#scraping 5'7
cleromancy · 6 months
evil gun batman future timmy - one of them anyway - had an official grown up height and i forget what it was exactly but it was like. 5'7ish. and i think that was just from tim eyeballing it so imo that means he was that tall WITH his evil gun batman height enhancing lifts. he has little guy syndrome syndrome of being a little guy
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the-s1lly-corner · 5 months
Tim Wright fluff headcanons
-tim Wright obsessed 🙀 anon
Tim fluff headcannons!
WAHOO! finally going to try to get back into the swing of writing now that im no longer as sick (still fighting off the tail end of my horrid allergies, but otherwise im feeling good! hella tired though) might be a little all over the place//shorter than usual given that i have hardly written all week so my funky flow is all.... raaah! TToTT
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i was going to say hes an early bird and sometimes he makes you breakfast, but honestly i can also see him sleeping in.. until the later hours of the morning/bordering on noon... also he doesnt look like a breakfast person. probably smokes and drinks a coffee in the mornings on the rare occasion he wakes up early... though perhaps he wakes up early on purpose to make you something on occasion? shrugs
looks like he can make a mean pancake tbh, cant explain why maybe its the admins envy seeping through because they struggle with pancakes/making pretty pancakes but-
enjoys quieter evenings with you. actually enjoys those calmer days in general. likes staying at home when he doesnt have work or other obligations, usually sitting on the couch letting himself just. relax and exist
i think he would be protective of you, even if this takes place post... everything.. hes lost so much and so much shit has happened and hes not about to have you add to that list. makes sure to check in on you and ask what you were up to while you were out, probably even lightly scolds/fusses over you if you somehow got hurt (from a simple scrape to anything broken).. probably keeps you in bed
but also... i can see him not totally babying you.. stern, but not overbearing if that makes sense?
sometimes melts into your hands if you cup his face, might give you a look if you mess around with his sideburns... doesnt pull away, though
sometimes lets you borrow his shirts, will not take any bs though if you decide to not return his possessions when he asks for them back (difference between you missing him/liking the piece and you not having any real intention to return his belongings)
isnt too terribly tall or short (for characters that are played by real people i tend to base their heights off the actor, looks like tim is roughly 5'7 according to google) so sharing clothes is a common enough occurrence if you're in his height range + dont have to worry about his clothes being extremely huge on you/hang off of you unless you're considerably shorter
... i do think he would offer to buy you matching clothes in your size if you want to match with him, though
i dont see tim being much of a ring guy... but if you guys want to have a matching thing to represent whatever (engagement, marriage, general matching for whatever, ect ect ect really any reason) then bracelets may be your go to ! though i can also see tim wearing a ring around his neck (with a chain, you know?) if you insist on keeping things in that vein more traditional (also admin just loves rings on chains)
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I'm 176 cm so not like super tall but I've got like a good 5 cm on Chan
Doesn't mean I don't want to be bundled up in that man's clothes/arms any less. I will find a way to make it happen 5 cm taller than him or not 😂
Also I totally feel you. As much as I have beef with him Chan's also such a comforting presence. Idk what it is about him but he always seems to know the right thing to say or do and even when he's not saying or doing anything specific he's still very supportive and calming. I like that a lot about him.
Like, look at these hugs, don't they look like such nice hugs?
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Chan my arms are open and I am ready for a cuddle
Oh, the first hug got to me.
I could imagine that is how he would hug his children if they fell over or scraped their knee.
I'm 5'7 and 170 cms on the dot and people say that Chan looks around 5'7.5- 5'8 which I think it's pretty cool because I can just walk into him. No craning up or bending over, we could just kiss with ease haha.
Not that I would but I CAN DREAM HAROLD. (if you get the reference, i will love you 4eva.)
I can't, I'm officially a Bang Chan stan. I'm sorry Lee Know but Chan just keeps pulling at my heart strings over and over again.
I feel what officially won my heart over with Bang Chan was when he was emotional and crying on stage yelling 'I will protect you all'.
I feel we will probably get something emotional like that in Sydney because it's his home.
What pulled me over in that moment is you could see the authenticity in his eyes, he really meant it in that moment.
It just shows me how selfless of a man he is.
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what-if-nct · 1 year
hiiii how are you doing? i hope everything is okay, i wanna send you a big hug !!
-venus anon
Hiii, I'm doing fine I did fall out of the car on Tuesday and scraped my elbow so bad. It still hurts now I can't straighten it. Also scraped my hand weird, there was like blood trapped under the skin. I almost never fall, maybe trip and stumble cause my balance sucks. My feet are just not planted firmly on the ground. But when I fall it's a big fall. Like down a flight of stairs or into a table on a gravel road with glass mixed in. And I always leave injured. My best friend jokes about how clumsy I am cause I'm always bumping into something, knocking things over, tripping, hitting my head. If I'm not around her and she hears anything falling she'll yell my name or "what did you do" and I'll say I didn't do anything. But I most likely did. She also thinks I'm more naive then I am and thinks someone will just kidnap me so if I'm missing for too long she starts calling my name searching for me. I most likely just got distracted by something sparkly. She's like my mom. And my sister says I'm like her Mom cause I always buy her snacks when I go to the store I also call her a little baby and try to carry her Even though she's 5'7 and 28 years old. Yeah I just started saying words I'll stop now. And thank you I hope everything goes well for you too. Huggies!🌺🌺
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despelled · 2 years
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     ⇢            ALPHINA    BLACK        ✶        davika    hoorne    ,        25    ,        demiwoman    ,        she    /    they    ,        half    -    blood    ,        fourth    year    ,        auror    training.    member    of    gryffindor    quidditch    team    ,        broom    racing    league    ,        dueling    club    ,        and    astronomy    club.    can    be    described    as    indomitable    ,        pragmatic    ,        decadent    ,        and    aloof.
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*               &            ◞                     𝐢                        .                  𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐒         .
 full name : alphina  apiradee  black  nickname(s) : alphie  ,   api  ,   deedee  age / dob : twenty  five  /  nov  20  ,   1997  zodiac : scorpio  blood status : half  blood
 gender : demi  woman  pronouns : she  /  they  sexuality : pansexual
 house : gryffindor  year : fourth  specialization : originally  a  hit  wizard  ,   she  recently  broadened  her  horizons  to  auror  training  extracurriculars : gryffindor  quidditch  team  (  beater  )  ,   broom  racing  ,   competitive  dueling  ,   and  astronomy  club  wand : cedar  ,   veela  hair  ,   12½"  ;  unyielding  patronus : erumpent
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*               &            ◞                     𝐢𝐢                        .                  𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃         .
 birth place : cairo  ,   egypt  home region / school : southwest  /  odalric  ,  for  sixth  &  seventh  year  social class : upper  -  middle  class  father : sirius  black  mother : mayarasa  issaret   (   †   )  sibling(s) : none  ,  but  they  have  a  plethora  of  godsiblings  pet(s) : a  maine  coon  named  rune  ,  and  an  eagle  owl  named  naiyana.
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*               &            ◞                     𝐢𝐢𝐢                        .                  𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋         .
 face claims : davika  hoorne  eye colour : dark  brown  ,   almost  black  hair colour / style : near  waist  length  wavy  ,  black  hair.  can  be  seen  trying  all  sorts  of  styles  for  even  slightly  fancier  occasions  ,   but  as  a  general  rule  she  usually  has  a  few  scrunchies  or  hair  ties  on  her  wrist  that  she  uses  to  put  it  up  into  a  messy  bun  ,   ponytail  or  braids  (  though  she'll  make  do  with  rubber  bands  or  pencils  if  need  be  !  )  height : 175cm      /      5'7  build : has  a  classical  ballerina  build  ;   lithe  and  long  legged.  clothing style : depending  on  her  mood  ,   alphina   will  wear  anything    (  and  i  mean  anything  )  that  she  can  get  her  hands  on.  from  floral  printed  sundresses  to  a   six  month  long  unwashed  hoodie  ,   versatile  is  the  best  way  to  describe  her  wardrobe.  dominant hand : ambidextrious  tattoos : a  sak  yant  tattoo  in  the  base  shape  of  a  unalome  down  the  center  of  her  back.  piercings : three  lobe  piercings  on  the  left  ,   four  on  the  right  ,   plus  two  helix's  on  the  right  ,   an  industrial  ,   two  inner  conches  and  a  forward  helix  on  her  left  scars : can  usually  be  found  with  a  few  scrapes  or  bruises  from  going  too  hard  at  quidditch  (  and  the  fact  that  she  does  not  hold  herself  back  )  ,    but  nothing  too  permanent  (  yet  )  notable features : a  heart  /  star  /  flower  beneath  her  left  eye  stamped  with  an  eyeliner  pen  ,   painted  nails  ,   the  smell  of  soft  vanilla  ,   yuzu  ,   and  pomegranate  in  the  air.
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*               &            ◞                     𝐢𝐯                        .                  𝐓𝐋;𝐃𝐑         .
  —   her  story  begins  like  this  :  there  is  a  man  who  hunts  ,  and  a  woman  who  refuses  to  be  hunted.  (  this  not  her  story  yet  ,  of  course  ,  not  when  she  hasn’t  become  even  a  possibility  in  her  parent’s  minds.  )  but  there  is  a  man  ,  and  from  a  woman  ,  does  he  finally  learn  to  love.
  —   her  mother  tells  her  it  went  like  this  :  her  father  was  a  man  who  hungered  ,  who  craved.  devouring  all  in  his  path  ,  he  had  a  desire  for  the  world  that  none  would  dare  to  rival.  for  he  thirsted  for  answers  ,  khon dii  ,  and  in  that  search  ━━  do  you  know  what  he  found  ?  her  mother’s  voice  is  filled  with  fondness  where  it  washes  over  her  ,  her  father  with  a  deep  hue  of  red  dusting  his  cheeks  from  where  he  watches  over  them.  '  love  ’  ,  she  answers  for  her  mother  ,  because  it  is  the  only  answer  to  a  story  she  has  heard  so  many  times  before.  he  found  love  ,  he  found  her  mother  ,  and  within  it  all  :  happiness.
  —   her  father  tells  it  to  her  somewhat  differently  :  for  this  is  the  version  of  the  story  her  mother  could  not  pass  off  as  an  innocuous  bedtime  story  for  their  young  daughter.  no  ,  this  story  is  one  full  of  anger  ,  of  hatred.  (  there  is  a  vast  emptiness  to  her  father’s  soul  ,  you  see.  a  dried  up  river  in  the  shape  of  his  childhood  ,  memories  of  a  family  he  would  be  better  off  forgetting.  )  i  am  not  a  good  man  ,  alphie  ,  is  what  her  father  says  ,  but  by  the  gods  ,  does  he  try.  he  was  not  taught  kindness  ,  he  was  not  raised  soft  ,  but  how  ,  oh  how  ,  did  he  wish  to  be.  
  — the  name  black  never  meant  much  to  alphina  as  a  child  ⸻  and  why  would  it  ?  it  was  simply  her  name  ,  passed  down  to  her  by  her  father  ,  forsaken  in  matrimony  by  her  mother.  it  was  her  name  ,  her  father's  connection  to  her  ,  and  there  was  no  amount  of  weight  an  outsider  could  place  upon  it  that  would  cause  her  to  bend.  (  it  didn’t  matter  that  the  name  black  meant  an  invitation  to  an  elite  society  in  some  european  countries  ,  nor  an  instant  accreditation  to  wealth  and  power.  )  no  ,  no.  black  simply  meant  a  family  of  three  ,  you  see.  with  a  mediwizard  for  a  father,  a  fierce  protecter  for  a  mother  ,  and  the  child  that  blossomed  from  the  love  between  them.
  — and  so  reality  does  not  touch  alphina  for  a  good  fifteen  years  .  not  the  reality  that  everyone  else  knows  ,  anyways.  for  what  do  other  people  know  about  her  endless  travels  and  adventures  ?  of  years  spent  moving  from  magic  settlement  to  muggle  settlement  ,  back  and  forth  ,  back  and  forth  ,  chasing  leads  and  constantly  discovering  ?  with  lessons  only  the  lands  could  teach  her  ,  and  her  magic  free  in  a  way  no  laws  would  ever  allow.  all  she  had  ever  needed  were  the  passing  connections  made  along  the  way  to  suffice  ;  her  mother  the  anchor  before  an  eternally  shifting  road.    
  — living  with  her  roots  planted  firmly  within  a  singular  patch  of  soil  had  never  sounded  anything  except  suffocating  for  alphina  ,  herself  a  true  child  of  nomadic  upbringings.  it  was  the  life  she  had  been  raised  for  ,  and  the  only  one  she  had  wanted  for  herself.  (  she  learns  soon  enough  ,  that  the  choice  was  never  truly  hers.  )
  — her  mother  falls  ill  to  a  sickness  ,  one  that  attacks  her  veela  nature  in  a  way  that  it  never  will  her  fathers  ,  but  one  that  could  potentially  bring  ruin  to  hers.  her  mother  cannot  send  her  back  to  the  village  she  herself  had  been  raised  in  (  where  she  had  been  singled  out  ,  preyed  upon.  the  beauty  a  double  edged  sword  for  those  of  their  blood.  )  
  — so  instead  ,  she  touches  down  to  england  with  her  bags  heavy  and  her  heart  heavier.  an  indefinite  stay  ,  but  a  permanent  one  nonetheless.  (  how  terrifying  the  unknown  can  be.  )
  — the  last  memories  of  her  mother  look  like  this  :  her  gaunt  face  through  the  window  of  the  single  story  cabin  they  have  made  a  home  in.  she  waves  with  a  trembling  hand  ,  her  mouth  making  shape  to  the  sound  of  an  ‘  i  love  you  '  ,  a  heart  -  wrenching  '  i'm  so  sorry  '  to  follow.  and  how  dare  her  mother  apologize  for  a  sickness  she  cannot  control  ?  ….  how  dare  she  get  sick  and  send  her  away  at  all.
  — her  father  greets  her  on  the  doorsteps  of  a  household  she  has  only  ever  frequented  on  the  occasional  basis.  and  while  happy  to  see  him  ,  she  is  unhappy  to  stay.  instead  ,  sixteen  becomes  a  tumultuous  age  for  alphina  ,  her  entire  life  upheaved  and  forced  to  order.  '  boarding  school  '  becomes  a  term  she  learns  to  regard  with  a  disgust  only  reserved  for  personal  attacks  and  wet  socks  (  and  somehow  ,  odalric's  school  of  witchcraft  and  wizardry  has  wrought  upon  her  both  in  those  last  two  years  of  attendance.  )
  — it  ends  like  this  :  her  father  crying  throughout  his  apology  to  her  ,  for  he  had  promised  to  shield  her  from  exposure  to  the  horrors  of  his  own  childhood  ,  from  the  black  name  ;  bestowing  upon  her  the  freedoms  of  a  life  away  from  his  own.  he  had  sworn  to  her  that  he  would  find  the  cure  to  her  mother's  ailment  soon  ,  on  departure  to  stay  by  her  mother's  side  ,  and  that  they  would  come  for  her  in  no  time  at  all.  he  had  assured  her  that  she  would  only  see  a  few  months  of  her  gilded  cage  ,  of  this  overbearing  ,  suffocating  society.  that  he  would  write  ,  she  would  learn  ,  and  they  would  all  do  their  duty  to  prevail.    — her  mother  passes  during  her  last  year  at  odalric’s  ,  and  her  only  goodbye  is  a  letter  to   her  name.  for  a  cure  for  this  veela  afflicting  illness  is  never  found  (  a  population  so  minuscule  ,  so  unimportant  for  research  to  have  ever  gotten  far  ...  )  ,  and  her  life  in  england  is  forever  solidified  as  she  gives  in  to  his  request  to  stay  by  her  father's  side.   — the  last  few  years  of  teenhood  are  spent  mourning  her  mother  ,  and  re - learning  and  re - loving  the  man  she  calls  father.  (  then  '  dad  '  ,  now  '  phaw  '  in  ever  endearment  ).  for  while  sirius  was  a  present  figure  ,  it  was  at  her  mother's  side  that  alphina  flourished  ;  his  own  periods  of  time  at  their  side  forever  shared  with  the  life  he  led  in  england.  
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*               &            ◞                     𝐯                        .                  𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐂         .
  — alphie  is  half  -  veela  from  her  mother's  side  ,  and  while  they  have  yet  to  ever  transform  into  a  rather  terrifying  harpy  -  like creature  like  her  mother  had  before  ,  she  is  rather  talented  at  throwing  fireballs  when  incensed.  other  uses  of  her  veela  magic  include  :  being  rather  '  entrancing  '  to  those  around  her  (  especially  to  those  who  meet  her  for  the  first  time  ,  though  the  effect  can  wear  off  with  longterm  exposure  )  ,  appearing  physically  perfect  ,  graceful  and  flawless  at  all  times  (  it  might  not  be  the  truth  ,  but  she  does  appear  that  way  to  others  )  ,  being  able  to  hypnotize  and  mesmerize  people  with  intent  (  she's  mostly  in  control  of  having  this  effect  on  others  ,  but  in  theory  they  could  slip  up  )  ,  and  a  natural  inclination  towards  wandless  magic.
  — joined  the  gryffindor  quidditch  team  as  a  beater  bc  my  girl  has  a  lot  of  pent  up  anger  😔✋  she's  generally  a  pretty  nice  ,  pretty  easy  going  soul  i  swear ??  but  while  she  doesn't  normally  have  a  short  temper  ,  if  u  catch  her  at  the  wrong  moment  ,  she'll have  u  laid  out  flat  before  u  can  even  blink</3  she's  trained  in  brazilian  jiu  jitsu  ,  thai  boxing  and  eskrima  ,  so  please  don't  fuck  with  her  (  or  do  😈😈  !!  )
  — is  incredibly  independent.  growing  up  with  parents  like  hers  who  lived  by  a  do  or  die  kinda  motto  ,  alphie  has  adapted  that  same  sort  of  resilience  in  her  own  everyday  routine.  there  really  isn't  much  they  can't  do  once  they  put  their  mind  to  it  ,  and  the  thought  of  failure  alone  is  embarrassing  enough  to  see  her  through  with  most  her  endeavours.  she'll  either  see  things  to  the  end  ,  or  die  trying  ,  mark  her  words.
  — a  polyglot  through  general  life  experience.  her  current  languages  include  :  nepali  ,  portuguese  ,  spanish  ,  french  ,  thai  ,  tagalog  and  english.  they  simply  go  in  hand  with  the  places  alphie  has  spent  the  longest  while  growing  up.  these  include  both  cities  and  settlements  within  wizarding  society  and  muggle  society.  if  anything  ,  alphie  is  more  comfortable  within  muggle  society  than  wizarding  ,  especially  since  her  introduction  to  the  rest  of  the  black  family.
  — still  struggles  with  the  idea  of  an  actually  '  structured  '  school  ??  most  of  what  she's  learned  is  from  her  mother  and  their  travels  ,  so  alphie  is  considered  incredibly  advanced  in  some  subjects  ,  and  horribly  behind  in  others.  this  is  mostly  a  practical  vs  theoretical  studies.  they  don't  really  understand  why  they  need  to  write  entire  essays  on  a  spell  she  can  just  simply  showcase  them  ??
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*    &  ◞    𝐯𝐢    .    𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒    .
  — 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔   :    requesting  as  many  of  these  as  possible  regardless  of  age  /  house  <33  alphie  might  be  an  extrovert  who  grew  up  without  any  longterm  friendships  that  weren't  penpals  and  her  godsiblings  but  so  WHAT  !  this  is  simply  the  time  to  shine  !!  gotta  stretch  those  friend  making  muscles  bay - bee  !!
  — 𝒇𝒘𝒃𝒔    :    because  alphie  is  sexy  ,  and  DESERVES  to  have  a  good  time  !  they've  always  been  raised  to  have  a  pretty  open  view  on  physical  affection  and  sex  ,  and  while  alphie  does  believe  in  the  concept  of  true  love  like  her  parents  had  ,  she  is  Nawt  really  looking  for  it  here  ...   
  — 𝒕𝒖𝒕𝒐𝒓    :    now  remember  when  we  covered  how  alphie  did  not  grow  up  with  the  conventional  childhood  education  ?  like  don't  get  me  wrong  ,  they're  incredibly  intelligent  ,  and  know  different  styles  of  magic  from  multiple  different  countries  ,  but  essay  writing  ....  homework  ?  someone  please  help  them.  they  will  in  fact  insist  they  do Not  need  it  and  get  frustrated  at  sitting  and  working  at  it  for  hours  but  .... somebody's  gotta  see  to  it  that  it's  done  ..........  like  babygirl’s  tryna  become  an  auror  ,  and  those  grades  gotta  live  up  to  that  goal   (  somehow  😩  )
  — 𝒄𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒉    :    besides  the  veela  origins  (  which  !  would  love  one  or  multiple  plots  /  hcs  about  how  ur  muse  reacts  to  a  veela  ,  even  a  half  -  veela<3333  !!!  )  alphie  is  still v  cool  ,  v  fun  .  incredibly  fun  ,  actually  .  and  just  rather  unhinged  in  general  compared  to  ~  polite  ~  british  society  ???  so  someone  pls  crush  on  them.  i  just  want  smth  cute  ,  smth  sweet  !  or  ,  in  a  complete  turn  of  events  ,  alphie  is  the  one  to  catch  feels  ???  catch  infatuation  ???  they've  never  felt  this  way  before   .......  it's  absolutely  Gross  ??  and  she'd  like  10  more  of  it  pronto  .
  — 𝒇𝒖𝒄𝒌  𝒚𝒐𝒖    :    someone  somehow  pls  just  get  on  her  bad  side.  i  need  a  fuck  u  plot  😔✋  praying  for  each  other’s  downfall  ,  rivals  w  secxual  tension  methinks  ....
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lyctorism · 1 year
to me percy jackson is some 5'7 guy who always has scraped up knees and elbows from skateboarding and looks like he lost his hairbrush a long time ago, sometime before the last time he went surfing. all these depictions of him as some 6 foot guy with muscles and like, a thick neck and a jaw that can cut glass just don't get him.
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bookandblade · 1 year
Character Fact Sheet
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I am 5'7" or taller (Juuuust scraping 5ft8)
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes (hazel counts?)
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people.
People tell me that I’m funny.
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me.
I enjoy physical challenges.
I enjoy mental challenges.
I’m playfully rude with people I know well.
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it.
There is something I would change about my personality.
I can sing well
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 push-ups without stopping
I’m a fast runner.
I can draw well.
I have a good memory.
I’m good at doing math in my head.
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute.
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling.
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch.
I know how to throw a proper punch.
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning point in a sports game
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a carriage taxi service
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have visited another country/Planet/Galaxy/Universe
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have had a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I used to get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have (had) at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I lived close to my school
My parents are still together (They were until death)
I have at least one sibling
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I share(d) my room with someone
I have break-danced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
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astarab1aze · 1 month
➥ Weredragon Cleric
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⸻Technical Information. // Face, Voice, etc.
01. Faceclaim. Rin  [ Kami-sama no Uroko ] & Shirasu [ Donten ni Warau ] 04. Voice Claim. TBA
⸻Profile Information. // Name, Age, etc.
01. Name. Furie Night   [ Fuu, Fury, Furious (after great-grandpax30) ] 02. Alias. Euphony of Mausza, The White Wyrm 03. Sex. Male 04. Gender. Male 05. Age. 27   [ Dependent ] 06. Birth Date. December 7th   [ Silver-wing ] 07. Blood Type. Sub-type WWB+ 08. Race. Were-wyrm, Myrrdinian by nationality; Myrrdinian-Scarburran by ethnicity. 09. Marital Status. Single, formerly engaged to Yule Z'raza   [ Multiship ] 10. Orientation. Demisexual   [ Biromantic / no preference ] 11. Residence. The Oracle's room at the Nighthouse in Camlothe, the capital city of the nightfolk-unfriendly Myrrdin.
⸻Physical Information. // Body, Equipment, Family, etc.
17. Physical Description. Furie’s hair is stark white, thick, silky. More akin to that of a mop than anything else, he does occasionally pin it all out of his eyes, though this is rarer than you might think. His hair is very soft and easy to comb through. His eyes are a soft, pale lilac color. Gentle though very guarded, revealing very little. He has a lean and narrow body type featuring some toning, standing at an odd 5'7". His skin is a pale but neutral tone, unblemished aside from a scar in his left side in the shape of blackwyrm’s jaws, many rows of teeth having bore into his skin, and some old knicks, scrapes, and cuts from less than ideal transformation cycles. There are patches of iridescent scales in various places on his body. He has a tattoo of a spacial summoning circle split between both of his hands in enchanted white ink, allowing him to summon forth a devastating meteor shower. He wears a black and purple modified hakama and a dramatic high-collared sleeveless shirt, forgoing the theatrics of a robe or cape, as well as a shortcloak made of starlight.
13. Equipment. He keeps a blackwyrm whistle to call his Bluebird, a knapsack, fragments of a fallen star, a pair of singing stones, a wand made of whitestone, keys to the Night Family estate, a Mauszan scrying glass, a pair of Ordinian & Myrrdinian daggers, various poisons, and a lock of Yule's hair. 14. Occupation. Cryptic traveling fortune-teller ; An Oracle in the Mauszan clergy, but not just any oracle - Mausza Herself speaks through him, literally, and sends him away on tasks that would surely send a righteous man to the hells... 15. Job Performance. Superficially Beloved, but how much of what he says is true? How could he possibly compare to the likes of his predecessors? 16. Parents. Fraya Sinclair & Fallow Night ; Both living, but are no longer married on account of how utterly insufferable Fallow is as a person in nearly every respect. 17. Siblings. None
⸻Personality Information. // Likes, Strengths, etc.
18. Likes. Flying, peace and quiet, cottonmouth cakes, celare, natural settings, stargazing, night walking, spending time with Bluebird, perusing nightmarkets, meandering Camlothe, collecting art & small shiny objects, reading the stars, glaisflower & peaceflower, sacremental bloodwine, etc.  19. Dislikes. Self-destructive types, human arrogance, vampires, the Red Hand, the Belegerande family, scarbuncle cheese, his relation to Enfurious and Sortia, being patronized, being compared to other oracles or family members, granny Ageha, most of the Mauszan clergy, Sanguinarians, Wildlings, Myrrdinians, criminals, monster hunters from west of Vago, etc.  
20. Positive Traits. Gentle. Steadfast. Rational. Diligent. Generous. Thoughtful. Wise. Forgiving. Merciful. Questions authority. Determined. Resilient. Knowledgeable.  21. Negative Traits. Closed-off. Cold. Opportunistic at times. Avoidant. Distant. Impersonal. Cryptic. Chronically late. Does not forget. Secretive. Bitter. Uncertain. Hoarder. Difficulty letting go. Selectively caring. Territorial. Prefers to be hands-off. Cowardly. Fickle. 22. Goals. To locate and retrieve the Sanguine Star, prevent the early destruction of all the world and safeguard it from those who would corrupt and ruin. 23. Desires. Salvation from his grief. 24. Alignment. Neutral Good
25. Personality. Furie is bit of a difficult nut to crack, being a reserved and quiet individual with no straightforward or truly personable inclinations. He presents as unreadable as physically possible, hiding himself beneath layer upon layer of carefully interwoven threads of polite neutrality, cool professionalism, and placidity. There’s a quiet determination about him, a hidden and unwavering steadfastness that anchors him to life and heroic pursuits, but just as this, he’s equally as regretful and deems himself unworthy of the atonement he seeks. He blames himself for the accident of his fiance’s death (though this is starting to direct itself toward Mausza) and is ever and constantly searching for a means of redeeming himself. On top of this, he doesn’t feel he has anything of value to say beyond his divination, harboring much resentment toward Mausza, the clergy, and Her worshippers. All anyone wants from him is his service, not to know what he thinks, feels, likes, or dislikes, so he gives it to them and keeps silent about all else (though this is in part due to the trauma of Yule’s death), putting as much distance as he can between himself and others. Generally speaking, he’s understanding and careful, thoughtful and wise, but he’s not above violence or sneaky tricks, lying, manipulation, or other such things to further his own ends - he will always try the non-violent route, though because of Mausza’s favoritism towards him, he’s given special permissions to use force if necessary during his search for the Sanguine Star.
⸻Sorcery Information. // Affinity, Talent, etc.
26. Affinity. Spacial, Blackwyrm Soporific, & Necrotic - moderate control, though he possesses the creation root which allows him to source these affinities within himself. 27. Shapeshifting. Innate monthly transformation into a white-violet blackwyrm - may transform outside of this, however, but it can potentially make him sick and runs the risk of a permanent transformation. 28. Utility. Wards, curses, blessings, summoning, - highly skilled. 29. Specialization. Divination, Prophecy, and Vocal Soporifics - highly skilled due in part to both practice and raw talent; The magic flowing through his vocal chords, due to its inherent divinity, runs the risk of permanently damaging them. 30. Graduate School. Zurine Mages’ University - the only active school for mages on the pangea ; Extremely dedicated to quality, well-rounded education and therefore expensive, though they do offer scholarships based on potential ; Open to all magical folk, or those who can afford it ; Generally treated as a sort of haven for them. 31. Classification. Beastkin Oracle ; Respected member of the Mauszan clergy, the Euphony of Mausza, working in conjunction with the Fateweavers of the Sightless Eye ; Beastkin (or beastfolk, more commonly) are a type of shapeshifter or were whose human and primary animal forms are permanently apparent in some combination - they are equally as animal as they are ‘human’ in appearance and physiology; all beastfolk in the 2nd Era were oppressed and enslaved. 
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⸻Background Information. // Past to Present.
    He was born into the Night family, to a sorcerer and a were-wyrm with dominant genes. As both, he was born possessing a natural affinity for gravitic and necrotic schools of magic, inheriting the spacial abilities of a blackwyrm and the Night’s close relationship with necromancy. From birth, he had many doors open for him, but he chose a religious path early on in an effort to break away from the dark and dour nature of his family (especially his father), though this really only replaced one abusive group of people with another slightly more palatably abusive one.
    But it was there he met his beloved, Yule, a harpy of heron variety who showed him the beauties of hope and faith, pure and kind no matter the hardships she faced. He fell in love with her good-natured charm, adoring her so completely, he proposed. She accepted, of course. Tragically, however, tensions were running high as ever between the Myrrdinians, Wildlings, roving Red Hand vampires from Strigane, civil unrest between beastfolk and non-nightfolk, which coalesced into an all-out skirmish in several nightfolk cities throughout the Myrrdin. At the time, Furie and Yule were vacationing in Frea when a hoard of blackwyrms were unleashed into the town center. Buildings were destroyed, hundreds of people were killed or injured, and he and Yule were separated amid the chaos. He was swept away, caught in a blackwyrm’s jaws and nearly chewed in half; She was overpowered and killed, shredded to pieces. Surviving this without her left a hole inside him that could never be filled.
    Once he recovered from the attack, he dedicated himself to his work as a diviner of Mausza, earning the Starstitcher’s Favor. Insodoing, he was given a special task - informed through communion with her that a Sanguine Star had fallen and must be retrieved before 'bad actors' and 'violent retributors' could get their hands on it, reduce the world as they knew it to ash and sow endless death. He was shown Loux and Sortia’s faces, along with the likes of Elluvius Black, Lilith Morningstar, Cedric & Claire Montgomery, Deadeye, and many others - promised the removal of his pain and grief, the serenity and grace to keep living, the courage and drive to continue. Because of his direct communion with Mausza, he was dubbed Euphony, her voice, among the clergy. This all put a whole new set of pressures and expectations on his shoulders, thrusting him into oracle status and all that comes with it. His position turned into something of a curse, testing his relationship with Mausza as well as his resolve.
    He is used as little more than a service, rather than sought out for genuine inquiries - taken for granted among his apparently graceless and faithless fellows, time and energy abused as both a man and a clerical leader. At this time, however, he has not wavered in his work despite his now shaky beliefs. He searches tirelessly for the star in an effort to please Mausza and achieve his peace, even though it’s costing him much more than he ever thought it would. 
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soubiapologist · 2 months
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nisei height quest has me screaming because that's even shorter than ritsuka's canonically listed height which is 155cm which does not make sense because. look at this [image to the right of soubi's highlighted height] come on. though the kids do tend to look pretty tiny for 12 year olds so i'm more inclined to believe it's nisei's height that's accurate than rituka's also for all you people who don't use centimeters 153cm is BARELY scraping over 5 foot tall, but that's a pretty average estimate for 12 year olds, so i'm GUESSING nisei's intended height is probably somewhere more along the lines of 160cm which is still tiny as fuck clocking in around 5'3", though average male height in japan is 5'7" so it's less tiny than it sounds to [us westerners] but holy fuck is he an ant. which we knew but still
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rpvmsx · 4 months
This muse bio also functions as a permanent starter call! Like or reply at any time to easily request a closed starter from this muse
Tags: Threads | Musings | Art | Asks
Full Name: Naji Adel
Nickname(s): Kirk/Kirkwood
Age: 28
Species: Human
Height: 5'7"
Gender: Male (he/him)
Appearance: Dark skin with cool undertones, dyed greenish/teal side-shaved hair, magenta eyes. Often seen in clothes sewn back together out of thrifted scraps, often with words or images he liked on each patch.
Orientation: Gay
Ships: none, canonically married (or divorced, as needed)
World(s): contemporary Earth
AUs: none
About: The first half of his life had been rough, but as he's come to settle into adulthood he's started to find his place in the world. Growing up gay and free-spirited with unaccepting and controlling parents left him feeling unwanted, an outcast even at home. He found his belonging in a local skate park, a board under his feet his first real taste of freedom. Starting around age twelve he practically lived on a skateboard. When he wasn't skating, he was thinking about skating, tinkering with skateboards, or simply sleeping. It was everything to him.
He got a job as soon as he could. His school performance had already long since fallen to the wayside, if he was ever going to get out of this town, get away from his folks, and live a life that actually felt like it was his, he was going to have to start saving. By his eighteenth birthday, he'd barely scraped enough together for a cross-country bus ticket. One way. He didn't even bother saying goodbye.
After the first few years of scraping by on his fast food paycheck with his barely-home roommate, he met a local artist and things just… clicked. What started as a fling turned into more of a catapult, and they were married within a year.
With more money and time on his hands, he was able to finally focus on his hobbies again. He'd always dabbled in sewing, it was practically the only way to have cool clothes growing up, it's not like his parents were buying him anything he could bear to be seen wearing in public.
Fun Facts:
Though it's usually hidden under his shirt, he's almost always wearing a heart shaped locket
Loves Shakespeare! Wears reading glasses, but doesn’t really have a need to (he just likes them!)
He almost dropped AND flunked out of high school (he just barely skated by)
Has trouble learning new things, even when it comes to skateboarding. He usually stagnates for a while before having an epiphinal moment and figuring it out on his own.
Because of this difficulty learning things, he really really struggles with instruction manuals, he just doesn’t understand them. And maps. And spoken instructions. He really has to be hands-on most of the time.
Either can’t keep a secret more than 5 seconds or takes it to his grave. There is no in between, and even he doesn't know which it's gonna be.
He doesn’t like bananas, but likes banana artificial flavoring
He often gets too attached to his skateboards to sell them. He had to rent a studio just to get them all out of the house so his poor husband stopped tripping on them.
Never been much of a coffee drinker, but still manages to be both a morning person and a night crawler.
He has an older sibling he has never met
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dinrelsanddragons · 1 year
Link Allaway
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General information
Name: Link Allaway
Birthdate: November 20
Present age: 18 years
Birthplace: Hyrule Castle Town
Present residence: Hyrule Castle
Occupation: Knight of Hyrule
Sexuality: Mun isn’t sure yet!
Body type: Ectomorph (Built for stamina, does not acquire fat or muscle easily)
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 163 lbs
Skin color: Pale
Eye color: Bright blue
Hair color: Honey blond
Clothes: A Hylian soldier’s armor.
Reference art (directs to Zelda Wiki.)
Possessions and equipment:
Soldier’s sword, Soldier’s shield
Personal History (Age of Calamity):
Born to a line of guardsmen to the Hyrulean royal family, Link had high expectations on him from the start. Though he was a jovial child, everything began to change when he demonstrated unsurpassed potential in combat, able to wrestle bokoblins and best adult Hylians from a young age. The things that did not change were his love of the outdoors and his knack for getting himself into tough scrapes.
Selective mutism
Father– Raven Allaway
Mother– Gwyn Allaway
Family (Older verses):
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magnum-schlong · 2 years
AAAAAA OK SO. First thing to say is that in universe they are all probably boring motherfuckers. just guys being dudes. second theyve only been a thing since Last january so theyre not that old!!
It started with Brad (blue) and Chad (red) who literslly just started as a joke about how Jocks and "the boys" can be so homophobic and gay at the same time? the kind of, "no homo, its ok bro you have socks on" kimda thing? and then we got attatched so now theyre OCs lmao
Then during online school I made a collection of "as vines", but very quickly realised that it wouldnt be very interesting with only the two of them. so we popped in a third wheel: Jake (Yellow)!!! his original idea was just to be the only one with a brain and to have mental crashes every few weeks but he quickly gave up on being the voice of reason? now he mostly just goes along with it while making 7 sex jokes/minute. hes hypersexual what can i say he also probably has a piss kink but what do i know
None of them have any sort of a good relationship with their parents: Chads were masculinity Junkies; Brads were helicopter parents and Jakes were Very religious and pushy
this kinda made Chad angry at everything (mostly jake) all the time, Brad quiet (and also probably the one with the least discernable personality), and jake a whore (affectionate)
The general idea of this was that Brad and Chad scraped together some money for an apartment where Jake just kind of walked in and claimed the couch as his. so they live together now, early twenties. I like to think Jake works at a subway but we have not confirmed this. He kind of slips in and out of polyamory with them, at some point B & C have a small little wedding and Jake is not that commital. sometimes hes the secret third member sometimes hes their boy best friend
And thennnn we were like "lmao what if we made a medieval fantasy AU" so we did, and also introduced the girls (TM). Mori (orange) and Vivere (green) who are also together bc it is out universe and we do what we want. Moris a 6'4, colourblind, partially deaf pirate whos super cool and I love her. she definitely became the voice of reason but isnt very good at it usually. Vivere could very easily be the voice of reason but decides not to; she watches (and encourages) Jake's chaos while eating popcorn and waiting. we also threw in a wyvern. his name is Egg.
this AU was later basically made into an In universe DnD game because theyre all just like that.
Brad and Chad way later in the future adopt twin girls and get a house, and Jake comes with them, but thats yesrs ahead so no need to worry about that.
Jake also has an anxiety service dog (that we definitely need to do research for but havent yet, oops) called Fella bc he thinks its funny.
annnd i think thats all you need to know to understand the memes??? i might rb this later and Raya can add if she wants. ill make a key lmao
6'0, probably a sagittarius, the biggest simp ever, kicking his legs in the air while twirling the telephone cord simp, almost always wearing a blue jumper in the redraws, emotional mess but he has man boobies
5'4 (we think its funny), unchecked anger issues, dyslexic, either wearing a large jumper or red t shirt, curtains :/, possibly the only normal human when in public, pretends he hates jake but eh
Jake (theres no yellow :[)
5'9, Undiagnosed ADHD, always wearing a wife beater, ass shorts, and snapback, would tell you to do heinous things but cry when you say "i dont hate you", he reminds me a lot of bo burnham. take that as you will
6'4, shes wearing a pirste hat you cant miss her, this makes her hard to draw but its ok, shes very pretty and i like her a lot, ginger :/
5'7, Long hair and usually wearing a dress, chaotic neutral, pisces
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Hiya sunshine! Hope you're having a wonderful day <3
I wanted to ask for a matchup with Ben and Hoodie/Brian, if that's possible ofcourse! I don't want to bother!
Here are some things about me for you to work with^^
Name: Noah
Pronouns: She/Her, He/His, They/Them
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: I'm an indifferent person most of the time, many say I'm touchstarved ; -; and I mean, kinda- yes?
I really like giving affection more than receiving, so- "please let me hug you from behind and kiss your neck <3"
I don't have high self-esteem and I tend to think about others first and then about myself-
I'm stubborn and when I have decided to do something it's very, very difficult to change my mind, probably impossible
PDA? yes please.
I listen to music all day and night, and when I'm not, I'm probably playing some video game with a nice sound. I like horror stuff (movies, stories, games- Halloween is my favorite holiday)
I also like skateboarding (I've got a lot of scratches from last time though-) and basketball
Height: 5'7"
Awwwwwww you called me "Sunshine" 🥰
I hope you enjoy what I came up with, I was a little sleepy when writing this one... Anyway, have a lovely day, my dear!!
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I’ve always pictured Brian to be a bit of a goofball. He likes to have a good time, y’know?
So when he takes an interest in you, he would try so hard to impress you.
Your indifferent attitude makes him slightly frustrated because he wants you to react to him! To smile and laugh, or scoff and roll your eyes.
Hell, he’d let you smack him if it’ll get a reaction out of you.
Honestly, it’s kinda endearing. He just wants to see you smile! And it’s that dedication to your happiness that would probably win you over in the end.
You’re into PDA? Good, so is he.
Not too much, obviously, but he likes to be touching you! Holding your hand or having his arm slung over your shoulders or around your waist when in public.
In private, you can’t get him off of you! He will drape himself over you at every possible moment, but you can get him back by doing the same.
If it ever makes you uncomfortable in any way, he’ll stop. But he has good intentions when he does give you affection.
He always puts you first, even if you don’t do that for yourself. In fact, ESPECIALLY because you don’t do that for yourself!
You are the most important person in his life, so obviously you’re his top priority.
You’ll need to balance each other considering you both would want the other’s happiness to come first.
You’ll both enjoy watching horror movies together, it turns into a fun date night for the two of you. He likes to find the bad ones and make fun of them, I hope you’re okay with that.
You two would patch each other up too~
He would bandage any cuts and scrapes from your skateboarding accidents, and you would clean and bandage any wounds from his missions.
Both of you would develop the habit of “kissing the boo-boos better”, it makes you both laugh~
Overall, I think this relationship would be pretty balanced! You two would get along well and be able to work past difficult times together.
The song I pick for you two is:
“Walk Me Home” by P!nk
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You are taller than him and he lowkey hates and loves it.
He hates it because people (Jeff) will absolutely poke fun at him, but at the same time, he loves it because you can sit behind him and just… hold him.
He never realized how much he wanted to be held while playing games until it happened, now he’s addicted.
Seriously, just sit behind him while he’s playing and just hold him in your lap. He loves it, it makes him feel comfortable and happy.
He’s also a little indifferent, mainly if it doesn’t concern him. Very “not my problem” kinda person.
He thinks it’s cute that you always put him first. But after a while, if he sees you neglecting yourself for the sake of others, he’ll be pretty upset.
Not with you! But with others for taking advantage of you. He’d also start to rethink how he’s been treating you.
He doesn’t want to take advantage of you because he cares about you.
Doesn’t care one way or the other about PDA. He likes it because it makes people step off, but he also likes to save your intimate moments for just the two of you.
He definitely would recommend a bunch of beautiful game OSTs to you. You like music so you’d appreciate them and he wants to share that with you!
Basketball and skateboarding are outdoor activities and he’s not big on that stuff, he’d much rather play games with you inside.
But if you ask him nicely, he’d do it for you. (not without whining tho)
Overall, a very casual relationship. Not in a bad way!
You two will take things at your own pace and enjoy each other’s company~
The song I pick for you two is:
“Hands Down” by Dashboard Confessional
(Though I’m a big fan of the NateWantsToBattle cover)
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spooner7308 · 3 years
Adult Jake and Diego References (Jago)
Here's adult Jake
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Jake's taken after old Captain Hook much more than he'd like to admit hence his obsession with style. He's also only 5'7 without heels, one of the reasons he wears them so much
Here's adult Diego
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He's much more simple, he just has his exploring vest and his spectacular short shorts.
His years of exploring various wildernesses and going up against dangerous animals, and violent poachers has left him with a few nicks and scrapes.
I'll get into the the backstory of some of these scars later on down the line.
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bootyyy-shaker9000 · 4 years
Now that we know their hights, are people gonna stop drawing the 2012 gang to be tiny compared to the Rise! Boys? I mean, they are all taller than the disaster twins, with Mikey just scraping above
2012 Leo: 5'7-8, Raph: 5'6-7, Donnie: 5'10-11, Mikey: 5'4-6
Soo 👀👀
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fleetingfigures · 3 years
Oc Summary || Luo Qiangyi
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Alias/Nicknames: Luo (He doesn't have much yet...)
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Zodiac: Sagittarius Sun, Leo Moon, Libra Rising
Abilities/Talents: Farming, Braiding, Lifting things, Lowering things, Brewing Tea, Poetry
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
Religion: Yanxian Folk Religion
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: Yanxian (Dialect specific to his home town), Doman, Hingan, Common. (He's trying his best to learn these newfangled tongues.)
Family: Luo Zan (Father), Luo Xinyi (Mother), Luo Lanfen (Eldest sister), Luo Xue (Eldest Brother), Luo Shun (Older Brother), Luo Biya (Older Sister). All perished within Doma's fight for independence.
Friends: M-most of them are his coworkers...
Sexuality: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other ("What even is sex?")
Relationship Status: single / partnered / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating yet / it’s complicated
Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: slender / average / athletic / muscular / curvy / other
Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black
Eyes: brown / blue / gray / green / black / other
Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / dark / other
Height: 5'7"
Scars: A small one across the bridge of his nose as well as numerous little scrapes upon his hands, the latter of which he covers up with handwraps.
dogs or cats || birds or bugs || snakes or spiders || coffee or TEA || ice cream or cake || fruits or vegetables || sandwich or soup || magic or melee || sword, dagger or bow || summer or winter || spring or autumn || past or future (Both matter)
A few songs that remind you of them: Hippo Campus - Bambi 秋葉 Autumn Leaf - 紐卡 (紐卡のChen) Do You Feel Like You Have No One to Turn to? - Yayyoung
Tagged by: @sundered-souls (ty for the @ skarr!) Tagging: Just got another tag for it, so thought I'd do a second round~
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