twosidestarot · 5 years
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Today’s Weather is from the #SasuraibitoTarot. In stock now at twosidestarot.com 🖤⠀ ⠀ WEATHER REPORT - XI JUSTICE. ⠀ ⠀ I’m having something of a Sasuraibito love affair. This deck is so great! And isn’t this Justice card dark and intriguing? They say Justice is blind, and maybe we will be too if we don’t manage to find some balance. ⠀ ⠀ This card reminds us that we live in an interdependent web of cause and effect. Our words and actions may have further reaching consequences than we realize. That may sound a little threatening, and this image may look a little dark, but I think we can feel into these ideas today in order to find the gold in them. ⠀ ⠀ Yes, we have a responsibility to act fairly, and to consider how our choices ripple out into the world around us. But also yes, we’re all connected, and we do have the capacity to impact what goes on around us. We can choose to tip the scales in favor of fairness, remediation, relationship, positive effect. We can add a little goodness where it’s lacking. Let that be the balance you seek out today! https://www.instagram.com/p/BzHGbjZHpOZ/?igshid=15cdg1l2c75we
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goodjourneystarot · 5 years
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#reversedtarotchallenge hosted by @temperance_tarot DAY 21: Being hard on yourself. I immediately thought of thos card from #sasuraibitotarot. This #10ofWands really captures the idea of an imaginary burden. One we perceive but is not necessarily real, such as when we are hard on ourselves. I photographed it on my planner because sometimes I am hard on myself about not doing all the things. I hoped by using a planner again I would be better about checking things off my lost of to dos. #forloveofcards #tarot #tarotreader #tarotcards #innerwisdom #tarotcommunity #intuition #divination #cardslinger #tarotlove #taroteveryday https://www.instagram.com/p/BxuhvduHmIg/?igshid=54loshqm05oo
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restlesstarot · 5 years
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New Year reading with the #sasuraibitotarot. Here’s to learning and growing, to living a little louder but still staying grounded. #sassyburrito #tarot https://www.instagram.com/p/BsHkN4jF70Y/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bbdds5swq867
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Asked for clarity and strength and guidance in my career. And well there ya go. #tarot #tarotcards #tarotreading #sasuraibitotarot https://www.instagram.com/p/BnT2cNdAE5m/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wcd0y09b7mpq
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leeharrington · 3 years
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Card of the Day - Wheel of Fortune From Sasuraibito Tarot by Stasia Burrington http://www.stasiaburrington.com @stasiaburrington Breathe in destiny, because the wheel keeps turning. Our lives are held in this wheel of fate, because sometimes we make our own choices and sometimes things are beyond our control. In Burrington’s depiction, the person shows the wheel inked upon their chest, the center anchored at their heart, reminding us as well that sometimes the wheel spins from within, and also that the word “chakra” translates as “wheel,” the places that turn and churn the energy through our body. Anchored here at the heart, how will your heart respond to the turning of fate, and where does TARO become ROTA and back again. “See it for what it is, not for what you want it to be” - Sonya Teclai ... this is the quote Burrington features in their booklet that comes with the deck. Consider this as well today along with your work. #CardOfTheDay #TarotCardOfTheDay #CardOfTheDay🔮 #Tarot #TarotCards #QueerTarotReader #TarotReader #Cartomancy #WheelOfFortune #sasuraibitotarot https://www.instagram.com/p/CINj5pOBAbH/?igshid=jy0qdw8eh0jy
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ilsassodellastrega · 4 years
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(ITA/ENG) 🙏 Oggi parliamo di ricezione e di doni. A primo impatto sembra saliva, lo so 😆 ma provate invece a trasformarlo in un filo, un sottile filo che ci lega con altri. Dentro questo minuscolo filo (e respiro) è insita l'energia vitale. Riguardate la carta, ora sembrerà tutto diverso. 🧘‍♀️ Buona giornata a tutti voi! . 🙏 Today we talk about receiving and gifts. At first view it looks like a spittle, I know 😆 but try to think of it as a thread, a thin thread that binds us to others. Within this tiny thread (and breath) the vital energy is concentrated. Look at the card again, now everything will look different. 🧘‍♀️ Have a nice day to you all! . Deck: << The Sasuraibito Tarot >> #sasuraibitotarot #ilsassodellastrega #ilcovopagano #tarocchi #cartomanzia #tarotreader #tarotcollector #witch #karma #vitalenergy #amethyst #behappybetarot https://www.instagram.com/p/CFwMfJOl5iZ/?igshid=tf8jq8p37krh
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thetreeswestofhere · 6 years
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Anatomy of a tarot meetup with me and @thetarotparlor Decks galore, snacks, deep thoughts (not pictured), journals, and secret projects up for discussion. !! #dixitcards #augenblicktarot #augenblickoracle #antiquariantarot #sasuraibitotarot #soulspaceoracle
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radicalshetarot · 7 years
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#dailytarot with the 9 of Pentacles + The Star Just because you are in a place of comfort in your life, doesn't mean you can't dream bigger! Allow your visions and goals to reach the stars and beyond! Sometimes when we have what we need, we feel greedy to ask for more. Never cap your success and call it a day, keep going! Deck used is the #sasuraibitotarot
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studio-b-witch · 4 years
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ありがとう❤️ #Repost @usagiya__tarot (@get_repost) ・・・ こんばんは、うさぎやです! 昨晩、 @stasiaburrington さんが手掛けた、 #sasuraibitotarot を、 @rii_ujiie さんからご提供頂きまして、開封動画を撮りました!! 詳しくは、プロフィールから、YouTube動画へ! 概要欄でも語っていますが、このデッキは、日本人にとても馴染みやすく、これからの主流の1つになるのではないでしょうか? (私が言うまでもなくですが💧) #kitchentabletarot の著者 #melissacynova さんも、本の中で紹介されているので、ますます目が離せないデッキの1つだと思います! 個人的には諸行無常、この世の移ろっていく人生の全てに寄り添ってくれるような、自分自身の今を見つめるときに手伝ってくれるような、そんなデッキです。 少しでも、動画で良さが伝わりましたら、ぜひ氏家さんのサイトからご購入検討してみて下さい! 日本語版ガイドブックもつくから安心です✨ これからも動画に登場してくれると思いまーす💕 よろしくお願いします😊🧳 #tarotcards #tarot #タロット #タロットリーディング #tarotinstagram #tarotcards #タロット友達募集中 #tarotist #占い #自己リーディング https://www.instagram.com/p/B52FFiNnO37/?igshid=vqdexd2hn82m
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stasiaburrington · 7 years
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The second printing of the Sasuraibito Tarot deck has arrived! With a glamorous box upgrade. If you haven't snagged yours yet, these are up in the Etsy shop. 💛 #tarot #sasuraibitotarot #cartomancy #divination #witch
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five-of-dandelions · 5 years
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I fell in love with the #sasuraibitotarot the moment I saw it but never ended up getting a copy. Lucky for me the deck happened to pop up for trade last weekend and I was finally able to get it! If it's meant to be, it'll be. I'll be using it for an October tarot challenge (and maybe even as one of my main decks!?) #tarotdeck #tarotcardsofinstagram #tarotchallenges #cartomancy #divination #tarot #intuitive #intuitivetarot #indie #indiedeck #gilded https://www.instagram.com/p/B3DwxQeHhTP/?igshid=kzy1s4sgo1b
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twosidestarot · 5 years
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Today’s Weather is from the #SasuraibitoTarot. In stock now at twosidestarot.com ☕️⠀ ⠀ WEATHER REPORT - KING OF CUPS.⠀ ⠀ Would you just look at this King of Cups? I LOVE IT. To me, this card is always about finding a safe harbour for your feelings, a place or a mindset or a relationship in which you just get to be where you are and feel held and nurtured and supported. Having a cup of coffee with this King of Cups is just what that looks like.⠀ ⠀ Today, we’re invited to seek out that nurturing, that kind ear, that safe space where we can be in our feelings or be unsure or seek out counsel and comfort. Who is that person to you? And can you create some of that feeling for yourself? ⠀ ⠀ Maybe it’s about calling that friend, or sitting down with your journal and a cup of tea. Maybe your King of Cups is a sweater you put on to make yourself feel safe and warm. Maybe you’re the friend who gets the call, who makes the space, who listens without judging.⠀ ⠀ Whatever form it takes for you, look for ways to hold and be held today. Listen, and ask to be listened to. Seek out the nurturing you need, and if you can, give a little of it to someone else. Inhabit that feeling of putting the kettle on, knowing a strong cup of tea and good chat is on its way! https://www.instagram.com/p/ByyaYnIHqI0/?igshid=m7dqiyn5j9hy
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msprude · 5 years
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Energy coming through: #themagician Rx What might stand in our way: the #10ofwands How to clear a path: the #7ofwands . . Your energy might be a little scattered today. You’re feeling the weight of everything you need to get done and you’re trying as hard as you can to get as much of it finished as possible today. But you’re so focused on the details that you may find the big picture slipping away from you, or vice versa. There is a way to manage this energy and hopefully transform: redistribution. Perhaps one of your pending tasks can be used to cut down some of the work of your other tasks. For example, writing this post is a good warmup for the plot summaries I have to get done tonight for a show I’m workin on. I can use this task as a way to build momentum into the next task. Look around you and see which task can assist you in another one. And if this doesn’t apply, then redistribute those tasks entirely. Cut them down to make them more manageable. Make your daily goals more easily attainable so you can accomplish more overall and still feel productive. But remember that you’re not going to be replaced if you can’t seem to get it all done today. It may set you back a bit, but less so than you think, and that seven of wands warns of hyper vigilance becoming an aggressive reaction. It’s not you against the world today, it’s you against your desire to be as perfect as possible, so be gentle with yourself as much as possible today. Happy last bit of Mabon amores 🌺💖💪🏽✨🌙 . . Deck: @stasiaburrington ‘s gorgeous #sasuraibitotarot . . #hibiscuseyetarot #queeringthetarot #brujawisdom #queerbruja #queermagic #tarot #mindfulness #queer #cartomancy #divination #selflove #queertarot #nonbinary #enby #bruja #brujamagic #magick #magic #radical #femme #selfcare #medicine #spirituality #healing #balance (at Hibiscus Eye Tarot) https://www.instagram.com/p/B24NGPmnJVW/?igshid=1g7gb1frzmadp
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goodjourneystarot · 5 years
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Time to highlight my intuition, sharpen my mind, and erase indecision. Also time for less wishful thinking and celebrating and display some compassion. #tarot #tarotreader #tarotcards #innerwisdom #tarotcommunity #intuition #divination #cardslinger #tarotlove #taroteveryday #fortheloveofcards #owlandaugustchallenge #tarotreadings #tarotspreads #divinationchallenge @divination.challenges #sasuraibitotarot https://www.instagram.com/p/B1SAptenQC8/?igshid=bxyt9yk4l2f8
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f0restpunk · 5 years
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Big changes coming: Last nights tarot reading. Lots of disks, including the Ace. Lots of changes - getting my new space set up, adjusting to life as a single person, putting lots of energy into my career. Short-term outcome is The Hierophant inverted, meaning I'll go my own way, outside of the existing system. Long-term outcome of 7 of Disks, Splendour I believe? Showing I'll be making a lot of beautiful things and maybe be finding a new art partner? I'm putting a lot more time and energy into my magick and spiritual practice, these days. DM if yr looking for #tarotreadings, #astrologyreadings, or #ichingreadings! Deck: @stasiaburrington's Sasuraibito tarot, gifted by @aeone . #tarot #tarotreading #tarotcards #tarotdeck #stashiaburrington #sasuraibitotarot #disks #pentacles #aceofdisks #fourofdisksinverted #thehierophantinverted #sevenofdisks #splendour #magick #witchcraft #witchesofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #tarotreader #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotonline #tarotcommunity #tarotpro #tarottribe #9ofpentacles #psychics #hireme #jsimpson (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0lyST5B_sd/?igshid=2mpmownhnlp4
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leeharrington · 4 years
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Card of the Day - The Emperor - from The Sasuraibito Tarot by Stasia Burrington http://www.SasuraibitoTarot.com #cardaday #cardoftheday #cardoftheday🔮 #tarotcardoftheday #sasuraibitotarot https://www.instagram.com/p/CE7V5YepS3c/?igshid=1v1mw4ingdbcr
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