Non capisco coloro che dicono di essere rimasti delusi da questa saga, etichettando il terzo il meno coinvolgente dei tre. Per me è stato il migliore!
I personaggi sono cresciuti tantissimo e sono stati approfonditi in maniera impeccabile, anche quelli che non dovevano o non aveva la possibilità di evolvere.
La trilogia della Falce è una saga che mi rimarrà nel cuore e che mi ha fatto vedere la vita e la società in un modo diverso. Ci sono molti messaggi in questi libri e mi sono divertita a decrifrarli tutti. I colpi di scena sono all'ordine del giorno, ed essendo una che ragiona molto sul futuro che potrebbe prevedere i personaggi, sono stata affascinata di come l'autore sia riuscito a farmi rimanere a bocca aperta.
La consiglio a tutti quelli che cercano una saga dispotica, lenta ma piena di bellezza!
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fantomette22 · 2 years
Never thought that pass 11pm i would be looking at videos of people cutting grass with a scythe. Yes there’s context i swear XD
I was originally looking at the job of a groundskeeper, especially in the 19th century. And surprise guess what i found? Drawings, painting and engravings of people with scythe.
I guess our headcanons (or even speculation) of Gehrman being a groundskeeper at Byrgenwerth or something, got even more points toward it !
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set-wingedwarrior · 1 year
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I love how this parallels are so similar and yet so different.
The first one is the more similar and obvious (same pose, cape flying in the same direction, etc.), just the hood being down, but the second? The second is the one that is making me go crazy.
All of it screams "it's the same but it's different" and I love that! The schyte is on the opposite side, with the blade pointing up instead of down, and even the shot is different, no more frontal but partially from the side!
Ruby is still the same, but she's also changed. She still holds the same goals and believes, but she had a lot of experiences which she learned from. In other words, she grew up.
I am so proud of her.
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purpleandstarlight · 9 months
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That scene in Book of Atlantic where Ciel asks, in a fit of panic, if the bloody Sebastian who just got stabbed by a Death Schyte is alright.
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adore-nyx · 1 year
Light novel Rimbaud: *joins the mafia, fakes the resurrection of the old boss just so he can get closer to chuuya and kill him to regrain the memories of his best friend and eventually go and find him, its a reason so heartbreaking that even chuuya (the kid he wants to kill) agrees with him, has one of the coolest fight in the series, gets stabbed right in the chest by a fking schyte but still manages to turn himself into a singularity and waits as a ghost for a whole year just to tell Verlaine how much his existence has meant to him and that his birth was not a sin and that he is human after all (+hes very pretty)*
Anime Rimbaud: yeah i killed my partner...oh I'm so cold...*dies*(+hes drawn like a sewer rat with long hair)
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vatrocvet · 1 year
i do not think i've seen a single person (not in universe, like in irl mentions of the character) call spirit albarn "death schyte" even though that is technically what he's been christened after he became a death weapon. we all just collectively ignored that.
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I wanted to ask a question about another oc of yours and then realised I can't find the name, so I hope the description will work
He (I hope I got that right) has purple hair and dark skin and is Lance's mentor you drew semi-recently and I think a leader of a monster hunter guild? Or something similar. Has the Coolest Design
I am running on very poor memory, I apologize, but I wanted to ask what weapons he uses?
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this lad!!!! more than his mentor he's like. His Boss!! As you said he's the leader of the European Monster Hunters Guild, and!!! the very first non-human leader, no less. he's a wood elf :)
and since a lot of the monster hunters i personally create are loosely based on bloodborne, he actually has gehrman's weapon -- which means. big ass schyte.
i'm still thinking how to "transform" that, leaning on giving him one that cna turn into a rifle maybe??? im slowly but surely going through a rework/update with most of the hunters characters so. ye asdngf
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l1qu1dsm00th · 1 year
The ask draw thing !! Grell 21
Grell Sutcliff + Doll / Mannequin
Enjoy, my little gore lover!
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Yknow how shinigami can't die unless they get cut by a death schyte but they can still get hurt and all? Yeah well she's alive in there that's all I'm gonna say.
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rurifangirl · 2 years
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Name: Liam.
Age: 23.
Sexuality and gender: Bisexual, trans man.
Species: Gorgon.
Occupation: Guardian.
Pronouns: He/him.
Height: 4.26m (15 feet).
Birthday: 3 October.
Likes: Ducks, waterfalls,sand.
Dislikes: Squeaky sounds, arrows, insects.
Personality: Protector of the 4th floor, Liam has done everything in his power to protect his people, even if that meant straining away from them. His avoidant and shy attitude don't make him the best in coversations, but he is a good listener. Overall gloomy, but good at heart.
He uses a schyte for combact (though rarely; and It Is a normal schyte w/o nothing special).
Then of course, being a gorgon he can turn people who meet his gaze in stone. Though, differently from the original gorgons, he can control whether to turn people in stone or not. But, if in high concentration of any emotion (even happyness or sadness), they'll turn in stone either way.
Further info under the cut <3
The other lil stuff/bit of background 🐍
So as I've said earlier, he's the fourth floor's guardian, and in contrapposition to Vox he isn't really seen well. By all means, he still Is respected by most, it's just that his relationship with humans Is,, complicated to say the least.
Even with previous guardians the relationship was rocky, so Liam simply adapted to the situation, and didn't mind the distance. Though, he was still pretty curious, and couldn't help but sometimes interact with humans.
And before you may ask yes, his eyes that look like scared cat eyes are intentional. He might seem to stare at your soul but rly he's just looking normally. He Is pretty self co ncious of that though so Liam tries not to look eye to eye.
Anyways ducks ducks ducks ducks -
He loves those silly little dudes just . Swimming around where he resides . And gives sometimes some bread y'know
Oh and speaking on how he gets food: It's mainly through offerings, since there are several lil altars. When It's night, he approaches them and boom cool stuff and some bread.
Random thought but for the italian folks i think he'd adore peach estàthe.
He easly gets stuck between branches, as he often forgets just how tight the gap between two tree's branches are.
It's not unusual for him to bathe in waters like rivers or lakes, though sometimes It gets more lonely than usual.
Since he doesn't talk much, he might have trouble with pronouncing or rarely remembering words, so It'd be better to let him have enough time to express himself.
Tags: @a-chaotic-dumbass @spoopy-fish-writes @spooping-around-liyue @edensrose @nadi-117 @dopesaladlady @audre-falrose @yourlocalcowboy @flowergarden1 @infraaa
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mnstcrbnll · 4 months
⌧ - grip my muse by the back of the neck for either debito or surprise me. i rolled a d20 and it gave me 5 so im doing the 5th one--
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He doesn't like that. Not one bit.
Debito isn't dumb, he wouldn't go out of his way to bother higher ups, or people he knows would bring him trouble -- in fact, if it was for him, he'd rather not have to deal with anyone who puts their nose in his business. He'd rather work in the shadows. Be more sneaky. But this time, he couldn't affort that: one of his former grunts needed a reminder of what happens when you mess with them, and he couldn't really bother stopping his followers as they took care of the situation.
Someone who talked too much, and who deserved a bit of a beating.
An audience is far from appreciated. He could easily take the other down, he thinks, but there's no need to make this mess last longer.
"...andiamocene." he simply ordered in a whisper, with all the intentions of leaving the man with the poor sap on the ground, black and blue but still breathing, when the agent decided to get a different idea, grabbing him by the back of his neck as if he was a kitten. In return, the Umbra Boss barely reacted, if not for half a second of surprise. A flick of his wrist and one of his Pokèball fell on the ground, releasing a big Dorvilence who immediately slithered behind the newcomer, his schyte-like tail around the man's throat.
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"I suggest letting me go." Debito continued, his voice cold and calm, still looking in front of himself rather than paying attention to the other "He doesn't like strangers."
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placebogirl7 · 4 years
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I've finally completed the slayer schyte! I would have done Buffy cosplay in these days for Riminicomix, but unfortunately it has been cancelled like all the other comicons due to the virus... So I think my schyte won't see its first comicon until 2021, but I can't wait to cosplay Buffy!
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inzanoman · 4 years
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I've always f💥cking love Nnoitra, I wanted him to return to bleach in the Quincy saga, but well, no happy ending for me... Wich one was your favorite Espada? #nnoitra #nnoitragilga #nnoitrajiruga #jiruga #gilga #bleach #espada #arrancar #adjucas #lasnoches #schyte #santateresa #night #fanart #bleachfanart https://www.instagram.com/p/CCNQe-oFRwi/?igshid=lx3he3xt2six
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skyllerdamisch · 4 years
Faraday: finge sua própria morte para libertá-la do aprendizado.
Rowan: passa seu aprendizado tentando garantir que ela ganhe.
greyson: pula na frente de um carro por ela.
jeri: apunhala-se para salvá-lá.
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hemastral · 4 years
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Rikiira, General Mumble character 
lovely character
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vatrocvet · 1 year
god i am having soooo many thoughts about like. teenage stein and marie and spirit and azusa and their generation's time as shibusen students pre death schyte. ESPECIALLY stein and marie god they're ruining me right now i'm supposed to be studying for my last grades this school year but noooooo i have to read 29372928 fics about them. ugh. i need more fics of all of them and their interpersonal dynamics while they were teenagers they scratch my brain.
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Who is the oc you redesigned? Is there any information we can get? I may Quite Like how he looks
sfasdf thank u.........
his name is Ulisse, he's the current leader of the European Monster Hunter Guild -- and also the very first non-human leader since the mid '900 he's a very soft wood elf from greece and acts like a dad to all the other monster hunters. he also uses a schyte because i know its an impractical weapon but its very sexy and also i just finished bloodborne when i designed him and i was still crying
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