#shippers come get your food!!
joeyclaire · 3 months
u n me are jeremike warriors
various movieverse jeremike hcs because you and i are brothers in arms
mike is a chronic oversharer so jeremiah knew all about his baby sister troubles after knowing him for all of 2 hours
they go on diner dates after work and get milkshakes
they have a CARTOONISH height difference (5’5 and 6’8) and literally everyone comments on it
jeremiah says something about his back hurting from having to bend down to kiss him all the time so mike makes a joke about putting him in a home and jeremiah looks at him like 🥺🥺 do you think i’m too old for you? and mike gets really embarrassed and apologizes
they both have the most SEVERE puppy eyes. those things are weapons.
jeremiah drinks tea and does crossword puzzles every. single. morning. with reading glasses too.
matching pajamas even. mike sleeps in oversized band shirts and no pants and chugs two cups of coffee every morning but jeremiah HAS to have his routine.
they’re both big snugglers
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luminlunii · 5 months
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Here's the thing! Where they hug!
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arctixout · 6 months
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slybluehologhost · 4 months
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Throwback Thursday > sweet pool Illustrated Cards [J-List Physical Release, 2018]
It's no longer Valentine's Day, but I still wanted to share the bonus cards that came with the Limited Edition release from J-List since many of them are quite shippy! In the event that tumblr compresses the hell out of them, you can also view them here.
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oh-gh0st · 1 year
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atsutodo shippers, i present you some food (btw i drew @moeatsushi 's tags on the last atsutodo post i did cus i could Not resist so! that's below the cut ^-^) ( !! tw for blood btw !! )
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dollypopup · 2 months
like. . .are any other Polin fans out there that do not give a singular flying fuck about Debling? we should form a club lol because from the very bottom of my heart and with my whole chest: I could not care less about him. Not sorry, I'm tuning into S3 for Pen and Colin and Pen and Colin alone
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Don’t deny it gay asses
now I dare you to hug and snuggle and be wholesome.
[ surprise guests — 41 / 45 ]
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" ...
this is absolutely ridiculous . i never want to do this again . "
" hah , you look so miserable . "
" i am . "
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starshine-valley · 11 months
Princess! An x Evil Witch! Mizuki
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Knight! Akito x Evil Jester! Tsukasa
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Bonus if Tsukasa and Akito worked as knights together and bonus if Mizuki was also a knight that served An before they were evil (or maybe during who knows).
Double bonus if Tsukasa and Mizuki are working together.
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styxnstars · 5 months
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🎶 'Tis the season to be homo falalalala lalalala 🎶
*leans into mic* you can be homo any season, but merry late Christmas to those who celebrate 🎄✨️
(Click for better quality)
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sinnabunii · 9 months
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dailysarachidouin · 1 year
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[ID: A colored digital drawing of Sara Chidouin from Your Turn To Die. She is in her uniform, which is edited to have gold lining on the label and the top of her breast pocket. She is wearing two gold star earrings, and she has freckles. She also appears to be blushing. There appears to be someone next to her, though only their arm is shown; it's implied they're holding hands. The background is a sidewalk and road, suggesting Sara is walking home with someone. There are autumn leaves flying in the wind around them. End ID.]
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idkwhatimdoing1981 · 2 years
According to fruitsandveggies.org
Bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapple, triggers testosterone production which can elevate a man’s sex drive. High levels of vitamin C and thiamine in pineapple provide a surge of energy to the body too, thus increasing sexual stamina.
As we know Argyle loves pineapple and eats it on his pizza so he must have a very high sex drive. Do what you will with this info jargyle nation.
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manor-tea-time · 1 year
Tatya stands in the garden, holding all of the flowers Brendan told her to get. She's wearing a soft pink fluffy dress that took Bartholomew three trips to get right and her hair took even more attempts to get done perfectly. Anxiety wracks her entire body but she will not stand Ivy up. She has to say how she feels. (@tatya-time) (HEWWO THEWE)
Ivy steps out into the garden, adjusting her hat as she stepped out into the setting sun shining over the garden. As she walked, the smell of the evening hung in the air. She paused as she looked around for her admirer - or someone who seemed to be waiting for someone as well more accurately. Perking up as she saw Tatya - quite the manor matchmaker in Ivy's opinion. Perhaps they'd know where this mystery person was.
She waved at the Go-Go dancer as she started walking towards them. "Good evening Miss. Tatya. Were you meeting someone here as well?"
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-ξ(❁) ⊕) ξ
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
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m3gahet · 6 months
Pibbin snippet of a wip I've been sitting on.
It refs nsfw thing but nothing happens other than them being dorks :p
“What about a compromise?” Robin's fingertips drag along his collarbone as she speaks in a soft voice  ”I still call the shots but-” He watches as those determined eyes soften as her hands move to his shoulders and squeeze his forearms. “I'll ride your strap and let you be big spoon tonight?” 
The look she gives him is a new one that takes him off guard. Red lips pulled into a genuine smile and a vulnerability in her eyes he doesn't think he's ever seen. The smile shifts to a what almost looks like a pout. He squeezes her waist with a grin before replying.
“Ya got yerself a deal.” His stomach flips at the flash of excitement in her eyes before she leans back and offers her hand. 
“Shake on it?”
He rolls his eyes with a chuckle before taking her hand. Before Robin can shake he pulls her in and presses her hard. He holds her hand to his chest and feels her squeeze his as she kisses back.
“Yer so fuckin lame.” 
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adoptsomecookies · 2 years
Pomegranate Cookies are probably the most necessary cookie to have if you want a Dark Echantress Cookie in your household, as Pomegranate Cookies, when instructed to, will keep the Dark Echantress occupied with activities that keeps her destructive habits under control under cleverly disguised compliments and 'evil' activities. Pomegranate Cookies are not inherently evil, only influenced to, if their owner is bad, they will be bad, there is no bad pome only a bad owner.
Pomegranate Cookies are very frequently used in areas where mental shenanigans and magics are a big thing within a profession, and are one of the most preferred cookie companions for granny squad workers for their ability to pick apart peoples emotions under their observant stares, abilities to remove hexes and curses, and provide a more grounded listening ear for troubled individuals and attempt to calm them down. Sometimes, Therapists and whatnot have these cookies in their homes as well, and occasionally even found in observatories, forests, or Hospitals.
Pomegranate Cookies are also known to frequently hang out with Starfruit Cookies, and very rarely get into a romantic relationship with eachother. If that becomes the case, usually, if the pome is with a bad influence, she shatters her mirror and leaves the home or environment entirely under the guidance of the Starfruit Cookie.
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ribbondee · 2 years
The Spy Who Banged Me, a dirty PMATGA Fic (yeah you read that right)
SUMMARY: Boy, things sure do happen in the Nether Realm. In other words, Betty wakes up next to a certain gay lightning ghost after a party, and it's obvious what happened. At first he's shocked and angry, furiously shooing the other away. But as time goes on, he can't help but crave Specter's touch all over again...
What you are about to read is very gay, and also kinda weird. You have been warned.
Pain…dizziness… he felt heavy… no doubt about it. He was hungover BIG TIME.
He had thrown a party the night before, one that may have gotten a teensy bit out of hand. He didn’t remember much of it, except for having a few too many drinks and the loud music and flashing lights.
Betrayus finally opened his eyes, which only seemed to make his pounding headache worse. To say the throne room was trashed would be an understatement- slime and vomit was absolutely everywhere, the monitor was shattered, and there were passed out ghosts strewn about here and there.
“Buttler”, he tried to shout but it only came out as a hoarse croak. “Buttler”, he said again without an answer.
“Feeling a bit under the weather, hot stuff?” That voice… that smooth, suave voice. He would know it anywhere. He hesitated for a moment, then finally looked beside him. Laying next to Betrayus against the back of the throne was… HIM.
“Aw, is ol Betty not feeling well? And I thought we had a good time!”
Wait, was he implying that they…?! And how dare he address him like that! But had they really? No! This had to be some sort of sick joke right?! “Tell me we didn’t”, Betrayus simply said.
Specter responded by winking and waggling his eyebrows. “If it makes you feel any better, no you were not taken advantage of- I was a bit tipsy as well.”
Betrayus began to feel sick, and not just from the hangover. Wait a second… Specter was supposed to be locked away! What was he doing here?! “Go away”, Betrayus hissed. Specter shrugged. “You’re the boss.” The spy floated upwards and away, and Betrayus swore he could hear him chuckling.
Betrayus finally found the energy to shout. “BUTTLER”, he shrieked. The butt-headed servant finally went over to his boss, who noticed he wasn’t feeling well. “My Lord-”
“Perhaps you shouldn’t shout… it isn’t good for headaches.”
“Just answer my question!”
“I haven’t the faintest idea, sir.”
“Well, have him locked up again! And this time make sure he stays in there!”
“Yes sir.”
“And clean up this mess!”
“Yes sir.”
Buttler left, and Betrayus tried to strain his memory hard enough to recall the previous night’s events. He remembered a few things, mostly stuff about the throne room being wrecked or him demanding more drinks from his butler.
Then, it finally happened. His mind was suddenly filled with a sudden recollection- he had been laying on his throne, with another being with him. He remembered the wet slapping sounds, and the moans of pleasure that had escaped his mouth. Uh oh. So it was true?
Then he had another equally as disturbing thought- perhaps it wasn't just slime his throne was covered in… he let out a yell of terror, immediately rolling off of the throne and landing on the floor with a subtle spatting sound. The mere idea of possibly being in direct contact with another's let alone SPECTER'S spooge was enough to make him gag.
He looked at the throne, and yep. It was pretty much coated in slime, its coloration being white with an occasional dash of light blue. Disgusting. His poor throne- his poor, glorious throne desecrated! He was definitely gonna have Buttler clean it up- riiiight after a quick snack. Maybe THAT would help with his hangover.
He floated down to Ogle’s, his headache still going as strong as ever. “What can I get for- oh. You feeling alright there big guy?”
“Shut up and get me some extra rare Slug Dogs on the double!”
“If you say so.”
Soon enough the already stagnant, foul smelling air was also filled with the terrible miasma of slugs. But to Betrayus, it was music to his nonexistent nostrils (how ghosts COULD smell at all, who really knew?).
“Here ya go”, Ogle said, pushing a basket full of the “food” towards the fire ghost. Betrayus wasted no time in gobbling them down, the still squirming, terrified slugs trying and failing to put up a fight. His sharp teeth ground them up like they were nothing, their slime coating said teeth like a glaze. Even by Nether Realm standards this was considered disgusting, especially since the slugs were still alive. But, according to the buttheaded doctor, raw slug slime actually somehow HELPED with hangovers (of course the first person to try it out really must have been some kinda freak).
Ogle just winced as Betrayus continued messily eating, some bits of slug slime landing on the cyclops ghost. Betrayus finished, wiping the remaining slime off of his mouth. “MORE”, he hollered.
Ogle had no choice but to oblige, lest he get torched. The same thing happened again- a basket full of the stuff was presented to the fire ghost, and he devoured it. He finished that one too, and finally decided he was satisfied for now. He simply got up, and began to float away back to the castle.
“A thank you would have been nice”, Ogle mumbled.
“WHAT WAS THAT?!” Betrayus wasted no time in whirling around and summoning fireballs in both hands. “U-um” Ogle stuttered.
“Mind repeating that?”
“It was… nothing! Nothing at all!”
“That’s what I thought.”
The fireballs disappeared, and Betrayus continued on his way.
He had escaped, only to be locked away again. All it took was one little drink to lead to another, and another, and another. He originally planned to infiltrate the party and try and somehow get on that hothead’s good side again (of course with full intention of overthrowing him at the right moment), but all it took was some drinks to make that not happen.
He didn’t even remember who made the first move- probably him. He did recall stupidly approaching the fire ghost who was clearly VERY tipsy at that point, angrily demanding more drinks from his butler. Now that he thought about it, it WAS more than likely him who made the first pass. And, now that he thought about it, poor hilariously drunk Betrayus seemed to like it? And he did too? Ew.
Things had only escalated from there. Rapidly. He had actually been as surprised at the thought of them doing the you-know-what as Betrayus was, but had decided to tease him for fun; likely another stupid decision.
All of these thoughts rang loud and clear in Specter’s mind, as he slaved away shoveling dragon crap. The spiky ghost proof harness was once again around his body, this time with reinforced security. He certainly wasn’t going to escape again anytime soon.
“Egotistical… childish… hotheaded piece of…”, he mumbled as he continued shoveling. Then- SPLAT!
One of the dragons had swung its tail, some of the dung it hit getting knocked onto the poor lightning ghost’s face. Said dragon turned to look at him, sharply inhaling and exhaling with a wheezing sound.
“Oh you think that’s funny, sulfur breath?! Just wait until I get out of here-” Yeah, like THAT was happening anytime soon.
He had been fondled… caressed… kissed all over… Pleasured beyond what he could have ever hoped for.
And he hated it, and the fact that he had enjoyed it. His headache was mostly gone now, as was the sick feeling. Either the slug slime did its job, or he was just simply feeling better. He lounged in his now clean throne, but the room was still a mess. Poor Buttler was doing his best to get everything cleaned up, the party guests having long since been shooed away and dealt with.
He was laying down on the seat cushion, lazily munching away at a fried slug. Then… oh crap. Yet another horrifying thought entered his mind. They had been together… on the throne… DURING THE PARTY. It wasn’t private, like, AT ALL. His red eyes went wide, his jaw practically hitting the floor. “BUTTLERRRR!”
Buttler wasted no time in floating over to his master. Before he could get a single word out, Betrayus began to yell once more.
“Did you. See anything?!”
“Like… what?”
Wait. If he truly hadn’t seen anything, Betrayus saying something now certainly would imply that something went down. Maybe it was best to keep it secret-
“Are you referring to… your little fling?”
“You uh… seemed to be enjoying yourself? I dared not separate you two lest I get scorched.”
Buttler sadly had a point, and Betrayus hated it. In fact, he absolutely couldn’t stand it when others were right and he was wrong. Betrayus growled and narrowed his eyes, a sure sign that he was about to start hurling fireballs if something wasn’t done to ease the situation.
“Your uh… claws are looking quite sharp today!”
Betrayus had no reaction, he was too angry. There was only one thing for Buttler to do now- RUN (or for lack of a better term, fly). And Buttler did just that.
He spent the next ten minutes being chased and burned by his boss, the air filled with the sound and smell of singed ectoplasm. It was only after poor Buttler was torched to the point of his ghostly form melting and leaving his eyes behind that Betrayus was satisfied.
“Get to the regeneration chamber. Once you’ve reformed, make me more fried slugs! Now go!”
“Yes sir…”
Buttler’s eyes sullenly flew away, and Betrayus sat back down on his throne.
“It felt so good though”, came a sudden thought.
Oh of COURSE he was going to think about THAT. He shook himself out of those thoughts, full of disgust… and yet, something else as well…
“I want more” , came another thought.
“NO”, Betrayus hollered. He couldn’t believe it- he was… that. Betrayus, affection and touch starved Betrayus- was craving Specter once more. No, that was an understatement. He NEEDED to be touched again- it was like an itch of sorts that he couldn’t scratch himself.
He was of course beside himself in shock as these were thoughts he normally wouldn't have in a million years, especially when it came to that traitor. But regardless he still felt the need, the hunger… the desire to be close to someone- to be POUNDED by someone. Sure it was likely far from healthy, but since when did HE care about that?!
He was going to let it happen once more- just one more time! Then he would be done! No more! Right?
Luckily the newly reformed Buttler came in at that exact moment, who was carrying a tray full of steaming, freshly made fried slugs. “BUTTLER!” Buttler forced himself not to sigh. “Yes my Lord?”
“Bring me the traitor. And make it snappy!”
“Y-yes sir…?”
Within minutes Specter was brought to him, who was visibly confused. “BUTTLER”, Betrayus shouted again, “leave!”
If Buttler had eyebrows they would have practically hit the ceiling. “Your wish is my command, your fiery-ness.”
Buttler left, phasing through the stone wall.
Betrayus looked around hurriedly, making sure absolutely no one else was present. Thankfully, the pair of spirits were alone.
“You rang”, Specter said with a smirk. He was trying to appear confident, doing his best not to tremble.
“Touch me”, Betrayus suddenly said without warning.
Wait a minute… he at first assumed he was being brought in here to be punished. But instead…?! Oh heck no. HECK NO! The only reason it happened the first time was due to intoxication!
Specter’s nonexistent nose wrinkled much to Betrayus’ ire. “I AM THE LORD OF THE NETHER REALM AND YOU WILL DO AS I SAY”, Betrayus shrieked as he got in the spy’s face.
“Ever heard of breath mints”, Specter said without thinking which only angered the fire ghost even more.
Hold on. Did Betrayus REALLY enjoy it that much that he summoned him FOR THAT?! At this realization Specter actually couldn’t help but smirk a little, filled with pride.
“With all due respect-”
“Just. Touch me.”
Specter decided to do something very brave or very stupid- he raised one of his flipper like arms, and booped the area where Betrayus’ nose would be. “There ya go.”
Betrayus paused, surprised. His facial expression was honestly hilarious, but Specter knew he was likely in for a beating now. But wait- should he decide to comply, there was a chance he’d get back on the fire ghost’s good side? And better yet, apparently he was so good in bed (or throne in this case) even BETRAYUS had fallen under his spell. Now that was priceless.
So, he was gonna do something he might regret yet enjoy at the same time. He was gonna do it.
Before Betrayus was able to get his bearings, Specter was on him in an instant. He practically tackled the fire ghost onto his throne.
“You really want me, don’cha?”
“Uh”, Betrayus sputtered out. His face began to flush, and it was painfully obvious due to him being so pale. If he was gonna screw Betrayus again let alone do it while sober, he was going to have some fun with it.
“You really want me that badly huh”, Specter teased, getting himself comfortable on top of his partner. Betrayus’ blush deepened in hue. He was about to speak but was quickly silenced with a kiss from the spy. Betrayus gasped which gave Specter an opportunity to slip in his ghostly tongue. He let it coil around Betrayus’ own tongue like a snake, Betrayus letting out a small groan of pleasure.
Specter finally broke the kiss after what felt like hours. There was a thin trail of spit/slime hanging between both of their mouths. Betrayus was panting from arousal, his eyes pleading with the gay lightning ghost for more which Specter gladly provided.
He made his way down Betrayus’ body, stopping when he got to the end of his ghostly tail. “What are you doing?”, Betrayus snapped.
“What I did last time.”
Specter wasted no time in shoving his head right up the underside of Betrayus’ ghostly form. Sure he had to wade through several red, fiery tendrils but eventually he found it. That thing.
No one really knew what it was called, nor why it was there. It had been given many names- the “Pleasure Spectre”, the “Woohoo Stick”, or even the “Bone Zone”. Specter simply just called it dick/coochie. It had absolutely no reproductive value whatsoever, its only purpose apparently being getting ghosts off. But hey, whatever worked. As far as he knew every ghost had one, with its appearance varying depending on whether or not it was a boy or girl ghost- said appearance being oddly and eerily phallic or otherwise in shape.
It was merely an inch away from Specter’s face in its pink pulsating glory. He extended his tongue and gave the tip a little lick. Betrayus shuddered, a surge of pleasure going through him like a jolt of electricity. “Oh you like that”, came Specter’s muffled voice. “Uh…”
Specter took that as a yes, and wasted no time in taking it into his mouth.
Betrayus squeezed his eyes shut and let out a loud moan, digging his claws into the throne cushion. Tears began to appear in the fabric as he did so, but it was nothing his servant couldn’t fix later.
Specter began to move his face back and forth as he continued sucking Betrayus off. He could feel the pink thing beginning to pulsate faster, swelling and becoming warmer- he was close.
Specter just continued to suck, Betrayus moaning all the while. Specter could feel his own ‘thing’ getting stimulated as well- he was enjoying this?
And finally, squirt or better yet gush. Betrayus finally came- all over Specter’s face as the spy pulled away.
“Ah~”, Betrayus squealed as he continued cumming, his ectoplasmic nut getting all over Specter like frosting on a cake. Specter came as well, his own spooge spilling out from underneath him.
They were both panting heavily, thoroughly exhausted.
Sure Specter hated getting himself dirty like this, but he found the idea of swallowing cum even worse. He pulled out of Betrayus’ body, some of the cum dripping onto the throne. “How was that?”, Specter purred as he pulled out a tissue from nowhere and began cleaning his face.
Betrayus was panting even harder, his blush being darker than ever. Betrayus was speechless, but his face said it all. It was amazing. “H-hold me”, Betrayus said in a voice that was barely a whisper.
Now THAT was unexpected. But if he really did want to stay on his good side, Specter really had no choice but to comply. Then again, he had just gotten the bastard off not once but TWICE, so would a simple snuggle really be that bad? He floated upwards, and then down next to the fire ghost. Before Specter could do anything, Betrayus used his prosthetic hands to pull the other ghost into a hug of sorts. Specter hated to admit it but the warmth of the fire ghost against him actually felt kinda good.
So much for being the one to hold him but whatever made him happy.
A good ten or so minutes passed, with them snuggling the entire time. It went beyond simply hugging- there was nuzzling, caressing and of course some shameless smooches. This had more than likely happened last time, but it was far more enjoyable now that they were sober enough to properly feel/recall it this round.
They were in the middle of one last make out session, until-
Betrayus sat up with a start. Who- oh.
There the four of them were, all of them having shock written on their faces. Apparently the red one (he never bothered to learn any of their names) was the one who screamed.
“Mega yuck”, said the blue one.
The pink one said nothing, just gagged. As for the hefty orange lad… he just started to cry.
“Enjoying the show”, Specter taunted.
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