#she made her debut with a bob
hearts-4-vicky · 4 months
g!p julie fics are seriously understocked rn it's a crime
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made me bussanut ‼️‼️‼️
warnings: G!p Julie, 5th member reader, reader snuck in cuz she on hiatus😭, fan sign, edging…, semi public sex?, secret blowjob, natty is stupid, u slap her balls like once🎀 kinda short, i think thats it…
um not proofread again…
Everyone at the fan sign knew something had to be wrong with the Julie. To stuttering, gasping, and having her eyebrows furrowed nearly the whole time, people started to get worried. many speculated she missed you, since you were set to be on a hiatus for at least a month due to being accused of being a porn star being debut, (cut me some slack man… idk what to write😭) little did they know you were under the table, stroking Julie’s fat cock.
placing tender kisses along her length and on her tip, never taking her fully in your mouth. Julie had been on edge ever since she sat down, wondering when you would start a proper blowjob. your fingertips teased her tip while you were as the fans started to line up, Julie felt warmth around her tip, making her let out a soft whimper. you wrapped your fingers around the base of her cock, before taking more of it in your mouth little by little. head bobbing on her dick as you take her in your throat. your tongue swiping on the underside of her cock made her let out a low grunt, gaining the attention of the fan in front of her.
“um… are you okay?” the girl asked, before pushing the opened album in front of her
gulping, she answers while trying not to moan out loud “ghk- yeah! how are you though?”
“well-“ Julie had completely zoned out, focusing on trying not to start whimpering in the middle of the fan sign
timeskip… idk what to put man😔
Julie’s facade had started to break as the fansign came to a halt, breathing heavily as showed her no mercy. every time you felt she was gonna cum, you stopped your actions. waiting for the urge to go away before going right back to deep throating her throbbing cock.
As the members were resting, Julie was still trying to be as quiet as she can with her the overwhelming head she was receiving.
“Do you have a ding dong?” Natty whispered to her, breaking the girl from the trance she was in
“H-huh?” Julie gasped out, feeling you play with her heavy balls. your tongue swirling on her tip. Natty continued to speak
“Y’know.. like a… cum gun? pew pew?” Natty started to lean in closer, voice lowered in order to not disturb the other girls. “Or a joystick? whatever you call it!” she trailed off, before noticing the slight sweat around Julie’s neck. “mmfh- fuck..” you took her all in your throat now, pausing for a second before bobbing your head up and down “wha-“ “shhh… yeah I do h-hAVE! one.. oh shit…” Natty looked at her wide eyed as the girl now had her head thrown back. “The fuck?” she questioned the older girl. Before she could respond, Julie felt you bob your head faster, feeling her tip ram into the back of your throat. She brought her hands to her face as to cover her flushed cheeks and to quiet her moans😵‍💫 her cock was throbbing once again as you suckle on her mushroom tip, she prayed you would let her cum deep in your throat. Natty walked away not wanting to deal with whatever was helping with the leader. Julie felt the same knot in her stomach, nearly crying out as she thrusted hard into your awaiting throat for the first time of the night. she painted your insides white with her thick load, making you gag but not rejecting it whatsoever. she leaned back in her chair, riding out her orgasm as she breathed heavily.
“Get up! we’re gonna perform!” Belle called out to Juile. still recovering from her orgasm she panted out a response “huh? i t-thought we would get a little practice before that..” her mind foggy, only thinking about how she would pound your pretty little cunt after this. you giggle at your girlfriend’s cuteness before coughing loudly. hearing this, Belle stepped closer to find the source of the noise.
“what the f-“ Belle lifted the cloth on the table, revealing your topless figure
“oh!- um hi! miss me?”
“how are you here? why is there white on yo- EWW NASTY!”
“nuh uh! not nasty… my babygirl tastes good..”
“yeah whatever.. unnie put your dick away”
hi my loves 🎀 IM LOCKING IN FIX MY ACC RNNNNN n other shit um💪💪💪🤫🧏 wish me luck yall…
Anyway Love you guys and stay safe❤️❤️
-Vicky 💋
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cerastes · 1 year
I haven't played the game, can you tell us what Mudrock is like, like her personality and backstory?
The first impression you'll get from Mudrock based on her fanart, is that she's cute or attractive, and probably nothing else. I do enjoy Mudrock art a lot, but part of me feels like there's definitely a lot of potential for more serious art involving her (which exists, in minimal quantities). That's because she's a very solemn character. Mind you, she does have a silly side to her, but it lives alongside this solemn side I speak of. Let's talk about Mudrock.
Mudrock is a Sarkazian warrior that possesses great might and magic both, being a highly skilled spellblade, or, well, spellhammer, owing to her own expertise of Originium Arts (particularly those that manipulate ground and rock) as well as her time in the battlefield. She made her debut on the event Grani And The Knights' Treasure, the game's very first sidestory event, on a cutscene after the very last optional map, where she receives a letter from that story's main antagonist, Big Bob, her sworn brother, who informs her that he's doing alright after getting part of the treasure. It wouldn't be until Twilight of Wolumonde that she'd take to the stage again, where she is not playable and is, in fact, the main antagonist (though not the villain) of the story. Just like Big Bob, Mudrock is ex-Reunion (Reunion being the first part of the game's main antagonist), and she, alongside Big Bob and their respective squadrons, of which they were leaders, deserted Reunion after it rotted from the inside and strayed from its supposed objective to protect and fight for the Infected: They both realized that Reunion had become yet another pawn in the international war games between the bigger countries, and the Infected had become little more than cannon fodder and easily swayed soldiers to Reunion more than the people they sought to protect. Big Bob and Mudrock both are characterized by having a well-attuned moral compass, and this wasn't what they signed up for. They weren't simply lashing out at an uncaring world and letting their rage loose, they seriously were fighting for the freedom and well-being of the Infected. So they deserted... But they couldn't leave together.
Here's the first big important aspect of Mudrock: Big Bob invited her and her Mudrock Squad to come with him, since they were sworn siblings and their squads also got along really well. It seemed natural to walk the walk together, right? Big Bob's plans were to find the Knights' Treasure in the outskirts of Kazimierz, and use those riches to buy land in Columbia, where oppression against the Infected isn't as prevalent as in most other places, and money speaks louder (for context, the Infected are usually secluded into special Infected neighborhoods in other countries, or even executed outright, so while Columbia still oppresses them to some degree, it is leagues better than other places) and the Infected are allowed to own land and businesses, so long as they have the capital. Big Bob then intended to make a business with this money, and then be able to provide housing, employment and profits for his "family" (what he calls his squadmates and close friends), and for any other Infected that needed help.
However, Mudrock politely declined, because the Sarkaz in her squad simply couldn't live a life that wasn't one of blood and steel: Sarkaz from Kazdel are known to live short, fast mercenary lives, and those who see a longer life, can only live in the battlefield. It's all they know. Mudrock knew this, more so the older Sarkaz in her Mudrock Squad. To subject them to a civilian life would be to simply put them in a pressure cooker until they snapped, until PTSD or incompatibility with the lifestyle became too much, until their grave Oripathy claimed them anyway, and Kazdel Sarkaz tend to prefer a end in the field of battle. They needed a leader, and Mudrock was that leader. Not only that, Mudrock didn't want to leave any other Infected dry out there, a sentiment shared by her Sarkaz, who figured, hey, if we're going to keep fighting, we should do it to rescue as many Infected as we can.
So she traveled. Even though Reunion might as well be dead, rotten from the inside, Mudrock took matters into her hands. She knew her scope would never compare to that of an organized movement... But she had to do whatever she could, even if it was minimal in scale.
Twilight of Wolumonde is a whole can of worms and a half, so let me summarize it by saying this: Mudrock fought Rhodes Island entirely because she demanded there be justice for the Infected that were unjustly killed in Leithanien (or, well, that small corner of) in what basically was a mystery novel plot of whodunit. Once justice had been doled out and responsibility was taken, she took what oppressed Infected would be fine with leaving with her, and quietly left. Her stay was anything but quiet, however, as she summoned several Colossi of stone and soil in order to fight. At one point, she even summoned a particularly gigantic one, akin to a mountain, which she proceeded to transplant her consciousness into to 'pilot' it herself.
Afterwards, however, they were hounded by several Infected Hunters from Leithanien, who had the complete advantage in terms of terrain, who kept picking them off one by one, survivors and fighters both. As Mudrock and company finally arrived at the frontier with Kazdel, just one bridge away, she ordered all stragglers and survivors to cross the bridge, telling them that they could eke out a free, if hard-earned and arduous, living in the Kazdel outskirt towns. Mudrock and her Sarkaz warriors, however, would not accompany them, they would stand their ground by the bridge, to stop their pursuers. Mudrock was ready to die. She put it in no uncertain terms, if anyone wanted to leave with the survivors, they could, and those who stayed with her would die alongside her defending the survivors. Her men and women stayed with her. If it meant saving those, even though they weren't many, that was what counted, she'd seen her personal duty to the best of her abilities. She was fine dying in these terms.
Of course, she didn't die: Elite Rhodes Island Operator Logos had come across this little kerfuffle recently and tailed both groups, and then took action to support and rescue Mudrock and what remained of her squad. They fought. They won.
Mudrock and her crew went to Rhodes Island afterwards, where Human Resources struck a deal with her: If she worked as an Operator for them, they'd provide for her and her Squad, giving them jobs in the field as well as Oripathy treatment. Mudrock wasn't initially sure, but a chance encounter with Grani led to both of them conversing initially about Big Bob and then about other stories, and, plus encouragement and endorsement from Folinic and Suzuran (who knew Mudrock from the Wolumonde incident), Mudrock ended up accepting the deal.
Besides her very full, sincere intention to do anything she can for the Infected and her Sarkaz brethren, Mudrock is a bit... Weird. She'll usually go on bizarre tangents about the weirdest things, or simply say strange things with the utmost serious expression. Not random stuff, just actually letting her thoughts drift along with whatever thought comes to mind, in a contemplative manner. She also likes making little clay dolls of people and talking to them, but feels very embarrassed when seen doing this (though it is implied she actually can just talk to the earth). Mudrock is also popular among Rhodes Island logistics personnel (which includes plenty of Sarkaz from the Babel days, the precursor to Rhodes Island) because she'll offer to help them move heavy things whenever she sees them, given that she's both immensely strong physically as well as a powerful caster whose earth Arts make moving things around easy. She also very rarely isn't wearing full armor, meaning that while you likely usually see her like this in fanart:
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She actually looks like this most of the time:
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In fact, a lot of people in her very own squad didn't know what she looked like. There were rumors about an unknown Sarkaz girl that would wander around Mudrock's camp now and then. That was actually Mudrock in the rare occasions where she didn't wear her armor.
Two fun facts about Mudrock!
The first one is that her birthday is on the 21st of September, which is the International Day of Peace. It serves to reflect that ultimately, what she wants is peace for the Infected and Sarkaz, even if she has to fight for it.
The second one is that her hammer has an inscription if you look closely:
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In the trailer for Roaring Flare, we get a good look at it:
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"For evil men will be cut off". This is a short form of Psalm 37:9 from the Bible (King James edition): "For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the earth."
All in all, Mudrock is bundle of love and kindess in an awkward package (awkward in terms of how she socializes, not in that she's shy or anything), but when an injustice is present, she will fight tooth and nail until justice is meted out (as she did in Wolumonde) and is willing to die for her ideals, if it'll save just a few people.
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dwreader · 10 months
Claudia's Hair & Growing Up
I've written previously about how Claudia's wardrobe signals a shift from her childhood self to her adult self but the most clear and obvious marker of her self-perceived adulthood is her hair. In the early 1900s, a girl was allowed to have her hair down or in a half up do until about age 17-18 or when she made her debut into society. After that, when appearing in public spaces, she would be expected to have her done up (and also wearing a hat).
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As you can see in episode 4, she has her done in the typical style of a young girl in the 1910s, ornamented with a bow or some other decorative ribbon. In fact, this is one of the clearest indicators to people like Charlie and the guy at the university that she's really young even if she claims to be older. This is a childhood/early adolescent hairstyle and an adult woman would not have worn it out and about.
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In the first photo above are the Romanov children with the girls between childhood and early adolescence. Below that, you have adult women in the 1910s with their hair done up and on the right wearing a large hat when out of the house.
However, an interesting shift happens in the 1920s that coincides with Claudia's coming of age and while it's not explicitly explored in the show, it likely compounded Claudia's frustration at her inert physical state. The 1920s was the beginning of VERY short hair becoming popular with women, so instead of marking your adulthood by putting your hair up, many would simply chop off their hair into a flapper bob.
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But Claudia CAN'T cut her hair. It would just grow back so not only is her body in arrested development but she can't even style her hair to the adult woman trends of the era. She's not only stuck in a 14 year old's body but she's stuck with a 14 year old's hair length from the year 1917. So what does she do? After episode 5, she almost always wears her hair up especially when out in public and when she is trying to project maturity (anatonizing Lestat, buying things at the pharmacy, meeting with Tom Anderson). While she may not be able to cut her hair to match the trends of the 1930s woman, she CAN at least put her hair up like a 1917 woman. It's literally her one way of controlling her appearance beyond how she dresses.
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Final note: while the show in general has pretty accurate and well developed styling choices, the one glaring exception is Antoinette. She's really not styled properly for any era she appears in and I know her looking 35 years old for 30 years is a bit of a joke in fandom but truly her hair is just NOT it. It's way too short for 1917 (needs to be updo capable!!) and kinda too long for the 20s-30s. They really just did not care about styling her accurately at all and ykw that's okay cause she doesn't really matter lmao.
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Like look at these from the years 1917 and 1937 and then look at the styles I posted above of the 1910s vs. the 1930s and like????? what is going on here lady!!! You're just not trendy in any era hon.
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beautification-tales · 3 months
The Talk Show
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Gina, a tomboyish skater with a baseball cap and baggy clothes, was sitting on the hood of her beat-up car when she received the call. The producer of a new talk show about sports had seen her shred the halfpipe at the local skate comp and wanted her on the show. She didn't hesitate; the chance to be on TV and showcase her skills was too good to pass up. So, here she was, waiting in the green room of the studio, her heart racing and her knuckles white from gripping her skateboard so tightly.
The door opened, revealing a tall, stylish woman with a perfectly coiffed bob and designer clothes. It was Karen, the producer. Gina stood up, wiping her sweaty palms on her jeans. "You must be Gina," Karen said, offering her hand. "I'm Karen. I've been looking forward to meeting you. We're going to have a blast on this show."
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As they walked down the hall, Karen explained that the first order of business was to get Gina ready for her debut on the show. They entered a luxurious dressing room, where a team of hair and makeup artists were waiting. Gina felt a little uneasy as they started to fuss over her, but Karen assured her that it was all part of the process. They sat her down in front of a mirror and began to apply foundation, concealer, and blush to her normally bare face. Then they brushed on some mascara and lip gloss. Gina couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious, but she trusted Karen's judgment. They fixed her hair by taking it out of the hat and styling it so that it fell upon her shoulders and covered her forehead.
Once they were done, Karen led her to another room where a stylist showed her the wardrobe she was to wear. It was a form-fitting, black dress, shiny sheer black pantyhose and louboutin black stilettos. “Wait, why do you want me to put this on? What does this have to do with skating? I can't skate in heels, that's just stupid," Gina protested. Karen smiled reassuringly and said, "Trust me, this is all part of the show's aesthetic. It's not just about your skating skills, it's about your entire image. You're going to look amazing and turn heads. Now put it on, we don't want to keep the crew waiting."
Despite her misgivings, Gina put on the dress and heels. As she stood up, she felt self-conscious and unsteady in the high heels. Karen, noticing this, laughed and said, “You look amazing Gina. Trust me this is how we get viewers hooked. Once they're hooked they will listen to every word you say.” Gina was still skeptical but she followed Karen out of the room and onto the set. “Oh one last thing, let's have you wear this necklace too.” Karen said as she handed her a gold chain with a tiny skateboard charm. Gina reluctantly put it on and it felt warm on her skin. Immediately she felt a bit better as her posture straightened. She thought she was imagining things but it was like her breasts felt heavier. She looked back and admired her ass. “Hmm my training has been paying off.” She said to herself.
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As they walked onto the set, Gina couldn't help but feel like a fish out of water. The bright lights, the cameras, and the excited chatter of the crew made her heart race even faster. Karen led her to a comfortable chair where she could wait for her cue. As she sat there, Gina glanced down at the skateboard charm around her neck and tried to remind herself why she had agreed to do this in the first place. She took a deep breath and tried to relax.
She listened to the host begin to speak, his voice booming through the studio. The audience laughed at something the host said, and Gina felt a pang of nervousness. "And now," the host continued, "let's bring out our special guest for today's show! Everyone, please give a warm welcome to Gina, the tomboy skater who's taking the skate park scene by storm!"
Gina's heart leapt into her throat as she heard her introduction. She forced herself to stand up and walk towards the center of the stage. The lights were so bright she could hardly see the audience. The heels clicked on the floor as she was surprised how well she walked in them now. As she stood there, the host flashed her a winning smile and embraced her with a slight hug. He led her to her seat as she sat down."So, Gina, tell us a little bit about yourself," he said, his voice smooth and charismatic.
She took a deep breath and tried to steady her nerves. "Well, I've been skating for most of my life," she began, her voice not as shaky as she'd expected. "I started in a local park with my friends, and I just fell in love with it. I mean, there's nothing like the feeling of flying through the air, spinning and flipping on my board. It's just...freeing." The audience laughed at her enthusiasm, and she felt a tiny bit more at ease.
Gina crossed her legs as she felt a bolt of electricity shoot through her body. It felt so good as she squeezed her legs together. “So Gina you really clean up nicely for a tomboy” the host said with a grin. Gina blushed as she realized he was flirting with her. “Well I’m usually wearing sneakers but I had to look my best for you Craig” she replied playfully. The audience laughed and cheered as they were enjoying the banter between the two of them. “Hey now! Careful or I might have to take up skating!” Craig joked.
“I can gladly show you the basics. You know I know my way around a halfpipe.” Gina smiled. She didn’t understand where this charisma had come from. She was usually quite awkward but looking into Craig’s eyes she felt amazing. Gina felt the tingle between her legs intensifying. She licked her lips and pulled at her dress and re crossed her legs. Another bolt of electricity shot through her system as her mouth opened. “Are you sure you’re a tomboy?” Craig teased, causing the audience to laugh even harder.
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“I can be anything you want me to be.” Gina said, her voice dripping with sensuality. Gina felt like she was having an out of body experience watching someone else in control of her body. The audience in unison went “ooooh” as some male voices hooted in approval. “Damn Gina I think I’m buying my skateboard right now.” Craig joked pulling out his phone acting like he was browsing to shop. Gina felt her insides melt as she stared into his eyes, her heart racing.
Gina found it more difficult to hide the pleasure she was feeling. Her eyes fluttered as she tried to breathe normally. “Like I said nothing better than riding that sturdy piece of wood.” Gina closed her eyes as her body tensed. The audience was silent with a few gasps. Craig readjusted himself in his seat and took a sip of water. “Ahem well Gina thanks for coming on the show and making us all skateboarding fans.” He smiled.
“My pleasure” Gina replied, her voice throaty and sultry. The sensation in her body was becoming almost too much to bear. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, trying to find some relief. As the segment came to an end and the audience began to applaud, Gina felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her. What had just happened? She had never been so flirtatious or confident before. She couldn't believe how easily the words had flowed out of her mouth.
Karen greeted her backstage as she led her to the dressing room. “Wow Gina just Wow!” She showed the immediate responses that the show's social media received. “Bring Gina back!” , “We love Gina!”, “That woman is a smoke show!”, “Instant Fan!” The positive reviews were overwhelming as Gina’s phone started buzzing like crazy with notifications. “Feel free to stay and relax. Craig will probably want to come by and say thank you. Gina… you were amazing!” Karen gushed.
Gina sat down on the comfy couch as she felt her nerves calm down. However, the pleasure was more intense as she slowly slid her hand between her legs. The pantyhose was beginning to feel so slick as her wetness flowed from her panties. She rubbed as she held back her cries as she watched Craig end the show from her television. “What a great show We had tonight. I want to thank Tom Brady for being on and the up and coming huge star Gina White… She's going places! Good night everyone!”
Gina put her head back when she heard her name. “Up and cummin,” how appropriate she whispered.
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She heard a knock on the door and took a deep breath. “Come in” she said as she fixed herself on the couch in a seductive pose. It was him. Craig. The man that she had just flirted with on national television. He walked in and smiled at her. Gina felt a flutter in her stomach. She didn't know what to say or do. "Hi Gina," he said, his voice smooth as silk. "That was... well, that was something else. I can't believe how confident you were back there. You were amazing."
“Thank you, I’m usually so awkward and nervous but tonight. It’s like I knew what to do and it felt so… natural.” Gina blushed as she looked at her lap, playing with the hem of her dress. Craig walked over to her and sat down beside her on the couch. He leaned in, his breath warm against her ear. "Yeah, people love to see flirting. It’s a fun act to put on.” He whispered.
“Who said I was acting?” She grabbed Craig’s collar and pulled him in for a kiss. His lips were soft and tasted like mint. She felt his hand slip under her dress, tracing circles over her hosiery covered thigh. She moaned into the kiss, her body melting against his. He deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue into her mouth, their tongues tangling together. Gina reached down and unbuckled his belt, then undid his pants, freeing his hard cock. She stroked it slowly, feeling the heat and the length of it against her palm. "I was serious. Nothing better than riding some hard stiff wood," she whispered.
Craig broke the kiss, breathing heavily. "Then why don't you show me just how good you are at it?" He said as he guided her upon his lap. He grabbed her ass with a hard spank as he ripped her pantyhose open. She grabbed the couch, slipping her wet panties to the side as she lowered herself onto his cock. He groaned as she took him inside her, her tightness sending waves of pleasure through his body. She began to ride him hard, her hips moving in a rhythm that was both sensual and demanding. The sound of their skin slapping together filled the room as they lost themselves in the heat of the moment. “Oh you are definitely coming back to the show.” Craig gasped as she leaned forward, her breasts brushing against his chest. She ground her hips against him, feeling the familiar tightness building inside her. With a final thrust, she arched her back, her orgasm crashing over her in a wave of pleasure. She moaned his name as her body trembled from the release.
“Mmm Craig I’m cumming multiple times tonight alone.” She restarted riding him as their moans echoed in the room.
Meanwhile, just outside Gina’s dressing room Karen and a Production Assistant were listening. “Karen, I think we can pencil her in next month but I think you put way too much charisma spell on the necklace.” The Production Assistant said as she smiled. Karen shook her head in disagreement. “You hear that in there? That’s the sound of future ratings and advertising dollars in all our pockets.” She grinned as she put her ear back up against the door. The sounds of their moaning and breathing filled the hallway, sending a shiver down her spine. “Yeah but what happens when Gina becomes addicted to fame and beauty… she won’t be doing much skating then.” The PA said with a worried tone. Karen smirked. “ From what I’m hearing. She won’t mind at all.” Karen walked away as she turned back to say one more thing.
“Anyway that’s show biz.”
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nayeonline · 1 month
check out last months installment here :)
Bubble Gum - NewJeans
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With HYBE collapsing in on itself and ADOR being the epicentre of the explosion, a part of me was a little afraid that NewJeans' comeback would take a hit in the quality department. From the first bars of 'Bubblegum' I knew I had been worried for no reason.
'Bubblegum' is an early 2000s synth fueled record with an edge of 80s Japanese citypop. It's groovy, simplistic, and effortless in execution, and while it isn't necessarily an innovation in NewJeans' notoriously trend-setting discography, it's still a welcome addition that capitalizes on the members vocal tones and the group's style beautifully.
The music video is gorgeous, as usual, with it taking notes from the raw, realistic nature of 'Ditto' and the colour-pop confidence of 'Hype Boy'. Danielle looked especially gorgeous in her natural curls, and Hanni's sharp bob is so striking - she looks like an anime heroine, and I love it.
I know we've all heard the phrase 'I think I just made the song of the summer' a little too much these past few years, but I am of the opinion that NewJeans has successfully achieved it with 'Bubblegum' - it's been a whirlwind year so far for me, and something easygoing and chill like this is exactly the energy I will be bringing into the hotter months.
Even though they have made ripples in the kpop industry, it seems nobody can do it quite like NewJeans.
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note: i will be covering the rest of the mini album when the m/v for 'accendio' is released next month, so stay tuned :)
Coming off of the mildly contrived 'Baddie' and the shockingly beautiful 'Off The Record' from 2023's 'I'VE MINE' EP, I wasn't sure where I was going to stand with IVE's comeback. Once again, I was pleasantly surprised.
'Heya' is a track with a chorus melody that makes such perfect sense that you are left amazed that nobody has thought of it before - its so easily catchy, and being 100% real, it's been stuck in my head since the m/v teaser. The construction of this song is honestly very impressive (Dem Jointz is the arranger so this is unsurprising), every vocal or instrumental motif pokes it's head in and reappears in an effortlessly perfect way, even the raps aren't jarring, a pitfall many a kpop track have fallen down before.
Functionally, this song is the perfect response to 'Baddie': that playful edge they centred in on in that track is still present here, but IVE have returned back to home base a little more and drawn from that elegant, untouchable concept they built in their iconic debut trilogy. 'Heya' understands the elements that saved 'Baddie' from succumbing to unlistenability, and knows how to use them redirect back to the right track without discarding the lessons learnt entirely.
While I don't think this song has reached 'After LIKE' or 'Love Dive' levels of perfection for me, it's still a super fun song for IVE, and absolutely a step in the right direction.
(final note: does anyone else feel like this song samples 'flashing lights' by kanye west?? does anyone else hear this? like at 45 seconds?? maybe im slowly going insane idk)
Midas Touch - KISS OF LIFE
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(check out my breakdown of the historical allusions in the mv here)
Kiss Of Life seems to just know exactly what they are doing, and the music is just getting better and better. The Britney edge and old SNSD flair on this track is right up my street, and all the members just give their all on this song, their talent is so consistently clear.
Their seemingly exponential growth in popularity and success from debut is so well deserved, they are truly setting the standard for the quality of music of the 5th generation; they are proving with every release that kpop does have more to offer, there is more innovation to be made.
My grievances at this release being a single album aside, this was a perfect comeback in my opinion. Congratulations Kiof for graduating nugudom, I can't wait to see what you do next.
Impossible + 9 Days + One Kiss - RIIZE
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And just when I thought I would never enjoy a boy group release again, RIIZE dropped 'Impossible'. The audacity to release something as fucking amazing as this like 3 months after 'Love 119' (which i controversially loved)??? Insane.
This track marks SM's latest addition to their arsenal of iconic house bangers, 'Impossible' revitalizes everything that made Shinee's 'View' and f(x)'s '4 Walls' so good for the 2024 music scene. It has that late night BBC Radio 1/love island pop edge to it that I have been yapping about for months, and I am so obsessed. This is how to compete with Somi's 'Fast Forward' for the most british sounding kpop song.
'One Kiss' is a sonic sequel to 'Love 119' - I am just so obsessed with how much they sound like an early 2000s western boy group on tracks like this, they just exude NSYNC energy. '9 Days' is another laidback pop hit, with a little more energy and longevity than 'One Kiss'. The sound of 2024's summer in kpop has clearly been established, and I for one am in favour.
RIIZE being the first boy group to last more than two comebacks on my stan list is really something I didn't see coming, but it's a welcome change.
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I think babymonster may start to be delegated to the mini review section of these monthly reviews, because I am genuinely struggling to find something likeable within this song. 'Batter Up' at least had a danceability to it, even if it was highly derivative, but 'Sheesh' is just so predictable to me. Even the switch up from the standard YG party final chorus felt formulaic somehow, and the mini album wasn't much better.
Ahyeon is back though, and she proved once and for all that she is absolutely a necessary part of the group - her rap was easily the song's highlight. The performances from this era were genuinely excellent considering what they were working with.
I don't like being a stuck record with groups I just will never enjoy, so I apologize, but discussions around their future releases will be limited going forward, unless they drop something that I actually enjoy.
Pre2: Flower Rhythm + Pre3: Candy Crush- ARTMS (Dall)
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There is something about modhaus production that just works for me, and the interpolation of Heejin's 'Algorithm' on 'Flower Rhythm' is a really exciting choice. The verses, post-chorus and bridge are very strong in my opinion, but the chorus itself seems to get a little lost in the sauce. I can see that chorus growing on me however, and the rest of the song is highly enjoyable, very evocative of the yyxy sub-unit.
Haseul's 'Plastic Candy' is one of my favourites from the ARTMS girls' releases, and with it's interpolation in 'Candy Crush' means I am predisposed to be obsessed with this song. It's a little jazzy, a little citypop, and it's the perfect late night summer vibe. This is easily my favourite of the pre releases so far, but the sheer array of styles the girls have demonstrated makes me very excited to see where they go for the title track.
Girls' Night - Loossemble (One Of A Kind)
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Loossemble's 'Sensitive' was pure pop perfection, and the album was just as impressive, so going into 'One Of A Kind' and its title 'Girls' Night' I just knew they were going to deliver.
'Girls' Night' is a classic LOONA type track, a total kaleidoscope of sonic innovation, and it stuns throughout its 3:24 runtime (we love long songs). My girl Yeojin got PINK HAIR, Vivi got a lore update, and Gowon unlocked her irish ancestry - overall a 10/10 in the visuals department. The rest of the album is an actual masterpiece; 'Moonlight' is a banger that caught me off guard by how good it is, 'Boomerang' has an addictive almost hyperpop edge - it's very evocative of Yeppi Yeppi by aespa, or even Paradisin' by Rina Sawayama. 'He Said I Said' plays it a little too safe in the production department in my opinion, and it comes off a slightly childish for them - it's a perfectly enjoyable song, but probably the weakest on the album. 'Truman Show' brings in a more acoustic sound, which builds with the synth to create a truly cinematic feel - it has a ballad vibe, but keeps it on the upbeat side, so if kpop ballads aren't your thing, you still might enjoy this one. 'Starlight' is a perfect album closer, and although it will never be my favourite LOONA song with 'Star' in the title, it's a really beautiful song. This was a really successful album for them, and I can't wait to see what else they bring to the industry.
SPOT! - ZICO feat. JENNIE: I was fully prepared to lie and act like this was a masterpiece before I listened because it has my queen jennie in it, but when I actually heard it I was pleasantly surprised with an absolute certified banger. This has that TripleH - 365 Fresh energy that I love, and Jennie's amazing vocals have made me so excited for what shes going to do with her solo work at odd atelier :)
Could It Be + Freak - YUQI ((G)-IDLE): I've never been a huge (G)-IDLE fan, so 'Freak' really wasn't my vibe, but 'Could It Be' had a Sunmi-esque edge that draws me in somehow. Having heard a snippet on TikTok, I also listened to the b-side 'Red Rover', and it's a real standout, make sure to give this one a listen if you only heard 'Freak'.
Blush - woo!ah!: i am in denial thay the official group name is now WOOAH, why are we erasing herstory?? Anyway, 'Blush' really blew me away - this song is so fun, every second is packed with memorable melodies and beautiful production, and that post chorus??? a killer!! SO underrated, if you haven't checked out this song yet this month, be sure to, it's an underrated song that I can see making it high in my yearly ranking.
고민중독 - QWER: Sapphic themes?? in a kpop music video??? with a girl BAND??? yoasobi vibes??? of course i was going to love it! I had never really heard of QWER before this month, but this song is such a banger and the pop rock sound is immaculate - ( @a-moth-to-the-light this feels very much up your street) I will 100% be checking out their discography, and I can easily see these girls making a home on my stan list, this track is truly amazing.
Final Love Song - I-LAND2 Contestants with ROSÉ: This is the kind of kpop song that makes me understand why this genre is so bullied. What are we doing. Rosé sounded good I guess. Moving on.
IMMM - ILY:1: Such an unexpected groovy sound - big Momoland energy. Pretty much everyone is eating up these April releases, even the nugu girlies are bringing it more than usual. I'm slightly worried about the lack of music video or promotions, but this song is really fun, so please go stream and show ILY:1 some love :)
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shy-urban-hobbit · 3 months
"May I have this dance?" Eskel asked offering Ciri a hand, causing her to stop bobbing around in her seat to the song Jaskier was currently debuting for them.
"Yes!" She cried out, grabbing the proffered hand in both of hers to drag the large Witcher to the open space behind them, the adults smiling and chuckling at her enthusiasm. Geralt and Yennefer were the next two to get up and join them after a wordless conversation which seemed to involve many head tilts and eyebrow raises.
Lambert raised his own in surprise when Aiden stood and gave him a borderline mocking bow,
"How about it?"
Lambert swallowed down his mouthful of White Gull. He wasn't anywhere near drunk enough for this (he wasn't even tipsy), but everyone else looked to be having fun. Yennefer and Geralt seemed to be treating it like it was some sort of courtly affair whilst Ciri was balancing on Eskel's feet, her delicate, tiny hands looking comically adorable in the Witchers huge paws.
"Sure, why not." He slapped his own hand down into Aiden's open palm, "But no way am I letting you lead."
"Do you know the steps?"
Lambert shook his head no as they made their way over to the others. It was a song Jaskier had come up with three days ago, there weren't any steps.
"Then who says anybody has to lead?"
Give them a couple of swords and it was almost like they were working a job together - moving completely in synch, able to predict the others next move without so much as a glance as they stepped and twirled. Of course, their jobs didn't usually require this much touching. Even when sparring, any holds were for effectiveness - disable your opponent as quickly as possible - they had a purpose to them. These holds...very much did not.
There was absolutely no reason for Lambert's hand to linger on Aiden's side, but linger it did, feeling the muscles flexing as the Cat moved. Aiden's own hands were resting on Lambert's biceps, feeling the heat of the others skin through the thin shirt - had the Wolf's arms always been this toned?
The outside of their thighs momentarily brushing together as they side stepped one another felt far more intimate than the action warranted before Lambert pulled Aiden into a spin, catching the Cat around his waist as he pulled him towards him. Aiden's hands found a new home on Lambert's shoulders and he was suddenly struck with the urge to wrap his arms around the Wolf's neck to bring him that little bit closer. He couldn't be sure, but for a moment it felt like Lambert somewhat hesitantly caressed his hip bones as he adjusted his hold before lifting Aiden off the ground and spinning them both.
Their bodies sliding together was a new form of torture as Lambert set him back down, their chests heaving despite the dance being nowhere near rigourous enough to warrant it. Both of them hyper aware of their hands on one another's hips but neither one pulling away.
"Uncle Lambert, dance with me!" Ciri yelled, breaking the moment as she crashed into his legs, grinning up at him. Neither of them knew when exactly Jaskier had started a new song but it definitely wasn't the one they'd started dancing to.
"Sure thing, Kid." He answered, not taking his eyes off Aiden until his niece started tugging at his sleeve impatiently.
"Save a dance for me, Princess." Aiden said, ruffling her hair, "I'm going to grab a drink, I think."
He moved back to his original seat and filled his glass to the brim from the jug of Gull before downing half of it, ignoring the bards too knowing smirk as he tried not to think about how Lambert holding him like that would feel without the barrier of clothing.
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rose-pearls · 8 months
The Summer I Turned Pretty
Here is part two, hopefully you will like it!!
I thought it would maybe be easier to say which character is which so here you have a list:
Belly: reader, Conrad: Jake, Jeremiah: Bradley, Steven: Javy, Cameron: Bob, Susannah: Iceman, Laurel: Slider
Series Taglist: @djs8891, @devrill (open)
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Previous part
The night had been short, with your father telling you just how disappointed he was for leaving behind his back and Ice telling him to calm down but eventually you did made it into your bed. 
You woke up in a hurry, rushing to get downstairs and find your things, by some miracle everyone was out, and you managed to leave the house quickly. Bob had talked about going on a sailboat with him to go see the whales, the blond boy had proposed it last night and you hadn’t stopped dreaming about it. 
But just as you arrived the boat left the shore, and the only thing you could do was watch it leave towards the ocean, silently cursing yourself for forgetting an alarm.
Today was going to be a horrible day, you could feel it.
The house is more active as you arrive, Jake sitting at the table with a bruise around his eyes. His green eyes look tired, and you want to ask him how he is, but Ice comes in before you are able to.
“Guess what is happening later today?”, he seems cheerful, which brings a smile to your lips, he had always been a sweetheart, filled with love.
“What?”, you can’t help but ask, wondering whatever could have gotten your uncle’s attention.
“The debutant ball.”, you hear Maverick and your father groan behind him but Ice simply rolls his eyes and ignores them.
“Would you like to participate?”, the question is unexpected, of course you had heard of it, but you never thought of participating in it yourself.
“Common Ice she is not going to participate in something like that.”, your father says, and you can’t help but look at him slightly offended.
“Why not?”, Ice seems to be thinking the same thing as he looks at his best friend with raised eyebrows, expecting an answer.
“It doesn’t seem like the type of thing you would like to do.”, he says simply, and you take a moment to think it through. The deb ball seemed like something nice, large white dresses spinning around on the dance floor, but it would take a lot of your time. 
“Why don’t you go to the afternoon tea this afternoon to meet the others and think it through after that? We could go shopping and buy you an outfit or two.”, Ice says, excitement appearing at his words, and you can’t help but smile.
“I’ll do it.”, you say, feeling confident for the first time in a long time. You try to ignore the green eyes looking at you in surprise and only focusing on an eager Ice taking you in his arms.
“You will love this! Sarah loved it when she did it!”, there is a sad smile on his lips as he talks about his sister, but he quickly shakes his head before telling you to get ready. 
“I don’t understand why you want her to do that Ice.”, you hear your father say as you leave the room.
“I just want to see our girl in a white dress, at least once.”, there is something behind the words, some underlying meaning that you can’t seem to grasp, a sadness that coats the words. 
The only person you can see is Maverick and he has a hard look on his face, his eyes seem saddened before a small cheerful smile appears and he stirs the conversation to another one. 
The shop is big, tons of colours everywhere and you can’t help but snort at some of the options your godfather shows you. Your father is more on the side, looking unsure, until Ice manages to make him laugh with a large hat on his head. 
They quickly shoo you into the changing room and time flies by as you try out the different outfits, some of them making the three of you laugh until you can’t breathe and others getting the approval of even your father. 
You haven’t seen him so relaxed as right now, a constant smile on his face as Ice teases him about something during their college years. He always seemed lighter when he came here and was around his best friend. 
“Alright, this is the last one.”, you tell them as you put on a white dress. 
The both of them are quiet as you come out, their mouth slightly open at the sight of you and you suddenly feel nervous.
“You look so beautiful.”, Ice whispers before getting up and bringing you into his arms.
“Thank you.”, you whisper, holding him tightly.
“It looks stunning on you.”, your father says, suddenly looking emotional and you take him into your arms, holding him tight. 
“Thanks dad.”, you don’t know what you would do without the two of them, and Maverick, and you hoped that you would never have to know.
“Do not worry, everyone is nice in there, just be yourself.”, Ice says as he drops you off and you try to look confident as you leave the car.
“If there is any issue you call me and I’ll come and get you.”, your father says, looking as nervous as you but you shake your head.
“Don’t worry I will be back later.”, you promise them before entering the country club.
“Didn’t know you would be here!”, you suddenly hear behind you, and you turn around to find Bradley.
“Brad, hey! It was last minute, but I am supposed to meet the other girls for the deb ball.”, you tell him, starting to feel nervous at the thought of what was awaiting you there.
“You look stunning.”, he seems to be slightly in shock, as he looks at you and you can’t stop the blush from appearing on your cheeks.
“Thank you.”, the words seem to make Bradley function again and he throws you a dazzling smile.
“Why don’t I escort you to the room?”, you giggle as you take his arm and follow him through the many hallways of the club.
“And here we are. This is where I leave you.”, there is a silence around the room as Bradley wishes you good luck and you try not to stumble as you walk into the room.
Everyone seems to know each other as you enter the room, luckily there is a space left at a table and you sit down, looking at all the girls around the table.
“I’m Shayla, welcome.”, the girl has a sweet smile, and seems kind enough as you introduce yourself.
“I’m Nicole.”, you recognize the girl from somewhere, but you aren’t able to pinpoint just where.
The girls talk for a moment before you let out a sigh as you look around, it was a bit more boring than you thought it would be.
“Finding it a bit boring?”, Halo asks you and you can’t help the blush of embarrassment that appears.
“Sorry, this isn’t usually what I do.”, you tell them, and they all smile at you reassuringly.
“Not to worry, these things do get quite boring, but we have a remedy for that.”, Shayla tells you as Halo brings a little bottle out of her handbag. 
“How do you think that we survive these kinds of things?”, she asks you teasingly and you can’t help but laugh in answer as they pass the bottle.
“So, how are things with Jake?”, the name throws you off as you hear Nicole start to talk about what happened last night at the bonfire. So, this was the girl that Jake had been with, the only thing you could do to forget the hurt that was swelling up was drink a bit of the tea, forgetting for a moment that there was some strong alcohol in it.
The etiquette lesson is boring, even more boring than math class and for a moment you think that nothing exciting will happen until you see a flash of blond hair. Bob.  You quickly excuse yourself, rushing to get to Bob in time to talk to him.
“Bob!”, the blond boy turns around to find you there, a wide smile appears on his lips.
“Hey, didn’t expect you to be here.”, he says, and you can’t help but smile awkwardly.
“I am really sorry about this morning, I woke up late and by the time I was there the boat had already left.”, you try to explain and Bob smiles kindly.
“Don’t worry I completely understand. It was a bit short notice, but if you want, we could always go see a movie?”, the proposition brings a wide smile on your lips as you nod quickly.
“I would love that!”, you tell him, and Bob seems to relax at your words.
“I’ll text you the details then.”, he tells you and you quickly nod in agreement.
“By the way, you look absolutely beautiful.”, the words make you feel warm on the inside as you quickly thank him, feeling giddy at the thought of your first date.
The drive through is quite full as you arrive there with Bob, but you can only think of how nervous you are currently feeling. He had been an absolute gentleman, getting you something to drink and to eat before asking about how your day went. 
The movie started and as it went on you felt Bob’s hand next to yours, you slowly tried to move your hand towards his and after a moment feel his hand taking yours in his. The moment feels surreal, like it’s part of a movie but as you look at the blond boy and feel his soft skin against yours you know that it is real. 
The moment was perfect. 
Until the car next to yours ruins it. Bradley, Jake and Javy suddenly appear in your vision, the boys looking at you with smirks on their faces.
“Isn’t that your brother?”, Bob asks after a moment, and you can’t help but huff in response.
“Just ignore them, they’re idiots.”
You do try to ignore them, not listen to their overly loud commentary and little remarks but you can see that Bob doesn’t seem as relaxed either before they came. 
“I’ll be back.”, you quickly tell the blond boy before getting out of the car ignoring the three other boys starting to act like they are scared.
“Leave.”, you tell them quickly as they open the window.
“Can’t do, we are watching a movie, and we want to know how it ends.”, Javy says with that stupid smirk that he always has when he is with his friends, like he thinks that he somewhat better than you.
“You aren’t watching it, you are just ruining my date.”, Jake seems to look sour as the word ‘date’ leaves your mouth, but you ignore it. 
“Common we are just teasing you.”, Bradley says, trying to be the peacekeeper but you just feel pissed off.
“I don’t care, go away.”, Javy tries to say something, but you quickly cut him off.
“Either you leave, or I tell everyone about your secret Harry Potter fanfiction collection.”, this seems to put your brother back into the right mindset as he tells the others to leave. 
Jake is looking at you with his stormy green eyes and for a moment you wonder what is going inside of his head before the car leaves.
“I’m so sorry about that.”, you tell Bob as you enter the car, and he simply smiles softly.
“Don’t worry it’s not your fault.”, he tells you and somehow the both of you got closer to each other than before, you can see his baby blue eyes from up-close and you feel like you are somehow being pulled towards him.
There are only a few inches between the both of you when Bob asks you softly if it’s okay to kiss you and you simply close the distance between the both of you. His lips are soft, and his hand has taken yours into his again and you can’t stop yourself from feeling warm on the inside.
This was perfect. 
The house is quiet when you enter it, feeling giddy from the perfect romantic kiss, and the promise of another date. Your stomach rumbles and you start to wonder if there could be something left to eat in the kitchen but as you enter it there is only Jake.
“So, how was the date?”, he asks, a sarcastic undertone that makes your skin crawl.
“It went well, not thanks to you guys though.”, you can’t help but say, still feeling frustrated at the three boys.
“Oh, common we were just joking, you can’t take a joke.”, he spats, and you can’t help but stumble back a bit.
“Oh, come off of it Jake, why were you there? I think that they are far more fun things to do on a Friday night then go and ruin someone’s date.”, the boy shakes his head before starting to leave.
“Were you jealous, is that it? That someone finally pays attention to me?”, Jake seems to get even more tense at your words before his green eyes turn stormy once again.
“Why don’t you go look at yourself in the mirror some more, it seems like it’s the only thing you can do these days.”, the words feel like a slap in the face as he leaves the kitchen, leaving you behind feeling like you are losing everything without knowing why.
The only thing you knew is that this wasn’t the boy you had fell for all these years ago.
Top Gun Taglist: @bisexual-watermelons (open)
Main Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187, @nyx2021, @thestarspangledcaptain, @kmc1989 (open for every fandom)
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coldfanbou · 1 year
Last Resort
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I made this story attached to the Police Joy fic, which you can read if you want. Rough sex and just a smidge of self-degradation.
Length 1.3K
Joy X mreader
Previous Part
After Officer Joy accepted your invitation, she became a slave to you. She wouldn't do anything whenever you committed a robbery, and eventually, she lost her job. As her life spiraled downwards, she tried to pick up the pieces, looking for any job but either being refused or fired soon after starting due to missing work too often. When you weren't fucking her, she was less submissive to you and often talked back. "You know, officer, you still have a couple of options."
"Shut up; what options could I possibly have? I can't hold any job down with you fucking me constantly."
"You act like you don't beg for it. Half the time, you're cum drunk, and the rest begging for more. You're addicted to my cum. You do have an option, though, porn."
"I can't do that. What if someone I know finds it?"
"So you're just going to be homeless? Because that's what's going to happen if you don't. We've already established you can't hold a job. Just think, film videos of you getting fucked, sell them, and you'll have some money."
You cup her cheek, "C'mon Joy. You get to knock out two birds with one stone. You make money, and you get the cock you love."
Joy looked down with shame. "I-I'll do it."
With a smile on your face, you tell her, "We should get started then." The debut of Joy as an adult video actress would begin with her sitting on a couch in nothing but a tank top and shorts. "We'll start simple, you'll introduce yourself, and then we'll get straight to the sex."
"Right," she said as she moved from side to side on the couch. With pursed lips, her hands dug into the couch cushions as the camera started rolling. 
As you called action Joy's expression changed, and she wore a happy mask. "So, what's your name?"
"My name is Joy."
"And why did you decide to do porn?"
"Well, I just love being fucked, and I could use the money."
"Well then, you're in luck." At this point, you walk into frame with your cock already hard. Joy's hands unfurl and reach for your cock, grabbing onto the shaft. As she strokes your cock her smiles turn genuine, and Joy forgets about the camera. You take another step toward her, hinting that she should do more as your cock stands at attention close to her mouth. She plants a kiss on the head of your cock; she can't stay away from it for long as she opens her mouth and takes you inside. Joy's tongue swirls slowly as her lips wrap tightly around your shaft. You coo as she begins to bob her head, reaching the base of your cock. The sensation of her lips being stretched around your cock was enjoyable. You place your hand on the back of her head and start thrusting in and out. As you hit the back of Joy's throat, tears start falling from her eyes as she struggles to breathe. Despite her smacking your thigh to signal that she's choking, you continue to thrust, only letting her off your cock so you can slap her face with it. "So, how does it feel?"
Through heavy breaths, Joy says, "it feels so good having your cock down my throat." Her tongue runs the length of your cock as she returns for more. Joy's soft hand starts to fondle your balls adding to your pleasure. At the same time, she slides her hand into her shorts and starts to finger herself. You return to using her mouth as you, please. Feeling your orgasm approach, you give Joy a warning. "Give it to me," Joy moans as well as she can because of your cock. Shoving her face into your pelvis, you unleash a torrent of semen, which flows down Joy's throat as she greedily drinks it all. Joy's fingers increase in speed as she pushes herself to her orgasm. Her hips rock back and forth as she rubs her clit. Joy pushed herself over the edge wetting her shorts with her juices; her loud moan disrupted her cum drinking forcing her back as the last remaining spurt of cum hits her face. You walk over to the camera, picking it up, and record Joy's bliss-filled face as she looks toward you. Joy opens her mouth to show you her empty mouth. 
"Such a good girl." You return the camera to its previous place before sitting on the couch. Joy drops her shorts and throws off her top before positioning herself to face the camera. You pull her back, aligning yourself with her pussy. You make sure your first thrust pounds against her cervix. 
"Oh fuck!" She moans as her back arcs, and her eyes roll into the back of her head. Joy's tongue laps at the air as she slowly comes back to reality. Despite having taken your cock multiple times, she still struggled when you did that. Placing your hands on her ass, you lift her and drop her back down on your cock. Joy pants as you use her body, her hands kneading at her breasts to draw more pleasure. 
"Why don't you tell everyone what you are?"
"Hi, everyone! I'm Joy, and I'm a little fuck doll who loves big cocks." She says, throwing up a peace sign. Increasing the pace, Joy begins to fill the room with her moans, your low grunts running in the background as Joy's pussy tightens around your cock. "Oh god, fuck me harder, drill my pussy!" She screams as you continue to fuck her. Joy pinches her nipples, rolling them between her fingers as she nears her orgasm. "Fuck I'm cumming; I'm going to cum! I'm-ahh!" Joy's head swings back as her body shakes violently. She begins to squirt as you continue to thrust into her. Her nectar shoots forward, and Joy's hair covers her face as she expresses her thanks for your cock. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. Give me more; I want more." You wrap your hand around her body and grab at her throat; your other hand is at her hip as you start to fuck her with increasing fervor. 
"You want more? You dirty cumslut?"
"Yes! Yes! Give me more!" She manages to get out. As your grip on her throat gets tighter, Joy's face is filled with happiness as she cums on your cock again. Her tight pussy grows tighter as she constricts around your cock. It holds your cock snuggly, making it difficult to pull out. Despite that, you continue to pound away at her body. 
"I'm going to cum!" You roar out.
"Cum inside me! Fill my pussy with your cum!" She tries to yell. You let your grip soften to let her breathe as you bury your cock deep in her pussy and flood her womb with your semen. You pick Joy up and drop her onto the couch. Going back to the camera, you move close to Joy. She has her eyes half-lidded and is panting. Joy gives you a peace sign, and as you lower to get a view of her pussy she spreads her lips for the camera. Semen runs out from her and flows down onto the couch as you end the recording. 
Putting away the camera, you say, "Congratulations on your debut, Joy. We'll need to film a lot more things to make you some money. You'll really love having so much sex." Slapping Joy's cheek playfully, you leave her on the couch. You spent the next few months making porn with Joy which got her a large following, making it so she wouldn't need to worry about money anytime soon.
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highhhfiveee · 7 months
melodic stoner thotz
i’ve ALSO been having this silly thought about stoner!mike (who we haven’t seen in so long, i’m so sorrrrry). pls enjoy these unedited, unproofread thoughts that i typed instead of doing my work.
i listened to brie larson’s version of black sheep the other day (plus roomie and i watched the new scott pilgrim show, 8/10) and i started thinking about popstar!reader. hear me out;
you’re in a girl group, one that i currently have no name for, and you’re starting to gain traction in the states after releasing your debut album; you make high energy pop bops that emphasize on being true to yourself and standing up for what’s right with three other girls you’d met in the hallway at auditions. you’re grateful for the opportunity of course, but it’s not exactly what you’d wanted for your music career.
you have little creative control, and you’re told to sing and dance and dress a certain way; it’s a dream and a nightmare in one, and sometimes it has you wanting to leave the group all together, starting from scratch with music you actually loved.
you’re thinking about marching to the execs with your grievances when your manager sends a message to the group chat: WE’RE OPENING FOR [unnamed band that’s as big as say…the 1975 lmao] ON THEIR FALL TOUR!!!
you loved [unnamed band] and to support them on the North American leg of their tour is something you know you’d be idiotic to walk away from.
the city mike and abby live close to is stop 4 out of 10, and you’d been doing good with keeping up your charade of happiness. you sing and dance your ass off every night, knowing that you’re here and you can’t waste a moment of it; millions of aspiring musicians had wanted this but you’d finally made it to the stage.
you rarely ever fumbled during performances, a perfectionist at heart, but during the verse of one of your mid tempo songs, your eyes somehow gaze past the blinding stage lights and focus on abby (who you don’t know as abby of course lol), shouting every single word back to you with silly shimmies and head bobs.
you laugh, consumed with butterflies at the fact that she was enjoying your set so much. you’re enthralled by her energy, and it causes you to miss your cue for the prechorus. you giggle it off though you’re flustered, singing, “we have a lot of songs, my badddddd” to the melody of the music.
it makes the crowd explode with laughter, and you use that to propel you through the rest of your set, still looking towards abby as you present the outro during your final song. “thank you all so much, we love you! [bandmate 1] and i will be by the merch table once we’re off stage, and we hope to see you some of your faces there! are you all ready to see [unnamed band]????”
the crowd roars, and you watch as abby and the guy next to her disappear through the throng of people.
abby rushes straight for you once you’re sat at the merch stand, her cheeks flushed as she holds out her t-shirt for you. it’s one from your group’s first small tour, one where you’d gone to small cities throughout the country for as much exposure as possible. it was a size to big for her, draping down to her thighs. “y/n, i love you!!! can you please sign my shirt?”
“of course, cutie. i saw you dancing to [song name], is that one of your favorites?” abby nods excitedly as you scribble her name on your shirt, accenting it with a heart. you glance up at mike, who just stands behind her observing your interaction. he’s high as shit of course; he’d been a blob next to abby, really, bleary eyes and stationary, but seeing him this close revealed to you the stoner boy of your dreams.
“i take it you’re a big fan too?” you point the end of your marker at this chest. he’s wearing the same old tour shirt as abby, but his fits him well. he can’t believe your focus has moved to him now, and even though he should feel cool and calm off the edible he took before your set, your enticing gaze has him grasping for straws inside his mind.
“uh well, i…i really do it all for her, but you guys do have some solid songs. got some on your album that make me feel all powerful and sexy when i listen to them.” you both chuckle, and you motion for him to give you your hand.
you scribble your number onto his hand in red ink, musing, “well, i always love to hear what people think about our stuff. maybe…when i’m done with tour, you could tell me more over a joint or something?”
mike’s mouth goes dry, drier than it already was, but he’s nodding all languidly, leaving you with a small smirk when you give him his hand back. “yeah, yeah. sounds like a plan.”
this is kind of messy but do you all see the vision????? a full fic would be wayyyyy more structured and detailed, but i just NEEDED to get this idea out and i wanna know what you all think 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 (it would be like safety net with more smut and a tinge more angst, but definitely fluffy as hell too. like you confide in mike about the reality of your situation and he encourages you to fight for what you believe in, like one of your group’s songs ;-; still there’s lots of drama between you and the other members and the LABEL and so many entertainment people——me thinks it would go kind of nuts)
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Taylor Swift (Jamie Tartt x Reader)
Warnings: Have not been writing for long and this is super self-indulgent.
Summary: Jamie takes interest in something (more like someone) that you enjoy. Reader’s gender is not specified.
You might have accidentally made Jamie Tartt into a Swiftie. It started when you were simply listening to Bad Blood (feat. Kendrick Lamar). A song that he didn’t even know existed. So, when he walked into your shared bedroom during Kendrick’s part, he was excited. You were listening to an artist that he really liked. He was then shocked to hear Taylor’s voice.
“Love?” He asks you as you’re bobbing your head while folding laundry.
“What’s up?” You respond.
“Is this a Taylor Swift song with Kendrick Lamar?” You just look at him and nod very slowly. He follows up with:
“What other songs by her do you think I’d like?” And that was that. You started him off with Reputation. He liked End Game, I Did Something Bad, Gorgeous, and Dress. In the back of your mind knowing that he would be an Evermore fan. Besides listening to Reputation, you introduced him to the rest of them in the order that they came out. Debut isn’t exactly his favorite but he liked Picture to Burn… kinda. When you got to Fearless (Taylor’s Version), he won’t ever admit that he cried to You’re Not Sorry. He does jam to Tell Me Why. On Speak Now, his favorites were Better Than Revenge and Long Live. With Speak Now also came you explaining what John Mayer did and how Taylor Lautner will go down as one of Swift’s best exes. Red (Taylor’s Version) came and suddenly the hate for Jake Gyllenhaal made sense and he became very scared for John Mayer and said something along the lines of,
“Sorrows, sorrows, prayers.” Ultimately his favorites on the album became The Lucky One and I Bet You Think About Me. When you finally listened to 1989 he was excited to be out of the woods country music wise-he will never admit that he kind of likes it. He immediately loves Clean, Wonderland, and New Romantics. You were surprised Bad Blood wasn’t on his list and he told you,
“It’s good but it’s not better than the others, babe.” After that you asked,
“Do you want to listen to Reputation again, for the sake of listening in order?”
“Nah,” he answered, “No time, we need to listen to all of the albums before repeating.” Then came Lover. You explained to him that this was the first album that she owned and everything about all of the things that happened and went down. Once you finally go to listen, he broke down listening to The Archer.
“It’s like she wrote the song just for me,” he explained to you. It was at that moment you knew he was going to break even more at Folklore and Evermore. In the meantime he also really enjoyed I Forgot That You Existed. Before you start with Folklore and Evermore you explain how she wrote them during quarantine and that they are more storytelling albums and not very poppy.
“Folklore tells the story of James, August, and Betty.” You told him. He nodded and it was off to the races. By the end of it, his love for Taylor Swift grew even more. When listening to Peace he has to look away from you but you grab his face,
“You give me peace.” You had been worried about this song. The public had many opinions on your relationship with him being famous and you having seemingly appeared out of nowhere. He was always worried that you would leave him to be rid of the limelight that you didn’t want. What he didn’t seem to comprehend was that he was your peace, and you didn’t need anything else when he was with you. He just looks at you while the rest of the song plays. You finish the last two songs on the album and leave it at that. You don’t bring up listening to Evermore the next night like he thought you would. He figured you were tired and let it slide, but once a week had passed he took matters into his own hands and listened on his own. When you finally asked,
“Ready to listen to Evermore?” He responded with,
“Already did, I now understand your love for Cowboy Like Me.” This sends you into shock, once you collect yourself, you are angry and proud of him at the same time.
“You listened without me?! I wanted to be here for every album!” And a few seconds later you add, “I’m really happy that you like her music.”
“I’m happy you’re not that mad because I also went ahead and listened to Midnights without ya.” He boasts.
“Jamie Tartt, I can not believe you listened to the last two albums without me!” You laugh.
“What can I say? You put me on.”
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tending-the-hearth · 2 months
why "the outsiders" is one of the best shows i've ever seen
i loved every second of this show, so here's all my favorite parts!!
ALSO Trevor Wayne (u/s Ponyboy) was on for my show, and it was his Broadway debut, so that mixed with this only being their fourth official show after debuting on Broadway this past Thursday (they've been in previews for a few weeks) made for SUCH a good show atmosphere, the vibes were immaculate, and Trevor was a phenomenal Ponyboy.
Also, I got to stagedoor, and the cast was SO incredibly kind!!! I love stagedoors when the cast is just made up of the nicest group of people ever
(i'd love to discuss specific things from the show, so if you're curious, send me an ask!!)
***spoilers for the broadway show if anyone cares***
Act 1
and the set is so cool???
the fight choreo is something i could talk about forever and ever
in general, the music has a very folk/country vibe to it, which fits SO well since it takes place in oklahoma!!
"grease got a hold" was so fun, i loved the idea that you become an official greaser after getting through your first fight with the socs
the show in general is such a good balance of quotes directly from the book and original lines!
i love that they made Dally another big brother figure to Ponyboy, because it just adds so much to the tension between Darry and Ponyboy
additionally, making Dally the leader of the gang while Darry's trying to stay away from that world... such a good change
Johnny and Pony are the best friends ever omg
Ace my beloved 😭😭 i'm usually hesitant about new characters being added but i love her so much
i was afraid they'd make her like an Anybodys copy, but she was SUCH a good fit within the group, and her relationships and interactions with them all felt so natural
btw she and Steve are siblings that is my hc they're brother and sister your honor!!!
and Two-Bit!!! Beloved!!! Daryl Tofa you are THE Two-Bit ever!!!
Two-Bit and Ace are best friends btw
"Great Expectations" had the stage completely blacked out except for spotlights on each of the outsiders gang when i tell you i was emotional
Having Johnny present for the scene when Darry slaps Ponyboy is such a smart decision, especially since he's the one who grabs Ponyboy and gets them out of the house
Johnny and Pony duet 😭😭 they're platonic soulmates fr
Having the silhouettes of Soda and Darry during Johnny and Pony's duet, and Darry just sitting so defeated on the floor hurt me ngl
There were effects when Ponyboy was being drowned where it was like we were underwater as well, and everyone else was just moving silently. SO well done
the scene where Johnny stabs Bob was insane- there were blackouts, and people were moving in slow motion, and it was so perfectly overwhelming
God, the entire ending sequence was incredibly with the set pieces!! and in general, the effects were so good
also Dally is such an overprotective brother to BOTH Johnny and Pony
Act 2
The harmonies in this show. This is such a strong ensemble cast, and they're so powerful during the group numbers
"Death's at my Door" made me fucking sob????? Johnny and Pony being each other's reason to live??? Them staying alive just to make sure the other is safe???
Have I mentioned how much I love that Dally sees Pony and Johnny as his little brothers?? Because I love it so so much
Darry and Dally's arguments, and Dally making good points on why he's close with Ponyboy hurt SO much because Darry's trying his best
Ohhhh Darry is speaking to my soul he really is the parentified older sibling ever
But also "Throwing in the Towel" being similar to "Death's at my Door", with Sodapop begging Darry not to give up, because he loves him, and recognizes what he does for them??? And Ponyboy joining in at the end from the church??
Dally immediately hugging Ponyboy and Johnny when they reunite at the church 😭
"Soda's Letter" made me cry violently but that's nothing new
"Hoods turned Heroes" was actually so cute, the greasers were so excited and proud of Pony and Johnny
but the tonal shift at the end when Dally carried Johnny in all bandaged up??
a little miffed we didn't see the Curtis brothers reuniting ngl, but that's the only thing i wish they added in
Darry asking Ponyboy if he can fight for him 😭😭😭 he loves his brother so much
And Ponyboy fights until Johnny comes on stage and stands in front of him, and everything just freezes 😭
I do love how all the greasers were present for JOhnny's death, because it just solidifies how they're a family
Joshua Boone as Dally destroyed me. He perfectly showed how Johnny was Dally's entire world
and GOD them changing Dally's death to suicide by straight up stepping onto the train tracks and getting hit by a train was...
Just how empty and lost Ponyboy was after everyone died, and how desperate Soda and Darry were to get him to at least eat something, they portrayed that grief and trauma so well
"Stay Gold" 😭😭😭😭😭
Literally could not stop sobbing during that song, everyone around me was crying
There was such a perfect balance between Pony's narration and the show itself, and there were moments where he broke the fourth wall, mainly by looking at Soda and Johnny during their letters, and it just made for such an emotional impact
Darry asking to read Pony's story 😭😭 showing his support, and Pony being absolutely shocked but so happy 😭😭
also when Darry and Pony tell each other they love each other 😭😭 sobbing violently i love familial reconciliation
I was just an emotional wreck the entire finale, it was so beautiful
and the implication that instead of writing an essay, Ponyboy wrote "The Outsiders" in-universe 😭😭
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mackmp3 · 1 month
okay i'm gonna answer this cos i was listening to joan earlier SO (and no i dont know why this is in greentext format just roll with it i'm so sorry) (this is uhh veeeeery very long too)
>some scruffy loser calling himself bob dylan shows up in new york with a guitar and pretty much cosplays as woody guthrie for a bit
>joan baez, who is the same age, made her debut self-titled album at nineteen years old and is well liked by everyone, her music is generally appreciated by everyone on the scene, she has a beautiful voice and strong vibrato and really good at guitar, involved in activism stuff, played with lost of older respected musicians, the whole folksinger package
>but she doesnt really write her own stuff
>bob dylan write copious volumes of material but his performance is uhhhh less than amazing and technical ability has uhm room for improvement
>his debut self titled album flops hard
>scene is pretty small so they inevitably meet
>joan is like lol look at this loser isnt he cute hehe--his songs are pretty good too huh
>she invites him to play with her, they do a bunch of shows together etc and eventually get romantically involved. joan introduces him to civil rights stuff & anti-war stuff & anti nuclear and all that stuff
>bobs stuff was already political but in a sort of abstract way, his work gets a lot more specifically activist-ey in a very powerful way
>they're still doing a lot of shows together-bob is pretty famous on the folk scene at this point, largely because of joan endorsing him pretty much lol, still romantically involved. music press starts paying attention to bob dylan and he releases quite a few albums with famous songs on them. people kinda shit on him for his voice its a whole thing but i really like his voice so whateverr
>but by 1965 music is starting to get Weird, beatles are happening etc, lots of new styles of music, new youth culture, drugs are also happening
>bob releases bringing it all back home - some of these songs have electric band backing, where previous All Bar One of his songs were solo acoustic guitar, vocals, maybe some harmonica. some people are vaguely put out by this but i think most people find it pretty cool
>20th july 1965 bob releases Like A Rolling Stone, arguably his most famous song. it is very electric and a banger and much Much more rock (it was pop then but yknow) than folk. young people go YAY YIPPEE
>newport folk festival 25th 1965 (five days later) bob plays with an electric band (later to be known as The Band) to Outrage from folk purists who thought he was their god etc. someone shouts 'judas' at the stage implying he was betraying folk music by going electric and that guy must absolutely shit himself every time he remember that he did that because goddamn. pretentious twenty-somethings who hadnt even liked folk music before bob dylan get mad at him, old folk singers are mad at him, popular myth says the famously pacifist pete seeger threatened to cut the power cable with an axe. everyone is Big Mad except like a rolling stone goes hard and people who care a bit less about Proper Folk Music think its a banger
>highway 61 revisted comes out and bob dylan is now a major sensation amongst music enjoyer everywhere, like his stuff is really really cool, new and exciting, also decidely Not Folk but like really very cool. bob also starts smoking weed and taking speed b/c ofc he does & if you look him up he looks like twelfth doctor with the sunglasses and the hair and i'm right on that
>joan is still doing traditional folk music mostly. she is less than amused at bob going electric but iirc mostly polite about it. later that year she released 'farewell, angelina' an album of covers of bob's songs. a lot of them are Very Good, all sung with much more skill than bob could ever hope for sorry bob. which is like. Damn Okay Joan Thats A Move but it was probably finished before newport.... idk..........
>england is suddenly like OMG BOB DYLAN????????? at around 1964/65 but it takes a long time for music to get over there b/c the british music industry had a thing about only selling uk artists so american records were special import it's a whole thing. so people are just getting his famous folk stuff riiiight as he changes his mind about that and starts doing rock music instead, though still with a very poetic bent
>on a related note uk albums were often released differenet in north america to 'appeal to american audiences'?? so the version of the beatles rubber soul that inspired bob dylan and like lou reed and Everyone is kinda of.... wrong...... its weird
>bob n joan's relationship is kinda strained at this point, due to musical differences and yknow relationship stuff, not helped by the fact that bob could be a bit of a prick and was also quickly accumulating A Legend around him. not helped by his insanely cryptic and often nonsensical interview responses.
>at some point in the middle of all this bob marries Sara Lownds in secret. no one knows. he doesnt tell joan. he's not With with joan anymore but she didnt know he was literally marrying someone else. apparently sara wasnt really a music person and didnt know exactly why he was so famous.
>1966 uk tour (this is filmed in d.a. pennebaker's DONT LOOK BACK (no apostrophe. cos dont & look & back all have four letters so it fits on a poster and the apostrophe would muck up teh symmetry also they were all really fuckin pretentious)). bob is playing mostly electric sets with The Band (known then as the Hawkes) which was A Choice To Be Sure
>some people love it but all the folk purists think he's awful and bad and terrible boo him offstage etc which is pretty terrible
>he starts taking a lot of drugs. music gets Weirder. he's kinda not doing too good
>joan shows up partway through the tour and its......awkward....... to say the least. he'd kind-of-not-really-ish broken up with her & then got married to someone else but she just inserted herself in there. idk why. the whole of dont look back he's kinda dismissive of/rude to her ngl
>meanwhile his Mythos has built to uncontrollable levels. he doesnt exactly help this b/c he's very clever with words so people would obvious find meaning in his lyrics, and when he spit nonsense in interviews people would often find a method in the madnes yknow?? like he's smart. he's also really weird. but people have started reading WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY too much into EVerything he says and does. like everything. like idek what a modern comparison would be. gaylors have nothing on this shit. understandably he gets pissed off at people asking stupid questions
>joan has a girlfriend at this point also. like yeah in a lesbian way. she says she's straight but she did have a girlfriend her name was kimmy
>blonde on blonde comes out in '66. its his most......... 60s album if you know what i mean. like its lots of drugs and lots of instruments and plays on words and its very good, big double album, he's looking super hip on the cover, songs rumoured to be about edie sedgwick, the whole shebang. the lyrics are inspiration for batshit insane theories for decades to come even though a lot of it likely is just in there cos it sounds cool and rhymes.
>includes the song 'sad eyed lady of the lowlands', which is about sara. joan thinks its about her and says so. bit awkward. its a beautiful song and bob never plays it live, it was recored at like three in the morning and the band didnt know how long it was gonna be etc etc lots of myth
>in november 1966 bob dylan has a motorcycle acciedent near his home in woodstock new york state and is in hospital. music enjoyers everywhere Very concerned. he's okay, and after this more or less disapears from public life for a bit. has a bunch of kids. just chilling in the countryside. does a bunch of jamming with The Band, lives of royalities etc. tries to avoid people mostly. this mysterious disapearance combined with blonde on blonde fuels a lot of theorising by fans which he thinks is stupid
>in just five years bob did more musical innovation than most muscians could ever hope to, and he Never WOuld Have been Famou s WIthout Joan.
>joan is getting even more involved in activist work as the vietman war drags on and on. still doing folk music. she has electric instruments in her stuff eventually but still in a definitively Folk Style. she plays at the Woodstock Festival in 1969, she got married too, doing lots of activism stuff, everyone still really likes her music. 1969 bob relases his country album which most people (bob included) think is kinda trash
>1972 joan releases 'to bobby' (she called him bobby a looooong time after everyone just called him bob). which is. Wow. its uhmmm. well. it's a song beseeching bob to come out of retirement and help out with the anti-war cause. lots of musicians though that is he wrote a good new anti-war song it would really help the cause like he used to in the early sixties. bob was pissed at this like relaly annoyed he though she was being far too presumptuous and i really gotta agree with him there like dude's been through enough.
>1975, bob's been back touring for a year -ish. he decide's he gonna put together the ROLLING THUNDER REVUE which is pretty much him & all his friends who are also folk.country.rock whatever you wanna call it musicians and they go arund a whole bunch of little venues and generally have a good time. lineup includes joni mitchell robbie robertson roger mcguinn emmylou harris, a very cool violin player called scarlett (i think) allen ginsberg the poet who had a gay crush on dylan in the sixties, the blonde guitarist from ziggy stardust AND JOAN BAEZ :D there are like ten people on the stage at once and loads of guitars and various string instruments etc and they redo all these dylan songs in new and exciting ways.
>they film some of it to make this move called Renaldo and Clara. i havent seen it (yet) but its like a semi-fiction semi-documentary film about the tour and also some sort of plotline they string together from somewhere idk. joan is in this film too. from what ive seen there are some uhh. some fairly OUGH scenes, on top of bob n joan singing together on stage all the time. there s clip of bob saying that he n joan could sing together in their sleep. she is still a wayyyy better singer than him but his voice is really good these years and they way they do the songs together is veeeeryyyyy cool. theres a scene in the film where bob says (and i quote) 'it really displeases me that you went off and got married' (OUT OF NOWHERE MIGHT I ADD) and joan says 'you went off and got married first and didnt tell me' and he doesnt really have an answer to that. like GODDAMNIT BOY
>there another scene where there was a bit of a script but joan went off and said something like 'do you know why we never couldve got married?' and bob was apparently bad at improv so he wasnt saying anything and so joan just kept talking going through all the reasons why they never got married and all the issues between them. On Camera. like damn.
>also in 1975 joan's album Diamonds & Rust comes out. the title track is one joan wrote herself and it is Very Clearly about bob and its uhhh a little bit scathing. also very very good. generally regarded as one of her best songs. awkward as you can imagine. 'my poetry was lousy you said' 'we both know what memories can bring / they bring diamonds and rust' 'you burst on the scene already a legend'
Now you're telling me You're not nostalgic Then give me another word for it You who are so good with words And at keeping things vague 'Cause I need some of that vagueness now It's all come back too clearly Yes, I loved you dearly And if you're offering me diamonds and rust I've already paid
>bob gets divorced from sara in 1976? 77? idk that happens too. i think joan gets a divorce too but not sure.
>theres a bit gap in my knowledge here idk what happens to them specifically after that. like i know a bunch about bob but nothing relevant rn. hes christian for a bit. makes some albums that suck and some that are good. joan still does folk music & mostly covers.
>in 2003 bob releases a memoir called Chronicles Vol. I (supposedly of three but theres only one lol). he talks about joan a bit, how could he not, describes how he was so envious of her when he was 21 and saysing 'she looked like a religious icon, like somebody you'd sacrifice yourself for'. super normal thing to say about your ex ahaha.
>2022 the rolling thunder revue film comes out (its a netflix film but also. internet archive) and they're both interviewed for it. some iconic moments. i think most interviewers sort of stopped asking joan about bob out of politness after a while but obviously she talks about him there thats what the films about. yeagh.
>joan baez like hangs out with lana del ray n stuff now & has books out or her little drawings. she also paints. and bob still tours at 82 (almost 83) years old. and still relreases new stuff. yeagh
ANYWAYS the concise history of Joan Baez and Bob Dylan. sources: dude trust me ahahah no but the source is the 2022 rolling thunder film, dylan's chronicles and around a year of being obsessed with bob dylan. he was my real life old guy blorbo fr.
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gooeykit · 1 year
can you tell me about MATRIX
Yes. Enzo Matrix from ReBoot 1994 starts off as a mischievous little kid sibling character to Dot Matrix, MainFrame's command dot com. Enzo looks up to her and the new sprite in town, Guardian Bob, who is the best defense MainFrame has against the viral forces as well as the user. The user is the owner of the computer which MainFrame resides, and sends in games which the residents the game has fallen on have to win for their lives, games are equivalent to natural disasters. I digress, Enzo is always trying to get into whatever Bob's doing whenever he's doing it, either helping along the way or being in need of rescue, and post rescue he may even still be of assistance. Enzo, as he's equivalent to ages 9 and 10 in season 1, 2 and early season 3, proves himself very capable despite his occasional need of rescue. He's also very smart, resourceful and insightful, as seen in the episode "High Code".
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In the season 2 episode "AndrAIa", Enzo starts being upset with his circumstance of being the only kid sprite left after the Twin City incident, whereas his father, Welman Matrix, had tried to open a port to other systems, accidentally summoning the virus GigaByte, and causing his portal to explode. This created the now city of Lost Angles where Hexadecimal resides, and killing every sprite and binome there. The only sprites who weren't there were Dot and Enzo, unfortunately. Later, a game drops where Enzo is and Bob and Dot just barely make it into it as well, though still distant from him. Enzo meets a game sprite, a new type of enemy that resides in games, which has AI. Her name is Andraia and is also a kid, which excites Enzo and he immediately hits off a friendship with her, not knowing that she wont leave the game with him, as game sprites stay in the game. Andraia becomes saddened when he finds out, as its very upsetting to the both of them, regardless she helps Enzo to beat the game just before the user can, saving all of them. its revealed that she made a copy of herself and attached it to Enzo, helping her to escape the game and live with them in mainframe.
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Later in season 2, MainFrame is under siege by web creatures, forcing the Mainframers to team up with Hexadecimal and MegaByte, the resident viruses, and Bob makes Enzo a guardian cadet due to the dire circumstances as well. Just as they manage to get rid of the web creatures, the viral forces turn on the MainFramers, and MegaByte sends Bob into the web before closing the tear. This makes Enzo into the only resident guardian and, despite his age, is tasked with fighting off the viral forces and defending the games, which Andraia will tag along for, and he'll also get general help from the principal office and his sister still. Andraia's game sprite mode made it so that she would not be nullified should she lose a game, and this is passed to Enzo and Mouse, as well as Andraia getting the ability to reboot in games. Despite all this, and his idea to trap the viral forces in a firewall, Enzo takes himself, Andraia, and Frisket, his dog, into a game. Enzo is unable to beat the user and loses his eye in the process. He and the others go into game sprite mode and are sent off in the game, losing themselves from MainFrame.
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After this, Enzo, Andraia and Frisket only want to get back to their own system, but grow up as they go around game hopping. Enzo starts going by Matrix at this point and despite his gruff demeanor, only has it up for show, he's jumpy and lacks a trigger finger, but is still compassionate. After a scene where he puts up an intimidating show, claiming nobody wants to save their own system, and storms off, he reveals it was only him trying to make some recruits to train in hopes of the native residents being able to defend themselves and their own system without he and his posse. Much of the episodes around Matrix and co's adult debut is centered around exploring their characters, especially that of Matrix's trauma. I will be the first to admit, ITS VERY CHEESY AND CORNY, its why I like it, I still think that despite this, it's really cool!
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I'm not going to give a full synopsis of the show bc this is meant to be about a character, so I'll break off from that here :3 now, I ALWAYS have a soft spot for the token mischievous little boy character, but I rarely like how they grow up. It always ends up being that they lose so much of their values, their playfulness, etc. Matrix, despite being gruff and brooding, deviates from this, because he's still massively compassionate even though he puts up a front, and its a very realistic front all things considered. He still looks up to the same people, he loves the people he's always loved, he's still a go-getter. Matrix is incredibly violent because of everything he'd lost, and now that he's got it back in the end, he wont lose it. The others don't like specifically that he's become as aggressive as he is, but they still respect that its just what he had to be, and he's still loved despite it, partially for it because they know he's like this FOR them. He still needs time to acclimate to relatively calm living because he and the others have been lost for 10 years [within a time dilation tho, he and Andraia grew up rapid fast to everyone experiencing standard time]
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Another way he deviates is that he's still a rascal in a way, he doesn't take things seriously if he doesn't feel the need, he loves action, excitement, he loves being shot at with live ammunition and he doesn't like others getting in the way of his fun. he creates issues due to his brashness and his unaccepting of a threat, not because he's stupid or over confident, but because he knows what happens when you're too tolerable. In fact, he's seen being upset with Bob's radical ideals of reprogramming viruses instead of erasing them, Bob who he'd fought for during those 10 years being lost, who he still openly admits to being his hero, who he still actively admires and loves. Still, despite this, he's incredibly trusting of him, showing his anger but backing off, despite the times where it HAS backfired. BLEHHHH he's just so special to me idk if there are a million characters like him, he's still the special one XP
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TLDR: i need him
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w3bgrl · 7 months
billie’s hair eras
a/n: eras marked with a ♡ are fan-favorite or viral hairstyles!
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survival show/hellevator & i am not
debuted with a natural dark brown to go with the natural-ish colors the other members had
not the healthiest it’s ever been since she had dyed her hair in the past but it was pretty close!
juyeon said during this time that although she did like to dye her hair, she really loved natural colors on people
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i am who? ♡
ariel era!
third musketeer of the redhead trio during my pace (felix & jisung)
stays lovedddd the red. she was easy to spot at events and often had other fandoms asking “who’s the girl with the red hair?”
definition of iconic
tried really hard to hide her new color and did a great job until the few days before the album release when she posted a photo that had one (1) stray hair on her shirt
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i am you
back to brown!
somehow had really healthy hair this era? luscious and long and beautiful even after the red
faded into black by the end of the era
also styled her hair mostly straight this era in contrast to the ariel curls of my pace
she was soooo girlfriend during i am you era (≧∀≦)
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clé 1: miroh ♡
juyeon’s favorite dye so far; the ombré
miroh also had a natural hair kinda vibe minus jeongin so juyeon got to have best of both worlds - natural color and dyed
she also got to style it really curly most of the time which was a huge plus
played a huge part of why she gained a lot of her popularity during miroh era
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clé 2: yellow wood, double knot, & clé: levanter
no dye for these comebacks :(
for side effects juyeon dyed over the remnants of the ombré with a dark brown to fade into her natural color.
by double knot her hair was fully back to black. styling was usually lazy curls if not straightened.
levanter era came around and juyeon said she was getting antsy to dye her hair again. at the time she mentioned blue, pink, or another round of red. however, she actually didn’t do any of these colors next.
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go live ♡
blonde juyeon stopped the space-time continuum. stay twitter was in a frenzy. you would have thought that someone died. someone probably did honestly
god tier comeback with god tier looks. god’s menu era was such a time to be alive.
after having her natural hair for the past few comebacks juyeon was so excited to be a blondie!!
stays were wondering what she’d do after the blonde as it became more brassy color by the end of this era, which is how stays were literally fed by the back door comeback
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in life
blueyeon? are we kidding?
started out as a really vibrant royal blue color but as it started lightening it became more of a teal.
juyeon held on to this blue hair for as long as she could until you could almost see the bleach underneath :( she loved the blue
almost as iconic as her red hair era but just not quite there. yet you can still find blueyeon stans talking about her impact to this day
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no easy & oddinary
and would you believe it or not, she went back to black.
somewhat healthy? certainly a little fried from the blonde but it was not falling out so that was a win.
she actually went back to black immediately before they went on kingdom, which is when she found out that most people agreed she had a whole different vibe with black hair.
scorpio rising queen
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maxident ♡
finally!! short hair juyeon!
after years of stay begging for short hair juyeon, not only did she deliver but she served.
lots of buns off-stage in this era. something about short hair made her wanna put it up more.
it was black for 90% of this era and then one day it was brown?? cute either way!
her comment sections in this era was actually ridiculous and honestly a little cringe but stay were serious about showing their love for the bob
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5 star & rock star
during 5 star her hair was a more chocolate-y color from the tail end of maxident era before she went back to black again for rock star (are we seeing the pattern here?)
while juyeon did like the short hair it was certainly just a comeback style for her and she secretly decided to start growing her hair back out the day after she cut it
during the gap between maxident and 5 star (october 2022 - june 2023) she let the bob do its thing until it hit her shoulders and then she started wearing extensions
juyeon’s hair also grows like a weed so the divide between the extensions and her natural long hair is hard to find
now in rock star era it seems that her hair is completely grown out to her usual natural color and length
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bobfloydsbabe · 1 year
library au one shot | bob floyd x oc | coming soon
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SUMMARY: Bob Floyd runs a small library with his friends. Norah Lebbai is a debut author looking for a place to host her book release party. When she stumbles through the doors of his library, Bob and Norah’s not so distant worlds collide.
SPECIAL THANKS: To @ryebecca without whom this story would not exist. She created this librarian!bob moodboard and graciously let me write a fic inspired by it. You're a star. Thank you!
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“Hey Bob?”
Bob looked to his left, finding Natasha leaning on the doorframe to the storage room. “Yeah?”
“There’s a woman up front asking to speak to the manager.”
He stifled a groan, placing the book in his hand back in the box. “What’s the problem?”
Nat smiled, something he hadn’t expected, and shook her head a few times. “No problem,” she told him, pushing off the doorframe, and leading the way back towards the front.
Bob frowned. Last month, when the library focused on books with queer characters, several people came in to complain and a few withdrew their donations. Bob and the rest of the staff were brainstorming fundraising ideas, but they’d had little luck so far.
“So, what’s going on?” He asked, falling in step with Natasha.
“I’m not sure,” she replied. “But I don’t think it’s bad.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Well, for one, she’s smoking hot,” Jake interjected as coming into their line of view with a stack of books on naval aviation in his arms.
Natasha glared at him. “Her hotness has nothing to do with this.”
“Oh, so you agree she’s hot?” Jake argued, not even bothering to hide the grin forming on his face.
Natasha opened her mouth to argue back. “Guys,” Bob scolded, the beginnings of a headache forming at his temples. Jake and Natasha had always bickered, but his tolerance for it varied. Today he was not in the mood, especially if he was about to be yelled at by a dissatisfied patron.
Sometimes, he questioned the decision to hire his friends.
Jake followed behind them to the welcome desk where Bob expected to find an angry-looking woman tapping her food with her arms crossed.
Instead, he and his band of merry men found no one. Not a soul in sight anywhere at or near the vicinity of the desk, and neither was the man who drew the short end of the straw and was supposed to man the desk today.
“She was here when I left,” Natasha swore, looking around for the now lost woman.
“Bradshaw probably scared her off,” Jake commented, depositing the stack of books on the counter. “Wouldn’t be the first time.”
Bob reached up and massaged his temples, knocking against the frames of his glasses with every movement. He needed to hunt down the bottle of Tylenol Natasha kept in the staff room.
“If she’s not here,” Bob started, leveling Natasha with a stare. “I’m going back to sort through the new inventory.”
“Robert Floyd, don’t you dare leave,” she said, her voice clear and stern, making him stand up straighter as if his grandmother had risen from the grave just to criticize his posture. “You stay right there. I’ll find her.”
He made eye contact with Jake, who simply shrugged, as Natasha walked off to locate the mystery woman.
Bob leaned against the side of the semicircular desk while Jake hauled the stack of aviation books down onto the desk itself to run through the computer. He listened to the typing, wondering where Bradley had wandered off to. It wasn’t the first time he’d neglected his responsibilities, but it was the first time he’d lost a guest.
“What do you think it’s about?”
Jake peered up at Bob. “I don’t k–”
One of the heavy double doors opened a crack, allowing a small squeaky “help” to escape through. Bob leapt forward and pulled the door, revealing a young woman with shoulder length dark hair, smooth brown skin, and sunglasses covering her eyes.
“Thank you,” she said, her chest rising and falling while she gasped for air. She stepped forward, but her shoe caught on the doorstep, making her stumble and almost collide with Bob’s chest.
He caught her by the arm, fingertips holding onto the soft skin of her bare arms while the other remained on the door handle. “Are you alright, ma’am?”
She stood upright, sliding her sunglasses up on her head, and straightened out her dress. “I’m okay,” she told him. “But please don’t call me ma’am ever again.”
“Noted,” he replied and offered her a reassuring smile. “Anything we can help you with?”
She stepped further inside, allowing Bob to release the door. “I’m supposed to speak to the manager,” she began, glancing at the cork message board. On it was an array of flyers advertising babysitting services, information on community events, and the annual blood drive coming up next month. “A woman named Na–”
“There you are,” Natasha exclaimed as she appeared in the doorway to the right that led toward the computer room.
The woman spun on her heel. “I’m sorry. I had a missed call from my agent, and I didn’t want to disturb anyone, so I took it outside,” she explained. “I told the guy behind the desk to let you know, in case I didn’t make it back before you did.”
“Can we fire Bradshaw now?” Jake asked as he stood, leaning his forearms on the wooden surface.
He shrugged. “Worth a shot,” he mumbled and sat back down. Bob looked at Natasha expectantly, waiting for her to make the introduction, but it didn’t come before their guest offered Bob her hand to shake.
“You must be the manager, Robert Floyd,” she said with an inviting smile.
He shook her hand, feeling a shiver run down his spine at the contact with her palm. “Bob’s fine.” He let go, flexing his fingers as the tips of his ears warmed.
“Bob,” she repeated, corners of her mouth still turned upward. “I’m Norah Lebbai. I, uh, so, my first book is about to be published, and I guess I just wanted to know if I could have the release party here.”
Bob’s eyes darted to Natasha, who leaned against the doorframe with her arms crossed in front of her. She raised a brow, but offered him an encouraging nod.
He looked back at Norah and pointed a finger at the carpeted floor. “Here?”
“Yeah,” she beamed, enthusiasm encapsulating her entire body, and her dark eyes widened with excitement. “We can make it a double event. Like my release party and a fundraiser for the library at the same time. Not that I think you need funds, but I know libraries are under-funded, especially the smaller ones, so I just thought that might work. My publisher will pay for everything to do with my event, like catering and drinks, but I could talk to them and maybe set something up, so people will donate to the lib—”
“Miss Lebbai, why don’t–”
“Norah,” she corrected him, a frown etched on her face. “My high school math teacher called me Miss Lebbai and I’m having flashbacks to crying over algebra. Repeatedly. For years.”
She shuddered and laughter bloomed Bob’s chest, but he offered her an amused smile instead. “Why don’t we go to my office to talk?”
The grin returned, and she adjusted the sunglasses on her head. “Lead the way.”
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likes are nice, but reblogs and comments are golden
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englishstrawbie · 1 year
Station 19 6x15
Le sigh. ❤️
I love how giddy and excited Maya was at planning their second attempt at a second first date. I really appreciated how, when Carina said how tired she was, Maya’s first response was to say she would drive her back to her hotel to sleep - she is continually doing the work and listening to Carina. 
I love the throwback to their first date at Joe’s. Some interesting dialogue from Carina about starting her own practice, talking about flexibility for “our kids... one day, hopefully, maybe...  but not right now” - this felt different to me compared to how strongly she’s talked about having kids before. I liked it - the confirmation that she still sees having kids as something she’ll do with Maya, not wanting to rush into it right now while they’re still rebuilding their marriage. 
The date was cute. I like that Helm was there. I thought the three drunk ladies would be really annoying but they were ok and I love how it led to Carina and Maya talking about each other and their wedding. 
“It was just me and her against the world” ❤️❤️
The shower scene was beautiful. 🔥 The love and intimacy and desire and connection between them was so clear. THE NECK KISS. Also Carina’s smile when Maya kneels down in front of her? Le sigh. 
Carina’s freak out about being back in the apartment was a good reminder that, for all the work that Maya is doing, Carina still has unresolved trauma from it. I’m glad she said it out loud - about spending all those months sleeping alone, about being the one Maya was running from, not to. Oof. It won’t be a surprise if they make the decision to move into somewhere new when they’re finally ready to live together again.
I absolutely adored Maya’s dialogue in that scene: the way she apologised, the way she acknowledged that who they were is gone. This isn’t about going back to who they were, it’s about rebuilding themselves in a different way, to be different, to be stronger and healthier. I love the way Carina falls into Maya’s arms, and the way Maya holds her. It’s such a lovely moment for them. ❤️
I love how they showed up at the station at the end because of Ben’s bad day. It was a really nice station family moment. 
Going back to the scene between Maya, Andy and Chief Ross... “last time I tried to play an angle, it almost destroyed my life” - I really do want to know how much Ross is aware of everything that Maya has been through and the work she has done/is doing. Even with that line, Ross looked suspicious. 
The scene between Ross and the Union was interesting - I’d love to see her acknowledge that the way they treated her compared to the men in the FD is not so dissimilar to the way Maya was treated when she was demoted. I feel like it’s wishful thinking at this point. (Where was the Union when Maya was demoted, huh?)
Andy seeing Ben fall through the roof... who didn’t think of Pruitt in that moment? Ouch. And I really felt for Theo. He made the only call he could when he ordered the retreat, but that must have been so hard. It’s not easy being Captain and I’m glad both Ross and Jack praised him for it. He still didn’t have to be an ass to Vic, though. Also: f*ck Bob. 
I cannot wait to see Danielle’s S19 directoral debut next ep! 
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