#up until guys hit six foot at least they just add like 2 inches to their height
cleromancy · 6 months
evil gun batman future timmy - one of them anyway - had an official grown up height and i forget what it was exactly but it was like. 5'7ish. and i think that was just from tim eyeballing it so imo that means he was that tall WITH his evil gun batman height enhancing lifts. he has little guy syndrome syndrome of being a little guy
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lyricalbowties · 4 years
Somebody That I Used To Know.. pt. 2|| Selfpara- Anderbros
Tagging→  Blaine Anderson, Cooper Anderson, (mentions of Rachel Berry, Hunter Clarington, and Sebastian Smythe) Where→  Blaine’s apartment When→ 1/10/20 Warnings&Notes→  Finally part two!  Link t part one HERE.
“How...who..” Blaine laughed nervously. “What I meant to say w-“
            “Yes, Blaine.” Cooper interrupted him, “Tell me, what did you mean to say?”
            Blaine stared at this brother for a long moment before his shoulders relaxed a little. “How did you know? Was it that person you had following me around campus?”
            Cooper chuckled, “No. It wasn’t…I’m drawing a blank on the name. Anyway, no I’ve known for a little while now. I was just waiting until you told me. But I could tell that wasn’t going to happen. Especially since you were trying so hard with Rachel.”
            “I wasn’t ready to tell anyone.” Blaine murmured. He still wasn’t.
            “So, you had Rachel pretend to be your girlfriend?” Cooper asked.
            Blaine hesitated. How he wished he could say that was case instead of the actual truth. He looked away from Cooper, ashamed all over again. “No, it wasn’t like that.”
            Cooper blinked and stared at him, his expression changing ever so slightly as he put the pieces together. “Oh my god. Did Rachel even know you were gay?”
            “Until recently? No. No, she didn’t. Listen, I didn’t plan for it to happen or for it to get as far as it did!” Blaine continued on, cutting Cooper off before he could respond. “I walked her back from a party on campus, we were both really drunk and she kissed me, and I kissed her back and I guess she thought we were dating. And when she announced it at the next party, I had to go along with it and from there I got too afraid to tell her because of how far it got.”
            Cooper gasped. “You slept with her?”
            “No!” Blaine practically shouted, getting to his feet. “I didn’t sleep with Rachel! I know I should have broken it off sooner and I didn’t. I didn’t go into this with the intention of hurting her.”
            Blaine buried his face in his hands a moment and took a deep breath trying to calm himself. Cooper was leaned back in his spot on the couch, one arm now thrown up along the back. There was a long silence that followed. Blaine watched his brother waiting to see if he was going to continue. His mind raced wondering what Cooper was thinking right now, his expression was neutral and hard to read.
            “Who told you?” Blaine decided to ask.
            Cooper shrugged. “Why does it have to be someone? I could have figured it out on my own.”
            “Did you?”
            “I had my suspicions.” Cooper smiled a little, “But I didn’t know for sure until your friend told me—”
            Blaine saw red. He didn’t let Cooper finish before he was shouting. “He is not my friend! That lying asshole, he said he only told Hunter.” He kicked the table causing the liquid in the mugs to slosh out and onto the wood. Ignoring the pain in his foot Blaine paced back and forth, furious with Sebastian all over again. How did he even know Cooper? How would he have contacted him? It didn’t matter how; the point was he was lied to again.
            Cooper’s reaction to Blaine was that of alarm. He lurched forward and quickly tried to clean the table with some of the tissues. He looked up at his brother, “Blaine, woah calm down!” He said, dabbing the wood and lifting one of the magazines that unfortunately sat in the splash zone.
            “He lied! Not that I’m surprised.” Blaine was talking more to himself than his brother.
            “Blaine!” Cooper’s raised voice finally landed on Blaine’s ears and he stopped his pacing. “Who the hell are you talking about? Rebecca told me. You know, cute little curly haired girl you went to high school with. You ‘dated’ her too, if I remember correctly.”
            Blaine’s face softened a little. He hadn’t spoken with Rebecca in months, she lived in another state. “What? I..how did-“
            “Your graduation party,” Cooper replied as he finished drying the table. “She approached me and told me that she was going away to college and couldn’t keep an eye on you. She said it wasn’t her secret to tell but she needed someone who was close to you to know. Something about you being alone, and she didn’t like the idea of that.”
            Rebecca was Blaine’s best friend since they were young and moving away from her hurt. She was the first and only person, at the time, to know about Blaine. And she was right. When Blaine came to Ginsburg last year he felt alone. Sure, his classes kept him occupied but he still felt alone. Cooper knew for a year and a half and said nothing.
            Blaine smiled a little, “Yeah. That sounds like her. Why didn’t you say something before now?”
            Cooper sighed, “Because I didn’t want you to have another reason to hate me. I wanted you to tell me in your own time. But then all of this Rachel stuff happened, and Thanksgiving…I couldn’t wait.”
            All Blaine heard was ‘because I didn’t want you to have another reason to hate me.’ And it hurt in a way Blaine wasn’t prepared for. He blinked and his eyes stung as tears rolled out and he quickly reached up and wiped them away. Blaine wanted to tell Cooper he didn’t hate him but that would open the door for discussion of the resentment he felt for so many years and Blaine couldn’t emotionally handle that right now. He avoided eye contact with his brother and turned his gaze to the floor.
            “You didn’t tell mom and dad?” He asked.
            “No.” Cooper scoffed. “Please, I’m not that stupid.”
            “You told them about Rachel.”
            “Yeah, in hopes you’d come clean. I got tired of waiting.”
            Blaine drew in a deep breath and exhaled slowly, smirking at his brother. Cooper returned the smile for a moment before it dropped.
            “Hey, who were you talking about? Who told Hunter and who is Hunter?”
            Blaine’s eyes went wide trying to think of some kind of talk off while simultaneously scolding himself for jumping to blame Sebastian. He didn’t deserve Sebastian or Hunter as friends in any capacity with the way he acted. “No one.” Blaine shrugged but he could tell Cooper wasn’t buying.
            “Liar. Did this guy, this person who told Hunter, did he out you? Is this the guy who got you the flowers?” Cooper started off angry at the idea of someone outing Blaine but as he tried to connect the dots back to the flowers coming to an incredibly wrong conclusion, he looked more pleased with himself. 
            “What? No! He didn’t get me the flowers, that was someone else.”
            “Ah-ha!” Cooper stood and jabbed a finger in Blaine’s direction, which Blaine promptly slapped out of the way. “There is a someone!”
            “Will you stop that? Yes, there is a someone. No, it is not the person I was referring to. And no, I don’t want to talk about it right now because I’m still processing that you know right now.”
            Cooper pouted. “Aww, come on Squirt.” He walked over to Blaine and poked him in the side.
            Blaine scowled and retreated. “Hey.”
            Cooper poked him again with a large cheeky grin on his face. “Oh, is someone ticklish still?”
            “C-Cooper!” Blaine tried to back away from his brother and held his hands out as a warning to keep away.
            A devilish laugh came from Cooper as he rounded the table and pursued Blaine, poking him in the side when he found an opening. Each poke elicited a surprised yelp from Blaine.
            “Cut it out! We’re not kids anymore.”
            Cooper arched a brow and stood a few feet from Blaine looking for an opening. “I don’t think there is an age restriction when it comes to the older brother picking on his baby bro.”
            Blaine’s eyes narrowed. “It’s not funny, Coop. You know I hate being tickled. I can’t promise that I won’t swing.”
            His brother chuckled and slowly approached him. “And as I always said, I can’t promise I won’t tag you back if you do.”
            They stared each other down for a few more seconds, Blaine ready to retreat and Cooper ready to pounce. Cooper wiggled his fingers at his side, as if he were flexing them to prepare for his attack. Blaine still held his hands out waiting to block his brother. A smile wanted to stretch on Blaine’s face as this moment sent a wave of nostalgia flooding through him back to when they were both little. A time when Blaine looked up to his brother and a time when Cooper had time to play with him, tease him (all in good fun), and simply be around before they drifted apart and Blaine’s admiration turned swiftly to resentment.
            “I’ve been taking boxing lessons.” Blaine warned.
            Cooper scoffed, “Oh yeah? I still have about seven inches on you, so I’d like to see you try.”
            “Seven? I’m not that short! You’re six foot even, Coop. I’m five eight, that’s four inches!”
            Cooper stood there and appeared to be doing the math in his head. “Really? Are you sure you’re not measuring yourself without the gel? You know, the natural poof adds about 2 or 3 inches.”
            “That’s it!” Blaine charged at Cooper with a slight smile and Cooper, caught off guard, went down at Blaine wrapped his arms around his torso and knocked him back. Cooper let out an OOF as his back hit the floor followed by a laugh. Blaine thought he had Cooper pinned until his brother reached up and poked his side causing Blaine to jerk to the side giving Cooper the advantage to flip Blaine onto his back.
            “Too easy.” Cooper sighed and sat on Blaine’s stomach.
            “Cooper!” Blaine wiggled trying to get free but also struggling to breath easily. “Get off!”
            “Nah, I’m kind of comfortable right here.” He said and settled in more.
            Blaine laughed, despite how painful and difficult it was. “Cooper!”
            “Mm? Yes? Did you want some Squirt?”
            “Off! Blaine did his best to flip Cooper or at least nudge him off but it wouldn’t work.
            “You know the drill.” Cooper said sounding bored, “Say the magic word.”
            “Bite me!” Blaine groaned.
            “Oh, you’re almost there. You have the first half.” Cooper was clearly enjoying this as much as he did when they were young.
            “Get your ass off of me!”
            “Language.” Cooper poked Blaine in the side and he squirmed even more. “Come on Blaine, you know how this goes.”
            Blaine scoffed and his back was starting to hurt now. He gritted his teeth, “Fine! Cooper Anderson is the bestest, most handsome, of the Andersons.”
            “Ah, one more thing.” Cooper said preparing poke Blaine again.
            “Ugh, and I Blaine could never measure up to him!”
            Cooper was satisfied and stood up, air rushing back into Blaine’s lungs. Cooper reached down and helped Blaine to his feet. The smile on Cooper’s face fell to a more solemn expression. “You know that was just a stupid thing I made up as a kid, right? I don’t want you to think that you don’t measure up. Of course, you do. I’m proud of you, Blaine.”
            He threw an arm around Blaine’s shoulder and pulled him close. He ruffled Blaine’s hair, pulling his hand back to examine it before wiping his hand on his pants. Blaine slowly smiled, still a little out breath. He couldn’t even be upset with Cooper for messing with his hair, not after what he said.
             “Thanks Coop. That means a lot to me, more than you know.”
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lurafita · 5 years
It’s not easy to kidnap Spiderman
There are so, S.O., many fanfics that have normal, human, non-enhanced criminals successfully kidnapping Peter Parker. And I may have ranted about how people always noob Peter down too much, but it just baffles me every time.
And you can of course always make the argument that Peter isn’t willing to risk his secret identity, but that doesn’t mean he can’t use a fraction of his abilities to incapacitate his kidnappers and get away.
So, keeping that in mind, I wrote a little crack piece. By the by, Tony hasn’t sold the Tower and I am completely and blissfully ignoring Infinity War. Thanos can chuck himself into a freaking volcano.
Tony was in his workshop, deep in an inner debate with himself about re-enabling the BabyMonitorProtocol. He knew that, in a way, it was an invasion of privacy and might even be interpreted as distrust in Peter’s abilities and resposibilities as a hero. And that was definitely NOT what he wanted to convey. Peter had a unique and diverse skillset. With the right training (it had taken 3 weeks for them to figure out what actually worked for Peter) he had come a long way in properly using and controlling his powers, without having to compromise himself by holding back too much in a fight. Peter knew when a situation required back up and would never risk the safety of civilians by entering a fight that had him hopelessly outmatched. Peter knew that Tony would always, always, come when he called. (They had had a very, v.e.r.y. long discussion about that. ) Tony trusted the kid.
BUT, that didn’t change the fact that what the kid was doing, was dangerous.
Spiderman didn’t just swing around tall buildings (at speeds and altitudes that gave Tony heart palpitations), or rescue little kittens out of trees.
Spiderman caught out of control vehicles in busy traffic. Spiderman leapt into burning buildings. Spiderman got fucking SHOT AT!
Tony had, of course, improved the suit and made it as sturdy and safe as humanly possible. But considering that the material couldn’t be too thick, so as not to impede his sticky appendages, nor too hard, so as not to restrict his super-human flexibility, there were simply limits to what could be done. One of those limits, frustratingly, was that Tony hadn’t yet found a way to make the suit bulletproof.
And yes, Peter had the ability to dodge gunfire (thank god for the spider-sense), but that didn’t automatically make things safer. Superheroes were just as likely (sometimes even more so) to make mistakes as the next person. Sometimes you underestimate your opponent. Sometimes you zig, when you should zag. Sometimes things just go wrong.
Add to that how Peter liked to hide injuries from his aunt as well as his mentor/dad (because Tony had signed the shit out of those adoption/shared custody agreement papers as soon as May Parker had given her blessing), and it was really no wonder that Tony found himself counting new grey hairs on a weekly basis.
He would just feel that much better if the BabyMonitorProtocol was back up and he would be appraised of every little scuffle, altercation and injury as they happened, all the time, 24 fucking 7. No, he was not an overprotective helicopter parent, stop laughing Rhodey!
“Incoming call from Peter Parker.” Friday’s voice cut suddenly through his thoughts.
Tony took a deep, apprehensive breath. Just because the kid called right then didn’t have to mean he was in trouble. This could be a purely social call. Get it together.
“Put him through, Fri. Hey Pete.”
“Hi Mr. Stark!” Good, the kid sounded neither distressed, nor hurt. There was no gunfire, screaming or sounds of explosions in the backround. Just a social call then, thank god.
“Whats up, kid? Someone treat you to a churro again?” He smirked at hearing the put upon sigh from the other end of the line.
“Is anyone ever going to let this go? She was a nice lady and it was a yummy snack. I regret nothing.”
“Of course. So, what’s shaking? You are not calling to bail on me for our lab time later, are you?” He leaned back in his chair, relaxed smile on his lips.
“Oh god, please, no one says ‘what’s shaking’ anymore, Dad.” Peter whined and Tony’s smile grew. They had a weird relationship with names. For Tony it was Kid, Spiderling, Underoos, any variation he could come up with for the name Peter, and (the newest one) Son. While Peter liked to cycle through Mr. Stark, Tony, and more and more regularly, Dad. If Tony��s eyes were a teeny, tiny bit wet the first time Peter called him ‘Dad’, no one had to know.
“Anyway, the reason why I’m calling is,... uhm... well....” UhOh. That was Peter’s ‘I may be in trouble’ voice.
Tony snapped back upright in the chair, as the kid continued.
“...the thing is, I’m currently in the office of the Captain of the New York Police Department, and-”
“WHAT?!” He sprang up off his seat. “Friday! My suit! Now!”
“No, no no no no. Wait! Tony, wait! Calm down. It’s nothing bad”
Yeah, he was NOT reassured. The kid had once stumbled into the tower after patrol, hand pressed against a six inch long stab wound gushing blood, and claimed it was ‘nothing bad’.
“What happened? Why are you in the Captains office? Are you hurt?” The Ironman suit continued to assemble around his body as Friday opened one of the floor to ceilling windows for his take off.
“Not hurt, I promise. It’s just that Captain Stacy thought this call would better be made in privat and the bullpen was kinda loud, though there was this really cool guy who-”
“PETER!” This kid! (”5 minutes until you arrive at the NYPD, Sir.”)
“Right, right, sorry. So, I was just on my way home, minding my own business, and maybe hoping that that cute german shephard would be out in his yard again and I could play with him a little and NOT THE POINT, sorry, so, me just walking along the street, totally innocent, and then suddenly this white panel van parks a few feet in front of me.”
Oh god. That was exactly how crime and horror movies started, wasn’t it? Was now the right time to have a panic attack? (”4 minutes to destination.”)
“And then this man gets out, pretty buff and tall and I was just a little bit jealous, because like, I can benchpress a french frying* [*earlier post on how Peter avoids a ‘language lecture’ by swearing using food names] bus with no sweat and still have total noodle arms, and how is that fair”
“PETER!” This KID! (”3 minutes to destination”)
“Sorry! So, the guy asks me for directions to cityhall, but he doesn’t get it when I explain it to him, so he asks if I would ride with him and show him. And, like, my spidey-sense is this low buzz, like, this guy is probably up to no good, but not a real threat to me, right? And he said he would drive me back later and that he had some candy as a thank you, so-”
“You got into the van?!” Forget the panic attack, his fucking heart was about to stop!
“Did you not hear me mention the part where he promised me candy?”
Which arm was supposed to hurt again when you got a heart attack? This fucking kid! (”2 minutest to destination.”)
“Anyway, I climb into the passenger side and the guy starts the engine and all of a sudden my spidey sense is blaring and I slip down in the seat, before the guy that was hiding in the back can press his knife to my throat.”
Oh god oh god oh god.
“So then I grab the hand and twist it just a little, until he has to let go of the knife, and he screams and the knife falls right beside the hand brake. But then the buff guy driving makes a grab for it, so I punch him in the face, right? But I may have punched just a little bit too hard, cause next thing I know, he is unconcious and his head has fallen on the car horn in the middle of the steering wheel. And now the van is still going, but no one is steering and I still have the other guy’s arm at this angle that must have been incredibly uncomfortable for him, because he just keeps on screaming and the donuts* car horn is really french frying* loud and it’s all giving me a headache. So I pull back and knock the guy behind me out, too, and grab the wheel and yank it to the other side, because we were about to hit a tree. I get the buff guy off the steering wheel, and thank god, finally some quiet, but his foot is still on the gas, so I grab the hand brake and yank it up. And then the tires are squeeling and the engine is stuttering and I might have knicked my hand on the knife that had fallen there earlier, so I’m a little startled and yank the wheel again and then the van crashed into a parking police car.”
There is a moment of silence, Tony can see the NYPD building in the distance. (”30 seconds to destination, boss. May I suggest some mild breathing exercises to slow your heartbeat down some?”)
“But don’t worry! By that time the van had slowed down enough that the damage wasn’t too bad. Though Detective Mahoney spilled his coffee all over his shirt.” Ironman landed in front of the station, drawing quite a few looks all around him. “So I explain everything to the Detective Mahoney and his partner Detective Sanchez, who is like super cool and promised to help me study for my next spanish exam.” The suit dissembled around him and formed into a suitcase in his hand as Tony Stark, clad in a faded band shirt and soft blue pyjama pants (it was supposed to be his day off and he had, for once, slept in), ran up the stairs (as if he would waste time waiting for the elevator) to where he knew the Captains office was (Thanks Friday). “Turns out, these guys have been kidnapping kids like this for the last four weeks and were waiting to get two more to ship off to some kind of slave trade ring in a foreign country. So the Detectives interrogated them and got the location for where they are hiding the poor, missing kids and like half the precinct is on their way to free them.” One more floor and he would be there. At least now the heavy breathing could be attributed to running up so many fucking stairs. “I tried to slip away and get in the suit and follow the police cars, make sure the kids are alright and all, you know? But then the Captain came up to me and clapped me on the shoulder and was like ‘Good job, kid. That was very brave, but now lets call your parents and make sure you get home safe.’ And then he led me into his office and sat me on his couch, which is nowhere near as comfy as the ones in the tower, but whatever, and told me to call someone and that he would come back to talk to us a little later.” It wasn’t every day that Tony Stark bursts through the doors of the Major Crime unit of the New York Police Department in the clothes he slept in, so the officers in the room could be excused for any open mouthed gaping that may have taken place. “And, you know, Aunt May just came off a double shift in the hospital and I really didn’t wanna wake her, so I thought I better call you instead. So, can you come over to the NYPD? But like, don’t stress. If you have something important to do, that’s totally okay. I can just hang around for a few hours until May has gotten enough sleep and call her then. And maybe Detective Sanchez will-”
Peter was interrupted from his call when the door to the Captains office nearly flew off its hinges as Tony ran right in, a desperate, slightly manic look in his eyes. “Oh, that was quick. Hey Dad.”
And yes, fine, it may not be much of an exaggeration when Peter later complained that Tony cuddled him on that couch for the better part of 20 minutes. It may also be true that he threatened to sue everyone and their mother more than once, everytime someone from the police department tried to interrupt his, very justified, fussing over his kid. He also makes damn sure that Peter doesn’t leave his direct proximity for the entire time they stay at the station. Peter gave his official statement, they got to watch when the freed kids were reunited with their overjoyed, tearful parents, who all come over to thank Peter in person for his part in finding their children, and Detective Sanchez gave Peter her card and personal number for those spanish lessons. During all that time, Tony has managed to inform May, Pepper and Happy about everything, and the three soon join them at the station. While May and Pepper take over fussing over Peter and hugging him to death (the kid sends him a very nasty look over the womens shoulders), Tony is already on his phone, programming Karen to reengage the BabyMonitorProtocol and sending the code to one of his Stark watches that he is going to fucking weld around the kids wrist so he can never take it off. He doesn’t even care how much Rhodey laughs at and calls him an overprotective helicopter parent again later. 
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/best-fantasy-football-waiver-wire-pickups-for-week-4/
Best fantasy football waiver wire pickups for Week 4
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After last week’s injury-riddled Sunday, fantasy football rosters stayed mostly intact in Week 3 (though there are still some injury fill-ins worth considering as free agent adds this week). That’s ultimately good news, but it makes our list of top Week 4 fantasy waiver wire pickups look a little thinner. Fortunately, several rookie WRs, including Justin Jefferson, Tee Higgins, and Brandon Aiyuk, broke out and teased fantasy owners with future stardom. Quite a few veterans, such as Rex Burkhead, Greg Ward, and Jeff Wilson Jr., also stepped up and might be worth considering picking up this week, though it’s unlikely any will require actual waiver claims (save for Carlos Hyde, pending the severity of Chris Carson’s late-game knee injury). Sorry — not every week features the consensus top-two preseason picks suffering serious injuries. 
Our full free agent list has a bunch of potential pickups, though most fall into the “stash” category as we get closer to the bye weeks. Guys like Hunter Renfrow, James Washington, Andy Isabella, and Cordarrelle Patterson could have some value because of injuries to guys in front of them. Others, like Myles Gaskin, Logan Thomas, Mo Alie-Cox, and Corey Davis, keep seeing a steady amount of work even if they aren’t necessarily putting up huge stats. It’s all about opportunities in fantasy, so pay attention to more than just the yards and touchdowns. We also have some potential D/ST streamers at the end of this list because we feel much more confident about favorable/unfavorable matchups. 
MORE WEEK 4: RB Handcuff Chart
Unless you’re really desperate for a receiver or low-ceiling RB like Hyde, Gaskin or Adrian Peterson, this doesn’t look like the week to use a high waiver claim. Some of these WRs look legit, if inconsistent, but they’re not worth top-five claims. It’s not a bad idea for owners with low claims to snatch these guys up before they hit the free agent market, but you don’t want to fall too far down the list because you know more serious injuries are coming this year. Hyde is the one exception if Carson is slated to miss multiple weeks. — Matt Lutovsky
Unless otherwise noted, only players owned in fewer than 50 percent of Yahoo leagues considered.
Justin Jefferson, WR, Vikings
Jefferson was a non-factor through the first two games (five receptions, six targets, 70 yards), but he broke out in a big way in Week 3, catching seven-of-nine targets for 175 yards and a score. A favorable matchup against the Titans and a 71-yard TD helped him have such a big day, but he’s capable of being an every-week starter if he gets regular targets. The Vikings haven’t utilized their TEs this year, and as long as that keeps happening, Jefferson will have the opportunity for targets. He’s well worth stashing ahead of the bye weeks. —Matt Lutovsky
Myles Gaskin, RB, Dolphins
The Dolphins utilized Gaskin early and often against the Jaguars on Thursday Night Football. He finished with 22 carries for 66 yards and five catches for 29 yards. Aside from Jordan Howard stealing very short-yardage touchdowns, Gaskin seems to be the main man in this backfield ahead of Howard and Matt Brieda. The Seahawks don’t have a great run defense, so if Gaskin continues to see touches, he’ll be worth using in a fantasy flex spot in Week 4, at minimum. –Billy Heyen
Brandon Aiyuk, WR, 49ers
Aiyuk didn’t do much in his Week 2 debut (two catches, three targets, 21 yards, no carries), but his versatility was on full display in Week 3. The talented rookie caught five-of-nine targets for 70 yards and added 31 rushing yards and a score on three carries against the Giants. Deebo Samuel (foot) is expected to be out until Week 5, so Aiyuk will have another chance to establish himself as a trustworthy contributor in Week 4. Grab him now. —ML
Tee Higgins, WR, Bengals
With A.J. Green looking like a shell of himself (despite getting frequent targets) and John Ross III being a healthy inactive in Week 3, a receiver other than Tyler Boyd figures to step up for the pass-happy Bengals. Higgins was that guy in Week 3, catching five-of-nine targets for 40 yards and two TDs. Higgins had six targets in Week 2, so he’s trending upward. At 6-4, 216 pounds, Higgins can do damage all over the field, making him well worth a bench spot. —ML
Carlos Hyde, RB, Seahawks
Chris Carson exitedlate in Seattle’s win over Dallas and was seen limping on the sideline due to an apparent knee injury. We’ll certainly find out more about the severity throughout the week, but Hyde should be on everyone’s radar as a top claim if Carson is expected to miss any time. Travis Homer would also be a potential PPR flex if Carson is out against Miami. —ML
Ward found the end zone in Week 3 on one of his eight catches (11 targets). The converted quarterback has worked well out of the slot for the Eagles since he took on a bigger role late last season, and he did see seven targets in Week 1 before a quiet Week 2. He’s worth considering in PPR leagues as a player with a decent weekly floor, especially against an injury-depleted 49ers defense in Week 4. DeSean Jackson (hamstring) and Dallas Goedert (ankle) suffered injuries in Week 3, so that could raise Ward’s ceiling. –BH
Jeff Wilson Jr., RB, 49ers
Jerick McKinnon was the primary back for the 49er in Week 3, but Wilson saw just about equal work to the shifty back. Wilson saw 12 carries, and while he only logged 15 yards, he did score on the ground. He also caught all three of his targets for 54 yards and another score. Kyle Shanahan loves to mix up his backs, so as long as Raheem Mostert (knee) is out, Wilson will be a solid flex play bordering on RB2 in a couple of good upcoming matchups against the Eagles and Dolphins.— Jacob Camenker
Corey Davis, WR, Titans
Reports continue to indicate that the bone bruise in A.J. Brown’s knee could keep him out of action longer. That means Davis retains his spot as the temporary No. 1 WR in Tennessee for a bit longer. That didn’t lead to huge fantasy production in Week 2 (though he did score), but he did log five catches for 69 yards on Sunday against the Vikings. Davis is still a former top-10 pick playing with one of the league’s most underrated QBs, a combination that should work out more often than not. –BH
Allen Lazard, WR, Packers
The Packers have one of the best passing attacks in the NFL helmed by Aaron Rodgers and they are taking on the Falcons and their turly awful secondary in Week 4. Lazard should have a chance to put up big numbers especially with top Packers receiver, Davante Adams, battling a hamstring injury.— JC
Marquez Valdes-Scantling, WR, Packers
Stop us if you’ve heard this before: The Packers have one of the best passing attacks in the NFL helmed by Aaron Rodgers and they are taking on the Falcons and their truly awful secondary in Week 4. Marquez Valdes-Scantling should have a chance to put up big numbers especially with top Packers receiver, Davante Adams, battling a hamstring injury.– JC
Hunter Renfrow, WR, Raiders
With Henry Ruggs (knee) out, Renfrow stepped up. He saw a team-high nine targets (no other player saw more than four) and caught six of them for 84 yards and a TD (and was a few inches short of a second TD). Garbage time helped him pad those stats, but he should be added based on his potential PPR prowess. –JC
Cole Beasley, WR, Bills
After John Brown exited against the Rams with a calf injury, Beasley emerged as Josh Allen’s favorite target. He led the team in targets with seven, catches with six, and he logged 100 yards even on the day. If Brown misses time, Beasley should be a WR3 and could be a very strong play in PPR against a porous Raiders defense in Week 4. –JC
Rex Burkhead, RB, Patriots
Three-TD games will always draw fantasy attention, but it’s important to note that James White (personal) and Damien Harris (hand) will likely return to the Patriots backfield next week. Because of that, Burkhead might be a one-week wonder who’s not worth owning, but clearly he has big upside if one or both of White and Harris remain out. White is the key, as Burkhead soaks up a lot of his passing-down snaps that White usually gets (as shown by his seven catches on 10 yargets), but considering White isn’t injured, it’s fair to expect him back soon. —ML
Damien Harris, RB, Patriots
Harris (hand) has officially spent three weeks on IR, and the Patriots could activate him soon. If he is active, the second-year back and former third-round pick could work his way into a rotation that could use a potential bell-cow back. Harris could qualify, so scoop him up based on his ceiling even if his floor is low. –JC
Gore is still getting volume as the Jets’ lead rusher. He handled 15 carries against the Colts despite the Jets trailing for a majority of the game. He’s not a sexy pic up, but he does have TD upside as he’ll handle most of the red-zone carries for at least one more week. —JC
Adrian Peterson, RB, Lions
The Lions backfield is going to be unpredictable because Matt Patricia likes to keep opponents guessing, but Peterson looks like the leader back there. Peterson handled virtually all of the backfield work (22 carries) for Detroit and he was their most effective runner. He may eventually cede carries to Kerryon Johnson and D’Andre Swift, but for now, the veteran should be the top back in the offense and owned in more than 52 percent of Yahoo leagues. —JC
Andy Isabella, WR, Cardinals
The UMass product got a chance to play extra snaps with Christian Kirk out, and he made the most of it. Isabella caught all four of his targets for 47 yards and two TDs, and the Cardinals may opt to use his speed and quickness as a mismatch weapon in that red zone more often. He’s worth owning given his potential big-play ability. —JC
Scotty Miller, WR, Buccaneers
Chris Godwin left the Bucs’ win over the Broncos with an apparent hamstring injury. It’s unclear if the Bucs were just being cautious with their receiver in a big win or if he suffered a soft-tissue injury that could linger. If Godwin misses time, that will open up an opportunity for Miller to step into the No. 2 receiver role once again. He caught a 47-yard pass from Tom Brady on Sunday, so he’s good to have around either way. —JC
Alshon Jeffery, WR, Eagles
Jeffery (foot) might finally be back in Week 4. He’s a shell of what he once was, but he’s still a big target who might be counted on in the red zone. If nothing else, it’s worth keeping him in mind as you make your pickups this week. It’s easy to lose track of players who have yet to play a game this season due to injury. –BH
Cordarrelle Patterson, RB/WR, Bears
Tarik Cohen suffered a bad knee injury on a punt return late in the Bears’ win over the Falcons. Patterson will be the top backup to David Montgomery. Patterson with Cohen out, and although he’s not yet RB-eligible on some sites, that’s the position he’ll be playing. He saw four carries for 13 yards against the Falcons, and the converted receiver could do some damage as a pass-catcher out of the backfield if given more snaps.— JC
James Washington, WR, Steelers
Diontae Johnson suffered a concussion in the Steelers’ Week 3 win over the Texans. Now, he’ll have to work his way through the NFL’s concussion protocol, so he should be considered questionable for next week’s game against the Titans, who just had trouble containing rookie receiver Justin Jefferson. Washington could have a chance at a big game as a result, as he ended up with a team-high seven targets and five catches for 36 yards helping to replace Johnson in Week 3. — JC
Mo Alie-Cox, TE, Colts
Even with Jack Doyle back from injury, Alie-Cox was the Colts’ top pass-catching tight end. He managed to grab Philip Rivers’ lone passing TD of the day and has a strong rapport with the veteran quarterback. He will be a solid low-end TE1 given his nice upcoming schedule (Bears, Browns, Bengals, Lions). —JC
Jimmy Graham, TE, Bears
Graham has had an up-and-down season so far, but he saw 10 targets and caught six passes for 60 yards and two TDs against the Falcons. He has more upside with Nick Foles now (likely) starting at quarterback, and he could put up more consistent numbers as a result. He may be more of a TD-dependent start at TE, but he’s worth owning as the potential No. 2 target in Chicago’s offense.— JC
Eric Ebron, TE, Steelers
Ebron caught a touchdown in Week 3, which is where you’re going to find fantasy value from him going forward. The Titans are a favorable TE matchup coming up in Week 4, so if nothing else, you can stream Ebron if you’re dealing with a rough tight end situation. –BH
Logan Thomas, TE, Washington
Thomas has racked up 24 targets through three weeks , and that included seven targets for four catches and 31 yards against the Browns. His yardage totals haven’t been particularly inspiring, but Thomas is a TD threat and could be a starter in PPR formats. As long as he’s getting volume, he’s a threat to produce. –JC
Laviska Shenault Jr., WR, Jaguars
Shenault continues to see a handful of targets and multiple rushes each game, and he’s proving to be a powerful runner. The Jaguars could bounce back offensively against the Bengals in Week 4, and Shenault should continue to see a consistent workload, especially if DJ Chark (chest) remains out. –BH
Preston Williams, WR, Dolphins
Williams bounced back from a subpar Week 2 to catch a touchdown on Thursday Night Football in Week 3. He’ll continue to be hit-or-miss as the third passing game option behind DeVante Parker and Mike Gesicki, but he remains talented enough and a good enough red-zone threat to warrant a spot on fantasy rosters. –BH
Braxton Berrios, WR, Jets
For the second-consecutive week, Berrios was able to reel in a TD from Sam Darnold. The Jets aren’t a very good team, but as long as Jamison Crowder (hamstring) is out, Berrios will see a lot of action in the slot and have a chance to catch TDs. And as long as the Jets are trailing, there will be plenty of opportunities for garbage-time points. –JC
Dontrelle Inman, WR, Washington
Dwayne Haskins had four receivers that saw six-plus targets on Sunday against the Browns, and one of them was Dontrelle Inman. The veteran caught three passes for 38 yards but made a big fantasy impact by grabbing two TDs. He may not repeat this production each week, but he should be added given that Haskins seems to be looking his way in the end zone and Washington figures to pass a lot as they look to stay in games.– JC
Olamide Zaccheaus, WR, Falcons
Julio Jones missed Sunday’s game with a hamstring injury and Russell Gage suffered a head injury and exited early. As a result, Zaccheaus ended up seeing six targets and catching four passes for 41 yards, all of which ranked second on the team behind Calvin Ridley. It’s also worth noting that Matt Ryan overthrew Zaccheaus for what could’ve been a big TD, so Zaccheaus should’ve done better. He should be added, as he could be a flex depending on the health of Jones and Gage. –JC
Adam Humphries, WR, Titans
Humphries saw seven targets against the Vikings, good for the second most on the Titans behind tight end Jonnu Smith. As long as A.J. Brown (knee) is out, Humphries will continue to be a reliable slot target for Ryan Tannehill. His upcoming schedule looks solid, as the Steelers, Bills, and Texans have all had some trouble against slot receivers, so he could be a nice low-end WR3/high-end flex in PPR formats.— JC
Curtis Samuel, WR, Panthers
With Christian McCaffrey out, Samuel took on a bigger role as a runner. Mike Davis was the top RB, but Samuel handled four carries for the Panthers. He only had seven yards on the ground, but the sure-fire touches are certainly a good sign. He also caught four passes for 45 yards, so he’s a solid bench receiver that can be a flex play in the right matchup. —JC
Demarcus Robinson, WR, Chiefs
As long as Sammy Watkins (concussion) is out, Robinson will have more chances to produce in the Chiefs’ offense. He should be watched closely against the Ravens on Monday night, but he’s definitely a guy that could be a nice bench piece with flex upside while Watkins is unavailable. —JC
Gabriel Davis, WR, Bills
Davis is distinctly a deep-league target, as the Bills have a lot of mouths to feed. But Davis showed off both his possession skills and his down-field speed in the first half for the Bills on Sunday. The rookie from UCF looks like he’ll be targeted often when he’s in the game, at least, and if he keeps making plays, he can at least push Cole Beasley for the WR3 spot in Buffalo or be a good fill-in for John Brown as he deals with a calf injury. –BH
KJ Hamler, WR, Broncos
Hamler caught just three passes for 30 yards, but he did see five targets and one carry for the Broncos against the Buccaneers. In easier matchups, he should be a better play, and when Drew Lock returns from a shoulder injury, his ceiling as a deep threat could be as high as a WR3. —JC
Justin Herbert, QB Chargers
Adam Schefter has reported that Tyrod Taylor is likely to miss Week 4 as he continues to recover from his punctured lung. Herbert gets a tough Week 4 matchup against the Buccaneers, but the rookie will continue to be worth starting in two-QB and superflex formats as long as he’s getting the starting nod. It’s also fair to expect that another good performance or two could keep Taylor on the sidelines even once he’s healthy, making Herbert worth considering as a backup in single-QB formats if you’re looking for one, as he does have consecutive 300-yard passing games. –BH
Arizona Cardinals D/ST
Playing in Carolina would be scary most of the year due to Christian McCaffrey’s presence, but Arizona won’t have to worry about that in Week 4. That’s enough to fire this group up to chase after Teddy Bridgewater and likely force a turnover or two once Kyler Murray snags a big lead. –BH
Philadelphia Eagles D/ST
There are streams better than this if the 49ers get Jimmy Garoppolo back, but if it’s Nick Mullens and one or more RBs are still absent from the San Francisco attack, the Eagles are a worthy stream. Mullens’ career TD:INT ratio isn’t much greater than 1:1, so the Philadelphia secondary could feast if the 49ers fall behind in this game. –BH
The Broncos are far from full strength due to injuries, but the perfect fix for that is a matchup with Sam Darnold and the Jets, who will still be without Le’Veon Bell and will rely on the ancient Frank Gore in the backfield. Turnovers and three-and-outs could be the order of the day for Denver’s defense on Thursday night Week 4. –BH
Seattle Seahawks D/ST
There’s always a chance Miami breaks out Tua Tagovailoa for his NFL debut here after a 10-day layoff following Thursday Night Football. That means you’ll stream a defense either facing a QB in his NFL debut or facing Ryan Fitzpatrick, both of which are appealing enough to pursue this stream despite the trip cross country. –BH
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