#série télévisée
cerisep0urrie · 1 year
📺 words & expressions i have learned from french shows, movies, & tiktoks
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c’est pas grave - it’s okay / it’s no big deal
(ne) t’inquiète (pas) - don’t worry
qu’est-ce que tu fais là ? - what are you doing here?
tu me manques - i miss you
on y va - let’s go
bien sûr - of course
j’suis là - i’m here
je vous en prie - you’re welcome (formal)
mytho - liar
ouais - yeah
un truc - something
voilà - there it is, that’s right, exactly, there you go
oh là là - wow, oh my god
bof - so-so, whatever
hein - the french “huh” or “eh”
ben / bah - well… / uhh…
s’il te plaît ➭ s’te plaît - please
félicitations - congratulations
un mec - a guy (slang)
une meuf - a girl (slang)
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15 / 09 / 2023
I shouldn't have a particular reason to reminds you how much I worship the actor KJ APA, best known for playing Archibald "Archie" Andrews in the tv series RIVERDALE. Handsome, strong, kind, confident, clever, funny, protective, smiling, muscled, stylish but also cool, everything he says or do is exciting in my eyes. 🥵
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Recently i discovered this pic and I had to tell what is amazing in it to my opinion.
This picture shows the gorgeous actor KJ Apa, about whom i wrote at least 3 MAN OF THE DAY articles and that i worship a lot! 😍
I don't know where / when this picture was taken. The god KJ Apa is wearing underpants, but that's not the one from the LACOSTE videoclip. Maybe on RIVERDALE's set? I don't recognize the room, but if that's what is happening, then it would be like in the story i wrote about KJ APA!
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That also shows well how dominant he is! 😏
On the picture, two guys are kneeling at KJ APA's feet, their head on the same level than his alpha dick. KJ APA's hands are the guys's heads, as if they were his obedient sons or pets. He maybe is naked and them dressed, but by exposing his gorgeous body he shows how confident he is in his sex-appeal. 🥵
If you want to read the story i told you about, i advise you to read it on DEVIANTART.
In this story you'll see that i was inspired by KJ APA's video where he calls a guy working on RIVERDALE's set "boy", petting his head!
That's one of my favorite and most exciting / sadistic story. Please don't hesitate to read it.
It wasn't the first time KJ Apa shows how superior he is on the set of RIVERDALE.
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Here you see him taller, muscler and sexier than the guys who works there but he still accept to take a picture with them, as a kind gesture, while showing his muscled body and putting his arm on the boy's shoulder as if this one was a human furniture. So alpha!
During the shooting of RIVERDALE's last season (I'll soon tell you what i thought of the ending), there was also this picture where you see Kj Apa resting his godly feet on his co-star Casey Cott (Kevin Keller in the series). You know Sir KJ Apa took Casey Cott's phone to make his fart joke (something i used in my story about KJ APA, for my farts fetishists readers 😏).
They are friends in the tv series and in life, so i dont think His Imperial Majesty King KJ Apa wanted to humiliate Sir Casey Cott.
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I just think His Imperial Majesty King KJ Apa wanted to be comfy, and since he is an alpha and the star of the show, Sir Casey Cott hasn't complained. Personally i wouldn't complained at all, i just would have liked to stay there forever because what excites me the most is this kind of humiliation, where the alpha just show how dominant he is without being brutal or yelling at his sub fag.
I think Archie / KJ Apa is a good master because he doesn't need to yell at his sub to be obeyed, he just is confident, kind but naturally authoritarian. Contrarly to Reginald "Reggie" Mantle who, in the RIVERDALE story, beats the sub and yells at him, Archie is protective while reminding the loser he must obey them. That's something that attract me, the fact that a dom knows that to be worthy of being worshipped, you shouldn't be feared but loved for who you are as a dom : someone clever, hot and strong.
Everything on KJ Apa is amazing and hot, and that brings me to my last point and reason why i talk (again!) about him as my MAN OF THE DAY. Apparently he and his wife Clara Berry, mother of their son, broke up a few times ago. That is really inspiring to me who was writing a story where His Majesty KJ APA and I were in couple! 😍
Honestly, of all alpha male celebs that i worship, he is the one i would love the most to be in couple with. Tall, kind, only three years older than me, he is all i want from a boyfriend and i love everything about him.
On this list of my favorite alpha men celebs you'll see what i like the most about KJ APA.
Besides, i want to suck his dick so much, and that means something because i am not particularly into blowjob 😅, and his ass 🤤 !
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I love that he plays with his supposed bisexuality, showing himself as if he is secretly in love with one of his male co-stars :
And in the last season of RIVERDALE, the homoerotism has never been so intense! 😍
Since i know i haven't posted a story since a long time (sorry about that, i had a lot of stuff in my personal and professional lives, and also my computer was broken), i wanted to publish an extract of the story i began many month ago about me dating KJ Apa.
(caption by me)
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KJ Apa and I were swimming, splashing and he was throwing me in the water for fun to save me, or toss me in the air to catch me. We were kissing, and KJ Apa liked to press my body against his muscular body. I got out of the water to dry off and wait for him on my lounge chair.
Then, the love of my life KJ came out of the swimming pool of his villa. I saw his sublime tall and muscular body glistening with drops of water. The New Zealand sun made the beauty of his sculpted body sparkle. He had suffered so much from the pressure of building a divine body and being reduced to a sexual object that KJ Apa was happy to see the love and desire in my eyes.
Without needing to snap his fingers, one servant prostrated to wipe his feet, another handed him back a towel which he hung around his waist, he took a juicy peach from the platter of fruit held out by a slave, carelessly spitting out the pit on the face of a slave who thanked him for spitting on him.
Then KJ Apa lay down on his lounge chair and reached out for me.
KJ APA: "Come here you 😏..."
I joined him on his lounge chair and began to lick the fallen peach juice dripping down his powerful chest.
KJ APA: "Footlicker! Come do your job!"
THE FOOT LICKER: "Yes Your Royal Highness"
He only said these 4 words, but the former boy who had grown up in contact with this alpha male loved his life. Sucking the toes to warm them with his mouth and licking the soles to soften them after contact with the water, the servant mainly cleaned the soles of you KJ.
This one saw Sean Peters in the distance following my husband's dog on all fours. This ugly fat man who once worked the set of Riverdale had been turned by KJ Apa into a dog poop eater, with no family or reputation to uphold, agreeing to stay in KJ Apa's service hadn't really been a choice. KJ Apa was madly in love with his dog, so he considered Sean Peters to find it honorable to be his dog's poop eater. Lying on the ground in the grass, Sean Peters was eating the droppings of the dog who ignored him.
To divert my husband's attention from this scene, which he found amusing but which was nevertheless disgusting, I began to kiss him, pull out his cock and lick his balls. I took them in the mouth, running my tongue down the length of the cock and sucking on the cocks head. However, KJ Apa did not want to ejaculate too soon. Even though he enjoyed eating fruit served on a platter and being fanned by palm fronds while getting sucked off by the love of his life, the licking of extra feet made this moment too....orgasmic.
KJ APA: "On your knees, my little loser! If you're a good friend you'll keep your back straight this time!"
THE FOOT LICKER: "Yes Your Royal Highness."
The footlicker positioned himself on all fours so the tall KJ Apa could stretch his legs. The weight of the feet did not hurt the slave's back too much, because he managed to overcome the arduousness of his situation to concern himself with the comfort of his master. This one appreciated the comfort of the back of the slave.
If you want to read another short story about KJ Apa being a dominant gassy master :
(Caption by me)
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My others MAN OF THE DAY articles about KJ APA
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icariebzh · 20 days
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"Dans l’est de la France, une femme au passé mystérieux rencontre un ex-toxicomane devenu marxiste et met sa science du kung-fu au service de la lutte ouvrière... Avec Margot Bancilhon et JoeyStarr, une série détonante mêlant action et humour sur fond de colère sociale.Activement recherchée par les services secrets de l’armée, une jeune marginale revient incognito dans sa ville natale. Elle espère se réfugier chez sa grand-mère, mais découvre que celle-ci est décédée durant son absence. Elle décide pourtant de rester dans l’appartement de la défunte, et trouve du travail dans une usine d’électroménager. Récemment rachetée par un industriel coréen, l’entreprise se trouve en pleine tourmente. La jeune femme y fait la connaissance d’un ouvrier fort en gueule, JP, ancien toxicomane adepte de Karl Marx, qui lui donne un surnom : "Machine". À la faveur de la révolte qui gronde dans l’usine, la nouvelle recrue dévoile de surprenantes aptitudes en matière de combat… Ovni explosif Créée par Thomas Bidegain (Soudain seuls) et Fred Grivois (La résistance de l’air, L’intervention), réalisée par ce dernier avec une jubilation communicative, Machine apparaît comme un ovni. À travers la rencontre entre "Machine" et JP se joue en effet une alliance improbable : celle du kung-fu et de la lutte communiste. Si on ajoute au cocktail une dose d’humour décalé et une BO survitaminée (Anastacia, K. Maro, Menelik…), on obtient une série explosive où se croisent, pêle-mêle, des syndicalistes bornés, un influenceur complotiste, un businessman sentimental, un ancien barbouze ou un militaire à la psychologie fragile… Entre pop culture et conscience sociale, Machine avance sur un fil, et fait mouche – à l’instar de son héroïne. Dans ce rôle très physique, Margot Bancilhon, qui a exécuté la plupart des cascades elle-même, impressionne. En quête de sens, à la fois implacable et tourmentée, cette mystérieuse femme sans nom trouve son salut dans l’amitié qu’elle noue avec l’attachant JP (JoeyStarr, impeccable), lui-même sauvé par la lecture de Marx et la pratique du vélo. Comment renverser l’équilibre entre les faibles et les puissants ? Ici, la réponse est claire : à coups de poing !" 
Source ARTE TV
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leloupdebout · 2 months
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weissengel · 1 year
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leszackardises · 11 months
Jennifer Aniston promet une 3e saison « croustillante » pour The Morning Show
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audreydlw · 7 days
NVEC - Saison 4 - Episode 3 - Le jour de l'amour
Kikoo une #série #sims géniale avec de l'intrigue, de l'amour, de l'humour, du #drama. #NVEC on est à sa #saison 4 vous ne connaissez pas ? 😱 Hop hop go go.
Pour les anciens #followers Chaîne renouvelée à cause de #YouTube.
Série #francophone
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ascle · 2 months
Le système c’est comme votre ex. Il ne veut jamais reconnaître ses erreurs.
- Guy Nadon alias Armand Coupal (Projet innocence)
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astriate · 3 months
Echo : Critique
Echo est à l’origine un personnage secondaire de la série Hawkeye. De mon très bref visionnage de cette série, j’avais peu de souvenirs de ce personnage. Je ne me souvenais même pas de son nom ! En plus la série a eu peu d’écho auprès du public. J’étais donc surprise qu’un spin-off soit lancée. Fiche techniqueType de série : mini-sérieTitre original : EchoGenre : action, super-HérosCréation :…
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nouh123 · 2 years
Que va devenir Michael Weatherly après la dernière saison de Bull (M6) ?  
La chaîne privée lance ce soir la sixième et ultime saison de la série judiciaire portée et produite par l’ex-agent DiNozzo de NCIS. Pourquoi l’histoire a-t-elle tourné court? Déjà disponible sur la plateforme de streaming Salto, la saison 6 de Bull , dès ce soir sur M6, est bien la dernière. Sur Twitter, Michael Weatherly, 53 ans, a annoncé qu’«il était temps de (se) lancer de nouveaux…
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