#shoutout to my history teacher for defending me
no-good-username · 6 months
I left a comment on a post yesterday saying I was gonna start calling Nirvana a boy band to piss people off
Less than 24 hours and I'm already getting hate replies by random people💀
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eclecticwordblender · 4 years
Part 3 of the Mahabharata High school AU:
(I’ll attach the link to the first two oarts below. Check them out if you haven’t uwu <3.)
Junior students in the limelight:
Is everybody’s favourite- seniors, teachers, principal, classmates, juniors- EVERYONE LOVES HIM.
Is literally perfection.
Very popular.
All the dirty politics which makes the people in school hate each other is put aside when it comes to going to the junior section and pampering Abhi.
Ma’am Kunti once saw Abhimanyu hanging out with Arjuna and Subhadra, she clicked a picture because she couldn’t stop uwu-ing.
Has all the good qualities he looks up to in his seniors.
Is a precious baby who must be protected at all costs.
“I’ll be better than the best someday.”- boy isn’t wrong!
Super tall.
Is sick of being taller than all his classmates.
A senior, Hidimbi tends to use him as a comforting source. It is very wholesome.
Often goes to Bheema because he wants to be just as good at basketball.
“Hidimbi didi, thanks for the amazing food. I’ll now go practice basketball with Bheema bhaiya.”
The nice rich kid.
Always puts others before himself even at this tender age.
Stays mostly to himself.
But one knows he’s going to do wonders when he grows up.
Once Shiva cane to school for a guest lecture and say Iravan offering someone else his lunch and staying hungry himself. Shiva gave him a chocolate and told Iravan that whenever he needs help Shiva is just a call away. Fr though Shiva always checks up on this kid.
“Umm it’s okay. You can have my life too if you want.”
Has a twin brother.
Cute kid.
too mature for her age.
Heart eyes for cutie Abhi. Abhi heart eyes back.
Teachers don’t let her and Abhimanyu sit together because they don’t stop talking and smiling.
Is a pro dancer. Already has a diploma in Kathak.
Kind of emotional. Cries a lot.
But is still strong, regardless.
“No Abhimanyu. We cannot have a play date today. I have my dance performance.”
Uttara’s twin brother.
Overexcited but in a good way.
Gets into accidents A LOT.
Uttar’s most visited spot is the infirmary. The person who knows him best is the school nurse.
Uttar always finds ways to miss dance and music and English class.
“Ah! A fracture again! At least I get to skip the annoying girly dance stuff though.”
Abhimanyu’s bestf because they’re so similar.
Tends to be a little attention deprived.
Can make anyone a friend, LITERALLY.
Krishna group and Dury group come together when it comes to meeting this kid.
Arjuna and Karna put aside their differences to train him for soccer together. One can say Arjuna and Karna could’ve been very good friends had it not been for coach Drona.
“I wish Arjun bhaiya and Karna bhaiya didn’t dislike each other so much.”
(I didn’t include any more kids because there isn’t much to write and I don’t want to make this boring. I’ll leave footnotes if I use any other kids in the fic stories later.)
Present day staff:
(that I forgot to mention)
Being helpful makes up for 90% of his personality.
Very approachable.
Never turns his students down.
Volunteers to take up a substitute class whenever possible.
“Let me handle this!”
The only person who finds him tolerable is Sudeshna.
Extremely controlling.
Filled with toxic masculinity.
Pervert 2.0 (1.0 being Dushasana and 3.0 being Jayadaratha).
Keechaka was passing lewd comments to Draupadi. She was on her way to make him face the consequences but before she reached Bheema had already taken care of him ;).
Indecisive and flaky.
Messes up his schedule and ends up in the wrong classes.
Speaks a lot.
Always confused.
“I don’t know what I’m doing dude!Let alone why!”
Toxic Gossip monger.
Can be very selfish.
Turns blind to her bestf, Keechaka’s glaring and problematic flaws.
Created a scene when Bheem gave Keechaka the beating he deserved.
Also defended him when Yuyutsu publicly called out and humiliated Keechaka for disrespecting women.
Hates Draupadi.
Can be narrow minded.
“Keechaka isn’t wrong. You have a misunderstanding! These are the ways of the world”
Coordinator but everyone ignores him.
Probelmatic in all caps.
Has to interfere everywhere.
Shows up at the worst possible times.
Creates unnecessary problems and then plays the victim card.
“This isn’t a woman’s work.”
Grossly incompetent.
Is in school only because Satyavati insisted.
Doesn’t show up to classes and even when he does the students decide to bunk. He doesn’t even find out.
Has a history of showing up to classes drunk.
“No I’m not drunk. You are.”- passes out in the middle of a lecture.
Senior students in the limelight:
(that I couldn’t fit in the previous post)
Happy go lucky.
Literally an angel.
Only one in class who finds Yudhishthir somewhat tolerable.
Is dating the head boy. Nobody understands why she thinks he has potential.
Sorted and organised.
Probably has more kinds of stick notes than books in her school bag.
Highlighted text books.
Calm but will fight you.
Karna’s girlfriend. Only one who can scold him and show him the right thing to do, ngl.
Vrushali tries very hard to get Karna out of the Dury gang, however, doesn’t try to manipulate/control him.
Once Vrushali dragged Karna while he was mid conversation with Duryodhana, planning to pull a mischief that would land him into trouble. Everyone just stared. It was very iconic.
Mountain girl uwu.
Industrious to the fullest.
The friend who can calm down Bheem.
Straight A student.
Gives Sahadev full on competition in topping the class.
Reads a lot.
Vijaya looks so cute with her oversized glasses barely able to rest on the bridge of her adorable button nose.
Sahadev fell for her over a conversation about the meaning of life. They kind of have a thing going.
“*random classic literature reference*”
Is well aware about how pretty she is.
Nakul talks to her without hesitation.
A word around the campus says that Nakul might even ask her out soon.
Shishupal spread the word though, can’t say about the credibility.
Although for some reason Shishupal is very protective of her.
Plays bass and drums.
Link to part 1 of Mahabharata high school AU: https://eclecticwordblender.tumblr.com/post/625462681921568768/foundation
Link to part 2 of Mahabharata high school AU: https://eclecticwordblender.tumblr.com/post/625553068102139904/senior-students-in-the-limelight
This is the last post dealing witch characterisation. I’ll be publishing fictional stories after this. Will leave footnotes if I use a character I haven’t mentioned yet. Let me know if you want me to write about a specific character (via asks, comments or direct messages).
Tagging fandom mutuals because I need attention to matter in life: @bigheadedgirlwithbigdreams @supermeh-krishnafan @soniaoutloud @1nsaankahanhai-bkr @lemponkoira @incorrectmahabharatquotes @chaanv @hoeticulture @hindumythologyevent
The support on this series has been overwhelming so shoutout to these people for all the validation: @the-rambling-maiden @muralofmyths @starsailororastronaut @blueguardian1306
Also, y’all check out @askhindumyths if you like such content uwu.
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Heyo! How about Organization XIII as college students? What courses would they take? What kind of students would they be? owo
If you’re in college, leave a comment with your major and your favorite courses!
Most of you already know that I majored in history, and my favorite courses at my university were the ‘Psychology of History’ and ‘Founding Fathers and Mothers’
Also, shoutout to Matthew for helping me with a few of these when I needed some inspiration!
Pursuing: Double Major for Master’s Degrees in Business Administration and Public Administration, in a PhD program for Government Studies
Their Favorite Course (link): ‘Philosophy,’ ‘Anthropology,’ Business Management’
Type of Student: a student that all other students wish they could be and a student that all of the teachers like but are slightly afraid of. He’s a no-nonsense type of guy who prefers to study alone and keep to himself. Probably Student Body President but he has absolutely no idea how he was elected to that position.
Pursuing (link): Master of Arts in History with a Concentration in Military History
Their Favorite Courses (link): ‘History of Women, Gender, and Sexuality,’ ‘History of Modern Warfare,’ ‘African Americans Since the Civil War,’ ‘History of Rock: Rhythm & Blues, and Rock and Roll to Indie Rock and Hip Hop’
Type of Student: An infuriating bastard to literally everyone that comes into contact with him. He’s so freaking smart that sometimes it takes the teachers and students by surprise, but he’s lazy and sometimes just doesn’t want to force himself to do the work. But sometimes he doesn’t have to! He manages to scrape by with an above average grade without studying.
Pursuing (link): Master’s of Sports Psychology and Counseling
Their Favorite Course (link): ‘Counseling Student Athletes,’ ‘Multicultural Issues in Counseling’
Type of Student: More focused on other activities that don’t have to do with school, but he does fairly well for himself in his classes. He does just enough to pass with average grades even though he would do better if he took the time and effort to apply himself.
Pursuing (link): PhD in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Their Favorite Courses (link): ‘Polymer Physics,’ ‘Protein Engineering,’ and ‘Thermodynamics for Chemical Product and Process Design’
Type of Student: So SMART. So damn smart but he’s SUCH an annoying little shit and all of the professors dislike him because he’s obviously more intelligent than they are, and HE knows it, too. He’s a genius and is going to go on to do great things, but most think he needs a steady, guiding hand to lead him in the right direction.
Pursuing (link): Bachelor of Science in Nursing - Pediatric Care
Their Favorite Courses (link): ‘Infant, Child, and Adolescent Health,’ ‘Pharmacotherapeutics,’ ‘Procedures and Skills for Pediatric Care’
Type of Student: He’s never been book-smart, but when it comes to hands-on learning? There’s no one better to have on your team. Lexaeus has always learned better when he can actually see information in front of him instead of listening to lectures, so he spends a lot of time teaching himself the information in his textbooks - even if it might take him a while to get through the material.
Pursuing: Master’s in Library Science
Their Favorite Courses (link): ‘Archival Management,’ ‘Knowledge Management,’ ‘Librarian Special Collections and History of the Book’
Type of Student: The dream student that every teacher wants. He’s quiet, studious, asks really intelligent and thought-provoking questions, always does his assignments and turns them in on time, etc.
Pursuing (link): Master’s in Law and Business
Their Favorite Course (link): ‘Business Evaluation and Analysis,’ ‘Game Theory and Strategic Decisions’
Type of Student: Quiet, studious, and knows that he’s smarter than you. Has a lot of activities outside of class because he knows that they look good on a job applications, but his heart is truly just into his classes because he enjoys learning new information.
Pursuing: Bachelor’s in Paramedic Technology
Their Favorite Courses (link): ‘Physics for Poets,’ ‘Immunology,’ and ‘Genetics’
Type of Student: Doesn’t study at ALL and it infuriates literally everyone to no end how he manages to do so well with so little effort involved. The class clown, but also knows when to keep his mouth shut. Defends female classmates whenever they get mansplained by teachers or other students.
Pursuing: Double Major Bachelor’s Degrees in Music Composition and Sound Design
Their Favorite Courses (link 1, link 2): ‘Film Scoring,’ ‘Producing Music with Logic’
Type of Student: Demyx is both a good and a bad student. When it comes to topics that he enjoys, he is the most dedicated, task-oriented person you’ll ever meet. When it comes to the boring stuff - basic classes that he’s required to take, like math or science, his mind wanders and he gets distracted way too easily.
Pursuing: Bachelor’s in Hospitality Business Management
Their Favorite Courses (link): ‘Introduction to the Casino Industry,’ ‘Introduction to Wine and Hospitality Beverages,’ ‘Hospitality Marketing,’ and ‘Hospitality Business Law’
Type of Student: No one understands how he can possibly have such amazing grades when he sometimes doesn’t even bother to go to class, but they’re impressed, especially when he does manage to go to class without a sign of a hangover when most of them know he spent the night before drinking.
Pursuing: Bachelor’s in Horticultural Science
Their Favorite Courses (link): ‘Plant Breeding,’ ‘Agricultural Law,’ ‘Greenhouse Management’
Type of Student:  Knows a lot, sometimes more than the teachers, but is happy to let them all think that he’s dim and oblivious. Aces all of his tests and assignments, keeps himself to the back of the room and watches, silently observing.
Pursuing (link): Master’s of Science in Engineering with a Concentration in Electrical Engineering
Their Favorite Courses (link): ‘Engineering Electronics,’ ‘Circuits Laboratory’
Type of Student: Sly and sometimes gets other people to do the heavy work on some of the more tedious projects she’s assigned. She’s too smart for her own good, but she hates the majority of her classes and teachers, so she skips class more often than not.
Pursuing (link): Bachelor of Arts in Animation
Their Favorite Courses (link): ‘Storytelling for the Screen,’ ‘Interactive Animation,’ ‘Figure Drawing’
Type of Student: He tries. He tries so hard, really. But sometimes the words dance across the pages of his textbooks and he just can’t concentrate on something that’s so boring, so it’s difficult for him to focus when he studies. He passes all of his courses and is an absolute sweetheart to all of his teachers, but he definitely puts in a few extra hours of studying than most people do just to keep up with the rest of his peers.
Pursuing (link): A Bachelor’s in Elementary Education
Their Favorite Courses (link): ‘Assessing Impact on Student Learning,’ ‘The School as a Community of Care’
Type of Student: A sweet bean who is a gift to everyone who manages to get her in a group project. She’s studious, sweet, and always willing to help those who need it. She’s also not afraid to ask questions and stay after class if she needs it, especially in math and science courses, which aren’t her strongest subjects.
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sariddomi · 5 years
q-&~a* <3
gEt to knowmE
//when you were born?
i was born on may 6 :) and im 15 right now so u do the math ok tehe
//what’s your full name and are you proud of it?
wait i feel like i shouldnt say my full name on here but its sara domingues, and im proud of it because it looks pretty i guess
//are you named after someone, if yes then after whom?
my first name isn’t really named after anyone actually!! but my middle name is named after my aunts middle name
//where are you from and are you proud of it?
omg im from new jersey; however, i live in canada 🇨🇦 i grew up here, so thats fun
and my folks are from brazil and portugal ~
//do you love playing any sports, or just watching it?
i used to play sports a lot ! i only really watch it now though - stuff like soccer, figure skating, hockey, dance, rhymthic gymnastics n volleyball
i dont watch it religiously tho its always on the tv tho
//which one is better, basketball or baseball?
basketball because tyler joseph likes it yes
//who is your favorite person in modern history?
my fav people ever:
tyler joseph
josh dun
chris hadfield
elon musk
sasha velour
brendon urie
neil armstrong
dan and phil
eugenia cooney
sikowitz from victorious
tom holland
blaire white
demi lovato
i cant pick tehe cause all these people have either impacted my life or set an example for me or inspire me
//who is your favorite writer in modern history?
uhhh tyler joseph since he writes music but most of the books i read are from before the 2000s i think! i read stuff like the chronicals of narnia, the hobbit n the lord of the rings and i LOVE to kill a mockingbird
//who is your favorite musician from 20th century?
i wish i knew :-(
//which one you prefer, Daft punk or Gorillaz?
i love the visuals in their music videos and ive heard a handful of songs and its always a bop
//do you love animals, if yes then which one you love most?
i love animals !!!!!!! my favourites come down to pigs, turtles and polar bears
i want a dog too :p
//do you have children? and how many?
yes totally i have 10 kids all called ned
//if you have children, what’s their name?
they are ned
//how many children do you want to have?
uhhh i don’t think i want children in the future but i have an open mind i guess im only 15 tho so like
//are you married or single, and why?
im single because im not really interested in dating right now :-) i prefer hanging out with a group of friends and focusing on myself and hobbies
//if you are not married, when are you going to get married?
bro when someone asks me hehe
//what is your favorite drink of all?
gUARANA its the best brazilian drink and i love coconut bubble tea too
//do you have favorite basketball player?
not really except tyler joseph
//what is your greatest achievement in high school?
im only a sophomore now but i got a 95 on my science exam and a 91 on my french so yay me
i may come across as not the brightest, but im a scholar guys !!!! :)
//are you proud of your points in high school?
wait a second there’s points in high school?
//DO you want to have a business?
idk do you
//which business you want to have and why?
i probably would want to sell little knick knacks or cute clothes or books looool
//what is your most favorite scene from movies?
i feel like when a character is finally at peace with themselves or when those scenes where characters join together for the greater good
(i love marvel so i also love the fight scenes with cool music)
//if you love snakes, which one is your favorite?
i dont kno any snakes sadly
//do you love music? Which genre is your favorite?
i love music ! my favourite genre is probably rock and alternative but i do listen to pop a lot too. i have a spotify i’ll shoutout later but im really into twenty one pilots ~
//which one is your favorite: old school rap or today’s new age rappers?
uhh i don’t really listen to rap but i think both are equally good
i think i probably listen to old school more though since i listen to the old radio stations my dad has on in the car
//how tall are you? have you dreamed being ever taller?
i believe im around 5’5, my class measured me though and said im 5’3.7 or smth so i dont kno but guys i promise you im 7’1 so now my dream of becoming a basketball player is coming true
//what is your favorite number and please tell us, why?
i like the number 6. its my birthday and its cool
//have you ever been on any bridge? do you like bridges?
i dont actually think ive been on a bridge besides in a car. bridges sound cool though i like the ones with the water below them, its nice to see the people in their boats and stuff. also the architec for bridges are sick. engineers and architects and artists really outdo them selves with those structures man.
//do you have fear of anything?
im scared of butterflies, those things r hairy.
im also scared of being judged cause i feel not good enough at certain things that people judge me lol
//where are you working right now?
no where im unemployed but i want a job :(
//have you ever dreamed of being successful lawyer?
not really, im too open minded to do it. so i’d probably end up defending the wrong person. i think id want to be a psychiatrist !
//where do you want to travel?
definetly the uk and new zealand and japan
//have you ever been in Europe? where?
i’ve been to europe !! i’ve visited portugal, spain and france :-) i have family around there so like
//do you love history? did you have high grades in history classes?
history is super interesting! i find it fascinating to learn about our past but it’s also kind of sad
i did have high grades looool i loved my history teacher
//how do you describe yourself?
In case you haven’t noticed, I'm weird. I’m a weirdo. I don't fit in. And I don't want to fit in. Have you ever seen me without this stupid hat on? That's weird.
//can you describe yourself in just 3 words?
empathetic, funny, a good friend?
//what are the most powerful 3 words that changed your life?
ill give you 2
stay alive
//who you admire the most, mother or father?
both! they’re super cool and have interesting stories
//do you have siblings? How many?
i have 2 sisters and 1 half sister teehee
//how many books do you read during summer vacations?
i read a few. i did online school so i didn’t have much time this year.
//how many books you have read in 2017?
wait its not 2017
//who is your favorite male Youtuber?
pewds, quackityhq, dan n phil and mr beast
//who is your favorite female YouTuber?
i think jenna marbles or my sister
//who is your favorite comedy movies actor?
danny devito
//what was the reason you cried the last time?
i forgot but i think its cause i wanted a salad
//what is your favorite moment from childhood?
when i got lost at walmart and they had to announce my name and my mother and fathers name on the PA
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