#sef answers
teecupangel · 8 months
Do we have a Phonenix yet in the menagire? We need one.
Phoenix!Desmond, probably looking like a normal bird for the most part, and stays with Sef when they go after the mongols (Altair probably thinks he's getting too old he looked a bit ratty lately) and takes the hit when Swami tries to kill him.
Idk whether to have this crack or angest with them thinking Desmond died, had a chick, and was apparently a female bird the entire time.
Okay, so I was checking the Phoenix wiki page for any information if it would be possible that Altaïr would know what a phoenix is and there’s this part written by Herodotus (yes, Kassandra’s Herodotos)
[The Egyptians] have also another sacred bird called the phoenix which I myself have never seen, except in pictures. Indeed it is a great rarity, even in Egypt, only coming there (according to the accounts of the people of Heliopolis) once in five hundred years, when the old phoenix dies. Its size and appearance, if it is like the pictures, are as follow: The plumage is partly red, partly golden, while the general make and size are almost exactly that of the eagle. They tell a story of what this bird does, which does not seem to me to be credible: that he comes all the way from Arabia, and brings the parent bird, all plastered over with myrrh, to the temple of the Sun, and there buries the body.
… which may be a reference to Bennu, the Egyptian deity connected to the sun, creation, and rebirth.
So Altaïr would meet him during his travels with Maria and he just stays. They assume he’s an exotic bird (or eagle), maybe a native to one of the places Altaïr and Maria visited.
Altaïr never told them that the bird flew into his room one night and began to chirp at him as if trying to tell him something. He also tried to tap the Apple but all it did was glow a bit.
The bird had been quite annoyed by it and began to hit it with his talons so quickly the Apple had a taptaptaptaptap sound rapidly before Altaïr could take the Apple.
After that, the bird just decided to sit on Altaïr’s shoulder when he left his room the following morning and Maria assumed he had bought the bird yesterday when they went their separate ways.
Her guess sounded so much better than the truth which was Altaïr spent the entire day yesterday holed up in his room, writing letters to be sent back to Masyaf as part of his deal with Malik in exchange for letting him go on this trip (which was to send letters detailing the geopolitical situations of the places he travels to with suggestion on what the Brotherhood should do in those parts… if they could do anything).
So nobody ever questioned the mentor’s newly acquired bird (except Malik but Malik had been more focused on the ex-Templar that Altaïr brought to Masyaf and married).
Then Darim and Sef were born and the bird (named Desmond because Altaïr thought of the name first when Maria asked what the bird’s name was) usually stayed with the children, letting out loud screeching cries whenever one of the two children were doing something they shouldn’t do.
When they got older, Darim and Sef learned the word ‘bribe’ and how Desmond can be easily bribed to look the other way in favor of delicious food.
Desmond stayed in Masyaf though, regardless if Altaïr or any of his sons left for a mission or to travel to a bureau. At some point, the bird had become a symbol of Brotherhood with its gold and red plumage.
So when Altaïr left with Maria and Darim to take down Genghis Khan, it was only natural for Desmond to stay with Sef in Masyaf.
Altaïr had been a bit conflicted though as Desmond’s feathers had grown quite… dull and he was moving slower than usual.
Maria and Malik both told them that Desmond was growing old and maybe it was time but the Ibn-La'Ahad boys refused to believe that.
Darim also believed that they might find medicine in one of the camps of the Mongols as they have been to many lands.
So when Desmond flew to protect Sef and got stabbed on the chest by Swami, Swami screamed as Desmond became shrouded in flames.
Swami burned as well and Sef could only watch in horror as white hot flames consumed the both of them.
Swami was left as a corpse charred beyond recognition.
While Desmond…
Only ashes remained…
And from those ashes…
Sef heard a small chirp.
As a little chick with red and gold plumage poked his head out of the ashes, shaking the ash from his small body.
Sef could only stare as he asked, “Desmond?”
And the bird gave him an enthusiastic chirp while jumping.
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tilltheendwilliwrite · 8 months
SOo.. how's the Tom Hiddleston fic going? Just curious as you haven't said anything lately. Can we get an excert?
Lol, it's going! We're up to ten chapters, and I like it so far. You want a little excert? I can do that.😈
She glanced down to try and find the right button again, glanced up to make sure she wasn’t going to drive off the road, and stomped both feet on the brake, causing the truck to skid to a stop, sputter, and die.
There was a man heaving for breath, bare inches from becoming a hood ornament.
Mia shoved open the door, leaned into the downpour, and screamed, “Are you out of your corn fed mind!”
Tom rounded the side of the vehicle and stood in the open doorway. “You’re the one who nearly hit me.”
“You ran out in front of my vehicle in the pouring rain! Gods, do you have a death wish on top of being an asshole?” she shrieked, now mad and wet.
He squinted, hair dripping, nose dripping.
Why was he still so pretty?
“I thought Kip said you were Canadian. Aren’t Canadians supposed to be ridiculously nice?”
She glared and snapped, “We’re perfectly lovely until you piss in our timbits!”
He arched a brow. “That was decidedly rude. How very unCanadian of you.”
Incised, Mia leaned out the door, subjecting herself to the rain to get almost nose to nose with him. “Don't you know the Geneva Convention was created because Canadians decided rules of engagement were more like suggestions? So test me, Hiddleston. See what happens.”
Hope that wets your appetite!🥰
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shrimplifies · 2 years
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artist spends 5 hours on a portrait, accidentally flips canvas once, causes devastating emotional damage. in other news,
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sunlightswallowed · 1 year
♗ hehehehe
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imaginationblur · 2 years
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I think about Chip a healthy amount… 24/7 😔✌️head empty no thoughts just little god exploring the earth with a friend just to truly fall in love with his planet all over again…
His story is one of the most lovely and exciting, he has to continue to fight an endless battle of light and dark yet he is truly never alone, with help of Sonic, he really does have friends around the world, worth fighting and protecting… bless that lil guy
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mello-jello · 2 years
is jello cute in person?
She aight.
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therevenantrp · 1 month
no i wont make them suffer unless it's LESTAT. if you want to see lestat suffer dm me
Do you enjoy making your characters suffer?
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teecupangel · 4 months
Thinking about kitsune!Desmond post self-napping, like he's been around many babies and small children by this point but this is his first time being the sole caretaker for one. Just single dad Des with his son (whom I'm calling Jr. from now on) once Jr. starts gettingolder everyone tells him he looks just like his dad. Also maybe because of Des and Jr. being the same person some weird calculations thing means Jr. gets a kitsune form.
The Kitsune Desmond ask from before.
You know what would be funny, nonny?
If Desmond’s child just splits off from him… via his tail.
Desmond was just minding his business, brushing his 4 tails when…
One of his tail just… pops off.
Of course, Desmond screams bloody murder because “what the fuck, what the fuck, what the actual fuck???”
When Edward gets there, sword and pistol at the ready because Desmond did just scream really loudly and panicky, he finds Desmond holding his detached tail with wide eyes.
They both stared at the tail and their confusion only grows when the tail burns the same color as Desmond’s foxfire.
Then poof!
The fire erupts into smoke.
And a baby with fluffy fox tail has replaced the tail in Desmond’s arms.
Desmond becomes a father unexpectedly.
Edward has no idea what is happening.
And the child?
The child grows like a normal human child.
But when he was one year old.
He starts transforming to a kitsune.
And during that time, Desmond’s missing tail also grows back. Desmond has no idea what was happening.
But this child seemed to be able to summon foxfire of his own.
His golden eyes and the fact that he is starting to look more and more like Desmond the older he gets…
Makes Desmond call him ‘Altaïr’.
The child is a bundle of smiles so Desmond is pretty sure the child isn’t a reincarnation of Altaïr although it is a strange coincidence that the child came from the tail that he had gotten after Altaïr’s death and he can only create foxfire, the same ability Desmond got after receiving his second tail.
Who cares.
Desmond’s son was adorable and happy.
That was all that matters.
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jpitha · 2 months
Between the Black and Gray 15
First / Previous / Next
It was odd. Spyglass was a full five kilometers long, but they were being hired - at more money than Fen had ever seen at once - to bring one single K'laxi home. Normally, Fen would be busy helping the stevedores with their cargo, showing them where to put it, and getting things ready to cast off, but now she just stood outside the airlock at the dock, her rifle slung casually behind her, leaning against a wall.
This was a Sefigan station, and the whole place was decorated in desert colors and textures. Even though they were a shorter, furry race, the Sefigans came from a a world that had more deserts than Earth did, and had evolved to prefer that kind of climate. It was dry too. Every time Fen breathed in, she felt like her nose was drying out.
Sefigans and humans had a decent enough relationship. They tended to keep clear of the Empire and felt that most humans were entirely too rough for them, but they did help out against the Gren right after Contact, so most Sefs had humans defaulted to "they're all right, but don't lend them any money" levels of friendship. As Fen leaned against the wall near the airlock the Sefigans went about their day, and only the kids would look at her. Every time one of them caught her eye, she'd wink. Their eyes would widen and the braver ones would laugh and gesture hello.
After an hour, the K'laxi came. Fen saw her pierced ears, shining in the artificial light before the rest of her. She - Fen knew enough anatomy to make a relatively educated guess that she was female was tall for her race, with reddish brown fur, and her ears were heavily pierced. She practically jangled as she walked.
She was also armed. Weapons were not unusual out here, but most sapients tended to avoid chemical operated slug throwers. They'd stick with energy weapons or blades. Humans were the unique ones in that they carried their projectile throwers everywhere. This K'laxi was carrying a human made pistol, modified for her grip.
"Fenchurch Whitehorse?" Her voice was low and smooth. She was also speaking Colonic, she didn't even ask if she could use their original tongue.
"Call me Fen please." She clicked her heels together and gestured toward the airlock. "Welcome to Spyglass. Please come aboard."
"Right you are Fen. I'm Nalenni Bightiarr by the way, but please call me Nal."
"It's a pleasure to meet you Nal. This way." Fen led her aboard and gave an abbreviated tour. Nal was their only cargo this trip, but there was no reason to give her the run of the ship. Spy and Fen had set up access protocols when they learned they were going to have a passenger, Nal could get to her cabin, the lounge and - with permission - the command deck. That was about it.
After the tour, Fen brought Nal to the Command Deck and Gord was sitting in his chair, going over things with Spy. Gord, Spy and Fen had decided to not let Nal know that Spy (or Gord for that matter) was an AI, but they also were not going to hide it. Fen and Gord could talk to Spy and Spy would answer as best as she could, but maybe just a little more... shiplike for now.
Gord looked up. "Ah, Nal is it?" He stuck out his hand. Nal took it and shook it vigorously, perfectly executing the ancient human gesture. Gord accepted the handshake and got three quarters of the way through it before he realized was was happening and almost yanked his hand back in surprise.
Nal smiled. "I had heard you were old fashioned, Gord. The fact that you were willing to honor a favor made by my great grandmother was proof enough of that. Your own relative must have made the deal right?"
Gord chuckled and tuned away quickly. "Something like that. Nal, have you ever used a wormhole link before?"
Nal's ears flicked. "No, I've only ever used the Gates and the FlashWarp drive. Are you talking about the-"
"The sometimes some people die thing, yeah. I was wondering if you knew if you were effected."
"Nope, I don't know. I guess we'll all learn together. Honestly, I'm a little excited to find out. I would love to see my ancestors and ask them things."
Gord reached up and scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, I hear you don't normally get information that concrete. It doesn't happen to me, so I can't say for sure. Anyway, we're going to cast off in about an hour, and then eat. It's nearly time for the evening meal, ships time. Would you like to join us?"
"Sure, it's midday meal for me, but the meals line up well enough. I'd love to." Her tail flicked.
It was Fen's turn to cook. When they first started out, Fen thought she would be doing all the cooking as she was the only biological person, but it turned out that Gord knew how to cook. "You think this is the first time I've hosted a BI before?"
"Yeah, Biological Intelligence. You call us AIs, we call you BIs."
Fen couldn't let Gord do all the cooking, so she insisted that they take turns, once a week. This was Fen's week and she made dinner. The food was simple, but safe for K'laxi - Fen may not have known many recipes, but she knew how to cook for K'laxi - and there was plenty of it. They ate with gusto.
Even Gord had some. He didn't need to eat, but he did on occasion "so that I can remember my table manners" but Fen also wondered if Gord did it to help keep one foot into humanity. He has been around so long that she wasn't sure just how human he thought of himself.
Fen brought out tea for everyone and was clearing plates after the meal. Dishes were easy since it was only the three of them. Nal jumped up to help.
"No, Nal, I've got this. It's your first meal aboard, the least I can do is be a good host. You can wash up tomorrow." Fen smiled but gestured for Nal to sit.
Nal's tail flicked and she smiled. "Okay Fen, tomorrow." She sat back down, and turned to Gord. "So, it's just the two of you running this operation?"
Gord nodded and sipped his tea. "For the most part, yes. We've been at it a few years taking jobs here and there, building up a reputation."
"I'll say. You two already have a rep of taking huge cargos far away, fast. I don't think there are too many human cargo haulers over on this side of the galaxy, you all tend to stay near your own corner of space. I don't know what it is about your wormhole generator and why hardly anyone else uses it, but in your hands it seems better than just about any other FTL option they have out here."
Fen burned to ask Nal why she was way out here, and why she needed a ride home ASAP, but she knew better than to ask. What the cargo was doing was their business. Hers and Gord's business was to get her to her destination quickly and professionally. Curiosity would have to take a back seat.
After chores, they stayed up and chatted about nothing for a while, and then Nal retired to her cabin. A moment after the door clicked shut Spy called out. "She locked her door and I turned off the speakers in her room, she can't hear us."
Gord shrugged. "She seems fine. Keeps things close to her chest, but otherwise model cargo. Probably a spy."
Fen blinked. Nal? A Spy? "What makes you say that, Gord?"
"It's the little things. How she carries herself. She's confident around two humans - well what she thinks are two humans - and breezy but never actually admits to anything. She watches all the time. She practically was glued to your back while you were cooking, Fen. She's also very aware. K'laxi have excellent hearing and I could see her ears swivel at every noise that Spy made. She's skilled at gathering information."
Gord tossed back the rest of his tea. "Also, why else would a K'laxi be willing to pay the fuck off price to hire an entire Starjumper to bring them back to K'lax on a moment's notice. Something came up and she needed to get home asap. I bet if we weren't around she would have called for one of their frigates to pick her up."
"Now I know you're taking the waste." Fen shook her head. "You're just spinning tales. Why would a K'laxi frigate come out to Sefigan space just to pick up one person."
"Back me up Spy. Would the K'laxi send a warship to collect a single person if they felt that person was important enough?"
Spyglass chuckled. "Ancestors know we've done it plenty of times. You, specifically have done it too, haven't you Gord?"
Gord waved his hands, dismissively. "Once or twice Spy, once or twice. That was a long time ago though. My point is, it's not unreasonable for a government to go and collect one of their own, especially if they think that what they know is valuable."
Fen crossed her legs and leaned sideways in her chair. She never was able to get comfortable in Spyglass' chairs, she always had to lounge or lay sideways or contort herself to stop fidgeting. "Okay then, what does she know?"
"Hah!" Gord's laugh was a single bark. "If I knew that, for one, I wouldn't tell anyone, and for two, I wouldn't be nearly the last human built AI still up and mobile." He stood. "Go get some rest Fen. Spy and I are going to plot our last few links. We'll time them to get to K'lax tomorrow morning."
Fen shrugged and got up. It was getting late, ship's time and she was pretty tired. "Okay Gord. Night Spy."
"Good Night Fen."
Fen went to her cabin and after locking the door took off her clothes, took a boiling hot shower - one underappreciated luxury aboard was the nearly unlimited hot water - she was too used to lukewarm showers back home. After, she dried off and climbed into bed. Without realizing it, she had scooted over to the far side of the bed to give Ma-ren room to climb in with her. When she realized what she did, she sighed and moved to the middle.
She laid on her back in the dark, staring at the ceiling a long time. These were the times when it was hardest to be without Ma. She would come home after her shift, take a shower and clean the smell of the restaurant off her as best as she could, and then could climb into bed with Fen, and they'd just lay in the dark, holding each other. Some nights they transitioned into sex, but that was the exception. Both of them normally preferred to just hold each other and cuddle until Ma fell asleep. Fen smiled at the memory that Ma always fell asleep first.
Fen let the tears flow until they stopped, and then, eventually, sleep came for her as well.
Well after Fen was asleep, Gord went deep into the ship. Past the reactor room, past the med bay, past the rifle range and into a small room that was built next to one of the matter printers. He stopped and touched the pad with his palm and concentrated. The door hissed open, and he checked on his work.
Sitting on a long, high table was a body. Female shaped, with long legs and arms and silvery white hair. Her chest was open, and two of the printer arms were inside whirring away as they printed new muscles and laced bone. "How is it going?" he asked, without looking up.
"We're taking it slow, just like you wanted Gord. We're about 80% finished with the gross motor function. The brain is going to take some doing, like you thought. We might be able to get some high resolution print heads from the K'laxi, but they're going to ask why we want them."
Gord held up a finger. "Correction: They're going to ask why we want them if they catch us buying them."
"And you just happen to have ten shell companies to wash a purchase like that in your back pocket." You could hear Spyglass crossing her arms when she was speaking to Gord.
"I never said anything about buying them, Spy."
"This again. Gord, you can't just go stealing everything you need when it gets inconvenient to buy it."
"And why the fuck not, Spy? They never thought about our feelings as we were captured and shackled. They can take the hit. If it brings us closer to our goal, it's worth it."
"What about Fen? She'll get caught in the crossfire. If the Empire catches-"
"The Empire is lightyears from here Spy. Fen is fine. She's a crack shot now, she's got her own nest-egg. She could sign on to any merc group that is looking for a human. We've trained her well."
"So you're still going ahead with your plan to dump her somewhere."
Gord stared at the body being printed. They were so close. "It's... still an option Spy, that's all."
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
gold and green
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Summary: Altair grapples with an unresolved element of your relationship.
read on ao3
writing prompts - “Bet I can beat you to it” + A reunion with a party + “Wait a minute, are you jealous?” + A kiss so long they share each other’s breath + Spooning + passionate kisses + Hiding face in other’s neck
He had challenged you to a dare that you couldn’t resist. Racing to the nearest tower, and whoever the victor, was exempt from the new trainee mentoring. You were winded but spurred on by the adrenaline of Altair’s chase.
Although, you heard a brief call to you. The voice sounded familiar enough from your life, once upon a time before.
“Is that you?”
You turned in the direction of the voice. William, a face you thought you would never see again. The shock of seeing a dearly beloved friend from your childhood compelled you to just embrace him again.
Lost in conversation of his travels that unbeknownst to you, Altair had retraced the path you had taken. Just at the moment when William
The soured look on his face lingered for the remainder of the day as his golden eyes brimmed with his emotions.
Later that night, you had still noticed that Altair had been distant. You, Malik, Maria and the boys had retreated to sleep for the night but his absence was felt. Awakened by the empty space he occupied, you peeled your eyes open.
Standing near the edge of the window, the Master Assassin overlooked the high moon shining down on Masyaf.
He could hear you stir awake before making your way over to him. “Who was he? That man who you were speaking to?”
You breathed a deep sigh of relief. Finally, something from an answer!
So you were jealous. Is what your mind initially came to, but you knew it wasn’t the time or place for such a quip right now.
“He was someone from my past…Maria isn’t the only who had a life from before.”
Altair quickly turned around to face you. Knowing concern was etched on his face, and those golden eyes drew you in more. You reached out for his hands, finding comfort in the callouses that were always gentle with you.
“We were arranged to be married when we came of age, but settled on forging our own path. I needed a new scene for life, as did he. We needed our freedom, lest we condemn ourselves to a slow death in gilded cages.”
You paused for a moment before pulling yourself closer into his arms.
”And it was the greatest gift he could have given me because I found you. I found you all and got a chance to live for myself.”
It was instantaneous that he let down the insecure guard. A hand cupped around the back of where your head and neck met. The soft sigh in his kisses left you renewed with a sense of clarity and relief. Of course there would be no one except him, and you would always choose Altair first given the choice.
When you both pulled back for air, a small murmur of “Baba…” from Sef alerted you both to return back to bed.
You drifted off to sleep, a hand reaching out to comfort Sef and Altair’s arm protectively wrapped around you both. You felt at peace as your eyes grew heavy. The last thing you remembered was Altair burying himself in the crook of your neck with a final kiss.
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fanonical · 5 months
Please tell me about your girlfriend’s supernatural fanfiction
Hi! I'm girlfriend (tho most people call me Sef :P), and i live on this blog sometimes too! I started writing a fanfic back at the height of the Spanish Dub Madness, when I basically decided that I wanted to burn this bitch down and rebuild her from the ground up. Supernatural has some very good bones with some incredibly interesting themes and characters that are severely underutilized, and I wanted to dedicate this fic project to exploring those, while reworking some of the Not Great Things in the text. Ultimately, the idea is to explore what Supernatural perhaps could have been, while coming to terms with what it is and can provide as a piece of media.
A lot of work has gone into this project! I run a server where I bounce ideas off a small community for the rewrite, which introduces several new characters to the narrative of Supernatural to make the world feel richer. This is including a new Winchester character, Lorelai, a new transfeminine protagonist I've tossed into the mix (and whom our community loves to one million thousand pieces lol), as wellas a few new characters and relationship dynamics to boot!! I have a draft of the pilot floating around on ao3 as we speak (which i could be tempted to link if anyones interested), but I am currently revising it into a new fic to update the project with a better writing style and a more solid narrative. The fic is meant to be a novelization of the series, so while I may not hit every single episode, I plan on doing the ones I think would be the most fun to put on paper, or the ones that would be the most fun to rework. I'm willing to answer specific questions about this fic if anyone has any in particular! :) Im willing to talk characters (new & old), plot changes, etc!
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comicaurora · 2 years
I want to rephrase my question so it’s a prompt and not a yes/no answer: how would someone go about transitioning using Life magic?
It's a slower process than healing, since it's typically done to uninjured people with intact soul barriers, but long-term Life enchantments are typically held in place by items called "lifelocks" that essentially seal the spell onto the person, reinforcing it continuously where it might typically be rejected by the soul barrier. This is used for more complex healing spells that might need to be held in place for several sefs, or for spells that are attempting to repair an old injury that healed incorrectly, but it can also be used for cosmetic alterations. If a minor Life alteration is maintained for long enough (typically several sindahlans to a year) the soul adjusts and the alteration becomes permanent, and the soul barrier will resist attempts to undo it. It's not entirely without risk since a lifelocked spell must have active Life energy to function, so the person is essentially walking around with a reserve of Life energy bouncing around in their soul, which is the definition of elemental corruption, but if the spell is well-woven it'll keep that energy under strict control.
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das-a-kirby-blog · 5 months
sorry for bothering u, but i have a question (that's probably a stupid one) about your commissions. technically two but idk how to word so anyway
are u ok with drawing self ship art (with an obvious given being that it's an appropriate ship, which it would be in this case)?
and would u be able to draw tv head/object head original characters? i have a sona/self-insert that's a human but with a tv head instead of a normal head lol, and i have plenty of refs of them too
thx for answering my silly ask!
Yep, I can do sef ship art! and yes, I can draw objects for heads
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fastcardotmp3 · 10 months
hey there dot, what would you say your process is for mapping out scenes? I'm writing my first work and I've rewritten it all like 12 times ;-;
hey there anon, that's so exciting! I'm so excited for you! ❤️
I'm certainly not an expert (nor a teacher) but I can definitely try to offer a little bit of guidance via my own experience/ perspective!
Gonna put it below the cut because I know I'm talky and annoying about this stuff (I'm sorry I just get EXCITED and also I'm putting off my own proofreading and outlining shh don't worry about it):
I think for me there's a pretty even balance between planning ahead and going with the flow when I'm writing, particularly with something of the longer variety since it's not always possible to plan out every single detail ahead of time.
But what I do like to have (and which actually fills in a pretty significant outline just by thinking about how to bridge the gaps) is by knowing, in movie terms, the three major beats: Opening, Midpoint, and Final Shot.
A lot of my writing process is visual, and I tend to "watch" scenes or transitions between them in my head before I ever put pen to paper, so I like to start with the question of what's the first thing we see? What sets the tone or offers something telling about our protagonist or simply raises a question we're gonna answer later on?
It's a really fun thing to change up too story to story, like in SEFS we open in the literal middle of a sex scene (introducing a FWB relationship right off the bat without having to do a bunch of exposition) while in Metamorphoses it opens with an internal conflict between Eddie and Kas (a pretty literal expression of what the rest of the story is gonna be about)
I approach the Midpoint as usually some sort of turning point or moment of change or revelation or simply a subtle shift in the wind that will direct us closer towards the final point. It doesn't have to be the exact middle (and don't stress if it isn't) but it really does tend to fall there even without planning for it (the Thanksgiving chapter in SEFS really does act as a Midpoint, and that entire fic was so stream of consciousness that when I went to check what chapter it was I was genuinely surprised it was 8 of 16, but stories really do just tell you what to do sometimes fjsakdlfj)
And then the Final Shot! If this were a movie, where would we fade to black before the credits roll? What's the last image or bit of dialogue or introspection you want to leave your reader with? I don't usually have this one all that detailed in my head, but just having a sense of the tone you want to end on can be incredibly helpful. Like I didn't know I would end up writing a time-skip epilogue for Metamorphoses when I was in the planning stage, but I knew how far Eddie was going to get mentally and emotionally. I knew what his healing looked like and what his relationships looked like
I think all in all, I personally am just someone that needs something to write towards which defines a lot of my out-of-order sort of process. I write a few major chunks of stuff and fill in the gaps because it's easier to look ahead and see something real on the page than the Empty Void that a blank page can sometimes feel like.
And that's what having a few beats worked out really does help when the page is still blank right there at the start! It gives you a sense of structure without making it feel like there's no room to change your mind as you go! You can add in more beats in between the Big Three if you want more structure or for something shorter take out the Midpoint altogether and just work from beginning to end, and even if your story is just one scene, there are beats to be found within it that can help lead the way!
but it's just nice to have a little bit of proof on the page with you that Past You had a story they wanted to tell in their head even if that story changes or moves along the way <3
That's a lot more than you probably wanted out of me, but I honestly could talk about writing all day so my bad and I hope this helped whether by giving you an idea of what you would like to try or definitely not try fjalkdsj
At the end of the day, the more you write the more natural this stuff will become and the more clear it will be when it's time to stop rewriting and set the thing free, as frustrating as I know that is to hear. but for what it's worth there's very little that feels as good as finishing a story when it felt impossible or solving a gap in your story when it just wasn't clicking.
Trust yourself! It's your story, so it's all in you no matter how you choose to go about it, you just gotta find it
Good writing to you anon <3
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