#sarutobi family
keijidraws · 1 month
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Asuma, Kurenai, baby Mirai 😭
For @shrimparmyreblogs ❤️ I’ve never draw them but have always loved their love! Thank you for the opportunity to try something new!
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hellcifrogs · 1 year
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I stopped to think about short haired Kiba for two seconds and had to drop everything I was doing.
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| Average Life |
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Some familiar faces appear
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team7-headquarter · 1 year
The senseis of the Konoha 12 and what do they think about the families of their students :
( for my Genin Konoha 12 — Special Classes! au )
— Kurenai : She's not close to them but they are mostly fine. Except for the Hyuugas. She holds an active grudge against Hinata's dad for the way he has traumatized his daughters. Or in other words, he can go fuck himself, Hinata is an amazing kid. In Shino and Kiba's case, she sometimes go to talk. In Hinata's case, avoids them like the plague.
— Asuma : In good relation with all of them and actually enjoys talking with them about the kids. Best case scenario. He's like their uncle, being honest. Still he's amazed at how much they don't know about their children sometimes. Not that they are bad parents, but there's so much about their kids they don't understand...
— Gai : Passively sits to listen to Kurenai when she complains about the Hyuugas, which says a lot about his own opinion of them– you know it's serious when Maito Gai stays silent. Otherwise, he is Rock Lee's dad (for all that matters anyway) and Tenten never talks about her family, so he doesn't really care. Those are his kids. It's all that matters.
— Kakashi : Refuses to give his opinion, it's clear to everyone that's not a topic to be discussed with him. First, he won't get caught saying what he really thinks of Hiruzen after seeing where Naruto lives, (never has he ever been so enraged on the behalf of his sensei). Second, it does not take a genius to hate the way the Uchihas used to operate and treat their children. Third, he is still convincing himself there's nothing wrong with the Harunos. It's not working, so he opted to forget their existence, just like Sakura conveniently does.
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evilkitten3 · 4 months
the hardest thing about being a hirudan fanboy is that like 90% of the stuff people make with them is from when they were younger. no! i don't want that! i want them old and awful!
literally no hirudan art or fic will ever measure up to that one meme of danzou saying "fuck them kids" and hiruzen going "well said". to me
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sannin-three · 18 days
Unfortunately we don't know jack shit about Konohamaru's parents (besides them being ANBU but that doesn't say a lot), so I'm left to wonder several things
Which one was Hiruzen's child - the mother or the father?
What kind of relationship did Asuma have with them? Were they close, or was the age gap too big? (Assuming there was one)
For that matter, how was Hiruzen's relationship with them? Were they the Favorite Child, and that's why Hiruzen isn't close with Asuma? Or did he give both of his kids the same standoffish treatment?
Maybe Hiruzen was close with his first child but after they passed he turned inward and didn't make as much of an effort with Asuma because then it wouldn't hurt as much if/when Asuma died.
Or maybe he's just like that
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sebfreak · 2 years
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ino-buta · 5 days
just occurred to me that all of the kids call their sensei by their given names
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startixsblog · 1 year
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In another universe, hidan and shikamaru went on a trip to disney world with little mirai
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naruhinaluvrx · 1 year
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I made a reaction to the life swap for Hima
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migila · 2 years
Uzumaki family vacation with Kawaki included and we’re even gonna get at least a glimpse of Mirai? Next week’s episode already has my approval!
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nanamimizz · 2 years
asuma u r so sexy good god
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roydeezed · 1 year
Weekly Shonen Jump Manga Round-Up(2023-04-17)
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Another week on this indifferent earth, but at least we’ve got some new chapters of some good manga. Including a new series that I have high hopes for! Where I’ll talk about any thoughts I’ve had on manga that were released this sunday. The ones which I care about and have extensive thoughts on will get their own sections while the others will be packaged into one section at the end. I also missed talking about Chainsaw Man, Kaiju No 8, and the Steam Ninja Scrolls, so I’ll throw those in here too. 
Chainsaw Man(Chapter 126)
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There wasn’t much to talk about in this week’s chapter but the main reason it’s not it’s own thing is ‘cause I got lazy. The overall gist of the chapter was that Denji fought the falling devil and lost, someone gave him blood to power him back up, and the falling devil found Asa. But below that, there’s a few things. Obviously Denji calling Asa his Ex-Potential Girlfriend and lobotomizing himself were funny moments, but they show an interesting relationship between us as the reader and Denji. Denji’s not that smart. Not enough to crack jokes while taking on bad guys like say Spider-Man. But there’s humour in these scenes. That comes from the fact that humiliates himself with these things while there’s obvious pain behind them. This sounds obvious because dark humours always been a thing, but what it shows in a certain sense is how dulled Denji’s had to live his life. He quite literally did have a life he couldn’t imagine for a while, living with friends and having fun. And that was ripped away in a way that he couldn’t fully comprehend. That’s shown as the falling devil brings up Denji’s unresolved trauma with Power and Aki’s death’s. And now, having to deal with it, in everyday life, he actively lobotomizes himself by trying to ignore that the life he’s living isn’t that great. He’s poor, doesn’t have great hygiene, is used by classmates as footstools and mocked and degraded and he’s had to give up a lot of things for Nayuta. But then, what’s left? Why do we like him so much? He’s a lovable idiot, sure. But there’s something else, right? There has to be. And there is. It’s his persistence. His desire for a normal life. It’s why Pochita loved him as well. He wanted Denji to live out his dreams. But more and more they seem like nightmares. 
Kaiju No. 8(Chapter 84)
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This manga often fluctuates between falling back on shounen crutches and exploring characters through a genuinely interesting setting. This chapter hits a nice balance between both of those. While starting off in a way that suggested the chapter was going to use willpower and the power of friendship as the answer to her problems(which, yeah they kinda did), it actually ended up taking a more nuanced route. While reading this for the first time, I legitimately laughed at the page with a tiny Shinomiya holding a giant axe only to turn the page and feel a wave of genuine emotion as she rushed the Kaiju and grew older as she did. It’s elementary visual storytelling but sometimes the basics can pack a serious punch. Kafka in a way represents the OPMC archetype, especially in the way that he started from nothing. But more than most he still retains the mentality from being as low as he was and it characterizes a lot of his decisions. Especially in the way he’s able to empathize and understand others, including understanding the fact that Shinomiya needs to have faith placed in her to grow up. This faith allows her to go from someone seeking approval to someone understanding that people count on them. 
Cipher Academy(Chapter 20)
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This page goes so hard
Before getting into this week’s chapter, I want to mention that when Toshusai won all her chips, Ano only bet 1 while both Iroha and Yosaimura both bet 5. That said so much about her that I didn’t factor in. She’s not a risk taker. She’ll go in for the sure thing when she’s sure it’s a sure thing. Anyways, at the start of the chapter, Iroha goes through some massive PTSD from remembering his auditing session from chapter 11 and the game goes to a three-way tie between Yosaimura, Toshusai, and Ano at 13 chips and Iroha in last place with 6 chips. Both Yosaimura and Toshusai admire Iroha but they put all their chips on the line in one final gambit for two different reasons. For Toshusai I feel like it might be friendship but for Yosaimura I think it’s her pride, mixed in with how much she hates Ano and her cheating as well as a belief that fate will decide the best candidate. Yosaimura has been built up to fail but I don’t think that’s going to happen just yet. And it looks like Toshusai still has some important development left as both of these are eliminated when Ano switches out the cards and games the system itself. And this leaves Iroha to climb a massive mountain of 39 chips versus her 6. Iroha is broken out of his funk with the power of friendship and resolves to take on Ano with raw skills alone. On a side note, calling it Lasik Reading is just perfection. Hmm this just sent me on a thought spiral of wondering what the glasses represent. I wonder if the fact that Iroha is more about breaking down a person without any weapons of war, the glasses in this case, represent the fact the he achieves his answers through diplomacy? I might be reaching there, but there’s something here I think. Anyways, the fact is that the final battle is between someone unreadable who games the system and someone incredibly transparent who reads people in a game where the desperate play of cheating the system has already been made. I can see Iroha playing Ano at her own game and bluffing gaming the system. Though the fact Ano is so close with Kogoe makes me feel like anything could happen. 
The Elusive Samurai(Chapter 106)
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106 Chapters! Yes!! I’m so happy to say that I am finally into this story. So many things came together so perfectly in the last few chapters that I am sure Yusei Matsui has been building to this point for a while. The entire atmosphere of the past while, where joy and excitement was to be found on the battlefield gets quickly turned on it’s head as Ashikaga Takauji enters the fray properly. What I just realized is that Takauji is basically like an Eldritch being, a lovecraftian monster, a cosmic horror. He’s so unknowable and undecipherable that he strikes true terror into not only the readers but Tokiyuki. This is such a genius turning of the tables, I’m at a loss for words. Not only were his forces decimated, but Tokiyuki was also betrayed and is now about to lose Yorishige. There is no way out of this. This doesn’t seem to be a setup telling us that he’ll somehow worm his way out of this. No, this is telling us to mourn. And it’s in these viscerally real moments that Assasination Classroom hid it’s heart and it’s here where we see Elusive Samurai’s as well. I am along for the ride now. 
Tenmaku Cinema(Chapter 2)
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This continues the trajectory from last week's chapter but tones down the comedy. Which I don’t mind, because while it was very funny, the tradeoff gives us a lot more information and interesting character dynamics. Not only do I love this for the film references, but I love the attitude it takes with them. It’s reverent but also understands how fun it all is. Like it’s silly to get excited over surface level film references, but it’s so rare to see these two worlds that I love so dearly interact. And this does it so well, even diving a little deeper as we see later. I also want to talk about how dynamic the paneling is, it keeps all of the energy that food wars had but keeps it in check so it makes sense for the subject material. You know what I’m talking about. The female lead, Karakui is as dynamic a character as Hajime and Tenmaku are. She appears to be quite stoic and unphased but once she starts talking about what she loves, she opens up. This feels like a great companion piece to another manga I love that’s going on right now in Shonen Jump and that’s Beat and Motion. Both of the heroine’s are fiercely protective of the notion of dreams and art and the relationship between both pairs seems to be headed in the same way. Though in this, Tenmaku plays a third wheel but in the way Sai from hikaru No Go interacted with the plot, acting as a mentor. I also love the chemistry between Hajime and Karakui. That’s some film nerd shit. Especially the part where Hajime talks about awarding a crazy amount of points to Shawwshank, though usually it’s more like incomprehensible gibberish when you can’t find the words. But you get it cause the emotions make sense. And the emotions make sense here. I also wondered how they were going to shoot it but I totally forgot Hajime belonged to the film club. 
Kill Blue(Chapter 1)
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Reading the description of this on the pop-up notification on my phone, I was ready to hate it. Cause who needs another hitman assassin manga? But then I read it. What’re the chances the past two manga Jump has released would both be good? Turns out, really good, cause Kill Blue slaps. It got me ya’ll, it got me. Especially with the plot faintly following my favourite Bollywood film. Oof, that was a cheap shot. But it’s also by the people that made Robot X Laserbeam, a manga who’s artstyle I loved and which probably could’ve been way better with a different sport since golf kinda just sucks. But more than anything, this manga has potential. In exploring Juzo’s past and his relationship with his wife. Why Kotatsu is doing this job at such an early age and willing to look after Juzo. The backstory behind the organization who made the wasp and why people are coming after the Assassin Boss’s daughter. And Juzo’s interaction with the Assassin boss’s daughter and his own daughter as a kid himself. But most importantly, Juzo being such a depressed loner while being really cool and falling in love with learning is such a wholesome character dynamic, that I can’t wait to see more. The art style is also wonderful for this, as Juzo’s precise moves go so well with the sharp and angular artwork. I have high hopes for this too.
The best shounen manga are able to marry action and character development in a way that elevates both and Konoha’s Story: The Steam Ninja Scrolls(Chapter 13) pulled that off phenomenally well this chapter. Is it convenient that Mirai’s comes across a member of the cult that killed her father while on a coming of age journey? Yes, but what story isn’t? Stories are what happen when you’re walking along with a camera and you happen to capture something that’s so monumental and rare that outsider’s can only believe that it was planned. Mirai’s growth this chapter was not only through trusting her teammates but also stepping into her fathers shoes. In Naruto we didn’t get to see much of Asuma, but what Mirai pulls off here is exactly something he’d do. Witch Watch(Chapter 105) has Moi join Kanshi on a double date after Kiego refuses. Nico accidentally casts a joke on Moi that makes him crack jokes on top of the spell that had him acting honest so he starts blasting out jokes with no self awareness. A lot of the jokes flew over my head as I lacked the cultural context but it was still a pretty funny chapter. It made a definite point in advancing the plot as it brought up Moi’s feelings, the curse and set out to bring my new favourite character Fran back into the story. This week’s My Hero Academia(Chapter 385) reminded me why I appreciate One Piece’s geographic awareness. Because though it’s outlined in the beginning of the chapter, this climactic fight is all over the place not only geographically, but also emotionally. I’m not totally sure why character’s who’s inner struggles we’ve never seen, like Mt. Lady, are taking so much of the center stage in this final conflict. A fight like this is supposed to be a culmination of character arc’s, not a muddled emotional mess. Mission: Yozakura Family(Chapter 174) takes another interesting step with enrolling Alpha and Hifumi into a school run by Kyochiro. I am kinda digging this development. This feels like it fits the vibe of the story much better and focuses it on the duo rather than having to give the entire family their due each chapter.
Me & Roboco(Chapter 133) had a fun chapter about a Kendama competition to tie into some new merch. I love how shameless it’s about it because it’s such a Roboco attitude. Jiangshi X(Chapter 12) had a pretty great chapter that mourned the deaths of the fallen. I really appreciate when manga does this because the pace of manga is so fast these days there isn’t always time to do that. The fact that they mourn them while on the run also highlights the impact their deaths had on them. Ichigoki’s Under Control!!(Chapter 19) comes to an end with a wedding chapter! Fabricant 100(Chapter 18) actually gives Ashibe a proper training arc! I am an absolute sucker for training arcs and detailed dives into how characters learn their powers so I was very happy with this chapter. I was even happier with how Ashibe acknowledged that this was his first technique. It’s a verbal confirmation of things to come and I’m excited.
Somehow, in Mashle: Magic and Muscles(Chapter 152) the throwaway comic relief character continues to be the most interesting and emotional character in a series on flat duds. Maybe I’m taking my frustration of Ginka and Gluna being axed while this continues. The Ichinose Family's Deadly Sins(Chapter 21) has been a little rocky of late, even most of this chapter feels at times rushed and unfocused, but it looks to be getting back on track with a good ol’ Taizan5 murder. I really hope this story gets to tell itself the way it wants to. Because Taizan5’s earned that with Takopi. Let the man cook. And just like with Takopi, I’m sure the future chapters will make the previous ones better on reflection. In Akane-Banashi(Chapter 58) we catch up with our characters after the competition and find out the winner’s as well as dive into Hikaru’s motivation a little bit more as well as learn that she still has tricks up her sleeve. The rest of the chapter is spent emphasizing Akane’s need to find her strengths and her style. At the end of the chapter she’s left with a difficult choice. Blue Box(Chapter 97) continues from where it left off and quickly makes things wonderfully second-guessy. I love these characters quite a bit now so it’s cute to see them fumble through all of this. But Yumeka quickly becomes my favourite character because she just straight up calls Taiki on it, and not only that, which his friends and rivals have already done, but also challenges him to act on it. Just like how Taiki meddled in her life and improved it, Yumeka is trying to return the favour. 
Uh… the battle continues in Black Clover(Chapter 357).
Fuuko’s acting like such a leader in this week’s Undead Unluck(Chapter 155). This chapter also brings Gina and Sean back into focus. Whereas Nico has been Fuuko’s right hand, Gina can be seen as her left. Gina is such a great character because she’s literally the perfect encapsulation of  “If we’d met under different circumstances maybe we could’ve been friends”. There’s a heartbreaking connection holding the two together, representing Fuuko’s first real regret. They all owe her for changing their lives for the better but Gina’s got a connection with Fuuko unlike any other. I’m also really glad these two joined them because not only is it better to have more options, but I always love seeing the negators bounce off of each other. Also Sean and Gina make such a great duo, they have one brain cell pinging in between the two of them. Apes together stupid. Sakamoto Days(Chapter 115) delivers another dope action sequence and makes clear what the stakes really are. I’m really liking this slow ratchet up in tension. Kei almost gets caught and his motivation clearly reveals him as a good person as does his refusal to hurt the chairman’s wife and kids. Spy X Family (Chapter 78.1) somehow delivers a better chapter in two pages than the entirety of this week’s Mashle. Yes I am now admitting to being a Mashle hater. Jujutsu Kaisen(Chapter 220) feels like it’s gearing up for a final climactic showdown.
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Raised together
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wyrdle · 2 years
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The baby sannin and the Senju. OK IDEAS UNDER THE CUT
I’ve read it a few times (not often enough) in fic that because of Tsunade’s lineage/family, it’s possible that the baby sannin got to know Hashirama, Tobirama, Mito etc. Basically the esteemed, almost royal, Senju family. By virtue of just being Tsunade’s teammates, I’m sure both Orochimaru and Jiraiya would’ve been kids the family wanted to get to know, and might’ve even come under intense scrutiny and/or affection lmao.
I know the warring era timeline is fuzzy, but it seems like Tsunade knew her grandpa for a while. It’s unlikely for the sannin to be a trio until they’re genin (would be cute tho), but I think would still warrant Tobirama knowing who they are. I’m assuming Sarutobi was already teaching the three, during the Nidaime’s rule, before he takes up the hat. Mito is still alive in Kushina’s time, so she’d definitely see the other two often.
Regardless, I like the thought of this being possible lmao. Tsunade roping her two buddies into her family compound and stuff. (Orochimaru is orphaned at some point and it squeezes my heart at the thought that the Tsunade tries her best to help) ((There’s probably something about the clan not taking orphans, because favouritism and all that but eugh PRETEND))
In any case, I think any students linked to the Hokage or the Hokage’s students are always a big deal as they’re likely to be the next candidates, so the sannin were a very special team from the get go. It then makes sense then for Nawaki, Tsunade’s brother, to be entrusted to Orochimaru (not at all canonically proven to be a sensei-student relation, but still entrusted because it’s Orochimaru, Tsunade’s teammate). This is probably a death that was a rather big deal for the Senju family tbh, and it’d be news in Konoha at the very least, tied to Oro’s name possibly? Fast forward to when Oro’s the only Sannin left in Konoha and the small and dwindling Senju clan, he’s quite terribly alone, leading to Danzo, Root, etc. He made the choice to be a horrible human, but quite a lot leads up to it/molds him into it. Anyway, lmao how awkward it’d be to reincarnate Tsunade’s grandpa and granduncle with Edo Tensei sldkfjngsdg. The god of shinobi going “Omg you’ve grown so tall now, you used to be so kawaii” XD
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moonbiscuitsims · 1 month
Naruto Deco CC Collection (DL below)
Decals are BGC, the rest require SE. See in-game pics here
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Only the decals are base game compatible, found with the rest of the naruto wall decals. The light and curtains require SE pack. The curtains ALSO require this @channel4sims mesh (called curtain 1), which you can also find in requirements section. I needed at least five squares to spell 4 "Ramen" katakanas and the Ichiraku kanji, so I used their addon 6 square curtain, for the last square i just put different ramen pictures.
🍥Noren Curtains Sets (requires SE)
Get plain coloured curtains with no symbols in the Addon section. I don't remember the price but I left it the same as the snowy escape ones.😅💜There is a large four square and a small two square curtain of everything.
🍥Misc Naruto Symbols
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In order: Naruto bijuu seal, Naruto 6 paths sage mode, Sakura's crest (uchiha ones are with uzumaki package), ANBU, Land of Fire, Akatsuki, Gaara's love tattoo, Sage of 6 paths, sealed orochimaru curse mark. 🍥Konoha Clan Symbols
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Uzumaki + Uchiha (including police force symbol and the blue and white ones above 🍥Ino-Shika-Cho / Nara-Akimichi-Yamanaka clan symbols. There were 2 for Akimichi 🍥Sarutobi Clan, Senju Clan 🍥Hyuuga Clan Symbols 🍥Inuzuka (Kiba) I don't know if this is actually the clan symbol 🍥Aburame Clan
🍥Otsutsuki Clan Symbols
Again I found so many that I just made them all, I don't remember the lore about the main or branch family and found many symbols online. I think the one with all the circles is their earth clan symbol and the moon and sun (2 versions) are the two branches)
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🍥Hidden Villages Symbols
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Konohagakure (Hidden Leaf)🍥Amegakure (Hidden Rain)🍥 Otogakure (Hidden Sound)🍥Sunagakure (Hidden Sand)🍥Iwagakure (Hidden Stone)🍥Kumogakure (Hidden Cloud)🍥Kirigakure (Hidden Mist)
🍥Naruto Wall Decals (Base game compatible)
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The decals include the ramen ones to match the Ichiraku set. The Uchiha decals are in their own separate package from all others, included bright, muted, worn/dirty swatches. All resizable, only minor issue is if they are thin black lines or sized down too much then when you zoom out they disappear a bit. They cost 0 simoleons and can be found in wall deco category. 🍥FILES INFO: Uchiha curtain symbols are with uzumaki clan symbols in separate package not in the misc or clan ones, the curtains had too many swatches so I divided them up; Otsutsuki also separate package; the names of the files are self explanatory if you wish to pick and choose, if you want the entire collection there is a merged file with everything, don't forget the mesh, don't install merged with anything else or you'll get duplicates) 🍥REQUIREMENTS ❗❗❗ Decals require nothing. All Noren Curtains require Snowy Escape. Ichiraku Set also requires SE, but apart from that requires this MESH by @channel4sims-cc (I mentioned above but forgot here, it is in the set called curtain 1)
🍥ABOUT THE SYMBOLS/DESIGNS: I included: misc symbols (Akatsuki, Gaara's love tattoo, ANBU, orochimaru curse mark with and without seal, Naruto's bijuu seal, all main konoha clan symbols (Sarutobi, Senju, Nara, Yamanaka, Akimichi, Aburame, Hyuuga, Inuzuka, Haruno, Uzumaki, Uchiha), Land of Fire symbol, the main hidden villages (Konoha/Leaf, Kumo/Cloud, Kiri/Mist, Oto/Sound, Suna/Sand, Ame/Rain, Iwa/Stone), Otsutsuki and 6 paths symbols. In cases where there was more than one online or I wasn't sure which was the main symbol I just made various different ones, sorry if I got anything wrong, all images were found online. I tried to use colours that matched the colour schemes used in the anime for characters clans and villages. (Also didn't mention but the curtains further to the top are only brighter because of the lighting, they are all the same though, sorry I suck at the photos)
If you want MATCHING PLAIN CURTAINS in the same colours with no symbols, you can download them HERE.
🍥Please respect my TOU and do not:
❌ REUPLOAD -❌ PUT BEHIND PAYWALL OF ANY KIND -❌ INCLUDE CC IN YOUR DOWNLOADS ❌CLAIM AS YOURS HOWEVER I'm including the photoshop texture files for personal edits, please don't reupload mine (if you make a sort of original set, or some other item and wanna use the logos that's fine). You can use the plain colour curtains texture files from the addon download too if you wish as a background for your own creations as long as they are your own creation and aren't the same as my download. If you do use them or use my stuff for screenshots or something please credit and tag me, I would love to see! If you have any inquiries about anything please ask! I’ll always answer as soon as I see it! Thank you (✿◡‿◡)💜💜💜
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