#rubit asks
antvnger · 7 months
Do you ship Rubit/Kruben/Ken, whatever Kit + Ruben is called? They seem... cute
From what I’ve seen, yeah they are cute.
And yeah, I guess I do ship them. I like Rubit personally.
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ok so ive got a story. so buckle the fuckle up :)
so basically i go to a nerd school, like the only reason people are at my school is because we're nerds, now coincidentally, there are about seven far-right rednecks in the whole school. most of us are queer, but im one of the few trans kids, if not the only one out. i came out when i first showed up because my old school wasn't a safe place, but i knew this one would be and i was tired of the closet and blah blah blah. so there's a bunch of kids at my school that before now didn't know any trans kids much less were ever friends with one, and most of those kids had never had queer friends either. so my whole existence is a whole new experience for them. due to my homelife i cant cut my hair really short and i only get called by my deadname by my family. because of that i dont pass as a guy, but im not exactly femme passing either. so a bunch of these right-wing redneck kids arent rude people but they also didnt like trans or queer people either because of what their parents taught them. im gonna use one of them as an example. im gonna call him red for privacy reasons. so basically red comes froma really conservative family and was really hyper-christain in the conservative way. but he met me. im a nice person and i love people, i try my best to get along with everybody and make friends wherever i go. he was taught that trans people are scary and gay people are all trying to mutillate their kids. im not any of that (mainly because non of that is true, but i digress). he asked me what pronouns i prefer today, and honestly i think thats a sign of how far he's come. last year he said that he was fine with 'the gays' so long as they dont rubit in everybody's faces. now, he's asking my preferred pronouns and saying he might not be interested in women and he actually sees me as not a girl. this was really long winded and honestly, i dont think anyone's gonna read this much poor grammar about something like this, but i really think this goes to show that people are people, its the nurture that makes them assholes, and nurture can be undone. im just trying to say that if you give people a chance they can surprise you.
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one-true-houselight · 5 years
I watched Spiderverse again
So y’all get a short (ish) ficlet with NOIRHAM because I love it.
Noir fiddled with the Rubit’s cube (he thinks that Ham said this was called) at his desk, mixing up the colored squares. He stopped for a moment and studied it, trying to remember what they were all called. The colors were so bright and different, they seemed to fill the room and burn a hole through his gloved hand. He checked his watch before going back to mixing it up; only a few more minutes. Those passed, and he placed the unorganized cube on his desk just as the clock hit 6:17. As it did, amourphous black shapes started materializing and swirling in front of him. He absentmindedly straightened his already-straight hat, then wondered why he did it. Before he could pursue that line of thought, the phenomenon in front of him gave way to a shimmering ring, about 4 foot in diameter, through which he could see Ham at his dining room table, seemingly flipping through some printed out pictures.
“Ham.” Ham looked up at his name, and Noir could see that his webbed mask was pushed up over his eyes. Ham smiled, stood on his chair, and gave an exaggerated bow.
“Noir! What a surprise!” Ham materialized a top hat to tip at Noir, then vanished it into the ether.
“We planned to see each other, Ham.” They both laughed; this conversation has happened the first time they had met this way (though that time Noir had been serious), and it had become their standard greeting these past…how ever many times they had talked.
“How the hell have you been, Noir?”
“I got those bastards that were threatening the corner store. I’ve been practicing the Rubit’s cube,” he said as he picked it up.
“Rubik’s cube, Noir. And let’s see!” Ham smiled as Noir slowly turned the rows, lining up colors. At one point, the monochromatic man paused to pull his mask up over his own eyes, clumsily moving his glasses.
“I suppose it’s silly to keep the mask on with you.”
Ham fake gasped. “YOU’RE SPIDERNOIR????” Noir laughed as he went back to the cube. Ham started sorting out pictures he wanted to show Noir. A few minutes later of clicking and idle chit chat, Noir held up a completed cube.
“Well look at you, you puzzle solving champion!” Noir tossed the cube up and down with a grin. “Now, can you tell me the colors?
Noir looked at the cube. “Fuck.” Ham chuckled. “I think this one’s white?”
“Well, you have that one, silly.”
“Yeah yeah. Um…is this…” He hesitates as he points to a side. “…Purple?”
“Nope. This is purple,” Ham said as he pulled a bunch of grapes out of the air. Noir studied and nodded, which made Ham throw the whole bunch into his mouth. He chewed a bit and swallowed. “Delightful.”
“Thanks for sharing, Ham.”
“Well, you didn’t ask!” Ham pulled out another bunch and made to toss it through the portal.
“I was kidding!”
“Be that as it may, now that I have them, when was the last time you ate a fruit?” As Noir opened his mouth, Ham rolled his eyes and said, “Wine does not count.” Noir closed his mouth and didn’t answer. “That’s what I thought. Anyways, what’s that color?”
Noir caught the grapes and slowly started eating them, contemplating the cube. “Blue?”
“Nope, that’s this part of my suit,” Ham said, pointing to his chest. Noir nodded.
“And the rest of it is red. It’s my favorite color.” Noir felt his face heat up a bit. “Um, anyways, this color. Wait, this is green, isn’t it?”
Ham reached into his pocket and pulled out a noisemaker and blew into it. The brightly colored party favor stretched out through the portal and bopped Noir lightly on the nose. “Good job, buddy. And hey,” he said as he put the noisemaker away, “you know I’m proud of you, right? I can’t imagine learning what colors are in a world without them, you know? I don’t want my jokes to get you down, I would never intentionally like, shame you or anything, ok?”
Noir had never seen his friend look so nervous. “Of course, Ham. Don’t worry about it, I love seeing you. And I’m glad you’re teaching me.” Ham smiled at him.
“Alright, good. I was getting worried, sometimes I say stupid shit, and I don’t want to make you...” Ham trailed off. “Sorry, I can overthink things.” He shuffled through the pictures in front of him. “Well, whatever. It’s fine. Wanna see something I’ve been working on?”
“Of course, Ham. Your photos are lovely.” Noir saw Ham’s cheeks go a little red. “Are you ok?”
“Your cheeks turned a different color.” Ham chuckled.
“I suppose you wouldn’t know about blushing in color.”
“Oh, I didn’t realize…” Theh both trailed off, staring at each other. “Forget about it, Ham. So, these pictures?”
“PICTURES!” Ham quickly looked down, and found the pictures he was looking for. “I went down to the forest and took these. I think they might look familiar.” Ham walked around the table and handed them through the portal. Noir took them, looked at the first one, and gave a small gasp.
Ham has gone and taken various shots of trees, plants, and some dilapidated structures in the forest. What struck Noir, however, was the fact that they were all in black and white. The photos used a lot of light and shadow, and the effect was striking.
“Ham, these are wonderful. The composition in this one is amazing.” Ham smiled. “What made you do them…like this?”
Ham looked at Noir for a long moment. Then, quietly, he said, “It reminded me of you.”
“Hey, Noir?”
“Yes Ham?”
“Would you like to come over for dinner sometime?”
“I’d love that.”
“Does right now work?”
Noir smiled. “I think it will.”
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unholystagepresence · 6 years
A, J, N, X
A- A pairing I currently like a lot: Torn between Shakarian still ruining my life after years and Blupjeans…still ruining my life. Oh shit, and the entire IPRE crew family relationship deal.
J- A fandom I never thought about until Tumblr: Actually, Mass Effect. I never would have started playing if it weren’t for gifsets of the Garrus romance from ME2. And maybe TAZ? I can’t remember that one very clearly.
N- 3 things I wish I saw more in my current fandom: Picking TAZ since it’s on my mind: 1) IPRE cuddle piles, damnit! 2) Love for the Commitment crew. 3) Always. More. BLUPJEANS.
X- Favorite trope in any fandom: Look, it’s either ‘best friends to lovers’ or ‘bitter enemies to lovers’. There is no in between.
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kathydsalters31 · 4 years
Our Favorite Casual Harness for Dachshunds! The VelPro Mesh Choke Free
I’ve attempted nearly every harness advised for Dachshunds and I have two leading favorites– one for typical life and as well as hiking.This review is for the very first one. The one my canines use around 90% of the moment.
UPGRADED: This post initially released in April 2019.
Disclosure: This article has affiliate links, which indicates I get a tiny compensation, at no extra price to you, if you make a certifying acquisition.
VelPro Mesh Choke Free Harness Review
The harness my Dachshunds use frequently is the VelPro Choke Free Mesh Harness. We’ve
been using this harness practically daily considering that 2014. They wear it for short, laid-back walks the neighborhood. They wear it 24-7 when we take a trip. They do not use collars so it’s where I attach their ID. When Gretel endured a back injury, she wore it for 10 weeks directly while on cage rest(arrest). In the 5 + years my Dachshunds have been using this harness, as well as during the nearly 2.5 months Gretel wore it continuously, we have had practically zero issues with it(see the what
we do not like area listed below for more )Why We Like the VelPro Mesh Harness There are 2 main reasons that I love this harness. First, Gretel is a real puller as well as, possibly due to extra skin inside her throat, allergic reactions or an irritated throat from pulling, her
breathing is toiled often. It’s nothing major a lot of the time (it seems like she is snoring) but sometimes she starts coughing as well as “honking”.
I am paranoid about her
trachea falling down. Of the numerous harness that are supposed to fit Dachshunds that I’ve tried, nearly all put some type of stress on her throat(the one that really did not fit loose and also she can back out
of it )The VelPro Choke Free Mesh Harness puts every one of the pressure precisely her breastbone rather than on her throat.
< img course= "lazyload aligncenter
size-full wp-image-8493″src=”http://youdidwhatwithyourweiner.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/20140407_125640A.jpg”alt =”20140407_125640A”size=”574 “elevation=
“1020” data-sizes=”(max-width: 574px)100vw, 574px “srcset=”https://youdidwhatwithyourweiner.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/20140407_125640A.jpg 574w, https://youdidwhatwithyourweiner.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/20140407_125640A-11×20.jpg 11w”>
Second, the harness is very easy to clean. Our harnesses obtain sloppy as well as wet a great deal in the Northwest so they need to be durable and also device washable. I’ve seen similar harness styles to the VelPro Mesh
one however they were constructed out of leather. It had to be conditioned to remain supple and took more effort to
clean. Various other reasons I like this harness are: It’s a step-in harness so I do not have to place it over their head It is soft and also flexible so it adapts their body Chester as well as Gretel have actually never shaken out of it The Velcro is durable and extremely solid Two Things We Don’t Like About the VelPro Mesh Harness Removing ID Tags Every Time One unfavorable point to explain about the harness is that, to close the Velcro strap, you require to pass the side with the slot in it
over the metal D-ring. My Dachshunds do not use a collar so I connect their tags to
the harnesses. When it comes to this harness, the only place to connect the tags is that
D-ring. The tags are as well huge to travel through the opening. That means that I have to get rid of the tags, placed the harness on, and also re-attach the tags each time. I make use of a tiny Rubit clip To make the tags very easy to take on as well as off and also do not really believe concerning it
anymore. Possible Chafing( in Rare Cases )You’ll discover I stated the VelPro is my favored CASUAL harness. There are particular cases where it can create red chafed
locations. Really, any harness has the potential to
chafe under particular problems I don’t see it as a fault. The main concern in the case of this harness is that it rests right in the arm pits.
Because of their size and funny form, there is very little area between a Dachshund
‘s leg as well as body there. When it’s damp and unclean AND we stroll for over 2-3 miles, the harness has chafed my Dachshunds in the arm pits. That can occur when we are treking since a lot of trails in the Northwest have water on them, even in summer. It can occur at the beach. Besides splashing, sand can stick to it and also act like rough sand paper. It can also occur walking our area when it’s raining( however, again, only if we are opting for longer strolls) The service is basic, we simply do not use
it in those situations. Rather, we use the Casual Padded Y Harness from Hurtta. Where To Get the Velpro Choke Free Harness If you reside in the US, you can get the Velpro Choke Free Mesh Harness from Amazon. The other day, among our Facebook followers saw a picture of Gretel in the harness and also asked me where a person in lower mainland Canada might get the harness.
If you reside in Canada, attempt using this
Amazon web link. If you reside in Vancouver, Canada you can additionally buythe harness from Morrco Pet Supply Company for delivering to Canada. It appears like the shipping fee is $10 however I would certainly email as well as verify prior to you order.
A Note on Sizing
If the area you end ordering one from does not have a size chart, here are the dimension dimensions from the VelPro internet site:
Size XSmall fits 11 ″– 12 ″ Size Small fits 13 ″– 14 ″ Size Medium fits 15 ″– 16 ″ Size Large fits 17 ″– 18 ″ Size XLarge fits 19 ″– 20 ″
The directions for finding the right size claim to gauge around your pet dog’s breast right behind their legs (in the arm pit).
Gretel’s chest steps 16– 16 1/4 inches as well as Summit’s is 15 1/4 inches. I have a medium harness for both dogs which, according to the VelPro website, fits a breast of 15– 16 inches.
Simply put, the sizing chart appears exact to me.
Nonetheless, the guidelines on the web site claim to gauge the breast and afterwards add an inch to get the appropriate dimension. I DO NOT advise including that extra inch since the harness stretches out after a while.
When the medium harness is brand-new, it fits Gretel completely snug. Once she’s worn it a bit, as well as draws on the chain as she does in some cases, it’s stretches out as well as ends up being a little bit looser.
It’s loosened on Summit from the beginning. Sometimes, when putting down in it, her leg will certainly stand out with the opening. It’s easy to put back in however.
I’ve never had a trouble with any of my Dachshunds unclothing it however they additionally aren’t ones to pull backwards on the leash.
I very recommend this harness for a Dachshund.
See Also:
Read This Warning If Your Active Dog Wears a Harness
Jackets That Fit Dachshunds
source http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/our-favorite-casual-harness-for-dachshunds-the-velpro-mesh-choke-free/ from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.blogspot.com/2020/07/our-favorite-casual-harness-for.html
0 notes
barryswamsleyaz · 4 years
Our Favorite Casual Harness for Dachshunds! The VelPro Mesh Choke Free
I’ve attempted nearly every harness advised for Dachshunds and I have two leading favorites– one for typical life and as well as hiking.This review is for the very first one. The one my canines use around 90% of the moment.
UPGRADED: This post initially released in April 2019.
Disclosure: This article has affiliate links, which indicates I get a tiny compensation, at no extra price to you, if you make a certifying acquisition.
VelPro Mesh Choke Free Harness Review
The harness my Dachshunds use frequently is the VelPro Choke Free Mesh Harness. We’ve
been using this harness practically daily considering that 2014. They wear it for short, laid-back walks the neighborhood. They wear it 24-7 when we take a trip. They do not use collars so it’s where I attach their ID. When Gretel endured a back injury, she wore it for 10 weeks directly while on cage rest(arrest). In the 5 + years my Dachshunds have been using this harness, as well as during the nearly 2.5 months Gretel wore it continuously, we have had practically zero issues with it(see the what
we do not like area listed below for more )Why We Like the VelPro Mesh Harness There are 2 main reasons that I love this harness. First, Gretel is a real puller as well as, possibly due to extra skin inside her throat, allergic reactions or an irritated throat from pulling, her
breathing is toiled often. It’s nothing major a lot of the time (it seems like she is snoring) but sometimes she starts coughing as well as “honking”.
I am paranoid about her trachea falling down. Of the numerous harness that are supposed to fit Dachshunds that I’ve tried, nearly all put some type of stress on her throat(the one that really did not fit loose and also she can back out
of it )The VelPro Choke Free Mesh Harness puts every one of the pressure precisely her breastbone rather than on her throat.
< img course= “lazyload aligncenter
size-full wp-image-8493″src=”http://youdidwhatwithyourweiner.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/20140407_125640A.jpg”alt =”20140407_125640A”size=”574 “elevation=
“1020” data-sizes=”(max-width: 574px)100vw, 574px “srcset=”https://youdidwhatwithyourweiner.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/20140407_125640A.jpg 574w, https://youdidwhatwithyourweiner.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/20140407_125640A-11×20.jpg 11w”>
Second, the harness is very easy to clean. Our harnesses obtain sloppy as well as wet a great deal in the Northwest so they need to be durable and also device washable. I’ve seen similar harness styles to the VelPro Mesh
one however they were constructed out of leather. It had to be conditioned to remain supple and took more effort to
clean. Various other reasons I like this harness are: It’s a step-in harness so I do not have to place it over their head It is soft and also flexible so it adapts their body Chester as well as Gretel have actually never shaken out of it The Velcro is durable and extremely solid Two Things We Don’t Like About the VelPro Mesh Harness Removing ID Tags Every Time One unfavorable point to explain about the harness is that, to close the Velcro strap, you require to pass the side with the slot in it
over the metal D-ring. My Dachshunds do not use a collar so I connect their tags to
the harnesses. When it comes to this harness, the only place to connect the tags is that
D-ring. The tags are as well huge to travel through the opening. That means that I have to get rid of the tags, placed the harness on, and also re-attach the tags each time. I make use of a tiny Rubit clip To make the tags very easy to take on as well as off and also do not really believe concerning it
anymore. Possible Chafing( in Rare Cases )You’ll discover I stated the VelPro is my favored CASUAL harness. There are particular cases where it can create red chafed
locations. Really, any harness has the potential to chafe under particular problems I don’t see it as a fault. The main concern in the case of this harness is that it rests right in the arm pits.
Because of their size and funny form, there is very little area between a Dachshund
‘s leg as well as body there. When it’s damp and unclean AND we stroll for over 2-3 miles, the harness has chafed my Dachshunds in the arm pits. That can occur when we are treking since a lot of trails in the Northwest have water on them, even in summer. It can occur at the beach. Besides splashing, sand can stick to it and also act like rough sand paper. It can also occur walking our area when it’s raining( however, again, only if we are opting for longer strolls) The service is basic, we simply do not use
it in those situations. Rather, we use the Casual Padded Y Harness from Hurtta. Where To Get the Velpro Choke Free Harness If you reside in the US, you can get the Velpro Choke Free Mesh Harness from Amazon. The other day, among our Facebook followers saw a picture of Gretel in the harness and also asked me where a person in lower mainland Canada might get the harness.
If you reside in Canada, attempt using this Amazon web link. If you reside in Vancouver, Canada you can additionally buythe harness from Morrco Pet Supply Company for delivering to Canada. It appears like the shipping fee is $10 however I would certainly email as well as verify prior to you order.
A Note on Sizing
If the area you end ordering one from does not have a size chart, here are the dimension dimensions from the VelPro internet site:
Size XSmall fits 11 ″– 12 ″ Size Small fits 13 ″– 14 ″ Size Medium fits 15 ″– 16 ″ Size Large fits 17 ″– 18 ″ Size XLarge fits 19 ″– 20 ″
The directions for finding the right size claim to gauge around your pet dog’s breast right behind their legs (in the arm pit).
Gretel’s chest steps 16– 16 1/4 inches as well as Summit’s is 15 1/4 inches. I have a medium harness for both dogs which, according to the VelPro website, fits a breast of 15– 16 inches.
Simply put, the sizing chart appears exact to me.
Nonetheless, the guidelines on the web site claim to gauge the breast and afterwards add an inch to get the appropriate dimension. I DO NOT advise including that extra inch since the harness stretches out after a while.
When the medium harness is brand-new, it fits Gretel completely snug. Once she’s worn it a bit, as well as draws on the chain as she does in some cases, it’s stretches out as well as ends up being a little bit looser.
It’s loosened on Summit from the beginning. Sometimes, when putting down in it, her leg will certainly stand out with the opening. It’s easy to put back in however.
I’ve never had a trouble with any of my Dachshunds unclothing it however they additionally aren’t ones to pull backwards on the leash.
I very recommend this harness for a Dachshund.
See Also:
Read This Warning If Your Active Dog Wears a Harness
Jackets That Fit Dachshunds
from Lucky Dog Solutions http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/our-favorite-casual-harness-for-dachshunds-the-velpro-mesh-choke-free/ from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.tumblr.com/post/624200986017316864
0 notes
luckydogsolutions · 4 years
Our Favorite Casual Harness for Dachshunds! The VelPro Mesh Choke Free
I’ve attempted nearly every harness advised for Dachshunds and I have two leading favorites– one for typical life and as well as hiking.This review is for the very first one. The one my canines use around 90% of the moment.
UPGRADED: This post initially released in April 2019.
Disclosure: This article has affiliate links, which indicates I get a tiny compensation, at no extra price to you, if you make a certifying acquisition.
VelPro Mesh Choke Free Harness Review
The harness my Dachshunds use frequently is the VelPro Choke Free Mesh Harness. We’ve
been using this harness practically daily considering that 2014. They wear it for short, laid-back walks the neighborhood. They wear it 24-7 when we take a trip. They do not use collars so it’s where I attach their ID. When Gretel endured a back injury, she wore it for 10 weeks directly while on cage rest(arrest). In the 5 + years my Dachshunds have been using this harness, as well as during the nearly 2.5 months Gretel wore it continuously, we have had practically zero issues with it(see the what
we do not like area listed below for more )Why We Like the VelPro Mesh Harness There are 2 main reasons that I love this harness. First, Gretel is a real puller as well as, possibly due to extra skin inside her throat, allergic reactions or an irritated throat from pulling, her
breathing is toiled often. It’s nothing major a lot of the time (it seems like she is snoring) but sometimes she starts coughing as well as “honking”.
I am paranoid about her trachea falling down. Of the numerous harness that are supposed to fit Dachshunds that I’ve tried, nearly all put some type of stress on her throat(the one that really did not fit loose and also she can back out
of it )The VelPro Choke Free Mesh Harness puts every one of the pressure precisely her breastbone rather than on her throat.
< img course= "lazyload aligncenter
size-full wp-image-8493″src=”http://youdidwhatwithyourweiner.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/20140407_125640A.jpg”alt =”20140407_125640A”size=”574 “elevation=
“1020” data-sizes=”(max-width: 574px)100vw, 574px “srcset=”https://youdidwhatwithyourweiner.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/20140407_125640A.jpg 574w, https://youdidwhatwithyourweiner.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/20140407_125640A-11×20.jpg 11w”>
Second, the harness is very easy to clean. Our harnesses obtain sloppy as well as wet a great deal in the Northwest so they need to be durable and also device washable. I’ve seen similar harness styles to the VelPro Mesh
one however they were constructed out of leather. It had to be conditioned to remain supple and took more effort to
clean. Various other reasons I like this harness are: It’s a step-in harness so I do not have to place it over their head It is soft and also flexible so it adapts their body Chester as well as Gretel have actually never shaken out of it The Velcro is durable and extremely solid Two Things We Don’t Like About the VelPro Mesh Harness Removing ID Tags Every Time One unfavorable point to explain about the harness is that, to close the Velcro strap, you require to pass the side with the slot in it
over the metal D-ring. My Dachshunds do not use a collar so I connect their tags to
the harnesses. When it comes to this harness, the only place to connect the tags is that
D-ring. The tags are as well huge to travel through the opening. That means that I have to get rid of the tags, placed the harness on, and also re-attach the tags each time. I make use of a tiny Rubit clip To make the tags very easy to take on as well as off and also do not really believe concerning it
anymore. Possible Chafing( in Rare Cases )You’ll discover I stated the VelPro is my favored CASUAL harness. There are particular cases where it can create red chafed
locations. Really, any harness has the potential to chafe under particular problems I don’t see it as a fault. The main concern in the case of this harness is that it rests right in the arm pits.
Because of their size and funny form, there is very little area between a Dachshund
‘s leg as well as body there. When it’s damp and unclean AND we stroll for over 2-3 miles, the harness has chafed my Dachshunds in the arm pits. That can occur when we are treking since a lot of trails in the Northwest have water on them, even in summer. It can occur at the beach. Besides splashing, sand can stick to it and also act like rough sand paper. It can also occur walking our area when it’s raining( however, again, only if we are opting for longer strolls) The service is basic, we simply do not use
it in those situations. Rather, we use the Casual Padded Y Harness from Hurtta. Where To Get the Velpro Choke Free Harness If you reside in the US, you can get the Velpro Choke Free Mesh Harness from Amazon. The other day, among our Facebook followers saw a picture of Gretel in the harness and also asked me where a person in lower mainland Canada might get the harness.
If you reside in Canada, attempt using this Amazon web link. If you reside in Vancouver, Canada you can additionally buythe harness from Morrco Pet Supply Company for delivering to Canada. It appears like the shipping fee is $10 however I would certainly email as well as verify prior to you order.
A Note on Sizing
If the area you end ordering one from does not have a size chart, here are the dimension dimensions from the VelPro internet site:
Size XSmall fits 11 ″– 12 ″ Size Small fits 13 ″– 14 ″ Size Medium fits 15 ″– 16 ″ Size Large fits 17 ″– 18 ″ Size XLarge fits 19 ″– 20 ″
The directions for finding the right size claim to gauge around your pet dog’s breast right behind their legs (in the arm pit).
Gretel’s chest steps 16– 16 1/4 inches as well as Summit’s is 15 1/4 inches. I have a medium harness for both dogs which, according to the VelPro website, fits a breast of 15– 16 inches.
Simply put, the sizing chart appears exact to me.
Nonetheless, the guidelines on the web site claim to gauge the breast and afterwards add an inch to get the appropriate dimension. I DO NOT advise including that extra inch since the harness stretches out after a while.
When the medium harness is brand-new, it fits Gretel completely snug. Once she’s worn it a bit, as well as draws on the chain as she does in some cases, it’s stretches out as well as ends up being a little bit looser.
It’s loosened on Summit from the beginning. Sometimes, when putting down in it, her leg will certainly stand out with the opening. It’s easy to put back in however.
I’ve never had a trouble with any of my Dachshunds unclothing it however they additionally aren’t ones to pull backwards on the leash.
I very recommend this harness for a Dachshund.
See Also:
Read This Warning If Your Active Dog Wears a Harness
Jackets That Fit Dachshunds
from Lucky Dog Solutions http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/our-favorite-casual-harness-for-dachshunds-the-velpro-mesh-choke-free/
0 notes
feministfocus · 6 years
From Within
Tumblr media
by Kimberly Martinez & Rubit Contreras
Mental health issues are very common in children. In fact, 50% of all mental disorders start before age 14. Most children who experience mental health issues have not been able to receive the appropriate course of coping skills.
Elliot Draznin, an intern at the Los Angeles Feminist Majority Foundation, and Sam Sandate, a former teacher and current  Ph.D. candidate in Psychology, are the co-founders of “Committed to Assisting Students” (CAS). CAS was created to diminish harmful behaviors in students by providing programs and administered curriculum which are designed by Sam; meanwhile, Elliot takes care of the business side of CAS. These programs and curriculums help educators learn the social and emotional needs of their students. When teachers go through these programs, they are well informed on how to handle harm self situations that students may be going through at the time. As well as taking an active role in the lives of the students, CAS allows their participants to speak within the organization about their troubles and how their experiences with CAS have been helpful. Students are allowed the benefit to get the help they need when they’re having the thought of hurting themselves.
Despite Elliot and Sam’s different backgrounds and life stresses, they ended up facing similar mental health situations. Elliot is from a wealthy district in Virginia and Sam is from a lower income community in Texas. Because they came from two different cities, they have been able to connect to a variety of communities and students. Both of their perspectives contributed to the success they have achieved in helping many young people from all walks of life like, for example students from James W Robinson, Jr. Secondary School where Elliot Draznin attended high school.
CAS has incorporated the idea of the “Butterfly Project” to help students take a healthier approach towards their health when struggling with self-harming tendencies. The Butterfly Project calls students to draw a butterfly on typical areas prone to self harm and name it after a loved one. The butterfly is to be seen as life: if you cut before the butterfly fades away, then it dies. This way students don’t get the urge to harm themselves and learn how to incorporate creative coping techniques in different situations.
When talking to Elliot, we asked if there was progress in expanding CAS. They responded with “I have thought about it, but I don’t know any teachers around here who would want to do it.” So if you’re a teacher looking for information about helping students with mental health illnesses or would like to bring the idea to your school, you can contact CAS at www.wearecas.org.
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@fearsomesymmetry replied to your post: “I decided to be bold and included a picture of My Face in my about...”:
nice! where did you get a traffic photo cam of yourself???
They mail them to you so you'll know there's no way you can pretend it wasn't you driving the car.
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blueskyshort · 9 years
When will this be released? If it already has been, could you link me to it?
The animatic on this blog is the only thing we’ll be making of this. If anybody else would like to take the animation further, they are welcome to!
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rubitsart · 9 years
silverstreams replied to your post: “I am not dead. Sorry for not posting anything in such a long time. It...”:
Perhaps use a tag for the unfinished stuff and then a tag for the more refined stuff? Then if someone just wants to see one or the other they could browse through it easier
This is a good idea. I think I will do this.
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yeah murray did get all the good lines in it didn't he
Yeah. He’s why they had to wait almost thirty years to get another movie made. Bill Murray didn’t like any of the scripts for a third Ghostbusters movie and there’s no way they would have been able to have that same team carry a movie without him.
That’s another reason why I think it’s good they went with women--they -sort of- have the Venkman and the Ray and the Spengler and the Zeddemore, but not really. They’re very much their own characters, and you can’t just measure them against the original Ghostbusters apples to apples. 
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@pinalinet replied to your post: “@cleareyesfullheartscantlosee reblogged your post:If you call ‘meh’...”:
I... watched both yesterday (new and original) and... I liked the new one better. I'm shocked but I genuinely think it was a better movie. A lot of it boils down to "personal taste" and I never watched the original as a kid but doesn't that just mean my tastes aren't being clouded by nostalgia? Isn't that a good thing? idk
That's the thing! This new movie isn't perfect but it isn't desecrating some infallible holy relic. People get nostalgia goggles because Ghostbusters came out when blockbusters were still relatively new and that level of spectacle in a comedy was definitely fresh (and I do really love those puppets) but it's flawed too! Bill Murray gets all the good lines, the regular people keeping the Ghostbusters down are just frustratingly, unbelievably unreasonable, and there was already a very mediocre follow up movie. But somehow it became a sacred cow of 80s childhood.
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@doctor-lucky replied to your post: “trailers are like a first impression. it can be an accurate judge off...”:
My favorite movie trailer of all time has to be the trailer for Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the one that's the Guide's entry on movie trailers. Absolutely brilliant.
Yes, really a fantastic trailer.
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trailers are like a first impression. it can be an accurate judge off the bat or it could fail to portray what a movie will actually be like
Exactly, it could go either way. That’s why I try to pay attention to movie reviews and word of mouth instead of marketing materials.
At best a good trailer inspires cautious optimism in me. At worst a bad trailer lowers my expectations.
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@castleintheskye replied to your post: “I saw Ghostbusters ~Twenty Sixteen~ and it is silly and spooky and...”:
was there a lot of awkward and/or gross-out humor? I want to support it but I didn't like Bridesmaids (also congrats!!)
Naw, grossest thing in the movie is ectoplasm. It's pretty wholesome.
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