#s-so somft
selfshippinglover · 11 months
It look like an outtake or something but Micheal made the most ADORABLE GIGGLE EVER I AM SWOONING HE’S SOO CUUUTTTE
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didderd · 8 months
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Fell Week day 1! :3
Lil kith on th cheek. u3u
Prompt suggestion from @skelekins! <3
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delusional-mishaps · 1 year
ive decided on the grand idea of forcing myself to learn crochet literally only to make a single scarf and im SUFFERING
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trainsg1rl · 1 year
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aroseinasnowstorm · 8 months
Could you possibly make headcannons for Alucard being affectioned and tender to his human female S/O?
And here I thought and feared I already make the vampire kind too somft! But no! You guys want more smoochie and cuddles?! YOU SHALL HAVE IT!
(Psst, always gender neutral reader unless we have something specifically related to sex and gender like a reader being pregnant, being trans, etc, just so everyone can always feel included, love ya guys)
Alucard Being Affectionate
He´s a killing machine who has been experimented on for many, many years. My man has gone through horrors and so much pain but with you? He can allow himself to be vulnerable. Soft. Gentle.
He can nuzzle into you, he can just take in your scent and allow himself to enjoy your warmth. Alucard is touch starved beyond reason at this point. You cup his cheeks? He sighs happily. You kiss him? Oh boy is over the moon!
At the beginning he was almost a bit shy touching you back. He was afraid of harming you. Of being too rough. But with some reassurance and some time passing by he would not want to depart from you EVER.
You have to work? Tough luck, you won´t be going anywhere. I hope you can do home office because you ain´t leaving his lap.
He´s eager to kiss and hold you, always. If you enjoy it when he´s vocally praising you or telling you how much he loves you he will just do that.
Alucard loves being wrapped around you, just nuzzling into you and sighing dreamily as if this is heaven because to him? It is. He adores you so much. You give him the feeling of peace.
He is all over you, whenever he can. Soft kisses, lingering touches. He is so soft with you that it might confuse everyone else.
The vampire purrs. No I take no criticism on that. As mentioned in previous posts he purrs when he´s content.
So just imagine the confusion when someone like Integra or Walter hear that man PURRING out of his basement. A happy little smile on his face while he´s holding you so tightly against his chest that it might hurt just a little.
Just tell him to ease his grip and he´ll do it but he prefers to hold you as close as possible. It makes him feel better about all this.
He loves to just stare into your eyes while telling you all the little details he loves about you. And if you don´t mind additional hands, he will totally wrap you in a cocoon of seemingly endless hands.
You can lay on his chest, listen to his purring while the space around you darkens with his shadows and he engulfs you in comfortable darkness. Little forehead kisses and soft giggles are going to fill up your space as Alucard for once feels... alive.
You need something to drink? Hungry? You want a blanket? He can BE the blanket but yes, fine, you may get your stuff. As long as Integra does not need him he would be willing to lay there for hours.
No matter if you want to sleep, just cuddle, or watch a movie, whatever you wish shall be yours little lamb.
He feels not like a predator in that moment but more like a guardian and he absolutely loves the trust you give him.
He´s going to tell you that you take such good care of him, that he´s proud of you and thankful for your presence. You´ve never seen the vampire so peaceful than when he cuddled you and displays his affection for you.
Check out my blog for more Hellsing headcanons! I even have a masterlist, fancy, I know Like, Reblog, Comment- honestly do whatever you want, I just hope ya enjoyed this!
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starryylies · 3 months
Simon Riley’s masterlist
ꕤ⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆ꕤ
✰ Simon with reader who’s insecure about her acne
✰ Simon and hyperfem! reader who’s interests are completely different from her personality
✰ The thought of Simon cumming in his pants when he sees you humping his thigh has me on a chokehold.
✰ Simon who comes home from deployment only to see you reading smut and then continues to eat you out like a man starved.
✰ Simon who makes you ride his beefy abs after he comes home is so hot
✰ The thought of simon (1)
✰ Simon who jacks off to your picture when he’s deployed is so hot
✰ Tying a bow on Sisi’s cock :3
✰ Simon who grinds your pillow while you’re gone cuz he misses you so much
✰ Giving Simon a handjob after he comes back so pathetic and needy from his deployment
✰ Simon who gets all whiny and desperate when you give him head
✰ Simon eating you out with his mask on cuz he’s a nasty ol’ degenerate
✰ Simon: before you and after you
✰ Simon: before you and after you - good ending
✰ dad! Simon picking up his daughter from school
✰ older bf! Simon who stays up with you as you study
✰ Loving Simon
✰ virgin! Simon eating you out
✩ Love me nots?
✩ TF141 + graves and könig with a super famous s/o
✩ Simon with an emo girlfriend
✩ Simon getting jealous
✩ TF-141 with touch starved reader
✩ Being Simon’s obedient lil’ doll
✩ simon n Gaz watching a horror movie with s/o
✩ Si taking care of you after you get a piercing
✩ Simon punishing you in the bathroom
✩ Simon giving you a book bouquet
✩ Virgin! Simon being desperate.
✩ Slow dancing with Simon
✩ Simon dealing with your ex
✩ Riding Simon
✩ Gentle and somft sex with Simon
✩ Simon having bby fever
✩ Bby dad simon
✩ Simon Riley with a gentle s/o
✩ Shy! Simon asking out reader
ꕤ Tf-141 and Roblox.
ꕤ TF141 + graves and könig with a super famous s/o
ꕤ What the cod men call ‘boobs’
ꕤ TF-141 with touch starved reader
ꕤ Simon n Gaz watching a horror movie with s/o
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candybowbeansies · 10 days
You make him feel…
…like his choices matter.
warnings/notes: he needs this and i i i couldn't delve any further it's too much 😭 sfw, very short, somft fluff somft. sexy consent & communication. Love language: touch and kisses. I might post more of this when feel up to it cuz he didn't deserve what happened in the manga 😭
You loved Tomura, wholeheartedly. You loved to spend time with him-to be by his side.
Often, it starts with one question;
“Can I see your handsome face, pretty please?”
Regardless of if he chooses to show you, you still shower him with well deserved praise.
“I love your eyes, they're stunning.”
“Those scars deserve all the kisses in the world.”
“I love your beauty mark…it makes you look so hot.”
“You look so sexy when you blush.”
Because you can't help it, you always end up asking; 
“Can I kiss you?”
He needs to be showered with affection. He deserves all of it and so much more. 
Find a lip shade that looks good on him. Because when it gets washed away, he can see just how many things about him you love in the mirror. It flusters him, it gives him warm fuzzies.
He's absolutely daring enough to show off faded, or even fresh kiss marks if you let him. 
But there's also those times. You're still human, so sometimes paranoia rears its ugly head. He can see your telltale fidgeting. You reply when he asks what's wrong; 
“Just…don't wanna overwhelm you.”
It's true. Sometimes, you could overwhelm him. Baby boy is so touch starved. 
So, so touch starved. 
So he takes your hand(s), and places the palm on his cheek(s). Then he reminds you; 
“That's why I always tell you when you do. Otherwise, you don't need to worry. I…love being this close to you.”
To your teary eyed reply,
he gives a reassuring smile and says; 
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shuckinbeanz · 13 days
You make him feel…
…like his choices matter.
warnings/notes: he needs this and i i i couldn't delve any further it's too much 😭 sfw, very short, somft fluff somft. sexy consent & communication. Love language: touch and kisses. I might post more of this when feel up to it cuz he didn't deserve what happened in the manga 😭
MINORS 👏 DNI! 👏 AGE 👏 IN 👏 BIO 👏 OR 👏 DNI! 👏 Head on over to @candybowbeansies please for my SFW pieces, or be blocked if you interact here! 😇
~His Masterlist~
Tags: @dynamightsdaydream
You loved Tomura, wholeheartedly. You loved to spend time with him-to be by his side.
Often, it starts with one question;
“Can I see your handsome face, pretty please?”
Regardless of if he chooses to show you, you still shower him with well deserved praise.
“I love your eyes, they're stunning.”
“Those scars deserve all the kisses in the world.”
“I love your beauty mark…it makes you look so hot.”
“You look so sexy when you blush.”
Because you can't help it, you always end up asking; 
“Can I kiss you?”
He needs to be showered with affection. He deserves all of it and so much more. 
Find a lip shade that looks good on him. Because when it gets washed away, he can see just how many things about him you love in the mirror. It flusters him, it gives him warm fuzzies.
He's absolutely daring enough to show off faded, or even fresh kiss marks if you let him. 
But there's also those times. You're still human, so sometimes paranoia rears its ugly head. He can see your telltale fidgeting. You reply when he asks what's wrong; 
“Just…don't wanna overwhelm you.”
It's true. Sometimes, you could overwhelm him. Baby boy is so touch starved. 
So, so touch starved. 
So he takes your hand(s), and places the palm on his cheek(s). Then he reminds you; 
“That's why I always tell you when you do. Otherwise, you don't need to worry. I…love being this close to you.”
To your teary eyed reply,
he gives a reassuring smile and says; 
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ahedderick · 10 months
Catty Birthday
It's mid-August, so time to wish happy First birthday to Baxter
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who was adopted last September at around 5 weeks old. He is a slim, smallish boi, but very happy and loved. Found along the roadside in Maryland with a truly impressive quantity of parasites of all types.
Happy second birthday to Marilla, who was adopted rather spontaneously by my son somewhere in rural northern Pennsylvania.
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She is also a Size Smol
Happy third birthday to Meadow, who appears to be large (but the scale says she is average size.) She was caught in a live-catch trap in a forest in West Virginia (along with one sister and her mom).
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Her strengths are Pretty, Somft, and also Pretty. That's, well, - that's enough. She can get by with that.
Happy birthday(s) to all summer kittens!
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therogueduchess · 4 months
So much is terrible too many
And I am full of feelings most of which are exquisite corpse variations on ‘angry’ and ‘sad’
But a dear person texted to ask if I would be home at a certain time or could they leave something on my car/porch/steps
“Something soft and lavender”
I was picturing light purple mittens or idefk but anyway I said yea
Said person came and took the time to dance into the headlights of my car as I at there in the dark listening to an audio book “so you wouldn’t be spooked by a creepy person suddenly appearing”
told me “I want you to consider me a neighbor”
And gave me this:
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“But Duchess!” You may cry, “black and white are not lavender!”
No, my darling internet strawman, they are not. But the SCENT of this creature is so, so lavender. Also, said creature is made to be microwaved.
A name is required. Please reblog with your suggestion(s).
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selfshippinglover · 1 year
free ramble pass for whoever's on the braincell!!! :D ~@soft-f1sh-yearnings
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I all of a sudden ended up thinking of Toshii-chan today and like, I NEED MORE OF THIS!! HE IS SOO CUTE??
Like his default expression is serious and fitting but look at him??
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He's just a silly little guy sometimes, ya know?
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He does funny little things in the background and like, I want more of it!
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
Dunno bout y'all but shang tsung would be soft for his s/o
Sorry not sorry but shang tsung to me IS somft for his beloved.
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Because your probably the only person he's been with for like how long,you put up with him,and honestly would he find anyone like you ever again? Probably not.
So no. His s/o don't NEED to be like him to be with him. They just need to accept him and he's gonna be well....a dark sorcerer. Plain n simple.
Sure it would be nice to find like minds. But i dunno shang doesn't strike me personally to go after someone that is an exact copy of him or tries to be like him. He like genuineness above all else. Ironically.
If you can be yourself. And who you are honestly. And are absolutely undyingly loyal to him.
It doesn't matter how cunning or "intellectual" you are. It doesn't matter what your personality is.
He values loyalty,honesty,and genuine people. Because those people he can actually fucking keep around and not stab him in the back when plans go off the rails.
Which unfortunately he tends to hire or associate with.
So to have you,who is loyal,trusting,and bound to him. Soul or not.
Is a fucking treasure.
Look man i get it. You wanna be like shang. He one cool dude. I feel you. But there is only one room for a cunning binch. And thats him.
So if you're trying to match him,good luck. Because he'll see right through that and walk away.
But if its genuine. He'll stay. But dont be fake.
There is a difference between him with business partners or friends/allies and romantic partners or even a spouce.
Like for anything closer it needs to be something worth keeping yes. But again it doesn't NEED to be like him to catch his eye.
In all honesty.
Someone who he can be genuinely domestic with and take off the evil sorcery mask around would be a breath of fresh air to him. He could let down his walls for fucking once.
He is happy to be around you. And only you.
Could he be clingy,sure. Possessive? Sure. But you are well taken care of. Nobody's gonna fuck with you on his watch.
Also if you cant fight,he'll teach you. You wanna learn magic. Become the sorcerer's apprentice. No. Not the movie.
Just also make sure its not soul magic or anything heavier. Because he's very particular about that. But thats out of protection for himself AND you.
But any of invocations of magic is perfectly acceptable. Elemental is the easiest and most likely.
But yeah,he'd happy to teach you anything he knows. Tbh shang tsung would totally take in an apprentice he can mold to his desires. Especially to take down a certain thunder god. Hee hee.
Some of y'all have a decent idea on him. But miss the point he doesn't need someone to be like him.
In fact.....thats boring.
He would want someone he can cherish. I wouldn't put it past him to slowly unbeknown to you. To slowly increase your lifespan or slow your aging with magic. Sure you may not know it at first. But after maybe a decade or so....you question some shit and go "hey wait a minute"
I dunno man.
Shang i honestly don't think gives a fuck about superficial crap much. He acts like it. But thats not what keeps him.
He's over 500yrs old. Do you honestly believe anyone that long lives gives a fuck about superficial crap?
No. Not even the vainest mofo would give a damn after a while. It would get boring.
I know my villains honey. And i know these archtypes.
But all in all.....at the end of the day.....does it matter?
No. Because you,reader,you are the special exception.
Shang would totally love you no matter what the hell your personality is like. As long as your genuine about it.
Thats all he'd care about.
So dont listen to these x readers that have "oh he wouldn't like so n so" or "he wouldn't like x this type person" like hell. He would totally love you. Im sorry but i hate people who say in x reader type posts to say. They wouldn't like this type of person. No. Thats wrong. And bad x reader writing.
Like at the end of the day,its your writing. Write however you want. Its your city. But for me. Shang tsung don't give a single rats ass what you look like,what your personality is,if your soft n sweet or cunning like him. (Bonus if you both) but at the end of the day he's just happy that he's finally found someone to share life with. However brief if may or may not be. Fr.
You need to be open minded about this type of writing. Dont alienate reader like that.
I have learned its best to write less about what reader is or is like. And more about character in question. And less about "types" and more about what keeps them. And most of them. I hate to break it to you. Especially villains.
Wants some damn loyalty and peace n quiet. Do you how stressful it is to be evil bad guy all the time? Dont you think they deserve a damn break once n a while. Like come home from a long day of scheming "honey im home,i love you. Lets take a bath together" type shit.
Like bruh come on
Like shang tsung just wants to chill and be on his island n have souls to "drink" is that hard to ask for?
And he would absolutely cherish you. Like a dragon coiled around his treasure.
You are precious to him. And if he could,he'd clutch you tighter,hide you in his pocket from the cold dangerous world of kombat.
But alas. He cant.
Because thats not how it works. Even if the odds are in his favor.
A mastermind like him would also needs to be gentle with his beloved,to keep them in his favor or keep them beholden to him anyways. I feel it would be genuine,but also shang tsung is gonna well....shang tsung.
But even when he's being a bastard,he isn't gonna shy away from making sure you're absolutely comfortable and well loved.
You don't need to be just like him to be loved by him. You just need to be genuine.
Anyways. Shang tsung loves you. Ok? Dont you worry your precious heads my fellow shang tsimps,self shippers,and fic writing community.
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kumidark · 1 year
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more on these ships below the cut:
sorbetcrepe: they met when sorbet shark accidentally destroyed some of strawberry crepe's wafflebots;;; as an apology, they let strawberry crepe run jam/dough tests on them since they were curious how sorbet shark worked (being a cookie/shark and all). the two get up to hijinks together, and sorbet shark brings strawberry crepe little trinkets from the travels across the sea. as a thank you gift, strawberry crepe built a miniature saltwater pond for sorbet shark to stay in/rehydrate in when they visit the vanilla kingdom!!
kumidark: they're traveling together after dark choco left the cookies of darkness. kumiho is super casually affectionate with him, something that throws dark choco off. he only lets her get away with it because sometimes it's nice to feel loved (also he's touch-starved but shhhh he doesn't know that). if you wanna know about how they met n stuff, feel free to read my kumidark fic on ao3 and/or look through my older kumidark posts^^
carapastry: somehow, pastry manages to get away from the st pastry order and caramel arrow and her become friends!! caramel arrow helps her move past her trauma related to the order and pastry helps caramel arrow realize she wants to kiss a woman on the lips 😳;;; also they both wield bows!!!!
figblossom: someone in my server created this ship and i'm in LOVE.....okay so basically they're both super friendly and kind and caring and they both love picnics/storytelling!!! they would have the sweetest on dates in flower fields and cherry blossom would bake delicious treats for fig to try and!!!! basically they're super cute!!!!!
twizzlytiger: okay HEAR ME OUT: twizzly gummy comes across tiger lily at some point and realizes she's s u p e r fun to mess with and now everytime she stops by that area she seeks her out to mess with her. meanwhile tiger lily is completely done with twizzly gummy and exasperated with her shenanigans, but also she has the most fun when she's around her, and twizzly treats her butter tiger nice so....maybe she can stick around.....cue accidental pining and twizzly realizing she doesn't just hang around tiger lily for the laughs, but because she actually Likes Her. twizzly gummy wouldn't know how to deal with it so she'd end up blowing up a castle or something idk.....yeah.......
wereyam: another ship from my server!! i fell in love with it because purple yam would NOT take werewolf's self-deprecating comments. werewolf would say something bad about himself and purple yam would yell WRONG and werewolf wouldnt be able to say anything else. also werewolf's always scared of hurting people because of his big wolf form but purple yam not only wouldn't be scared of it, he'd be able to handle it and fight back if werewolf ever lost control (which he wouldn't)^^
avomala: BUTCH GIRLFRIENDS!!! as stated above, mala's one of the only cookies who'll openly laugh at avocado's jokes and genuinely finds them funny, but also!! avocado is one of the only cookies who can almost handle mala's spice preferences (not completely though; she still has her limits);;; also!! avocado makes weapons for mala sauce sometimes as gifts, which mala l o v e s :3
cacaocaviar: dark cacao is notorious for being stern and refusing help from anybody, but imagine if the republic heard of his troubles (maybe after the whole thing with the soul jam) and sent caviar to help out!! caviar could help keep the licorice sea at bay, and cacao would finally have someone experienced whom he could put his trust in! peepaw x peepaw <3
univamp: yet another ship from my server!! vampire n cream unicorn are both essentially immortal, and they both are very mellow and somft;;;; cream unicorn is one of the only cookies who wouldn't mind vampire's sleepiness/laziness and would sit with him for hours while he nodded off^^ also, most importantly: THEIR HAIR FORMS A HEART!!!!! 💕💕💕💕
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just-a-creep-babe · 2 years
You still doing hcs and stuff? If so, how would ej do with an s/o who is (for lack of a better term) stitched together? Like their limbs are all sown on n stuff and can fall off. Feel free not to answer
This was the last request in my inbox, which means I’ll be reopening them soon, so stay tuned!! 
Masterlist: x
Requests are closed but commissions are open!
No matter how many times he sees his s/o’s limbs fall off, he’ll still get a heart attack nearly every. damn. time.
He just can’t help it—it goes against everything he’s ever learned in med school
Limbs, as far as he’s concerned, should stay on the human body
His reactions do improve as he gets more used to it, but there’s almost always that brief moment of panic before he realizes, “oh, that’s right, my s/o’s body kind of just,, does that”
Part of what helps him adjust is seeing how unfazed his s/o is about it
Knowing it doesn’t hurt them & they aren’t worried about permanently losing their limb(s) helps reassure him
Which means that if they’re feeling mischievous & wanna pull a prank on him, they can actually scare the crap out of him by acting like it hurts
He will freak out
His reaction would be so adorable that they’d probably have a hard time keeping a straight face 
And once the act is up, he’ll be so relieved that he won’t be able to get upset
They should expect a very thorough examination afterward though, just so that he can reassure himself that they’re fine 
Part of it will be from leftover worry, but the other part will, admittedly, be a cheeky sort of punishment
You’ve scared him half to death, now you have to sit around patiently while he does a bunch of tests on you uwu
And the next few times after that, he’ll be more worried than usual when a body part pops off
It’s honestly very cute ^^
He’ll be pretty curious about the whole thing, like how it came to be this way and what it’s like to live like that
If they let him, he’d love to semi-regularly do tests & such to figure out the medical theory behind it
Even if his s/o is perfectly capable of doing it themselves, he’ll get very good at sewing
He wants to be able to stitch them back together to show them that he loves them & wants to help
Plus, he’d feel way too useless just standing there & watching them put themselves back together on their own
He’s usually the one patching people up, so he’d feel extra bad not doing it for his precious s/o
It’s honestly adorable to see how much he wants to help, even if they don’t need it <3
It would overall make him extra somft to his beloved mate uwu
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exalted-dawn-drabbles · 2 months
edddd feeling somft for calenna this week, so how about those two with: ❛ you’ve got an awfully kissable mouth. ❜
Hehehehehehe have a little somft drabble of Calenna as their in the midst of making their annual cider. This prompt was smashed together with @vivispec 's prompt "the bite of an apple" since I thought it would be fitting for them LOL Calenna kisses pre cinnamon added XD for @dadrunkwriting
Rated T: for spicy kisses? ~300 words
Before The Apples Go Brown | By Exalted_Dawn
Their kisses tasted of apple. Bright and sweet, their lips wet with the juice of fruit and the press of passionate mouths. Dappled peels of green and red lay spread around them like flower petals. In their neglect, the fruit’s crisp white flesh, now bared to the air, had begun to brown. 
Talenna had paused to acknowledge that only once. Her panted breath had mixed with laughter, fanning across her lovers mouth as she’d pulled away, though not without difficulty. Her golden haired shem was persistent, chasing her lips, but she shoved him away with a grin, as bright as the apples they had been eating. “Should we not wait until we are finished peeling them all?” she had said, almost chidingly. Almost without jest. “The apples are beginning to brown.”
His response had been to pluck up the nearest, teeth sinking into fruit with an audible, defiant crunch. The brown had been eaten away, leaving stark green-white beneath. Talenna had to stop herself from rolling her eyes at the childish response. Because of course that would be his answer. 
“Better?” he had asked. 
“You must think you’re awfully smart,” she had shot back. 
And he had leaned forward and nipped at her lips. Had sucked and tugged and then teased her mouth back into kissing him once more. The apples had continued to brown around them, but that single bitten one, a little less so. 
Calder had grinned waggish against her mouth. His voice had been proud in its purring. “And you’ve got an awfully kissable mouth.” And back to kissing her he went. Large hands traced their way up the curve of her back. Lips were parted by greedy tongues. Obvious statements were made and then consequently ignored. 
And their kisses continued to taste of apple, so that none would go brown.
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kanene-yaaay · 1 year
The mistake(s)
Kanene’s notes: Summary of this fic:
Teru: I am evil I am mean I know no mercy I am the master of teases.
Mob: *smile*
Teru: I,,,, s,,somft,,
Warnings: None. This is just a cute tickle fanfic with Lee!Mob and Ler!Teru. Can be viewed as platonic or romantic. Around 2.000 words.
Watching that movie was a mistake.
Except for the part where Teruki got bored with the plot holes - which, together with the roterist's lazy shortcuts to get all the movie's conflicts resolved in less than ten minutes, ignoring completely that they still had 45 minutes left of story to tell, created the perfect setting to enjoy some procrastinating time with a good company - and decided he absolutely needed to stretch himself across Shigeo's lap, looking at him with the corner of his eye to see if he perceived any kind of discomfort with him by the other.
Shigeo's attentive and neutral eyes turned down to watch him back. "Do you want to watch something else?"
The lack of anything but mild curiosity that painted his tune made Teru relax, slightly adjusting himself to be more comfortable and smiling nonchalantly while focusing again at the screaming protagonist on the screen. "Nah. It's fine."
It was calm, the silence that bathed them. Teru felt more than saw the other's hand hovering above his head. Although he didn't allow himself to externally react to it.
"Teruki." He hummed in reply, laziness already beginning to fog his brain and trying to coach him to sleep. He kind of wanted to finish watching the movie with Shigeo, though. "Can I touch your hair?"
"Uh, sure. Go for it."
So, watching that movie was a mistake. Not because it was bad or poorly made. Not because Mob's careful but still very present touch combing his hair made him feel so relaxed and boneless he was afraid he would slip from the couch at any moment. Not even because he realized how... soft this moment was, how soft Shigeo was, even when their first contact, when Teru's first contact with him was much more aggressive and unkind than what he was being shown now.
No, none of these were the reason for the incorrigible mistake that was made that day.
Actually, the moment Teruki realized that something was happening it was already too late to intervene.
Because the scene was already playing on the screen.
Not any scene.
A tickle scene.
And Teru made the mistake of looking up at Shigeo at this exact moment.
His friend was still concentrating on the movie, hand still playing with his hair and... the corner of his mouth was turned upwards. He was smiling.
That was when Teru realized two things:
1. He has never seen Mob laugh or giggle.
2. He really, really needed to be the reason of his smile.
The question slipped before he could think too much about it.
“Are you ticklish, Mob?”
Maybe it was because of his way-too-casual tune, or because the calm moment made Shigeo lower his barriers, but the answer jumped from the tip of Mob’s tongue before he even realized it.
The blonde could easily notice how, even before the word was completely out, Shigeo realized the trap he was walking into, turning to look at him with alarmed eyes, so Teru didn’t waste too much time. With a predatory grin his fingers jumped to his sides, dancing and scratching from left to right, up and down, effectively searching and finding any and every weak spot where he could latch on and prevent the other from even thinking in payback before he managed to pull at least a single stray giggle.
His worries were, however, unfounded, since the moment the Kageyama’s wide eyes noticed his attack, his entire body tried to curl on itself, arms hugging his torso and legs trying and failing to go up to protect his middle due Teru still being laid on them.
And then, Mob began to shake.
Teru’s fingers faltered, an unpleasant cold fear suddenly appearing on his mind, the fear that he was too rough, too sudden, too close. That he went too far,  overstepped his friend’s boundaries and just made the strongest person he ever known cry for a stupid personal desire.
His eyes then ran to the other’s face, hands still hovering in the air, when he saw it.
Shigeo’s cheeks were puffed out, his eyes were closed, his previous smile now much bigger stretching along his face.
Teru blinked, a bit stunned. The shaking had stopped.
He experimentally brought his hands back to his friend’s torso, now skittering along his ribs, index fingers lightly drumming on the space between each one while his thumbs drew circles on the highest ones, the tip of his fingers getting dangerously close to his highest ribs.
Shigeo began shaking again, shoulders jumping up and down just the slightest amount (Teru was sure that if they weren’t that close, he wouldn’t even realize) and small huffs and puffs of air that sounded suspiciously close to muffled yelps made the blonde realize with delight that Shigeo wasn’t just shaking, he was beaming due the amount of giggles and belly laughter he was trying to hide.
That piece of knowledge made his smirk come back at full force, his tickles getting more enthusiastic with this revelation. Now, that just won’t do.
“Come on, Kageyama, you can’t keep them inside forever.” A snort escaped from his tight pressed lips, body swaying a bit to the left when Teruki’s efforts began walking in the direction of his armpits.
Seeing his reaction, the blond decided he wanted to be mean, so he taunted the other by tapping his fingers right on the border of his armpits, just light enough to send tickly tingles where he touched, nerves buzzing with the prospect that he could strike at any moment.
“See? That is already one. You just need to free the rest of them! Let all the high pitched giggles, embarrassing squeaks, cute snorts and melodious laughter come tumbling right out. I promise I won’t break your serious guy façade to everyone we know.”
His teases were accompanied by a couple of pokes to the tickle spot, which made Shigeo duck his head and try to press his mouth on his shoulder, his low, quiet reactions being successfully hidden with it, his bounces getting stronger with the (honestly unfair) mix of silly tickles and taunting teases.
Suddenly, Teru had an idea. It was a risky bet, more than anything. But it could work.
He kept the flow of pokes, slowly increasing the speed bit by bit. “Bet you will feel much better once they’re all out,” Poke. Poke. Poke poke. Poe poke poke.  “don’t you think? To just let it go and laugh and laugh and laugh.” Pokepokepokepokepokepoke.
Mob didn’t answer, the sensation and words making him want to both crawl off his skin (Teru wasn’t even full tickling him yet, how such soft touch could be so maddening-) and not laugh so they could extend that playful moment for longer.
Teru let out his best impression of an evil snicker, lifting himself just a bit more and...
His mouth was now close to Shigeo’s ears.
“Unless you want me to tickle it all out of you.”
As soon as the words filled the room, his hands dug on the armpits, vibrating and unmercifully attacking the so-protected tickle spot with plenty of scratches and scribbles while he blowed weakly at the - now completely red - ears, hoping his assumption that they were ticklish was right and he wasn’t just making a fool of himself.
A surprised and surprisingly loud, high pitched wheeze was his answer and, before the silence could stretch across the room, a waterfall of sounds followed it. Snorts, yelps, squeaks, squeals, titters and an adorably adorable hiccuped laughter began flowing freely from the one with raven hair and they filled every inch of the room, stunning the blonde so much that he almost ceased his attack.
Instead, he pried his hands from under Mob’s arms and shot them upwards, targeting the, as it seems, incredibly and awfully sensitive spot right behind Shigeo’s ears, letting them dance and draw senseless forms on them, skittering the shells and sometimes letting the tickles slip a bit too close to his neck. 
A pure and warm delight exploded on his chest when he watched how such a simple thing made Mob throw his head backwards, not even bothering to try to hide the low and fast giggles that spilled in flocks from him, shoulders still bouncing and trying - even if halfheartedly - to press on his ears and save them from the unfair and unexpected attack.
“So your ears really are ticklish.” It wasn’t even a tease now, Teru was so lost in the realization that this was laughter, this was his serious friend, this was the strongest person in the universe laughing and enjoying himself, this was his attentive friend giggling uncontrollably and non stop because of a few silly tickly tickles, that he even forgot to add that snarky, taunting tune in his words, just letting the fun of the moment carry both of them away.
“Yes.” The word was almost unrecognizable when said in between so many titters. Teru’s hands began to explore his neck, tap-tap-tapping non stop from the spot right under his chin to his shoulders, creating tickly, tingly paths wherever he went and Mob knew that the spot wasn’t even that ticklish in the first place, but in this moment it didn’t fail to fish plenty of squeaky yelps from him. His hands shot to hold the sleeves of Teru’s shirt, not really pulling them away. “Teheheru. It t-tihihickles.”
And that was the exact moment Teruki Hanazawa realized he had made an incorrigible mistake.
Because now he wouldn’t ever, ever be able to live without listening at least once again to his name being said in between those bouncy giggles and huffed titters.
Or without seeing that gigantic smile taking over Shigeo’s face. Or the way his cheeks were still puffed out even though the laughter kept falling and filling the air. Or the way the tip of his ears were starting to be painted in a lovely shade of red. Or how low and silly his laughter was. Or how...
Teru was the one who walked straight to a trap here, wasn’t he?
He felt his grin turning into something much more soft than playful, and tried to pull his smirk again, not being sure if he was successful or not. Fortunately enough, Mob still didn’t open his eyes or he would, without doubt, see the shine that took over his gaze.
“It is supposed to tickle, Kageyama. This is the whole deal here, you know?” He snickered in amusement, lowering his arms to give the boy’s knees a few experimental squeezes, being gifted with a snort at every single one. “But, I must say, I didn’t think you would be so, so ticklish. Maybe we should change your nickname from Mob to Giggle Storm.” Teru wormed one hand to under his knees, slightly pinching the sensitive skin there while the other one kept squeezing the kneecap, the mix of soft and rough tickles creating a stronger hiccuped laughter and low, high pitched giggles, as if to prove his words. “Or maybe Hiccup King, it would be very fitting, right?”
Mob only shook his head, heat flooding across his entire face, body starting to get too tired to keep his beaming and tears beginning to gather in the corner of his eyes. A couple of squeaks escaped from his lips and he tried, once again, to curl his torso, resting his forehead on Hanazawa, who was still on his legs.
A privileged position that the blonde didn’t even think twice before fully exploiting. Shigeo could only get a glimpse of Teru taking a deep breath before shoving his face on his stomach and giving him a huge raspberry.
Another loud, wheezing sound briefly floated in the air before being cut and replaced by full silent belly laughter, one or two hiccups appearing here and there before the one with raven hair fell again in silence.
When the maddening, tickly vibrations were over - even if the buzzing kept dancing across his torso and making the other spots tickle in empathy - Mob put his hands on the other’s shoulders and pushed it away, his arms feeling more wobbly and noodly than normal, as if he had just went through another exercise from the Body Improvement Club. Teru took a look at the few tears running on his cheeks and the gigantic smile on his lips before chuckling and ceasing his attack.
For a moment, they just stayed like that. Shigeo taking deep breaths and slowly stopping the flow of quiet titters that remained dancing around them. Teruki realized that the movie had ended a long time ago.
"Uh, sorry if I went too far. Just... It really looked like you were having fun." The playful tease left his grin before he even realized it.
"I was." The certitude in his tune, the direct way he didn't even seem phased by the whole tickle attack and tease he just received beyond a light redness taking over his cheeks and a smile still adorning his face... Mob was really something else.
In his place, Teru would probably still be a mess of peals of laughter and pleas of mercy. Actually, cross that, his soul would have flown away from his body the moment he received that raspberry.
"I don't mind being tickled. It's fun."
"Heh." Teru's smile got even bigger, losing somewhat its smirk, sincerity dripping freely in his tune. "That is cute."
Mob considered his words, not saying anything to agree or disagree to it.
A comfortable silence fell on them once more.
"I also don't mind getting revenge."
"Ah- wAIT-"
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