Post per me, per farmi forza come feci ormai 3 anni fa per la maturità.
Daje A. stringi i denti per queste 2 settimane, pensa che il 4 luglio comunque vada finalmente ti sarai tolta questo esame che è diventato il tuo maggior incubo portandotelo dietro e tendendo a rimandarlo sempre più in là. Oramai non hai scelta questa è la data, entro questa data devi essere pronta per superarlo.
È solo un esame ed è il penultimo.
Ce la stai facendo.
Ogni esame dal primo che hai fatto ti sembrava impossibile da superare eppure li hai passati tutti al primo colpo e tutti alla grande.
Ora so che sei stanca, che inizi a pensare di non avere più cassetti vuoti nel cervello da riempire con queste ennesime nozioni e norme, ma metticela tutta.
Ripeto sono solo 2 settimane
Fai un countdown se ti può fare stare meglio e non farlo se ti mette più ansia di quella che hai già.
Non ti imporre di dover sapere tutto alla perfezione ma cerca di comprendere il senso di ciò che stai studiando.
E soprattutto non farti divorare dai sensi di colpa se vedi di non esserti mossa molto nello studio i primi giorni.
Devi solo trovare quello stimolo, quell'attacco e poi parti in quarta.
Lo hai fatto anche con lo scorso esame, primi giorni massimo 5 o 10 pagine e poi bam a botte di 40 alla volta.
Tranquilla riuscirai a superarlo
Non pensare che quelle sono le domande ricorrenti perché non è detto che ti chieda quelle stesse domande
Vai avanti come hai sempre fatto senza saltare nessun argomento ma senza fermarti troppo su nessuno
Piano piano anche se il tempo è poco ce la farai.
Credo in te.
Per darti la massima carica ti voglio ricordare i successi fin'ora ottenuti superando gli esami universitari:
- teoria dell'interpretazione e argomentazione giuridica 28
- storia del diritto medievale e moderno 30
- filosofia del diritto 27
- diritto privato 27
- idoneità lingua francese ✓ (a detta della prof un'inidoneità che vale 30)
- economia politica 24
- istituzioni di diritto romano 23
- diritto costituzionale 23
- gestione delle risorse umane 30
- diritto amministrativo 23
- diritto internazionale 30
- diritto pubblico dell'ambiente 30
- diritto commerciale 24
- informatica 30
- diritto privato comparato 30
- diritto tributario 30
- diritto sindacale 28
- ragioneria 30
- diritto del lavoro 30
- diritto penale 30
Ora mancano solo 2 trofei da portare a casa :
- diritto processuale civile
- diritto dell'UE
E poi potrai pensare con calma (mentre svolgi i tirocini) a preparare l'ultimissimo step la tesi di laurea.
Una cosa alla volta!
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medyumhoca88 · 1 year
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https://www.medyumyunus.com Sitemdeki whatsapp tan çekinmeden 7/24 ulaş Gideni Geri Getirme , Ölüm Büyüsü , Sabun Büyüsü , Medyum Hoca , Ayırma Büyüsü , Soğutma Büyüsü , Boşanma Büyüsü , Her Türlü İşlem için 7/24 Çekinmeden Sitemdeki Whatsaptan Yaz , İlk Yorumlarımı Oku Belgelerimi İncele , Yaz
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rr20 · 1 year
No. 1552
Just take it as an experience.
As a Malaysian, I'm truly one of the badminton lover just like others. Majority of the Malaysian like to play badminton by the influences of Dato Lee Chong Wei. Dato Lee Chong Wei is one of the greatest badminton players of all time. He has the title Dato thanks to his many years of valour at the pinnacle of the sport. He is hailed as a national hero by every Malaysian. Unexpectedly, my friend invited me to compete in a badminton competition that would be held at SEGi University Kota Damansara, where I attend. This competition is actually a homework for his MPU course, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum, which we termed General Study Subjects in English. At private universities in Malaysia, it is a pre-university qualification in general studies. In order to build the event, my friend and his pals will work as a team as organisers. Without any doubt, I said a BIG YES. Even I was aware that I'm not gonna win any matches since I'll be facing a lot of stronger and better player than I am. On the exact day of the tournament, I was freaking out while waiting for my turn. After seeing how other players playing, my thoughts are stronger. I'm not a professional badminton player not even a player who always participating in tournament. So, I screwed up. As expected. I defeated by my mistake. But ya, since the moment I've decided to join this tournament, it's just for fun and experiences.
#Be thankful for everything that happens in your life; it’s all an experience.
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skiplo-wave · 26 days
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Idk what’s funnier the fact katana is in this frame of teenagers or that segi is nearly out of frame.
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oneatlatime · 10 months
The Siege of the North Part 1
I'll be watching parts 1 & 2 separately.
Once again, audio commentary is off. Saving that as a treat for rewatches.
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Hey look! A giant breach in an otherwise impenetrable wall! Bet that's plot relevant.
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This episode has already won. It's already perfect. This face is the last thing the patriarchy sees before death. Katara has so earned this.
And then they pan to the casualty line as well! This opening would have had me hollering at the screen if I had seen this as a kid. Doing my Spice Girls Girl Power pose and everything.
Pakku is still Poophead. At least his writing is consistent.
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This is what Aang's all about. This is who Aang is. Just a goofy kid indeed.
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Try Off.
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Yue! Sweetheart! You're allowed to be confused but you're pushing this mixed signals stuff a little far. "This is wrong; I'm engaged!" *Does the bison-riding equivalent of the yawn and stretch like two minutes later.* I get it and I'm sorry, but you can't literally put the moves on a boy you've explicitly stated it's wrong for you to see. Excellent recovery from Sokka though. Totally not awkward at all.
Given the isolation of the Northern water tribe, are the Gaang the only ones who know what the black snow means?
Zhao the asshole's ego has been turned up for the season finale. And since when can he order Iroh around?
"Do you have a plan?" "I'm working on it Uncle." Translation: Nope!
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I get it. She's under the massive pressure of her whole society's expectations and traditions and she just wants to be happy for a bit. But seriously, hot, to cold, to hot, to cold, in five minutes of run time? Not to mention last episode's flip flops too. At what point does it go from teenage angst to stringing the poor guy along?
"I like you too much. It's too confusing to be around you." Ouch. Talk about a no-win situation.
"You don't understand. I have duties to my father, to my tribe. I have to do this." AHEM
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These two should sit down and really talk to each other instead of making googoo eyes. I think they would find they had a surprising amount in common.
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RIP eleven arctic foxes.
When the chief talks about faces disappearing from the tribe, it pans to Yue, Poophead and some guy with a large amount of chin. Foreshadowing?
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Is this the total population of the Northern Water Tribe? Why is the Fire Nation bothering to attack? All they have to do is wait 40 years and the isolationism will do the job for them.
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I've been ragging on the Sokka x Yue Knots Landing melodrama, but this is just sad. Real talk, it's ouchy.
"The stillness before battle is unbearable." How would you know? Haven't you been behind your walls for decades? I guess it's set up for Aang's line, but it's a bit clunky.
One fireball just displaced their entire defending force. That inspires confidence. These guys are going to get flattened, aren't they.
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One man army Aang is back!
The hammers used to trigger these catapults are making inches deep dents in the catapults' frames. That metal is way too soft. There's no way these things wouldn't tear themselves apart under the stress of operation.
Tying the catapults to the ship and to each other is clever. I wouldn't have thought of that.
Hang on what's her name
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Jojo Siwa works for the Fire Nation ?!?!?
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Appa murdered Jojo Siwa?!?!?
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Math time! There are five waterbenders in each boat, five boats on this side, and judging by the ice spikes on the other side of the ship, five boats on that side too. That makes ten boats of five waterbenders, which makes 50 waterbenders, one Appa, and one Avatar to take out one fire nation ship.
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Not the clearest shot, but I see 117 ships. So it's going to take 117 Appas, 117 Avatars, and 5850 waterbenders to take out this force. I bet they're regretting not training their female benders now.
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You and me both Sokka. The Chief praises Sokka and calls Han on his behaviour twice in this scene. Makes me think that he knows that Han is an ass. Which makes me wonder why he's letting him marry Yue? I was ambivalent about the Chief until now, but if he's knowingly shackling his daughter to that, then I think the Chief is a jerk.
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More math time! I count nine waterbenders here. This includes Poophead, who's apparently good enough to teach the Avatar, so let's round up and call it ten. Ten waterbenders per fireball.
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Jojo Siwa's ship has five catapults. Assuming that all 117 ships have five catapults each (which is a big assumption, because some of them must be support ships), then that's 585 fireballs without reloading. At ten waterbenders each, they're going to need an additional 5850 waterbenders behind the walls to catch incoming fireballs. I bet they're really regretting not teaching women how to bend now. And with the fireballs, how many of the healers have already been pancaked?
Interesting exposition from Iroh. Waterbenders are werewolves.
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It's the problem from a century ago in The Storm episode again! The world needs a fully realised Avatar; the best Aang can do is just one (goofy) kid.
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Ooof. Zuko is far from my favourite character, but the dynamic between these two is so comfortable, so well-worn. They feel like they've had no one but each other for years, which has made sense from Zuko's side of things since The Storm, but apparently Iroh has a dead kid (?!!?) and suddenly his side of things makes sense too.
"Remember your breath of fire." "Put your hood up." "Pack a lunch." "Bring a sweater." "Listen to your teacher, learn lots, have fun!" "Call me when you get home" "Eat your vegetables" "Call your uncle. He misses you already."
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Han is so well liked that when the guards see him getting attacked, they all collectively decide not to do anything about it. "Should we interfere?" "Nah, it's been a long time coming. He deserves it."
Zuko approaching the wall is accompanied by Blue Spirit music, but he's not wearing his Blue Spirit costume. Thoughts?
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Zuko is such a dumb smart guy. He can figure out that the turtle seals are coming up for air, but he can't figure out that marine mammals and humans might have drastically different lung capacities. Then again, if what the deserter says is correct and firebending is all about breathing, then firebenders probably have training on the kind of breath control that lets you hold you breath for extended periods. On the other hand, they probably learned that in water that wasn't so cold that it made you gasp involuntarily, so we're right back to dumb smart guy.
Does the Avatar world's moon cycle not work like ours? Our moon is out pretty often during the day, but Katara's waterbending is stronger at night. So the Avatar world's moon only appears at night?
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Is there a connection between the spirit world and bamboo? The giant panda grew bamboo in the village gate, now we see a gate with bamboo behind it.
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Strange face. Do not like.
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You smack turtleseal? You smack turtleseal like a football?
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Thought that was a palm tree for a sec.
Couldn't the Chief have reassigned Sokka in a way that didn't embarass him in front of all the other warriors?
Zuko's got some crazy swimming skills. He's also frozen to death at least three times by now.
"SHADDUP!" -Aang.
Avatar hypnotised by fish, more at 11.
How does Katara know that Aang's body can't be moved? Last time he went to the spirit world, she was sitting in a village gate cradling her brother's boomerang and Aang was ragdolling into a giant panda statue.
Might want to check your ego there Katara. You may be crazy skilled now but there's nothing wrong with backup.
Zuko having the same problem as Sokka and Aang with announcing his sneak strikes.
I love that when Zuko shows up Yue's just like Biyee!!! I wish I could make that into a gif. She ZOOMS.
It's a good thing that Katara knocked Zuko unconscious because otherwise there's nothing permanent she can do to stop him. Ice cage? Melt it. Water cage? Turn it to steam. Fire always undoes water.
Firebenders are powered by photosynthesis. Zuko one shots Katara here. Even powered by a full moon it took Katara a whole lot of moves to incapacitate him, then he gets one sunbeam and knocks her out with the recoil of one blast. Katara may be the best student Poophead's ever had but Zuko's got years on her.
Clever use of the otherwise counterintuitive ship doors: combination battering ram and landing ramp. Neat.
I normally don't agree with Zhao on anything, but my math shows that inevitable is the right word for the outcome of this battle.
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"Where did they go?" How about up the giant very obvious path that is the only way out of the oasis that isn't through a city full of waterbenders on high alert?
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Verry cool image to end on, but wasn't the fact that it was brilliantly sunny two minutes ago actually an important plot point?
That's it?
Well. Ok. That's a bit of a cliff hanger.
Final Thoughts
This one's really an obligate two parter huh?
How long has the Gaang spent in the Northern Water Tribe? It feels like maybe a week? Zuko couldn't remain undetected indefinitely on Zhao's ship, so it can't have been too long. I feel like Katara's amazing skills would make sense even after just a week, because we've seen how she progresses quickly when she has the opportunity (the waterbending scroll really did work, loathe as I am to admit it). But I feel like Sokka and Yue's story arc, particularly Yue's changes of heart, would work a lot better if it was established that they'd been around each other for a while. They're both aware she's engaged, but they both make the resolution to just be friends, and before they know it they've spent countless hours together and fallen into horribly deep love and now they're in too far and they have to quit cold turkey but they just keep pulling each other back in like their love is inevitable and before either of them know it, they can't stop loving each other. Yue panics and the scene on the steps of the palace as soot falls happens. They both know that maybe it's wisest to stop seeing each other, but then the Chief assigns Sokka to protect Yue and now they're unavoidably thrown together and they're right back where they started and they can no longer even pretend to deny their feelings and the sheer strength of their love acknowledged wipes out the entirety of the fire nation fleet and when the firelord hears the news he has a heart attack and dies so the war's over and Aang goes into the jewellery business and everyone lives happily ever after and Aang and Katara get married when they're both 35 and Sokka and Yue rule over a joint north-south water tribe matriarchy.
Seriously. Yue is giving me Eowyn vibes. I am WORRIED.
I have my suspicions about the Chief. He'd rather a stranger from the southern tribe guard his daughter than her fiance? I wonder if Han was the politically powerful choice. I guess having only a daughter in a patriarchal society doesn't make for a firm power base. I wonder if the Chief's council or whatever picked Han, and the Chief didn't have the power to refuse. So instead he sends Han on a suicide mission and arranges it so that Sokka can spend time with Yue. Is the Chief aware of Yue's feelings for Sokka and trying to help sneakily? If that's the case, I rescind calling him a jerk. Maybe he has to be seen to favour Han in public, so he takes Sokka off the mission when he and Han fight with an audience, but assigns Sokka to his daughter when it's only Sokka in the room. Maybe the Chief ships them as much as I do?
The Northern Water Tribe have been staying out of the war completely, so why are the Fire Nation even bothering to waste resources on them? Their mandate is to capture the Avatar alive, so a full-scale indiscriminate assault on where he's staying feels dumb.
Zuko's one-sided banter with Katara recalled their interactions in the Waterbending Scroll with the pirates. Kind of off-putting, kind of insulting, kind of creepy.
Aang had a neat fight scene, but not much beyond that. I have a feeling he'll be the star of the next episode. Congrats to Appa on the murderous assist. Air nomads may have been pacifists but their bison sure weren't.
This episode set up a lot of dominoes. The next one is going to have to do a lot of things very quickly.
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peachy-kaiju · 1 month
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Forgor i draw and can post it so heres my blorbo atm (a friends character im rotating in my brain constantly hehe) His name is Segis and he has a Queen Slime symbiote named Glasha. I want to kiss his stupid emo ass right in the mouth
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stargazerexo · 3 months
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realness-remade · 9 months
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zahrakhofifah · 1 day
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Kami Menyediakan Paving Block Siap Pasang Berkualitas Unggul yang Diproduksi dengan Bahan Baku Berkualitas dan Dicetak Menggunakan Mesin Press Hidrolik Sehingga Memiliki Ketahanan yang Kuat dan Tidak Mudah Pecah, Tersedia Jenis Paving Segi 6 (Hexagonal), Paving Jalan / Segi 4 (Bata), Paving 3D, dan Beberapa Jenis Paving Lainnya yang Dapat Digunakan untuk Segala Jenis Perkerasan Jalan / Lahan Seperti Jalan Raya, Teras Rumah, Trotoar, Tempat Parkir dan Lainnya Agar Terlihat Lebih Rapi. Terdapat Beberapa Pilihan Motif dan Warna yang Tersedia Sehingga Anda Dapat Memilih Mana yang Sesuai Dengan Kebutuhan. Kami Siap Melayani Pesanan dalam Bentuk Eceran Maupun Partai Besar dan Kirim Ke Berbagai Kota Seperti ; Ngawi, Magetan, Madiun, Ponorogo, Sragen, Karanganyar, Solo, dan Beberapa Area Sekitarnya. Informasi & Pemesanan Hubungi : 0812–3387–7793 (TELKOMSEL) WHATSAPP : https://api.whatsapp.com/send/?phone=6281233877793
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MURAH!!! ,HP/WA 08983641257 JASA KONVEKSI SERAGAM SEKOLAH, SERAGAM KERJA Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Selatan
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Kami adalah jasa konveksi no 1 di Surabaya, dijamin puas! Melayani Pesanan Kaos Event, Promosi, Gathering dan Seragam dengan Banyak Pilihan Model serta Bahan. Melayani Pesanan Kaos Polo Shirts, Caddy, Wangki, Raglan dan Custom dengan Bordir Berkualitas. Melayani Pesanan Jaket Bomber, Windbreaker, Harrington, Coat, Swetter, Hoodie, Varsity dan Lainnya. Melayani Pesanan Kemeja Panjang dan Pendek untuk Berbagai kebutuhan serta Banyak Pilihan Bahan.Melayani Pesanan Wearpack Safety, Coverall dan Rompi dengan Model dan Bahan Sesuai Kebutuhan.Melayani Pesanan Seragam Sekolah, Seragam Kerja, Seragam Komunitas, Seragam PDH dan Lainnya. Ini Alasan Memilih Maju Mapan Konveksi : 1. Harga kompetitif 2. Banyak pilihan produk 3. Jahitan rapi dan Berkualitas 4. Banyak Diskon 5. Jaminan Tepat Waktu 6. Berpengalaman Maju Mapan Konveksi Hp/Wa 0898-3641-257 Jl. Tuban I no 72 surabaya 60171.
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konveksi hijab, konveksi hijab terdekat, konveksi jilbab terdekat, konveksi hijab termurah, konveksi jilbab segi empat
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eclipsedcrystalstar · 1 month
I do think it’s extra fun in lethal when they’re just chaotic ADHD friend group. Fizzy talking about her stim toys and Max adoring the knife animations and sounds.
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Produsen Paving Block Segi Enam di Kediri, Call 0851-7528-5788
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Hub 0851-7528-5788, Produsen Paving Block Segi Enam di Kediri
Makaya Beton adalah Produsen yang melayani berbagai macam kebutuhan Pabrik Conblock Per M2 Kediri, Pabrik Harga Loster Genteng Kediri, Pabrik Tutup Selokan Beton Kediri, Pabrik Berat Paving Block K300 Kediri
Kami melayani pengiriman ke berbagai daerah diantaranya Pasuruan, Malang, Singosari, Kota Batu, Kediri, Blitar, Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Probolinggo dan Kota lainnya.
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Kami Juga melayani Berbagai Macam Pemesanan Genteng Beton dan Paving Block dalam jumlah Besar untuk keperluan Perumahan, Perkantoran, Villa, Gedung, Pembangunan Kampus, Masjid, dan lainnya.
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Makaya Beton
Call / WA 0851-7528-5788
Call / WA 0851-7528-5788
Call / WA 0851-7528-5788
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vendorbatakosegienam · 4 months
Produksi Kanstin Ukuran di Kediri, Call 0851-7528-5788
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Hub 0851-7528-5788, Produksi Kanstin Ukuran di Kediri
Hub 0851-7528-5788, Makaya Beton adalah Produsen yang melayani berbagai macam kebutuhan Distributor Tutup Got Cor Kediri, Distributor Batu Blok Rumah Kediri, Distributor Batu Paving Block Kediri, Distributor Panel Beton Kediri
Kami melayani pengiriman ke berbagai daerah diantaranya Pasuruan, Malang, Singosari, Kota Batu, Kediri, Blitar, Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Probolinggo dan Kota lainnya.
Kami Juga melayani Berbagai Macam Pemesanan Genteng Beton dan Paving Block dalam jumlah Besar untuk keperluan Perumahan, Perkantoran, Villa, Gedung, Pembangunan Kampus, Masjid, dan lainnya.
Kami menyediakan berbagai macam kebutuhan :
•             Genteng Beton
•             Genteng Flat
•             Paving Block
•             Kanstin
•             U Ditch
baca juga : Produksi Kanstin Paving di Kediri
Untuk Info Pemesanan :
Makaya Beton
Call / WA 0851-7528-5788
Call / WA 0851-7528-5788
Call / WA 0851-7528-5788
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rr20 · 1 year
No. 0808
It was a rushy but meaningful week.
The show's date is getting closer., it's going to be the date of my performance for the Chinese Cultural Society Spring Charity Gala. For me, I'll be singing and performing stage play. And this is directly leading to the reason I've exhausted. Here's how the story started. On a random day, I accidentally heard my friends talking regards the Segi Chinese Society Club going to organize a spring charity gala at the end of February. Plus, the audition for Segian who are interested to show your talents on that night. In case you do not know but I love singing since I was 6 years old. So, I went to the audition that time and I got chosen. Since that, all the performers have attended uncountable practices and put all their time and effort into the practices. Literally, every day after class we have practice.
#practice leads to perfection and perfection leads to succession.
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pavingblockgarsi · 7 months
CALL/WA 0821-8614-8884, Penjual Paving Garasi
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Hubungi 0812-3402-0699, Pelita Mas adalah Produsen yang melayani berbagai macam kebutuhan Paving Block, Paving Block Rumput, Paving Block Anti Lumut, Paving Block Anti Banjir, Paving Block Abu Batu.
Hubungi via Whatsapp silahkan Klik https://wa.me/6281234020699
Kami Juga melayani Berbagai Macam Pemesanan Genteng Beton dan Paving Block dalam jumlah Besar untuk keperluan Perumahan, Perkantoran, Villa, Gedung, Pembangunan Kampus, Masjid, dan lainnya.
Pelita Mas memiliki beberapa produk genteng dan Paving Block dengan berbagai macam pilihan Motif dan Model. Produk kami diproduksi menggunakan mesin yang bertekanan tinggi, sehingga kami menjamin produk yang ditawarkan memiliki kualitas terbaik.
Untuk Info selengkapnya, silahkan hubungi Langsung Owner kami :
Pabrik Genteng Beton dan Paving Pelita Mas
Jl Raya Tlogowaru No 41, Tajinan, Kedungkandang, Malang
Call/WA : 0812-3402-0699
Link WA
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pavingblockantibanjir · 7 months
Penyedia Paving Garasi Mobil Pengiriman ke Dampit, CALL/WA 0821-8614-8884
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Hubungi 0812-3402-0699, Pelita Mas adalah Produsen yang melayani berbagai macam kebutuhan Paving Block, Paving Block Rumput, Paving Block Anti Lumut, Paving Block Anti Banjir, Paving Block Abu Batu.
Hubungi via Whatsapp silahkan Klik https://wa.me/6281234020699
Kami Juga melayani Berbagai Macam Pemesanan Genteng Beton dan Paving Block dalam jumlah Besar untuk keperluan Perumahan, Perkantoran, Villa, Gedung, Pembangunan Kampus, Masjid, dan lainnya.
Pelita Mas memiliki beberapa produk genteng dan Paving Block dengan berbagai macam pilihan Motif dan Model. Produk kami diproduksi menggunakan mesin yang bertekanan tinggi, sehingga kami menjamin produk yang ditawarkan memiliki kualitas terbaik.
Untuk Info selengkapnya, silahkan hubungi Langsung Owner kami :
Pabrik Genteng Beton dan Paving Pelita Mas
Jl Raya Tlogowaru No 41, Tajinan, Kedungkandang, Malang
Call/WA : 0812-3402-0699
Link WA
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