pyrrhicprose · 9 months
Jing Yuan w/ chronic pain bouncing around my mind rn... You don't get stabbed/sacrificed like that w/o aftereffects 👀
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birdsong-warriors · 2 years
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Mine and my partner @talkingtalltales 's main OCs, Sunflower and Sidetrack! <3
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catb-fics · 1 year
More Sidetrack making an appearance in the early days X
I love it when they have these breakdowns and the beat goes all slow and sexy…
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dustbunny105 · 1 year
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The focus on saving as many of their people as possible because survival is the greatest victory they can achieve here, nnng, don't touch me.
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在2022年12月20日,我和好友去觀賞了張敬軒宣傳多時的sidetracks大作: 張敬軒Revisit演唱會。(12月20日是頭場,同時是HCFC會員專場) 在購買門票時就已經是一波三折,因為雖然好友和我都是張敬軒歌迷會 (Hins Cheung Fans Club,又名HCFC) 的會員,但是這次歌迷會的安排十分不恰當,每位銀會員竟然只可以購買一張門票。只有在歌迷會網店消費滿$3000,升級做金會員才可以購買兩張門票 (即是俗稱「二連位」),導致即使我和好友已經乖乖地課金去加入歌迷會,到最後都要淪落到我倆需要分開庭位去觀賞演唱會,這個「神級安排」實在令人啼笑皆非。據我所知在網上都有不少歌迷都對這個安排感到不滿,只是一眾網軍打手在網上帶風向,強行要求別人學習獨自去觀看演唱會,打壓反對的意見,去掩蓋歌迷會的安排不當。幸好當日去到現場,我的好友成功和一位女士交換了門票,令我們可以坐在一起欣賞這次的演唱會。在此要再多謝一次該名女士的慷概大方,願意臨時和我的朋友交換位置。
返回正題,這次的Revisit演唱會,張敬軒揚言會重遊過去20年的許多回憶,更會把許多的經典帶回舞台上。即是說這個演唱會是會以sidetracks為主,會為歌迷去獻唱一些非主打歌,但事實是否如此呢? 就是因為這次演唱會名不符實,才會令我感到如此憤怒! 在此我先定義一下我自己心中的sidetrack,第一個定義是比較客觀的,就是歌曲剛推出時沒有被歌唱公司用作專輯中的主打歌和沒有拿去派台的歌曲。而第二個定義則比較主觀,就是該歌曲當年是主打歌曲,但是其傳頌度不高,而且沒有或甚少在演唱會中獻唱。但問題是,這次Revisit演唱會的rundown當中,有許多歌曲是不符合這兩個定義的。所以與其說是sidetrack concert,倒不如說這次是「晒track」concert,把許多從前的滄海遺珠都浪費了。當然,即使是sidetracks,如果是平平無奇,根本沒有創意及衝擊力的作品,我都認為是不應該放上舞台的。
我順著這個演唱會的rundown由頭到尾去分析一次,看看這個演唱會的問題出在哪裡。開場的歌是《Deadline》、《Sweet Escape》、《Stop the time》所組成的快歌medley。這三首歌根本完全不屬於sidetracks的行列。《Deadline》是張敬軒在2011年的專輯《P.S. I love you》中的第一主打歌曲,而且在2014年中的《Hins Live in Passion》都以medley的方式出現過。《Sweet Escape》如果對於近幾年來開始關注張敬軒的人一定不會陌生,因為它正是最新專輯《The Brightest Darkness》中的主打歌! 而且在年初的《The Next 20》演唱會當中,它已經是主要rundown中的其中一首歌,所以都不是sidetrack。而《Stop the time》在過去的《張敬軒港樂演唱會》及《Hins Live in Passion》都是已經唱到耳熟能詳,再加上它本身都是一首派台歌曲。第一部份的這些快歌,就已經全部不是sidetracks。不過,張敬軒一直都是喜歡用快歌打開演唱會的節奏,而且這三首歌都是優秀的作品,自然是問題不大,而且都成功地把現場的氣氛炒熱。
然後就來到了《病況》及《攝氏零度》的部份,我要大讚的是《病況》的出現令人十分感動! 《病況》這一首sidetrack是源自《笑忘書》專輯的歌曲,繼上一次張敬軒在《The Next 20演唱會》中的encore以一個十分平平無奇的編曲 (其實我想說是比CD的編曲差許多) 去獻唱後,《病況》來到這一次演唱會,終於以一個比較成熟的方式去表演。作為張敬軒多年的歌迷,當然樂見張敬軒去唱出更多這些真正的滄海遺珠。但之後就還原基本步,他選擇了《攝氏零度》去緊接著上一首歌曲。《攝氏零度》不算是太差的歌曲,雖然它都有主打歌的普遍問題,就是旋律太flat、K歌味太重,但算是合格的作品。但是這首歌有另一個問題,就是它都不屬於sidetrack,因為它是《No. Eleven》專輯的主打曲及派台歌,同樣都有少少「唱到爛」的感覺,但暫時我認為還是可以接受的。
然後來到7首歌連唱的環節,順序是《風起了》、《夜宴》、《迷失表參道》、《狐》、《隱形人》、《傾慕》、《裝睡的情人》。首先第一首歌《風起了》,當我一聽到前奏,我就立即起身去廁所了。這首歌完完全全就是一個廁所位,因為張敬軒完全不適合唱這首歌,《風起了》的歌詞都完全不能引起我的共嗚,難聽點講,這首歌完全就是不好聽,不合格。由倪力原唱的《Marjoice》比起這個改到畸型的《風起了》是要好十倍以上。而且《風起了》都不是Sidetrack!當年英皇是有為這首歌製作MV的,誰膽敢說《風起了》是一首sidetrack? 這首歌既不好聽而且不是sidetrack,自然令我對這個show扣分不少。但之後《夜宴》出來,令我立即趕回去座位好好欣賞。要多謝吳林峰在上一次做張敬軒演唱會嘉賓時,把這一首佳作帶回上舞台,讓那位善忘的負心歌手終於想起自己曾經有這麼好的作品。《夜宴》的旋律雖然聽得出是以sidetrack的創作思路去寫出來的,但其詞曲的憂鬱感卻不輸他的主打歌,是屬於這次演唱會其中一個正確選擇。《迷失表參道》都是正常水準發揮,但這首歌都不屬於sidetrack,其實放它在中間,會不會反而浪費了一個位置呢? 張敬軒有這麼多sidetracks,是不是可以考慮轉唱其他歌曲呢?
來到《狐》及《隱形人》,這部份是我最喜歡的部分! 這兩首歌都是來自《urban emotions》專輯的sidetracks,兩首歌同樣都是屬於比較沉重的快歌,歌詞都帶有深度,旋律都是十分動聽,不是那種千遍一律的K歌。這兩首歌我沒有什麼可以批評的,這些選歌才是一個sidetrack concert應該有的選曲。只能講張敬軒環球年代的歌曲實在是十分動聽。緊接著的是來自專輯《Senses Inherited》的《傾慕》及《裝睡的情人》。《傾慕》的確都是一首比較冷門的sidetrack,但膽敢講一句,這首歌已經差不多是在《Senses Inherited》專輯中屬於最好的歌曲,輕浮再帶點迷幻的旋律,都是一個不錯的發展。但去到《裝睡的情人》,就突然來個大煞車了。《裝睡的情人》算是sidetrack嗎? 這首歌是有派台,英皇的網軍都曾經大力地推介這首歌給樂迷,而且在ViuTV的 Chillclub 都有唱過。um...... 但算吧,這可能算是給比較年資淺的樂迷的福利,加上這首歌的歌詞都帶有一個令人痛心的故事,我會給它合格吧。
然後休息一會後,來到自彈自唱《靈魂相認》的部份。這首歌是真的挺好聽的,是他過檔到英皇娛樂後為數不多的「軒式情歌」。好聽還好聽,但是這首都是屬於《Morph》專輯的主打歌。雖然他真的沒有在演唱會唱過,但他在剛剛的Music Panda都有和某大國文化歌手合唱過。算不算很短期內炒自己的冷飯呢? 哈哈。然後《遙吻》都算是以前的演唱會的常客,只是近年真的唱得比較少,要算作sidetrack嗎? 哈哈。一輪talk後,張敬軒就唱出《形影不離》,這首來自於《Sense Inherited》專輯,在民間支持度很高的sidetrack。我不反對他唱這一首歌,雖然它比較像是林家謙的歌曲,但畢竟都是沒有派台的sidetrack,都屬於是合格的選曲....吧?
然後來到第二個快歌環節,就是《懷舊情人》、《無城有愛》、《兩座位跑車》及《潛水》。前面兩首都是屬於韓風比較重的歌曲,但我個人就十分不受落了。新嘗試是好事,但如果你要Revisit的話,為何不先Revisit一下你2010年前的sidetrack呢? 順帶一提,《無城有愛》是最新專輯《The Brightest Darkness》的派台歌曲 (《懷舊情人》則是來自於同一專輯,HCFC的主題曲)。說好的sidetrack呢? 《兩座位跑車》就令我耳仔舒服不少,雖然都是萬年演唱會握手位歌曲,但相比之下格局比前面兩首歌要高,是屬於適合張敬軒的快歌。《潛水》就是另一個令人很R頭的選歌,其實如果力有不逮,就真的不要勉強。勉強是沒有幸福,要不然張敬軒你學林家謙一個很flat的tone 直接車過去吧。等等,《潛水》是有MV的,有MV的能算是sidetrack嗎? 哈哈。
然後來到了這個演唱會最令我憤怒的部份! 就是《過客別墅》、《叮噹可否不要老》及新編曲《雪花抄》的部份! 這部份完全就是一個disaster! 十分難聽! 先講《過客別墅》根本不是sidetrack,它是有MV的,請問邊到屬於sidetrack呢? 這首歌我曾經都在家中聽了幾次,然後果斷地把它從我的慣用playlist剷走。歌詞旋律平平無奇,沒有起伏,根本就是K歌一首。不是,是K歌都要比它好,K歌都要比它更有起伏。簡單講句,我根本不知道他在唱什麼。另外《叮噹可否不要老》都是同一個老毛病,都是平平無奇沒有起伏,而且最後還要消費一下以前叮噹的配音員保全叔。我是來聽你唱歌,不是來看你賣慘的。你如果要賣慘,都麻煩你學上次《The Next 20》般賣你自己的慘,而不是為了滿足台下某種立場的歌迷的幻想而去消費逝者。最重要的問題就是這兩首歌就是垃圾! 說好的Revisit你的經典呢? 這兩首歌算是什麼經典? 用來賣錢的歌扮經典? 張生你有精神分裂嗎? 另外,新編曲《雪花抄》真的好難聽,真的好難聽。你以後的演唱會我建議你不要再唱《雪花抄》,真的好恐怖,我一年來聽到這首歌已經幾十次了,我不需要你在珍貴的演唱會時間再唱一次了。而且這些歌,邊撚到算係sidetrack呢? sidetrack呢? sidetrack呢? sidetrack呢? 你這麼多sidetrack去了哪裡? 掉進了咸水海嗎? 為什麼我真金白銀入場看你演唱會,你卻餵我吃屎?
到最後encore部份,張敬軒選擇表演了《悲劇人物》,這首的確是一首sidetrack,不過你在The Next 20演唱會已經唱過了,但這首歌總算令我的耳朵舒服一點。但是之後就真的是Disaster,而且是Civil disaster的級別! 為什麼要再唱一次《裝睡的情人》呢? 你說第一次唱得不好,但是第二次都不見得你有即時的大進步呢? 而且都係個句,台上時間有限。Don't fucking waste my time Mr. Cheung。你把一首歌唱兩次,很難不令我懷疑你根本在選歌方面準備不足吧? 然後真是 For the fuck sake,你為什麼要唱日文歌? 你為什麼要唱《First Love》呢? 你為什麼要懶好笑地準備一些音譯的歌詞在大銀幕上呢? 你這樣做是有什麼居心呢? 雖然不是十分難聽,但是我真係感到自己就黎爆血管啦張生......你有這麼多sidetrack不唱,唱了一大堆主打歌派台歌,encore環節卻俾這些貨我? 你沒有時間練歌就出聲,你就不要搞這個sidetrack show,本來這個show大部份的rundown已經離題,根本好多歌都不是經典的好歌,你最後還要唱首日文歌,是不是想我學國足球迷大叫「曰你媽退錢」你先開心? 你覺得你呢個rundown好好玩嗎? Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off。最後的encore 《老了十歲》,我已經沒好氣再聽及再思考。你喜歡這樣做音樂我都阻不了你。
總結而言,這個演唱會是正宗的「掛羊頭賣狗肉」,我不知道你Revisit了什麼才想得出這一個垃圾的rundown。Shit beginning, shit middle, and a shit end。如果你是一心想聽sidetrack而購買了門票的話,我建議你立即轉售手上所有的門票。張敬軒現在變得只會服務那些他轉會到英皇後才支持他的歌迷以及英皇娛樂公司。我想講你在環球時代的sidetracks呢? 為什麼不拿出來唱呢? 因為公司怕你以前的作品比現在更好聽更受歡迎嗎? come on! 你應該要用全sidetrack去排一個rundown出來! 不要輕易受旁人及利益左右。Show us your taste! 麻煩你真的用作品說話,不要得把���去做音樂,而係用你個heart去做音樂,好唔好? 即使比較近期的,例如《Morph》專輯中的《最卑微的願望》、《家園》及《一天》呢? 這個專輯是英皇時期的專輯,可以唱多點吧? 另外最後最後想講的是,如果你好想準時收工,少一點talk,取消植入式廣告的抽獎環節,這樣不就能解決encore太長的問題嗎? 歌手首先先要唱好歌,然後有空才搞其他事情吧,你連練歌的時間都沒有,我感覺昨日入場是被你欺騙了。希望你和你幕後團隊好好想想該如何進步。
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ourjacky · 2 years
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verahella · 1 month
yuji had never been in gojo’s office before.
he hadn’t even known such an office existed until he and nobara convinced megumi to let them fly on nue and ended up with their faces smooching a glass window (which was now broken) and they’d been called into gojo’s office for a punishment.
it was extravagant, consisting of a dark oak desk, a floor to ceiling window, marble floors and whatnot. but mostly empty, no traces to suggest that anybody occupied it. it was devoid of any warmth and gojo’s personality—except for a frame on the desk that caught yuji’s eye.
“hey sensei, isn’t that your girlfriend?!”
gojo’s eyes flit to the photograph before he sighs, “she’s not my girlfriend anymore.”
“what?!” nobara screeches, “she was the best you could find! i mean good for her, she’s learnt her standards but now you’re definitely gonna die alone, sensei.”
even megumi’s lips were twisted into a frown.
yuji stutters, backtracking before they get kicked out of school, “wha-what she means to ask is why’d you break up? you guys were perfect for each other.” he pauses, “i think.”
he’d only seen her a few times around campus but she seemed like the sweetest person on earth, based on their few interactions. nobara definitely seemed to approve of her.
gojo props his legs up on the table, shrugging with his hands behind his head, “multiple reasons. first one, she’s out to torture me.”
“i am not.” the trio whips around to see you standing in the doorway, arms crossed with a flat expression. you lift up a bag, “you forgot your lunch. again. it’s been three times this week and it’s only wednesday.”
“as i was saying, she maimed my crotch permanently and lost any hope of mini me running around—”
“it was night and i got jumpscared by your radioactive blue eyes.”
“and then, she launched war on me and didn’t let me cuddle her.”
“because you came home bleeding with an injury that would worsen if i suffocated you.”
“and the worst of all,” gojo narrows his eyes at you, “she ate my kikifuku.”
“you’re a billionaire. just buy some more.” you shrug, placing the cover on his desk.
confusion lingers in the bemused side eyes of the students after the…interesting conversation.
“sure, they all sound heinous crimes…” yuji continues hesitantly, “but is it really worth breaking up over?”
“who said anything about breaking up? i just said that she wasn’t my girlfriend anymore.”
“now i’m even more convinced you were dropped on your head as a baby.” nobara blurts out but megumi’s eyes are already travelling to the ring on your finger, which gojo holds up to show off.
“she’s not my girlfriend anymore because she’s my wife!” he beams.
“for now.”
you roll your eyes but a fond smile blooms on your lips and gojo kisses your hand softly, “kids, say hi to mrs gojo. now i call dibs on yuji being the flower boy, megumi the ring bearer and nobara—”
“hold up. maybe we should think this through—”
“no wasting time. i need ijichi to sign the official babysitter documents for our future baby.”
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queerstuffonscreen · 4 months
Sidetrack (2015)
Episode length: 7-19 min.
Country: USA
Genre: Web Series, Comedy
Language: English
Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya wrote a web series about her life and herself, told through the eyes of eight other characters. Sidetrack tells the stories of comedians, cooks, DJs, soccer players, and lesbians. All at the same time.
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Season 1
Episode 1: SATO
Episode 2: JALLIE
Episode 3: RADHIKA
Episode 4: CAMILLE
Episode 5: JO
Episode 6: ADRIENNE
Episode 7: SLOANE
Episode 8: ASA
Watch on YouTube
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timothy-kang · 6 months
Reflection of Million Dollar Habits by Robert Ringer (vol.11)
Sidetracking is one of the horrible habits to break your efficiency. Remember, 80/20 is still working in your field, so you must focus on the core 20% of your job, not dwelling on penny-ante matters.
Stay in Your Major Work. Sidetracking is one of the horrible habits to break your efficiency. Remember, 80/20 is still working in your field, so you must focus on the core 20% of your job, not dwelling on penny-ante matters. Good Business is Created by Copying and Modifying. It may be hard to start a great business from the ground level, but the more effective way of doing it is just following…
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t00thpasteface · 9 months
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tone deaf
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dizzybizz · 1 year
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"there, there- breakfast's almost ready..."
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coulsart · 10 months
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Silly continuation of this⭐️
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itsafreetrialofdeath · 4 months
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master tacticians at work
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ok alphys was a character ahead of her time and too good for this damn fandom honestly. she isn't some evil gaslighting lying cringey manipulator who only exists as comic relief for the love of god look at her with eyes less poisoned by cynicism and irony. she is a love letter to... well, a lot of things. a love letter to "cringey" people, to video game fans, to people who try to drown their sadness in fiction. she's so achingly relatable to so many of us that it really feels like toby knows his demographic like the back of his hand. we've all met someone like alphys. maybe we are that someone- awkward, nerdy, can't get over their past mistakes, terrible at phone calls, far more eloquent online than in person, only wants to make people like them to distract them from the fact that they don't like themself. normally, this character archetype is the butt of a great deal of jokes- just a gross nerd who needs to touch grass. but alphys is different. she is, as i said, a love letter. she is one of the best-developed and most complex characters in the game. her nerdiness isn't "fixed" or mocked, it's celebrated. her unabashed love for her interests and her 100% attitude is a big reason why undyne loves her. games, especially in 2015 and before, are not often so genuinely kind to characters like alphys! and in deltarune, too- alphys is still a nerd, despite not being nearly as traumatized as her undertale counterpart. her rambling about shows she loves is a constant across all universes, a fundamental and important and good part of who she is.
and i just think that's very kind, and very important.
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julijbee · 29 days
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in awe of the beauty of the world
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