artoforesteia · 1 year
Last Sentence Tag Game
Write the latest line from your wip (or post where you last left off in your art) and tag as many people as there are words in the line. Make a new post, don’t reblog.
Tagged by: @icemankazansky by scrolling innocently!!
This art belongs to a Hockey au that is fully @petemitchells fault and therefor they are also who I am tagging. (And also @trinitorettomadrigal and @shadowlight17) It’s also the only wip I can share right now that isn’t a secret :v
Pete knew it was an impossible thing he asked of Tom; it didn’t stop him from asking anyway.
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ryuucha · 1 month
Hi hi!!! What would be the best place to ask you about a commission? I saw the stuff you did for spottednewt and I'm in LOVE WITH YOUR STYLE. XD I would very much like to commission you, but would love to know where to submit my request for review and discussion lol
Ah— it’s been years since you asked this- I’m so sorry for not responding for a long time! I think it has been a roller coaster year add with not checking tumblr as often as I used to…
For the topic of commission: First, thank you for your kind words! You mentioning spottednewt makes me remember how much I like their fic again 😭
Second, thank you for the interest! I haven’t opened up commission publicly but I’m currently preparing to open it soon with the proper carrd. When I’ve opened it, and if you’re still interested to commission me, you can contact me through email listed there or socials ^^
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seresinning · 1 year
rules: tag (9) people you want to know better and or catch up w, then answer these questions below!
i was tagged by @petemitchells !!
four ships: rooster x hangman, maverick x anyone (yes i'm cheating, fight me), anakin x anyone, Obi-Wan x CC-2224 (Commander Cody), enjolras x grantaire (I already cheated once what's one more time)
last song: uma thurman - fall out boy
currently reading: remarkably bright creatures by shelby van pelt
last movie: spiderhead. i have regrets. it was not a good movie. not even chris hemsworth or miles teller could save it.
craving: spicy noods. Some sort of udon or stir fry or something, I just want it to be spicy and noodle-y.
Tagging @voxmyriad , @trinitorettomadrigal , @emietook , @fayetastical , @shellminded , @shadowlight17 and anyone else on my list who wants to participate! Tag me so I can seeee :D (zero pressure to respond guys ilu!! <333)
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mock-arts · 1 year
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Happy approaching new year all! I just wanted to look at all the covers I’d made for Star Wars fics in 2022 all at once lol
links to each beneath the cut!
Crashing Down by @oakwyrm (art)
Marshal Commander Cody of the 7th Sky Corps is, despite his reputation, mortal. When a severe injury threatens his life and his continued ability to function should he recover, protocol states he should be sent back to Kamino. It does not explicitly state that he would likely be decommissioned, but his vode all know how to read between the lines.
General Kenobi’s response is equally predictable.
Careful What You Wish For by @shadowlight17 (art)
Cody was head over heels for his Jedi General, so when Order 66 was executed, he was in emotional turmoil. And then he died. Or so he thought. He said he would give anything to fix this...would it be worth it if fixing it meant leaving everything he knew behind? Thrown into the past, Cody is given that chance. To make things right.
Cody was head over heels for his Jedi General, so when Order 66 was executed, he was in emotional turmoil. And then he died. Or so he thought. He said he would give anything to fix this...would it be worth it if fixing it meant leaving everything he knew behind? Thrown into the past, Cody is given that chance. To make things right.
Cody was head over heels for his Jedi General, so when Order 66 was executed, he was in emotional turmoil. And then he died. Or so he thought. He said he would give anything to fix this...would it be worth it if fixing it meant leaving everything he knew behind? Thrown into the past, Cody is given that chance. To make things right.
Cody was head over heels for his Jedi General, so when Order 66 was executed, he was in emotional turmoil. And then he died. Or so he thought. He said he would give anything to fix this...would it be worth it if fixing it meant leaving everything he knew behind? Thrown into the past, Cody is given that chance. To make things right.
In This Our Liberty — currently unposted, series here.
from ancient grudge (to soap opera television) by @eclipsemidnight (art)
The Jedi and the Sith, in fair Coruscant where we lay our scene...ancestral enemies, whose battles these days are more likely to be to first spend rather than to first blood. This does not amuse the clone security forces who have to break them up, or Chancellor Windu who has to deal with them afterwards.
Meanwhile, Maul and Ventress's marriage is arranged by Sidious and Dooku. Obi-Wan and his friends Ahsoka and Quinlan crash their engagement party. We all know how this is going to end--a wedding, of course! It just takes a few hands, the threat of the Coruscant Guard, and a porg-print towel to get there!
This I Vow by @wanderingjedihistorian (art)
To secure a planet's help for the Republic, Obi-Wan and Cody must get married. Having been quietly together for some time, it is an easy decision for the pair to make. They didn't expect what followed. Nor did anyone else.
Once Upon a Dream by @glimmerglanger (art)
The man was still warm; not warm enough but he obviously hadn’t been dead long. Cody thinned his mouth, looking at the man. He had a fall of copper hair and a beard, scars here and there on his body. He looked like he’d been a fighter, all muscle, trim and--
“Sith’s spit,” he added, cutting over the chatter in his bucket, as his assessment reached the man’s hand, curled, even in death, around a familiar metallic cylinder. “General Tachi, I think he was a Jedi.”
OR, the one where Marshal Commander Cody finds a mystery figure three years into the Clone Wars, and it changes the course of history.
Or Why Comes Thou to Caterhaugh? by Afiregender (art)
In the midst of the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan very abruptly goes on leave to attend a "personal matter" on his homeworld Stewjon. Both Cody and the Jedi find this somewhat odd, and Cody goes on leave himself to investigate. He finds his General at a banquet meant to celebrate the new Fae King... which turns out to be Obi-Wan himself. Or: Tam Lin but Codywan.
Descent by @kutaisi (art) (we’re just getting started on this one!)
As they're fighting in the rain on Kamino, Jango Fett and Obi-Wan Kenobi are thrown forward in time to a version of the galaxy that neither of them could have imagined.
Finding themselves fifteen years in the future, their struggle to get back to their own time is complicated by devasting discoveries and a nightmare of a reality that they have no idea how to navigate through.
...and also by each other.
I also illustrated a bunch of other fic this year, that didn’t necessarily get covers.
Soul Found by @darthtarvera (art)
It had been five years since he’d dreamed of his soulmate. 
Five years since the council broke the bond between them. 
Now, a last test as the council sends Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon to Mandalore to protect the Duke of Mandalore and his two daughters. Obi-Wan is determined to prove once and for all he has what it takes to be a good jedi. 
But can even the jedi truly break a bond between a jedi and their soulmate? As Obi-Wan discovers more of the culture and people his mark ties him to he realizes that maybe his path isn't so rigid as he thought.
i don’t wanna feel stuck by @ghostlandtoo (art)
Three years after the war, Obi-Wan has stuck to diplomatic missions from the Order, tired of fighting. When he's burned by the Republic on the tail-end of one such mission, Obi-Wan finds himself stuck on Myam-1, a beach planet in the Outer Rim. Work doesn't stop, even on a vacation planet. Reunited with an old flame and a few old friends, Obi-Wan can't help but help the several people on Myam-1 in need of help, even if he lost his lightsaber a few planets back.
This, too, was a gift by @lttrsfrmlnrrgby (art)
The Rako Hardeen mission was a success, but it left Obi-Wan Kenobi sick at heart after the empathic stresses of the mission, and questioning whether the mission was worth it. The troopers of the 212th welcome him back, wanting nothing more than to assure him he did the right thing, and Obi-Wan works to make their trust in him worth it.
The Force, however, shows Obi-Wan a detailed vision of the future to come. He eliminates the threats posed by the Sith, but feels he cannot return to the Order or to his men, and sets out alone, letting the Force direct him to the grimmest parts of the galaxy and the people who were always overlooked and underserved. 
Marshal Commander Cody takes his general's warning and evacuates Kamino and all of the clones from Republic space. As the Jedi work to recover from the Sith plot and the Republic stalls out on how to move on, the clones settle a new world, try to heal, and look for their missing general. Along the way, apart and together, Cody and Obi-Wan make discoveries that will change their and the galaxy’s future, and learn how to move forward even when things are broken and like nothing they'd planned.
I think that’s it as far as Star Wars fic I’ve illustrated/made covers for goes? (There’s a little bit of punisher/daredevil fic I’ve still been working on illustrating this year but that would be off theme lol)
if you’re a Star Wars fic author I’ve worked with this year and I’ve somehow missed you, let me know and I’ll add a link in! I’ve had an absolute blast collaborating with everyone this year, and I’m looking forward to digging in next year too! ❤️
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anstarwar · 5 months
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Sometimes ARC missions don’t turn out as planned…
Just some OC shenanigans of my boy Twitch and Bronze and Shatter (belonging to @shadowlight17 and @jadetheaverage respectively)
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elthadriel · 5 months
The Scent of Embers Lingers in the Air
Summary: Cody has made himself an invaluable asset to the Empire as a Purge Trooper. He has made himself an equally invaluable source of intel to the Rebellion when it suits him. Unexpectedly reassigned to a new Inquisitor charged with hunting a high-priority target, Cody intends for both of those things to remain true. Relationships: Cody & Barriss Offee, Cody/Rex Rating: M Tags: Imperial Era, Post-Order 66, No Chip AU, Purge Trooper Cody, Inquisitor Barriss Offee, Resentful coworkers to friends, Fascism, Implied/Referenced Torture, Unrepentant genocide justifications from pov character, Canon typical xenophobia and anti-clone sentiments, Cultural annihilation, Unreliable Narrator, Dubious Morality, Grief/Mourning, Minor Character Death, Past Barriss/Ahsoka, Pre-Redemption, Hopeful Ending Read on Ao3
For the @clonebang 2023
Featuring gorgous art from @sankt-jesper, @olives-and-lilies and @cmarani. Beta'd by @shadowlight17
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imrowanartist · 2 years
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Based on this post by @cyberfeather that had me wheezing when I first saw it XD
With a cameo from @anstarwar‘s Moxie as the crying shiny and bonus panel featuring @itsstrangelypermanent’s Carrion:
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@alamogirl80 @imhereforthefanartandfics @disgruntldd @attacking-those-pesky-kyojins @bi-witch-rose @friendly-disreputable-dog @goddess-of-congeniality @k9cat @notoriginalenoughtohavmyprefname @weareoutofmaplesyrupdave @shadowlight17 @bookroselover @purgetrooperfox @littlefeatherr @fantastic-commander-fox @handsignals @thechaoticfanartist @redminibike1
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nikscribbles · 1 year
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Before the club
A thanks and shout out to @shadowlight17  for this sparkly commission of their OC, Ivii. I had so much fun putting together his outfit!!
And, yes, commission slots are still open!  
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love-like-poetry · 1 year
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Clone Trooper Bronze. General Krell looming over him after giving him a lightsaber burn over his ear.
Thanks for commissioning me @shadowlight17!
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Mod Intros - Production Mods
We proudly present our Production Mod Team- @shellminded, @shadowlight17, @mashimero, @favoriteginger, @noirfos and @peppermintpeak! Don't forget, contributor applications are still open until the 29th next week!
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Last Line Challenge
Thanks @brokenphoenix99 for both tags! I'm so sorry that I just got to it now! Real life has been super crazy. XD
To make up for it now, I'll give you my last two lines.
“If everyone is set on having five people in this bed then we are going to need to get a bigger bed.” Obi-Wan made a soft noise of agreement from where he was pressed tightly against Cody’s side, face shoved into the man’s neck and leg slung over Cody’s waist, not willing to let go of the man yet, despite knowing that they all had to get up.
It's a little strange because I was doing edits to a particular piece but I hope you like it anyway! It's going to be part of the last chapter of No Honour, hopefully.
And now I'm tagging: @littledumplingwrites @nightoftheland @skylariumrose @adiduck @catsnkooks @theshinylizard @spacecase42 @shadowlight17 @wrenette @bluemaskedkarma @frostbitebakery
[Okay that's all I got. I don't know that many people, Red. Lmfao. I'm starting to tag people whose works I just want a peep on. XD]
And anyone who wants to do it, as always!
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shadowlight17 · 1 year
CloneShipping Big Bang Sneak Peek!
Here is the sneak peek for Squad Two!! @cloneshippingbigbang
So excited to bring this to you all! It's my first time podficcing so this will be fun! PRESENTING With @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan as Author. And as Artists @artoforesteia, myself, and Lightning Dropkick (who is also Beta). Fic Title:
Time is an Illusion, The Galaxy Makes No Sense
Rated: Mature. Word Count: 50,300
Pairings: Brill(OC)/Boss, OC/Fixer, OC/Sev, OC/Scorch
Tags: Temporary Character Death (Boss), Game Mechanic Shenanigans, Brain Surgery, Clone Commandos, Republic Commando, Alternate Universe, A/B/O,  Clone Trooper Discrimination, Clone Troopers Deserve Better, Sheev Palpatine is His Own Warning, Yandere Clone Troopers, Dark Clone Troopers, OC/Boss, OC/Scorch, OC/Fixer, OC/Sev, Possessive Clone Troopers, Dub Con, mentions of non con off screen, The Force, Magic-ish
Major Archive Warnings: Major Character Death, Dubcon.
Boss has an Unusual Defect, one that makes it seem like he can travel back in time to a point in the past. Usually, once he has been healed up at a bacta tank dispenser. One of the things that he realizes is, not only is he shifting through time, he is shifting through Alternate Dimensions and Timelines, most of them are very similar to the ones that he originally came from, and some of them are very different. But as a Commando, he was trained to roll with the punches, and flying blaster bolts, and is determined to keep his squad alive. No matter how many times he has to die in order to get a happier ending.
Snippet and Sneak Peek below!
He... pauses and listens, asking questions and slowly following after Sev. Quiet and determined- and interested in that cure- and offering his help, in what little can, what with knowing only enough medical stuff to patch himself and his vode 'e up mid- and post-battle.
Still- Sev encouraged his interesting Other Things- rather than eyeing his blaster with the desperate gaze that he's seen in other vod'e- he's still on Being Watched- for... Suicidal Ideation. Just in case. Boss listens and learns much as the geneticists allow him to of the testing and what they are doing- them finding the Cure- and then later a shelf-stable version of it.
One that he very studiously learns how to make- his joints, oh, how they ache and crack, even though getting the rapid aging cure helps, he is still suffering the after-effects of the rapid aging, before it had been shifted to normal nat-born aging rates for a near-human species.
Still- during one of the times that they are helping the Rebels out with administrative tasks, teaching tactics, and whatnot, which helps them, most of these nat-borns are very painfully civilian.
It's interesting, teaching other skills to fight and defend and tactics to kill and harm. Then the alarm klaxons ring, and as the Empire descends on them, Boss makes sure to help others evacuate and fight.
He sees Sev get dragged on a transport- who turns to look- eyes widening in alarm as he sees Boss not on the ship as the last transport takes flight while he is still on the ground- Sev is trying to move there is noise and light and heat and pain... light, darkness, and a howling silence.
Boss's eyes snap open and his eyes flicker around swiftly as he tries to assess where he is, when it is, and what's going on. He mentally frowns as he looks around, everything seems... bigger- and he notices the harsh white walls and blinding- not blinding lights.
Kamino. Why the kark is he all the way on Kamino? That doesn't make sense- he should be somewhere in Kashyyyk not on Kamino. Perhaps it was because it had been so long since he had done a Return?
Hm... Finishing using the bacta tank dispenser on Kamino he walks- almost wobbling, Sweet karking force how young is he? He finds a mirror and sees a cadet just barely out of decanting peer at him in the mirror.
Well, kriff. He's back years in the past- before the start of the War, and well before the Rise of the Empire- and the fall of the Republic. Which had been more decaying into the Empire- but alas, such quibbles are for those that care about politics and mega-conglomerations.
One of the first things that the tubie-cadet Commandos are taught is how to use the bacta tank dispensers. The only times they are sent to the medics are for is when they get shots and their annual medical checks that all vod'e have to take.
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codywanreversebang · 2 years
Masterlist Part 1: Codywan Reverse Bang 2022
Team 1
Choices Willfully Made [Art] by @yellowisharo
Choices Willfully Made [10.5k] by @wanderingjedihistorian
“Wooley?” There was no response. That was highly unusual. His men never ignored him that way. “Trooper. Report.” Cody demanded firmly. He hadn’t thought it possible for Wooley’s posture to go even more rigid, but it did. Warning klaxons sounded in Cody’s mind. “Good soldiers follow orders,” Wooley said.
Team 2
The Fall [Art] by @thatonetimetraveller
Kingdom Come [29.9k] by @celaestis1
As an archangel, Obi-Wan had never had a nightmare. If he had, it would be this, he thought. Facing both of the people he loved most. There was absolutely no time to examine the tragedy of it, though. Not if he - if any of them - expected to survive this.
Team 3
Team 3 [Art] by @thatonetimetraveller
The Golden Meadow [8.1k] by @jonathananubian
When a planetside campaign forces the General to stay awake for a week straight- something needs to be done. So Cody takes it upon himself, along with his trusty co-conspirators, to give their General the vacation he deserves. If that also happens to bring him and Obi-wan closer than before, well, you won't find him complaining.
Team 4
Team 4 [Art] by @punkascas
Flesh Droids [11.8k] by @robinasnyder
Obi-Wan has been watching "unboxing" vids for years, videos of wealthy people opening up the packages their new Clones have been shipped in. He, like almost everyone, believes that Clones are basically droids made of organic material, programmed to do as they were told. After all, they don't leave any impression in the Force. Finally, he decides to get a Clone of his own. He's lonely, and what could it really hurt? Cody really screwed up. He should have kept his head down, but when Crosshair says something especially foul, he can't help himself. Now he and Rex are about to be separated and sold off Kamino. He has no hope and no recourse. All he can do is promise Rex he'll find him again, even though he knows that he's lying.
Team 5
i don’t wanna feel stuck [Art] by @mock-arts
i don’t wanna feel stuck [42.4k] written by @rikuluvr
Three years after the war, Obi-Wan has stuck to diplomatic missions from the Order, tired of fighting. When he's burned by the Republic on the tail-end of one such mission, Obi-Wan finds himself stuck on Myam-1, a beach planet in the Outer Rim. Work doesn't stop, even on a vacation planet. Reunited with an old flame and a few old friends, Obi-Wan can't help but help the several people on Myam-1 in need of help, even if he lost his lightsaber a few planets back.
Team 6
You Caught My Heart [Art] by @reaalikaasu
You Caught My Heart [9k] by @shadowlight17
It's a normal day for Cody and the Fett brothers, fishing on the cold and dangerous seas, but that all changes when they reel in a most unusual catch. A living mer. Merfolk were a fairytale, something for books. They weren't supposed to exist outside of children's books.
Team 7
Team 7 [Art] by @0dannyphantom0
The Lessons Not Yet Learned [22.8k] by @meadmeinthemiddle
The Force works in mysterious ways. Cody knows this, theoretically, but it all seems so far beyond him that he tends to not pay it any mind. Little does Cody know, the Force has its claws buried deeper into him than he can possibly imagine - he just hasn't realized it yet.
Heart on the line (you’ve seen this all before) [22.7k] [WIP] by @tyusening
Obi-wan is used to chaos and to being subject to the whims of the Force. But being trapped in a strange time-loop is a first. Now, if he could only figure out how to stay alive. And save Cody and his men. And maybe the galaxy too. If he was lucky. (Obi-wan has never been lucky.)
Team 8
Team 8 [Art] by @k0t3nok
empire & the sun [14.5k] by @catboydogma
Kenobi was muscled through the shoulders and arms, lean but broad-shouldered, and his grip was warm and firm. He wore a pair of thin leather gloves, almost like riding gloves. Scars wicked up the back of his exposed wrist and forearm. This close, Cody could see the faint, pockmarked scarring across the bridge of his nose and around his eyes—which were cybernetic and a startling shade of blue. Cody could see the pixels brighten his irises as something flashed across Kenobi’s HUD. They were beautiful.
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allenvooreef · 1 year
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Don’t forget those headshots!
Flintwick - Zholthan1337
Monsoon - dungeonsandquills
Alethra - @shadowlight17
Bea - @daylightisviolent
Pennon - TheCrossCat
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ann-i-inthestars · 2 years
Orders Worth Listening To
Rexwalker Week Day 7!! @rexwalkerweek
Prompts- Umbara: Form VII-Self Awareness, Risk and Reward, Secrecy
There were few orders that Anakin would always listen to. Once coming from the Force being the only ones. So, when it screams at him not to leave his men under Pong Krell, he listens without hesitation. To hell with any consequences, his men will always come first
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Sneak Peak:
“You think he will try to kill me to get whatever it is he wanted here?”
“Do you think he would succeed?” he couldn’t help the wounded tone his voice came out as. Rex caught it immediately and gave him a small smile as he shook his head.
“In a fair fight? No. But trust me, Anakin, he isn’t going to fight fair. He is undermining and scheming. He plays games and breaks rules to get whatever it is he wants. He kills vod’e if they piss him off. He won’t hesitate to find a way to get rid of you without having to actually fight you."
“Rex, how do you know this?” he asked worriedly.
His love gave a heavy sigh and said simply, “Bronze.”
“The ARC trooper? The one Fives basically adopted who is with Cody right now?"
He nodded. “He was in Krell’s unit. He, he’s told me things, Anakin. Please, trust me when I say that man is dangerous.”
“I do trust you.” Anakin assured him. “I trust you even more to watch my back. I’ll keep you safe, you keep me safe. Yeah?"
---Bronze is the OC of @shadowlight17 and is referenced with permission. Thank you again for letting me borrow your boy, my friend!
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anstarwar · 1 year
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Unexpected survivors Denal and Koho returning (late) after escaping (last minute) from Cad Bane’s ship in “Cargo of Doom.” A little beat up from their fight with Cad and that pesky ship explosion, but they got spirit, and didn’t die turns out!
Also Koho took a trophy in the form of Cad Bane’s hat, he thought Denal should wear it
Rare clone request from @shadowlight17
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