#rw&rb spoilers
I haven't felt this kind of gay panic since 2020
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whyamihere0208 · 10 months
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My expectations were definitely met with this movie. They were adorable. They had chemistry (In my opinion). The ending was mostly the same which was the most important thing to me.
I hated that they took so much awesome stuff from the book out (Henry's Mom, June, Rafael Luna, Alex's Bi Crisis, Nora's bisexuality being explicitly stated, ect ect) but ever since I watched the Percy Jackson Movies I try to keep very low expectations for book to movie adaptations.
TLDR: It wasn't as good as the book (duh) but I loved it anyways.
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wilhelmloverera · 10 months
Henry, the moment Alex can't look at him in the closet scene: 🥺 are you okay my belo-- I mean my rival??
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flootzavut · 10 months
Shaan is immediately perfect and my favourite
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sara-likes-things · 10 months
I re read the book because I wanted a fresh recap before watching the movie and I think I fucked up because it made me enjoy the movie less lmao like i'm not a director but I could have made a better movie😭
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modernmutiny · 10 months
Ok so obviously I'm watching the rw&rb movie and at the end when they see the support rallies Bea says there's people gathering to support the prince in Cardiff. As in Cardiff, Wales. Has anyone involved in this ever been to Cardiff? Have they ever met a single person from Cardiff? I don't give a shit if hes gay, there ain't a single Welsh person who'd applaud the crown Prince of England for fucking anything.
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Thoughts on Red White & Royal Blue
This will contain spoilers so don’t continue if you don’t wanna know.
First off, some people are saying that this was one of the best book to film adaptation, and I would just like to point out that that is completely untrue.
We all know that it’s Holes and no, I will not be taking any questions or comments on that matter at this time.
Also I can not express how excited I am for a queer romantic comedy. I am so excited to see queer love represented in a way that isn’t always seen. I do not want to take from that. But…
I was so let down.
They completely cut out the heart of the story. The casting and acting were great for what we got. Zahra was definitely not Zahra, so her and Sheen’s engagement really came out of left field because I don’t even remember them meeting. I hate that they cut out June and attempted to combine her with Nora, and then didn’t even give us Nora or Bre. We needed the White House trio. The three of them are such a force. I hate that we didn’t get Leo. I hated whatever that Miguel character was supposed to be a combination of.
Nick and Taylor did a great job with what they had. I do think that they were really great as Alex and Henry but the love wasn’t showing like it should’ve been. The distance between them and how they communicate through the emails is so important. We missed out on so much beauty from those emails.
“The phrase ‘see attached bibliography’ is the single sexiest thing you have ever written to me.”
I really think it was the writing. It was so lacking, it didn’t make sense at time. Some scenes that were changed were changed in ways that just didn’t make sense, they could have been done how they were written in the book . The Lakehouse? Why wasn’t that dock scene done at night?. The end, when Ellen is reelected, you don’t even know that they’re in Texas. It’s like Alexx and Henry went all Stranger Things and made their way from DC to Austin on random bikes they found.
I’m just really sad that we didn’t get the pizza seen in the game room, we didn’t get Leo wearing a shirt that says “you can’t spell constitution without tits”. We didn’t get crazy analysis Nora, we didn’t get the karaoke scene. We got a Honkytonk? Why can’t that is still been a drag club? The kimonos? 
But lastly. With how much they change the emails, and the fact that we didn’t get “history, huh?“ That’s what I think I have to be the most mad about. That is literally the quotes of the book. 
There were some positives, but I can’t say that they outweigh the negatives. Where are the spicy scenes lovely? Yes. was the first time they had sex a little awkward? Yes. I wish that we got more of their cuddling, I always loved that Alex ended up being the little spoon. 
I think it should have been a mini series. At least 3 to 5 episodes. The book just covers so much and has so much detail in certain areas that really needed to be played out that we didn’t get it. Richards wasn’t a big enough character. Amy wasn’t a big enough character but the person that played her was fantastic in the little bit that we did get.
Everyone who loved it,  i’m so happy for you guys and I wish I could be feeling what you’re feeling. I love this book so damn much and when I first read it years ago my first thought after I put it down was “God I need to write the script”
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jesuisici33 · 10 months
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zaphic · 10 months
started watching rw&rb bc the roommate wanted to. And I have never seen less chemistry in a well choreographed sex scene
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kay-claire · 10 months
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I never have time to draw fanart anymore, so I wanna try and get better at doing a more sketchy style so I can draw quick stuff instead.
So here's some sketches/studies of different screenshots from the Red, White and Royal Blue film!
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I just saw the rw&rb trailer and needless to say its a beautiful day to be a homosexual
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turkeysandyellowroses · 6 months
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firstprince embroidered tee
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queerwolfsstuff · 10 months
So... I noticed something awesome on one of my rewatches. XD!
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bqstqnbruin · 10 months
Ok but where was the cornetto scene that we got in the promos
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sara-likes-things · 10 months
So I just watched red white & royal blue and...
I mean I did expected more, the movie vibes werent what I imagined they where gonna go for and I want to fight the editor or whoever decided to make the movie so fast paced, like, we were rushing without letting the narrative to settle.
For me, the majority of the time they didnt feel like the characters from the book but, and this is what bothers me the most, sometimes they did and it makes me mad because why couldnt we mantain that energy for all the movie???
I think the biggest problem, besides the budget like wow it was low I think lol, is that they cut everything that gave the book heart, and I know it's impossible to get every detail but they discarded almost all main plots??? I think that thanks to that the characters didnt feel like them because you don't get the full picture without those details and experiences.
I mean I had fun but not how much I expected to have😔
Also why did they make the Queen a male?????? Lmao this actually made me laugh
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starlightsparrowfox · 10 months
"So, I promise you, one day we'll be able to just be, and fuck everyone else."
Alex to Henry, Red, White & Royal Blue
- Casey McQuiston
y'all I can't... this is something that everyone deserves.
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