#shannon diaz lives
evanbuckleyrecs · 9 months
Title: i found love where it wasn't supposed to be
Written by: chromatophorica
Rated: T
Warnings: none, author chose not to use
Catagories: m/m
Relationships: Buck/Eddie, Athena/Bobby, Buck & Bobby
Tags: Misunderstandings, Getting Together, Alternative-Universe Canon Divergence, Bobby Nash is Evam Buckley's Parent, Shannon Diaz lives, Pining, First Kiss, First Dates, Family Feels
Words: 12,022
It’s not until the earthquake that Eddie figures it out.
Hen grabs him from the trolley, hauling him to his feet and clambering out into the open, Chimney appears by their sides with a quick yell of, “Where’s Cap?” as more firefighters join them outside, glancing around to check on each other, the fogging from the oxygen tank leaks makes it harder to see into the station right as Buck and Cap stumble out.
Buck is similarly checking Cap out, grabbing at his elbow, where there’s a small streak of blood. “Hen!”
What Eddie’s most surprised by is Buck sticking to Nash’s side, the hand that Nash keeps on Buck’s shoulder, and then it clicks.
He’d be the same if Chris was there; probably a little more overbearing, but Chris is only seven, so he figures that’d be why. But it makes sense, how focused on Buck that Nash is right then, the similar frantic energy that Buck’s got focusing on the Captain. He’s a little surprised that the LAFD allow a father and son pair to work together.
Eddie makes some assumptions when he joins the 118, he'd like the record to show he's not entirely wrong.
My notes: I love fics where someone assumes Bobby is Buck’s dad. I have another one in my bookmarks that I'll make a post for soon. Absolutely love it.
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thegayestdiaz · 11 days
the level to which eddie romanticises his relationship with shannon is crazy considering he was barely in it physically or emotionally. between when she got pregant until she died, how much time did they actually spend together? this man is clinging to so few good memories he’s (maybe) creating new ones.
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makorragal-312 · 13 days
Not gonna lie, but my anxiety is kinda going up right now.
But as long as Eddie isn't asking Marisol to officially move in again or proposing knock on wood and Marisol gets dumped at the end of the season, I'M GOOD.
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can-i-get-a-yippee · 24 days
There’s an alternate universe where the 911 writers didn’t murder Shannon, and she, Buck, and Eddie get to have a similar dynamic to Micheal, Bobby, and Athena
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logicalbookthief · 1 year
If I had a nickel for every time a show I was watching featured a mother who was trying to better herself for the sake of her child, who she was reconnecting with after abandoning them with their father due to her own declining mental health and caregiver burnout, but rather than exploring these complex feelings toward motherhood, the show kills her off for shock value and to further develop the father(s)… I’d have two nickels.
Which isn’t a lot, but it’s disappointing it happened twice.
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buddiesmutslut · 21 days
I saw the theory that Shannon being back is a way to show Eddie what his life would have been like if he got what he “wanted” back in s2 - Shannon being his wife & Chris’ mom and them being one big happy family, & I’m SALIVATING at the thought of that.
If that’s not what actually happens, I’m going to need to read all of the fics with this theory. Just the thought of what the friendship with Buck & Eddie would have looked like if Shannon was there to be the parent & partner instead of Buck and how that would have changed their relationship. I’m fucking FOAMING AT THE MOUTH 😂
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stfuimprojecting · 2 months
chris reading shannon’s letter and then putting her picture back up
shannon my beloved, i never hated you!
really glad they revisited her this season and we got to see how she continues to impact chris’ life. this fandom can hold so much hate for her sometimes but at the end of the day she truly loves her son
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ayyynne · 1 month
Look I made an Eddie Diaz playlist
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wildlife4life · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
So i was tagged by @buddiearemydads and @911onabc before it was even Wednesday here. Like hadn't even gone to bed yet, 3 hours before midnight, and literally put my 3 year old to bed. But love the enthusiasm! So here is some more from my a/b/o verse for buddie. I am very much in the groove with this one, but no promises yet of when I post it.
“Shannon what did you do?” Eddie’s voice broke, garbled with anger.
His wife couldn’t even look him in the eye, but Eddie could see the tears streaming down her face, “He told me his name was Jason, I didn’t-I wasn’t,” she choked on a sob.
“What did you tell him? What does he know?” Eddie asked.
Finally, Shannon met his gaze.  Her entire face pinched with guilt and sadness, “Everything.” She whispered.
Maddie screamed out in rage again before losing all her fight and dropping her entire weight into Eddie’s arms, sobbing. “Oh God. Evan.”
Shannon slid to the floor and let out her own sobs.
And Eddie stood in the middle of it all, stock still in the eye of the storm of emotions. Because he couldn’t break. Not now. Buck and his unborn pup needed him to be strong, to push every useless emotion aside and ignore all other problems. Including Shannon.
Giving Maddie’s arms a gentle squeeze, he softly told her, “It can’t just me. You need to call Athena, tell her everything. Go to the bathroom, clean yourself up and call her. I’m going to call Bobby and the team. They deserve to know and with Buck’s condition, were going need more than just my medic skills.”
Maddie nodded and Eddie directed her where the bathroom is. Before shuffling away, she paused, looked back at Eddie, and said, “I have to call Doug. He told me to call when I get to L.A. for the next step.”
Eddie’s jaw clenched tight.  The bastard was calling all the shot apparently. “Okay. Then that means there’s a chance he’s hiding Buck here. We’ll find him Maddie and bring him home.”
The omega sniffed, “We don’t have a home.” Then walked off to the bathroom.
I want to quickly point out that I am not making Shannon a bad person. She is flawed like anyone else and in desperate times, bad choices are made. But she is also not this innocent young mother either. Hope you all enjoyed!
Tagging (not to be pushy!): @ebdaydreamer @elvensorceress @alyxmastershipper @bekkachaos @destielbuddiepipeline
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tawaifeddiediaz · 2 years
not to make this about buddie but if buck lays bleeding on the street again and eddie has to watch him bleed to near-death the way shannon did after her own car accident…you will never hear from me again
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cowboylikesel · 13 days
actuallyyy can we just follow eddies lead and pretend marisol doesn’t exist and stick with kim? cuz i like what they’re putting down
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honestlyeddie-im-bi · 2 months
Ok, but.... now that I'm done with 'you might be the answer to the sinner in me' I think it really has come the time to explore my buck/eddie/shannon poly fic 👀👀👀👀👀
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himbobuck · 1 year
I'm watching Sort Your Life Out (an organizing show) and now I can't stop thinking of Buck and Eddie officially moving in the home they bought together and there are a lot of boxes to go through and decisions to be made because there is not enough space for everything and the angst that would cause. It's easy to get rid of the doubles, they keep Eddie's couch (because it's history) and go for the best quality kitchen equipment (mostly Buck's as he had invested in better stuff since learning to cook from Bobby). Getting rid of the more generic items that come from the loft seems fairly easy and they're making progress. But the mood changes as they make progress. Buck having a lot of crates from storage that he had shipped over from Pennsylvania when he knew he was going to be staying in LA but he never bothered bringing them into the loft because that wasn't the place he was going to settle in (and for the lack of space). And as they're going through stuff and Eddie suggests what to keep and what to donate/sell, maybe holds two items at a time one in each hand, Buck is getting more and more upset and can't let go of the most random things. Like he will be getting tearful over a keychain that came out of a easter egg from the last easter they spent with their grandparents or over the little piggy bank that's peeling apart that he got as a party favour at his bff birthday when he was a kid or over a box of dinosaurs plasters that are yellowish and probably don't stick anymore because his dad bought them for him when he was covered in scraps and bruises from getting hurt again over the set of completely new still boxed up moon/sun mugs he bought when he was 16 thinking one day he was going to drink coffee from with the love of his life sitting at the kitchen table on a sunday morning. And he knows that they have already agreed to keep enough mugs and then these are fully packaged and would be much easier to sell even, but he just can't let go of them. Lots of tears and cuddles ensue (and he wakes up in the morning to the smell of coffee..)
more thoughts? A study published in Pyschotraumatol explains that, since humans are a social species, a history of interpersonal trauma or loneliness can push us to overcompensate, sometimes by buying and forming relationships with possessions instead. This stems from being unable to trust people and instead putting faith in objects, Yap explains. (x)
I know technically Buck had Maddie growing up but that doesn't mean this is not something that could happen (and potentially I'd say maybe Maddie did it too, or went the completely opposite way of getting rid of everything except the most sentimentally valuable things - she did only have two suitcases when she ran away from Doug). I can see Buck using things as a mean of comfort, both random little things he had (not carefully chosen important things from his childhood that his parents didn't bother keeping for a baby box - assholes!!) but also things he accumulated for an imaginary/ideal future the used to dream about - the mugs, but also maybe a picture frame he could see himself displaying in the living room etc etc
feel free to gimme all your thoughts, do your worst cause i wanna cry
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oneawkwardcookie · 1 year
Oh, baby I think we both know This is the love that we won't get right Still if you said that you wanted I know I'll always have one more try
Thumbnail by @tawaifeddiediaz
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dinogoose · 2 years
Eddie sighs, shaking his head, “I can’t Shan. I already had my chance at love, and I failed.”
Shannon blinks slowly at him, contemplating smacking her ex-husband.
“Eddie, us getting a divorce was not a failure. It was two people realizing they are better apart. And we are! You said it yourself you feel happier.” She gestures to him, waiting for a sign he’s listening.
“Yeah but I-“
“No.” She cuts him off, “Love is terrifying, and heavy, and honestly makes living harder, but and that’s a big but,” Eddie snorts, she ignores him. “It’s worth it. I promise you that, and you have this great thing in front of you. So please, for me, for Christopher, for yourself, tell Buck you love him.”
(happy wip wednesday! here is my divorced eddie and shannon wip. ill see you soon.)
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olimakes · 1 year
i love having the hc that eddie and shannon were only 18 or 19 when they had chris and then being validated by a tombstone. we are winning in 6b, folks.
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