#s3e2 spoilers
jesseeka · 1 year
Bo-Katan when she sees Din’s ship again:
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phddyke · 1 year
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This line…oh man. This one line encapsulates so much. It’s brilliant. I’m so glad they put this in there.
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mosovi-vian · 1 year
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And I will stay alive for my future self, so they can one day learn to be kind to who I was as a child. And I will teach them to honor who we used to be, so they can remember the comfort of what once was our untempered flesh and gentle soul. Me and myself are each a fresh wound and a rough scab, bearing respectively the gift of green faith and honed will.
This has been in my draft for a while because I was determined to post this only after I knew what I should write underneath it. I’ve read a lot on the concept of healing the wounded inner child since even before my c-ptsd diagnosis. However, I’ve sought as much comfort in my little self as they had in me. Looking back, I was an impressively emotionally-intuitive kid. I remember well how I used to think, the things I would write to my future self; they were wiser and gentler than I could ever hope to be as an adult. Needless to say, the little poem above is inspired by the aforementioned experience. Sure, big me is armed with a more developed pre-frontal cortex and access to invaluable resources (coping mechanisms, therapy, on and offline communities) , but I struggle to rediscover/reinvent my identity. Little me was the biggest vestige of my lost personhood. So yeah, this might be just a huge self-indulgent projection with my favorite character, but thinking that post-S3 Hunter would also be in my shoes is not completely baseless. 16yrs old Hunter is the fresh wound (a lot of things happened before his teen years, but I’m going to interpret the events of Hollow Mind - which happened when Hunter was 16 - as the ultimate boiling point in his trauma timeline, hence the ‘fresh wound') and 20yrs old Hunter is the rough scab. Each version of Hunter could be dealing with a different set of trauma-induced symptoms. I think his loyalty to Belos kept him going as a child. Being doubtless was important to Hunter back then; it held his sense of self together. And maybe when he survived and was rewarded the time and space to grow into his own person and live for himself, there was this lasting emptiness. I feel this sort of emptiness even today. My only reference of what ‘wholeness’ felt like was when I was obedient to my family. I equated self-abandonment as the righteous norm. The symptoms I deal with today are definitely different from when I was Hunter’s age pre-time-skip. Now that Hunter is in a safe space and an adult post-time skip, he might also need to seek that strength from his younger self. Reminding himself of how far he’s come and the parts of him that he'd like to keep from his past. The parts that he knows in his bones are purely his - not instilled by Belos, not inherited from Caleb.
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sketches AND a huntlow meme (made by me😎)
(colored version of possessed hunter on my page)
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mari-onberry · 1 year
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The Astral Oath is a promise made between Captain Avery and his family to love and protect each other, just as they are. Through supernovas and solar winds.
I had a hard time growing up. I was afraid you would, too. My biggest mistake was trying to protect you by changing this beautiful, good witch into something she wasn’t.
The Owl House Season 3 Episode 2: For the Future + Camila Noceda
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artofelf · 1 year
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🌿 hell hath no fury like a woman scorned 🪴
I can’t wait to watch Willow go nuts next episode, she deserves a little fury, as a treat.
(Reblogs help me out a lot and I read all of them!🥺💕)
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spencethebence · 1 year
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Dana did a really good job translating this from the game! Who else played Owl House 3 on the game boy?
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kittenscookie · 1 year
Holy shit the new episode...HOLY SHIT THE NEW EPISODE! Let's focus on the Collector for a moment.
First off, this episode definitely proves that the collector isn't evil or a bad kid. He's just a kid, a heavily traumatized one at that. He can't be any older than 10 both mentally and physically—he likes sparkles, stuffed animals, and bedtime stories (good lord this child is adorable), most kids grow out of that around age 12. This is what happens when you give a kid that young who doesn't even understand the concept of death the power to warp realities. He doesn't understand his actions—the things he does to people—have consequences. That it affects them whether it be mentally or physically. You could also argue that he doesn't understand that they aren't on an even playing field. That mortals can't "play" in the same way he can. He understands to some extent but he doesn't truly get it—take the capture the flag idea for example. King has to remind him that the losers won't be able to breathe on the moon.
Now, that "Bedtime Story". The scene was so small but it gave so much. He isn't The Collector, he's A collector. As Lilith later states, he has predecessors, predecessors that wiped out the titans. Judging by the way his eyes look when it's brought up while he's spying on them he probably feels guilty about it. That book seemed like a textbook of sorts, something to teach him his kind's history and the things he's supposed to do. We can see why they're called collectors, they "preserve" species. But if it's anything like the puppet situation people probably weren't too keen with it, especially considering that if Hooty is a reliable example (and it might honestly be 50/50) he proves that people who get turned into puppets have at least the slightest bit of consciousness. Which leads us to this
"But should they meddle in our affairs we'll clean the planet and scorch the air"
...We can all agree that sentence alone doesn't allude to good things, especially considering the titan genocide. But also take the poor child's reaction into account
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That is fear, panic, like a bad memory is about to be dragged up. Whatever he's actually "supposed" to be doing is probably much worse than what he currently is. What he's doing is already god awful, but this honestly (horrifyingly) might be the lesser of two evils. This poor child isn't just traumatized from long term isolation and Belos, he might also be traumatized due to what being a collector entails—he could have been there for the titan genocide. God and we thought Hunter had it bad...
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i DID NOT expect the opening of episode 2 to BE THAT. i saw his hand on the wall next to the pic and i thought 'awww' and then i said i miss u and i thought 'awwwwwwwwwwwwwww'. it was framed in such a way that we didnt see him on the phone, so when simon responded with 'i miss you' i went 'AAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW' and then when I actually realised what was happening (hahh) i just screamed
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kirjavas · 11 months
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If anyone makes the slightest movement towards either of them the other moves at once to protect. They spend every second together—what are they going to do? What are they going to do?
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meideixx · 9 months
I don't know *puppy eyes*
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haystarlight · 1 year
"I liked For the Future because of the plot"
The plot:
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phddyke · 1 year
One thing I love about Willow is that she’s the quintessential “strong female character,” but she also avoids a lot of the pitfalls that tend to make the “strong female character trope” toxic. If I had a daughter, I’d be glad she had Willow as a role model.
For one, Willow is undeniably strong, in both a magical and physical sense. But also! The show gave her an entire arc that demonstrates why holding in your emotions in the name of strength is not a good idea. She’s allowed to be emotional—she’s not a statue like some of these “strong female characters” are.
Not only that, she’s allowed to care about people! She misses and loves her friends! Her Dads! And she has big crush feelings for her friend Hunter! And none of those things, including her feelings for a boy, makes her weaker. In fact, her relationship with Hunter gives her strength. He encourages her not to hold in her emotions, to let it out, and after she does that, she’s badass and ready to battle again.
Hunter does admire her strength and isn’t jealous of it, but he also didn’t teach her—she was like that when they met, and he could tell right away. And he’s not weak himself! Her strength doesn’t cancel his. In fact, she makes him stronger too; he unlocked his Flapjack powers because he wanted to protect her.
Don’t get me started on how he literally caught her when she fell.
(As a bonus, Willow is chubby with glasses and Hunter’s conventionally attractive and she doesn’t have to have a makeover to “earn” him. He liked her right away.)
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mosovi-vian · 1 year
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Season 3 only made birdman even more special to me. I see myself a lot in Hunter, and while it could just be me projecting I really think his behavior in the past two specials reflects where I am in my own healing journey. The one step forward two steps back then two step forward one step back part of his recovery stage in life hits home. I guess this is vent art?? Abuse recovery is a bitch, and new trauma can always form even when you're making progress. I think that's why Flapjack's death really stuck with me. This is a time in Hunter's life when resiliency is especially needed, and I'm glad that Willow and his friends will be there to support him through it. This character has given me a lot of insight into my own past experiences and inspires me to reach out to find my people in the world, and I cannot thank Dana and the crew enough for the show.
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empyrangel · 1 year
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This site never lets memes die and neither shall I
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Idk if anyones pointed this out yet but the painting here
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Is almost exactly the same as the one here
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Exept you can clearly see that the big monster is a titan and the tiny one is a titan trapper
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