#s watches stargate
blog-of-reaction · 1 year
Oh shit. The Genii don’t know the wraith are awake yet. I forgot about this. *whistles* they are not going to be happy.
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sssssssim · 2 months
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neosatsuma · 8 months
I think something that sets Stargate (SG-1) apart a bit is that its very very worst episodes are very early in the series, rather than toward the end. Which is good and bad, because like. you can rest assured: it doesn't get any worse than this! But on the other hand. oh god. it sure doesn't get any worse than this
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atlantis-scribe · 1 year
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ssaalexblake · 7 months
literally the funniest thing is somebody saying that the stargate franchise is us military propaganda like they've uncovered some big secret that's hard to parse like, really, that is The most obvious thing about the damn show (well okay. the little grey men win for most obvious. but still) literally multiple heads of the actual real us air force appeared In the show, you have not discovered a secret the rest of us are to thick to realise here
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swaps55 · 10 months
I lost my friend to cancer yesterday.
I’d really like to tell you about her.
We meet people throughout our lives who change it, in big ways and small ways, and ways we will never forget. Sara/ @dearophelia was one of those people for me.
I met her here, on tumblr, about 10 years ago. I wish I could remember what piece of writing I stumbled onto first, but she was such a gifted writer that I immediately wanted to see more. I somehow wound up following her live blog of a road trip, which was full of uproariously snarky jokes about Ohio. I had the courage to reach out and tell her how funny I thought she was, and how great her username was to this fellow Mass Effect fan who lived right down the road in Kentucky and got all the Ohio jokes.
We talked. We chatted. I introduced her to a group of people I played Mass Effect 3’s multiplayer with. She grew from a level one first-timer to a total badass who could carry a team and taught other people how to do the same thing.
And then my life fell apart.
Everything fell apart for me. Turning to my family wound up being a catastrophe, and I didn’t have local “real world” friends I could turn to.
So I texted Sara. Told her I needed somewhere to go, and asked if I could stay with her that weekend.
She texted back, “Yes.” Sent me her address, and said to ping me when I got there. She didn’t hesitate. She didn’t ask why. She just gave me shelter. So I showed up on her doorstep, and she listened while I told her everything. She didn’t judge me. She didn’t think I was insane. She had every right to think both things. Instead, she gave me safe harbor at a time when I had no control over my life and didn’t know what was going to happen to me.
For the next several months, I made frequent trips up I-75 to Ohio. She kept an air mattress out for me. We played multiplayer. We talked about Mass Effect. We talked about life. We bitched about all the people who hated on one of our favorite characters. She introduced me to Babylon 5. I have so many memories of sitting on the couch in her apartment, with her cat Odo crawling around behind my head. When I eventually pieced myself together enough to leave Kentucky and start the work of starting over, it meant leaving behind that sanctuary with her in her apartment, and it was something I had to grieve along with everything else.
And now I am grieving it again, and so much more. I am so lucky I was able to fly back to Ohio a few weeks ago while I had the chance. Hugging someone goodbye, knowing it’s the last hug you’re going to get….well, it sucks.
But I got that hug.
Sara was so many things. She was a gifted storyteller with entire worlds in her head. One of the weekends I stayed with her, she had recreated the Mass Effect galaxy map on her wall with notecards and string to help her tell a story. She could create a character and make you fall in love with them in a matter of sentences. Because of her stories, I binge watched all ten seasons of Stargate SG-1.
She was also not afraid to unapologetically be herself. I had a lot of things to learn and unlearn about the world, feminism, gender, and sexuality, especially in those days. Listening to her fight for her space in the world and refuse to be told she was anything less than who she wanted to be helped me learn some of the things I needed to learn, and embrace the things I discovered about myself.   
She loved music. She made the best fucking playlists. She taped inspirational notes around her condo. She sent me a set of coasters that say, “Fuck It,” and “Nah,” and I use them every single day. Her smile was gorgeous. She lit up a room.  
And now she’s gone. I won’t see her in my tumblr notes anymore. I won’t see her on my dash. I won’t get pinged with new Odo photos. She won’t get to hear the new music I listen to that shows up in our Spotify blend. I won’t get to talk about the next Mass Effect game with her. I won’t get any more Ao3 updates in my inbox.
I wanted you to know about her – this pocket friend of mine who impacted my life in ways that I won’t ever forget.
I hope you will read her stories. Listen to her playlists. She was a brilliant human being. She should still be here. She isn’t.
And I miss her.  
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jadelotusflower · 8 months
Stargate Rewatch: 1x01 Children of the Gods
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After rewatching the original film I'm kicking off with the show's pilot - I actually watched both the original version and the "final cut" because there are aspects I enjoy of both. The final cut removes a few problematic elements and adds in some new material, but also cuts a few lines I really enjoy and the original version is really where my nostalgia lies, so... as always, my feelings, they are mixed.
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Cold open with some redshirts - four men and one woman, sadly representative of the gender ratio the show will have going forward.
The unlucky Smurfette is Sgt Carol Weterings, not that I think she's ever mentioned by name in the episode.
"Probably the only thing it ever did was cost money." Heh.
I will say that Teal'c turning against Apophis at the end of the episode is nicely built - starting here where he examines the gun and identifies it as technology far advanced beyond the humans they’re used to dealing with.
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When your name is above the title, you get introduced with an extreme close up.
The differences between the film and the show don't really bother me - I view the show as taking place in a very similar but alternate universe to the film rather than trying to squeeze them together - so O'Neil becomes O'Neill, Sha'uri becomes Sha're, Tyler becomes Charlie, Abydos is the closest planet to Earth, not the other side of the known universe, etc etc. But I consider the events of the film to be canon to the show universe unless directly contradicted.
But otherwise the pilot tries very hard to stick as close as possible to the film, to the point that Major Samuels states that General Hammond replaced General West.
Hammond says it’s been “over a year” since the events of the film, unclear exactly how much over.
The final cut has a longer version of the dead Jaffa, revealing one of them was a woman, and with all the changes to eliminate plot holes I don't know why Brad Wright put one back in. While we do see Jaffa women in the series, Goa'uld and Jaffa society is depicted as highly patriarchal and female Jaffa soliders are rare - we never see them in Apophis's ranks. It's an odd inclusion.
"What if the aliens get it?" "Well, they could be blowing their noses right now." hee!
"THANKS SEND MORE" Remember when Daniel had allergies? Give it a few episodes and the show sure won’t!
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Amanda Tapping, doing her absolute best with some terrible dialogue. Brad Wright blames the "reproductive organs" speech on Jonathan Glassner, and it is terrible and thankfully removed from the final cut version, along with some other 90's era sexism from the bros. However there is one great moment, where Kawalsky asks "Have you ever pulled out of a simulated bombing run in an F16 at eight plus Gs?" and without missing a beat, Sam deadpans: "Yes." I love Sam.
"I'll give you exactly 24 hours to either return or send a message through - no Kleenex boxes, please." Hee, Hammond isn't quite the cuddly commander we know and love yet, but he has his moments.
It's very cute that Sam has a very similar reaction to the one Daniel had in the film just before going through the gate, although his was based in the wonder of something incredible and unknown, and hers is based in the physical manifestation of knowledge - says a lot about each of them and their similarities yet different perspectives - the marrying of these two points of view is what makes them such a good duo.
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Michael Shanks, doing the James Spader impression that won him the role. He was only 26!
And of course Alexis Cruz, the only holdover from the movie (other than Erick Avari, who won't appear until season 2).
The original team sure did leave a bunch of weapons with the Abydonians, didn't they? I presume they taught them how to fire the guns because there's no way Daniel could/would have. He did however teach them very good English.
"Greetings from Earth, Doctor Jackson" - very cute, it's sad that Ferretti disappears into the ether by season 2.
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Not the face of a woman who is shy, but a woman who knows how to make An Entrance. She even smirks a little as she walks over.
There is however a weird little moment where Sha're is reluctant to shake Jack's hand - maybe she wasn't impressed about his little joke brushing by Daniel? Both of these beats are removed from the final cut version which is probably for the best.
It's criminal Sha're doesn't actually get to speak in this scene, and in fact how few lines she has in the episode altogether.
It's disappointing, because Sha'uri was such an integral part of the film, and yet the show tries to get rid of her as quickly as possible to get Daniel on SG-1 and give him a core drive for the next three seasons. Her abduction is the precipitating event of Daniel's ten-year character arc and defining moment of transition from film!Daniel to show!Daniel, and yet she doesn't get a character arc of her own.
However I do think Shanks and Vaitiare Hirshon sell the relationship in the few scenes they have - they're very physically connected/protective of one another, perhaps concerned that Jack's there to take Daniel back with him (which is in fact the case). And of course Sha're, annoyed at being left behind while Daniel shows the others his discovery, gives him a very proprietary kiss.
I think show!Sha're gets a bad rap, she's spunky and I love her. I just wish there was more of her.
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Sam and Daniel insta-bonding - Daniel making an intuitive leap to solve the puzzle and Sam filling in the gaps with science to make it work, they really are kindred spirits.
The issue with the cartouche though is that the symbols look like hierogyphs, not star constellations/Stargate glyphs.
Back in the pyramid, there's a scene sorely missing here - imagine if rather than ogling Sha're, Ferretti had a conversation with her, giving us more of a chance to know Sha're on her own terms rather than just Daniel's wife and the object of others desire. Especially when Ferretti was on the original mission so knows she's more than a "beautiful woman" - it would also give additional weight to him remembering the gate address where she's taken later on.
Teal'c clocks Skaara's gun as the same tech he saw on Earth in breadcrumb no. 2.
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"Nothing good can ever come through this gate!" "You came through it , Daniel" I mean...I realise there are a lot of problematic white savior-y aspects to the show, but idk, this scene and the Abydonians all petting Daniel to say goodbye gets me. Sean Amsing as Tobay also returns in Full Circle which is a nice callback to this scene.
The final cut removes a reaction shot from Jack which I have mixed feelings about - I get that the focus probably needs to be on Daniel at that moment, but I do think it's important for Jack to appreciate how Daniel really found a home with the Abydonians and was appreciated and loved by them, and it's nicely played by RDA.
LOL, watch out for how many times Jack pats Daniel on the shoulder. Apparently that annoyed Shanks so RDA kept doing it, but it's also a nice little setup of their relationship going forward.
There's a second shoulder pat in the hallway.
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Just two dudes, drinking beer, (not) talking about their feelings.
“She was the complete opposite of everyone else, she practically fell on the floor laughing every time I tried to do some kind of chore they all took for granted.” Underrated line, because it gives important context to Daniel and Sha’re’s relationship, and perhaps more importantly, how Daniel characterises her - she is the one who keeps him grounded, who teases him, there is balance to their relationship. There’s potentially an interesting parallel there to Vala in the later seasons, although it manifests in a very different way.
“I think she forgave me for what happened to our kid, she just couldn’t forget…I’m the opposite, I can never forgive myself, but sometimes I can forget.” This is a great scene.
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The Final Cut removes all the “harem scenes” and while I can see why, we do lose a bit of context to Teal'c's involvement in the process as he is the one who chooses the women from the holding cell to go into the harem, and then from the harem to be presented to Apophis.
There was a missed opportunity to actually see Sha're interact with the other prisoners - she could have had a conversation with Weterings at least, find out she was from Earth, perhaps assure her that the others would be coming to rescue them.
To the surprise of no one I’m sure, this episode does not pass the Bechdel test.
But there is a hint of solidarity among the prisoners - first in the holding cell where the others hold Skaara back, and here in the harem Sha're squeezes the hand of another woman.
Weterings is killed by the hand device which keeps the electrical current aesthetic from the movie the show will later abandon - as Teal'c looks perturbed.
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Daniel back on Earth immediately getting stuck into the coffee even though no one else is drinking, lol.
"Ra played a god, the sun god, he borrowed the religion and culture of the ancient Egyptians he brought through the gate and used it to enslave them." A bit of a change from the movie here, where it was the other way around - slightly less problematic!
Everyone is in dress blues except Kawalsky who is in camo, and Daniel, who is wearing Jack's clothes.
"Colonel I'd like to remind you that rescuing Dr Jackson's wife is a secondary objective." This line was removed in the final cut and I don't know why? It adds to Samuel's bastardry.
Has everyone forgotten about Weterings?
Shoulder pat no. 3!
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In the second harem scene Sha're is now sitting isolated from the other women - did she argue with them? Just trying not to be noticed? What happened offscreen?
Also what's going on in the top left corner - it looks like the healing device! Maybe Sha're did throw down with one of the others and that's why she's on her own. I have to read into things, because the show gives us so very little of Sha're and it's a real shame.
She does get a good moment fighting against the guards though - earlier she was defiant and told them she wasn't afraid of them, here she bites one of them on the arm.
I understand from a narrative perspective why Sha're is the one who gets taken over, but it really is Schrodinger’s fridging - until she’s found Sha’re is both alive and dead for the purpose of the narrative, both Daniel’s primary drive and source of inner conflict.
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Christopher Judge does so much with so little. Master of the cheek twitch!
Oof, the nudity. In isolation from everything else, it doesn’t bother me - it’s intended to be horrifying, not titillating, and is effective in conveying objectification and dehumanisation by the Goa'uld.
However, it was a studio request, Wright/Glassner regretted doing it, it doesn’t fit the tone of the show going forward, but most importantly Hirshon was pressured into the full frontal when she only agreed to topless, and for that alone it should be excised.
The puppet symbiotes are so much more effective than the cgi they use later. I don’t think there’s another scene in the show that really captures the menace of the Goa’uld like this one - the symbiote (who we'll later learn is Amaunet) slithering around on Sha're's body is just so visceral and horrifying. The glowing eyes before implantation is an effective touch.
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Jack sticking Daniel in it with Sam by saying Sha're was a gift could be amusing, except the conversation gets cut off before Daniel can explain. It annoys me, because Daniel not "accepting" Sha're was actually the point? It's kind of important! I assume he does tell Sam the whole story later.
"Unless we want to get ourselves a really bad reputation, I just think we should avoid shooting the first people we meet on a new planet" is a nice follow up to Daniel's sarcastic "well that would have been an excellent reason to shoot everyone" from the film. At this point, Daniel doesn't appear to be carrying a weapon other than a knife. Oh, how that will change!
The Chulak priests speak "a derivation of Arabic" and something else - the Goa'uld language is meant to be similar to Abydonian, which is based on Ancient Egyptian. Of course modern Egyptian is an Arabic dialect that came much later, but perhaps we are to assume Goa'uld - or at least the Chulak vernacular - evolved along similar lines.
Jack unable to shoot Sha're when she stands in front of Apophis is a nice movie callback.
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The final cut has a good extra scene between Sam and Daniel where he is quite delusional thinking Sha're might just be drugged, and Sam tries to talk sense into him. Daniel's blind optimism against Sam's pragmatic realism will be an important aspect of their relationshio going forward.
Shoulder pat no. 4!
Teal'c P.I. sees Skaara talking to Jack and starts putting pieces together - the weapons from the opening scene, the weapons on Abydos + Jack's watch, and Daniel helpfully supplying the Earth glyph.
Alexis Cruz is committed to the film pronunciation of Sha’uri, bless him.
“But you are a great warrior, we defeated Ra together!” Skaara’s faith in Jack is so pure.
Skaara gets a shoulder pat too.
"Another fine day on planet Kawalsky" - This line was removed from the final cut! What a tragedy. I get the sense Brad Wright feels a bit cringe about the campier aspects of the show, but it's part of the charm! To be fair Ferretti was more of the wisecracker in the movie rather than Kawalsky, but I love that show Kawalsky is a little goofy.
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I'm sorry, what is this silver monstrosity? I guess a sliver of credit that after the nudity not going for a sexy alien outfit, but this is a hate crime. I also have a very high tolerance, and even affection for, silly Stargate headgear, but there's camp and then there's ugly.
Peter Williams as Apophis though: 10/01, no notes.
"They're going to choose...who will be the children of the gods." I do love it when they say the title of the thing in the thing.
The subtle moment where Teal'c motions that Jack should kneel is a nice setup - Skaara being very reluctant and angry about kneeling, and being the last to do so, is nice movie continuity. Skaara really gets shortchanged by the show after this episode.
"How much would I remember if you chose me?" I wonder if Daniel ever thinks that maybe him drawing the attention of the Goa'uld contributed to Skaara getting chosen. You know, just to really lay on the angst and guilt.
So the premise is that these Apophis underlings are choosing hosts for their children who are symbiotes ready for implantation, which doesn't really fit with what we learn about Goa'uld queens/reproduction later. We also learn later that Skaara is taken as a host for Apophis's son Klorel which doesn't sqaure with these two choosing him.
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Headcanon time! This is actually Zipacna who we meet later arguing for Klorel at Triad - different actor, of course, but he wears a similarly silly hat. So Amaunet now has access to all of Sha're's memories of Skaara and she and Apophis decide that he will make a good host - maybe she also likes the idea of a family resemblance between herself and Klorel (I think we can assume he is also Amaunet's son?). But Apophis doesn't want anyone to know he's choosing a host for his offspring, so sends Zipacna out to do it for him.
This makes sense of Klorel later claiming that Apophis chose his host, and also gives backstory to Zipacna showing up in Pretense. And in the scene, the Goa'uld make a very quick decision to take Skaara, while the rest get very grossly examined people before choosing.
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Shoulder pat no. 5!
"I have nowhere to go." Teal'c turning on his brother Jaffa to save a roomful of people, not expecting to survive himself, really hits.
"For this, you can stay at my place." hee!
Jack not wanting to hear it when Teal'c tells him Skaara is no longer himself is a turnabout of the earlier scene with Daniel. Not so flip now it's your Emotional Support Abydonian, are you Jack?
Kawalsky getting Goa'ulded doesn't seem to hurt as much as Sha're's - because the symbiote isn't mature, or because Amaunet is particularly sadistic?
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Soon to be SG-1 posing for their album cover.
It was the late 90's when tvs were tiny, so everyone had to stand uncomfortably close.
And we end with shoulder pat no. 6!
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desperate whumpees and deterioration
One of my favorite tropes of all time is when a whumpee has to fight to reach not just safety, but also the safety of a loved one/innocent person, specifically when the situation gets progressively worse. The whole ordeal is just completely downhill, starting off badly with an injury that only gets worse until they can reach true safety, watching Whumpee decay and give more and more until they simply can't. Bonus points if Whumpee is the leader.
Like, colosseum-like/tournament situations are a great premise.
Accumulating injuries with each round; starting off without a scratch and slowly gaining more broken bones, cuts and bruises, crushed digits, etc.
Eventually even losing mobility in a limb, having an eye swell shut, or some other injury that could potentially prove fatal in combat
With each fight won, Whumpee becomes more exhausted, more ruthless, caked in blood (their own, and of others)
Wilderness survival is fantastic, too.
Rationing materials and slowly running out of food, bandages, etc.
Whumpee sacrificing their own wellbeing for others they feel are under their care; giving their rations to others, so on and so forth...
Desperate & Deteriorating usually goes hand-in-hand with other tropes like Hidden Injury, Downplaying Injury, Self-Sacrifice, Leader Whump, Exposure, Blood Loss, Exhaustion, etc. I love it because the trope is most often found in really long fics that slowly and steadily bring Whumpee and Team to their absolute limit. They're comprehensive and entertaining.
Below the cut is a list of fic recs of various fandoms that fit in the desperate & deteriorating trope!
Most of these are from my ff net list of favorited stories. I haven't truly dipped into my ao3 bookmarks. These are all truly amazing and many are quite long! Enjoy!
Star Trek (2009) | 4 works
The Rules of a Good Man by: Kanae Yuna
Jim's crew has been threatened because of him and he will do anything to protect them. But this time, to save everyone that Jim has ever held dear, Jim will have to give up everything. And it may be more than he can give. Rated: Fiction T | English | Drama/Hurt/Comfort | J. Kirk | Chapters: 19 | Words: 151,813 | Status: Complete
Ingenious Idiot by: Kanae Yuna
"The truth is plain and simple: James T. Kirk is a genius, even under the most unfavorable conditions..." A series of one-shots where Jim shows his ingenuity while he's bleeding, poisoned, or just hurt in some general way. Rated: Fiction T | English | Hurt/Comfort/Adventure | J. Kirk - Chapters: 18 | Words: 286,744 | Status: Complete
What Sulu Sees by: IsmayDeVain
How Kirk Slowly Endears Himself to His Crew by Becoming a Human Punching Bag, Plunging off a 300 Foot Cliff, Getting Crushed by a Giant Ass Pipe, Nearly Getting Blown to Itty Bitty Bits, and Suffocating Because of His Own Medically Inept Body. (Although, not necessarily in that order.) Or five times Kirk puts his crew before himself and one time they return the favor. Rated: Fiction T | English | Hurt/Comfort/Family | H. Sulu, L. McCoy/Bones, J. Kirk, Spock | Chapters: 6 | Words: 53,837 | Status: Complete
Allegiance by: IsmayDeVain
It's no secret that Jim Kirk will lay down his life for his crew. But when an alien race holds five of Jim's crew hostage, he has to bargain for their freedom with only himself as collateral. What is he willing to sacrifice to save their lives: life, liberty, or limbs? Rated: Fiction T | English | Hurt/Comfort/Drama | Words: 13,468 | Status: Complete
Stargate: Atlantis | 15 works
Skipping the Angles by: T'Pring
Sheppard and Team land on a violent planet and find themselves caught up in the local Clan's battle for leadership. John is injured, friends are not what they seem, and the jumper won't be back for twelve more hours. Cue action, knives, and thugs. Rated: Fiction T | English | Hurt/Comfort | John S. | Chapters: 6 | Words: 31,461 | Status: Complete
Zorro's Legacy by: ShepsReyna
Sheppard and team go on a vacation, but it turns out to be a struggle just to survive. Set in early Season Four so spoilers up through at least the first half. Shepcentric with lots of Shep whump. Some violence and language but mostly like regular T.V Rated: Fiction T | English | Hurt/Comfort/Friendship | John S. | Chapters: 12 | Words: 26,057 | Status: Complete
Tunnel Vision by: T'Pring
Sheppard's in a cold dark place, literally. Rodney must guide John through a monster-infested tunnel before either broken ribs, killer cockroaches, or radiation kills him. Written for Sheppard H/C Winter Fic Exchange 2014 over on LiveJournal. Rated: Fiction T | English | Hurt/Comfort | Rodney M., John S., Teyla E., Ronon D. | Chapters: 3 | Words: 12,445 | Status: Complete
Grit by: SGAFan
When a routine mission goes wrong, John and his team find out that sometimes in the wilds of the Pegasus galaxy, you're not always on the top of the food chain. Written for LJ GenFicAThon 2012. Team Gen Story. Rated: Fiction K+ | English | Adventure | John S. | Words: 11,000 | Status: Complete
Hope Is A Waking Dream by scifi_karis
Trapped on a world in which he cannot escape and knowing his team believes he is dead, Sheppard is on the run with no team, no backup, and no chance of rescue. Rated: General Audiences | English | Hurt/Comfort | John Sheppard | Chapters: 18 | Words: 25,410 | Status: Complete
End Game by: Kristen999
John is forced to fight for his life and the lives of his teammates. His opponent may be the most formidable he has ever faced... oh, and there’s also deadly radiation, freezing temps and hypoxia. Rated: Fiction T | English | Hurt/Comfort/Adventure | John S. | Words: 20,711 | Status: Complete
Dogs of War by: Stealth Dragon
After being captured, Sheppard is separated from his team. Big mistake. Shep whump, some team whump. Violence, language. Gen all the way. Rated: Fiction T | English | Hurt/Comfort/Adventure | John S. | Words: 14,843 | Status: Complete
The Gang Goes Gladiator by ObsessiveExplosion
The team struggles to get back to Atlantis with a desperately-injured John after Ronon participates in a Gladiator-style fight that goes wrong. Rated: | English | Hurt/Comfort, Team Fic | John. S | Chapters: 11 | Words: 40,972 | Status: Complete
Where the Buffalo Roam by: Titan5
Sheppard’s team is forced to depend on the locals after he is injured and the gate malfunctions. Rated: Fiction T | English | Hurt/Comfort/Friendship | Words: 13,449 | Status: Complete
Another Step by: Eildon Rhymer
Pursued by men who want to kill him, an injured Sheppard struggles to find his way back to his team. Rated: Fiction K+ | English | Hurt/Comfort | John S., Ronon D. | Words: 5,685 | Status: Complete
Black Water by: Kristen999
Bogs, bullets, bugs, and bonding. Sheppard and the Team are in trouble and things go downhill from there. Rated: Fiction K+ | English | Hurt/Comfort/Adventure | John S. | Words: 5,689 | Status: Complete
Waiting For Atlantis by: Stealth Dragon
Crash landing, iceplanet, wraith, and injuries. Yep, just another day in Pegasus for our team. Rated: Fiction T | English | Hurt/Comfort/Adventure | Words: 11,229 | Status: Complete
Significant Figures by: T'Pring
Wounded, alone, and pursued by ruthless bandits, John must depend on his team to figure out the clues he's left for them. Rated: Fiction T | English | Hurt/Comfort | John S. | Chapters: 4 | Words: 18,068 | Status: Complete
Consanguinity by: Lucilla2
When the team seeks shelter from violent weather during a mission, Sheppard comes out the loser during an encounter with the local wildlife. Shep whump. COMPLETE. But there is now a SEQUEL to this fic, called Grounded. Rated: Fiction T | English | Friendship/Hurt/Comfort | John S., Rodney M. | Chapters: 4 | Words: 15,997 | Status: Complete
Grounded by: Lucilla2
The sequel to and continuation of my earlier fic ‘Consanguinity’. The Team helps Sheppard get back on his feet after he’s been injured, with a dose of Shep whump when his recovery suffers a setback. Gen Team friendship fic, plus Beckett. Now COMPLETE. Rated: Fiction T | English | Friendship/Hurt/Comfort | John S. | Chapters: 8 | Words: 26,679 | Status: Complete
Guardians of the Galaxy | 2 works
The Quirks of Terran Biology by: Eileen
When Peter falls ill, he insists it's no big deal. His team, however, disagree, especially when they find out about a volatile little Terran organ called an appendix. Conclusion up now! Thanks everyone, it's been a wild ride! Rated: Fiction K+ | English | Hurt/Comfort/Friendship | Chapters: 7 | Words: 41,889 | Status: Complete
Morphalite Syndrome by: Fairytale Warrior
It started with a brawl and a half-charged blast of plasma. Sample: "All he could say for sure, was no-one [...] had been aware of the danger until it smacked Peter upside the head. Metaphorically, of course. Literally, it was the heated, still-capsuled mass of energy that slammed into his back, buried through his subcostal nerve, and into the kidney beneath." *Rating may change. Rated: Fiction T | English | Hurt/Comfort/Friendship | Drax, Gamora, Peter Quill/Star-Lord, Rocket R. | Chapters: 10 | Words: 33,708 | Status: Complete
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ladyvaderpixetc · 4 months
your top 15 favourite tv shows can say a lot about your personality
Tagged by the epically fab @lolahardy
this genuinely kept me awake a bit last night until I realised what was happening and stopped trying to recall every show that ever struck me right in the feels or shaped me lol and yes, I know no one asked for any reasoning behind it but when you've mulled it over all bloody day long, you feel like sharing :P
M*A*S*H - used to be on everyday at 7 and my mum had adored it when she was younger so brought me and my sister up on it, still makes me laugh and cry to this day.
Star Trek TNG (& Picard which might be cheating but really is just an extension all told) - loved all the Trek's, Honourable Mention goes to ToS because kid!me loved it so much, only to have TNG blow the roof off my head. Lt Cmdr Data was my first love and I am unashamed ;)
Red Dwarf - for many reasons but mainly Arnold Rimmer (more reliable than a garden Strimmer, he's never been mistaken for Yul Brynner - he's not bald and his head doesn't glimmer...) who my teenage self was certain could be redeemed with the power of love, or a very determined snogging if nowt else.
The Good Place - because I (and many of us) needed it as a concept, whether for personal growth, coping with grief or just cos 'forking shirtballs' never gets any less funnier for me.
Firefly - the best show to ever be cancelled before it's writer could ruin it. I adored the show and the ensuing film, mourned its early cancellation for YEARS until I heard about Whedon's general twattishness and what had been his intentions for the series and characters, now am happy it exists as it is, still problematic but so worthy in so many ways, and on that awkward note...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - problematic on 800 gazillion levels in this day and age but still a forerunner of many awesome things to follow and I'd be lying if I said I hadnt been glued to it, obsessed with it, shipping folks, dling the soundtrack, buying the jewelry etc and even now if I see a reaction vid on YT for S5 I can't help myself but watch and weep along with them.
Merlin (BBC) - Umm'd and Ahh'd over this for bloody ages lol but it was my happy place (literally, had a run of bad years as have we all, so I'd watch an ep before bed every night to make me smile) and it got me through the difficulties I had right up to the finale where they took me and my happy place out back and shot it in the face in front of me lol. Despite my escapism route being put down in those heinous raw weeks immediately following a parents funeral, I'm still listing it here for being wonderful, silly, heartening and heartbreaking, whilst giving every last Fuck You to the writers for their surprise, abruptly canon-compliant ending.
Stargate SG1 - daft sci fi with it's heart trying hard to be in the right place plus eminently shippable characters in almost every combo going? Yes, please.
Heroes - because I was OBSESSED. It picked me up out of my OTP in a diff fandom (sorry drarry, I still love you honest) drained me of any and all urge to write for anything but them ever again until it got shat on by its own writers, breaking the spell.
Brooklyn 99 - NINE-NINE. *sadly doffs cap to Captain Holt*
King of the Hill - from a show I used to avoid when I was younger to one I ration myself viewswise so it won't lose it's impact. Superb.
Schitts Creek - only watched due to encountering a clip on tumblr of Moira's stonefaced manaical laughter and ended up crying with happiness over the finale, am an easy crier sure, but not normally because something is just so lovely.
Cheers - was only a kid when it finished but I bawled my face off when Sam said 'sorry, we're closed' (was too young to know it'd be repeated ad infinitum lol) and the opening theme still feels like coming home.
Golden Girls - sole reason D+ gets any money from me, the bastards, it was my only access for a bit there but it was worth it, lightyears ahead of it's time and just wonderful to boot.
Parks & Rec - somewhere my sister is elated with no clue why. Took her years to talk me into it, but having watched it on repeat a few times, I now can't live without Leslie, Ben & Ron.
Other honourable mentions (sorry I know, longpost, my bad) go to Quantum Leap for being a daily delight growing up, What We Do in the Shadows which would have made the list but I've only just got around to watching it and am only on S3 so have yet to find out if it's going to rip my heart out, Eerie Indiana for getting me started hyperfixationwise, Caroline in the City (S1-S3... S4? I don't know her - no seriously, I didnt realise for YEARS it didnt end at S3 and as this purported S4 fucked that up [supposedly] yeah I don't know her), The XFiles for my first actual foray into fandom & fanfic, and I know am missing another gazillion shows I'll remember later that seem much more worldshaping than these and I'll gnash my teeth lol so yeah *waves hand vaguely towards future me's frustrated rememberings* them too ;)
Tagging a) anyone who fancies a go should they feel like it, and b) [no pressure natch] @theangrykimchi @amazinmango @thesaltofcarthage @buckydunpun @kalika999 @gracerene @helaheim @dls-ao3 @emorgan5061 @bananaempanada
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make-me-imagine · 1 year
Headcanons: The moment they realize they are in love with you (Daniel Jackson)
Headcanons/Request: 'The moment(s) they realize they are in love with you (established relationship)’
Pairing: Daniel Jackson x Gn!Reader
Requested By: Anonymous *You requested another hc prompt as well, but I am going to do it separately :)
A/N: It's super short, but I hope you like it :)
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Daniel fell in love with you long before he really realized it.
But the moment he realized it the first time, he was watching you interact with a child on an alien planet.
The child was afraid of the new strangers that appeared at their home, understandably.
But once you had all been invited to their village, you slowly approached the child who had been watching from a distance.
Daniel was watching the interaction closely.
You were cautious and kind, smiling and being as calm as you could.
You offered a granola bar to the child, which they took slowly after a moments consideration.
It wasn't long before the child was smiling and sitting closer to you.
The whole time, Daniel had a fond grin on his face, and his heart was warm.
He had a moment of thought as he watched you, fully realizing how much he adored and loved everything about you.
The more he thought about it, the quicker he realized that this was not the real moment he fell in love.
But a thousand moments leading up to it.
Every time you made him smile, or laugh, or gave him hope, he fell in love a little more.
It was never one thing, but everything about you, that made him fall in love.
So he doesn't know for sure when that precise moment he fell in love with you was. Just that it had happened so naturally and perfectly.
But in that moment as he watched you being you, that was when he realized he had fallen without ever realizing just how much.
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @rexit-mo, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Stargate Taglist: @hybrid-omegaverse, @gatefleet, @cs-please, @fandomdancer,
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blog-of-reaction · 1 year
If we help this dude out of this cocoon thing silently the wraith might be alerted to our presence. So instead I am going to shoot him with a gun, which is very loud. That way the wraith wont know we’re here.
Okay, I’m starting to understand why Sora is like that it’s because her father is an idiot.
0 notes
steampunkforever · 10 months
The best place to watch Jodorowsky's the Holy Mountain is under the influence of mushrooms, the same conditions in which it was shot. The second best place is in a bar full of movie perverts who wish they were on mushrooms, which is the approach I chose.
The film itself reminded me a lot of the Monkees film Head or some of Ralph Bakshi's more surrealist work. It has that underground energy to it that you just can't replicate within the stuffiness of the studio system, even in the 70s, a decade notoriously easy for you to do just anything in.
And Jodorowski does just do anything. The crucified animal carcasses were apparently borrowed from a local restaurant, and were cooked and served to customers after they were returned. The helicopter landing on the street was apparently unsanctioned, and the crew had an actor dressed as a cop hold up traffic, got the shot, and then scampered before the real cops could arrive. The two women getting buzzcuts at the beginning weren't actresses according to Jodorowsky, but just two people who wanted to have a spiritual experience.
It's a movie that will split your head open, mushrooms or no mushrooms.
At the same time, it's much less psychedelic than I was prepared for, my own high tolerance for bizarre films notwithstanding. Post-Space Odyssey the bar for surrealist visuals was set very high, and The Holy Mountain handles psychedelic imagery differently than the colors and lights of 2001's stargate sequence. The set design, plot, and atmosphere do the heavy lifting here, less than the outright visual spectacle of colorful overlays. And that's ok. Psychedelic films can't all be kaleidoscopic trip fests like the melting skulls from Mandy. Toads and Lizards reenacting the Spanish conquest of the new world are equally valuable.
Maybe I would be more wowed by the film if I'd cultivated a deeper understanding of the tarot imagery that the film referenced, but I've been embroiled in an honest-to-God blood feud with a coven of Sicilian folk witches since birth and have steered clear of that sort of thing as a result. Go watch The Holy Mountain.
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lightthewaybackhome · 11 months
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Home (S1: E8)
S: 840 years.
R: What?
S: That's how long it would take us to come get you by puddle jumper.
R: And you would do that, right?
S: Of course we would.
Sheppard is being sarcastic, but Rodny puts a plan in place later to rescue Sheppard 48,000 years in the future. 5 minutes into this stupid episode and I'm crying.
Home in the bigger context is just so beautiful.
Up to now, the team has felt a bit fractured. We've had Teyla not being trusted, we've had Sheppard not committed to giving his life for his team, and we've had then leave a new ally behind. Then Home, The Storm, and the Eye.
I love Sheppard and Elizabeth's little back and forth about how they're not going anywhere.
Watching this in chronological order, you immediately know something is wrong because Hammond meets Elizabeth on the other side of the Stargate. He's no longer in charge of the SG-1.
Sheppard, first to notice, because Hammond is telling him how great a job he's done. (Outcast indicates that he never heard that from his Dad, and the way the Sumner and other military leaders treat him, I don't think he's heard it from his superiors.) And it makes me sad that he knows it's wrong because things are good. Atlantis and these people become home because it's the first time Sheppard is actually wanted. Elizabeth straight up told him in their little chat that she wants him to stay. They want Sheppard when no one else on Earth does.
Rodney with no messages on his answering machine made me tear up. They want Rodney on Atlantis when no one else on Earth wants him.
Hospital for souls. The ultimate Goonies.
Sheppard looks so uncomfortable starting at the shopping trip with Teyla. The first time through I thought it was just him being grumpy about girls shopping, but now it makes my stomach turn because I know he's scrambling inside trying to figure out exactly what is going on.
The pause when he sees his Johnny Cash poster. So creepy. And it finally clicked for me why he just casually flips the bottle cap across the room instead of throwing it in the trash. This isn't home. He knows it. He knows this is totally fake.
Sheppard's head is filled with dead people. 😭😭😭
I truly think this is the most important episode in Season 1. This is when Atlantis becomes home.
Sheppard has more holes in his soul, from seeing his dead friends, from seeing his empty life on earth. But he's head home, home and healing. He's going where they want him. Rodney is going where they want him. Atlantis wants them.
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The Storm (S1: E9)
I love Rodney standing in front of Weir again and again. I love Sheppard going into total warrior mode.
This is just one of my favorite "fun" episodes.
The Eye (S1: E10)
S: He'll kill them to punish me.
I don't know why, but I found this line haunting. Sheppard's greatest weakness is his people. If you want to hurt him, you hurt them.
I just love these three episodes together. I love how they realize Home is Atlantis and then they fight to save her. Rodney and Sheppard and Weir really bond in this set, along with Teyla, Carson, and Ford. They've really really settled into a great team, great friends who have each other's back. Plus, Kolya makes a great villain.
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mathgirl24 · 8 months
9 People You'd Like to Get to Know Better
Tagged by: @sasschronicles, Thank you so much!! 😘
Three Ships: Lucy Preston/Garcia Flynn (Timeless), Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard (Stargate Atlantis), Katniss Everdeen/Peeta Mellark (The Hunger Games)
First Ship: Han Solo/Leia Organa (Star Wars)
Last song: Islands In The Stream by Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton
Last movie: Emma (2020)
Currently Reading: Some lovely Ted/Rebecca Ted Lasso fanfic
Currently Watching: M*A*S*H season 4
Currently Consuming: Just ate some popcorn.
Currently Craving: A good steak. 😋🥩--->> I also didn't change this from the previous answer, cause.... yeah.
Tagging @norbertsmom @districtunrest @stargatelov3r @stalltherain @patientlibrarian @titanicnerd-blog @magnificentcowboypeanutpaper @princessamerigocreations @curiousnonny
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nochi-quinn · 6 months
candela obscura chapter 3 episode 1: oh god everybody's fucked up
I'm here, I fell asleep and missed the start but I'm here
lmao the immediate note-taking
ur really committing to that voice huh liam
marisha made an older character and liam said hold my dentures
heyyyy someone else makes the joke I picked up from a stargate episode 20 years ago
liam what was that look
absolutely love ashly's wig
sam looking like he got hit with a cattle prod
what's a sam reigel
why are we getting oscar's CV
"are they hot"
listen I saw the trailer he 100% uses that chain to beat people with
"no one calls you carey, oscar"
oh no he's hot
oh he's kotallo, that's why
the flat cap does look good on sam, I can't lie
y'all that's gay
I like cordelia's little halo
eloise best character
(maybe that's the look liam was giving ashly, eloise vs elsie)
elsie's a werewolf calling it
yesss the old people guilt trip
oscar: I'm gonna punch a ghost
"you're wearing a ball gown. it's the morning."
the maw??
haha it took me until literally this moment to remember ashly is aloy, my ship is reunited
"I'm using my bullshit detector" did you get that cleared with the gm
I like the term "blood and guts doctor"
I've been watching S1G play Slay the Princess and the more they describe her the more she sounds like a Princess variant
oh no lights
liam you did that on purpose
oh Aadtika (?) is a very pretty name
"lung, heart" liver, nerves
"you have an extra house?" "you don't?"
"you slick son of a bitch"
he IS a slick son of a bitch
oh sam's being THAT character
prepared to spend three episodes threatening to punch oscar in the head and throw him in the pool
("nochi nobody read your free! livetweets" well maybe they should have)
sam doesn't watch the product
liam always wants to roleplay fish and chips
[picks elsie and raj up and shakes them until backstory falls out]
"I'll be as subtle as I can be" smash cut to him beating someone to death with a chain
the docks seems like a terrible place to play baseball
did they do a dndbeyond for candela?
they did!
sam forgot he was short
"high stakes not for harm" but bc it's funny
rajan: oh I am NOT involved, you made that VERY clear
"don't waste that on me" "I agree"
I'm being gaslit bc I've always pronounced "copse" like "cope" with an "s" in it
shades of the old man at my previous psych office yelling about obama's secret weather machine
"I help by SCREAMING"
grandpa's making a wheel for it
[mabel pines voice] grappling hook!
the way sam rolls dice STILL kills me
oh good, everyone else also thinks they should fuck
"why can't we just be friends? oh right, because I don't like you."
what the fuck's a flashlight
"yeah! temperature play! :D" aabria
"do you go down my little hole" "of course!" aren't y'all divorced
oh no an ot3
don't say degloved that means something else
oh I dig that
oh no aabria's doing the voice
everything goes black, and you die
how could crcw not have prepared me for this
immortal asshole oscar grimm
oh he's an asshole because he gave up the non-asshole bits to bargain with death
hey sam what the fuck
oh hey ashly. ow.
thump thumps? why?
imagine if oscar coming back just freaked elsie right back into beast mode
there's another hour left of this wtf happens
yessssss "I'd take a bullet for him but I wouldn't go drinking with him" my beloved
local woman realizing that everyone around her is an absolute freak
liam's startled old man noise
"ohhh I'm not good at that"
wait I don't understand what he just did
oh he did a drug
little bird ;-;
his WHAT
it glows blue when there are nuns nearby
where's that one digital devil saga monster
I desperately need an artist's rendition of this orca-mantis-thing
excuse me
I keep missing the spelling of his sister's name
"oh god everybody's fucked up"
A WHAT built in his WHAT
augh eye stuff no quiero
is noshir lefthanded?
I kind of half-called that
"that felt like twenty. that was a season."
"do you know you're covered in bees?"
I like my women like I like my coffee
"because yours is super chill"
liam you can uncommit to the voice
(he will not)
"drop the skincare routine"
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olderthannetfic · 10 months
Confession because of your recent Trek ship profiling 🤣: I've always felt like an imposter in the Star Trek Fandom because I was a 'Gater growing up. Our local TV stations were more about Babylon 5, Sliders and Stargate (or they had some flavor of Star Trek and I just didn't watch it). I got into ST with the movies. I've always loved Bones/Kirk and Spock/Uhura more than Spock/Kirk (and try as I might, I've not been able to get into any of the TV shows except maybe Voy).
Haha. I'm assuming you mean the reboot and not all the other Trek movies? The reboot movies definitely changed some of the dynamics. I watched a couple and thought they were all right though not very true to the spirit of the original.
K/S' epic, soulemate-y bromance is definitely from the show, not the reboot.
TBH, original Trek is a show of my childhood though. As a shipper, I was more into Jack/Daniel from Stargate.
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