, joint and muscle pains, skin rashes, excess weight reduction or gain, anemia or nutritional deficiencies, irritability, depression, psychological fogginess, and nerve discomfort (neuropathy). These indicators could be indications of an individual or a whole lot additional food intolerances. What Do You Know About Environmental Intolerance, Studying Childhood Environmental Illness
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robinsonbendtsen55 · 2 years
Discovering Testing For Food Sensitivities
Meals sensitivities testing is sustained by physicians together far more technique to assist diagnose a great deal of infirmities. Food sensitivities testing determines personalized nutrition at the cellular level. Meals sensitivities testing might be a vital tool with your cure. Armed alongside the want to excellent delayed Meals sensitivities testing, these testing procedures was developed for those consuming today's American diet program. Have you tried meals sensitivities testing? A woman said that her son had reactions for the meals she was consuming while nursing him and the man had trouble sleeping. The longevity of meals sensitivities testing is reacted towards the pathway that's becoming tested in the physique. By unknowingly eating the wrong foods for your health, your body's defence mechanism is chronically activated. Lyme clinic Sydney signifies it is usually ramped up and ready for the battle. A number of of us invest copious quantity of cash at locations like Whole Foods in addition to other grocery shops to get organic foods just to totally forget that this actually is just a single step toward managing our environment's affect on our well getting. A Food Intolerance Test assists to assess if you may discover any foods that you're consuming which are acting just like a tension for the physique and they are not getting digested and absorbed and potentially contributing for the effectively becoming issues. The principle of meals sensitivities exams are the truth that particular foods, additives and substances are designed for triggering non-allergy immune-based reactions. Not surprisingly the foods that creates these Non-IgE-Mediated Immunological Meals Intolerance reactions do so of their protein type, which could be the non-digested or semi-digested type, inside the digestive system, and what is distributed around the bloodstream is (hopefully) only amino acids (let's assume that Leaky Gut Syndrome (LGS) isn't present. The inability to tolerate foods and environmental aspects, also known as sensitivity or intolerance, induces chronic activation using the innate immune approach and gives rise to inflammatory processes, containing excess production of reactive oxygen species in addition to the relieve performed and newly synthesized mediators of inflammation. The facts are the fact allergy signs plus the substance association nervousness responses are just the tip inside iceberg when it comes to the way you respond to meals. An estimated 45-60% inside basic population is suffering from serious indicators and wellbeing conditions whose causes cannot be identified. Several of them don't have any notion that various forms of food sensitivity might come to be to blame. Though there might possibly be no detectable signs or symptoms while using immune reaction to gluten, the common indicators folks nowadays create happen in the event the immune reactions start out to harm the intestines. Meals sensitivities and intolerances might just take anyplace from 2-3 days to as long as 1 week to manifest, creating them rather hard to discern and detect. The immune primarily based food intolerances will often be related to various signs or symptoms which will be both gastrointestinal and elsewhere within the physique and may include bloating, gas, diarrhea (and at times constipation), abdominal pain, nausea, fatigue, headaches, joint and muscle pains, skin rashes, excess weight reduction or gain, anemia or nutritional deficiencies, irritability, depression, psychological fogginess, and nerve discomfort (neuropathy). These signs and symptoms could be signs and symptoms of a single or possibly a large amount additional food intolerances. What Do You Know About Environmental Intolerance, Studying Childhood Environmental Illness
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detransexual · 2 years
TW eating disorder (recovery related, i think its relatively trigger free but i still feel the need to warn abt the topic ig?)
Ngl im really really fucking struggling with my eating disorder, if anyone has any resources abt recovery (that r actually good n helpful n not just "talk to ur doctor :) call a helpline", cause thats pretty much all ive been able to find when i look for for tangible tips) , or even just harm reduction, pls drop recs or links if u have em.
Like just personal tips would also be good if you're either in recovery or you've previously recovered (even if you've relapsed), especially if you've recovered as an adult because i feel like so much of the advice i find is like. Aimed at teenagers or parents? And thats a very different situation, i cant do recovery the same way i did when i was a middle schooler bc both my life and the disorder itself is very different now.
i know that im going to need professional help eventually but im not capable of taking that step right now, but i still need to try to get a little better on my own in the mean time? Please dont say body neutrality tho bc trust me im aware and im already working on it, but its so much more about the behaviours themselves than it is about weight, my body image isnt the root issue and it isnt actually a problem right now.
I just want a chance to try to get better myself first, even if i fail i just. Feel like it would be good, that it would be an act of very tangible self love and that having control taken away from me might just making my need for control worse and might just trigger me to get sicker, i want to atleast get my brain back a little bit before i put myself in that situation. I dont know what to do or how to do it or how to just... Let go of things that you know are irrational, because im fully (and painfully aware) of how self destructive and dangerous it is and that this isnt normal and that it makes me miserable and that it isnt worth it, but for some reason my shit idiot goblin brain doesnt care and cant fully accept it? And im incredibly fucking frustrated with my self because of that, i have the knowledge to do better and yet i cant stop, and thats almost the worst part because i feel so fucking guilty that its literally my own damn fault that im doing badly and im fully able to just DO better, there is nothing stopping me other than myself and i hate myself for it.
Anyway, it turned into a rant/vent a bit ig oops but the main point is, if u have personal experience w recovery id love some tips/resources that you've found helpful, that dont involve medical professionals (for now).
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