#shingkei no kyojin hcs
24hlevi · 2 years
How The AOT Characters Celebrate Valentines Day
Attack On Titan Characters (Mikasa, Jean, Annie, Reiner, & Levi) X Gn!Reader
Summary: How you would spend Valentines Day w/ the aot characters
Warnings: Language
happy valentines day everyone, in celebration of the new aot ep and this holiday, here are these hcs
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- mikasa neither dislikes nor likes valentines day, she's kinda in between on a 50/50 so it doesn't take a lot of convincing to get her to celebrate it with you
- will have everything planned a week in advance just in case something goes wrong
- most definitely would wake you up with a 10/10 breakfast that she made herself that covers the whole table
- gives all of her gifts to you first thing after breakfast because she'd rather see you open them first thing than last
- mikasa would probably get multiple gifts just in case you didn't like one of a few of them but they would all have the same amount of effort and thought put into them
- she didn't plan what to actually do for the day so any idea you suggest she's immediately on board for but would love just taking a walk together
- mikasa can get very affectionate for these holidays/celebrations so expect a lot of kisses or sweet words
- she hasn't ever received many gifts but anything from you and she melts, and will cherish forever
- she will do everything it takes yo make sure you're happy especially today, and at the end of the day she'll ask if today was a good day
- mikasa would take you out to a fancy dinner that she probably reserved weeks in advance and a 5-star rating and a place you'd never been to before to make it even better
- she'd be soft the whole day, but it shows even more just before going to bed with how hands on she is with you, what she's saying, and the expressions on face
- the night would most likely end with mikasa's arms tightly secured around you with her head in the crook of your neck, happy that today went well
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- levi doesn't see valentines day as a big thing tbh, he thinks it's stupid that there's a holiday dedicated to love
- but he'll still do nice gestures and be with you the whole day if that's what you want
- gifts are rare, but when he does get you one they are very meaningful and have a lot of thought put into them
- he prefers to stay inside rather than go out and do something, so it'll probably be just cleaning the place together or eating and watching movies
- he would wake you up with coffee, something he usually did but this time when you looked at it it had a heart made from the creamer and foam (how did he do it? no one knows)
- he would act all nonchalant about what he does but he actually enjoys seeing you happy and thank him because of something he did
- levi doesn't expect a lot, so anything from you is already too much to handle for him, especially on holidays or his birthday, he will probably just stare at whatever you got him for a long while before thanking you with a small smile on his face
- he does all the cooking the whole day, don't even ask to help he will literally shoo you away and out of the kitchen while he cooks
- it would be a whole ass 5-star meal ok? he's just amazing at cooking PROVE ME WRONG 🗣
- he wouldn't get you a lot of gifts, but he would definitely get you flowers that you love and will even buy a separate vase for them
- levi doesn't say "I love you" a lot, but this day is the day you'll hear it the most unless it's your birthday, he may hate the holiday and the point of it, but he does love you a shit ton
- the night would most likely end with you two falling asleep beside each other on your shared bed with his arms secured around you safely
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- similar to levi, annie doesn't really care about valentines day, and she thinks it's stupid to even celebrate it
- but if she sees you actually wanting to celebrate it then she'll willing to do it, but only because it's you
- tbh she'd probably forget what day it was on until the morning of and she realizes that it's valentines day then proceeds to try and not wake you up before getting whatever she needs
- she can't cook that well so she ended up ordering food for breakfast but played it off like she's the one who made it
- you'll probably get like 1 or 2 gifts from annie, but they have the most thought and effort put into them so it doesn't even matter how many there are
- she wouldn't want to go out on valentines day, at least not during the day, she'd much rather go out when it's night, it feels more magical to her
- annie doesn't like receiving gifts, but if she gets anything from you she practically dies on the spot because she's in shock of how someone can love her so much
- it's hard for her to express her emotions through words, so she does it through actions and acts of service and will do anything for you the whole day (tho she does it everyday)
- she'd try to cook dinner but ruin it somehow please take her away from the kitchen or else she'll waste everything in there and instead buys liquor for "dinner"
- annie would rather die than say lovey dovey things, but on days like this it may slip out at random times and she gets super embarrassed after
- she'll do anything to make you happy, especially during holidays like these, so ask her to do anything and she'll drop everything she's doing and do whatever it is you asked (#whipped)
- the night probably ends with you two passed out drunk on the couch because neither of you would be able to make it to the actual bed, but still wrapped in each other's arms
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- jean LOVES valentines day, like fr this man will go all out for it every year
- wakes up earlier than you so he can cook breakfast and then give it to you while you're still in bed (everything is heart shaped btw)
- probably gets you a stuffed bear with it holding a heart and you press it and it says "I love you"
- anything you ask him to do he does, it doesn't matter he would do anything for you in general but even more on this holiday
- he would definitely take you out shopping in the city and pay for everything, will literally argue with you over paying but will end in him doing it
- will take you out to lunch after shopping (and pay for it) and lets you get anything you want
- says super cheesy shit at random times just to fluster you, especially in public
- will never have his hands off you in any way, whether it be you two are holding hands or he has an arm around you to make sure you're safe, he's always touching you
- will keep asking if you're having a good time or not because on the inside he's hella worried that this isn't going well (pls reassure him that it is)
- he might drag you to an arcade to win you a stuffed animal, and after many dollars wasted he finally got the one you wanted and it made him so happy seeing you happy
- will cook a homemade dinner at home for you two but will let you help out which ends in not actually cooking but making out instead
- he ended up ordering takeout because the food was burnt and you two fell asleep with food on the couch
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- reiner is the sweetest bf ever on valentines day istg he just radiates comfort energy
- he wakes you up by leaving small pecks all over your face before handing you a cup of coffee and telling you what day it was
- knowing him he probably took the day off work for this
- he has a whole ass list of what you two can do today and lets you choose which ones, because whatever you wanna do, he'll do too
- definitely first takes you to a café to get breakfast and pays for it (and everything else the whole day) before going through the city and eating street food and shopping
- reiner will hold as many bags as you have it doesn't matter how many he will somehow pull it off (including his own bags)
- he will keep randomly saying how much he loves you also
- he just wants you to be happy and know that he loves you deeply and hopes you do too
- idk how but he probably hid one of those giant stuffed bears in your guys's place and left it there the whole day until you two came back home and you found it in a closet, resulting in it falling on you
- reiner reserved a restaurant for dinner (it was niccolo's place) and it was amazing with however he was able to pull it off for the night despite many others wanting to dine there for valentines day as well
- secretly bought a shit ton of things for today as gifts for you and so when you two got home (after you found the giant bear) he brought out all the gifts and sat them in front of you with a proud smile on his face
- will cry if you get him anything in return
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afrival · 3 years
Random Eren HCs bc it’s the wicked bitch’s birthday
Mans does not get older he just gets fucking worse 🤢 I hate him but I also don’t at all plz
no warnings except vape (ofc)
modern au hcs bc coping
- He listens to a lot of rap and r&b. Also the TINIEST bit of kpop and imagine dragons bc he’s a loser 💕
- He’s not very gifted academically however he SHINES in sports, specifically soccer. Like he’s so good at it tell me I’m wrong bc I’m not
- His best subject is probably math. He hates reading and don’t even get the mf started on how much he hates poetry
- He vapes 💀 his favorite flavor is mint. He genuinely thinks it’s a good replacement for gum since they both “make his breath smell the same”
- Prefers his long hair and keeps it up in a bun or ponytail a lot 🙌
- ALWAYS tryna start shit with kids. Like he will not hesitate to tackle an 8 year old. Y’all ever see that video of Boris Johnson taking down a child in rugby? Yeah that
- Goes completely fucking ape in nerf gun battles and paintball like dude if you engage in one of these you will fucking die— Connie can confirm bc they have these frequently. The bruises man
- The only adults he respects are Erwin, Levi, and Hange but for completely different fucking reasons. Erwin just has dad energy, he’s scared of Levi, and Hange enables him
- Speaking of Levi he taught everyone how to clean properly so Eren is like actually pretty hygienic and keeps his place clean (this can apply to pre-time skip canon)
- He and Zeke are like rlly close brothers but in the “You’re fucking lame” “Aw I love you too bro” way. Guess who’s who
- They bond over slandering their dad and as they fucking should 💪
- He has his ears pierced awooga
- Loooves FaceTiming his friends for the dumbest shit
- “Hey Armin watch me do this dance I just learned” “Eren. it is 2am.”
- His favorite food are cheeseburgers and if you watched Junior High then you know
- Has a lighthearted feud w/ Reiner and it’s just them arguing over how many bitches they get even tho Reiner is gay and literally has a boyfriend
- Accidentally went viral on tiktok once for some random ass thirst video and everyone thought he looked HOT asf 🥴
- Doesn’t respond to texts for literally DAYS
okay that’s enough LMAO— I’m gonna be posting an edit probably later today to celebrate as well so keep an eye out for that ig
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24hlevi · 3 years
hii, this kinda means a lot to me, so could you do mikasa and annie (separately) with an s/o who they just walk in on and they’re crying because they wonder why they’re dating someone like them, thank you in advance, i hope you’re doing okay <3
this is the one type of writing i’m good at so thank you for requesting this ! i’m doing good and i hope you are too ! 💙
Mikasa And Annie Reaction/Hcs To Seeing Their S/o Crying About Them Wondering Why She Chose Them
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- mikasa had been searching for you all around the HQ since she had finished her work for the day and wanted to spend the rest of the day with you
- so she eventually ended up back at the room you two shared only to find you crying
- mikasa immediately rushes over towards you and asks multiple questions ranging from if you were okay to who she had to scold for making you cry
- but when you explained the reason through your sobs, her heart shattered into a million pieces
- she immediately wraps her arms around you and holds you as close as possible to her and running her hands through your hair in an attempt to calm you down
- after you stopped crying, mikasa lifted your head so you were looking at her and she wiped away the remaining tears on your face
- “i chose you because you’re the only one that i want. nobody else. i will tell you that as many times as i have to because it’s true, please know that.”
- she then got you food and sat with you the rest of the day as she kept reassuring you that she wouldn’t leave or choose anyone else
- plus a lot of amazing cuddles :)
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- annie was never the type of person to comfort someone through reassuring words or being extremely close to her s/o but this is the one time i feel like she would break past her comfort zone
- when the blonde found you inside your shared room, crying quietly, she completely froze for a few seconds
- after she realized that you were now staring at her whilst she stood in front of the door like 🧍‍♀️she then went over to you and sat down beside you
- poor girl had no clue what she was supposed to do so she just asked the dumb question of “are you okay?”
- so you explained why you were obviously not okay and annie was even more lost and was internally freaking the hell out because she had no idea what to do in this situation
- but eventually she thinks of an idea and as much as she would hate to do it any other day she knew that she would have to push past it for right now
- annie grabs your hand and holds it in hers, making you look at her as she then slowly leaned her forehead onto yours
- “i know i might not show or say it often, but i love you so much. i would choose you over and over again so don’t think that i wouldn’t because i really would.”
- she would say that and act nonchalant about it but the blush on her cheeks says otherwise and that she truly meant it
- after that annie would be by your side for the rest of the day, not letting you go outside the room as she took care of you
fuck i love annie so much 😭
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afrival · 3 years
Aot Gender/Sexuality HCs
I need something to post and I’ve already made these so 🤷 feel free to disagree even tho I’m 1000% right 😈 /j
no warnings
Eren- cishet (possible bisexual in denial)
Mikasa- cisbi (pref for men)
Armin- cis but gets mistaken as a girl a lot, no sexuality label
Jean- cisbi (pref for women)
Connie- cishet but in a way that’s like kinda suspicious
Sasha- cis girl and sexuality is same as armin
Historia- cis lesbian
Ymir- cis lesbian
Levi- cisbi
Hange- nb ace or cis ace (doesn’t rlly care abt pronouns)
Erwin- cis gay (idc if in canon he had a thing for a woman)
Reiner- fruity cis
Bertholdt- he/him they/them bi
Pieck- she/her for convenience but probably doesn’t care (trans girl 👀 ⁉️)
Porco- trans het (maybe bi??? Idk)
Colt- cis aro probably idk I don’t care abt him tbh
Zeke- cishet but would fuck a dude for. reasons only he knows
Yelena- cis aroace
For a show that doesn’t feature any romance at all it’s so fucking gay
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afrival · 3 years
im begging 🧎 can u pls do pieck x reader cuddling and kissing hcs? just complete domestic bliss im in need of comfort ;_;
PIECK STANS COME GET YOUR FOOD BC IM SERVING RN 🚨 ❤️ Here is your comfort anon 💕
warnings for slight nsfw but it’s mostly fluff
- PIECK LOOOVESSSS cuddling dawg
- Like. Absolutely loves it. Any position she does not care
- Loves being little spoon but will absolutely be big spoon if you want her to be
- Please please please play with her hair while she curls up next you you or lays on your lap
- Play with her hair in general she absolutely adores that, it makes her melt almost instantly
- AWWWW okay so you know like how couples will face each other and just. Look at each other
- Yes. That. But like mega bonus points if you cup her cheek and stroke under her eyes with your thumb
- She just HDHFHFJFJRJ it’s so sweet she’s like a cat
- Speaking of cuddling she is a slut for casual soft pecks and kisses just anywhere
- Her face, neck, arms, chest, she just thinks they’re so cute and sweet and ugh 💞
- She loves giving them and receiving them
- When you like actually KISS kiss soft and slow is almost always the way to go
- Very verrryyy gentle (aka she’s not a biter BDHFJF)
- When things do get more heated it’s the same way, but more teasing? Like shes almost slower somehow
- Neck. Kisses. Galore
- Whenever you two get a chance alone Pieck will come up behind you and kiss the back of your neck or your shoulders
- NANSNSNSNS FOREHEAD KISSES. She will either stand on her toes or bend down just to smooch your head
- When you two are getting into it she’ll kiss your stomach or thighs, also really appreciates it if you do the same to her
- Very rarely will she leave marks, but sometimes will do it if she just feels like being a bit of a pain 🙄
I hope these were good enough 😩🙏 I love Pieck sm plz bye. I’m still coping after chapter 138
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afrival · 3 years
Armin Being Slightly Chaotic Headcanons
Like with most of my comfort characters I hc this man to be the tiniest bit feral internally 🥵 I’m probably gonna do this w/ a lot of my ccs HRHFH
no warnings except brief mention of Weed
- He does dumb shit to torment his friends
- Like the moment he found out worms on strings exist it was fuvking OVER
- He hides them literally everywhere please
- Man when everybody started wearing masks for COVID hes the mf who would make loud ass noises in the Walmart aisle and then pretend like he didn’t
- Has the most obscure sense of humor ever
- He will laugh at the fact that a stick of butter didn’t melt in the microwave
- also laughs whenever people run into walls
- one time a toddler fell in front of him and he just HDHFJRJTJRJSKS
- Texts really ironically but does not talk at all like how he texts
- “shawty 😩🙌”
- “you wanna kiss me SOOOOOO bad bruh” then he gets too embarrassed to say that irl
- HUGE musical stan he will burst out into song for no reason, like if he’s home alone GOD BLESS
- speaking of being home alone he shouts random lines from his shows and movies out all the fucking time
- has been banned from having energy drinks, he will go BONKERS
- is the type to drop a drum stick on a gym floor in the middle of another schools performance and it be really loud
- can laugh without smiling and it’s creepy as fuck
- double jointed he can twist his arms in a way that looks so wrong
- has an Instagram account and it’s just all photos of him w a goddamn gecko or snake on his head
- he also posts cryptic shit sometimes for no reason
- like would tweet “help” and then absolutely not respond to any replies
- writes really purposely shitty wattpad fanfiction under a fake name bc he thinks it’s funny
- blasts really embarrassing music whenever he’s driving and makes SURE the windows are down
- “armin can we please turn this-“ “NO we are party rocking”
- beats on tables or his legs or the floor like drums and it’ll either be the same rhythm for a month or some random ass improv bullshit
- if someone like clears their through or does like any random noise he’ll mock them
- reiner clears his throat and armin just “ahem” and Reiner is looking at him like
- when he’s cold he loudly goes “BRRRRRRRRR” really dramatically
- PROBABLY smokes weed sometimes
- enables Connie and Sasha on their antics but sometimes they stress him out
- BUT LIKE he’s just completely fine and even nervous around people he’s not comfortable around like
- he does this shit bc he feels fine doing it
- never does anything to purposely mildly irritate Levi bc he is scared of him
Lmao in school rn so I can’t do many of these but if I think Of more I’ll do a second part 🥴 next character I’m doing this for is Todoroki BC I-
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