#seems like people are voting wonwoo
heartkyeom · 2 years
svt as love island contestants
warnings: slightly suggestive but nothing crazy notes: this is very self indulgent and dumb, inspired by me and @husbandhoshi chatting about love island the other night! wrote this while tipsy but that's really the true spirit of love island so who cares lmao also reader is a contestant in love island too. quick info about the show: a UK show (the superior version) where guys + girls go into a villa on a tropical island, try to make successful couples and the public votes on the best couple to win $50k- new guys + girls come in periodically for the sake of drama, contestants are eliminated for lack of chemistry, boys or girls pick someone to be in a couple with at recoupling ceremonies, etc. etc. that's pretty much all you need to know for this
tag list: @husbandhoshi @mangogyu @lavenderautumnx @soffrine @dokyeomblr idk who else to tag this is so dumb lmao
seungcheol: literally THE most loyal. will not care who comes in once he creates a solid connection with you. typically caught on camera giving very lovesick glances at you and gets called out by the other contestants. once you both have a good date, he's rushing home to the other boys to gush about how pretty and cool you are because of course he is. he makes it extremely clear to everyone that he’s only interested in one person- he's probably attached to your hip most of the time. gives the producers great footage bc they catch y'all underneath the covers doing nsfw things/making out more often than not lmao
jeonghan: bringing the drama that everyone looks forward to. probably won't end up in a solid couple from the start because he's the one everyone is convinced will ditch his original couple for a new girl. and he probably will. ends up in couples with multiple girls throughout the show but he'll end up with you after denying his crush for ages. teasing you as always but makes you feel loved immediately, audience likes your playful dynamic and you'll probably make it to the end if he cares about the money
joshua: a major gentleman of course, will probably get to know each girl in the house equally before making up his mind about who he wants. 1/2 of the "makes breakfast for his favorite girl" crew, the rest of the house votes for you two to go to the hideaway because he is so clearly in love with you that you need alone time asap! spends the most time with you on the terrace that everybody calls it your couple spot, very lovey and sweet with you at all times. will definitely act up in the couple challenges though
junhui: completely clueless, probably will have lots of girls flirting with him and won't catch on. utilizes his sexiness when everyone least expects it, he performs well in the couples challenges. will eventually fall for you but he tries not to be too eager with it, you almost think he's not interested but then he chooses you in the recoupling ceremony and the rest is history. isn't worried about what other people think about you two, his personality is enough to sway you easily
soonyoung: he seems wild around the guys but the moment he's interested in you, he's SO shy. very charming though so most of the girls will be interested in him even when he lets them down gently. he's gonna do everything he can to not be swooned immediately but it's a lost cause once he meets you. does he get jealous when the other guys try to flirt with you... probably yeah! mostly because he wants to invest in the connection with you more than the other guys do, he really can't imagine being coupled with anyone else but you
wonwoo: honestly do not know why he'd be on this show, he wouldn't go anywhere near it lmao.. but he would be possessive over you once you meet and let the other guys know how he feels right off the bat. if the other guys try to play you behind his back ... well ... good luck to them! very protective of you but kind of course, doesn't mind if you explore other connections but you can't find anyone better than him. probably not interested in the day to day banter of the guys, mostly concerned about how you're feeling
jihoon: also do not see him being on this show lol but I think you'd catch his eye right around the middle of the show. not wanting to fall too hard and fast for the first group of girls, so he's probably ending up in couples he doesn't want to be in... probably in the bottom 3 for not having good chemistry but willing to stick it out once he meets you. audience probably thinks he's not meant to find anyone but roots for you both now that there's clear romantic energy with you two
seokmin: don't dare him to avoid falling in love with the first girl he sees because he's losing lmao... the girls love him because he's super sweet and he's typically top in the audience vote for couples. your bond with him is very strong so everybody knows he's off limits for flirting, he somehow blushes every time he sees you! most likely making it to the end because everyone loves you both as a couple, he's just so enamored with you and he's unfazed by the new girls completely
mingyu: this man is a flirty little aries and will absolutely not tie himself down to someone early on. but once he figures out who he wants, he's true househusband material. the other half of the "makes breakfast for his favorite girl" crew, will absolutely not stray from you whatsoever once you're a couple. the new girls will try to sway him so badly but it will not work. will pamper you with any and all resources given to him at the house. he will definitely make it to the end because the audience is obsessed with him, everyone wants to kiss him at least once
minghao: part 3 of I do not see him being on this show but! I think he has enough discipline to win the whole thing. I think the girls + audience would like him because he's nonchalant but knows exactly what he wants. everybody goes to him for advice on what to do in their connections since he's upfront with everyone, he doesn't lead anyone on because he knows he just wants you! very calm dynamic between the two of you, you match his energy well and the audience finds it refreshing- dresses the best for the house parties
seungkwan: you already know he's befriending all the girls to get the tea on their feelings about the boys! a natural entertainer, so everyone will like him because he's effortlessly funny. since you take a chance on him, you're lucky because he's willing to do anything for you! loves chatting with you so much that the boys will have to pull him away from you, somehow convinces everyone to get you both in the hideaway because he wants to show you his affection without everyone else around. gives the best confessionals hands down
vernon: veeeeeery lowkey about his crush for you, so much so that you don't think he's interested until he picks you at a recoupling ceremony. but after that, you can't focus on anyone but him. he just didn't want to get ahead of himself, but you push him out of his comfort zone to let loose on the show. probably not down to get to know the other girls once he's with you and they might think he's awkward because of it lol but he's just doing his best. he appreciates the private dates a lot so he can admire you even more
chan: he's cheekier than you'd expect. very respectful of course but once the couple challenges with sexual undertones happen... that man is a freak and it will be revealed! you probably come in with a small group toward the early part of the show and he quickly falls for you- the cameras will probably catch you both kissing more often than not because who are we kidding, he's irresistible. a charmer who knows how to pull you right when you're getting the most attention from other guys lol
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writeformesinpie · 2 years
Update and ideas for some stuff I want to work on next!
Editing a few fics and I have a few that have already been edited so I have some new content to post but I’m not sure what to work on next. I have so many ideas and not enough time lol…
Here are some that I want to write: 
Seo Moon Jo Coffee Shop AU
Jeno Summer Camp AU (this one will be longer or maybe a chaptered fic)
Hongseok x Reader x Yeo One threesome (I have already started this one)
Jaehyun x Reader x Taeyong series (this one has two chapters written and includes blackmail and some pretty intense yandere type themes) 
Seonghwa And They Were Roommates AU 
Bang Chan Cheating AU 
Art Dealer AU (can be anyone - send in suggestions?) 
Cam Baby AU (again, send in suggestions if you’d like!) 
Rent-A-Boyfriend AU (can be anyone - but I am kind of seeing this as a Mingyu and Wonwoo fic?) 
Masquerade Ball AU (can be anyone - who would you like to read it for?)
 There are more but these are the ones I’m feeling right now. I also have a few ideas for a porn star series of one shots with different members of NCT or a instructor/coaching series with NCT. Still working out the ideas for that one. I also just wrote a male reader fic that people seemed to like so I would be willing to try another one of those :)
So… which one do you think I should work on next?! Your opinions matter to me so send in your vote through the ask box 💕
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gamerwoo · 4 years
Seventeen: Welcome to Caratland (Part 11)
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(header by the amazing @cozynochu​​​)
Characters: Seventeen x reader (gender neutral)
Genre/warnings: horror/halloween au, interactive au, half text au, this part doesn’t really have anything happen so if you’re scared of death or injury or anything ur safe
Summary: The night before Halloween, you and your 13 friends decide to go explore the infamous abandoned amusement park: Caratland, where it’s rumored that rides start on their own, empty mascot suits are seen walking around, and people don’t return the same as when they left. Can you and your friends survive the night in Caratland?
Previous | Next | Caratland Masterlist
“I’m always all for staying together,” Seokmin immediately spoke up.
Mingyu nodded quickly in agreement.
Wonwoo sighed, “Okay, then let’s go. And please don’t freak out over ever little shadow you see on the way there.”
As the three of them began walking toward the front of the park, Mingyu asked, “Do you think the power will even work?”
“No,” Wonwoo scoffed, holding his flashlight to see the path in front of him, “but it’s our only shot of getting the doors open, probably. Otherwise, we’ll have to get everyone to shimmy through that tiny-ass window in the basement.”
“I don’t think Jihoon can reach it...” Seokmin mumbled.
That comment at least lightened the mood as they walked in the dark to where Wonwoo hoped the power would be.
The lights that suddenly turned on made a few of them scream, which echoed through the food court. You and the other three in the security room lifted your heads, looking at the dim lights that flickered on in the room.
“...What?” was all Jihoon asked.
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Seungcheol did another headcount once you were pretty sure everyone had gotten to the front of the park where Wonwoo, Mingyu, and Seokmin were already waiting. But now, it was time to figure out what to do next. The point of coming to Caratland was to explore, but considering you’d gotten trapped in the food court thus far and some of your friends seemed really freaked out by that alone, you weren’t sure what the group wanted to do.
“Personally, I still want to look around,” Minghao shrugged. “I really don’t think the place is as creepy as Seungkwan or Seokmin thinks it is. And I still want pictures.”
“Well I say we go home,” Mingyu spoke up, “and I know Seungcheol will agree with me, and he counts for at least like, 5 votes.”
“_____ was the one who wanted to do this, so we should do whatever they wanna do,” Seungcheol decided before turning to do. “So what do you wanna do?”
»»————-  ————-««
The poll will close tomorrow (10/22) at 7pm est!!
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Alternate ending: If it was chosen for someone to go back inside, it would’ve been Wonwoo. Seokmin and Mingyu would’ve gone to find the main power, and the rest of the group would’ve made it to the front gate like before. Except Wonwoo would be missing. The two would ask everyone else if they saw him, but they would say they hadn’t. He wouldn’t have been seen again for the rest of the night.
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purpleyellow · 4 years
Don’t lie
Seventeen 14th member
Hayun’s masterlist
“Hayun during Going Seventeen, based on this episode”
a/n:  Feel free to let me know your thoughts as well as send me some requests💙. Ask box is also open to random chats.
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“Hello” Hayun bowed to the producer after closing the small room’s door and sitting in front of her.
They were currently shooting an episode for Going Seventeen, and the producer was giving them their roles for the mafia game that was going to happen. Quickly reading over the rules, she declared Hayun’s role “You’re one of the police. You’ll get to meet your partner when the interrogation part happens”
Thanking the producer, Hayun left the room and waited around the couch where the boys were hanging out. 
“Are you the mafia?” Wonwoo asked as soon as she joined them making her roll her eyes and poke his side. 
“Why? Because I stole your heart?” She smirked at him making a couple of the boys laugh and Wonwoo sigh in defeat. 
After a few more minutes, the director organized them and started recording, firstly giving them the general rules of looking for the money hidden by the mafias and then voting to kill someone off the game. Starting the search part, Hayun quickly got up and went to the kitchen following DK. 
Rumming through the empty cabinets, she heard a quick wow from her left, making her assume Seokmin had found the prize.
“Already?” She looked at him with wide eyes and a big smile, now all she had to do was keep him safe and the money would be theirs.
“No” He smirked at her showing the wrapper of a candy “But it’s the one you like if it’s any consolation” Handing her one, he started laughing at the face she had made “At least I know you’re not a mafia. The face you made was pure excitement, you literally went °o°” 
“I really thought we had won” Hayun smiled as well and left the kitchen, without any idea of where to look, she decided to just go where the most of them were and look for weird behaviors, she was one of the cops after all.
Speaking of weird behaviors, the girl mentally cringed as soon as she stepped out of the main house and saw Seungkwan rummaging through the trash. “My Boo, what are you doing there son?” she stopped her tracks and stared at him.
“Noona, there’s a light here,” He said pointing to the bright thing “Why would the put a light if the prize wasn’t here?”
“I don’t know, to be able to film when we’re moving” She stated the obvious making the boy look at her dumbfounded. “Really, get out of there and go wash your hands,” 
Walking to the next house, she spent the last few minutes walking around the plants and checking under the tables to hopefully find anything. The timer went off pretty quickly and they all moved back to the couch in the living room.
“No one found the prize” The producer called out and they all sighed. Hayun wanted to laugh at the fact that three of them were just pretending to be upset, but she pushed it away and focused on their task of finding the mafia.
Sitting between Jun and Dino, she placed her arm on the backrest of the younger’s chair and unconsciously played with the hair on the back of his head. 
“We’re voting Jun, right?” someone said after the long minutes they spent talking, no one had suspected of Hayun so she was just watching them talk, occasionally speaking about how Hoshi was more quiet than usual.
“Really, it isn’t me” Jun laughed but they had to keep going otherwise there would be no end to the game
“I’ll miss you” Hayun fake cried on his shoulders as everyone voted to kill him off.
“Citizen Jun has been killed,” The robotic voice of the producer told them and the boy left the circle of chairs/ couch to sit on the side. “The night has come, mafias will lift their heads and pick one of the citizens to remove from the game”.
Sitting with her head towards the floor, Hayun closed her eyes and waited for that part to be over. The doctor went up next, and if she wasn’t already sure it was Joshua, the noise from his shirt as he pointed to someone gave it away to her. She made a mental note of talking to him later and get him to protect her.
“The police will lift their heads up and check the identity of a contestant,” The robotic voice said making the girl raise her head carefully and immediately make eye contact with Seungkwan.
She had to fight back the urge to laugh since the image of him going through the trash was still stuck on her mind. He pointed to Woozi but the girl mouthed a no to him, pointing to Hoshi instead.
Shaking his head as furious as possible without making a noise, Seunkwan mouthed “WOOZI” to her making her roll her eyes. “The police is having some kind of disagreement right now,” Jun said from his chair Hayun looked at him with narrowed eyes. Taking her distraction as an opportunity, Seungkwan pointed to Woozi and the producer told them he was a citizen.
Lowering her head once again, she waited for a few seconds before the producer told them to wake up. “The doctor saved an innocent citizen” he declared making everyone jump from the surprise since the odds of saving the right person weren’t exactly in their favor.
After playing a game of Jenga to see if they would get more time for the search, Hayun noticed Mingyu whispering something on Seungkwan’s ear, and as soon as the time started both of them went together.
Mingling around the couch, she kneeled on the ground to look under the furniture and waited for him to stop talking to the other boys, before grabbing him by the arm and dragging him to the kitchen.
“I talked to Mingyu and it isn’t him either, we were speaking and you might be up to something about Hoshi, also I told Woozi I know it isn’t him and we agreed that Jeonghan is being kind of weird as well” He whispered to her leaning against the sink and Hayun slapped his arm.
“Why would you speak to them about that?” She angrily whispered to him “Are you really that gullible, I’m your partner, aka the only people you should trust. Maybe trust Shua and Woozi as well, since we know who they are”
“Sorry Noona, but Mingyu really isn’t the mafia either, I trust him,” He said and smiled mischievously “Are you jealous of me?”
“Arg, idiot, I’m trying to keep undercover, if you want to tell everyone what your part is, feel free to do so, just don’t drag me with you” She rolled her eyes smiling and left for the house with the plants.
Walking inside, she saw Wonwoo and Jeonghan looking under some plant pots making her laugh at the extent they had gone. 
“This is the most desperate I’ve ever seen you two being” she commented approaching the counter. 
Seeing her movements, Jeonghan placed the vase back on the ground and walked calmly towards her, as if there was nothing going on, but Hayun noticed his sudden change of interest.
“Why would we not be? it’s money we’re talking about,” He said nonchalantly while leaning on the small decorative table. Wonwoo seemed to have lost interest in the talk and was walking around still looking for the prize.
“Yoon Jeonghan, it would make sense for them to put you as mafia since you always cheat so much” Hayun pondered out loud and Jeonghan didn’t move from his spot.
“Ahh, Hayun-ah, stop thinking nonsense” He smiled making the girl narrow her eyes and leave without saying anything.
Hayun went straight to Joshua, who was just leaving the interrogation room, and pushed him back in “Please protect me next round” she whined making him laugh.
“First Seungkwan pleading when it was time for me to choose and now you when we’re just searching for money, what is up with you guys?” He smiled and she sighed, of course, Seungkwan had asked him to save his ass.
“Because we’re both cops,” She told him after making sure no one was around, thinking of herself as a hypocrite for getting mad at the younger boy for doing the same thing “And I’m pretty sure Jeonghan is going to come after me next, so pretty please help me” She pouted interlocking her hands together and Joshua sighed.
“Okay, okay,” He said with fake annoyance “You turn into a doctor and everyone wants a favor from you”
The time they had for searching ended and they all moved back to their spots. This time Hayun sat at the edge of the semi-circle, next to Wonwoo.
“Vernon, you’re looking like those blind mice from Shrek” the girl pointed out while waiting for the rest of them to sit. 
“It’s my concept for today” He said with a blank face staring straight ahead.
“Let’s start” Someone said and they began accusing each other.
“Hayun, you start and we’ll go around the group”
“I think is Jeonghan” she deadpanned and Wonwoo agreed with her, making the older nod his head and try to keep a blank face. The rest voted and at the end, he had the most votes.
“Let’s go with Jeonghan then” “Time to vote”
“Mafia Jeonghan has failed” The robotic voice called out making the girl jump from her chair 
“We all suspected it, calm down” Woozi laughed at her excitement, but he was happy as well.
“The night has come” After the whole process of mafias and the doctor, Seungkwan and Hayun raise their head together, mouthing Hoshi to each other and then the producer. “Mafia” the producer mouths back to them and they smile victoriously.
“Citizen Seungkwan has been killed” The robotic voice tells them and Hayun widens her eyes at the boy.
“I can only save a person once, so I can’t save you again the next round, Joshua tells her after they started looking. This time the search was faster, taken that Jeonghan kept walking around and giving fake hints to people.
Back to the couch, she squeezed herself between Seungcheol and Joshua and waited for them to start.
“It’s over when they ask did you find it? did you not find it?” Hoshi told someone after they asked if time was over and Scoups’ head shot up from the girl’s shoulder.
“No, they ask you who you suspect” He said and everyone started laughing.
“He made a mistake” Dino pointed at Hoshi smiling and Hayun had to fight back a laugh, at least she didn’t have to go through the trouble of convincing people he was one of the mafias.
“If this is the last night, shouldn’t the police come forward and tell us what they found out?” Wonwoo asked once the debating time started.
“I’m the cop, and I found out one of the mafias, but since I don’t know the other one I rather not say anything” Mingyu said from his chair and Hayun frowned.
“Okay, the other one it’s Mingyu, She said from her sport “The police was me and Seungkwan, and we investigated Woozi and Hoshi, who is, in fact, one of the mafia”
“Woozi too?” DK shouted from her right
“NO, no” Hayun shook her hands in front of her “Just Hoshi, Woozi is clear. But Mingyu kept talking to Seungkwan and getting information, so I think he’s the third mafia”
“Wait, there were two cops?” The tall boy looked over to the director and some of the members, Seungkwan included, started laughing.
“Mingyu-ah, why are you acting so suspicious out of nowhere” She smiled at him making him shake his head in defense.
“No, no. I was next to Seungkwan the whole time, so I asked him to check Woozi”
“I was next to Seungkwan last round” DK intervened making Hayun raise an eyebrow.
“Before that one” He waved him off “And he told me what he knew, so when he died, I decided to play his role, but I had no idea Noona was a cop as well”
“First of all, that’s not how mafia games work?” Hayun pointed out while crossing her arms “Also, since the beginning, you stuck next to Seungkwan and got him to trust you, which makes me wonder if you heard him while we were choosing someone to interrogate and decided it would be a good idea to have him on your side”
“I suspected Jeonghan and Mingyu from the start too” Woozi pointed out “Because during the first round when became day and no one had been eliminated the two of them were just shocked”
Joshua came forward to say who he had saved the other rounds and people started to put pieced together.
“Can I just say that it was kind of obvious to everyone that Seungkwan was the cop, so he asked for the doctor to save him since he felt that people might want to take him down first. And Hayun being the cop as well makes sense, since the way you were acting I knew you weren’t just a civilian, and the way you reacted earlier when you thought I had found the prize was very honest” Seokmin explained making some people hum in agreement.
“Am I really in danger now?” Mingyu pointed to himself in disbelief and Dino burst out laughing next to Hoshi.
The group began discussing who out of the two suspects they should kill first since there wasn’t another chance to keep going and they needed to find the money. Some people started saying they should kill Hoshi, since they were more sure of him than of Mingyu, while others thought they should find out if Mingyu was or not the mafia by killing him soon.
“Look, I’m the mafia” Hoshi got up the couch confessing “I’m a certain choice right? Eliminate me in the next round and get him first. He betrayed me!” He exclaimed while pointing fingers, which made Hayun fall back on the couch with laughter.
“Are you the mafia?” DK asked as if he didn’t already know that and Hayun clapped still laughing as the older confirmed.
“He threw me out just to get your trust, get him now” He screamed and fell back on the couch making her laugh even harder.
“If I’m a civilian, he’s tricking you right now and another mafia is still going to make it out alive” Mingyu tried convincing he was one of the good guys but Seungcheol cut him off.
“We can’t eliminate two mafias at once, we need to choose but either way, the only way we get the money is if we find it”
The debate kept going for a while and while everyone was trying to find some sort of smart decision, Hayun kept laughing at their weak arguments and clapping her hands every time Hoshi outed Mingyu for betrayal.
“Tell me where the money is and we’ll let you live, Scoups said at some point making the girl shed a tear from enjoyment.
“Vote for Hoshi” Everyone got up to vote for him but Mingyu intervened to say something Hayun wasn’t even following anymore.
Falling back on the couch, she covered her face and laughed at their weird train of thoughts while waiting for someone to chose who should be eliminated.
“Vote for Mingyu, one, two, three” Someone finally screamed and they all voted him out, turning to the producers and waiting for her to declare if they were right.
“Innocent civilian Mingyu is out” The electronic voice said making Hayun’s jaw drop. 
“You’re a freaking amazing actor” She turned to Hoshi laughing and he smirked at her.
The night part started and she could hear Hoshi talking and walking around the room, occasionally asking different members if he should kill them. She was still giggling even though she probably would be the one taken out.
“The police can wake up and investigate someone” The robotic voice said making Hayun raise her head and stare at Soonyoung.
“Who is it?” she mouthed to him but all he did was shrug his shoulders and wink at her.
Looking around the room, she pointed to Minghao and the producer mouthed a “Mafia” to her, making her excited to have figured out who the mafias were, even though she killed Mingyu in the meanwhile.
“The day has arrived. Innocent civilian Hayun is out” The producer told them making her roll her eyes and get up from the chair.
“The best part about this” Hoshi said leaning back on the couch and placing his feet on the coffee table “It’s that she found out who the third mafia is and she can’t tell you anything”
“It’s okay, it’s okay, let’s focus on finding the prize even if we know all of them we wouldn’t be  able to win” Seungcheol said getting up calmly, and in the blink of an eye he tackled Dino “ARE YOU THE OTHER ONE?”
Dragging a chair to where the people eliminated where sitting, she placed it next to Jun and sat down leaning her head on his shoulder.
“Noona,” Seungkwan leaned forward to see her “As cops,  make an amazing audience”
Smiling at him she turned to Jeonghan “Where did you hide it by the way?” 
“Under that small table in the next room, the one with the flowers on top” He explained to her since she couldn’t say anything to the others. “That’s why when you went there I was leaning against it the whole time”
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minghaocouture · 4 years
Fearless: Chapter 10
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Pairing: Werewolf!Jeon Wonwoo x Vampire!Reader Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Non-Idol Au Warnings: Language WC: 3.4k+ AU Lore:  Vampire Coven Info/Wolf Pack Info/Lore Info Tag List: @moon-asia @uglychildd @woozisnoots @hwangjangmi @rjsmochii @fluffyhyeju @darkacrimson @skjdln​ @moonchild9499​
Couldn’t Tag: @unbaeknownst, @Angelmingyu
A/N: We’re just gonna pretend it’s not 1am and I didn’t upload this super late lol. I also wanted to leave you guys with a little cliff hanger <3 
Chapter List:  Chapter 1/Chapter 2/Chapter 3/Chapter 4/Chapter 5/Chapter 6/Chapter 7/Chapter 8/Chapter 9/Chapter 10/Chapter 11/Chapter 12/Chapter 13/Chapter 14
It was far too early for it to be this loud in this house. Running on a different internal clock than the other occupants of this house proved to be more of an issue to you than you had originally thought.
Now here you were, head hidden under a pillow as you tried to block out the rummaging and chatter from downstairs. You were trying to get over your previous prejudice of the wolves and their pack, but as of this moment you were finding it really hard not to keep hating them, if only for the noise they were all currently making.
A groan left your lips as you heard another loud crash from downstairs. Rolling over and burying your face into the mattress, as if that would help. Hell it didn’t even block out the small laughter in the room you were currently in. Peeking out from under the pillow, you glanced over to the bed that Wonwoo had slept in the night before. He was now sitting up and staring at you, laughing at your struggle. To add insult to injury he apparently decided that sleeping shirtless was something that was okay, even with you in the room. 
“Oh laugh it up, wolf boy. We’ll see who's laughing when I find a way to wake you up in the middle of the night.”
“I mean, I could always stay over at your place and give you the opportunity?” The suggestion had you quickly exiting your pillow hiding place and sitting up to face him. Eyes wide as you stared at him, confused by his sudden bold words. “Or...you could call me late at night until I wake up. That works too.”
Rolling your eyes at his quick backtracking and letting out a loud yawn, “I mean, the first one is kind of an option, but I’m still not too sure if i’m going to have a ‘place’ after all this is over with.” You retorted, lifting your arms in the air as you stretched. Working the muscles a bit so they would be less tense. You had been trying to not think about that. Becoming a stray wasn’t something you would want to happen, after all it wasn’t like you wanted to be basically alone for the rest of eternity. Which is what would happen if you were cast out, you definitely weren’t going to join a different coven. It’d feel wrong.
“Well, what’s...what’s the deciding factor? I, well none of us really know all that much about how Vampires work, well besides the basics. And...how to kill you.” That was fair, you barely knew about werewolf living. Deciding to lighten the mood a bit, a grin made its way onto your face.
“Alright, I’ll tell you that if you tell me why all of you look about the same age. It’s...actually kinda weird.” You knew that Werewolves weren’t immortal like Vampires, but something about how everyone in this house looked the same age was a bit off putting. It wasn’t huge, but it was strange, you figured that packs would have like older wiser wolves, like your Coven’s with the Venture, not just a bunch of people in their 20s. 
A brief moment of realization hit you, causing your eyes to widen as your thoughts raced. If you were Wonwoo’s mate and he was...only 20. That was, understandably, a bit weird. You were well over a century old, and if he was 20 you were old enough to literally be one of his great great great grandmother. That had to be creepy.
Apparently you had been broadcasting your thought process across your face, cause once again that familiar deep toned laugh spread through the room and causing a rather strange chill to tingle down your spine. It wasn’t a bad chill, just unexpected. Masking that feeling with an irritated scowl, you grabbed your pillow and hurled it at his head. Catching it, he placed it on the bed next to him before speaking up again.
“That actually has to do with our mates. We stop aging when we turn 20 until we find out mate. Well, find and actually uh…’mate’ with the mate.”
“So you won’t age unless we have sex?” You questioned, not bothering to tiptoe around the subject. “Wait...wait a damn minute. You won’t age unless we have sex? How old are you then?”
He paused for a moment, taking a minute as he seemed to be thinking about his own age. Which honestly was something you could relate to. After so many years alive, they kind of just start blurring together.
“I’m going to be 93 this year.” The relief you felt at those words had you letting out an audible sigh. At least you weren’t some creepy old woman compared to him, that would have just been weird if he had actually been 20. Well, to you it would have been. You knew others, mainly Soonyoung, would disagree. Though he definitely wasn’t the best example, considering he still considered himself to be 24 despite being 132.
Realizing that you had once again become lost in your own mind, you turned your attention back to Wonwoo and noticed that he was staring at you. The look in his eyes caught you off guard, it was almost as if you had just hung the stars in front of him with how intent his gaze was. It seemed that now with this mate business out in the open, he didn’t feel the need to hide anything. It didn’t make you uncomfortable, and in fact you wouldn’t mind seeing that look more often. Letting out a small cough to focus yourself once more, you decided to hold up your end of the exchange.
“So, technically all the major decisions in the Coven are made by the Inner Circle. Which includes our Venture, Soonyoung, the Primus, Junhui, as well as two of the other members, Minghao and Chan.” You began, unfortunately Vampire politics was extremely annoying to deal with at times, which is why you weren’t going to go into what a Venture or Primus was unless he asked. Thinking about it, you honestly didn’t know how Minghao put up with it all, he seemed to hate it almost as much as you did.. “I’ve technically got one vote in my favor, and probably one against me, but i’m not too sure how Chan and Soonyoung will react so it’s all up in the air.” 
You were pretty sure that Minghao was still on your side, at least you hoped he was. Despite his neck being on the line too, you knew that he wasn’t the type of person to throw others aside, he was loyal if nothing else. You could say the same for Junhui, but he had been pretty upset though, and if Junhui was upset then Soonyoung would probably listen to him and if that happened then you knew Chan would as well. So basically it all would depend on how Junhui reacted to you...walking out after yelling at him...and basically inviting him to kick you out. 
So you definitely hadn’t done yourself any favors. 
You hadn’t realized that Wonwoo had gotten up until you felt the bed shift a bit as he took a seat next to you, his hand reaching for yours and the instant comfort you felt at that contact was almost ridiculous. A thought passed through your mind, wondering if the feelings that were rushing through your brain were simply from this mate thing between the two of you...or if they were real. That would be a question for another day though. 
“I’m sure everything is gonna turn out fine. You gotta trust them a little, Covens are kind of like families right? Just like our pack. So i’m sure they’re going to look out for you too.” You weren’t sure if he knew how much those words meant, and you certainly weren’t going to tell him. After all, you had to keep at least some of your tough image. Though...around him you could probably drop it...just a little bit.
You felt yourself subconsciously scoot closer to him and without even thinking about it you found your head resting on his bare shoulder. He tensed at the added weight but soon the hand holding yours had adjusted to where it wrapped around your shoulders, pulling you closer. You weren’t sure if the Mate thing had anything to do with how you were feeling, but you weren’t about to move now.
“I’m sure you’re right.” 
You weren’t sure how much time passed, the two of your just sitting there in silence. But it wasn’t long enough.
The door to the room practically slammed open and you felt your body push itself as far away from Wonwoo as you could. Going so far as to even shove him away as well. Eyes snapping to the door you were greeted by Mingyu, who’s grin could only be described as ‘shit-eating’. He really did have a punchable face, and he was only proving it more. 
“Cheol wants you guys to come to breakfast.” He said, obviously holding back laughter as he looked between the two of you. If looks could kill, you were sure that Mingyu would have been dead twice over just from the look Wonwoo was giving him. More than that if you were being counted in the equation. 
You groaned as you watched Mingyu close the door, making over exaggerated kissing noises, followed by the sound of footsteps and him yelling something to the other wolves. Which you could assume was related to what he just walked in on. Meeting him for the first time, you were already wondering how someone like Wonwoo could handle being his roommate. 
“Is he always like this?”
“I love him, and he is my best friend...but yes, yes he is.” 
You were pretty sure you were only here so Seungcheol could keep an eye on you. It’s not like you were eating or anything, and the only reason you had a seat was because Sana was still bed ridden. It seemed that some people weren’t taking too kindly to you intruding on their breakfast, and the atmosphere had gotten so tense since you arrived. So it was going about as well as you had expected it to. 
A few of the pack, mainly Wonwoo, Vernon, Jacob and Felix, did try their best to seem welcoming but everyone else present was definitely more on edge with you around. Especially Changbin, and if you were being honest his constant glaring was starting to get a bit annoying. First he complained about having to keep the curtains closed while you were around, then it was he didn’t want to sit across from you at the table, and now it was a completely different story.
“Why does she have to sit in here? It’s not like she’s going to eat anything.” 
You felt your eye twitch ever so slightly, your jaw clenching in irritation. It was harder to fight your more stubborn and temperamental nature, but you were playing nice so attacking him (even verbally) would probably put you on thin ice. Despite knowing this, you weren’t one to sit back and get verbally harassed.
“She’s a guest, we’re not just going to make her hang out around the house alone.” Which was definitely Seungcheol’s code for, ‘she’s technically still an enemy so we don’t want to give her free range of the house’. It didn’t take a lot to read that guy, he was a good leader or Alpha as they called it, but he was an open book. 
Changbin scoffed, shoving another serving of rice into his mouth before he did. To his left Felix let out a small sigh, obviously wishing the other male was in a better mood. The male across from you, the taller stone faced one who you were fairly certain was named Hyunwoo, spoke up.
“Have you heard anything from the human? Or your coven?” 
His question had you shaking your head, but you did pull your phone out to check once more just in case someone had messaged you during, what you were calling, the worst breakfast...ever. You weren’t surprised to find a plethora of messages from Hyunjin, asking where you were and over all just kind of freaking out, there were also several from Siyeon, Kevin and Yuna, and even a few from Gahyeon and Eunbi. None from Minhyuk or any of the inner circle though. Which was what you expected. The inner circle was probably trying to decide what to do with you and well, Minhyuk likes hearing about the drama from a distance.
“Nothing from the Inner Circle, no. I am planning on checking in with Minah around noon, and if she agrees to the plan then I’ll go grab her from the bar and bring her back here.”
“And how are you planning on doing that? It’s not like you can go outside before dark and get her. And your whole plan is useless if the stray sees the two of you together. Or did you not think of that?” Once again Changbin decided to speak up, gracing your nerves with tiny spikes of irritation. “Or is there even really a stray in the first place! I still don’t believe you’re telling us the truth. You were probably just a distraction so one of your other disgusting friends could attack Sana.”
If you cared less about your phone, you probably would have broken it with how hard you were squeezing the device, but thankfully you knew self control. Or at least you pretended like you did. It seemed though, that Changbin was just determined to push your buttons, and you’d had enough.
“You know, I didn’t take this shit from my Coven, and let me tell you, i’m not going to be taking it from you.” You began, trying to cool your expression as you stared at the male at the other end of the table. You heard Wonwoo sigh from next to you, of course since he knew you the best he probably saw this snap coming. “Kiddo, you can hate me all you damn well want, but I want you to remember that I’m here to help you. So I’m gonna need you to back off.”
A loud slam sounded through the room as Changbin’s palms met with the hardwood of the dining table. A low growl slipped from his throat as he glared at you, obviously about to jump across the table to make this more of a physical confrontation. Silence fell over the room as his harsh gaze met your stoic one, sure you were pissed but this wasn’t the place to 100% lose your cool. From your side you heard a small growl leave Wonwoo as well, it was almost sweet that he felt the need to defend you, but you certainly didn’t need it. 
“You think throwing a tantrum like this is gonna make me leave?” You questioned, a brow raised as you stared down the male who you assumed was younger than you. “It’s not gonna work, I am the Queen of tantrums and loud outbursts and let me tell you now, you don’t scare me.” It was definitely stupid to edge him on like that, especially since you were a guest. You’d probably come to regret it later but for now you were going to show that you weren’t someone that just got walked over. He would understand that.
For a moment you wondered when you started sounding like Minghao, maybe his general attitude was affecting you after all this time. It was amusing to think about, if this was how he and the others felt whenever you acted out. You’d have to question them...well if things worked out in your favor that is. 
The air was thick with tension as the sound of a chair scraping against the linoleum cut through the silence.
“Changbin, sit down and finish your breakfast then go and get ready for your classes. ” It wasn’t too surprising to see Seungcheol standing from his seat at the end of the table. He was almost like a father, vaguely you wondered how old he was, it was impossible to tell just by looking at him. His eyes then found themselves looking directly at you. “And you, come with me.” 
Would it be safe to say you were in the doghouse now? 
Sliding your chair back, you felt something grab your wrist. Looking down you noticed it was of course Wonwoo, staring up at you with concern. Concern that you brushed off. Sure you had probably just pissed off the leader of the group that was housing you, and he could easily attack you or resend his invitation to the home which would end up hurling you outside into the unforgiving and burning sun, but that was too negative to think about at the moment even for you.
Despite your attempt at being nonchalant, Wonwoo gently tugged you closer to him so that his lips ended up right next to your ear.
“If you need me, just call.” the words caused you to chuckle slightly.
“You’re sweet, but I’ll be fine.” Was all you said in return, pulling away from him and following Seungcheol out the double doors of the dining room, to the right down the hallway and into what looked like a living room. 
Once inside, you heard a sigh escape from the male as he took a seat onto one the weathered arm chairs. He gestured vaguely for you to join him and sit down. Taking the free chair on the far left of the room, it was a pretty comfortable chair. You definitely weren’t thinking about taking it with you or anything though. Glancing back over at Seungcheol, you watched as he lifted a hand to rub the bridge of his nose. 
“You’re really not making this any easier for any of us.” 
“Excuse me, for not just sitting around and taking shit from someone who is probably half my age. If not younger. ” You retorted, rolling your eyes. You could tell from watching Seungcheol that he was a good leader, probably better than Soonyoung (though with Soonyoung gone all the time, the bar wasn’t super high to begin with) but leadership can definitely take it’s toll. 
“That’s the point. Changbin is only 33. He’s still technically a kid by our standards and he’s a little rough around the edges but…” he trailed off, you could see that he didn’t really want to talk about this. It probably didn’t help that you were a complete stranger. “The point is, even if he attacks first. If you fight back I have to be on his side.”
“That sounds like something a shitty leader would say.” The words slipped from your lips before you could even think of stopping them. You could tell that Seungcheol was taken back by them almost as much as you were. “I mean, should a leader be willing to tell their people when they’re in the wrong? I’m trying to play nice here for the sake of both of our groups, but I’m not just gonna let him talk shit to my face. Fixing things is a two way road, I can’t do this if he’s unwilling to even look at me without the intent to rip my throat out.”
“I understand but-”
“No, I really don’t think you do. I’m sticking my neck out to help you guys. I might lose my place in my Coven, my family, because I’m here. I’m not gonna do that, and get trash talked by a fucking kid.” The anger from the dining room, the fear from your current situation, everything seemed to be finally reaching a head. Your limbs shook lightly as you stared him down, not with an intent to fight, but with all of the emotions you were currently feeling. 
He lifted a hand, stopping you from continuing. The room filled with silence once more as he seemed to contemplate your words. After a moment, he nodded solemnly.
“You’re right. I guess we’re all trying to work on ourselves during this. If we do go through with the mission tonight, Changbin will stay home. I think it’ll be best for everyone that way.” 
Before you could respond, the loud tone of your phone rang through the room, signaling a phone call. Seungcheol gestured for you to answer it, which you were going to do with or without his permission. 
The caller ID was definitely not a name you were expecting to see. 
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hongnanglen-arina · 4 years
See You On Monday | SVT Interactive AU
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01: Aren’t ghosts always mean?
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Masterlist | Previous | Next
Warnings: none Words: 1.611 A/N: Hey there! Here’s the first chapter of my little experiment. At the end of each chapter you have to decide for the next move (please leave a comment on the chapter’s post to vote) On November 10th the first ‘voting’ will be closed. Based on the result, chapter 2 will be posted on November 15th. After that, each week you have 3 days for making a decision until the next chapter comes out on Sunday. I hope you will like it… and as always, please remember that English isn’t my first language so excuse my grammar ♡
I may make a taglist :) tell me if you’re interested to be added
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“Who are you?”
Your eyes slowly adjust to the bright room, finally finding the owner of the new voice.
“I asked you who you are!”
His loud voice echoes through the room and you flinch. Trying to form an answer. This was a game. So no need to be scared y/n! But what was your characters name again? What role do you have to play? You curse under your breath. Some more research about the game would have been better than just hopping straight in.
“I-I….. I’m…” You stammer as he suddenly rushes in your direction, causing you to shriek in confusion, crossing your arms in front of your chest almost instantly.
That’s when he runs through you and you inhale sharply, your eyes growing wide. What? You turn around to see a person jumping out of the window, the boy following him but stopping in front of it. “Fuck… what the hell??” He brushes his fingers through his hair and stomp on the floor.
You look at him all confused. Are you a ghost? He clearly ran through you. Does that mean his question was towards that intruder? Taking a better look at him, you suddenly recognize him from the game cover. His turquoise-greenish hoodie looked so nice and soft and was a nice contrast to the other boy’s clothes.
“Jeonghan! We heard you scream! What’s wrong??”
Your head turns to the door where 3 other boys appear, seemingly out of breath. They make their way over to the other but before they walk through you again, you quickly get up and stand with your back against the wall, watching the people gather in the room.
“Cheol, I told you there was something off! And I was right! There was a weird guy dressed in all black going through our stuff! He probably took some things with him!”
“Damn… we should check our belongings. Jun, tell the others so that they can go to their rooms and hopefully everything’s still there. Vernon, let’s check if he took something from us.” Jeonghan is still in front of the window, looking outside, lost in thoughts when the boy with wavy hair joins him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “You okay?” The other boy sighs. “Yeah..”
Without a word, you watch how the two at the window join the other with the cap, going through their bags and the things that are scattered all over the place. While they are stepping over the futons, you are unable to move away from your spot. They don’t see you. They didn’t hear you.
“Hello?” You try again.
No reaction.
“Seems like I’m okay. Gonna check on the others.”
“Okay Vernon. We’ll come too…. in a bit.” With that said, one of them leaves the room and you give Jeonghan and Cheol a quick look before following Vernon. Carefully walking behind him, you study your surroundings. “This looks like some kind of guesthouse… maybe one near the beach?” 
You enter a room and see Vernon sit down next to someone who was wiping his tears, patting his back.
“He got Seungkwan’s wallet.”
“Besides that, our room is fine though.” A smaller boy announced and Vernon gives him a nod.  
Someone with very sharp features enters the room. Another new face. “My room is okay. What about you?”
“My photos! My credit cards! My money! Also my cards from the coffee shops! They were already full!” The boy beside Vernon whines and Vernon continues patting his back but looks at the other and mouths ‘wallet’. The boy in the door makes “Ohh” and leaves the room after looking around the room and for a second you think he saw you.
“What… am I supposed to do here?” You ask yourself out loud and the boy in the door stops in his tracks, turning around. 
“Did you say something?”
The boys all look up confused and shake their heads. “No… why, Wonwoo?”
Wonwoo cocks his head to the side. “Just….” But then he shrugs after a while and leaves.
You catch yourself covering your mouth, carefully looking at the three boys on the floor. So it was possible for them to hear you? Maybe your mission was to catch the thief? Recalling the words from the mysterious voice, you let them circle in your mind. I have to… join the group… as a ghost I suppose… and what? Make it out alive? You can’t suppress the laughter but quickly cover your mouth again, making sure they didn’t hear you.
How am I supposed to ‘make it out alive’ when I’m here as a freaking ghost? What a stupid game.
Suddenly loud voices can be heard from the floor below you, causing everyone to stand up and leave the room in a hurry. You follow them without saying anything, scared of being caught although you aren’t sure whether they should know that you’re there or not.
Finally down in the living room, you see 4 boys discussing loudly, maybe even arguing. 
“Dino, think again!”
“We locked the door twice, I’m super positive!”
“Maybe he came through a window?”
“But we made sure they were all closed except the ones in the living room and we were there so how, Joshua?”
“We just arrived, guys. Maybe there are rooms we haven’t seen yet?”
“We are 13. And we arrived like 4 hours ago. That can’t be.”
“But we’re all hella tired, Hoshi, so I’m sure we haven’t explored the whole place yet.”
“Again, we are 13! No way a stranger can enter without us noticing it!”
“Seokmin, Dino, Joshua, Hoshi, enough!” All heads turn to the voice. It’s Jeonghan and Cheol.
“Seungcheol is right. You should stop yelling. All we can do now is to see what we’ve lost and what we can do about it. What does it help to find the person who forgot to lock the door or whatnot? The things are still gone.”
Oh his full name was Seungcheol. You make a mental note. “I’m with Jeonghan. Have you already checked your belongings if there’s something missing?” Seungcheol asks and the one from before starts. “My wallet. Gone. Poof!” “Okay Seungkwan, that’s not good… anything else?” “My camera.” 4 more boys enter the living room and you can’t help yourself but to count.
Aha! 13! Okay these are the boys from the cover!
Following their conversation a little halfheartedly, you study your surroundings again for a moment. Even in the living room, some things were all over the place. Some pillows, some jackets… you see a picture of a beautiful pastel colored painting laying on the ground. Slowly making your way to it, you hear the boys still talking. 
Picking up the painting, you look around to find the spot where it belonged to. 
“Oh there!” Standing on your tiptoes, you hang it on a little nail in the wall, stepping back a bit to see if it’s okay but then adjust it a little bit until it was perfect.
It was strangely quiet in the room. You blink and turn around to the boys, just to see them all staring at you with shocked and confused expressions. Oops…
“Okay y’all.. u-uhm I can explain… Well, I’m playing a game. Not sure if I can say that but-“
“Am I dreaming???”
“That’s definitely not a dream.”
“It moved… not the other way round! It didn’t fall down though!”
You stand there, mouth open but nothing coming out while you are still holding your hands as if you are going to explain the situation. Telling them that you are all in a Play Station game and you are the holy ghost who has to help them somehow. Ridiculous.
A very skinny boy walks over to you, super brave. Not like the others who are going wild on the other side. You watch the boy inspect your spot and also the painting on the wall, making ‘mmh’ and ‘ahh’ noises from time to time. He stands really close to you and you feel the urge to try and touch his arm when he turns around to state “There’s nothing here. If anything, a ghost.”
One of the taller boys choked at his words. “G-ghost…. ?? A real ghost… y-yah Minghao… no funny. Nope.”
“That’s the only logical explanation, Seokmin. I think Hao is right.” Wonwoo says.
You swallow hard. Is it a good thing to show yourself just half an hour into the game or so? Or does that mean game over? Cursing at yourself for not making any research before starting the game, you yeah the youngest looking one whisper “It just happened….. m-maybe it’s still here? I…. heard about people asking them to move something to show their presence…. like in movies….”
“We could try it.”
“H-hey.. what Dino just said… you don’t wanna-“
“It literally just hung a painting back on its nail. What mean ghost does that??”
“A… not mean ghost?”
“Aren’t ghosts always mean?”
“Says who?”
“Guys! Stop…..” Seungcheol rubs his temples when Jun grabs a glass of water from the coffee table, walking over to a closet and placing it on it before joining the boys again. Minghao is back besides them as well.
You stand next to the painting, looking back and forth from the boys and the closet.
“So if you’re there. Show yourself by moving the glass.” Vernon says into the room which is awfully quiet. Everyone looking around, waiting for an answer.
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What are you going to do?
Give them a sign by lifting the glass OR stay where you are without giving a sign?
You can decide.
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userdokja · 4 years
The8/Minghao x Reader Soulmate AU | Rain
There’s a small mark on your hand which symbolizes what would happen when you first make contact with your soulmate, sometimes the marks aren’t clear but the moment your skin makes contact with theirs everything will make sense. 
Word count: 1108 
Warnings: None? 
S.coups | Jeonghan | Joshua |  Jun | Hoshi | Wonwoo | Woozi | DK | Mingyu | The8 | Seungkwan | Vernon | Dino | Soulmate AU masterlist 
You had an umbrella with raindrops above it for a symbol on your wrist.
Just a simple umbrella, nothing special about it your friends have made theories about it but you just thought that it must be raining the day you meet your soulmate, you didn't need it to be magical like for some people who literally had butterflies around them out of nowhere.
Marks weren't that bland, everytime your soulmate touches them you'll feel tingles on your own. Yours seem to admire it too much, because sometimes you'd flinch at the sudden tickle on your wrist.
The sun was blazing when you walked outside, no signs of clouds to shadow over you, it also meant no soulmate.
"Y/n, come on! Christian said he's already there." Y/f/n said, Christian was her soulmate who she met a year ago. That was when you realized how beautiful it must be to meet your soulmate.
"Why do I have to join to this picnic of yours again? to be a third wheel? " You groaned as she dragged you with her.
"You're not the third wheel, some of our friends are joining too! And.. maybe you might meet your soulmate too!" She smiled at you, you'd normally agree with her but as you felt sweat trickle down the side of your head you rolled your eyes at her.
You arrived at the park (It's privately owned by Christian's family because they're rich af) where your group of friends had been waiting, a couple of them waved at your direction while some of them were busy setting up the food.
"Y/n! It's been a while! how are you?" A boy... probably Christian's friend who you've met before asked, although you had no idea what his name is.
"I'm... doing great!" You gave him a warm smile anyways, when a group of boys walked over you realized that there was going to be a lot of people around than you expected and most of them were Christian's friends that's why you were forced to tag along.
You made eye contact with one of the boys, you felt like you didn't want to look away so you both just stood there staring at each other. The awkwardness was soon cut off when one of his friends called him over, soon it was time for everyone to gather up and eat. You sat between Y/f/n and another person you were familiar with.
You were silent for the whole meal and just listened to everyone's conversations, You looked around ans saw the same boy looking at you, but this time you gave him a small smile and waved at him, he nodded back at you and continued chatting with his friends.
After eating you were yet again forced by your friend to join the game, everyone voted for hide and seek so here you are hiding under the tree house. As the given time was over a person dashed into your hiding spot.
"C-can't you find another hiding spot?" you whispered to him. "It's too dangerous for the two of us to hide here."
"If I go out do you think I have a chance to find another one?" He whispered back, you sighed and nodded.
"What's your name?" He asked as he walked over to you.
"Why do you need to know?"
"..Just because? And, I need to stop calling you 'That Pretty girl' in my head." He shrugged, You blushed at his words, you opened your mouth to answer but you heard the seeker's voice near your hiding spot. "Shh.."
You breathed slowly as you kept your eyes on the seeker's feet.
"I know someone's here!" He stopped walking and peaked under the tree house. "Ha!"
You let out a light scream and ran away with the.. still unknown but good looking guy following behind you, you turned around to look at him for a quick moment. "Run Faster!"
"What do you think I'm doing?" He yelled back. You laughed at his response, your legs were growing weak and your breathing was unstable, you started slowing down until a hand grabbed yours, a wave of electricity radiated from your wrist.
You looked up and saw the sky suddenly darkening, raindrops fell down from the clouds.
"Holy shit." You muttered under your breath. The dark haired guy looked at you then at your hands, he turned your wrist around to see your mark and looked at his matching one.
"I guess you're my soulmate?" He panted. "Can I get your name now?"
"...It's Y/n." a grin made its way to your face, you ignored everyone panicking around you and muttering on how it suddenly rained.
"Nice to meet you, soulmate." He smiled. "I always thought I'd meet you during a... hurricane or something."
You laughed at him. "I never thought meeting a soulmate could change the weather completely.. But I'm just happy I found you now, I'm tired of my friends making theories about who your are."
"I hope they were good theories?"
"One of them was about you being a serial killer. Although they were right about one thing."
"which is?"
"That you were a handsome guy but cute at the same time." He scoffed and looked down at his feet. "Ah, the rain's stopping."
"...Wanna ditch them?" He motioned to everyone gathering around. "I know a place with good food."
"You have like.. 12 friends who's going to notice you're gone in a minute." He tilted his head at you, "But I can't say no, huh?"
"Of course you can't it's your first date with your soulmate, you should be excited~" He dragged you away from the park.
You both walked your way to the place he talked about while talking about stuffs about each other, you found out about how savage he could be sometimes, and how he was amazing at dancing, He told you about the 12 other boys he came with, he said they were like his brothers.
"..Wait, I just realized I don't know your name yet." Your eyes widened in realization.
"Why do you need to know?" He raised an eyebrow at you, you playfully pushed him and he laughed. "It's Xu Minghao."
“Xu Minghao.” You repeated. 
Your conversation died down until everything was silent, you still had a smile on your face when you turned your head to look at him.  After all those years of trying to find your soulmate in the rain he's finally by your side as the sun shined brighter than you've ever seen it shine before, and yet you couldn't feel the heat, you could only feel the butterflies in your stomach and your pounding heart.
A/N: I hope that was ok? Tell me who you want next!
Seventeen taglist: none yet. 
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Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5 , 6 , 7, 8 , 9 , 10 , 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
Chapter Twenty-Eight:
“I can’t remember the last time you smiled this big.”
You ignored the statement, sending your friend a half-amused looked as you tried to keep your balance on the wall that you were currently standing on, allowing your smile to stay intact as you held tightly onto Julia’s hand. Julia seemed amused by the action and readjusted her grip on you, her smile practically reflecting yours.
“Okay, but Caitlin is right,” Julia stated with a laugh as you stumbled a bit. “When was the last time that you were encouraging us to do all of this crazy stuff?”
You rolled your eyes and let your fingers slip from Julia’s grasp throwing your hands up in the air. You let your hips fall forward just a little bit, a giant goofy smile spreading over your lips as you did so.
“You guys are so dramatic,” you exclaimed. “I’ve always been this happy.”
You all knew it was a lie, but nobody seemed to care and instead of debating the topic at hand Caitlin just took your picture. As you smiled at the camera you noticed some movement out of the corner of your eye. You turned and saw that Jubilee was trying to get up as well. You rushed over to her and held out your hand. She took it and you helped her clamber up onto the wall.
She smiled at you.
“You know the others are right,” she stated as she wrapped her arm around your waist. You wrapped your arm over her shoulders too and you both looked at the camera. “It’s nice to see you this happy- and I honestly thought you were happy before. What’s up with that?”
You chuckled but didn’t argue at all with Jubilee. After all you knew that it was pointless to do so at this point. Besides you decided, that if you played along with the rest of then maybe they would finally drop the topic.
“Seoul is a beautiful city. We are lucky to be here. We are lucky to know each other and be together,” you stated pleasantly. You looked across the street to where Seventeen was doing a photo shoot. Sitting beside Mingyu with his head rested on his shoulder was Jihoon.
He was watching you and your friends with careful eyes.
You had tried to make up some excuse, and claim that the reason you had wanted to go up the wall was simply because you had thought it would be a good place to get some cute pictures for Instagram.
You didn’t think any of your friends had really fell for it, but that was okay. You knew that the pictures were going to turn out really cute anyways and you could see Jihoon better from here.
He pressed his lips together into a smile at you, his eyebrows raising just slightly- a clear indication to you that he was happy to see you. You rested your head against Jubilee’s.
“And life isn’t so bad here,” you murmured. “We’ve got each other. That’s always nice.”
Paige who was on the ground next to Caitlin glanced over her shoulder and snickered softly.
“I bet it helps that up there you have a great view of Seventeen.”
Paige gave you a suggestive look and you scoffed.
“I mean who doesn’t want to look at thirteen very attractive boys,” Jubilee suggested with a laugh. You let your gaze turn back over to Seventeen, this time your gaze scanning the area around you guys just to make sure that nobody was watching.
You noticed that a single girl in the crowd you couldn’t recall having seen before was looking at you, a curious look on her face as if she’d seen you before. It didn’t make you nervous really, but it did remind you that you should be acting less familiar with the boys then you were. So, you looked at Jubilee your eyes wide as you clutched her arms.
“Oh my god I think that one of the boys just looked at me!” You exclaimed a little bit too loudly. “Did you see that? Oh my god we’re so lucky!”
You got a little too fake excited however as when you slide away from Jubilee you felt yourself lose your balance a little. You slipped off of the wall, probably looking a little bit ridiculous as you toppled to the ground. You let out a soft grunt but raised your hand into the air.
“I’m fine,” you announced. You let your back fall back against the pavement. “Except maybe just a little bit winded, I’ll be staying down here.”
You felt your phone buzz in your pocket and after lying motionless on the ground you pulled the phone out of your pocket. You had a few notifications on your phone. A number of notifications from Tumblr that you glanced at.
Svtsvtsvt posted: “I think I have some videos of them too.”
Reallyloveshua posted: “Hey, isn’t this the same girl?”
And more importantly, a notification from Jihoon on your phone.
Hey are you okay?
You smiled to yourself and were quick to assure Jihoon that you were in fact okay. The whole scene must have made quite a show because it made Jubilee look down at you with a suspicious look.
“I’ve got to say, you look like you’re happier on the ground.”
You sat up quickly, trying not to be too bothered by how dizzy you suddenly felt. As soon as your head had cleared you got up to your feet and clambered back up onto the wall. This time you sat down on the dark bricks, pressing your hands on the back corner with a grin.
“I’m happier up here,” you said softly. “It’s fun to be with you guys.”
And for the first time in a really long time, you truly meant that. You had spent so much time focusing on the negatives, letting yourself get dragged down by the emotions that told you that only the worst would happen.
You pulled out your phone and looked down at Jihoon’s contact for a moment. Jubilee seemed to notice this and glanced down at your messages.
“Oh, do you have a boyfriend?” She asked you gently. You chuckled and gestured to the contact name.
“Someone clearly can’t read. It says that it’s not my boyfriend.”
Jubilee snickered at that and put her hands up in the air.
“Okay, not a boyfriend,” she mumbled. “Whatever you say.”
You laughed as well and looked upwards, staring up at the fluffy clouds in the sky above you. The sky was really pretty today. That perfect sort of blue that you quite honestly didn’t see often. It was gorgeous. When you let your eyes trail down you saw that Jihoon was looking upwards too. It made you smile again.
“Okay I’m seriously starting to think that there is something wrong,” Caitlin stated. “What have you done with my friend?”
You rolled your eyes and patted Jubilee on the leg.
“Don’t we have better things to be doing other than obsessing with my happiness? When- let me remind you, I was voted the mood maker in the class,” you insisted. Jubilee hummed at that.
“Food,” she stated.
“Oh my god yes, food,” Paige agreed. At some point she had taken a seat on the ground, choosing there to stare across the street at the Seventeen boy’s she could see. You thought her eyes might be on Jun, but you couldn’t tell for sure. “I’m starving.”
As she spoke, she got to her feet, dusting herself off.
“There is a great place to eat not far from here,” Jubilee murmured. She took your hand in hers affectionately, giving you a soft smile. “Come on, I’ll show you guys.”
What you wanted to do was take another look at Jihoon- maybe tell the others that you were going to hang back for a little, see if you could get any closer to Jihoon, and maybe talk to him. But you knew that not only should you not- after all it would be a bit too risky- today you were having fun with your friends. You should keep it up.
“It’s like a girl’s day out,” you said excitedly. “We can do all the things that the people do in the television shows. Go out to eat, go shopping, sleep over.”
“Oh my god yes Jubilee, Paige, you have to spend the night tonight,” Caitlin said eagerly, grabbing Paige’s arm. Paige laughed, looking a little startled by the statement, but also looking excited. She brushed her hair out of her face.
“I guess that I could text my roommates and tell them I won’t be home tonight.”
That made Julia and Caitlin turn excitedly to Jubilee who was still holding your hand as she scrolled through her phone. She looked up and gave everyone a small shrug.
“Yeah, I guess I can pass that. I don’t have work tomorrow or anything.”
Caitlin squealed excitedly and hooked her arm in yours, dragging Paige to do the same who grabbed Julia.
“This is the best idea that you have had in ages!” Caitlin said excitedly. “Oh, today is just the break we’ve all needed.”
“And who knows,” Julia said, reaching across the others to poke at Caitlin. “Maybe we’ll run into some group other than seventeen for once and you’ll finally get to meet Jungkook.”
Caitlin faked a swooned and leaned back under her friends' weight- an action that just made the group of you guys all fall down to the ground. You couldn’t help it- thinking that it was all just overwhelmingly funny. You started to laugh.
As you started to laugh, you felt yourself curl up in a ball, your whole body shaking as you tried to contain your laughter. It was no use, and soon the person beside you that you had curled up into was laughing as well.
The situation itself wasn’t really that funny, but nonetheless soon your entire group of friends was laughing- causing enough of  a commotion that you didn’t have to look up to know that some of the nearby carats were looking at you.
“Are you guys okay?”
You felt yourself somber up a little bit as you slowly raised your eyes to see that standing before you was a slightly annoyed looking Wonwoo. You gave him a sheepish look, and then let an expression of excitement cross your face.
“Oh my god Wonwoo? Jeon Wonwoo?” You blurted out as if you hadn’t seen him a hundred times before when you were hanging out with Jihoon. He rolled his eyes, and left a small smile cross his lips.
“You all fell. I’m a little concerned,” he murmured. He held out a hand that you made a show of excitedly taking and then he pulled you close. “Jihoon is very concerned.”
Wonwoo turned his attention away from you and helped up your other friends- as to avoid too much suspicion and then while turning to a few other fans nearby to satisfy their requests of pictures with him, he gave you a look- one that you knew all too well. It was a warning for you to stop distracting Jihoon.
You wanted to laugh again- even when you were trying not to distract him you ended up doing so.
“Okay, now, let’s get to that restaurant,” you suggested. Paige scoffed at the suggestion, placing a hand dramatically over her heart.
“You’re thinking about food?” She blurted. “Jeon Wonwoo just touched us and you’re still thinking about food.”
She stumbled a little and Julia laughed, reaching out to steady her a little.
“I keep forgetting that you like spend all your time with Jihoon, because otherwise you would be fangirling so hard right now.”
You felt your mouth drop open- an action you tried to recover quickly by laughing nervously.
“God in my dreams,” you stated- then leaning in closely to her you whispered:
“Paige. Keep it down.”
Jubilee’s eyebrows raised at the whole exchange and you turned to her in shock as you started to watch her beginning to put the pieces together. Her mouth fell open and she pointed at you in accusation.
“Wait a second-” “Fine, fine I will tell you at the restaurant okay?” You hissed back. You took Jubilee by her wrist and pulled her down the sidewalk sharply. “Let’s go! Food, remember, food.”
All of your friends laughed at your frantic behavior, and quickly dissolved into other conversations as you dragged them away from Seventeen. You pulled out your phone as you walked, glancing once again at your notifications.
There were some from Instagram- just likes and such, a few Tumblr posts- just the same as they had been recently. One of the blogs had reblogged something saying: “It’s like I’ve been such an idiot, she’s in so many of these pictures!” and a few texts you still hadn’t opened from people. You ignored pretty much all of the notifications to open your text history with Jihoon.
Good luck with the rest of the shoot!
He texted you back only a moment later.
Have fun with your friends.
You smiled at the message, wanting to say more, but you remembered Wonwoo’s warning from earlier, and decided that maybe you shouldn’t distract him while he was in the middle of a shoot. You slipped your phone back into your pocket and hooked your arm in Jubilee’s as you two walked to the place that she had been telling you guys about.  The food there, was incredible- and it only boosted everyone’s attitudes for the night.
You remembered running through the streets of Korea singing at the top of your lungs with them, and you remembered lying beside Jubilee and Paige on the floor while Caitlin and Julia grabbed more and more pillows for the giant bed you were all creating and you remembered thinking it doesn’t get better than this.
Five hours into your shift, the door of the little store that you worked at was kicked down.
It was late at night, and it was just you and Jaehyun- Jaehyun sweeping the floors while you rearranged the candy bars on display. You both lazily looked over your shoulders at the person standing there, and you were surprised to find that it was Jeongin.
He pointed at you, his face red, his chest rising up and down from what you could only assume was his exhaustion being expressed since he had clearly run here. His eyes were wide, and his expression was stern.
“You are hanging out with me tonight and I’m not taking no for an answer,” he announced loudly. You shrugged.
“Look! If you never get out of your dumb schedule, you’ll never experience life! It’s no wonder that you had so much trouble finding happiness when you have jam-packed yourself so full- it's like you don’t think-” He interrupted himself, faltering over his last few words. His expression became a bit more confused than before.
“Wait- did you say okay?”
You nodded.
“Yeah, it sounds like fun,” you replied.
Jaehyun snorted and you looked over your shoulder at him with a curious expression. Jaehyun just shrugged.
“You have weird boyfriends,” was all he offered as explanation for the sound. You didn’t bother pointing out for the hundredth time that Jeongin wasn’t one of your boyfriends, and instead stood up.
“I’ve been meaning to text you anyways,” you stated softly. Your eyes wandered to the ground in embarrassment. “We know how I am with phones.”
You felt a tug on your heart at that, and you knew it was guilt. You still had a lot of messages sitting on your phone- waiting for someone to read them and respond to them. You weren’t the best friend a person could be- the messages were evident enough-
You shooed away the thoughts, reminding yourself (with admittedly clenched fists) that you were just doing another pointless thought spiral. You were sure that most people saw the unread messages and just made a mental note that you should respond to them later. You just needed to do that. There was no point in beating yourself up over something that most of your friends truly didn’t mind.
You let the tension pass from your shoulders, and you looked back up to Jeongin.
“I’ve been wanting to hang out.”
He seemed impressed, as if he knew exactly what had just gone through your head. You thought he might make a point of exasperating the situation but instead he just turned to Jaehyun his eyes wide.
“Not to sound dramatic or anything, but have you noticed my friend here being a little... Weird recently?”
You rolled your eyes at the accusation and slapped Jeongin on the wrist.
“We’re friends, remember?” You stated. He laughed.
“And here I thought that was something that I had to remind you of,” he replied. You ignored him and grabbed a box off of the counter, taking it to the chip aisle, but even as you walked away Jeongin was in tow.
“There’s something different about you,” he murmured. He reached forward to touch you, but you ducked out of his grasp: “Jeongin! Personal space!”
He snickered and shook his head.
“Okay maybe not something crazy different,” he murmured. “But a little different.”
He paused and let his head fall to the side.
“You know, Jihoon is really good for you.”
You felt like the statement was a little random, and Jeongin seemed to think that as well as he waved his hand in the air.
“And it’s not that he is the only one good for you. I’ve been hanging out with Seungcheol and you’re good for Jihoon too. You two complement one another. You could find happiness some other way, but you two do make one another happy. And it’s really cute.”
You rolled your eyes at the sentiment, but your heart warmed a little just from hearing Jihoon’s name.
“Let’s catch a movie tonight. My shift ends in ten minutes, and then I can just leave Jaehyun to finish all the work,” you called over your shoulder teasingly.
“Hey!” Jaehyun protested but you didn’t pay him much heed as you glanced down to your phone.
Once again you had a number of notifications- mostly from Instagram because those pictures from the other day had been really cute but once again a few from Tumblr. The same sort of messages accompanying the posts, and reblogs.
“And here they are again at this event?”
“This must be an image of them kissing!”
You were wondering why you had turned on the blog notifications for so many blogs- but instead of turning them off you handed Jeongin your phone and nodded.
“Well? Pick a showtime.”
When your classmate Jess- who you had always believed to be more interested in her studies then the dance group you had all formed- suggested that you all do a cover of Candy Pop by Twice, you were pretty surprised.
You hadn’t ever really listened to it, but when you watched it in that Mc Donald’s for the first time you certainly saw the allure.
And Jess herself was so excited to learn it. You could see the excitement in her eyes as she talked about how it made perfect sense for them to do another Japanese dance cover since they were so popular in Japan- and another big group cover so everyone could have a part and- “You can cover Jihyo since you two are both great leaders!”
How could you say no, when Jess was already getting everyone so pumped over the cover?
So the dance itself, gave you fond memories looking back over at the dance video as you remembered getting up with your other classmate- Cassie- and beginning to do the dance right there, teaching one another the parts that you two had caught, while Jess chimed in what she knew of the dance as well.
It was energetic and cute, and just the sort of dance that people liked to see from your group.
But it also required way more practice with the group then you had anticipated. You walked up to your phone for the millionth time to rewind the video you guys were all using and smiled at the group that was going to be “Twice” this time around.
“Our pop’s still aren’t all together,” you said, your voice gentle. “Let’s just get a little more practice in before the day is over... Break?”
Everyone grumbled their consent and wandered off to check their phones. You had a few notifications pop up on your screen- Tumblr again. And you swiped them away once again with a slight roll of your eyes. Then you began to quietly run the dance all over again in your head.
While you were trying to change a few things about yourself, you still couldn’t help a few things. And one of those things was absolutely your racing anxiety. You couldn’t handle it. You didn’t know how to stop yourself from overthinking everything.
So, instead of doing that you decided to just run the dance. Make every little small move look perfect.
Because if you weren’t dancing you were thinking.
And what had thinking really gotten you recently?
Nothing good.
But even as you were lost in the dance, thinking that everyone was thinking that you were probably a psycho for never taking a break, slowly one by one your group got back up until you were all practicing the dance just as hard as before.
You laughed softly, and your head fell to the side. There wasn’t any music playing out loud, they had all just figured out the where in the dance you were from what movements you were doing.
“You guys still have break,” you said with a laugh, when you guys hit the end pose of the song, all of your chests rising and falling a bit in exhaustion. No one ended up making a move back to their phones, so you chuckled.
“Okay, then.”
You wandered over to your phone and picked it up once again, catching a glance at a few of your Tumblr notifications.
Littleminghaoobsessesor: “Can we even just officially say that...”
You ignored it to turn the music on again.
“And start from the top!” You announced.
You rested your head against Julia’s shoulder, fiddling with the pages of a book in your hand as you did so. You were rereading a book from your childhood- it was the first time you had gotten really far into a book like this in a really long time. You remembered the last book that you had read, and the fact that it was a book for high schoolers was not a good sign.
So, you were glad to be giving yourself the time to read again.
But you felt yourself drawn away from your book as you did so, and you let your mind wander.
You weren’t so afraid to think today when you had been in such a good mindset recently. So, you started to think about the last few weeks and about all the fun you had had with your friends.
It had been a while since you had really been on your phone using your apps for fun, so you thought you would check out Tumblr- see what you had been missing.
You pulled your phone out and clicked open the app. The first couple of posts were pretty normal for what you would generally see on your dashboard. And it wasn’t until you were down pretty far that you saw a picture. It was by one of your favorite blogs on there and you felt a small bit of excitement run through you that you got to see what they looked like.
In the picture they were standing in front of a landmark in Japan, holding up a peace sign with a smile on their face, their hair in a messy ponytail. You recognized the landmark, noting to your surprise that you had gone there with Jihoon.
You were about to click down and leave a comment about how pretty the admin was (because they were so pretty) when you noticed something behind her on the bridge.
Your heart nearly stopped.
You sat up, your eyes squinting at what was honestly pretty clear to see. It was you and Jihoon.
You snorted thinking that maybe it was a mistake, and no one had noticed, or your eyes were just tricking you. But then you saw the caption and you really thought you were going to stop breathing.
Another picture of them.
You followed the link associated with “them” and auddenly your already racing heart began to beat even faster, your stomach beginning to hurt as if you were going to throw up.
The link lead to a thread, that you realized with a start you had been getting notifications for for ages and just hadn’t payed enough attention to.
It was a thread of people spotting you and Jihoon in pictures together, piecing together that you two were in a relationship- connecting you to the person in the picture from the beginning of the year and even finally deciphering that you were the figure in Jihoon’s park picture.
“Oh my god,” you managed to say. Julia looked over at you from her computer, raising an eyebrow.
“Are... Are you okay?”
You shakily looked at her and slowly shook your head.
“Oh god,” you repeated.
You couldn’t really find it in you to say anything. You just held up your phone so that she could see what you were looking at.
And you could see it in her eyes that she was thinking the same thing that you were.
There was no damage control with this. Nothing that you could do or say to hide the fact that you and Jihoon were at least something to one another. There was too much evidence.
You guys had been so stupid.
“This is... This is bad,” Julia mumbled. Her eyes flitted up to you from your phone. “What are you going to do?”
Chapter Twenty-Nine
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gracesloveletters · 4 years
with love. profiles
💌 y/n 💌 : Your passion for art, history, and literature has led you to the extremes of being the top of your history class, and being stuck in the library surrounded by textbooks during every spare moment (willingly). You’re very involved in high school life as a Student Council member, Student Mentor, and a writer for a column in the school paper. Despite your academic reputation, however, your hopeless romantic antics threaten to ruin your final year of of high school. Honestly, you’re just trying your best. 
contact: 😪 how are we even bffs? 💖
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mingyu: Somehow the universe had destined for you and Mingyu to become best friends, and that is what the two of you have been since childhood. As polar opposites, Mingyu had always encouraged you to go on adventures, meet new people, live a little. In return you would encourage him to stop failing classes and spend more time in the library with you rather than on the running track. You trust each other completely, so why is it that lately you’ve both been hiding something from the other?
groupchat: ✨ golden boys ✨️
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Seungcheol: The school’s #1 golden boy. He has a few important titles under his belt; Captain of the Track and Field Team, member of the Student Council, Student Mentor, top of all of his classes (except for history because of a certain someone), so it only makes sense that he’s in the running for valedictorian. The boy exudes kindness, confidence and honesty, but there’s one skeleton he’s been desperately trying to hide in the closet. Just like you, he’s only trying his best. 
Jeonghan: With ethereal beauty and an angelic voice on his side, Yoon Jeonghan is the school’s second official golden boy. As a member of the Student Council and the choir throughout his entire high school life, he’s developed many connections. Although this golden boy has a golden voice, don’t put it past him to cause a little mayhem every now and then. However, becoming the emergency-voted Student Council Vice President halfway through the year was certainly not part of the plan. 
joshua: Joshua Hong completes the trio as the final golden boy; possibly everyone’s favourite if they absolutely had to choose. A member of the Student Council, a Student Mentor, in the choir, and known to volunteer outside of school on the weekends, how could anyone not think highly of him? He’s considered the most quiet and reserved of the golden trio, but everyone knows Jeonghan couldn’t possibly get up to all that mischief on his own. 
groupchat: 🎶🎨 creative leaders 📚🌟
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jun: Jun didn’t really know what he was expecting when he moved high schools a few years ago, but becoming the exchange-student-turned-International-Leader was definitely not it. Anyone from the outside looking in would say he’s perfect for the role; he’s obviously from another country, he’s smart, polite, well-spoken, not to mention he’s been doing a great job with International Leader “affairs” and “responsibilities”. But if you asked him about his role in the school, he would politely excuse himself from the conversation. Not because he doesn’t like the attention, but rather he kind of has no idea what he’s doing... fake it ‘til you make it, right?
soonyoung: The amount of times you have witnessed this boy challenge unsuspecting new students to dance battles in the hallway is quite ridiculous, but unsurprising. Soonyoung, who would prefer it if you called him “Hoshi”, wears the title of Dance Captain like a badge of honour; his apparent life mission being to recruit the school’s most talented and promising dancers into the Dance Team. Everyone in the school could vouch that Soonyoung was the most passionate dancer on the team, whether they were a friend of his or not. The newest recruit has especially impressed him, but there’s someone else entirely that’s caught his eye. 
wonwoo: Outside of attending classes, there are two things you could safely bet on that Jeon Wonwoo would be doing; manning the desk in the library, or busily editing the school paper, so bumping into each other is more likely than not for the two of you. School life, and life in general, is quiet for Wonwoo, and he prefers it that way. However, a mysterious letter changes everything, and suddenly Wonwoo finds himself receiving a lot of unwanted attention. 
jihoon: Band Captain, Student Council Vice President, and first-chair clarinet were the titles Lee Jihoon unexpectedly dropped halfway though the year, sparking the school’s latest rumour mill. He had caught everyone by surprise with his sudden resignation from those previous responsibilities. Even the teachers knew that no one could ever fill those now-empty shoes. You of all people would know, because you were the first friend he ever made in high school. 
seokmin: If Dance Captain Soonyoung had any competition in the passion department, it would come from none other than Choir Captain Seokmin. When he’s not in the choir practice room, you can easily locate him by following the sound of intense vocal warm-ups. Seokmin’s popular in school for being an all-round entertainer and having a smile that could help stop wars. So why did finding  a peculiar letter in his locker one day turn that signature smile into a frown. 
minghao: Although he’s been attending high school just as long as you have, Minghao continues to remain a mystery to most. One thing that’s for certain about the boy is that you can always find him with a camera in hand; dedicated to his job as the photographer for the school paper, and posting artistic shots on his Instagram. Soonyoung has been begging him to join the dance club nearly everyday for a year after Jun let it slip that Minghao used to b-boy under the alias The8, who seems to be the only one who knows anything about the photographer. 
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groupchat: y/n + the three musketeers 💯
Seungkwan: When the Student Mentor program was first introduced, you were assigned two new students, Seungkwan being one of them. He and Vernon started the Outside-In podcast during their first year of high school and have gained a significant following ever since. Having made an impression on the boys whilst mentoring them, Seungkwan has dedicated himself to being your loyal supporter and friend, threatening that anyone would “catch these hands” if they dared to even look at you funny. If he’s not hanging out with Vernon, you will most likely find him in the choir practice room.
Vernon: The second student you were assigned with when the Student Mentor program was first introduced. As the other half of the Outside-In podcast, a member of the basketball team, an employee at the convenience store near the school, and a regular at the skate bowl, everyone and their dog knows who Vernon is. He and Seungkwan have attracted the attention of many both in and outside of high school with their (unscientific) advice, coverage of school “news”, and stories of their hectic adventures. So with word coming in about some seniors receiving mysterious love letters in school, what do the duo have to say? 
Chan: The latest student to be assigned to you under the Student Mentor program, and you’ve taken him under your wing ever since. Resultantly, so have Seungkwan and Vernon. Although he’s no longer a newbie at school, Chan always comes to you with whatever problems he has (homework-related or not). You spend many after school sessions tutoring him in the library. Chan has also made a great first impression on those in the arts department as the newest and youngest member to be recruited into the Dance Team. 
really long a/n: hi! this came way later than I wanted it to, sorry if you were semi-anticipating it. i wanted to make some cute profiles for everyone (which took way too long lmao) and give y’all some insight on how they’re going to be in this au. also it’s important to mention that i wrote everyone except seungkwan, vernon and chan as being the same age (seniors), i know that’s super unrealistic and hectic but it’s an au just roll with it. oh also i’m kind of mashing up every single high school trope in history the rules don’t apply here i’m sorry. i’m having second thoughts about going ahead with this fic because uni’s just started for the year and i’m going to get real busy real quick hahaha... but hopefully i’ll be able to update whenever i can. in saying that i’m planning on having pretty big updates/chapters because i have a full on storyline planned out in my head which means a lot of time will be spent on drafting rather than posting, but i’ll try to post filler/smaller updates to compensate. this is probably overly ambitious because i’m the most unmotivated person ever, but i hope to just really enjoy writing this. please be patient with me and i hope you all enjoy reading along xx
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ificouldau · 4 years
Section 1 - Chapter 5
> 84% of you chose to sneak out.
16% of you chose to hide.
“We have to go,” You whisper to the group of thirteen. They stare at you in horror as you slowly make your way towards the back door. Wonwoo hurries forward and pulls it open before you can.
“Good choice.” He says, and ducks out of the building first. You glance at everyone one more time before following the taller boy, who moves ahead of you in a crouched position. He carefully stretches an arm out in front of you as protection, and the gesture warms your heart. It’s the first time he’s been like this since you met.
( +1 Reputation: Wonwoo )
Mingyu hurries along right behind you, then Chan and Minghao are quick to follow. They all send you looks of approval and gesture for you to keep moving.
( +1 Reputation: Mingyu, Dino, The8 )
It’s still dark out. The dull gray sky isn’t as scary as the pitch black it had been overnight, and it seems that the sun may come up again soon. Even the snowfall has eased, but you’ve a long way to go before being able to enjoy it.
“Look,” Mingyu whispers from behind you. You glance back to see him reaching for a small cabinet against the wall, one that you hadn’t seen on the way in, tearing a few snowy vines away before pulling it open. He retrieves a small white bottle and hands it to you with a shrug. You read the label quickly before pocketing it.
(  +1 Medicine: You now have ( 1 ) Health Item. )
Soon, everyone is out of the building and hurrying off into the forest at the sight of five cloaked men in the distance. You clasp a shaky hand over your mouth, crouching behind the nearest tree trunk and watching their dark figures roam silently about.
Everyone hurries forward, just a few meters away but out of their line of sight. Luckily, they don’t see past the shrubbery you all hide behind.
As the cloaked figures walk closer, one of them disappears into the cable car station through the door you’d just left from. Another one eyes the open medicine cabinet Minghao had found earlier, then walks straight into the building as well. You close your eyes in utter relief. You got out of there right on time.
The boys are scattered about the forest behind you. You turn your head to spot them all crouched under different trees, doing their best to stick closeby without being seen. Jeonghan is clearly struggling, shifting uncomfortably in his crouching position and stumbling a bit through each step. He must be really hurt, a twisted ankle or something, but who knows how much worse he’d be if you all got caught? You watch the boy grab onto a dark tree trunk with a pained sigh, glaring down at his leg as if wishing for it to stop hurting.
( -1 Health: Jeonghan )
Wonwoo hurries to his side, leaving you at the front of the group alone. Joshua’s the nearest, just off to your left, and as you inch forward behind a snowy bush, his worried eyes meet yours.
‘Go,’ He mouths, ‘We’ll follow you.’
You hold back a nervous sigh, pressured by his simple words, and crawl forward just quickly enough to get by without making a noise. You feel the weight of their lives on your shoulders all of a sudden. The trust these strangers share with you, for whatever reason, is overbearing.
Time passes ever so slowly as all fourteen of you move tree to tree. It gets increasingly difficult to stay silent, and a single mishap could have called for something terrible to happen to everyone. However, the group gets by without getting caught even once, and you feel overwhelmingly fortunate as the cloaked figures disappear from sight.
You all keep forward, just enough to feel safe, before falling onto your knees in exhaustion. You’re alive, all of you, and out of trouble once again. As you look around, you realize you’ve hit an empty road, where you can hopefully flag down a passerby to finally get some help.
The sun is beginning to rise now, and you can see its dim light casting a comforting glow over the snowy forest. It gives you all a sense of hope for the first time, especially when the world doesn’t feel so dark and scary anymore.
“We’re… we’re okay.” Mingyu mutters, followed by a faint, breathy laugh. Jun and Vernon, standing on either side of him, pull him into a big hug with smiles on their faces. Seungcheol ruffles Chan’s already messy hair, and Joshua playfully nudges Minghao on the shoulder. They all seem so glad all of a sudden, to be together, under the sun, free of their ropes and their abductors with fresh air to breathe. You admire their bond, from afar, with a smile. Even in this situation, at least they have one another.
They take a short break by the road as you seat yourself a few feet away. The sun rises fast, and soon enough, the boys’ faces are a hundred times clearer under the blue sky than they were the night before. Sat by a bare branched tree, you let them relax in peace, talking amongst themselves as you gaze at the snow covered ground in front of you.
At some point, a pair of dirtied black sneakers blocks your view. You look up to see Soonyoung crouching before you with a soft grin.
“How are you holding up?” He asks kindly, and you return the smile.
“I’m okay. Go back to your friends.”
“Why should I?” Before you can protest, he begins to rummage through the pockets of his jeans. You wait for a second in confusion, only to watch as he retrieves a small red candy and holds it out in front of you. You stare at the wrapper in his palm, unable to hold back a light laugh at the gesture.
“Thank you,” You smile, “but keep it.” He shakes his head and waits, but you insist.
Eventually, he sighs, reaching forward to grab your hand and place it in your palm for you. He closes your fingers around the candy with another disapproving head shake.
“I’m too nice sometimes. Take it. The other guys don’t want it anyway.”
You have no words at his response, and again, can only laugh. His nose scrunches up into a warmhearted smile as he stands back up, turning to head back to the others. You stare at the treat in your hand for a second, then the sound of whirring wheels reaches your ears. A car.
“Someone’s coming!” Jun says hopefully as all of the boys scurry over to the roadside. They stand about in excitement at the sight of a silver car making its way closer and closer to your resting spot. You spot a young woman with short red hair at the wheel, seemingly in her early 20’s, as she locks eyes with the group and slows the vehicle to a sudden stop. No one says anything as she hurriedly opens the door, sprinting over with a distressed look on her face.
“Oh, God… what are you all doing out here in the cold?” She asks, eyeing Chan’s open wound and then the several faces in front of her.
“We’re so sorry to inconvenience you,” Coups hurries to the front of the group with his hands pressed together pleadingly, “but we were being chased, and we have no idea where we are.” You glance at her car, spotting an empty carseat in the back alongside colorful stickers lining the windows. She scans the crowd thoroughly as Seungcheol continues to explain. “We’re actually from Seoul, but we were kidnapped and taken here by some crazy people… and we don’t have any way of getting help. We completely understand if you don’t believe us, but-” “How many of you are there?” The woman interrupts his words, trying to count with her eyes but not being able to pin the right amount. Coups looks at the others nervously before responding. “14.”
She frowns. “I would love to lend you my phone, but there’s no reception up here. The police would think I’m crazy if I drove over there and told them fourteen kids were kidnapped...” The woman glances back at her car for a second, then turns to Seungcheol once again, a look of worry on her face. “My car’s full of junk right now, so there’s only room for two. I can take two of you to the police station, and you guys can wait here for us to get help. Does that sound okay? I’m not sure what else I can do for you… I’m sorry.”
You watch as the boys share anxious glares behind Coups, mouthing their opinions to one another amongst the uncomfortable silence. The woman shakes her head briefly before cheerfully piping back up again. “I’m gonna try to get some signal in the car. Let me know if you’re ready to go, okay?”
She sends a gentle smile your way before heading back over to the vehicle, and upon her being out of earshot, the boys huddle without a second to spare.
“We can’t do it,” Jihoon mutters as Coups gently pulls you into the circle.
“It’s our only chance to get help. Who knows when someone else is gonna show up in this empty forest?” Seungkwan frowns, his eyes filled to the brim with fear. Seokmin is quick to agree.
“We have to get help, or we’ll die.”
“We don’t know what she’ll do.” Wonwoo bitterly replies. Seungcheol nods. “We need to stick together, all of us, no matter what.” The boys spit arguments like rapidfire, and despite not saying a word, you can hardly keep up.
Then Chan suddenly nods over at you, and back at the others with a worried pout.
“We trusted her, so why can’t we trust someone else?”
He clearly didn’t mean to hurt you, but somehow he did. The others choose to abstain after the heat of the argument, standing back and waiting for a final decision to come to light. You let your gaze drop to the floor as Soonyoung relieves a heavy groan. “Shua and I will go.”
You tighten your grip around the candy still in your hand, nearly dropping it into the snow as Coups nudges your shoulder softly.
“It’s an even vote,” He states, “You have to say something, too.”
You glance back up to see all thirteen sets of eyes on you, waiting anxiously for your decision. You want nothing more than to abstain, but they’re all waiting, and you don’t want the argument to get any more heated than it already is. It’s all up to you, once again.
-Send Hoshi and Joshua to get help.
-Don’t send anyone to get help.
( Vote now on instagram.com/ificould_au. You have 24 hours. )
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jungwooswift · 5 years
Hi, first off please take care of yourself friend! Secondly, I just saw your post which was an intro to SVT. I’m a different anon but also pretty new to SVT and I was wondering if you could do a follow up post to it discussing the members’ personalities? So far my favourites are Minghao and Junhui. Whose your favourite member? Thank you! Hope you have a good day lovely ^^
So Seungcheol is the leader of the whole ass group as well as the leader of the Hip-Hop Unit! He is the softest man on earth. He is full of love ALL THE TIME, love for his members and for Carats. He cares a lot and worries himself over things but, man, he is a good, kind, sweet man.
Jeonghan is a little shit, a true Libra. He is cunning and hilarious. He is extremely intelligent and a force to be reckoned with. He’s the kind of friend who is always listening when someone speaks and never lets his friends flop.
Joshua is, by all definitions, a gentleman. He is gentle. He is polite. He is kind and genuine. Seventeen routinely votes him as the scariest member when he’s angry. He is very clean, takes the longest showers and loves making the members (especially Dino) laugh.
Jun is... perfect. He can sometimes seem juvenile or young (he has a habit of imitating whatever his members are doing) but he is actually very tender-hearted and takes care of his younger brothers. He is talented, he is shy, he is goofy.
Hoshi is a fireball. He is high energy, driven, extremely silly and lives to entertain. He works very hard, makes a lot of stupid faces and sometimes acts as the mood-maker.
Wonwoo is a bookworm! He has bad eyesight but loves to read, loves cats, loves cheeseburgers. He is very quiet, very smart but actually really, really funny. He is sexy as heck and he KNOWS IT but he’s a really sweet, unproblematic guy who runs his rap lyrics by female staff members before submitting them to a song to make sure women can relate/enjoy them. He used to love videogames but now he works out instead.
Woozi is my ult bias and the person on earth I love most of all not named Nicole or @kykyrose. He is complicated. He is a shy, awkward, introverted boy who wants to stay home and speak to NO ONE. He has a hard time sharing how he feels and a hard time talking to/dating girls but he can be completely himself and completely FREE when he writes music and that is how Seventeen’s music is so deep and relatable. He is athletic, smart, poetic and laughs with his entire body. He LOVES his members but sometimes has a hard time showing it (pls read the lyrics and listen to Smile Flower) but you can see it in tiny ways like how he cuddles DK or laughs at Seungkwan’s jokes. He’s a really amazing guy.
Minghao is an enigma. He is an artist. He loves wine, fashion, painting and photography. He works very hard to make sure Carats take care of themselves, study, date, socialize and don’t make their entire lives about Seventeen. He is intelligent, well-read, cultured and he’s come out of his shell A LOT since Seventeen debuted.
Mingyu is one of the best human beings on the planet. He is big, strong, sweet, focused, talented and everything in between. He is a good cook. He is a good singer. He is a good rapper. He is a good dancer. In Seventeen Project, Mingyu made promotional stickers for Seventeen. He takes care of his members. He loves Carats. He is someone who you can trust with your life and I would do anything for him.
DK is a ball of sunshine but he’s sensitive. He is hilarious and will do anything for a laugh. He is an immensely talented singer and he loves his members more than anything. He is goofy and soft and he cares a lot about what people think of his vocals.
Seungkwan is the variety king. He plays up how silly he is but honestly, he is REALLY funny. He’s witty, he’s quick, he’s willing to sacrifice his image to be funny. He has one of the greatest voices in K-Pop. He’s super emotional and cries a lot (it’s very endearing) and he takes things to heart. He is someone who can make anything fun.
Vernon is a free-spirit. He loves the whole world. He loves fashion and music and bright colors and meeting people. He is talented. He is smart. His mind is deep. He is often misunderstood as someone a little dopey but honestly, he is really a deep thinker and he has SO much to offer this world.
Dino is the hardest-working person on the planet. He is constantly trying to better himself, trying to become a better singer, rapper, choreographer and dancer. He spends most of his time in the practice room. He is patient. He loves to teach the other members choreo. He is outgoing, confident, funny and strong. He is a POWERFUL dancer and performing. Entertaining is his entire life. It is what he was born to do. He loves his hyungs but teases them constantly and he gets away with a lot. He is very sure of himself and very stable and he’s good at everything he tries. He is the future of K-Pop and I love him a lot.
I hope this helps, anon! Thank you for letting me talk about the 13 best boys on planet earth.
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ccarats · 5 years
hufflepuff junhui
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a muggle-born who always has something new to show to his pure-blood friends, whether it’s a new toy, candy, music, etc.
everybody knows Jun, he’s got at least five friends in every class and thirty from each house and year
he’s even tight with a majority of the professors, mainly because of his exemplary behaviour… for the most part, because no Hogwarts student is without a little bit of a rebellious nature
a lot of people have schoolgirl crushes on Jun too, and who can blame him? he’s sweet and voted most handsome Hufflepuff by the students for the last three years
you’re lying if you say you haven’t at least thought about dating him
despite being mistaken for an airhead from first impressions, he’s proven himself to be a prodigy with herbology and care for magical creatures
though he also does above average in a majority of his other classes
lots of students come to him for tutoring, and he gladly helps them out
he brings snacks and notes he’s collected over the years
he’ll sit down with you all day and teach you until he’s sure that you understand the concept
he’s also known for having study sessions for big end of year exams that all houses can come to
he throws them in the courtyard, at the discretion of madam hooch
if he didn’t look so young, he’d likely be mistaken for a new professor at the school
in trend with his tutoring habits, Jun is exceptionally patient and kind-hearted when it comes to creatures and other students in the school, and his behaviour hasn’t gone unnoticed
he’s been awarded countless house points for exemplary behaviour of a student- and he’s immediately made a prefect once he’s the proper year, and likely head boy in his final year
he always wants to see his fellow students succeed, which can lead to him stretching himself a little too thin sometimes
despite always encouraging others, he can get incredibly flustered when he’s publicly called out for good behaviour or actions from him
since he’s so friendly with so many people in all the houses, he’s always got a reserved spot in each common room if he can sneak in
loves flying, and he’s known for sneaking out after curfew and flying around with jihoon, chan, and minghao
whenever they get caught, he always seems to be the only one who doesn’t lose any house points
to which minghao claims the system is corrupt and they all laugh about it
he spends a lot of time in the kitchens with the house elves, mainly to do homework and have a quiet place to go to if he’s not feeling particularly social that night
he’s always friendly to them, and in return, they always keep him well fed and hydrated if he looks too thin
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deathbyseventeen · 6 years
Unknown to Us: C.2 A Million Nights Begin
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Title: Unknown to Us || Halloween 2018 || Haunted House / Ghost Hunting AU  { Part 1: C.1 || C.2 - A Million Nights Begin || C.3 || C.4 || ……. }
Genre: Horror, Thriller, Romance, Angst
Member/s: Joshua x Reader1 ; Woozi x Reader2
Words: 1.611
It all leads up to October. It always leads up to October.
‘Let’s go ghost hunting at Pact Mansion.’ You were never one to take up an opportunity to trespass on private property. But the puppy eyes of one of your best friends has never been something you’ve been able to resist. Now, you along with four men related by fraternity, are about to find out that some things…are just destiny.
A chorus of giggles traveled through Ledis Forrest accompanied by the crumbling of dead leaves. Through the foliage of the trees, slivers of moonlight traveled to illuminate the forest floor; and in those slivers the owners of the giggles could be seen momentarily, walking in pairs and pushing each to trespass even farther.
The animals of the forest, bright-eyed and alert, watched as they made their way through the forest, silently. It was their way to mourn.
“I can’t believe we’re actually doing this,” Joshua whispered to you, bending down as he walked so that he could whisper it into your ears.
You and Joshua walked behind the rest of the group, Minghao, Wonwoo, and Seungkwan. It had only been a couple of hours before that Minghao had walked into Joshua’s room and told him that Wonwoo and Seungkwan wanted to help him with his ghost hunting plan, even if the rest of the Brotherhood had decided they weren’t going to.
At first, he had said no to him because he knew Seungcheol would be mad if he found out. But it had only taken word that you had agreed to go if he said yes to Minghao, to get him to agree. Then, at exactly 12:00 am, midnight, the four of them got up from their beds, dressed from head to toe in black, made a bundle under their bed covers to look like their bodies, and snuck out through the basement.
You, outside your own residency building, waited under a streetlamp with your arms crossed. The sweater you had put on had turned out to be too thin, but just as you were about to turn around and head back to your dorm to grab something warmer, Joshua pulled up in his car.
“I know.” You laughed, nudging him with your elbow, “I was so sure you’d say no to Minghao.”
“What? You didn’t want to come?” He said quickly, a rose-like blush spreading over his cheeks.
“No. No.” You whispered back hurriedly, “I did! I just...well it doesn’t seem like you to go against Seungcheol’s decisions.”
Joshua chuckled hesitantly and rubbed the nape of his neck sheepishly, “Well you never know.”
“Guys we’re here!!” Seungkwan screamed as they neared the clearing in which Pact Mansion rested.
In the amount of time you had spent talking with Joshua, somehow, you and he had managed to get so behind the rest of the group that you could barely just make out their figures. You smiled at Joshua and nodded for him to follow before taking off in a sprint.
You came into the clearing of the home almost tumbling over your own two feet. For a second, you thought you had felt someone push against your lower back and that was what had caused you to nearly trip. But, with Joshua’s footsteps getting louder and the other boys lingering on the porch of the house...you wrote it off as a moment of clumsiness.
“That...doesn’t look much like a mansion.” You said, head tilting as you studied the building.
Joshua coming to a stop next to you, nodded, “That’s ‘cause it wasn’t built with our concept modern architecture.”
“Josh!” Minghao called out from the porch, waving at him frantically to come over.
You followed Joshua up to the house, noting how the paint had blacked and chipped, and how the wood looked worn out. Under the new found weight that you all added, the house creaked oddly and caused everyone to freeze. You gulped. A creak as strong as that made you feel like the house was just waiting for someone or something for it to finally collapse.
“We’re gonna die in this house aren’t we,” Seungkwan said, chuckling sadly.  
“Not if we can’t get in.” Minghao shot back, giving Seungkwan a funny look. “The doors and windows all have padlocks and deadlocks on them. People really don’t want anyone coming in here.”
You glanced at the door and sure enough, there was a second door frame with a metal slab over the original door, connecting them and closing off the house with a large iron padlock.
“That… doesn’t look like something that can be picked easily.” You said, frowning.
“No worries,” Joshua smiled coyly, “I have deadbolt cutter in my backpack.”
“And I,” Wonwoo smirked, coming up from being Minghao who was peering into the house’s window, “know how to pick all types of locks.”
“I won’t even ask.” You shook your head amusedly and walked towards the window to give Joshua and Wonwoo space to work.
As they worked on prying open the door, you copied Minghao’s actions and cupped your hands around your eyes to peer into the house.  The windows, both inside and out, were coated in a weird, yellowing dust. It stained your hands for a moment before you started to rub your hands to get it off.
“Here.” Minghao said, pulling out a stack of handkerchiefs from his pocket, “I brought a lot since I thought the house might be infested with dust.”
“Thanks, Minghao.” You laughed and took one  from his stack, “I’ll make sure to use it wisely.”
When you turned back to the window, you cleaned inside the marks that your hands had created. Then you peered inside, and even though you couldn’t see entirely since the other side of the window was still coated in dust, you found yourself staring in awe at the furniture that seemed to have been placed there when the house was constructed.
Wood paneled walls, funky chairs, carpeted floors, of which the previous two seemed to have been brightly colored, could be seen just in the living room.
“Wow.” You said, still studying the interior. From the corner of your eyes, you noticed that there seemed to be a black lump on the love sofa. You felt your throat close up— no air came in nor out.
A sliver of it, long and thin, seemed to protrude from it, growing longer until it seemed to be reaching out towards you. Closer. Closer.
“Y/N—” You jumped. The owner of the voice and the hand that had just been placed on your shoulder— Joshua, as it turned out when you whipped around terrified, let out a breathy laugh, amused at your jumpiness. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” You grimaced and let out a small laugh yourself.
“Well, we got the door open, so…” He grinned.
You shook your head happily, forgetting about what you had seen through the window, and followed him through the door.
The inside of the house, you noted, looked just as bad as the outside made it seem. All of the furniture was either covered in dust or had moth-created holes in them — and you were only in the main hallway, you could only imagine the rest of the house.
“I’m telling you. I don’t think it’s such a good idea for us to be here.”
“Why not? You haven’t given us one good reason why.”
“We’re trespassing.” Seungkwan hissed at Wonwoo as you walked into the living room.
“What’s going?” You asked, coming up to Minghao who was staring at the both of them.
“Seungkwan wants to leave.” Wonwoo groaned.
“Why?” You asked Seungkwan, looking at him inquisitively.
He floundered under your gaze and hesitated to tell you the truth. But soon he sighed and gave in. “I’m getting a bad vibe, like….like there’s something bad here.”
“The house is old and decaying. I’m sure it’s just because no one has been here in a while. It’s cold and  desolate, no one has been here to make it warm.” You laid a hand gently on his right shoulder. “But if you want to go home, it’s alright.”
“What? No!” Wonwoo interjected, ready to start arguing.
You turned to Wonwoo and glared at him with eyes you had no idea could pierce through people's souls and thoughts.
Wonwoo in return stopped and glared at you too, his teeth biting down against each other by the look of his squared jaw and thin frown.
“No. No. It’s okay—” Seungkwan began, shaking his head as he spoke and trying to fall into your gaze, “you’re probably right. It's just the house being colder than normal homes.”
“Speaking of homes…” Joshua jumped in and handed Seungkwan a camera.
“I think it’s time for ‘Shua to give us a little history lesson. Isn’t that right?” Minghao with a small camera already in his hands aimed it toward Joshua. A small green dot and white light emanated from it. It was recording.
The hunt was on.
“Right you are, Hao.” He answered with a goofy smile, shooting finger guns at the camera.
You stifled a laugh.
“We are in Pact Mansion,” he began, smiling widely, “A house not home for the owners of this house never got to live in it.”
A slamming door hushed you all. You gulped.
“Wasn’t that the front door?” Seungkwan asked, his voice coming out in a whisper.
“I think so,” Minghao answered him although he had twisted around to look at in the direction of the front door. After a couple of seconds, he shuddered and turned around again, this time to point the camera back at Joshua.
“You don’t think it was a—”
“Ghost? Ghosts don’t exist, Seungkwan. But they might after I tell Seungcheol that you guys went against fraternity vote.”
Jeonghan’s came slithering in from the hallway and into the room, they sat in before he himself was seen stepping into the room. There was an iciness in his stare that sent shivers down your spines and sent you reeling into the couch behind you.
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lxveille · 6 years
woozi x reader
word count: ~ 6900 warnings: swearing, (binge) drinking a/n: university!AU; also if you are living in dorms it is Rude™ to sexile your roommate as regularly/badly as Wonwoo does in this fic so don’t do it !!!
When your roommate goes to spend the night with her boyfriend for the first time, she generously offers her own bed to Wonwoo’s sexiled roommate. Which is how you end up practically living with Jihoon instead of your best friend during midterms week.
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Your bed is littered with textbooks and highlighted articles you’d spent more money than you should have printing out at the library. Thursdays are often a night when you end up going out with your roommate, but a few key things have changed this week. First of all, your psychology midterm paper is due on Tuesday and you have about half a page of bullet point notes to show for the research you’ve completed so far. Being behind on coursework has never stopped you from being convinced into bar hopping instead before, though.
So perhaps more of note is the fact that your roommate -- your best friend and the impetus of many of your perhaps questionable decisions -- has officially started dating. Things have changed from her freshman year ‘no-strings-ever’ policy. You’ve met Wonwoo several times. Frankly, you’d been skeptical when Xiening first told you she was going out with some guy from her 300-level literature course. And even more skeptical when she reported that the two of them were taking things slow.
Slow is why tonight, nearly two months after her first date, is the first time she’s disappeared from your shared dorm room to spend the night with Wonwoo.
You ought to be grateful for the peace and quiet afforded by her absence. There’s a reasonable chance of making good headway with your paper like this. Still, the concept your room being tranquil in any sense of the word is bizarre.
When the door opens, you don’t look up from your laptop at first. Instead, you simply ask, “What’d you forget?” Certain in the assumption that it must be your roommate dropping back by again. It wasn’t like it’d be a long walk. Wonwoo happened to live on the floor above yours.
“Uh -- sorry, I might have the wrong room,” comes an unknown, masculine voice.
That gets you to look up pretty quickly.
“Who the hell are you?” you snap. He looks like a deer in headlights, laptop tucked under one arm like he should be on his way to a study room in the library rather than barging into someone else’s dorm room.
“I was looking for someone else’s room,” the stranger rephrases, taking a step backwards to look at the number on your door. “You, uh, don’t know anyone named Xiening,  do you?”
You sit up straighter on your bed, brow raising at the mention of your friend’s name. “Well, you’re a gutsy one, aren’t you?” It feels safe to presume this must be someone she hooked up with prior to Wonwoo. You’ve never known exactly what kind of magic Xiening had, but her one-night-flings always seem to come calling back for more eventually. Though this one doesn’t exactly look like her usually kind of guy. Handsome, you suppose, but with features that are somehow both softer and less friendly than the type she normally gravitates towards.     “She has a boyfriend now,” you tell him matter of factly, “She’s actually in his room now, so -- you’re out of luck.”
He looks at you like you’ve just grown a second head.
“Yeah… I’m aware of that. Wonwoo’s my roommate. She told me to crash in her room because of that.”
“Sorry, what?” You glance at where your phone is sitting beside your laptop. There’s not a single text from her that you’ve missed. And this seems like it should be the kind of thing she would have asked you about before offering up her bed to some guy you didn’t know. At least it was the kind of thing she used to check in with you about -- strange the apparently the policy changes when she’s not coming back to the bed with the individual in question.
“She said her roommate -- or, I guess you, apparently -- would be out tonight.”
“Clearly I’m not.” You gesture at your own self vaguely.
“I can tell.” Somehow he manages to sound like the one who’s had his privacy disrupted despite unequivocally being the intruder in this scenario.
Briefly, you consider storming upstairs to ask Xiening just what exactly she was thinking when she told this guy he could crash here. Except you know exactly what she was thinking. The downside to whole college-roommate setup is that one half can often ends up drawing the short stick whenever the other gets laid.
“You still didn’t answer my question. Who even are you?” Other than Wonwoo’s roommate, you imply.
“Jihoon,” he answers, and where you think he’s going to ask for your name as well, he instead says, “So can I stay here or not?”
“Why don’t you just go out and find someone to take you back to theirs?” you suggest, gaze diverting to one of the marked up case studies littered across your comforter.
“I’m not gonna go find someone to hook up with just because Wonwoo’s sexiling me.”
You flip the page of the article and look over at Jihoon again. “You and I are very different people,” you remark dryly. A part of you hopes it’ll be off putting enough that  he’ll want to sleep anywhere else.
“That’s not an answer,” he replies just as flatly.
“Whatever. Stay if you want, just don’t expect the lights to go out anytime soon,” you tell him, looking back to your computer screen, “I have way too much paper to write.”
That gives Jihoon all the permission he needs to properly come inside the small room. “That’s fine. I have things to work on too.”
With that, he sat down on Xiening’s bed and opened up his own computer. He plugs in headphones, which you take as a confirmation of your already growing suspicion that he might not be much of a talker. You’re thankful for it. At least it means you won’t have any serious distractions to your attempts at productivity.
It is odd though. At least for the first couple of hours, it takes you by surprise ever time you glance over to see Jihoon where you’re used to seeing your best friend. But by the time you’ve written four and a half pages of your midterm -- and it’s well into the early AMs -- the glances go from awkward to feeling like this is completely normal.
It is fascinating how quickly human beings can adjust to small changes at times.
The clock in the corner of your screen reads 4:32 when you finally decide you ought to head to bed if you’re going to be conscious for your afternoon lecture tomorrow. (It’s not as if you haven’t shown up to that particular class feeling like death rolled over. And that has been with more than just a lack of sleep weighing you down.)
It surprises you a bit when you see Jihoon still sitting with his back propped against the wall and attentively working on something on his screen. You shut your own laptop and stretch your back before unfolding your legs and standing up.
“I’m gonna try to get some sleep in,” you announce, heading over to your dresser. Jihoon hums a questioning tone, and you presume he must not have heard you. “I’m gonna want to turn the light off soon,” you speak a little louder, glancing at him from over your shoulder as you pull pajamas out of a drawer. He gives a short nod.
It seems like he doesn’t intend to say anything about it at all until your fingers curl around the hem of your shirt.
“Aren’t you gonna… go to the bathroom or something to change?” he questions. You throw a look his way once more after you’ve already peeled off your top and nearly laugh when you spot a tinge of pink at the tips of his ears, evidently from the sight of you in just leggings and a bra.
“Look, this is still my room. I’m not changing my routines just because you happen to be staying here tonight,” you explain as you pull a large t-shirt you’d gotten for free at some campus event on. “Feel free to not stare, though. That’d be, you know, probably a decent courtesy.”
“I didn’t think you’d just…” He trails off, looking back to his computer like he’s trying to glue his eyes to the work there now.
“I mean, do you stare at Wonwoo when he changes? Or, like, are you the kind of roommates that always change huddled up in the further corner from each other?”  You kid as you switch leggings for loose fitting pajama shorts.
“We don’t actively try to see each other naked,” Jihoon answers, with what you think might be a touch of humor.
“It’s safe, by the way,” you tell him once you’ve slipped your bra off from under your shirt. “Lights off good for you?” You pause by the lightswitch. This might be the first time you’ve asked a guy that question outside the context of sex.
“Yeah, I can work from just my computer’s light.”
“You’re seriously still working?” Disbelief is evident on your voice as you flick the lights off and make your way back to your bed.
“Midterms are coming up,” he reminds you of what you already know. From the light of his screen, you can still make out his features as you settle underneath your blankets.  He looks as weary as you feel.
“You know, the more tired you are when doing important shit, the more likely you are to fuck it up?” You offer him the same sage advice a friend of yours had given you during an all-nighter once before.
“Thanks for the vote of confidence,” he remarks sarcastically, his eyes searching your own out in the dark.
“Reminder: I don’t even know you. If you’re looking for a vote of confidence, I abstain. Hit up Wonwoo instead. I doubt he and Xiening are still at it.”
Jihoon shakes his head and starts typing again. “Goodnight,” he tells you.
“Good luck,” you chime back, rolling over to face the wall as you close your eyes.
You manage to wake up at quarter to noon. Before your lecture at three, you meet up with Xiening for your usual late Friday lunch. She has the distinct glow of someone who’s had good sex with the past twenty-four hours, and she confirms as much over your second cups of watered-down cafeteria coffee.
“I wouldn’t appreciated even like… a head’s up about his roommate, you know,” you bring up as gentle as you can manage.
“I know. I’m so sorry about that whole thing. Honestly, I thought you wouldn’t even be in!” she says, biting into her lower lip with concern.
“Don’t worry too much about it. It turned out okay. Just, uh -- definitely a new way of spending a Thursday night.” You force a small chuckle, and Xiening smiles weakly in return.
“Really, though. When Wonwoo told me earlier that Jihoon mentioned you didn’t seem thrilled by the arrangement, I felt like a total fuck-up,” she carries on, nails tapping nervously on the dining hall table. “I wouldn’t have offered, but I just want Wonwoo’s friends to like me, you know?”
“I told you not to worry,” you insist, blowing onto the still steaming coffee in your cup to cool it before taking a sip. “I’m on your team. Always. If letting Wonwoo’s sleep-deprived roommate borrow your bed is what you want, I’m down, okay?”
Xiening’s head dips forward as she laughs a bit more genuinely. “You’re aware you’re the best, right?”
“Bitch, that’s what I’ve been saying since freshman year. You’re finally on board?”
“Hey! I’ve definitely sung your praises before now! Just ‘cause I’m dating now doesn’t mean I won’t still be your best wingwoman,” she argues, grinning as she points an index finger at you accusingly.
You roll your eyes. “I love you, but you are accidentally the worst wingwoman. Guys gets so excited by the thought you might be approaching them that anyone else is disappointment in comparison.”
“Oh, come on,” she denies, taking her own turn to eyeroll, “You’re a babe. It’s not like you’ve ever struggled to find someone to hook up with in the first place.”
“Mm, related note: I’m gonna need a serious rager night once all our midterms are over. Because I think I’m doomed to stay a hermit until then and I might lose my mind.”
“We will -- promise,” Xiening agrees.
But all your midterms won’t be out of the way for another week. And so that evening, when you hear others on your floor starting to play music in their rooms and spot girls doing smokey eyes in the bathroom, you’re settling back into your room with more work to do.
Xiening sends you a text first this time before Jihoon shows up. It arrives only a few minutes before he does. But you’re grateful not be caught off guard when he opens the door at least.
“Hey, Jihoon,” you greet him as if you’d done it a hundred times before.
“More essays?” he questions. You nod without looking up from the sentence you’re currently typing out.
He settles in without any further exchanges. In a way, it’s nice to have someone else working alongside you, even if you don’t even know what he’s dealing with at all. Still, a bit silent company doesn’t succeeding in helping you stay as focused and energized as you might have preferred.
It’s nearly eleven at night when you groan and collapse back into your pillow in frustration. For the life of you, you swear you’ve written your essay into a conclusion three pages too soon.
“You alright over there?” Jihoon asks, with more amusement in his voice than you expect. You turn your head on your pillow to look at him and give an exaggerated frown.
“I’m dying,” you state, “Like,  the slowest, most boring-as-fuck death.”
“So the paper’s going well, I take it,” he laughs, and you feel half tempted to chuck a pillow at him. Instead, you feel a burst of laughter pass your lips.
“Don’t you need a break by now?” You suggest after a couple of moments, sitting up again, “We could go get coffee or something. Save ourselves from this room.”
“This room’s still a change of scenery for me,” Jihoon points out, shrugging his shoulders.
You glare at him briefly before throwing your head back to look at the ceiling. “You seriously just wanna stay locked up in the room all night?”
“No,” comes his simple answer, “But I don’t want to ruin my GPA either.”
“Fuck, a fifteen minute coffee run is not going to ruin your GPA, okay? Please?”
You’re not sure why you seem to be insisting Jihoon comes with you. It’s not as if this break isn’t something you could take on your own. Perhaps it’s just out of habit, since he’s the one sharing the room at the moment, and this is the sort of thing you’d usually ask of Xiening. Although she takes far less convincing than Jihoon.
The two of you aren’t even out of the building before he admits that he’s stuck in the paper he’s writing, too. You berate him for fronting like he didn’t need a break for a good five minutes of the walk it takes to get from your dorm to the cafe in the student center.
“Will you drop it if I buy your damn coffee?” he asks as you’re pulling open the door to the building.
“Realistically -- no. I basically collect this kind of shit for rainy days,” you joke as he passes inside.
“Well then enjoy buying your own caffeine.”
“Thanks, I totally will!”
He gives you a look that feigns annoyance at your exaggeratedly chipper tone. But there’s just enough of an upwards quirk in his lips that you know he’s in on the jest of it all.
It becomes a regular thing: having Jihoon as essentially your new roommate by the time the sun goes down. Xiening claims she and Wonwoo actually spend a fair amount of time actually doing work on their midterms when they’re spending all this time together. They just enjoy the domestic feel of falling asleep together at the end of it all. By Tuesday, you’ve lost track of how many times you’ve teased her about how she isn’t fooling anyone by claiming the cuddling is all they do.
You don’t mind this new circumstance. You haven’t since Friday night and that humanizing late-night coffee run. Your late nights working on midterms are peppered with conversations, and taking short breaks together to go down to the student center for a restock of coffee or snacks.
Which doesn’t mean the week is any less exhausting. But the unexpected opportunities getting to know Jihoon have made it a considerably less miserable experience than your horrible ratio of hours working to hours sleeping would suggest.
On Thursday, when you finally submit your last midterm paper, you go immediately back to your room after class and collapse into nap that lasts several hours.
When you wake up, Xiening has already left for Wonwoo’s, and Jihoon is immersed in something on his computer.
You yawn while asking, “You’re still not done with midterms?”
He groans out a no that tells you plenty about how he feels about the fact.
“That sucks,” you sympathize, sitting up and stretching arms over your head. Your phone chimes, and you find a long sequences of messages in a group chat of your friends. Enough of you have officially survived midterms week that there’s a night of drinking well underway in planning already.
“You’ll be free of me interrupting your process tonight, at least,” you announce as you look up from your texts.
“Oh?” For a moment, you think Jihoon sounds nearly disappointed.
“Mmm -- gonna go out with some of my friends tonight. So you’ll weirdly actually have the room all to yourself. At least until I come back to crash.” Possibly all night, you suppose, if you end up going home with someone else.
“So Xiening wasn’t being totally unreasonable when she first thought you wouldn’t even be here a week ago,” he remarks.
“She just happened to underestimate that I can be a responsible students. You know, sometimes,” you confirm as you begin looking through potential outfits for the night.
You consider going to the floor’s bathroom to change tonight. It would go against the philosophy you shared with Jihoon the first time you met. Yet somehow trying on different party dresses seems like a different.
In the end, Nayoung ends up talking you into bringing a couple options over to her dorm. Not that you told her about your debate surrounding Jihoon. Rather, you just told her you aren’t sure what to wear. And her insistence that you’re already already missing out on good pregaming with her, Soyee, and Haebin provides a good enough resolution to your dilemma.
So you throw a few favorite dresses into a bag and wish Jihoon good luck on his assignment.
The girls talk you into something form-fitting and royal blue. As well as into taking shots of grapefruit vodka. After the second one, you ask whether or not Xiening is coming tonight.
“One of her professors made the midterm paper due on Sunday,” Soyee explains, pronouncing the day of the week like it was a curse.
“And she didn’t finish it in advance?” you question as you go about filling up the lined up glasses once more.
“It’s a miracle she’s finished any of her papers on time, isn’t it? She’s been at her boyfriend’s basically every night for a week, hasn’t she?” Haebin points out. “I love her but she is seriously borderline too loved up, you know what I mean?”
“I feel bad for Wonwoo’s roommate,” Nayoung cuts in as she helps you redistribute the shots to the small group of you, “He’s basically been kicked out of his room by Xiening.”
“He’s actually been crashing in our room,” you reveal.
“Like, regularly? I know he was there that first night but he’s been there every time?” Nayoung gives you a shocked look.
You nod and add, “He’s there right now, actually.”
The room erupts in a chorus of different opinions on whether or not that classifies as weird or not. You only bother trying to insist it isn’t a few times before requesting:
“Can we just go back to cheersing that midterms are the fuck over?”
That suffices. And with blood already rushing with a decent amount of liquor, the four of you head out for the bars around ten.
The night becomes a blur of bar lights and dancing with your friends sometime after eleven.
Haebin is the first to stop smiling and ask if the lot of you can head back to campus. None of you are belligerent enough insist staying once someone wants otherwise.  So the stumbling walk with arms linked back home begins.
Normally when the group of you go out, you and Xiening separate off from the others when you reach the student center in the middle of campus. Since Soyee, Nayoung and Haebin live in a different building from the two of you, it’s always made since to part ways there so that everyone has the shortest possible walk home.
Reaching the quiet center point now, though, it dawns upon you that Xiening isn’t here to help make sure the both of you make it to your building.
“We’re obviously walking you to your building,” Soyee says when you blurt out at much.
“No! That’s so, so far for you guys!” you exclaim, your voice echoing a bit in the empty, practically abandoned spaces.
“Is like… ten minutes extra,” Nayoung slurs her argument, leaning a bit heavily into your side.
“You’re not walking home alone,” Soyee reiterates, seemingly the least drunk if her enunciation is anything to go off of.   
Haebin lifts one finger and chimes in, “I, you know, might need to use your bathroom but -- yeah.”
So the chain of you continues together uphill to your building. You spend much of those minutes babbling on about how much you adore all three of them.
“You have your keys, yeah?” Soyee checks in when you reach the front door. You shuffle through a few things in your bag before pulling them out as a reply. “Haebin, are you good or do you need to go in for a minute?”
She shakes her head. “I’m good, I’m good! I jus’ wanna go to bed.”
After what might have totaled to two rounds of hugs goodbye, you make your way inside and unsteadily up the stairs to your floor. You don’t bother counting how many times you nearly fall and half-stumble in your heels on the steps.
The door to your room is unlocked when you get there. The lights are still on, and you find yourself laughing without real cause when you see Jihoon is still working on his laptop. He has large headphones on that keep him from truly noticing your arrival until you make your way into the space between the two beds.
“Uh -- are you okay?” he asks when you plop down on the hard tiled floor to pull your shoes off.
“Are you?” you ask back, leaning backwards to look up at him. Tilting your head back so far makes the whole room spin sideways.
“Yeah, I’m alright” Jihoon answers, brow furrowed in a way that didn’t align with his words. “You need a hand there?”
With shoes tossed aside, you push yourself up onto your knees with both hands. Something lurches in your throat, and you think it might have been the last two drinks at the bar that pushed you over the edge. Jihoon doesn’t wait for an answer from you before putting his laptop aside and coming to your side.
His hands steady upon your elbow and shoulder, he helps you stand up entirely and make your way at a sloth’s pace to sit on your own bed.
“Pajamas?” he asks.
You lie down on your bed, legs still dangling off the edge of the mattress. “I just wanna sleep.”
“Yeah, that dress doesn’t look like comfy sleepwear though.” Jihoon tugs lightly on one of your hands to encourage you to sit up again. Your eyes are closed when you nod an agreement.
“Middle drawer,” you tell him as you point lazily towards your dresser. He disappears from your side and you begin fumbling your way out of your dress.
“Okay, geez, I was gonna say you should --” he doesn’t finish his reaction to your state of undress as he shoves a few articles of clothes into your arms a few moments later. “Just put those one.”
You comply and proceed to crawl underneath your blankets. Your bones feel like deadweight, and you think you’re already half-asleep when Jihoon’s voice is back in your ears insisting you drink some water before passing out. You shake your head as much as you can will yourself to do, and feel a hand shake your shoulder in reply.
“You’ll regret it if you don’t,” Jihoon states, flicking at one of your ears. You groan and sit up again, shakily taking your freshly filled water bottle from him.
The water tastes impossible good on your dried out tongue. After a few good gulps you rest the bottle in your lap and look over to where Jihoon is sitting on your bedside. “You’re nice to me,” you say dumbly.
“I’m not mean,” he answers, half-chuckling at your sudden realization.
“Yeah but -- um -- you look like you should be,” you confess. After another desperate sip of water you carry on, “Like one of those grumpy people are fuckers people.”
“If you say so. Didn’t you want to sleep.”
“I do!” you enthuse, nearly dropping the water bottle in the process, “But also wanna let you know you’re, uh, you know the word? Like -- um, like dope but, you know, a more legit word than that.”
“How much did you have to drink?” Jihoon asks, to which all you can manage is a shrug.
If you ramble anything else out to him, your mind doesn’t let you recall in the morning.
But you do thank Jihoon in the morning, despite your pounding head. You’re pretty sure it would be several times worse if it hadn’t been for the water he’d handed you and the ibuprofen he’d left on your bedside table for you find when you woke up.
He’s still lying in Xiening’s bed, looking at you sleepily as you sit cross-legged at the foot of the bed. “Seriously, you were way nicer to me last night than you needed to be,” you maintain. “You were still working when I came back, weren’t you?”
Jihoon nods without lifting his head from the pillow.
“Trust me, I know how annoying of a messy bitch I can be when I’m drunk. I’m sorry you had to deal with it.”
“You’re not a bitch,” he murmurs into the blankets.
“Thanks? I mean -- I don’t really use it in the, like, bitch-bitch way. But I guess I’m glad you don’t actually think I am one.”
Jihoon hums something sleepily. Your hand pats lightly at one of his legs through the blankets. “I’m buying you brunch today, by the way. So let me know when you want to go.”
“Huh?” He half sits up at that, head of messy hair tilted to one side as you stand up.
“Brunch. You know, coffee and whatever the hell you want to eat? I owe you for not letting me pass out on the floor last night.”
The offer of free food makes Jihoon get out of bed much sooner than it seemed like he would.  
You take him to your favorite place to get weekend brunch, and express no shortage of dismay when he says he’s never been here before. His only answer for you is that he and his friends aren’t exactly the brunch kind of people.
“So what is this miserable midterm you’re still somehow working on?” you ask him around the time you’re both half-way through your meals. “It must be due today, right? This is technically the last day of midterm week.”
He shakes his head as he finishes chewing a bite. “It’s an original composition for one of my music courses. The professor made it due next Wednesday because of the creative aspect.”
“How’s it going?”
“You already hit the nail on the head with ‘miserable.’”
It’s not until later in the day, when your hangover is long gone, that you decide have a solution to Jihoon creative block.
When you come back to your room from dinner with Soyee, Jihoon is taken off guard when you announce, “Good! You’re already here.”
“Yeah… Wonwoo and Xiening are watching some movie in our room. Didn’t really feel like being there when they go from netflix to chill.”
“I was thinking, and you should go out tonight.”
“Is this a subtle way of telling me you have some guy coming over?” Jihoon questions, though he refuses to look your way as he does so.
“Nope! I’m gonna go out with you,” you explain, sitting down beside him on Xiening’s bed. As per your suspicions, he has the composing software open on his screen.
“I can’t go out,” he refuses, “I still have so much of this to rework before I can even finish it.”
“I know, that’s why you need to go out!” You jostle his shoulder with your own to punctuate your point. “You’re all in your head about it. And, look, it’s not due until Wednesday, right? So you still have plenty of time to sort it out after you take a night to clear your head.”
“Can’t risk it,” he says, and goes to lift his headphone back up over his ears.
“Hey, wait!” You reach out and place a hand on his wrist. “You think Mozart composed his operas by staying cooped up inside some tiny room all day and night?”
“Uh–” He begins, but you don’t let him get a word in before you’re carrying on.
“He didn’t. Mozart fucking killed it at billiards and partied hard, okay?”
“That just doesn’t sound true,” Jihoon says pointedly, shaking his head at you. You let go of his wrist and stand up, placing your hand on your hip.
“What? A bitch can’t know her history of classical composers?” you challenge, feigning more offense than you really feel. “Get up, Wolfgang. We’re going out.”
“You’re not gonna drop this, are you?”
“If you don’t feel re-upped on inspiration after taking a night off, I’ll write a four-page apology to your professor myself.”
“Like that’d change anything?”
“I mean, if he’s a sixty-year-old musician he’s probably a sucker for the story of temptress bitches and liquor distracting musical geniuses from their callings.”
“That’s… the grossest thing you’ve said on so many levels.”
“Yeah, I know,” you concur, nodding deeply, “So are you coming or not?”
“One drink.”
No one in the history of the college drinking has ever successfully kept a promise of ‘just one drink’
So three drinks later, you and Jihoon are dancing in a dark corner of a dive bar to an Earth, Wind & Fire track. The bass might as well be moving your feet for you as you sing-shout lyrics at Jihoon, grabbing one his hands in your own as if you’d written the words ‘say that you remember’ yourself and just for him.
It’s not clear if the flush across his face is from alcohol or embarrassment at your antics. Or something else, as he ducks is head from your view with a laugh you only just hear over the speakers blasting music.
It’s just past midnight when the two of come tumbling out of the bar hand-in-hand. You’re not sure exactly how it happened, unless it’s somehow just the case that neither one of you let go once you’d taken it while dancing.
“So why do you know about Mozart’s past times?” he finally asks as your ears adjust the contrasting quiet of the street.
“Like, half my friends are music majors,” you tell him with a laugh, “Soyee just wrote a midterm paper about how he wrote a shitton of dirty songs for his friends, or something.”
“You’re a good friend,” he comments, and you glance up from your careful steps on the sidewalk to give him a puzzled look at the sudden observation. He averts his gaze from yours just as soon as you make eye contact. “I mean, listening to your friends go on about their academic stuff and actually retaining it.”
“Mmm, and letting their boyfriends’ roommates basically switch rooms.” You grin a bit wider when he laughs.
“Never thought getting regularly sexiled would be a mixed blessing, true.” Your joint hands swing back and forth at a steady rhythm between the two of you.
“Now wait -- am I the blessing or the mixed part of that?” you tease as you come to a stop at a crosswalk. Headlights from passing cars in both directions illuminate Jihoon’s face as he looks back to you.
“It’s not obvious?” He speaks lower that you’re anticipating. The words would sound begrudging if not for the tinges of pink still coloring his features. Your smile twists into an inquisitive one, and your fingers lace a little tighter against his own.
You glance up at the traffic light. From this angle, you can still make out the shift from green to yellow. Before the oncoming traffic is brought to a stop to leave time for you both to cross, you lean in to press your lips to Jihoon’s.
His fingertips press into your knuckles with the surprise of it before he kisses you back. It’s a slow, exploratory kind of kiss. The taste of lingering vodka on his tongue doesn’t bother you, but when your chest bumps against his own, you realize this might not be the best place to have a make out session.
“You’re coming back to my room, right?” you nearly whisper when you pull your mouth away from his. Looking over your features with a dazed adoration, Jihoon only nods in reply.
He kisses you again in the stairwell of your building. As if it had only just fully registered that you’d expressed interest in him, he pulls you close to him and kisses you with an urgency that feels akin to disbelief. Your small giggles cut the second kiss short, and Jihoon grins with his arms around your waist. “You’re cute,” he confesses, lips skimming against the skin of your jaw.
“Come on,” you say, nudging his leg with your knee, “One more flight of steps.”
One more flight brings you to your hallway, and then to your door. But a muffled sound of crying steals your lusty smile from your face when you go to unlock it. When you open the door, both you and Jihoon frown at the sight of Xiening in tears on her bed.
You abandon Jihoon in doorway to rush to her side. “What happened?” you ask her, pulling her into a hug with all thoughts of getting laid gone from your mind.
“Wonwoo --” she chokes out through a sob as she buries her weepy face in your shoulder, “We fought!”
“What? Do you wanna tell me about it?” you continue, rubbing circles into your friend’s back. You glance back over your shoulder to the door and mouth at Jihoon to leave.
He looks dumbfounded, but he nods and closes the door before he goes.
In the morning, Xiening’s eyes are still puffy from tears. It had been a small thing, of course, that had felt like a world-shattering fight just by being the first time they disagreed. Haebin is the one to successfully convince her to go talk things out with Wonwoo.
You text Jihoon about half an hour after Xiening leaves to do just that, asking if the two of you could meet up to talk. He answers that he’s in the library, finishing up his composition midterm.
You find him on the first floor, and you’re glad he hasn’t tucked himself away in one of the silent study areas of the library. You collapse into the empty chair beside where he’s working and ask if Wonwoo told him anything about the argument.
At that question, Jihoon attention shifts from you back to his screen. He tells you doesn’t know anything about it.
“What do you mean you don’t know? Didn’t you talk to him about it at all?”
“He didn’t want to talk about it,” Jihoon answers too simply.
You roll your eyes. “You’re no help at all.”
He shrugs and continues entering notes on the score in front of him. You shift in your seat, wondering why the air feels so thick between the two of you this afternoon. Jihoon spares you a few glances as he continues composing before suddenly admitting, “When you said you wanted to talk I didn’t think it was about our roommates’ relationship.”
“We came back last night to find my best friend crying. What else would I want to talk about?”
“Nothing,” he says after a moment, looking back to the program in front of him, “I hope they sort things out.”
They do. But Jihoon stops crashing on Xiening’s bed.
You’re not certain what changed. Or rather, you’re not sure what changed between the two of you kissing and him suddenly deciding to avoid you. You go as far as asking Xiening where Jihoon is spending nights now, but she doesn’t know.
Actually reaching out to Jihoon feels like a step too far. After all, the two of you aren’t actually roommates. It’s none of your business if he’s found somewhere else to go on the nights his room is otherwise occupied by Wonwoo and Xiening.  
A week goes by without more than a text from Jihoon. You’d asked, on Tuesday night, if he was in a good place with his piece. His reply had only read yeah.
You’re not happy with the new distance. Which may be partly responsible for the eagerness in your acceptance when Xiening asks if you want to go out tonight.  
Hitting up your favorite bar with her succeeds in getting Jihoon off your mind. At least until Xiening announces that Wonwoo is going to drop by to hang out for a bit.
“Cool,” you tell her, “I feel like I haven’t actually seen him in ages.”
It’s considerably less cool when he shows up with Jihoon in tow.
“How’d your last midterm turn out?” you ask him somewhat hesitantly. Wonwoo and Xiening might as well have left the two of you alone with the way they slip into their own conversation as soon as they’re reunited at the table.
“I’m happy with it,” Jihoon answers with a succinct nod. At least it’s more than a one-word response.
You look down into the mixed drink in your glass. The low lights of the bar reflect in the dark liquid, and you listen in briefly to the couple laughing together just to your right.
“Your plan worked after all. The -- uh -- the getting out of my head thing. It did end up making it easier when I came back to the composition,” Jihoon continues just when you think the lack of conversation between you two will officially settle into awkwardness. “So, thanks.”
“I’m glad it did.” You smile faintly as you bring yourself to look at him once more. “Even if it ended up being kind of a crazy night.” Your eyes indicate towards Xiening and Wonwooo, and Jihoon lets out a sigh that almost tries to be laughter.
“I guess so.”
He’s the one avoiding looking at you now. You glance once more towards the chattering lovebirds before leaning forward a bit in your seat to reduce the space between you and Jihoon. You press your tongue to the roof of your mouth, debating for a moment if you might be overthinking and making one too many assumptions.
Impulse wins out, and you half-mutter, “You weren’t the crazy part of that night, you know?”
You lower your eyes to the scuffed up tabletop between you for a moment before checking to see if that brought Jihoon’s attention back to you. It is, but he looks for a loss of words. Still, there’s fondness that you recognize in his eyes from when his hands had been pressed to your sides.
“It’s been kinda lonely in the room without you or Xiening there,” you go on, biting lightly on your lip when you offer a tentative smile.
Jihoon does the same double-check as you had that your respective roommates are still too caught up in each other to notice your own discussion. “You were the one who acted like nothing happened at all.”
“I was worried about Xiening.” You worry the truth might not seem solid enough an excuse to Jihoon, but you stick to it nevertheless. “It also wouldn’t have been… great timing if they were about it break up.”
“But they didn’t,” he utters simply, giving a fleeting look their way before focusing in on your face again.
“No, they did not,” you reconfirm, shaking your head slowly. “So…”
“So I’m glad Wonwoo talked me into this.”
You wonder if this is just coming for drinks tonight or the decision to take up Xiening’s offered bed in the first place.  
By the end of the night you’re convinced it’s probably both, because Jihoon isn’t crashing on Xiening’s bed anymore. He’s sleeping in yours.
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rkchungha · 6 years
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✧ ☆⋆MGA SEASON 4 - #4040⋆☆ ✧
(ROUND 6 - Summertime)
✧ hurt locker - 9Muses (line distribution)
✧ outfit
✧ hair & makeup
✧ featuring: TEAM E Olympus: Demeter ( @rkwon ), Zeus ( @rkxsicheng​ ), Apollo ( @rktae ) Hermes ( @rksomi ), Ares ( @junhoerk )
oh how the mighty have fallen. to go from second place to nearly last the very next round makes chungha’s insides churn. she feels hollow with the mixed reviews her teams seem to be getting. barely good enough. never at the peak they could be. it was starting to feel like every other contestant in the mgas who hasn’t been eliminated has had a taste of what first place was like but her.
(she’s being dramatic but the mgas were a rollercoaster of emotion and it was dragging chungha along for the bumpy ass ride.)
her only saving grace were the new teams this round. she was in a group with people she mostly considered her friends; save for two individuals she had yet to meet. the first was wonwoo. he was a bit on the quiet side. he introduced himself as won (to which chungha said, “won? money man. you’re a money man.” and he jokingly responded, “i wish”). he was cool. shy but definitely worth getting to know.
the only other person she was first meeting was taehyung who, for some inexplicable reason, just exuded a funny and chill nature that he and chungha clicked immediately. no awkward getting to know each other conversations. it was just as it was. being that she was the eldest (again), taehyung took to calling her noona quickly. for leader, her vote went to sicheng. between him and wonwoo, she had worked with him previously. sicheng was a hard worker and despite the language barrier, he did well.
choosing the song was a long process. they had so many great summer songs to choose from. they started with ten songs and finally narrowed it down between two: red flavour and hurt locker. the group settled on hurt locker by 9muses. this sparked the idea from chungha that they should call themselves olympus like greek mythology. taehyung added that they should all go by greek god names too. chungha ultimately decided on aphrodite, with a smile tossed junhoe’s way when he went with ares himself.
by the end of the first day (after chungha sat down and got the basis of line distribution), chungha had taken to wearing a baseball cap while she practised with her hair stuffed into it. she stayed late that first day with junhoe. because he had so many main parts, he sadly had to be put in centre despite his lack of dancing skills. junhoe had the singing down pact, thankfully. it just required a lot of focus on the footwork.
it was nice to be on a team of dancers. somi, wonwoo and sicheng picked up on the dances as quickly as chungha did. this left the four of them to helping the two dance-challenged members of their group for the latter half of their practise days. wonwoo (money man, as chungha continuously referred to him as) offered to help with placements. there was six of them and 8 members of 9muses at the time of this comeback. it made it all the easier to shorten it for the group’s sake.
wonwoo seemed the most comfortable in conversation when it was centered around the performance. chungha thinks he’s cool, talented and obviously knows what he’s doing. “thanks for helping me,” she says gratefully. “usually because i dance the most in my teams i’m usually doing all the placements myself and having to figure it out.” she pats his back. “thanks, money man. i think you’ll make a great leader to your next group next round.”
during one of their breaks, while the group was eating together, somi and chungha were making plans for her outfit this round. “you know you can just borrow my clothes,” chungha tells her in between bites. “it’s cheaper that way and i know we wear the same size.” she shrugs. and if somi wanted to keep the outfit, she definitely could. lest her father get upset with her outfit again. “i’ll facetime you tonight and we can go through my closet.”
after practise hours she stays behind to work on her own parts and help whoever else needs it. in the morning, junhoe picks her up and takes her to the sphere building so they usually arrive together. on wednesday morning, they both stroll in wearing hats on their head, completely obscuring their hair. it’s a normal feature for chungha now but today she never removes her cap.
come time for the relay, chungha reveals her hair colour. after her two minutes was up, she stuffs her blonde hair back into the cap. it remains that way for the rest of the week.
taehyung and chungha (mostly chungha) were joking at first in attempts to find a way to make their group stand out that much more with their team name and stage names. they were mostly stupid ideas until chungha mentioned taehyung taking centre and doing something dramatic as he introduced the group. she demonstrated with her sweater how she envisioned him walking up and throwing a coat off of him, mimicking his deeper voice when she says, “we’re olympus!”
it pushes them both in a fit of laughter over it. the joke becomes a little more real the more they flesh out the idea. soon enough, the entire team is on it, pitching in ideas with how taehyung should be a diva and toss his coat on someone before they do their group introductions. they practise until they have it down pact.
come the day for recordings, they’re the last group to go on. it’s a bit nerve wracking having to watch everyone else and be unable to gauge how well their performance would be perceived. chungha hopes that with their introduction coupled with being a girl group performance (the only one) will catch attention.
when team e is called they go up on stage as they practised with taehyung in centre. ”we’re team olympus!” taehyung introduces. he does his coat stunt as they practised earlier in the week. chungha giggles as she helps push the coat off stage. for each of their solo introductions, they introduce themselves as their greek god counterparts. “hello, I’m olympus’ aphrodite!” chungha says with a wink.
they move into position for their performance. chungha adjusts her hair before the music cue. she keeps her demeanour bright as they start the song. it was more of a sexy song so chungha keeps it in mind to play up the facial expressions as she performs.
dancing, chungha’s right shoe felt a bit weird. she ignored it, dancing away regardless of the weird feeling it kept giving her whenever she rose from a squatted position. in the midst of somi and sicheng’s verse, chungha feels her heel snap. her right leg buckles. she stumbles the little hops during somi’s line. she kicks off the broken shoe towards the back at the end of somi’s verse. for a few counts she has to do in one heel, her barefoot on her tip toes to stay balanced. thankfully junhoe’s verse right before chungha’s own calls for her to go back into a kneeled position in the choreography. she quickly slips off the other heel and tosses it to the back of the stage. she has to rush a bit to reach her mark in the front. she does so calmly, singing the bridge into the chorus confidently. she stands at her normal height barefoot like this — which is shorter than how she’s seemed thus far considering most of her performances had been done in heels.
the stage is cold beneath her feet. she tries to not let it bother her (and she tries not to think about how mnet will choose to edit this). instead she puts focus into the latter half of the performance that she has left to finish strongly. to show that despite the malfunction, she can still dance and sing damn well. her cheeks are a bit red; she feels the heat in them. yet as the song goes on, the embarrassment washes away. besides, there’s better things to focus on in the performance. like how taehyung “subtly” (she can’t tell) pats her behind during his rap or how she smirks when hands are on her in her last full verse in the song, winking at the camera before the group separates to wrap up the song.
everything feels different once she’s off stage. it rushes at her all at once. she holds the final pose for three heartbeats until she moves, scurrying to the back of the stage to grab her heels. she feels a thick lump in her throat that she can’t remove. she can only hope that it doesn’t reflect badly on her.
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bfseventeen · 6 years
Carat Day || Seventeen as Carats
This is not our usual boyfriend content, but we wanted to do something special for Carat Day so please enjoy!
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the ultimate carat 
loves and supports seventeen with all of his heart 
goes to every single concert, meet up and fan sign event 
knows the fanchants by heart and probably yells them the loudest 
signs and raps along to every song 
really energetic on concerts 
has a lot of merch 
probably seventeen recognizes him 
really proud of them probably cried when they got their first win 
bias: chan 
ship: literally everyone
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started to stan because of one fine day 
which explains his choice of bias 
probably skipped school at some point because seventeen dropped a mv 
watches fan theories but never tries to analyze them because that's too much 
stays up all night to watch fan cams 
has a tumblr page with very specific and short tags so it's really neat 
and you can find everything there 
you can search for seungcheol's hand and five pages will pop up 
goes on long hiatus and no one knows why because he never tells but irl he is just bored of posting and probably rewatches one fine day 
enjoys reading nsfw fics
bias: mingyu 
ship: mingyu and aji
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does an acoustic cover of every single seventeen song
he has a youtube channel where he uploads videos talking about fanboy life
he also makes videos with hansol who has his own channel as well
they sometimes try to cover seventeen’s dances but not always succeed
he is enthusiastic about his rapping but no one tells him that he is not that good
his confidence cannot be stopped 
he feels attacked whenever hip hop unit curses in english 
but lowkey enjoys it
always asks on vlive from the members to speak in english
“you need jesus” - says whenever they do or say something perverted
bias: seokmin
ship: wonhui
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soft stan who does a lot of translating and subbing from korean to chinese
he does all the subbing by himself and he is very tired every time but he likes to work this much for other chinese fans who don’t understand korean
he is very active on twitter and he even tries to interact with his mutuals in english
whenever seventeen comes to china he just has to be there
literally never missed any chinese fan meeting or concert
when he meets the members on a fan signing event he tries to teach them each a word in chinese
he is just overall soft and friendly
bias: seungkwan - because he likes it how caring and funny he is
ship: the gag trio - they are just hilarious and junhui likes to laugh at them
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new seventeen video out? doesn’t even take a day for him to upload a new dance tutorial video of their choreo
he likes to add his own style into the dance covers
people are telling him he could be an idol as well or a choreographer
he is part of a couple of dance crews
one time he danced to boomboom while wearing a mask
people thought he is an idol
does reaction videos to year end award show performances
he likes body roll movements a lot
both doing it and watching it 
bias: junhui - because of his dancing skills
ship: he is a sucker for China line
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what is sleep and school in wonwoo’s life? 
he only knows gaming and fan fiction writing 
he is online 24/7 and he has different names for his gaming and blogging profile
on tumblr he goes by @/stanseventeen and he writes different aus with the members
he loves to put the members into mystery and fantasy genres 
he has many followers and they often ask him for advice on their daily lives
he is always asking them to go on variety shows
probably watched going seventeen episodes more than once
but when in real life he meets with kpop fans he becomes really shy
he even hides away the merches he has when he is in public
he is just an overall shy and soft stan
bias: hansol - because he really likes his funny side but also his laid-back style of rap
ship: he just loves verkwan because they are so silly and soft (and so real tbh) 
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is there for the music 
probably has every single version of their albums 
makes remixes of the songs and uploads them on his soundcloud 
a lot of people ask him about his bias but he always tells them that he doesn't have a personal favorite 
because obviously what matters to him is the music 
but secretly he has a soft spot for one of the members 
and because some carats know him from soundcloud they record him on a high touch event and they leak a footage of him almost passing out when seeing Jeonghan 
he also states that he doesn't do ships 
he does 
bias: jeonghan 
ship: jeongcheol
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that confused fan who never knows what’s going on
but is still supportive and loud af
he does a lot of song covers and he gets praised for his talent
even when he doesn’t understand what’s going on he is still laughing his ass off
he loves vocal unit he is really amazed by their talents
probably could win in high note battle against the members
he is always so nervous when he meets them during events
one time he cried so much seungcheol had to calm him down
he is a soft stan so when they are too exposed he wants to put a coat on them
when he goes outside he literally wears only seventeen merch
bias: jihoon obviously the producing legend with an angelic voice
ship: he is too pure for shipping 
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the artsy one, no surprise
he does digital, traditional, any kind of art of the members
his favorite style is chibi because it makes them even cuter
he sells his own art in stickers, key chains, and anything you can imagine
from that money he buys art supplies and seventeen merch for himself
occasionally he uploads a how-to video or shows his drawing process 
he gifts the members presents that he made by hand
they are also personalized
he likes to design clothes with their logos and with rose quartz and serenity colors 
has been dying to see the members on the return of superman
he wants to have 13 dogs each named after a member
bias: wonwoo - the chill cutie whom he loves to draw realistic portraits of
ship: soonwoo - they are fun and seem soft with each other
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runs a chinese fansite alone 
always there at the airport when they arrive 
takes a lot of pictures and he is slowly improving 
does airport fashion evaluations 
always worried about their health 
some of them got injured? he already wrote a long rant about it and is ready to sue pledis 
"just let them rest damnit" 
always sends them cute messages when they post on sns 
mainly to jun because his korean isn't that good 
never wants to admit but mingyu is his biggest bias wrecker 
always feels attacked by him 
loves the choreos and since he is in a street dance group he always sneaks in a little seventeen 
bias: soonyoung 
ship: soonhoon
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literally has no chill when someone insults seventeen or carats
he gets into fights and arguments pretty easily online
he is like in the battlefront when it comes to fan wars
but with his mutuals he is really sweet
if he sees pledis mistreating seventeen well he is going to be that one netizen who really doesn't leave the company alone until they do justice
on fansigns the members can already recognize him
he always makes them laugh and gives them funny gifts
he can even be sassy with the members but they like him a lot
hates when the members have to rank each other on their looks
he is a lowkey abbs hunter whenever they have loose sweatshirts on
bias: joshua - with his sweet voice and funny rap style
ship: jihan 
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the meme master 
has a folder only dedicated to svt memes 
someone of seventeen made a derp face? has it gifed in milliseconds 
has a crack youtube video account where he uploads videos with face voice overs 
when someone posts something online he replies with a meme 
literally haunting seventeen 
probably has the tweet of that one time when minghao noticed him printed and framed 
always asks them to do the trends 
goes to concerts with cardboards of their derp faces 
he likes them peach booties and tight pants
bias: seungcheol 
ship: meanie
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a hardworking carat 
organizes fan projects worldwide for concert 
also organizes for special events and they are pretty big 
like they would turn off the music during their performance and have the whole arena sing while a video is played for seventeen 
has a carat squad that everyone knows and likes 
they interact a lot online openly and they are pretty funny 
the one who sends birthday presents to every member 
and buys food for fan signs because they have to eat 
"guys the moral of the story is stan seventeen" 
stays up to vote and uses several accounts 
streams mvs for weeks 
bias: minghao 
ship: gyuhao
Happy Carat Day!
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