#seiyuu audio
cestcirque · 2 years
A VERY non-rebloggable, VERY temporary post for me to gush about this old project that Kabu was part of
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The Hyakunin Isshu is an anthology of 100 poems by 100 poets from Japan’s Heian period, written in now obsolete language and loaded with meaning. Something I dove into while writing The Cardinal Set.
This audio is from a project (cheekily named Hyakukisu) that turned the original 100 poems into 100 full love stories meant to evoke the specific emotions of each. Voice actors were brought in to act them out, the listener being the other half of the story. Poems 10, 21, and 37 were Kabu’s. I obviously won’t post stories in full, but I do think his poem readings are lovely.
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TRANSLATION / ANALYSIS (for once, not translated by me!) ⤵
[0:00] Hyakunin Isshu 10, Semimaru
これやこの 行くも帰るも 別れては 知るも知らぬも 逢坂の関
Here it is where many come and many go, part to meet again, some as friends, some as strangers— Ōsaka Barrier.
One of my favorites out of the whole anthology. What originally stuck me about this one was the four sets of oppositions—coming and going, parting and meeting, friends and strangers, and Ōsaka Barrier, which at the time was the colloquial division between the east and west of Japan. Also notable is the wordplay in Ōsaka (逢坂) or “meeting slope,” and while it references a specific place, the last measure is also often literally translated as a “barrier on this mountain-slope of meeting.”
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[0:11] Hyakunin Isshu 21, Priest Sosei
今来むと 言ひしばかりに 長月の 有明の月を 待ち出でつるかな
Simply because you said, “In a moment I will come,” I have spent the long Ninth Month waiting only for the lingering moon to appear.
I still love this one because it was my first encounter with the idea of an “ariake moon” (有明の月), a moon that rises late enough to be visible in the early morning sky. The ninth month of the lunar calendar (pre-Meiji) was also called the “Long Month” for its lengthening nights. So the poet never states that “I have seen the dawn after a long night,” and yet the feeling is clearly implied.
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[0:23] Hyakunin Isshu 37, Fun’ya no Asayasu
白露に 風のふきしく 秋の野は つらぬきとめぬ 玉ぞ散りける
The wind gusts fiercely over the pure-white dew in the autumn fields, how drops scatter like a myriad of pearls not yet threaded on string.
Analogies like this were apparently common at the time, so the significance of this poem and why it was chosen for this anthology has been lost. But I have no others to compare, so I love it. Dew was often compared to jewels and jewels on string often compared to life. The only notable difference I’ve seen pointed out is the fact that these gems have not yet been strung, as opposed to the more common image of having been broken from string.
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beomluvrr · 1 month
does anyone know what happened to bbyumenobasho 🥹
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crehador · 1 month
woe, smic hug jumpscare be upon ye (9th live, day 2)
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j-ellyfish · 1 month
God, I'm down so freaking bad for Austria's Japanese voice you have no idea// 🙈
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seoafin · 6 months
have you heard the audio cd drama yet? i've only listened to some clips and i'm going crazy over suguru cuz he sounds so gentle when talking to satoru! i need someone to treat me like that....
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renxmaiden · 5 months
Collab with @ravi-617 Jeanne's lap is the best pillow~
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randomnameless · 8 months
Teaspoon translation released their latest update and it looks like Mercie's teardown of Lorenz in the B support was something the localization more or less made; in the JP version it was more teasing and poking fun at him and she even apologizes to him for it.
I joked about it earlier,
But that's what you get by removing the "~ara ara" part of Mercedes's... character through the VA, I know a non jp VA won't say "~ara ara", but it conveys a lot about a character's personality, just like the "b-baka it's not like I care about you" tsundere isn't just a way of speaking, but it's supposed to make you understand the person talking has, uh, difficulties opening up (insert all traits of a tsudere archetype).
Mercie is sometimes aloof and sees herself as the big sister of the group in general, but, as a "big sister archetype", while she can be motherly she can also tease and make fun of people - all in good faith, since she apologises afterwards.
I won't say it's like Rhage, where getting an incorrect reading on the character will give, well, discrepencies in the text and a different character all together, but eluding the "Mercie teases people as an affectionate big sister type" to have her uncharacteristically put down Lorenz is, imo, not an accurate reading of Mercedes's character (but again, maybe I'm wrong!).
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hydranomago · 3 months
can you guess what he's saying?
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li-esonthefloor · 7 months
the thing that hurts the most about not having x/x2 jp audio..... is..... sawashiro miyuki voices milla..... and i do not get to experience this...
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sexysilverstrider · 9 months
yes pokemon masters ex is a gacha game and itll always predatory but im also thankful that they are giving attention to the human characters and most of all--giving them voices
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lisutarid-a · 2 months
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pumpkin-memories · 1 year
My brain kind of exploded when I discovered that Twitter thread collecting clips from BL audio dramas in which Yoshitsugu Matsuoka (Vash's voice actor) acted out gay sex scenes (because Trigun Stampede's fandom is the horniest fandom in the world), and I could only wonder, as I listened to those breathy moans, "What the hell is the context of Japanese culture that lets this sort of thing even exist?"
Through googling, I found an article on animenewsnetwork.com that addresses this exact question: an "Answerman with Justin Sevakis" column about the art and business of BL audio dramas.
The question: "So this is something that I've always wondered about, most Yaoi manga tend to get adapted into drama cds or BL cds as some would like to call them. The male voice actors in these things (like Kamiya Hiroshi and Daisuke Ono) tend to be quite popular in anime fandom and have voiced many popular anime characters. Any reason why they lend their voices to these things? Is it to boost their popularity or to make extra cash?"
The answer: "Presumably straight voice actors take on gay roles for the same reason other straight actors take on gay roles, and why gay actors take on straight roles: because it's their job to act like someone they are not, and to pretend to do things they are not doing.
On-screen actors regularly have to make out with people they're not attracted to. All a voice actor has to do is say a few steamy lines and breathe heavily into a microphone, well away from human contact. Their character may do a whole host of things that they, themselves, are not into. The character could be evil, and could torture and kill people. Their character could be really weak-willed and stupid and let themselves be taken advantage of. None of that might line up with who the voice actor is, or who they want to be. But that doesn't matter, because they're an actor.
Anybody who has seriously studied acting can tell you that an actor's job is to empathize with their character, not judge them. Their job is to find the things within themselves that can bring that character to life. This can require them to do things -- sometimes physically -- that they might not want to do themselves. It is not real, and it is not them doing it. For them, it is work. Sometimes, it's very rewarding work.
Drama CDs have been around nearly as long as CDs. (I can't find evidence of drama LPs, but perhaps those existed too.) Often a manga publisher will commission a drama CD to see if there's enough of a fanbase to make an anime. Sometimes they're just made to supplement a franchise. They do sell, sometimes quite well, which means money for everybody. Radio dramas still exist in Japan (and indeed, many countries), and so drama CDs are pretty common things. There was even a drama CD for Perfect Blue, which was actually the drama-within-a-drama series the characters were filming, Double Bind! It's pretty cool.
Yaoi manga usually don't sell in the crazy numbers that more mainstream manga does, but drama CDs are very cheap to make compared to an anime. Even if there's no moving artwork, many fans just want to hear the characters be brought to life in SOME way, and drama CDs are a good way of doing that without having to worry about making back a huge investment.
There are good business reasons to be involved in yaoi. Yaoi fans are extremely passionate, and will likely buy CDs involving the series they like, which a voice actor would get royalties from. Some of those fans may even become a fans of the voice actor, and would then buy their solo CDs, show up at events and get autographs, and follow their work in other works. That's the sort of thing that can really boost a voice actor's career.
Hentai voice acting is, in fact, not something that most successful voice actors want to be caught doing. It pays poorly, it can sully their reputation after the fact, if their image doesn't line up with having dirty material in their filmography. Hentai is mostly voiced by junior level voice actors who are just getting started, and many use pseudonyms. However, nobody is really asking them to take off their clothes, and work is work, so many voice actors do it anyway.
But yaoi is usually not all that dirty. It's clean enough to be aired on television (even if some of it needs to be censored). There really isn't much stigma attached to voicing a yaoi show. Many prominent male voice actors do it, and are quite proud of it. They attend promotional events, assist in marketing the show, and sign autographs on DVDs. And I'm sure they get paid quite handsomely for it."
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dnangelic · 5 months
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dennou-translations · 2 years
Mekakucity Actors Audio Commentary #5
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Act 5 – Kaien Panzermast
Translation of the second audio commentary that comes with the DVD/Blu-ray of Mekakucity Actors. Raw version here. Please consider purchasing the original copies and feel free to message me about possible corrections. If there happens to be any issues with the link, please contact me on my main blog!
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Jin: Hello to everyone listening to the audio commentary of “Mekakucity Actors Act 5 – Kaien Panzermast”. Eh, I’m the creator and screenplay writer, Jin.
Hoshii: Yes! Aaand... eeeh, I’m the voice of Seto Kousuke, Hoshi Souichirou. Pappy~!
(T/N: For those unfamiliar with it, “pappy” is Hoshi Souichirou’s catchphrase. He’s been using it as a greeting since the late 90’s.)
Jin: ‘Ello~!
Hoshii: ‘Ello!
Suzuki: And I’m the process supervisor this time as well.
Hoshi: Oh!
Suzuki: I’m Suzuki Kenta from Aniplex. Please take care of me.
Hoshii: Counting on you for it!
Jin: Please take care of us!
Hoshii: Yes~!
Everyone: *claps*
Suzuki: It’ll be a pleasure.
Hoshii: Yay! For sure!
Suzuki: We have Hoshi-san with us.
Jin: He came over!
Suzuki: Actually, no, you made me come over!
Everyone: *laughs*
Jin: So that’s where we’re starting from? That’s where we’re starting from?
Suzuki: Nope, nope, nope.
Hoshii: Not really. I think the listeners don’t know what we’re going on about. Welp, thank you very much.
Jin: Anyway, this is disk is the fifth volume.
Suzuki: Yup!
Hoshii: Ah, wait! It’s been a while.
Jin: It sure has! Ah, ‘cause the recordings are over, right?
Hoshii: Yeah. After they ended, I became like this.
Suzuki: *laughs*
Jin: Like this?
Hoshii: Is that okay? Is it? Hum, about Seto-san in the main story...
Jin: You’re the one who voices him!
Hoshii: For the people who know him, this must be one hell of a sudden change.
Suzuki: *laughs*
Jin: That’s okay! It’s okay! This is a corner where we can enjoy more and more of these things.
Hoshii: ‘Kay!
Jin: All right! We’ll be in your care.
Suzuki: We’re in your care.
Hoshii: My! Ah, I’m so nervous. We usually do these things with fellow cast members.
Suzuki: That’s right.
Jin: Yes, yes.
Hoshii: When it’s between cast members, the topic can get dumb.
Jin: Yes, yes!
Suzuki: *laughs*
Hoshii: But if we’re with the creators or directors, as expected, they explain the story very properly, so I get super nervous and clam up.
Jin: Nah, nah, nah.
Hoshii: Therefore, I guess I’ll keep quiet today too.
Suzuki: No, no, no. It’s best to do things like you usually do.
Jin: Do it like you always do! Seriously! I have been invited to all the other four volumes do to the audio commentaries.
Hoshii: Yep!
Jin: And we’ve hardly had any chance to do any proper talk!
Hoshii: *laughs*
Jin: Basically, the topic disconnects all of a sudden and then we go, “Ah, time to wrap up! Byeee!”
Suzuki: Aaah, true. There’s no difference. Hoshi-san, you should act like you usually do.
Hoshii: Ah, but actually, right before this audio commentary started, I talked to Jin-san about this.
Jin: We had a general discussion.
Hoshii: There was a little bit of wait time, after all.
Jin: We’ve already asked what we wanted to ask at large.
Hoshii: We had a separate talk.
Jin: I already asked what I wanted to ask.
Suzuki: But if there’s a part of it that we can deliver to everyone, that’s good too. If you could talk about it once again...
Hoshii: Yup, yup.
Jin: The cast-off skin of it.
Suzuki: The “cast-off skin”!
Hoshii: “Cast-off skin”!
Jin: Like, the evil part of it.
Suzuki: *laughs*
Jin: We’re hoping to hear about it from you!
Hoshii: All right. So, how did you like Mekakucity’s—erm... fifth episode?
Jin: Yes, fifth episode.
Suzuki: We’re in the fifth.
Hoshii: How was it for you?
Jin: About the fifth episode... the previous one was precisely “Kagerou Days”.
Hoshii: The rumored one!
Jin: Exactly – the one that happens within a sort of mysterious place.
Hoshii: Yes, that one.
Jin: It became a bit serious but the scenario has changed once again to the protagonist, Shintarou-kun.
Hoshii: Now it’s a peaceful everyday life, huh~!
Jin: Yes, a peaceful everyday life. Ah, here’s Ene-chan. She shows up in this one. Anyway, it’s a slice-of-life episode. Everyone’s frolicking about.
Hoshii: And then... hm? Seto had a pretty normal amount of lines in this episode, I guess. Didn’t he?
Jin: Probably, in the third episode, when they went to that department store—
Hoshii: Ah, the third episode?
Jin: They all went there together.
Hoshii: Ah, that’s right! Yes, yes, yes!
Jin: He did have lines back then, but this time, his cute side is on display.
Hoshii: So he has a cute side, huh?
Jin: I hope the people listening to this audio commentary will have expectations for Seto after this episode.
Hoshii: Oh! That’s great.
Jin: It’s kind of a goal. I want them to enjoy him.
Hoshii: That’s right.
Jin: We’ve ended up talking about this earlier, but...
Hoshii: We did.
Jin: Seto-kun is not only in the anime, but also in the novels, music and other mediums.
Hoshii: Yes.
Jin: Yet he doesn’t show up much.
Hoshii: He doesn’t?! Aaah!
Jin: He doesn’t.
Hoshii: I see. If I were to say it, I guess he has less appearances than the other characters.
Jin: That’s right, he’s a bit retreated to the background.
Hoshii: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Jin: He’s kind of—oh, it’s the opening sequence.
Hoshii: He’s at the side.
Jin: We did things like, for example, right there on the anime’s title, the first syllable, “Me”, is painted in his theme color.
Hoshii: Yup, yup, yup.
Jin: Hum, in the anime, we’re...
Hoshii: Ah, so you’re sort of—
Jin: We’re sort of... lifting him up a little as a character in the anime, so to say.
Suzuki: I see. You were trying to make him stand out.
Hoshii: Ah, as expected, this green color is pretty nice.
Jin: “It’s pretty nice”! Well, we’ve already talked about this earlier, but as a character, he’s kind of like a big brother.
Hoshii: That’s right!
Suzuki: Aaah...
Jin: He’s a character who has it together and who goes “there, there” when something happens, and yet...
Hoshii: Hm?
Jin: ...he’s a character that doesn’t come forward much.
Hoshii: He doesn’t play dumb too often, huh.
Jin: Exactly, exactly! We can’t make him act dumb that much. He’s the one that has common sense.
Hoshii: Yes.
Jin: Now, as for the opening song that’s playing at the moment...
Hoshii: Yes?!
Jin: ...I just recently released a CD with it. And there were autograph sessions for it.
Hoshii: Autograph sessions!
Jin: I went around to some areas of the country to give out my signature.
Suzuki/Hoshii: Oooh!
Jin: And, hum, when I’m writing down autographs, well, I feel like chatting.
Hoshii: With each person that comes, right?
Jin: This time, I keep throwing them the question, “Do you have a favorite character?”
Hoshii: Eeeh~?
Jin: And it turns out...
Hoshii: Yes?
Jin: ...nearly all of them answered “Seto-kun”!
Hoshii: For real?
Suzuki: Oh! What a surprise.
Hoshii: That makes me happy.
Jin: Seriously, there were so many Seto-kun fans that he’s by far the decisive favorite!
Hoshii: Even though Seto-kun is so inconspicuous!
Jin: Despite that!
Hoshii: *laughs*
Jin: I wonder what it is that—it’s probably the way he makes people feel.
Hoshii: Heeh? Aah, he’s comforting to them.
Jin: He is.
Hoshii: Ah, indeed, just looking at him heals you. He can comfort people even without talking.
Jin: He can!
Hoshii: *laughs* As long as there’s an artwork of him. Just an artwork!
Jin: You can heal just from looking at it.
Suzuki: So Seto is popular, huh?
Jin: Absurdly popular.
Suzuki: Heeeh~?
Hoshii: Ah, I’m so glad.
Jin: Therefore, I wanted to report this huge popularity of his to you.
Hoshii: Aaah, thank you! I’m so happy!
Suzuki: That’s wonderful.
Jin: I thought of using this occasion for it, but I ended up revealing it earlier, actually!
Hoshii: Ah! Yeah, I heard about it just now.
Suzuki: *laughs*
Hoshii: No, but it’s okay, hearing it twice. Two, three times even.
Jin: You’d wanna hear about Seto-kun’s popularity two, three times!
Suzuki: Because it’s a good topic.
Hoshii: It’s a good topic. I wanna hear it as many times as I can. And next time, too, I wanna hear it as many times as I can.
Jin/Suzuki: *laugh*
Jin: So in the sixth audio commentary too?
Hoshii: Oh, but speaking of Seto-kun, at the beginning...
Jin: Yes?
Hoshii: I honestly had no idea how to go about him.
Jin: Ah, I see, I see.
Suzuki: Oooh...
Hoshii: During the recording of the first episode, the art wasn’t in very good condition, you know?
Suzuki: Ah, that’s right.
Hoshii: Which is normal nowadays. That’s the state that the recordings are in lately.
Jin: My deepest apologies!
Hoshii: But for some reason, even though this most certainly never happens, there were no facial expressions on the characters!
Suzuki/Jin: *lose their shit*
Hoshii: Is this a thing?!
Jin: It’s not!
Hoshii: Just impossible, isn’t it?
Jin: Impossible.
Hoshii: The facial expressions are decided in much earlier stages!
Jin: Right.
Suzuki: *still losing it*
Hoshii: There were no expressions on the characters, so I looked at the illustrations of the original work and other such things for reference.
Jin: Ah, geez, I’m so very sorry for that...
Hoshii: But to be frank... at first, I was just fumbling around.
Suzuki: Oooh...
Hoshii: Like, “Whoa, what should I do?”
Jin: Hmmm...
Hoshii: But when I watched it on air, surprisingly, it matched.
Jin: Ah, that’s right!
Suzuki: As expected!
Hoshii: *laughs*
Suzuki: You’re amazing!
Jin: Yes, amazing!
Hoshii: I was relieved. Glad that I went for that approach.
Jin: Ah, so something like that happened?
Hoshii: It did!
Suzuki: Hoshi-san, you did ask about it later, didn’t you?
Hoshii: Ah, right, right.
Jin: I was like, “That’s exactly how he should be!”
Hoshii: I’m glad. Well, I was sort of uncertain about it.
Jin: Yes, yes, yes.
Hoshii: So I asked the sound director, Tsuruoka-san, “Is it okay like this?”
Jin: Yes.
Suzuki: Ooh...
Hoshii: I did it after confirming that with him.
Jin: Yes!
Hoshii: So, well, I thought it wouldn’t be too out of place.
Jin: Yes.
Hoshii: But... but, you see...
Jin: Yes?
Hoshii: Something I was at loss about is that, right after this, we recorded a promo.
Jin: That’s right!! The... the one for the CM.
Suzuki: Yup.
Hoshii: Well, I did record it, but... his personality was different.
Jin: *laughs*
Hoshii: I was like, “Eh, is this okay? He’s a completely different character!”
Suzuki: *laughs*
Hoshii: It was pretty quick.
Jin: That’s right.
Hoshii: When I thought about it, I got a really bad feeling.
Jin: I see.
Hoshii: I was like, “Could it be that it’s okay for him to act like this in this situation?”
Jin: Yes, yes.
Hoshii: Like, “Will he go this way or will he go that way?”
Suzuki: Oooh...
Hoshii: It was the hardest time I’ve had amongst all of my job experiences until now.
Jin: Ah, I see!
Suzuki: *laughs*
Jin: The possibility of you getting a terrible job!
Hoshii: Yeah! In regards to stamina, I thought to myself, “I’d hate if this job turns into a hassle” and had such a bad feeling, but when the series started, turns out he was an uplifting character.
Jin: Ah, that’s right.
Hoshii: Maaan, I sighed in relief.
Jin: I’m sure.
Suzuki: He might’ve been the character that shook you off the most!
Jin: He just might!
Hoshii: Back then, y’know, I kinda... on Nico Nico... Nico Nico...
Jin: “Nico Nico Douga”.
Hoshii: On Nico Nico Douga, they were writing terrible things about me!
Jin/Suzuki: *laugh*
Jin: Just like that?!
Hoshii: Honestly, even though I did so much for this character all on my own... it was the first time I got such horrible comments!
Jin/Suzuki: *still laughing*
Jin: I’m truly very sorry.
Hoshii: No, no, no! Well, the result was just fine in the end, so it’s okay.
Jin: Yes.
Hoshii: But, hum, everyone made me super anxious. *laughs*
Jin: They were like, “‘Deer’? ‘Deer’?”
Hoshii: Indeed.
Suzuki: The promo was supposed to be like a series of character studies.
Jin: Yeah, that was the plan. And, well, also to promote the anime.
Suzuki: Going by order, Seto was... hum...
Jin: Erm, if I’m not mistaken, he was the eighth.
Suzuki: The first ones had already done their promos properly, but the ones that came later were gradually... *laughs*
Hoshii: I mean, I wasn’t told anything! Especially about his attitude and such.
Suzuki: *laughs*
Hoshii: I didn’t know when the episodes would be coming out.
Jin: True.
Hoshii: And hadn’t done any publicity for it before.
Jin: Yeah. Especially the “It’s a deer! A deerrrr!” part was rather...
Hoshii: I turned all of the fans of the original work into my enemies.
Jin: Eeeeh?!
Suzuki/Hoshii: *laugh*
Jin: It’s not like that! The fans of the original were like, “Aight. It’s okay like that.”
Hoshii/Suzuki: *laughs*
Jin: Me too! Hum, when I watched it on TV, I went to Twitter and such to see how it went, and it was just... all about this “deer” thing!
Hoshii: *laughs*
Jin: My timelines in my social media were all like, “deer”!
Suzuki: It was trending!
Jin: It became a trend!
Hoshii: Ah, but Mekakucity trends a lot with every episode, doesn’t it?
Suzuki: Yeah.
Jin: That’s right. It’s a mess in many ways when it becomes a trending topic, though.
Suzuki/Hoshii: Weeeell...
Jin: But it does trend.
Hoshii: Maaan, I’m so happy that I voice such a popular character...
Jin: Ah, hum, you had your worries, but now that the recordings are over, turns out you voice the number one favorite character!
Hoshii: My, my, thank you very much. So this is what “godsend” means.
Suzuki: *laughs*
Jin: That’s right. And the people who come to the autograph sessions are, as expected, very hardcore fans.
Suzuki: Oh...
Hoshii: Ah! Must be.
Jin: They not only buy the CDs but also want them signed, after all.
Hoshii: I heard that the fans of this work are incredibly hooked into it.
Suzuki: Yuuup.
Jin: Ah, true!
Suzuki: They’re very passionate.
Jin: I’m very thankful for that.
Hoshii: Ah, crap! What should I do? I ended up saying these things in the audio commentary...
Suzuki: Oh?
Hoshii: It might be too late to ask, but should we have gone with this route?
Jin: Eh, what?
Suzuki: *laughs*
Jin: What’s gotten into you all of a sudden??
Hoshii: Maybe the people who didn’t know about it would be like, “Eh, he’s different from what I’d imagined” when they listen to this.
Jin: That’s not gonna happen! Not at all.
Suzuki: If it’s now, you might still have a shot at taking it back!
Hoshii: *laughs*
Jin: We only talked about good things, yet you want to redo it?
Suzuki: *laughs*
Jin: Like, “Okay, anyways—”
Hoshii: If I do that, I might be able to hear from the autograph sessions again.
Suzuki: Ah, that’s right.
Jin: Ah! So that’s what it was about!
Suzuki/Hoshii: *laugh*
Jin: “Seto is so popularrr!”
Hoshii: Ah, I’m so happy.
Jin: You are? Thank you very much!
Suzuki: Hoshi-san has been recovering his HP several times by now.
Hoshii/Jin: *laughs*
Hoshii: Like, “Oh, is that so?”
Suzuki: Just flat-out.
Jin: Just flat-out! *laughs* But, well, Seto-kun is a memorable character for me.
Hoshii: Aaah, thank you so much for creating him.
Jin: Hum, I couldn’t flesh him out much in the original work, so I hoped he could have lines in several parts of the anime at the beginning.
Hoshii: He didn’t appear much, but at the end, it was pretty good.
Jin: It waaas!
Suzuki: Yuuup.
Hoshii: That’s what I thought. But it’s hard to get him out there.
Jin: It is!
Hoshii: Yep.
Jin: But that’s because I think he’s one hell of a fine man.
Hoshii: He really is. And surprisingly big, isn’t he?
Jin: If I’m not mistaken, he’s two—I mean...
Hoshii: Two meters tall?!
Jin: Ah, no, no! The second tallest of the Mekakushi Dan.
Hoshii: You said “two”!
Suzuki: *laughs*
Hoshii: You said “two”, so...
Jin: The way he’d be viewed in the series would change a lot.
Hoshii: If he were two meters tall?
Jin: He’d be in the basketball team or something.
Suzuki: *laughs*
Jin: The character named Konoha is probably the tallest one.
Hoshii: Ah, yeah. You’re right!
Suzuki: Hmmm...
Jin: And the second is Seto-kun.
Suzuki: Ah, I see.
Hoshii: But Konoha is voiced by Miyano-kun, so it’s no shock that he’s huge. However, the mic is positioned too high up when Miyano-kun is there, so I can’t go into the booth with him!
Jin/Suzuki: *laugh*
Hoshii: Gotta avoid that spot at all costs!
Jin: If I’m not mistaken, this happened on this episode too. With Kaida-san, I guess.
Hoshii: Yes.
Jin: Hum, her shoes—Ah, no, it was Nakahara-san, maybe? She said that the mic is too high up when when Miyano-san is around.
Hoshii: It is!
Jin: So she puts on high-heeled shoes for it. She said something like that.
Suzuki: Ooh, I see, I see.
Hoshii: But Kaida-san is quite tall too, so she can fit.
Jin: Right.
Hoshii: It becomes Miyano-kun and Kaida-san’s mic.
Jin: Aaah, man!
Suzuki: I see, I see.
Jin: A mic for two people.
Hoshii: And I go to the shorter people’s side. Hum, like... Hanazawa-san’s mic.
Suzuki/Jin: *laugh*
Suzuki: To that side?
Hoshii: Ah, but, when it comes to conversations between Seto and Mary, we gotta avoid that.
Suzuki: Ah, that’s right.
Jin: Right.
Hoshii: Like, “Whose turn is it now?”
Everyone: *laughs*
Jin: “Should I go to the right? To the middle?”
Hoshii: “Whose mic should I go to?”
Jin: “Whose mic”! “The middle one, maybe?”
Hoshii: *laughs*
Jin: Ah, this is it. Speak of the devil, the tall Konoha-kun has come up.
Hoshii: Yep! Man, this one was terrible for Miyano-kun.
Jin: It sure was!
Suzuki: It was the worst.
Hoshii: The result was good, but he had a hard time.
Jin: It was horrible for him...!
Hoshii: Sure was.
Suzuki: He had to voice three characters with different personalities, after all.
Hoshii: He did. Man, I’m so glad I didn’t get Konoha!
Everyone: *laughs*
Hoshii: Seto is great!
Jin: And on top of that, the characters didn’t have facial expressions! Yet it’s three characters!
Hoshii: Right??
Jin: He must’ve been so busy... Ah, but, about this episode... for example, during the promos and the main story, a lot of characters come up.
Hoshii: Yup!
Jin: I was very uneasy as to whether or not I’d be able to explain to you guys what each of them are about. And I was wondering if you wouldn’t find it super difficult to understand, no matter how much I explained.
Hoshii: Aaah...
Jin: But it was amazing how, on the first try, all of you performed the characters exactly the way I imagined they’d be like.
Suzuki: Hmmm...
Jin: Yes. So I’m very sorry about that and, as expected, I wish I’d explained properly!
Hoshii: No, no, no! The way you did it was enough!
Jin: But, aaah, it was wonderful! I was like, “It’s perfect like this!”
Hoshii: I see.
Jin: Yet, in contrast, Miyano-san was like, “Is this all right?”
Hoshii: I guess we actors do get iffy about it, like, “Was it really okay?” because we didn’t yet have a proper image of how it was going to turn out.
Jin: My, it must’ve been truly hard. And it was over in a blink of eye.
Hoshii: Exactly.
Suzuki: Yeah.
Hoshii: The songs were also finished in a blink of eye.
Jin: They were.
Hoshii: It went by so fast.
Jin: It did!
Hoshii: I kept looking forward to it every week.
Jin: Ah, thank you very much, really!
Suzuki: Thank you so much.
Jin: I also kept looking forward to it every week.
Hoshii: Hm!
Jin: Oh, here it is. The scene we were talking about earlier. The one that’s kinda cute.
Hoshii: Ah!
Jin: It’s coming up. The one where Seto-kun...
Hoshii: That’s the one I did for the audition.
Suzuki: Aaah!
Jin: *laughs*
Hoshii: That was the one.
Jin: This... This... Hum, yes, yes. We had you do it in the audition and for the radio commercials. It was exactly this scene.
Suzuki: Right, right.
Hoshii: Yeah. So, since he’s different from his usual calm self in this scene, I was wondering if it was okay like that.
Jin: Aah.
Hoshii: I might’ve performed the wrong side of him.
Suzuki: Hmmm...
Hoshii: So I was like, “Are the people who like the comforting side of Seto-kun going to be okay with this?”
Jin: Well, the older female audience was like, “He’s so cute~!”, so...
Hoshii: Yeah... but he leaves!
Jin: That’s right!
Suzuki: *laughs*
Hoshii: He offs to somewhere! Like... he goes away to see some nature.
Jin: He kinda fades out.
Hoshii: Yeah.
Jin: Hum, after this, in the eighth episode, everyone goes back to the hideout and there’s a part where they’re talking.
Hoshii: Yes.
Jin: In it, he says, “I’m gonna go looking for him” and just like that...
Hoshii: He leaves.
Jin: ...he goes away.
Hoshii: That’s right...
Jin: During the course of the main story, both in the anime and the novel, he’s always like this.
Hoshii: Hmm...
Jin: In some way or another, even when he should be there in the novel, everyone’s like, “He isn’t here right now because he has work today.”
Everyone: *laughs*
Jin: All the time, it’s like, “He’s got work so he isn’t here.” *laughs*
Hoshii: Well, there are people like that.
Jin: He doesn’t show up at all!
Suzuki: *laughs* No, but maybe it might be best to keep people in suspense about him.
Jin: Right.
Hoshii: Like, to make them use their imagination?
Suzuki: Exactly. Like, “What’s he doing behind the scenes?”
Jin: I wonder what.
Hoshii: “Went out to see some deers, maybe?”
Suzuki: *laughs*
Jin: If he did go out to see deers, people would say he isn’t around but in the joke kind of way. There are fans who enjoy this gag.
Hoshii: Yes.
Suzuki: Hmm.
Jin: On the other hand, since he’s so absent, some people are like, “Isn’t he the mastermind behind all of this?!”
Hoshii: *gasp* Reading between the lines!
Jin: Like, “Isn’t he the leader of the bad guys or something like that?!”
Hoshii: Reading too much between the lines!
Suzuki: I see...
Hoshii: That kind of thing is possible.
Jin: They conclude that it’d be bad to put him together with everyone else.
Hoshii: It happens sometimes.
Jin: So maybe he’s a villain.
Hoshii: It happens, it happens.
Jin: But that’s not his case at all!
Suzuki: *laughs*
Jin: Let me borrow this space to say it – he’s not like that at all!
Hoshii: There was no such thing. I’m so glad! I’m so glad that he was a good person!
Jin: He is.
Hoshii: I’m also glad that he wasn’t killed in the end!
Suzuki: *laughs*
Hoshii: He almost got killed, though.
Jin: He almost did.
Hoshii: Also, during that flashback about the past...
Jin: Yes?
Hoshii: ...I voiced one of the villagers.
Jin: Ah! The villager! The villager!
Suzuki: Aaah...!
Hoshii: I think a lot of those people were just villagers.
Jin: Yes, yes. I believe they were ordinary villagers.
Hoshii: Even so... I was asked to voice one.
Suzuki: You, Hoshi-san?! *laughs*
Hoshii: No, it’s fine! I’m okay with it!
Suzuki: *laughs*
Hoshii: It’s nothing much! I can do it! I can voice a nameless character, no problem. I can, because he does have a relation to Seto.
Suzuki: Everything here has a proper reason behind it.
Hoshii: He’s related to Seto-kun, everyone! Think about it for a second.
Jin: Looking at the character name “Villager C” must’ve been the worst!
Suzuki: *laughs*
Hoshii: Their faces look alike, don’t they?
Jin: Yes, yes. They look exactly the same.
Hoshii: Don’t misunderstand, everyone.
Jin: That’s right. That was, hum... something like an ancestor.
Hoshii: Yeah. Is it okay to reveal that?
Jin: It’s totally okay! So, this was an ancestor and—
Suzuki: Like I said, everything has a proper reason behind it.
Jin: Yes, yes! I also thought this was in order.
Hoshii: Thank you very much.
Jin: But for some reason, I felt like being playful when writing the screenplay, so I granted Seto’s voice to Villager C.
Hoshii: Right?!
Jin: I should’ve made it Villager A.
Hoshii: *laughs* Indeed!
Jin: I put him in a sort of low position on purpose.
Hoshii: Aaah~!
Suzuki: I see, I see!
Hoshii: Eh, but there’s no helping it. A is the leader, as you’d expect.
Jin: Yes, A is the leader. And B is the second in command.
Hoshii: No helping it.
Jin: Hence, Villager C.
Hoshii: I can totally voice just a Villager C, though!
Suzuki: *laughs*
Jin: That’s riiight!
Suzuki: As expected, there’s a proper meaning to it.
Jin: Yes, yes.
Hoshii: Right.
Jin: But when you do an audition and people instruct you on how to voice a character, it’s not so that you can be “Villager C”!
Hoshii: *laughs*
Jin: That Villager C really did have a meaning to him.
Hoshii: No, hum, thank you so much, really! Speaking of auditions... I only did it for Seto.
Jin: That’s right.
Hoshii: For these kinds of things, you usually get, for example, the protagonist... some sort of main role.
Suzuki: Ah, that’s right.
Hoshii: And only then do you get another character. So this pin-point was kind of rare. Was it like that for everyone?
Jin: Ah, erm, I created the images of all the characters from the very first chapter of the original work.
Suzuki: Hmm.
Hoshii: Oh!
Jin: I did a lecture expressing how each character was supposed to be, like, “This is how I imagined them.”
Hoshii: Heeh...
Jin: I also had the names of all of them.
Suzuki: That’s right.
Jin: Yes, that’s how I asked them to perform.
Hoshii: Hm.
Jin: Back then, I also had several discussions with Tsuruoka-san – hum, the sound director, Tsuruoka-san.
Hoshii: I see.
Jin: And ultimately, we decided to have Hoshi-san do it, by all means.
Hoshii: No, no! Thank you.
Jin: That’s how it went.
Suzuki: So actually, Jin-san, you and the others had the image of the characters so clear in your heads that there wasn’t a single person who messed up.
Jin: Ah...
Suzuki: Each and every one of them did well.
Jin: No, but it was hard for them, wasn’t it?
Hoshii: For real...
Suzuki: Hm, indeed. But it paid off, right?
Jin: Yeah...
Hoshii: Honestly, it was the first audition that I passed in a while, so I was very happy.
Jin: Eeeeh??
Suzuki: No way!
Hoshii: *laughs*
Jin: For a moment there, I was kinda like, “Ah?! Ah!!”
Suzuki: That’s not possible.
Hoshii: It’s true, it’s true! To tell the truth, I don’t get approved very often.
Jin: Ah, is that so?
Suzuki: Aaah...
Hoshii: It’s because there’s actually a lot of people who take part in auditions.
Jin: Ah, thought so.
Suzuki: Hmmm...
Hoshii: So I hardly pass them.
Jin: But Hoshi-san, as expected...
Hoshii: I was happy!
Jin: Ah, geez, thank you. And yet, you got Villager C! It’d make anyone go, “Hey!!”
Hoshii: *laughs*
Jin: I’m really sorry.
Hoshii: No, no, no! It’s okay, really.
Jin: But, well, other than the Villager C, Seto-kun had quite a few appearances in the anime.
Hoshii: Ah, well, I was always there for the recordings of the latter half.
Suzuki: Yuuup.
Jin: Right. But if we’re speaking about just Seto-kun as a character, there was also a mini-arc in the past where a small Seto-kun had a lot of screen time.
Hoshii: Ah, that’s right! But voicing a small Seto-kun would’ve been difficult for me...
Jin: Well, yes. We did a voice switch.
Suzuki: Yeah.
Hoshii: I didn’t do an audition for little Seto or anything like that!
Jin/Suzuki: *laugh*
Hoshii: It’s not like I auditioned and failed! I didn’t audition for it at all!
Suzuki: Indeed.
Jin: Tsuruoka-san had decided on from the very beginning.
Hoshii: Yeah, yeah. Although, depending on the anime, they use the original voice actors for that.
Suzuki: Oooh...
Hoshii: There’s actually a ton of problems with that, but they’re like, “Can you do it?”
Suzuki: I see, I see!
Jin: Hum, Hoshi-san, I have watched some of the works that you’re in. There’s one that has several episodes set in the past. It’s a series that I’m quite fond of.
Hoshii: Ah, I see! That one. That one, right?
Jin: Everyone performs in the flashbacks just like they do in the present! *laughs*
Suzuki: Aaah, I see...
Hoshii: Well, how should I put it? This way of doing it is also a thing.
Suzuki: Hm, hm.
Hoshii: It’s like a gag.
Suzuki: Hmmm.
Hoshii: It doesn’t go the realistic route. So it’s okay like that sometimes.
Suzuki: Yep.
Hoshii: But man, this series is so mysterious. The atmosphere of it, that is.
Jin: Ah...!
Suzuki: Hmmm...
Hoshii: I also feel that Director Shinbou’s direction matched it very well too.
Jin: Indeed, that’s right. Not even I thought it’d turn out like this.
Hoshii: Right?!
Suzuki: Yuuup.
Jin: Hum—Ah! Anyway...
Hoshii: Ah, it’s over!
Suzuki: The ending song...
Jin: The ending arrived in a blink of eye!
Hoshii: In a blink of eye!
Jin: We really couldn’t talk about the main story at all!
Suzuki: *laughs*
Hoshii: We did, a little.
Jin: At least till the part where Seto gets startled.
Hoshii: And leaves.
Jin: That’s right.
Hoshii: Aah, it’s going to end.
Jin: It is.
Hoshii: But there’s still more.
Jin: There’s still the C part.
Suzuki: There is, at the very end.
Hoshii: Speaking of the ending, LIA-san’s voice is so graceful that it heals you.
Jin: True.
Suzuki: Ah, that’s right.
Jin: The song is mine, by the way.
Hoshii: Ah!
Jin: I think I managed to create a good melody with it.
Hoshii: Yup! That’s right!
Suzuki: As expected!
Jin: But y’know, hum, we always cut right through the story every single time and arrive to this point.
Hoshii: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Jin: So the image I have of this song is always like, “Eeeeh?!!”
Hoshii: Ah, I see.
Jin: It’s become a song that makes me go, “It’s already here???”
Suzuki: *laughs*
Jin: It’s unbelievable... So, we have reached the ending theme song of the episode once again. About the people who watch the series, I wonder how they do it. Do they listen to the audio commentary right after watching the episode?
Hoshii: Ah, but it might be like this, for example – when they buy the DVD, they first of all watch the series. I feel like that’s the majority.
Suzuki: Ooh...
Hoshii: Like, they watch the episodes on TV first.
Jin: That’s right. Maybe that’s it.
Suzuki: Yeah.
Hoshii: That’s probably it.
Jin: Indeed. Well, with that being said...
Hoshii: Yes?
Jin: Hum, if there’s anyone who’s going to watch the series once again after listening to this, we’re sorry for not elaborating on the contents of it!
Hoshii: Yeah!
Suzuki/Hoshii: *laugh*
Suzuki: Well, time has gradually come.
Hoshii: Yes.
Jin: Yes!
Suzuki: We’re going to be doing this over again, but please, do leave a message.
Jin: All right!
Suzuki: Could Hoshi-san go first?
Hoshii: Yeah! Eeeh, I’m happy to have participated in “Mekakucity Actors”! Eeeh, it really was a blink of eye, but as expected, I myself would like to get involved with Seto-kun even more.
Jin: Aaah...!
Hoshii: And with everyone else. I wanna get involved with them, so I’ll do my best. Jin-san, too, by all means, please take care of me from now on too.
Jin: Ah, thank you very much!
Hoshii: Everyone, thank you for your support!
Jin: Thank you so much!
Suzuki: Jin-san, you too.
Jin: Yes! Well, let’s see... Just like Hoshi-san said, I would like to have everyone gather up once again after this.
Hoshii: Yes.
Jin: If there comes a chance for it, I’d love to do it too.
Hoshii: Yes!
Jin: Is this really something we should be saying at this point in the game?!
Suzuki/Hoshii: *laugh*
Jin: But we already said it, so...
Suzuki: No problem, no problem.
Jin: ...I want to do my best till this opportunity arrives!
Hoshii: Yes!
Jin: So anyway, thank you very much.
Hoshii: Yes.
Suzuki: Thank you very much. And this C part also has a meaning to it.
Hoshii: That’s right!
Suzuki: If you keep it up – if you keep watching it like this, you should be able to tell.
Hoshii: At the beginning, I really didn’t get it, so I watched them all in sequence.
Jin: Ah, thank you very much.
Hoshii: It piques your interest, doesn’t it? When you don’t understand something.
Suzuki: I hope people will watch it over and over.
Jin: That’s right.
Hoshii: Yeah.
Jin: I want them to watch it lots of times and go, “I see, I see.”
Hoshii: Yep, exactly.
Suzuki: Well, that being said...
Hoshii: There’s lots of fired-up songs in it too.
Jin: Yes!
Hoshii: Waiting for everyone.
Jin: Please keep looking forward to what’s to come as well!
Hoshii: Yeeah!
Jin: Yes.
Suzuki: Thank you very much. Well, this has been the audio commentary of Act 05.
Everyone: Thank you very muuuch!
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youth-pastor-chrollo · 11 months
Anyone know any good resources (threads, blogs, etc) on how to get more into Clock over ORQUESTA? The MILGRAM collab got me really interested in it but I’ve only been able to find very limited information. I’ve tried to look at the wiki but unfortunately it isn’t the most functioning website…
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rolotouto · 1 year
Some sounds and anthology raws
I’m doing my best to try to obtain the CD that was released today... But in the meatime, let me use this blog to share and preserve some hard-to-find, obscure things from the past as well! First of all, as I was looking through old files, I came across a few stories from some comic anthologies I’ve previously talked about, which I had completely forgotten to have already scanned. Have a link to a folder. They are untranslated, but if anyone has any specific request, feel free to ask. And now, here are some short audio files, mostly from references to Rolo by other sources rather than Code Geass itself: ・ From R2′s Room #5 (May 2008) AUDIO FILE Well, we start with one that does belong to official Geass stuff. “R2′s Room” were brief videos where different voice actors talked about an episode of R2 each time (Daichuu shows up in episodes 5 to 8, so you can hear him talk about Turn 5, 6, 7 and 8). The audio clip focuses on the scene where Lelouch “teaches” Rolo how to hold a knife properly during Turn 5:
So... Rolo and... Well, the relationship between Rolo, whom I voice, and Lelouch, has taken... another small step forward, would it be right to call it? Well, Rolo, after all, he still suspects Lelouch a bit, and just when he was thinking “Should I kill him after all...?” and grabbed the knife like this...! “That’s not right, is it, Rolo?”, he[Lelouch] said, and took his hand like... “The way you use a knife is like this”. And when he did that, Rolo was like ”Ah! Yes, I’ll be careful...” immediately... Rolo, you know, became attached to Lelouch so quickly, and in that moment, even though he could have kept quiet about it, he brought up that “My Geass has a weakness”. So yeah, at this point you can see that he’s totally hooked, huh.
As a side note related to this, you might have seen the term はぁん in lots of old Japanese art/blog posts about Rolo (even though it’s no longer as referenced as it used to be). That word - well, “interjection”, originates from a magazine interview, where Daichuu was talking about the same Turn 5 scene and said:
He(Rolo) does think “Maybe I really should kill him.” I’m sure that he’s still uneasy. Wondering if Lelouch’s love is real, and so on. But as soon as he receives some physical contact, he goes “haa~n” and is quickly won over (laughs).
Even though it's only a written interview and no fan was there to hear what exactly that 'haa~n' sounded like (in R2's Room, what Daichuu says is more like 'Aah,' right?), the way it's spelled creates the impression of a cute and also kind of unnecessarily suggestive reaction. Thus はぁん became well known by Rolo enthusiasts on the Japanese side of the fandom.  --------- ・From the radio program Sayonara Zetsubou Housou #49 (6th August 2008) AUDIO FILE Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei radio program with A LOT of info on its wiki, due to the radio program itself containing even more pop cult references and inside jokes than the source material. Hiroshi Kamiya announces that it’s time for today’s farewell message, which, as requested by a listener, is...:
Daichuu: "After thoroughly being in despair, I will be thrown away like a ragged cloth!"
If you're familiar with Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, then you'll recognize the main character's catchphrase "I'm in despair!", which here is combined with the borozoukin line. Also, the listener requested a line which is written in the passive voice, since Daichuu/Rolo would be the one to read it (I mean that it’s no longer “I’ll throw you away” but “I’ll be thrown away”), but still included Lelouch’s てやる, so it sounds a little weird. Almost like Rolo is determined to be thrown away, like he’s saying it with an “I’ll show you how I get thrown away!” tone. --------- ・ From the radio program Nagisa to Sanae no Omae ni Rainbow #44 (8th August 2008) AUDIO FILE Also known as “Clannad radio”. This one doesn’t have Daichuu, but you can hear Kikuko Inoue (Cécile Croomy) saying “I’ll throw you away like a ragged cloth,” as requested by a listener. --------- ・ From the radio program Sayonara Zetsubou Housou #50 (13th August 2008) AUDIO FILE Daichuu saying “Za waarudo! Toki yo, tomare!”. Then Ryouko Shintani adds the disclaimer: "This radio program is a work of fiction, and the appearing characters, groups, organization names, and Rolo's Geass are fictitious." --------- ・ From the radio program Seiyuu Do (25th March 2010) AUDIO FILE A radio program where voice actors and actresses are interviewed. At some point, Daichuu introduces the next song that will play: Well, my character’s... It’s based on my character, I mean, it’s a song that played during my character's final moments and is a very moving piece, so please listen to it. By Hitomi: ‘Boku wa Tori ni Naru.’ Man, if only Daichuu would sing his own version of BokuTori in Rolo’s voice...  --------- ・ From the radio program Music and Comic Plus (4th February 2010) AUDIO FILE Daichuu saying “Please, treat me like a disposable rag” (and the radio host reacting with “Cuuuuuute!”). Yes, the person who requested this must be pretty mean, but then again the entire program has rather indecent lines...  --------- I also newly added the audio clip of Lelouch saying “To prove that the fact Shirley and Rolo lived had a meaning...” to this post, since I’d previously only included the transcription. That’s it for now. If anyone found this sort of post interesting, there’s more audios from old ads and such here!
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