kitchentabletarot · 9 months
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The Emperor
The Sun
Queen of Pentacles
6 of Cups reversed
Good morning, collective 🙏🏼💛
Only through the cleansing power of light—that which reveals hidden truths and focuses a beam of clarity onto the dark and confounding—may a person who once conducted themselves with the arrogance of an Emperor learn enough from their mistakes to see the beginning of a new cycle. There is a sense of running on a karmic treadmill; always moving, but never getting anywhere. They could go outside and run free but are afraid they will not find their way back again, and so stay on the belt looking at the same wall day in, day out. If they shifted their view from the wall to the window they may see that they must let go of the importance they have placed on money and status, because it has distorted and degraded their view of things they once held dear and important—things that have no monetary value, but kept their spirit in a home of most luxurious appoint.
Combining all numbers from the cards the total is one, indicating a good time for change, if change is what this person truly seeks. If their spiritual senses have been dulled by the pursuit of worldly riches and so-called security, then they may have to go through the cycle once more and see if this is the one that hammers the lesson home for once and for all.
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odalisque · 6 years
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My card this morning is the Moon. I actually quite like this card. Maybe because I have anxiety? The idea that my unconscious thoughts, fears, are appearing as a force, and that maybe I am projecting is weirdly comforting. Validating. . It reminds me of a quote from #kitchentabletarot - ‘The Moon in tarot tells us to be cautious. To seek deep inside of ourselves and look for pitfalls and traps, especially the ones we lay for ourselves’ . I am so good at doing that! I’m grateful to have this minder to be aware of it going into this week, month, the second half of this year . Also, I consider myself a pretty intuitive person (hello, infp here!), and one who isn’t inclined to turn away from sad/hard truths. I’ll look on the bright side, but I don’t sugarcoat. Guess it’s time to take some of that energy and apply it to myself today . . . #tarot #dailydraw #tarotcards #taroteverydamnday #tarotreading #cardoftheday
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radicalshetarot · 7 years
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New book in the mail, been wanting to read this one! Will start it once I’m finished with Modern Tarot (almost done)! @littlefoxtarot #tarot #kitchentabletarot
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studio-b-witch · 4 years
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ありがとう❤️ #Repost @usagiya__tarot (@get_repost) ・・・ こんばんは、うさぎやです! 昨晩、 @stasiaburrington さんが手掛けた、 #sasuraibitotarot を、 @rii_ujiie さんからご提供頂きまして、開封動画を撮りました!! 詳しくは、プロフィールから、YouTube動画へ! 概要欄でも語っていますが、このデッキは、日本人にとても馴染みやすく、これからの主流の1つになるのではないでしょうか? (私が言うまでもなくですが💧) #kitchentabletarot の著者 #melissacynova さんも、本の中で紹介されているので、ますます目が離せないデッキの1つだと思います! 個人的には諸行無常、この世の移ろっていく人生の全てに寄り添ってくれるような、自分自身の今を見つめるときに手伝ってくれるような、そんなデッキです。 少しでも、動画で良さが伝わりましたら、ぜひ氏家さんのサイトからご購入検討してみて下さい! 日本語版ガイドブックもつくから安心です✨ これからも動画に登場してくれると思いまーす💕 よろしくお願いします😊🧳 #tarotcards #tarot #タロット #タロットリーディング #tarotinstagram #tarotcards #タロット友達募集中 #tarotist #占い #自己リーディング https://www.instagram.com/p/B52FFiNnO37/?igshid=vqdexd2hn82m
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restlesstarot · 7 years
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Picked this up on a whim last weekend after seeing it pop up on some fellow tarot enthusiasts' Instagrams. I'm 10 pages in and already loving it. I've not been reading regularly for a couple of months - I've been in a weird headspace and I've felt...hesitant to pick up any of my decks. But I'm feeling disconnected in several areas of my life right now, and I think it's time to dig in and ground myself the best way I know how. This book looks like it's gonna be helpful in that arena. #kitchentabletarot
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allthatmsjazz · 6 years
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Received my first set of #tarot cards today. The name of the set is called #dust2onyx #dust2onyxtarot @dust2onyxtarot Beautiful packaging and the artwork is exquisite. It comes with a book that helps explain the cards. This will be my personal deck as I learn about my cards. I've always been interested in tarot cards and last year had a few readings. I had the pleasure of having a reading with @littlefoxtarot and also bought her book, Kitchen Table Tarot. I look forward to to reading it. #tarotcards #kitchentabletarot
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almacayasso · 6 years
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#practicepracticepractice #tarot #reading #draw3 #pastpresentfuture #uprightthetower #reversedfourofcups #uprightsixofcups #suitofcups #majorarcana #biddytarot #pamelacolmansmith #riderwaitedtarotdeck #kitchentabletarot #melissacynova #disaster #boredom #nostalgia
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coffeeandtarot · 7 years
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A #kitchentabletarot reading with the #slowholler tarot. It smells like New Orleans and feels like hands in warm, summer soil. This spring is about movement, figuring out paths. I'm going somewhere, just gotta be a little bit foolish.
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restlesstarot · 7 years
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Pulled The Hanged Man for my daily card this morning. I sometimes struggle to find an applicable meaning with this card, so I pulled out "Kitchen Table Tarot," and was called out: "Sit. Down. Stop. Moving. You don't have to decide everything in your life right this second." Oh. Well, then. Thanks, @littlefoxtarot, for reminding me not to burn bridges over what is probably a momentary frustration. I'm bad at delayed gratification and patience is not one of my gifts, but I think now is a time to pretend otherwise. Fake it 'til you make it, right? #tarot #thewoodentarot #kitchentabletarot #thehangedman
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almacayasso · 6 years
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#gettingstarted #chapterone #arthurwaite #kitchentabletarot #melissacynova
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almacayasso · 6 years
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Thank you, Susie Sheep!💜🙂#riderwaitedtarotdeck #kitchentabletarot #ultimateguidetotarotcardmeanings #biddytarot
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