#shameless USA
jesswriteswrongs · 7 months
After School Special
Fandom: Shameless USA
Characters: Lip Gallagher x Female Northside!Reader
Summary: Reader and Lip return to her house after school, but Reader’s mom comes home early and has a lot to say
Warnings: body shaming, discussion of food, discussion of exercise, discussion of weight
A/N: Readers mom reads like Emily Gilmore because I’ve been binge watching Gilmore Girls
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It was mid-October and you had no idea how Lip survived without a coat, when you were dreading pulling your hand out of your pocket to unlock the door. Once you were both inside the warmth of your house you lead Lip upstairs to your room. “Wanna help me with my literature homework?” You asked him, putting your backpack on the floor and hanging up your coat.
“I do love you in that uniform…” he replied, sitting on your bed. You never thought that the kilt, sweater vest, blazer and saddle shoes were particularly attractive, but Lip always seemed to think so.
“Really?” You asked, straddling his lap.
“Mmm…” He replied, pushing your blazer off your shoulders “Southside bad boy corrupts private school girl? It’s like something from a romance novel.” You let your blazer fall to the floor. “Shall I compare thee to a summers day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Rough winds do-“ You interrupted Lip’s recitation of Shakespeare by clapping your hand over his mouth, hearing the front door open and close.
“Shit! My mom’s home early.” You whispered.
“Y/N!” Your mom shouted. You put your finger to your lips to signal Lip to be quiet, and climbed off his lap. You headed downstairs to see what she wanted.
“Hi Mom.” You said nonchalantly.
“Y/N! How long have you been home?” She asked, looking you up and down. You squirmed under her gaze.
“Just a few minutes, I was just about to start my homework.” She frowned.
“Hm… well, remember your sister is coming home from Yale this weekend.”
“Yes, Mom.” You replied monotonously.
“How’s your application to Princeton going?”
“I don't need to apply until next year.”
“Yes, darling, but Princeton will look closely at your junior year. Extracurriculars are important.” She placed her handbag on the bureau, paying more attention to the wood grain than to you.
“Mom, I’m already president of the Model United Nations and VP of the astronomical society.”
“Yes, but you’ll need more. Your sister was captain of the swim team, president of the key club, class president and valedictorian.”
“Mom, I’m not Laura.” You sighed, playing with your sleeve cuffs
“Don’t I know it.” Your mother retorted. She looked you up and down once more. “You’re looking fat. I’ll tell Maria to skip the after school snack, you can wait until dinner, and you’ll be taking salad for lunch for the rest of the week. Your father and I pay for the gym, you should use it.”
“Yes, Mom.” You said once more. “Can I go back to my homework now?” Your mother literally looked down her nose at you before she spoke.
“Fine. But I expect you to be exercising after dinner.” You nodded, fisting your hands inside your sleeves and wiling the tears not to fall. You quickly turned and ran back up the stairs, shutting yourself in your bedroom, back against the door, before you let the tears fall. You had completely forgotten Lip was waiting for you in there.
“Y/N?” He asked quietly.
“How much of that did you hear?” Your voice was low and quiet, almost trembling.
“Enough.” Lip replied. He opened his arms. “Everything she said is total bullshit. You’re not anywhere near fat, and you’re going to get into Princeton.” You allowed yourself to be hugged and comforted by Lip, tears falling on to the blue shirt you loved on him. “And if your mom really wants you to get some exercise I can think of an exercise regiment that she’ll hate.” You laughed wetly, before wiping your eyes with your sleeve.
“This is why I prefer your house.” You said quietly.
“What, too loud to think with the police turning up anytime they want?” Lip chuckled. You rested your temple against his shoulder.
“Yeah but it’s family. You may not have much but you love each other, and most of the time you even like each other.” Lip laughed at that. “You’re not competing against each other or trying to outdo each other’s achievements. Everything Laura does I have to be the same or better, whether I want to or not.” Lip seemed to think about that for a moment.
“I guess you’re right.” He said after a moment of silence. “We’re dysfunctional, sure, but I’d do anything for my family. Our achievements are what they are. Shit, I’ll be the first Gallagher to finish high school. Plus, Fiona likes you a lot more than she’s liked my other girlfriends.” You ran your thumb over his shirt collar.
“It’s refreshing. Fiona thinks it’s great when I get a C, Debbie likes when I bring my art homework, it feels safe.” You said quietly.
“Even with Carl running around?” Lip asked
“Even with Carl running around.” You laughed, and kissed him. “I’m totally serious though, my literature homework is due tomorrow.”
“Hmmm, can I be your reward afterwards?” Lip asked.
“Can we go to your house tomorrow?” Lip smiled and nodded. You smiled back and climbed off his lap, grabbing your book and sitting back on his lap.
“What are you doing, Y/N? I thought you were doing homework?” You grinned wickedly at Lip.
“You really want to wait until after?”
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me when the gays hate each other: 🫶🫶🫶
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thediamondarcher · 9 months
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The difference between knowing how to write a bad parent having dementia without absolutely losing the point of how having an abuser as a parent can affect you and how you don't need to forgive them. (BECAUSE NOTHING SHOULD GIVE THE MESSAGE SHAMELESS GAVE)
In Beatrice's last scene we see BoJack empathizing with her but not forgiving her, because he doesn't have to.
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He was genuinely feeling bad about her because he realized she's not the same person who abused him anymore.
We got to see Beatrice as a child, the abuse, the bullying, the being silent and mistreated, everything in just a couple of episodes. While in shameless we got 11 seasons to see Franks backstory and they barely showed that, the show ended with a scene trying to make us feel bad about an abuser without even explaining anything, we're just supposed to feel sorry for him because he has dementia? I'm not even saying that showing his past would've helped with the show giving a good message because someone's past doesn't justify their actions but they didn't even make an effort to try to write it in a good and not hurtful way.
I really think shameless is giving an awful point with Frank's character. They're basically telling you to forgive your abuser just because they're "also broken" which is completely ridiculous and can really affect other people's mental health and journey. While BJHM is showing not to forgive, just understand.
I know they're just shows but writers should be more aware of how showing these types of characters can affect real people who went through real abuse.
I don't hate Shameless but i do think the writers of that show should've thought things twice before giving this awful message (also being a famous show and a lot of people's comfort show this is even more dangerous)
you don't have to forgive your abuser!!
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userende · 2 months
all gallaghers: "fiona, why is life so complicated?"
fiona: "i don't know, get a summer job"
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fandomcentralsposts · 14 days
Jeremy Allen White suffering in Chicago is my favourite subgenre 🩷
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nia-thorne · 3 months
Outrageous Fic
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Shameless meets House Of The Dragon
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noeleon · 2 years
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ian my belov
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xelarale · 6 months
oh my GOD it just fucking struck me how wrong it was of shameless to make caleb cheat on ian, cheat on him with a woman and do the whole bisexuality talk AND MAKE HIM THE ONLY HIV POSITIVE PERSON IN THE SHOW????? oh my god what the fuck i know im probably really late with it but i didnt connect the dots before wtf
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souvlakiandcocaine · 3 months
shameless kind of annoying when u think abt it theyre like durr hurr gallagher house we so unique 4 being 1000th generation irish and poor n dysfunctional and our dad drinks. u wouldn’t last 2 min in the average albanian household 🙄
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gallavichx · 2 years
Ninety percent of the world’s problems are caused by tiny words that come in pairs. We’re healthy and we’re happy, but when people ask we say 'not bad'.
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goddess-rachellll · 10 months
I really wanna hate Debbie Gallagher in the last few seasons of Shameless but Jesus why are the toxic girls the hottest?😍👅
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In that season one episode with kev and v getting married. They can't get legally married cause Kev's already married so they say stuff like "last i checked being married to two women is illegal jn the state of Illinois" and when they tell V's mom thr wedding's off Kev says "until gay people can get married , i wont" and when it's back on V says "they have their parades they'll live" and i just think they make really fun connections considering what happens next with Kev V and Svetlana, probably not something they planned, A+ use of previous episodes for future writing decisions. Genuinely one of my favourite things hehehehehehe
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fuckermcfucker · 1 year
loooove to see my shamelessusa kids winning.
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Very creative.
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medicine-and-molly · 10 months
me when fiona gallagher 😵‍💫
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nia-thorne · 3 months
Outrageous fic
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A modern House Of The Dragon fic
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