#she's clearly not animal people racist now
problemswithbooks · 1 year
You’re really asking why enji is homophobic in many fics? Most of his haters, especially the most vocal ones are projecting their own abusers onto him like crazy. He’s either homophobic or a violent drunk in the fics, and Touya is a protective, loving big brother, basically a saint. Their own version leaks into the canon too and it alters the general perception of both characters for many of their readers or followers too. It’s just how it is
I mean, in fics I get it and even if i don't like it, it's fine. Fics need conflict and Enji's a good antagonist for any Shoto romance fic. People write fic for any number of reasons so if they want to project and work through their own abusive father's homophobia through Enji they're more than welcome to. It's their fic and their expiration.
What I find more frustrating and understand les is the random short tumblr posts that crop up every once in a while that state for a fact that Enji would be homophobic or force Shoto into a marriage for strong grand-kids with zero evidence to back those claims up. The same can be said for when people try and blame Enji for Shoto and Touya insulting heteromorphs.
Maybe it's because I don't read fics that often, but I've never had an issue discerning between fanon in fics and canon material. And I'd never assert something as fact/ a theory without proof to back it up.
I get that people don't like Enji and for people that already hate him reading him as negatively as possible is always going to be the case. First impressions mean everything, and Enji's was of a horribly abusive asshole. It's hard for people to change their mind after that sort of introduction. The only reason I changed my mind of him was because I enjoy that kind of story.
But I just wish people would take the time to actually think a little before compiling every single bad thing a person can do/be and shove onto a character they hate as if it's fact. For a story, fine--I won't read it but, fic isn't meta and it's not always true that the author believes everything they write. OOC fic is a thing and sometimes you just need a character to get in the way of your ship for angst. But for a character analysis it's sloppy.
#ask#bnha#todoroki enji#endeavor#also it's frustrating because it really seems like people think if someone was one fucked up belief it means they have this other bad belie#and that if a person/character does a wrong thing they no longer deserve sympathy#like how I saw someone say it was toxic to say that it might be Rei that taught Shoto and Touya to insult heteromorphs#personally I think those insults were crafted before Hori decided they were a huge deal/side plot#and should be ignored as if they didn't happen (that's clearly how he's written them going forward)#but if you pretend it did happen and is a big deal#than it makes more sense that it comes from Rei#Neither parent insult heteromorphs#but Rei raised the kids more than Enji did (that's his main fault)#Shoto hates Enji and tries to be the exact opposite of him however he can so it'd make sense he'd follow Rei's example more than Enji's#and now we know Rei came from a racist family which means she probably learned some of that discrimination from them growing up#but that idea is seem as toxic because ...why?#she's clearly not animal people racist now#and even if she still was#what happened to her was still wrong and she deserves sympathy#her being racist doesn't mean it was fine that Enji abused her#it doesn't mean she doesn't love her kids#yet it's not toxic to say Enji made his kids racist....because?#he's already a bad person?#like idk how to tell you that sometimes a bad person can have a positive or neutral trait#the least racist person can still abuse their kids#the two aren't connected in anyway
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genericpuff · 5 months
Hello, brazilian anon here! So I have been following criticisms of LO for a while now, and Psyche and Eros caught my attention in special, because their relationship is legit a racist trope commonly applied to indigenous people: Woman of color is put in a arranged marriage or pressured into marrying a guy from her village/tribe but "falls in love" with a white dude who "saves" her from her abusive and "uncivilized" family. Think of Disney's Pocahontas. This trope is commonly used to dehumanize non-european/anglo-saxon cultures and portray them as barbaric, and is rooted in colonialism and its direct heir, imperialism, as a means for colonizers to justify and sugarcoat raping and forcing women of color to marry them. So not a good look for Rachel.
(you just opened Pandora's Box by mentioning Pocahontas around me LMAO)
It's even more egregious when you consider how Rachel changed the original myth from Psyche undergoing trials on her own to her ... being turned into a nymph servant for Aphrodite. Like huh. Is that really your final draft, Rachel? Have you thought this through?
I made a very spicy post about this like a year and a half ago and honestly I think it's still worth talking about because it's incredibly telling that Psyche had her entire story uprooted and replaced with a version where she's transformed into a non-POC character to disguise herself as a servant to a woman who's already racist towards nymphs. It's got that issue of "take the black character and transform them into an animal/other being that isn't black so that we don't have to have a black character onscreen for more than 10 minutes."
And yeah, you can tell how much Rachel is absentmindedly taking from Disney without challenging what those stories were portraying or asking deeper questions to get to the heart of their messaging. Pocahontas is rightfully panned for being a very white-washed version of a story that was written in the blood shed by Native Americans at the hands of colonizers. "Pocahontas" herself, even, was not some independent native woman who fell in love with the "one good white guy" on the boat, she was a teenage girl, whose life was spared but made worse when she was forced to travel overseas to be used as a prop to justify their continued actions in murdering and colonizing the "savages" overseas; she was then forced into marriage and had to carry the children of her captors, all while being treated as an exotic spectacle by the people around her who would undoubtedly kill her at the first sign of disobedience.
Her name was Matoaka. Her life and story is not something that should be romanticized. It's a tragedy and much of what instigated it is still alive and well today. She only lived to be 21.
I don't know if Rachel intentionally referenced or ripped off Pocahontas in Lore Olympus the same way she clearly has with Hercules and Beauty and the Beast. But it's incredibly telling in how she treats the racial divide between nymphs and gods and how she's twisted the Eros x Psyche myth into what it is that even if she did watch Pocahontas, she probably never realized how problematic it is at its core in the way that it's told.
In the original myth, Psyche is a woman who's meant to represent the fickleness of vanity - the loneliness it can make one feel to be admired and not truly loved, and the destruction that can be brought about in jealousy - and her pursuit in finding genuine love in Eros, a journey she travels alone, thematically with the rest of the story.
In Lore Olympus, she's an illiterate woman of color whose only purpose is to be Eros' wife, robbed of all agency so that she can be a trophy for him to earn, a test for him to pass. It's boring and really icky when you really peel back the layers of it with Psyche's character design in mind. Even when she finally does get more agency in her task to bring down Apollo - or at the very least, keep an eye on him - it's still at the behest of Zeus who gives her immortality not as a reward for overcoming the trials she set out to pass, but so she can be his errand boy. So once again she's not capable of doing anything motivated by her own best interests (especially when she already knows how dangerous Apollo is, why is she the one who has to follow this guy around?)
So yeah, no, not a good look at all LMAO
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I've seen a lot of folks talk about how in-universe things would be different in a modern AU, but I'm curious if you have any thoughts about how Animorphs and its world building would be if it were being written now in a (post?-) war on terror world rather than a post-Vietnam War world.
So this'd be speculation, but. But a lot has changed since 1996. We'd probably get YA Animorphs if published today (sigh), and we'd definitely get 6 or 12 oversized tomes rather than 54 slim paperbacks. On the plus side, we'd get canon queer rep, especially Tobias and Marco, and we'd get updated animal facts.
And then there's the War on Terror. Controversial opinion: I think it wouldn't change that much about Animorphs, because it's obvious in hindsight that Applegate saw the foreverwar coming.
Like, look at Marco's speech in MM2 about how the U.S. is "always on the lookout for new enemies... Enemies 'R Us, EnemyMart, J.C. Enemy. Don't worry, we'll find one." Or his point in #46 about how "global warfare is a thing of the past. That’s what people think, anyway" and the inherent danger in war becoming this glorious abstraction to too many Americans. Look at Visser's point about how humans "tear down a living man but revere a dead one" and use tragic deaths to forward the political agenda, whatever that might be. Look at Jake's job in #54, developed because "terrorism had grown... religious extremists... antigovernment paranoids... latter-day racists."
And then look at the andalites. "Police force of the galaxy" (#8), "Meddlers of the galaxy" (HBC), who often do more harm than good to the planets they try to save. They try to use their tech and military advantages responsibly... but not so responsibly that they're willing to give up even an iota of power to save lives. We first meet the andalites as the absolute good guys, and then over the course of the series that foundation crumbles (#8), and crumbles (#18), and crumbles (#19), and crumbles (#38), until Jake and Eva are "making deals with taxxons and yeerks to gain a victory fast enough to keep the andalites from deciding... to blast the entire planet out of existence and take out the bulk of the yeerk race along with the human race" (#53). Sound like any countries you know?
Anyway, Animorphs shows the Afghanistan War wasn't caused by the Sept. 11 murders any more than World War I was caused by Franz Ferdinand's murder. Applegate was writing in a U.S. itching for any moral-looking excuse to go to war, and clearly she knew it.
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alpaca-clouds · 7 months
CyberSix - The 90s trans Animated Series, you did not know about
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Okay, I think it is time for me to talk about this Canadian/Japanese/Argentinian animated series, because it just is... surprisingly really good. And while maybe the entire trans/queer subtext was not entirely intended... It is so clearly there and really fucking amazing.
CyberSix is about, well, CyberSix, who has been created in genetic experiments by a Nazi scientist, who after WWII escaped to South America. While Cybersix escaped the laboratory, the Scientist Dr. Von Reichter still conducts genetic experiments on all sorts of animals and people. But he also wants to see Cybersix returned to him. So, to hide from him, Cybersix takes up the identity of the male teacher Adrian Seidelman, who teaches at a school for troubled teens. Things complicate, though, when she develops feelings for her colleague Lucas.
Now, let me be up front about two things... No, three:
Due to low ratings outside of Canada, the show was cancelled after only one season. Which also means that the ending of the show is kinda bittersweet - as what was meant to be a cliffhanger ended up to feel very finite.
The comic this was based on was on one hand very anti-Nazi. But at the same time it also uses a lot of racist stereotypes when depicting the Japanese characters (of which there are quite a few). While the characters are portrayed as good people, mind you, who end up helping Cybersix, they are depicted in a very racist way.
Also, if you look at the open ending and think: "Oh, maybe I should read the comic." Don't. Just don't. Trust me on that one. I read it. And it is... oh boy. Cybersix in it mostly exists as a male sexual fantasy. And in general the comic is very, very happy to show us naked women all the time, at times with explicit rape scenes. So, yeah, you definitely want to skip that one.
Still, despite those flaws. The show... is actually really fucking good. Especially because of the queer stuff.
While in the comic this was based on the fact that Cybersix hides under a male identity is just a plot device, in the series it actually is a lot more complicated. Because in the series we see Cybersix struggle with her gender identity. After all, she has been created, her sex was quite literally assigned to her. And while on one hand she kinda fantasizes about being with Lucas as a woman, she at times also feels more in home being seen as a man.
And while Lucas does not find out her true identity till the end of the show (again, there was another season planned), he kinda has feelings for Adrian and for Cybersix, not knowing they are the same person, making this king bisexual or pansexual (I read him as pan).
Meanwhile, of course, the main plot of the show is quite literally about punching Nazis, which is something I always can get behind. It literally deals with something that has happened in the real world (Nazi folks fleeing to South America) and I kinda think that this is neat.
For a while the show was on Youtube, but it sadly seems it was removed. You can still find it on... certain websites, though, given that the DVDs are hard to get a hand on.
I really recommend everyone to watch this show. Its just 13 episodes and it is... really, really good.
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arabian-batboy · 1 year
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So several people have asked me about my opinion about James Gunn making a live-action Batman & Robin movie centered on Bruce and Damian that’s based on Grand Morrison and Tom King runs, I already shared what I thought on twitter, but to summarize it: this is the worst news I have heard while in this fandom and if this movie happens, Damian’s and Talia’s characters will forever be ruined.
As all of you know, movies always have a massive effect on how the general public view comic characters for many years after the drop, even if their portrayal in the movie was a complete 180° change from their usual selfs. I mean look at how much damage the animated movies have done to these characters’ reputation? Now imagine what a live-action Batman movie would do, whatever “The Brave and the Bold” will do to Talia and Damian, it will easily stick to their image for 10+ years and will most likely influence the comics to imitate the movie and change their portrayal in them in a way that align with the movie, again, even if it’s completely different or regressive for their characters.
Then you have all the red flags from Gunn’s statement, first of all he’s influenced by MORRISON’S and KING’S runs? That’s the biggest red flag of them all, because if you like these two characters then you would know that these runs are hands dow the worst possible combination you could pick as an adaptation and somehow Gunn’s managed to choose both of them, seriously all that is left is for him to reference Teen Titans: Rebirth and its over for us.
I have already went on and on about how Morrison’s racist treatment of Talia is the definition of character-assassinations and how till this day her reputation hasn’t recovered yet from it, there might have been some progress lately, but it will all go through the drain if this movie happens because I don’t see Gunn’s, how sings so much praise about Morrison’s run, will bothering fixing the racist caricature that Morrison created, especially since the whole point of Talia in this run is to give angst to Damian’s backstory and portray Bruce as the superior parent compared to her (and don’t let me get started on King’s proud-ex-CIA-agent ass and HIS racism)
So yeah, unless they plan on using another character as the big bad of the movie, which I don’t see happening, because what other character has personal ties to both Bruce and Damian and can be used as an antagonist other than Talia? Then the real Talia is gone forever, she will officially never escape Morrison’s character-assassination (at the very least, they can change her drugging Bruce to her faking a miscarriage like in the original comic, since that part is not REALLY important to story, but I highly doubt it....)
Then we get to Damian......look at all the words Gunn used? Do I need to say more? Some people are actually excited that he claimed that Damian is apparently his favorite Robin, but looking at the way he described Damian here its clearly evident that he likes him for all the wrong reasons, which I would argue is worse than hating him and that he doesn’t understand his nuance or any of his best qualities.
I can already predict what he will do with his character: he’s gonna go look for the whitest White boy in the world, cast him as Damian, immediately drench him in hair gel, then have him act as the most arrogant, stuck-up, obnoxious, disrespectful brat imaginable which in turn will influence the comics to reset his character to that again for the 574th time in a row (and of course you will have fans of other characters going ""look at Damian always being favored by DC per usual!!" without realizing that this is basically a death sentence to his character forever)
Some argue that this is how Damian’s character started out like before he started his development so its alright and to that I say: 1- even in the beginning, his character wasn’t this exaggerated and he still had some redeeming qualities 2- his development happened in a slow and steady pace in stories that mostly had no Bruce 3- he started out as Dick’s Robin and had already established a relationship with every Batfam’s member as well as his place in Gotham City before he got to spend any time with Bruce, which is something the movie will obviously skip.
Also the keyword here is "development."
The problem is that so many people, including Gunn, can't comprehend that Morrison’s Damian is supposed to be Damian at the very beginning of his development, in their minds, Morrison’s Damian is "default" Damian who acts like that all the time and Gunn’s might like Morrison’s Damian just the way he is, so I don’t see him bothering to develop Damian’s character nor do I believe that he has enough time to do so in one movie (lets be real its not like they will dedicate several movies for Damian’s alone) and as an already overly-hated character who constantly get portrayed as a brat that needs to be humbled, a movie based on his fist appearances is the last thing he needs right now.
It will just reaffirm what his haters think, that he was always a rude brat and he will always remain a rude brat and again, this will unavoidably influence the comics to reset his character (which is something the comics have already been doing constantly without the influence of a big blockbuster movie) to the characterization of his first appearance for the millionth time.
Like I said, this is the worst news I have ever received regarding these characters, I know I’m always being dramatic whenever I don’t like the treatment of Talia and Damian, but this is probably it for me. If this movie happens (and I pray it gets canceled/changed to something else in these 3 upcoming years) and it ends up being as bad as I think it would be, then I will probably lose all interest in DC as a whole, my standards were already at rock-bottom, but even I wouldn’t be able to enjoy their characters anymore at this point.
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opinated-user · 10 months
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Lily has responded.
More D.A.R.O style exercises.
raise your hand if you're surprised.
more than that… i can't stress enough how much LO is lying. and i don't mean about the accusations from Courtney or about Courtney, but on the very first line.
"my sister is lying about me because i talked about her being abusive and participating on the abuse coming from my parents so she's retaliating."
this is factually wrong and anyone can debunk this. anyone can go through my blog right now, see the date in which i started talking about "someone claiming to be LO's sister" claiming a bunch of things about LO and then compare that with the date in which LO started really hamming in about how her sister was awful, how Courtney tried to kill her, how much of a little bully she was.
before we started talking about the allegations from "someone claiming to be LO's sister", because we didn't had any confirmation at the time, LO barely even talked about her sister. the most all of us knew was the story about beating her 15 times over a control remote and she ran away from home. it was only after Courtney made her accusations that LO suddenly felt talking a lot more about her childhood and her sister.
i too need to point out how LO still doesn't know what reactive abuse is. LO, i'll explain it clearly since you don't seem to get this: everytime you accuse anyone of being an example of "reactive abuse", you're saying that they're reacting… to the abuse you put them through. that's what the actual term means. it doesn't mean "this person abused me in response to me defending myself from their abuse", which i think is what you think, but rather "this person is reacting to the abuse they're going through."
you basically admitted that you abused your sister and this is her reacting to it. you're not the victim, you're the main abuser when you use that term and applied it to someone else. this is the second time you do this same mistake, you did it with Lizzy too.
google is free. use it sometime.
on top of that… a racist? do you really want to talk about racism? with your brownfacing avatar and appropiating of a Cherokee identity that has nothing to do with you? i see you still have "indigenous" on your bio despite being white and having no relation with no indigenous community, because you simply refused to all these years. i see you aren't doing anything to change that disgusting feathered earring you shove on your avatar to try to make it seem more "exotic". if you want to talk about racism and colonialism, how about we start from there?
she's lying about what we're even accusing her too. now, why does a innocent person even needs to do that? we accuse her of being an enjoyer of CSEM, which we have reason to believe she is, not of producing that content ( if we did that you'd read me on a very different tone than the one i'm using right now), of preying on minors (some of them even gave testimony) and… is it really just an accusations if almost everyone you have met has come out accusing you of abusing them on some way? or is that just pointing out the obvious? but the animals part is completely made up. i don't think none of us would trust LO with our pets or to properly take care of an animal if one landed under her care, but that's a very different issue than outright accusing her of having already harmed an animal. but how interesting that you even brought that up. (especially with how you have talked multiple times about harming rats you found in your apartment and "joked" about throwing rocks to cats during streams. i almost forgot about that, but thanks for reminding me!)
for the hundred time… the fact that she hasn't been arrested doesn't mean anything. thousands of innocent people are rotting in jail and a bunch of criminals are walking around consequences free. you'd hope the person who made a big show about "denouncing a pedophile" (piggybacking from the work other people did in fact) who end up free and not arrested, despite the mountains of evidence and testimony, would know that. but suddenly the system is perfect and the law is always correct. only when it comes to show that LO hasn't been arrested… yet.
"i got accused of faking cancer"… based on the fact that you constantly contradict yourself regarding this issue, didn't know the first thing about the actual treatment and somehow expect us to believe that you were in treatment while also streaming long hours at night or morning playing videogames with no sign at all of illness whatsoever. it's based on the fact that we did actually google, some of us do have experience with cancer from our loved ones and we know that your story makes no sense no matter how many times you tell it.
it also doesn't help you the fact that you even started talking about a cancer when Courtney did came out with her allegations. almost as if you were using it as a distraction. you didn't thought i forgot about that, did you?
where is that lawyer, LO? i have been talking a lot about you in this blog, i'm one of the people giving out the worst accusations against your persona. even before Courtney ever said a word, in my blog is where the "rumour" of you enjoying CSEM gleefuly started. i accused you of preying on children, even more than other blogs did. i accused you of being aware that the material you enjoy was made with the suffering of real children and liking it all the same.
where is my formal accusation, LO? how come i can walk around a free funny onion if all i do is say lies about you and so egregious at that? i guess according to your logic, they must be true. it must be true if i haven't been contacted by your absolutely real lawyer that somehow you can pay with who knows what money. because those are serious accusations and, if it were me, i'd absolutely do everything in my power to stop the spreading of them. if i were innocent, that is.
i'll be waiting the call from Saul Goodman.
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sophiekarim · 7 months
I am actually beyond disgusted with myself for ever looking up to Selena. To first claim you’re taking a break from social media because of everything that happening with Palestine & i*rael and making a genocide about yourself & your own family by posting a picture of your sister who is living luxuriously in the comfort of your mansion whilst talking about other children who needed that attention instead. I’m sorry but is your sister the one facing brutal occupation & bombardment? You might have the luxury of taking a “mental break” but the thousand of Palestinians suffering out there don’t.
As if that wasn’t enough, madam decided to claim she’s deleting her Instagram at a time when Palestinians need these big figures to spread their message. It’s so clear where she stands in this, she just has to have the attention on herself 24/7, doesn’t she? She didn’t want to post a picture of the children she claimed she was talking about because obviously she was going to get caught out. If not by one side, deffo by the other. I guess ma’am doesn’t want to lose followers or her business OR her pro-Zionist besties such as racist Amy Schumer.
This isn’t “hating” on your fav celebrity, it’s calling out someone who is uneducated to the core. You absolutely CANNOT claim you’re on both sides in this situation. You either side with the oppressor or the oppressed. You cannot claim your beauty business is donating to both Palestinians in Gaza AND Israel at the same time thinking it’s all okay & that people are going to start liking you again, where is the logic in that? AND YOU ABSOLUTELY CANNOT INCLUDE AN ISRAELI ZIONIST IN YOUR LIVING UNDOCUMENTED SERIES AND SYMPATHISE WITH THEM WHEN THEY CRY OVER HOW AWFUL IT IS THAT THEY DON’T GET TO GO FOR VACATION IN THEIR “HOME LAND” ISRAEL WHICH IS STOLEN OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN LAND WHILST THOUSANDS OF PALESTINIAN REFUGEES WHO STAYED THERE ARE NOW STRUGGLING AWAY DROM THEIR RIGHTFUL HOMELAND.
Clearly, that money is all going to Magen David Adom (who literally FUND THE IDF, the same sick & twisted animals bombing the Gaza Strip in the first place. THIS IS WHY IT IS SO IMPORTANT TO BOYCOTT RARE BEAUTY AND ALL PRO-ZIONIST COMPANIES. PALESTINIANS ARE NOT RECEIVING THESE DONATIONS. THE CEO IS A ZIONIST FOR GOODNESS’ SAKE.
I’d say boycott celebrities as a whole, they have no fucking idea what they’re saying or doing OR they’re pro-Zionist which itself is the BIGGEST L.
Before you call me a hater, this is literally coming from someone who looked up to Selena for YEARS. I am SO hurt & disgusted. Imagine having 430M followers on potentially the BIGGEST social media platform out there and claiming a post won’t help. It’s so obvious she doesn’t want to help the Palestinians bc compare this sob story to what she posted for Ukraine a few months before.
Only just signing a letter to call for a ceasefire whilst enjoying your luxurious life ain’t it. Posting ONE story in 2014 ain’t it. GO OUT THERE AND PROTEST IF YOU CARE ABOUT PALESTINE. USE THAT PLATFORM TO SPREAD AWARENESS LIKE KEHLANI & LAUREN JAUREGUI. DUMP ANYONE ASSOCIATED WITH ZIONISM, PERIOD.
To anyone who still finds way to defend their favourite celebs or sympathises with these zionist sympathisers & claim they support Palestine at the same time, WAKE THE FUCK UP.
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darisu-chan · 1 year
idk the same Latinos who now cry over Primos, said very racists remarks over Halle Bailey
As a Mexican, it’s very hypocritical of them to cry over a badly conjugated verb and some of the kids having very traditional names
Like I want to say nobody in Mexico is nicknamed Cuquita, but go to any town and you’ll find an old lady with the same nickname
And I want to say “oh nobody spends the summer with so many cousins”, and then I remember my own family reunion from 2005 with all my extended family only on my grandmother’s side… and… yeah, spent the summer vacation with a ton of cousins, easily 20 kids my age at the time
I wanna say it doesn’t happen… but, no, yeah, it does
And as for the “oye, primos” vs “oigan, primos” debate, a bunch of Latinos licked Pixar’s boots with Coco, when the song “Poco Loco” also has grammar mistakes. The song is clearly talking about a woman, so it should switch to “you are in poco loca” but it doesn’t
And Primos is not the first, nor the last, cartoon with Spanish-speaking characters that make grammar mistakes or pronounce words with a very thick American accent. Like, Dora’s Spanish is AWFUL. It’s terrible. No wonder no one learned Spanish from that show.
Do I like Primos? I honestly don’t care for it because I dislike the animation style, and the plot doesn’t seem that interesting to me. Is it the most racist thing I’ve seen? Nah.
As for the earthquake joke, we Mexicans joke about the earthquakes all the damn time. The only reason people are mad is cause they don’t perceive the creator as Mexican, so she shouldn’t joke about it, even if she’s form Mexican descent, it’s difficult for a Mexican from Mexico to consider them truly Mexican unless they’ve lived in Mexico. It’s a sad truth.
Also lots of kids from immigrant families don’t learn their family’s native language or they don’t learn it formally, so they don’t know the rules. Also, lots of Spanish-speaking people break grammar rules all the time, and don’t know how to spell words either.
It’s just so funny how a cartoon which just seems okayish at best has created so much controversy lmao
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jarvis-cockhead · 3 months
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Okay one person has given me an excuse to yap so:
An Overview of Moz Politics
Disclaimer this is super informal but essentially I think I've cracked the Morrissey code as to why he seems to hold so many conflicting beliefs at once. My finding is that he doesn't, actually, his beliefs just play out differently within the UK vs the US. This means a man can side with both Bernie Sanders and Nigel Farage and not be contradicting himself, somehow. Anyway. The key Moz policies to be aware of:
- Anti royalist & despises the monarchy
- Hates Thatcher
- Hates the Conservatives (I think it's very funny that in 2010 he backed up Marr on saying David Cameron isn't allowed to like The Smiths)
- Anti war (? evidence inconclusive especially recent events, this is mostly an assumption based on his 2013 criticisms of Bush for the Iraq war)
- Believes Obama should've done more to tackle police brutality
- Sexuality inconclusive but we know he supports gay rights. Criticised Trump for not having any sympathy for the victims of the Pulse shooting
- Speaking of Trump, in 2017 when asked if he would push a button to kill Trump, he said yes, "for the safety of the human race"
- Early in the 2016 election he endorsed Clinton but later praised Bernie Sanders as "sane and intelligent" and said the media should've given him more coverage
However 😸
- His views on animal rights have led him to support PETA and call Chinese people a 'subspecies' because of their treatment of animals
- Said in 2019 he thinks Farage would be a good prime minister
- 'Nearly voted' UKIP (2013)
- Doesn't like the EU, presumably voted leave
- Claimed to have nothing against people from other countries but said in 2007 that British identity is disappearing due to immigration
- Endorsed Anne Marie Waters far-right party For Britain in 2018. "She believes in British heritage, freedom of speech, and she wants everyone in the UK to live under the same law. I find this compelling"
- Supported anti-islam activist Tommy Robinson under the guise of free speech, "It's very obvious that Labour or the Tories do not believe in free speech"
- In response to racism accusations he claimed that "everyone prefers their own race"
All of this is taken from his Wikipedia page, and there haven't been any updates on recent politics, so as of right now this is all we have to go off.
Morrissey hates conservatives and capitalism, he's pro 'the people' and British heritage, and is so far up himself he'll let his animal rights beliefs turn into abhorrent racism.
His own personal description of his politics:
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The way I've come to understand it is that when it comes to British politics, since he hates capitalism, the Conservatives (and he doesn't seem to think much of Labour either), the monarchy, and seems very strong on heritage, his views align closer to working class far-right groups like UKIP and For Britain. In America on the other hand you're a bit more limited to Republican vs Democrat, and of course he isn't going to support the super capitalist Republicans. He also doesn't have any ties to heritage to muddy his choices.
His racism in relation to animal rights is it's own thing but clearly shows he has no issues with racist views.
... And that's essentially it. Probably the only Morrissey hypocrisy is him stating in 2004 that The National Front Disco is him expressing sadness and regret for anyone who joins far-right movements, when later he'll go and do... Just that. Aside from that, he's very unchanging in his principles. It just depends on the playing field.
I don't care to go into the morals and ethics of liking his music/The Smiths, he just fascinates me as a person. Do I still wish he'd get his head out of his own arse? Absolutely.
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zhaozi · 4 months
before we get into what happened in the kindergarten mafia discord, i want to make sure that this post doesn't end with people critcising the ethics of taking and using screenshots of private conversations. if you are needling someone over the ethics of screenshots, please remember that the focus of this conversation is about racism and a two month long cover up from a mod plus a lot of questionable behaviours from the admin team.
this post might jump around a lot in the timeline but in order to be as concise as possible i am going to share the original screenshots of the timeline from the server admin themselves.
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as you can see from this timeline, this is not an isolated event. this is a continuing pattern that has been going on a long time during which whenever will entered the server he was greeted by those who were lying to him about the progress that was being made. now to start my recollection of events. 7th October
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someone used the phrase 'spirit animal' in an incorrect context and was graciously told by tay, a member of the server, that it was not oaky. isak came in with 'a joke' (jokes are funny and do not harm cultures, this is not a joke but for the statement i am using their terminology). isak was 'modded' by rachael who equivicated native culture to a religion which is further offending native cultures and practices. will, who is native, came in and made a short statement defending his culture. he was not rude, he was not offending other people, he was clearly stating that his culture is not a joke. after this statement will did not re-enter creative chat or the server to talk about anything. however, rachael swiftly came into his inbox and modded him about his behaviour stating that he was 'almost mini-modding' and that was against server rules. this was done without the knowledge of other mods.
you can see those screenshots in will's post and draw your own conclusions. you can also see the apology rachael sent.
Between the 7th and 26th of October
A lot of conversations happened between Hann and Corvus during this time that I was not privvy to as I was just a mod at the time. 26th October during the mod meeting we had, rachael made it clear that she had modded isak in an official capacity for his comments about native culture. the other party involved had also been modded in an official capacity and made the mistake out of ignorance - they then took the time to educate themselves. during the meeting, mods faye and morgan pushed for a statement about racist behaviour in the server. highlighting the important of educating ourselves to protect members of our community. it was also decided that a poc mod would be bought onto the team because 5 white people are not fully equiped to handle the topic of racism.
Between 26th October and 4th December
during this period, not much hapapened to my knowledge. we continued general modding of the server which included an uncomfortable topic of xenophobic actions and fetishisation within the server. the task of handling this conversation was given to the poc mod. immediately they were talked over by the server member and the server member went straight to the admin - invalidating the poc mod and further proving that there is an inherent problem regarding views of poc in the server.
4th of December
on the 4th of december, mod faye bought it to everyones attention in the mod chat that rachael had not done what she said she would regarding adding the conversation where she 'modded' isak for his comment. she was given 6 weeks to do this and hadn't done it.
the following conversation happened - please be aware the timestamps are different because these screenshots have been gathered from multiple sources.
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6th December
a statement was released talking about how rachael had left the mod team. originally it contained the phrase 'stepped down from the mod team'. faye and i pushed for this to be changed because 'stepped down' makes it seem like she left for honest reasons. in reality she left before she could be fired. we always wanted to have an announcement about her no longer being a mod that included a brief explaination of why she was no longer a mod and a second anouncement about racism within the server.
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san shared concerns that people of colour were not being listened to in the server and was immediately pushed back against with an admin asking why people are sharing information. i sent a private message of my concerns to hann and they asked for clarification so this is what i said
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after this hann and corvus talked and decided to take some time to rest as it was a stressful experience for them. during that time communication from me was limited as i was in hospital - it is not necessary to know the reasons, just that i had to prioritise what i spent my limited time doing.
faye was amazing during this time and came up with a step by step plan for the mods to follow.
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7th of December
after having enough of placations and pleasentries, will dropped his account of what happened into the server. he put it in four threads, all of which were relevent to the situation.
he did this without telling anyone.
this is rachael's immediate response to the statements.
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immediately she is trying to get the statement deleted on a technicality. i was the only mod awake at that time because of timezone issues. it was not fun. i refused to delete the statements that will made because i was not going to be complicit in covering up what happened. i refused to silence the voice of a native man who's culture had been the butt of some 'joke'. concurrent to rachael leaving, the clarifications channel was on fire. people were immediately running to attack will for what he had done. calling on him to be banned and asking him to 'prove' what happened to him.
during this time the original person who made a joke admitted that he knew it was a racist joke but he did it anyway. he was still never modded for this behaviour and considering one of the rules is don't be racist, you'd think the mods would've banned him after this but no.
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me and faye worked overtime in that thread. consistently fielding questions about 'what do poc want?', 'why isn't will here explaining himself?', and 'what is going to happen next.' i devoted the limited time i had in hospital to answering the questions in the clarifications channel. this meant i was less active in mod chat and i explained this situation to the admins/other mods at the time. me and faye gave action plan after action plan, we wrote and provided statements, we fed back on what people of colour were saying both in the server and in our dms. it was exhausting but we btoh did it because we wanted the server to be a safe space for everyone. so imagine our suprise when we were promptly fired for our actions. on. fayes. birthday.
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faye was removed from mod chat after this but i remained a little longer. (image has some redacted personal information)
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we were fired for listening to poc voices and trying to highlight the systemic issues within the server. i can't add anymore images but this issue was reignited a few days ago. in response to innocent questions, a mod started cruelly talking to a black member of the community, telling them how much they were disliked. they followed by banning her. they also refused to delete their work within the server. same with will. given how much hann preaches about content theft - it's ironic that they keep ideas that aren't theirs. i entered into the conversation again because i am in a position of privlege with my whiteness. i fielded questions about will and jynx and 'how accusing someone of racism is worse than being racist'. following this my friends and i were also banned from the server. the server was eventually put on read only but not until after the mods had a lovely joking session about banning us with the server members. hann said she apologised to the server members for their 'gallows humour' when joking about the banned people.
this is a little reminder that gallows humour is for those at the gallows. when you're in the audience, you're just laughing at a dying person.
hann never apologised to us but hann & alex did have more fun vagueposting about us on tumblr and making memes about purging members. all while there is still no response to the racism that happened in the server that they were complicit in.
following the closure of the server, hann created a new server with cult like rules which i'm sure you have seen floating around. i was not innocent in all this mess. at first i was complicit in wanted to keep a calm, steady ship. then i was educated by some truly wonderful people in the fandom that sweeping things under the rug just leaves more room for hostility to grow. from then i changed my views and started advocating for firmer stances on racism within the fandom space. that idea wasn't received well.
tldr; racism in fandom spaces spreads further than you think. the amount of bias that people unwillingly show is intense. i was fired as a mod for supporting poc.
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literary-illuminati · 8 months
Book Review 55 - The Gods Are Bastard Volume Four by D. D. Webb
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This is properly a review of Books 11, 12 and 13 of the gargantuan web serial The Gods Are Bastards, which I read in one massive sprint back in August, and also mark the exact point stops including book summaries in the table of contents. So caveat lector, all errors are my own here. Though this is hopefully the last review I’ll need to open by saying that for a while.
The serial is set in a world that’s best described as ‘someone’s D&D setting left to cook for a couple hundred years, and which is now undergoing a magitech industrial revolution’. Quite literally, actually – as it was revealed in the previous volume that the setting is a Lord of Light-style experiment by far-future space-magic-weilding scientists from Earth who were insufferable nerds even before their experiments and millennia of treating the world around them as an experiment drove them insane. All of which becomes much more plot-relevant in this volume, with one book’s main plot dedicated to an imperial concubine learning how computers work in what is like 90% of the way to a femslash harem anime, and the main villains of another being a cybernetics cult who were objectively the coolest thing to show up in a hundred thousand words.
This volume returns more focus to the ostensible protagonists of the serial (sophmore class at Adventuring U), while also splitting them up so Triss (the only-occasionally-murderously-racist paladin) can go get some character development and also spin out the cast even more. Which may have been part of the reason this is the volume I started to burn out on the series in this volume, really – I have, I think, an unusually high tolerance for sprawling casts of characters. But there’s really only so many different sets of sympathetic plucky teenagers learning to bond and work together I can take before I literally stop being able to tell them apart. Certainly my limit of characters I actually cared about got hit some time before Triss’ half dozen new fellow thieves guild apprentices were introduced. At the point where I’m waiting for a murder demon to get loose just to clean up the dramatis personae a bit.
I mean admittedly it didn’t help that they all had the most incredibly predictable character arcs imaginable and none of them ever really got enough screentime or, like, creative energy to ever become memorable. The one besides Triss who got much independent focus was instead someone whose entire character, arc, and impact on the plot was ‘realizing she’s trans and being loved/accepted/supported for it’. Which I acknowledge many people find important and validating, but if I am looking for Representation Fiction it probably won’t be a million words into an epic fantasy web serial (and the author can clearly do better! Ingvar is trans and it clearly informs his character and backstory and he still gets to, like, affect the plot and do things).
Though honestly I’d probably forgive the bloated cast if at this point I wasn’t getting, well, either bored or impatient with the conflict of the story. Which is to say – look, the story’s titled The Gods Are Bastards, I don’t think I’m being unfair in expecting a certain rebelliousness or blasphemy in the narrative. But it’s been 13 books, and all morality aside, 13 books of the protagonists working for Gods and Empire and University and either upholding the status quo or mildly reforming it from within to strengthen it just gets monotonous. Even the thieves guild is somehow a pillar of the establishment. The forces arrayed behind the heroes so utterly outclass their opposition in basically every case that it’s really hard to care about them on any sort of dramatic level, and I keep waiting for a reversal or betrayal that just isn’t occurring.
Anyway yeah, if you liked the previous 10 books you will probably like these ones as well! Would just recommend spacing them out so you don’t burn out.
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uncaught-coolfish · 11 months
Saw yet another RWBY stan say some dumb shit and this time it was the typical “RWBY is much better than anything those filthy perverted asians in Japan make bc RWBY doesn’t sexualise women!”
First off: Fuck off with this Anti-Asian bullshit! Y’all are never going to beat the racist allegations, Japanese people aren’t white people y’know!
Second: if RWBY doesn’t sexualise women, then how come the main catgirl in the show has her cat ears fetishised 24/7, wears a catsuit that is so tight it makes the costume in the 2004 Catwoman movie look comic book accurate, and is now basically nothing but a housewife for the even more sexualised blonde girl whose voice actress compares her character’s prosthetic arm to a fucking vibrator (yikes she reeks of ableism!), who’s dressed like a “sexy” UPS driver and whose anger issues and overall personality reminds me more of every male love interest in every awful 2010s teen romance novel (Especially those shitty After movies!)
Third: I know Japan does make some pretty risqué and sometimes disgusting stuff that’s supposed to be “sexy”, but you can’t turn around and say that this show is any different than any harem anime if not worse in how they treat most of their women characters (Y’know the canon bisexual character in the show has five billion love interests right?)
They do need to understand that anime doesn’t just sexualise women all the time, the trailer for the upcoming Yakuza game is literally the male protagonist butt ass naked on the beach for the sake of comedy! (Yeah it’s mostly censored, but they show his ass for crying out loud!)
This is just reminding me of that time a wasp made a tweet saying that RWBY is better than Fullmetal Alchemist, a manga written by a Japanese woman is clearly not as progressive as the cartoon written by two white guys for most of its run/j
(Sorry this is so long!)
lol it’s okay. And yeah 100% this
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Unpopular OITNB opinions because I’m bored and procrastinating
I had little to no interest in Taystee and found her outright annoying at times. She was okay in the earlier seasons and my idea of her was that she was good character that I didn’t like due to personal preference. However, in the later season, I felt that she could be irritating, irrational and depressing in an unenjoyable way and that she got far too much screen time for what I considered to be a rather dull plot.
I find it hilarious when people try to complain about people on the show being mean or bad people. Like yes, that’s why 99% of them have landed themselves in prison. The funniest examples of this complaint are when people say that Lorna, someone who grew up Italian-American in New York, could sometimes say racist things or when Flaritza, two girls who probably couldn’t even legally drink before they went to prison and, in Maritza’s case at least, didn’t seem to have parents who cared for them, could sometimes be bitchy and immature. These comments are even funnier when whoever says this then goes on to say that they love Frieda, Carol and Barb.
In my personal opinion, Season 2 was the best season quality-wise but Season 4 was better when it came down to drama and entertainment. Season 3 was actually one of my favourites aside from Alex’s whole paranoid arc and I didn’t really mind the panty storyline. Season 1 was obviously good, if a little slow and boring at first. Season 5 shouldn’t have dragged on for so long, if they were only going to cover three days, although I probably would have enjoyed it if it hadn’t felt so absurd and weird compared to previous seasons. Season 7 was depressing trauma porn from start to finish and Season 6 was dreadful n every single way and a terrible conclusion for the riot.
I felt like the family dynamics became way less cohesive it’s the show progressed and people that had once gotten on perfectly well were suddenly at each other’s throats and vice versa. A good example of this was Spanish Harlem which went from a clearly outlined family where Aleida and Gloria acted as parents, Blanca was not a part of the group and the other four ( Maria, Daya, Maritza and Flaca ) pretty much did whatever Aleida said. Contrast this to Season 4/5 where Aleida leaves but Flaritza and Maria don’t seem to even notice, Gloria just let’s Maria have control over Harlem with no complaints whatsoever, Maria and Maritza seem to be at each other’s throats one second and back to there seemingly rather good Season 2/3 friendship the next, Blanca is suddenly an active member of the group and Gloria only cares about Daya. This faulty dynamic is true for all of the other groups as well, and never gets the chance to recover after they are sent to Max.
I didn’t like how some of the seriously traumatic stuff that happened to some of these characters, especially in Season 4, was never addressed by the show again and seemed to forgotten after the episode ended by both the writers and the character themself. You’re telling me that Maritza was creeped on, forced to eat a live animal, held at gunpoint and repeatedly harassed but she bounced back after throwing up like twice and hugging Flaca. In reality, she would probably take a long while to recover or feel truly comfortable in her own skin again, maybe even experiencing some PTSD, which could have been an interesting storyline to take her character down through Season 5, instead of relegating her back to comedy bits and pop culture references.
That’s all my opinions for now, although I will probably make a Part 2 for this post. Hope you agreed with at least one of my takes and that you don’t want to kill me for some of the things I said.
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teeth-cable · 11 months
Helluva boss fandom is turn into a cult that is very true. Fandom can be turn into a cult so whenever someone bring up some of the problematic thing that has done by certain individual the fans get defensive instead of holding accountable they infantilized the individual
When somebody bring up about how vivziepop is antisemitic, racist, the fans will always bring she doesn't know. Really giving a bad look it show how they don't care about valid concern and criticism surrounding helluva boss & it's creator
When a fandom grows in popularity and size, there is alway a belief it's now a cult. I don't believe Helluva Boss has hit peak cult status but it's bordering. Out of all the fandoms I've been in, Helluva Boss takes the cake for toxicity because instead of dumb kids being toxic to each other, it's grown ass adults who think it is totally fine to harass each other and children because they had criticism about the show or are against Stotliz.
This is a true story, a popular artist in the fandom @NOT_THE_BEEEES QT a tweet expressing their disappointment at the show for making Stolas, the damsel in the distress for shipping purposes (Stolas being tied up by Striker, this was before the EP aired) and then they RT their tweet with their own version of an evil Stolas and the fandom flipped. Adult fans were angry, spamming harassment towards them, insulting them, and being happy that a 17 year old was getting dogpiled because they criticized the show. Also during this, fans started to believe they straight-washed Stolas because their AU design for evil Stolas wasn't stereotypically gay. Bee had been critiquing the show and Stotliz for a while before then so the majority of the fandom hated them and were waiting for them to slip up, but they never thought to block them.
Same grown ass adults are also very blinded to Vivzie's past and the current valid criticisms around her but you know, damn well if someone else who wasn't Viv had the same controversial past as her and they slipped up, the fans would criticize them.
But to be fair the critical side of the fandom isn't free from this either. Some "critics'" advice is to ignore the show's good traits and the impact it has on indie animation to just stomp and complain how terrible Viv and the show is. People who clearly hate the show get easily work up and can't even write a cohesive critique without exploding from rage and critics forget Viv isn't the only one working on Helluva. Yes, Viv has more power as the directer of the show but they are still other people responsible for the bad writing, Adam and Brandon. Also we should focus more on how Viv's friends are toxic too. We tend to forget Viv's close friends, Sam, Sam Haft, Morgana Ignis etc are all as toxic and insufferable as she is.
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yurischolar · 4 months
if their group was attacked then why wouldn't they do something about it. trying to make this into "I'm black and these ""clearly"" black coded orcs should be allowed to react however tf they want just because". they literally entered the room by fucking stabbing a man through the chest and resented marcielle for being an elf first. she would've been killed if senshi wasn't there. "marcielle is a blonde white women who the anime sided with immediately" and not the fact that, ya know, that's her life and those are her fcking team mates. the orcs are literally "racist" to every other species the encounter, even going so far to dehumanize them based on appearances. you decided from oneee comment from marcielle that the orcs didn't start anything either. for all we know, they started the raids in the first place. and orcs have canonically targeted not just elves but humans, half-foots and seemingly any other non-orc species. they would clearly have no problem decimating entire villages to get what they want. oh but in the lord of the rings tolkein based them off of his racist ideals of black people so now the modern concept of race and slavery needs to apply to these orcs characters somehow. the concept of tolkein's being that there are races that are inherently evil and unable to change of break from that. even though that's not the case in dungeon meshi. they portrayed the exact opposite actually. if we go off of your theory that the other races attacked first, making them sympathetic, they're the same as any other race in the series and haven't been shown as inherently evil. and if we go with mine, that they attacked other species first, they still aren't being portrayed as inherently evil! your post is a fucking insane victim mindset take.
the way you sent me all this like im gonna read it...
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kromer and ncorp: racist, ableist or something else entirely?
tw: you play limbus company, you should know the tw… also it’s in the title really
now I’ve been wondering about some discourse on Twitter (I know, real healthy) but for a while Kromer has been generalized as racist. however, there has been a rise of people clarifying that her behavior is not based off of racism but ableism. but is either side wrong? and would speciesism be a better approach to kromer overall?
chapter 3 is stock example of transhumanism, which doesn’t specifically lend to either opinion. (i.e the belief or theory that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and technology.)
ableism as defined by Oxford is “discrimination in favor of able-bodied people”. so now the issue is defining what it means to be disabled or able-bodied in the project moon universe. but specifically in ch3, the robotic additions were to seemingly well-off able-bodied individuals as a quality of life addition. now I don’t doubt Kromer would be equally vile to those who added prosthetics because of disability, but the mass that we’ve seen her kill is regardless of if they were disabled prior. I also personally have issue with the association that prosthetics automatically indicates disability. however, thematically to the chapter, ableism could absolutely apply. ncorp inquisitors torture the cyborg civilians by mocking their body functions and declaring the cyborgs could never be as “human”.
then how about racism? well, I’d argue race as it currently is defined is the biological differences within a species. adding robotic parts. the general public seems to believe race can not be modified, and race is something that has many cultural implications and differences. no one quite classifies “cyberhuman” or “robots” as a human race yet…? however, shamefully among history is mass genocide of race because of race, which is reminiscent of ch3—it’s bigotry and genocide of people of a specific group. but if it is based on race? turns out the Kromer commentary (and extending to Ncorp) towards those who use robotic additions is almost a Venn diagram between things said in race and/or disability discrimination within human history.
speciesism applies much better than racism but follows a similar principle. it emphasizes on human superiority over other species such as animals… or in recent topic, ai and robots. it’s bias against robots and ai because it’s not human? yeah, especially if Kromer and her ncorp goons do not believe the cyborgs as humans. however, this specific subset of speciesism doesn’t really hold any importance except for like… ai use for businesses or the weird ai morality question. discussion on this also focuses on an artificial mind and the cyborg individuals in ch3 probably did not become artificial ai (if our good Sinclair’s family is any indicator).
is it possible that Kromer is actually a blindly bigoted person who doesn’t have an ideology that can fit any specific modern concept we have because she’s irrational? well, yeah that’s always been the thing anyway lol. in the end, it’s difficult to define what Kromer is specifically because it’s not as if she’s following the exact logic of being ableist or racist…that’s pretty human in a sad way. they’re not human to her because they’ve modified their bodies in some way… I mean, genuinely, social Darwinism might be the one.
there is always the religious aspect that is clearly there, I mean, there’s a tw on the list called “religious torture and violence” and “enforced ideology and/or actions”. the resemblance of this subset of ncorp being cult-like certainly adds more to it. perhaps I’d save that for a part 2, religious discourse is truly difficult to discuss and knowing Hermann Hesse (and having not read Demian), I would have more insight post-reading Demian on this subject
the ending statement is this; I myself am not disabled and I don’t think I’ve experienced enough racism in my lifetime to say the text in ch3 is reminiscent of my experiences. If you have, I’d love to hear opinions on this. If you haven’t, I’d like to hear from you as well. I also really don’t have time to read Demian right now or do more research, this is just to unload some thoughts on the matter. there might seriously be an exact concept out there that captures Kromer in her entirety already idk
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