#she fucking shot vecna
pansyherondale · 2 years
nancy: what are you doing?
steve and eddie standing on a chair with robin: we live here and robin is a guest and we can stand wherever we want, thank you very much
nancy: where’s the spider?
robin: it’s under the table, get it for us please
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zaiexs · 2 years
just watched natalia on fallon and all they did was talk about jancy vs stancy debate and how steve deserves better and how barb deserved justice and she looked so bored and the only time she looked happy was when they mentioned robin and ronance im crying.
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Can't believe my current hyperfixation broke me out of my month long streak of being unable to write anything just to write a potentially long ass byler fic when I never write romance. I'm so fixated on the idea of will getting to have something good happen to him
#stranger things#byler#and the worst part is (i say as if this isn't the thing i find fun) that my brain gets obsessed with character dynamics#and currently i belive the theory that mike has been a closeted homosexual this whole time and has been pushing his feelings for will onto#el (tho i'll be psyched if it turns out he's bi. it's just that the closeted homosexual theory seems to have more evidence pointing towards#it)#so because of that there's more than just will and mike to consider#el needs proper closure and understanding of the situation#and mike needs to confront that maybe he's never liked girls and that he can love el and it doesn't need to be romantic#and i also need to throw in will subtly coming out because mike was prodding into the idea of him having a crush on someone ELSE (gasp!#shock! horror!)#and guessed max of all people just cause she was the only girl in hawkins he could think of. and like he's just a fucking idiot huh#and then he thinks oh yeah maybe will likes boys and he's so fucking stupid that he can't see what's right in front of his face#even when will is like uhhh no?? i don't like lucas like that u idiot?? but would it be a problem if i like boys?#and mike is like oh fuck is that an option while in his head. and saying no that'd he great. cause he's so fucking gay#and he's just so dumb. he's a mess. i'd love to study him. i mean i am technically. isn't that what writing a fic from mike's pov is about#sorry for the rant my brain hasn't shut up for over a week#and then after all of this i'm gonna have to keep going huh#i'm gonna have to vecna SOMEONE#what is this gonna be??? like a 10K one-shot??? PANDA???#if i never finish this i'm literally gonna be so mad
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loveinhawkins · 1 year
When Lucas Sinclair starts to apologise for missing The Cult of Vecna, Eddie initially thinks that he’s hearing things.
Well, actually, the first thing he thinks is something along the lines of ‘what the fuck are you talking about?’
It takes him almost a solid thirty seconds to even vaguely remember his campaign; the last day of school before Spring Break feels dreamlike, as if it happened to someone else, as if he just watched everything through a fogged-up window.
“Jesus, Sinclair. I’ve got an ongoing list of folks who owe me an apology since, like, sixth grade, and trust me, your name’s not on there. Can pretty confidently say it never will, okay?”
Eddie sees Steve tilt his head ever so slightly from where he’s walking just ahead of them, like he’s listening in. Spots his faint nod of approval.
Eddie can’t decide if he resents it or finds it endearing—kind of gets the ridiculous feeling that Steve’s vetting him on behalf of the kids.
“Okay,” Lucas says, and he’s smiling, but there’s a sort of sombreness to it, too. “Still, I should’ve—”
“Hey, hindsight’s twenty-twenty,” Eddie says, firmly cutting off whatever self-critical bullshit he was about to hear. He knocks his shoulder against Lucas’s, adds a dry, “Like, I would’ve been a dick about it no matter what.”
Lucas laughs, but it’s muted. Then he takes a deep breath, and Eddie suddenly realises that he must’ve been using the apology to get himself started, to work himself up to what he really wanted to say.
“I’m… I’m sorry about… about Jason and… I thought I’d thrown them all off the trail, but—”
“Oh, don’t—don’t worry about it, man,” Eddie says faintly.
There’s a flash of Jason in his mind’s eye, the savage twist of his lip as he ran into the lake; he thinks of Lucas lying to his face, the danger of him being found out, and feels sick.
“Seriously, you could’ve told them… y’know. Wouldn’t have held it against you.”
Eddie doesn’t mention that him getting caught still feels inevitable, like he’s just waiting for the walls to close in.
But right now, at least, he can breathe a little easier. The shire might be burning, but there’s people leading him through it. He’s not alone.
Lucas looks appalled. “What? No, I couldn’t—I couldn’t do that to you.”
It’s said with such conviction that Eddie has to fight through a sudden tightness in his throat—doesn’t really know what to do in the face of such undeserved loyalty.
He settles on saying, “So, how was the game?” which is embarrassingly inadequate, but a genuine question nevertheless; the past few… Jesus, however long it’s been, he’s been in permanent need of a distraction.
Steve slows his walking pace—to anyone else it might’ve seemed subtle, but Eddie’s used to noticing such things. He somehow gets the feeling that Steve is no longer scrutinising him, not exactly; his posture’s relaxed and open, his forehead free of frown lines.
It’s more like he’s simply curious about Eddie’s behaviour. The way his eyes drift over, then down to the forest floor, then back again silently seems to say what are you thinking?
Or maybe Eddie’s projecting because he asks the very same question whenever a muscle jumps in Steve’s jaw.
“Oh, um…” Lucas says hesitantly. “I was on the bench for most of it, so—”
“Quit being modest.” The quiet whir of a tape being rewound; Max Mayfield comes up to Lucas’s side. “He made the winning shot,” she tells Eddie pointedly. “It was a buzzer-beater.”
“Oh, holy shit. Well done, dude.”
From the way Lucas is staring at Max with wide eyes, it’s obvious that he’s barely registered what Eddie’s said.
“How do you know that?” he asks. “You… you weren’t at the game.”
“I, uh.” Max looks down for a moment, fiddling with the headphones around her neck. “I listened to it on the radio.”
Lucas smiles so brightly. There’s an earnestness to him; Eddie spotted it a mile away, ever since that first day back at school, when all the new freshmen were anxiously lining up to get lunch.
Max softens—her arms are still folded, but she drifts a little closer to Lucas as they walk, all studied casualness.
(Oh, Eddie’s been there before: forced to run track in middle school Phys Ed, and the only saving grace was ‘just so happening’ to run at the same pace as any boy who’d smile at him.)
Eddie catches Steve’s eye, and this time Steve gives him a very deliberate expression, nodding fondly at Max and Lucas.
Look at them, he’s saying with his eyes, as if he and Eddie are on the same team, as if Eddie at all deserves to be let in on whatever shared history Steve has with these kids.
Eddie kicks at a stray twig. You’re not going to get a lump in your throat about this, damn it, don’t be stupid.
“S’gonna be historic, Sinclair,” he says. “Last time the Tigers won a championship was, uh, lemme think… twenty-two years ago.”
Lucas stops in his tracks.
“I know that,” he says, eyes shrewd, “but why do you know?”
Eddie raises his hands with a grin, it wasn’t me, officer. “What, I can’t repeat a few years without retaining a little school knowledge?”
“Oh,” Lucas says, and it’s like Eddie can see him mentally replaying every cafeteria speech. He grins back. “So you’re a hypocrite.”
“Maybe,” Eddie says. He glances further afield, where Dustin is animatedly explaining something to Robin and Nancy. “I know you’re not gonna give me shit for it, though.”
“Huh, guess you don’t really know me,” Lucas says, and Max snorts.
Eddie smirks. “And it’s, like, doubly historic since the last person to score a buzzer-beater was—”
He cuts himself off, because Steve abruptly turns to him, like they’re in alliance, and draws a hand sharply across his neck.
But Lucas is already hooked. “What? Who was it?”
Eddie gives Steve a helpless shrug. Sorry, man.
“I’m looking right at him,” he says.
Lucas rounds on Steve. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because,” Steve says, flustered, “that was your thing, Lucas, I didn’t wanna be all…”
He trails off with a vague hand gesture, and Eddie thinks he somehow gets what he means—smiles at the thoughtfulness of it.
“That makes, like, no sense,” Lucas says vehemently. His eyes practically have stars in them. “Damn it, we shoulda got a photo.”
Steve laughs in surprise. “All right, noted.”
“I mean, Wheeler works for the school paper, right?” Eddie says. “They’ve probably got old issues. Hey, Sinclair, you could have, y’know, side-by-side photos. Yours and then…” He waves a hand at Steve. “Ancient history.”
Steve rolls his eyes. “Ancient, sure.”
“Oh, Lucas,” Max says, batting her eyes excessively, “I’d frame a picture of you. Pray to it every night.”
Lucas blushes. “Shut up,” he says, elbowing her gently; Eddie thinks that it’s the first time he’s heard Max Mayfield laugh.
Steve’s watching over them again, and his eyes go pensive when Lucas mumbles something like, “I wouldn’t mind a frame.”
The expression Steve has is something Eddie’s only seen once before, and it was on Wayne’s face. Eddie had privately dubbed it the ‘found something for your birthday’ look when he’d noticed it: him and Wayne on a road trip, Eddie not so secretly mooning over the secondhand acoustic guitar in the shop window.
“Your picture should be bigger, Sinclair,” Steve says, sounding both teasing and sincere. “My shot didn’t win a Championship Game.” In an undertone, he adds, “As Brenda so helpfully reminded me.”
Oh, Eddie’s not letting that go.
“Do mine ears deceive me? Did you take a date to a high school basketball game?” Eddie cackles. “You sure know how to woo ‘em, Harrington.”
“Hey,” Steve says defensively, “she could only make that day. Told her I had non-negotiable plans: it was either the game or it was a bust.”
Huh, Eddie thinks, that’s actually… really sweet.
Lucas looks torn between being embarrassed or touched. “You didn’t need to do that, Steve.”
“Sure I did. C’mon, you thought I was gonna go to every match and then miss the Championship?” Steve’s eyebrows furrow. “Where was Erica, anyway?”
… Ah.
“Mea culpa,” Eddie says. “She was, uh, at Hellfire.”
Lucas scoffs. “It’s fine,” he says. “Last time she was at a game, she kept shouting that she loved my tactics.” He looks out into the middle distance. “I was on the bench the whole time.”
Steve chuckles. “Yeah, I missed her being there.” He’s sporting a smile that’s somehow the perfect balance of fond and mischievous; it, quite frankly, has no business looking as attractive as it does. “We had, um, alternative commentary for every game. That kid should have a radio show.” He comes closer, adds in another aside, “Would’ve made the date more bearable if she was there.”
Eddie stifles a laugh, has a moment of respectful silence for Brenda.
Max and Lucas cut in front, keep walking until they’re almost out of earshot; Eddie hears Lucas faintly say something that sounds like, “Was I totally tubular?”, soon drowned out by Max’s laughter.
There’s a short silence.
“Thanks, Eddie,” Steve says suddenly.
Eddie blinks at him, quickly turns his genuine confusion into a bit. “What for, Harrington? My devastating wit? Devilish good looks?”
Steve shakes his head. He smiles for a moment, in on the joke, but then he looks over at Lucas and Max again, and… there.
A muscle jumps in his jaw.
“It’s just… they’ve got a lot to carry, y’know? So…” He shrugs. “Thanks.”
It’s said so quietly, so without fanfare.
Eddie’s hit with the realisation between one footstep and the next: that he’s earned Steve Harrington’s trust.
It feels… weighty.
But Eddie doesn’t mind it; he doesn’t think it’s going to crush his ribs. If anything it feels like they’re sharing a load.
“Don’t gotta thank me for that, Harrington.”
Steve smiles, pushing back his hair; Eddie’s brought back to the moment he did the very same on the basketball court, just as the ball sunk through the net, and Eddie decided fuck it, wholeheartedly embracing his hypocrisy as he jumped up and down with the band kids.
I cheered so goddamn loud for you, Eddie thinks.
He doesn’t say it.
But he keeps walking next to Steve. Feels a little young, a little bit like he’s running track—checking his pace just so he could see a boy smile at him.
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madelynraemunson · 3 months
(Book #1 of the Hellfire Gentlemen’s Club series)
strip club owner!eddie x fem!exotic dancer!hargrove!reader
Chapter 020: ‘Red Thong, Party’s On!’ (Epilogue)
a/n: pov you’re back at hellfire, but this time you’re sharing the stage with eddie, stripping while he plays a song for you to dance to 🤭🤭♥️ (SURPRISE AT THE END) it’s been a WILD ride my loves, thank you all so much for the support for CMWYW. i hope we all continue to create more beautiful things together. readers, writers, artists, creatives of all kinds keep the world going round. 🤟🏼💋 all my love, maddy
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↳ chapters: 001, 002*, 003** , 004**, 005 , 006 , 007* , 008**, 009, 010, 011, 012* , 013**, 014** , 015, 016**, 017, 018, 019, 020*
CW: strip club behaviors hehe, grinding, pole-dancing, ass-shaking, all that hellfire goodness, implications that shy girl c*me on eddie's guitar
word count: 990 words
Mom always used to say, "Inside of you, there are two wolves: a good one and a bad one. Depending on which mouth you feed, one will triumph the other.”
She left out one thing, however: sometimes being bad feels so fucking good.
“We’ve got a verrry special treat for you tonight folks!” the DJ announces. “She took a break for a little while but now she is BACK… and here to stay with us, FOREVER! Put your hands together for the ONE, the ONLY — Hellfire’s Princess — SHYYY GIIIIRL!”
And the crowd goes wild.
You emerge from the side stage in your glimmering scarlet set, flipping your plump, bouncy locks around as you dip your hips to the beat. Your regular customers swoon as you blow them kisses, and the petty kisses you issue to the Hellfire Girls (they came to pick up their severance checks) leave them shaking in their stilettos.
"WOOO, HARGROVE!" Nancy cheers for you backstage, dancing to the song as she curls Nina's hair.
"LET 'EM KNOW, BABY!" Nina shouts after her.
You acknowledge them with a wink, giving one to Chrissy as well as she cheers for you on the opposite side of the stage, bouncing up and down in her sexy Hellfire cheer uniform.
“Let’s go, Shy Girl!” ‘Cherry’ cheers as she waves her pom-poms in the air. "LET'S GOOOO!"
She's hot! Can’t stop! Up on stage doing shots!
You shake your ass when the song calls on it, grinding your hips to the beat to match the lyrics as they come. The crowd hoots and hollers as you dance, showering you in dollar bills as you make the pole your bitch for the night.
“YEAAAH!” Max cheers. “That’s my sister!”
As you glide down the cylindrical silver steel, you wave to the crowd and thank them all for coming out.
“Thank you! Aww, thanks so much! OMG, how are you? Long time no see!”
But just because you’re doing your thing on stage doesn’t mean you aren’t paying attention to the happenings beneath you. Because while you have a bird’s eye view of Vecna’s Lair, you can’t help but fix your gaze on Lucas, who is dressed rather sharper than usual tonight, going up to Maxine in attempts to ‘rizz her up’.
“I see spiciness runs in the family,” Lucas remarks to her as they stand beside each other in Vecna’s Lair.
The self-proclaimed 'Dark Chocolate' shoots her an awkward wink, to which Max responds with a grimace on her face.
“Genetics wasn’t playing ‘bout y’all,” Lucas continues. "You're looking mighty fine tonight, Max."
“Thanks. I guess,” Max shrugs, refusing to entertain it. “But, if you knew anything about family dynamics and DNA, you’d know she’s my step-sister."
"Psh," Lucas scoffs. "Yeah! Yeah, I knew that."
"Course you did," she jeers. "Stalker."
“Stalker?! I thought we were friends.”
Max rolls her eyes. “Whatever this is, is far from platonic.”
She begins to strut away, giving Lucas the opportunity to race after her. And Sinclair wastes no time, pushing himself past the sea of sweaty men to catch up to the beautiful redhead in front of him.
“So there’s a chance we can be more than friends?!”
You chuckle as you watch it unfold from the stage. Then you turn to everyone else.
Argyle and Jonathan give you two stoned-filled waves hello. You wave back. Henry whose the designated bone-snapper bouncer tonight blows you a kiss. You catch it and return the favor. Mike and Will don't even give you the time of day.
You then turn your attention to Dustin who is both head-banging to the song, and holding up a lazily written message on the black screen of his phone: “I AM LOOKING RESPECTFULLY”. You can't help but giggle. It's like he's a mini Eddie.
Speaking of your boyfriend, your eyes dart back to the side stage where you meet Eddie’s gaze.
She likes to pull my hair when I make her grind her teeth.
You watch as the curly-haired, metalhead-turned-strip-club-owner eyes you steadily, situating his guitar around himself, giving the body of his NJ Warlock one more wipe down with a cloth.
He smirks to himself, satisfied at the thought that only you two know why that guitar needed wiping down in the first place. But he’s mostly pleased with the fact that, despite the long list of handsome, eligible bachelors after your heart, the passionate, down-to-earth, sexy, siren of a woman that is you, is all his.
My girlfriend's a dick magnet. MY girlfriend…
Eddie then takes to the stage, using the same fingers he’ll use to ravage you tonight to strum the chords of the sexy guitar solo of the song — you know, the song about a guy…..with a hot stripper girlfriend…..whose seducing everyone around her while she does her thing…..in that beautiful red set.
“HOLY SHIT!” someone from the crowd raves, causing Eddie’s eyes to light up like a little kid. “DUET OF THE CENTURY!”
You’ve healed so many parts of Eddie that he was too scared to explore: Love after Isabelle. Showing him that self-care is just as important as caring for Wayne. Encouraging him to find a hobby outside of Hellfire that didn't include doing payroll or grocery shopping. And healing his inner teenager by letting him play on stage with you, as he relives his glory days as the guitarist and frontman of Corroded Coffin one last time.
And as Eddie continues to strum, he stays thinking of you. He couldn’t wait to heal more parts of himself…with 'Shy Girl' Hargrove by his side.
“So,” you pant, edging closer to your boyfriend as the music draws on. "What's next after this?"
Eddie smirks. As the instrumental allows, he presses you against his body, kissing you softly against the lips before trailing all the way down your neck. Your breath hitches in arousal as he hums against you.
“Whatever you want.”
The End
SIKE! King Steve has entered the chat… 😉
(Book #2 of the Hellfire Gentlemen's Club Series)
CEO!bachelor!steve × fem!college grad!reader
MODERN AU • 18+ | BOOK #1 (e.m.)
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slight age gap (Steve is 31, reader is 23); reader goes by the nickname "Sweets"
*loosely inspired by sara cate’s salacious players club*
Summary: 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐒 𝐀 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐁𝐋𝐄. Steve Harrington has the WORST luck with the ladies. His high school sweetheart left him for another dude, his former fuck buddy is dating his roommate, and his dream girl is a lesbian. King Steve is losing hope. That is until he meets you — a newly graduated university student from Seattle — when your paths cross on a fateful night in Sin City. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas... that is until your risky business trickles over to Hawkins, Indiana, a town your best friend knows of a little too well.
theme song: call out my name by the weeknd
tag list is open 💌✨
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Winter 2024
“WATCH OUT INDIANAPOLIS — you're about to get... absolutely SOAKED!”
The booming voice of a man in Steve’s bedroom stirs him awake.
Letting out a ferocious yawn, The King rubs his eyes free of the annoying crust in the corner of his sockets, flopping around one more time before doing his routine stretch.
“Google,” Steve commands. “Turn off the TV.”
The TV immediately switches off. It’s nothing personal to meteorologist Marcus Bailey, but if Steve ever needed an accurate forecast of Indianapolis, all he would have to do is look outside his penthouse window. And that, after brushing his teeth, is just what he does.
"G'morning Indy,” he sighs happily on his balcony before going back inside.
Steve then makes his way over to the kitchen to fix himself some breakfast.
“Google,” he calls out again. “Open the curtains, please.”
Google replies:
“Opening curtains. Good morning — Steve.”
"Google, what's my schedule looking like today?" "Google, text Dustin." “Google, what is the weather looking like in Nevada?” “Google, turn on my shower tunes.”
The best thing about not living with Eddie Munson anymore, is that Steve can shamelessly sing Amy Winehouse in the shower without being hounded about it.
“We only saaaid GOODBYE, with WORDS!” Steve sings, confidently off-key. “I died a hundred times! You go back to her, and I goooo baaack toooo…”
"Scanning fingerprint...”
an automated voice announces at the entrance of Steve's walk-in closet.
The door slides open. Sauntering his way inside, Steve ventures for some slick black athleisure down to the shoes, his usual musky cologne, and some matching sunglasses (despite the gloomy forecast prediction).
Black. 🎶
Steve Harrington is ready for the day.
"Google, make reservations for 3 people at Tony's Steakhouse at 7pm please."
All Steve had left to do for the day now was grocery shop. Which was always a hassle. Because sometimes, the store doesn't have the specific brand he's looking for so the shopper has to opt for an alternate version. Or sometimes, the shopper assigned to him that day chooses produce that is nearing its expiration date making every fruit in his bag a mushy mess. It doesn't happen too often, but it sure feels inconvenient as hell when it does. There are worse problems in life though, so Steve really can't complain.
*Ring, ring. Ring, ring*
The very distinct and custom ringtone has Steve bolting across the room to answer the call. One of his best friends was on the other line.
"Yello?" he says into the phone.
"Hey, it's Shy Girl," comes a voice. "Eddie and I are pulling in."
"Pull off to the side. Valet's got it. I'll send you guys up."
A bottle of cabernet sauvignon a la Steve awaits the pair when they make their way over. Consider it a Tony's pre-game.
"GameWorld stock is up 4% today,” Steve's buddy, and owner of Hellfire Gentlemen's Club Eddie Munson announces as the two clink glasses. "I don’t have much faith in it though, figure I’ll get my pie slices from actual grocery stores. Like Meijer.”
“Everyone's always gonna need groceries,” Steve points out. "Definitely. Just don't day trade. Not now."
"Ooh, you hear that, Eds?" Shy Girl nudges him. "You gotta be careful where you put your money."
"I gotta be careful with my money, period," Eddie smirks. "You're a danger to my pockets, angel."
"Oh but you love me," she says.
"Yeah," Eddie gives in, grabbing his lover's dainty digits, trailing his fingers across hers, and rubbing the glistening rock that took up most of her left hand on the distal side. "I sure do."
"I'm just... so proud of us," Steve sappily reflects. "So much has happened over the past two years and we've all come so far."
"Yeah," Shy Girl agrees. "And it's about fucking time we celebrate."
"I agree," Eddie chimes in, raising his glass once again. "This weekend trip is going to be... one for the books."
"Viva Las Vegas," Steve toasts. "Cheers."
"Viva Las Vegas!"
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Black and red.
They're the two colors that occupy your closet the most. But of course, after graduating from Washington State University (or Wazzu, for short), you expected nothing less.
You could do with some more sequins though, you think to yourself as you pack your bags.
"What do you think of this, Sweets?"
Peering over your shoulder, you see that your best friend, Elle has started festivities early, managing to hold two glasses of champagne in one hand, and six-inch stilletoes in the other.
"Can't take the party out of the girl, that's for damn sure," you respond.
When you left Seattle to attend WSU Pullman, Elle was your only friend in business class. Mainly because the class was predominantly for dudes, but eventually you found out that you two have a lot in common.
Elle is everything you would want in an older sister figure: she is both book smart and wise, she is sexy, and she eats men for breakfast. And, now that she's about to celebrate the launching of her lingerie business (along with her Dirty 30s Era), and you're about to enter your new-grad era, you two are hitting up Las Vegas to go ham together one last time.
It's all so bittersweet. You owe everything to the Warrens, having taken you in when you were a lost undergrad. It also sucked quite a bit not having a support system after graduating high school. You and Elle were all each other has. Which makes this inevitable separation so much more painful.
"Are you sure you're okay with Vegas by the way?" you question. "I know since the split, being surrounded by gorgeous girls 24/7 can kinda be triggering.”
"Don't worry about it, love," she shakes it off. "The past is in the past. This is a new era of me."
Cheers to that. Clinking your airport-pregame champagne glasses with one another, you raise a toast to yourselves, celebrating how far the two of you have come over the past four years.
"To friendship."
"To friendship."
"To being elegant and educated."
"To elegance and education."
"And to being girl-bosses for the rest of our lives."
You giggle as you raise your glass of champagne even higher.
"To being girl-bosses for the rest of our lives," you two take a sip at the same time. "And no matter how near and no matter how far, we're always gonna be besties."
"I love you, Sweets."
"I love you too, Isabelle."
🏷️ tag list: @chrrymunson , @the-fairy-anon , @ali-r3n , @corrodedcoffincumslut , @bebe07011 , @mmunson86 , @eddiesguitarskills , @chelebelletx , @imonhereforareasonsadly , @eddies-trailer-babe @motherfckerr , @jxpsi , @sidthedollface2 , @manda-panda-monium , @elvendria , @micheledawn1975 , @hereforshmut , @siriuslysmoking , @mediocredreams @nymphetkoo , @m-chmcl-rmnc , @ahoyyharrington , @keepittoyourselftellnobodyelse @kellyxo1 @emsgoodthinkin @winchester-angel @chloe-6123 , @redbarn1995 @angietherose @kiyastrf94 , @purplewitchcauldron @kellsck @joyfulfxckery @munsons-mayhem28 @dragonfire @emma77645 @drivelikenina @livosssblog @thinkingth0ts @hugdealer @ellielunamckay @xblueriddlex @maskofmirrors @babyloutattoo89 @queenofhawkins @feral-pumpkin-energy @bl0ssomanddie
divider from: @plum98
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steddieas-shegoes · 10 months
Hi! Hope ur doing great! First of all, I really love your fics! I think you're really talented.
I have a request, if it's not too much trouble. I can't stop thinking about a Steve w/head trauma (so, maybe migraine prone, memory issues, etc) and a DM Eddie that still resents Steve from high school. Eddie doesn't know Steve struggles with the complications of his concussions, so he keeps judging him for it. Say, for example, Steve got a terrible migraine and couldn't pick the kids up from Dnd and Eddie thinks he's probably at a party and stood them up. Then Eddie finds out, maybe from Steve himself or a Party member or Steve's parents. (If you could somehow sneak in Steve's parents being good caring parents for one, it'd be really cool.) Eddie apologizes and they start getting closer. And, yeah, that's all. Thank you!!!
We know I love writing Steve with a migraine. Not to jinx anything, but it's been almost two weeks since I've had one myself so I'm sure the torture I put him through here will have instant karma and I will wake up with one. Is it realistic for Eddie to pretty much fall instantly in love with a man he hated the night before? No. Do I write realistic stories? No. Buckle up for the fastest burn you can possibly read today! - Mickala ❤️
Steve Harrington was late.
Not just a few minutes late, not like he maybe got held up at a light for an extra two minutes, not like he had to stop for gas.
He was 25 minutes late.
Eddie was pissed.
He didn’t mind hanging out with the kids longer, wouldn’t have even minded if he’d just been given a heads up that Steve would be late.
A phone call.
A fucking letter by pigeon.
Dustin seemed worried, more than anyone else, though the later it got, the more Lucas and Will and Mike seemed to worry too.
And Eddie would maybe worry too, except he knew what was happening.
He knew because it’s all he ever expected of Steve.
Steve probably went to a party, thought he could make his rounds, maybe have a drink and sober up in time to come get the kids.
And then he probably got bribed into having another drink, maybe smoke a joint in the backyard of whatever rich kid’s house he was visiting, maybe have a shot with a group of kids who liked to spend their time bullying the very kids he was supposed to be picking up.
Maybe fuck a girl in a bedroom upstairs until he was too tired and just passed out on top of her.
He rolled his eyes at the thought.
“Maybe we could try to call his house again?” Lucas asked.
“He didn’t answer the first four times, why would he now?” Mike asked, though his eyes kept scanning the road into the trailer park, searching for headlights that wouldn’t appear.
And wasn’t that just the last straw for Eddie? Watching his favorite gremlins admire and respect someone who couldn’t even remember to pick them up? Watching them expect so much from a guy who peaked in high school, who didn’t care about them if it hindered his plans?
“You guys wait here,” he said, his hands shaking with anger.
“Where are you going?” Will asked.
“To call Robin. If anyone will know what’s up, she will,” he replied.
It was late, but not too late for a phone call between adults.
“Buckley residence, you’ve got Robin,” Robin answered the phone with a bored tone.
“Any clue why your best friend is 30 minutes late to pick the kids up from my house?” He tried not to sound angry at her, it wasn’t her fault.
But he couldn’t hide the fact that he didn’t understand what band nerd, lesbian, nice person Robin could possibly see in Steve.
Sure, he carted the kids around a lot, and had helped Wayne out with Eddie’s medical stuff after Vecna, but it felt like he did it out of guilt more than anything else.
“He’s never late,” she said, her tone sharp, defensive. “You sure he knew they needed rides?”
“Positive. I heard him yell to them when he dropped them off that he’d see them in three hours.”
Robin didn’t respond for a minute, and he almost thought the line went dead.
“Has Dustin tried the walkie?” She finally asked.
“Yeah. No answer.”
Eddie rolled his eyes.
“Wanna fill me in here, Buckaroo?”
“Um. Can you bring the kids home? I gotta go check on him.”
Before he could respond, the dial tone let him know she was already gone.
“Fuck!” He yelled.
He hung up the phone and grit his teeth together.
The problem wasn’t taking the kids home, he really didn’t mind and had told them on multiple occasions that he could so they didn’t have to rely on Steve to do it.
The problem was that they had relied on Steve and he let them down.
He hated that he’d have to go out there and tell them that Steve wasn’t coming.
He hates Steve for the way he would have to watch their faces fall, for the way they’d ride to their homes in silence.
He hated Steve for the fact that he’d probably buy them all ice cream tomorrow to apologize and they’d all rely on him again.
All would be forgiven.
The next morning, he tried calling Robin and got no answer.
He tried calling Dustin and got no answer, though he wasn’t as surprised by that since he’d already been considering going to the Sinclairs’ to spend the weekend since his mom was working.
He tried Steve’s house and got an answering machine. Twice.
He considered leaving a scathing message, but didn’t want to risk one of his parents hearing it and deleting it.
“Fuck it,” he said to himself before he grabbed his keys and decided to drive to Steve’s house.
He was a little surprised to actually see Steve’s car in the driveway, half expecting him to still be passed out at some stranger’s house.
Before he could ring the doorbell, the front door swung open and Robin’s wide eyes were silently begging him to stay quiet.
She looked exhausted, a little flustered, more stressed than he’d seen in a long time.
“What’s going on?” He asked.
Maybe Steve drank more than he should’ve, maybe he wasn’t actually home and she was trying to find him still.
“Come in but be quiet. He’s finally sleeping,” she said, already walking back into the house.
He followed, closing the door behind him and giving his surroundings a quick look.
Everything looked perfect as usual except for Robin’s shoes by the door and her backpack open on the floor by the couch.
The couch that Steve was currently passed out on, blankets almost completely covering his head, ice pack resting over his eyes.
Eddie’s brows furrowed.
“Hangover?” He whispered to Robin.
She looked at him confused.
“No? He hasn’t drank in nearly a year.”
If Eddie didn’t have more control over his body, his jaw would’ve dropped.
“Oh. Um. So is he sick?” Eddie tried to gather up his thoughts, glancing over at the sleeping form on the couch.
He noticed the curtains closed and no lights turned on, noticed the complete silence in the house except for the sound of a fan running in the corner.
“He gets migraines. I thought you knew,” she said.
Eddie shook his head.
“He’s had a lot of head trauma. Gets migraines that make it impossible to even sit up sometimes. I guess he was fighting it most of the day yesterday but after he dropped the kids off with you, he passed out in the shower and barely was able to crawl to his bed after. When you called me, I kind of assumed the worst, so I came straight here and saw him naked and shivering in bed, not able to get up to get dressed or even get the covers on. Got him dressed, got him water and meds, called his parents, tried to help him eat. He spent almost an hour throwing up after that. Then he cried because he forgot the kids. Memory problems happen with the head trauma, too. I couldn’t calm him down until about an hour ago.”
Eddie let himself feel the guilt he deserved for thinking the worst of Steve.
Steve didn’t deserve this. No one did.
“Does he need to go to the hospital?” Eddie whispered, his voice broken thinking about how Steve had been alone here, probably scared when he was curled up in his bed unable to move.
“No. His parents are on their way. If it’s not better tomorrow, they’ll probably take him to his neurologist,” Robin responded.
A whimper came from the couch, causing Robin to tense and hold her breath.
Eddie looked over and waited to see if maybe Steve was completely awake or if he’d just made a noise in his sleep.
After a few seconds, Robin relaxed, and he felt a breath leave his body.
“How often does this happen?” he whispered as she went to grab a drink from the fridge.
“This bad? Once a month or so. He sometimes has some memory problems without the migraine, but luckily he snaps back quickly,” she shrugged, acted as if it wasn’t a big deal, but Eddie could see right through her.
“And you help him a lot?”
“Well, his parents travel a lot for work, and he can’t always call them or remember how to contact them when it’s this bad, so yeah. I tend to be the one to take care of him until they can get here,” she said.
Eddie chewed on a piece of his hair, glancing over towards the couch every few seconds.
He was surprised this hadn’t come up before.
He was even more surprised that none of the kids had mentioned this as a possibility last night.
“Why didn’t the kids mention it last night when I was pissed?” he finally asked.
“Steve doesn’t really tell anyone. Like, the kids know, but they’ve never actually seen it, and so I think they just kinda forget. He doesn’t wanna bother them with it.”
“That’s stupid, they care about h-”
The front door started to open and a woman peeked her head inside.
Robin ran over as quickly and quietly as she could and Eddie stood awkwardly behind the couch as a middle aged woman walked into the house.
A man followed a few seconds after, a bag in hand.
“Is he asleep?” the woman asked.
“Yeah,” Robin replied before explaining much of what she’d already told Eddie to them.
The Harringtons looked surprisingly put together for a couple who probably hadn’t slept all night and most likely had flown home from somewhere as quickly as they could. They also looked nothing like what Eddie expected.
Mr. Harrington was bald, age spots on his head giving away that he must have been quite a few years older than Mrs. Harrington. She had the same color hair as Steve, same voluminous style, cut just above the shoulders. They both wore glasses, and both of them were wearing business attire like they’d rushed back directly from a meeting.
“And who is this?” he heard Mr. Harrington ask, gesturing towards Eddie.
He walked over and put his hand out to shake, trying to remember the best manners he could.
“I’m Eddie, a friend of Steve’s.”
He could feel Robin staring at him, but didn’t turn towards her. Instead, he shook Mrs. Harrington’s hand and then offered to help with any other bags they have.
“Oh, don’t worry about it. We can get them later. Since he’s asleep, we’re gonna go freshen up a bit and then you can head on home. Thank you for taking care of him, Robin. You know we appreciate you so much,” Mrs. Harrington said as she hugged her.
“It’s never a problem. Take your time,” she said.
“I’ll stay, Robin. You should go home and sleep,” Eddie offered before he could think about what he was offering.
“You’ll stay? With Steve?” Robin asked incredulously.
“Yeah. He seems pretty out of it so I’m sure he won’t even wake up before they’re done,” Eddie said, hopeful that he was right.
“Alright, my mom should be here in a few minutes anyway. She was bringing me a change of clothes in case I ended up staying today, so she can just bring me home,” Robin said hesitantly.
The Harringtons nodded and walked upstairs without another word, most likely too tired to care much about who stayed with Steve as long as he was being looked after.
“Eddie, you don’t have to do this,” Robin said when they were gone.
“I know. But I’m the only one here who slept last night, I can handle it for a bit.”
“He can be…kind of a lot,” she sounded like she didn’t want to admit it, didn’t like saying something negative about him at all.
“It’s fine. If he’s in this much pain, then it’s understandable.”
Robin looked him over for a moment, something like understanding finally showing on her face. He didn’t know what she was understanding, but he was just grateful she didn’t seem to want to talk more.
She started zipping up her backpack, putting on her shoes, and whispering some basic instructions to Eddie in case Steve woke up.
“Replace the ice pack, don’t let him try to move off the couch by himself and only if he has to use the bathroom. The bucket at the end of the couch is if he gets sick. He needs water if you can try to help him drink some, and if he thinks he can stomach it, there’s some crackers on the coffee table. He’s due for more meds in two hours, but you probably won’t be here for that,” she rambled off.
Eddie nodded along, mentally making a to-do list.
“You’re sure you got it? He sometimes isn’t able to talk.”
Jesus Christ, how had he never noticed this? Was he that oblivious to what Steve was going through?
“I got it.”
He could hear a car pull into the driveway and Robin opened the door to leave.
“If you need me, call me. The Harringtons will probably be as quick as possible, but just in case,” she begged him.
She left and closed the door behind her quietly, leaving Eddie staring at it for a minute.
He heard a small whimper from the couch and he rushed over, looking down at Steve.
The ice pack had fallen off his face, and his eyes were scrunched closed like he was still suffering even in his sleep.
Eddie leaned over to pick up the ice pack, ready to trade it out with a fresh one, when one of Steve’s eyes opened.
He froze and looked at him, hoping he would go back to sleep quickly.
He’d started calling him Eds in the hospital, always walking into his room with a bright smile and a ‘hey, Eds’ that had Eddie cracking a small smile.
He hadn’t heard it since then.
“Yeah?” he finally responded, trying to keep his voice as soft as possible.
He knew when Wayne got headaches, he was very sensitive to noise.
“Hurts,” Steve whimpered out.
Eddie’s heart shattered in his chest.
He walked closer to the couch and knelt down on his knees, placing a hand on Steve’s forehead.
“I know, Stevie. You wanna try to have a sip of water for me?” He whispered.
“No, hurts.”
“Might help,” Eddie tried to bribe him.
But Steve’s eyes were closed again, and even though he wasn’t asleep, he was making it very clear that he couldn’t quite handle keeping them open right now.
Eddie gently ran his fingers back and forth across his forehead, down his nose, along his temples, smiling as Steve’s wrinkles seemed to disappear, his face relaxing slowly.
“Go back to sleep, Stevie,” he whispered.
“Mhm,” Steve let out before he seemed to actually fall back asleep.
Eddie didn’t move from his spot for nearly 45 minutes, even when his legs went numb and his hand started cramping.
Steve hadn’t so much as snored, so Eddie didn’t want to risk any movement waking him up.
“Would you like something to drink?” Mrs. Harrington asked him, startling him slightly.
“No, thank you,” Eddie responded as quietly as possible.
“Are you the Eddie from the hospital? The one he insisted on visiting every day?” she asked as she sat down on the coffee table right next to him.
“Um, yes ma’am,” he knew he sounded nervous.
“Oh, so you boys worked it all out? He promised he’d tell me if you said yes!” she smiled at him.
“Worked…what out?”
Her eyes widened.
“Your feelings! Steve told us he was going over to your house the day you got out of the hospital and telling you how he felt,” she explained, sounding somewhat unsure now.
Eddie felt like his stomach had dropped to the floor.
“He what?”
“Oh dear,” she said, wringing her hands in her lap. “I suppose I was wrong.”
Eddie saw Mr. Harrington walk into the kitchen from his spot on the floor, felt the tension in the air as Mrs. Harrington tried to change the subject quickly.
But he wasn’t going to stop thinking about what she meant.
Steve had had feelings for him? Like, more than a friend feelings?
Steve let out a small groan in his sleep, shifting his head a bit.
Eddie tried to shush him a bit, running his fingers gently through his hair, careful not to catch on any tangles.
He could feel Mrs. Harrington watching, but she didn’t say anything else until Steve seemed to calm again.
“You know, Steve came out to us in March. Said he’d met a guy who was worth the risk. We love him, we always will, but we were very worried. I think any parent worries when their child, even their grown ones, says they’re in love with someone. In this case, we didn’t know if you felt the same, or if you even liked men. And Steve here tends to fall fast and fall hard and forgets to wear a parachute before the jump.”
Eddie didn’t say anything, his head filled with the way she’d called his feelings love.
“But I think I see now that he didn’t need one. I think he had you jumping with him and you remembered the parachute for him.”
He turned to look at her, her fond smile pointed at them both as he continued to run his fingers through Steve’s hair.
She got up and went into the kitchen, leaving Eddie to think about what she said.
That’s all he did for a while.
The next time Steve woke up, he was slightly more coherent, but still didn’t want to eat or drink.
Mrs. Harrington had gone to lay down for a nap while Mr. Harrington was finishing up something in his office. They both told him to come find them if Steve woke up and needed something.
At some point, Eddie had rested his head against Steve’s chest, listening to his heart beat loudly against his ear.
No, why Eddie again? Why not Eds?
“Hey, Stevie,” he lifted his head and spoke just above a whisper. “How about a few sips of water?”
“I can’t.”
“Sure you can. I’ll help.”
Robin had been kind enough to find a straw for the cup of water she’d gotten before she left, so Eddie just held it up close to Steve’s lips and told him to sip.
Steve did manage a few sips before he shook his head and started to turn away.
“It’s time for more meds. Wanna take them?” Eddie asked.
“Carry me.”
Eddie let out a small laugh at the demanding tone in Steve’s voice.
Even through the pain, and exhaustion, and struggle of speaking, he sounded like a drama queen.
Eddie might love him.
“Won’t that hurt?”
“A little.”
“Then shouldn’t you stay here?”
“Wanna cuddle.”
“Uh. With…your mom?”
Eddie was going to pass out.
There was no way he’d be able to carry Steve up the stairs to his room and then cuddle with him, and pretend he wasn’t feeling the overwhelming urge to propose marriage.
These new feelings kicked in too fast for him to process and he knew cuddling wouldn’t help.
“Please?” Steve asked, his eyes squinting slightly from what little light was making it through the curtains.
“Okay, but don’t laugh when I get out of breath.”
Steve didn’t respond, or really do anything to acknowledge what Eddie said, but he was pretty sure Steve’s head hurt too much to laugh anyway so he took a chance.
He removed the blankets on top of him and managed to pick him up relatively easily.
The walk to the stairs wasn’t bad.
The walk up the stairs was rough for a couple reasons: One, Eddie was out of shape and Steve weighed roughly the same as him. Two, Steve kept whimpering in pain with every step.
When they finally reached his bedroom, Eddie was panting and Steve had a couple tears falling from his eyes.
“I sure hope the cuddling lives up to expectations after that,” Eddie tried to joke.
“Worth it,” Steve sighed.
He set Steve in his bed first, made sure the fan in the room was on and the curtains were shut, then got into his bed.
People dreamed for most of high school to be in this position, but Eddie hadn’t let himself picture it.
He wouldn’t have ever pictured this scenario anyway.
Steve was sweaty, almost like he was running a fever, but Eddie didn’t let that deter him from scooting closer and moving Steve into his arms.
They both fell asleep in minutes, Eddie’s fingers wrapped up in Steve’s hair.
When Eddie woke again, it was pitch black in the room.
Steve was also awake.
“Stevie? You need something? Feeling any better?”
He didn’t answer for a minute, and Eddie considered running to get one of his parents, when he finally spoke up.
“A little. Thanks”
Eddie let out a breath and relaxed back against the pillows under him.
“You can go if you want,” Steve nearly whispered into the darkness.
Eddie tensed again as he looked over at Steve, who was playing with the blanket covering him in his hands, not looking at Eddie.
“And if I don’t want to?” Eddie asked, reaching a hand out to hold Steve’s.
“I know you hate me, so. You can go.”
Well, that just wouldn’t do.
Eddie couldn’t let him think he hated him, even though up until this morning, he thought he did.
“Stevie, lay down and look at me.”
Steve, surprisingly, listened and Eddie felt a tug at his heart that Steve was willing to listen to him that easily.
Eddie cupped Steve’s jaw, gentle in case of any lingering migraine pains.
“I don’t hate you. I think I realized that maybe I had my own feelings wrong for a long time,” he admitted.
“The best part of my days in the hospital were when you visited. Wayne used to make fun of me when you left for being stuck in the hospital for longer because I was lovesick. And when I got home and you didn’t come visit unless you were bringing the kids by, I just kinda thought it meant things were back to normal. King Steve didn’t need to be nice anymore, his charity case was safe and mostly healed,” Eddie stopped Steve from interrupting at that, scared to lose his train of thought. “So I went back to hating you. It’s easier to hate someone when your heart’s broken, ya know? And I just assumed you were the same Steve I thought you always were. But then I realized that you never really were the Steve I thought you were. And especially now, you’re a guy who deserves kindness and care and love. I’d really like the chance to give that to you.”
He felt Steve’s face getting wet and he brushed his thumbs back and forth to wipe away the tears falling.
“I was going to tell you the day you got out of the hospital,” Steve said, voice trembling.
“Tell me what?”
“That I loved you.”
The world stopped spinning, Eddie would bet money on it.
“You did?”
“I did.” Steve gulped. “I do.”
“You do?”
“You’re a hard person to fall out of love with, Munson.”
It was Eddie’s turn to cry, a few tears falling from his eyes onto the pillowcase below.
“So?” Steve asked.
“Is the headache better? I’d really like to kiss you,” Eddie said.
“It’s good enough for a kiss. Might even work better than the meds,” Steve’s smirk could be seen even in the darkness.
Eddie didn’t need to wait for more permission than that.
He was gentle, of course. Just because his migraine had gotten better, didn’t mean he was ready to make out.
He gave him a couple soft pecks on the lips, smiling when he felt Steve smiling against him.
“I think you’re probably pretty easy to fall in love with, Harrington.”
“Yeah?” he asked, voice rough.
“Yeah, might be a new record for me.”
“I’ve been told it’s very sexy when I’m suffering through a migraine,” Steve joked.
“You have no idea,” Eddie joked back.
They stayed in bed all night, Steve eventually falling back asleep again.
Eddie stayed awake though, memorizing the shape of Steve’s body with his fingers, or at least what he could reach while he held him.
They could talk more tomorrow, when Steve’s migraine fully subsided.
But Eddie knew what he wanted now, and he’d never been so happy to be wrong about someone.
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bugsbenefit · 1 year
currently rewatching s3 and honestly... yeah no wonder Mike and Will had to be across the country in s4 for the plot to work they're too fucking good with this. even in s3 where they play a lot of plot support for El they're actually CARRYING the groups actions
s3 actually makes the difference between Mike and Will and the rest of the party Extremely clear. El, Max, and Lucas are lost at first, ranging from not taking Billy too seriously or just not knowing what to do
Mike and Will are the only one's with first hand experience. Will was possessed by the MF (Henry) and Mike sat next to him like this for over two days straight. Will has the intel and Mike has seen what possession looks and acts like up close. they KNOW what they're doing in s3 which is why they take the threat of Billy and the MF so serious so fast. even El has to ask them how possession works and how you can identify it. because despite having powers she still has no experience with this
that experience also gets highlighted in situations like the pool, where Max wants to wait and see what happens with Billy to know if he's flayed but Mike and Will know they have to act first
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they know you don't wait until someone activates. the entire population of Hawkins lab was killed last time someone activated and they both witnessed it first hand. but the other's weren't there for that and don't really know how to deal with the current situation
also, Mike and Will are fully on the same page regarding the supernatural, which is why they're so efficient. Will gives his insight on the MF (Henry) and Mike immediately jumps to thinking of a proactive plan. the sauna idea took him less than 5 seconds
they would have completely fucked the plot of s4 over had they been in Hawkins i'm so serious. s3 literally shows us exactly why they couldn't be there:
Will can tell when Henry gets close (which s4 even confirms he is still able to do). had he been around in s4 he could've warned everyone if Vecna got to Max. no wondering when he's going to get you. Will would Know and he'd Tell you. they wouldn't lose time looking for Vecna in the Creel house, they wouldn't lose time scrambling to get headphones last minute
Mike is incredibly good at adapting prior knowledge to new situations which the Hakwins crew was Abysmal at. Mike can apply chemistry facts from years ago when it's convenient and can convert Will's possession into a working possession-test for Billy. but in s4 we have to suffer watching the crew remember that fire was the UD's weakness and then never use it on anyone but Vecna himself. a bottle of hairspray and a lighter could have gotten them out of being strangled by vines but they only had the clunky molotovs for Vecna. their planning methods directly contradict Mike's approach to plans
also. both of them act proactively. everyone at Hawkins lab died because they didn't stop Will in advance and s3 shows they learned from that. i honestly can't see a way for them to be on board with an "i'll be bait" plan. they directly argue against waiting for him to take action multiple times in s3. they KNOW that's how people die because it's too late when he gets here
and best of all. MIKE LITERALLY CALLS OUT WHY THE S4 PLAN DIDN'T WORK. word for word. you could paste this into s4 and pretend it's Mike berating them for the plan they just came up with
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s4 makes it super clear that Mike and Will being absent is BAD with their friends directly commenting on how they're not here to help, and the last shot of the season being them returning to town speaks for itself, but s3 also directly shows us why. based on how they've dealt with the UD's/MF's return just six months before s4 shows how they would have approached something like s4. and at this point the two of them are too good of a team with too much experience to let them be around for it
(which would in universe most likely be Henry waiting for both of them to be out of the picture and out of universe be the writers putting them on the gay roadtrip in the weed van to be able to set up endgame s5 in peace without having them be in the way)
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worth-the-chaos · 4 months
Adventures in Babysitting - Steve Harrington x female!reader - Chapter 14
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Chapter Summary: Nancy and Robin take a shot in the dark and Steve tries to protect you from the supernatural. When the darkness comes to get you, will his love be enough to protect you?
Content Warning: Upside Down scary stuff, swearing
Word Count: 6.0k
Author’s Note: Sorry this chapter took longer; I’m involved in a lot at college and I’m in some executive positions in the organizations I’m a part of and somehow everything is going wrong at the same time (yay!) so I’ve been putting out a lot of fires (like a girl boss of course). I hope you all enjoy this chapter!
Message me to be added to the taglist and get updated when the next chapter is posted!
Series Masterlist | Part 13 | Next Part
“Do you guys understand any of this?” Steve asked Lucas and Dustin as the three of them sat in the Wheelers’ basement. He was staring at the words on the article Nancy and Robin had found and none of it was making any sense to him. He was scared. Not knowing what was going to happen to you and when was tearing him apart and he needed to understand so that he could find some way to fix it. To protect you.
To save you.
A chill ran down his spine as he thought about it. He thought back to the way you had stood there, locked inside your own body and twitching slightly as you were trapped in a nightmare he couldn’t wake you from. He thought back to your activities afterwards. How you felt when he had shown you just how much he loved you. The way your body moved against his. He thought about how you were all he ever wanted—no, needed—and he couldn’t bear the thought of living a life without you in it.
“It’s pretty straightforward,” Dustin stared at him judgmentally.
“Oh, ‘straightforward’? Really?” Steve asked, not adoring the condescension in the freshman’s tone.
“So far, everyone Vecna has cursed has died, except for this old Victor Creel dude that Nancy found. He’s the only known survivor. If anyone knows how to beat this curse, it’s him,” Dustin explained. Steve could see a glint of optimism in the young boy’s eyes and he desperately wished he felt the same way. This situation just felt so hopeless though. How the fuck were they supposed to combat an otherworldly threat when the attacks were occurring cross-dimensionally?
“That’s assuming he was even cursed, Henderson, which we just don’t know,” Steve spat back, frustrated with the lack of answers. “How could Vecna have existed in the 50s? It just doesn’t make sense.”
Steve dragged a hand down his face in an attempt to keep his frustration at bay. He snapped his head up when he heard your voice lilt down the stairs, getting closer as you descended them.
“As far as we know, Eleven didn’t create the Upside Down; she just opened a gate to it,” you specified as you joined the group. Steve was quick to throw an arm around your waist, pulling you into him. Now that you knew that your time may be limited, Steve was extremely touchy. It was as if he thought that holding onto you would prevent another vision. You knew better, but still leaned into him, soaking up the comfort of his affection. You flushed as you remembered your activities from last night, desperately wishing that you had more time so that you could have more nights wrapped up in each other’s presence.
“Yeah, the Upside Down has probably existed for thousands of years…millions even. I wouldn’t be surprised if it predated the dinosaurs,” Dustin hypothesized, and you glanced over to see Lucas roll his eyes a bit. You couldn’t help but chuckle. Even at the end of the world, those kids could still make you laugh.
“Dinosaurs? What are we even talking about? Come on Dustin, you can’t just—“ Steve started but Lucas cut him off to refocus the conversation.
“Okay, but if there wasn’t a gate in the 50s, how did Vecna get through? How is he getting through now?”
“And why now?” You added.
“And why then? What he just pops out in the 50s, kills one family and he’s like, ‘I’m good’ just to come back thirty years later to kill some random teens? No offense,” Steve quickly added the last part turning to you as you glared up at him. You rolled your eyes and pulled away from him a bit before reaching into your back pocket.
“I almost forgot,” you said, fishing three sealed envelopes out of your back pocket. “These are for you guys.”
You handed them the envelopes. Steve furrowed his brows as he looked at you confused, studying the sealed letter in his hand. Dustin began to open it but you stopped him quickly. “No! What are you doing? That’s not for now. Don’t open it now!”
“Okay,” Dustin replied confused, stopping his previous movements. “I’m sorry, but what is this?” He held up the envelope and waved it slightly to emphasize his question.
“It’s…it’s a fail-safe,” you answered, your voice small. You caught Steve’s expression fall as you said it and you felt your heart ache in your chest as you thought about how you wouldn’t be able to be there for him to help him grieve. You felt a pang of guilt as you realized you would be the one causing his pain. “For after…you know, if things don’t work out.”
“What the fuck are you talking about, y/n?” Steve took a step towards you and grabbed your hand.
“Steve,” you looked him in the eyes, a pained expression across your face. Before he could continue arguing with you, Nancy, Robin, and Max bounded down the stairs. You all turned your attention towards the girls as Nancy opened her mouth to speak.
“Okay…we have a plan,” she smiled at all of you and suddenly you felt a feeling in your chest that you hadn’t felt in a while:
You all quickly moved to sit on the various couches in the basement, Steve sitting next to you with a hand on your thigh as you listened to Nancy’s game plan.
“Than’s to Nancy’s newspaper minions, we are now rockstar psychology students at the University of Notre Dame,” Robin started, handing you and Steve each a folder containing the fraudulent academic files for one Ruth and Rose.
“Nice GPA,” you smirked, looking at Nancy and she smiled back at you. It felt nice to be optimistic for once.
“So we called Pennhurst Asylum, told them we’d like to speak with Creel for a thesis we’re co-writing on paranoid schizophrenics—“ Nancy continued, but Max cut her off, having been there for the whole conversation.
“To which they said no,” the redhead explained.
“But, we landed a three o’clock with the director. Now all we have to do is charm him and convince him to let us talk to Victor,” Robin added on.
“Yeah, we’ve been doing our Victor Creel homework,” Steve started, holding up the article printout, “We’ve got a lot of questions.”
“A lot,” Lucas emphasized.
“So do we. Hopefully Victor has the answers,” Nancy answered.
“Wait a second,” you spoke up, staring down at the file folder in your hand. “Where’s mine?”
“What?” Nancy’s face scrunched up, clearly confused by your question.
“I said, where’s mine?” You repeated yourself, holding up the file folder, your jaw beginning to set as you realized you weren’t being included.
“You’re not going,” Nancy replied, reaching over to grab the file from you.
“I think the fuck I am!” You stood up quickly, pulling the folder out of her reach. Steve quickly grabbed you by your belt loop, rolling his eyes and tugging you back down to sit next to him. You sat in a huff and he quickly pulled the folder away from you. “Hey!”
“Y/n, you’re not going. End of discussion,” he said plainly, handing the folder back to Nancy.
“I can’t do anything here Nancy! Maybe I could help with this asylum director guy….or-or-or I could ask Victor the right questions; I know what it’s like after all,” you defended yourself, but you could tell by the looks you were getting that no one was going to change their mind. Nancy opened her mouth to speak, but Robin spoke up before she could get a word out.
“Look, y/n. It’s too dangerous. Just let us do the heavy lifting, and you stay here where it’s safe.”
“Nowhere is safe, Robin. It doesn’t make a damn difference where the fuck I am,” you spat. Robin’s heart sank at your words because they were true; it didn’t really matter where you were. Vecna would find you regardless.
“Y/n, if you won’t do it for yourself, would you do it for me?” Steve spoke up. The expression on his face made you break, letting out an angry puff of air before you responded.
“Whatever,” you grumbled, quickly standing up and going upstairs. Your eyes were welling with tears and you didn’t want everyone to see you in your vulnerable state, even if it was completely understandable. Steve started to stand to go after you, but Dustin stopped him.
“Just, let me try and handle this,” the boy spoke up. Steve wasn’t sure why he was letting him, but shrugged. He knew how much you cared about the kids, especially Henderson, so it was worth a shot at least.
“Y/n?” Dustin asked after he had ascended the staircase. He caught sight of you wiping tears from your eyes before you were able to turn away and hide it.
“What do you want Dustin?” You asked, your voice sounding watery as you continued to cry, a small sob escaping your body.
“We’re doing everything we can,” he started, “and I know it doesn’t feel like enough, but it’s the best we can do. And I know you want to be in on all of the action, but I think it’s okay for you to take the backseat on this one.”
“I can’t just sit around here doing nothing,” you cried out, still trying to gain your composure as you turned around, wiping at the tears falling down your face. “I mean, I just…I just want to be out there so-so I can fix it. I don’t want any of you guys getting hurt,” you added, trying to swallow the lump in your throat as you looked at Dustin.
“Then stay here and protect us. Okay? You’ve always done a kick-ass job at it, so be here for us now. The most important thing is that when all is said and done, you’re still here. So let Nancy and Robin sort it out because I know they will. We all will,” Dustin reassured you. You walked over to the boy and pulled him into a tight hug. You still felt guilty about the way he had to grow up so fast, fighting unimaginable horrors while trying to figure out who he was and where he fit in. You couldn’t even imagine what that would have been like at his age.
With the pang in your chest, you felt pain return to your head, groaning as you let go of Dustin and put a hand to your temples. You felt something warm trickle from your nose, reaching up to wipe at it, fresh blood smearing across the back of your hand.
“Y/n, are-are you okay?” Dustin stared up at you, wide-eyed and frantic. You took a deep breath and the pain subsided a little, as you nodded at the boy.
“I’m still here, aren’t I?” You replied, giving him a weak smile in an attempt to hide the many ways you were not in fact okay.
You tried to take your own words to heart as the two of you made your way back down to the basement.
I’m still here.
Nancy and Robin had gone off to go try and talk to Victor Creel, leaving you, Steve, Lucas, Dustin, and Max to twiddle your thumbs in the Wheelers’ basement while you waited for answers that likely weren’t coming. You were sat next to Steve and he was running his warm hand in circles across your back as you sat there, head in your hands and foot anxiously tapping.
You were restless. You couldn’t sit here doing nothing; you had loose ends to tie up in case Nancy and Robin’s investigation didn’t turn up roses. You needed to make sure you were ready to leave this world behind, and presently you weren’t.
Suddenly you stood up, causing Steve to jump as he had zoned out, his thoughts drifting elsewhere before your sudden movement had brought him back to the present. You marched across the room and picked up Dustin’s walkie.
“If we go to East Hawkins, will this still reach Pennhurst?” You asked, inspecting the gadget in your hand.
“Of course, yeah,” Dustin replied.
“Woah, why are we talking about East Hawkins?” Steve stood up, taking a slow step towards you. He looked concerned and confused; a brutal combination. You gave him a look that immediately had his anxiety skyrocketing. “No…no! Absolutely not!”
You paused, you and Steve staring each other down as if you were about to have a shootout in an old western movie. Much like reaching for the draw, you slowly reached into your pocked, grabbing the contents before lifting your hand up and dangling Steve’s car keys in between you. His mouth gaped open, his mind not quick enough to process what was happening before you grabbed your backpack off a folding chair and bolted up the stairs.
Steve stood frozen for a second, in disbelief that any of this could really be real before darting after you. “Y/n! Y/n, come back here! I’m serious!”
It didn’t do much to stop you, seeing as you were already out the door quickly pacing towards the familiar BMW. “Y/n…Y/n! Seriously, I’m not fucking joking. I’m not driving you anywhere!” Steve shouted after you as he started to catch up.
“Steve, if you think I’m going to spend what might possibly be the last day of my fucking life in the armpit that is Mike Wheeler’s basement, then you’re out of your mind,” you shot back, still sauntering towards the car. If your life wasn’t in jeopardy, Steve would have thought it was hot; the swish of your hips, the way your hair bounced with each assertive step you took, the way your jeans hugged your ass. But now was not the time to get distracted.
“I don’t think you heard me, y/n. I’m not fucking driving you.”
“Oh I heard you loud and clear, Harrington. But if you won’t drive me, then I guess I’ll have to drive myself,” you said, unlocking the driver’s side door to Steve’s car.
“Um, fuck no!” Steve exclaimed, putting a hand on his car door to hold it shut as you attempted to open it. You whipped around, your eyes shooting daggers at your boyfriend. His face was mere inches away from yours as he leaned on his arm, his bodyweight keeping the door shut tight. You continued to stare into his eyes, your stern expression causing his to break as he sighed and relented, dropping his arm in exasperation. “Fine. But I’m driving.”
You tossed him the keys as you smirked, walking around the car as you eagerly hopped into the passenger seat.
“That was kind of wild,” Lucas mumbled to Dustin and Max who all stood dumbfounded by the encounter between the two of you.
“Yeah, she’s got him wrapped around her finger,” Max chuckled, “good for her.”
The three kids piled into the backseat of Steve’s car and Steve drove off after making sure everyone was appropriately buckled. The radio that was usually always on remained silent, no one really in the mood to listen to whatever overplayed tune was undoubtedly being broadcasted across your small town. You navigated, hesitant to tell Steve where you actually needed to go. You could tell he was nervous, his right hand reaching across the center console to squeeze your upper thigh, needing to hold onto you.
After you had spent a decent amount of time driving, you finally saw the sign you’d been looking for. “Turn here,” you spoke up, clearing your throat uncomfortably as you said it. Steve looked at you questioningly but followed your instructions, slowly turning into the Roane Hill Cemetery.
“I’ll just be a minute,” you assured Steve as you began to unbuckle to get out of the car. He gently grabbed your elbow, stopping your all fire hurry to exit the vehicle. “Steve—“
“Y/n, I get it. I just want you to know that I’m here for you, okay? We all are. You don’t have to go through this alone,” he spoke gently. You turned over your shoulder and saw the sincerity in everyone’s eyes.
“This,” you replied, looking out the car window up the small hill of the cemetery, “this is something I have to do alone.”
Steve nodded, giving your arm a gentle squeeze before letting go and looking at you with sympathy as you began making your way towards the clearing at the top of the hill. When you made it to the top, you took a deep breath as you read the name on the gravestone. Jim Hopper.
You hadn’t interacted much with Hawkins’ Chief of Police much before the Upside Down had entered your life. In fact, though you knew he was an effective cop, you wrote him off as an egotistical asshole, rolling your eyes at his usually irritating antics. However, after all that you had been through together, he became the kind of person you wanted to emulate. He did the best that he could to protect all of you kids. He would do anything to make sure you were all safe. He’d even given his life for it; the ultimate sacrifice.
He was truly a hero. But now he was gone, nothing left of him besides the grave in this cemetery and the memories in your heart. You felt guilt tear through your chest as you noticed that the flowers you had left the last time you came had began to wither and wilt.
“I don’t really know what to say,” you started off, tears beginning to well in your eyes. “I’m sorry that I couldn’t fix any of this. I’m sorry that I couldn’t keep the kids safe like I should’ve. I’m sorry that you can’t be there for El. I’m sorry that you didn’t get to see her grow up…that-that you don’t get to see her smile anymore. Every time I keep telling myself that all of this is over. I-I keep lying to myself and acting like everything is fine and that I’m happy and that everything is going to turn out alright, but I think deep down I know that it isn’t going to be.”
Tears began to stream down your face. “We all deserved to have these normal lives that we always pretend to have, you know? Those kids deserve to have normal lives. They shouldn’t have to worry about monsters underneath their feet and alternate dimensions that want to do them harm. They deserve to have the kind of lives that you wanted them to have, and I’m sorry I couldn’t make that happen Hopper. This all just feels like one big mistake…or-or a nightmare I can’t wake up from. And I feel guilty every time I look at Steve and my heart lets me feel lucky for even just a fraction of a second because if anything is true, we are not fucking lucky.”
You squeezed your eyes shut as you wiped your nose on the back of your sleeve, breathing in a shaky breath as you tried to fight the sobs that your body desperately needed to let out. You felt guilty admitting it, but the happiness in your relationship with Steve did scare you. You didn’t deserve to be happy; you were sure of it.
When you opened your eyes, your heart stopped in your chest. The clear skies that had been there once before were now overcast as fog poured around you into the cemetery. You heard distorted laughter that sounded like it came from nowhere and everywhere at the same time. A chill ran down your spine as you heard a voice ring out.
Steve looked up the hill towards you. You were still sitting in front of a gravestone and you looked okay enough, but Steve didn’t trust any of it. He had a bad feeling deep within his gut, and he began to unbuckle his seatbelt. “Alright, it’s been long enough.”
“Steve, just give her some time,” Max spoke up. She knew that you were going through some things and knew you needed the space.
“I have, alright Mayfield? I’m calling it. If she wants to be mad at me, she can be fucking mad at me,” he grumbled as he slammed the car door shut, making his way up the hill. Cemeteries always made him feel uneasy, but he was confident that the pit in his stomach was unrelated as he swiftly jogged up the hill towards you.
“Y/n, baby? It’s time to go, alright? I know it’s hard, but we really need to get—“ Steve’s words died on his tongue as he saw you sitting there, unresponsive. Your eyes were rolled in the back of your head and blood began dripping down your nose.
“Y/n? Y/n! No, no, no, baby wake up! Wake up, y/n, you’re scaring me,” Steve’s words were short and shaky as he quickly went to wipe your nose, his first instinct being to take care of you. “Guys!”
Steve yelled down the hill and the three kids came running. Steve continued to shake you, watching as your body jolted around but you stayed catatonic, somewhere else in the moment, no doubt in some terror filled nightmare. A far off whimper escaped your lips and if Steve wasn’t already losing it, he would’ve lost it right then and there.
“Y/n! Please wake up!” Max shouted, snapping in front of your eyes, hoping it would draw them forward and alert, but they stayed rolled back in your head, eyelids twitching and fluttering.
“Come on, y/n. Get out of there!” Lucas yelled, beginning to shake your shoulders too. Steve turned towards Dustin, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt.
“Call Nancy and Robin! Just go! Call Nancy and Robin!” He shoved the boy, and he fell backwards, tumbling over as he scrambled to make his way back to the car. He had never seen Steve so desperate before and they had been through a lot together. Dustin felt his blood run cold. This was life or death.
“Y/n, come on baby. I love you, please come back to me!” Steve cried out, squeezing your hand in his, hoping that wherever you were that you could hear him somehow. “Think of all the things we haven’t gotten to do together yet…I mean, we-we have a whole life ahead of us! I want to do it all with you, but you have to come back to me.”
His voice cracked, and when you didn’t respond he began shaking your shoulders again, feeling sick to his stomach at the way your head lolled in every which way, your neck unable to support the weight of it. Your nose continued to bleed and your limbs were twitching. He could see your neck straining and it reminded him of the way you looked as you tried to breathe through a panic attack.
“Y/n! You gotta get out of there!” Lucas shouted.
“Y/n! Please! You’ve got this, come on!” Max chimed in.
Dustin finally came bounding up the hill, dropping Max’s walkman and a bunch of cassettes in front of them that he had dug out of Steve’s glovebox. “Steve! What’s her favorite song?!”
“Why?” Lucas asked, panic radiating from his voice.
“It’s too much to explain right now! What’s her favorite song?!” Dustin screamed.
Steve didn’t need to be told twice, rifling through the tapes until he found the one with a label and his shitty handwriting on it. His hands were shaking as he fumbled the cassette, shoving it into the walkman before quickly and haphazardly placing the headphones over your ears. His hands trailed to either side of your face as he looked at you, his eyes frantically searching your face, hoping that whatever fix Dustin seemed to think he found would be instantaneous.
The cassette tape had all of the songs you guys would belt out in the car when they played on the radio. He loved hearing you sing off key to the songs and the way you’d dance in the passenger seat making faces to fit the lyrics of the songs. He had finally decided he couldn’t wait around for the radio to play all of your favorites, desperately wanting to watch you dance every time he had a chance to, so he made you a mixtape with all your favorites. He was saving it to give you for your first anniversary, which was now four months away. But after all, in this situation, it was either early or never, so he pressed play and Running up that Hill by Kate Bush began to blare through the headphones.
It had been a second and nothing was happening. Your eyes were still rolled in the back of your head and you were still twitching. “It’s not working Dustin!” Steve shouted, his hands falling from your face as he turned towards the Henderson boy. No sooner had he lost contact with you did your body begin to lift off of the ground, your legs coming uncrossed as you levitated out of reach from your friends down below.
“No! Y/n!” Steve shouted. He wished he hadn’t let you go. Maybe if he hadn’t he could have kept whatever was about to happen from happening. He thought back to all of the horrors Eddie had described and he began to hyperventilate. He couldn’t watch that happen to you. You were his everything.
In your nightmare, you were tied up by vines, pressed against some sort of pillar staring straight at Vecna. He kept insisting you belonged there, reminding you of how much danger you put the kids in. You deserved to stay here in this dark and dreary hellscape. You had seen Chrissy and Fred and you felt like you could vomit thinking about your body being contorted in the same way.
“Let me go!” You choked out, hardly able to speak with the vine around your throat cutting off your access to oxygen. Suddenly you heard something familiar as a melody drifted towards your ears, building slowly in the background until the music swelled and nearly became all that you could hear. You turned ever so slightly to your left and saw a glimpse into the real world. Your heart stopped as you watched your boyfriend desperately calling your name, your body hovering several feet above his head.
“They can’t help you, y/n,” Vecna assured you, his crooked hand coming up towards your face.
“You’re wrong,” you choked out and suddenly the vine behind you snapped and you fell forward, breaking out into a sprint towards the tunnel of reality just out of reach. You tried to keep your footing, but you slipped several times on thick red pools of blood, the sticky liquid soaking into your clothes. You tried to ignore it as you continued to sprint. Your legs kept wanting to give up, but you just kept thinking about all you had left to live for and channeled that into your sprint.
You thought about Steve and the life you wanted to build together. You thought about the way you knocked on his door that fateful day. You thought about the way he let you in even though he didn’t have to; the way he changed for you, the way he tried every day to be better for you. You thought about the jokes he told that made you laugh so hard you cried and the way he’d carry you up the stairs when you fell asleep on the couch. You thought about the kisses he’d pepper across your skin whenever he had the chance to. You thought about the way you felt when you were wrapped up in him the night before and how you didn’t want your first time to be the last time. You thought about the way his brown eyes stared into yours, the way they said so much without him ever having to open his mouth.
You were going to look into those eyes again. So you sprinted. Past falling debris, through rough terrain, and towards him.
Towards home.
Your eyes peeled open and you gasped, staring at the tree line in a way you’d never seen it before. Your stomach dropped as you began falling to the ground, plummeting back towards earth. You hit the ground hard, and you were hyperventilating as everyone immediately surrounded you. Steve pushed past the kids and wrapped his arms around you, clinging to you as if you’d disappear again.
“Y/n! I thought I lost you!” Steve cried out as he placed a frantic kiss against your lips. He pulled back to look at you for a second, fear and panic across his face before he leaned in and kissed you again. You were his oxygen and he needed you to breathe right now.
You pulled away, gripping his bicep as you attempted to calm down your breathing. “I’m still…I’m still here,” you reassured him, tears falling from your eyes.
He was quick to wipe them away before he buried his face in your neck, taking a deep breath as he reveled in the comfort of your familiar scent. He placed a gentle kiss against your neck and pulled you towards him even tighter.
You were still here, and he wasn’t going to let anything like that happen ever again.
You all had spent the night at the Wheelers’ again, deciding now more than ever it was vital to stick together. Nancy had had to fight Steve to get him to sleep, convincing him that the rest of you were more than capable of taking turns watching you to make sure that you were okay.
“Dustin…Earth to Dustin,” Eddie’s voice rang out over the walkie talkie. Steve groaned as he woke up. He was sore from the way that his body was positioned in the chair he had been sleeping in. He grabbed the walkie off of the coffee table, pressing down the button to speak into it.
“What the fuck do you want Munson?” Steve spat.
“Oh, Harrington. Um, I’m going to need a food delivery, unless you want me going out into the world.”
“Don’t fucking do that. Just stay where you are and we’ll be there as soon as we can” Steve grumbled, sighing as he aggressively went to set the walkie back down, but Eddie’s voice rang out again.
“Hey, can you pick me up a six-pack? I know it’s dumb to be drinking right now, but a cold beer would really cool my nerves you know?”
As Eddie said it, Steve rolled his eyes, turning back towards the couch you were sleeping on, needing to remind himself of your constant kindness to calm himself down. It had the opposite effect when he saw the empty space, you being nowhere to be found.
“I’m gonna have to call you back,” Steve quickly relayed to Eddie before dropping the walkie talkie and bounding across the basement to wake up Dustin. “Dipshit! What the fuck?! You’re supposed to be watching y/n!” Steve spat as the boy finally opened his eyes.
“Yeah…yeah, yeah, yeah.”
“Where the fuck is she?!”
“She’s right there,” Dustin started, but his heart dropped as he looked over and saw that you were gone, “she was right there a second ago. I just dozed off for…an hour.”
His eyes got wide as he looked at his watch and the two boys bounded up the stairs. Steve finally cooled off when he saw you sitting at the kitchen table with Holly. You were helping her color a coloring book page, stopping every once in a while to help her cut her pancake. Steve felt his heart skip at how domestic and maternal you looked, hoping you would all get past this so that he could have the future with you that he envisioned, with perfect little combinations of the two of you sitting at your own kitchen table.
“Everything okay?” Mrs. Wheeler asked. Steve just nodded making his way towards the kitchen table. Nancy had woken up when the boys had not so quietly ascended the stairs and she was rubbing her eyes as she also made her way to the kitchen.
“I think it’s so sweet that you guys are sticking together like this,” Mrs. Wheeler continued, pulling Nancy into a very stiff and awkward side hug that she did not reciprocate.
“You could try sticking together at a different house for a change,” Mr. Wheeler chimed in, not even looking up from his newspaper.
“Hey, are you okay?” Steve asked, sitting down next to you, his hand going to the small of your back.
“Yeah,” you gave him a weak smile. “It’s just kind of hard to sleep after…everything.” You chose your words carefully so as to not let Nancy’s parents in on the reality of the absurdity that was your life. “But Holly let me borrow some of her crayons and we’ve been having a fun morning.”
You smiled at the small girl and Steve felt his heart explode. Nancy stood next to you and spoke up. “Is this what you saw last night? Do you think he’s just trying to scare you?”
“Yeah, but this stuff is different,” you said, gesturing to the drawings in front of you. “I don’t think he wanted me to see any of this.”
“Maybe you invaded his mind,” Dustin suggested, “I mean, that’s what he’s been doing to you, is it that big of leap to suggest that somehow you wound up in his?”
“Yeah, maybe the answer’s somewhere in this incredibly…vague drawing,” Steve added on, holding up a piece of paper and rotating it. “Damn, we need Will.”
“I know, but I tried them again this morning and it’s the same busy signal,” you replied, putting your head in your hands.
Nancy suddenly started reorganizing the papers, folding them and overlapping them until they made an image that made some semblance of sense.
“It’s…it’s a house,” you spoke breathlessly. You weren’t sure how you had managed to draw a deconstructed house considering you weren’t even close to being an artist, but hey accidental accomplishments are accomplishments nonetheless.
“Not just any house,” Nancy looked at you wide eyed. “It’s Victor Creel’s house.”
You shuddered as Nancy and Dustin quickly moved downstairs to tell the others about their discovery. You got up and moved the other way towards the Wheelers’ family room, desperately needing to remove yourself from the oblivious remainder of the Wheelers that were in the kitchen. Steve quickly followed you, gently grabbing your hand as he spoke up.
“Hey, baby…what’s wrong?”
“Steve, I just don’t have a good feeling about this,” anxiety was etched across your face as you said it. He squeezed your hand and pulled you towards him.
“I know, y/n. But answers are good…that means we’re getting somewhere,” he reminded you.
“But that’s the thing,” you started, “just because we’re getting somewhere doesn’t mean it’s anywhere good. Vecna’s smart, he knows what he’s doing. I mean, what….what-what if we’re walking into a trap! What if this is exactly what he wants us to do? We can’t keep just following every thread he gives us. He’s weaving a web, Steve. And if we’re not careful, we’re all going to end up getting caught in it.”
“We have to try though, right? We can’t just give up or else we’re putting everyone—not just us—everyone in jeopardy,” he tried to appeal to your selflessness and world-saving tendencies, but really deep down, he only wanted to follow this thread because it meant they had a shot at saving you.
He dropped your hand, holding his up between the two of you, and you were met with the familiar sight of his extended pinky.
“To saving the world?” He asked, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. Your face relaxed for a moment, your lips breaking into a small smile.
“To saving the world,” you agreed as you wrapped your pinky around his before leaning in and placing a gentle kiss to his lips.
You didn’t like where this was headed, but you could at least give it your best shot. If it meant that you and Steve could have more pinky promises and more soft kisses, then it would be worth it.
You just hoped that it wouldn’t ruin you in the process.
a/n: I hope y’all enjoyed the chapter. Reblog to give me a much needed boost of serotonin ;)
@season4steve @sassyheroneckgiant @tangledinthegreatxscape @maeve-wileyy @palachannie @chaerfull @usaguisenpaisblog @emilieluckwood @sabrinadelreyy @mochminnie @xprloki @kitdjarin1 @kissmxcheek @daemonskitty @bethsvrse @aheadfullofsteverogers @quinnsadilla @chervbs @sheisjoeschateau @goosy-goose
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rogueddie · 1 year
Something is wrong.
Steve isn't sure that Nancy or Robin notice- Nancy is so focused on reloading as fast as she can, having practiced enough to get it down to seconds, and Robin looks too entranced.
Vecna is... pausing. When he's shot, he lingers where he stumbles. Just for a second, just enough for Steve to notice. Not enough to look odd, but Steve is looking too closely. Too paranoid about something going wrong.
Just before the last shot, the one that knocks him out the window, Vecnas eyes search them. From Nancy, to Robin, then stopping on Steve. He smirks, just a little, before charging at Nancy. Screaming.
He has the same powers as El, Steve remembers, why isn't he throwing us across the room with his telekinesis? Using the vines?
Something is wrong.
By the time they get downstairs, his body is gone. But they don't have time to think about that too long. The clock chimes.
"Max," Nancy says.
The ground shakes, even more violent that before. He grabs the end of the banister, barely keeping himself from falling on his ass. He swings around, reaching around Nancy so he can grab onto Robin. He holds them both upright, grunting with the effort after a moment, the ground shaking for a long time.
When everything stops, when the world stills, they don't say anything. They wait, before sharing a look.
They run out the door at the same time, sprinting as fast as they can. Steve takes the lead, the space between him and girls growing ever wider.
"Eddie!" Dustins distant voice yells.
Steve changes course immediately. He hears Robin yelling after him.
It doesn't take him long to find them. With how heavily injured Eddie is, he feels lucky to have gotten to them in time.
"Dustin, get through the gate, call an ambulance."
"I c-can't leave him al-"
"I've got him, ok? Go!"
Dustin sobs, grip on Eddies jacket tightening for a moment, but he does as he's told. He limps, but moves fast, hurrying back to the trailer.
"Thanks," Eddie chokes out. His grin is forced. "He shouldn't have to... see this."
"Don't thank me yet."
Steve wigglings his hands under Eddies back and knees, gritting his teeth at how wet his arms get with blood. He's easy to lift, but the pained screams are horrible enough that Steve is tempted to put him down. To ease that pain.
"Fuck, Harrington!" Eddie pants, shaking in his arms. "Let me die in peace."
"You're not dying."
Eddie groaned, dropping his head onto Steves shoulder. Every step makes his wounds burn a little more. "Steve, please."
But, by then, they're already inside the trailer.
"Get more pillows or blankets, give him a softer landing!" Steve instructs.
He sets Eddies legs down as gentle as he can, awkwardly dragging a chair over to the portal. There's a new rope set up, the fabric blackened- the Upside Down sheets.
Steve doesn't wait for a go ahead, carefully and slowly climbing up the chair. It's hard to lift Eddie up, hard to support his entire weight, especially without causing him further injury.
"Catch him, alright?!"
"Alright!" Nancy calls back. "We're ready!"
Steve has to move slowly, trying to be as gentle as he can as he slowly lifts Eddie up to the gate. He tries to be careful of his wounds but, judging by his whimpers, he doesn't do a great job.
The edges of the gate pulse, glow, as he lifts Eddie through. He's almost sure that, for a moment, they move- but he's not sure because, at that same moment, gravity takes hold of Eddie.
"Yes!" Robin cheers.
His landing isn't soft, but it doesn't get more than a groan out of him. It's the best they could've hoped for.
The edges of the gate still look... wrong.
"Come on, just move the sofa," Nancy directs. Between the two of them, they move the mattress, with Eddie still on it, pretty fast. "Alright, Steve, come on through!"
As soon as Steve starts to climb the rope, the edges of the gate start moving. Fast.
"Holy shit," Eddie notices first. "It's closing!"
"Oh, shit," Dustin yells, dropping the phone so he can run to the gate. "Steve!"
"Come on!" Robin encourages.
He has to stop though, the gate already too small for him to fit through by the time he reaches the top of the rope. He drops down, the closed gate cutting the make-shift rope in half.
He doesn't land hard, but the Upside Down is so eerily quiet that it echoes like a gunshot.
Nancy, Robin, Eddie and Dustins panicked yelling sounds muffled, distant. Not the same way it had at Wheelers. Somehow, it sounds even more distant. More... out of reach.
Even the portal- though it still glows an ominous red, it looks thicker. He can't see the broom hitting the portal, even though he can hear Dustin yelling at Robin to hit harder.
They can't break through.
He's stuck there.
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ladykailitha · 3 months
Batshit Soulmates Part 4
Hey, hey! Another lovely chapter of our beloved dorks.
We get to Skull Rock and Dustin is annoyed and then concerned.
In Medias Res| Prologue|Pt 1| Pt 2|Pt 3|
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @redfreckledwolf @emly03
Eddie was bored again. Bored and in pain. Now wasn’t that kick to the ole Munson Doctrine. Not only was he soulmates with King Steve the Hair, he was fucking true paired with the guy.
Now, look he wasn’t stupid. He knew that the reason Harrington wasn’t around was because the cops were keeping an eye on the kids and anyone associated with them.
But between the pain of the almost literally bleeding soulmark and his own stupid bleeding heart, he couldn’t help but wonder if Steve didn’t want to be his soulmate.
He told Eddie that they would keep him updated via the walkie-talkie, but he hadn’t heard from them today. He had tried to contacting them, but he had only gotten Nancy telling him that they weren’t going to bring him beer. Which, rude. He wasn’t going to down the whole six pack in one go. He did have some sense of preservation, thanks.
He just needed to take the edge off his anxiety. That and the alcohol would help him sleep better.
Then he heard the crunch of the gravel and sighed with relief. He just hoped it was Steve and not Nancy with the food delivery, because Steve would absolutely bring him the beer.
Eddie peaked out the window and immediately ducked back down. “Shit, shit!”
He grabbed the walkie-talkie and begged for them to answer him. But there was no answer.
He looked at the boat and decided that hiding in it would be fruitless. The bottle trick wouldn’t with jocks. So he quickly unwrapped the rope keeping it from floating off and jumped in. He didn’t want to rev the engine and bring them running, so he began to paddle to get away from them as quietly as he could.
But luck was not with Eddie Munson that day or ever. He was barely only twenty feet into the lake before Jason and his cronies spotted him. Welp! No need to worry about sound now. So he yanked on the pull starter for the engine. It didn’t even have the decency to sputter. He tried again. But it was dead. He started rowing again, but it was too late.
Jason and his cronies were almost on top of him. And then the worst thing that could possibly happen, happened.
The black kid, Patrick Eddie was sure his name was, was suddenly pulled to the bottom of the lake as if grabbed by something under the water.
Patrick shot up in a way that Eddie was all too familiar with. His eyes went white as they started to bleed. Eddie scrambled back on the boat, screaming in terror. It was only then that Jason and the other kid turned to look behind them.
All three boys watched in mounting horror as Patrick’s limbs twisted in the most unnatural ways. The sound of the snapping was clearer out there on the water, Eddie found out to his greatest horror and disgust. He scrambled back farther, trying to get away from the horrors before him and then he fell backwards into the water and the sounds of terror were silenced as water rushed around his ears.
Steve had a bad feeling all night. It was something that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. He just knew that something had gone wrong, horribly, horribly wrong with Eddie. And it all started when they were exploring the Creel house and their flashlight bulbs exploded.
Steve tried to get anyone to listen to him that he needed to check on Eddie that second. But Nancy told him to wait until tomorrow as it would be far more suspicious to go out there at night then to wait in the morning.
Robin and he shared a glance, but she nodded, too. He had to wait.
And in the morning his worst fears had been confirmed. Jason had found Eddie and Vecna had taken another victim, forcing Eddie to run for Skull Rock.
So they all decided to take a hike to Skull Rock. Or at least as many of them as they could gather. Which was all but Erica, but Steve didn’t mind leaving her out of it this time. He still felt guilty about dragging her into it at the mall.
“Dustin,” Steve said. “You are going the wrong way.”
Dustin rolled his eyes. “You know, just because you’re soulmates doesn’t mean you can find Eddie without a compass, you know.”
Steve put his hands on his hips. “That wasn’t what I was suggesting.” Though, the relief was fucking palpable the closer they got to Eddie. The pain in his forearm was receding to almost nothing and he wasn’t sweating from the low grade fever he had been nursing the last three days.
“Look,” Lucas said, “we all know the place’s reputation for being a make out spot but that doesn’t mean you know how to get there.”
Nancy giggled behind her hand.
Steve started marching in the correct direction. “You dweebs, I’m the reason it’s known as a make out spot.”
“There is no way,” Max said. “You’re a bigger loser than they are.” But she hurried to catch up to Steve.
“My compass says that we’re going the wrong way,” Dustin whined.
Steve steadfastly ignored him. “Ask your parents if they’ve lived here long enough, it’s only been a known make out spot for the last few years.”
“That’s gross!” Dustin said as he narrowly avoided the branch Steve had deliberately snapped back to catch him in the face.
Nancy giggled again. “Sorry, guys. But he’s right. And before you ask, no I was not the first one he brought out here, nor was I the last.”
“Tada!” Steve said. “I told you that I knew where I was going.” He pushed a branch out of the way to reveal Skull Rock.
Dustin looked down at his compass again and frowned. “That’s not possible.”
Steve walked into the clearing and pointed at Skull Rock, everyone shuffling behind him. Dustin kept looking up at the famous landmark and then back at his compass, like he couldn’t believe his own eyes over the reading the compass was giving him.
“Admit it, Dustin,” Steve said. “I was right and your compass was wrong.”
“But it doesn’t make sense!” Dustin protested.
“You just can’t admit you’re wrong,” Steve said, staring up at the landmark, “even when it’s staring you right in the face, you little butthead.”
Suddenly Eddie jumped down from the top of Skull Rock and landed neatly on his feet.
“I totally concur,” he said, straightening his clothes, “that you Dustin Henderson are a total butthead.”
Dustin turned around and breathed a sigh of relief. “Holy shit, man. We were terrified. I’m so glad you’re safe.”
They hugged.
And spike of jealousy shivered down Steve’s spine.
He wasn’t even sure he was most jealous of. Eddie for being a better big brother to Dustin. Or Dustin, for being able to hug Eddie whenever he wanted.
His brain and heart decided on both. The traitorous things.
They told Eddie about what happened to them while the basketball team was hunting him.
“Shit,” Eddie said, shaking his head. He looked down at his watch and it was in this weird frozen state. Like it had stopped working before he fell in the lake.
“About what time did you guys say your flashlights blew?”
Nancy looked over at him and then back at Steve.
Steve told him the time.
Eddie worked the watch off his wrist. “I think that’s when Patrick died.” He held it out and Nancy took it.
“I think you’re right,” she said softly. “Which means that Vecna is connected to whatever happened in that house.”
“The compass isn’t working,” Dustin said with a frown.
Steve whirled around. “Are you still on about that? You’re just mad that I found the place without one.”
Lucas shook his head. “I don’t know, man. The last time magnets and compasses didn’t work it was bad.”
“Like how bad?” Robin asked stumbling forward.
“Like a gate opening level of bad,” Dustin muttered darkly.
“What’s so bad about gate opening?” Eddie asked.
They all turned to him slowly wondering how best to explain this to the poor guy.
Steve folded his arms and sighed. “These are doorways to another dimension that mirrors ours. Basically: hell.”
Eddie stared up at him, wide-eyed. “Jesus Christ.”
They all nodded.
“We need to find this guy’s weakness and stake him through the heart,” Max murmured.
Steve frowned. “Is he like a vampire?”
Eddie leaned forward too.
Max rolled her eyes. “It’s a metaphor.”
Steve’s frown deepened.
“You don’t have to come with us,” Dustin said. “We can find another place to hide you until we get this all sorted. But you know we could really use you, man.”
Eddie rubbed his face. “You’re asking me to march into Mordor.”
Dustin nodded.
He closed his eyes. “But the shire is burning so Mordor it is.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “Well we can’t just take a stroll through the woods, Eddie’s still wanted for murder.”
“What choice have we got?” Lucas asked. “We can’t leave him here.”
Steve sighed. “All right, come along, Eds. Let’s get out of here.”
Eddie scrambled to his feet to follow them.
“Hey, don’t forget your shit, man,” Steve said waving behind Eddie.
“Oh yeah!” Eddie swerved to grab his canteen and the walkie-talkie he stole.
When he caught up to Steve he said, “Mordor is from Lord of the Rings, it’s where the bad guy lives. It’s dark and gloomy and filled with evil creatures.”
Steve nodded. “Yeah, that sounds like the Upside Down all right.”
“So why is it called the Upside down?”
And as they walked they explained things to each so that the other understood.
Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Epilogue
If you saw this last night, no you didn't. I was trying to schedule for this morning and hit post instead.
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @bookworm0690 @vecnuthy @bookbinderbitch @littlewildflowerkitten @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @scheodingers-muppet @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @genderless-spoon @anne-bennett-cosplayer @irregular-child @oxidantdreamboat @mogami13 @samsoble @xandriumbat @ellietheasexylibrarian @lololol-1234 @y4r3luv @disrespectedgoatman @king-zacharyy
Hey, @itsall-taken I think I can tag you normally again.
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trashmouth-richie · 2 years
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♡ ziggy, 31, she/her, your cool older sister, writer, ♉︎ , mashed potato enthusiast, i like to laugh..a lot. dm or slide into my ask box I love chatting and simping over the hot boys (eddie, steve, argyle— occasionally jonathan and billy, + always hopper) of Hawkins
♡ this is an 18+ only blog, minors will be banished by the power of 3
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♡ latest works blurbs: love’s never meant much to me
cold shower 18+
the raven told me of you 18+
♡ latest works series: open arms 18+
♡ popular works (series): honey i’m home (roommate!eddie) 18+
♡ requests: open | asks: open
♡ tag list: comment on this post to be added
♡ 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | ♡ ao3
♡ pls support writers with reblogs + comments
💤i do not give anyone permission to copy, steal or repost my works on any other platform. i do not give permission to put my work into AI systems of any kind. copyright @trashmouth-richie
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OPEN ARMS: escaping Hawkins was impossible, but he did it. when a ghost from your past shows up unexpectedly, bringing with him old memories and holding up a mirror to the train wreck life you’re living… you find it hard to trust him again.
*new* HIDE + SCREAM : Hawkins Annual Halloween Festival is in town, and this year you and your friends were lucky enough to work the event. But when some of your co-workers are missing, and a trail of blood leads to the woods behind the festival. Your friends work together to find out what’s going on. A killer is on the loose but who could it be? Or is it the town’s spooky secret of what really happened at Hawkins Lab?
LILITH : a series of blurbs about crazy!reader x crazy!eddie.
LIE TO ME: lovesick! Eddie *new!*
TWINFLAMES : (ongoing) Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader —the annngst, the smut, NO VECNA, it’s gonna be a ride (15/??) (on permanent hiatus)
HONEY, I’M HOME desperate for a roommate, you place an ad in the paper. Eddie x Fem!Reader (enemies to lovers, menace!Eddie )
DO YOU LIKE THE WAY THE WATER TASTES? a day at the pool with your best friend, his gf, and his best friend Eddie— who has a crush on you.
HEATED taking the back roads to Indianapolis was Eddie’s idea. the day trip there was Steve’s. But when Wayne’s borrowed truck grinds to a halt on the hottest day in September, the tension and the boys’ tempers aren’t the only thing to rise.
FORTY THREE BELOW *new* blizzard au, reader is fighting a cold
COBBLER *new* blizzard storm with a crabby eddie
TWELVE HOURS *new* smutty 12 hours of bf! eddie worshipping you until christmas
DIFFERENCES *new* a blurb about the way Steve & Eddie fuck you
IT’S 3 AM *new!* [early early morning smut with Eddie]
LEAVE ME IN THE DARK *new* [eddie angst: before & after s4]
CONFESSION *new!* [smut] eddie x fem!reader
SOMEONE LIKE YOU [steddie angst]
LETTING SOMEONE GO *new!* [angst]
more fics under the cut
QUEEN OF THE DAMNED eddie x fem!reader { corruption kink }
KITCHEN SEX steve x fem!reader
ROOF SEX : Eddie x Fem! Reader
LET’S NOT KEEP SCORE *new* coach! steve x fem reader
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steddieasitgoes · 1 year
Inspired by the tags I left on @phoenicae poll about our favorite way Eddie didn't die.
I know we all headcanon Steve being the one to carry Eddie out of the Upside Down when they make it back in time after defeating Vecna but consider:
Steve's own body is giving out on him. He's bleeding through the makeshift bandages Nancy fitted him with from all the running they've done getting back to Forest Hills. He's woozy and lightheaded and relying too much on Robin to keep him upright as they finally make it through the woods and spot Dustin and Eddie in the distance.
Dustin is crying, yelling about how Eddie still has a pulse and they can't leave him here, and Steve tries his best to suck up his own pain. Tells Dustin he'll get Eddie back through, but when he bends down to hoist Eddie up, his own knees give out and his vision blacks out.
There's more yelling and pulling, and before Steve knows it, he's being fully supported by Robin. Dustin hobbling behind them.
"We can't leave Eddie," he shouts, glancing over his shoulder as Robin guides him to Eddie's trailer door.
"Nancy's got him, come on!" she shouts, pulling him faster.
And then there's Nancy.
So-called priss Nancy Wheeler.
Nancy Wheeler, who lost Barb, her best friend, to the Upside Down three years ago.
Nancy Wheeler, who lost her classmate and friend Fred days ago because of the Upside Down.
Nancy Wheeler, who just spent several days keeping Eddie safe from a misguided witchhunt that is all the Upside Down's fault.
The same Nancy Wheeler who shot rounds and rounds of bullets through the monster controlling the Upside Down minutes ago.
Nancy Wheeler has been here before.
She's seen what the Upside Down does to a person.
Knows first-hand what it does to the people who get to escape while others don't.
Nancy Wheeler has lived with survivor's guilt for three fucking years.
And she's not going to let Dustin, her favorite of Mike's friends, have to learn what that survivor's guilt feels like.
She's not going to let another one of her friends die because of this place.
Not on her watch.
So, she drops to her knees and gets to work. Stars ripping her shirt to wrap around the worse of Eddie’s wounds, hoping it’ll keep some of the blood in. Eddie winces in pain and it’s the most beautiful sound Nancy’s ever heard because it means he’s still alive. 
“Come on, Eddie. Stay with me okay?” 
She’s left in just her bra when she finishes bandaging him up as best she can. His blood is already soaking through the cotton material and she can hear Robin shouting for her from inside the trailer. 
There’s no time to waste. 
She takes a deep breath, plants her feet and slowly hoists Eddie into her arms. His screams are defending but she tunes them out, running towards the trailer with all the energy she has left in her. 
“M’sorry, I thought you were a priss,” Eddie chokes out, blood oozing from his mouth. “You’re b-b-badass.” 
“You’re pretty badass yourself,” she says as she takes the stairs to the trailer two at a time. “Maybe when all this is done we can be badass together.” 
Eddie hums noncommittally as his eyes start to flutter and Nancy kicks herself into high gear. She manages to get him to clasp his hands around her neck, positions him so he’s on her back and starts climbing the rope. When they flip through, Nancy makes sure to turn their bodies so she absorbs the brunt of the fall, Eddie falling limply on her back with little protest. 
Nancy only has a moment to catch her breath before the door flies open and she’s following a dying Eddie into the back of an ambulance. Robin and Dustin piling into the ambulance for Steve. 
Days later when Hopper asks Nancy how the hell she carried Eddie through a gate in the ceiling, she shrugs. 
“I guess it’s like those moms who lift cars off their kids. I just did it.” 
“It’s because she’s badass,” Eddie supplies instead. “Badass Nancy Wheeler.” 
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Ok so I think I may be losing my mind over some plastic wrap lmao
But PLEASE look at this and tell me I'm not crazy and this is actually weird:
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Karen I'm begging you to explain to me why the fuck do you have 2 plastic wrap packages from different brands UPSIDE DOWN in your kitchen cabinet. PLS.
Is it just me?? Is this completely normal and I'm losing my mind over nothing??? I mean probably but WHY ARE THEY THE ONLY THING THAT'S UPSIDE DOWN AND PLUS THEY'RE COMPLETELY LEGIBLE
So since I've spent the last 3 hours looking at fucking plastic wrap let me share some thoughts:
First of all, to structure this mess in some way, let's look at the dates. First, at the Reynolds Wrap invention date. Bc PLS LOOK AT THIS
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Oh. Looks like it was created in 1947. Do you guys wanna know who was also born in 1947??
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I. Uh. What the fuck. WHAT THE FUCK.
"It could be a coincidence" Dude I KNOW I'm just doing this bc I've spent hours researching about plastic wrap and I NEED to tell someone ok y'all are my therapists ksjdalkj
Now the Glad Wrap was founded in 1963, and some pages say that Kali was born in 1963, others in 1964, and others that in s2 she's 16/17 so there's no way she was born back then; so idk about this date.
Now let's go with the ads, starting with Glad Wrap bc it's by far the most interesting one.
I've seen multiple commercials but none of them seemed to have anything meaningful EXCEPT FOR THIS ONE WHICH IS MAKING ME ABSOLUTELY LOSE MY MIND:
Am I crazy. Do I seriously need to sleep. Or does that look an awful lot like Karen Wheeler??? Especially here in s4????
I mean, the hairstyle and the blond hair, but much more importantly, the outfit.
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Like?????? I mean I get that it's 80's white wealthy woman fashion, fine, but that's a whole load of coincidences???
Now for the rest of the ad, the plastic wrap thingy that attacks the woman is pretty interesting, as well as the clock in the background for Vecna reasons. Regarding similarities with the Wheeler's kitchen, I could only catch due to the low quality the bowl with apples and the phone on the wall (you can't see it on the screenshot but there's a phone behind Mike). I couldn't really find anything about the strawberries, but if y'all know something pls tell me
As a bonus, the ad is from 1987, which as far as I know is when everyone guesses s5 is gonna take place in
Now there's no much to see in the Reynolds Wrap ads, except maybe this one:
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(Ignore the yt bar lmao) Although not as much as the previous one, the woman's outfit in that frame does remind me of this Karen s4 look, the same look she has on that scene the damn plastic wrap came from.
Ik this is all probably meaningless, buuuut do you guys want more meaningless shit??
Let's go back to the Glad Wrap ad. The slogan for that specific ad is "Don't get mad. Get glad." Welp, Vecna's a fan of this last word bc out of 9 times it's said in s5, 4 are said by him.
Let's take a quick look at the most interesting time he says that word. We're in Vecna's monologue in chp 7, and in the same scene just some minutes before, he says this:
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"I could not do that. I could not close off my mind and join in the madness. I could not pretend. And I realized, I didn't have to."
Let's remember the slogan: "Don't get mad. Get glad."
Then, a couple minutes later, in the same scene:
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"And soon, others were born. You were born. And I am so glad you were, Eleven. So very glad."
Now literally two seconds before this last line, this shot was happening:
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And. Um. Do you. Do you guys know what's used for tattoos. Um.
Plastic wrap???
Do y'all get why I said I've a hundred percent lost my mind sjdfisdjfil
Ok so. That was it. Anyways I couldn't find anything else important about the rest of items in the kitchen shelve. If y'all have a better explanation as to WHY TF are those plastic wrap packages upside down and perfectly legible, PLS TELL ME. This said, goodbye
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bbyhellfire · 1 month
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our phantom of forever
➠ summary: eddie is resurrected by vecna, only to realize you don't exist in the upside down.
➠ pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader (she/her pronouns)
➠ word count: 1.3k words
➠ warnings: angst city, death, resurrection, allusions to suicidal thoughts (eddie wishing for death), swearing, reader moved to hawkins with her parents, vecna being vecna.
➠ a/n: pushing the 'eddie is alive' agenda 😌 i have a couple ideas about eddie making a deal with vecna that i'm debating turning into a series or just standalone one shots, so let me know what you think! and let's continue to live in delulu
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It was stupid, running away from Vecna in the Upside Down. It wasn't like he controlled it or anything. But Eddie Munson isn't exactly known for his smart decisions.
He makes a mad dash from the Creel House the first chance he gets. He's alive, resurrected by the very monster responsible for his death. Eddie should be relieved that he can feel his heart beating as he runs through the decrepit streets of Hawkins. The never ending fog blurs his vision, not that it matters. Upside Down or not, he knows where he is going. No alternate dimension can change that.
All Eddie wants is you. He wants to curl his wrecked body around yours and cry into your neck as you tell him everything will be okay. He knows it won't happen, Vecna won't be so quick to let his new plaything go. But the hope is still there, and it's enough to take him across town towards the direction of your home.
If he can't physically be with you, then at least he can be surrounded by you. A piss poor replacement, but he'll take what he can get.
The ash-like spores make his lungs burn with every jagged breath. His body, still weak from his death, begs for him to stop, but he is already here. The navy blue paint is chipped and vines have broken through the front windows, but it's still your home. The world around him blurs into a watercolor of black and blue as he rushes through your front door and up the stairs to your bedroom.
Maybe you'll be waiting for him. You'll greet him with open arms and a teary smile and –
You're not there. In fact, none of your belongings are there. Not your bed, not your desk, your posters, your clothes. The room is empty.
What the hell?
He moves towards your bathroom. The counter should be covered in your toiletries. The doodles he'd given to you should be taped up along the mirror.
An owl with "You're owl I need" written on the bottom.
A mug with "I love you a latte" etched in the front.
Another of a cat holding a sign that says, "I've got felines for you."
The bathroom is as empty as your room. The only things waiting for him are those fucking vines, slithering out of the bathroom sink like a bouquet of snakes.
No, no, no.
Vecna controls this universe, right? So it's not completely unreasonable that he could make you disappear. Right? That has to be it. This is just Vecna. It's all Vecna.
"Do you really think so little of me? After I saved your life? Think, boy."
Eddie's head shoots up to the mirror, expecting to see the monster standing behind him like this is some sort of horror movie, but he's alone. Of course Vecna has an omnipresent voice that echoes throughout. Of course he fucking does.
He's never gonna beat the God complex allegations, Eddie thinks as the vines in the sink start to move. A little nudge of encouragement so to speak.
He bolts out of your room and down the hallway to your parent's bedroom.
He tries the linen closet.
He practically tumbles down to the first level. Your living room, dining room, kitchen, even the garage. Everything is devoid of you and anything connected to you.
Dread is settles in the pit of his stomach. He is running out of places to check. All he thinks to do is scream. And he does. He wails and wails until his vocal cords hemorrhage. The dull taste of blood in the back of his throat makes him add obscenities to his screams. Maybe it'd be enough to echo through the other side. Hell, he'd take your parents materializing to scold him. He'd take anything as long as it means you're there. But nothing ever comes. It's just him and his pain.
It's like you never existed.
Only when he's back in your bedroom, standing in the exact spot where your bed should be, does he remember Nancy's diary. Ice cold realization turns his organs into stone.
He tries not whimper, "She isn't here, is she?"
"No, she's not, but you already knew that." With every word, the fog thickens into a violent red until the monster responsible for all of this appears in front of him. Eddie shakes his head in furious denial as the date in Nancy's diary taunts him.
November 6, 1983.
It's like you don't exist in the Upside Down because of you don't exist. Your family wouldn't move to Hawkins until the following month. It wouldn't be until the start of the spring semester when you and Eddie would properly meet, paired up for a science project. By February, he'd build up the courage to ask you on a date. His adoration for you would bloom with the spring flowers. He would be head over heels in love with you by the fall.
But with the Upside Down frozen at a point in time where he didn't even know your name, you won't be here. There will be no record of you, no liferaft to cling to as his humanity is thrown into freefall.
"No, it's not fair! This isn't fucking fair!"
"The human existence is anything but fair. Your life was an excellent example of that."
Eddie knows that very well, but he doesn't need this walking smear stain reminding him like he's a toddler. He remembers every taunt, shove, and outrage that formed his life. They were his to experience, not anyone else's. They were his life no matter how unfair it may have been. Vecna didn't get to use them against him.
Now, he is angry. He lunges toward the monster, but vines shoot out to wrap around his waist before he can reach Vecna. They throw him back violently, wrapping around his middle and neck to keep him flush against the wall. The tendril around his waist tightens until he stops moving, his arms pinned to his side. Another vine slithers around his neck, squeezing until he has no choice but to look up at the monster of the Upside Down.
"So ungrateful even after I gifted you the chance of another life. Do you understand I can take that away from you? And then how would you see her again?"
Eddie grimaces, scrunching his nose and glaring with all the resentment building inside. He knows where this is going, the manipulation so obvious it's insulting.
The weight of his situation presses down on him harder than the vines bundling his body. He finally cries. Fat, angry tears run down his dirty cheeks as he glares at Vecna. Eddie hopes he looks as pathetic as he feels. Maybe Vecna will be disgusted and realize he made a mistake resurrecting him. He is not a killer, not a hero, not a villain. He is just Eddie.
He wishes for a reinstatement of his death sentence. He'd rather his body be picked apart by demobats than a life shackled by shame and defeat.
"I'm not unreasonable, Eddie," Vecna takes heavy steps towards him. "You can see her again, if it's what you really want. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it. I just need you to do something for me."
The tears keep falling, his vision blurring from the splotches in the shape of you. He thinks of you, the way you smell, the comforting feeling of your hand in his, the sweet nothings you'd whisper when you thought he was asleep. He remembers the nights you'd spend wrapped in his sheets, eyes glassy from all the weed you'd smoke, as you talk about the future.
That is all he will ever have of you – memories. Memories that will fade until only the pain of what could have been remains.
What else is he supposed to do?
"What is it?"
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divider by @/silkholland
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ronanceautistic · 4 months
Back on my “Nancy was cursed for the entirety of Season 4” bullshit.
No, no, no seriously because firstly, the flashback she has in Episode 2, Barb calling her name and being dragged into the pool. She never fucking saw that in real life i.e how could she have a flashback of it. And then later she has an actual Vecna vision of the exact same fucking thing.
There was a shot of her waking up in the exact same way Max woke up after a Vecna nightmare. Fred was cursed for a trauma that has literally defined Nancy’s personality. And in my heart of hearts and my third eye and my mind you can literally see her in Vecna’s mindscape of potential victims in Episode 4. Like there’s a figure in the background whose outfit almost completely resembles the one Nancy gets cursed in. I’M NOT CRAZY.
Also as an unrelated side note when he says “you were so close to the truth”, oh he knows how to get under Nancy Wheeler’s skin specifically. Implying she’s just a kid who doesn’t know what she’s doing aka the thing Nancy was terrified of the previous year. Sick, twisted, I’m obsessed.
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sweatervest-obsessed · 10 months
In Your Dreams, Whatever They Be - Part 1
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader (uses she/her pronouns)
WC: 11,223
TW: Alcohol, violence, stabbing, boats, spiders, sarcasm, jealousy, trauma, trauma bonding, blood (and lots of it), nightmares, Vecna, mentions of death, smoochy kisses, mentions and flashes of past traumas, Billy Hargrove gets mentioned, brief allusion to second base, graphic descriptions of violence, graphic descriptions in general. If I'm missing any please please please tell me and I will happily add them!
A/N: So this was supposed to be a quick and easy 4k one shot, and now I'm in a two parter, rewatching the series to try and make it as accurate as I can be. I forgot how himbo Steve really is. It takes place starting with s4 e5, and it goes to s4 e7 or 8, I don't remember. This is based off of my favorite song of all time, and the fact that they used it in this show makes me so unbelievable happy. I hope y'all enjoy this one! any and all constructive criticism is welcomed and wanted!!!
Part 2
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“What’s going on in there?” Steve gently rapped on your head with his knuckles, “hello? Anyone home?” 
He watched as your eyes shifted back into focus, looking at him. 
“It’s nothing Steve.” 
“Yea and I’m the queen of England.” 
“No need for the attitude,” You grumbled, sitting up, attempting to get off the boys bed before 
this turned into a full blown thing with interrogations and prodding in places you didn’t want Steve to see at the moment.
He softly said your name, grabbing your wrist and rubbing his thumb over it. “Will you please talk to me?” 
Your eyes fluttered closed at the contact. A soft inhale and exhale to remind yourself to calm the tears before giving Steve a smile. 
“I’m seriously okay Steve. If it was something that was actually worth anything, you’d be the first person I told.” 
He contemplated your answer, studying the way you wouldn’t look at him. “Pinky promise?” 
You looked over at the clock on his night stand before jumping up and dusting off the proverbial dirt from your thighs. 
“Actually, I, um, I have to go—Steve. Um. I’ll see you later!” You quickly grabbed your bag off the ground of his bedroom floor and quickly made your escape down the stairs and out the front door. 
Steve flinched as it slammed shut and sat there, pinky still outstretched wondering what the actual fuck just happened. You never ever ditched him like that, let alone ignored a pinky promise. 
You, on the other hand, were suffocating. The room had suddenly become too suffocating and Steve—sweet, lovely, kind, perfect Steve immediately noticed, and you just couldn’t let him go poking where he didn't need to be. 
Your headaches had started to come back, but it was nothing new considering your period was about to start anyways. And the last thing you wanted to do was make Steve all worried about some stupid little headache—
“Oh for fucks sake.” You grumbled again before turning right back around on the porch and storming back into his house again. 
Steve had just made it down the stairs when he collided with you in the hall, the door slamming shut a second time. 
“What are you doing—-“ 
“We made that stupid Fucking New Year’s resolution for a year of no poor communication. So. I’ve been having headaches.” 
You nodded and ran a hand through your hair. 
“Yeah.” You whisper, now suddenly feeling a lot less confident about the situation. 
Steve was silent, his mind racing a million miles an hour. Out of all the people in the world, he absolutely downright refused to let you become the next mangled body. He had seen Eddie’s face when he relieved what Chrissy had gone through, and he had seen Nancy after they had discovered Fred; for fucks sake he was there when Max was levitating in the cemetery. He couldn’t lose you. He seriously couldn’t lose you. Because he didn’t know what he’d do with himself if you weren’t with him. He’d loose his fucking mind—that’s what he would do. He’s become some crazy old man like Murray or—-
“Steve.” You took his hand in yours and narrowed your eyes. “Are you listening to me?” 
Steve shook his head and squeezed your hand. “I said, I usually get them the week before my period, and they’re right on time. But with the whole….” 
Steve nodded and looked at your hands together, eyeing the ring you wore on your pinky finger—a pinky promise to him that you always wear.  
“But.” You yanked his hand a little bit to make him focus back up on your face. “Because of everything going on I just didn’t want you to freak the fuck out. But that’s what’s been on my mind.” 
Steve let out a shaky breath. “Yeah…yeah okay I just…” 
“I know.” Even when you could potentially be in true, real danger, you managed to stay level headed, or at least put up a really good front; it’s what Steve admired most about you, and simultaneously loathed about you. 
“I know everyone is at the Wheeler's house but do you want to make them come over here?” 
Steve squeezed your hand in response to your question, his voice still gone. Somehow snatched away with the rest of his mind from the moment he realized you could be taken from him. 
“Okay, do you want me to call them?” 
Steve was a very physical person. He showed his love through actions—getting an eyelash off your nose, buying your favorite flowers, and so forth. But he truly showed his appreciation for someone through small touches; a hand on a shoulder, the squeeze of a hand. But when Steve pulled you into a hug, you were a little surprised. He may love small actions of touch, he rarely was one to give hugs or full body contact, even to someone he has loved for a long time. The boy was getting more and more self conscious ever since the Fall of King Steve and the Bullshit of Nancy Wheeler. 
“Steve I promise I’m okay I promise.” 
“But what if it’s not just any headaches…” he whispered into your hair, tightly holding onto you, terrified to let you go. 
“The second I start getting psycho visions or freaky nightmares, you’ll know okay?”
“Y-yeah.” He sighed, just holding onto you for a bit longer. You rested your head on his shoulder, forehead against his neck, and slowly started to sway with him, trying to drag his mind away from the pit he was dragging himself into. 
He complied, still drowning in ‘what-if’s’. He listened as you started to softly mumble a song to yourself as the two of you stood in the foyer of the Harrington Household, sunset peaking through the windows. 
“Stars shining bright above you, Night breezes seem to whisper I love you, birds singing in the sycamore tree, dream a little dream of me.”
Steve focused on the sound of your breathing, the beating of your heart, the low hum of your voice. 
“Say nighty-night and kiss me, just hold me right and tell me, you’ll miss me”
“I should be comforting you.” He grumbled, as you continued to sing and sway. 
“While I’m alone and blue as can be, dream a little dream of me.”
“What’s the name of the artist again?” He whispered 
You stopped short and looked up at him, taking only half a step back knowing Steve might lose his shit if you stopped being in direct contact with him. 
“Steven Harrington this is only my favorite song of all time, and you don’t know which version I like the most?! Jesus, you’d think my person would know that.” 
“Okay but that doesn’t answer my question.”  His heart fluttered a little bit when you called him your person. 
“You’re a pain in the ass.” 
Just as Steve went to sass you back, the phone rang, making him jump. Steve stared at it while you were looking at him, watching him flinch every time it rang. “You gonna answer it, or just stare at it.” 
“I’d really rather not.” 
“It could be important, Stevie.” 
His insides started melting as you called him that. “I really don’t want to.” 
The phone stopped ringing and he smiled cheekily at you before taking your hand and bringing you out towards the patio, sliding the doors open with ease. 
“What are you…” 
“I want to keep dancing with you without any distractions.” 
You blush a bit and shake your head. 
“Okay hot shot. Show me your moves then.” 
“Only if you promise to keep singing.” 
The both of you stepped out onto the patio and closed the sliding doors behind you. He brought you around the pool to the small yard behind it, offering his hand once more. 
“You, Steve Harrington, are something else.” 
He slid his arm around your waist and took your hand in his. “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” He whispered, kissing your head.  
“On what.” 
“Stars fading but I linger on dear.” 
You shrugged. And started swaying again, resting your head on his collarbone. 
“Still craving your kiss.” 
“Oh you crave my kiss huh?” 
You rolled your eyes and continued singing, smiling up at him. 
“I’m longing to linger till dawn dear, just craving this.” 
Steve cheekily kissed your jaw, causing you to smile and squeeze his hand. 
What the two of you missed was the consistent ringing of the Harrington Household phone, that stopped ringing after the fourth or fifth attempt. 
“Sweet dreams, till sunbeams find you. Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you. But in your dreams, whatever they be, dream a little dream of me.” 
Steve took the opportunity to spin you around, interrupting your singing. Your laugh was music to his ears, besides the actual singing you were blessing him with. 
“Stars fading, but I linger on dear, still craving your kiss.” 
Steve leaned down and kissed you softly, interrupting your song. You smiled and kissed him back, tasting your cherry chapstick on his lips. 
“You stole my chapstick, I knew it.” You mumbled before swiping your tongue against his bottom lip. 
“Nuh, uh.” He whispered back, moving his hand to your jaw, pulling you a little closer to him. 
You were interrupted by the screaming of Steve’s name and the pounding on the front door. 
The both of you jumped apart, hearts pounding. You looked at Steve while he turned and looked towards the inside of his house. 
The both of you heard the strings of curses from a small army when nobody answered the door, followed by yells about where he kept the spare key, and why was it locked because it was never locked Steve let go of you, much to both of your dismays, before moving towards the slider, only to be interrupted by a “are you SERIOUS Hanginton?” 
Dustin’s head had popped over the fence near the edge of the woods, scaring the shit out of both of you. 
“What the hell Henderson!” You yelled, stumbling back into a chair. Your heel caught on the side, and the metal left a little gash on the top of your foot as you fell into the lounger, the definition of ungraceful. You let out a yelp as you collapsed 
“Shit, Shit, are you okay??” Henderson yelled, attempting to jump over the fence, and only failing slightly. 
Steve rushed over to your side, panicking since the last time there was blood near his pool, well….
You were examining the gash, taping it lightly and flinching at the sting. But then you saw Steve and immediately switched gears into calming Steve down, completely ignoring the blood dripping down your foot. 
“Steve. Hey.” You put your hand on his shoulder but Steve was freaking out. His eyes were wide, and his breathing was erratic. “Handsome, look at me.” You whispered to him, taking his jaw, aware of your audience. 
You loved touching Steve, and he loved touching you, in every way each other's minds could think of, but the two of you tried really hard to not be super all over each other in front of the others. It wasn’t that you were hiding your relationship per se, you both were just private people when it came to your relationship. You were both taking it slow, wanting to make sure everything was just right, earning trust and figuring out one another without the influence and nosiness of your beloved friends. They knew you had at least kissed a couple of times, and were official enough to hold hands in public, but what they didn’t know was that you had been dating each other for over a year now. In fact, you were sure this was it for you—your endgame. You felt such an all consuming love for him, and he knew it too. He was terrified of the ways you would go to bat for him, which is why the sight of your blood near his pool sent him into a slight panic attack. But your touch sent a little shock through his system and he looked up at you, eyes wide and a little manic, lips parted. 
“I’m okay. We’ll just get a bandaid or tw—“ 
The next minute unfolded to be one of the most overwhelming both you and Steve had experienced. First, Henderson had finally scaled the fence and fell over it with a thud and a loud yell. Then, Nancy shoved open the sliding doors, which meant the rest of the kids, and Robin were probably in tow. Dusting had managed to run over to you and started to freak out about your foot, panicking outwardly like Steve was panicking inwardly. 
Nancy finally made it over to the both of you, but only looked at Steve.
“Steve? What the fuck! Where the hell have you been? Y/n wasn’t answering her phone and so Max and Lucas went over to her house—“
“and her mom said she was at work but she hasn’t been at work because I was just there and she didn’t take over for me and——“
You squeezed his hand. 
“And then you weren’t answering your phone and we called so many ti—“
“Holy shit what the fuck happened to your foot!?” And there was Robin, kindly interrupting Nancy’s ramble. 
Nancy whipped around and looked down at your now slightly blood soaked foot. It was seriously nowhere near as bad as it looked, but because you had been free bleeding trying to help Steve and then everyone burst into the backyard, your foot looked worse than it was. 
“Oh my god!” She squeaked out, thinking back to Barb, and looked at Steve. She noticed his panic and decided it was her responsibility to fix it. 
“Hey Steve?” Nancy knelt down next to him, which made you inhale sharply. Nancy had been….well. Ever since Jonathan had moved to California, she was a bit all over the place, and everyone knew it, including Nancy. Her emotions were running wild, and she had been eyeing Steve again. You were far from jealous, knowing how much Steve loved you since he reminded you over and over and over again. But there was something about the way she was eyeing him, the way she reached out to him, that made your trust waiver—not in Steve, Never in Steve, but maybe in Nancy. 
Steve caught the tail end of your inhale, and looked up at you, his eyes still not focusing a hundred percent but he was trying for you. 
“Can you go get some bandages for my foot Nance?” You asked, squeezing Steve’s hand again, trying to ground him while also trying to politely tell Nancy to back the fuck up. You looked over at her and gave her a smile, as if to say that you got the whole Steve situation under control. 
She eyed your hands before nodding, and heading off into the house. As she had walked into the house and up the stairs, Robin corralled all of the kids mumbling that the show was over. Dustin put up a little bit of a fight but Max and Lucas had dragged him inside and closed the sliding doors. All of the teens did their best to pretend to not look out at the couple on the patio, whereas Robin was casually trying to not stare at the two of you through the kitchen window. Everyone was extremely curious about the secretive couple. 
You squeezed his hand again. “Steve. I need  you to listen to me. I’m okay. It’s just a cut on my foot.” Your other hand came up and slowly took his other hand, hinting that he should be next to you on the lounger. 
Steve obliged, mind still far away, panicking to no end, conjuring up the worst endings he could possibly imagine. 
You gently took one of his hands and placed it on one of the pulse points on your neck. 
Robin had snatched Nancy from exiting the house, shushing her as she tried to justify going back onto the patio. And even if she managed to get through Robin, Dustin and the others would not have let her through anyways. 
Robin had shared a look with Dustin, examining the scene before them. Almost no one had ever seen Steve this vulnerable, and actually no one had witnessed the two of you have such an intimate moment together, collectively making everyone in the house question whether or not they knew either of you at all. 
You were taking slow breaths, letting Steve not only feel your pulse beneath his fingers, but also your breath. It caused him to slowly start to match your pace, chest moving slower and hands stopped shaking. His eyes started to focus in on you again, the hint of a grateful smile ghosted across his lips before it fell under a frown of complete self deprecation. 
“Shit, baby I’m so sorry.” He whispered, not moving his hand from your neck quite yet. “I-I just…it reminded me of…”
“I know, I know.” You whispered. “But it’s just a small cut, and I’ll let you give Henderson the talking to of a lifetime, once I know you’re back with me, yeah?” 
Your eyes had been monitoring his, watching for when he was fully back in the present. Steve nodded and placed a quick kiss on your forehead. “Thank you.”
“Anytime, I’m here all week.” You teased, before sighing and looking down at your foot. “It’s definitely not that bad but I do want to clean off my bloody foot.” 
Just then, Nancy made her way back onto the patio, with very upset Dustin trailing behind her. Dustin looked so guilty, and so apologetic, and Nancy looked….upset? Mad? Jealous? Whatever it was, Nancy was doing a good job of making it not as important as fixing up your foot.
“Oh thank you so much Nance.” You smiled at her, only faltering slightly when she only responded by giving you a tight lipped smile,  dropping the first aid kid on the chair, and walking Back inside. 
You and Steve looked at Dustin who just shrugged. Whatever it was would have to wait. 
“So why were you people hunting me down?” 
“There’s been another….” Dustin looked down at his feet, and Steve took one of his hands and put it on the kids shoulder. 
“Okay.” You breathed out, taking the medical kit in your hands and digging through it to find all the necessary things to clean up your little wound. 
“ Y/N, I’m really sorry. I-I didn’t mean to—you know. It was a total accident.” Dustin gushed at you and you just smiled in response to him. 
“It’s all good Dusty Bun.” You joked at him, while the kid tore himself into pieces, feeling fucking awful. 
“Shit happens. It’s okay. It’s not like you snuck back here with the intent to injure me….unless.” You smirked at him, letting Dustin’s cheek turn bright red and he shook his head vigorously. 
“No. No. I would never do that to you—“
“She’s joking Dustin. It’s okay.” Steve tried not to laugh at the poor boy, watching as his face fell into a slightly more comfortable expression. 
“Dustin, can you go and round everyone up in the Living Room, so we can talk about everything?” 
Dustin nodded and started to run off before he stopped and turned towards you again. “Promise you’re okay?” 
“Cross my heart and hope to die, kid. I’m all good.” You took your finger, crossed your heart with it and lifted it in the air. “Steven Harrington as my witness.” 
Dustin cracked a smile before going back inside and trying to round up everyone into the Harrington's living room. 
Once you had properly bandaged your cut, you sighed and cast a quick glance at the patio doors, noticing only Max and Lucas lingering, but still giving you all the privacy they could with a glass door. But Lucas was solely focused on Max, making sure her headphones for her Walkman were sitting just right on her head. 
You turned and kissed Steve, soft lips on his. “Are you okay?” You whispered to him, letting him lead the kiss, giving him the control he needed to regain in that moment before facing the troops. 
Steve gently swept his tongue across your lip, allowing him to deepen the kiss a bit more. He sighed so prettily into your mouth and you couldn’t help but smile. 
“I will be, yea. I just….” You nodded and pulled away from him. Steve glanced over at Max, noticing the headphones and his face fell flat. He had been the one to hold her close when she collapsed outside of Billy’s Grave after floating in the air. And suddenly it was you he was cradling, unconscious. 
“What’s the artist?” 
“What?” You gave him an incredulous look, turned and looking where his gaze was set on Max. “Oh Steve, I don’t think—-“
“Please.” It was so soft, and pleading. Your heart broke as he looked back at you. 
“The Mamas and The Papas.” You said softly, tucking a loose strand of his hair behind his ear.
“Dream a Little Dream of Me, right?” He squeezed your hand once more as you nodded. 
“Alright.” He sighed and kissed your head before getting up. The two of you could rest when you’re dead, you figured. You stood up with him and brought the first aid kit back in with you. 
Once everyone was back in the living room, the rest of the day was a whirlwind. Lucas was telling you about the fact that Carver and his teammates were hunting down Eddie and anyone who tried to help him. 
At some point you found yourself stuck in the back of Nancy’s car. Then, you found yourself stuck in between an argument between a mother and his son about Skull Rock. 
“Yeah well it wasn’t popular until I made it popular, alright?” 
You snorted at that one, while Steve turned towards you, slightly horrified about admitting that in front of you. But you knew King Steve, and it wasn’t like you were unpopular. You were one of those people that managed to fly under the radar by being on everyone’s radar. Nice to everyone simply worked best, especially when it meant you got to kiss and tell without it ruining your life. You smirked at Steve before turning to Dustin. 
“But he’s right though Dustin. It’s over that little hill, on the right, past the two trees.” You slowed down to break the news to Dustin, Max moving to catch up with you, both of you snickering to one another while the rest of the gang looked at you, seriously doubting their knowledge of you at all. 
“Stop gawking Harrington, and move those legs. Let’s roll.” Steve fixed his pace and trudged ahead, eager to prove his best friend wrong. 
You and Max just observed the two. You had been Max’s babysitter since she moved to Hawkins. She was definitely too old for one, but her mother insisted, and she would have much rather spent time with you than with Billy. She was your little sister, your everything, the Dustin to your Steve. You were the one who got her so addicted to Kate Bush in the first place. So when Steve had told you about Max floating into the air, you almost caused several accidents driving from your house to the Wheeler’s, where Max was being kept safe.
 The two of you were giggling about the bickering between the two idiots when you heard Steve and Dustin ahead of you. 
“Bada Bing, Bada Boom, There she is Henderson. Skull Rock, in your face man.” Steve pushed past the both of you, a shit-eating grin on his face. “In your stupid, cocky little face.” 
“It doesn’t make sense.”
“Yeah, Yeah, even when it’s staring you right in the face, you can’t admit it. You just can’t admit that you’re wrong, you little butthead.” Steve smugly stared up at the rock. 
Two boots landed on the ground, right next to Dustin. “I concur. You, Dustin Henderson, are a total butthead.” 
Dustin started jumping up and down before rushing Eddie into a hug. “Jesus, we thought you were a goner.” 
“Yeah, me too man.” Eddie mumbled, looking over at the rest of you wearily. You watched as Steve and Eddie interacted like some sort of divorced parents in the parking lot of a McDonald’s before deciding to ease whatever tension the two of them had going on. 
You smiled and waved at him, “Oh my god, is that the serial killer Edward Eddie “The Freak” Munson, leader of the Hellfire Satanic Club,” 
Max let out a snort, before trying to cover the giggle seeping out of her mouth. 
 “You’re funny there princess, you know that?” 
“Oh I do, Edward. How are you.” You mumbled, patting his back, while you eyed Dustin, who was losing his fucking mind over his compass.
Steve was not the jealous type, or he liked to pretend that he wasn’t. You were a kind person to every single person you met; somehow every single person in the world knew you, and yet nobody had a vendetta against you (to his knowledge) or anything awful to say about you. But it was moments like these, when Eddie called you Princess, or got a little too close, where he would start to tense up. 
“Better now that you’ve brought yourself, and also some food.” He hastily grabbed one of the paper bags from Nancy and grabbed one of the flasks filled with water, drinking almost all of it. 
“When I got to shore, I tried calling you guys but uh, my walkie was busted, man. Drenched. So uh, I did the thing that I do now, apparently. I ran.” A sardonic smile spread across his face, and he shook his head, looking down at his hands. 
“Do you know what time this was, the attack?” 
“No i -i- I know exactly what time it was.” Eddie takes the watch off his wrist and tosses it to Nancy. “My walkie wasn’t the only thing to get soaked.”
Robin’s eyes lit up. “Same time our flashlights went kablooey. 
“Which means what exactly?” Steve chimed in.
Nancy sighed, looking down at the watch in her hands before tossing it back to Eddie. “That surge of energy was Vecna attacking Patrick.” 
“Well, we’re one step closer–we know how Vecna attacks.” You mention, watching Dustin pace back and forth. 
“And where he attacks from.” Lucas added on. 
“So now we just need to sneak into his layer in the Upside Down and drive a stake through his heart.” Max sighed, crossing her arms. 
Robin mumbled quickly, “If he even has a heart.”
“A stake is he like a vamp–is he a vampire?” Steve’s eyes widened.
“Oh Steve, babe.” You sighed, pinching your eyes.
“Itt was a metaphor.” Max scoffed in reply to him. 
Eddie looked up from the ground and towards Max. “Uh bullets work on him right?”
“I say we chop his head off.”
“That’s great Lucas.” You muttered, not fully believing this conversation was happening. Steve on the other hand looked at Lucas with a “What the fuck” type of look. 
“Yeah I’d say all of the above, but we can't do any of that until we find a way into the Upside Down.” Nancy sighed. 
“We need El to get her power back.” You nodded in agreement with Max.
“Everything was wayyyy easier. We had this girl, she had super powers–”
“Superpowers, yea, you mentioned her.” Eddie cut off Steve with a nod before peering over at Henderson.  
“Hey uh, Henderson’s not cursed is he?” 
Steve shook his head. “Cursed, no no, he’s fine. Mental? Absolutely.” 
Just then Dustin raised his arms to the sky, turned to Steve and Screamed the word Boom, at the top of his lungs. Everyone flinched at the loud sound, but your head had started to bug you the second you had found SKull Rock, and you weren't one to say anything, but Dustin screaming at the top of his lungs definitely wasn’t helping. 
“Bada. Bada. Boom.”
And just like that, the day sped up again. Your head continued to bug you all the way to the lake. He had noticed that your head started bugging you halfway through the walk to the shore, holding you hand and quietly whispering the lyrics he remembered from the song earlier, just to you. It made your heart melt a little, just how much he cared for you. It was a bonus that it calmed him down in the process. 
“What is Mordor?” He whispered to you, watching as the shore grew closer. 
You laughed softly and shrugged. “There's this book series called Lord of the Rings.” You answered back to him. “And the heroes leave The Shire to go to Mordor to stop the big bad.”
Steve let out a little “huh”, and nodded. The little green monster known as jealousy came back full force. Of course you would know what Eddie was talking about. Of course that was something else Eddie had over him. “And you’ve uh, read this series.” 
“Yes Steve. All four books.”
“Did you like them?”
The questions surprised you. It’s not that Steve didn’t like the things you liked, or didn’t care about what you liked, but this was an interest that you simply hadn’t mentioned because it didn’t seem in his wheelhouse. “Ye-Yeah…why do you ask?” 
You looked at him with a curious smile on your face, and Steve shrugged. “I don’t know. If both you and Butthead up there like it then…”
You stopped and kissed Steve on the cheek. “You’re adorable Steve.”
Just then, Dustin sprinted forward, yelling about the fact that something was happening. Eddie managed to save him from stepping into the lake, when Steve ran up ahead. 
“You gotta be shittin’ me.” He huffed and turned and looked back at you, exasperated. 
“Yea. I thought these woods were familiar.” Eddie’s tone was flat, and disparaging. 
“Lover’s Lake.” Robin sighed, staring out at the water. 
“This is confounding.” Dustin muttered, looking back and forth from the water to his compass and back again. 
“There’s a gate in Lover’s Lake?” Max looked over at you. 
Nancy spoke next, “Whenever the Demogorgan attacked, it always left an opening. Maybe Vecna’s the same way.” 
“Yea, only one way to find out.” You grumbled, also not exactly happy to see the lake. 
Eddie pulled back a tarp to reveal a little boat, definitely not big enough to fit all of you. Once Eddie and Steve had gotten the boat in the water, Robin climbed over the two of them. Eddie went next and helped Nancy get into the boat as well as you. All four of you looked at Dustin, who tried to get onto the boat. 
“Hey, Hey, you trying to sink us?” Eddie shoved Dustin's head back a little and shook his own. “The boat holds four people, tops. okay?”
“It’s better this way, okay?” Nancy walked over to try and comfort Dustin.
And you agreed. “You guys stay here with Max.You keep an eye out for trouble.” 
Dustin was flabbergasted. “You keep an eye out for trouble.” 
You gave him a look considering he just snapped at you, but he only continued. 
“It’s my goddamn theory.” 
Robin leaned over. “You heard Nance and Y/N.” 
Dustin just rolled his eyes. “Who put them in charge?” 
“I did.” Robin sassed back, watching as Dustin tried to process everything that was going on. 
“Compass.” Nancy held her hand out as a very, very upset Dustin reluctantly placed the compass in her hand. 
“Hey. There ya go.” Steve threw the backpack at Dustin before pushing off of the shore with the boat, jumping in at the last second. 
“You said Four!” 
Steve whispered a “sorry” to him as the group began to paddle out towards where Patrick died. 
Robin smiled at them, “Bedtime at nine Kiddos.” in which Dustin just flipped her off. Robin just stood up and waved, “Miss you already.” 
You had to bite the inside of your cheek to keep from laughing. 
As you all sat on the boat,slowly paddling through the darkness of Lover’s Lake, when suddenly Nancy yelled out. “Woah Woah Woah, slow down guys, slow down.” 
All of you leaned in and looked at the compass, it was spinning in circles, no actual direction. 
All of the sudden the walkie lit up and spoke: Guys what’s going on. Come on guys, talk to me, what’s going on.
Robin picked up the call, still staring at the spinning dial. 
“Uh Dustin your compass has gone from wonky to Wonky with a capital ‘aah!” 
“Steve, what are you doing?” Nancy’s voice reached your ears, and everyone immediately snapped their heads towards the boy who was starting to undress. 
“Somebody’s gotta go down there and check this thing out.” He pulled off his other shoe and sock. “Unless one of you three can top being a Hawkins High swim co-captain and a certified lifeguard for three years then…It’s gotta be me, no complaints. Alright.” That last section ws slightly more aimed towards you than anyone else, but you just stayed silent. 
“Hey, I’m not complaining. I do not wanna go down there.” Eddie looked around at the water uneasily before taking one of the flashlights wrapping it in one of the plastic bags they had brought. It was better than nothing. 
Steve pulled his shirt off, and that’s when you caught Nancy staring. This time, you were a little more upset at her openly staring at Steve’s half-naked body. Robin looked between you and Nancy and made a little face, deciding to wait to ask any and all questions to you once Steve was gone. 
“Hey.” Eddie handed him the flashlight. “Good luck.” 
Steve nodded. “Thanks.” Before looking at you and giving you a small smile, meant to be an apology. 
Robin pulled a cigarette from out of Eddie's mouth, mumbled a “gross”, and chucked it into Lover’s Lake. 
Steve stared straight ahead psyching himself up. 
“Steve?” You couldn’t help yourself. 
He looked back at you. You had a horrible feeling about this. Yet you held your tongue because there was no way that Steve “The Hero” Harrington was going to risk anyone else’s life, and trying to talk him out of it was like trying to convince the sky to turn purple—it wasn’t going to happen. All you could offer him was something to maybe calm his nerves. 
“Be careful.” 
You all sat there, each of you doing your own thing to not think about the fact that Steve was under the water. 
“Where are we at Wheeler?” Robin asked, bouncing her leg up and down, glancing from Nancy to the water and back again. 
“We’re closing in on a minute.” Nancy responded with a slight air of worry. 
“Come on Steve.” You mumbled, still watching the water. Robin placed a hand on top of yours and gave you a small smile, just trying to provide at least a sense of comfort even though her best friend was down in the depths of Lover’s Lake. 
When Steve popped up, you all jumped. Eddie yelled slightly with an “Oh Christ!” But you immediately reached your hand out to him, which he was more than willing to reach for. 
“I found it.” 
“You found it?” Nancy piped up before Steve smiled, trying to regain his breath. 
“I found it. Yeah I found it.” He smiled, and unlike the rest of this day, the next thirty seconds seemed to go by in slow motion. 
Steve was hanging off the edge of the boat, still trying to regain his breath before he would climb into the boat, still holding onto your hand with his own. 
“Dustin, you’re a goddamn Einstein. Steve found the Gate. It was right where you said it was.” 
Steve was panting. “It was pretty wild. It’s more of a snack-sized gate than a mama gate.” Reference Robin from earlier. “But still, it’s pretty damn big.”
Steve’s head was pulled under the water. All of you moved towards him, trying to get him onto the boat. He resurfaced, a concerned look on his face.
Just as he reached for you, Steve’s face dropped, and he was pulled under. Nance, Robs, and Eddie all yelled out his name, screaming for him to come back. You immediately pulled off the jacket you had been wearing and dove straight into the water, no hesitation. Nancy, Robin, and Eddie then started screaming your name. Your new white converse had been covered in mud and now they were soaked in murky water as you swam for your life to get to Steve. You watched as he was pulled into the gaping portal beneath you. You watched as he was dragged through the water with ease. You swam faster, pushing through the gate not even ten seconds after Steve. 
Your lungs were burning. You fell to the ground with a hard thud, groaning as you tried to ignore the large bruise that would be all along your thigh and shoulder. All of this while trying so desperately to breathe but the air was suffocating. You managed to stand up, and looked around for Steve. Red lightning struck above you both, maybe five hundred feet apart. 
That’s when you heard it, the screeching. Your eyes managed to locate Steve before they were moved to the sky as the creatures started to surround the both of you. You watched as he ran towards something on the ground and picked up an oar, hitting one of the bats that swooped down on him. You ran towards him, picking up a second oar, and started batting, fighting your way to each other. 
Then, you saw Steve get swiped off his feet. A bat around his neck, and two others circling, ready to go in for the kill. Steve kept trying to swipe them off but was starting to fail. He let out a blood curdling scream as his body convulsed on the ground beneath your feet. 
Your blood ran colder than Lovers Lake. You ran towards him, listening as he screamed your name, crying out helplessly for you as they tried to feast on his abdomen and while one was slowly strangling him. 
Anger and panic filled your body up to the brim as you came closer to him. You hit two home runs before you slammed the oar down on one of the bats, eating away at Steve’s stomach, and blood splattered up and across your entire body. You’d be pissed about your clothes if you weren’t already so enraged at the thought of the pain Steve was in. There was blood scattered across your face, and you could taste it on your lips. Dustin might have called you badass if you weren’t so fucking terrifying.
You didn’t notice as Nancy, Robin, and Eddie barged through the portal, and immediately started beating the shit out of all of the remaining bats that tried swooping down on the group of you. 
Instead, you continued bashing in the body of the bat next to Steve. Robin had started watching you, slightly scared of the force you used to bring the oar down onto the bat. But all you could see was Steve. His mouth was open but no sound was coming out as he struggled to breathe, trying to pull the bat's tail away from his neck. You gave it one final blow to the head and watched its body give out beneath you. 
Just as you went to thwack the head of the bat suffocating Steve, something wrapped around your ankle. You dropped to the ground as the bat swiftly pulled you down, bloody oar out of your grasp. 
Robin and Nancy were to take care of the bat that was strangling Steve, Eddie continuing to swing at any bats in the air he could. 
“Nancy behind you!” She turned around and thwacked the bat that came at her before she delivered one final blow, releasing Steve’s throat as it went limp. 
A blood curdling scream left your lips as one of the bat’s bit down into your thigh. All you could see was white and red and all you could feel was white hot pain. The teeth tore through your flesh like butter, and it might have had some sort of venom dripping from its teeth because the exposed flesh felt as if it was melting off your body. 
Steve had managed to rip the bat off of him, and tore it in half with his mouth, willing to tear the bat limb from limb, but then he heard you scream. Steve always assumed he would freeze because in his nightmares he would watch as the dogs tore you limb from limb, or as a demogorgon dragged you into the depths of the upside down, and he would freeze watching as he let you die. 
But not this time. 
His body raced towards you, ignoring the sharp rocks and fuck else that would stick into his bare feet. The adrenaline in his body caused him to pick up the oar you were dragged away from and bash the head in on the bat digging its teeth into your thigh. You were screaming, you were screaming for Steve. His mind clouded with rage as he broke the oar in half and stabbed down, impaling the bat and leaving it stuck to the ground of lovers lake. 
There were tears streaming down your face, as Eddie and Robin helped pull you up and away from the dead animal laying next to you. A sob escaped your lips as you put some weight on your right leg. 
“Jesus Christ, Jesus H. Christ!” Eddie screamed at the sky, still trying to hold you up. 
Steve’s breathing was labored as he stood above the bat’s bloody carcass. He heard another sob escape your lips and immediately snapped his head towards you, but just as he took a second step towards you, the screeching of bats over head caused all of you to look up at the sky. 
“Shit shit shit.” Eddie muttered, looking around trying to find a spot for cover. 
“There’s not that many, we can take them.” Steve huffed, still running purely on adrenaline and spite. 
Another bellow of screeches came from the sky across the barren lake. 
Nancy ran over to you and gently squeezed your shoulder, luckily the one that wasn’t bruised. “We need to find cover. Now. Can you make it if Eddie and Robin help you?” Her eyes search yours, simultaneously checking for your inevitable concussion based off of the way you dropped to the ground earlier. 
You just whispered out Steve’s name, eyes starting to close. 
“Hey. Y/N. Look at me. He’s okay. He’s alive okay? I need you to stay with me for just five more minutes, okay?” Nancy was starting to freak out the more you drifted in and out of consciousness. She turned to look at Steve, who was shutting down on his own, his own adrenaline starting to wear off. 
“Eddie, Do you have Y/N?“ Nancy practically shoved Robin towards him while wrapping your arm around his neck while he supported you. “The more people that help her the better.” 
Steve had reached out to help but Nancy shook her head, “ I need you to focus on finding us Skull Rock, and not collapse while holding her. Got it?” 
Steve stared at Eddie, his frame supporting you, and huffed before nodding. 
Once everyone had secured their position, you all quickly made their way towards Skull Rock, well as quickly as you could possibly be. Eddie spent the whole time whispering how proud he was of you and how badass you looked and how good you were doing while walking, all of the encouragement and little jokes you needed to stay awake and push through the pain to get to get under the rock. While Robin was freaking out about Rabies, which was so extremely helpful of her, thank you robin!
Once you had all taken cover from the bats, you leaned against the wall, just trying to breathe again. That’s when Steve started to lean on the wall, and eventually collapsed to the ground. 
“Steve?” Nancy immediately stood up and made it to him in record time. 
You would have turned bright green if you weren’t starting to pass out on your own. 
“I’m fine. I’m fine.” He grumbled, slowly sliding down to the ground. 
“No no no, you’re losing blood. Shit.” Nancy had ripped her skirt to provide some bandages for Steve. 
“Steve?” You mumbled before, your legs gave out, Eddie managing to catch you. 
“Shit Shit shit.” He started panicking and looking at Robin, who in turn started panicking again. 
“Nancy!” Robin yelped, kneeling down next to you trying to keep you awake. 
Nancy took one look at you and turned back around to Steve who was trying to get up and reach for you. “Steve, I need you to stay still.” She turned back to Eddie and Robin. “You need to rip her jeans!”
 “No no no, hey. Stay with me. I need you to stay awake Y/N.” Robin whispered, squeezing your hand. All she could think about was dying by animal bite, which was so not comforting for any one involved. 
Steve gasped as Nance tightened the bandage. Once it was secured he scrambled over to you. 
“This is going to hurt baby, I’ m so sorry.” He mumbled to you, before gently taking the places where the Bats had broken through and ripped the jeans, creating one short leg. He pulled the bloodied pant leg down, trying to avoid the gushing wound on your leg. As quickly as he could, he tore up your jeans and started using it to wrap up your thigh, causing you to moan in pain anytime he would come near it, which resulted in a string of sorry’s coming from him.
You managed to take a look at Steve, covered in makeshift bandages and Eddie’s vest. If this were any other time, you’d make a quip to only him about how hot he looked but instead all you could do was slur his name and keep your head tilted back against the rock, doing your best not to pass out from the pain. 
“Shhhhh baby it’s okay.” He whispered, as you whined again when he tightened the bandages. 
All you could do was whimper and lean your forehead against the rock. At least it was cool to the touch, providing some relief for you. Your breathing was becoming more and more labored as the minute passed, and all Steve could do was whisper to you as it happened. 
“I cant…” you mumbled to him, the first coherent words besides his name that you uttered since the boat. “I’m so tired.” 
Steve shook his head. He finished tying the bandage before placing one of your hands on his pulse point, and his hand on your own, refusing to let this happen. 
“Fuck. No no no. Y/N hey. I need you to stay awake, pretty girl. Come on.” His voice quickened and his eyes quickly flitted to Eddie and Nancy and Robin. 
“We have to.  We have to go. Now. She can’t.” Steve was trying so hard not to cry, and was barely making it through a full thought before the next one came. “Fuck. How are we.”
“Steve, I don’t know if she–”
Nancy had never been scared of Steve before, but the look he sent her made it clear that whatever thought she had should not be said out loud. 
“We need. To find. A way out.” He said through gritted teeth, listening to your breathing get slower than he’d like. 
You hear him call your name once, and then twice, and then the next four hours of your life are all a blur. 
You awake on Nancy Wheeler's couch in the Upside Down, while Steve is screaming into the abyss at Dustin. 
Your head is pounding and you groggily go to sit up, but immediately get hit with a wave of nausea. As soon as you do make it up you keel over and start coughing, dry heaving really. 
All four heads snapped in your direction, and Steve dropped the Lite Brite on the table, rushing over just as you start to feel the bile in your throat. 
Steve quickly dragged over one of the stupid little trash bins that Mrs Wheeler kept around the house that the Upside Down had magically decided was necessary, and placed it in front of your face before grabbing most of your hair. 
His efficiency was appreciated since you started to vomit into the trash, your head pounding and your throat burning. 
Once you had thrown up everything in your stomach, plus what felt like your actual stomach, you gagged a bit on the air in your throat.  
Steve was rubbing your back and mumbling soft words while you were still hunched over. 
“Morning Princess.” Eddie called from the dining room, and while you didn’t have the energy to give him some choice words, you did have enough energy to flip him off quickly. 
Steve shot him a look but Eddie only let out a chuckle at your antics. Clearly the brink of death suited you well since your sense of humor and your attitude were still intact. 
“Why were you yelling at a lamp?” You eventually managed out, voice hoarse and almost completely gone. Robin had come over with a water bottle they had found in the fridge of the neighbors house. 
“I thought you were gonna die.” She whispered to you, in which Steve turned his glare towards her instead. 
You gratefully took a sip of the water, swallowing it before it immediately was rejected by your stomach, which causes you to vomit it back up into the trash bin. 
You winced at the sting on your throat, and Steve winced because that wasn’t a good sign. 
“Thanks Rob.” You send her a quick, but soft smile. She quickly took your hand and squeezed it, knowing that was all she was going to be able to say without starting to cry. “If you….well. I think I would’ve had to kill Steve because he would've been so unbearable.” 
Which causes you to giggle slightly and nod. “I can see that happening.” 
“Guys!” Nancy yelled over, giving you a very relieved smile, “we’re heading to Eddie’s Van in ten. There's still the kids' bikes at the house still so we can take those.” 
Steve stood up and had a lot to protest but you just pulled his hand, causing him to look at you. “Steve. Really, I’ll be okay. We just need to get out of here.” 
The others dispersed, getting ready to leave, letting you and Steve have a moment to yourselves. 
Steve sat back down next to you and kissed your hand. “I—, you looked so hot beating the shit out of that bat.” He joked, causing you to muse a smile at him. “I know right. Sexiest murderer around.” You jested back.
“You….” Steve swallowed down the lump in his throat and let you see the tears building up in his eyes. “I—“ 
“But I’m all good. I promise. My head still kind of hurts though. Guess we’ll have to play period, concussion, or Vecna.” You tried to joke, but Steve just sent you a glare. 
You sighed, and what you did next was for mostly your benefit, partially for Steve’s benefit, and slightly to piss off Nancy who was pretending like she wasn't watching you both from her kitchen alongside the other two. 
You kissed Steve. It was simple, and quick, but mostly it was reassuring. 
He hummed slightly before letting you pull away. “Even after you ripped a bat to shreds with your mouth, you still taste like my fucking chapstick.” You laughed softly before looking down at your legs. You were no longer in your jeans, but in a pair of Nancy’s shorts. Your leg had been bandaged a lot better, but you knew the second you got back into the real world, you would need to get the disinfection of a lifetime. 
“Does Nance have any alcohol?” 
Steve gave you a look. “I don’t think now is the time to start drinkin–”
Much to Steve’s chagrin, you stood up. A groan left your lips as you put weight on your bed leg. “Hey Nance? Where does your dad keep the good stuff.” 
She looked up at you before running off to go get exactly what you needed. 
“It’s going to numb the pain Steve, and I love you, but right now, I need to not feel my thigh so I can ride a stupid bike over to Eddie’s stupid van.” 
Steve shook his head and stood up. “Look, Y/n,” he sighed. “I really don’t want to fight but–”
“Then don’t, Steve. This is not your call to make right now. Just. I need you to trust me okay?” 
Steve huffed. “Fine.” before he walked off into a different room. 
Nancy slowly came in with a bottle of scotch from her father’s liquor cabinet. “Hey…”
“Shit, Nance. I’m sorry you had to hear that.” you mumbled, sitting back down on the couch. 
She shook her head and sat down next to you, uncorking the bottle and handing it over. “How…How long have you guys been together?” 
You took the bottle, and took a swig, letting the liquid burn your throat. “God this is awful.” You coughed and laughed a bit with Nancy as she cracked a smile. You offered her the bottle and she gladly took a swig. 
“I would also like to know.” Robin piped up, moving and sitting on the floor in front of the both of you. Once Nancy took a swig, she handed it to Robin. 
“Oh, fuck. It’s uh…What is it, March?” The girls nodded and you sighed. “A year, give your take.” 
Both of their jaws dropped. “I’m sorry what!” Robin’s eyes were wide open. “Since when!”
“Since like February of 85 Rob, get it together.” You took the bottle from her and took another swig. 
“Holy shit.” Nancy mumbled, realizing she needed to reevaluate her entire life at this point. “Why didn’t you tell anybody?” 
“Well, we had just started dating, right, and we wanted to take it slow really try not to fuck it up, ya know?” You took another swig before handing it back to Robin. “And we were gonna tell everyone but then Starcourt happened and uh. Getting the shit beat out of you by Russian thugs, and being forced into taking a truth telling serum really makes for complicated relationship updates to your friends. And Steve had just graduated and was really trying to figure his shit out—I don't know. Honestly, it never came up, nobody asked.”
Robin took a swig and shoved the bottle into Nancy’s hands. “Well I thought he was just pining after his best friend, who is waayyyyyy out of his league if I’m being so honest right now.” 
“Thanks Rob.” Steve mused from the doorway, leaning against the side of it while Eddie just stood there, arms crossed. 
“You guys started partying without us I see.” Munson interjected, with a smile on his face. 
Robin turned bright red before shaking her head. “Steve I—”
“Don’t apologize. I mean she is quite literally so out of my league, it’s a miracle she even likes me, let alone loves me.” 
You sent him a wink, while Eddie and Robin passed a look between the two of them. Nancy just took a slightly longer swig of the alcohol. 
“We need to get going.” Nancy mumbled, standing up and walking into the kitchen. 
“Is she okay….” Steve whispered to you, coming and offering you his hand to help you stand up. 
You shook your head. “She’s been going through a lot lately, and I think she’s trying to figure out all of her feelings. She’ll be okay.” 
He kissed your head before looking at the others in the room. "Let's get going then, shall we?" 
Your head was throbbing. It felt like it was split open. One moment you're standing with Steve, watching Nancy climb up the rope, the next you're falling through the air. With a sudden thud, you land on the ground, and scream out in pain. Your leg was so fucking sore, and your whole body ached as you stood up.
You look around and realize you're back in the parking lot where the mall was. You see something laying on the ground further away, watching as the vines around you pulsed. Slowly you took step forward and then another before you left out a gasp. There was Billy, lying just how you remembered him, on the ground. His body was covered in vines and a slug slowly started to crawl out of his mouth. You stumbled away from him, trying not to sob, looking around for anything.
Do you remember what you did, y/n?
You look up towards the sky, trying to find where the voice was coming from. Flashes of your last moments next to Billy as he died in your arms while Max watched. 
Or have you already forgotten.
Flashes of Steve’s lips on yours, Max floating in the cemetery. 
When I kill someone...
Another of Max sobbing into your chest, Billy's screams in your ear, Steve’s hands on your body. 
I never forget.
The Mind Flayer stabbed through Billy’s chest. Blood poured out of his mouth as he looked at you.
Suddenly vines started to over take the parking lot, from all sides. You spun around, panicking, trying to find a way out. You ran past a few cars, ignoring the shocks of pain through your system. Once you had run far enough away, you realized that it was no longer the parking lot of Starcourt.
You were suddenly standing on the staircase of the dilapidated old Creel House. A clock ticks, floating by you, as you slowly start to descend, eyes frantically moving back and forth. Your chest was starting to close up.
I see you've been looking for me Y/N. You were so close. So close to the truth. How was old, blind, dumb Victor.
You reached the bottom of the stairs, and spun around slowly, still trying to locate wherever he was.
Did he miss me? I've been meaning to check back in, but I've been busy.
You look to your right, and there's Chrissy's mangled body, vines clutching it. Her jaw was wide open, her eyes were gone, and you could see the snapped bones.
So very busy.
You watched as a door formed in front of you, the Creel House, except it was brand new. You watched as the little girl walked by you, claiming the house was a fairytale.
You stared at the gaunt little boy in the corner of the foyer, eyes dark.
He watched you back, and your whole body shivered. You slowly followed him through the house, watching as he made his way to the bathroom, and took off the grate. You turned away once you realized what he had been holding in his hand, unable to face something you so grotesquely hate. 
Suddenly a boy went past you, and you followed him into the attic. He had created this sort of altar, filled with candles and little jars filled with Black Widows. He was just a child. 
You wandered down the stairs, and watched the boy watch the clock in his foyer. The ticking of the clock rang in your ears, and all you could do was stare at this boy. The anger festered and festered and festered.
A shrill scream caught your attention as you turned around, suddenly in the yard, watching as the young boy caught and tortured a bunny. Its screams rang out as he reached out, not touching the animal, and slowly started to destroy it. Your chest was heaving as you ran back into the house, slamming the door closed, not wanting to see another moment. 
You watched as a crib, covered in fire, rocked itself in the fireplace, infants screaming all round you. The fire lit uo Henry’s face, eyes closed, moving back and forth underneath his lids. 
Suddenly, as you turned around, you heard music. Ella Fitzgerald’s voice rang through the halls. 
Stars shining bright above you. 
You let out a strangled sob. This was your favorite song. The family sitting at the table was formally dressed up. It must have been a special occasion for all of them to have looked so cleaned up for a family dinner. The Radio started moving between stations even though no one was touching it, but Henry was looking at it. 
The lights started to flicker. The radio couldn’t hold down a station. Everyone was suddenly on high alert, trying to figure out what was happening. Your voice was stuck in your throat as you watched the mother float up into the sky, her bones shattering and splintering as her eyes bled. She landed on the table with a thud, causing you to jump back. Vecna has a sliver of blood draining from his nose. You watched as he murdered his sister, and then moved onto his father. Lights flickering. Radio shattering. But then he collapsed on the ground. His father was quickly arrested and blamed for the murders of his wife and daughter. 
You watched as this boy was subjected to the tortures of Dr. Martin Brenner. You watched as he was tattooed, branded, with the mark of 001. 
“See? Not so bad. There’s nothing to be afraid of.” Doctor Brenner said, looking at 001. “Is there Y/N.” His head turned towards you and you took a step back. 
Why Don’t you take a seat.
And you ran, You sprinted as quickly as you could to get away fromBrenner, from Vecna. The hallways were filled with the dead bodies of guards, the screams of the children held hostage, the lights flickering. It was carnage. The blood smeared against the walls caused you to just freeze. You tried to run the other way. You tried to run as far as you could. 
Steve was screaming in your face. He had both of his hands cupping your cheeks begging you to come back to him, to stay with him. His heart was racing. All he could see were your eyes, rolled back into your head, your body just unresponsive. It was his worst nightmare come true. He screamed at the others to hurry up, just shaking you and begging you to come back to him. 
“Please Y/N, fuck. Please, stay with me. Come back to me. I can’t–you need to come back.” 
Erica had run into the other room trying to help the rest of the team speed through all of Eddie’s tapes. “Steve says you need to hurry!” 
“Yeah no shit!” Yelled back Dustin, while Max screamed that they couldn't find anything useful. 
“Seriously what is all this shit.” Robin was just throwing tapes, trying to find the right one. 
“What are you even looking for!?” Eddie yelled back. 
“Madonna, Blondie, Bowie, Beatles. Music We need MUSIC.” She yelled at him. 
“This IS MUSIC!” Eddie screeched back. 
You were running as fast as you could through the damp hallways. The walls were never ending and they were painted in blood, so much blood. You had to maneuver around bodies, all the while looking behind you, trying to out run Vacna. Your eyes were stinging from the air of the Upside Down, and your lungs couldn’t keep up. The exit had been nailed shut, covered in boards. Your panic was setting in as you looked around, trying to find any answer. You kicked and pulled at the boards until one came loose. As you got your hands around the second one, a voice came from behind you. 
You slowly turned around, shaking. There he was. Vecna was slowly stalking towards you, like a predator watching its prey. 
What are you doing? It’s not time for you to leave. 
You clutched the door handle, praying to whoever out there that would listen to help you. You keep yanking on the wooden plank. Another one came off as you started to yell. The third one was looser but refused to budge. He kept coming closer to you. 
Now that you’ve seen where I’ve been. 
And closer. 
I would like very much to show you where I am going. 
And closer. 
You managed to get the final one off before you shoved through the doors, using all of the will power you had left. But suddenly you were no longer in the hallway, it was the same room you had just been looking into. 
Dr. Brenner stared at you, eyeless. “Take a seat y/n.” 
The lights flickered out, and all you could hear was your breath, terrified to even move.  
When the light’s came on, you realized you were strapped to the table. The straps were pulled so tightly, you were starting to lose feelings in your fingers. You struggled against them, unable to be freed. Vines had wrapped around your legs, chittering away as you started to cry, thrashing around, trying to get out of the chair. They were slowly coming up your arms, getting tighter and tighter. You couldn’t move. Vecna was across from you, stalking towards you once more. You couldn’t get out, you couldn’t move. You couldn’t–You couldn’t even think straight. He kept coming closer, and closer and closer. You tensed up, letting out a whimper as he slowly leaned in. 
I want you to tell Eleven. I want you to tell her everything you see.
His claw came up over your face and flashes of lights filled your minds. Steve dead in your arms. The town cracking and being swallowed whole. The clock tolled. Your friends screaming your name as Vacna took them one by one. Splits in the earth throughout everything you knew and loved. You screamed out, struggling against him. Another clock chime. More death. More Destruction. 
Tell Her. 
“No!” You screamed back at him, tears streaming down your face as you continued to struggle. Max dead in your arms. Lucas laying on the floor in front of you. Robin tore to pieces. Cracks in the earth. The clock tolls again. Vines covering your home. 
Tell Her Everything.
You scream at the top of your lungs as his claw presses against your face. 
You inhale and suddenly stumble back away from Steve’s grasp, tears start to stream down your face, as you collapse to the ground. Steve immediately catches you. 
“Woah woah woah. It’s okay. It’s okay.” He cradles you against his chest, as you struggle to breathe, panting and sobbing. “I’ve got you. It’s okay. I’m here. I’m right here.” 
You stare up into Steve’s eyes, paralyzed, and for the first time, Steve doesn’t know what to do. 
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