#simple spells
hallow-witxh · 10 months
Kitchen Staples and Their Properties
If you're any kind of kitchen user, there are a few things that are usually present. Things like bread, cheese, beans, and vinegar are all things that many kitchens keep in stock. So, here is a list of some staples you may have in your kitchen, and what they mean.
Bread: health, abundance, the hearth, kindship
Beans: wisdom in choices, luck, money, divination, prosperity
Butter: peace, friendships/relationships, spirituality
Cheese: goal completion, happiness, moon magic, health
Eggs: feminine/goddess magic, fertility, mysticism
Honey: joy, love, sex, wisdom, lust, purification, health
Milk (Cow's): feminine parenthood/guidance, love, sustenance, spirituality,
Rice: fertility, protection, luck, money, growth
Salt: purification, protection, grounding, cleansing
Sugar: banishing negativity, love, affection, invoking kindness/sweetness
White Vinegar: cleansing, purification, protection
Adding some things together melds their properties! Cooking in butter for your friends can strengthen your relationships with them, and baking bread can bring abundance into your home.
As always, do your research, practice safely, and blessed be!
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Spell casting basics
Intention -
What is the purpose of the spell, what are you trying to achieve?
Who -
Who is the target for the spell, is it for yourself or other people?
Location -
Where will you be preforming the spell or ritual, it needs to be a safe place where you will be uninterrupted.
Materials -
What do you need for your spell?Crystals, incense, herbs, candles.
Timing -
What time of day should you cast your spell for best effect and power.
Casting -
When it comes time to cast the spell use everything that you have gathered for the spell with intention.
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farinacrow · 5 months
Protection Candle to cast circles
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Picture from pixabay.com
I have been practicing witchcraft off and on for about 16 years, and in those 16 years I've discovered that I do not have the patience to cast a protective circle with elaborate chants and hand movements every time that I do a spell. So I developed this particular method, which works perfectly for me. And it might work for you as well!
What do we need?
A white candle
Pester and Mortar
Neutral oil (I use almond oil, but olive oil is okay too)
Rosemary (for cleansing and purification)
Lavender (for cleansing and purification)
Mugwort (for protection)
Bay leaf (for purification, protection and to set intention)
Thyme (for banishing)
The process
I like to cleanse my space first before doing any spell work. I light my previous candle if I have one, otherwise I cleanse with sound. For this, I use my bell and ring it thrice.
Add the Rosemary, Lavender, Mugwort and Thyme in your mortar. Grind until the herbs are small.
Take your bay leaf and write your intention down on it.
Add it to your mortar and grind until its small.
Anoint your candle with the oil.
Sprinkle your herb mixture on the candle until it's covered to your satisfaction.
Put the candle in a candle holder and light it whenever you want to do a spell. You can walk a circle with it or just let it burn on your altar. That's completely up to you, what you feel is best.
That is my very easy protection candle, which I use to cast circles with. I usually let it burn on my altar for the duration of my spell work and blow it out when I am done. While working on the candle, I also like to play some music. I make playlists with songs that give me the right vibe; Click here for my protection playlist!
I hope this works for you as it works for me, or inspires you to find your own easy way to protect your space! Blessed Be!
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aesethewitch · 1 year
Sometimes, a home protection spell is as simple as drawing a sigil in kids' chalk in the sun, putting a nice rock on top of it until the sun goes down, and then putting that rock on a table in your house
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grandmawitch · 5 months
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enchanting-jewel · 10 months
Self-Love Mini Spell
You will need:
Rose quartz
Pink candle
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Self-love doesn’t come very easily to some of us. But loving yourself is the stepping stone to a successful relationship. It motivates us to practice positive behavior. Self-love is not falling into self-hatred or shame when we mess up. If you are doubting yourself and need a little self-love boost, try this little spell daily until you truly love yourself inside and out.
Light your pink candle and hold the rose quartz in your dominant hand. Say out loud while looking in the mirror:
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“I love myself fully and unconditionally. I treat myself with love and respect. I make positive choices for myself. As I will it so mote it be.”
Focus on how you feel and will feel when you obtain self-love. Imagine all the positive choices that lie ahead and picture yourself choosing happiness and positivity. When you are done, blow out your candle.
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Good luck, don’t forget you’re beautiful inside and out!
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school-of-roses · 2 years
✶*✧Introduction to Spell Sealing✧*✶
Everything must come to an end.
This is an area of spellcraft that doesn’t get a lot of publicity because for most people it just becomes a natural part of the process.  However, if you want to mix up how you do it, try something new, or otherwise let go of the way you were originally taught, this might be a good resource for performing rituals!
What are Sealed Spells?
In the context of magic you usually hear about sealing and binding like binding a person or something from being able to do something.  Here we're talking more like a binding contract.  This is a binding or seal locks in an action or intent.  It is binding in the way an agreement is binding.  You have given it firm parameters that it must follow and you have endeavored to finalize the action.  You have provided certainty, locked in your answer, sealed the deal.  
The benefits of this are inherent in the finality.  You have a set thing that now is much harder to alter and is much harder to waver in its purpose.  This is no longer some multi-purpose object.  It has varitably been christened for this and this alone.  The work to undo it will be just as rigorous as the work to do it in the first place.  A light cleansing of your materials afterwards might not be enough.  You're gonna need the spiritual bleach.
To some extent you might just feel that something needs to be finalized.  If you feel it in your gut like you need something to formally end the working, these are what you might be looking for.
More Common Than You Think
This might be more familiar to you than you would initially think.  Signing your name on something at the end is a common one, but even in a ritual sphere there are many examples.  This is going to be your “so mote it be”, your “Amen”, and your other declarations of finality.  Even purely secular situations often have rituals of finality.  I think you’ll find that when these things are left out, there is sometimes a feeling of the energy hanging in the air.  In a lot of ways it does not feel right.  Whether this is the social convention of signaling to everything and everyone present that the ritual has come to a conclusion, or just to announce you’re finished, there is some power to it.
Types of Seals
There are several different ways to express finality in your workings.  Here are just a few examples.
Shutting the Door and Sealing the Envelope
If your work involves some kind of lid or package, you can physically seal it.  Whether this is corking a jar, sealing with wax, tying a string around something etc.  If this is a possibility it is a good way to finalize a spell.
Written and Spoken Seals
Whether this is through signing something like you might finalize a formal contract or expressing that it is finalized verbally.  A few examples of this are listed above that you may have heard before, but there is really nothing stopping you from making your own.
Kiss Seals
Sealing with a kiss.  Kissing something to finalize has historical precedent and takes no extra tools to complete besides your lips.  Whether this is physically using your lips or the other means, this is one option for a quick seal.  Just don’t kiss poison.
Burning, Burying, and Bestrewing
Few things are more final than destruction.  Once you’ve set the flame, you’ve pretty much confined what you’ve set on fire to that purpose forever.  Burying something in the ground would be another example of this.  Whether you feel the finality is from returning it to the earth, or because you are sealing it in a tomb of soul, this will certainly signal that it is done.  Some feel like things are not complete until they’ve scattered the ashes, in which case throwing something to the wind could be your version of finality.
Whether this is through signing something like you might finalize a formal contract or expressing that it is finalized verbally.  A few examples of this are listed above that you may have heard before, but there is really nothing stopping you from making your own.
Sigil Seals
An extension of the written or spoken seals are sigil seals.  It accomplishes much the same thing, but can be a little more formal.  Some might think this is kind of a stretch, but wax seals, like what might go on a letter, could fall into this category, technically.
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tears-of-amber · 11 months
Roses Cover A Multitude Of Sins (Pop Culture Witchcraft Spell)
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This spell is inspired by Constance Langdon from American Horror Story.
SPELL PURPOSE: Sweetening the environment you are in after an unpleasant and negative event.
-15 Red Rose Petals
-1 Bay Leaf For Every Sour Woe You Are Trying To Sweeten
-Something That Will Write Effectively On Each Bay Leaf
-A Place In Your Yard/Garden To Bury Something Very Small
-Sun Water
-Write one word on each bay leaf that represents each "dark event" or "woe" you are trying to turn into something positive and sweeter.
-After writing all of them, gather the bay leaves and chant these words: "Dark deeds will turn to light, as day comes after night. With sweet scent of rose I replace, any ill will or woe in this space."
-dig a small hole in the dirt of your yard, and place the bay leaves in first, and then cover them with the rose petals.
-Then cover the rose petals with dirt.
-Once a week, water the soil in the place where you buried the leaves and petals using water you have charged with the sun.
-After a few weeks you should notice a difference!
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maceofpentacles · 1 year
do you need someone to forgive you or just want the tension gone between you and someone else?
here’s a simple spell for that
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things you need: white candle, sugar, lavender, eucalyptus, and paper
write the persons name on a piece of paper and fold it towards you, put it either under your candle or bury it under the sugar, then light your candle and let it work it’s magic!
you can add cinnamon to speed up the process too if you want but it’s not super necessary, sometimes it’s better to just let it do it’s thing naturally
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mrsmothmom · 9 months
what's the TRUTH about candle magic? 🕯️✨
in the first episode of the WRYD WELL i take you through all the details, including some info they don't want you to know 👁️
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hallow-witxh · 10 months
Beginner Witch Tips - Kitchen Witch Edition
The oven can be your hearth. If a spell or ritual requires a hearth, your stove is just that. That being said, do not set anything on fire in your oven. Bad! No!
You don't need separate kitchen and altar herbs, although it is handy.
Some crystals can be used in kitchen magic, but I don't recommend putting them in or on anything other than a crystal on top of firm dough as it rests/rises. Secure crystals onto mixing equipment or spoons, or forgo using them at all.
Listen to witchy music as you cook or bake. I promise atmosphere is almost everything! It helps me focus. I recommend Peter Gundry.
While pets are cute and certainly carry spiritual energy with them, try to keep them out of the kitchen while you cook, especially if you have a certain intention you're trying to carry into your food. Their presence can distract you, throw off the energy you have accumulated, or otherwise disrupt the process. Once you're more confident with your kitchen witchery, their presence won't be such a big deal.
Take your time. It's okay. Sometimes it takes a while to truly clock into your spiritual energy while you're actively moving about and busy working, especially if you're used to practicing while sitting or standing in one spot. Remember - energy flows with you, not just around you.
Start small. Start with something simple like pancakes. For example: add a dash of vanilla to your pre-made batter mix to invoke self-love.
Write down things as you continue to work. Document what you're comfortable with, what you feel like you're good at, your project, and everything you feel you might want to. As you continue to work on that journal, you can go back and see how you've progressed!
Happy baking! Remember, your mood affects your project; negative emotions = negative influence.
As always, blessed be <3
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
One word spells:
You can use these spells anyway you feel right, There are many ways. For example - just by saying the words, writing & burning them on paper or bay leaves, carving them into a candle, ect
Emergo - used for anxiety. Helps & relieves
Musufugax - used to counteract negativity, bad luck or send ill intentions back to the sender
Amiqui - used to attract new friends
Posiflo - used to send positive energies to someone
Mariquil - used to calm a temper or an upset person
Conturbo - used to make a toxic person get confused
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farinacrow · 5 months
Days of the week Cheat-sheet
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Picture from pixabay.com
Every day of the week has its own magical properties. Personally, I like to incorporate those properties into my spell work. Now, I don't always do this. Sometimes when the time feels right, it is right. But more often than not, I will take a glance at the day's correspondences. Since I am probably not the only one doing this, I decided to make a cheat sheet for who ever needs it!
Monday: Psychic ability, peace, dreams, intuition, healing, purity Tuesday: Succes, strength, courage, protection, passion Wednesday: Wisdom, travel, divination, creativity, communication Thursday: Money, prosperity, wealth, joy, abundance, succes Friday: Love, relationships, beauty, fertility, growth, romance Saturday: Cleansing, banish negativity, protection, wisdom Sunday: Succes, strength, spirituality, prosperity, protection, healing
In the future I will make separate posts for each day, going more in depth about the day and its correspondences. But this is a quick cheat-sheet to look at whenever you need it! Blessed Be!
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aesethewitch · 6 months
Kitchen Witchery: Cocktail Magic
It's that season when I find myself in Drinking Situations. Between Thanksgiving gatherings, Christmas parties, beat the blues days with friends, and the Winter Solstice, late fall and winter are prime times for a little beverage. Whether you're spiking your hot cocoa or crafting a special cocktail, there's an opportunity for magic.
First, the basics.
Alcohol Correspondences
Yeah, yeah, I'm not a big fan of correspondence lists. I know. But as I was making my own correspondence list for spirits (the alcoholic kind) earlier this year, I did refer to the good ol' internet for ideas. What I found was... surprisingly sparse? So, here you go. Note that these are my correspondences that correlate to the base ingredients/crafting method of the alcohol, personal associations, and trial and error. Think critically before just writing all this down. If you disagree with something, that's fine! Great, even!
Whisky. Fire, heat, spirit work (offerings), warming, courage, blessings, deal-making.
Vodka. Courage, cleansing, grounding, absorbing, infusions.
Rum. Love, sweetening, uplifting, lust. (*cough* piracy *cough*)
Tequila. Decisions (good or bad), hard work, celebration, energy.
Gin. Cleansing, clarity, love, prosperity, protection.
Absinthe. Fire, cleansing, warding, spirit work, meditation, relaxation.
Moonshine. Freedom, strength, spirit work, courage, community.
Wine (properties can differ based on color, flavor, etc.). Love, lust, sex, romance, friendship, celebration, stress relief, health, grief.
Beer. Home, family, abundance, prosperity, ancestor work.
Cider. Harvest, abundance, love, friendship, celebration, success.
There are a huge number of alcohol variants in the world, but these are the ones that live in my bar cart most often, so these are the ones I work with frequently.
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grandmawitch · 5 months
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enchanting-jewel · 11 months
Witch Tip!
Write someone’s name on a piece of toilet paper and then flush it down the toilet to signify that you’re done with their shit!
You’re welcome ☺️
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