#side effect of moving a clan across updates i guess?
sp-ud · 1 year
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... so why does this cat now look different. and yes i checked, its not like i have the wrong gleamspeck. both are the kid of sweetdapple and ferretheart. what.
0 notes
celestial38 · 1 year
Disclaimer;; All fictional !! My interpretation of what I think the ash tribe would be like.
pt 1. | pt 2.
AN;; Thank you to everyone who had liked this story so far! 🥹 I am/was super nervous posting on tumblr because it’s brand new to me. If you guys want, I have more chapters on wattpad. My @ is iinyuka ! I update there first.
Summary: After the death of his wife and eldest child, Jake takes his three remaining children and heads to the northern side of Pandora, the isolated territory of the fire clan, the tribe who can bring people back from the dead.
When he meets the princess of the Ash Tribe, he must now choose between opening his heart and letting someone fix him, or to have the opportunity to seek out his two family members he still wishes to see everyday.
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Jake couldn't sleep that night, he couldn't tell if he was sleep deprived or if he was generally not tired. He tossed and turned as quietly as he could on the floor of their new home.
He glanced up to the ceiling of his new home, it wasn't the same, everything was different and changing, he hated change. Turning his head to the side, he looked at his kids who were sound asleep and wondered if they had nightmares about everything as well.
As he sat up, he moved to leave the entrance of his home needing some fresh air, but he was met with a giant fire in the center of the ground. Some children were sitting around it as the storyteller of the village spoke about a made up story to help the kids asleep and occupied.
Walking down the spiraling pathway, he moved closer to the fire and sat down, a kind smile on his face as some of the children from the village all curiously looked at him. It was like deja vu again when he first arrived to the Omaticaya years ago.
"...when the great dragon flew over the village of Tipani, the villagers all danced and cheered as war was over." The story teller said, moving his body dramatically as the children all laughed. Some falling asleep as what seemed to be teenaged Na'vis taking care of them.
"Happiness is simple."
As parents came to collect their children, thanking the teens for watching them, the crowd began to get smaller and smaller, leaving only Jake to the fire as he bid a goodbye to the storyteller who left for the night.
(Y/N) was up as well, she had trouble sleeping because her brothers were snoring loudly, so she walked over to the fire and sat down as well, completely unaware that across from her and through the flames was Jake.
Jake moved his head to the side to see around the flame better, eyes meeting (Y/N) as she let a warm smile come across her face and move to sit next to the elder. "How are you and your family liking our village?" She asked as she was sititng down.
"It is welcoming, I am surprised though. The rumors and stories of this village were different." Jake admitted, he was told that the village of the skeletor tribe had a deadly vibe to it, it made him wonder if that was true and they were just hiding it.
"Well good. My father and mother like to have people guessing about us, it keeps away any traitors." It was like an effect of her words because in the distance at a very far ways out, but he could hear it well, there was a scream and then silence. "What is the matter by the way." (Y/N) had stuck her hands out to warm them up this time.
Jake could see her wrists were covered in a beautiful purple wrap that complimented her grey skin, the tips of fingers seemed to have been dipped in black ash that only the distal phalanx was stained. "What do you mean?" He said as he looked back at the fire, his eyes burning as he stared intensely.
"Well, usually people who are up this late are either gatheres for our village and I know you are not one. So that means you must not be able to sleep, is there a reason why?" She was good and she knew it, she was good at picking apart someone and not caring how the over perceived it.
Jake learned one thing from his time on earth and being here, never open up too early. "Just tired from the travel, we did travel for 10 days, (Y/N)." There it was, that tone she knew he had.
All (Y/N) could do was stand up before chuckling. "My apologies, Jake. Have a good night." And with that, he was left alone once more.
The next morning came by and the children all left their father to sleep in. Tuk was the first one out as she moved down the pathway to find (Y/N) and Ay'u, both of which promised to take them near the water today.
Kiri had stopped (Y/N) privately and asked if there was a way a cloth could be placed over the entrance of their home so Jake could rest better. (Y/N) nodded and sent one of the makers to their home and said it would be done in a matter of time.
Arriving at the dock where a giant border was sent in place around the outskirts of the village, (Y/N) bent down to the water before drawing a small pattern in the water as she leaned back and waited. Lo'ak and Kiri had also taken the opportunity to lean over to see before their eyes widened.
Coming up from the water was a furry creature floating on its back, the creature was round with furry ears, a black nose and little, black eyes. Four little legs, but you could never tell because the creature always stayed in the water.
"Koalaotter." Ay'u said, leaning down to scoop up one of them who allowed it, both nuzzling each other. "They are one of the most pure creatures we have here, we like to think they are our passed family members or friends coming back." (Y/N) said as she laughed seeing many follow Kiri around.
Lo'ak had leaned down farther away from everyone, his eyes having found two koalaotter, a mom and a child. Both of them having been swimming together peacefully, the baby laying on her stomach as her hands were wrapped around its back.
No one could hear and he wouldn't admit it, but he did say hello to his mom and brother right there.
Bringing them back to the grounds of their village, Lo'ak finally felt more comfortable enough to talk and joke with the group, occasionally getting silent, but it was improving.
Ay'u and (Y/N) liked to think they had an upperhand in being the chiefs children, they managed to score some of the food that was being made for Fawns celebration in advance and pass them out to everyone, sitting down in the middle of the village near a fire, the five of them started to chat and ease their worries.
"Yes, I'm telling you! Ay'u used to run around the village pretending to be one of the dragon moose growing up. He had this weird idea he was one of them!" (Y/N) said laughing with everyone but Ay'u, who just rolled his eyes.
"What about you all? Can you tell us about your village?" Ay'u said, placing a few extra pieces of his food onto Tuks.
"We lived in a big tree!" Tuk said loudly causing Lo'ak to jump and spill some of the food, the rest of them laughed.
"Here, have mine." (Y/N) said placing the rest of hers in his hands, he happily took it and chowed it down fast.
"So," Lo'ak said after a few moments of them eating. "What is the ceremony for? I am assuming a ceremony is happening since the village is being decorated."
Ay'u who had been rubbing out his tail had perked up, a smile on his face as he loved the ceremonies. "Yes! Our spirit siblings are migrating back home in a few days! Then a month or two after, Fawn will have his ceremony and we hold a feast for him, but we keep the pieces up until it gets closer to his time, then we switch it out." Ay'u said before (Y/N) chimed in.
"I will say though, the ceremony is very.." she trailed off trying to find the right word, it was a rite of passage that whoever was next in line to be the Olo'eyktan would pick someone from their village to sacrifice, sometimes the warriors would find people who committed crimes or act of treasons, that being a forced sacrifice but still a sacrifice nonetheless. "daunting more or else." She said.
Kiri got the idea and Lo'ak tried to understand, but he didn't press it further and went back to finishing up his food.
As a comfortable silence fell over them, the five of them watched the fire dance around them, occasionally Ay'u would gently blow into the flames to make a little pattern for Tuk to keep her attention to it.
It was about to hit eclipse and the warriors had arrived back from their hunt, Fawn having led the hunt on their mongoose and at the end of it was surprisingly Jake. As they got closer, (Y/N) and Ay'u greeted Fawn who returned it, the set of siblings behind them did it as well.
Helping Fawn down, Ay'u eagerly asked about their hunt as many of their possessions past by, at least three months worth of food was there. Jake came over to where everyone was at, scooping Tuk in his arms.
"I didn't know you left, dad." Lo' ak said, gifting him a hug as Kiri did as well. Glad he returned safely. "Äoa said I should get practice, I left not too long after you all left." Jake said.
His attention was brought to his left at the eldest daughter of Äoa who was busy checking her brother for bruises and cuts, occasionally smacking the back of his head when he didn't sit still.
He liked to think she was the only one who understood him, even if they talked briefly.
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His Champion - Chapter 10
Chapter 10: Permission Granted
Series Summary: The Empire has fallen, however momentous this might be for the galaxy, it has little effect on you: one of the last living members of the Guardians of Breath. Separated from your teacher years ago, Imperial scientists have been on the hunt for you, desiring to take advantage of your Force abilities. Without any leadership your pursuers still continue their hunt for their own malicious intent, causing your to crash land on a small hidden island on the planet of Stewjon. Small foundlings of the clan, find you, quite unsure of this fallen stranger.
Chapter Summary: After an intense sparring session with Fenri, Paz insists you go clean up. After a small moment, you find yourself giddy and dazed with delight.
A/N: I’m so stoked for this series! I had a lot of fun writing this! Thank you to @askalphapazvizsla and @fenrivizla. Sorry this is so late. I have been really depressed lately. I should be updating more frequently.
Word Count: 1916
Never before in your life had you any memory of such gentleness. Even as a baby and a youth, your own master had not treated you with such sincerity. Of course he was kind enough but now in the arms of your husband, this was a whole other world. In the present moment, he had you in his sculpted arms, carrying you through the hideout until you reached the fresher closest to his own quarters. Once inside, he stooped lower, letting your boots gently grace the floor until you could stand on your own. When you slipped from his hold on your own accord, you could not help but miss the cautious pressure on your body.
“Do you need any further aid?” He asked softly, his head cocked to one side.
“N-No.” You mumbled, suddenly finding your boots quite interesting.
Paz righted himself, toying with a loose section of his armor. “Very well, though I will bring you a warm towel and something to change into.”
He left without another word, sparing a brief glance  your way. You knew his eyes must have been warm to make you so heated. Hastily you peeled off your dirtied clothes, shucking off your boots in the process. Once in the shower, you turned on the water, savoring the delicious feeling of cooled water washing away the dirt and grime of melee. Using the practical soaps and oils provided, you felt the most clean you had ever been in a long while. Refreshed by the smooth sensations., you dreamily slipped out of the present, focused entirely on your own bliss you failed to hear the voice of your husband calling for you, instead he opened the door a crack and placed the towel without peeking inside. Only when you exited the shower did you notice, a small panic quickly rose and was quelled. Quickly, the shower's cleansing spell worse off as you grabbed the towel, wrapping it as much as you could around your body.
“Y/N, I have some clothes for you. Would you like me to hand you them through the door?”
“N-No!” You said, pushing a hand up against the door.
For a moment your husband was silent. “Well then what will you change into? Just the towel?”
Sweating furiously, you had the urge to elbow the man. “Tch, of course not!”
“Then you plan on changing back into your dirty clothes?”
Sighing you bit the inside of your cheek, moving to open the door just a bit, only imagining what sort of clothes this man was going to give you. Very suddenly a wonderfully strange but soft fabric was placed in your hand, quietly, you closed the door taking a better look at the attire. It wasn't anything extravagant yet not simple. Other than the basic small clothes, Paz Vizsla had gifted you with the softest black leggings you had ever felt, the sides embellished with dark patters, so only the wearer might notice the subtle beauty. It's companion was  just as smooth, though a darker blue, perhaps a shade to match Paz's own, the cuffs of the shirt lined with threaded designs. However, much to your embarrassment, the collar was fashioned in such a way that it left the mark your husband gave you on full display. This apparel was not completely unlike what you wore a Guardian of the Breath. Sure what you were used to was a bit more flowing and humble, but what you held in your arms now was just a bit more form fitting and suited for something more exhaustive than meditation. Who knew one could look quite becoming while dressed for a possible bout.
It was peculiar how perfectly all the garments fit your body, not a piece too large or tight. After looking yourself over in the small mirror above the sink, you gingerly opened the door, Paz being only a few feet from where you had left him. Pursing your lips, you stepped out in front of him, keeping your gaze fixed on the floor while you could feel his heart stop for just a second. An uncomfortable half minute passed by before you absolutely had to say something.
“Thank you for this gift.” You smiled shyly. “It is very comfortable, and I like it...very, very much.”
“Oh!” Paz breathed, though it was more of a wheeze. “I'm glad. I made it myself! And there is plenty more where they came from, I've placed them in your quarters.”
“Wow, that is very generous of you!” Your head spun with the warmth coursing through your body.
“Hm, you seem lightheaded, are you feeling alright?”
Taking you completely off guard the Mandalorian slid off one of his leather gloves, placing the back of his hand against your forehead. At the contact, all thought deserted your mind, leaving your ears ringing, taking in just the feeling of his skin on yours.
“Kriff, it feels like you're burning up.” He mumbled, slipping his glove back on.
A dizzy grin spread across your face, and you could still feel the ghost of where his hand had once been. You had to actually resist the urge to go and grab his hand.
“N-No, I think I'm just feeling a bit...flustered.”
“Are you sure?” He asked tilting your chin up so you would meet his gaze. “Your eyes seem somewhat glazed over...”
Shaking off the effects of his touch, you stretched your body, though you still felt somewhat dazed.
“Really, I'm actually fine!”
Paz Vizsla shook his head. “I don't want to take any chances. Let's have something to eat and then you need to rest.”
The finality on his voice was so prominent it left no room for you to argue. Obediently, you followed as he led the way.
“Here, Percy prepared this himself.” From the doorway of the small mess room, you could see the young boy peeking; he immediately retreated once you spotted him. You looked fondly at the plate your husband had placed before you, the fare quite interesting. Different from what you could salvage while on the run and much different than the food your master fed you from their planet, Kashi. Foodstuffs from that planet were so light. Since the dynasty that dominated the planet were strictly isolationist, it left no room for foreign meals, leaving you with a steady sea-faring diet.
Now in front of you was a bowl nearly overflowing with a medley of vegetables and meat. Leaning over slightly, you took in its aroma, suddenly captivated by the delicious smell.
“May I ask what it is?” You asked sheepishly.
“Tiingilar.” Paz answered, sitting across from you on the floor.
You felt a bit out of place being the only one to eat at the present time, with the young boy peeking from the door and the Mandalorian watching you carefully from across the low table. Still, the twisting of your stomach was becoming too much to bear, and you had to admit your own hunger. Even though the utensil offered was far different than the ones you were accustomed to, you simply brought the bowl up to your mouth and took a cautious taste. At the moment the food entered your mouth you were bombarded with a heavenly host of shocking flavors, each layer as complex as the last.
“Y/N? Do you like it? Please tell me you like it!” Percy begged, coming over and kneeling at your side.
Instead of answering, you brought the bowl up for another taste, devouring the contents quite hastily. Finished, you placed the bowl down hard.
“What was the best kriffing thing I have had in forever!” You exclaimed, beaming at the boy.
“Really?!” He squeaked. “It wasn't too spicy?”
You shook your head, “Nope. It was perfect. Thank you very much.” Smiling, you ruffled the boy's fluffy hair. Ecstatic at your answer, Percy bounded off to tell his sisters of his victory. Once he had left you noticed Paz was once again staring right at you. Well, you guessed so as his visor was in your direction.
“He is very talented.” You remarked, feeling sweat start to bead on your forehead.
The man stood, towering over you like tsunami about to swallow a small ship. But, he offered you a hand, which was taken with gratitude. Surprisingly, Paz gently pulled you to him and scooped you up in his arms.
“Paz!” You yelped. “My legs work perfectly fine!”
He laughed shortly, walking calmly until you were back in your quarters, letting you down on your bed.
“Well, as much as I should thank you, I am perfectly capable of walking on my own!”
Your husband crossed his arms. “I know that, but you are my omega.”
“Well...yes...” The mark on your neck suddenly felt hot.
He sat on the edge of your bed, keeping a polite but close distance. “You have to understand, Y/N, this is in my nature. As an alpha. As your husband. I now live for you. For my clan.”
“I...I realize that.” You took in a deep breath in hopes it would settle your nerves. “I just...I've always lived either being relied upon, or alone.” Raising your eyes, you stared into his visor. “This is new for me. I-I feel scared.”
The words came out like a reverent confession with your husband perhaps offering absolution. Even to your Master, the one you had lived alongside the longest, you had never before mentioned any feeling of fear. If there ever had been a moment where you were filled with fright, it was suppressed with more pressing matters taking precedence. With you r master and their heat, his needs always came before your own once you were able to guard and guide on your own. This was foreign territory. Not only as a matter of culture, but your sudden presentation as an omega had truly taken the air right out of your lungs, leaving you breathless and desperate for respite.
“Of...Of me?” He inquired, a hint of sadness in his voice.
Quickly you shook your head. “No! No! Well at first you were quite intimidating but now, I couldn't be afraid of you.”
He sighed in relief, letting his head fall back for a moment.
“This is strange to me. Life has never favored me much, making each day more exhausting as the last. So now with all of this...I have no idea what to expect. I don't know now to be.”
You hugged yourself, trying to feel a semblance of calm and ease, but it did not come on your own.
“I...May I hold you?” Paz asked, turning down the light in your quarters.
Trying to loosen the tension in your body, you accepted. Slowly, the Mandalorian shed his plates of armor, leaving him just in his helmet and woven flight suit. Once done, he slid closer, pulling your body flush against his chest. His scent was overwhelming, overtaking your senses, though not in an alarming way. Instead, your heartbeat slowed, body relaxing against his, reveling in the sensation of his bare hands gently gliding over locks of your hair. Something started to dominate your desires, and you turned in until you laid your head on his chest, nuzzling him on your own accord. At that, Paz shifted his grip with no intention of letting go.
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nitewrighter · 5 years
Yellow As the Sun
A Short ficlet Based on a Fic Title Prompt
Pre-Fall of Overwatch Era. Genji has recently had his prosthetics updated and says some... interesting things while on painkilers.
CW for drug mention
“Oh for--” Mercy frowned, scrolling through the tablet as she walked down the hall of Zurich’s medical ward, “Who in anesthesiology approved this compound for post-surgery?” 
“Well you insisted that the transition to the new prosthetics happen with as little damage to the patient’s remaining organic organs as possible,” said one of the Blackwatch Cyberneticists walking alongside her, “This compound is the safest for that.”
“Well, yes, but Mr. Shimada’s mental state is already delicate enough without these... side effects,” said Mercy.
“He’ll be fiiiine, dude was probably doing mountains of coke and god knows what else back with the Shimada clan,” said another Blackwatch cyberneticist. Mercy shot that cyberneticist a glare and the first cyberneticist made a cutting motion next to her neck and shook her head.
Mercy just huffed. “The new prosthetics are responding to basic reflexes?” she said, looking at the first Cyberneticist.
“Yep. They’ll probably need some further calibration as he recovers more from the surgery, but we have nervous connection.”
The three of them paused in front of the door. 
“We’ll leave you to it, Doctor Ziegler,” said the second cyberneticist. Mercy nodded as they headed down the hall and she opened the door.
She had to admit, she liked the new prosthetics--better than the old ones anyway. Taupe sarcofibers stretched across his torso and over the frames of his new prosthetic legs. More muscle-like movement, better shock absorption for how much he jumped around. It still was markedly different from organic flesh, certainly, but less jarring than the mass of black, white, and red metal and fibers and red and black wires which wracked his previous form. Lighter, too. They’d need him to go through the tedious process of going through different armors to protect the new prosthetics with the least amount of sacrifice to his movement, but the new prosthetics would be significantly lighter. 
Genji was awake already. Sitting up in bed, even. She knew the biotic feed running into his organic arm would keep the new organ grafts from damaging themselves. She had noted in previous observations that he seemed to metabolize and burn through sedatives far faster than most humans. Her gut told her that it was something to do with the dragon, but she feared recording such things in Genji’s medical records might make him more of a lab subject than he already was. 
 She saw Genji was staring at his hands and her stomach knotted. She knew that the transition between prosthetics was easy to make him feel even more disconnected from his body. She stepped forward, ready to say something comforting, but noticed something odd about the way he was moving his hands. His pupils were completely dilated and he was slowly trailing his hands up and down in front of himself, his expression not disgusted, but almost awed.
“Genji?” she spoke softly, not wanting to startle him.
“My hands have ghosts,” he said, waving his hands up and down.
Aaaand I’m firing that anesthesiologist, thought Mercy.
“How are you feeling?” she asked, smiling a little.
Genji blinked several times and looked up from his hands to her. His cybernetic jaw dropped. “Doctor Ziegler?” he said, eyes wide.
“Yes, Genji, it’s me, you may experience some disorientation with your current painkill--”
“You’re glowing,” Genji leaned dangerously far over the side of the bed towards her.
Mercy took a few steps forward and gently took him by his shoulders. “Your vision is also probably affected--strobing, doubles, more vivid colors, nothing too extreme-- but I assure you, it’s temporary,” she said, re-centering him on the bed so he didn’t fall out.
“You’re so strong,” Genji said in awe, his hand trailed up toward her hair, “And yellow...” he reached a hand up toward it.
Mercy managed to put her hand over his and bring it down before he could touch at her hair. “You’re also experiencing some loss of inhibitions,” she said, pulling away slightly.
“Mm,” Genji nodded. 
“So I’m just here to ask you if you’re in any pain and see how the prosthetics are treating you,” said Mercy, trying to get him to focus.
“Hmm,” Genji nodded.
“So are you in pain?” said Mercy.
“No,” said Genji.
“Good,” said Mercy, “And the prosthetics?”
Genji looked at his hands, then started slowly waving them up and down once more. He was quiet for a few beats before holding up his prosthetic hand and saying, “This one’s not real.”
“But does it work?” asked Mercy.
Genji curled and uncurled the fingers of his prosthetic hand, then suddenly loosely flailed it back and forth. “It doesn’t jiggle like the old one!” he said, eyes wide while still flailing his hand.
“The old one jiggled?” said Mercy.
Genji stopped flailing his hand and pointed to the thumb joint on his prosthetic hand. “Here,” he said, “But not anymore.” He paused, “Was it your idea?”
“Well, I had been hoping to update your prosthetics for a while,” said Mercy.
“You’re so smart,” Genji flopped back against his pillows, “...and you... you look like that? All the time?”
“Well, as I’ve said, you may be experiencing some blooming and strobing with your vision right n--”
“You’re like the sun,” Genji went on, “...But... if you could actually look at the sun. And the sun was beautiful. And the sun has eyes. Kuso, your eyes are huge.” 
Mercy snorted. While she was still miffed that the anesthesiologist would make Genji so disoriented, she had to admit, it was a bit of a relief to see him not obsessively brooding over the Shimada clan for once. The stream of compliments was, admittedly, disarming, but intel had said Genji had been more than a bit of a charmer back before losing his body... maybe his confusion was bringing that through. It had occurred to her that she had almost never seen him smiling until now.
“Well I think you should be getting some rest, Genji,” she said with a slight smile.
“You’re leaving?” there was a sadness in Genji’s voice.
“Well I have other patients to get t--” Mercy opened the door to find McCree standing outside.
“...Doc,” said McCree.
“McCree,” said Mercy, furrowing her brows, “Reyes sent you?”
“Well, just to check on Genji...” McCree stepped through the doorway.
“And I’m guessing I wasn’t supposed to still be in here,” said Mercy, arching an eyebrow.
“Maybe,” said McCree glancing down.
“Well as you can see, Genji’s doing fine,” said Mercy, flatly.
“Look, Reyes was just concerned because you pushed through really fast with this surgery without much oversight from him--” He paused and looked at Genji’s legs, “You got rid of the calf blades?”
“If Reyes had his way, we would have been waiting until Genji went through catastrophic prosthetic failure before we replaced them,” said Mercy, folding her arms, “And yes we got rid of the calf blades. They were awful.” 
“Well I mean, if it ain’t broke...” McCree started but made the wise choice of not finishing that sentence with Mercy glaring at him.
“Doctor Ziegler, McCree is here,” said Genji, who was slowly waving his hands around again.
“I can see that, Genji,” said Mercy.
“How you holdin’ up?” said McCree, smiling over at Genji.
Genji gave a thumbs up with his prosthetic hand and then pointed to it, “No jiggling,” he said proudly.
McCree noted the odd amount of relaxation in Genji’s expression and the ease with which he was slumped against the pillows.
“They got you on the good stuff, partner?” smirked McCree, arching an eyebrow at Genji’s I.V.
“Good stuff?” Genji repeated dreamily, looking at his hand again and turning it over.
“Yeah they got you on the good stuff,” said McCree.
Genji seemed to perk up at remembering something, “McCree--” he said in a loud whisper and motioned for McCree to come closer.
“Mm?” McCree leaned in a little
Genji motioned with his head at Angela. “Look,” he said quietly.
McCree glanced over at Mercy. “What?” he looked back at Genji, “The doc?”
Genji nodded.
“...what about her?” said McCree.
“She looks like that,” Genji gripped McCree’s shoulders and his voice dropped to a loud hoarse whisper, “All the time.” 
“Yeeeup, that’s sort of how people work, Genji,” said McCree, gently pulling Genji’s hands off of his shoulders.
“It’s amazing...” Genji said quietly.
“Yeah I’m just going to let you sleep this off,” said McCree, grinning as he pulled away.
“Mm-hm,” Genji nodded and glanced out the window, staring for a few seconds before saying, “The mountains are breathing.”
“They sure are,” said McCree, stepping towards the door, “Oh I’m going to give him so much shit for this later,” he whispered to Mercy.
“Good bye, McCree,” said Mercy flatly. 
McCree tipped his hat and headed out the door.
Mercy closed it behind him. 
“I need to get going too,” she said, looking back at Genji, “Try to get some sleep.”
“Doctor Ziegler?” Genji spoke up and she paused in the doorway.
“Thank you,” said Genji. He gave his prosthetic hand a demonstrative flail. “No jiggle.”
Mercy smiled. “Call me if you need anything,” she said.
Genji nodded and looked out the window again.
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fulltimereviewer · 4 years
40+ Best Star Wars Fanfiction On Google 2020
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Must Read Star Wars Fanfiction Stories 2020
Searching for Star Wars Fanfiction on google and want to read amazing star wars fanfiction crossovers, then wait no further. I have some of the best Fanfiction series that you will rarely find on the internet and trust me guys these are the best fanfiction on star wars series that you will find on the internet.
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So Sit back and relax and make sure you enjoy these amazing Star wars fanfiction stories and along with some collection of the star wars fanfiction lemon series that you will find below in the article.
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kitty cat? All of you you don't have to say Anakin Skywalker if you reply ITS OBVIOUS YOUR TALKING ABOUT HIM!
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Ryan Bramble When someone goes to the darkside they usually have a trumatic experience pre-darkside. Like anakin getting most of his body destroyed and losing his lover and the opportunity to raise his children. That obviously broke him. To use the darkside you have to have some rage or sadness since that is what it feeds off.
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Connor Schultz We all should know that by now. When someone goes dark side, some how, some way, for some stupid reason the person that you once was isn't.... For some reason.
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acephantom903 If the republic never collapsed (which it might have with the droid armies still on patrol because half of the separatist leaders were not captured on Utapau) then there wouldn't have been the break off military group which would have allowed Snoke to get power in the unknown regions. That and he would have had the full jedi council who would have chased him down upon his first contact with the known galaxy. This is ignoring what Snoke may or may not be according to the leaks. If he is what the leaks suggest, that would only make Snoke stronger and more dangerous possibly killing the Skywalker twins before episode 4 to 6. 7-9 could still theoretically happen but things would be very different.
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DANIEL M I don't think so, like he said, sometime, in the future, one of Anakin descendents might fall into the dark side, so, the films would happen, but they would be much different
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Jonah Wilson True but Ben Solo wouldn't be influenced to the dark side because Darth Vader would have never existed, the first order would have no ground to build on and no resistance would be needed to counter them. Different story entirely.
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João Farias The original trilogy could be about how Luke turns to the Dark SIde (as it was intended to happen, maybe motivated by Sidious Force Ghost) in movie IV, killing Anakin and making Yoda fled. Movie V could be about Leia + Force Ghosts x Luke and VI could be about the defeat of Luke and the final reveal of Snoke, plotting everthing from scratch.
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Rachel Morris And about the objections on how Snoke would gain power.... Man... He is a millennial dark side vampire. He would find a way....
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MandoG  I believe it is incredibly rare for force ghosts to exist and they can only exist if the person passed the test of the Wills meaning they can embrace both their own light and darkness but chose the light. Here is the whole article in the canon wiki So these were our first list of some of the best star wars fanfiction and we hope you guys liked this fanfic collection.
Star Wars Rebels Fanfiction Updates 2020
The Star Wars franchise is an America based media franchise and Star wars franchise is created by George Lucas, Star Wars began as a normal Series and then gained much popularity as time passed along with many Star wars fanfiction crossover and Star wars Fanfiction lemon lovers all over the world.
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許進曾 if palpatine is dead than how will snoke got so many star destroyer and star killer base, those are empires weapon the super laser is constructed to be a bigger scale on the death star Bouncin Well....Vader took over the empire but he's strong and is pre-suit. If you played the game Revenge of the Sith alternate ending. So, 4-6 happens but pre-suit Vader as the new Emperor. Max217 Don't you think that the separatist movement would survive if Grievous made it clear to the galaxy that he is still alive? Once the droid army was shutdown, the people of the CIS were still alive but had no motivation to fight with all their leaders dead. But if Grievous were to show up the war would still continue and they would have a general that could lead them once again. king274 he didnt exactly care for the CIS he just hated the enemies of the CIS. So I doubt the remnants of the CIS would be the first people he'd be looking for. DJ Panda Gaming The prequel movies where made to show the easy corruption of a government and how it manipulated. The separatist army was a basic fake front to start a war, without the current conflict of war, Lord sidious would have never won the power of the people in his efforts to end the FAKE WAR. Reguardless of grevious death, the separatist leaders were being moved to mustafar, a different planet perfect for hiding murder. For all we know sidious sent them their for his plan of having his apprentice eliminate them and grevious would have been safe seeing how he was never mentioned to go with them, however obiwan surprised him by abusing him after the meeting roiking2740 stop that's the thing palpatine were supplying them money to construct the droids in thr first place some cunt actually we learn from the second episode that dooku has gathered a large group of supporting long with their own banking clans that would donate to building a Droid army, along with the abundant resources available on genenosis SkiddyGaming but palpatine hold the majority and not to mention his death at episode 3 so I'm sure most of them dropped out Intrepid Explorer Lol, Abusing. Yeah I guess Obi showing up just standing there and showing off that Grievous couldn't quickly kill the intruder was abusing. Then prying open and shooting between his chest plates was more abuse. AEM reviews it was the only way if the a genetic modified clone who was trained to kill jedi wasn't able to kill grievous the who could the rebellion wouldn't they were to weak at the time and not to mention out skilled So these were some of the best Star Wars Rebels fanfiction in 2020 that you will come across the internet and We hope you guys enjoyed reading it. Star Wars The Clone Wars Fanfiction  Because of the popularity of the Star Wars Franchise, the media producers expanded the series into many film parts, tv series, video games, and theme park attraction making room for many star wars fanfiction lemon lovers to be a part of the never-ending fan base. Elderon f he managed to get the word out, I think it would undermine Order 66. Many clones would likely still obey, but there were plenty among them who trusted the Jedi and viewed them as friends. Rex would believe Fives, and I feel Cody would have been the first clone he'd have reached out to Fallen Knight Tylen That's a little difficult to be sure of. He was worried at first about the truth being spread by Fives, but he had things set up to prevent that from happening. So if Fives had been successful in spreading the word, his priority would be trying to regain command over the clones. And there are several ways he could go about doing this. Runsonhappiness But once the words out the words out. So even if he regains control over the clones the soon the entire galaxy will find out he's a sith. The republic would be split into civil war either way. Worlds would start succeeding and possibly a third faction forms in the clone wars. The real question is if it's all revealed would the sepertist fallow Dooku knowing that he was working for Sidious who was leading the republic. john smith make a good point, though Dooku does have Grievous to enforce order. If anyone disagrees with him, he can have Grievous deal with them. And let's face it, the Separatist leaders don't have a lot of courage. Vince Lumontad But here's the thing it only takes one smart courageous person to start a civil war. Plus their own civilian populist would start revolting. And who knows how Grievous himself would react hearing how everything was rigged from the beginning. Brian Anakin would have been allowed to reach his peak (on par with yoda) maybe not by the time all of that takes place but he would surely be stronger with the force than he was as Vader which is scary southparkstudio  ask the Geonosian to build the republic a droid amry and the cis buy clone from Kamin Sergio Torres Maybe the droids built by the Republic would be of far better quality, or not. It would still be interesting to see how the Republic would build their droids and what kind of cloning templates the Separatists would use. Calvin Matthews Without the Clones leading the conflict being called The Clone Wars honestly it probably would have been called the First Galactic Civil War because technically that's what the Clone Wars was, a civil war between the Republic and the Confederates. Majin Taolf I think that would be the name of it if the republic won. But if the seperatists won it would have been something ells in my opinion. Star wars the clone wars is 2008 computer-animated television series. we have many Star wars the clone wars fanfiction lovers reading this Star Wars Fanfiction updates. Star Wars Fanfiction Crossover Very few people know this that star wars fanfiction media series holds a Genius world Record of the "Most Successful Film Merchandise franchise" that makes another reason on the list why most people are interested in Star Wars Fanfiction Crossover collection and Star wars Lemon Fanfiction Collection. Sau 13 Well there are many other games and films with cool ships. Whe hawe Stargate, Warhammer, Sarship Troopers, Starcraft even Warframe joined now. I cant say the Predator mothership because it doesn't really have competition. 🤔 Illutian Kade ya a sequel would be neat hopefully they add more from mass effect besides just the Normandy and reapers they for got about a lot of ships you got to see in the battle for the citadel in mass effect 1 LudBud How about the Cylons are invading Earth and have the BSG arrive with other Battlestars from other realities to stop them. I like the Warhammer 40K universe too. Realist Dude May the emperor s light ve spreadacross the stars... By my Duty The Galaxy will belong to the righteous... By my action the Imperial Navy shall be honoured And remembred upon Holy Terra! FOR THE EMPEROR OF MANKIND AND FOR THE BATTLEFLEET GOTHIC!!!!!!! Babur Dombay it is more likley that Klingons and the covenant would Team up. The Empire would destroy them instead becoming Allies The Reapers would try to kill all of them due there idealogy that if a Race become to advanced they will eridicate them James Cassidy Its missing one certain Imperium. Tho if they did come across them, the Imperium of Man might just accuse them of heresy cuz of their advanced AIs and droid. CP i had this "problem" once the UNCS started sending ships against the Galactic empire, they stormed some of my systems because it were between their frontiers,MY GAME GOT OUT OF HAND AFTERWARDS (the two went against me for attacking their ships on my territory) Fate Weaver I managed to drag a friend of mine into a war he had no chance of winning. Up until this point, I'd been the UN to his Iraq. Giving him Humanitarian Aid, supplying him with advice on how to unfuck his economy (Only for him to refuck ten minutes later) and even helping him in his wars. I ended up picking a fight I couldn't possibly win due to forgetting that this faction had a defensive pact with one of the Galactic superpowers. Told my friend, who was relatively new to the game as this was his second session ever, that if he joined the war we'd both be able to win. My ulterior motive, though, was literally just to use him as a distraction until I could sue for a white peace. He fell for it and, upon getting my peace, I revealed to him that he'd been played like a fiddle. Man I love that game. Fenrir  i tend to play alone, mostly focusing in science o Read the full article
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