dashalbrundezimmer · 2 days
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ewaldistraße // köln agnesviertel
façade views
ansichten einer fassade
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dankomaksimovic · 2 months
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ph. Danko Maksimovic - Cologne, Germany (2023)
Film: Kodak Portra 800
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boschintegral-photo · 2 months
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Kölner Dom Cologne, Germany
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lutnistas · 3 months
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winter is coming !!! ( Köln / Cologne - Germany )
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jonalia · 3 months
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My ass needs love ❤️
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wgm-beautiful-world · 5 months
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ghoermann · 6 months
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Museum Ludwig, Köln
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antronaut · 1 year
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James Rosenquist - Terrarium (1977)
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haveyoubeentothiscity · 4 months
Population: 1,073,096
Urban population: 3,500,000
Note that the German name for this city is Köln.
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lauri2708 · 8 days
Noah mitten im nirgendwo. aka Köln.(Dolulu is the solulu)🤪
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Vor ein paar Tagen /Wochen hat schloss einstein dieses Bild in ihrer Story geposted.
Wir sehen hier ganz klar einen Noah😂
Die Frage ist nur wo zur Hölle ist er ?
Es ist ziemlich klar das das nicht das Einstein ist.(Glaub ich )
(Wir schließen jetzt einfach mal aus das ein Bild vom Dreh ist den dafür ist die qualität viel zu gut und außerdem ist Noahs Kamera zu sehen etc.)
Die Wand und Vorhänge haben viel zu warme Töne und auch die Bilder und die Umgebung sehen nicht wie das Einstein aus.
Wo ist Noah hier nun also ?
Könnte es sein das Colin nicht wie erwartet zurück kommt und Noah deshalb nicht mehr nach Köln fährt,doch was ist wenn er das doch tut?
Könnte es sein das sich Noah hier in Köln befindet?
Dafür spricht auch die Umfrage auf dem Post.
Die Frage spielt offensichtlich auf den Nolin Kino Besuch an.Was den Verdacht das es sich in der Szene aus welcher der Ausschnitt stammt um eine Nolin Szene handelt.
Und wenn das Bild nicht aus Köln stammen sollte woher ist es dann ?
Und vorallem wie hängt dieses Bild mit den letzten 2 Folgen Beschreibungen zusammen?
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leo-fie · 6 months
The sheer state of the German left right now...
Seriously, if I wouldn't see it, I would not believe it. And I'm only seeing the small sample on Mastodon.
Antizionism, critique of Israel, suppost for Palestine get's thrown in with antisemitism so much that's it's basically impossible to figure out what's going on anymore.
Examples from Mastodon:
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This picture shows a pro-palestine demonstration, we see people, palestinian flags and two signs reading "freedom for palestine" and "stop the israeli massacres in palestine". The left research network RABA writes: "After the attempted genocide of Jews with thousands of victims by the barbarous Hamas, the palestinian community Bonn and Cologne shows their ideological and personal closeness to the Hamas war. Replaying antisemitic, djihadi propaganda: transparent victim blaming"
Did they see the same picture as me? Do they know more than me? Or do they think any support of palestine is antisemitic by default?
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This account called "punch a nazi" is in solidarity with Israel and against antisemitism. Thereby implying that anyone against Israel is antisemitic.
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Same account saying: "The antisemitism bubbling to the surface all over the world right now is nothing less than disgusting. Openly disguised as "critique of Israel" or between the lines. Against all antisemitism!"
So no critique of Israel allowed ever? But no one is above criticism, especially not governments. Or do we make an exception for Israel?
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Amadeu Antonio Foundation is a widely respected antiracist, antifascist group founded in the memory of a man murdered by nazis in 1990, Amadeu Antionio Kiowa. Here they say as part of a thread for teachers: "The antisemitism refering to Israel is to be differentiated from critique at Israeli government policy, a big challenge for teachers. With the practical handout teachers can react to slogans like "With the policy Israel is doing, I can understand why someone wouldn't like jews" or "Israel is an apartheid state" and catch insecurities and emotions."
Now, if you ask me, the first slogan is clearly antisemitic, the second is just true. How is that differenciating anything?
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taz is a left leaning daily newspaper, basically the only one with any reach in Germany. It's staunchly zionist. While it is also showing the plight of the palestinian people, it is also joining in the chorus of other newspapers comparing Israel to Ukraine and therefore Hamas to Putin's Russia. This reads: The German peoples' demostration of solidarity with Israel are poor compared to the war in Ukraine. The actual test is still pending." The headline reads: Pro-Israel-Demonstrations: We don't care"
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Same newspaper: "Dozens chant "free Palestine", a schoolground conflict get's political - but there are also other, quieter voices. A week in Neukölln (a neighborhood in Berlin)" With the headline: "Near-East-Conflict in Berlin: Symbol Sonennallee (a street)"
What's wrong with "free Palestine"? Does the palestinian people not have a right to self determination?
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Rote Flora is an autonomous center in Hamburg since 1989. They fly a banner reading "Killing Jews is not fighting for freedom! We are in solidarity with all humans in Israel and all jews in the world. You are not alone." Someone posted this picture with the caption: Rote Flora stabil. which is kinda like saying it's based.
Examples end.
This is what I get from left and left leaning groups. Our public broadcast is of course zionist af, but to the point where American news like CNN are nuanced in comparasion.
The conflation of antisemitism and antizionism is just off the charts. I already lost one account for pointing out that these are different things, so I have to mute everything lest I blow up at any of these.
How can anyone look at the situation of the palestinian people and come away with anything but antizionism? That's why we have the term. Who but left and left leaning folks can look at this though a materialist lens? Isn't that our thing?
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dashalbrundezimmer · 13 days
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mauritiuswall // köln mauritiusviertel
time and again you come across hidden gems of modern architecture in cologne. it's worth wandering through the side streets and discovering them.
immer wieder stößt man in köln auf versteckte kleinode der modernen architektur egal welcher stilrichtung. es lohnt sich durch die nebenstraßen zu streifen und sie zu entdecken.
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dankomaksimovic · 1 month
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ph. Danko Maksimovic - Cologne, Germany (2023)
Film: Kodak Portra 800
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boschintegral-photo · 2 months
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Kölner Dom Cologne, Germany
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philoursmars · 29 days
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Quatrième et ultime étape de mon périple dans l'Ouest pour retrouver des ami(e)s lointain(e)s il y a un bon mois déjà : ma sœur Dominique et son mari, à Alençon, aux confins de la Normandie et des Pays de Loire.
On passe une journée au Mans. Visite du Carré Plantagenêt, musée d'histoire de la ville.
épée viking, avec l' inscription "ingelrii" (sans doute le nom de l'atelier, à Cologne) - Rennes, Xème s.
corne à boire en verre - Le Mans, IV-Vème s.
Fac simile d'une statuette d'homme en or - Le Mans, Vème s.
maquette des murailles gallo-romaines du Mans
boucle de ceinture mérovingienne en bronze
pions de tric-trac en os et bois de cerf - Sarthe, X-XIIème s.
voir 2
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jonalia · 3 months
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Who wants to be under my skirt ?
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