#so happy this is very pogchamp so happy
asterbats · 1 year
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drew my new kitten as a “warmup” but have to stop here because shes being a rascal
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pitgritted · 4 months
hello there sett my beloved lil pogchamp my homie spouse my wonderful friend that i adore from the bottom of my heart , i am grabbing you like a squeaky toy and kissing you on the mouth . i am soooo soo happy that we met and became closer heehee , you're just incredible jojo , everything you do is inspiring and you've put so much hard work into obtaining the skills that you have in things like graphics , writing , and drawing , and you still continue to push urself to greater heights which is amazing . it's good to try and improve but i hope you can recognize just how wonderful you already are as is though !!!! we all love you very much , you're a lovely and thoughtful friend who would fight tooth and nail if your friends were ever being threatened or treated badly . holding onto you for the new year !!!!!!
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:CAT-WAIL:  where  are  these  coming  from  oh  my  goodness  —  squeaks  like  a  chew  toy  as  you  grab  me  .  i’m  so  happy  we’ve  met  too  !!  i  was  timid  about  writing  with  you  when  we  first  met  ,  still  unsure  how  the  hell  you  found  my  content  or  nooby  blog  worth  the  follow  considering  i  was  so  new  in  the  RPC  at  the  time  .  for  that  i  am  grateful  because  i  got  to  have  a  friendship  that’s  silly  ,  comforting  ,  mature  &  calm  ,  &  just  overall  nice  to  be  in  .
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i’ll  try  to  do  better  at  recognizing  that  what  i  do  have  now  is  enough  &  already  good  ,  without  feeling  like  i  have  to  strive  to  make  everyone  feel  happy  when  i  talk  to  them  !!  🥺  i  just  really  like  leaving  a  good  impression  with  people  because  i  really  want  to  build  friendships  like  the  one  we  have  now  ,  seriously  .  i’m  once  again  so  grateful  to  have  become  good  friends  with  you  ,  &  we  practically  became  homie  married  .
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motheatenscarf · 1 year
Okay, headache gone, can post thoughts now.
Man, Shadowbringers legit gettin me misty eyed.
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Played through the Crown of the Immaculate, had fun getting there, the design on the dungeonand the trial was VERY cool. I'm living for this whole "light as corruption" thing, stark and stagnant, anathema to the churning chaos required for life to thrive. The visual implication that ugly as he was, Vauthry was human and fallible until his transformation into a full sineater, becoming beautiful and corrupted and beyond saving.
And Alphy continues to be my little proletariat pogchamp, I love him so much.
Sad about the Exarch, I get why he had to lie, cuz yeah, his plan to sacrifice himself to save the WoL is not something Talia would have gone along with. She's tired of people deciding she's more important than anyone just because she's the better murderer in a world full of things that need to die. (I'm aware people genuinely see the WoL as a hero, good and true, but from a character psychology standpoint, Talia Does Not see herself that way.) It was what happened with Haurchefant :(
Glad to have it confirmed that Emet Selch WAS sincere in his efforts to try and reach out and see if maybe 7 rejoinings was enough for him to consider us "worthy" again. NOT HAPPY he shot my cat, but the moment before that where you can call out to G'raha Tia directly was sweet.
Even if I'm like.... 85% certain that was a Cats reference.
Anyway, Talia had accepted as an innevitability that defeating the lightwardens would kill her, but was gonna count on the nerds or Ryne to send her to space or strike her with Hydalen's power and scatter her across time and space or something. Learning what G'raha Tia had been doing for the last like... three centuries worth of despair, clinging to hope and helping the people of the Crystarium, that was emotionally affective on its own.
Loved the beat where you're talking to Ardbert and your character starts balling their hand up into a fist and he tells them to take it easy, that if they lose control of their emotions they will DEFINITELY turn into a sineater at this point. It then lets them take a breath and ask what your character is gonna do.
LOVED the options there of either saying, "I"m going after Emet Selch," or, "I'm gonna go and have words with both Emet Selch and the Exarch," and then finally the one Talia chose. I grant you this is likely the one it EXPECTS you to choose/is the default, but I'm glad it was a choice and not the assumption.
Because Talia having to calm down in that moment and being told not to "lose control", i.e., letting her anger take the reigns, gave her that beat she needed to think back to why she was angry. Think back to something Alphinaud told her over hot chocolate about not letting people be sacrificed for a cause.
So she said she was gonna go save G'raha Tia.
And as if that wasn't a sweet enough moment, the fact that the Scions refuse to let you sneak off and do this alone, and then summon the people of the Crystarium who also want to save the Exarch after everything he did for them.
It's that Sam Rami Spiderman shit for me, man. Where the hero just gets their ass beat again and again and when shit looks its bleakest, is saved in turn by the people they've been protecting. The whole "People of Nordvandt coming together to build a kaiju, the world saving the world" bit was nice, I like it, it rewards you for putting in the effort.
But idk. I'm personally more about that whole, at the darkest hour, the hero didn't stand alone shit. Let them think this is the end or they're on their own or they have to hold out just long enough for the acceptance of the inevitable sink in only to offer that ray of light.
Also, goddamn, the voice acting is so good here. You can HEAR Alisaie's voice actor crying when Alisaie cries and tells you off for trying to refuse their help because you could turn into a sineater at any moment. You could HEAR Urianger's choked back tears as he begged for forgiveness, or at least being allowed to help, after having to deceive you.
And then the people of the Crystarium being like, whatever's happening, if it's to help you and the Exarch, we'll do it. We know who you are and what you've done for us and we won't let you face this alone.
Idk. It's nice to see the hero get to have people to lean on. To know that they aren't just saving people as a passing do-gooder but are building a community.
And I hate to say it, but it's made all the more meaningful after the miserable slog that is ARR's thankless hoop jumping where F'lamihn doesn't even save enough food to give your character a decent meal after a long and terrible day. Keeping most of the Scions at arms' length for most of the game only for them to realize and express how much your character actually means to them is good, actually.
And then clicking on the characters afterward, and having Alphinaud mention the exact moment and conversation I the player was remembering as I made the choice that this was a growth moment for my WoL, was like.... YAY, good writing, they know what they're doing and their themes and message are consistent! Him saying, "I wasn't gonna give up on Estinien and I'm NOT giving up on you now!" about my WoL after everything they've been through made me misty eyed, and yeah, Talia would be a sobbing wreck to realize there are People Who Love Her, maybe even as much as she loves them!
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scoobydoodean · 1 year
I didn't have much interest in the prequel because John and Mary aren't caracteres that I like very much they are badass as hunters but terrible parents ( Jody and Bobby became better parents to the boys). But now I want to start to watch it, because Dean ending was bad and boring, for the members of Team free will only Sam got a decent ending, Dean die young just to writers reaffirm his suicidal tendencies what is a example for fans that dangerous mental health trigger because just show that people with suicidal tendencies can't change mind and choose another will to live. Cas the angel who start the show as a stone cold soldier and turn into someone who understands emotions and even become a father, show his true happiness only to be sucked by the empty and get a name mention in the finale just : hey guys so remember cas? Jack saved him, were is he? Just forgot to tell his family that he is back. And Jack who only is a 3 years old, naive to everything and a being who just wanted to have a family and be accepted becomes the new boss and said: bye boys I won't do shit to you guys anymore, see ya chumps
Jensen really talk to his wife lady and said honey let's get our money power to turn this fanfiction rewrite into a real thing let call the old homies except Jared because if Sam is so happy there so let's just keep him there
Yeah I didn't have any interest in watching it either originally.
I never thought Jackles was going to glorify John and Mary as parents, which I did see a lot of people suggest, but the premise of a show about them didn't appeal to me much. I figured it would house some sort of backdoor escape for Dean because it's obvious Jensen didn't like the finale and had hinted many times about not seeing Dean as dead and bringing him back, but I just intended on following along through the grapevine instead of watching it. However, I kept stumbling upon bronlies (who are, in actuality, very very hardcore Sam stans and J1s who only consider Dean (and often JA) an accessory or a little pet for Sam (JP)). They were being really gross about Dean and how Supernatural is only about Sam, and Dean is just his little pogchamp emote and basically all but saying Jensen isn't allowed to make a show with Dean in it absent Sam because Dean isn't important and only exists to glorify Sam, etc. I got irritated, so I started a countdown 1, 2, 3 and third next post I saw from them being vile little gremlins meant I started watching The Winchesters lol. Then some of the finale spite started coming through and I was invested in figuring out exactly what JA wanted to say with all of it, regardless of whether I'd end up agreeing with him or not.
If you aren't sure if you want to commit to the whole thing or not (not that it's really all that much TV to get through), if your interest is finale spite related, I'd recommend you watch the 9th and 12th episodes.
I actually disagree that Sam got a decent ending in the SPN finale. Of course Dean and other characters got worse endings than Sam did, but the ultimate narrative about Sam painted by the SPN finale is that he is a failure or is deeply, deeply selfish. He was also hamfistedly shoved into a life that he was not interested in anymore, and treated as if that was actually what he wanted all along and Dean had to die for him to get it. (Bronlies don't understand the show, etc). His love interest is replaced with a blurry woman, and his house is devoid of photos of the living except his son who is named after his dead brother. Also that wig was fucking embarrassing as fuck.
I agree about Cas and Jack. I would add about Cas that the finale spit in the face of his sacrifice (and the lack of reunion, even as someone who was never invested in destiel, is absolutely unforgivable to me). I would add about Jack that him ending up as god is extremely disturbing because he and Dean mirrored each other within the trauma of being forced to grow up too fast just to be what other people needed them to be/to survive. To end the show with a three year old who already felt he had to be born as an adult in order to survive, taking on the responsibility of becoming god (and also subsuming and erasing another Dean mirror, Amara, in the process) is repulsive to me.
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tasteofgummies · 1 year
Hi! Can I relationship dynamic with Kakyoin and if not too much Jotaro p3? I'm Russian, she/her, Gemini, INFP. I'm big fan of histotlry and also a future architector. My hobby is learning languages (English, German, Latin, French and Japanese). I have no particular preferences in movies and other media, but as a rule it is some kind of art house or "underground", whether it's a movie or a book.👺 I'm a gamer with a huge experience and will never refuse to play anything, be it dark souls and starcraft or even sekiro with minecraft. Oh yeah, I have dysgraphia and trouble with speech (sometimes I speak too fast and people can't understand me, and often with it I literally break off sentences without realizing it). Also, I'm very short in appearance and look younger than my age. I can be described as an extremely chaotic meme person who is never afraid to break the rules and has a reputation for being a very kind and smart rebel. Just a person who is not afraid to tell the system to its face what thinks about it ('cause of this, I was given the nickname metapunk lol)
/sorry if too many mistakes, have a nice day :3
In all honesty, I don't know anything about gaming, so I couldn't dive into that aspect as much as I would have liked (specially with Kakyoin)
Kakyoin x you ✨
>Omg gamer boy meets his soulmate
>When you're in a more advanced stage on the relationship and he relaxes more, makes so many game related jokes and tries to embarrass you calling you "discord kitten" or "pogchamp"
>Is there to insult incels who call you slurs in the chat, he's surprisingly sassy
>I feel like Kakyoin knows a bit of everything, so is happy that you can deepen his knowledge with yours
>You two can talk for HOURS
>He just loves your nickname, metapunk just sounds so damn badass
>I thinks his favorite bits of history are the ones that have to do with strategy, so probably The wars of roses and south american independence as a whole (San Martín, Simón Bolívar, stuff like that)
>He knows japanese and english, but it's interested in learning more, I see him picking an interest for chinese and german
>Loves that you're going to be an architect! He will take on dates to historical neighborhoods so you can take a look at the architecture
>He is very patient and non judgemental, so if he doesn't understand, he'll just tell you and go on, so conversation between you two flow very naturally and nicely
>He loves that you can challenge his way of thinking. As an average japanese person, he's been taught to really fall in line without questions, so you speaking up against the flawed system is truly something amusing to him
>It also helps him to be less harsh on himself, and recover his power as an individual and not a number. When he's feeling burned out, he feels useless and like a disappointment, so when you are there to comfort him and tell him it's the educational system that failed him, it gives him a sense of relief
>Jokingly says you're a terrible influence, but he couldn't be more grateful
>He's open to anything, and is very quiet during movies, so it may seem like he doesn't like them, but he's just concentrated
>Will analize it with you afterwards, it's like bonding time<3
>He can match your chaotic energy surprisingly well, and uses his composed image to his advantage
>Helps you if you have to sign a document or something
>Unlike other characters, he's pretty average height, so being taller than you is not something that really affects him? He wouldn't be an asshole if he had to help you get something from a tall shelf, for example
>"I'm forever grateful you came into my life, the things that you have taught me, about the world, about you, even about myself... I love you, and I know that everything we have experienced together has shaped my way to navigate the world forever, and in that spirit, I will give my everything to keep you by my side."
Jotaro x you ✨
>He likes how kind and sincere you are
>You aren't after him for something frivolous, you really want to get to know him
>Likes that you're opinionated, but doesn't have much of a stance on politics, Jotaro grew up in generational wealth, and has the Speedwagon foundation, so he can understand where you're coming from, but can't really grasp the effects this kind of thing has on the lives of millions of people
>Doesn't really put any effort in learning things he doesn't care about (like school) so he will listen to you talking, but will tell you if he doesn't like it
>Likes to hear you talk, he's quiet, so it's nice having you rambling about something
>Jotaro is smart in ways people don't really give him credit for, so even if you cut sentences, or are slurring out your words, it's very likely he will still understand what you mean
>He knows about gaming for Kakyoin, he may buy a console if there's something he can play with you
>He enjoys games like animal crossing, the sims, slime rancher, and his favorite is Subnautica. He may also like games about detectives/solving crimes
>Jotaro knows japanese, english, and he picked some italian and french from Pol and his grandma Suzie, later in life he learns conversational spanish for work related reasons.
>You should try to teach him russian, I think russian is a very fitting language for Jotaro, it may sound harsh to some people, but it's just direct with what it's meant to communicate
>Likes that you're not afraid to break the rules, but his smile quicky vanishes when he realizes how chaotic you can get...
>Won't go along with your antics, but will still be there so you don't get hurt or something
>Doesn't care if it's underground as long as it's not too psychedelic, as long as he can understand what is going on in the screen/book, he's satisfied
>His personal preference is detective related media or documentals
>Won't be an asshole about his height either, but gets protective when he realizes how small you are compared to him
>Likes holding your hand in his, although it's almost like he's enveloping your hand
>"I like you, I do. You're annoying and reckless sometimes, but you can stand on your ground and I like that. There's a lot of things I like about you... I- I mean, I shouldn't have to say it, but I love you, in case you forgot or whatever."
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idv-news-boi · 1 year
so with the most recent information, how do you feel about the escort's loss? also, what's your opinions on the sinful deities gang?
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Laurence// ...It was hard to deny such news- but also hard to accept it.
You can see the Reporter taking out a familiar card from a file cabinet he kept, a news report messenger. He quietly inspects it for a silent moment before reading the date with an unreadable look...
Laurence// I remembered that I read this few days ago,,, It was still unforgettable.
Laurence// So I've kept my silence for a while and tried to take reflections about it, just to pay respects for the unfortunate lil' one and the one who was supposed to be the mother,,, May the soul rest in a safer afterlife.
Laurence// I hope Miss Amanda can recover from such heavy loss... It must be very painful for her.
(To be honest, Laurence was about to ask Angel about Amanda's situation so he can give her at least some tips on how to take care of the baby once they're born- since he's a father himself.... What a tragic loss.)
(*You would notice Laurence not even using his radio voice the entire time... Indicating he has been serious with his words.*)
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Laurence// That gang of 7...- I haven't interacted with them much yet. However, I have some thoughts about most of them based on what i read in their files.... Well, certain ones that are categorized as "allowed".
Amanda-> I think you'll most likely familiar with our previous interaction with the woman... I deeply respect her nonetheless! (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠) {Status: Respect}
Cole-> He looks serious everytime I see him,,, Should I throw a pun at him to see what happens? (Spoilers// I'm sure it will go wrong-) {Status: Neutral}
Damien-> I always see him following Lady MacGurk around sometimes- Which concerns me a bit,,, *scratches his neck while sweating with a worried look* I wonder if Miss Amanda needs some,,, women protection service...? That's up to her, of course,,, /IH (⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠;⁠)
"Ellis"-> no much comment,,, Simply hoping for some mutual respect... No secrets kept. 🤔 {Status: Neutral}
Jakel-> Once i heard he does physiological experiments,,, i may or may not have a lot of question to ask,,,- In a good way! I find that... pretty interesting~ (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠) {Status: Curious}
K.-> Oh right- His birthday just passed recently! i just recently wished him a happy birthday with an anonymous letter,,- hopefully it was able to reach him~ ngl, i seem him as a cool pogchamp,,,- Hope you're doing well, Mr. Detective~! (^-^。⁠*゚⁠+ {Status: Respect}
Taegan-> Tae~! My friend,,, It's actually pretty fun and nostalgic to play cards with someone after such a long time~! Akihiko only plays Go board games(which i already played with him for 630 rounds-) and Tetris on his phone- {Status: Friendly}
Special mentions// @/idv-sinful-deities
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luminousbravery · 1 year
I am a 5'6" biological female, I use she/her/they pronouns(god that sounds cringey), I am bisexual(I'm pretty sure, at least), have medium length dark brown hair, and turquoise/greenish eyes(i don't really know what color they are), and I wear black glasses with clear rims. I have what most would describe as the 'hourglass/pear' body shape with larger hips and B cup breasts. I tend to wear baggy, comfort-first sort of clothes with the occasional dress and one piece.
My classpect is the Sylph of Life, and my true sign is Virsces.
My zodiac signs(If you care) are Virgo(sun), Libra(moon), and Libra(ascendant). I also have the INTP personality type.
Facts about me:
I have been told than I have a high maturity level for someone my age(but I laugh at dumb jokes so idk if I believe them)
I enjoy cracking jokes about anyone and anything, NO ONE IS SHIELDED FROM MY COMEDIC WRATH
I am kind, polite, relaxed, have a dark sense of humor and generally low self-esteem
I try to be open-minded, and am always looking to improve my talents and relationships with those I care about
Critical and suspicious of everything (especially myself)
I can be insensitive, petty, and sometimes even knowingly dismissive of my faults, and try to blame others instead
I lie a lot more than I'd like to admit, but try to make up for it and improve
I come from an primarily Christian family, my favorite season is fall/winter, and I would like to create other forms of art other than writing at some point
I used to have what could be considered a phobia of insects/bugs, but it has become a lot mild over the years
I mostly enjoy physical affection more so than verbal, but if worded in certain ways that can touch my heart, I will prefer the latter, and you will have acquired a loyal ally (I respect the power of words, I am a writer after all)
I am what is described as a HSP (hyper sensitive person, look it up if you're curious)
I have a condition called Exotropia (aka drifting eye) in my left eye that has been corrected through 3 surgeries (but I still have to wear glasses in order to maintain it).
A firm believer that nothing is truly impossible, and that people hate most in others what they hate in themselves
Confused by everything 24/7… EVERYTHING
Likely on the autism spectrum
Definitely a perfectionist
I try by best not to start conflict(that is my sister's job), and I hate when people put me in situations where I have to make a personal choice... but that also means I mask my own emotions a lot(help)
I'm always working to keep other happy… sometimes I think too much
Likes: Being helpful, alternative, rock, and indie music, order and peacefulness, making people laugh, Sci-Fi media, writing/creating, tarot cards, D&D, anything to do with the diversity of personalities, psychology, cooking and baking, many fandoms
Dislikes: Being a burden, country music, drama and chaos, low effort creative endeavors, hypocrites(ironically), closed minded people, bad grammar, things not going my way, extremely religious people(who try to force their beliefs onto others), weird internet trends and phrases (ex: pogchamp, dummy thicc, boomer, etc.), most of tumblr, Twitter
And that should be most of the important stuff (just so I don't get carried away)! I am very interested to see who you match me with!
i pair you with...
Kanaya Maryam!
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I feel like your personality would go along and compliment hers well. Other than the bug thing... but i'm sure things can be worked out!
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one of the reasons I follow you and enjoy your c!primeboys content so much is because unlike another parts of the c!primeboys fandom, I know you really want c!Tommy to have a happy ending in canon and don't /gen want c!Dream to win because that would send a Harmful Ass Message about abuse victims, and are therefore a Safe Person who won't post triggering stuff.
I've seen some bad takes. in other parts of the fanbase. scary scary takes. your takes aren't scary. that makes u pogchamp
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Thank you! Personally, while I don't think a bad ending for c!Tommy would inherently always carry those messages, it'd have to be handled very very carefully to avoid them, and I don't think it'd be the best route to go down considering this is a topic many ccs have struggled with (which is understandable, it's a difficult topic, but I still think it's been harmful unintentionally at times). It'd also be a pretty drastic tonal shift, as it'd be a fucking bleak ending and it'd have to be handled with extreme respect to avoid sending the message that you can't get away from your abuser and heal.
Everything’s been leading up to c!Tommy healing. c!Tommy being happy and moving on and living his best life because you can do that. You can have hope, you can move on, you are better than those who hurt you. And thats a beautiful message, and that would definitely be my ideal canon end for c!Tommy. It's such a satisfying arc that is very comforting. Anything else would be very difficult to pull off and I probably wouldn't like them as much.
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sunlitmcgee · 2 years
Gonna write this late as fuck and post tomorrow so folks will really see. But for any readers of my works or mutuals who just wanna learn about me & how I do stories, Lemme tell y’all something about my stories. and how I feel. about stories. and the DSMP story since the prison break.
Angst? Not my thing actually. Not heavy on the heavy angst hurt no comfort type things. I just don’t enjoy it. I don’t like to see my favorite characters be beaten down and left to rot away. It makes me very sad and very upset, upset in a way that Is Not very fun. And I say that as a Soulsborne fan. Those games are hurt no comfort triple A edition(except they’re actually good triple A’s and a very very pogchamp)
I don’t like to write very much angst.
I don’t like to make my readers sad without anything to comfort them.
I don’t like to leave people who read my works with the sickening, agonizing, soul crushing angst that the Dream SMP canon has leeched out of all of us since the CCs suddenly decided that pain pain and more pain was the only way to get a reaction out of their viewer. I don’t like pain. I’m tired of feeling pain when I think about these characters. It isn’t fun pain anymore, just pain and sad and hurt and Very Wrong.
this is why I write my fics to be something I’ve very cleverly dubbed as “soft angst”
soft angst is the angst that hurts but leaves you healing. It crushes you down until you’re ruined on the floor, until the next bit of writing comes along and picks you up to dust you off, hold you to the light, say very softly “so sorry, let me make it better” and then works to put you back to a proper piece with only a few cracks to stay behind.
I like to hurt my readers. But I always do it to leave them open to the warmth of relief and soothing bliss of comfort I try so very very hard to bake into everything I creature.
When I giggle about how much a certain scene is going to ruin them, I mean it in a jokey way. Because it isn’t that the scene will ruin them. it’s that the scene will be one that aches so deep that they’re lost in the dark, but then I bring back the light, because there is always light, and there is always warmth. and that warmth is real. and it’s good. it’s so good. It’s good and it feels good to feel it after you’ve been left to sorely ache.
none of that makes sense.
it’s 1 AM & I want c!ranboo back.
i want to love these characters again.
i want that to be safe like it used to
i don’t want to be hurt because I cared and got punished for it
i wanna love it. i wanna love all of it and I want it to be worth it. I don’t like the hurt. I want some happy and I want a bit of warmth.
I don’t wanna feel so hollow. This story isn’t one that is supposed to be hollow. Stories about love should never feel so hollow. Love fills you. This makes me feel drained.
I don’t like DSMP angst because it’s all so cold and I will never feel warmth again. I hope my stories make people warm. I think we all want the warmth after all this terrible cold.
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 1 year
Tommyinnit's Incredible Guide To Surviving High School
by fries_are_cool
Thomas Careful Danger Kraken Innit was not happy. School was shit. Drugs, on the other hand, were quite pogchamp. So were women. Respectfully, women were pogchamp. Women were also quite scary. Like Niki. If she wanted to be, Niki could very scary. But Tommy was such a big man that he wasn’t scared of anything. Apart from Tubbo running on two hours of sleep. Tired Tubbo was a pain in the arse. And very scary. “Tommy, stop staring into the depths of your locket and hurry the fuck up.” Tommy jumped, and looked up from the endless void of olden homework, broken pens, and multiple mouldy apples festering in his locker to stare his best friend directly in the eyes. “Tubbo. I’m contemplating life. It is very important to reflect on your actions and take a couple of minutes a day to-” “Yeah that’s great Tommy, but we’ve got English in 30 seconds and you cannot be late again.” Tubbo cut off Tommy’s incredible facts about mindfulness (which were complete bullshit, but Tommy was extremely practiced at the art of bullshitting, so it didn’t matter), and led him away from his locker, towards their next class.
Words: 3402, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dream SMP, Minecraft (Video Game)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza, Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF), Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), Toby Smith | Tubbo, Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Grayson | Purpled (Video Blogging RPF), Aimee | Aimsey (Video Blogging RPF), Freddie | Badlinu, Billzo (Video Blogging RPF), Jschlatt (Video Blogging RPF), Luke | Punz, Darryl Noveschosch | BadBoyHalo, Hannah | Hannahxxrose, Noah Brown | Foolish Gamers, Zak Ahmed | Skeppy, Niki | Nihachu, Jack Manifold, Alexis | Quackity, Sam | Awesamdude
Relationships: No Romantic Relationship(s), Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade, Clay | Dream & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream/GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream & GeorgeNotFound & Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), GeorgeNotFound/Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit, Ranboo & Toby Smith | Tubbo, Ranboo & Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit, Ranboo & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Jack Manifold & Niki | Nihachu
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers, Alternate Universe - High School, Dark Sleepy Bois Inc, Hurt/Comfort, Vigilante Ranboo & Toby Smith | Tubbo, TommyInnit-centric (Video Blogging RPF), Secret Identity, Angst, Character Death
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tesshex · 1 year
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Uh-oh, it’s that time again! I got Scarlet over the festive period, I just-now got Ed Sheeran’d, and so it’s on me to share the latest additions to the TessHex family!
As ever, headcanons below...
RUPERT the QUAQUAVAL | Docile nature | Takes plenty of siestas | Sir, That Is A Twink I sort of feel bad, because I’d promised myself that I was going to pick Sprigatito in Scarlet, but having played through Violet with a Skeledirge, Quaquaval proved itself a more appealing option than Meowscarada. That footnote aside, Rupert reminds me, rather, of Sylvando from Dragon Quest XI-- flamboyant, camp, profoundly gymnastic, and very quick to call someone “honey”, “darling”, or “my little pogchamp”. Gives great-- if damp-- hugs.
TABITHA the TALONFLAME | Careful nature | Capable of taking hits | A Very Good Boye (Gender-Neutral) “Tabs”, for short. I planned a few members of my team in advance, but she wasn’t one of them. Rather, I encountered her right at the start of my journey, realised how well she would fit in my type-coverage synergy, and the rest was history! She went through a phase of carrying an Amulet Coin for good luck, but finally relinquished it when-- far later than she would have liked-- she learned Flamethrower. She’s proud of how far she’s grown since we met.
EVENSONG the DUSK LYRCANROC | Calm nature | Thoroughly cunning | Blatant Furrybait Evensong was another unplanned addition to the team, but as I passed by a pack of Rockruff, I thought-- hey, why not? With the help of a local Ralts, I was able to identify an Own Tempo candidate (on my second try, no less!), and Evensong was as good as family on the spot. Generally very chill, and has a very long fuse... but if you do manage to rile him up, his revenge will be swift, agonising, and cut far deeper than you might expect.
GRAND MARTHA the TOEDSCRUEL | Bashful nature | A little quick-tempered | The Queen Incidentally, it was Grand Martha I was looking for when I found Evensong, since I had to go a bit out of my way to find a Toedscool in the first place. Yes-- this was one of my pre-planned team-members, and part of the reason I chose Quaxly over Sprigatito in the end. Grand Martha-- use her full title, if you please-- is no stranger to fighting on the front lines, despite her personal preference to hang back. In many ways, her personality is the reverse of Evensong’s, in that she’s quick to anger, and quicker still to get all self-conscious about having blown up in the first place...
ĦMISTAX the GHOLDENGO | Serious nature | Has good endurance | Weird And/Or Floaty Another of the team-members I had planned in advance. True, they spent most of the journey hiding inside a treasure-chest, until we could amass 999 Gimmighoul Coins, but when they came out of their shell, they came out in a big way. Serious when it counts, but eager to befriend anyone who hasn’t given them a reason for them not to do so, and happy to lean into their innate oddness in order to make friends and bring smiles. ...The name is the Maltese word for “fifteen”, by the way. Sort of sounds like “hhhmoustache”.
DONNA the BAXCALIBUR | Careful nature | Likes to thrash about | Danger Personified The final pre-planned member of the team, and as befits an Ice/Dragon-type, she was slow to warm up to her new teammates... since she was a good 10 levels ahead of everyone else when she joined, and some 15 levels beyond what I was qualified to give orders to, so she had to hang back for most battles for quite a while! After achieving her final form when battling an outbreak of Sinistea, she really came into her own as a force to be reckoned with, and has no qualms about throwing her weight around. If she joins the battle, take that as a sign that you’ve messed up big-time-stylie... and start praying.
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
hello!! hello!! hello!!!!!!
i'm the tubbo kid, hello!!!
you seem very cool, and i'd like to wish you a happy birthday!!!
i would really like to be friends but mr.liu says you can't know who i am because of privacy, he's mean :(
but enjoy your birthday!!!
Thank you for the birthday wishes!!! >:D
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somuch-4-stardust · 3 years
dude this is The Perfect Wilbur Stream this is everything i’ve ever wanted from a stream!!!  :DDD i just. *happy stim*
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hydatiid · 2 years
some Nik dwawwings :)
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storm-cellar · 3 years
i fear i may have girlbossed a bit too close to the sun today friends
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8 months of art improvement babey!
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