dear-future-ai · 2 years
Y’all bitches wanna hear some good news?
As of 2021, We actually reversed the progression of the hole in the ozone layer, and it is projected to be completely repaired by 2060. 🌍
Good job us!
For anyone born after Shrek 2 (2004) who might not know. HCFC and CFC emissions from, well, pretty much all aerosol sprays, globally, were damaging a portion of our atmosphere call the ozone layer around the poles. CFC were banned in Sweden in 1978 and many countries followed suit. They were internationally banned in 1987 and the ban took full effect in 1994.
Ozone, being a relatively weak bond of O3 in the upper atmosphere, prevented a lot of solar radiation from entering our atmosphere. It is essential to maintain homeostasis for our current biosphere ecosystems —It counteracts the primary source of global warming.
This was highly publicized in the 00s. Causing the same level of fear and anxiety as the oceanic acidity, marine pollution, and overfishing problems we currently face— but has kind of since fallen out of public consciousness like Y2K.
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在2022年12月20日,我和好友去觀賞了張敬軒宣傳多時的sidetracks大作: 張敬軒Revisit演唱會。(12月20日是頭場,同時是HCFC會員專場) 在購買門票時就已經是一波三折,因為雖然好友和我都是張敬軒歌迷會 (Hins Cheung Fans Club,又名HCFC) 的會員,但是這次歌迷會的安排十分不恰當,每位銀會員竟然只可以購買一張門票。只有在歌迷會網店消費滿$3000,升級做金會員才可以購買兩張門票 (即是俗稱「二連位」),導致即使我和好友已經乖乖地課金去加入歌迷會,到最後都要淪落到我倆需要分開庭位去觀賞演唱會,這個「神級安排」實在令人啼笑皆非。據我所知在網上都有不少歌迷都對這個安排感到不滿,只是一眾網軍打手在網上帶風向,強行要求別人學習獨自去觀看演唱會,打壓反對的意見,去掩蓋歌迷會的安排不當。幸好當日去到現場,我的好友成功和一位女士交換了門票,令我們可以坐在一起欣賞這次的演唱會。在此要再多謝一次該名女士的慷概大方,願意臨時和我的朋友交換位置。
返回正題,這次的Revisit演唱會,張敬軒揚言會重遊過去20年的許多回憶,更會把許多的經典帶回舞台上。即是說這個演唱會是會以sidetracks為主,會為歌迷去獻唱一些非主打歌,但事實是否如此呢? 就是因為這次演唱會名不符實,才會令我感到如此憤怒! 在此我先定義一下我自己心中的sidetrack,第一個定義是比較客觀的,就是歌曲剛推出時沒有被歌唱公司用作專輯中的主打歌和沒有拿去派台的歌曲。而第二個定義則比較主觀,就是該歌曲當年是主打歌曲,但是其傳頌度不高,而且沒有或甚少在演唱會中獻唱。但問題是,這次Revisit演唱會的rundown當中,有許多歌曲是不符合這兩個定義的。所以與其說是sidetrack concert,倒不如說這次是「晒track」concert,把許多從前的滄海遺珠都浪費了。當然,即使是sidetracks,如果是平平無奇,根本沒有創意及衝擊力的作品,我都認為是不應該放上舞台的。
我順著這個演唱會的rundown由頭到尾去分析一次,看看這個演唱會的問題出在哪裡。開場的歌是《Deadline》、《Sweet Escape》、《Stop the time》所組成的快歌medley。這三首歌根本完全不屬於sidetracks的行列。《Deadline》是張敬軒在2011年的專輯《P.S. I love you》中的第一主打歌曲,而且在2014年中的《Hins Live in Passion》都以medley的方式出現過。《Sweet Escape》如果對於近幾年來開始關注張敬軒的人一定不會陌生,因為它正是最新專輯《The Brightest Darkness》中的主打歌! 而且在年初的《The Next 20》演唱會當中,它已經是主要rundown中的其中一首歌,所以都不是sidetrack。而《Stop the time》在過去的《張敬軒港樂演唱會》及《Hins Live in Passion》都是已經唱到耳熟能詳,再加上它本身都是一首派台歌曲。第一部份的這些快歌,就已經全部不是sidetracks。不過,張敬軒一直都是喜歡用快歌打開演唱會的節奏,而且這三首歌都是優秀的作品,自然是問題不大,而且都成功地把現場的氣氛炒熱。
然後就來到了《病況》及《攝氏零度》的部份,我要大讚的是《病況》的出現令人十分感動! 《病況》這一首sidetrack是源自《笑忘書》專輯的歌曲,繼上一次張敬軒在《The Next 20演唱會》中的encore以一個十分平平無奇的編曲 (其實我想說是比CD的編曲差許多) 去獻唱後,《病況》來到這一次演唱會,終於以一個比較成熟的方式去表演。作為張敬軒多年的歌迷,當然樂見張敬軒去唱出更多這些真正的滄海遺珠。但之後就還原基本步,他選擇了《攝氏零度》去緊接著上一首歌曲。《攝氏零度》不算是太差的歌曲,雖然它都有主打歌的普遍問題,就是旋律太flat、K歌味太重,但算是合格的作品。但是這首歌有另一個問題,就是它都不屬於sidetrack,因為它是《No. Eleven》專輯的主打曲及派台歌,同樣都有少少「唱到爛」的感覺,但暫時我認為還是可以接受的。
然後來到7首歌連唱的環節,順序是《風起了》、《夜宴》、《迷失表參道》、《狐》、《隱形人》、《傾慕》、《裝睡的情人》。首先第一首歌《風起了》,當我一聽到前奏,我就立即起身去廁所了。這首歌完完全全就是一個廁所位,因為張敬軒完全不適合唱這首歌,《風起了》的歌詞都完全不能引起我的共嗚,難聽點講,這首歌完全就是不好聽,不合格。由倪力原唱的《Marjoice》比起這個改到畸型的《風起了》是要好十倍以上。而且《風起了》都不是Sidetrack!當年英皇是有為這首歌製作MV的,誰膽敢說《風起了》是一首sidetrack? 這首歌既不好聽而且不是sidetrack,自然令我對這個show扣分不少。但之後《夜宴》出來,令我立即趕回去座位好好欣賞。要多謝吳林峰在上一次做張敬軒演唱會嘉賓時,把這一首佳作帶回上舞台,讓那位善忘的負心歌手終於想起自己曾經有這麼好的作品。《夜宴》的旋律雖然聽得出是以sidetrack的創作思路去寫出來的,但其詞曲的憂鬱感卻不輸他的主打歌,是屬於這次演唱會其中一個正確選擇。《迷失表參道》都是正常水準發揮,但這首歌都不屬於sidetrack,其實放它在中間,會不會反而浪費了一個位置呢? 張敬軒有這麼多sidetracks,是不是可以考慮轉唱其他歌曲呢?
來到《狐》及《隱形人》,這部份是我最喜歡的部分! 這兩首歌都是來自《urban emotions》專輯的sidetracks,兩首歌同樣都是屬於比較沉重的快歌,歌詞都帶有深度,旋律都是十分動聽,不是那種千遍一律的K歌。這兩首歌我沒有什麼可以批評的,這些選歌才是一個sidetrack concert應該有的選曲。只能講張敬軒環球年代的歌曲實在是十分動聽。緊接著的是來自專輯《Senses Inherited》的《傾慕》及《裝睡的情人》。《傾慕》的確都是一首比較冷門的sidetrack,但膽敢講一句,這首歌已經差不多是在《Senses Inherited》專輯中屬於最好的歌曲,輕浮再帶點迷幻的旋律,都是一個不錯的發展。但去到《裝睡的情人》,就突然來個大煞車了。《裝睡的情人》算是sidetrack嗎? 這首歌是有派台,英皇的網軍都曾經大力地推介這首歌給樂迷,而且在ViuTV的 Chillclub 都有唱過。um...... 但算吧,這可能算是給比較年資淺的樂迷的福利,加上這首歌的歌詞都帶有一個令人痛心的故事,我會給它合格吧。
然後休息一會後,來到自彈自唱《靈魂相認》的部份。這首歌是真的挺好聽的,是他過檔到英皇娛樂後為數不多的「軒式情歌」。好聽還好聽,但是這首都是屬於《Morph》專輯的主打歌。雖然他真的沒有在演唱會唱過,但他在剛剛的Music Panda都有和某大國文化歌手合唱過。算不算很短期內炒自己的冷飯呢? 哈哈。然後《遙吻》都算是以前的演唱會的常客,只是近年真的唱得比較少,要算作sidetrack嗎? 哈哈。一輪talk後,張敬軒就唱出《形影不離》,這首來自於《Sense Inherited》專輯,在民間支持度很高的sidetrack。我不反對他唱這一首歌,雖然它比較像是林家謙的歌曲,但畢竟都是沒有派台的sidetrack,都屬於是合格的選曲....吧?
然後來到第二個快歌環節,就是《懷舊情人》、《無城有愛》、《兩座位跑車》及《潛水》。前面兩首都是屬於韓風比較重的歌曲,但我個人就十分不受落了。新嘗試是好事,但如果你要Revisit的話,為何不先Revisit一下你2010年前的sidetrack呢? 順帶一提,《無城有愛》是最新專輯《The Brightest Darkness》的派台歌曲 (《懷舊情人》則是來自於同一專輯,HCFC的主題曲)。說好的sidetrack呢? 《兩座位跑車》就令我耳仔舒服不少,雖然都是萬年演唱會握手位歌曲,但相比之下格局比前面兩首歌要高,是屬於適合���敬軒的快歌。《潛水》就是另一個令人很R頭的選歌,其實如果力有不逮,就真的不要勉強。勉強是沒有幸福,要不然張敬軒你學林家謙一個很flat的tone 直接車過去吧。等等,《潛水》是有MV的,有MV的能算是sidetrack嗎? 哈哈。
然後來到了這個演唱會最令我憤怒的部份! 就是《過客別墅》、《叮噹可否不要老》及新編曲《雪花抄》的部份! 這部份完全就是一個disaster! 十分難聽! 先講《過客別墅》根本不是sidetrack,它是有MV的,請問邊到屬於sidetrack呢? 這首歌我曾經都在家中聽了幾次,然後果斷地把它從我的慣用playlist剷走。歌詞旋律平平無奇,沒有起伏,根本就是K歌一首。不是,是K歌都要比它好,K歌都要比它更有起伏。簡單講句,我根本不知道他在唱什麼。另外《叮噹可否不要老》都是同一個老毛病,都是平平無奇沒有起伏,而且最後還要消費一下以前��噹的配音員保全叔。我是來聽你唱歌,不是來看你賣慘的。你如果要賣慘,都麻煩你學上次《The Next 20》般賣你自己的慘,而不是為了滿足台下某種立場的歌迷的幻想而去消費逝者。最重要的問題就是這兩首歌就是垃圾! 說好的Revisit你的經典呢? 這兩首歌算是什麼經典? 用來賣錢的歌扮經典? 張生你有精神分裂嗎? 另外,新編曲《雪花抄》真的好難聽,真的好難聽。你以後的演唱會我建議你不要再唱《雪花抄》,真的好恐怖,我一年來聽到這首歌已經幾十次了,我不需要你在珍貴的演唱會時間再唱一次了。而且這些歌,邊撚到算係sidetrack呢? sidetrack呢? sidetrack呢? sidetrack呢? 你這麼多sidetrack去了哪裡? 掉進了咸水海嗎? 為什麼我真金白銀入場看你演唱會,你卻餵我吃屎?
到最後encore部份,張敬軒選擇表演了《悲劇人物》,這首的確是一首sidetrack,不過你在The Next 20演唱會已經唱過了,但這首歌總算令我的耳朵舒服一點。但是之後就真的是Disaster,而且是Civil disaster的級別! 為什麼要再唱一次《裝睡的情人》呢? 你說第一次唱得不好,但是第二次都不見得你有即時的大進步呢? 而且都係個句,台上時間有限。Don't fucking waste my time Mr. Cheung。你把一首歌唱兩次,很難不令我懷疑你根本在選歌方面準備不足吧? 然後真是 For the fuck sake,你為什麼要唱日文歌? 你為什麼要唱《First Love》呢? 你為什麼要懶好笑地準備一些音譯的歌詞在大銀幕上呢? 你這樣做是有什麼居心呢? 雖然不是十分難聽,但是我真係感到自己就黎爆血管啦張生......你有這麼多sidetrack不唱,唱了一大堆主打歌派台歌,encore環節卻俾這些貨我? 你沒有時間練歌就出聲,你就不要搞這個sidetrack show,本來這個show大部份的rundown已經離題,根本好多歌都不是經典的好歌,你最後還要唱首日文歌,是不是想我學國足球迷大叫「曰你媽退錢」你先開心? 你覺得你呢個rundown好好玩嗎? Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off。最後的encore 《老了十歲》,我已經沒好氣再聽及再思考。你喜歡這樣做音樂我都阻不了你。
總結而言,這個演唱會是正宗的「掛羊頭賣狗肉」,我不知道你Revisit了什麼才想得出這一個垃圾的rundown。Shit beginning, shit middle, and a shit end。如果你是一心想聽sidetrack而購買了門票的話,我建議你立即轉售手上所有的門票。張敬軒現在變得只會服務那些他轉會到英皇後才支持他的歌迷以及英皇娛樂公司。我想講你在環球時代的sidetracks呢? 為什麼不拿出來唱呢? 因為公司怕你以前的作品比現在更好聽更受歡迎嗎? come on! 你應該要用全sidetrack去排一個rundown出來! 不要輕易受旁人及利益左右。Show us your taste! 麻煩你真的用作品說話,不要得把口去做音樂,而係用你個heart去做音樂,好唔好? 即使比較近期的,例如《Morph》專輯中的《最卑微的願望》、《家園》及《一天》呢? 這個專輯是英皇時期的專輯,可以唱多點吧? 另外最後最後想講的是,如果你好想準時收工,少一點talk,取消植入式廣告的抽獎環節,這樣不就能解決encore太長的問題嗎? 歌手首先先要唱好歌,然後有空才搞其他事情吧,你連練歌的時間都沒有,我感覺昨日入場是被你欺騙了。希望你和你幕後團隊好好想想該如何進步。
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worldozoneday · 2 years
Protecting the Ozone Layer - 35th Anniversary Edition.
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The United Nations General Assembly established International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer on September 16th, and commemorates the 1987 signing of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer that protects Earth against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.
Marco Gonzalez, Stephen O. Andersen, and Sally Rand, with the United Nations Environment Programme’s Ozone Secretariat, will release a new book celebrating the 35th Anniversary of the Montreal Protocol. The book highlights successes and documents innovation during the first 35 years and inspires new ambition to strengthen protection of stratospheric ozone and climate before Earth passes tipping points.
The book tells the story of the Montreal Protocol, revealing a model of cooperation, collaboration, universal ratification, record of compliance with over 99 per cent of controlled ozone-depleting substances (ODSs) phased out, the ozone layer on the path to recovery, the 2007 Montreal Adjustment, and the 2016 Kigali Amendment moving the Montreal Protocol further into environmental protection.
Unfinished business includes: HCFC phase out, ODS bank management, HFC phase down, uncontrolled ozone-depleting greenhouse gas, nitrous oxide (N2O), feedstock exemptions for plastics production, and dumping of obsolete cooling appliances.
The book is anticipated to be released at 34th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on 31 October 2022
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3oudreaux · 2 years
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mezzopieno-news · 2 years
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Lo strato di ozono che protegge la terra dai raggi solari dannosi si sta ricomponendo ed ha raggiunto un calo record nella densità delle sostanze chimiche nocive che lo distruggono, ridotte del 50% rispetto ai livelli degli anni ’80.
Il dato è stato diffuso dall’ultima rilevazione della National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), l’ente federale che si occupa di monitorare il buco nell’ozono, che 35 anni dopo il primo allarme lanciato dalla NASA ha definito questi valori una “pietra miliare significativa sulla via della guarigione”. Lo sforzo mondiale seguito alla firma del Protocollo di Montréal nel 1987 da parte di tutte le 197 Nazioni Unite, rappresenta la prima e unica volta nella storia in cui un trattato ha ricevuto una partecipazione unanime. Nel 2000 la produzione di CFC è scesa dal suo massimo di un milione di tonnellate (raggiunto nel 1988) a meno di 100.000 tonnellate per anno, grazie anche all’introduzione degli idroclorofluorocarburi (HCFC) che non contenendo atomi di bromo o di cloro dannosi per l’atmosfera. La progressiva riduzione della produzione di CFC in tutto il mondo ha permesso la drastica diminuzione del cosiddetto “buco nell’ozono” che secondo le proiezioni sarà completamente chiuso entro il 2070.
Il Protocollo di Montreal mostra come un’impegno preso da tutte le nazioni e rispettato con scrupolo può invertire un processo apparentemente irreversibile, diventando un modello e uno dei trattati più efficaci mai entrati in vigore.
Fonte: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
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exhuastedpigeon · 4 months
Sometimes I think about how the hole in the ozone layer was such a huge deal when I was a kid. I remember hearing about it all the time in the 90s and early aughts, but today we don't hear much about it.
We don't hear less about it now because people don't care - we hear less about it because governments around the world stopped being cautious, decided to listen to scientists, and took collective action.
The action taken was staggering and eliminated production and consumption of the chemicals that were causing the hole. They just... eliminated them over the course of 20ish years.
It's possible to make that kind of impact, the governments of the world are just cowards and are in the pockets of big oil.
I was thinking about it today and reread a great BBC article by Kira Walker from 2022. I've linked it below and copied a part of it that ai find really interesting and important to understanding how change is possible, it just needs to be big changes without compromise.
In 1987, the Montreal Protocol was adopted to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the chemicals which deplete it. To support compliance, the treaty recognised "common but differentiated responsibilities", staggering phase-out schedules for developed and developing countries and establishing a multilateral fund to provide financial and technical assistance to help developing countries meet their obligations. During the 1990s and early-2000s, the production and consumption of CFCs was brought to a halt. By 2009, 98% of the chemicals agreed to in the treaty had been phased out. Six amendments — which the treaty allows when scientific evidence shows further action is needed — have led to ever-tightening restrictions on substances introduced to replace CFCs, such as hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). While good for the ozone layer, these replacements turned out to be bad for the climate. The global warming potential of the most commonly used HCFC, for example, is almost 2,000 times stronger than carbon dioxide. The treaty's climate benefits have been a positive side effect. In 2010, emissions reductions due to the Montreal Protocol were between 9.7 to 12.5 gigatons of CO2 equivalent, approximately five to six times more than the target of the Kyoto Protocol, an international treaty adopted in 1997 that aimed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The 2016 adoption of the Kigali Amendment, which will limit the use of HFCs, will help avoid up to 0.5 C of global warming by 2100. '"You could argue [the Montreal Protocol] is a much more successful bit of climate protection legislation than any of the other [climate] agreements we've had to date," says Revell.' - What happened to the world's ozone hole? by Kira Walker
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hillepunk · 2 years
There are SolarPunx right know!
CARRY ON SCREENING is a long established screen printers specialising in ethical campaign and tour merch.
Located in a disused quarry on Cloud Hill, In Temple Cloud Somerset Carry On Screening is proud to be part of Rockaway Park, an ever expanding community of diverse and interdependent talents.
Our studio has been built using recycled and repurposed materials.
We draw our electricity from Rockaways solar panels affixed to the studios roof, and when necessary from Ecotricity who supply green energy.
We only print or supply Fairwear Foundation approved garms and work closely with our supplier of choice NO SWEAT a grassroots campaign that builds solidarity among workers worldwide. Their garms are made in a workers' initiative in Bangladesh called Oporajeo, set up by the survivors of Rana Plaza and the conditions they have established provides an example of just how the garment industry should be run.
All of our inks are water based, and our ink of choice is Permaset as none of their range contain contain ozone-depleting chemicals such as CFCs and HCFCs, aromatic hydrocarbons or any volatile solvents. They are also Vegan and GMO Free. We also operate a paperless and zero waste policy wherever possible.
We enjoy working alongside various bands, brands, campaigns and artists who hold a similar vision of collaboration and collectivism and are advocates for social change....
If this is you please get in touch.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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Brazilian Navy sinks the former aircraft carrier São Paulo, after several impasses
In a statement, naval force said that the procedure was done with safety and technical competence, in the late afternoon of Friday (3).
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 02/03/2023 - 21:58 in Brazilian Navy, Military
The Brazilian Navy sank in the late afternoon of Friday (3) the deactivated aircraft carrier São Paulo, which had been sailing for months in the sea after being banned from entering Brazil and abroad.
"The procedure was conducted with the necessary technical and safety competence by the Brazilian Navy, in order to avoid logistical, operational, environmental and economic losses to the Brazilian State," says the naval force, by means of a note (at the end of the news).
This Friday, the Federal Regional Court of the 5th Region (TRF-5) released the Navy to sink the aircraft carrier, rejecting a request from the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office (MPF), which saw serious environmental risk in the decision.
Three holes in the hull of the vessel caused the ship to fill with water, which made the sinking inevitable, according to an inspection carried out by the Brazilian Navy.
According to the document, if nothing was done, the aircraft carrier would sink uncontrollably until mid-February.
Risk of environmental damage
The Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama) evaluated that the sinking of the ship can cause the following environmental damage:
The release of polluting materials contained in the structure can cause disturbance in filtering capacity and difficulty of growth in aquatic organisms;
The physical impact on the ocean floor can cause the death of species and the deterioration of ecosystems;
Emission of gases (CFCs and HCFCs) used in the insulation of rooms contribute, from the corrosion of the walls, to the degradation of the ozone layer;
The carcass can attract invasive species harmful to native biodiversity;
Microplastics and heavy metals present in vessel paints can become protagonists of undesirable bioaccumulation in aquatic organisms.
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Photo of the deactivated aircraft carrier São Paulo, captured via satellite by Greenpeace. (Photo: Disclosure/Greenpeace Brazil)
Because of this, Ibama asked the Navy for information to study alternatives to reduce environmental damage. The environmental agency also wanted to map the bottom area of the ocean where the ship would be sunk.
According to the MPF, the scrap of the vessel has 9.6 tons of asbestos, a substance that has toxic and carcinogenic potential. The hull also has 644 tons of paint and other hazardous materials.
Aircraft carrier has three holes in the hull and should sink by the middle of this month, says Navy inspection
While wandering on the Brazilian coast, aircraft carriers forbidden to dock could have arrived in any port in the world, says former owner of the ship. According to Ibama, the ship did not carry toxic cargo, but hazardous materials are an "indissociable" part of its structure.
One of these materials is asbestos, a mineral fiber considered toxic. Currently banned in more than 60 countries, asbestos was used in several industrial segments.
Since 2017, a decision of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) has totally banned the use of asbestos in Brazil.
The Navy only took over the management of the aircraft carrier after MSK, the company that transported it between Brazil and Europe, threatened to abandon the hull in the middle of the ocean.
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Toxic ship: understand why old Navy aircraft carrier is prohibited from doming
In the note released by the Brazilian Navy, there is confirmation that the old São Paulo aircraft carrier was shipwrecked in Águas Jurisdicionais Brasileiras (AJB), 350 kilometers from the Brazilian coast and with an approximate depth of 5,000 meters.
The document also says that the area “was selected based on studies conducted by the Navy Hydrography Center and the Almirante Paulo Moreira Sea Studies Institute”.
"The analyses considered aspects related to navigation safety and the environment, with special attention to the mitigation of impacts on public health, fishing activities and ecosystems," says the Navy's text.
According to the Navy, this place was chosen for five reasons:
Location within the area of the Exclusive Economic Zone of Brazil;
Location outside Environmental Protection Areas;
Interference-free area with documented submarine cables;
Area without interference from water works projects (e.g. wind farms);
Area with depths greater than 3,000 meters.
Experts said that the aircraft carrier could be sunk with the use of explosives. Wanted. The Navy did not detail the operation.
Here is the Official Note of the Brazilian Navy:
Brasília - DF. On February 3, 2023.
In relation to the hull of the former Aerodrome Ship "São Paulo", in view of the facts presented in the Joint Official Note of the Ministry of Defense, Attorney General of the Union and Navy of Brazil, it should be reported that the smoothing operation, through the planned and controlled sinking, occurred in the late afternoon of today (03), strictly as conceived.
The procedure was conducted with the necessary technical and safety competence by the Brazilian Navy, in order to avoid logistical, operational, environmental and economic damage to the Brazilian State.
The area for the final destination of the hull, located in Brazilian Jurisdictional Waters (AJB), 350 km from the coast and with an approximate depth of 5,000 meters, was selected based on studies conducted by the Navy Hydrography Center and Almirante Paulo Moreira Institute of Sea Studies.
The analyses considered aspects related to navigation safety and the environment, with special attention to the mitigation of impacts on public health, fishing activities and ecosystems.
Finally, the Brazilian Navy pays legitimate reverence to the former Ship Airfield "São Paulo". Boat that houses a belligerent soul perpetuated in the minds of men and women who garnished their conves, worthy servants of the French National Navy and the Brazilian Navy, under the aegis of naval traditions and high sailor spirit.
Source: G1
Tags: Military AviationBrazilian NavyNAe São Paulo (A-12)aircraft carrier
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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splitminiusa · 1 year
The R22 Revolution: Why This Type of Freon Must Be Banned?
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The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been phasing out the use of R22 refrigerant, or Freon, in an act that is phasing out products that are proven to deplete the ozone layer. By 2020, the production of R22 will be stopped in the US, which could cause problems for air conditioners made before 2010. Newer air conditioners use R410a refrigerant, an environmentally friendly option that might not be compatible for older air conditioners. With this change, the cost of adding Freon to older air conditioners will be expensive. Repairs and the new expense to Freon will build up quickly. In these cases, replacing your air conditioner to a newer model will be more cost efficient and lower your energy bills in the long run.
What is R22?
R22 is a refrigerant with the chemical formula CHClF2 or Chlorodifluoromethane. It is a hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC).
How do I know if my system has R22 in it?
If it hasn’t already been brought to your attention by your service engineer, or you don’t have an asset list which will document the refrigerant in your systems, you can check for yourself by looking for an information plate on your system’s condensing unit. The condensing unit is the part of the system that is usually outside. And the data plate, usually located towards the bottom or side of the outdoor unit.
My system HAS got R22 in it — Is this illegal?
No. It’s not illegal to have a system with R22 in it, you can even use your system with R22 in it. You just can’t have it repaired. A service engineer can clean and maintain the unit, but he may not add any gas to it. This means that as soon as the system has a problem it becomes obselete and can not be repaired.
What are the benefits of replacing my R22 system now?
Air conditioning systems installed before 2004 are approaching the end of their usable lifetime, typically around 15 years with regular maintenance. Modern air conditioning systems come with huge advantages. They are smaller, quieter, more stylish and are 50% more efficient than those that operate using R22. Replacement solutions come with competitive payback periods, often just 2–3 years, and result in immediate improvements in performance. Replacement is also an opportunity to improve your organisation’s environmental credentials. Modern refrigerants, such as R32 and R410a, have a much lower impact on global warming than R22, while modern systems consume less energy and can considerably reduce your carbon footprint.These benefits and cost savings will continue throughout your new system’s lifetime, especially with regular maintenance, which will extend your systems parts & labour guarantee.
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kudos12 · 2 years
Research Nester published a report titled “Low GWP Refrigerants: Global Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2031” which delivers a detailed overview of the global low GWP refrigerants marketin terms of market segmentation by type, application, by region.
Further, for the in-depth analysis, the report encompasses the industry growth indicators, restraints, and supply and demand risk, along with a detailed discussion of current and future market trends that are associated with the growth of the market.
The global low GWP refrigerants market is projected to grow at a CAGR of ~12% during the forecast period, i.e., 2022 – 2031. Factors such as, increasing demand for air conditioners, rising global warming, and phasing out of other refrigerants such as HCFC, HFC, and others are anticipated to propel the growth of the market during the forecast period. As of 2020, the global shipment of air conditioners was estimated to be around 6 million units. Additionally, a constantly developing cold chain logistics system is further estimated to push the market growth over the forecast period. As of 2020, the cold chain logistics industry was valued at about USD 250 billion. Additionally, by type, the global low GWP refrigerants market is segmented into fluorocarbons, hydrocarbons, and others. Out of these sub-segments, the hydrocarbons segment is estimated to obtain a notable share in the market during the forecast period. The growth of the segment can be accounted to its rising utilization as renewable hydrocarbon biofuel in the place of gas and petroleum. Based on the data released by Energy Information Administration (EIA), it was stated that in 2019, 293.83 thousand barrels of biodiesel were produced.
Furthermore, the global low GWP refrigerants market, by region, is bifurcated into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa region. Out of these regions, the market in the Europe region is estimated to grow at a noteworthy pace over the forecast period on the back of rising awareness of phasing out the utilization of HFC refrigerants. According to the European Economic Area, in 2017, more than 90% of Co2 was noticed to be emitted on account of HFCs. Moreover, the Asia Pacific region is projected to acquire the second-largest share in the market on the back of rising awareness of global warming.
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The research is global in nature and covers a detailed analysis of the market in North America (U.S., Canada), Europe (U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Belgium, Netherlands & Luxembourg, NORDIC [Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark], Poland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe), Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Rest of Latin America), Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of Asia-Pacific), Middle East and Africa (Israel, GCC [Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman], North Africa, South Africa, Rest of the Middle East and Africa). In addition, analysis comprising market size, Y-O-Y growth & opportunity analysis, market players’ competitive study, investment opportunities, demand for future outlook, etc. have also been covered and displayed in the research report.
Increasing Demand for Air Conditioners to Foster the Growth of the Market
As of 2018, the global demand for air conditioners was observed to be approximately 100 million units.
Multiple types of refrigerants are utilized in the home air conditioners for more efficient operation. The most common type of refrigerant utilized in air conditioners is R-454B. Refrigerants are capable of releasing and observing more heat and decreasing the risk of burnout in the compressor owing to overheating.  Therefore, such factors are anticipated to propel the growth of the market.
However, the availability of alternative refrigerants in the market is expected to operate as a key restraint to the growth of the global low GWP refrigerants market over the forecast period.
Curious about this latest version of report? Obtain Report Details @ https://www.researchnester.com/reports/low-gwp-refrigerants-market/4167
This report also provides the existing competitive scenario of some of the key players in the global low GWP refrigerants market which includes company profiling of Linde plc, Airgas, Inc., Sinochem Holdings Corporation Ltd., Tazzetti S.p.A., Puyang Zhongwei Fine Chemical Co., Ltd., Harp Internation Ltd., Shandong Yuean Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., A‑Gas International Limited, The Chemours Company, Arkema S.A. The profiling enfolds key information of the companies which encompasses business overview, products and services, key financials, and recent news and developments. On the whole, the report depicts a detailed overview of the global low GWP refrigerants market that will help industry consultants, equipment manufacturers, existing players searching for expansion opportunities, new players searching for possibilities, and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies according to the ongoing and expected trends in the future.     
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digitrenndsamr · 22 days
Cooling Solutions for Business: Commercial Air Conditioning System Trends 2022-2031
A commercial air conditioning system is a group of devices and parts used in commercial and industrial buildings like offices, retail stores, hospitals, factories, and data centers to circulate and dry the air. Typically, commercial air conditioning systems have one or more sizable units mounted on the building's roof or in the building's exterior. The cooling air from the units is sent throughout the building via ducts that are attached to the units. The system might also come with a control mechanism that enables building occupants to set the temperature and other settings to the ideal level. The commercial air conditioning system market size was valued at $38.3 billion in 2021 and is estimated to reach $57.9 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 4.5% from 2022 to 2031.
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The market for commercial air conditioning systems is significantly impacted by the expansion of the construction sector, especially in developing countries. The need for effective and dependable HVAC systems to maintain a suitable indoor temperature is increasing as more buildings are built. Commercial air conditioning system adoption is influenced by rising demand for energy-efficient systems as well as rules and criteria set by the government to reduce carbon emissions. Variable refrigerant flow (VRF) systems, which conserve energy and lower running costs, are now a common feature of many commercial air conditioning systems. The demand for smart buildings and building automation systems is also boosting the commercial air conditioning system market growth. These systems can offer real-time HVAC system monitoring and management, which can maximize energy efficiency, save maintenance costs, and improve occupant comfort.
However, some of the disadvantages of commercial air conditioning systems include its environmental concerns. Environmental concerns arise from the usage of refrigerants in commercial air conditioning systems. Many of the refrigerants used in industrial air conditioning systems contain substances that might be harmful to the environment. These substances have the potential to exacerbate climate change, global warming, and ozone depletion. Due to their detrimental effects on the ozone layer, refrigerants like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) have been prohibited or phased out. However, a lot of alternative refrigerants, such as hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), have a significant potential to warm the planet and cause climate change.
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Consumers are increasingly asking for air conditioning systems that offer better comfort, energy economy, and customization as a result of the development of smart technologies. Through a smartphone app or other device, owners of smart air conditioning systems may remotely adjust the temperature and settings of their air conditioning units. Additionally, they include features like automated temperature management, scheduling, and energy monitoring that may help consumers lower their carbon footprint and save money on their electricity bills. The market for these products is anticipated to increase as more people come to understand the advantages of smart air conditioning systems. This offers a chance for businesses that specialize in creating and producing these systems to tap into this growing market and gain a competitive advantage. These factors are anticipated to boost commercial air conditioning system market opportunities in the upcoming years.
The global commercial air conditioning system market share is segmented based on type, installation type, end-user, and region. By type, it is classified into VRF, ducted split/packaged unit, split units, room ACs, and others. By installation type, it is classified into new installation and retrofit. By end-user, it is classified into office and buildings, hospitality, supermarkets/hypermarkets, transportation, government, healthcare, and others. By region, the market is analyzed across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA.
The key players profiled in the commercial air conditioning system market analysis report include Carrier.; DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, Ltd; FUJITSU GENERAL; Haier Inc; Hitachi, Ltd.; LG Electronics.; Mitsubishi Electric Corporation; Panasonic Corporation; SAMSUNG; and AIREDALE INTERNATIONAL AIR CONDITIONING LTD.
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Impact of COVID-19 on the Global Commercial Air Conditioning System Industry
- The global market for commercial air conditioning systems has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak. The market has been impacted by changes in demand and preferences among building owners and operators as well as the economic slump brought on by the pandemic. However, various sectors such as construction and automotive were negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic which also affected the production and demand for commercial air conditioning systems due to a disrupted supply chain. - COVID-19 impacted almost all industries, and commercial air conditioning system-producing companies ceased their operations owing to import-export restrictions, lockdown imposed across several countries, and shortage of labor; the fear of contracting the novel coronavirus led to sluggish demand in the market. - Social distancing norms, closed borders, and production constraints, due to the pandemic, across various countries such as China, India, and the U.S. have affected the global commercial air conditioning system market.
Key Findings of the Study
- Based on type, the VRF sub-segment emerged as the global leader in 2021 and is anticipated to be the fastest-growing sub-segment during the forecast period. - Based on installation type, the retrofit sub-segment emerged as the global leader in 2021 and is predicted to show the fastest growth in the coming years. - Based on end users, the office and buildings sub-segment emerged as the global leader in 2021 and is predicted to show the fastest growth in the upcoming years. - Based on region, the Asia-Pacific market registered the highest market share in 2021 and is projected to maintain the position during the commercial air conditioning system market forecast period.
Buy the Complete Report (PDF with Insights, Charts, Tables, and Figures) at: https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/checkout-final/448dbfafe1caf0eddd64f2197e5b8275
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Allied Market Research is a top provider of market intelligence that offers reports from leading technology publishers. Our in-depth market assessments in our research reports take into account significant technological advancements in the sector. In addition to other areas of expertise, AMR focuses on the analysis of high-tech systems and advanced production systems. We have a team of experts who compile thorough research reports and actively advise leading businesses to enhance their current procedures. Our experts have a wealth of knowledge on the topics they cover. Also, they use a variety of tools and techniques when gathering and analyzing data, including patented data sources.
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refrigerantgases · 23 days
What Are The Advantages Of Using Freon Instead Of Ammonia In Cold Storages?
A refrigerant is a functioning liquid that is fundamental in the cooling pattern of climate control systems and intensity siphons. It is responsible for engrossing intensity from its environmental factors and delivering it somewhere else, permitting the framework to offer cooling or warming.
During the refrigeration cycle, refrigerants frequently go through stage changes, moving between the fluid and gas stages. This ability to switch states accommodates successful intensity move and permits the refrigerant to ship heat starting with one district then onto the next.
Nonetheless, due to the intrinsic dangers, the utilization of refrigerants is completely controlled. Assuming that unsafe refrigerants are spilled into the climate, they can imperil human wellbeing. They can likewise be truly combustible or unstable, expanding the gamble of mishaps or flames. What Are The Upsides Of Involving Freon Rather than Alkali In Chilly Stockpiles? We will examine these two gases in this article. Along these lines, continue to peruse to get familiar with it.
What Precisely Is Freon?
Freon alludes to a class of synthetic compounds known as hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), and related substances. These substances are made out of hydrogen, chlorine, bromine, fluorine, and carbon. E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company has reserved the expression "Freon" as a brand name.
One of the most widely recognized utilizes for Freon is as a refrigerant in different cooling frameworks. It helps with the support of low temperatures by flowing as a gas all through the framework. At the point when Freon gas retains heat from its environmental elements, it consolidates into a fluid and delivers the intensity outside. This method permits the cooling framework to keep the predefined low temperature.
What Precisely is Smelling salts?
In refrigeration frameworks, smelling salt gas is an ordinary refrigerant. Its significant job is to get and communicate heat energy away from the cooling system. Smelling salts is a normally unscented and vapid gas.
The solid thermodynamic properties of smelling salts as a refrigerant are one of its key benefits. It has a high inert intensity of vaporization, which suggests that as it vanishes, it can ingest a significant measure of intensity. Along these lines, it is very effective in eliminating heat from the refrigeration framework.
Smelling salts is likewise viewed as being earth useful. It has negligible ozone exhaustion potential (ODP) and minimal an Earth-wide temperature boost potential (GWP), going with it a well known decision in different businesses. It likewise has a low harmfulness level.
The Essential Qualification Among Freon and Smelling salts
What Are The Benefits Of Involving Freon Rather than Smelling salts In Cool Stockpiles? In chilly capacity frameworks, both freon and alkali are frequently utilized as refrigerants. While the two of them carry out the comparative role of cooling and saving transitory items, there are a few huge varieties between them. Here, we will take a gander at the advantages of utilizing freon as opposed to smelling salts in cool capacity. The upsides of cold stockpiling in farming require more exploration on this. In this way, we will make sense of it moreover.
The Advantages of Involving Freon As opposed to Smelling salts in Cool Capacity
What Are The Benefits Of Involving Freon Rather than Smelling salts In Cool Stockpiles? Coming up next are the principal advantages of picking Freon over Alkali:
Wellbeing: One of the essential advantages of utilizing freon in chilly capacity frameworks is its low harmfulness. In the event that there is a hole or openness, freon is non-poisonous and represents no significant mischief to human wellbeing. Alkali, then again, can be incredibly unsafe. Indeed, even minor amounts of openness can be destructive to human wellbeing.
Productive: Due to its outstanding warm properties, freon is a profoundly proficient refrigerant. It has a high intensity move coefficient, permitting it to quickly and really ingest heat from the capacity region. This proficiency supports the upkeep of the ideal temperature inside the cool stockpiling, bringing down energy use and working costs.
Flexibility: Freon has an extensive variety of refrigerant mix prospects, considering more prominent adaptability in chilly capacity applications. Different freon mixes can be picked in light of explicit cooling prerequisites, guaranteeing ideal execution across a wide temperature range.
Conversation on Utilizing Freon Over the Alkali
Each tough choice enjoys benefits and hindrances, and "Smelling salts versus Freon" is no exemption. Smelling salts, for instance, enjoys the critical benefit of making refrigerant releases "self-cautioning" because of its solid scent. The major and most serious disservice of smelling salts is that, in case of a coolant release, its "self-cautioning" nature makes it an objective for injury suit. Nonetheless, on the grounds that halocarbons are almost scentless, spillage frequently passes unseen by anyone other than the support work force. This diminished gamble of suit is a significant benefit.
The "Alkali versus Freon" banter isn't balanced; halocarbon refrigerants are feeling the squeeze to supplant smelling salts as a refrigerant. The mind-boggling smell of alkali noisily announces the dangers it brings, and it is all strong to the point that even in very low nonhazardous fixations, it gets individuals far from defiled areas. Albeit the gnawing is undeniably more serious than the woofing, the two principal inconveniences of using smelling salts as a refrigerant are the claim and guideline.
The greater part of huge scope refrigeration offices have customarily involved alkali as the refrigerant of decision. Throughout recent years, there has been a flood in the formation of new plants with under 2000 pull, as well as the change of smelling salts offices of this scale and more noteworthy to halocarbon. Actually plant supervisors and corporate board individuals are disregarding the utilization of smelling salts for halocarbon refrigerants to get away from disastrous legitimate and administrative repercussions following many years of powerful and deep rooted ammonium refrigerant use. Laborers at plants much of the time seek after private injury claims because of little, immaterial holes.
Primary concern
Smelling salts gas is utilized as a refrigerant in refrigeration frameworks to catch and communicate heat energy while keeping it separate from the chilling system. Refrigerant frameworks, for example, cooling frameworks, use freon gas to keep the temperature cool. How much refrigerant coursed by a smelling salts gas framework is 7 to multiple times not exactly that of a freon framework. Be that as it may, Freon outflanks Smelling salts.
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Contact Gorakhram Haribux if you have any desire to look into cold capacity units, potato cold capacity business, and the best refrigerants. Our accomplished group would give fantastic meeting to you.
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Unlocking Sustainability: Exploring the Advantages of Ammonia Refrigeration Systems
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In an era where sustainability takes center stage, industries seek eco-friendly and efficient solutions to meet their cooling needs. Among the innovative approaches gaining traction is the use of Ammonia refrigeration units, renowned for their environmental friendliness and efficiency. Leading the charge in sustainable refrigeration solutions is AMAN REFRIGERATION. This article delves into the myriad benefits of ammonia refrigeration units and their role in fostering a greener, more sustainable future.
Ammonia Refrigeration: A Time-Tested Solution
Ammonia refrigeration systems have been in use for over a century, prized for their exceptional thermodynamic properties and minimal environmental impact. In recent years, their popularity has soared as businesses prioritize eco-friendly alternatives to synthetic refrigerants like hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs).
Key Advantages of Ammonia Refrigeration Units:
Environmentally Friendly:
One of the foremost benefits of Ammonia refrigeration units is their minimal environmental impact. Ammonia, a natural refrigerant, does not deplete the ozone layer and boasts a negligible global warming potential (GWP). It is recognized as a climate-friendly refrigerant by international organizations.
Energy Efficiency:
Ammonia refrigeration units are highly energy-efficient, offering a cost-effective solution for industries. Their superior thermodynamic properties facilitate efficient heat transfer and cooling, resulting in reduced energy consumption.
Reliability and Durability:
Ammonia systems are renowned for their longevity and reliability, making them ideal for industrial applications such as cold storage and food processing.
Safety Measures:
While ammonia is safe when handled correctly, modern ammonia refrigeration systems are equipped with advanced safety features. These include leak detection systems, ventilation systems, and emergency response plans to safeguard workers and the environment.
Low Operational Costs:
Ammonia refrigeration units boast lower operational costs over their lifespan. Minimal maintenance requirements and energy-efficient performance translate into significant savings for businesses.
AMMONIA REFRIGERATION UNITS are highly scalable, catering to a range of applications from small-scale operations to large industrial facilities.
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The Environmental Impact of Air Conditioning and How to Reduce It
As global temperatures rise, the reliance on air conditioning (AC) to maintain comfortable living and working environments has increased dramatically. While AC units provide essential relief from heat, their widespread use has significant environmental impacts, including high energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and the release of harmful refrigerants. This article explores the environmental footprint of air conditioning and offers practical strategies for individuals and communities to minimize these effects, promoting more sustainable cooling practices.
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Understanding the Environmental Footprint
Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Air conditioning systems are among the largest consumers of electricity in homes and commercial buildings, particularly during the peak summer months. This high energy demand contributes to the increased burning of fossil fuels by power plants, leading to higher emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases that drive climate change. The cycle perpetuates itself, as hotter temperatures lead to greater AC use, which in turn contributes to further warming.
The Impact of Refrigerants
Traditional AC units use refrigerants that, when leaked, can have a potent greenhouse effect. Some refrigerants, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), have been phased out due to their ozone-depleting properties, but their replacements, while less harmful to the ozone layer, can still be potent greenhouse gases. The global warming potential (GWP) of these substances can be thousands of times greater than CO2, making their management and proper disposal critical to protecting the environment.
Strategies for Reducing Environmental Impact
Embracing Energy-Efficient Air Conditioners
One of the most straightforward ways to reduce the environmental impact of air conditioning is by choosing energy-efficient models. Look for air conditioners with a high Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) rating, which indicates more efficient cooling with less electricity use. Energy-efficient AC units, often marked with ENERGY STAR certification, can significantly lower electricity consumption and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Implementing Smart Cooling Practices
Smart thermostats and advanced AC controls can optimize cooling schedules based on real-time needs, avoiding unnecessary energy use. Programming your AC to run only when needed or to maintain a slightly higher temperature can yield substantial energy savings. Additionally, using fans to circulate air and closing blinds or curtains to block out heat during the day can reduce the workload on air conditioning units.
Regular Maintenance and Upkeep
Regular maintenance of AC units ensures they operate efficiently and minimizes the risk of refrigerant leaks. Cleaning or replacing filters, checking coolant levels, and ensuring the system is properly sealed and insulated can improve performance and reduce energy consumption. Scheduling professional inspections can also help identify and fix potential issues before they lead to greater environmental harm.
Exploring Alternative Cooling Solutions
Beyond traditional air conditioning, there are several sustainable cooling solutions that can lessen environmental impact. Passive cooling design, which includes strategic window placement, insulation, and natural ventilation, can keep buildings cool without AC. Evaporative coolers, which use water to cool air, offer a low-energy alternative in dry climates. Geothermal cooling systems, which leverage the earth's stable underground temperature, provide efficient cooling with minimal environmental footprint.
Advocating for Green Building Standards
Supporting and advocating for green building standards and regulations that prioritize energy efficiency and environmental sustainability can have a broad impact. Building codes that require better insulation, energy-efficient windows, and other design elements that reduce the need for air conditioning can help mitigate the environmental impact of cooling on a larger scale. Encouraging the development and adoption of innovative, eco-friendly cooling technologies also plays a crucial role in shaping a sustainable future.
As we continue to face the challenges of climate change, the role of air conditioning in our lives and its impact on the environment cannot be overlooked. By adopting more energy-efficient cooling technologies, practicing smart cooling habits, maintaining equipment properly, exploring alternative cooling methods, and supporting sustainable building practices, individuals and communities can significantly reduce the environmental footprint of air conditioning. These efforts contribute not only to a cooler, more comfortable living environment but also to a healthier planet for future generations.
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united-refrigerants · 1 month
Introducing the R22 Disposable Cylinder: An Innovative Solution by United Refrigerants
Introducing the R22 Disposable Cylinder: An Innovative Solution by United Refrigerants
In the realm of refrigerants, sustainability and efficiency are paramount concerns. With the phase-out of R22 looming over the HVAC industry due to its detrimental effects on the environment, the quest for alternative solutions has become more pressing than ever. United Refrigerants, a pioneering name in the field, has risen to the challenge with a groundbreaking innovation: the R22 Disposable Cylinder. In this blog post, we'll delve into the features, benefits, and implications of this innovative product.
The R22 Dilemma:
R22, a hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC), has long been a staple refrigerant in air conditioning and refrigeration systems. However, its ozone-depleting properties have led to widespread regulatory restrictions, culminating in a phasedown process aimed at its eventual elimination. As a result, HVAC professionals and equipment owners face the challenge of finding sustainable alternatives while ensuring compliance with evolving regulations.
Introducing the R22 Disposable Cylinder:
United Refrigerants recognizes the urgency of this predicament and has responded with a game-changing solution: the R22 Disposable Cylinder. This innovative product offers several key advantages over traditional methods of refrigerant storage and distribution:
Convenience: The disposable cylinder eliminates the need for costly and time-consuming recovery, reclamation, and recycling processes associated with reusable cylinders. HVAC technicians can simply use the refrigerant as needed and dispose of the cylinder responsibly, streamlining workflow and reducing downtime.
Compliance: With regulations tightening around R22 usage and handling, the R22 Disposable Cylinder provides a compliant, hassle-free solution for equipment owners and service providers. By adhering to industry standards and environmental guidelines, users can mitigate risks associated with non-compliance and ensure the longevity of their systems.
Sustainability: As environmental concerns continue to drive innovation in the HVAC industry, sustainable practices are becoming increasingly vital. The R22 Disposable Cylinder is designed with sustainability in mind, featuring materials that are recyclable and environmentally friendly. By minimizing waste and emissions, users can contribute to a greener future while maintaining optimal performance.
Versatility: Whether servicing existing R22 systems or transitioning to alternative refrigerants, the R22 Disposable Cylinder offers versatility and adaptability. Its compact design and lightweight construction make it suitable for a wide range of applications, providing flexibility in both residential and commercial settings.
Implications for the Industry:
The introduction of the R22 Disposable Cylinder marks a significant milestone in the ongoing evolution of the HVAC industry. By addressing the challenges posed by R22 phase-out head-on, United Refrigerants has demonstrated its commitment to innovation, sustainability, and customer satisfaction. As stakeholders embrace this pioneering solution, the landscape of refrigerant management is poised to undergo a transformative shift, paving the way for a more efficient, eco-friendly future.
In a rapidly changing world where environmental stewardship and regulatory compliance are paramount concerns, the R22 Disposable Cylinders offers a beacon of hope for the HVAC industry. United Refrigerants' innovative approach not only addresses the immediate challenges posed by R22 phase-out but also sets a precedent for sustainable practices and forward-thinking solutions. As the industry embraces this paradigm shift, the journey towards a cleaner, more efficient future gathers momentum, guided by the principles of innovation, responsibility, and environmental stewardship.
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butkythuatso · 1 month
Cách kiểm tra, đo gas máy lạnh đơn giản, chính xác nhất
Việc kiểm tra và đo gas trong máy lạnh là một phần quan trọng của bảo dưỡng và bảo trì hệ thống máy lạnh hoạt động ổn định và hiệu quả. Việc bảo dưỡng định kỳ có thể giảm thiểu nguy cơ hỏng hóc đột ngột và tiết kiệm chi phí sửa chữa. Vậy làm sao để đo gas máy lạnh chuẩn xác tại nhà? Trong bài viết này Butkythuatso.com sẽ chia sẻ tới bạn cách đo gas máy lạnh đơn giản, chính xác nhất. 
Gas máy lạnh là gì?
Gas máy lạnh, hay còn được gọi là chất làm lạnh, là loại chất hoá học được sử dụng trong các hệ thống làm lạnh và điều hòa không khí để tạo ra hiệu ứng lạnh. Chất này thường được cung cấp dưới dạng chất lỏng trong các hộp chứa dễ dàng kết hợp vào các hệ thống máy lạnh và điều hòa.
Các loại gas máy lạnh phổ biến bao gồm R-22 (hay còn gọi là HCFC-22) và R-410A. Trong đó R-410A thường được sử dụng nhiều hơn trong các hệ thống mới vì mang lại sự an toàn cho môi trường hơn.
Tại sao cần đo gas máy lạnh?
Việc kiểm tra và đo gas máy lạnh là rất quan trọng vì điều đó ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến hiệu suất hoạt động của hệ thống và an toàn cho người sử dụng. Dưới đây là một số lý do cụ thể vì sao cần thực hiện việc này:
An toàn: Gas máy lạnh nếu rò rỉ hoặc dùng quá mức, có thể gây nguy hiểm cho sức khỏe của người sử dụng. Một số loại gas cũng có thể gây hại cho môi trường nếu được thải ra môi trường một cách không kiểm soát.
Tiết kiệm năng lượng: Một hệ thống máy lạnh hoạt động với mức gas đúng cách sẽ tiết kiệm năng lượng hơn. Khi mức gas không đạt tiêu chuẩn, hệ thống sẽ phải làm việc nhiều hơn để đạt được nhiệt độ mong muốn, dẫn đến tiêu tốn năng lượng cao hơn.
Tránh hỏng hóc không mong muốn: Việc kiểm tra và đo gas định kỳ cũng giúp phát hiện và ngăn chặn các vấn đề kỹ thuật như rò rỉ gas, tiếng ồn lớn, hơi nước chảy ra từ máy, hoặc không có không khí lạnh được thổi ra, hoặc hỏng hóc trong hệ thống trước khi chúng trở nên nghiêm trọng.
Xem thêm: Top 5 máy đo khí CO tốt được tin dùng hiện nay
Cách đo kiểm tra gas máy lạnh đơn giản
Để đo gas máy lạnh bằng đồ hồ chuyên dụng, bạn cần sử dụng bộ dụng cụ đa năng gồm mỏ lết, tua vít, ống dẫn gas, đồng hồ đo gas, ống nối, bình gas và máy đo khí. Sau đó, bạn có thể thực hiện các bước sau:
Kiểm tra mức gas trên màn hình hiển thị: Nếu hệ thống máy lạnh của bạn có màn hình hiển thị mức gas, bạn có thể đơn giản kiểm tra mức gas hiện tại của hệ thống bằng cách xem trên màn hình. Tùy vào mỗi loại thiết bị sẽ có báo hiệu khi máy hết gas, trường hợp thiết bị báo còn gas thì không cần thực hiện bước đo gas tiếp và ngược lại hãy chuẩn bị thực hiện kiểm tra gas máy lạnh theo các bước dưới đây nhé. 
Tắt hệ thống máy lạnh: Trước khi bắt đầu bất kỳ công việc nào liên quan đến gas máy lạnh, đảm bảo rằng hệ thống đã được tắt nguồn điện và không hoạt động. Xác định vị trí nút van dành cho gas trên hệ thống và chuẩn bị các công cụ cần thiết để kết nối với đồng hồ đo gas.
Kết nối với đồng hồ đo gas máy lạnh: Sử dụng ống nối, kết nối đồng hồ đo gas với nút van trên hệ thống máy lạnh. Đảm bảo rằng kết nối được làm chặt chẽ để tránh rò rỉ gas. Sau đó, mở van trên đồng hồ đo để cho phép gas chạy qua thiết bị thông qua ống dẫn gas. Một khi van đã được mở, bạn sẽ thấy kim của đồ hồ di chuyển và hiển thị áp suất gas trong hệ thống.
Đọc kết quả: Đọc kết quả trên đồ hồ đo gas máy lạnh, kết quả thường ở đơn vị psi hoặc bar.
So sánh với giới hạn an toàn: Dựa trên loại gas và nhà sản xuất, có mức gas cụ thể được khuyến nghị để đảm bảo hoạt động hiệu quả và an toàn của hệ thống. So sánh mức gas bạn đo được với các giới hạn an toàn để xác định xem cần phải bổ sung gas hay không.
Ghi chú và lên kế hoạch bảo dưỡng hoặc sửa chữa: Nếu mức gas quá thấp hoặc quá cao, ghi chú lại và lên kế hoạch bảo dưỡng hoặc sửa chữa hệ thống máy lạnh của bạn tùy theo tình trạng. Sau khi hoàn thành đo gas máy lạnh, hãy kiểm tra xem có rò rỉ gas nào không bằng cách sử dụng dung dịch xà phòng hoặc máy đo khí gas. Bạn có thể tham khảo một số model máy đo khí bán chạy, giá tốt như: Kimo DF110, HT523, Extech RD200,...
Lưu ý: Nếu bạn không có kinh nghiệm hoặc kiến thức về gas máy lạnh, nên để các chuyên gia hoặc kỹ thuật viên chuyên nghiệp thực hiện việc này để đảm bảo an toàn và hiệu quả.
Cách đọc đồng hồ đo gas máy lạnh chính xác
Để đọc đồng hồ đo gas máy lạnh chính xác, bạn cần làm theo các bước sau:
Xác định đơn vị đo: Trước hết, xác định đơn vị đo trên đồng hồ. Thông thường, đồng hồ đo gas máy lạnh sẽ hiển thị áp suất gas trong đơn vị psi (pound per square inch), bar, hoặc kg/cm².
Đảm bảo đo đúng áp suất: Đảm bảo rằng bạn đang đọc đúng áp suất tương ứng với đường ống hoặc van trên hệ thống máy lạnh. Đồng hồ có thể có nhiều kênh đo khác nhau, bao gồm áp suất thấp và áp suất cao.
Xác định mức áp suất hiện tại: Đọc giá trị áp suất trên đồng hồ. Nếu đồng hồ có một kim và một vòng quay, hãy chú ý đến vị trí của kim so với vòng quay để xác định giá trị áp suất. Nếu đồng hồ có một màn hình kỹ thuật số, đọc giá trị trực tiếp từ màn hình.
Kiểm tra lại độ chính xác: Nếu cần thiết, kiểm tra lại độ chính xác của đồng hồ đo gas bằng cách so sánh với các thiết bị đo áp suất khác hoặc sử dụng thiết bị hiệu chuẩn.
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Trên đây là những chia sẻ của Butkythuatso.com tới bạn đọc về cách kiểm tra, đo gas máy lạnh đơn giản, chính xác nhất. Để được tư vấn hoặc hỗ trợ về các dòng máy đo khí gas, hãy liên hệ tới hotline 0904 810 817 - Hà Nội và 0979 244 335 - Hồ Chí Minh hoặc truy cập vào website thbvietnam.com để tham khảo thêm các sản phẩm khác.
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