#send a ship xx
Wait what do you think is the most underrated ship in Band of Brothers? I must know this for my own sanity
The one they sailed from New York to England on! It did such a good job and no one says anything cause it’s aaaaaalll about those dingys they used for the last patrol and one of them capsized so they didn’t even do what they were supposed to!
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bibuddie · 24 days
Bucktommy + Tommy was really quiet today.
"Tommy was really quiet today."
It's a thought verbalised accidentally more than anything else. They're in the truck on the way back from a fender bender, 18 hours into a 24 hour shift and Buck's...well. He's not worried, but a while back, around the time they made things official, Tommy had taken to texting Buck throughout his shift. Nothing pressing or urgent, just a message to let him know that he was there. A presence amongst the chaos and, somewhere along the line, Buck had come to rely on the consistency of the texting.
Chimney, all things considered, seems entirely unconcerned as he pops his gum. "Define quiet."
"Like, it's been—" Buck does some quick mental math, brow furrowing. "—like, seven hours since I heard from him!"
"It's six in the morning, Buck." Eddie's brow raises slightly, his head tilted. "The man's probably asleep."
"Yeah." Buck sighs, suddenly deflating. "I just—"
"Oh!" Chimney's suddenly sporting a shit-eating grin as he sits up, pointing a finger at Buck. "Buck misses his boyfriend!"
He feels the blood rushing to his face as he splutters for a moment. He opens his mouth to answer, but it's at that moment his phone vibrates in his palm. His eyes flick downward on a reflex, grin appearing automatically as he reads the message on the screen.
Tommy: Morning, Kid. Hope the night wasn't too rough. I'll be there to pick you up at 12. T. Xx
"Well?" He hears Chimney sing-song in a teasing voice, although when he looks up, there's not a single ounce of judgement on his face. Only love and pride.
Buck's grin mirrors Chimney's as he slides his phone back into his pocket. "It's okay, I'll see him soon enough."
send me a ship + a sentence and i'll write the next five(ish)
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soraontop · 4 months
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title i won’t say (i’m in love)
summary it’s that first “oh. oh.” moment for sora. chapter 2 to ‘10 things i hate about you’ series
genre fluff, angst, slice of life ???
characters jung sora (8th female member oc of enhypen), jake sim, brief cameos of other enhypen members xx
warnings poly ot7 enhypen au with 8th female member. sora is difficult and emotionally stunted. feelings realization. implications of sora’s not so great home life.
words 3,033
note sorry im a professional procrastinator thats why it took forever 😭 this just isnt my only focus sjfndjd i focus on so many things at once lmao. anyways, pls let me know what u guys think and if theres anything yall wanna see ?? like in the past or present time !!
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ISEULLIE: sora check out this video LOL it’s hilarious
ISEULLIE: [link]
Sora stares down at her phone, the YouTube video thumbnail staring back up at her. scorpioz being scorpioz, the title said with the thumbnail saying ‘sorajake being sorajake’. Her brows furrow, eyes darting between the picture of her and Jake mid-laugh, staring at one another over the heads of the other boys.
She curiously clicks the link, and it’s a matter of fifteen seconds before she’s giggling at her phone. She never responds to Iseul until later. In her head, she can’t even hear the bustling noise of Jay making lunch for the group and her members shouts— not that she paid much mind to it, anyway. She grew up as the only girl in a family full of boys, she could typically deal with the noise. The video sends her into a whole new world of Engene made videos of the group, mostly watching the ones concerning her. Almost every video she watches includes Jake. A lot.
She’s never realized how much she really talks to or about Jake. Yes, she’s thought about the ‘what if?’ question that Jake was never in her life and how she’d deal without him. (Her answer: She couldn’t.) But for there to be so many parts to a video series titled “Reasons to Ship JakeSora” was a bit ridiculous.
A knock on her door interrupts her watching, making her sit up in shock before she quickly swipes out of the app and clears her throat, glancing around her room for anything out of place— as if that would tell on her for watching fan made videos of her and her members. Oh, she thinks she’d genuinely die if she was caught. She can never do that again.
“Come in,” she says, hoping the person behind the door wouldn’t notice the waver in her voice. The knob turns and the door opens, revealing Jake standing with a cup of steaming hot ramen in hand. She blinks. Speak of the devil …
Jake grins that stupid crooked smile, kicking the door shut behind him gently. “You haven’t eaten all day, are you going on strike?” Amusement shines in his eyes and she rolls her eyes, an automatic response at this point. He’s almost as bad as Sunghoon, she swears. He holds out the ramen and a pair of chopsticks to her.
“Just too lazy to get up,” she manages to bite back a grin as her lips threaten to twitch. She takes it carefully, blowing on it gently and looks up at the older boy. “Thank you.” She tries not to spit the words out as if they’re poison, but old habits die hard.
Jake notices, but he doesn’t mention it. “Do you want to go watch a movie?” He asks instead, seemingly holding his breath for her reaction.
Sora smiles slightly, feeling her heart warming in her chest, “Yeah, what are we gonna watch?” She grabs her phone and ramen, shoving the phone in her pajama shorts for a free hand.
“I meant, like,” he waves his hand at her, fumbling for the words, “Outside. At a theater.” He then hastily clarifies, “With me.”
“In public?” Sora blinks, surprised. He wants to go out in public with her where it’s inevitable for a fan or some to catch them. Yes, they were seen in public all the time but that was when it was for a schedule. He nods silently.
Strangely enough, to her, it was more intimate to be seen out together without any staff or other members. It meant that he wanted to be seen with her in public.
For a brief, panicky moment, her heart stops at the thought.
Swallowing the taste in her mouth with a bite of ramen, she slowly nods, “Okay. What movie?”
Jake proceeds to ramble on about the movie, what it was about, who was starring in it, what he liked about the trailer. She tries to listen, she really does— but she suddenly finds his lips a lot more interesting. Without even meaning to, her eyes keep dropping from his eyes to his mouth, watching as he’d momentarily pull his bottom lip between his teeth as he thought about something before saying it.
Horror suddenly fills her chest once she realizes what she’s doing, eyes widening and a small gasp leaving her mouth. Jake, who hears, stops, looking at her in concern, “What? What is it?”
Sora’s face goes blank. “Nothing, the ramen just burned my tongue.”
Jake looks more concerned now, “Shit, I’m sorry, Sora.” He starts to lean forward and she tenses, looking at him with wide eyes as he … tries to inspect her mouth? What the hell was happening? Why was he so concerned? “Is your tongue OK? Let me see—”
Sora was already panicked with how close he was— imagine how much that tripled when he cupped her cheek and tried to urge her to open her mouth. Her heart pounding was so loud in her ears that it blocked out everything else Jake was saying. She didn't know what she was thinking, all she knew was that she had to get away from him and fast, preferably before her heart burst out of her chest.
In her haste to get away, she completely forgot about the cup of ramen in her lap and didn’t secure it before jolting up. With a painful gasp, the ramen tips over and spills over her clothes and bed. To prevent from letting out any other painful mutters, she bit down on her tongue— hard. It wasn’t as bad as she had previously said it was, but it was still warm— warm enough to hurt badly.
“Shit! Sora—” Jake bolts up after her, looking at her soaked clothes with wide eyes. “Fuck, fuck— are you OK?!” He doesn’t wait for her reply before he’s shouting out into the dorm, “Hyung! Jay! Jungwon! Sora’s hurt!”
Oh, don’t tell them that, Jake! A voice in her head groans. She never wants to worry them.
Sora faintly notices the lull of conversation from the boys outside, before she hears multiple loud footsteps rushing towards her room. She shakes her head as her door is pushed open, revealing the rest of her members crowded in the doorway. Jay pushed himself to the front, closely followed by Heeseung and Sunghoon with wide, frantic eyes.
She tries to reassure them that she’s OK, that it’s just a little spill, and a little of a burning, but nothing she’s never handled before. But their voices are overlapping, asking what happened, if she was OK, and Jungwon was rushing in with two towels, quickly wrapping one around her and putting one on the floor to clean up the ramen.
Sora blinks at the noise, getting tired of hearing the same questions so she huffs, raising her voice as she shouts, “Shut up!”
The boys shut up. Sunghoon, even in his worry, manages to raise his eyebrows and point a finger at him as if to ask, “Me?”
She breathes out, looking down at her now dirty clothes, “Thank you. I’m fine. It’s just a little spill.”
“A little spill?” Heeseung asks in disbelief, “Your skin’s red because of how hot it is, Sora.”
She looks down again, tilting her head to see the redness Heeseung claims to see. “Huh.” She murmurs, seeing how unusually red her skin was. “Well … It doesn’t feel that bad.”
“You’re going to feel it in a minute,” Jay quickly grabs her by the wrist gently, pulling her out of her room, passing by the concerned Sunoo and Niki. Her skin tingles where he grabs her, and she’s not so sure the redness on her skin is from the ramen anymore. “Hurry, go take a shower— No hot water. We’ll clean this up, don’t worry.”
“Oh, no, really, I’m fine,” Sora laughs lightly, shaking her head, “Like, it’s really not even that bad—”
Sunghoon doesn’t even bother letting her finish her sentence, picking her up and basically dragging her to the bathroom. She can feel Jake’s apologetic and worried eyes on her as she’s dragged out of her own room. “Hey!” She quickly hits him lightly on the shoulder, “Let me go!”
“Alright,” he shrugs, letting Niki push open the bathroom door and quickly shoves her in. She whirls around just in time for the bathroom door to shut in her face.
Her mouth drops open, “Sunghoon!”
“Sunghoon Oppa,” he corrects.
“You earn that title!” Sora hits the door lightly, trying to wiggle the doorknob, but it doesn’t open, “Let me out! I’m OK, please don’t clean it up, I’ve got it!”
“Already started,” Niki’s voice comes through the door, “Too late. Get in the shower before it gets worse, noona, please.”
“Don’t be dumb,” Jungwon chastises her lightly next, “You know it’s the smart thing to do.” She can’t help but feel appalled, again.
“No buts!” She can hear Heeseung shout from her room.
Sora resists the urge to throw a tantrum like she would have nearly six years ago. She sighs, the warmth now a dull ache. “I don’t even have clothes to change into!”
“We’ll get you new clothes,” Sunoo reassures her from outside the door now.
“Don’t go through my room!” She says loudly, starting off as a shriek before she forces herself to quieten down. It reminded her too much of her old self. “Just let me out and I’ll—”
“Let you out so you can lock yourself in another room?” Sunghoon sounds somehow both amused and serious now, and she has no idea how, “Get in the shower, Sora.”
“I’ll get you clothes, Sora,” Sunoo says gently, then there was a light thump on the door. She wonders if he’s resting his head on the door like she is. (He is.) “Don’t worry, I won’t snoop or anything.”
“I know, but …” Her voice is uncharacteristically weak, “Just … Get me a shirt and pants, please. I’ll get the rest …” She feels awkward saying it, her brothers were far too young to even want to help her with anything. She wasn’t used to this, being taken care of. She didn’t like it. She also just didn’t want any of the boys going through her room and finding things she never wanted them to see.
There’s a pause, and then footsteps walk away from the bathroom door, but she can tell one or two people are still on the opposite side.
“Sunoo’s getting your clothes,” Sunghoon murmurs, and there’s another pause, “Don’t be stubborn. You know we just want to help.” His footsteps then walk away, too, and she finally relaxes, swallowing as she turns to face the bathroom mirror. The mirror is slightly still fogged from whoever took a shower earlier, and she swipes at it with her hand to look at her body clearly.
She winces at the redness on her arms and thighs, knowing from experience that it would hurt way less later on. She had no idea how she was going to explain this to their managers.
“Sora,” she jumps when she heard Jake’s soft voice on the other side, turning as if she could see him. She slowly walks closer to the door as he says, “I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean for it to spill on you.”
“It’s OK,” she shakes her head, frowning to herself. “It wasn’t your fault at all, I’m the one who spilled it.”
“But I brought it to you—”
“It should’ve been on the table,” Sora says it like it’s final, leaving no room for an argument. Jake doesn’t reply for a moment and she wonders if he left, but she didn’t hear him walk away.
“Still, it must’ve hurt a lot,” Jake insists.
“I’m used to it,” the words come out of her mouth before she can even think it through. She visibly recoils once she realizes, mouth parting in shock as she starts to frantically look around as if it’d give her an excuse on why she said that. “I— Uh—”
“What do you mean?” Jake asks, his tone being mixed of confusion and cautiousness, and she can imagine him standing on the other side with that cute confused look he gets. She curses herself for somehow managing to think about something like that in a situation like this. It’s just the videos getting to her, she knows it.
Sora sighs, “I just mean I’ve been cooking for a long time, remember? My mom taught me young.” Kind of, but this time she keeps the truth to herself.
“Oh, right,” Jake laughs, sounding relieved. “You know, I thought for a second …” Don’t say it, don’t say it. “You know what? Nevermind. Just … I’m sorry, OK?” Before they can get into another little argument over the same topic, she hears his footsteps walking away.
Sora wants to scream. Her face falls into her hands, slumping against the door. Her hand comes back and lightly smacks herself on the head, “Why, why, why …” So stupid of her to be so careless. They didn’t need to know anything in her home life. That was a mistake.
Why did she feel so compelled to just spill her guts out to Jake? That was the last thing she needed was for him to know anything in general. Sure, the basic stuff about her was fine, but he, nor the others, needed to know anything about her home life. She knew they’d overreact, and she just wanted life to slow down a bit so she could catch her breath.
Forcing herself off the door, she sighs loudly and starts the cold water.
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Sora really can’t understand why she’s doing this to herself.
She really does try her best to not avoid Jake the next few days, she doesn’t want him thinking she blames him for the spill, but she also just … needs space. Every time he touches or jokingly flirts with her, even when he just talks to her or says her name, her heart starts pounding and her face gets warm. She’s tired of it, and needs a break. So if she stays close to Sunoo or Heeseung for the majority of the next week, he doesn’t think anything of it.
It’s the middle of the week, and ENHYPEN are at dance practice, already practicing for their first comeback despite still in the middle of promotions for Given-Taken. Sora is ever so unsuspecting, pushing her hair back up with a ponytail as the only sound in the room was her and her members’ loud out of breath panting. The choreographer claps once, “Good job, guys. See you tomorrow, yeah?”
Sora forces herself to respectfully bow as her members do, waving goodbye to the staff and choreographer that leave. The only people in the room now are the group and their managers, Wooseok and Hyosun, and she glances around to see that Wooseok is calling someone and Hyosun is texting. She turns to look for her water bottle that was no longer in the same place it was before, but is startled when two water bottles were presented to her at the same time.
Feeling a creeping sense of dread, she presses her lips together and looks up, finding both Jay and Jake holding out bottles of water to her. She glances between the two, who glance at her and then to the waters and then to each other. Both of their hands move like they’re going to take it back, but when they both catch what the other is doing, they freeze.
“Um,” Sora murmurs, feeling awkward as her face heats up, mostly out of embarrassment and slightly flustered. She doesn’t like the position she’s in, at all. She notices movement in the corner of her eye and turns her head to see Niki holding up her lilac water bottle in his hand slightly from his spot against the wall. “Yeah, thanks but …” She gestures to Niki, quickly grabbing it from him and starting to chug it down. Half because she really was thirsty, the other half because she wanted to ignore the situation.
Avoiding eye contact with the other members, who were watching the awkward moment, she sits in between Heeseung and Sunoo. Pressing the cool bottle against her cheek, she waits a few moments before looking back up to see if anyone was still staring at her.
Her eyes connect with Jay’s and she abruptly turns her head back to the floor, feeling her face get impossibly hot, even with the water bottle. She feels like she just got caught doing something she shouldn’t have done.
There had to be something seriously wrong with her.
“Your face is really red,” Heeseung whispers from beside her, and she turns her head to stare at him. He blinks. She blinks before turning her head back to the floor.
“Yeah, we just got done practicing,” she mutters, swallowing. She’s afraid if she stares any longer, he’ll be able to know what she’s thinking.
Here’s the thing— Sora isn’t dumb. She was placed in the top three of her class, and she was sure to get into any university she wanted. She’s also been in a relationship before, she’s had plenty of crushes— she knows. But she can’t.
Not when they’re her members.
If it were anyone else, she wouldn’t think much into it and would let it pan out.
And it wasn’t even just one of them. It was two. She really was proving netizens right. And she hated it. So what was she going to do?
Ignore it and hope it goes away. And if not, well … She was pretty sure that plan would work. She didn’t want to think about what would happen if it didn’t.
As long as she remains strictly platonic with her members, everything would be fine. She’s worked too damn hard to get where she is now, she’s been through two survival shows, and she wasn’t going to go on another one again. She would succeed in her dream.
Still, she seems to forget that the heart wants what it wants.
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squirmhoney · 2 years
Hiya can I have request/idea. Aemond visiting sister!reader's room for a innocent reason but she's wearing an revealing night gown. And it ends up with smut maybe breeding kink and/or possessive. Thank you xx
A/N: I really hope you like this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I’m actually quite proud of this one. I also hope the warnings are not too much for you. I’ve edited this once but there might still be grammar errors.
Warnings: Incest. 18+. Dub con. Non con. Breeding kink.
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader (sister)
You’re his
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With the nights of you being away to visit Dorne, Aemond could barely sleep. He practically tried to come up with every possible excuse for you not to leave. However, your mother and Grandfather wanted this alliance more than anything else. Knowing that with your return you'd probably come back with a proposal that he couldn't bear to hear. Which ever prince of Dorne tried to make their claim to you, it wouldn’t matter to him. You were a Targaryen and you were meant to be with your own blood. You were meant to be with him.
He turned to look out the window of his room noticing that your ship had already boarded into the docks. Immediately he left his chambers and stormed the castle walls to your own. He needed to know you had returned safely.
When he reached your chambers, he was surprised to see there wasn't a knight by your door. He opened the door and was instantly greeted with the scent of vanilla. He closed his eye as he inhaled the intoxicating scent of you relaxing slightly as he knew you were near.
"Aemond," your soft voice called out to him.
His eye opened to you running towards him as you wrapped your arms around him. He bent down to wrap his arms around you as he buried his face into the crook of your neck.
"I've missed you dear brother," you confessed, pressing your body to his. "Never allow mother to send me away again for so long."
"Trust me I won't," he muttered into your neck, pressing a soft kiss there before letting you go.
You stepped away from him and in the dim candlelight he gazed down at your night gown. It was low cut and the thinnest of materials practically laying you bare before him. He could see the colour of your nipples and how they had perked in hardness from his touch.
"What is this?" He questioned, his eyes narrowed slightly.
"It's a Dornish night gown," you told him.
His teeth gritted slightly at the thought of anyone else being able to see you in this. His fingers traced the material as his finger brushed over your nipple making your breath hitch in your throat.
"This is a cloth," he commented.
"It's very hot in Dorne, brother." You hands reached out to massage his chest as you leaned into his touch. "It would be hard to sleep with something if it wasn't this thin."
His eyes were dilated as he stared at your body with a dark gaze. His hand pushed the material off your shoulders, and it dropped to the floor leaving you bare before him.
"Aemond," you squealed as you wrapped your arms around yourself.
"It's practically the same," he taunted smirking down at you. "In fact, I like this better."
He picked you up swiftly and threw you onto the bed. You crawled backwards away from him unsure what game he was playing it.
"Aemond," you warned as he stripped himself of his clothes before you. His hard cock sprung free as he released it from his trousers. You gulped and shook your head at him. "What are you playing at Aemond?"
He doesn't answer but continues to smirk at you with that shit eating grin. His hand swiped at your ankle as he stepped closer to the edge of the bed. Your fingers dug deep into the sheets as he dragged you down the bed. Your cunt hits his legs, and your wetness instantly slaps onto his mid-drift.
"You're already wet, sister," he hummed in delight, kneeling down at edge of the bed. His tight grip around your thighs kept your legs open and spread and made you unable to move from your position. Before you knew it his tongue was caressing the subtle skin of your thighs.
"No," you whimper, pushing your hand against his head to stop him from reaching downwards. His hand reached for the cloth of your dress on the floor. Once he reached you again his hands snatched yours tying them together behind your back. 
"I need to make sure you and the whole of the seven kingdoms knows that you're mine," he hissed. "And I know just the way."
Aemond settled down back between your legs. Angrily he shoved your thighs over his shoulders as he dipped down between them. His breath fanned against your sensitive cunt making you grow even wetter at the sensation. Aemond flattened his tongue against your folds, lapping the smooth skin of your lips. He hummed at the taste of your juices that slipped from your hole. His nose bumped against your clit, and you let out a gentle whine.
He could sense how much you needed him. The essence of it dripped onto his tongue as you lifted your hips up to his mouth. As much as you pleaded for him to stop you were biting back moans as he ignored you.
His tongue teased you as it grazed your clit. Never fully staying there as he brushed against it again and again. This is what you deserved for leaving him to go to Dorne. Why should he be so kind to you after your departure?
You hated how much you loved it. You wanted him to stop knowing how wrong this really was. But as much as you wanted him to stop you wanted him to continue.
Aemond fingers breached your entrance. That hole that belonged just to him. No one was ever allowed to touch you here or ever to be able to feel these walls. His fingers slid in, and your walls instantly clenched around him. He was harsh as he forced them in and out quickly. His tongue moved up to circle your bundle of nerves earning a loud moan from you.
Gods he was good at this. Everything about this was having you squirming before him.
He could tell you were getting close as your thighs tried to clench around his face. His tongue dug in further as he drank your juices until you were on the very brink, and then he stopped.
Your cunt clenched around the air as he withdrew his fingers leaving with you a desperate need for release between your legs.
"Gods," you whined out at him wanting him to continue.
"Now you want me," he chuckled menacingly, his hand slapped down against your cunt in a harsh manner. Your legs squirmed from the movement as you felt yourself clench again.
Aemond hovered over you. He shoved his lips onto yours in a reluctant kiss. His hand reached down as you felt his hardened cock slide between your folds. You moaned at the sensation wanting nothing more for him to slip into you.
"Aemond, please don't do this," you pleaded knowing how bad this would be for both of you.
His cock inched slightly into your hole and your walls gladly accepted it. However, your body squirmed away as you tried to reject him.
"Why?" He growled as he glared down at you. "Did one of those twats of Dorne offer you a marriage proposal then?"
"No," you answered shaking your head.
"Good." He slammed his hips down to yours. His cock instantly being pushed into your walls with a terrible sting. He savoured the feeling of your tight walls as he started to pound himself into you.
"It hurts," you cried, a burning sensation filled your cunt as he took you. Your eyes glossed over slightly as you gazed up at him.
"You made me do this," he groaned, snapping his hips towards yours. His hand grabbed your chin harshly as he made you look at him. "I'm doing this because of you, sister."
Eventually, your juices coat his cock and the feeling of pain fades as pleasure takes over you. Your unable to stop yourself from the moans that slipped from your mouth. Your hips begun to roll up into his seeking more friction from him.
Your walls practically closed around him holding him tight. His hand moved down as he fingers found your clit. He rubbed harsh circles into it making your walls squeeze around him even more if that was possible.
"I'm going to breed you sweet sister," he groaned as he pumped himself relentlessly into you. "I'll keep at it all night to make sure my seed takes. Then when your belly swells with my child no one will be able to take you from me."
You couldn't speak as pure pleasure took over you. The words filled you with dread, but nothing reached your tongue except his name as you stared up at him.
He bent his head down slightly to get a good look at how your cunt swallowed his cock. Surely you were made just for him. Your bodies moulded together as one.
Within moments your walls clench around him like never before as they pulsated. Your orgasm washed over you completely and the way your walls gripped his cock made Aemond cum himself. He made sure that his seed splashed deep into your walls as he came.
"You take me so fucking well," he moaned, making sure to not waste a single drop as he pumped into you. His pace got sloppy as he withdrew himself from you.
Instantly he pressed his fingers back into your cunt shoving the cum that slipped out back into your walls. His fingers started a new pace not allowing you a break as his body dropped on top of you.
"Gods Aemond," you whined out. Your cunt still feeling sore from the onslaught you had just barely come down from. "I don't think I can take anymore."
"You will," he hissed into your ear. His thumb reached over to your clit as he pushed down onto it. Not long before you orgasmed again as you slipped into a bliss you never knew existed.
"Aemond it's too much," you whimpered, your thighs clenching around his hands as your squirmed from your second orgasm.
"You're going to be my good sister all night," he told you, his fingers still deep in your cunt. "I'm going to breed you all night. How ever I see fit. Do you understand?"
You nodded meekly. "Yes, Aemond."
You knew you had no way out of it but as you felt his cock hardening already against your hip, you weren't sure if you wanted a way out of it.
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dontbesoweirdkira · 9 months
Where to buy lingerie?🥀 Girlhood Tips #1 🥀
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Whatever happened to wearing beautiful undergarments while prancing around our rooms? One of the staples of being youthful is now seemingly dead and gone. I love to whine down in my fabulous undies and sway to my favorite songs.
Hopefully we can bring this tradition back! To help kick start this, I’ve compiled a list of size inclusive lingerie brands from cheapest to more pricier items.
(If you guys want more options or help please let me know! I'm a chronic online shopper😭)
(1-20 USD per set/item)
Ali express stores is the absolute cheapest option for both price and size…yall already know it's fast fashion most times but some reputable brands from them are (IEUHIA, Wriufred, ChenFa Store, and Aiangelaquin official store)
Not much to elaborate here but they usually have a XXS-XXL
Cannot link the stores but just search up by the shop name.
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Handmade undergarments shop based out of the United Kingdom, features both religious and Victorian imagery on their clothing.
Sustainably at a reasonable price is one of their main concerns and they take pride in hand sewing each and every one of their items before they are shipped to you!
Material includes cotton, satin and elastics.
Sizes ranges from UK8/10 to UK16/18
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Small indie early brand ran by a student in Salt Lake, Utah! Very simple designs usually solid color or floral garments with a small bow or a flower on top. Very affordable.
Shipping is quick and punctual usually taking 2-3 days on average inside of the US. Internal customers can take up to 2-3weeks.
Sizes range from xxs-L US standard and does not make custom sizing outside of that at the moment.
(30-70 USD per set/item)
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Small fashion label based in Saigon, Vietnam. They repurpose factory scraps and excess to make their brand as sustainable and ethical as possible! Their lingerie is simple solid colored bikini style sets with a frill finish. Occasionally with a cherry, bow, or floral embellishment.
XXS-XXL is the sizes offered with a additional custom sizing upon request!
70% of their items are made to order while the other 30% is made by fairly paid seamstresses.
Quick and helpful customer service with an outstanding 4.8 stars. Definitely recommend if you’re looking for simple yet ethical clothing.
Besos Biquinis
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Famous tik tok brand that is known for their super cute vintage day of the week panties packs!
Their other items are more expensive like the 100+ range but most of their undies are $40-70 USD
Sizining is XS to XL usually. However, only going up to L in bottoms. Biggest cup size is C-DD cup without band specifics.
Unsure about custom sizing but I’d assume not? It’s always worth it to email! :)
Cute packaging and great customers service from what I’ve hear they also send out PRs soooo….if you have a big following definitely worth checking them out
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An absolute classic in the coquette community! She makes Dolores haze inspired garments with bloomers and cupcake style tops. The sets are usually solid colored or gingham! Perfect for the more modest Americana girlies.
She’s a gem and has amazing communication. You can also request a custom piece or size.
Each and every set is made to order and is handmade right out of California. 10/10 definitely recommend this shop for every Lolita!
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Exotic dancer style lingerie brand. This is for the girls who are secy workers or love that style of lingerie. Much more form fitting, skimpy and trashy which I love and I know there's girls who love it too!
Handmade brand based off of esty who is always running sales. Currently offer 20% off when you buy two and 30% off when you buy three! Great deal an already cheap brand.
Sizing is a standard S-L but with any handmade brand just message the seller and ask if they can make a custom size just for you ;) they are a very sweet and punctual seller and they have well over 16,000 sales and a 4.8 star! Definitely recommend!
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Cruelty free lingerie brand based out of Chicago, Illinois. The underwear is all pinup, vintage rockefeller style. Using vintage prints and designs. The embellishments are simple and usually lace or bows. Most sets include bra, panties, and a garter belt for about 60ish USD which is amazing tbh!
This brand is handmade to order and does take custom orders/sizing. The wait time is anywhere from 2 weeks to a month at most for an order.
Great customer services and many ways to pay including klarna payment plans.
(80-100+ per set/item)
Malicious designs
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Handmade sustainable brand that sells tons of babydoll and lolita style clothes. This business is ran by Sheana Hinesley and is a fairly popular place to shop both on Depop and Etsy! They use standard sizing US S - L and is open to doing custom sizing
I do own an outfit for them and well made and I do think it’s worth the price! Fair warning is that shipping takes. 3 months to a year….. And at times their communication is less than the standard.
Would mainly suggest either buying second hand or through their Etsy for the best experience possible!
International shipping plus esty allows payment plans soooooo
Buttress and snatch.
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A handmade and sustainable brand that sells 60's american style lingerie with beautiful craftsmanship. Most of their items have bows, rose, or lace embellishments which are a must for any lolita! They are based in the UK with international shipping. The cup sizes goes all away up to a. 36E/40DD and the bottoms up to a size UK18!
For the more adultish sexy girls they do have see through and fully lace garments. For the girls love the environment they have a line of items that are all made out of 100% recycled cotton shirts! How cool.
The brand also has great customer services and can do custom sizing if needed. If you’re ever worried about size conversion please shoot them an email.
They also have a one cup bra for support for anyone that needs that which I think is absolutely amazing. Definitely worth a look.
Love for lemons 🍋
Extremely well known sister brand of Victoria’s Secret that has absolute gorgeous pieces. Their pieces are packed with laces, frills, and florals! Perfect for a more mature, classy coquette.
Unfortunately not as size or comfort inclusive as our last pick but they do have sizes ranging from. XXS-2X and the cups can go up to a big as 38DDD but unfortunately that’s usually for select items such as teddies :/
One the bright side items such as garters, shoes, skirts, and swimwear is available compared to other brands. International shipping is available as well as sales and discounts. P.s. there’s a sale going on for $30 USD on select items.
Good customer services with no custom sizing however you should always mail before buying if unsure! I’d still pick lemons over Victoria’s any day! Tea.
141 notes · View notes
dragonwritersblog · 1 year
I started this short bowuigi little mermaid au thing a few days ago as a little something to help me feel better cause my depression was basically being like ‘hey, wanna feel ten times worse than usual?’ It was to be a short little thing to self-indulge with, YET IT SOMEHOW IS OVER 5K WORDS, FUCKING HOW?!?!?!?!? Anyways, enjoy. (Edit, to the person who pointed out that Junior said Luigi's name before Bowser finds out, you're a real one and I just fixed it thanks xx).
In the surface land, Bowser is trying to get Princess Peach to marry him because he sees her as the ‘perfect bride’ for him to be happy but she’s not having it.
“Isn’t she lovely Kamek, her golden hair, the way she glides when she moves. Plus, she would be a perfect mother for Junior!”
“Sire, she threw a shoe at your head the last time you proposed to her.”
“Seriously Papa?”
Yeah, Kamek and Junior are starting to get sick of it.
Meanwhile, in the ocean, Mario and Luigi’s parents rule the seven seas. While Mario is more adventurous and outgoing, Luigi is more content to stay under the sea (you’re allowed to hate me for that terrible pun).
See, unlike Ariel, Luigi is deathly afraid of the surface land as he’s heard about all about the terrifying Bowser and what he’s willing to do to get what he wants to he wants to stay as far as possible from there.
“There’s nothing to be scared of Luigi, I’d be able to keep you safe if we were ever near the surface.”
“N-no way! W-what if B-Bowser’s there a-an-d-d gets mad a-at us f-or t-t-t-trespassing! I-I’ll be fine here with Ma and Pa.”
(Luigi also has long hair cause I’m a sucker for long-haired Luigi.)
Que King Boo, a ghostly underwater sea monster who wants to take over both the land and sea but isn’t powerful enough to do so. He knows that Luigi means a lot to his family, so he decides to pull a devious trick to distract them from their duties so he can take over the throne.
“Well, well, well, despite how much of a cowardly shrimp he is, this little prince could be of use to me.”
He uses Polterpup (a ghost sea-lion pup that is able to turn into a dog if he goes to the surface land) to distract Luigi, making him think that a dog had fallen into the sea and needs help. Luigi follows the sound of the distressed barking, hoping to help the innocent animal when suddenly, he’s captured by Boo’s minions and with the limited power that he has, he uses it to turn Luigi into a human to make him unable to return home. That way, while Luigi’s family will be looking for their son, he can try and take over the underwater kingdom and use that power to take over the surface land. Just to make sure that Luigi doesn’t tell anyone, King Boo steals Luigi’s voice and sends him to the edge of the Darklands.
“Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! Try going home and telling your mommy and daddy about this one princey! Oh wait, you can’t!”
However, since King Boo’s powers are still weak there is a way that the spell can be reserved so he purposely neglects to tell Luigi that the spell can be broken with true love’s kiss.
Luigi is distraught and terrified, already afraid of the surface land and is now forced to live there with no way of being able to ask for help.
Feeling guilty, Polterpup decides to help Luigi get used to his human legs and brings him a rag from a ship to help make into some makeshift clothes.
Meanwhile, Bowser and Junior are minding their own business at the shore of the Darklands when suddenly, Junior sees an unfamiliar human struggling to stand on his own two feet.
“Look Dad! There’s a human, like Peach!”
He gets a bit over excited and runs from his dad to go see Luigi.
Luigi, still frightened and wary of surface creatures (and the fact that this is Bowser’s son! So, if the king sees him with Junior, he could burn him to a crisp!) he gets spooked easily by the child and fumbles his way onto a rock. Polterpup stands in front of Luigi to create some distance with the overzealous child. Eventually, Bowser makes his way over to see what all the fuss is about.
“Junior, what have I told you about running off?!”
“But look Papa, it’s another human! I’ve never seen another human before apart from Peach!”
Bowser suddenly notices Luigi, who ducks behind Polterpup, trying to hide as much of himself as he can.
Bowser is taken aback, like Junior, Peach is the only human he’s seen so he’s never had the chance to formally get to know another one. He sees that the human is a bit skittish, so he tries to be as unintimidating as possible.
“Uh, hey there, sorry about Junior, he has the tendency to get overexcited sometimes.”
Luigi is still unsure; he’s only ever heard tales about how the king of the koopas was able to be rid of his enemies just with one swipe of his claw. So, seeing him up close makes him want to piss himself.
Bowser can see that the human is still nervous, though he’s a little bit offended, he can’t really blame the human for being scared.
“Did you, uh, get in a shipwreck? Cause I can see that the only thing you’re dressed in is a sail.”
Luigi finally peaks his head out and nods a little bit, wondering why the koopa hasn’t done anything to him yet. Junior is suddenly asking him a lot of questions.
“Woah, you got in a shipwreck?! That’s so cool! Was there tons of thunder and lightning?! Did your ship light on fire?! Your dog is so cool! Is he a ghost?!”
Startled again, Luigi nearly falls off the rock until Bowser catches him. Luigi suddenly starts trembling both from fear and the cold. The king notices this and tries to ask him if he’s alright to try and loosen the tension, but the human is silent.
“What’s wrong? Can’t talk or something?”
He says that sarcastically and laughs a little to try and make the human do so as well, but he takes one look in the human’s eyes and realises that he actually can’t.
“Oh, I see.”
Luigi is hugging himself at this point, wanting to run and hide but he was getting colder and colder by the minute. Bowser then decides to take the human back to the castle to get him warmed up and a little bit less scared.
“Don’t worry, Kamek and Kammy will know how to help you. You’ll be feeling better soon.”
That gets Luigi to look up at the king with curiosity as Bowser carries him back to the castle with Junior and Polterpup by his side. The great ferocious king was holding him ever so gently and promising to help him, he doesn’t know how to feel at this point.
As soon as Kamek and Kammy see Luigi shivering and drenched, they are instantly ‘grandparents mode activated. They take Luigi from Bowser and lead the human into bathroom, (Bowser totally didn’t want to carry him there) Kamek makes him tea and gives Luigi a few biscuits while Kammy is drawing a warm bubble bath for him.
“Here you are now, its not much but it will help fill and warm you up a little bit.”
Luigi has never tasted land food before; he finds it to be quite nice. He even enjoys the bath, letting the water heat him up and blowing on the bubbles. Kammy finds the site adorable.
“The poor thing, washing up from a shipwreck must’ve been so terrifying for you, especially if you heard about the reputation of the Darklands. Don’t worry, we just want to help you feel better and feel comfortable here.”
Kamek comes into the room holding a few dresses and suits, asking the human which one he’d like to wear for dinner. Although Luigi didn’t need to wear clothes as a mermaid, he does know that land creatures wear them all the time. He instantly chooses one of the dresses (because gender norms don’t exist, and Luigi is allowed to wear whatever the fuck he wants!)
Later, Kammy is helping Luigi get changed while Kamek, Junior and Bowser are in the dining room talking about Peach again.
“All I’m saying sire is that it might be due time to stop pursuing the princess. She had already disagreed to your other proposals, and I don’t see her agreeing any time soon.”
“I can’t just give up on her Kamek, Peach makes me feel things that I’ve never felt for anyone. I will marry her, one day.”
As if right on time, Kammy and Luigi are there, the former ushering in the shy man.
“Don’t be so nervous darling, you look lovely!”
Luigi then steps into the room, wearing a beautiful green dress (a green version of Ariel’s pink dress) with Polterpup by his side to keep him company.
Bowser is starstruck, he’s never seen a human look this beautiful before.
“Y-you look amazing.”
Luigi blushes, still nervous but the compliment gives him butterflies.
“Come sit next to me human!”
Junior takes his hand and leads him next to his seat, which happens to also be next to Bowser’s at the head of the table. To try and take his mind off the fact that he’s sitting next to Bowser, Luigi starts focusing on the plates and cutlery, he’s never really seen that many human artefacts before so it’s all so intriguing to him (expect when Mario brings back some from his adventures, but he doesn’t really know what they are either.)
Bowser becomes amused at Luigi’s curiosity for the simple objects he had, his appreciation for things that seem to be mundane gives him a swell of pride.
“I guess my silverware is kinda nice, isn’t it?”
Luigi immediately puts the fork don’t and hides under his hair, afraid that he might have disrespected the king, but Bowser is quick to reassure him that he doesn’t mind.
“It’s just that no one else I know is fascinated by these types of things, so its nice to see someone that it.”
Luigi peers out from his hair, a small smile forming from the king’s praise. Kamek picks up on the tension and decides to do some *matchmaking*.
 “Since our guest will be staying for a while, perhaps we should help him feel more comfortable with a tour of the kingdom…Bowser?”
“Papa, are you listening?”
Bowser breaks out of his trance, not even realising he was staring at the human. He couldn’t help it; he’s not seen that many and this one was just so fascinating.
“Ah, yes, a tour sounds great! If you would like one?”
Luigi thinks for a bit and nods. If he was wrong about the king, then maybe he was wrong about the kingdom and surface land and should give it a chance.
Kamek nods at that, pleased with his work. Kammy shoots him a thumbs up for his work.
Later, while Luigi is getting ready for bed, he watches Bowser with Junior as they play in the courtyard. Bowser notices him watching and waves at him. Embarrassed that he was caught, Luigi shyly waves back and backs away from the balcony. He’s wearing a cotton nightgown that Kammy had given him, as well as a glass of water from Kamek in case he gets thirsty during the night. This is also his first time laying in a bed, he’s never felt anything so soft in his life! He falls asleep as soon as he puts his head on the pillow, feeling a bit more hopeful after today.
Back in the ocean, Mario and his family are frantically searching for his brother, terrified that something bad happened to him. He decides to go to the surface land, specifically from the Mushroom Kingdom, and ask their princess for help and if he’s washed up there. It also helps that he’s heard so much about her kindness and beauty and…wake up Mario, focus on the mission at hand.
Back on the surface lands, Bowser takes Luigi on a tour of his kingdom, Polterpup by his feet through the all thing. At first, Luigi is still a bit unsure about the koopas, but soon he becomes a bit more curious. He goes up to some of the food stand giving away free sample and decides to try a little bit of fruit, it’s a bit tangy but still pretty good. He even sees a puppet show for the first time, not knowing how the little puppets are moving, he pulls one of a koopa’s hand, fascinated with how it works. A few koopa children then come up to him and ask to do his hair, having never seen another human before with his like his. He agrees and let the children tie up his hair in a French braid along with a few faux white flowers to go with the new dress he’s wearing. Bowser is watching from afar, his jaw dropping when Luigi’s hairstyle is revealed, his heart skipping a beat when Luigi does a twirl.
“Wow, you…you look beautiful greenie.”
Luigi blushes at the compliment.
The two suddenly hear music and see a few performers starting to play on their instruments as koopas, goombas and shy guys join in. Bowser takes Luigi’s hand and asks him to dance, the man nods his head, feeling a bit more at ease with the king now.
Soon the two join the crowd, laughing and having the time of their lives as they dance away to the music, Polterpup occasionally runs through some of the koopas legs.
When it ends, Bowser guides Luigi to a hidden river, the only place with water in the Darklands (apart from the shore). They share a little boat ride together as they share some of the food they bought at the market, while Polterpup takes a nap. Bowser then remembers that despite the time they shared together, he still doesn’t even know Luigi’s name.
“I feel terrible not knowing your name, and we don’t have anything that you can write with…Oh I know, how about I go down the alphabet and you pick out the letters of your name?”
Luigi nods and though it takes a while, the king manages to spell out his name.
“Luigi huh? A beautiful name for a beautiful human.”
Its Luigi’s turn for his heart to skip a beat. All his life he’d heard about the koopa kingdom and their dreaded king, now it turns out that he’s actually a gentleman who’s been showing him nothing but respect. Ever since this man washed up at his kingdom, Bowser has been feeling things that he’s never felt for anyone. Flustered, vulnerable and a need to protect and love. He’s never even felt this for Peach. The two start to lean in when their boat suddenly tips over, the two falling out. Bowser is quick to pick up Luigi, who begins to wring out his dress while Polterpup begins to shake his non-existent coat. As Bowser carries Luigi back as Polterpup floats beside them, the two fail to see two boos that were the ones who knocked over their boat.
Back in his lair, King Boo is seething!
“That blasted little shrimp! At this rate, these two will end up snogging all over the place and my plans will be ruined!”
He decides to go to his last resort, a mind control crown that he had hoped to use on one of the rulers to conquer the sea and surface, however this crown also held many of his other spells (including Luigi’s) and he wasn’t strong enough to use it more than once to use a spell as powerful as mind control. It was always extremely fragile, though he would still have some power, if it broke then all of his previous spells from over the years would be released, so he held it off for as long as he could, and it seems that now he has no other choice.
Meanwhile, Mario has finally arrived at the Mushroom Kingdom, hoping to find help with the princess. She’s just as beautiful in the rumours he’s heard about her. The princess is shocked to find an adorable red merman in a river near her palace, but she can’t deny his plea for help when he looked just so sweet.
“My brother, he’s gone missing! Is there any chance he’s been around here lately?”
“I’m sorry, you’re the only mer-person we’ve seen here. But don’t worry, we’ll keep a look out and help you find him!”
“Really?! Thank you, princess!”
“Y-you’re welcome.”
Back at the Darklands, Bowser is thinking about his new feelings for Luigi, not knowing if he should act on them since he didn’t want to betray his love for Peach. Kamek, fed up at this point, goes up to give Bowser his thoughts on the matter.
“If I may say sire, some people spend most of their time chasing after treasure on a map that leads them in circles, that they neglect that the diamond in the rough is right in front of them. Just a thought from a silly old koopa.”
As Kamek leaves, Bowser ponders over his surrogate father’s words. For years he’s yearned for Peach so the point that he became blinded by what he thought he wanted and put her on a pedestal. Now, there’s someone that doesn’t see him as a monster and might love him back. He makes his decision and starts to go to Luigi to tell him how he feels when he suddenly feels a weight on his head, and everything goes dark.
The next morning, Luigi wakes up feeling more refreshed and happier than he has since he first turned human. He’s been thinking all night about the maybe-kiss that he and Bowser were about to share and had been contemplating his feelings on the matter. He soon found himself realising that he would mind kissing Bowser, in fact, he would really like to kiss him and spend every day with him, Junior, Kammy and Kamek. Besides, there was nothing stopping him from travelling to see his brother and family, maybe it could all work out? He fell asleep last night with a smile on his face and butterflies in his stomach.
He’s about to run down the stairs to meet Bowser when he hides behind a pillar when he sees the king speaking with Kamek, wearing a strange crown.  
“Y-your highness, are you sure this is the best idea?”
“Peach castle is currently unprotected; it would be a good opportunity to strike and take her as my bride.”
“I see that, but after the last few days and our past with the Mushroom Kingdom, shouldn’t we think this through a little bit and-”
“-It has always been my intention to make Peach mine, no matter what and I won’t let anyone get in my way. Especially some scrawny human who washed up at my sure. Once the invasion is complete, the wedding will start immediately.”
“…very well sire.”
Luigi, heartbroken and betrayed, flees to his room, not knowing that King Boo was there the whole having used his ghostly-ness to remain invisible while controlling Bowser with the crown.
As Bowser takes off with his army and airship, Luigi stays behind at the port to cry as Polterpup tries to comfort him, having to face the truth that he was right in the first place, Bowser was just a heartless monster.
Junior is on the airship per his father’s orders to be at the wedding. He searches for his dad, wondering why he had the sudden change of heart about Luigi and his invasion. He creaks open the door to his father’s room when he sees King Boo in Bowser’s mirror, cackling to himself at the fact that his plans are nearly complete.
Realising his dad is being mind controlled by the strange ghost thing, he makes his way down to the clown cars and sneaks away in his own small one to get to Luigi as quickly as possible.
The Mushroom Kingdom is taken aback when Bowser suddenly arrives, not fully prepared for battle since he would usually leave some type of indication that he was coming, but here, he was just blasting through with every intention of not leaving until he gets what he wants. Mario wants to help but Peach tells him to stay hidden. Unable to just do nothing, Mario rushed as fast as he can to get back home to get his father.
As soon as Peach sees Bowser, there’s something different about his atmosphere, something way more menacing and demanding. As usual, he wants Peach to marry him, but this time he doesn’t ask.
“One way or another, you will marry me Peach and we’ll watch your kingdom turn to ash.”
“You’re not even going to bargain.”
“It’s not like you can do anything about it.”
A pit forms in Peach’s stomach, something’s wrong, very wrong.
Junior makes it back to, running to the sobbing man as fast as he can.
“Luigi! Luigi! There’s some weird ghost thing that was in my dad’s mirror! I think that’s why he’s attacking the Mushroom Kingdom so soon! What do we do?!”
Luigi’s eyes widen in horror. King Boo! He had to be behind all this. Without any second thoughts, Luigi climbs in Junior’s clown car, along with Polterpup, and the two head to the Mushroom Kingdom as fast as they can.
While Bowser/Boo is adamant about the wedding, the koopas there are a little less comfortable about it due to how strange and intimidating the king was acting. As the service starts, Peach pulls out an ice flower from her bouquet and attacks Bowser, she lands a few hits, but Bowser uses his fire to melt the ice. Peach keeps trying to fight though, at least to distract him while she thinks of a plan. The koopas also help, agreeing that their King was not himself and didn’t want anyone in the Mushroom Kingdom getting severely injured.
Luigi finally arrives with Junior, jumps out of the vehicle and lands on Bowser’s shoulders while he’s fighting Peach. Seeing a crown that wasn’t on Bowser’s head before, Luigi grabs it and smashes it to the ground, falling off Bowser’s shoulder from the impact of the throw.
Suddenly, Bowser sees himself at the Mushroom Kingdom, not knowing how he got there since the last place he remembered being was back home. Princess Peach and the koopas stop, sensing that Bowser’s atmosphere was back to normal as he looks towards Luigi.
“Luigi, are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine…wait…I can talk!”
“You can finally speak again!”
“My voice its back!”
“I don’t understand, what’s happening?”
“It’s King Boo, he-aahhh!”
Before he can get another word out, there’s a sharp pain in his legs. He fells his bones bending and breaking in the most painful way and King Boo suddenly appears, turning him back into a merman before he can get another word out. Luigi looks to Bowser, afraid of what he’ll think of the man once he realises what he really is. But Bowser is too wrapped up in shock of what its happening and worry for the man that he loves.
King Boo grabs Luigi and drags him back into the ocean, the latter screaming for Bowser as the koopa tries to grab him as Luigi is forced back into the water, Polterpup chasing after his new owner. The king turns to Princess Peach.
“Princess, I know this may be confusing, but I really need your help, please, I love him!”
“Don’t worry, I think I might know his brother and what’s going on.”
Back in the ocean, Luigi is struggling against King Boo, trying to escape his grasp but somehow, the ghost’s grip is tighter than he though. Polterpup tries to fight his old master but a few Boos that had been hiding easily grab him.
“Oh, don’t worry little shrimp, it ain’t you that I’m after.”
The pair stop when they see Luigi’s father, the King of the ocean along with Mario stop them in their path.
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t the red prince and the ruler of the seven seas.”
“Let my brother go!”
“No can do princey, precious little Lulu is all mine until you give me what I want.”
Luigi’s father growls at that.
“My son does not belong to you!”
He goes to use his magical trident, but a few boos grab Luigi and use some type of electricity on him, making the youngest prince scream out in pain.
“You see, the thing is your majesty, one wrong move and your precious little boy won’t be, how do I put this? Part of your world anymore.” (I am so sorry for that awful pun.)
The sea king was at a loss, he knew he would be putting everyone at risk by handing the trident and the throne to this made ghost but…he couldn’t lose his youngest son, from the corner of his eye, he could see Mario agree. He hands the trident over to King Boo, begging him not to hurt his son. With a mad gleam in his eye, he grabs the trident and lets Luigi go. To the green merman’s horror, the poltergeist points the artifact to his father and brother, watching in devastation as he turns them into dust.
With a strangled scream, he goes to attack King Boo, though surprised at Luigi’s reaction, manages to throw him to the ground. He’s about to use the trident on him when he suddenly feels something hit him. He looks up to see Bowser under the water, who had thrown a spear at him and raises the trident to him. In a moment of panic, Luigi grabs King Boo, making him point the trident at his boos instead and disintegrates them. Not wanting to witness King Boo’s anger, Luigi swims up to Bowser and guides him above the water, not witnessing the Boo’s fury with his new powers below him.
The koopa and merman reach the surface of the water, Bowser trying to reach out to Luigi.
“Bowser you have to go, now! Before King Boo gets you!”
“No, I’m not leaving you behind again!”
They feel a rumbling all around them. Suddenly, King Boo rises from the sea as a giant with the two on his head, cackling like a mad man. Bowser and Luigi jump back into the water, trying to escape until King Boo starts to form a whirlpool, separating them. Luigi falls into the whirlpool, landing at the bottom as Polterpup rushes over to him as King Boo taunts him.
Bowser is still paddling in the water, trying to get to Luigi when a ship comes up beside it. Inside was Princess Peach, some toads, koopas and Kamek. They throw a rope down to Bowser and help him up. Kamek looks to the king.
“I used my magic to help steer that boat but I’m barely holding on! I need you to guide the bowsprit and drive it into that mad boo!”
“But’s a ghost, he’s already dead!”
“I’ve managed to enchant so that I can trap him in this!”
Kamek holds up a pale purple gem, sparkling with some type of magic that the magikoopa used. Princess Peach then speaks up.
“I’m managing the sails while the toads and koopas are defending us! Bowser, are you able to guide the ship!”
“You can count on me Princess, take this as the beginning of a massive apology to you!”
Peach nods and everyone gets to work. King Boo is shooting at Luigi in the whirlpool, the merman trying to dodge as much as he can but knows that he is not strong enough to do anything. Enraged by what the Boo is doing to his love, Bowser drives the bowsprit into King Boo. The poltergeist screams with both pain and fear, knowing that if he can feel that then somehow, he has been defeated.
The seas calm down as the boo disappears into the gem. Bowser tries to look for Luigi, but the whirlpool is gone, and the merman is nowhere in sight. Kamek keeps him from jumping out as the princess guides the ship back to shore.
In the ocean, Luigi grabs the trident and rushes back over to where his father and brother were with Polterpup following him and sees the two have been returned to normal. Overjoyed, he hugs them both, all three of them crying now that Luigi is safe and home.
“I missed you so much Lu. I’m so sorry I wasn’t here when you went missing.”
“It’s okay Mario, I’m safe now, It’s okay.”
He gives the trident back to his father and the three mermen return home.
A few days later, Luigi is hiding behind a rock, Polterpup beside him as he watches Bowser from the shore of the Darklands, pining to see the merman again. Mario and his father watch from afar.
“You know, a while ago, Luigi would have fainted at the thought of going to the Darklands. Now, seeing how he looks at that koopa king, he’s gotten more braver than I ever imagined.”
“Peach told me that he jumped on Bowser’s shoulder’s just to get the crown off him.”
“Oh yes, how are you and that princess getting along?”
“I’m just teasing. Though, he hasn’t been truly himself since he came home.”
“I guess he left a part of himself since leaving the Darklands. After all, when you love someone, you give a piece of yourself to them, and in return, they grant you something even more freeing.”
“Then I guess there’s only one problem left.”
“And what’s that Dad?”
“…How much I’m going to miss him.” Mario raises an eyebrow in confusion for a moment before his father points his trident at Luigi.
Luigi feels a tingling sensation on his fins, looking down to see that there are no fins at all, his legs had returned! He turns to his father and brother, his smile beaming as the two nod to him.
Bowser is staring off into the distance, thinking about Luigi when he sees brown hair peeking out of the water. His heart stops when he sees Luigi emerging from the water in a sparkling green dress and his hair flowing in the wind. Bowser runs to him, picking him up and spinning him around in his arms and holds him as the two finally share a kiss.
A year later, the two are finally married on a giant ship, Luigi wearing a poofy wedding dress while Bowser is dressed in his finest suit. Luigi’s family and kingdom are watching from the ocean while toads and koopa finally come together as one. Princess Peach hugs Luigi, glad to have another human companion and blows a kiss to Mario in the ocean, who blushes at the gesture and waves back. Junior is also glad Luigi is back and is going to be his stepdad. He and Polterpup have also become close friends, the two playing together when they can. Kamek and Kammy are finally happy that Bowser has found love after all this time.
Mario asks his father to use to powers to lift him with the water to see his brother one more time. Luigi smiles softly and gives his brother a hug.
“Don’t cry big bro, I’ll see you after the honeymoon, you’re acting as if I’ll never see you again.”
“I’m sorry, its just, I’m so happy for you.”
“I love you, Mario.”
“I love you too Lu.”
He gives Bowser a menacing glare along the lines of ‘hurt my bro and I’ll end you’ before Peach comes over and kisses him on the cheek, making the red merman faint into the ocean. Luigi laughs at his brother’s antics as he waves goodbye to all the other mer-folk as the ship sails away to its next destination.
Bowser and Luigi give one another a soft look and share one more kiss.
The end.
You're allowed to yell at me for the shitty puns.
(Edit: also I love that you guys enjoyed it and you’re free to write something for this as it was only meant to be a drabble after having a bad day. As long as you credit and tag me, y’all can use this idea and write your own Bowuigi little mermaid fic ☺️)
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blainesebastian · 1 year
words: 2,219 ship: austin butler x reader summary: (anon request) "reader jokingly brings up the fact that she has always wanted the clichés in a relationship but have never been with someone who would want to give that to her" warnings: none notes: requests are open for now :) thanks to anyone who's left me one! appreciate it xx tag list: @killerqueenfan, @karamelcoveredolicity, @elizabethrosecresswell, @gigisworldsstuff, @stylespresleyhearted, @rairaielv
You’re still pretty new to the whole interview thing—this being your first major breakthrough in film with an upcoming project. Not that you’re not proud of everything you’ve done prior, of course you are, those steps are what’s gotten you to this point. Starring in a film you can really sink your teeth into. Great plot, wonderful character development, intrigue and opportunities for growth.
And it certainly doesn’t hurt that your co-star is Austin Butler.
The whole experience of working with him has been an absolute blur, you’re just trying to take things as they come at you—one day at a time. You can’t quite put into words how great it’s been to make this film with him, that he’s so incredibly humble in his experiences, that even though he’s done a film like Elvis, he’s still willing to learn and keep himself down to earth in how he presents himself, how he talks to people.
You’ve become really good friends over this entire process and, admittedly, you’ve been thinking about Austin in a not so friend way either but. How can anyone not have a crush on this man?  
Regardless, you’ve kept that (for the most part) completely to yourself. The last thing you want to do is somehow disrupt your working relationship, especially when things are going so well. There was only one slight mix up and Austin’s never brought it up again so you’re ninety percent sure that it didn’t even happen. One too many drinks afterhours with people from set and all of a sudden you’re spilling state secrets out to Austin when he tries to make sure you get home safe. Not your finest moment, though you don’t remember it being too embarrassing?
Definitely something capable of keeping you up at night—that and admitting during an interview that you never had an ex that indulged in all the clichés of dating.
It’s like one of those early hours nightmares, your clock burning 2:35AM into the side of your head, as you stare at the ceiling. Along with your eighth grade prom date fiasco and that one time you told that hot waiter ‘you too’ when he said ‘enjoy your food’. Just…utterly putting you in shambles. And maybe it’s not something to worry about, you’re still getting used to interviews and not overtalking when you’re nervous. Austin’s given you some tips about breathing and really listening to the question, counting to three before replying so you’re sure about what’s going to come out of your mouth.
And you suppose it’s not the worse thing? Not like it’s a childhood story you’ve divulged and overshared that you should be ashamed about. It’s just…you mentioned to the interviewer that you’re actually kind of fond of all the old-school cliché things that come with dating. Fresh flowers, goodnight texts, someone that’ll call just to hear your voice, good morning texts, sending random pictures throughout the day of things that remind you of the other person.
Your past two relationships didn’t bother with any of those things, they were fast paced and kinda…thrown together? It feels so hard to describe them now that you’re outside of it, and it took you a while to actually listen to your heart that you weren’t as happy as you wanted to be anyways. There’s a difference between being single and just settling—you don’t want to do that anymore.
Especially if it doesn’t come with all the romances and small pieces of love languages that you feel it deserves.
It doesn’t have to be overdramatic or complicated…you’re just asking for effort. And the typical clichés? kinda demonstrate that.
“There was literally no reason for me to divulge that on live television,” You place your phone on your shoulder, holding it against your ear with your head. Your friend Katrina gives a soft laugh in response, “I mean, really, all the interviewer asked me was if I had a date to the Golden Globes.”
But that simple question just popped off the whole thing about why you’re single, about why you’re taking time to find someone right and not just jumping into a relationship. Then, of course, there are always those teasing questions about Austin—about your friendship, how sweet and humble he is, how handsome. Like…that’s all very obvious but why do people talk to you like you’re supposed to do something about it?
To threaten everything you’ve already built with him, personal and professional wise? No thank you.
“I think the real question everyone was asking is whether you’re goin’ with Austin.” A loud sigh leaves your lips, tipping your head back to look at the ceiling of your living room as you lie on your back on the couch. “There are no sighs when you have a man that hot in your life.”
A soft chuckle vibrates in your throat, shaking your head because…everyone (meaning Katrina) on the outside thinks it’s easy having a crush on your friend. That you could just…cross that bridge, build that connection if you really wanted to. But this isn’t a movie, you don’t have the script right in front of you, you have no idea what’s going to happen if you decide to do that.
And you’re not sure if it’s worth that risk.
“You won’t know if you don’t ask.”
“Oh my god,” You exclaim, amusement wrapped around your tone, “Are you my best friend or relationship therapist?”
“I get the privilege of being both,” Katrina grins, you can almost hear it as she speaks, “For free.”
Rolling your eyes, you can’t help but smile, playing with a loose thread in the sweater you’ve got on. “All I called you for was to ask if we were still on for brunch tomorrow morning and if you think I made a fool out of myself on TV.”
Katrina sighs softly and hums and you can tell that she’s backing down, for now, “Yes always to brunch and no, you did nothing that was embarrassing. You were just honest—nothing wrong with that.” Then she pauses…and you already know she’s back at it again,
“Besides, maybe someone was watching and taking notes.”
You run a hand over your face, shaking your head—God, “Goodbye.” You laugh gently, pressing the red button before she can start herself in on another rant.
Setting your phone down on your coffee table, you’re considering ordering take-out or conquering laziness and going down your street to the taco counter on the corner when there’s a knock at your door. Your eyebrows draw together in confusion because you’re not expecting anyone…unless it’s your neighbor. She’s older and her cat is constantly getting stuck in the closet and she always has trouble getting her out. Sighing, you draw yourself up and off the couch, wandering over without looking through the peep hole.
Which is how your jaw almost ends up on the floor.
It’s Austin, which is not exactly surprising, he’s been to your apartment plenty of times—just not like this. He’s got a giant bouquet of black roses in his arms, almost kinda comical for him because he’s tall and skinny and it feels like it throws him off balance somehow. He’s also got a small white teddy bear, a maroon heart sewn onto its chest and you kinda…open and close your mouth because you’re so confused and slightly overwhelmed, you have no idea what to say.
Except the first thing that comes to mind, “Well, you’re definitely not Mrs. Deborah.”
He laughs lightly, pulling the flowers away from his face a bit so that they don’t obstruct his view as he steps forward into your apartment. “Was hopin’ I had the right door,” He jokes, “Hard to see around these things.”
Closing the door behind him, you’re still completely thrown off as to what exactly he’s doing here with these things like, “It’s uh—it’s not my birthday?”
Austin raises his eyebrows, “I know that,” He replies warmly and then begins talking about the roses, “I know gettin’ black ones is a little strange but I figured with all the…horror movies you like and Halloween aesthetic that you have up all year—”
Amused laughter wraps around your tone as you speak, “Halloween is a feeling, not a season.”
“—I figured you’d appreciate these.” He smiles and hands them over.
Your stomach does this ridiculous flip-flopping, cheeks kissing pink because you’re so confused and stunned. You take them carefully, pressing your nose and lips into a few flowers, breathing them in. Austin smiles and uses the bear to press a kiss to your cheek before giving you that too.
“I…not that I’m not completely in love with these,” You say after a moment, almost hesitantly, “But why?”
Austin hums, shrugging his shoulders lightly as he pushes his hands into the pockets of his jeans, “Because.”
And that stirs something heated and distinct in your chest. You’re attempting not to overthink such a simple answer. Because.
Letting out a breath and preventing yourself from spilling your thought process out, you give him a soft smile and bite down on the inside of your cheek. You turn to take the flowers into the kitchen, finding scissors to cut the ends of the stems off.
“Not sure I have a vase big enough.” You chuckle, wondering if it’d make more sense to split up the large bouquet—some out here, some in your bedroom. You settle for a smaller black glass vase you’ve got dried flowers in by the windowsill and swap them out, letting the rest of the bouquet rest in the sink until you’re ready for them.
You lean against the counter, taking a long look at the flowers as the word because spins around in your head. And while you’re touched at the sentiment, at the explanation that Austin has given you—you can’t help but wonder…
“I’m assuming you saw the interview?”
Austin smiles a little, the prettiest of blushes kissing his cheeks, highlighting some of the freckles he has on his cheekbones. It’s ridiculously attractive and your stomach does a full swirl before you have to look away. There’s this itch to run your fingers through the blonde curls above his forehead.
“I did—but it’s not the main reason why I brought you those today.”
A soft self-deprecating laugh leaves your throat, “Oh no? Not because you’re pitying me?” And even though you’re joking, kind of, attempting to smile through it—you’re worried that’s the only reason he’s even here, that he somehow feels sorry for you.
“No, hey,” Austin says softly, taking a step towards you to reach out and touch your arm. He gently grasps your elbow to keep you from backing up, squeezing, his thumb rubbing back and forth. “It’s actually uh—you probably don’t even remember this but, that time when we went out to drink with the cast and crew?”
And your cheeks instantly flush red because of course you know what he’s talking about. You thought for sure you could safely assume you hadn’t said anything that’d come back to haunt you. Which is worse? This or the interview? You shake your head, running a hand over your face,
“You remember that?”
He smiles a bit and moves his hand to play with a few strands of your hair near your cheek, curling them around your ear, “Kinda hard to forget.”
And while you feel like that should somehow make it worse…it doesn’t. Austin takes a step forward, keeping the proximity close between you. You can feel the heat from his skin radiating off his body, kissing your own, pressing against your pores like a gentle embrace. It’s dizzying.
“I mean, who knows what I even said,” You attempt to play it off with a small laugh, your eyes looking into Austin’s soft blue ones.
But given where this conversation has been going, maybe you should have been prepared for Austin to reply with, “You said you had feelings for me but you were afraid to tell me.”
God. “I really need to never be allowed to drink again.”
Austin smiles, shaking his head, “Did you mean it?”
You let out a slow breath, holding his gaze as your heart begins hammering in your chest. Here’s the moment of truth, right, where there’s no barrier of a long night or too many drinks to hide your emotions. There’s no taking it back after this, and yet you feel like Austin already knows what you’re going to say.
You lick your lips before a soft laugh echoes, “Of course I meant it.”
“Good,” Austin hums, cupping your cheek with his one hand, “Because I mean this.”
He leans down to kiss you, heat exploding pleasantly in your chest, slipping between your bones and making you melt towards him. You wrap your arms around his waist, keeping him close, and you can’t help but smile against his lips as he continues the kiss before you both pull back slightly to breathe. There’s butterflies in your stomach and you feel slightly dizzy from this turn of events. All these clichés that you never thought you’d be able to experience.
Then, unable to keep the smile off your face, you lean in and nip at his lower lip.
Just because.
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regulusblackfest · 4 months
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The Regulus Black Fest is back for its 5th year!
We can't wait for another round, completing half a decade of this fest!
Our schedule this year:
Prompting: February 3rd - 17th Publishing of prompt list: February 23rd or earlier Claiming: February 25th (time t.b.a) Works due: April 28th Posting starts: May 5th
As always, you can leave prompts without having to create for the fest, and you can create without having left any prompts. Self-prompting is welcome!
Claiming will happen on a first come/first serve basis, and each prompt may be claimed once for art, and once for fic.
Works are anonymous until the Masterlist is posted at the end, so please keep your prompt a secret until then!
This fest does not tolerate any AI-produced works. Further, we have always, and continue to, operate firmly under the principles of don't like; don't read, ship and let ship, and kinktomato.
Please (re-)familiarize yourself with our Rules & Requirements.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to send us an aks, DM, or an email. All info and links can also be found in the post pinned to this blog.
We can't wait for this little anniversary round of this fest, and to see what everyone comes up with! <3
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helllo-feyre-darling · 9 months
My Gwynriel Analysis
Hi Guys. So I did a thing... After finishing ACOSF not too long ago, I, as you all know, fell in love with everything Gwynriel. I can see a beautiful relationship blossoming between these two that will involve a lot of healing for both of them. So, during any moments of spare time, I created this guide to all things Gwynriel and why I believe they will/should be endgame. Of course, shipping a couple that is not yet canon is totally based on opinion and how I personally interpret the text provided. This is all just my opinion so please don't send any hate to me or any other individual who doesn't share your opinion. Please feel free to comment/send me any other Pro-Gwynriel points or theories you may have so I can add them! I am also thinking about making a Pro-Elucien one soon too. Again, this is all for fun!
Big Love to you all. xx
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aethersgirlfriend · 5 months
cumulus and phantom is one of my favourite ships so have some <them3 thoughts under the cut!!! im so tempted to write a fic ab them so if u have any ideas pls share i need a prompt
cumulus being the one who put the blanket on him and got him to drink water after his summoning
lus calling him honey and phantom calling her my love when he isn't too awestruck ("hi honey" "HIIIIIIII")
him always sending her photos of clouds
them combining their elements to make his magick spread around the den faster or to make her air have more healing abilities when she uses it to cool down someone with a fever
phant practically running to her room and crawling on top of her after a long day of practice with omega and aether and laying on her chest purring so loud while she scratches that one spot behind his left horn
him bringing her shiny rocks and little trinkets he finds during the day and leaving it outside her door with a sticky note saying ' :) ' and no one knows she has a whole box for them under her bed
him being completely inlove with her beauty in a way that makes her blush and squeal and run to rora after getting a response to a photo she sent him who will gasp and squeal with her as cumulus runs onto her bed and kicks her feet and rory is actively aw-ing at her summoning buddy and cir walks in and can't even pretend to be mad that the new summon is seducing her lover because the way he's going about it is so adorable
her kissing over his scars and insecurities and calling him beautiful
he comes to her a couple nights before they start touring and he admits that he's terrified he'll do a bad job at replacing aether and that everyone will hate him (im sorry but theres no phantom ghoul thoughts without a sprinkle of angst) and she listens and comforts him and he sobs so hard he accidentally sends out a massive wave of quintessence (his magick acts up when he feels strong emotions!! topside things xx) that makes them both go a bit silly and they're lying on his bed giggling over some dumb photo of a pufferfish and swiss walks in like because he smelt the magick and he's so confused
cumulus and swiss known as the 2 ghouls who serenaded the new summons before anyone else could (they OWN the title.)
him killing 3 birds with one stone and coming into the girls den with 3 roses in his mouth
aurora and phantom are more ghoul-like/animalistic than any of the others so cumulus will walk into her room to find a nest on her bed made of everyone's clothes and duvets and blankets and sheets etc etc and look inside to find the 2 cuddled up, kneading at eachother, tails intertwined, purring very loudly and when they smell her their ears immediately perk up and they let out happy ghoul noises and drag her in to do their ghoul loving ghoul ritual
he panicked so much when he first got his claws stuck in her gorgeous hair that he almost started crying because he thought he'd 1. hurt her and 2. be the reason she had to cut some of it off but she hushed him and called mountain who giggled at his reaction and got a whole kit from the kitchen - this happens all the time. none of the boys can help but appreciate her cloud like mane of hair
they have the best nonverbal communication. (they communicate mainly in ghoul noises and she understands his confused head tilts nearly as good as swiss can, but no one can beat rora)
aeth got then matching pj's because he's a cutie and phantom refused to take them off until she politely told him he smelled like shit
them baking together and him being covered in flour
aether, mountain and swiss all pampering her like the goddess she is and phantom finds them and feels left out so aether shows him a few quint tricks that has cumulus asleep in minutes and phantom just sits there playing with her hair as she snoozes feeling so proud of himself
lus having to go to the library alone one day after there was an incident with dew and a few of mountains potted plants and phantom immediately jumps at the opportunity and follows her around the library for wayyy longer then she's normally there and she's just handing him books that she thinks sounds good and he's carrying every single one because he wants the praise (he's so real)
him seeing lus at one of the many balls held throughout the year and even though his date is aurora, he's completely gobsmacked at her dress and just everything about her but aurora totally agrees so they just kind of admire her from afar
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the-likesofus · 9 months
Seven Sentence Sunday
Tagged by the wonderful @spotsandsocks aka my most favourite Spot 😘💕
I finally outlined the whole pirates fic but I haven't had the brain cells to write yet so I'm hoping for better luck this week. SEND ME GOOD VIBES!
Anyway here's a little bit I haven't shared yet xx
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“Right,” Buck rolls his eyes. “Well, either way, I just think it would make it easier for everyone if we could at least be civil.”
Eddie turns to glare at him and Buck shrinks back against the side of the basket. “I am plenty civil.”
“Sure, okay. I just—, maybe if we got to know each other better then maybe—.”
Eddie moves then, his body stiffening and then shuffling to the side leaving Buck's arm cold where they were once pressed together. “I don’t do heart–to–hearts, Buckley. This is not a slumber party, it’s a pirate ship.”
Buck’s heart sinks in his chest. He wasn’t exactly expecting Eddie to let him braid his hair and paint his nails over a loaf of bread but he had hoped that they could at least settle some of their differences. “Right, my apologies, Captain Diaz.”
tagging some lovely mutuals and friends @lilbuddie @thosetwofirefighters @rogerzsteven @monsterrae1 @shortsighted-owl @loserdiaz @911onabc @alyxmastershipper @loveyourownsmiilee @thekristen999 @hippolotamus @tomlinpun @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy @bekkachaos @sibylsleaves @wh0re-behavi0r @disasterbuckdiaz @jobairdxx else who would like to share what theyre working on xxx
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fishwear · 1 year
i do wish i could send a msg to every mlm fic writer tagging ronance in the main relationship section when the fic is wholy abt the mlm ship LIKE PLEASE CAN YOU NOT TAG THAT ITS CLOGGING UP THE RONANCE TAG. THANKS MWAH XX.
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bruisedboys · 1 year
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guys 4k finally!!!!! I’ve been waiting for this for so long cos I missed doing cellys and I’m hoping this will get me back into writing properly!! but that’s beside the point, thank you so much for 4k followers, I definitely feel unworthy of it tbh. but thank you for following me and supporting me and keeping this hobby of mine going! cos if I didn’t have you all as my emotional support I’d probably have given up writing on here by now. so thank you!! I love you all so much!!!! kisses for everyone 🤍🤍
p.s. please be patient with me especially with the blurbs!! I haven’t written anything proper in a while but I’ll try my best! xx
rules ─── stick to the character and prompt lists below. no nsfw requests please. send in as many asks as you like, anon or not. please keep it to one request per ask so it’s easier for me to keep track of!
celebration open june 11 to june 21
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⟡ characters! james potter, remus lupin, sirius black. eddie munson, steve harrington, jonathan byers. tasm!peter parker, peter quill, miguel o’hara, hobie brown, eddie brock.
⟡ prompts! assorted dialogue, fluff dialogue, question prompts, reassurance prompts
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STAR TRIPPING, blurbs ─── send in a character + a prompt from the lists above and I’ll write you a blurb!
SPIDERHEAD, drabbles ─── send in a thought/headcanon you have about a character and I’ll expand on it in a drabble!
HONEYBODY, au’s ─── send in a character + an au + a scenario/prompt for a blurb! i.e, spidey!steve, rockstar!marauders, rugby!james etc.
MONA LISA, character moodboards ─── send in a character + a scenario, trope, or au for a moodboard!
HUMMINGBIRD, ships ─── send in a short description of yourself + a fandom and a gender preference and I’ll ship you with a character!
BABYDOLL, games ─── tumblr games! cast your mutuals, kiss marry kill, top five, would you rather, etc.
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tags! 💌
@bcyhoods @cosmal @oncasette @songs4themoon @fxllfaiiry @ghostlyfleur @inkluvs @vampieteeth @solarluvs @taintedcigs @prongsio @masivechaos @zstrn @headkiss @userdjarins @maebellines @thyme-in-a-bubble @sp1rit-realm @wolvisms @ddejavvu @thedaughters @louvrr @iovesia @h4rmfoul @vhagarlovebot @blondedmuse @rafesmuse @amourrs @amoraffairs @heartshapedparker
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misunhye · 5 months
what are misun’s fans like?
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oh my goodness i love this question um
so misun’s subfandom name is dalbits ! which means moonlight. nctzens’ way of thinking goes like this : misun = sunlight. she is their sun, they are her moon. them = moonlight. so yes!
misun feeds into their delusionals like crazy. they’re as delusional as each other. it’s because of this that she has some of the worst fans of all time, it’s because of this that she has so many incidents with sasaengs. and she is constantly blamed for that unfortunately:(
they are first and foremost, misun stans, humans second. they have been through some shit when defending misun from antis, and are insane— don’t talk shit about her, or they will somehow find out your address and d*xx you. yeah. they’re crazy and even crazier about her. 99% of the time, a dalbit is at the center of the crime when there are arguments on stan twt 💀
if, for some reason, she ever gets kicked out nct, they’d riot. they constantly send trucks to SM for better treatment for her, especially whenever knetz are harder on her than usual. so just imagine.
they’re all mostly boyfriend/girlfriend stans but they also hate whenever someone ships her with someone romantically. they’re jealous 24/7 and the male fans in korea, especially, are possessive and obsessive over her. they kind of scare her, sometimes, actually. they also don’t really like when people sexualize her, because well, she always been sexualized ever since debut. but there are definitely people who don’t really care anymore when she does it out of her free will because she seems to really like doing sexy/sensual dances.
a large portion of male dalbits are older than her, but there are definitely more younger fans nowadays. for female fans, they’re around the same age. she has more male fans than female fans, but that’s really what SM was counting on when she debuted.
you can see her fansites here, and here are some well known intl stan twt accounts for her:
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no im not doing full profiles who cares
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k-s-morgan · 11 months
How are you? I am sending love and hugs your way. xx
Hello again! Thank you for your support <3 I hope you don't mind me using your ask to make my monthly post!
June, especially its second half, was easier for me than the nightmarish May and the devastating end of April. The number of Russian terrorist attacks on my city decreased, and I finally managed to recover a little, though some nights were still horrifying, and some people died despite Kyiv having a great air-defense system. But the horrors continued for Ukraine as a whole. Russia exploded the dam, flooding a vast territory, causing an ecocide and harming & killing so many living beings that it's impossible to count them all.
One night in June, Russian missiles hit a residential building in a Kriviy Rig city. 11 people died, which is a miracle, considering the damage. Many pets died as well.
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That's one example of many of such attacks. Kramatorsk tragedy, which happened just several days ago - more civilians dead, including children. Kherson, which keeps being tortured daily on such a constant basis that barely anyone pays attention to it, even though people keep dying. Dnipro, Kharkiv - people die every day. Russia delights in causing pain and taking lives- literally, it's all over their official channels and social media. They are a caricature-like villain to the point where I wouldn't believe it if I wasn't witnessing it myself.
But, as always, everything isn't bad. Ukraine made some progress on the battlefield; I got to post my chapter and now I've left for my vacation. Initially, I wanted to go to Poland, but I had to change my plans because of my beautiful pigeon, who was sick at the time. She passed away since then, and I couldn't change my plans again. I'm very happy with my choice, though! I'm still in Ukraine, but I'm surrounded by nature. It's so lovely. Also, to my surprise, I got into a Batman/Joker ship, so now I'm exploring a new fandom :D It's always a delight.
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I want to thank all of you for sticking around still! Thank you to my wonderful readers who leave reviews, kudos, asks and likes: I treasure your feedback and it makes me so happy. Thank you to all those who worry about me, who message me, and who support me on Patreon. Actually, the Patreon money is what helped me get through the horrible May and still go on my vacation. I felt so exhausted and drained from nightly bombings that it damaged my workability, and I earned less than usual. I honestly can't explain how much your support and help means, what it did to me. It helped me hold on and keep my sanity intact.
Here's the beautiful sight I observed yesterday: two rainbows appearing at once after the rain. I know people see this stuff across the world, but it felt like a good sign.
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justrainandcoffee · 2 months
Hello lovely! I just saw your moodboard requests idea and if you’re still taking new ones (totally fine if not!) I was wondering about maybe a Holly x Emmett one with a holiday AU? Cos those little apocalypse babies deserve a break, right? 😂 Thanks! xx
Thanks for sending this, Alex! (I wanted to send them to the beach or a cruise ship but I couldn't find a single picture of Cillian, not even one, that could fit the idea, so winter holidays it is. Tell Holly do not be mad at me. Hope she can enjoy the snow as well 🤭.)
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"I'm freezing my ass!" Holly watched at Emmett and smiled.
"Is that a code for 'hug me, please?'"
"Maybe it is, yeah."
Both of them were in Switzerland enjoying their well deserved holidays. The landscape, the chocolate and the mutual company was all they needed. Everything was perfect. Even when Emmett almost broke his ankle trying to ski. Holly had several photos of that precise moment.
He smiled at her as well before approaching his girlfriend and hugging her from behind. Emmett rested his chin on her shoulder and kissed her cheek.
"You're really cold," he said.
"I am. Can we go to Brazil next time? I'd really appreciate it."
"I was thinking to go to the Russian tundra, but if you want Brazil..."
She couldn't see his face, but she knew he was smiling. "I'll post your photos falling on the snow on Instagram, publicly. And also Facebook, you know that?"
"Brazil, it is."
He loved her and she loved him as well. If the end of the world found them there, as long as they were together nothing else mattered.
She smiled again and turned around to kiss him. "I'm going to post them anyway."
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You can find this beautiful series about Enmett and Holly: here.
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