#sel rants i guess
onebrainsel · 2 years
The Duffers saying they wrote Billy in, because they had lost a human antagonist when Steve got redeemed is frankly the height of stupidity. And I'll explain why: Tommy H.
From the get go in season 1 Tommy is Steve's foil.
Tommy is the ugly parts of Steve, and he realizes that when his face is beaten bloody, and he's standing in that parking lot. Steve doesn't want to be like that anymore. He doesn't want to be Tommy.
After that it makes sense for Tommy to feel betrayed and left behind. Steve —whom he most likely knew since childhood, let's be honest in a town like that is very possible— traded him for a random chic, Steve who's abandoning all the highschool hierarchy for what to him is nothing.
You don't need a new character to be your bully when you already have a bully baked into your original cast. It's so stupid they didn't realize that, and hell, a highschool rivalry between former friends is incredibly more impactful than just a random new guy.
Billy and Steve are parallels to each other and not foils. They aren't polar opposites at all. They both have abandonment issues, parental issues, both put up different masks to the world so people can't see what's going on underneath. The difference is how they deal with it.
Billy is loud, confrontational, he lashes out. Steve on the other hand, he retreats into himself, bottles everything up.
The Duffers wanted a human antagonist, but Billy ain't it.
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our-king-bree · 1 year
Ok so I just woke up from a nap and my head ia full of Sel so here's my little rant I guess
WARNING: spoilers for legendborn and bloodmarked I guess? just beware! please!
Sel grew up in an environment full of hate and violence, he was taught since a very young age that not only did he have to proof every single day that he was worth his tittle but also that he could succumbed to his own blood any day.
Now with this in my mind, why do you think this boy would do when he feels danger in the only place where he's supposed to feel safe and realized that not only Nick is back (Nick who has been denying his tittle since he was like eight or sunm) but that he also brings with him a new girl, a strange girl, a girl that no one knows! in a place that is ruled by bloodlines!
Ok so it's only fair that he tried to take out Bree, at the end of the day HE WAS RIGHT! THERE WAS DANGER! He just didn't spot it right, but can you blame him? I don't think we can. It makes totally sense that he attacked the new girl instead of the boy who was trained and had a family that was part of the Order.
Did he made a mistake? Not only one but several! Was he stupid? Yeah but he holds himself accountable. He's not perfect but you cannot ask perfection from someone who grew up in a such a toxic environment! The Order lied to him about his mother! (We still don't know what ACTUALLY happened to his mother, we can think that Martin did it and that's even worse because it was him who took Sel after his mother "died")
Like c'mon he's touch starved! How fuck up your childhood had to be for you to be touch starved? And he appreciates these people? He thinks that at least these people stayed with him? You realized he's literally a victim of violence?
Selwyn is NOT a racist! Selwyn is human and like any other human he made mistakes (which he recognized, so that's something)
I'll defend him from everyone because you know who else does it? That's right! Bree (Tracy too but I'm talking about the book here lmao)
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nenko-dreams · 1 year
Lovely @zetaaa requested a snippet from “Emergency exit” so here it is. I hope it’s not too confusing after only one chapter posted on ao3... but I’ll be happy to answer any questions! I hope you’ll enjoy =) 
Two days later her useless toad of a husband returned from the city. His arrival was announced by the sound of a car stopping at the gate. Roelle strode down the stairs on her way to the living room window which allowed a nice view of the main road and the garden. Selwyn found her with her nose glued to the glass, gaping critically at the fiancé he had brought from the mainland. The man was tall and unbelievably handsome, standing alone at the path leading to the house with a confused expression on his face. His golden hair needed some trimming to look presentable according to the government standards but the thing that attracted Roelle’s sharp gaze was something else.
“He was supposed to be handsome and agreeable…” She shook her head, turning back to face Selwyn. “And while he doesn’t lack in looks, he is a cripple.”
“Try to find a better one,” Selwyn said, defensively, taking out his casual clothes from the large wardrobe in the corner of the room.  He was in no mood for an argument. He only wished to finally get rid of his elegant suffocating suit and escape to his greenhouse to calm down after this ridiculous journey. “Now people know their value. It’s difficult to hire for field work, not to mention for a wedding.”
“But he’s a cripple,” Roelle insisted with a clear distaste in her voice. 
“So what?” Selwyn shrugged, unbuttoning his shirt. “It’s even better. Only true love would make you marry a one-handed man and if you need a divorce, it’s always a good reason.”
“Oh.” Roelle shot him a surprised look. She had always considered her husband a simple-minded muttonhead but from time to time even he could come up with something clever to say.  “I see the visit to the city did you some good. Now you’re thinking like a politician. Where did you find him?”
“At television.”
“What’s his name?”
“I guess it was Lannister… He’s an editor there or something.” Selwyn turned away so she could not see his face.
“Is he? He doesn’t even have glasses…” Roelle said, taking away his shirt. It was too expensive to trust him to fold it properly. “Did you sign a contract?”
“Hells, Ro. Our Brienne is not an old car for sale.”
“Those vultures from television will do anything for money! Did he tell you why he needs it?”
“Something about the journey around Essos,” Selwyn mumbled the first thing that came to his mind. The revelation at the ferryboat left him too drained and exhausted to ask any more questions about his future son-in-law and he wasn’t even sure he wanted to know the answers. 
“Yet another bloody traveller, greedy for my money. Human cruelty has no limits!” Roelle snickered. “And it’s all your fault, Sel. It’s because of your lenient parenting Brie is now carrying a bastard!”
“Not so loud, Ro,” Selwyn said preventively before she could start her usual rant criticising his every little move. “What will the fiancé think about us?”
“Who cares? Just bring him over here.” 
Selwyn sighed, casting the last resigned look through the window and suddenly froze. The damn fiancé was no longer waiting in front of the house but what terrified Selwyn the most, was the fact that the young man was nowhere to be seen. Fearing the worst, he shoved the suitcase with the money in his wife’s hands ordering her to hide it properly and ran out of the room.
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Meeting 049
049 x reader
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Peace and quiet, are the main reasons why you moved into a cottage in a rural area. It took a lot of work to modernize and clean the place, but god was it worth it. After all, your time working at the foundation as well, interesting to say the least. And this peace did help with recovery. So to say you were shocked when finding 049 in your home is an understatement.
When you got back home and opened your door you weren't expecting to find a dangerous anomaly that tried to kill you more than once (Few times are your fault but still), walking around your place mumbling angrily to itself. He eventually noticed you staring and both of you froze. He was the first to come to his senses and start going your way while saying something you didn't understand. So you did the obvious, smacked the door on him, well his beak? Time to get away and call the foundation. If you still have their number. You didn't even get that far when something grabbed your arm.
You didn't have to be a genius to figure out that it's 049 and that those are your last seconds.
“Language, my dear”
You simply rolled your eyes, yup he’s still a prick.
Well, it’s been probably a few minutes and you’re not dead. So you turn around
to look at him, which made him let go of your arm.
“Not to sound ungrateful, but how am I not dead?”
He sighed and looked at the ground.
That did make you feel a bit bad. You expected him to snark at your comment of you not dying since the,,correct,, word is cured. No matter, it’s time to use the situation and try running away again. But you didn’t even take two steps before he grabbed your arm again. Well might as well keep trying, you’re not gonna make it easy for him.
“Doctor l/n” You ignore him and keep trying to pull your arm free.
“Doctor l/n” Nope, nope, you’re not giving up that easily.
He sighed “Y/n, please. This is ridiculous”
You huffed and stopped struggling.
“There we go, that wasn’t that hard was it?”
“I never wanted to kick a man more in my life”
“I see you’re still the same”
You knew this could spiral into an off-topic conversation so you stepped in.
“Alright mind explaining why you’re here? I thought you’re smarter than going to your ex researcher’s house when you can’t even ,,cure,, me. Wait, how did you find my place
“Your home? I beg your pardon, that is my cottage, I used to live there for quite some time while treating the village nearby.” Oh.
“It’s a city now” You corrected him.
“It used to be a village”
“Well now the cottage is mine, the village is a city and you can’t be here, you’re a threat, 049. Not to mention, I don’t want the foundation near me again” You tried crossing your arms, but he was still holding your arm.
He got visibly irritated at your comment.
“Well-” He said loudly. “As you can see, you’re still your disgusting sick sel-”
“Calm down 049”
He exhaled and continued. “self. And not as you say: dead, so clearly I’m not as you say a threat” You wanted to protest that but he was faster. “Besides Y/n” he straightened his posture. “If you call them now they will question you and likely take my, excuse me, your cottage”
Well, I mean he’s not wrong. Damn it you thought. You thought the situation through for a few minutes.
“Ok, first of all, let go of my arm”
“So you can try running away again? I’m not-”
“049” You looked at him clearly annoyed. He muttered something and let go of your arm. You smirked
“That wasn’t that hard, was it? Now, I need explanations, how did you get out, when did you get out and uh well what’s with your touch, I’m supposed to be ,,cured,, ?”
He became uncomfortable and sad when you mentioned the last part of your question.
“I think it would be wiser having the conversation back in my cottage, as people might see us here and I tend to stand out of a crowd as you can imagine. The collar certainly isn’t helping
You groaned, he’s right, again. Damn it. And since you couldn’t argue with him both of you walked back to your, well his, well I guess your cottage. Once you two arrived there, you had to endure his complaining about how everything is different there and why would anyone build in more windows and probably more but you interrupted him quite fast, after all, you still wanted the answers. He of course couldn’t simply answer, he first demanded his collar to be taken off, which is a fair request. After that, he finally explained how he managed to run off thanks to another organization trying to raid the facility. But he kept avoiding answering the question about his touch. You knew he wouldn’t budge so you used an old trick on him you learnt when working with him. You simply made him tea and waited for him to get more comfortable and after a bit, it worked. He went on a rant about how he thinks the foundation did something to him, apparently, they call it something like ΩK. After he was done with his
rant, it was obvious he was upset by this.
You wanted to comfort him, but you realized he is not supposed to be there. So you told him he needs to go, you won’t call the foundation but he has to go. He didn’t want to leave, he kept insisting this is his cottage.
“049 no, you absolutely can’t stay here”
“Why not?”
“Why not? Are you serious? What if the foundation finds you? You know how much in trouble I will be?
“Y/n, please calm down there is no rea-”
“You’re not staying”
He simply chuckled at that and said. “My dear, I am, but you’re free to leave my cottage”
You tried arguing with him but it was to no avail. Well, I guess you’re living with a dangerous entity now.
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wonder-kid-pugh · 4 years
First Words - (Rose Lavelle x reader)
Being one of the younger players on the team always meant that the older player and the vets were always going to be protective of you. But with me they took it to a whole other level. I joined the team the same time as Mal. But when I came onto the team everyone on the team thought I hated them.
"Why won't she talk to us?" Emily pouts as I walk over to a table with my headphones in. I guess they thought I couldn't hear them. "Has anyone actually heard her say a word since she's being here?" Kelley asks. Everyone shakes their head before they all turn to Becky who's my roommate but she just shrugs, "She's hasn't said anything to me". "She doesn't even call for the ball in practice" Pinoe sighs. Tobin shrugs, "Maybe she's just shy. I mean she's seems cool". Although I do stay near Becky and Alyssa I do drift near Tobin always finding the two of of us juggling the ball together before training.
"But what if we did something wrong?" Christen frowns. I bite the inside of my cheek as I pretend to check my phone. I never meant for them to think they did something wrong. They had been so welcoming and kind trying to involve me in their conversations or inviting me to hang out with them. They always tried to get me to talk to them and I wanted to.
It was the fact that I couldn't
I guessed I must of zoned out as I'm snapped out of it by someone sitting across from me. I look up from my plate to see Rose was now sitting across from me with a smile, "Can I ask you a question?" I just nod my head expected her to ask me the obvious question. But I'm surprised when instead she shows me her phone, "Which dog do you think is cuter?"
I look at her in shock and I guess she sees that as she frowns, "What? Please don't tell me your a cat person". I let out a snort and shake my head making her smile, "Good now which one do you think?" She asks again. I lean in front and look at her phone. The first one was Siberian husky puppy with adorable bright blue eyes. While the other was a Pembroke Welsh corgi with white and brown fur. I look over both of them for a few more seconds before pointing at the husky.
A big grin spreads across her face, "I knew it! Lindsey kept saying the corgi but just look at his little blue eyes! I mean they're both adorable but I just can't get over how blue his eyes are". She starts to ramble on about the puppy and I can't help but smile at her. She kept ranting about the blue eyed puppy which was ironic as her own blue eyes seemed to sparkle talking about the dogs.
"Y/n? You okay?" She asks making me shake my head at the thoughts. I just point at her, "Me? She asks pointing at herself. I bite my lip and grab my phone before quickly typing out a message and passing her my phone. She tilts her head at me before taking the phone. I try to ignore the spark when her fingers graze mine. Instead I chuckle at the blush on her face as she reads the message.
"Your eyes sparkle just like the husky's"
Honestly after that some of the team didn't know what to do with me. Some left me alone just happy that they hadn't done something wrong to make me feel out of place. But people like Kelley and Sonnett made it their mission to get me to talk to them.
"So who are you rooting for to win the league this year Y/n?" Sonnett asks. Kelley and Sonnett thought that if they kept asking me open ended questions that I it would force me to speak to them. I had become their latest challenge as they were determined to be the one to get me to talk.
If only they knew
"Definitely the Royals right Y/n?" Kelley grins looking at me but I just shake my head. "Who are you supporting so?" I tug on Rose's sweatshirt making her look at me only for me to point at the badge over her heart making the two frat daddies scoff, "Your cheering for the Spirit?" I nod making Rose smile beside me as Mal teases Kelley and Sonnett.
I cuddle in beside Rose as they are about to start the film and I smile widely as I feel Rose wrap her arm around me as well. As the movie ends and everyone's about to head back to their room Sonnett turns to me, "Did you like the movie Y/n?" I nod as I get up and walk over to Becky who's waiting for me by the door. But before we leave i hear Emily sigh.
"Are you ever going to talk to us?"
I freeze for a second before I continue walking not even stopping to wave goodbye to them. I can hear Becky follow me as I walk into my room and dropping onto my bed. "You okay Y/n?" The centre back asks as she looks at me with concern. I just nod lightly before looking down and playing with my fingers. I hear her sigh before she sits down beside me, "Don't listen to Kelley and Emily. They're idiots and they don't understand that not everyone is loud like them. You don't have to do anything your not comfortable with. We just want to make sure that your happy and working hard with the team okay?"
I nod and smile at her before surprising her with a hug which she returns. As she leaves for the bathroom to get ready for bed, I check my phone as the screen lights up with a message.
Are you okay?
I smile at my phone my heart lifting at the thought of the spirit midfielder worried about me. I shake my head ridding it of any thoughts of her remotely returning my feelings and send off a quick message before turning in for the night.
I think after that the team just accepted that's how I was. Kelley and Sonnett although they kept trying they dialed it back no doubt due to the team talking to them. It was only at my second camp that they learned the true reason behind my silence. They were shocked to say the least.
"Yes Clicker!" Tobin laughs as I nutmeg Lindsey before I continue running down the wing. I couldn't help but laugh at the nickname the team gave me. Tobin called me that after practice one day when everytime I wanted the ball I would click my fingers. After that it just stuck with the rest of the team calling me that as well.
Sonnett steps up trying to tackle the ball off of me but I keep close control of the ball and I end up putting Sonnett on her ass before crossing the ball for Christen to volley it into the net.
I grin and jog over and hug Christen before they call an end to practice with my team winning. "That was incredible Clicks!" Tobin laughs as she wraps her arms around me and Christen making the forward laugh, "That was an amazing run Y/n". I blush at their compliments before beaming up at them.
"Better look out for this one Heath. She'll be coming for your title soon" Pinoe jokes. "I hear your starting in the match against Mexico. Are your parents coming to watch?" Ali asks me. The smile on my face drops and I just shake my head. This makes the other frown as well, "Why not?" I just shrug and look down at my cleats digging them into the turf.
Kelley sensing that I was uncomfortable with the topic tries to lighten it up. "Well if you play like you did today then they don't stand a chance. I think the best part was when she put Sonnett on her ass" Kelley sniggered making everyone else laugh while Sonnett pouts. The blonde defender looks at me but I just wink at her making her wrap me in a headlock.
I squirm before I push her off my harshly as I look at her in fear. I pushed her so hard that she fell to the ground making everyone look at us. Emily looks at me bewildered as my breathing starts to get heavy as I out my hand on my neck. I close my eyes trying to calm down enough to get my breathing normal but nothing works.
Next thing I know is someone grabs my hand dragging me away. I let them pull me along wanting to be anywhere else but here at the moment. When we finally stop in the hallway to the dressing room I feel them hug me tightly guiding my head into the crook of their neck. "Hey it's okay. Everything's okay. Your safe I promise. Now I need you to breathe with me okay?" They say soothingly. I recognize her voice instantly and the smell of her perfume relaxes me slightly as I nod into her neck. Her hands rub up and down my back as she coos in my ear, "Follow my breathing. In and out. That's it. That's good Y/n".
I keep following her breathing for a bit longer before it finally goes back to normal and I sink into her embrace. She just holds me a little while longer before she pulls back just enough to look at me, "You okay Y/n?" I just nod finding comfort in her bright blue eyes. "I'm going to bring you to Dawn okay?" She asks and I just nod again.
She takes my hand again but this time walking beside me rubbing her thumb over the back of my hand reassuringly. She brings us over to the sideline where Dawn looks up at us worried, "What wrong Y/n?" I just lean into Rose laying my head on her shoulder as she explains, "Sonnett got her in a headlock and freaked her out a bit".
Dawn looks at me with pity, "I'm getting that triggered it?" I just nod making Rose look at me in concern, "Triggered what?" Before Dawn can say anything the rest of the team come over. "You okay Y/n?" Becky asks looking me up and down. I nod while Alex looks at me, "What happened?"
I sigh and look at Dawn, "Want me to tell them?" I nod and she looks at me softly, "All of it?" I gulp but nod before leaning back into Rose who wraps her arms around me.
Dawn sighs as she looks at the rest of the woman, "Y/n grew up in foster care. She never knew her parents and she was moved around a lot as a kid. She didn't have the best experience living in the system". Dawn pauses for a second before steeling herself and continuing, "In one of those homes it wasn't great. Her foster parents verbally abused her. And one night her foster father attacked her and nearly choked her to death".
Everyone is quiet as they all digest what Dawn has told them. I can feel Rose's arms hold me tighter. "Oh Y/n" Becky breathes out who looks on the verge of tears. Christen who is crying lets out a few sniffles along with some other players. "She's hasn't spoken since then and doctors says that she was so scared and traumatized by it that she developed selective mutism because of it".
Kelley frowns looking extremely guilty, "That's why you haven't talked to us. Because you can't". I just nod while Sonnett looks at me with tears streaming down her face, "I'm so sorry Y/n". Everyone is quiet no one quiet knowing what to say. That is until Rose pulls back from me taking my face in her hands, "This doesn't change anything. Your still the same person as before. This doesn't change who you are".
She looks at me so determined making sure I know she means her words that I can't help but stare back at her in awe. Only tearing my eyes away from her as Becky puts her hand in my shoulder, "She's right. We're your family now".
I start to cry as I pull the two them into a hug which leads to the rest of the team joining in. I nestle my head into Rose's neck as for the first time I finally felt at Home.
And that led them to be extremely protective of me. Whether it be from other teams, fans or the media. They wouldn't tolerate anything negative about me or my unwillingness to speak. Even after 2 years they were still extremely protective of me. They made me feel the safest I've ever felt. And as I sit in my cubbie I realise how important this team is to me.
"Hey, you okay?" Rose asks putting a hand on my leg. I look down at her hand and put my hand on hers and interlock our fingers making the both of us smile.
"I love you guys"
Everyone stops talking and instead looks in our direction looking at me I shock. But I instead just look down at our enjoined hands playing with her fingers like I usually do. "Did you....just talk?" Rose whispers out. I nod and look up to her dazzling cerulean eyes which are starting to water.
"Oh my god Y/n! You just spoke!" She exclaims picking me up out of the locker and spins me around in her arms making me laugh. Everyone crowds around us as she puts me back down on the ground, "I just wanted to tell you guys how much I love you. Your like my family". Rose cups my cheeks making me smile and hold her wrists, "God I love the sound of your voice".
Not being able to hold myself back any longer I stare deep into her eyes, "Can I kiss you?" Rose lets out a watery laugh before she nods. I waste no time smashing my lips into hers and she happily returns it. As we break away the entire team cheers us on and smiling at us while I smirk down at Rose who's now breathing heavy unable to speak.
"Looks like I left you Speechless"
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Avery: Hey, say 'a ripe blackberry whispers to a wall' in French. Blair: murmure mûre murmure contre un mur -- The girls: ugh periods are terrible Ezzie (who had a hysterectomy) & mothy girls: sucks to be you ig -- El, opening a Capri sun: Guess I’ll drink my sorrows away- Ezzie: Damn it, I was gonna mix that with vodka- -- Ezzie, drunk: *angrily ranting about the english* Elise, also drunk: I am sPEED Ev, also drunk, in the corner: *French accent* I wanna fuck my wife- //When don’t you- -- Ezzie, playing animal crossing: Why can’t I hit the dam monkey with a shovel- El, also playing animal crossing: Babe just vibe- Ezzie: Ta fuck is that shit- -- Ev: *playing Animal Crossing* Sel: Can I play? Ev: noooooo Sel: y???? Ev: I don't want anything messed up! -- El, the most chill human Ezzie knows, while playing Doom: YEAHHHHH RIP HIS *bleep* EYE OUT DIEEEE YOU FLOATING *long bleep* *Insane laughter* Ezzie:.....I luv her- -- Ev, a pure boi: What are friends with benefits? Sel:....a very special kind of friends Ev: ummm...like us? Sel: *chokes* -- (human au) Ev: we should adopt a cat! Sel, knowing her husband’s history of coming up with names includes but is not limited to Fluffy, Foo Foo and Socks: On one condition -- Eric: How are my grandkids? Charlie: Um... you aren't Evan's dad-? Eric: Yeah, well, Johnson can suck my dick, they're *my* grandkids. -- Ev, buying a toy for someone he knows through his student: Would you like a Barbie or a Hot Wheels? The mom: he's a boy Ev: Congratulations! Does he want a Barbie or a Hot Wheels? Mom: I want a boy toy, please Ev: Who doesn't? Mom: Ev: Ev: Now, Barbie or Hot Wheels? -- Ev, full Rathmore when he’s tired: if you work on a farm and your job is to look over the chickens then you are the chicken tender. Sel, used to this shit: -- Evan: Why did you tape your report card to the celing? One of the kids, developing their rathmore tendencies: You wanted me to bring my grades up. Ev: Ev: You are correct- let me see it, please? -- Ev: are you a cuddler? Sel: I'M A MACHINE OF DEATH AND DES- yeah I'ma cuddler. //PFFTTT-
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jelenasymphony · 7 years
The Sleepover (2/2)- Jelena One Shot
To read part 1 click here.
I know a few of you were really looking forward for this so I’m really sorry for taking so long to finish this.
I’m really grateful for all the feedback this one shot had, I enjoy so much the fact that you like my fanfiction, and i’m really thankful of y’all taking time off your day to read what I write. 
Word Count: 2649. 
Selena’s POV:
I was ashamed of the face staring back at me in the mirror; my eyes were puffy and red, my cheeks, covered on rimmel-tinted tears, were swollen, making my face look even rounder than it was, and my hair was messy for pulling the roots of my hair too much. I hated myself so much in this moment, who in the world would accept having dinner AND a sleepover with their ex, who she stills in love so fucking much? My breath shakes every time I remember I'll be here until tomorrow morning and I'm going to have to keep pretending that everything is okay, even when we watch movies and a knot is made in my throat in front of some stupid romantic scene, because everything reminded me of us. I feel stupid for being here in first place, and even more stupid when I realise I don’t know how much time I was locked in the bathroom crying my heart out and it will be so hard to get out, knowing Fredo will notice my red eyes, no matter how many times I wash my face or how much I fix my makeup, my chances of them believing that I was okay are little.
A knock on the door makes me jump.
-Sel, are you okay? -I swallow hard when I hear his voice from the other side of the door, and I know it will take everything in me to make my voice seem clear and happy, like I should (who wouldn’t be happy of having a just friends relationship with their ex? -probably not me).- I’m coming in.
I rush to face the mirror as I grab the rimmel from my purse, pretending I was happily fixing my makeup when he comes in, staring at me with worry on his eyes.
-Hey, what’s up? -he looks at me confused, but I feel proud of myself because my voice went off pretty good. 
-Are you okay? You been here for half an hour, and as long as I know, you don’t take that long to take a shit -I laugh out loud as I face him, and I instantly regret it when his eyes lock in mine.
-So much beer made me dizzy, my stomach is empty because I was saving space for food, you know me -shouldn’t our food be here by know? I should be filling my mouth with fried chicken so I couldn’t say anything I shouldn’t in front of him, what’s surely going to happen next.
-Yeah, and it’s because I know you I know something is wrong with you, you can still vent to me Sel, I’m always here, you know? -I hate him as soon as he says those words, why couldn’t he be the kind of ex who is a douchebag and make me believe I’m better off without him? But I know if even it is the case, I would still love him with every inch of my heart, he already proved that over all our breakups with his lies and infidelities, my stubborn heart would still love him anyways.
-It’s nothing, I swear it’s just the beer -I lie again, as he approaches me to be two feet away from me, and I realise maybe alcohol did have an effect in me, I wouldn’t let him get this close to me if I was in my senses, good luck I’m not completely drunk because I can still pretend I don’t want him to come even closer until there is no space between our lips.
-Since when the beer makes you cry? I don’t remember you crying at Coachella -a chill runs my back, he does remember us getting drunk at Coachella years ago, and I wonder if he also remembers that we made out behind the trailer and things got pretty racy.
We both laugh and I feel my cheeks blush to the thought of a drunken couple desperately having something really close to sex among the bushes. -Shut up, you were drunk too, we were really living the you-only-live-once spirit. 
I grab my purse to go back to the living room, pretending we finished talking, but he hurries to stand in front of the door, blocking my escape. -We’re not done here, I know something is wrong with you, and I’m sorry if it is because something I said, I got carried out, we were really having a good talk.
-Yeah, and it’s good we catch up, but really it’s nothing you said, I guess it’s just me not being ready to hear some stuff. -Why the fuck did I said that? Since when three beers were too much? Maybe you can’t mix alcohol with a broken heart, and even after all this time I still don’t learn that.
-Is it because of Hailey? I’m sorry I brought her name in the conversation, I really forgot you don’t like her -of course I don’t like her, and now I like her even less since she tries too hard to erase me from Justin’s memories, would her next step to replace me be going to Coachella with him? It disgusts me just to think about it.
-Justin, we were catching up, and I really knew you would bring your girlfriend into the conversation, just ignore me, everything is okay. -he looks at me surprised and confused, his eyes pop open as he goes back to frowning and I try to move him from the door- please move, I just want fried chicken -I pout, and he laughs, finding me adorable, but still won’t move from the door, and I know this would be a hard talk.
-Fried chicken can wait, Selena, Fredo won’t eat anything, he knows too well what happens when someone eats your food. -he laughs again and I really hope the subject of this conversation could just be my obsession with food and all the times I got mad at Fredo for eating some of my fries.- But Hailey is not my girlfriend, I don’t want a relationship and she knows it, we just hang out.
I feel anger at his words, what the fuck is he doing then? Does he fucking know he is taking her to dates like they’ve been dating for years? Doing all the things we wanted to? Fucking new year at St Barts, gosh damn. -I’m sorry, it doesn’t look like it. -Jealousy runs my veins, and I instantly feel my subconscious kick me on the throat. I hurry to add something else as his mouth opens, ready to say something- But you shouldn’t be explaining anything to me, as a friend I’m really happy you have good company.
-What do you feel as an ex? -he spits with a tone of anger, is he angry at me? Why couldn’t I keep my mouth shut and pretend everything was alright? It’s not like I never did.- I don’t care what you think as my friend when you act like this, Selena, I really need to know what you think since you seem to be the one who knows what’s better for me. -his voice breaks as he pronunces those last words, and I won’t know if it’s anger running his veins or if he really meant it, and I feel tears forming in my eyes.
-You want to know the truth? -I stare at him, he firmly keeps his gaze on me and I know there’s no going back- You look pretty stupid to me pretending you can replace me with her, you’re so fucking obvious doing all the things we did together and you don’t even have respect to make some new plans, you just do what we planned to do together. -I realise I’m screaming and tears run down my face, as he stares at me, concern and sadness in his eyes, but I won’t stop- That fucking sucks because it looks like what we had was never special to you, while I can’t even go on a fucking date to our favorite restaurant and feel guilty when my date orders your favorite dish because I feel like I’m replacing you when I know damn well I would never love anyone the way I love you, and I don’t plan to replace you and create new memories with anyone to erase you from them because they are not you, even if they wear your favorite cologne or taste like your favorite wine, I will always feel this emptyness when I realise I’m not waking up next to you.
My knees feel weaker with every word I say and I’m afraid I would end up shaking on the floor at his gaze. -I’m done with pretending I’m okay with this, Justin, so done. I thought I was good at moving on after all this time, but you don’t make it any easier throwing it in my face, and I can’t even date anyone, not just because it hurts me, but because when I feel like I could do it, you come with a new song singing about how much you miss me, with your shady attitude towards my male friends and you really make me feel like you belong to me and to the fact my body stills needs your touch, but it doesn’t last because when I finally decide to take a step into your life, you already moved on with your bitches pretending I never existed.
When I realize, I’m on my knees, tears falling heavily, it’s getting harder to breathe and I can’t talk without my body shaking at every word. But Justin is crying too, I wonder if Alfredo heard anything, and I feel like shit for my unnecessary rant when I could simply pretend I was okay until I believe it -even if it took me years, because I was ruining Justin chances of moving on too.
Justin’s POV:
I’m holding Selena in my arms while I dry her tears, my embrace trying to stop her from shaking, like I used to do when she broke down crying after a bad fight. My heart hurts seeing her like this, I’m shocked she stills feel this way for me since she is way too good pretending she doesn’t love me anymore, but I won’t waste any second making her believe I don’t love her back. 
-Do you remember Nothing Like Us? -she nods in my neck, and I take a deep breath and continue while I remember the sound of the piano at the beggining of the song.- It will always be like that to me, there will be no one who makes me feel the way you do, Sel. I would never replace you even if I wanted to, and that’s not the case. I remember everything we did together, and even if admiting this makes me look like a douchebag, the only reason I take girls to the same places we used to go on our dates is because I like to look back on us, I like how it feels when nostalgia takes over me and I can help but smile at the times I threw you into the water of that same beach, the selfies we took, the times you got mad because the seagulls would steal your fries, or how much I miss you getting mad at me for stealing food from your plates at the restaurants and then paying me back teasing me all the way home, I miss all the things we used to do together, even and specially the days when we would just lay in bed, staring at each other, sharing inside jokes, and I could feel even more love that my body could take, so I would lay over and kiss you right before I exploded and we would end up making love and whispering to each other how much we loved the other. -she looks at me with her watery eyes, and I know she felt the same exact feeling I just mentioned.- I will always compare what we had with every possibility I have to a new relationship, and that’s the reason no relationship ever lasts to me, because I get mad at them for not being like you, and at myself for letting the ghost of you take over me. With Hailey I have a great time, and I always remind her that I don’t like her that way, no matter how I act towards her, how many times she tries to kiss me or gets pissed at me for talking about you in my sleep, she is just my best friend. 
She meets my gaze, and I can see her eyes ask for an explanation to all these pictures of me and Hailey kissing, romantic captions on her posts, and I feel like an idiot.- I know, we acted like a couple for a while, we tried to be something. But a week ago, more like since the beggining, I came to the conclusion I only see her as my best friend, and now with you here I know I will have to talk to her about it, even if it’s hard for her to listen and makes me look like an asshole. I can’t keep lying to myself that way, Selena. I don’t want to hurt her thinking we could get serious some day, hurt myself pretending I’m okay with her not being you and no way I want to hurt you either making you believe i’m done with you. I will never be over you, Sel.
-I know it was me to say we should move on, but why didn’t you come back for me? -her voice sounds broken, and I hate myself for letting my insecurities take over me. But I won’t regret it, she will always be better off without me, I’m not the man she deserves- It seems pretty clear now that we could never get over each other, no matter how many people we date.
-Sel, you deserve much more I could give to you, you deserve much more this world has to offer. -I feel tears forming again in my eyes, knowing I’d have to let her go again, even after everything we both said to the other- I fucked up so many times, I would never cheat or lie to you ever again and I don’t really need to date any other women to realise you are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, I’m sure as fuck it will be always be you, but I’m still not being what you deserve, you do make me feel like a better man, you make me be a better man, but I will never be worthy of your love again after all what happened between us and my special hability to fuck everything up. 
I meet her gaze, and I know she understands what is being in an intern battle with yourself for feeling you’re not being enough.
I want to be enough.
-You are more that I could ever ask for, Jay, you are so good to me, and even after all the mistakes we made, we still have other mistakes to make, because that’s just how life is. It doesn’t mean we can’t grow together, Jay. We can do it, no matter how many obstacles life throw at us, if you love me and really want to be with me, then there is no excuse, we’ll always have each other -that being said, her lips meet mine, her legs wrap firmly around me and her hands are holding my face. We kiss desperate and loving, not seeming to get enough of each other.
When we break the kiss I look at her, and I see that unconditional love I always found only in her eyes.
I will be enough.
This didn’t take the plot I thought it would when I first pictured the story in my mind, but I’m still very proud of this <3
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apeaceofthesun-blog · 7 years
Stabbings and Poo in Bogotà
Never in many years could I even dream of going to Colombia! We made it to Bogotà’s “Cranky Croc Hostel (which incidentally) doesn’t accept credit cards. 😣 woh woh. But otherwise it’s very nice. Very centralized- I love the area, La Candelaria (mostly I just like to say La Candelaria repeatedly).
We found some great coffee at Juan Valdez, recommended by our hostel roommates from Holland. We went to a nearby pharmacy because K started her period! Yikes! And by now, we are blossom cup proponents. Hashtag praise hands emoji. We also had to take out $ from the atm because the banks are closed and apparently it’s not as cc friendly as we thought! I’m not sure what our major plan is, I’m going with the flow…
Went to dinner at El Coral ….like a Dennys. Got a buncha potato food and gointa bed after some amazing alfajores from across the street. There’s a salsa lesson going on at the hostel but they’re all real bad. …
Hi. We survived day 2. We enjoyed some breakfast in the hostel and a 2 hour walking graffiti tour led by a guy named Jay from NY/Florida/Colombia. The street art is incredible and mostly allowed…and artists….no gang tags just artist tags. 💛
We then got poutine??? (I know. Weird thing to get in Bogota but are you surprised?) So random. Then found our bus station to get another bus to get to … PARQUE JAIME DUCQUE !!! A weird theme park in the middle of no where with the 7 wonders of the world in small form and a zoo…and a dino park…and bumper cars…and pedal boats…and a weird giant warehouse with birds on a giant map. It. Was. All. Weird. A.F. but super fun!!! We rode a train around the park, got tons of selfies with the taj mahal, saw monkeys (like real monkeys), took silly dick pics with the giant crown man. We played on some swings and at a kids park on weird toys. (Weird is a theme word here I realize) We rode weird tandem bikes around a track. Took pics in a dinosaur mouth. I got a video of the other three sliding down a horrible slide. Etc.
We got on a bus to the main station easy. Then when we were trying to find our bus to La Candelaria, the guard kept telling us we can’t go there because we will get stabbed. He motioned stabbing us TO US multiple times. We had to explain that we are staying there and he still wasn’t getting it. Then finally a nice English speaking gentleman came and told us what bus to take J 72 btw. He told us we would be ok but of course now everyone is worried and extremely paranoid about being stabbed on the bus and off the bus… Who even knows?!?! But also like..come on. We live in MacArthur Park Los Angeles…its gonna be fine. Yikes. We got off the bus. Didn’t get stabbed. Got some Colombian pupusa like things called arepas with cheese…wasn’t my favorite. None of us could poo until we shared some fiber bars I had brought from home. Lol. Praise hands. Its been a fun and full day. We are relaxing til we have to go to a dance party restaurant place Andre Carne de Rez in like 30 min. Gonna party all night I guess. Hope its fun…
WE GOT KICKED OFF OUR PARTY BUS!!!!!!! Jk. But the party bus did get canceled. We were sad and complained to who we didn’t know was the owner of the hostel. He very kindly offered to drive us to Carne which was like 45 minutes drive. He’s Australian and we got to ask him all kinds of questions about travelling and Colombia, etc. He dropped us off and asked if we could get a cab back etc so as to help us. Soooo nice. We were so lucky.
Andres. We waited in line for 45 minutes (worse than Sqirl!) just to get tickets! People were super rude while at the ticket booth; I was pushed and shoved multiple times. We were all hangry because it was about midnight at this point. We sat down to order expensive food and drinks. It was cold because we were kinda on the outside area. The entire place was huge and lit up and there were cow statues and windmills. It was basically in the middle of nowhere and there were TONS of people crowding the streets. They were all fairly young. There were quite a few people who looked like they fell off a yacht with sweaters draped over their shoulders. 😑 Anyway, our waitor, Andre (ironic) was 22 and cute AF. He spoke English, thankfully. ❤ I got the best chicken and rice cooked in red wine sauce. It was so good. (I’ll literally never forget it). Dinner took forever, but eventually we went dancing. Everyone was already completely drunk and coupled off and basically vomiting in the street. So we left at 230 and took a 85 mil cab ride home and giggled about choking on dicks. Lol
… (Skipping some boring parts of day 3) … We rushed up to the cable cars (since it was on everyone’s list) to beat it to 6pm when it closed. On our walk there, a crazy homeless guy almost stabbed us. I was 80% sure I saw an actual knife in his hand and he was following us. And I had to inform the others of what I saw (in a calm and direct way) and we booked it away. But he was terrifying and nuts. (And me, of all of us, who was originally not concerned with getting stabbed…recognized the immediate stabber in our vicinity) Now we are all nervous for crazies.
The cable car was lovely. The views were stunning and incredible(of the entire city at sunset). Such a wonderful city. And jungle mountain surroundings. ❤❤❤ We had to wait in line to take NOT a cable car down. It was annoying because the people here don’t have personal space awareness and just stand in your bubble. ALSO because the tunnel to go down the mountain in a closed in car made me claustrophobic AF. But I survived. We walked back and found a small grocery store! Bought some candy! Yay! Got lotza gifts for my sqirlz. And then we came back to the hostel and asked the guy we thought was gay to dinner but he was straight and a child. We barely found anything to eat but a burrito place (because everything is closed on Sundays). I got shitty tacos…couldn’t finish them. Then came back to the hostel, ditched not gay Matteus and have been organizing, drinking, writing, chatting and politicizing. ❤❤❤ Tomorrow is our last day! … Fuckkkkkkkkkk been on this bus for like an hour. Traffic is barely moving (they had rerouted us due to a protest in the city). Our bus from the salt cathedral took double time also. So we’ve been on 2 buses for like 3 hours and I’m still not sure when we will get back but we need to leave for our plane in 3 hours. So I hope soon so we can eat and pee and say a proper goodbye to Bogota. The day has been great though. Heard terrible sex in the hostel this AM. Had a granola bar for breakfast. Checked out. Walked to the emerald market. Bought 2 rings for about $150. Beautiful emerald cuts. (First time I’ve ever bought myself jewelry) Then took two buses to the Cathedral de Sol (sel? Idk), ate a chicken sammy there that was ok. The cathedral was underground and super Jesus-y. I mean obvi but the tour started with the stations of the cross and after 4, we were like….we don’t need a guide and peaced out. (And there were no pictures or carvings. It was just a cross every time). It was stunning and HUGE and could be used for something way more amazing than religion. We watched a "light show” and the music for it sounded incredible in the cave. We bought a bunch of souvenirs. I got a salt rock light, some adorable baby booties for Ollie (my newest cousin) and tiny dominoes. ❤ and our hike to the cathedral was way longer than expected but we made some eastern european friends along the way (or were they trying to steal our cameras…who knows).
We finally got off that bus after we were rerouted for a protest. Made it to our plane on time. Drank as much as we could in the rockin bogota airport lounge…took some silly videos. And… Discussed our catchphrases of the trip. And I wrote a very long political rant on the plane which I wont share at the moment.
All in all.. We didn’t get stabbed. #bogotaforrealz
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realestate63141 · 7 years
Why Are So Many Digital Marketers So Full of Shit?
Let me start out by saying I don’t really know Larry Kim. I have had a few conversations with him on Twitter. He seems like a smart, hard-working entrepreneur. I have never used his company, Wordstream, so I can’t really speak to anything about Larry or his service other than what I occasionally read on Twitter or what he publishes elsewhere. But some 2017 SEO predictions he published a few days ago kind of chapped my hide and I am in procrastination mode so I figured I might as well post a rant.
Here’s the prediction that got me:
5. We’ll Say Goodbye to Local SEO
Google Shopping (a.k.a. Product Search) used to be great. Then Google changed the game and Google Shopping became a 100 percent pay-to-play system.
The local SEO train has gone on for way too long. These are 100 percent commercial queries and Google’s next big land grab.
There’s no easy way to cushion the blow for my fifth SEO prediction for 2017, so I’ll just say it: local SEO as we’ve known it will die. Google plans to make $5 billion from local search. So that means one thing: goodbye local organic packs.
I’ll caveat my reaction to this with the fact that I am clearly biased. About 60% of our revenue comes from business related to Local Search so we have a lot to lose if Larry’s prediction came true. Good thing that’s about as likely as that unicorn jumping off this page and farting a rainbow…
There’s no question that Google will continue to take over Local SERP real estate with more monetization and more Google-owned properties.
There’s no question that Local SEO will continue to get harder for many brands.
And there���s no question that many more brands will say “hello” to Local SEO in 2017 v. “goodbye”.
Ask any practitioner of Local SEO what their lead volume looks like in the first two weeks of January. I can’t say I have done a statistical study, but anecdotally everyone I have talked to says it’s off the charts. Over the past three years or so, Local SEO has seen an explosion in demand driven mostly by the inevitability of millions of local businesses gradually awakening to the realities of digital marketing – not to mention all of those digital marketers who have been blogging them into the market – Larry and yours truly included.
Now I am not above saying certain aspects of Local SEO are dying. See my last SEL column:
It may just be that the time of the “scalable” SMB SEO agency is finally ending;
But before we go all nail-in-the-coffin on Local SEO, let’s consider the following:
Product Search went 100% pay-to-play a while ago and guess what? We still get site audit inquiries every month from ecommerce clients who are paying for Google Shopping. In fact, just this morning we fixed a technical SEO problem for an ecommerce client that will make a substantial impact on topline revenue.
Yesterday we got an inquiry from a b2b company that has a consumer keyword in its business name and doesn’t want consumer inquiries from its GMB listing. How do you solve that with a paid ad?
On Monday, we spoke with a large multi-location brand that had over 100 duplicate GMB listings and wanted someone to help fix the problem and come up with a strategy to use GMB more effectively to “help offset the cost of paid Google traffic”.
This week, we have received multiple inquiries about our white label local seo service from agencies who all see this as a growth area for them in 2017 based on what they are hearing from their customers.
And that’s just the last few inquiries in our inbox.
As for Google increasing the monetization of Local SERPs, I think if you ask any Local SEO practitioner, they would probably say they welcome it. Not only does it give marketers an additional lever to pull in local marketing, it also signals that Google is actually investing in its Local service, something which is much needed.
I don’t begrudge Larry making some wild predictions. I am sure I have put some whoppers out there over the years. I even agree with some of Larry’s predictions and he does wrap up his post with an “all is great in SEO world” message which is always good to hear – see Lucky To Be In Local SEO! for my version of sunshine and rainbows.  But it’s the absolutist nature of his call under the guise of expertise that ticks me off.
Perhaps Larry’s next prediction really shows what he’s up to:
6. Black Hat SEOs Will Create Fake Engagement
The post Why Are So Many Digital Marketers So Full of Shit? appeared first on Local SEO Guide.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2ildHqB
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seo53703 · 7 years
Why Are So Many Digital Marketers So Full of Shit?
Let me start out by saying I don’t really know Larry Kim. I have had a few conversations with him on Twitter. He seems like a smart, hard-working entrepreneur. I have never used his company, Wordstream, so I can’t really speak to anything about Larry or his service other than what I occasionally read on Twitter or what he publishes elsewhere. But some 2017 SEO predictions he published a few days ago kind of chapped my hide and I am in procrastination mode so I figured I might as well post a rant.
Here’s the prediction that got me:
5. We’ll Say Goodbye to Local SEO
Google Shopping (a.k.a. Product Search) used to be great. Then Google changed the game and Google Shopping became a 100 percent pay-to-play system.
The local SEO train has gone on for way too long. These are 100 percent commercial queries and Google’s next big land grab.
There’s no easy way to cushion the blow for my fifth SEO prediction for 2017, so I’ll just say it: local SEO as we’ve known it will die. Google plans to make $5 billion from local search. So that means one thing: goodbye local organic packs.
I’ll caveat my reaction to this with the fact that I am clearly biased. About 60% of our revenue comes from business related to Local Search so we have a lot to lose if Larry’s prediction came true. Good thing that’s about as likely as that unicorn jumping off this page and farting a rainbow…
There’s no question that Google will continue to take over Local SERP real estate with more monetization and more Google-owned properties.
There’s no question that Local SEO will continue to get harder for many brands.
And there’s no question that many more brands will say “hello” to Local SEO in 2017 v. “goodbye”.
Ask any practitioner of Local SEO what their lead volume looks like in the first two weeks of January. I can’t say I have done a statistical study, but anecdotally everyone I have talked to says it’s off the charts. Over the past three years or so, Local SEO has seen an explosion in demand driven mostly by the inevitability of millions of local businesses gradually awakening to the realities of digital marketing – not to mention all of those digital marketers who have been blogging them into the market – Larry and yours truly included.
Now I am not above saying certain aspects of Local SEO are dying. See my last SEL column:
It may just be that the time of the “scalable” SMB SEO agency is finally ending;
But before we go all nail-in-the-coffin on Local SEO, let’s consider the following:
Product Search went 100% pay-to-play a while ago and guess what? We still get site audit inquiries every month from ecommerce clients who are paying for Google Shopping. In fact, just this morning we fixed a technical SEO problem for an ecommerce client that will make a substantial impact on topline revenue.
Yesterday we got an inquiry from a b2b company that has a consumer keyword in its business name and doesn’t want consumer inquiries from its GMB listing. How do you solve that with a paid ad?
On Monday, we spoke with a large multi-location brand that had over 100 duplicate GMB listings and wanted someone to help fix the problem and come up with a strategy to use GMB more effectively to “help offset the cost of paid Google traffic”.
This week, we have received multiple inquiries about our white label local seo service from agencies who all see this as a growth area for them in 2017 based on what they are hearing from their customers.
And that’s just the last few inquiries in our inbox.
As for Google increasing the monetization of Local SERPs, I think if you ask any Local SEO practitioner, they would probably say they welcome it. Not only does it give marketers an additional lever to pull in local marketing, it also signals that Google is actually investing in its Local service, something which is much needed.
I don’t begrudge Larry making some wild predictions. I am sure I have put some whoppers out there over the years. I even agree with some of Larry’s predictions and he does wrap up his post with an “all is great in SEO world” message which is always good to hear – see Lucky To Be In Local SEO! for my version of sunshine and rainbows.  But it’s the absolutist nature of his call under the guise of expertise that ticks me off.
Perhaps Larry’s next prediction really shows what he’s up to:
6. Black Hat SEOs Will Create Fake Engagement
The post Why Are So Many Digital Marketers So Full of Shit? appeared first on Local SEO Guide.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2ildHqB
0 notes
onebrainsel · 2 years
The idea of Billy and Lucas bonding brings a lot to the table. But the one thing I wanted to note today is: Lucas' parents.
Out of all the parents we've seen so far, the Sinclairs are the only set that are in love with each other. The scene where Lucas asks for advice is very sweet.
So through picking up Max, dropping her off etc. He gets little glimpses of that. He gets invited for dinner once and he can see how Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair care for one another. Something he never ever saw at home. It was always shouts and fists and hateful stares. He sees Mr.Sinclair place a kiss on Mrs.Sinclair's hand while helping her put away the dishes. It's something so sweet, domestic and casual. It's the kind of love he only saw in cheesy romance movies.
Makes Billy hate the mess of a life he has even more. But seeing that also makes him feel better about Lucas and Max. He remembers how upset Max had been in those first few days after they got to Hawkins. Didn't like the idea of that boy upsetting her, couldn't help but remember his mom. But if anything, Lucas had better example on love than he ever did. He also knew that the first person to give Lucas an earful if he ever hurt Max, it would be Mr. Sinclair.
Billy and Max get to see what a healthy family looks like, brief moments to cement that what happens in the Hargrove-Mayfield home isn't right.
There's a bit of jealousy, there's a bit of longing. Billy probably would never admit how much he enjoys the brief moments he spends around the Sinclairs. He soaks up the love in that household, it's not directed at him, love is never directed at him. But he absorbs it from the atmosphere, let's it sink into his skin. Let's it muffle the hate, let's it just be.
Mr.Sinclair was wary of him in the beginning. He understood, people talk, of course he'd know about how Neil Hargrove would avoid certain people. So of course Billy would be the same. It takes time, but things eventually weren't so tense anymore. And if Mr.Sinclair gives him advice when Billy needs, well, Billy doesn't think he knows how to express how much it means to him.
And if his eyes well up with tears when Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair one day tell him that "Nonsense, you and Max are family, boy." He still doesn't know what to say.
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onebrainsel · 2 years
I think it's weird that the fandom knows Billy is abused, I mean we all saw that scene with Neil... but with Jonathan all we see is Lonnie pushing him- not hitting him. Abuse is implied with Jonathan, but never explicitly shown. Verbally for sure, but its weird how with Billy nothing is implied. There's no room to argue about him being abused. And yet it's still being called a "sob story" and a background story... which implies that Billy got out of that environment, and he didn't. Death wasn't the escape he deserved.
One of the only things about Billy that isn't up for interpretation is him being abused. Of course this isn't getting through to people, but they can "decode" other things that quite frankly I'm sure the writers never intended?
El and Billy are the only characters that have been explicitly abused on screen, and there's favoritism for Eleven, but demonization for Billy. People really pick and choose ig 😬
And their ONLY argument to say that Billy "deserved it" or that he was somehow worse than everyone and "irredeemable" is his supposed racism.
At this point it's beating a dead horse, because we've all already pointed this out. But WHY is Steve allowed to grow out of his homophobic ways, but Billy can't also unlearn racist beliefs? It makes my brain hurt. But we all know it's because Billy isn't uwu. He lashes out, he makes people uncomfortable by shoving the reality of what his trauma led to on their face. And they can't deal with anything outside warped ideals, and frankly, to use their own words here, romanticizing trauma. If trauma doesn't look a certain way, then it isn't valid.
They can fuck off with that.
And like, it's interesting to look at Eleven here, because she is ALSO angry, she is also violent. But I guess it's easier for them to excuse her actions because we meet her has a kid. Billy is an older teen, so in their eyes he should know better or some bullshit like that.
Sigh. It's just hypocrisy all around with them, I just can't deal with them. Really can't.
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onebrainsel · 2 years
There's been a non insignificant amount of energy spent by certain people to drag Dacre thorough the mud for playing a "evil, morally reprehensible" character. And if that's the qualifier, then the same dedicated slander should be thrown at Chase, Modine and Bower for playing child abusers and child murderers. And yet.
Antis fail to realize that racism, the thing used to crucify both Billy and Dacre, is something we, as a society, were taught. And for white people especially, is something we have to unlearn.
By spreading this particular vitriol, they're saying that once a racist, always a racist. They're saying that both an individual and a society cannot change, that they are not allowed to. They are condemning the ignorant for their ignorance, without giving them knowledge.
The point is, no actor should be harassed for a role they play. It's not real, it's make believe. It's pretending.
This supposed moralism they preach will tear apart an ignorant teenager who wasn't taught better, while giving a child murderer leniency.
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onebrainsel · 2 years
I needed a Billy and Lucas team up (and bonding). That shit would've been so cool.
Billy would be straight up howling and laughing while killing monsters, and Lucas is the underrated muscle of the kids group. He's the only one with a weapon (his slingshot) right from s01, he also came up with the fireworks idea in s03. And now in s04 we see him kick Jason's ass. Love to see it.
Let's say it all starts with them getting separated from the group — important because it's a set up that gives antis less arguments — Billy protects Lucas at first, but Lucas proves he can hold his own and they fight interdenominational monsters and it's fun.
The bonding starts there, and it moves out from a fight and into playing basketball together. Billy does eventually apologize for the whole thing at the Byers, and even if it's hesitant from both sides, they can mutually agree that yeah, maybe the other guy is okay.
Lucas would totally join Billy in roasting Max and she dumps him for the 727282nd time complains that Lucas should side with his girlfriend, and that Billy should stop corrupting her boyfriend. Billy's just like "You're giving me too much credit. He's a little shit by nature. That's why you two get along."
Erica definitely shits on Billy whenever he shows up to pick up Max at the Sinclair home. Billy fires right back, and Lucas is just "the fuck am I witnessing". It's Billy versus a 10 year old standing at the door for five minutes being unreasonably petty.
Billy never really goes overprotective of Max and Lucas' relationship in a cliche "if you hurt my sister" way, because he sees Max giving Lucas enough shit when he messes up. It's kinda hilarious to watch actually.
And if Max ever dares to give him relationship advice he's just like "Why is a 14 year old giving me dating tips?"
"Because you need it dipshit. So take it from someone with experience."
"You dump him every other week."
"And he comes back everytime. Your point?"
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onebrainsel · 2 years
It infuriates me that we never see Will sympathize with Billy, or even trying to reach out to him during season 3, despite not knowing him.
Like, Will was in Billy's place just a few months earlier Completely out of control, scared and made to hurt innocent people, his own mom. Will is a kind person, he always aims for the wellbeing of anyone around him. You're going to tell me he wouldn't express anything in this situation, or do anything?
And we get absolutely nothing. Everyday I find more places where the dufflebags failed these characters. And how all meaningful connections that are right there, just on the surface, are just never explored.
Please, just let the gay Williams talk. I beg. It would be so powerful for them to have this bond. I hate the writing so much.
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onebrainsel · 2 years
The way audiences equate antagonists to villains make me insane. While these two things do crossover. They are not the same.
An antagonist opposes the protagonist, they cause conflict but that does not mean the antagonist is evil.
A villain on the other hand is evil. Their motivations and actions are evil.
A villain will always be an antagonist. But an antagonist is not always a villain.
And I'm not saying all villains will be cartoonishly evil, their motivations may be complex, they might even have a point, but it's still bad, still extreme, still, y'know, evil. I don't have to explain what is evil or isn't. People should be able to tell.
It's why it pisses me off when any antagonistic character is lumped in with villains, because that ain't it. An antagonist's goals simply do not align with a protagonist's. That's it.
One of the most mainstream examples would be Tony Stark vs Steve Rogers in Civil War. Neither is a villain, neither one is evil. But they are both antagonists to each other. In the movie more specifically, since it's a Captain America movie, the clear protagonist is Steve. Who opposes Steve? Tony. That makes him an antagonist by default.
This logic can and should be applied to all media.
So when you do apply this to Stranger Things you have an easy way to differentiate things.
Brenner? Abused and tortured kids. Evil.
Vecna? Tortures and brutally murders, aims for world domination. Evil.
Neil? Abused and beat his wife and son. Evil.
Billy? He crosses the line and ends up hurting people. Yes. Was his goal to hurt these people? No. So not a villain. Antagonist.
You may not like the guy, that's fine. Just use your braincells to think a little bit. It's not that hard.
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