#sand pressing
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otiksimr · 4 months
Sandwing backs are really freckly with a wide range of shades which mimic sand so they can camouflage when looked down on from above.
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curtvilescomic · 5 months
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by Juanjo Guarnido
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destinyc1020 · 4 months
Florence Fangirling Over Timothee on the Sand Carpet at the Dune Part 2 Premiere in London
The way this cast is so supportive of each other and roots for each other is so cute and sweet to behold... 🥹🥰
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kawipan99 · 1 month
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Karkat Vantas Stimboard!
[🦀🦀🦀] [🩶❌🩶] [🦀🦀🦀]
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vote-gaara · 1 year
It's Canon: Gaara uses his powers to carry his gourd
Here's a really fun tip for all of you who are right here in this fan club next to me:
Pay attention to detail when forming your head canons and for proof that something is canon.
For example, let's take the fun question that has been asked a few times regarding if Gaara uses his sand powers to help carry his gourd.
My answer is: YES HE DOES, and I would say that it's canon.
Why? How? Where does he say that he does?
First of all, sand his heavy on it's own. Though it would be beneficial for Gaara to build some muscles lugging around all that sand manually, it would fatigue him a lot more, and would eventually cause back issues. This obviously isn't ideal being a Shinobi, as you would want to conserve your energy for battle, not by lugging around huge weapons. You would also want to take care of your physical condition, which would mean avoiding things like abusing your back, or other joints, and using proper form when carrying things.
But that's all just speculation, right? So how could it be considered canon that Gaara used his powers to carry his gourd?
Look at the way the gourd rests on his back:
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As we all know, sand is really really heavy, so if Gaara was manually hauling all that sand around, we would see the gourd sag significantly, as he would be asking a lot of that strap he uses to secure it to his back. In fact, I would say that he probably doesn't really need that strap at all, and that it's more of a suggestion to his gourd to "come, follow me."
Now that we're along the lines of gravity, it wouldn't make sense for Gaara's gourd to remain upright in that fashion, especially if his gourd was full to the top with sand. In reality (and those who have cosplayed as Gaara would know this), the gourd should be laying in more of a horizontal pattern because the point of which it is tethered to his back is right in the middle, and the weight of the top part would level off, balancing the guard to look for like an infinity symbol.
Essentially, it's pretty much confirmed that Gaara is using his sand powers because the gourd remains diagonal across his back...That or the Naruto Universe doesn't have as much gravity as reality...Which would certainly explain why they can jump so high!
My verdict:
He uses like 90% sand powers and 10% physical to lug that thing around.
Bonus: Also notice when he get's the stuffing beat out of him, he loses his gourd? That's probably because he doesn't have the chakra (albeit minuscule amount) to keep it from; one, breaking apart and two, to use his powers to help carry the sand around.
Till next time!
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nanmo-wakaran · 3 months
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uwmspeccoll · 2 years
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A Sand County Feathursday
One of the most noteworthy books to come out of Wisconsin is A Sand County Almanac by the equally noteworthy Wisconsin naturalist and conservationist Aldo Leopold (1887-1948). Considered a landmark in the American conservation movement, A Sand County Almanac is a collection of essays mainly concerning the land around Leopold’s home in Sauk County, Wisconsin, that advocates the author’s idea of a "land ethic," or a responsible relationship between people and the land they inhabit.
Our copy is a first edition published in New York by Oxford University Press in 1949 with illustrations by the American wildlife artist and fellow conservationist Charles W. Schwartz (1914-1991). The book was published a year after Leopold’s death so he never got to witness its significant impact on the conservation and environmentalist movements. 
Schwartz made a special emphasis on depicting the avian inhabitants of Sauk County, and we show a few of those images here that include Canada Geese (Branta canadensis), Black-capped Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus), American Woodcocks (Scolopax minor), and a Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos). A couple of other species shown here are from Leopold’s visits to Mexico and the American southwest, Gambel's Quail (Callipepla gambelii) and Clark’s Nutcracker (Nucifraga columbiana).
The image of the chickadee being annoyed by its newly banded leg has a particularly charming description:
65290 was one of 7 chickadees constituting the ‘class of 1937.’ When he first entered our trap, he showed no visible evidence of genius. Like his classmates, his valor for suet was greater than his discretion. Like his classmates, he bit my finger while being taken out of the trap. When banded and released he fluttered up to a limb, pecked his new aluminum anklet in mild annoyance, and hurried away to catch up with the gang. It is doubtful whether he drew any philosophical deductions from his experience,  . . . for he was caught again three times that same winter. . . . By the fifth winter 65290 was the sole survivor of his generation. Signs of genius were still lacking, but of his extraordinary capacity for living, there was now historical proof.
Our copy of A Sand County Almanac is from the collection of another heralded Milwaukee-area environmentalist and activist, Lorrie Otto. 
View more Feathursday posts.
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doppostims · 9 months
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Kyosuke Kiryu
For Anon
x / x / x | x / o / x | x / x / x
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For the new comers  that are insterested in reading  the whole comic thingy from the beginning, you can do it here:  
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gwynndolin · 1 month
if i do one day start having a stable income that actually pays for leisure i definitely would love to become a retro console restorer guy. I've always enjoyed taking apart my controllers and consoles apart to do repairs and mods but i would love to do it more often
my fave mod i ever did was taking out the C stick on my new 3ds and replacing it with a PSP analogue stick nub so that it was way more reactive to input and was way easier to use for the camera in monster hunter
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gal-palanaeum · 4 months
The need for Trust by Elsefaller
Rated Teen, 12,000 words, Vivenna/Khrissalla Khrissalla has just left Scadriel, and is visiting the Palanaeum to research Rosharan history around Surgebinding. She bumps into a familiar awakener who seems to be struggling, and wants to befriend her. She ends up doing so and more.
Oathbringer spoilers below the cut:
Vivenna had been through a difficult week. Sneaking through the Fused defenses surrounding Cultivation’s Perpendicularity had been no small task. Followed immediately by interrogation -and near execution- by the Horneaters  who had caught her in their Ocean. Her survival of both was either pure luck, or one of the Shards had blessed her. More likely it was the Nightwatcher, and she had yet to discover what her curse was. Perhaps her luck would spiral in the other direction soon, though hopefully that wouldn’t happen until she was done in Kharbranth.
She’d managed to find a caravan leaving the peaks and heading in that direction. With a few spheres, she’d been able to join them. However she hadn’t been able to get a spot on a wagon, apparently the Horneaters didn’t treat people with lighter eyes differently. That made sense to her, but was awfully inconvenient, and she had to settle for riding on a chull.
Riding one was a novel experience, she’d only ever seen them pull wagons. Hers was outfitted with a saddle similar to that of a horse, though moved much slower. It reminded her of days in her youth training to sit on horseback and be paraded around Idris.
The crustacean also reminded her of an ongoing argument she’d had with Beard about which animal was more intimidating. At least with horses it was clear when they became upset, and they couldn’t take an arm off.
But Beard was gone now, there would be no resolution to their lighthearted disagreement. She felt guilt churn her stomach like Skyeels fighting.
Vivenna was so busy feeling sorry for herself that she nearly lost the rest of the caravan. She looked around, realizing her chull had wandered off the road. She tugged on the reins and steered the beast back to where the others seemed to have stopped. 
She pulled up beside the Horneater woman who had been in the front, she was climbing down from her wagon and stretching.
“Why are we stopping?” Vivenna asked, the words sounded more commanding than she’d intended them too.
Keep reading
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relaxingifs · 2 years
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sand.tagious on ig
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astro-b-o-y-d · 7 months
No updates on the Mina Funko because we unfortunately had a bad paint incident and I needed to peel her completely and set down a fresh base coat. But so far, everything's going well the second time around.
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florasletter · 2 years
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Q: I wanted to ask, Dunkirk is very unfamiliar typically to most american audiences, and I was wondering what that conversation was like with W.B. when you say like "yeah i wanna make this big film about something most americans have never heard of.
The Film Society of Lincoln Center “Dunkirk” Q&A with Christopher Nolan | source
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14eliho · 10 months
pistachio month!
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プレスバターサンド デセール・バターサンド〈ピスタチオ〉」
patisserie in nuts
just a crappy offshoot.
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