Please forgive me if I've already asked you this, but I'd love to get one of your brilliant posts on all the reasons you prefer AtS to BtVS!
Hi! It’s probably been over a year since you sent me this ask. I haven’t watched BtVS and AtS in years! I want to rewatch both shows (Angel especially), but I’m also afraid to, like, start disliking them or smth, and I don’t have the patience to watch shows right now…. So, sadly, I don’t have anything interesting or new to say, at the moment. However, you can read an old reply of mine to a similar question here.  
I will reiterate that, for me, it was always about connection. I connected to Angel’s character like I’d never connected with a character before. Angel helped me accept and understand parts of me that I thought were wrong. He brought me back to life, or, rather, he kept me alive. My passion for his character and the show, and the way ATS spoke to me, were why I even woke up in the morning during the darkest period of my life so far. ATS literally changed my life. I will always love Angel so much. There is no person or character I understand and relate to more than Angel, and no character I love more still. AtS just dealt with themes that are important to me, and the characters experienced things I was experiencing when I first watched the show. No story has ever depicted my own struggles, convictions, and ways of thinking better. No story has ever engaged me and transformed me this much. 
When I think of Angel I think of something complex, warm, rich, fun, epic. It’s like a whole, endless universe that I want to explore and lose myself in. It’s bigger than me, bigger than a show. 
Buffy was fun and addictive, but it wasn’t life changing for me. I felt disconnected from the characters, especially as the show evolved. Nothing about Buffy truly gripped me, and I think that I have never, and will never, truly understand the characters and the show as a whole. This is really the biggest reason why I vastly prefer Angel.
Thanks for the ask! One day, if I rewatch both shows, maybe I will give you a better answer. Sorry for not replying sooner. Thanks for not forgetting about me
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claddagh-and-key · 7 years
Your too three Bangel kisses?!
Thanks so much for this ask, I was feeling tired and depressed and now I am full of life!! :)
I feel like this often changes but right now :
1. Close Your Eyes
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There’s just something about this kiss that gets me, it’s probably the last kiss feel to it. 
2. I’ll Never Forget
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I love how they don’t want to let go.
3. The First Kiss
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I will never be over how perfect this first kiss is.
I have so many more favorites!!! This ship has so many amazing kisses. ❤
Thanks for this ask friend!! :)
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sulietsexual · 7 years
So if Buffy and Angel were suddenly both ordinary humans rather than slayer and vampire (though Angel would still be like Angel in personality, not Liam!) and could be together as normal adults, what could you see as their chosen careers? What type of place could you see them living in (country, city, suburbs, a normadic existence?!) What do you think are some of the activities they'd do for fun? Do you think they'd have kids together and, if so, what kind of parents do you think they'd be?!
I can stillsee Angel being a PI, it’s a job where he can skulk around in the shadows anddoesn’t have to interact with people that much (and if he’s still, you know, Angel, he’s gonna want as littleinteraction with people as possible). I also like Fred’s story of Angel being avet, Angelus might be cruel to animals but we know that Angel once rescued apuppy, so I like the idea of him working with animals, and again, it minimizeshis contact with people.
Buffy iskind of the opposite, I can see her in a very people-oriented dynamic job,something like Public Relations or owning her own business.
They’d livesomewhere cosmopolitan, as neither ever fully adjusted to small-town life and I’dimagine Buffy would want to be somewhere with lots of people for socializingand making new friends. L.A. would be a good choice, or maybe San Francisco.Definitely somewhere near the water so Angel can finally get a tan.
I reckonthey’d be lots of date nights, I can see the ice skating date becoming aregular thing, probably lots of long walks on the beach and snuggling next to abonfire in the evening. I reckon Buffy would occasionally drag Angel out towork functions or parties, which he would hate but bear for her sake. Lots ofmovie nights too, Angel likes classics whereas Buffy likes modern movies, andthey would take turns introducing the other to their favourites. Angel has asoft spot for Disney films which Buffy indulges (and teases him about).
No kids, butthat’s just because I kind of hate the Babies Ever After trope, plus neitherparty has ever really struck me as the type to want kids; Angel was thrilledwith Connor mostly because he never thought he’d never have children as avampire, not because he had some sort of deep yearning for a child, and asBuffy herself said, she killed her goldfish. So it would just be the two of them and I think they’d be happy with that.
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womanaction · 7 years
Ready?! For the who-would-you-date meme: Troy or Jeff (Community)? Fred or Willow? Cordelia or Buffy? Angel or Spike? Wesley or Gunn? Xander or Oz? Tara or Anya? (Assume for purposes of this question that they were all of the age and sexual orientation that would work!)
Troy or Jeff
I like Jeff but I could never ever ever ever date him. And I love Troy! I love enthusiasm, something he has in spades, and plus he’s warm and genuine and caring and obviously, Donald Glover is gorgeous and his smile makes flowers bloom. So. Literally no downsides.
Fred or Willow
I identify too much with Willow to ever want to date her. But Fred is adorable and brilliant and cool as heck ♥ 
Cordelia or Buffy
I was definitely going to say Buffy but after thinking about it? Honestly I think I’m more compatible with Cordy. Also obviously I love Cordy more than words can possibly express and I would definitely have a complex about dating her but I think we could get over that hurdle. And we could go shopping together! I would go to all her plays and be so supportive! I wouldn’t have to wonder if I was doing something wrong bc she would definitely tell me. (Maybe this is because I also id with Angel and I ship Cordy/Angel more? hm.)
Angel or Spike
Assuming they’re equally souled, that is. Not just cause I have the hots for Spike (which obviously I do) but see above re: identifying with a character too much. Angel needs someone to balance him out and I don’t know if I could do that. 
Wesley or Gunn
I think I’ve talked about how Wes gets on my nerves but anyway, Wes gets on my nerves. Alexis Denisof is sexy though, no denying. But so is J. August Richards and Gunn is also a genuinely great guy. He’s sweet and badass and wonderful and pretty dorky sometimes in his own way and I’m all about it. 
Xander or Oz
I don’t even really have a good justification for this except I love Oz lol. Also I have this theory that Seth Green is a trickster god so. Sorry Xander. I still love you but I think we’d be far better friends.
Tara or Anya
Tara of course, my sweet beautiful angel. She’s a BIG nerd, she’s got the cutest smile in the ENTIRE GALAXY, and she even managed to rock a zig-zag part because she’s that great. She’s so soft and caring and really funny and pretty much the best girlfriend on TV.
I would, however, still dance with Anya and her money hahaha
Thank you!!! this was fun.
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austennerdita2533 · 7 years
Which version of Emma do you prefer?! I've been re-watching both and naturally I am dying to hear your usual brilliant insights :-) I'm finding myself really partial to the Gwyneth/Jeremy Northam one, much to my own surprise!
They’re equally brilliant adaptations, honestly. 
Emma 2009 is a little more faithful to the plot of the novel, which makes my Austen-loving heart squee, and I swear I melt into a freaking puddle of feels during the Emma and Knightley dance scene every time I watch. Also, when he leaves Hartfield at the end of Episode 3, absolutely gutted because he thinks she and Frank Church have some kind of “intimate understanding” of one another. *A THOUSAND DAGGERS TO THE HEART*
Emma 1996 I think does a more convincing job of showcasing Emma’s proclivity toward snobbery and superiority, though? Plus, Gwyneth Paltrow and Jeremy Northam have such a wonderful rapport. There’s a real sense of we’ve-known-and-cared-about-each-other-for years sensibility between them when you watch. And I love the woodsy backdrop where Knightley finally expresses “I’ve been such an indifferent lover” revelation and eventually proposes. 
I seem to rewatch the 1996 version more, though, so I’d have to say that gives it a slight advantage in the “preference” department? But just slight haha. 
Thanks for the ask! 
xx Ashlee Bree
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Your fun but painfully hard Charmed asks, as promised :) How would you rank all eight seasons of Charmed from your favorite to least favorite? How would you rank all four sisters from your personal favorite to least favorite - and why? Which were your favorite and least favorite romances of the series? Which sister relationships do you love most and least (e.g. Prue/Piper, Piper/Phoebe, Prue/Phoebe Piper/Paige, Phoebe/Paige...?) And what would you most want to change about the series?!
oooooooooooo these are great!!! ranking of all the seasons favorite to least favorite for me is: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 4, 7, 8the first three are my favorite because i feel like the first three seasons were the most interesting and i reeeaaallly loved shannen doherty’s acting. due in part to her excellent acting and the writing of the first three seasons there was something vaguely more real about the first three seasons, vs. the rest where it kind of turns into supernatural soap opera (which i still love) and becomes a little more like fluff. still enjoyable but missing a certain grit. sister ranking: piper is my favorite because i love her and want to be like her the most, prue is my second favorite because i’m probably actually a lot more like her than i think (and we have the neurotic oldest sister thing in common!), and paige/phoebe are on equal footing with me because i relate to both of them in the same way - free-spirited, a little edgy (i relate to seasons 1-3 phoebe more than “grown up” phoebe in the later seasons) but even though i relate to them they’re not necessarily my favorite… but i still love them….prue & piper is my favorite sister relationship, hands down! shannen + holly are great friends in real life which really shows in their acting in the first three seasons.. honestly i felt like after shannen left, piper was never really able to recreate that same relationship and she just sort of became everyone’s mom which is part of why i don’t like the later seasons as much…. i love phoebe/paige because paige brings out the mentor in phoebe and phoebe/prue was always fun - they had a little animosity but i think they really bonded by the third season (though phoebe got over prue’s death way too easily in the fourth season, tbh..) piper & phoebe always had a good relationship that was fun to watch - in the first 3 seasons, she was the buffer from phoebe to prue and after prue left, piper and phoebe bonded as like sister-moms to paige, introducing her to the craft and that was fun to watch… piper/paige is probably my least favorite sister interaction because i feel like when paige came along, piper really became more of a curmudgeon and i LOVE piper as a mom, don’t get me wrong, but she acted like too much of a mom with paige, when the reality is that paige is an adult.. and it took a while for piper to kind of adapt to that. in some episodes/seasons/scenes she recognizes it, but in others, it sort of seems like a bit of lazy acting on holly’s part maybe? to treat paige like a baby…things i would most want to change about the series… oo… for one, make the setting true to san francisco LOL. you can’t just have a few shots of the golden gate bridge, some cable cars and ghirardelli and call it a day - that’s not all that SF is! i’ve lived here for a few years now and there’s only a few eps/scenes that really made me believe it was SF. the slum lord in season 5, and some of the buckland scenes could be in the financial district. the show doesn’t ever mention the east bay (oakland, berkeley, etc) or if it does, it’s an afterthought. but their house? the fact that they have a front yard and a sunroom???? unheard of in SF, especially wherever they are supposed to be located.. they made a reference to where that was supposed to be in the first season which was WAY off (somewhere near eddy/o’farrell… which is deep tenderloin and has ZERO manors… not a nice neighborhood like theirs) - and they kind of avoid mentioning any of the neighborhoods at all which is like a HUGE thing in SF. they never talk about the mission, nob hill, financial district, pacific heights, bayview district… etc… the show would have been a LOT more believable if they actually did some research and made the setting more realistic. also relating to setting… these are 4 total sisters (WICCAN sisters no less!!!!) in the bay area and not even ONE of them was at least a little bi???? the fuck?????? that was pretty ridiculous to me. also i got really sapphic vibes from phoebe, always. i understand the appeal of cole, but i think it would have been amazing if she had either a temporary or serious relationship with a woman after… a woman would have made phoebe feel way more appreciated and i think phoebe would have been really receptive to a relationship with that kind of love + mutual understanding.. but for real, the fact that not only did none of the sisters have any romantic relationships with women at any time, they also only had maybe a total of 3 lesbians featured on the show (and only ONE was a couple that it was explicitly mentioned they were together - oh and one of them dies.. shocking…) - that was really upsetting. this is san francisco, for fuck’s sake. there should have been a way more diverse character base - not just more lgbt characters, but more black, latino, lgbt and all those intersections.…speaking of diversity. there was a lot of racism in the show that watching it over and over again makes me pretty annoyed. a lot of the demons are always black, and really obnoxious tropes. like the witch doctor. the “tribal” demons. the demons that always die. and even the innocents that die first/quickest are always the non-white ones.. the bay area is a REALLY rich + racially diverse area, they really should have had more than (1) recurring black character (darryl.. and of course he was a cop.. smh) and they absolutely should have had recurring latino + asian characters. chinatown + japantown are HUGE parts of san francisco, and many parts of the bay area are almost exclusively asian or latino…. it’s pretty much unforgivable that they didn’t even really seem to try to incorporate non-white characters in the show in like a real, meaningful way. another thing they could have done better is ended the series at the 7th season, after they faked their deaths. the 8th season was pretty bad imo. lol. their fake alteregos were kinda fun but it was just so pointless… also as much as i love paige + rose mcgowan, i do wonder what the show would have been like if someone else was cast as paige… there was a confession on @charmedxconfessions once that i saw wondering what it would have been like if eliza dushku was cast as paige, and i admit that is an interesting thought. i’m not sure who i would pick, but it does make me wonder. rose is pretty and everything, but she’s really not the greatest actor, let’s be honest with ourselves here. lol. the first few eps in season 4 i think are the best example of this… she starts to get into it better in season 5, for sure, but… i wonder what it would have been like if they hired someone with more seasoned acting chops…. also with regards to paige.. her giving up her job made me sad, tbh. she did a lot of good work as a social worker and again with setting, it’s super unrealistic that any of them would go any amount of time without any kind of job. and if she had a good one like that, i think it was unrealistic that she would leave it? idk. i think it would have been interesting if she continued to keep her job and they could have delved into some of the problems of the city through that, too. (thus adding to the realism of the setting…) could have also been a good way to incorporate more interesting (and not white) recurring characters, too.the last season with paige’s relationship with henry… can we say.. SNOOZE. god that was such a boring, forced love plot. i actually like henry, but i really felt like that relationship was shoehorned in to give them all perfect husbands. same with coop. so boring. i’m not just saying this cus i think they should have dated women at some point, but like those relationships were literally so forced + boring. not only was the writing in the 8th season pretty weak, it seemed like those two romantic plots were a way to keep viewers interested. cheap tactics, imo. lastly!!!! (i’m almost done i swear) i REALLY wish they left things on good terms with shannen doherty, because the fact that they really never mentioned prue at all past the first few eps of the 4th season was really a shame. she was a HUGE part of their lives, obviously, as their oldest sister, and she was the most powerful witch for the first three seasons… the fact that they pretty much forgot about her entirely past the 4th season showed that they let their petty beefs control the show instead of caring about its integrity or fans.. like i’m sure i wouldn’t have liked shannen doherty in person much either (she’s a republican and from what i heard, it was her and alyssa milano’s political/personal differences that drove that wedge in the show) - but at some point you really need to just be professional. if you’re not doing it for the fans, who are you doing it for? it would have been good for them to either feature her in the last episode, or pan to a photo of her when piper/leo were walking up the stairs.. everytime i watch that i get so upset. it’s disrespectful to prue’s memory, and she deserved better.. ok… i think that’s it…. though i could seriously go on forever LOL. i love this show to death but i’m very acutely aware of all the issues this show has especially since i watch it literally every day lol… still love it… but yeah if they ever do a remake i have SUGGESTIONS…!!! hehEDIT: oh i just realized you asked about romances too! i kind of addressed it in my things i would change about the series answer... but yeah uh piper+leo are my favorite and i do love phoebe/cole sometimes.. in season 2, 3, and parts of 5/6. but yeah cole is pretty bad and abusive and ughhhhhh.. he’s just so.. tasty.. lollllll............ pretty much all of paige’s love interests are super boring. i loved prue/andy :( and again, paige or phoebe should have dated a lady at some point. lol.
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catty-words · 7 years
Community for that shipping meme, my friend! And if someone else already beat me to it: BTVS :)
btvs can be found here!
lowkey otp - trobed probably. i definitely look at them more like friends, but i also lowkey ship it.
highkey notp - jeff/craig and jeff/britta. *shudder*
[softly] don’t notp - hmm, i’m going with claire/annie because they have great chemistry but claire is only in one episode. 
highkey otp but i’m scared of saying it because it’s not a very popular choice - troy/britta doesn’t really fit this description, but i would classify them as a highkey otp – just not The highkey otp of this show. so? there. 
highkey otp and anyone on my tumblr knows it - jeff/annie
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rorykillmore · 7 years
I always felt Lorelai and Phoebe were somewhat similar characters, so I love that they're both among your favorites!
....you know, i never really thought about it before but they are pretty similar
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jennycalendar · 7 years
Okay, I know this sounds crazy, but consider: Jenny/Giles as Pride and Prejudice's Elizabeth/Darcy! Jenny/Elizabeth are both snarky, sharp, bright, playful, curious, independent, restless, unsure how to deal with 'softer' emotions, think outside the box, and are judged by the actions of their families. Darcy/Giles are both reserved, introverted, stuffy, a little snobby and judgmental, guarded, socially awkward, somewhat traditional, intelligent, logical, will do ANYTHING for the few they love.
hahahahahahahaha i’m going to cry this is so cute and i wish i had the motivation to write this but i really do not. this is perfect. bless
(also jenny just straight-up hating giles? giles making undue assumptions about jenny and then falling awkwardly head over heels for her & somehow managing to mess it up? god this is perfect thank u for sending me this)
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clarasghosts · 7 years
sleeplessbutdreaming replied to your photoset “‘He wishes you could see him.’     ‘Tell him I  c a n.’”
OMG, yo ship Melinda/Rick?! I love Jim/Melinda but recently confessed to shipping Rick/Melinda as well :)
I’ll ship it forever.  Years after the series ended I still ship it.  I check the tag every once in a while, but the most recent things are still posts that I made.  The fun of shipping a rare pair.
Rick challenged Melinda in a way that none of the other characters did, and would call her out if she was so wrapped up in what she was doing that she was failing the see the bigger picture or the people that she could be hurting.  Melinda challenged Rick as well; he was content (but rather unhappy) in his single, academic life and she challenged him to open his mind up to bigger possibilities and reconnect with the world.  Rick & Melinda were a team - solving mysteries together, having each other’s backs, and running into danger (which was mainly Melinda running into danger and Rick rushing to keep up).
I have a set of character posters for Rick that I’ve been meaning to post, but the last time I tried tumblr kept fighting me and wouldn’t put them in the tags.  I also want to do some gifsets too, but it’s harder now that the show’s on hulu rather than netflix, but I plan on getting to it at some point soon anyway.
I’m glad you ship them!!
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claddagh-and-key · 7 years
Which would you have preferred to see more of: more of Buffy on AtS, or more of Angel on BTVS during those final few seasons? How do you think Angel would have gotten along with Tara, Anya, etc.? How do you think Buffy would have connected with Gunn and Fred?
Definitely Buffy on AtS!!! But as long as it wasn’t at the same time as Spike was on it because oh boy, that would have been a mess! But I really wish we could have had more of Buffy interacting with Cordelia and Wesley after they left Sunnydale, and of course I’m always greedy about Bangel interactions!
I think Angel would have gotten along well with Tara. He definitely would have appreciated her calm and comforting presence. As for Anya, he probably would have been annoyed with her at first but I think that she would have grown on him with time. Angel/Anya interactions would have been something to be honest! It’s a pity we only have that tiny one in Pangs.
I think Buffy would have gotten along very well with Gunn. It’s actually a pairing I could ship. They’d have fun going on patrol and training together. I think they both have the same kind of sense of humor too. Buffy probably would have found Fred a bit peculiar at first but she’d get attached to her real quick. I’m sure they’d get along well and Fred would probably remind her of Willow.
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sulietsexual · 7 years
What are some of your favorite Clana scenes and moments?!
Okay, it’s been so long since I’ve watched Smallville that for the most part I can’t remember which episodes these moments belong to, but here are my fave Clana scenes/moments:
Letting out their frustrations by screaming together on the football field
Clark saying “Thanks for the dance Lana” from his barn and Lana seemingly hearing/sensing him in the Pilot
Their long soulful look at one another at Whitney’s dad’s funeral, with the rain pouring
When Lana brings Clark a birthday cake in the barn on his “birthday” in Season 2
Lana introducing Clark to her parents at their graves in the Pilot
Their dance at the Prom towards the end of Season 4
The picnic in the Season 2 finale (or possible the episode before) where they’re sitting under a tree and they look so content and happy
The first few episodes of Season 5 when Clark is human
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Hi! Who are your top 3-5 BtVS characters?!
Hi! Top 3: Buffy, Spike, and Giles.
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jonahsimms · 7 years
Let's say some cruel force from above decided that you can watch just FIVE B99 episodes for the rest of your life. Which five do you choose?! Good luck ;)
Now that’s just mean…
48 Hours 
The Bet
Chasing Amy
Operation: Broken Feather
Johnny and Dora
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lavellenchanted · 7 years
Which Hogwarts House would you sort the following Jane Austen characters into?! Catherine Morland, Henry Tilney, Emma Woodhouse, George Knightley, Jane Fairfax, Elinor Dashwood, Edward Ferrars, Marianne Dashwood, Colonel Brandon, Elizabeth Bennet, Fitzwilliam Darcy, Anne Elliot, Frederick Wentworth, Jane Bennet and Charles Bingley? And how would you rank all the Austen novels from your personal favorite to least favorite?! I love reading your thoughts :)
Ooooh, okay, this is hard. Sorting’s one of those things that, with a few exceptions, I tend to find difficult to be certain with because there are so many different ways of interpreting characters that there’s generally a lot of overlap between Houses. But I would lead towards:
Catherine Morland - Ravenclaw. She’s curious and inquisitive, and has a very active and creative imagination that tends to run away with her. She also values being informed and knowing things, and hates being viewed as ignorant. I think she has a strong ‘Puff streak as well, she’s a loyal and fair person, but the way she views the world through the lens of a storyteller tips her over to Ravenclaw for me.
Henry Tilney - Ravenclaw. He’s a difficult one because it’s so hard to tell when he’s being serious and when he’s being sarcastic and ironic, but he’s keen on intellectual pursuits, reading both history books and novels, and tries to help educate Catherine about the world and guide her through it. I think where she’s the more bright-eyed, optimistic dreamer kind of ‘Claw, Tilney’s the slightly more jaded, scholarly kind.
Emma Woodhouse - Slytherin. I find Emma easier than others, I think she’s very firmly Slytherin. She values the traditions of nobility, is very loyal to a close circle of friends, and she’s cunning and resourceful in the pursuit of what she wants. And her biggest flaw is her arrogance and belief in her own rightness, which I think is also a very Slytherin flaw. 
George Knightley - Hufflepuff. Knightley’s the model of good and moral behaviour in Emma, and his primary concern is treating other people kindly and fairly. He’s kind to Miss Bates and Mr Woodhouse, and he’s most upset with Emma when in her attempts to be clever she forgets to care about other people and ends up hurting them. But despite that he’s unfailingly loyal to Emma.
Jane Fairfax - Hufflepuff. Jane’s another hard one because there’s so little real attention directed to her and it’s only very late in the novel that she starts to open up, but I would suggest Hufflepuff primarily because of her loyalty to Frank, keeping the engagement secret, even when doing so would appear to harm her prospects. Given how many accomplishments she has, I’d also think she’s very hardworking.
Elinor Dashwood - Hufflepuff. Elinor is driven by her sense of duty and loyalty - to her family, working hard to take care of all the practicalities that rest of them tend to forget, and to Edward, when she keeps the secret of his engagement to Lucy Steele. 
Edward Ferrars - Hufflepuff. Edward’s also driven by a strong sense of obligation and duty, to the point of his own detriment - he tries to follow his mother’s wishes, and won’t break his word to Lucy. I think part of the reason he feels a bit lost at the beginning of the novel as well is because he wants a purpose, something to work for. 
Marianne Dashwood - Gryffindor. She’s headstrong and passionate, and values people who are bold and wilful. She goes charging into everything headfirst, but without any guile or cunning driving her, just her own impulsiveness and idealism.
Colonel Brandon - Gryffindor. The key traits that he demonstrates for me are honour and chivalry, and he’s very intent on trying to set things right and do the right thing. He also has a passionate and headstrong nature as he comes to reveal, but he’s just learnt to keep his temper in check.
Elizabeth Bennet - Ravenclaw. I go back and forth a lot with Lizzy, but what always strikes me is that I think she prides herself on being intelligent and witty and understanding people, and she suffers her biggest crisis when she realises she’s misjudged Darcy and Wickham and, by extension, doesn’t really know herself - she hates realising that she let her pride lead her to be wilfully partial and close-minded.
Fitzwilliam Darcy - Slytherin. Darcy’s another one I struggle with, but overall I think he leans more towards Slytherin. He has a strong sense of tradition and status, as he very inelegantly expresses to Lizzy when he proposes. He’s dedicated to the people he cares about, and is very cunning and ruthless in his determination to look out for them and help them, and to achieve what he wants.
Anne Elliot - Hufflepuff. Anne is loyal to an absolute fault - her arc in the book is learning to overcome her instinct to self-sacrifice and put the desires of the people she cares about over her own. She’s loyal, patient, level-headed and hardworking.
Frederick Wentworth - Gryffindor. Wentworth’s definitely a brave, chivalrous characters. He judges Anne very harshly for what he perceives to be a kind of cowardice in breaking their engagement and not following her heart, and he is himself very headstrong and is guided by principles and what he believes to be the right thing.
Jane Bennet - Hufflepuff. Jane is the archetypal sweet-tempered, gentle kind of Hufflepuff. She wants to be fair and not to judge anyone harshly, is kind and forgiving, but also speaks her mind, is loyal and dedicated and has a strong sense of right and wrong. 
Charles Bingley - Gryffindor. I’ve seen a lot of people sort him into Hufflepuff, but to me his easy-going, friendly nature strike me as far more Gryff. He’s very open and cheerful, a little bit flighty and uncertain of himself, but with a strong moral compass and generous nature. 
As for my the novels, I love them all but I think I’d go:
Pride and Prejudice
Northanger Abbey
Sense and Sensibility
Mansfield Park
It’s not meant to be critical of any of them, it’s just personal taste in terms of how much I enjoy the stories, the characters and the dynamics that are showcased, so if I only had my Austen books and was re-reading them all again it would probably be in that order. 
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rorykillmore · 7 years
Since I know you like asks and I adore you: How would you rank all seven seasons of Buffy in order from your favorite to least favorite? All five seasons of Angel from your favorite to least favorite? And do you prefer BtVS pr AtS overall? :)
oh gosh okay i’m more used to ranking btvs than i am ats so lets see how this goes
for btvs: 5, 6, 3, 2, 4, 7, 1?
a lot of these have switched around over the years, but i’m pretty sure this is what i’ve settled on now. 5 and 6 sometimes switch around depending on how i’m feeling (season 6 resonates a lot more with me now than it used to and i’ve come to really appreciate how certain things were written). 3 and 2 are the best of the high school years, they’re self explanatory. 4 i don’t like very much as a whole but it does have some of my favorite individual episodes (restless, hush, faith’s episodes). 7 pulls ahead of 1 a little bit because it does have some individual episodes and small arcs that i feel are genuinely great (conversations with dead people and selfless are some of my other faves) while 1 takes last place bc it’s fun and campy but in like... such a cheesy 90′s way that i rarely sit down and watch the whole thing.
for ats:  3, 2, 1, 4, 5
this was harder because i think a lot of the time it’s harder for me to distinguish ats by season.  i enjoy the first three seasons on a pretty consistent level tbh but season 3 probably wins extra points for like... having fred around? cordelia’s development? the development of angel and cordy’s relationship? while 2 and 1 are both really fun and solid but i think 2 pulls ahead a little just for having found it’s footing more.   4 and 5 are.... well... 4 and 5.... actually some people would probably say 5 is better than 4 and maybe it does have more stuff going for it, but i’ve actually only sat through it once (as opposed to the other seasons which i’ve watched multiple times).
also whether i prefer btvs or ats overall is a really tough question... and it often depends on how i’m how i’m feeling or what i’m in the mood for, if i’m being honest? ummm i think btvs definitely has stronger stand-alone episodes. like people remember certain episodes of btvs for a reason. btvs was probably more influential on me as a person too (and, well, probably a lot of people) just for what it was but all of that being said... i think ats has more consistent quality? btvs has its ups and downs while ats goes strong and doesn’t really waver until it starts to fade in season 4.  ats probably also has the general premise i prefer. and i do like some of the btvs characters more than the ats ones but like? as a group?  angel’s gang often felt like more of a supportive found family than the scooby gang did (i have a lot of criticisms of the scooby gang at various points)
SO I’M NOT SURE honestly like i said it really just probably depends on what sort of thing i’m in the mood for
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