#slytherin minho ofc
newtmas-supremxcy · 2 months
Soo for those of y'all that have been here a long time you might remember the newtmas hogwarts au fic I wrote. I wanted to let you guys know I will either start writting chapter 2, or start rewriting from the beginning, since I wrote it a long time ago and I have improved since then. but I haven't decided yet I'll probably post it on ao3 before the end of April so stay tuned if your interested i may post the link to the new version/second chapter !
(Btw I added some info about the fic in the tags so if you want you can check them out.)
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luminois · 3 years
Hi! :) could i ask for a Sly! hyunjin x his crush? like what you did for chan and minho in the previous asks? if you're up for it ofc! just some hcs :) thank you btw <3
hi bub!! i already wrote one like that for hyunjin but it was specifically with a slytherin reader and you can find it here but if you want smth different, like with his crush being from a different house or smth, just let me know 💞💞
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bundle-bab · 6 years
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Capulet and Montague
GENRE • fluff uwu ; gryffindor!Chan x slytherin!reader
WORD COUNT • 4,231 or somewhere around there
A/N • I had a ton of fun writing this but the ending is pretty bad bc I've never been good at writing endings,,,, also, a note: my writing has no social or political value and nothing in my texts should be seen as anything more than a light-hearted SKZ fic,,,,enjoy!
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• there's something to be said for the love that comes from being someone's closest friend. It's a love that's often disregarded, thought not to be as strong as love between a couple. 
• you and Chan first met as kids, having gone to the same elementary school.
• you were a muggle-born, but knew that magic existed growing up because of some of the crazy things you saw around Chan and his magical parents.
• Chan told you stories of a school for witches and wizards called Hogwarts, and he taught you about the events of the Battle of Hogwarts and about the legendary Harry Potter.
• it all fascinated you, and you found yourself wishing that you had abilities like Chan was sure to one day.
• not only because having magic would be super amazing, but because you knew that, in just a few months, Chan would be getting a letter telling him that he'd be going off to an amazing magical school and leaving you in your stupid, boring muggle life
• one night you got quite angry about this, and in your annoyance the lightbulb shining in your room burst into a thousand shards.
• your mother, hearing the noise, ran up to your room, took one look at the glass coating your floor, and screamed
• it seemed that she and your dad had a bet on whether or not you were a witch, and your mom just lost
• (that and she was freaked out about the fact that there was glass all over the floor and you were in the middle of it)
• the next day, you told Chan excitedly, and he took the news even better than you had expected 
• while he was excited to go to Hogwarts, he dreaded leaving you — so now that he didn't have to, he couldn't wait for you both to get to school
• within a few months, you both had been whisked away from the homes you were so familiar with to a new setting, that magical castle, and had been sorted into different houses.
• while Chan was disappointed that he wasn't in the same house as you, that didn't stop him from sitting at the Slytherin table during every meal so he could see you (despite some glares he received from some competitive Slytherins)
• despite everything that had happened at Hogwarts in the past few decades, the rivalry between Slytherin and Gryffindor still existed strongly in some students' hearts
• most people saw you and Chan as the bridge between the divide, since everyone knew you were insanely close and always had been — almost like some Romeo and Juliet type stuff.
• it was in your second year that Chan became Gryffindor's newest Keeper
• you thought it made sense that he became a keeper, since he was such a protective person by nature.
• however, not everyone in your house was so thrilled about you being besties with someone on an opposing team.
• thankfully, that was when your Slytherin side kicked in, and when the threats spilled out of your mouth.
• Chan would often apologise for your aggression, and that's when you tended to question his house placement.
• "I don't understand why you're not a Hufflepuff," you would tell him. "Sure, you're brave I guess — but you're also a huge softie who loves everyone???? You are the embodiment of uwu."
• over the years you and Chan stayed close, and it was custom for you to sit at each other's table, switching between Slytherin and Gryffindor each day.
• you did have friends other than Chan, of course. Not many, since your easily-angered nature tended to scare people away.
• there was this Slytherin named Minho who, contrastingly, was very level-headed. His Slytherin traits came in the form of his pettiness and lack of care towards existing, you had learned.
• Minho was well-liked in the school for his Quidditch skills, being one of the best Seekers Hogwarts had ever seen
• games usually ended within minutes if Minho was playing, so Chan had grown to dread Slytherin vs Gryffindor games.
• One day, in your fifth year, Chan found you in the library and crashed into a chair with his head in his arms.
• "We're going against Slytherin for our very first game," he said, a groan escaping him at a volume that earned him a stern glare from the librarian.
• "Who's the new Gryffindor seeker?" you asked with little sign of interest as you flipped the page of your magazine (yeah no you didn't go to the library to study)
• "This guy named Jeno," Chan said. "He's pretty good, but Minho's still gonna wipe the floor with us."
• You offered him a slight smile. "I mean, Slytherin has always been the best house anyway—"
• You elbowed him. "Don't worry about it. You'll do great. You always do."
• Chan seemed to light up upon hearing your encouragement, smiling at you.
• gosh, that pretty smile of his hadn't changed in all the years you knew him
• ahem
• what was that brain???????pretty smile???????
• like ofc it was pretty but why were you thinking that
• "Hey, so I've got practice now," Chan told you, "can you come with me? It'd be fun, I promise."
• you doubted that it would be as great as he made it out to be, but bc you were soft for your bestie you went with him.
• Gryffindor's captain, a tall boy you knew as Sungjin, looked between you and Chan as you approached the team.
• "A Slytherin?" he questioned, looking at Chan. "I know you two are close, but we're about to go against her house, Chris."
• "She literally couldn't care less," Chan said, and you shrugged in agreement. "Besides, nothing she could tell Minho could make him better than he already is."
• Sungjin, shrugging, agreed to let you stay.
• Chan waved to you happily as you climbed the stairs to the stands, where a boy in yellow-accented robes already sat.
• he was one of Chan's friends, a Hufflepuff named Jisung. You'd seen him playing as a Chaser, going up against Chan pretty often during games.
• he smiled at you as you sat down. "You've never come here before."
• "How would you know?" you asked. Jisung laughed.
• "Don't get defensive," he said. "I come to almost every practice. Annoys the heck out of the other teams, but there's no rule against watching another house's Quidditch practice." He smiled again, eyes moving back to the stretching Gryffindor players. "Not like I'm here to steal tactics. I just like Quidditch."
• "I had noticed," you said, sitting a couple of seats away from him. 
• "So did Chan drag you here or did you offer to come?"
• It struck you as an unnecessary question, but you answered nonetheless. "He asked if I'd come, and I didn't want to disappoint him."
• Jisung grinned. "He talks about you a lot, y'know."
• "How so?"
• Jisung only raised his eyebrows, smirking at you. You didn't know how to take that — so you shrugged it off, deciding he was only teasing you for some godforsaken reason.
• Watching Chan practice was far more interesting than you had expected. Quidditch had never really been your thing, and you mainly only went to Gryffindor games to support Chan. You even missed most Slytherin games, which led to Minho teasing you about how you were so "in love" with Chan that you didn't bother going to any game he wasn't in.
• as if
• Chan was different when he was on a broom. There was a fierceness in his eyes that you never saw when he was hanging around with you.
• you had noticed years ago that Quidditch brought out Chan's Gryffindor side, and his energy spilled out into his game.
• you watched as he stopped goal after goal, a small grin spreading on your face.
• he really was incredible. His talent probably rivalled that of Minho's, but Chan had never realised that because Minho, as a seeker, was often the cause of the more noticeable game events.
• Chan was humble, you knew, but you would have been okay with him talking about his talents because honestly, he deserved to.
• when practice ended that day, Chan insisted he walk you back to your common room, despite fully knowing that he wouldn't be able to get to Gryffindor before curfew.
• you passed Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs rushing up the stairs to make it to their dorms, but you and Chan walked together slowly, enjoying each other's company. You also passed some Slytherin girls, who watched you with snake eyes (bc they're snakes not bc they're Slytherins)
• Chan stood next to you for a second longer after he said goodbye to you at the painting. He looked like he was considering something — and after a moment, he gave you a quick hug
• you had 0 idea what possessed him to do that, but you weren't complaining in the slightest
• "See you tomorrow, Y/N!" he called before waving and leaving with the brightest (and prettiest) smile you'd ever seen.
• you kept replaying that in your head as you climbed into your common room, from how warm his embrace was to the smile he left imprinted in your mind.
• it wasn't the first time Chan had hugged you, but it felt different this time. You couldn't really explain it.
• your happy moments were cut short when a group of three or so Slytherins climbed in behind you, and you recognised them as the girls you and Chan had passed earlier.
• "You know you're a traitor, right?" said one of them, brushing past you rather aggressively. "Always around with that Gryffindor kid."
• "You seem to think I care," you said. "I can't be friends with a Gryffindor? Kind of stupid logic, really."
• "You care about that Gryffindor more than you do your own house," said another.
• "Obviously," you said nonchalantly.
• the girls said some more things that got on your nerves, along the lines of "Gryffindor and Slytherin have hated each other since the beginning and that's how it'll stay", and if not for the happy-energy hug Chan had given you earlier, you'd have knocked them out about five sentences ago.
• they were about to say something particularly slap-worthy when Minho walked down the stairs into the common room.
• Minho, beloved by all, was quite talented at getting people to shut up without saying anything, and so the girls scrambled up the stairs to their dorm room.
• "Thank you," you said to him, and he shrugged.
• "Get some sleep, okay?" he said. "Don't do anything stupid about those girls."
• "No promises," you replied before wishing him a good night and trudging up the stairs.
• you only dormed with one of those girls, and you knew she'd never try anything with the other students in there with you.
• however, on your bed was a slip of parchment folded up tightly
• unfolded, it read: "Romeo and Juliet died when they tried to create a bridge between Capulet and Montague. We won't kill either of you, rest assured, but we won't hesitate to make life very difficult for you both if you keep this up."
• the girl was staring at you.
• so, not breaking eye contact, you decided to pull out one of Chan's Gryffindor scarves he had given you in fourth year on your birthday, and you slowly wrapped it around your neck and intertwined it with your own Slytherin one.
• gosh you were petty sometimes
• it was fun
• honestly you didn't understand why they cared so much?? It wasn't their business at all.
• while some Slytherins gave you trouble, majority of them didn't care and let you be. Your house really wasn't that bad, the only reason you didn't have more friends was because you were in a constant state of grr
• so why did they bother you?
• it came to you that maybe one of them liked Chan and was jealous of you, but you figured that wasn't the case.
• eventually, you just chalked it up to old values running in the family, or maybe just a competitive spirit between the houses.
• the next morning, a Sunday, a sudden flame of indignity flared up in you, and you headed to the Hufflepuff table first chance you got.
• Jisung did not at all expect to see you, based on how he jumped and dropped bacon from his mouth when you tapped him on the shoulder.
• "What are you doing here?" His mouth turned into a small smirk. "Shouldn't you be off flirting with Channie?"
• "I need you to help me make something before the Slytherin and Gryffindor match," you said. "Can you come to the library after breakfast?"
• Jisung groaned. "It's my day off and you're making me do homework?"
• despite his protest, he agreed to help you out.
• you and Chan would have sat at the Slytherin table that day, but you convinced him to let you sit with Gryffindor instead — not because you were afraid of the girls (bc that would never happen), but because you wanted to avoid Chan finding out that something had happened.
• if Chan found out that people were giving you trouble, he'd worry about it and try to do something about it, and you didn't want to give him something else to stress over.
• Chan had hoped to spend the day with you, so you had to regretfully tell him that you were gonna be busy for a big chunk of the day
• you offered to meet him outside the Gryffindor common room at 4 so you could hang out before dinner, and he seemed happy with that.
• you should have known better than to leave Chan right after those girls threatened you, because when you had finished and said bye to Chan, they came over to your best buddy.
• "Where's Y/N?" they had asked. "I thought you two always spent Sundays together."
• Chan, who knew these girls as sixth years who you had snapped at before but didn't know much more about them, told them you were busy.
• "So... She's too busy to hang out with you, but she's able to spend time with Jisung?" the one who left the note said. Chan cocked his head at that, and she jabbed a finger towards the entrance of the Great Hall, where you and Jisung had met and were leaving together.
• Chan knew better than to get jealous, though he was definitely a little confused.
• so, he decided to ask you about it when you met up later that day.
• "So... are you and Jisung close now, or...?"
• you shrugged. "He's okay, I guess. I wouldn't call us close — honestly, you and Minho are my only friends. He's just one of the few people I haven't annoyed the heck out of yet."
• Chan nodded. "Then were you guys studying today?"
• "I can't tell you," you said, trying to hide your smile. "It's, uh, a surprise."
• Though Chan didn't want to get suspicious, he didn't feel better after that chat.
• and, just like that, those Slytherin girls got into his head like any good Slytherin would.
• Chan noticed every interaction you and Jisung had, which had become more frequent in recent times due to Jisung being your help for this surprise
• the surprise was a huge, 6 foot long banner, emblazoned in colour-changing glitter with the words "Go Chan!", and in small brackets underneath, "and Slytherin".
• you figured that making that banner would not only make Chan happy, but make it clear to the Slytherin girls that your best friend meant so much more to you than Slytherin, and that nothing would come between you.
• little did you know, something already had.
• you and Jisung finished the banner two days before the Gryffindor vs Slytherin game, and after dropping the banner off in your dorm, you came down to the Great Hall where you and Chan would be eating at the Slytherin table.
• you quickly noticed that there was no red and gold amongst the green and silver, and that Chan was sitting over at the Gryffindor table.
• "Hey, why're you here instead of at the Slytherin table?" you asked as you squeezed between Chan and another Gryffindor you knew as Changbin. Chan shuffled uncomfortably.
• "I dunno, why are you always with Jisung instead of me?"
• you faltered, realising that he was upset, and Chan continued.
• "Do you like him or something?"
• "What? Gosh, no," you cried. "I don't like him! I like—"
• You cut yourself short to stop yourself from spilling too much, but your hesitance to tell him only make Chan more upset.
• "Wow, something else you won't tell me," he muttered.
• this really wasn't like him, and you were beyond confused. Chan was one of the few people who you had never gotten mad at, but by the way the conversation was going, you felt that was about to change.
• "Chan, what's gotten into you?" you asked, doing your best to stay level-headed. Chan didn't answer, chewing on his steak angrily and avoiding your eyes. That was when you blew up at him.
• "How am I supposed to help you through whatever's bothering you if you won't give me the time of day?" you yelled, standing up. "All of a sudden you're just brushing me off? I haven't even done anything!"
• Your voice was one that carried, and people had started looking. Chan, red-faced, yelled back, "You're just so in love with Jisung that you throw me aside!"
• If he was anyone else, you would have slapped him — but there was some slim of sensibility still in you that stopped you. "Joke's on you," you replied, "because the only reason I was hanging out with Jisung was for you, because you're the one I'm "just so in love" with."
• and then you stormed out.
• and geez, you really should have known better than to get mad.
• because over at the Slytherin table, three sixth year girls were smiling to themselves.
• you spent the night completely regretting what you had claimed at dinner.
• You had just confessed that you were totally in love with Chan, and it was while you were destroying the friendship you had, all the while screaming in front of the entire school.
• Earlier that day, you had finished your big surprise for the person you cared about most in the world.
• And now, all of a sudden, two days before the long-awaited Gryffindor vs Slytherin game, the closest friends in the entire school were giving each other the cold shoulder.
• This brings your total of friends to two: Minho and Jisung.
• and those friends were seriously worried. Jisung, though he wanted to comfort you, knew that it was probably better that he try to talk to Chan.
• But Chan was avoiding him. He had stopped being mad at him when you said that you liked Chan and not Jisung, but Chan was now too embarrassed and guilty to be around Jisung.
• That left Minho to look after you.
• He would glare at people who whispered when they passed you, and he'd make snarky comments that you normally would have.
• He sat with you in the corner of the common room until everyone else went into their dorms and fell asleep, so you could avoid the hush that came over your dorm when you walked in.
• You felt bad, since you knew that between Quidditch and his own relationship issues, Minho could do without babysitting you — but you were in such a quiet state that you couldn't tell him to rest.
• On the day of the game, Minho came out of his dorm in his Quidditch robes only to see you in the common room, banner-free and in pyjamas, reading a magazine.
• "Y/N," he said in a warning tone, "Y/N, come on."
• "I'm not going," you said. "Not only am I mad as heck at Chan, but half the school will be there, and I can't be bothered dealing with more stares."
• Minho had never thought anything could quench your hot-headed nature — and this did not fly with him.
• The female prefect for Slytherin, a girl named Soyeon, had just come out of her dorm, so Minho asked her to grab the banner out of your room. When she returned, Minho tucked the banner under one arm, grabbed you by the wrist, and marched you out of the Slytherin common room.
• You struggled against his grip, and you nearly slipped out a few times. The only reason Minho was able to hang on was because he had so much experience gripping on to his broom in horrible weather conditions.
• So you, still in your pyjamas, are forced to march up the stands and sit next to Jisung, delivering the banner to him.
• (It crossed your mind that you could make a break for it, but you knew Minho would hop on his broom and nyoom after you in an instant)
• Chan searched the crowd, looking through the green and silver, not expecting to see you but truly hoping he did.
• After a moment of realising that, after what happened, there was no way you'd want to sit with the other Slytherin, he looked to the miscellany of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff who decided to show up — and sure enough, there you were, pyjama-clad and sitting next to Jisung behind the glittering "Go Chan! (+ Slytherin)" banner
• the banner you had made to show the Slytherin girls that they couldn't stop you from being close with Chan, that he meant everything to you
• and as Chan realised that, all the anger he had built up spilled away instantly
• you, however, were still annoyed
• but as you watched Chan play even more desperately than ever, glancing down at you more times than he usually would, you found yourself grabbing onto the edges of the banner, a small smile spreading across your face
• After an extremely close save, a wide smile spread onto Chan's face and you saw him looking down at you.
• For a couple of moments, you shared that smile despite the physical and emotional distance between you.
• the game ended with a very close Slytherin win; Jeno, Gryffindor's newest Seeker, gave Minho more of a run for his money than he'd have liked. Based on the nervously amazed look on Minho's face when he had just barely grasped the Snitch before Jeno, you knew he'd be training even harder in future days.
• You and Jisung rushed onto the pitch, unable to reach Minho through the mob of Slytherin lifting him above their shoulders, but you could and did reach Chan.
• There was a second of hesitance for you both, before Chan swept you into his arms.
• You buried your face into his warm shoulder, tears falling onto his sleeve despite your best efforts.
• When you pulled back, Chan cupped your face and gently wiped at your tears with his thumbs, whispering, "Hey, it's okay, it's okay."
• And then, after a second, Chan gently planted an awkward kiss on your lips. There was a whoop from somewhere behind you (Jisung, you figured).
• It was a kiss that ended quickly, but got his point across.
• "I'm so sorry that I jumped to conclusions," Chan whispered. "I, um, I really liked the banner. You two made it look really nice, I appreciate it."
• "I'm glad," you said. Then you hesitated, and he noticed. He asked what was bothering you, and despite your better judgement, you decided to tell him about the Slytherin girls who were giving you trouble.
• Chan thought on it for a moment, before saying, "They were the ones who pointed out you and Jisung to me."
• That's when it clicked for you. The reason Chan had gotten mad, the sudden split between you that would have never happened on its own.
• And geez, did you have some snakes to slap.
• Chan had begun stressing over you getting bullied, but you told him you were fine. You said that you had thick skin for everyone except him, and that earned you one of Chan’s pretty smiles.
• "Let's not worry about it today, okay?" you said, taking his hand in yours. "We'll deal with it tomorrow. I want to...catch up."
• So you and Chan rejoined Jisung, who Chan fervently apologised to. Then the three of you followed the Minho-carrying mob to the Great Hall, where you ate at the Slytherin table (it was custom, after all).
• In the next few days, you, Chan, Jisung and Minho reported the bullying to Soyeon, who passed the message on to your head of house.
• The bully who you dormed with was moved to a different room, and replaced with a much more pleasant girl who you could even befriend one day, who knows?
• No Slytherin gave you and Chan trouble, and Gryffindors would often whoop and holler when you and Chan held hands at their table.
• As winter came, you and Chan were sitting out in the snow, fingers interlocked as you watched the Slytherin Quidditch team flying around in the distance.
• Chan looked at you, and planted a kiss on your cheek.
• "I love you too," he said rather suddenly. You looked at him, confused, and he smiled.
• "I know I can't exactly compare to announcing it in front of the whole school in a fit of rage, but I wanted you to know."
• and as you squeezed his hand tighter, whispering that you loved him as well, you could tell that the bridge between Capulet and Montague had been completed.
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ourbloodynewtmas · 6 years
Maze Runner Tag
I was tagged by @newtmazing and @tiffanymaxwels , thank you sweeties! This seems fun to do. So lets get started;
1. What job would you have if you were in the Glade? I’d be runner because I’d just couldn’t stay in the Glade. Or I’d be a cook, it’s one of the things i really enjoy doing actually.
2. You can choose to save one person from the first book/movie, who would it be? Absolutely Chuck. 
3. Favorite Glader slang? Shank probably. But i love all of those!!
4. Would you rather fight one giant griever or 25 puppy-sized grievers? One giant griever because with just one move (because im a ninja) i could beat it. 
5. Which Hogwarts house(s) do you think the mighty gladers are in? Hard one! Hmm, Gally and Minho would be Slytherin idk just they so fit in?? Newt and Teresa would be Hufflepuff and Thomas is so...  Gryffindor. Also Brenda would be Ravenclaw. They would be in different houses but that wouldn’t matter as long as they are friends!
6. Glader most likely to win a food eating contest? Thomas because Newt would give him all the motivation and Thomas’d go for it! :)))
7. Favorite ship? I respect and love all the ships but... NEWTMAS IS TOTALLY MY FAVORITE SO FAR.
8. You run into James Dashner in public. What do you do? Well, even though how sad and upset i am, i’d just talk to him in a normal (?) way. And thank him for all of these stuff. All the things he’s written. He is the reason why we all are here right now.
9. Glade or the Scorch? Glade.
10. You’re bitten by a crank, how do you spend your remaining time? Being with my friends and helping them for revenge. Also in every opportunity, i’d tell them all the things i feel for them. You know, they need to hear and i need to say it. One day i won’t be able to.
11. Would you want your memories back if WICKED offered them to you? Yes, I’d want but i don’t trust WICKED so uhm.. no, keep it.
12. If you could listen to one song while hiking across the Scorch, what would it be?  How to save a life. I love to die.
13. Did you forgive Teresa for what she did at the end of the Scorch trials? I kinda did because she did what she thought was right. Yes, it was painful to watch and unfair in some point but i can’t also get angry with her. 
14. Favorite new character in the Scorch Trials? Brenda! I really liked her and every time i see her i’m like “yessss my gurll”
16. What is your most anticipated scene to watch in the Death Cure? ofc all those newtmas scenes! But especially Thomas showing middle finger to Janson, i just love it:)
17. Favorite WICKED character? Hmm... none?
18. Thomas tried to request a last meal at WICKED (In the book). What would your request be? Steak and pasta. And wine. After that chocolate pudding. I JUST LOVE FOOD OKAY
19. Who do you think steps up as the leader in Paradise? I would really want to say Newt but... I’m gonna go with Minho and Vince. Ofc Thomas’d be as well but i think in there Thomas’d just chill and spend his days with his friends thinking of Newt.
20. If you could visit one set from any of the maze runner films, which one would you choose? The Glade and Safe Haven.
21. If you could forget the plot and everything about the maze runner so you could experience reading/watching the series for the first time again, would you do it? Yes totally! I still remember the first time i read TMR and how it felt like! 
22. Would you rather face a griever, cranks, or the bulb-monsters from the end of the scorch trials (books)? It’s gonna be weird but i always wanted to hit a crank and kill him/her? Idk why??? So I’d rather face a crank.
23. Any Glader headcannons? Ever since i watched Nowhere Boy i got this thing that Newt and THomas are in the same band Newt’s the guitarist while Thomas’s the lead singer. <3
24. What would you say to Wes Ball if you met him? I would say he is a genius and he is talented. Also I’d thank him. 
25. Favorite fandom memory? All the things! I love this fandom so much. Everything happens here is a favorite.
26. Finally, favorite thing about the maze runner? There’s sooo many things but... I’m gonna go with how it focuses on friendship. You can learn and see so many about friendship. It impresses me. Really. TMR is such an amazing thing. I’m glad I’m a part of this amazing thing, I’m glad we all are. 
I really enjoyed! Idk who already did so if you’ve done this or don’t want to that’s okay! I’m tagging: @newtytoot @cureblooded @softsangsters @bellarke-lover @babevevo @newtshugs @notwckd @iamyourblooddealer @mazecode 
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neewtmas · 6 years
Gally & Brenda :)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: he’s loyal to his friends (when you get so far to have him call you a friend)worst quality: his short temper (he really needs to calm down sometimes)ship them with: I don’t really have an otp that includes him, but I kinda ship him with Brenda, Thomas or Minho (also @02273 emma ofc lol)brotp them with: Thomas in the third book/movie needs to stay away from: Grievers. definitely Grievers (he’s just obnoxious when he’s stung lol)misc. thoughts: i absolutey LOVE his character development! when I first read the (first) book I didn’t like him at all but I was totally excited when he came back in the third book (don’t even get me started on the movie)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: she’s badass af and I love that! she’s basically the human embodiment of girl power worst quality: she’s really straight forward? that’s not really a bad quality, but it was part of the reason I didn’t really like her in the beginning (that changed btw)ship them with: FRYPAN wow I love one (1) ship (but also with Teresa)brotp them with: Jorge (again, their father - daughter dynamic is great)needs to stay away from: cranks, anything bad and harmfulmisc. thoughts: I’ll admit that I didn’t really like Brenda until I watched tdc, but now I absolutely LOVE her (also A+ character development)
send me a character and I’ll tell you:
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millerbenny-moved · 6 years
minho! (ofc)
thank you alice !!
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff (he’s a mix of the two for me?? idk fam)best quality: his hair he’s got a really big heart despite not being able to deal with emotions well and it’s something a lot of people overlook bc it doesn’t show nearly as much as some of the other characters (esp newt)worst quality: hiS TEMPER,, i love him but man,,,,, he uses his anger/fighting/etc as a cop out for dealing with things that upset him and it’s 100% not healthy. i really hope he grows out of this in the safe haven and learns better ways to deal with his problems ship them with: oof idk?? happiness i guess. happiness and a calm mindbrotp them with: NEWT but honestly everyone?????needs to stay away from: his bad habits & bad thoughts,, like that whole fighting instead of dealing with his emotions/problems and not blaming himself for everything (i.e. beating himself up in tmr (book) saying thomas should be the new keeper of the runners bc he ran while thomas stayed and helped alby; blaming himself for being too slow in tdc (movie) when getting the serum for newt (because y’all know he feels guilty even if it’s not canonically shown))misc. thoughts: i just???? love him SO MUCH like,,, he’s so strong and clever and smart and sassy and loves his friends so much !!! i’m in love and i really wish more people appreciated him :((
send me a character!
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dyke-yoonji · 7 years
i was tagged by @maiagarroway!! love u bubba
rules: answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better
nicknames: Salma, salad, sammy,,,,
star sign: Sagittarius ofc
height: 5′6 , almost ‘7 with my nice boots
time right now: 13.32am
last thing i googled: proof that atlantis exists,,, because of my novel, li ST EN, I NEE D TO  K NW 
favorite music artist: im really into little mix now at the moment always
last movie i watched: i am not,,, really,, into movies,,,
last tv show i watched: reign. that show might be white and hetero af but i gotta support my wife adelaide kane
what i’m wearing right now: leggings and purple SPQR shirt
when i created this blog: ????? i dont know? i started using it properly in 2014 but idk when i actually opened it
do i get asks regularly: wat is an ask
why i chose my url: i am a slytherin and i love simon even tho hes a hufflepuff i wanted simon in my url and i love hp and i wanted house pride and i wanted my son simon
gender: cis female
hogwarts house: S L Y T H E R I N  P RIIIDE
pokemon team: give me an M give me a Y give me an S give me a T give me an I give me a C oooooooh MYSTIC
favorite color: purple in all its shades, and gold but u wouldnt know cause im always wearing black
lucky number: no entiendo esta pregunta
favorite characters: eh? que es este?? vediamo un po, Erica Reyes, Stiles Stilinski, Simon Lewis, Magnus Bane, Rosa Diaz, Gina Linetti, CISCO RAMON, IRIS WEST-ALLEN, Mary Stuart Queen of Scotts, Lady Kenna, Cho Chang, PERSEUS JACKSON, Reyna Arellano, Minho from TMR, and so many more, li st en i love my children k
number of blankets i sleep with: two
follower count: 1 and half potatoes (1651 sweet loves)
i tag @hufflepuffsh @i-dont-like-milk @cactinouis @acecaptaincold and @mickrrory
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