#so aaaaaye!
spiinsparks · 1 year
                    ok, he'll admit it. that does sound a LOT better than "ari the hedgehog". that wouldn't even be accurate. also, he doesn't have a last name.
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( * beta post )
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vomitingbloodforbones · 6 months
This week in my nutrition class, we’re talking about 3ating disorders and how they’re difficult to treat aaaaaye! So I’m going to ride on my exercise bike while listening to the lecture.
In my alternative medicine class, we were talking about Ayurveda and how they use fasting, purging, and taking laxatives to help heal illness. We should all be healthy mfs on here.
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onlyjaeyun · 4 months
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delphictrip · 2 years
Aaaaaye another fellow Rose-named person! Hello, and how’re you? 😄
Hello! I am still recovering from getting covid but I'm catching up. How are you?
I like your blog and I think I will look into wobbledogs!
I'm trying to follow more vegans and I keep finding myself having to unfollow old mutuals for carnist brainrot reblogs so I'm happy to have new connections!
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jade-curtiss · 9 months
I mean okay like vaccines are, okay, arbitrary (i mean one of my friend refuse and just live in lock down sitting down while technically ok I mean that person is funny because like I think it's an intolerance due to a component but he is also having a condition, so it's like, he just go online and watch the show and be like "ok, why, people" and then there's dudes trying to poach him due the attitude and the pics like it's grinder "aaaaaye come with us" and he's like "ok yes but no but yes but no" then he throws shit in the discord because he's like "ok lol but if i go out with these dudes i die within..dunno kskskdkd") but like also masks are rather tricky. But yea, newly found disabled misery lifestyle yea.
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stephicness · 4 years
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“Words cannot describe one’s hatred for the life they live. And the person they’ve become.”
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macey-wacey · 3 years
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“knot your threads with mine, put on your coat, let’s stay dry”
hananene tanabata day seven - threads/red
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jamesholden · 2 years
a month from now i'll be back in ireland
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rikalovesrice · 3 years
Tilly’s Relationships Part 2 - Zoe
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When Zoe found out she was pregnant, her immediate reaction was feeling mortified. Not happy. Not upset. Just scared. But with Nari’s help, Zoe felt Tilly’s blossoming life within her and fell in love with her soon to be daughter.
Zoe was thrilled when it was revealed the baby would be a girl. Zoe named Tilly after her own mother, Matilda, who was by far the strongest and greatest woman Zoe had ever known, even after a millennium. 
Their relationship has always been strong and solid with an ever flowing undercurrent of the deep intimate love, affection, and relatability between a mother and daughter. Zoe’s the chill but no nonsense mother who just knows her kids. And it was Zoe who initially picked up on Tilly beginning to back into her shell. Like Douxie, Zoe had kind of just assumed Tilly would turn out to be another punk rocker like the rest of them, getting her punky baby onesies, baby band t-shirts, and the skull hairclip Tilly always wears to this day. Obviously Zoe didn’t care that that wasn’t the case, but she could tell Tilly was starting feel insecure.
Zoe’s never been one to push her kids to do anything, including sharing their feelings. Zoe would continue to be an anchor for Tilly, a source of comfort, but Zoe never brought up Tilly’s insecurities but allowed Tilly to tell her when she was ready. Reserved as she was but still remaining very close to her mother, Tilly confided in Zoe first about feeling like an oddball in the family. Of course, Zoe knew it all along but now she could give her little bean daughter some light, affectionate admonishing.
Tilly flinched when she felt the light tap on her head, the cause being Zoe’s loose fist.
“Wha...” Tilly touched where she’d been tapped and looked up at Zoe, who was giving her a soft, lopsided smile.
“Silly, silly Tilly,” Zoe said, stroking Tilly’s cheek with her thumb. “So worried about absolutely nothing.”
Tilly frowned. “Mom-”
“Tilly. I’d rather you be yourself then pretend to be someone you’re not. So don’t do it. Or I’m grounding you.”
Tilly thinned her lips, her eyes beginning to swim. “I’m-”
“And don’t apologize. Or I’m confiscating all your books.”
The two shared a look before deflating into chuckles. Tilly sighed, a tiny smile gracing her face.
“Thanks, Mom,” she said quietly, wiping her face with the back of her hand. Zoe reached up and wiggled Tilly’s hairclip between her fingers. When she felt the clip loosen, Tilly quickly stilled Zoe’s hand with her own.
“Tills, you don’t have to keep wearing this, you know,” Zoe said, one brow raised.
“I know...,” Tilly said. “But...I want to. It reminds me of you. Of my family.”
Zoe’s eyes grew wide for a moment. Then her expression melted into glowing affection. Tilly squealed when Zoe grabbed her head with both hands and tousled her hair before pulling her into a hug. They giggled as Zoe fell backwards onto the couch cushions with Tilly in her arms, still messing with her daughter’s hair.
“I love you, Mom,” Tilly said, snuggling against Zoe’s collarbone.
Zoe gave Tilly’s hair another good ruffle before kissing her temple. 
“Love you, sweet girl.”
Some Zoe and Tilly Headcanons:
After a bit of begging, Tilly finally let Zoe dye her hair. Only the tips though, which Zoe was perfectly fine with. It’s become a small tradition whenever Tilly needs a touch-up of them putting on cheesy, cliché, trope-saturated movies and make fun of them.
While Zoe never smothered Tilly with snuggles like Douxie, she doesn’t deny Tilly is indeed an adorable bean. Zoe will give Tilly random hugs just cause she’s so cute.
Zoe and Tilly have been practicing an insane, wicked combo involving Tilly’s weather magic and Zoe’s electrical magic. They’ve almost got it down packed. RIP all the monsters they’ve practiced on.
Zoe was the one who bestowed the pet name “Silly Tilly,” since Toddler Tilly was a clumsy, floppy child. 
Zoe would spend hours trying to comb out Toddler Tilly’s unruly hair. She eventually stopped caring and embraced Tilly as the floof she is. Makes hugs that much better cause Tilly is soft gurl.
Zoe will often be the one to talk Tilly into doing harmless pranks, such as stealing Douxie’s jeans, his staff, the Slorr juice he uses for his hair, putting espresso into his tea....Just messing with Douxie. It’s always poor Douxie lol (Lin’ll get it, too, if he’s been particularly annoying)
Zoe enjoys girl dates with Tilly and Nari. Some shopping, pizza, going to the spa, and watching movies. When it’s just Zoe and Tilly, it often becomes hours of Zoe playing with Tilly’s hair while they chat about any and everything.
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badcountryofficial · 4 years
mutuals hit my brain with a rolled up newspaper challenge
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astral-glass · 7 years
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What’s up HOES here’s a furry. Never actually made an anthro character??? So here’s my new buddy Wren. He’s an Indian giant squirrel and likes to write shitty fantasy short stories
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spiinsparks · 1 year
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      ❝   — one  night and one more time     thanks for the memories , thanks for the memories  ~ ❞  
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the-coffee-story · 2 years
Rise of the Forest God
Chapter 24 - The Basement Window
"It's getting late," Doc mumbled, words slightly slurred on brink of an unrestful sleep. "Where the hell is he?"
"Decided to grab a burger beforehand?" October suggested.
"Poor McDonald's employees."
Tally's eyes, that had been absentmindedly tracing over the moonlit garden suddenly widened in horror. Breaking the others out of their bickering, he raised an arm to point out of the window, grey and foggy with age and dust. "L-look...!", he croaked.
A tall, pale silhouette stood still, sheltered by the forest's edge, it's thick mane of snow white hair blowing in the night wind. Despite being much too far away to make out the details, everyone knew clearly who this was.
"The Forest God," Violet whispered, cautiously approaching the window, and peering through the aged glass.
"Naja, at least now we know it's not Wesley," Wilhelm agreed, standing up to follow her in curiosity.
"Can confirm, I don't know what's outside but Wes is here and standing on my foot," October added. Wesley looked down, a little surprised, sharply inhaled a small gasp through his teeth and stepped back.
The Forest God raised a trembling arm and stumbled forward across the field, limply, as though it was only held up by string.
"Wes, I take everything back," Doc whispered. "Sorry we suspected you."
Wesley chirped.
"What are we doing now?", Coffee signed.
Doc turned to Tally. "Everything is closed, right? There's no way to sneak in."
Tally nodded shakily. "All windows and doors are locked and closed."
"Well, then we should be safe for the moment." Violet chewed her lip, uncertain, and glanced outside again. The Forest God had crossed half the field and more details were visible now, like the dirty blindfold wrapped unevenly over his thin face, or the wilted flowers snaking through his white hair. His cracked skin was blotchy, bloated and rotting.
Violet felt a faint hand rest on her back and shot a surprised glance over her shoulder. Her eyes met Coffee's. He looked worried.
She nudged him. "Hey. Cryptids aren't real. I'm sure it's just a guy in a costume."
The tiny smile that twisted his lips was ghostly. It didn't reach his eyes.
"Alright." Doc's voice was firm. "Listen, we're all staying in here. We need to barricade the door in case he tries to get in."
"We can move the bookshelf over," Tally suggested. "That should be heavy enough."
"Good idea." Doc nodded. "Can someone help me?"
Wesley came bounding over, and together they started pushing the bookshelf in front of the door. They were halfway done when Doc's phone rang.
He huffed and took the call. "This is a rather unfitting moment."
"Doc." Walther's voice on the other side of the line was very sharp. "Bad news."
"What is it?"
"The grave is empty. We're coming over."
A click and the call ended.
Doc stared at his screen for a moment. Then he gulped.
"Aaaaaye, that was...." He cleared his throat. "That was unexpected and adds a completely new dimension of terror to this moment which I genuinely do not want to acknowledge, so... Wesley, let's hurry up before we all get torn to pieces."
Violet peeked out of the window. The Forest God had reached the garden now, and he was so close she could see the irregular splotches on his skin and the pine needles in his hair. She took a deep breath. "I can't believe I, as an atheist, am about to be murdered by a God."
Wilhelm laughed nervously. "The Lord works in mysterious ways."
They'd almost pushed the shelf over the doorway when suddenly Tally interrupted them, his face white. "Wait."
"What is it?", Gary asked.
"I know this is the least fitting moment ever, but... I left the basement window open."
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Hi, I have fibromyalgia and sensory issues, and the covid vaccine made me very sensitive the night after and the next day (which is today lol, still soooo sensitive).It feels a lot like a bad fibro flare up. It hurts for sure 🌸🌸 a hot pad helps a ton, and wearing very soft fluffy warm pajamas. i hope you feel better soon 🌸🌸
Aaaaaye same boat! I was going to google it but I realized that there prob won’t be a whole lot of research done into how the vaccine specifically affects fibro patients so I figured I’d gather my own data
Yeah I am ridiculously sensitive, especially my head and neck! Those areas are normally tender but damn they’re really up there today.
Thank you for the tips! I’m def gonna be doing that today 😌 I hope you feel better too, we’re in this together 😭💕
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fuzzy-melonlord · 2 years
I am very okay with that
It was originally the plan anyway so we can do it
Aaaaaye! That'll be fun!!
Now I just...gotta figure out these first meetings. Unless you got ideas God Cryptic 🥺
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stephicness · 7 years
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“What are you gonna be for Halloween, Ravus?” “A monster.”
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