#satan and belphegor are absolutely LIVING for this and would actively encourage it
dragonanon · 11 months
Okay as much as I love the demon brothers, I know for a FACT I would never survive in the HOL. I know myself too damn well; I am a living ball of sass, and I would be completely unable to stop myself from sassing Lucifer at every possible opportunity. In turn, he would make it his life’s mission to make me suffer endlessly for it.
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oh-boy-me · 4 years
How do you think the brothers would react to an MC that can charm animals like a Disney princess?
To say he was surprised to see them cuddled up and napping with Cerberus when he entered his study was an understatement.
Cerberus only likes Lucifer, he’s lived with all seven of the brothers for ages and still only likes Lucifer.  So for MC to be using him as a pillow?  And for Cerberus to be ok with it?  Enjoying it even?  Wack.
Seeing his favorite pup and one of his favorite humans getting along hits him right in the eldest child feels.
It doesn’t affect too much, but he does brag about it whenever a mildly appropriate time comes up.  Like when your mom references a talent at a barbecue and you’re like “what no mom I’m not gonna do it on command.”  Lucifer is the mom.
Oh Mammon smells an opportunity to make some sweet bank.
No no no just hear him out, so MC and him will set up an “instant discipline for misbehaving pets” stand in a busy section of the Devildom, and MC’s presence will keep the animals docile.  The customers will think they’ve been trained and pay Mammon a boatload of cash!
And they’ll get out of there quickly before anyone can realize that their pets started misbehaving again as soon as they got home.  Profit!  MC can have some too.  They’ll split it 70/30.
His brothers ask if the reason why he’s so attached to them is because they can charm animals and he’s basically an animal.  He vehemently denies being attached to them.
Mammon why is that the part you felt the need to deny?
“Can we get Henry 1.0 back????  Like, if we go down to the labyrinth under the Demon Lord’s castle, could we get him back?”  No you can’t Levi he’s bigger than your entire bedroom at this point.
Ok so Henry 1.0 is out of the question but Henry 2.0 the goldfish?  OMG the two of them could teach Henry tricks, Henry could be an acrobatic goldfish.
Constantly finding new tricks to teach him and texting MC to come over and help him with it.  He posts videos to his social media and tags them in every post.  He’s so proud of all three of them for putting this together.
He’s having so much fun away from his computer for once that one has to wonder if Levi was the one that was charmed.
Charm animals + cat cafe = profit
If MC thought Satan was always down to hang out before?  It suddenly seems like he’s almost always free.  Y’know.  Just in case MC is available to go to a pet store or something.
Satan is pretty good with animals, but the really timid ones still evade him.  But with MC?  He could read a book surrounded by cats or share a muffin with a hedgehog.  If that isn’t better than the Celestial Realm he doesn’t know what is.
Secretly hopes he can catch MC playing with a wild animal because that would be probably the cutest thing he’ll ever see.
If he does, he’ll take a photo of it to use both as blackmail and as a bargaining tool.  And to look at when he’s feeling stressed, but mainly the first two.
Oh, a fellow charmer?  An ally??  Or, perchance, a rival???
Asmodeus makes a point to try to be more charming than they are, regardless of if they’re doing it on purpose.  They see a cat that they want to pet?  Oh kitty wouldn’t you rather be pet by ~me?~
Pet hair isn’t good for his clothes and irritates his skin, so he dumps his victories on Satan.
Because of this, Satan actively encourages their competitions.
Also tries to train them in the ways of charming things and people, but with little success.  Or, at least, none that can’t be attributed to Asmo himself.
Honestly leave it to Asmo to make petting dogs into a competition, I’m so sorry MC.
To put it plainly, Beelzebub thinks it’s absolutely amazing.  Adorable too.  When he finds out, he almost seems like a kid who saw a commercial for his favorite action figure.
He really wants them to go on jogs with him so he can pet all the dogs they run into on the route.
He probably also tries to sneak Cerberus out of the house to run with them.  MC can make sure he stays behaved, right?  There should be nothing to worry about!  RIP both of them if Lucifer finds out, which he will.
“Beel don’t you already have a dog friend in Luke?”
Even if they can’t go out with Cerberus, he will still want to become better friends with the doggo.  Belphie would probably love for the four of them to take a nap together.
This could go one of two ways.
Option one: MC attracts puppies and kitties and other cuddle buddies, and he’s thrilled.  Nap buddies!!  Cute nap buddies!!!  MC you are staying right here with him and napping with him and all these nap buddies.
Option two: MC attracts something like birds and they won’t shut up and he’s trying to nap and MC will you please tell your bird friend to go away.
MC has infinite power in their hands, and it is up to them how they choose to use it.  Belphegor’s bite is almost equivalent to his bark, though, so they might want to watch out.
Can he really do anything to stop them, though?  It’s not like they’ll run out of birds.
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prrplwtch · 4 years
I'm a sucker for hickies, so what about the brothers' reaction to when the MC leaves a hickie (or more) on them and they dont notice until someone points it out
Sure nonnie 💜
When, during the morning meeting, Diavolo gives him a strange look and tells Lucifer that he should fix his collar, Lucifer is surprised. It’s not until he looks into the mirror that he realizes why. 
On the right side of his neck is a deep red love bite, no doubt left by MC during their...activities last night. 
Lucifer finds himself blushing - there is no doubt in his mind that all his brothers, Diavolo, and a ton of people at the academy had already saw it. 
It’s not that he minds that people know he’s involved with someone - in fact, he’s really happy about dating MC, and still he doesn’t really want to flaunt his...sex life in other people’s faces. So he immediately fixes his shirt.
Might consider talking to MC about not leaving love bites on him anymore - after all, he’s the one who gets to mark his territory, not the other way around. 
In the end, won’t actually say anything, because he thinks that the passion MC displays by doing just that is kinda hot. 
When Levi looks to him during breakfast and rolls his eyes muttering something about normies, Mammon is confused. “Whatcha talkin’ bout?” he asks. “Maybe don’t go around flaunting your love life?” Satan, who’s sitting by Levi’s side, scoffs, pointing to Mammon’s neck.
Mammon picks up a spoon from the table and looks into the reflection - there, just under his jaw is a series of small hickeys. 
He blushes, of course, but at the same time he cannot help but feel a strange sort of proud from the fact that MC was so into it the other night that they decided to mark him up. 
Unlike Lucifer, definitely won’t fix his shirt - there is something so thrilling about walking around and having everyone see the the marks that MC left on him. 
In fact, he likes this so much that he’ll probably encourage MC to leave hickeys on him during their encounters. 
Mammon too likes leaving hickeys on MC, so he definitely won’t hold back, and soon enough both them are going to walk around with a ton of love bites.
When Asmo runs into him in the House of Lamentation’s living room and says, “Ooh, who knew, our Levi’s all grown up finally,” Levi does not know what he means, but then Asmo smirks and says, “Walking around with all these love bites I see.”
Levi immediately blushes a deep shade of crimson, and rushes out of the living room and into his own room to estimate the damage. 
As soon as he gets to the mirror, he can see a few red marks on his neck, that are all to high up to be hidden by the collar of his shirt. Cue more blushing. 
Levi’s really embarrassed about it, although he’d be lying if he said he did not find it at least a little bit hot. 
Still, he wants to talk to MC about not doing that - as soon as he’ll be able to stop being a blushing, stuttering mess. 
Chances are, MC won’t agree to not do it - since both MC and Levi enjoy it - but rather would agree to do it in places that are not as easily visible.
When Asmo shows up to his room without invitation to distract him from reading, Satan’s already annoyed. However, when Asmo looks at him and says, “Oh, wow, someone’s finally getting some - look at these love bites,” he is completely irate and kind of embarrassed. 
Satan’s blushing a lot when he looks into the mirror and sees that MC left a trail of love bites on his neck. 
He’s kind of torn on what he thinks about it - on one hand, he’d definitely enjoyed their encounter the previous night, but on the other hand, does everyone really need to know?
Plans to talk to MC, until MC shows up to his room, and he notices that their neck is also covered in love bites - in the throes of passion last night, he did not even notice that he was doing the same thing that MC was. 
Would blush a lot and say that, while he enjoyed it, he does not think it’s appropriate/acceptable for the two of them to walk around like that. 
He and MC would likely reach a similar compromise like MC and Levi do - love bites are ok, but only in the places that are not easily visible. Although MC and Satan are much more likely to break their own rules. 
When Lucifer looks Asmo over and scoffs that he should more appropriate, since he’s a member of the student council, Asmo’s offended - he takes a great care of his appearance, after all. “Just cover whatever it is on your neck,” Lucifer scoffs when Asmo demands explanation. 
Ah that. Without even having to look, Asmo knows exactly what Lucifer is referring to - him and MC were engaging in some quite fun activities the other night, and Asmo had suspected at the time that it might leave marks. Apparently it did. 
Will absolutely not try to hide them - yes, he takes care of his appearance, but there is something so delightful about having marks of passion proudly displayed on his body. Although he is ever so slightly concerned for the condition of his skin.
Will definitely not discourage MC from leaving more hickeys on him, especially since he too likes leaving marks on MC. 
Is going to just ignore the scoffs and eyerolls from his brothers - he’s absolutely fabulous, after all, and has a great lover, and all of them are just jealous.
When Beel returns from the gym and takes off his t-shirt to get changed for dinner, he notices that Belphie gives him a look. “Looks like someone’s love life is going just fine,” Belphie laughs, and Beel looks down and notices the trail of red marks down his stomach. 
Strange. He cannot remember being hit by anything. Suddenly, the memory of the previous night with MC comes to mind. Could it be...?
Beel’s actually not all that embarrassed - he’s mostly surprised. He knew that humans are pretty fragile, but he always thought that demons are rather resilient physically and that it was utterly impossible for MC to leave bruises on him. And yet here they are. 
He doesn’t actually mind all that much - the things that they were doing the night before were rather fun and enjoyable, so it’s ok. 
He’s a little bit worried though about whether he ended up leaving marks on MC by accident - and whether MC is hurt because he knows that he’s much stronger. 
If he did leave love bite marks on MC it might take some convincing on MC’s part to let him know that it was ok and that they’ve actually enjoyed it.
Belphie is suprised when Beel turns to him and asks if he’s been hurt. “No...?” Belphie replies, and he can see relief in his twin’s eyes, “Why are you asking?” “There are bruises on your neck,” Beel tells him. 
It doesn’t take Belphie that long at all to guess what the “bruises” that Beel refers to are, but he still goes to the mirror to check. Yes, just like he thought.  
On one hand, Belphie would love to act like he does not care - so what, a few love bites, he can walk around however he wants. But, on the other hand, he does not want to hear the other brother’s smart ass comments so he might end up wearing shirts with high neck at least for a while. 
He doesn’t really mind the fact that MC left love bites on him - after all he’d left plenty on MC too - but he considers talking to them about not leaving hickeys in such obvious places. 
Probably won’t go through with the conversation though - since, if he does, it’ll appear as though he actually cares, and that’s just “uncool”. 
Will probably leave plenty love bites on MC in order to ensure that the attention is on MC and not on him. 
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ready-to-obeyme · 4 years
[OM!] Demon Brothers + Hobbies 🏊
what free time
when he does somehow peel himself off of work, he enjoys ballroom dancing
i can just imagine him putting on a vinyl song, holding up his arms and doing the steps to the dance (1, 2, 3... 1, 2, 3) and god forbid someone tries to come in during this time because he’d be too embarrassed to be lenient on their punishment
i imagine he’s super into learning other couple dances too like tango and salsa, so when you get together with him count on being his partner!
i bet he also loves teaching other people things-- like genuinely, considering he is the oldest of the seven (his brothers just test him LOL)
incredibly patient when showing you the steps, taking pride in your improvement and growing warm at the thought of you being able to dance with him at the next chance you get
and his weakness???? online shopping on akuzon 
which, when you find out, makes him extremely embarrassed and depending on whether you have the same past time-- you may or may not buy everything on akuzon
on his home screen interaction dialogue, he says something along the lines of “Akuzon is too convenient... it’s easy to buy a lot of things” while blushing
so I’m thinking sometimes when he does take a breather from his workload, he scrolls on akuzon just browsing for things because it’s quick
and ends up putting like 5 things into the cart  that he doesn’t really need
doesn’t always follow through and buy everything, but he definitely has moments where he impulse buys and it’s gone to bite him in the butt when packages arrive in droves and his brothers are like ??? why are there so many things
loves music-- both listening and making it!
likes making his own mixtapes and playlists
and when he gets to share it with you, he’s so nervous; but the giddy happiness he feels when you tell him that it’s good is SO worth the wait and time he puts into his music
he’d be happy just having his mixtapes and music to himself but being able to share it with someone makes it a lot sweeter
definitely makes playlists for and about you because sometimes the feelings he can’t put into words he can tell you through music
idk if he has a recording studio in his room, but i think it’d be pretty fitting if there was
probably gets into composing his music, rapping mayhaps??
at some point likes to DJ as well, though he’s not too good as it rn, but he definitely loooooves playing with the sound effects and tracks
all of these things are him being able to express himself-- put a twist on something that already exists or creating something on his own
it gives him a sense of freedom: to express himself and to do whatever he wants as he pleases
pretty well-rounded when it comes to playing instruments
when he puts his mind to it, he can probably learn anything
most likely already knows how to play the guitar and the drums
has a pretty good voice too tbh
he may be a shut-in, but ya boy has ocean decor, can control sea creatures, so it’s only natural he can swim and swim well
doesn’t do it as often since he prefers watching anime/playing games loads more, but he it’s definitely something he enjoys since it feels like his natural place to be 
considering his dream is to be a professional gamer, it’s not far off to say that he finds it his hobby to start off small and be a youtuber, probably posting reviews of games he’s played or even writing out walk-throughs online
actually loves going to concerts and cons
if he was a fan of hatsune miku you BET he’d want to go to her first live concert with her life-sized hologram, waving the glowsticks in unison with the crowd
would definitely go all four days of Anime Expo where he would be SO happy surrounded by people who can love the same things he does with the same passion
loves creating cosplay to go to these cons by hand; impeccable detail and intense dedication into the craft that shows his love for whatever he’s making
kinda shy about wearing it, but if you’re down to wear any of his costumes, he’d absolutely die happy
it’s just too much love for him to handle in one sitting 
and ofc, hobbies include board games, games, DND, all those!!
asides from reading, loves traveling when he can whenever he can
he invites you out to places because he enjoys discovering new things and experiencing new things and traveling is the perfect way to do all of that all the time
he’d enjoy hiking too-- on trails, through the wilderness, among the wild; just give him a backpack, an explorers hat, maybe a walking stick (just like the ones in the movies) and he’s on his way!
loves going hiking with you because he likes the way your face lights up at new scenery or the wonders of the world
likes that he can share this enjoyment and excitement of discovery with you because it feels like he’s sharing a little bit of himself too
indoor activity is snuggling in the covers and having movie marathons! and now that he has you and all your movies on DVD (lol) he can now enjoy so much more things
and when he finds out about Netflix, he is NOT sleeping for DAYS
“Satan... did you sleep last night?”
“couldn’t. the new season of How to Get Away with Murder came out.”
doesn’t think he’s very good, but definitely likes writing down in his journal and even some scattered words that form a bit of poetry sometimes
really really shy about sharing it, but if you coax him a little, he’d be willing to show you (though you’ll have a hard time convincing him to show you poetry he wrote about you)
people have said, and I agree, cat cafe is definitely something he’d seek out and enjoy; literal dream come true
a house of cats that lucifer can’t ban him from LMAO
has a very creative mind and deft hands meant for craft (among other things ahem)
as a fashionable person and a trendsetter, he’d love making his own jewelry and clothes, picking out the beads and metalware for the earrings or bracelets and feeling out the cloth and stitches for his outfits
if levi IS into making cosplay, it’d be such a nice way for them to bond together since Levi is pretty good with picking out material too
i like to imagine he enjoys making jewelry for his brothers too:
a stud earring for mammon, maybe convincing him to explore other options and wear other jewelry too
giving his brothers the options of clip on earrings if they wanted to try something temporary, gives satan a golden bracelet, lucifer a silver ring etc
suuuuuper supportive of you if you wanted any type of piercings and would absolutely love it if you wore his jewelry
god he would bedazzle you in all his jewelry and clothes if he could
another hobby is doing yoga!!
good for the body and soul uwu
definitely gives a good reason for any of his flexibility, or maybe it’s because he’s naturally flexible that yoga is calming for him
also loves to invite you to do yoga with him
you’d definitely get a bit steamy doing certain positions with him, but MOST of the time, he does encourage you to stretch, relax, and strengthen your body
so athletic he could probably play every sport
i agree with the masses: he’d DEFINITELY be good at hockey
basketball too (just imagine Kagami from Kuroko no Basuke)
you know what they say about big hands
big, strong hands, good for crafting that involves a little more strength, but considering he’s a pretty tender and patient guy, is great at sculpting with clay, which extends to pottery as well
just imagine him sitting near a kiln, spinning the clay and using his hands to shape the curve and notches of a pot
considering how many plates and bowls he’s probably eaten, it makes for a good way to replace them HAHA
good at crafting with glass too considering it requires steady hands and strength to spin glass evenly
enjoys a lot of arts and crafts and loves giving them as gifts, especially if they’re made from his own hands
one of the main reasons why he started and likes doing these as a hobby actually
adores the look on you face when you created a glass terrarium for your plants or created glass ornaments dyed with your favorite colors
would definitely be the type of person to put his hands on yours as he teaches you how to shape the clay and have plenty of fun with you watching you try to make glass ornaments with or without success
during his waking hours, he loves to study the stars
loved to watch them in the human world, but without a night sky, he’s content with looking up for constellations in books from the library
if you buy him the cute lamp that lights stars onto the ceiling, he’ll find you so endearing because he’d enjoy lying in bed with you and just looking up at the lights and being in each other’s arms-- imagining the day he gets to do this with you for real, on a picnic blanket, looking up at the moon and stars
i imagine he’d like to doodle too
i say MAINLY doodles because they’re easier like drawing chibis or whatever thinks is amusing and lowkey keeps him awake (though Lucifer doesn’t like it when he draws on the desks)
does sometimes go all out and draw amazingly well, whenever the mood strikes him
when you ask him, he jokingly says you’re his muse; but honestly wouldn’t put it past him to have drawn a portrait of you, awake or asleep, at some point
surprisingly good at sewing-- or at the very least mending rips and tears
i feel like beel has a lot of ripped shirts (...from being, yknow, ripped) so he’s gotten pretty good at simple stitches, which eventually evolved into something more
didn’t start off as a hobby but he did eventually find it soothing to sew and embroider
levi and asmodeus adore his skills and he grumbles, but doesn’t ever say ‘no’ to them when they ask for his help
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