quainthebelle · 9 months
2-gether, we are 8.
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Once upon a time… Nah, you’ll never get a fairy tale or anything like that from me because I can’t write a beautiful sentence. Please understand if I can only loving you right seven days a week, pft.
Anyway, meet again on the second 28th. Wow, it’s been 60 days, dear? It seems like a short time, but I’m so happy to have spent two months with you. At this time, I apologize profusely for only being able to give you this meager gift. It’s just a simple gift, but I hope you can accept it. Shall we start now, love? Okay, here we go.
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How we —.
It’s only been 2-3 days since I entered RPW, and suddenly there’s someone who’s interested in me because I only reply to his tweets (I can’t find the tweet help). Idk how I can interpret our meeting. Was it a simple accident, or a divine blessing? There are too many coincidences that can’t be explained, to the point where I also can’t understand the atmosfer because you’ve acted so unreasonably.
Here I dropped a few conversations between us that left me extremely confused karena kamu nih bisaan banget bikin aku pusing 7 keliling mikirin mau pake adat apa, terus mau punya anak berapa?
Hello thinly.
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Hello boldly.
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What the Hello??
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Every day, every hours, every minute, every second, you always make me bothered by your behavior, which is the behavior that can make my days surrounded by happiness and joy. Even though you are sometimes more annoying, but that’s where I find the other side of you. Mwah pukis pukis. /(^3^)/
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My first confession.
As you can see, “Idiots in Love” itu punya arti khusus buat aku pribadi. Sebetulnya di saat kamu belum hadir, aku lagi ada difase ngerasa gak pantes dicintai. Jadi, aku berusaha keras ngebangun tembok raksasa supaya gak ada yang bisa nembus tameng aku (ceritanya). Tapi tiba-tiba, ini beneran di luar dugaanku banget parah. Aku harus ngadepin sikon di mana ada seorang cowok dengan lancangnya ngeruntuhin benteng kokoh yang udah aku bangun susah payah. Iya, siapa lagi kalo bukan kamu, Matteo Hadzan Dwardy, the main suspect!
Mungkin kamu baru tau ini, tapi jujur aja, waktu kamu pertama kali berani (banget) ngetuk pintu hati aku, posisi aku nih lagi mode was-was, soalnya saat itu aku kepikiran kalau semisal aku ngerasain lagi rasa sakit yang entah bisa datang kapan aja, akunya udah sanggup belum, ya? Kayaknya kamu masih inget sekilas, jaman kita PDKT aku pernah minta hubungan kita jangan diresmiin cepet-cepet. Walaupun aku takut kamu berpaling karena buanyak buanget cewek yang ngantri jadi pacar kamu, tapi aku lebih takut kalo kedepannya aku gak bisa terus menerus ngasih kebahagiaan untuk kamu. Nyatanya, kamu selalu ngeyakinin aku setiap harinya, make sure keadaan dan perasaan aku tiap kita ngobrol. So, yah… what can I do? Your pelet are to powerfull. This idiot girl apparently fell in love again.
Yup, that’s the deal. Semoga kamu bisa ngerti kenapa aku butuh waktu untuk ngerapihin perasaan aku. Coba aja waktu kamu deketin aku terus kita langsung pacaran, kira-kira kamu seneng, gak? Eits, sayangnya gak semudah itu ngeluluhin aku. Emang cocoknya kamu aja yang bernafsu, aku mah kalem, cantik, body nya bagus (???) mana bisa srugal-srugul kayak kamu wleee, hahaha. But from the bottom of my heart, I’m glad we’ve come this far, and I appreciate your patience and willingness to break through the barriers I set up. You’ve shown me that love can be a beautiful and healing experience. Who knows, we might just turn this funny situation into something truly remarkable? Can’t wait to make another kamcagi stories with you! ♡
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About the 28.
You once told me that you actually wanted to make our thing official on the 27th so there would be a song to match the occasion, but it didn’t works because you missed the chance. Hence, you stuck to the 28th. Funny enough, for me, that date is quite meaningful. In February, we can still enjoy that date, and I’ve been thinking about many things based on the number 28. Totally random, but it’s just so cute and amusing to me.
2-gether, we are 8.
Can you spell the sentence slowly, abi?
Aight, you’ve done? Then, what are you spelling? Together, we are eight? Eum, nope.
The correct one is Together, we are infinity. Okay, sorry if that sounds cringe bzzz suddenly the idea popped into my head, and I just remembered if 8 can be ∞. After realize, I was woah.. jinjja nomu daebak. <(*O*)> Is this a sign that if we are together, there will be no end aka forever? I love my positive mind (you either).
Iya iya, betul artinya itu. Keren banget gak sih aku, bisa kepikiran sampe situ? Aku aja kaget sama diriku sendiri? Menurut kamu gimana? Keren gak sloganku? Jangan lupa kasih aku cium setelah ini pokoknya. ㅠㅠ
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Matteo Hadzan Dwardy + Ayouta Oci Raveena = ∞
I’ve entrusted all my wishes for our second monthiversary on the 28th to God, and that’s all there is to it. Whether you know the specifics or not, one thing is certain: my love for you will never wane, and I will continue loving you endlessly.
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Happy 2nd monthiversary, Mahabi! ♥︎
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From your honeypot, Ocibu.
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linkspooky · 1 year
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Last time on Choujin X we went through and entire year of our characters living apart and endeavoring to be heroes, now we return to Tokio’s story the same day he returns to his friends. A lot has happened, so let’s cover it underneath the cut. 
1. The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same
As the first chapter after the timeskip, and therefore the beginning of a new chapter of the story there are several parallels in this chapter for the first few chapters of the manga. Starting out with beginning on a plane ride with  Choujin Girl talking about her dream. 
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The new girl’s dream even resembles Ely’s it’s equally shallow dreaming of being rich and having hunky guys falling all over her.  This chapter also starts out with a plane hijacking, although the difference is Ely  was the victim of a hijacking while this girl is the perpetrator in this scenario. 
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This time as well, Ely is also on the planet but her place is reversed. This time she is the one powerful enough to save the plane from the enemy Choujin, while before her survival against Chandra Hume was more or less a complete accident because of the awakening of her power. She’s gone from victim to hero more or less. 
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Chandra also used his smoke power to crash the planet, while Ely is able to use her power to bring the planet down safely with no fatalities, even if the choujin they were fighting got away. 
Azama is in an interesting position as well. The time spent training seems to have made him gain enough confidence in his power he’s freely using them without berserking or going in control, essentially returning to the confident Azama we meet at the beginning of the manga. At the same time, despite detaining the choujin they were fighting and winning the battle, they lose the war because Zora appears to crash the plane. 
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Which makes their victory feel hollow, despite the fact there were no survivors and the plane landed safely enough. At the beginning of the manga Azama was the one confident in his position as a hero, even without powers and Tokio was the one who constantly needed him to be around. 
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This time we appear to return to the self-confident and self-possessed Azama, fighting at the top of his game, and he still can’t win. Him and Ely notice Tokio’s absence from the group and wonder if they’re just not strong enough without his presence. On top of that, this might be speculation but I detect a note of bitterness in the way Azama refers to Tokio as Iwato’s hero.
 Azama again has always had problems with the idea of Tokio separating himself and proving he can fight on his own. On top of that, the way they were separated with Tokio just deciding to cut them entirely out of his life without saying goodbye, probably doesn’t leave their relationship in a good space. Compare Azama, who failed to beat the bad guys and only managed to bring the plane down safely, to Tokio here who’s getting newspaper announcements claiming how he single handedly saved the day in Iwato. 
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Another parallel is the presence of Chandra Hume, the secondchapter of the manga is one long chase scene where Chie is the victim again and Hume is the perpetrator trying to hunt her down. This time, it’s Chie trying to chase Hume while he flees, using te power she stole from him while he’s been completely drained of his own smoke abilities. 
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At the end of the fifth chapter while Tkio is running away from the snake Choujin, he’s saved by Ely who arrives at the exact right moment. This time however, it’s Ely who’s cornered by another Toujin, and upon making his return to the prefecture the first thing Tokio does is return to save her. Once again the positions of the characters are flipped in this callback. 
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Ths is just an observation but while Tokio is pronounced as Iwato’s hero in the newspaper announcements, and was pictured in nature more confidently using his choujin transformation because of his fully developed wings, at the end of the chapter Tokio’s low self esteem seems to be very much present. He introduces himself in a lame-way in a very Tokio-like fashion, and instead of making his triumphant return he’s walking by looking beaten up in a pair of crutches. 
Perhaps to show off the difference of how Azama might perceive Tokio having no contact with him, and only reading about him in the newspaper headlines where he’s off being a hero in some other prefecture. If not, then we’re meant to draw a comparison between Tokio’s full gledged state at the start of the manga, has he established himself as a hero now, or is he still a nobody like he believed himself to be in chapter one? 
One last thing I would like to mention is the instigating event of Tokio and Azama awakening their Choujin powers. The whole reason that Tokio chose to become a Choujin in the first place, was not that he wanted to become a hero, but because if he didn’t do it he would be left behind by Azama. 
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Now we have the reversal of that situation. Azama is the one who was left behin because Tokio willingly separated himself without saying goodbye. Tokio likely had the same motivation, if he didn’t find his own way in the world he didn’t think he’d be able to keep up with Azama and Ely.
 At the same time since Tokio didn’t bother to say goodbye or explain himself or even keep in contact, a pretty selfish thing to do just ghost a friend like that, Azama himself might see it as Tokio just choosing to leave him behind. Even if he had the exact opposite intention, to become someone stronger so they could stay together. 
Either way, I believe all of these parallels to the first few chapters are intentionally used by Ishida Sui to say, things have permanently changed now and there’s no go back to the way things used to be, especially in the case of Azama and Tokio’s friendship, no matter how much the characters might wish to. 
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englishmodernism · 5 years
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Phoenix ‘Push on, it’s all we can ever do’ 10 days ago I could never ever have imagined what has happened since the warehouse fire. I just cannot begin to thank all the kind folk out there for their warmth, kindness and generosity. It was Graham Moss, from the Incline Press, who sent me that good advice, and that’s precisely, with your support, what I intend to do. I can now reprint last year’s Design For Today’s books that were mostly lost and also press ahead with this year’s publications too. My collection will wait whilst I think over what to do but I’ve enough things here to keep me posting and sharing the books and illustrations I love. Down the line a thank you Party is being planned, but here’s Stephen Russ’s Phoenix that was commissioned by Hans Schmoller for D H Lawrence’s Penguins. #phoenix #stephenruss #designfortoday @incline_press #secondchapter #thankyou https://www.instagram.com/p/BsfJ-H7AuFn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13959k68gto31
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Colored slate.
Life has a way of surprising us with new things everyday. May it be from minuscule information, to really life-changing ones. With the things that I have been acquainted with this week, I have realized three things about myself:
 I am a low maintenance friend.
I am that type of friend who doesn’t need constant communication and everyday interaction to sustain our friendship. For me, it doesn’t matter if we haven’t talked to each other for months or years, I will still treat you the way I treat all of my friends.
I am a combination of the different people I have met before.
I am who I am today not only because of my own experiences but also because of the people that touched my life. Consciously or unconsicously, a part of them had been shared with me; and a part of me had been shared with them.
I have changed, and maybe that’s okay. 
I know that change is not something that we should be afraid of, however, there are still times when I wonder how the “old me” would react to the “new me”. Would she be proud? Would she agree with what I’m doing? Did I change for the better? Though these questions really boggled my mind, I still dismissed them eventually from my head because I think it’s still to early for me to think about the answer.
All these realizations of mine will probably help me be more mindful of how I think, speak, and interact with other people. I will try my best to always be a blessing to others. Hopefully, it will pass on from one person to another so that even little by little, we can make this world a better place.
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debrarelly · 4 years
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Sometimes the second chapter is so much better than the first one. Someone will really understand these words today and celebrate a new beginning in an old story. Perhaps it is time to create the new storyline and bring new characters on board. As our life plots twist and turn the story becomes uniquely our own. Don’t judge your story by someone else’s. Chapter 2 might be the one that brings forth new information which helps to create that wonderful happy ending. Celebrate the small victories today and don’t expect things to be handed on a silver plater. This might take a little hard work but the effort will be worth it. Show the Universe that you are willing to step up to the plate and give it your best shot! And so it is.., ~Debra~ #dailydosefromdebra#secondchapter#learnedthehardway #letgoandgrow #findyourfreedom #begin#againstallodds #trysomethingnew #makenewfriends #angels#prayer#prayersanswered https://www.instagram.com/p/CFKnZbVArn9/?igshid=1kh53inr8dqcf
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velouria-records · 4 years
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White label promo of Fleetwood Mac’s Danny Kirwan’s solo debut! Available for curbside pick up. $11.98 Comment to claim! #NowPlaying #Vinyl #DannyKirwan #SecondChapter #RockNRoll #1970s #FleetwoodMac #ShopLocal #BrickAndMortar #LoyalToLocal #NoFilter #EverydayIsRecordStoreDay #Visalia #WaxWars #VelouriaRecords (at Velouria Records) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDE2tsBJphd/?igshid=1w55z61wty6t
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myrluna-myrsophie · 4 years
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Chapter 2 of my Jack Frost fanfics is now readable! Changed the title to Jack Frost And The Moon Princess though Enjoy reading! #newchapter #JackFrost #moon #riseoftheguardians #fanfiction #wattpad #secondchapter https://www.instagram.com/p/CBYXe97F8Ie/?igshid=1ifmi6oxp02xl
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greenjaydeep · 6 years
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#krpf #queever #secondchapter #party #fundraiser #fundraising #krpw2017 (at Masque Lounge & Bar)
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pedfantasies · 5 years
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First movie date namin ni misis ay yung Part 1 ng IT. Now we are back for the Second Chapter. In fairness mas natuwa kami dito kesa nung unang movie. Galing ni Bill Hader! #MovieNight #DateNight #itmovie #secondchapter #BillHader #StephenKing #DayInTheLifeOfThePanlilios (at SM Cinema - SM Mega Mall) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2HRkzNB4ba/?igshid=c4gdoxfzyqrq
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thelastvaquita-blog · 5 years
Debt: Chapter 2
"Yea, I used to play with Xzilet. Good kid, or at least, I think he was a kid. He seemed sorta.. different at times, I guess. I never really knew much about him, or anyone, really. We were all some sorta misfits, it worked pretty well out. It was a lot of fun, getting on in the afternoon, sayin' hi to everyone, partying up for scen-" "Could you please start with how this group formed?" "Oh, yea, I reckon so. Um, so, I've been playing for about eight years, see. I got into it right after it was released, came and went a little, but mostly stuck with it. I was always a little worried that they might add lootboxes, DLC, something stupid, but it's been good." "T h e   g r o u p?" "Hold up, I'm getting there. Sheesh. So ever since it came out, there are clans, yea? And I never liked those guys, always hanging out, ganging up on solos, being dicks. Grown men ought to be socializing out in bars, and kids ought not to be learnin' how to be bullies. Feel? Bad deal all around. Well, one day, I came across these two guys. Well, gal and guy. Just, farmin', talking about life. I snuck behind 'em, figured they might have some good stuff, but I ended up listenin' to 'em, for a good hour. Man..." The man shook his head. "... they got problems. Bad kids, bad landlords, debts, health stuff, the works. I thought I had it bad, before, but nope. Not even close. The thing was, they weren't depressed, ya know? Like, they had some shit, but they were having fun, bein' civil. And didn't feel wrong, ya know? Like, duckin' responsibility. They were figurin' out how to approach things, how to make 'em better. Right proper people, not rich snobs, but not your absent pap type neither. So I came out, from my shrub, said hello. Damn near got my character blown to bits, but that's the way of it. Told 'em I had heard 'em talking, asked if I could join 'em. Said I could, just 'slong as I kept my hands in my own pockets, 'n' my head above my shoulders. Fine by me, and from then on, we were together, me and them. Turned out that they had a group, a club, not for bein' toxic, but for support. Only rule - be yourself. That's it. So I joined Periapsis. We got on, every day, did some trainin', some quests, some farmin'. Got some good players, good tips. But mostly, we talked. And I had a family again.”
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sairahafeez990 · 5 years
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#illusion by #SairaHafeez #wattpadstories #secondchapter #readingtime📖 https://my.w.tt/jEEoWql93V https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwg_IENg-KD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rv2iz1um2gdo
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boysbygirls · 4 years
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Imagine growing up in a small town village. The same people passing your kitchen window every day. The same streets in your town that you know every corner of. What happens when you are pulled out of this and thrown into a new world? In our latest story, editor Cecilie Harris meets 22-year old model Fabian Gray again after four years. Photographed by Gigi Umbraiste and styled by Nathan Henry, this is Fabian’s second chapter. 
Follow Fabian’s story.
Fabian wears Coat by Nanamica.
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nespounta · 4 years
#Paris2020 #SomeWhereInTheCity #Gambetta #IprodzStudio #SecondChapter #LaGraviteMeme #EJM #DeeNasty #GranMaster #Zulu #LivinLegends #HipHop #Rap #DjKeshkoon #DjManu #Culture #Knowledge #WorkAndFun #Guerrilleros #ForLife #HastaLaMuerte #AndMore https://www.instagram.com/p/CCRKHg2Cbhg/?igshid=qxjcco0pp31h
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How lucky are two people to fall in love with each other at exactly the right time in exactly the right way..... love conquers all! #soulmates #forevertuesday #thisnisus #weareone #meanttobe #lovequotes #sedonaescape #letsmakemagic #secondchapter (at Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrG5H1_H5tP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rhgrb0rw333k
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sheleadsblog · 6 years
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It’s a new chapter, The #SecondChapter for #SheLeads. Thank you to The Cunningham Group at Morgan Stanley and my awesome marketing Director @gesellsusan for making this happen!! This is our amazing venue for the She Leads 2018 conference for women entrepreneurs and leaders, taking place on OCTOBER 26th. All the pieces are falling into place! 🌟🌟🌟🌟 . . . #SheLeads #SheLeads2018 #womenhelpingwomen #nycconference #octoberconference #SecondChapter #womenempowerment #womenlead #womenleaders #womenentrepreneurs #entrepreneurship #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife (at Times Square, New York City) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bmb6OMnFiw9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=h6oxiidh70yb
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soulmatestories · 6 years
Story 1: Chapter 2
We glanced down at our wrists, and sure enough, our timers had both gone off. Finally. It all made sense. The reason I could never get over the boy that would never be mine, was because he was mine. I finally understood why I was so in love with this one person, this person who, up until now, wasn't my soulmate. I didn't understand at first why our timers hadn't gone off when we met. But to be totally honest, I was happier it happened now. We knew each other, we got to grow apart and then back together, we got this intimate moment between the two of us instead of an awkward moment around a group of people, and we got to grow up and fully understand this. I was filled with joy, until he finally spoke...
"What the hell?! This makes no sense! I don't understand!" He looked up at me, "I don't get it! How can our timers go off! We're not soulmates! This isn't the first time we met! This must be some sort of fluke! Do you understand any of this?!"
"No." I lied.
"How are you totally chill about this?!" He questioned.
"I'm not. I'm just really confused. We've known each other for years. I don't know how this could happen now." I lied right threw my teeth. I knew exactly what was happening. I had read about it. It only happened once in a while. It was rare, but it happened. This was no fluke.
"This is crazy! We have to call someone about this! There's someone we can call, right?!" He started panicking.
"I'm sure there is, I'll look it up."
I found a number we could call on the internet. He called and started freaking out on the poor person that answered. He was told that it was no fluke, and sometimes it just worked like that. That answer didn't quite satisfy him. He continued to scream through the phone for another 10 minutes. I just sat on the couch, trying to hold back tears. I knew how I felt. I knew it for awhile. I knew he was the boy I wanted to be with. However, life tends to suck. How could we be soulmates if he didn't even feel that way about me? How could he not feel that way about me?! We had been through so much together!
After a long silence, I finally left. When I got home, I went straight to my room and cried. I finally had a chance to be happy, and that was ripped away by the one who was supposed to make me happy. Why didn't he feel the same? Was it something I did? Why would his timer go off if he didn't feel the same? I didn't understand.
The next day at school, he ignored me. I felt horrible. Why was this my life? The next month was the worst month of my life. My person basically hated me, and I couldn't do anything about it. Everytime I tried to talk to him or even wave, he ignored me and walked away. I knew he saw me, he looked right into my eyes, right into my soul, right into my heart, and broke it into a million pieces. I didn't know if he knew how much of an affect he had on me, all I knew was that his every move affected me. After all this, the torture, the sadness, I was still hopelessly in love with him. This hit me really hard. I'd lost more than my soulmate, I'd lost my best friend.
About a month after the timers went off, I opened my locker and a note fell out. I read it in disbelief. I wasn't surprised by the contents of the note, I was surprised by the fact that I he had written me a note at all. My shock soon turned to anger. How dare he write me a damn note! He entirely knew what this was doing to me! He didn't even care! If you don't feel the same, fine! But at least have the courage to say it to my face! I didn't deserve to be treated like this! It was about damn time I realized this! I marched right up to him and held the note up to his face.
Dear Savannah.
I'm sorry about everything. I know I've been ignoring you. I just don't know what to say. I don't feel the way I'm supposed to. Sorry. I'm sure you probably feel the same.
- Jack
"What the hell is this?!" I exclaimed.
"Uhhh, a note." He answered as if I was an idiot.
"I'm aware that it's a note! Why did you write the note?! Why a note?! Why couldn't just talk to me?!"
"Look, I just don't really -"
"Feel that way, yeah I got that! The least you could do was say it to my face! Instead of writing this stupid note! I just don't understand why you couldn't talk to me! So our timers went off when we were together, so what! I'm still your friend! I don't deserve to be treated like this! So please, explain why you couldn't just say it to my face!"
He stared at me for a long moment. I looked back at him, waiting for a response. He just looked at me his mouth opened, with no words coming out. I stared at him with a look on my face that kind of said "Well?". He continued to look at me without saying anything. Finally, he reached out, held my face in his hands, and kissed me. It was passionate, soft, sweet, and completely and entirely worth the wait.
"That's why." He finally said.
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