doritopaw101 · 4 months
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SilverFire + FireSasha
Yes Silverstream has a mustache and beard and she rocks it. Slim Silverstream is out, chubby and fluffy Silverstream is in plus flame point Sasha
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nightly-ruse · 1 year
Had an idea: firesilver hypokits
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Stormyfire! She takes the role of Feathertail but lives and is epic women. Named for Silverstream’s dad and her nature being like a raging wildfire. She/her trans lady and Ace lesbian. Her and Tawnypelt are together, StormyTawnyRowan polycule :)
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greenelectricsky · 2 months
Haze, kicking door in: I have a pizza!
Shyny: Oh, great! ... Why... So many?????
Haze: Oh? Ai! Yes! I was fighting with a dog and I'm tired and hungry!
Shyny: Oh... Five boxes? It had to be a bad fight! Are you hurt? You need help?
Haze, twisting a little: ... Can you stop fretting, sit and open a cans with soda? I'm alright, it's just a little wound here...
Shyny: Little? You have half of a back in blood! I can't not frette when you hide...
Haze, putting a finger on his brother's lips: It's not mine. I was showing you my arm with a tiny scratch. Calm down.
(Haze's magic has two sides: one, healing him and others, and second, he can fight better because of it. But it burns a lot of energy, so he eats a lot after fights. Shyny always fret.)
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autistfanatic · 1 year
Leopardstar came to Thunderclan, demanding Silverstream and her kits return to Riverclan.
Graystripe guards his mate and children. "Heres our answer, shove a trout up your dirt hole!"
Brindleface hisses, once having to have fed them while Silverstream hunted.
Sandstorm yowls. "Go back to your camp, they're OUR kits now and Silverstream belongs to Thunderclan! Crookedstar gave his blessing to our clan to have them!"
Leopardstar glowers at them. "Bluestar, you clearly haven't taught your warriors discipline-"
Tigerclaw stood up. "Watch your tongue Leopardstar. You're on our turf making demands. Who do you think you are ordering us?"
Fireheart and Whitestorm circle, heckles raised.
"Settle, all of you." Bluestar hissed, returning her gaze to the new Riverclan leader. "You have no right to demand a queen and her kits to follow you where clearly, they thrive in our territory. Begone Leopardstar, or risk a fight."
Darkstripe thrashed his tail. "Let her take them, they're half clan--"
"Silence!" Yellowfang smacked his head. "You young fool."
Silverstream trodded to the spotted cat. "I have no intention for to come with you, nor give up my kits. I'm Thunderclan now, and you are trespassing. Go home. Now." Her claws unsheath.
Leopardstar looked like an insulted Karen. "Fine. This isn't over, traitor. Your little 'mates' won't protect your hide forever." She left in a huff. Silverstream fainted from the adrenaline rush. Tigerclaw and Graystripe carry her back to the nursery with Sandstorm and Bluestar trodding behind.
Yellowfang chuckled. "You picked well Fireheart. You all did."
"I know." Fireheart purred like a lovestruck apprentice. "Shes something isn't she?"
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quiverpaw · 9 months
There was already a hearhertail rarepair ask but my biggest crackship ever is heathertail and Honeyfern . It’s real to me you don’t understand
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i’ve never heard of this,,, but it’s up there with silverfire for me now. my idea is honeyfern was poisoned by the snake but instead of dying she’s in a coma temporarily and is to be buried since they thought she was dead, but the burial team is found by a windclan patrol which figures out that she’s actually alive
since tc doesn’t know how to heal a snake bite windclan takes her in, and when she recovers she bonds with heather and decides to stay with tc
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y-rhywbeth2 · 10 days
So I was reading your Tiamat post for some ideas about making a new oc and I saw this
The Cult of the Dragon reveres "the Sacred Ones" and believes that undead dragons are destined to rule the world, based on an interpretation of a prophecy claiming that all the rulers of the world would die, and dragons would rule. They try to convince dragons to transform themselves into liches in preparation for this event (it's also essentially Bane's fault that this cult exists, but that's off topic).
And now IM DESPERATELY CURIOUS as to why it’s Bane’s fault this cult exists??? What does Bane have to do with Tiamat???
(Totally and definitely not asking for banefucking purposes….)
An evil wizard by the name of Algashon Nathaire eventually worked out that Bane would be a great patron in advancing him up the evil tyrant ladder and applied to the priesthood and eventually 'rose to great personal power and prominence in the eyes of his god.' Specifically the guy is a Dreadmaster, so Bane personally okayed his admission into his personal favourite priests.
Algashon was also really big on the part of Bane's dogma that says that if you're not going to be conquering and ruling in person that you should support wannabe tyrants and help them be the best dark overlord they can be - with Bane and co. as the puppet master behind the throne (strengthening Bane by spreading tyranny and hatred/strife through the realms).
So he sees Sammaster (in Baldur's Gate, curiously enough) - a Chosen of Mystra and necromancer who is not doing so well - and thinks 'wow, this guy would make a great tyrant-puppet.' Bane agrees and also really wants to fuck up his least favourite goddess' Chosen. Also he was hopeful there might be a chance he could weaken Mystra and steal an exclusive power of hers in the deal ('silverfire').
Algashon and Bane start manipulating Sammaster's grief and rage, encouraging him to nurture his worst imulses and eventually turning him against Mystra and the other Chosen (including his ex. Love to blistering hate, the usual Banite stuff). Sammaster slowly breaks and becomes dependent on Algashon, and through him, Bane.
Sammaster is eventually killed in conflict with the other Chosen, but after his death Bane (who refused to let Algashon intervene, and changed the plan to have Sammaster die) has Algashon raise the mage as a lich and continue to brainwash him to be even worse, including convincing him that he must be a nascent god.
Sammaster writes prophecies, one of which turns something about the world being having dead rulers and dragons ruling the world into something about an apocalypse that will leave shattered thrones and no rulers, and dead dragons will rule the world. There's debate about whether Algashon/Bane had a hand in changing it.
Anyway, from that point grew a cult that's convinced that dragons should all become dracoliches and rule the world. The Cult of the Dragon
And The Cult of the Dragon later fused with the Cult of Tiamat due to Tiamat hijacking the cult.
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warriorsweaver · 2 months
Looking for 2 Apprentices for a Jcink Warriors RP
EDIT: Both characters have been taken, but we have plenty of other wanted ads with just-as-juicy plots for you to look at on YAWRP!!
Mothflower was a TalonClan warrior. After a sparring incident with her littermates led to the accidental death of her sister, she left the Clans behind, terrified of her brother Silverfire using their sister's death as blackmail.
Years later, Mothflower found a mate and was soon pregnant. Her mate died before the kits were born. She began traveling back towards the Clans. One of her kits died along the way.
Mothflower was terrified. She couldn't do this on her own. Recently, Finchstar of StormClan agreed to take Mothflower and her two surviving daughters in. StormClan and TalonClan have a tense relationship fueled by their shared borders. Though Silverfire, now Silverstar, is unaware of his sister's return, Mothflower knows that she can't avoid him forever.
Was bringing her daughters to live in a Clan the right choice? I need two players, one for each apprentice! Their names are open, but their prefixes must be on our on-site prefix list. Their appearances can be anything within reason. Mothflower is a long-haired silver tabby with white markings and golden-amber eyes; her mate was never described physically, so it's pretty open-ended. Personalities are totally open. Are they terrified of being in a Clan? Do they love or hate the rigidity of Clan life after spending the first ~6 moons of their life as loners? Are they excited to be around new, strange cats? How are they fitting in to StormClan culture? Their history is interesting. Mothflower was open to them about their father, how she loved him but he was taken to the vet and never returned. Their sister didn't make it through leafbare. Mothflower would've told them that they're going to live in a Clan for their own safety. She would not have told them about Silverstar or her personal past in the Clans beyond the fact that she was born and raised in an unspecified Clan. She's holding on to her secrets for as long as she can. I would love it if that blew up in her face. If you're interested, pop on to YAWRP's Discord server and talk to Midnight!
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splashspeck · 4 months
Clan Kingdoms - Discussions on Kin
A sweet drabble I've been sitting on and debating posting for a bit, SilverFire and Bluestar and Fireheart bonding.
Fireheart fought not to shake at the sensation of the honeyflower and oak leaves woven into his pelt, knowing that if Bluestar found out he pulled the irritating leaves from his fur before he left his meeting she’d lecture him about presentation of Leaderkin… again. He’d had enough lectures in recent days. At least the lavender he held carefully in his jaws, plucked from the edge of Windclan territory to the amusement of the observing patrol on the moor, a smiling Deadfoot giving him a knowing smirk. Flanking him as he trotted towards the Sunningrocks were Runningwind and Mousefur, the twins bickering good naturedly in a way that soothed most of his anxiety about meeting the Riverclan patrol that was no doubt awaiting them.
It had been longer since he and Silverstream had met properly, only encountering one another at the Gathering before Fireheart left to return Windclan to their territory, and having only long enough to talk briefly. Between Windclan and the newly arrived Cloudkit, Fireheart had nearly forgotten to prepare for their next planned meeting. With the quarter moon hanging high in the sky, the light was somewhat dim as he reached the edge of the trees, leaping down to the riverbank and smiling around his bundle as he spotted Silverstream laughing happily with her own escort. Heavystep and Loudbelly were grinning, likely at some joke Heavystep had told, lightening the mood immediately with a cheerful call to Runningwind and Mousefur. The twin warriors joined the other chaperones eagerly, and Fireheart met Silverstream’s warm smile with a purr as he leapt up atop the smooth stone next to her, gently placing the sprig of lavender at her paws.
“A gift, to apologize for missing our last meeting.” He mewed, smiling nervously up at the bigger molly, and earning a happy purr as she bunted her cheek against his.
“No apologies needed. We are warriors of our clans before we are Betrothed, Fireheart, I understand when duty gets in the way. I will accept the gift, however, it smells lovely! What does it mean?” Fireheart felt that warmth in his belly spread across his pelt as he settled next to Silverstream, watching her gently inspect the lavender sprig.
“If I remember my lessons, Lavender is a symbol of devotion. It can also mean distrust in the wrong circumstances, but I hope you know that’s not the intent.”
“I’ve no reason to distrust you and endeavor to not give you reason to distrust me.” She purred, only to falter when his face fell. “Fireheart?”
“Sorry, it’s been an interesting quarter moon.” He meowed, unsure how to broach the subject of his accidental adoption.
“Does it have to do with why you smell like the nursery?” Her eyes were guarded, and tail slowly swaying in a way that made him a bit nervous.
“Yes, though not in the way you may suspect. I’ve… taken in a kit, kin of my kin.” Blue eyes blinked, surprise and confusion blossoming.
“... you never told me about any kin.” She settled to lay down, tucking his gift close to her and giving him a nervous smile. “Tell me?” And Fireheart remembered why he’d admired the silver tabby so much since they met. Silverstream was bold and brash, but her kindness and understanding towards him as he learned two different cultures had been more welcoming than he’d ever expected. He settled at her side, cautiously draping his tail across her hind legs and responding in kind when she started to purr softly at the gesture.
“I wasn’t a one-kit litter, and one of my littermates lives in a twoleg nest not far from our territories.” He meowed, fidgeting with one of the oak leaves stuck to his fur with sap. “Her name is Princess. We aren’t particularly close, but she’s the only one of my birth-kin that I even know at this point.”
“The only one?” Silverstream mewed, brows drawing in. “Not even your mother?”
“Ah, kittypet’s are… different about birth-kin.” He felt his tail lash a bit in embarrassment and quickly tried to move on. “Anyways, she recently had a litter, and we were talking about how the clans feel so much stronger about family. She’d never leave her housefolk-” Silverstream opened her mouth to question and he smiled. “What kittypets call Twolegs. But… I think she wishes she could have that. So… she gave me one of her kits. Wouldn’t take no for an answer and made me take him home to Bluestar.” Silverstream’s surprise had bloomed into warm affection.
“Will you let me meet him? When he’s older?”
“Of course, he’s to be your kin as well as mine.” Fireheart purred, bunting his head into her chin with a louder purr. “I just didn’t want you to think ill of me, bringing another kittypet into the clans-”
“He’s your kin Fireheart. If anything I think better of you, offering your sister’s kit a chance at a life in the clan.” Fireheart noted, and couldn’t quite put into words the appreciation, that she didn’t call it a “better” life. “... tell me about your birth-kin?”
“I shouldn’t-”
“Why not?” Silverstream raised her head to eye him, eyes narrowed. Fireheart lowered his own, trying to look up at her.
“Some cats may see it as… corrupting you with kittypet ways of life. Cats… didn’t react well to me telling my denmates about my family when I first joined the clan. Especially since kittypets are so different.”
“How so?” Fireheart glanced towards their chaperones, anxiously wondering if they were listening. “Fireheart.” Silverstream’s tone was gentler, and he met her eyes. “If you aren’t comfortable I understand, I just want to know more about the cat I’m to be with for the rest of our lives.”
“... Kittypets don’t value birth-kin the same way clan cats do. Most cats don’t actually get to stay with their birth-kin very long, so it doesn’t make sense to be close.” He meowed, watching Silverstream settle back and watch him. “I never met my sire, Jake was just the tom Nutmeg happened to have kits with, and he didn’t even live nearby to her nest. Nutmeg told us he was always more ‘wild’ than your average kittpet, wandered further.”
“Some kittypets are like that, some of our warriors and Mudfur will trade items and herbs with a few wanderers.” Silverstream commented, and Fireheart smiled at the image. “Was Nutmeg your kin?”
“My mother. She didn’t really call herself our mother often though. Kittypet queens don’t get to keep their kits usually, so getting close just… doesn’t make sense.”
“They don’t even visit?”
“Queens don’t know where their litter will end up. Princess and I being near one another is quite rare. I haven’t heard anything about Nutmeg or my other three littermates since my old housefolk took me in… so you can imagine the culture shock when I joined Thunderclan.” He huffed, smiling nervously up at her. Silverstream was silent for a bit, then sighed.
“I can kind of understand that. I can’t even remember my mother. She and my littermates died before I even opened my eyes.” She looked towards their chaperones. “Dad was… mourning heavily, most of my kithood. Uncle Oakheart and my cousins made it easier, but I felt like I was the clan’s kit more than Dad’s for a long time.” Fireheart frowned, Crookedstar had seemed so close to his daughter. “It got better pretty quickly once Dad started actually talking to people again outside of duty. Now he’s my best friend, but… sometimes I wonder what life would be like if Mom had made it.”
“... I’ve never called anyone Mom. I don’t know if I’m actually allowed to call Bluestar that. I know she’s technically my mother now but… it’s just for succession.”
“I wouldn’t say that.” Silverstream meowed, looking thoughtful. “She seems to be really fond of you. My cousins had my mother’s sister for a foster mother and she looks at them the same way, they’ve called her Mom as long as I’ve been alive, if not longer.” She was quiet a moment, but her tail twitched as she thought, and Fireheart waited quietly, watching the beautiful molly ponder something. “Clan cats may value birth-kin a lot, but chosen family isn’t something to dismiss. Graypool chose her kits, but they’re her kits just as her birth-kits were. Bluestar chose you, and I would wager she feels just as strongly towards you as she does her own birth-kin.”
“She’s rather unhappy with me at the moment.” He chuffed, amused and embarrassed. “She thought I was bringing home a bastard kit. Fresh out of the apprentice’s den and already souring Thunderstar’s line.” Silverstream laughed loudly at that, earning the attention of their chaperones, and Fireheart saw the warm way Loudbelly’s eyes softened at the sight. “Now, MIstyfoot’s kits, are they as cute as you expected them to be?”
The two of them lazed on their stone, purring happily and trading tales of kin and kits, until Loudbelly and Mousefur called the meeting to an end. Silverstream nosed Fireheart’s cheek, picking up the spring of lavender he’d gifted her and trotting after the two older toms, chirruping and purring fondly with them. Mousefur and Runningwind would tease him the entire way back, though the twins were kind enough to help free him from the adornments in his fur before he slipped into the nursery. Brindleface greeted him with exasperated bemusement, playfully nosing Cloudkit from her nest and sending the little white fluffball to his uncle. As the two settled in the nest he’d been allowed to make in the nursery, the white tomkit climbed atop his uncle and sprawled along his back. He was softly snoring in moments, and Fireheart was well on his way to following him.
The soft rustle of ferns at the entrance pulled him back from the edge of sleep, eyes opening slowly at the warm purring murmurs from Brindleface to the approaching cat. Turning carefully to the entrance Fireheart smiled when he met Bluestar’s eyes, the leader’s expression fond and bemused at the kit softly snoring on his back.
“Kits always find the oddest places to sleep.” She mewed, soft to not wake the three kits snoozing. Brindleface had settled back into her own nest, tail wrapped tight around her two remaining kits. “How did the meeting go?”
“Well, Silverstream wasn’t offended at my missing our last, blessedly.” He mewed, lifting his head, careful to not shift his shoulders too much and wake Cloudkit.
“Good, I hear from Runningwind you gave her a gift?”
“Willowpelt said Riverclanners appreciate gifts, so I gave her a sprig of lavender.” Bluestar smiled, purring softly and lapping at his head. “She seemed to like it, brought it home with her.”
“A good choice, a show of your devotion to her. Hold still, you still have sap in your fur.”
“Don’t wake Cloudkit, please, he just fell asleep.” He pleaded, earning a purr. They sat quietly for a bit as Bluestar settled and groomed his pelt. “I told Silverstream about him.” He blurted it out, fighting to keep his fur flat and the tension out of his muscles when he felt Bluestar stop.
“... and?”
“She’d like to meet him. Wanted to know more about his mother, my family. I told her a bit, that kittypet kin is different than clan kin-”
“She asked, Bluestar, said she wants to know her future mate… He turned and met her eyes. “She told me about her mother, that she lost her young, that she can understand.” Bluestar frowned, but sighed and returned to grooming him.
“Crookedstar and his kin have suffered much loss.”
“It’s good she had her uncle, aunt and cousins.” Fireheart agreed, feeling the tension ebb a little. “It’s something I’m a bit jealous of, admittedly, clanborn cats have extended families. Have… families.”
“... Fireheart, you have a family here.” Bluestar meowed, firm but not unkind. “My kin is your kin, and they will consider you as such. Whitestorm is your cousin, whether by blood or not, and he will look out for you and care for you because you are my son and our kin.” Fireheart sat silent for a moment, processing the warm feeling blooming in his chest, then leaned towards Bluestar and bunted his head under her chin with a purr, earning a shocked one in response.
“Thanks Mom.” Bluestar’s purr hiccuped a moment before renewing stronger and pulling him a little closer.
“You are my son, Fireheart. No matter what, we are kin.”
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nientedal · 2 months
Hey, just letting you know that the pictures of silverfire from Florigenesis chapter 12 are gone from AO3. Hope you have a good weekend :)
[pterodactyl noises] thanks nonny, fixed!
i had been using discord files and now discord has shat the bed on that -_- i've been trying to go through and remember which of my fics have images in them and move them to point to tumblr drafts instead, but i really gotta just. get a photobucket or somthin. bluhhh perhaps that is a project for Summer Dal.
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Moonsong- Grey and white she cat with green eyes. Was a queen when she came to the Clans.
Silverfire- Moonsongs kit. Silver tabby she cat with blue eyes. Kind and big hearted.
Mistfeather- Moonsongs kit. Soft grey she cat with grey eyes. Quiet, one of the best hunters.
Selling together $45
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redfieldfeer · 1 year
The Life of a Storyteller
Last Sunday was my first DM session again, in the world I've created and refined over the last few weeks. As expected, I was more nervous than I cared to admit and words failed, as did some descriptions and other world-building. At the end of the day, GMing is an exercise that we must repeat in order to improve more and more... And I was rusty, I knew it. Little by little, as the session progressed, and with the help of the amazing player I GMed (I use a "home session" system so my players get into their characters' shoes and I set the stage for when they all play together) , her character came to life and so did my world. The two of us entered the Monastery of Foothills, building relationships in the Order of the Silverfire with its monks, its sullen high monk, and its monks of silence. The organization came to life, as did everything around it, and… I found myself smiling. Yes, I missed telling a story, bringing a world to life, improvisation and scrolling that tell a plot that I am incapable of planning even in the face of everything I build. It's so good to tell stories... And it reminds me of something I said at the beginning of the session: there are stories in every event that changes a world, some are amazing from the beginning, others are just about ordinary people doing what it is right. But they all deserve to be counted and I'm back, counting each one or, at least, those of my players. Keep rolling the dice, keep telling stories... Keep living the worlds that are no less real just for living in our heads.
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iri-soaring · 2 years
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Just completed this commission and it’s gotta be the most detailed thing I’ve ever made! I’m hella proud of this:) shoutout to my favorite commissioner Silverfire^^
✨ The thing has been completed and my sanity is now depleted✨
ᕕ(◉Д◉ )ᕗ
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sageadvicednd · 2 months
Would Silver fire reduce the pain factor of El's torments?
No. Question about SilverFire. Would it reduce the pain factor of El’s torments? Or is it more reducing the aches? Silver fire itself hurts when wielding. But it can blot out lesser pains, whilst raging. (Recall Shandril's agony when healing with it.) — Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 24, 2017
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greenelectricsky · 3 months
Haze: Fuck hoomans, fuck homes, fuck stairs...
Macavity: If you could be a tiny bit quieter, maybe they don't hear us...
Haze, under his breath: Fuck hoomans, fuck homes...
Macavity, rolling his eyes: Thank you, son. Can we now be back to sneaking?
Haze, mouthing: Fucking hoomans...
Macavity: What is wrong with you today? Usually I'm grumpy and you are irritated by that.
Haze: I just had a bad day, OK? I was sleeping and some hooman idiot threw a can at me! He didn't know I was there! He just...
Macavity: ... You'll show me later where it was, we'll find that hooman and take revenge. Not a word to Munku.
Haze: Of course not. I'm angry, not stupid...
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quiverpaw · 1 year
ooo maybe silverstream for the ask game??
sexuality headcanon
bi girlll. male preference who thought he was straight until he met sandstorm <- has never met her in canon
gender/pronouns headcanon
gnc girl he/him but doesn’t really care
rate them out of ten
favorite thing about them
he’s kind of cocky, which i can’t blame him for. i would be too if i was the leader’s daughter. also based for saying he’s okay with gray getting with millie then being pissy about it
least favorite thing about them
typical shallow female personality in Tpb, who just dies for manpain
why i first started liking/disliking them
honestly i used to really hate her, i think i was really misogynist by warriors standards and hated her.
do i relate/project onto/kin them?
favorite quote/moment
Graystripe: "Thanks." Silverstream: "You idiot! What are you doing on my territory?" Graystripe: "Ummm...Drowning?" Silverstream: "Can't you drown yourself in your own territory?"Graystripe: "Ah, but who would rescue me there?"
my fav ship
ciiiiinderstream is good
my fav platonic friendship
a ship i hate
n/a but i don’t care for silverfire romantically
do i prefer canon or fanon?
random headcanon
she gets scared really easily
what color do i picture them as
hmmm.. pale teal..
cat breed headcanon
australian mist
unpopular opinion
kind of boring character who didn’t need to stay as relevant as she was
things i associate with them
ponds, sunrise, citrus
song i associate with them
nothing comes to mind but i think she likes taylor swift
favorite MAP/PMV/AMV with them
crookedstar’s amen map is good
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akifcalhan · 2 years
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My baby silver fir 🌲 Abies alba F/13 250.0mm 1/80s ISO-400, raw 📸 #canoneos 500d . . #silverfir #abiesalba #weisstanne #instagram #luxiumtaurus #raw #look #instagood #life #insta #follow #me #smile #instalike #photooftheday #awesome #photography #picoftheday #nothingisordinary #rebels_nature #raw_community_member #rebels_united #raw_snap_green1 https://www.instagram.com/p/CdQ1QD3IjAQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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