quainthebelle · 2 days
48 Weeks for Ever.
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Throughout heyday and the year I have lived with no fear because I know where my heart has been taken all this time, for you the one holding me back from crime. I loved you for 3 seasons, and now I love you more than that.
I don’t think we’ve been through this in the same way. In good or bad conditions, we can be as great as this to maintain our relationship. We managed to hold each other and embrace each other until it felt like my pulse was beating because of you. I’m happy side by side with someone like you, a person who makes me blush without knowing the time.
I love how you hold me, and I love how you tell me I’m perfect in your eyes. I love how you look at me funny when I say something stupid. I love even what you say about yourself. I love that you say sweet things to me, and I love everything about you. I think my words cannot describe how perfect you are, indeed. I feel very happy when you say you love me, you say you need me, and you say you miss me. I don't know why, but it’s so cute. You can make me cheer up every time you say those touching words. You only belong to me. Yes, to me, Ayouta Oci Raveena.
Sweetheart, If you feel bored, tired, or something else, please let me know. Okay? Until then, I’ll always stay here for you. I love you so much, and I know you feel the same, right? Just be who you are if you are with me. I’m not a stranger to you anymore, and I’ll always do anything I can to make you more comfy.
Thank you for being my Edelweiss. Thank you for being my person. Thank you for being mine. I always feel the best when I’m around you. Thank you for making me feel worthy, and thank you for every second of your existence in my life. I always feel safe whenever I’m with you. I hope you always receive the best thing in life, and you always do. Aamiin. 
Thank you for always being by my side, lelaki perkasaku. Eum… it feels like I want to hug you, like I hug the world SO SO tightly >_<. I hope we can get better over time until fate tells us where our final destination is. I’m more than seriously in love with you. The size of the universe is still not enough to string my love for you.
For the closes, I want to say good and happiest 11th mensive for us. I know this super tardy, seems simple, short, and not worth the valuable gifts out there, but Mahabi, believe me, I give this to you with all my heart, and my breath will walk with you. I hope you feel likewise, dear Matteo Hadzan Azzaren Dwardy, my everything.
Yours truly,
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quainthebelle · 2 months
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To Thee, O Vessel of Wonder.
Arise, beloved, from the slumber of self-doubt.
Cast aside the veils of insecurity that shroud your radiance. Within you dwells a universe of potential, an infinite wellspring of possibility.
Acknowledge the divinity that resides within your core.
You are a masterpiece, a work of art in progress. Each scar, each freckle, each unique feature tells a story of your journey. Embrace your imperfections, for they are the very essence of your beauty.
Nurture your soul with kindness and compassion.
Speak to yourself with the same tenderness you would offer a cherished friend. Forgive yourself for past mistakes, and release the burden of guilt that weighs upon your heart.
Cultivate self-love as a sacred garden.
Tend to your emotional and physical well-being. Nourish your mind with wisdom and knowledge. Surround yourself with beauty and inspiration.
Know that you are not alone in your journey.
We are all fellow travelers on this path of self-discovery. Embrace the support of others and offer them your own strength in return.
You are worthy of love, happiness, and success.
For you are a miracle, a wonder, a masterpiece.
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quainthebelle · 4 months
🕰 ♡.. Americano in hand, spotlight clutched. ”
Life’s happiness meter is off the charts, and every sunrise feels akin to a burst of confetti ushering in the promise of delightful adventures. Entering the dawn of 2024 with minds full of gratitude and stellar, here’s to a year where laughter outshines worries; similarly, each day evolves like an engaging segment of a purposeful story.
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quainthebelle · 7 months
I never craved attention, until I tasted yours. 𐙚
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{➿} … “당신을 원하는 것은 내 열망의 중심이 되었습니다. 나는 바라는 대로 무언가를 즐길 수 있을 때, 어떠한 저항도 없이. 당신의 부드러운 면이 나의 강인한 심장을 흔들어 놓고, 내 감정의 요새를 약화시킵니다. 나는 당신에게 굉장한 갈증을 느낍니다. 나에게 당신이 가진 모든 것을 삼켜주게 해주세요, 그러면 나는 나에게 있는 모든 것을 당신에게 드릴 것입니다.” ❤︎
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quainthebelle · 8 months
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quainthebelle · 9 months
2-gether, we are 8.
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Once upon a time… Nah, you’ll never get a fairy tale or anything like that from me because I can’t write a beautiful sentence. Please understand if I can only loving you right seven days a week, pft.
Anyway, meet again on the second 28th. Wow, it’s been 60 days, dear? It seems like a short time, but I’m so happy to have spent two months with you. At this time, I apologize profusely for only being able to give you this meager gift. It’s just a simple gift, but I hope you can accept it. Shall we start now, love? Okay, here we go.
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How we —.
It’s only been 2-3 days since I entered RPW, and suddenly there’s someone who’s interested in me because I only reply to his tweets (I can’t find the tweet help). Idk how I can interpret our meeting. Was it a simple accident, or a divine blessing? There are too many coincidences that can’t be explained, to the point where I also can’t understand the atmosfer because you’ve acted so unreasonably.
Here I dropped a few conversations between us that left me extremely confused karena kamu nih bisaan banget bikin aku pusing 7 keliling mikirin mau pake adat apa, terus mau punya anak berapa?
Hello thinly.
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Hello boldly.
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What the Hello??
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Every day, every hours, every minute, every second, you always make me bothered by your behavior, which is the behavior that can make my days surrounded by happiness and joy. Even though you are sometimes more annoying, but that’s where I find the other side of you. Mwah pukis pukis. /(^3^)/
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My first confession.
As you can see, “Idiots in Love” itu punya arti khusus buat aku pribadi. Sebetulnya di saat kamu belum hadir, aku lagi ada difase ngerasa gak pantes dicintai. Jadi, aku berusaha keras ngebangun tembok raksasa supaya gak ada yang bisa nembus tameng aku (ceritanya). Tapi tiba-tiba, ini beneran di luar dugaanku banget parah. Aku harus ngadepin sikon di mana ada seorang cowok dengan lancangnya ngeruntuhin benteng kokoh yang udah aku bangun susah payah. Iya, siapa lagi kalo bukan kamu, Matteo Hadzan Dwardy, the main suspect!
Mungkin kamu baru tau ini, tapi jujur aja, waktu kamu pertama kali berani (banget) ngetuk pintu hati aku, posisi aku nih lagi mode was-was, soalnya saat itu aku kepikiran kalau semisal aku ngerasain lagi rasa sakit yang entah bisa datang kapan aja, akunya udah sanggup belum, ya? Kayaknya kamu masih inget sekilas, jaman kita PDKT aku pernah minta hubungan kita jangan diresmiin cepet-cepet. Walaupun aku takut kamu berpaling karena buanyak buanget cewek yang ngantri jadi pacar kamu, tapi aku lebih takut kalo kedepannya aku gak bisa terus menerus ngasih kebahagiaan untuk kamu. Nyatanya, kamu selalu ngeyakinin aku setiap harinya, make sure keadaan dan perasaan aku tiap kita ngobrol. So, yah… what can I do? Your pelet are to powerfull. This idiot girl apparently fell in love again.
Yup, that’s the deal. Semoga kamu bisa ngerti kenapa aku butuh waktu untuk ngerapihin perasaan aku. Coba aja waktu kamu deketin aku terus kita langsung pacaran, kira-kira kamu seneng, gak? Eits, sayangnya gak semudah itu ngeluluhin aku. Emang cocoknya kamu aja yang bernafsu, aku mah kalem, cantik, body nya bagus (???) mana bisa srugal-srugul kayak kamu wleee, hahaha. But from the bottom of my heart, I’m glad we’ve come this far, and I appreciate your patience and willingness to break through the barriers I set up. You’ve shown me that love can be a beautiful and healing experience. Who knows, we might just turn this funny situation into something truly remarkable? Can’t wait to make another kamcagi stories with you! ♡
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About the 28.
You once told me that you actually wanted to make our thing official on the 27th so there would be a song to match the occasion, but it didn’t works because you missed the chance. Hence, you stuck to the 28th. Funny enough, for me, that date is quite meaningful. In February, we can still enjoy that date, and I’ve been thinking about many things based on the number 28. Totally random, but it’s just so cute and amusing to me.
2-gether, we are 8.
Can you spell the sentence slowly, abi?
Aight, you’ve done? Then, what are you spelling? Together, we are eight? Eum, nope.
The correct one is Together, we are infinity. Okay, sorry if that sounds cringe bzzz suddenly the idea popped into my head, and I just remembered if 8 can be ∞. After realize, I was woah.. jinjja nomu daebak. <(*O*)> Is this a sign that if we are together, there will be no end aka forever? I love my positive mind (you either).
Iya iya, betul artinya itu. Keren banget gak sih aku, bisa kepikiran sampe situ? Aku aja kaget sama diriku sendiri? Menurut kamu gimana? Keren gak sloganku? Jangan lupa kasih aku cium setelah ini pokoknya. ㅠㅠ
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Matteo Hadzan Dwardy + Ayouta Oci Raveena = ∞
I’ve entrusted all my wishes for our second monthiversary on the 28th to God, and that’s all there is to it. Whether you know the specifics or not, one thing is certain: my love for you will never wane, and I will continue loving you endlessly.
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Happy 2nd monthiversary, Mahabi! ♥︎
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From your honeypot, Ocibu.
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